Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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] ( PROPETOn |
010 - Slreell
Tr XMS OF suDscnirriONSlreell
3n > on'.fn
Ounliix No. 2 throuitli piwnjjcr ,
. in. No. 4 , OaUntid pafciicr | , SSOa. in.
Arrive Unialn No. 1 , through p.wsoiiircr , 2
ru. No , S , OvUand pavtcMKir , 5:30 : p. in ,
a , U. & 0. 6 a. m. 3:40 : p. lu.
C. ' N. W. , 0 n. m. 3:4n : , , . tn.
C. , it. 1. 1' . , C n. in. 3:10 : p. m.
K. C. , St. J. 4 C. 11. , 8 a m.-B:33 p. m. Arr
fat. Louis f.t 0:25 : a. in. cml 7:45 a. m ,
11. A M. In , ThroiifrJi Hxprc" , 8:35 a.
II. S ; M. Lincoln rrcurht.7:0a : p. m.
U. 1' K\ptis , 12:16 p. 111.
O. k II. V. for Unjoin , 10.20 n. m.
O. fi U. V , for O-tceoh , 0:10 a. in.
U. I1 , freight No. 6 , ft:30 : a. in.
U. 1' , freight No. Ii , 6:15 : a. in.
IT. 1 * . freight No , 7 , C:10 : p. -emigrant. .
U. I1. frcldiUNo. 11 8:25 : p. in.
a B. & 0. , 6:00 : a. n . 7:23 : p m.
C. & N. W. , 9.45 a. it , . 7:25 : p. in.
C. H. I.&r.,0l5n. : in. 0.05 p. in.
K. C. , St. Joa & 0 II. , 7:10 : a. in. 8:15 : p.
W. , St. L. & 1' . , 10:15 : a. m. 1:25 : p. in.
0. & It. V. from Lincoln 12:12 p. tn ,
U , I * . Kxprcw 3:25 : p. in.
B & 51. In Neb. , Through ExprcM 4:16 : p.
I ! . & ii. Lincoln Freight 8:35 a in.
U. r. FrulitU No. 10-1:40 : p. in.
No. 6 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant.
No. S 10:50 : p. ni.
No 12 11:35 n. in.
O. & It. V. mixed , ar. 1:35 : p. in.
Nebraska Division of tna St. Paul & Sioux C
No. 2 leaves Omaln 8:50 : a. in.
Vo. 4 lonei Omaha 1.30 p. m
.Vo. 1 arrUcsatOnntiaatfiiSOp. in.
No. S arrUcs at Omaha at 10JO : a. in.
Lca\o Omnha at 8.00 , 0.00 and 11:00 a. i
1:00 : 2:00 : , S.OO , 4:00 : , 6:00 : and 0.00 p. in.
Uw c Council ltulTl ! l\t 825 : , B.2J , 11:25 : n. 1
1-.U5 , 2:25 , 3:25 , 4:25 t:25 Mid 0:25 p. In.
Sutiita > 3 Ihe dmuiuv leaves Omaha at 0
and 11:00 n. in. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : nnd 0:00 : p. m.\
Council llliinn at 0:25 : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4
and C25 p. in.
Opening and Closing of Malls ,
n. m. p. m. a. m. p.
Chicaio&N. W ll.UO 9:30 : 4:80 : 2
Chicago , U. I. .t I'adflc.IliOO 0.00 4:30 : 2
Chlnuo , II. te 0 11OJ : 0.00 4:20 : 2
WabaV. 12SO 4:30 Z
6ou\ ! City mid I'-ainc. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union I'acllie 6:00 : 11:40 :
Oniiht&U. V 4. < W 11:40 :
U. A. M. In Ni Ii 1:00 8:40 6
Omaln Ss NortltHotcrn. 4:30 : 7:30 : malls for State of lo\\a leaio but one
day , > lz:4SOa , m.
A Lincoln Mall U al < o opened at 10:30 a. m.
Olllco open Sunda > 3 from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
THOS. r HAM. I1. M
Business Birectoy ,
Abstract arid Real Estate.
JOHN McCAGUE , opposite Post Office.
W. It. BAKTLKTT 317 South 13th Street.
Architects ,
Room 14 Crclghton Ulcck.
A. T. LAUOE Jr. , Ilooni 2. Ciclchton Block
Boots and Shoes. '
jAiins DKVINE & co. ,
Tine Boots and Shoes. A coed assortment
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harucy.
