Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1881, Image 8

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Monday Morning , Sept. 20.
For the ftccomodnUon of oar up-town
pMnrns MTftngcmcnUliftvc been mtulenitli
KJholin & Krlckeon , jowolcrn , opi > oiiltfl Uif
port office , where advcrllicincnta nnc
nlcn for the city delivery of Tim UE >
will bo received. AdvorthemenU for the
erenlng rmtut bo hnntlcd In before 1:30 : p
. , lor llio morning eilltlon before 8:30 :
Patterson sells coal.
Pnnno. Tlcliable Hatter.
Frederick Leading Hatter.
X ) business lots Call on "Demit.
New oranges at A. H. Gladstone's.
1000 residence loin Conns , agent.
ilO huu < ; rt nnd loU Bemls' agency.
Bcmls1 real cstnto boom. First page
A. W. Nason , Dentist , Jacob's block.
Best line of Clffftra , at Saxe'n.
Smoke Stariton & Storms , fines
Cigar , at Kuhn's Drug Store only.
Soda Water , bettor than over , n
8ivxo'i .
Bemis' now map of Omaha , 25 cents
200 farms and 000,000 acres of lanr
3omin , agent.
Th' Lion continues to roar for Mooro'i
3Rrnctio . .nd Saddlery ,
For ri.VE Commercial Job Printing
all at TUB BBE Job rooms.
Bicycle for sale or trade for n horse
0 J. Canan.
Who pays the holiest price for Sccom
Hanil Furniture ? Abrahams & Lewis
1121 Dougla * street , nop9-2w
Most elegant new styles of Hat * , a
the Omaha Furier , Henry O. lllclitor
ir > tli Htuct , opp. poitoffico , fieptl5-t
The member * of the Qloo Club wil
meet at Honpe'H at 10 o'clock sharp fo
for practice th's morning.
Nlmllo & Krcllo , 213 south 1 Ith street
rc selling hatfl and caps cheaper thar
Iteautiful lot for Bale one block frotr
Iligh rchnol. Enquire of K. Dnvln , llKf
Now goods just received at G. Svanson
ft Co. , Merchant Tailor , SOU south llth
street between Farnham and Hartley.
All the public schools of the city wil
bo closed to-day in recognition of the
president's burial.
All the delinquent city taxes on real
estate will bo turned over to the county
treasurer for public Hale on October Int.
I'OTKOMH interested should take notice ,
s The Bohemians of this city i\ ill hold
n ball on the night of Oct. 8 , for the pur
pose of raising ftindi to aid In the erection
of the National theater nt Prague.
--A couple of SlatJM of Charity from
1 Lafayette , Tnd. , arrived In the city y
t onlay to take the places of two Sisters in
St. Joseph's hospital , who are down with
typhus fever.
The overland train from the west , un
der Conductor Kolley's management , ar
rived on time yesterday afternoon , the
first instance in a number of days.
The old Cass street school was dam
aged by fire lost night to the extent ol
$200. As there bad been no fire built in
it this year it was undoubtedly sot on fire.
The telegraph office experienced a great
amount of trouble from fallen wires on
Saturday night. At ono time only one
wire to Chicago wan In operation and none
Thomas Kindle was knocked down
arid robbed by Max Recuo on Smith Four
teenth street yesterday afternoon. Two
boyH saw the theft , and will appear an
witnesses at the trial Tuesday.
Kdward Maxficld , familiarly known
& "lleechor , " foil from the planking lend
Jni ; into Slavin' * hotel on Tenth fctrcct ,
Saturday night , and broke hiri tight leu
between the knee und ankle. The true
turc was set by Dr. Darrow.
Sumo of the winoa are delicious , the
Barley wino , "Conrad's Budwciaer , "
takes the first rank among thoin. Ash
your druggist for it. m&o
( Jen. Crook arrived from Chicago Sat
urday morning.
F. .T..McShane , left for Cleveland Satur
day to attend the obaoqulca of President
J. P. Flood , the bonanza king and head
of the great mining firmof Flood , O'Brien ,
Hockey & Fair , and al o the head of the
Nevada bank , Is expected noon from San
Fruncihoo , and he will probably make o
fctop In Omaha.
Judge Wakcloy went eai > t. to Chicago ,
last evening ,
UK Uov. Young , of Ohio , ar ivcd yo
tordtiy afternoon from the we t , on hit
way homo.
Mm , W. D. llighter united yebtercU ) '
from Pittsburg , Pa. , where bho has beer
vtsltlnif her parents for a number of weeks
Mr. llighter met hcr'at Chicago.
Among the westward-bound paucngen
' on tlio Union Pacific reid wns O.ipt. Al
cxauder Ktholen , of the Russian impel la.
navy , a d hU family , They ate on the
way to San Francisco ,
Messrs. J. P. McCann and John Galla
gher , of Klmlra , N. Y. , and J. K. Johnson -
son , of Boston , { cited Omaha vfcutcrduy ,
on a trip westward. Mr , McCann is the
traveling passenger agent of the Lehlgb
Valley railroad.
" A. M. Demuiond , westcin passenger
agent of th Plttaburj & Fort Wayne rail
way , has arrived in Omaha to make thU
city hU permanent headquarters. Mr.
Demmond has numerous friends in the
Gateway City , who will greet him cordially ,
Decide being a good railroad man , he U an
accomplished musician , and \\111 bj wel
coined by all 1m cr of the art.
; Experleatla Dee tWo -
- Wo must tell boine men a great deal 't <
teach them a little , but the knovvledKO o
the curative propertied of BfjiiNQ IJLOS
. * ' BOM In cotes of tick head&ohc , indigestion
" suulbl'Iouwics ' * U'bought by cxpcrleuco
1'rico 60 ccnU , trUl bottles 10 cents.
Society Notto * .
All members of Omaha Council No
820 , A. L. of H , are requested to b
present at thnir incotint ; next lion
day evening , as there is business o
importanco. AUo degree workc
IB. E. KOOKIW , Hecretary.
Which Was Appropnatoly Ob.
Borvod in Omaha.
Largo ConKrogations UivoToar-
ful Attention
To the Voice of the Fulpit 01
the Nation's Loss.
The Chrldtlnn Chnrnotor of JAUICI
A. Gnrflold the Oouornl
The prosidont's death wns the them
discourse from nearly every pulpi
.11 our city yesterday. The day wni
> riyl\t and cheerful in strong contnxs
o the Bombro lined appearance of tli
itrccti and the badges of mourning o
ho citixonn. Largo congregation
jllcd the churclici and listened will
earful attention to the discourses on
ho lifo and Christian character of th
ircsidcnt , With few exception )
very church in the city was draped
n the habiliments of woo
> f which denomination the late prcsi
lent was a , lifo long and consmton
iiombor , was elaborately draped in
nourtnng. On the wall , fronting the
ntranco , hung the motto :
' Wo mourn our brother. :
iurrounded by festoons of crape. The
rails of the main auditorium wore
ntng with crape and the pulpit wa1
iovorod with black cloth. Immedi
toly behind the desk hung a portrait
1 the president draped in mourning ,
nd below it the motto ;
Know ye not that
there ia a prince and
n great man fallen
this day in Israel ,
The singing by the choir was * very
no. The song , "Ho is gone , " was
endored in a superb manner by Mr.
nd Mia. W. H. Bartlott.
Ror. J. W. Ingram began OB fol
3WB !
"Know ye not that there is a prince
nd n great man fallen this day in Is-
To-day wo all mourn tlio IJBB of a
rue aud faithful friend , and weep
round the bier of our most honored
ulor , while the church mourns the
oparturoof a cherished brother. To
ol her wo drink of the bitter cup.
Especially have wo lost a gifted mom
ior of our church ; the world n friend ;
10 nation n ruler. As a citizen he
hallongcs our admiration , as A states
iai ho commands our respect , as a
'liristion our lovo. Few have left
ehitid them at death so many
These lessons should be ro-
icmberod. QarQold united with
lie Christian church when
is religious view wore regarded !
A dangerous heretic. His connection
roused * the bitter , intolerant and
orsecutintr spirit of that ago. Ho
urcd little for man a approval , but
allowed whore duty pointed. Thie
ot manifested his humble spirit. Dur-
ig his political campaigns ho always
plight out his own brethren and wor-
tipcd with them , once advised to at'
and a wealthier church , he said , "My
rethor , I go to church
otto electioneer for oftico. "As a
uistian ho was courageous , not stub
ornly but from love for revealed
ti uth. In the h'.tlo ' church in which
[ ho worshiped nt Mentor I have
[ preached many times. When at
me , Oarfiuld always attended ,
i I look upon that grand
an , seated in the midst of that plain
imblo croup of country wprshipors ,
id hoar him mingle his manly voice
'th theirs in song , and then bow
is maiiiivo head with theirs in n sol-
nn prayer to God , my soul fills with
notion , and by faith I can see
ho stands in the midst of the poor ,
m blind , the lame , the outcasts oi
irth and dispenses to thorn his heav
ily blessings. The assassin's bullet ,
it him down in all his manly prime ,
or awhile ho had laid away laborious
aties and sought rest mid recreation ,
ut not ouo word of murmur or coin-
taint escaped his lips. Calmly and
vtumtly up to the last moment ho
: > ra his great suflorings ,
hilo the Nalion demanded the blood
tlio miserable assassin , not one
ord of revenge fell from his lips ,
/lint heavenly hope ehinos forth * in
10 lifo and death nf James A. Gar-
eld. Ho was an hoqor to any na
on , a joy to any people , a light to
uy church. But , alas ! alas ! out' '
ro't her , our friend , our president , is
oad , and sorrow has entered into
rcry American home.
My brethren , wo hope o moot him ,
i BOO him , to enjoy him and hU
ondorful endowments of mind and
cart far beyond the shadow and ser
ows of earth.
How leep the brave , who fcimk to rest ,
ly nil their country's winhca bleat ;
vhen spring , with dewy llngenicold.
teturns to deck their hallowed mould ,
he then shall drciw a nweeter und
lian.fancy's feet ha\e ever trod.
> y fairy hands their knell U rung ,
ly forms unseen their dirge is sung ;
'here honor coinos , a pilgrim gray ,
M blvHs the turf thut wraps their uluy ;
liul freedom shall au hilo repair.
? o dwell a weeping hermit tliore , "
But sweeter far are these words :
'Servant ' of Qed , well done )
Itest from thy loved employ )
' 'ho battle fought , the victory won ,
Knter thy Master's joy ,
ho voice of midnight came ;
He started up to hear ;
V nlortal arrow pierced his frame ,
Ho fell but felt no fear.
Clio pains of death nro past ,
Laborand sorrow cease )
\nd life' * long warfare closed aUait ,
HU soul is found In peace.