THOS. EIUCKSON , S E. cor. 10th and Dougl
60 ! 10th street , manufactures to order good we
tt lair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Sprints.
J' . F. LAHRIMER Manufacturer. 3517 Douflae
> Dooki , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
UcSlIANE & SCHUOEDER , the oldest B. and
boueo in Nebraska established 1876 Omaha.
louthirat corner ICthand Dodpc.
Dcst Uoaril for the Mongy.
flitlsfactlon Guarantc <
llcr.lj at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cai
, Fiirnlqhfil Hnntng < upplctl. |
Carriages and Road Wagons.
Wit BNYDEIt , 14th and llarney Streets.
JOHN BAUMEK 1314 Famham Street.
H. BKI'THOLl ) , Uagg end Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & OR AY corner Cth and DougKs
Lamps and Glassware.
J. I10NNER 1303 Dowlas St. Good Varlc
Merchant Tailors.
* 0. A. LINDqUEST ,
Ono of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is
ctlUng the latest designs for Spring and Humti
Gwds ' 0' fetitlcmcn near. StylUh , elural
aid pritcs low a ccr 21613th lict. Vouz.k Fa
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholosulo and Retail , F ;
cyfloods In great \oriety , Zephyrs , Card Uoar
Hosiery , CloM. ) , Corsctx , 4 c. Choapcst House
tlw West , rurchoscrs fiyo 30 per cent. On
by Jlall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & RONS , cor. Hth & Jackson
Hour mid Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , Stli and Farnham S
Wtldhans liros. , proprietors :
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Curaliig and Izi
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Btrci
i Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
OLAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 i
112 I6thetrcct
A. IIOl.MKfl corner 16tn and CaHfornli
Harness , Saddles , &c.
H. WEIST 20 18th St. bet KarnHarn
ANFJ ELD HOUSE , Co3. Canfleld,9th , & Farnh
DORAN HOUSE , P. II. Cary , 013 Fanmarn
' ' SLAVEN'S HOTEL. I'.Slai en , 10th Bt.
Southern Hotel , Gus , llamel.Oth &Lca\cnwo
fL " * Iron Fencing ,
I The Western Cornice Works , ApcntBi for
Champion Iron Fence ic. , ha\o nn liand all I.Ii
of Fancy Iron Fences , Crcbtlnifa , Flncalu , Ralllii
ttJ310 DCMIL'O 8tri > e. a ]
Clothing Coujjht.
0 .SHAAY 1U pay highest Cash jirlce for ec
bond clothliu' . ' Corner lOtli and Farnham.
Dentists ,
DR. PAUL , Williams' Plock , Cor. 16th & Dodg
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
Pharmacists , Fine "ano UooJ * , Cor. Itlh i
Douzix t > tree to.
C. C. FIELD , 2022 ortU Slilo Cumlnir Stn
H. I1 A1IH , Dniszlst , lOtn i ml Howard Streets.
Dry Qonris Notions , Etc ,
'JOHN II. F , LKllilANN & CO. ,
New York Pry Goods Sxire , 1310 and 1312 Ft
him utrtct.
Ii. 0. Knew oltl ftU/ > boots nnd tliocs 7th A Facl
A F , GROSS , New nd Second Hand Furnlt
nd KtOM * ) , 1111 DouzUi. HiKheit cash pi
aid for tecond liana eoo'is.
J , BONNEU 1309 Douzl * fct. Fine eooda ,
Planlnc Mill ,
A , MQYER , msnufacturer ol eash , Joori , bllr
inoldlnics , iivwoU , balusters , hand rails , furnlth
Pawnbrokers ,
J ROSBNFin.n , S 10th St. , bet. far. & I !
A , Dot > VhuoplMit , cntfloT ! r , * ecd , bcxjr
to. N. W , ror. IBth and Dou"las st
CM ! Engineers nnd Surveyors.
ANDKF.W IlOHKWATr.n , Crtlitliton Illo
fown Suncjt , Grade and Se cnjo S ) stems
Uommlsslon Merchants ,
JOHN O. WIIi L1S.141I . lade Sticct.
0 n BKKMEIU KordetAlls eo largo advert
ntnt Irt Dally nnd Wcckb\ _
Clfnrs nnd Tobacco.
.VEST & FmTSCI'r.R. ' manufacturers ot Clfr
> nd Wholctile Dealers lu Tohnccot. 1303 DOIIJ ; !
V. _ ' . LORKNZKN mamilitcturcr M4 10th Bin
Cornice Works.
Vratcrn Cornlco Works , Maimfacturcti I
'ornlcr , Tin , Iron ami Slate Unotllti . Onl
rom nuy lorallty ptomplly cxiciittxl In the 1
nnnncr. Factor } ' nnd Ollicc 1310 DO.IKO Strec
lihanlzeil Iron Cornices. Window Cnpd , c
uanufncturcil and put up In any | vut of
iountrv. T. SlNHUI.ll 410 Tlilttcciitli street
CrocVery ,
f. BONNER 1309 Douglas sln'Ct. Good line ,
Clothing and Furnishing Goods ,
IKO. II. nrrEKSON. Also Hats , Chpn , Bo <
'hots , Notions and Cutlery , bOl S. 10th street.
Fence Works.
1U8T , rniKS &CO. , 1213 llarncySt. , Imprc
1 Ice Boxoii , Iron Mid Wood Pencca , Ol
" , Counters ol Tine and Walnut.
Retrlgeiators , CanHeld's Patent.
0. F. GOODMAN llth 81 , bet. 1'arn. i Hani
Bhow Case Manufactory , ,
UamitActiurr and Dealer in all kinds of St
Cases , Upright C.vscs. a . . 1317 Casa St.
FRANK I. . GKUHARD , proprietor Om
Show Case inanufiictory , 81S South IClhstn
jctnccn Lva\cnnorth and Marry. All go
a anted llrst-class.
Stoves olio Tinware.
Dealer In Stoics and Tinware , and Mamifactu
if Tin Roof ) and all kinds of Building We
Odd Fellows' Block.
1. BONNER. 1SOD Douirlas St. Good and Che
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills i
Juttivatora , Odd Fellows Hall.
Physicians an J Burgeons.
V. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Riom No i , Crolgh
Hock , 16th Street.
' P. S. I.EISUNUING , il. D. Maionlc Block.
J. L. HART , M. D. , F.yr and Ear. opp. postof
DR. L. B ilRADDY ,
Icull t ami Aurist , S. W 15th and Farnham
Grand Central Gallcrv ,
. 212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. Fu.t-ci.VH Wotlt Mid Prom
acsH guirantccp _
Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY 1 : CO. . 21U 12th St. , bet. Fartih
md Douglns. Won ; promptly attended to.
n. FlTZl'ATniCK. Um Ponglvi Strcrt.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. KOSTKHS , 1412 Dodge Street.
Shoo fatorcs.
Phillip Lane , 1S.O FaniBam st. bet 13th & 14
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAK. 1410 Douglas St. i , New i
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing ! Goc
be. , boinrht and sold on narrow marrlns.
n the ntw brick block on Douclaa Stract , '
just opened a most elegant BCCJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
o\cry day.
' Caledonia " J FALCONER. 079 ICth Street.
JHAS. HIEWE , 101X Tarnham bet. 10th & 11
P. PEMNER , 303V Tenth street , between Fa
liam and llamoy. Docs teed and cheap work
00 Cent Stores ,
P. C. BACKUS. 1-205 Farnham St. . Pancv On
ILER & CO. .
3oto Manufacturers. OM 1H
To Nervojs Sufterer
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Spoci
iwc33E 3csiia'aa. : :
It Is a positive cure for Spcrmatoirhca , Semi
iVeokness. Impotancy , and all diseases roiult
join Sclf-Abuso , on Mcntil Anxiety ,
Jciuory , 1'alni In thu liacl : or SI lo. and "
Insanity i
liii ; u
with \\oin
( ill siu'cca
. I'aiiiiili
tout ( fee to all. Write ( or them and git lull ]
I'rico , Specific , 81.00 per packotre , or ilx pa
; fts tat $5.00. AddrcHS all otclors to
Nos. 104 and 100 Main bt. lluOalo , N. 1
Sold In Onf tia by C. F. Uoodiiwn , J , W , V
I , K lab , ana all druirKUUexirywhvre.
- 18-dftw
217 and 210 North Main Bt , , St. Louis ,
mvtf , f rrtrtno 1 WRAITH
Printers StocI
3TCaiih paid for Raga and Paper Stock , Sc
fron and Mi tali.