Soldier of Christ ) Well done )
I'rabed bo thy new mploy ,
And while etenial ages run
Jteit in thy Savior's joy. "
At the Ftrst Congregational churcl
the front of the choir railing wai
beautifully draped in American flags
orapo and flowen , The pulpit anc
chancel were also Jiung-with crape am
ovcrcroonn. The decorations
tnado by Mrs'Clark Woodman. Thi
choir rendered during the evening it
Beautiful style several anthems .
Her. A. F. Short ill took for hii
text Acts 11-24 , "For ho was a goot'
man and full of the Holy ( Jhost anc
of faith. "
It seemed to mo appropriate , and 1
thought you would ngrco with me ,
itid Mr. Bherrill , that vro should hole
i simple memorial service thii oven-
ng in respect to our late president
whom wo all loved so much ; not to
or to hear nn eloquent eulogy or paj
nany forms of respect , but by our si"
ont presence and sincere sorrows ten-
ify our respect and love for him who
ias gonn from us. The thought up
) ormost in my mind for the past week
s this that the remarkable display
luring the past week of respect and
sorrow is ono of the most wonder-
til tributes to character wo have
ever behold. It is an universal ,
n the south AS the north , reaches all
jlasscs and politics and sectional dif
ferences seem forgotten. It extends
in like way mucerity to Great Britain ,
dl Europe and the whole civilized
wnv is 1TJ ?
[ t is a tribute to character , to good' '
icsi , chielly because it was the coni'
iion belief that ha was a good man , a
; oed father , husband , citizen , friend ,
rue patriot and Christian. It was
tur common conviction that ho was
i man who meant to do well and sue-
coded. Wo are oolcmn oVcr his
leath and yet wo have a solemn pride
hat since
, vo do not have to mourn for a George
II. or n Lewis XVX. It is a kind
1 tribute to humanity itself.
Why do wo hear so much in regard
o Mrs. Gartieid , nnd why such uni
orsal sympany , so that she oven ha'
oinngo almost equal to her husband ?
s it that she has been
star in literary circles , the public
ihumpion of the rights of her BOX , or
he wife of the president ? No , it ie
lot any of these. It is because of
ior character. She is believed to
mvo been in all respects n good wife
, nd mother , who loved her home
nero than any other place , and her
lusband more than any other man ,
vho quietly , hopefully , equally worked
land in hand with him from obscurity
o greatness ; his best and.most hopeful
companion , his chief adviser and help
meet ; whom was first thought of mid
watched with him when his sere hurt
came , and who has shown through
.i fortitude , a devotion , n love , possi
blp only to a woman. Humanity has
said this is the chief greatness of a
woman , and what they delight to
Dr. Adler is lately reported to hove
said ; Tlio thinking mind of to-day
is drifting away from the Christian
faith-an expression of the man
not the result of careful observation1
for thinking men do not drift. Is it
not worth something that this man of
mportor abilities , thoroughly rend in
the best philosophies , especially the
German ,
well acquainted with men , was a full' '
and firm believer in the Christian
faith , in accord with the authority of
the bible , loved to study its teachings
and honored its chief doctrines , and
shaped his lifo by them.
I wish , in the presence of his bier ,
as it wore , to say a word in behalf of
our present chief magistrate. I wish
to repeat once more the sentiment
expressed from ocean to ocean , to give
him our confidence and support. Ho
caino to the presidency under trying
circumstances' , but ho can meet all de
mands of the people if wo will but
support him.
It is hard to realize that James A.
Garfield is gono. Let us not simply
mourn , let us bo thankful for the
years we were allowed to have such a
man in our nation and for the memory
ory and example of his virtues , Lot
UB bo thankful for a government and
institutions that can develop ono
f 10111
to eo great honor. Let us be ready
to recognize goodness wherever it exists
ists , thankful that if the scepter and
orown must fall and in the gnivo be
laid , that the actions of
the just over blossom not
and grow sweet , and hus ho over
lives. Lot us not think of him as
dead , but , having passed the
threshold , has entered that erander
lifo , whuro he has even more than his
old strength , buoyancy of spirit and
active power , and where ho is already
engaged in higher service and enjoy' '
ing higher reward than was over pos
kiblo here. "For ho was a good man ,
Und full of the Holy Ghost and of
faith. "
| At the First Presbyterian church
itlio pillars at the entrance to the
[ stairways wore hung with craoo , re-
'ovod by white silk bows. The choir
us draped with bluck cashmere and
ringed wilh autumn loaves. The
'landolior supporting the pulpit raiU
as wreathed with black and en-
wined with smilax , The pulpit pro-
Diitcd a sombre appearance in it *
.raping of bluck cashmere , a heavy
old of which suspended trom tin
csk , contained in its center nn ox
.uitito cross of geranium leaves and
ube roses. Iho gallery rail at
ho rear was completely covered
rith black cloth edged with leaven
nd relieved at equal distances by
vreatlis of white and berries of red.