Paper Stock Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , No
Prof , W , J , Antler's Select Dan
ing Academy ,
A. Hotpe , Jr. Hall , 1610 Dodge 8t ,
Claia for gentlemen commcncln- ; Tuesday ov
Infr , Oct. 4. Cltva ( or ladM commencing Tin
laXDU'iiInjf , Ort.d. Terms liberal. The c
inUhoUt I ha\e lot teaching the Waltz , ai
tc. , ( can tfiuruntoo ) > urfu < t satl facllon
rfdiolari. I'or tcrirf , &c. , cull at A , 1 loupe , ,
ar addrest 1110 Capitol Me. iilTdlm
nr h'lulier , ( Irom St. I.ouU ) Dancing
wlcmy , Btandaril Hall , cor Fillecnth and Ft
liatn , Tue d y ovcnuiis , Bcptrmbvr Wh.
Classen ror lAdtunand Qviitlimtn eoiiinicnii
Tuesday Lvenlni ; Stjiteinlicr (1th ; classciu
Mime ! anil MaiUru , commencing Saturday ad
noon at 4 o'clock. L'la e for Fainllle * , ull
irran vd to unit the honorably jiatium , f
ballet dancln : can ho taught.
TcriiM liberal , and perfectnaUifactloii to cl
ari iruarintcvd. rrli'atoln trmllon < ull > o ;
< itat \ the Dindns Academy or at the rj.ldt
ol tha patroni.
I'rUatc ordcra may bo kit atMai Muvc
Uro' . -
'Adventurous ' Rambles Throu
Southern Utah.
The First Snowstorm of t
Season a. Ride Through
Lonely Dosorts.
Cove Crook Fort Splntillil SOOIK
I From lloavcr City , nt th west
Iwsc of Mount Haiti } ' , it ivns nccos-i
Tor 1110 to jounioy to Mnry'a Vile (
j'.ho cnatcru baao , There were I
rotitra to tlio nroposotl object
point. Ono \vus over tlio iuou"t
] mil Us nipped spurs , nnd the oti
jivas nrovnurit. I clioso the latter ,
[ distutico of Bcvcnty-fivo inilea r
b.ick. Ono cloudy afternoon 1
out from Heaver on nn ill-look
mustang whoso eyes vcro sad ; wli
whole aspect was melancholy , r
whoso style ot architecture WAS Got !
Wlicii circumstances permitted ,
licad was invariablybowodin profoii
thou ht. Under the stimulus o
lingo i > aiy of Mexican spurs ho bt (
his pilgrimii o like a steed of meti
NVo made excellent progress , 'J
wind sighed , moaned nnd whistled
.MI ominous way , but being entir
unnciiuiuntod with the clinmto , I p
little heed to the fact , nnd th'ou
'only ' of Dotting well upon my joun
jlicforo night should intervene. S <
the atmosphere became more frif.
and snow began to fall. The i
'storm ' of the season wna upon
1 What that meant I was not quail I
to fully comprehend , but , ns bocan
California ! ! of tusthetio inclinatio
iny whole attention was absorbed I
uraiul transformation scene. Pr
base to summit Mount B.ildy wns r
idlydtiflinsr itscustomary hues of bro
and red , and was standing boldly
in a apotlcas garb of white. > The
ifect was stiikiiiy in the extreme ,
thought of Mont lllnnc ,
the monaicli f mountains ;
They crowned him Ions nijo
On a thionoof lockn , in a rohc of cloi
\Vith n diadem of snow ,
As the storm increased in vo
'monco ' I applied the spurs with one :
t-md regularity , and continued
[ m'editations. To a man who 1
jnot scon snow for years there is a f
cination in a wintry landscape , es
cinlly if mountains of extr.irdini
SIEO dignify and adorn it. Saci
'memories ' of childhood revive , a
Itho mind dwells with a feeling
[ delight on lands not
beautiful as California , but wh
are nevertheless rcmombeied by
lill with filial aflcction.In this vei
was thinking when my unprepossc
ing mustang came to an abrupt h ;
We were in the midst of n desert , 1
roads were concealed in mantles
'anow ' , not a house or a human bci
jwas in sight , and I had no more ci
'ccption ' of my precise whereabo
' if I had been suddenly lane
on the moon. In a protracted nbi'i
'glo ' for the mastery which ensued
Jtween mysalf and the obstinate be
ii lost my spurs in a sagebrush pa
[ and finally gjwo up my efforts for
'advance ' in despair.
Having often read that a trave
Iwhcn lost should trust to the inati
of the animal ho is riding , I del
'mined to test the recommendali
Dismounting to secure a suitable el
I remounted , cast my bridle loose , i
[ .ippliud the propulsive power. A Hi
dillorent course was adopted from t
which 1 believed to bo the true o
but mustang pushed on with amaz
[ energy. My apprehensions lea1
Should have to pass the night i
freezing snowstorm vanished , and I f
Itored myself that 1 should certainly
'somewhere ' before darkness fairly
iin. I was not 'disappointed. T
( detestable mustana carried me strai
back to Beaver. The rapidly fall
9iiow prevented mo from seeing
town until I was very close to it , a
| 1 then concluded that I had linn
readied some important Battlement
my route , the existence of which
one had mentioned to mo. Wlioi
actually found myself in Beaver , h <
ever , and the barroom populat
ipoured out to jeer and laugh at I
( my feelings were unhappy in the
tromo. 1 will pass over that try
period in silence. Purchasing anot
pair of spurs , getting another cli
and arming myself with a bottle
rattlesnake medicine , I pointed
"crow-bait's" nose in tlio direction
the Polar star , and again rode out
ironical and giggling Beaver ,
spite of every obstacle I traveled
ijiiles by nightfall , nnd when the o
Iool < again became unpromising , if
absolutely perilous , I beheld will
High of relief the eheeiful lights
Twitchollvillc , There was not
> thcr hong ? on the road for foiut
miles. Twitchellville is not a teas \
as the reader may carelessly imagi
It ia the homo of the vi
ous families of William Twitcnell
stalwart Mormon. Ho is a saint
this world , nnd if ho ia not- ono in
next ityill bo because "tho pray
df the wicked uvaileth not , " o
a my earnest recommendations '
o the desired position will certai
lju his. I had had had a good taatt
Utah Hnowstorm. My back '
like n pine board , my knees were
itid'that I could ncnroely get out
the fuddle , nnd when I attempted
walk it eccmcd ua though my 1
rt-ould break like a pair of icicles.
M y horse wati immediately till
jam of and I waa ushered into
old-fashioned log cabin , from
'great ' fireplace of which piles of bu
ling fuel were sending out picrc
| ray of heat. 1 no longer seemed
[ Utah , but rather in some backwo
Ihoino of Indiana or Kentucky , I
L'eiierationa ago. My hostess ,
amiable-looking matron , ussis
[ by two Krown-np daughter ? , m
hud a Hinoking auppor r
pared for me. Twitcholl was "v
llxed. " lie had three wives , eacl
whom had a commodious double
cabin , surrounded by other requit
buildings , nnd in each of the th
yards were piga , poultry , horaea r
cattle. .lust how he conducted ope
( ions I thought it proper to imjui
but it was evident tljat none of
families had any reason to compl
of not being well provided for. SI
lionses , barns , sheds and Htockya
looked like a respectable village i
forniodft literalmonllmont to success
Bpolygnmy. Tacked to the wall of I
cabin I was in waa n printed shc < [
[ tending as follows :
I "Rnica to bo observed by this fn
ily. lliso early. JJo industrious , i
early to bod. Waste not nant n
Lo everything nt its proper time. I
everything in ita proper place. I
overythins ; for its proper use.
punctual. lo ! regular. Be clean ,
kobliging and kind to one another. 1
no angry word bo hoard among yi
olio truthful , honest and humble. 1
ilinember the Sabbath day to keep
llwly. "
Q Interspersed with these provci
u\vcro numeroua scriptural quotatioi
SOvc'r the fireplaeo hung n saber of t
HIIIIU : pattern , carried by the cavnl
pf the regular army. In answer to
inquiry 1 learned that.I was being c
tertnined by a member of the M <
moil militia , all orqaniz.ition various
Wilnatud to number from 10,000
20,000 men. Twitclioll'a farm wn.s
Indian creek , and ho narrated inn
of interest c'oncovnimj the first setli
montof that seetion. "When 1 liv
[ iwilt cabin heie , " ho said , "tho rt
skins were thick. They used in tu
their horses into my grainlielda ai
( help themsol.vei : to anything aim
jtho house that they "wanted. Th
would say : 'Thin is our grass ; this
Our kind'thin is our water ; o
[ fathers died here. ' I had to let ( he
have their way. At that time Chi
Wulker could muster BOO wnrnoi
They finally .cleared out , but not n
til consider.tblo lighting took plac
Wo had the advantage of them us i
ards arms. Whenever a skinm
occurred they got the worst of
Towards the last they only made Htl
raids from the hills , and finally t
United States government mov
them away. In early days the settle
.iround here wore in a state of nlat
most of the time. We had to bo i
the lookout almost continually. "
On the following morning the ski
were clear , the snow began to mi
rapidly , and'that ' day 1 "worked n
passage" with n club throuuh 'Wilde
canyon audits contiguous desertsai
just before sunset reached CovoCre
Fort. This is tin odd-looking militu
stronghold , erected many years
by Biigham Young for the purpose
holding the Indians in check. 1 ]
walls lire of alnno and mo a hundri
feet equine and twenty feet high , ai
ire loopholed and auimounti
by battlements. For "standing-c
Indians" the structure inn
'have ' boon a success. Tl
{ /interior / consists of a largo court d
signed to accommodate a small e.u of teams , with n building exteu
ing | around three sides of it , next , tl
Lull , and forming u very cnpucioi
liotcl. Everything is solid , subata
Itiul and enduring. The rpoms ai
large and comfortably furnished , Tl
jontiro establishment is now in ohari
of a Mormon family , and is mere
used as a stopping pl.ico for the ve :
few travelers who pass through th
region. The surroundin
barren and utterly dcsolat
"I had the doubtful honor of b
in whii
ng assigned a room
Brigham had often slept. His pi
turo hung on the wall and was som
what different from the engravings
iimiliar to Gentile readers. It w
that of n cold-blooded , lecherous , cu
ning , money-making
what ho was. I tarried the followii
dny for the purpose of fully salii
myself with desert scenery. A wildc
lonelier spot than Cove Creek forl
never saw. , Misanthropic peoplew' .