Mio pastor ,
ireaohod an eloquent discourse from
ho text , I. Bunuol U2 , 2 , "Andovor >
> no that was in distressed every one
II debt , and every ono that wet
liscontonted , gathered thomsolvei
unto him ; and no became a captain
jvcr them. " The preacher drew a
parallel between the concourse at tlu
: ave of Abdullam , over whicl
David became captain , und
the heterogeneous misses whicl
oomposo our imputation over whicl
President Garliold was the chosen ru
lor. Ho pointed out those traits ol
character which fitted him so fully foi
the \\ls\i \ \ position of the magistracy
and dwelt upon the example of his so
cial purity , political honesty am'
Christian character. Ho ccncludot
with a glowing eulogy on the prosi
dont. The choir sang the anthem
"Hark ! that swelling music , " thi
chant , "Thoro is a calm for these win
weep , " a m lo quartette , "Go to th
rest in peace , ' nnd a clmnt , "Ilcsl
weary heart. " Jay Northrnp san
with tlio choir , taliiur the place of Mr
Van Kurnn , who could not bo present
Miss Alice Rogers presided at the or
\H in the nbsonco of E. S. Mayo.
At the First M. E. church the Her
T. U. Maxfiold preached from I Sam
} , . ' 38 : "Know yo not that there is t
jroat prince and a great man falloi
hii day in Isrcal , " Ho drew oa pec in
.Uctiliou to General Garfield as t
Dliristmn statesman and n bravo eel
Her nnd an upright ruler. The cliurcl
tas handaoniely draped in mourning
nd the pulpit coveted with crapo.
At St. Barnabas church the memo
ial service was hold in the evening
ho lie r. John Williams nreachinj.
k powerful sermon on thu life nnd ox
mplo of the dead president. The
hotr sang the Do Profundis and the
urial chant. The choral altar ant
til pit wore shrouded in black.
Ill hia opening prayer nt the Eiirh
nenth street M. E. church , Hcv. Mr.
hanks referred in touching languagi
a thu national aftlictiun and prayct
fiat it might bo blessed tc
lie nation's good , A handaomi
ortrait of the murdered president ,
hroudod in black hung before the
til pit. The music wan selected witl
special reference to the occasion.
At Trinity cathedral n largo congre
ation wits in nttondanco. The nrcl
vor tlio chancel was festooned in
lack , relieved by silver wreaths , the
Har cloth of white was deeply edgoc
ritlt black , a cross of tubi
osc3 ami geranoums depending ;
ram the centre. Tlio musica
rngratn , in accordance with
lie bishop's pastoral , included
lie Do Profundis. Attor the Litany
nd communion services had been
cad Dean Millspaugh preached a ser
tion from the text , Hebrews IX. , 2" ,
'And it is appointed unto men onci
o die. " After referring to the mor
ality of men the dean said : "Lot us
ireot our thoughts to our martyrot
resident whom God saw fit to place
n tlio Bitminit of power only for a
rief moment. Never has there been
ucli universal sorrow. The grief in
'ranee over the death of HenriXlV. ,
10 sorrow over the death of Abraham
jincoln , was not like ours. .Tame ?
. . Garfield was a ruler who boliovct
iat the religion of .Teaua Christ v
ip ono thing to live by and the one
line ; to die by. " After referring to
timorous historical instances , the
can urged his hearers to take to
cart thu lessons of thu president's
fe and to set their affections on
lings above.
At half-past ten o'clock mass in St.
'hilomcna's cathedral yesterday Very
lev. Father Nugent , editar of tht
ivorpool Catholic Times , the Weekly
Register and Family Journal ,
reached a very brilliant sermon on
10 Irish race and a few of the pit'
ills that now threaten them. At the
onclusion ho spoke of the high ea
BOUT , in which President Garfield was
old across the water , and closed his
ddress with an eloquent eulogium
n tlio dead president.
No hcad-aclfo or back-ache for ladief
ho drink "WINEOFCARDUI. "
At F. C. Goodman's.
'hey ' Pass Resolutions on the
President's Death.
The following resolutions were pas
3d by the presbytery of Omaha at its
ission just closed at Tekamah :
WHEIIAS , It has pleased the God of
Rations , to remove the executive head
f the republic , in a most tragic and
tartling manner , and while the moral
carings of the tragedy are of a
aturo to awaken the profoundest
olicitudo , therefore , bo it *
RE.SOI.VKI > 1 , By the presbytery
f Omaha , that wo hereby solemnly !
Bcognizo the hand of tlio wise and
ely God in this dread providence , !
nd bow to his holy will , praying for
isdom to discern clearly the admo-j '
itions and reproofs involved therein ,
s well as the path of duty in uphold- ]
ig and propagating those moral sen-
iments and principles which must
yer constitute the bed-rock of all
aoial nnd civil nobility and order.
2 , That wo reaffirm the necessity of
llth in a personal God , a duo sense
f whoso fatherhood giycs vitality to
tan's Bonsoof brotherhood andsacred-
ess to human lifo.
3. Tlint wo deprecate tlio rccklos
ess of that unholy political aspira
ion which nominates itself to power ,
nd procures success by purchase and
4. That wo have admired the
Miristian character of James A. Gar-
old , in all his public lifo , and hare
ookod with admiration upon his pa-
ionce in suffering , and wo therefore
mphasizo the necessity of a mprt
.ireful realization of the Christian
ilemont in the homo , the society , and
ho state.
5. That wo thank Almighty God
or the example of honesty in public
ifo , conscientiousness in seven
omptation , and Christian simplicity
n corrupt society.
Thai wo devoutly and gratofulK
cknowlcdgo that ' 'The Lord dootli
dl things well. "
BCiuevUr Men.
Olarenco Whistler , Omaha's wres
: ler , accompanied by Andy Muldooi
; the "solid man" ) , of Now York , anc
\ndrow Ohristol , a noted Fronbl
ithloto. passed through this city yes
terday on their way to Chicago. The ]
return in a few days to give exhibi
ions in Council Bluffs , and also it
Ilia city. Whistler is an old Omah
uoy , and is well known in the city.
Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881
Address G. 13 , AYUES M. D. , Boo.
Beauty , health ; and happiness for ladle
At 0 , V. Qoodmin
Splendid card Tpliotoa of our falle
ihiof , James A. GarfioM , are now fo
* ale at the Grand Central Gallery.
Tompleto Arraugemonts Made
For Them To-dny.
in tlio Proildcnt'fl Iiifi
Which Will Tie Topics
For the Spcnlr.or * <
It is very probable that the memor
at services to-day will bo hold in th
ligh school campus instead of th
( Ycailomy of Music. The nutter wil
bo decided by thu committee at
j'clock this morning. Uov. A. V.
Shcrrill advised his congregation , last
light , to exert all their influence tc
.hh . end. The following is the pro
gram as arranged :
oitwn or
1. Muiic Andante 1'ifth ( Bcctlio\cn
Musical Union Orclicatrn.
2. Heading of proclani\tioiiH of the Pro *
idcnt and Governor General Chas. F ,
ManderBon ,
3. Invocation by HPV , A. F , Rhcrrlll.
4. Hymn "How ] llc t tlio Jtighteou-
When Ho lMi . "
5. 1'ra.vcr l > y llev. J. B. Mnxficld.
C. Gnrlicld ineinoiial hymn Stchv
liausor Musical Union Orclicitrn.
7. Addrcis "G ni field aa ati example in
tlio youth ol the country Kt. Hcv. J { . II
8. Hynm-To Who is rpriglit"
Omalm Uleo Club.
U. Address -"Garfield tlio Cbristian"--
Rov.J. W. Ingram.
10. Addro s "Garfield as the rprirenent-
ativenf ci\il mid religion * Hbeity" Jt
llov. .Tnmci O'Connor.
II. Hj'inn "Jtcmember Now Thy Crc
.tor" . Omalia Gkc Club.
12. AcldrcM "Oariiold'ii domestic lifo'
-cv. W. J. Hnnlu.
13. Address "GarEuld , the American
'citizen" ' Kov. W. K. Copeland.
14. Hymn "Anleen in .lesusl Blessed
; Sleop" OmalwGleoClub. '
15. Benediction.
10. Music "Stabat Mater"Mufcica !
After the audience shall have dis
persed , all church and tire bolls wil !
toll for ono hour.
Anton Hospo , Jr. , and John 8 ,
Halbort have been appointed a com
tnitteo on draping , the Academy o !
Music and have kindly consented to
It is requested that these who have
suitable flowers will send tfc m to the
Academy at 11 o'clock a m ,
On behalf of the committee ,
A. N. FKUOUSO.H , Chairman.
Iiiqnor Cases Postponed-
The liquor cases , in which Horn
Dcrger , Brandt , Kaufmann , Me
Gavock and Dollono are the defend
ants , were sot for trial in Judge
Benoko's court Saturday It was
decided to let them RO over until
to-morrow. Mr. Baldwin , attor
ney for the defense , claimed there
was no law to fine a man for selling
liquor on Sunday , and that as these
indictments were made for selling
liquor on Sunday they must be
quashed. _
Any ono recommending the use ol
"Conrad's Budwciser" over a com
mon article in use may bo classed as a
public benefactor. nuto
Fraternal Sorrow- Over the
Death of the President.
All Master Masons in good stand' '
ing of Capitol Ledge No. 3 , Cover !
Ledge No. 11 , and St John's Lodge
No. 25 , and sojourning brethren , are
requested to meet at Freemasons'
hall , at 2 o'clock p. in. , on this Mon
day , to participate in memorial serv
ices in honor of our deceased brother ,
James A. Garfield , late president of
the United States.
Master of Cupitol Ledge No. 3.
Master of Covert Ledge No , 11.
Master St. John's Ledge No. 25.
All master Masons in good stand
ing , and ladies accompanying them ,
nro requested to meet at 2 o'clock p.
m. , on this Monday , at Freemasons' '
liall , to participate in memorial ser
vices in honor of our deceased brother ,
Jhmcs A. Garfield , late president of
the United States. Masons will ap
pear clothed in the rank they have nt
taincd. EDEN K. LONO ,
JAR. 1) . BituNUR ,
At-jlum Mt. Crualry Commander } )
No. 1 Klili'lits Templar , Y
OMAHA , Sept 24 , 11:81. )
Thu SirKnights of this Commandorv
will assemble in the Free Masons
Hall , in full uniform , on Monday , the
2Cth inst. , at 1:30 : p. m. , to attend the
memorial services of the late Sii
James A. Garfield , late President of
the United States. By order of
Em. Commander.
S. K. JACKSON , Capt.-Gon.
"The Kovoro llouso Councl Bluffs
Is the beat second-class hotel in the
test. " auglT-lni
Fine \Vreath.
Yesterday a splendid addition was
made to the Wabash ofllce decorattont
in the ahapo of a beautiful wreath ,
three feet or more in diameter. , The
wreath is made of roses of many different
feront varieties , combined with gcr
anium leaves and small white ilowors
At the top , in dark purple immor
.toilet ) , are the letters , perfectly form
M , "J. A. G. " Tlio wreath surroundf
[ a picture of General Garfield , and al <
' .ogethor it is a thing of beauty
[ t was contributed by the "corno
tjoys. "
Beantifler * "
Ladies , you cannot make fair akin
rosy clioeka and sparkling eyes witl
ill the cosmetics of France , or boauti
llora of the world , while in pee :
health , and nothing will give yoi
such good health , strength , buoyan
spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters. '
trial is certain proof. Telegraph.octl
"WINE OF CARDUI" four times
day uiakcaiu happy household.