love the human race as much as nn
body else , despite their poetical r
ings , and who sometimes fancy th
would like to live where they wou
never again see the face of a hum
being , who adore nature , rude , blei
ind unadorned , find lessons in nton
iind rapturous enjoyment in couink
solitude , should make their abidii
place nl that far away , isolated IK
tolrio for a few weeks and bo perm
hently cared. ]
On the fourth day of my trip I ro
through Clear Creek canyon , ford
the Sevier river , got lost in a desc
and finally reached the homo
Michael Johnson and halted fort
night. Again was frontier life repi
ducod. A log cabin , n bln/.ing hear
and a cordial welcome. My genera
hearted host had been a Mormon i
years , but had thought bott
of it , and was following in t
footsteps of Robert Ingerso
Even imdc.r the shadow of Utal
most secluded mountains are t
works of that great free-thinker rca
admired nnd widely circulate
Michael had set out to make hiins
farm , and in order to render t
scheme possible had constructed
ditch two miles in length , fromapriii
in the mountains. On the follow !
[ morning it was discovered that t
ditch had frozen up and wo had
water to wash onr faces with , none i
the horses and barely enough to nn
"a cup of cofl'uo around. " 1'ooj
who reside in more favorable stat
: md territories have no concept ipn
the efi'orts thousands of men are mn
ing in Utah's "promised Ian
to got themselves homes , Minycai
of thq kind absolutely awaken t
traveler1 ! ! pity. AH along my roi
from Cove Creek foit the moat im
scribable mountain scenery U visnl
in every direction canyons , deiil
.ibrupi declivities , nigged numm
ind snow-clad peaks. Nature HCOIII
{ cast in n gigantic mould. Ciaino , U
of nil kinds uboundcd. In ridi
from ifohnson's to Mnry's Aralo ] B ;
twelyo head of deer cross the road
luartcr of a mile behind me , and
learned that cinnamon bears , gn/.i
bears and other royal , game wore n
iuuiii ) ISTO TJU : rnoi'iiET'rt I'AJIII
Mnry'a Vale is 11 beautiful vail
[ through which the clear , awift a
deep Bovlur river tlovsa. It contni
a mining camp , and ia the home
General Agramontu , ono of the nu
[ noted characters of Utah. The 8aii
call him "Big Windy , " in ridicule
, his remarkable conversational powc
lust previous to my arrival an attoni
luid boon made to assassinate lii
Three Hhbts were fired nt him frc
the bushes of the Hovier river , no
'of ' which took dlcol. He )
turned the fire with tt Bliar
rillo , and on the following day
wounded Haint wiw found being cm
fully pared for in u neighboring v
, lago. The general married Mra , Cln
Stenhouso Voung ( widow of .lusoj
A. Young , Brighum'H most talent
'son ' ) , and being a Gentile , and n be
ipcnkur of opinions , is not one , of t
loved ones of Xion , Ho claims difi
doscunl from n fainoui Cnstilinn kit
ho served on ( ho stall of n Uni
Konoral durins the Into war ; and i
ventured some in Mexiconnd was i
years actively and promincnlly ideii
lied with the Cuban rebellion. ] h
lu\ird much of him in my travels , a
xvheii 1 SAW him enter the n omlii
I cat and placed n carbine nnd doub
barreled shotgun in n corner , roino
i bolt holding n navy revolver nii (
bowin knife , nnd slipu silver-molinl
( derringer in his hip pocket , I Lit
thnt I was in the presunco of Gene :
Agramonte , Accompanying him \ \ <
two beautiful boys , 10 or IL yci
ot nge , gr.xndsons of the prophela.
never passed a more npi ccable e vonii
\s a wil , sloiy-l oiler , inintia a
olqquont narrator of excitiling ovci
1 have rarely seen his equal , llospcn
English , Suuiish ] , Piench nnd Gi
nmn with equal lluenoy , and "sots
( able in n toar" as though langhi
wore the chief business of nil nu
kind , 1 could not bring myself
believe that ho WAI of punish t
iccnt. After he had retired for t
uightj a shoit conveisation occuri
m tliH point , Onu gentleman Uiouc
ho was an Mnglishman ; anotr
thought ho waa a JMne , The ( hi
[ said :
"Gent'cmen , 1 remombcr vendi
an incident in one of Murrynt's IK
els. A finely uniformed ofiicer v
. the quarterdeckith ( in
'dignity ' , when n s\ilor , who had fall
jt'rom the masthead , struck the dr
immediately behind him. 'Win
'the ' - - did you come from ] ' inquh
the officer withsomn asperity. 'Kit
the north of Ireland , jer Honii
was thu prompt reply. Tlmt is i
ipii'ion of Agramontu. 1 believe 11
jho came ftiim the north of Jrelav
illo it coitninly one of the hhrowde :
vvittiest men in Utah , "
A ( ] u\Niisox or Tim I'uoi'iiirr.
i During my brinf halt at Marj
Vale , B. T. You IL ' , , snli of .Joseph .
Young , visited the camp while wn
during about the country on n wi
spree. He was familiarly known
[ "Toot , " and when under the hill
[ unco of liquor boon m.ulo his preset )
known in any community. Ho w
[ mentioned as a lmrinles'3 , good-heart
fellow , who had inherited a devourii
.ippotito for liquor from his brillia
hut , erratic father. He lelt lor Si
Lake City in , a few days , whom 1
died from nn of mnrphin
just ns his father died a few years b
fore him. Brigham Young was n
.uldictcd to drnnkenneb1 ! , allhoui
very fond of bottled beer. vie
liowever , has been very prominent
manifested among his descendanl
Mary's Vale is a Gentile camp mid
lUrroundcd by undeveloped mines
great reputed richness.
Tlic tiling dt'Biivd found nt ln t. A
dnvj-ibt fcr "Biniyli on ItnU. " It do.-
.ml rats , mice , rnaohea , llici , bud li j ! ' s '
bo\e < j , ( I ]
Hunoy Dow in GcorRln.
"blr. John Keo , of T.ilbot county ,
ranponsiblo fpr the following : "Itw
early Sunday morning. My dnug
ter was engaged in 8wooiin ] oil' tl
front jioroh , when her attention v ;
ittracted by the plaintive ciics
'youncr ' chickens nnd the distress
clucking of a hen. The sound cm
from a pile of leaves under some po
Inr trees in the yiud , and hurrying
the spot she found the little chicks :
'stuck ' up with leaves , rolling nbo
'struggling ' to free tlioiiBolvcs , ( ii
two of the little Bufi'ercrs wei-e stu <
together. Sha jiicked there two i
j.ind coming to the house called in
iOn examination we found them cove
'ud ' with a sticky substance , win
Deemed to have come off the leaves.