AtO. 1' , doodroan
Fancy Neckwear at McDonald' )
NOTICE Advertisement To lx n , For S lo ,
Uwl , Found , Want * . Iloardlnir , fce. , will be In
wrted In these columns once for TEN CENT *
, > cr line1 each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENTi
( > cr line. The tint Insertion never lew lb
ONiV TO LOAN-Clark son A. Hunt , 215
llth Street. ( | (
rONRY TO LOAN Call at Uw Oltlco of t
L L. Tlioma IloomS. Ciclihton Illock.
u > tj\l\l\l\t \ on good real cstateiccurlty ,
ill , ISAAC EDWARD * , 1108 Farnham ht.
tcrost In sums of 82.MO
ipw-ards , forStoKytan. on nrjt-tlnu city oni
anu iiromrty. HRMIS RKAI , EsrAin and LOA :
\oitxcr , 16th and l > ou lcn SU.
WANTED To rent nicely fiirnUhcd room
In a tirhatu rrsldcnro , convenient to strcc
sirs. Address V. S. Engineers , Dee otHco. 23 2i
- largo or two medium slzn
rooms Bulloblo for odlru. Room with iiortl
l ht prcfrrriil. Address U. g. Knirlncon.
lilce. 22 ifl
AN'Tii-irrand : Iwy Immediately , at Mc
W Donald's Kmpcrliiin of K.ishlon. 7b-2' '
A middle ajted woman to ae lRt In
kltchtn , at No. 218 N. nth St. 82-27 *
WANTED A rltuat'on M bar-keeper h > r
man of experience , In town and nnintry
Address J. II. , llco olllcc. 83-21 *
WANTED FiirnUhcd room in private 'ami
! rvliinlty ; oflShandDavenport. Address
\ . X. , iko Olllee. 8V24"
I A birber to ta\e euro of shop , Ctli
W and 1'lcrre Stu. 81-20"
\T7"ANTED Mltuttlon asibook-licepcrjby nn
> V cxvKr'enced Indv. Good nferencis Ad
< ln > s J It. , r.eeollko. 77-29'
WANTED-A woman who can do lighthouse
kceplnt , ' and care for a child. Address or
call on ilrj. R. 0. Picric , No. 714 North 18th St.
Uy fifteen-year old boy from
WANTED , place to work for boardandwants
logo to school , willing to work. References
Iftven. 'Address I ) . , this oHlce. 75 ! 4
Situation br a joitnu man In
WANTED 11. MANNWKILER , llth St. , bet.
b'arnham and Ilarncy. 71-20 *
ANTED A flrst-claai dounlo ontrj'
W kecj > r. Address P. 0. Box 23. 72-29
Immediately , a womin between
WANTED of 20 t > 30 , with gome small mean"
and In ( 'oou standing In n society as partner for
Ko Call or address L. Bucrgcr , earner loth
and DaJge. 73-24'
ANTED IJojrders at 1408 Casa Kt ,
WANTED lly a respectable > oun man ,
pojltlon at clerk or porter In hotel ; willing
o u orK at an } thin ? raspcctablo and IMit Ad
dress D. L. V. , llco olllic. 74-2l
A woman cook. Inquire Im
mediately at OJO llarncy at. , bet Oth and
10th. 7otf
TT7"ANTED Fifteen lint-clam carpenters.
VY Highest Wages paid. Apply atOiera
Hou c , corner Furnham and SI1A\V&
FIELD. 07-28
A No. 1 good raai for sowed
WANTED will pay Rood wajjei. Chai. Kohl
me er , Loot and SUoo Dealer , 1515 Vodgo St.
A situation by an experienced
WANTED burr dresser. Apply to C. F.
Breet. Central City. Neb. 01-24 *
liutton hole makers , at 1122
WANTED - . CO-20
Two or thrco day boarders in
WANTED family. Inquire 1009 Davenport
street. 40-27
An experienced and trusty girl
WANTED housework , sma'l tanillj ; 1813
Wtbster St. C5-2I
'X\TANTED Carpentsrs to build 25 cottuzes o
VV UHltracK BOGO3&HIUL. i'
TT7"ANTED Jlanufacturlntr concern wants a
YV business man In Omaha and In every cltj
notalreaily taken ) . A few hundred dollars no-
resjary to pay for gnods on delivery after order *
hav o been secured tor the same ; 9150 per month
profit guaranteed. Tno mostscirchlngiimsti-
rr.tion solicited. A. H. ARNOLD & CO. , 1293
liroadvrav , New York. sc210t
ASTKD Good second girl at ISIS ChUago
W street. 44-t (
A good girl about 15 , to assist in
WANTED . Must come lth good reference.
Addrcaa Merchants , City. 39-tf
\V ANTKDHousekcci cr , 1109 Farnbani St.
VV upstairs. ao-tf
KI ) Situation by y uns man
WANT at any respectable buslnco. Ad-
dresi A. , lice otnce. 46-21
ANTED Woman cook at t o Kmmct
W House. S3 tf
- at 2001 Dodge street. _
WANTED-OIrl 970 tf
\T7"ANTED Uuspcctable emplojmerit by hus
.YV band and w ifo. AUdrem I' . P. C. , Hoc of-
Ice ! 'J77-tf
lly M. W. Hartlgan. propiictor o (
WANTED S alley Holler Works. Omaha ,
.Neb. , four first-class bollcr-rnokirs. No other
ieedapi.1 } . Best wages | old. il. W. IIAtt'llJ
k3AN. 065-tf
To rent , by a newly married
WANTED before Nov. 1st , a email cottage
centrally located. Address Ho ru 14 , Crelghton
Olrl at 11 3 North 10th Bt. , 4th
WANTED north of bridge. II. II. I311OOM.
\ rANTED Tv/o experienced cookii , nix help-
VY trsand thirty table waiters , during week
of Hat fair. Enquire of D. T. MOUNT.
842-tf 1412 Faniham fat.
Fuudlna brldyr oud school bauds.
WANTED Clark , Bclle\ue. 28-tf
HUNT Good olio furnished room to man
FOK ! ' . Hoard If desired. 15th one
fcbster Sts. , No. 1604. 31-20 *
7\OH \ ItENT Furnished room for 2 or 3 gentle
C men , 1421 lion ard St. , corimr K.tli. tU 30'
[ 7(011 ( RENT llrUk cottage , 6 rooms , 1211
L1 Jackson Bt. I'osscsslon Utof Oit. Alnoban
< n next lot. ST-27
1011 RUNT Furnished rooms with or lih
outboard , 1417 Howard at. Q > tf
171611 RENT To pleasant front rooms , suit
13 ah e for man and v , Ke , at No. 816 N , Uth St.
jist nlde , bit , Da enport and Chicago , Enquire
Hi prcmhes. OJ-21
RENT A new cottage Ith three rooms
F9H fliiUhcd. Inquire on premises , 30th tit.
lot. Farnbam and Douglas. 20 tf
RKNT-Jutt nnlthedtwo first-clow two
story brl-k houses , H and 0 rooms , utabU
ind cemented cellars : fJOmonthr In oavance
, V.M. 1IUS1IMAN , H. K. corner 16tli and Doug
a sts. _ _ _
RENT ! furnlslied rooms over Mel
FOR ' Excbango.N , B. ccr , lOUi and Doilgi
itreets. 280-tf
RENT-Ono room with board , IbOd Call
FOR street. 735-tf
[ 71011 IlKNT Klrrantlumtthetl room * , lleieon
[ ' blu iirico. brli k home. 20l3Ca 81. 023 t
I7IOR SALE A beautiful residence property ol
1 } 20 acres with commodious house. High
Only two and n half miles from ] < est otUco , liar
< ainl JOHN U JIcUAOUi : , Opp. I * . O. 7
I710U BALE A good milch vow , No. 1C6 lOtl
1 } St. , bit. Dougla < and Utxlge 70-20
T710R SALE Span larga ) ouig homes by
r Ul omos. CO 20
T710R BALK 1 flnt-closs cabinet orirati , > erj
L' clifiip : nearly nvw , linjulre Hilton Ilogur
& Son , 14th and Farnham St. SO tf
BALU-Abont 800 cubic ) ards ol dirt
southm-t corner SOth and Cum.n ; , Inqur
of FRANK HAB3V11011 , 'M north ICtn tr t
tJlOR SAI.E-Kour ncrcs trf ! a4 ' > "
, I : wor .s rewrrolr , nl-otwo cotta V f" > Capita
Illll. Add. AKimhnillhVIXS..IKX.1 ' JfeWtn St
8 tf
JTiORSALK A large , commoillou , ncV.t
L story houw with wrlll good location , n
horse cam , full lot with tree * , w ell , cistern ,
Tcnin rtaionslild , F.miulro ot I' . W. Roe ,
St. , bet. ChArlesand Souanl Kis. 027-2
nicK n
inult SA'.K A Kiiall engine' , II. W. l-ayne
JL Sou's mike. In perfect osd r. Inquire of 11.
SALG Lcaic and ( urmtnra of a 'Irst-cbM
Poll In B townot ISOOInlnblUnU , In flat *
> l Nebraska ! has 24 beds ; the traveling rnen'H re *
nrt. Inquire at 1IKF. onico. 218-tf
rrton g ATK MM-H of Dough * MKI sarry cono.
L1 tics. A. nosbWATF.n.nMl-nrnhwn street
OIl ALE Neat house ami full lot , 13 block *
from r. O. nt 8000. Jens I. . JkOAnuK ,
712-tf Opp. 1'oitolllcfl.
710R SALE Flno stock farm of 400 am *
.J good home , cattle shed , orchard io. , with ,
n cosy reach of railroad. Price , StKOO , par
line at 0 % . JOHN L. McCAUUE , Opp. t'oat
wire. nad-tr
1011 HAI.K-Nont coltajro ami edod lot at
> 11BO. JOHN L. SIcCAdUi : Opp. P. O.
, 037-tf
AND LAND-ltcruu rents ,
stores , hotels , farir ota , lands , ofllcc *
oems , etc , See 1st page
[ 7KRSAI.E Hood house with four roonn nnd
L ? half lot , Ko. 2013 Dodeo between Jth and
7th street. Good w oil and shad6 trues ; hou o In
; oed condition. Inquire on premises. C21-U
rTMnilELLAS Anil I'urasols rcrxored by M.
U BOlIUrr 11th .inci Funrnin its. 7BOtf
ROPOSALS Will bo rccclud until
Oct. Cth , Ib31 , at tlio ollku of it pra.It. . a
tccll & Johniton , Ko. 1317 Douifhs street , Oms-
ha , for conducting a bilclt store buildliigon the
uorncr of Ninth and Jones Stv ; 3 stoilcs high
itxnetho basement. Plans and spcclflextlorfr ,
nnv b Been at the olllca of 11. A. Fowler , nrchi-
icct , 31713tH St. f > 9 20
mo LET Nicely furnlilietl room , with br with-
J. out board , In private family. Call with re
ferences , No.0071 N. 17th St. EO-24 *
mnn , Orcek and Latin. Prof. Henry W
Meek , 1207 Jackson St. 900-oca
HAY At A. It. Sander's Feed Store ,
1013 Harney St. . alO-tl
T URNISHED ROOMS-Ucasonablo rates
JL1 1717 CumlngB , bet. 17th and ISth strcctf.
094 tf
AT MRS. a E. CLARKE'S Ko. 1 Bo&lil
CALL ; Ilovt * , cor. 13th and Dodge tits. Best
n the city S10-tt
FORTUNE past , i resent and future In Io\e
and all affairs. She rin cala the deepest secrets of
the heart. She possesses the magnetic power to
fulfill all your wishes Call nt\"o. 322 corner 16tn
mid Chicago street.
ilAUA BIRD STORE Hog for rale all kinds
\J ol Foreign and Domestic I31rds , also Dint
Fanclcry Roods , at lOi South 10th St. , between
Douglas and Dodge , aug2C-3m.
has rattling Ion , ; lists of house * , lof ,
lands and farms for sale Call and g *
l > KM IS' IthALhaTAih llOOil. Sec 1st page.
EVIS' NEW CITY MAPS,25c.-Scc 1st pose.
OP A red cow. Owner can h\o the
TIAKEN bj proving property and pajlex
charge * FRANUIS ROBBLNS , Saundcrs and
Qraco Sts. au24-ev
B Irc page. '
F.vervbody in Council Bluffs ) o
WANTED Tun UKE , 20 cents per week , dc-
Ihcred bcarriers. . Oltlce corner llroaclway and
Haiti , up stalra , Countll BlulTs. ( K1MI
To buy 100 tons ( broom co , > .
WANTED aJdrc.-H Council llhula
Broom Factory , CounUl JlluQd , Iowa. C5S-KOtf
A cooil carpenter at onco. Ap
ply M.Mistir & Adams , Council UluSB ,
Iowa. 660-ffl-
W & Co. , Council IHuRd , lonu.
A hey to do chorea at Mynstors
WANTED , Council Illufli. 601-23 {
OooJ RlrHorifemrnl housework.
WANTED Mj lister , Couiicirillitlla. C02 tf
A sltuntlon by a first-class irllt-r.
WANTED jeirs cNperlcncc. Undcrstaml *
old and new proccw * . Kiwaka hiiillsh and
German nnd oc-iitmliitcJ with Btcam and nater
| i ] eni. Canslic tlio best of refcruico. Will
conic on trial at Any time , Address II. S , Box
1611 , Council Willis , la. 89S3
VtTANTED 11 acontkma i of experience and
VV 1m Inets hal > lt < , n puiltion with a flrro ,
cither as clerk.or t > tra\ci. Itc'crcnco given. I.
U WATK1NS , Council lllufTd. 012-S9
/ ALL on or address Potter fc I'ulmcr , 10 South
\J 5th fctrcct Council JlluBs , lo a , lor roil-
road tltkets east , west , north and Bouth. Chicago /
$10.00 Round trip $10.00 Eicrv ticket guar-/ /
intccdand tickets houslit , sold and cxchan 'td ,
Two o\pcrlencol book sollcltori
for Colorado and Utah. Addreat 1' . 0.
x > x 1214 , Council Bluffs. lono. BD9-21 *
To Contraotora , Builder *
Property Owners.
The undersigned h-xi lag been appointed
( or the oxtetiHlve Iron andwirv manufacturing
houses ot K. t. Itanium , ol Detroit , and ( the
lluiwcl Iron Foundry and Worka at Toledo ,
Ohio , capacity of CO tons dally , In prepared to
urnl h estimates and prkca for Iron columns ,
tc. , &c. , for store fronts , window tops and tula ,
threshold platiH. wrought Iron beams and lrd-
ers , hjdraullc efc\atom , tUplo littlng , i pullets ,
haftlng' , 4c.j also Iron fences , cresting , -sin-
JOH- guards , eliuttcre , ttalrs , balcnnies , settceu ,
chalis , tascs , acquarlums , fountains , Euomier
louses , lawn , garden and cemetery omamint * .
Bow cr stands , grax o guards , &c. , &u. , In crullcaa
> lled on application ,
tarlety. Cataloguessiin |
' I'earl street.
Manufacturer ! Agent , 22
auiflO-lni mo Council Illuffs , low1
TIONAL18T , 493 Tenth Street , betweei Karuham
andllainoy. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain f or any ono * glaiico at the part
anil present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Hoots and Shoes tuude to order , I'trfect
latlafactlon cuaranUed. au26-ltn
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orapo Cream TarUr , No other
arpatlon makes such light , flaky lint breads ,
uxurloua pastry. Can bt eaten by D > ip < ipUa
ultrnut fear of thellls resulting from heavy ln-11
nsttlblc food. Hold only Incuit. byall Uroren
New York.
C. F , Ooodmui t.