{ went out into the yard , and found
un all the leaves , and , tasting w
Wprisod to Iind it honey Lookii
around I could see it glistening in t
'sunshine ' like diamonds on every lei
let , and on the porch for two or thr
[ feet were splotches of it. Sovci
neighbors dioppud in during the d
whom 1 told of the honey bhowi
JKiipposing it had been general , 1) )
Itlu-y were incredulous till shoi
lovidonne of it. In the evening of t
Uame day I noticed a mist between i
I'liid the sun , and n closer cxami
Mtion disclosed the fact that wo we
having n repetition of the phenon
uon , which W.IH witnessed by n do/
[ people. While it did not' run i
jtho house either morning or evenii
it covered thq leaves of the trees it
shrubs , nnd was , without doubt , lion
( lew , nnd that , too , from a cloudli
A Bnptint Minister1 ! * Ezporiouc
j I am fv UnptlBt ininii'tcr unit buforo
even thought of liuin a ulur yinnii
ruliiitcit : in inudicinu , lint left n
[ irncUcu for my iirunuiil iirufusMiun , I
jyo.irs ugo. J wiw fur niiiiiy y arn n Bitlf
'cr ' from quinsy. "TnoiiAH * UCI.KOTHIO (
| ciireil me. " 1 wan ! MI truuhjoil w
liuiiivt'iioHH , niul Tliomaa' Kcluctiiu OH
wiiyn rcllcvctl mu.My wife mul child 1
.llilitheria | , mid "Thomas' Kclectrio
icurud tlium , " nnd if taken in time It v
[ euro i > liiutimes tmt of ten. 1 am cm
dimt it in u cure for tlio moxt obstinate c
or couxh , itnd If any ono will tuku a BUI
| tcniioon | mul half till it with thu Oil , n
[ then place the vnd of thu Hfioon in ono n
tril mid drnw tlio Oil nut of the HJIOOII
| KnilliiiK at bard in they can , until thu
full * ov pinto the , mid jirnct
that t\\ Ice ft WL'cl ; . I don't care how off
> iv'o their licw | may he , it will it i
anil euro their vttnirh , ] ' 'orilcafne H r
onrnclic it Imi tlnno wonders to my c rt
knonluilxu Jt in the only medic
dubht'd intent mvdiclno thnt I have c
felt llku iccuiinnoinlliit ; , nnd 1 um \
anxious to sett it in fury ] > lace , for 1
nlliat L would not bu without it in
UKD for iuiy coiibiiluiTition , I mn n
ffuriiiK with u jiiiiu like ihouinutldm
{ my liulit limb , and nutliliiL' iclic e/j
jllko Tliomivs' Kclectiio Oil.
Jll. j : . JClIANH ,
Gerry , J'fl
John Mi'Paildcn will taku notion dial on
lOtlifct Au 'iut , Ibil , Charles UrandcK , Jin-th
tliv I'ciuv , of iKt jirctlint , joiij'lan Co. , Neb.
Uulan onltr of htUUimont ( or tliumnioltfi
in an action jxiiidliiK before him , uhviulji A
iratz It iiblntlll and John MU'wMon ilufcndi
( bat jiropt'th coualttlni ; ol liounlioM Innill
and liiiplcnieiitu liut I'u'ii nll'uln : ! u dtr i
order , foald taiuo uoii contlnutl lu L'Kt
Suiti.ii | > bi > r. Ifadl. 10 o'clock p. ni. AHNO KIIATK , 1'hlntll
tr.t > . w.
8 Vf COIl. l&TH ti DOUCr.AS BTC. ,
Iv 81'tl _ OMAHA ,
A , G. TROUP , .
Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their
, 614-616 TENTH STREET.
Ladies' ' Beaver Dolmans SO 00 upwards ! Lames' ' Beaver Dloaks ,
| 85 00 upwards ; Ladies Wool Shawls , SI 00 nnwarrtsj Ladies'
Dlstors , S3 50 upwards.
1 Lot Black Qaslmioros , all wool , 40 inolios wiflo , 50,05,75 , , , Bf
and 05 cents , Extraordinary Value ,
I 1 Lob English Oaslmioros , all Shadas , reduood to 371-2 cents ,
4 Oases iJanton Flannels , 81-3,10 , and 121-2 cents ,
4 Bales 4-4 Shootings , 71-2 cents per yard , hy the piece ,
1 Oaso Prints , new styles , 5 cents ,
0 Oases Bed Comforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices ,
Cheviots , Oin lmuia , Ticka , Denims , Tiihlo Linens , Towels , J3od Spread
Ac. , nt Popular Prices.
Ladies' , Misses' , Hoys' nml Ohililrons' Shoes 20 per cent lower tlmnany Shoo
Sloru in Omaha.
SVKC1AU 1 T. l Splendid HliUtititf Flaimeln , 22J conta per yixnl , worth 3o cents ,
P. G. IMLAH , Manager ,
Leader of Popular Prices.
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank' foremost in the West in Assortment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
\Vo are prepared to meet tlio domnmlii of the trade in regard to Latest Styles ,
and Patterns. . Fine Merelmnt Tailoring in Connection.
300 to 312 13th St. , Corner Farnham-
Omaha , Collins
Cheyenne , Colorado
Fall and Winter
ING ! !
iHats , Caps , Trunks , Valises ,
Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices to Suit av
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c , per pound upwards ,
Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards ,