THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20,1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Record of Events on tlio Eas Side of. tlio Missouri , The City In Mouruiupr For th Dead President. Order of Exorolsos For the Moinor inl Horvlcos- SOLEMN CELEBRATION. uiunr.viNo inn i UN.VKU n < DAY or THy To-day will witness in this city grand yet soloinn so no. The fire department partmont will turn out in full , also th Abe Lincoln post , the Ivanhoo Com mamlcry No. 18 K. T.all IhoMaso1. ' in the city , all members of Twii Brothers Encampment , all nioinbcrs o the different associations of Odd Pel lows , the Council Bluffs LighL Quanta Pottawntomio County Veteran Asso ciation , all the teachers and children of the city schools , the St. I'atnck' benevolent society , all members o the different orders of K. of P. sucl ' a throng , together with the dress o blnck wo wear to-day , will give us ; oombro look , indeed. How changcc from a few short months ago , whoi tlio pcoplo rejoiced that we liae passed through an exciting polili cnl campaign without a jar " " But yesterday and our city Igorioe beautiful indeed , in its dicsn of' day. zhug hriliancy. To-day wo are ul mourners ; the heart of every ciUzoi beats with ono accord. At the grave , us it were , together will wo pcrfonr with heavy hearts the last sad rites te the memory of our president. The mandate was an unwelcome one. The lesson it ( caches ia not for us at present to know. Let us with one voice exclaim : "Thy will bo elono , ' us wo gather round the bier of one who has given up his lifo on the altai of our common country , y ti The following program will bo car ried out'nearly as follows : At 11 a. m. Council Bluffs Inde pendent battery will commence the firing of funeral salute and continue firing every five minutes until 3:00 : p. m. , making forty-nine guns , indica tive of the president's ago. The formation of the memorial pa rade will take place precisely at pre cisely 120 : ! ! o'clock p. m. , on South Sixth street , the right resting on Broadway , in the following order : 1. Marshals , assistants nnd mount ed escort. 42. Music. , 3. Masonic lodges and chapter in regalia under escort of Ivanhoo com- mandery Knights Templar in full uniform. 4. The several lodges of Odd Pel t lows in regalia , under escort of Twin -Brothers encampment in full uniform. C. St. Patrick's Benevolent sociotj under command of president anel marshal. ' . 0. .Ancient Order of Hibernians. 7. Pupils and teachers of iho pub lic schools , under direction' Prof. Farnham. 8S Pupils und teachers of the deaf id dumb institute , under direction of Stint. Rogers. 1 0. The several loelgcs of Knights of Pythias , under the icspcctivo olllccrs and escort of uniformed Ivnights. $ Ij&t 10. Koyal Arcanum" . A. M. Beards- f loyj regent. ' 11. Ancient Order of United Workmen , Goo. II. Wheeler , M. W. I * j 12. Scandinavian society. > -18. Fire department , unelcr charge of Chief Lacy ami assistants. 11. Council Bluffa Light Guard,1 Lieutenants Martin and Morgan , com inanding. 15. Pottawnttamio county veterans - Contain Gco. Careen , commanding. < 10. Abe Lincoln post No. ! ! ) , G. A .J 41. , 0. H. Harrison , P. 0. , Kdnin J. ( Abbott , Adjutant. 17. Council Bluffs lieht nrlillciy. i- 18. His Honor , W. II. Vaughan , mayor , common council and city oil- ! cors in carriages. 19. Judges of the courts , county ofllcois and mcmbets of the bar ii carriages. 20. Clergy of the dift'oiont churches in carriages. 21. Council Bluffs medical society , Dr. Green president , in carriages. 22. Council Bluffs board of trade , L. C. Baldwin , president. 2J ) , All ether citizens in carriage. . . The line will inovo piomplly at 1:30 : ; p. m. LINE OK PAUADF. East an Broadway to First street , north on First sheet to Washington 1 avenue , west on Washington avenue . . to Fifth street , south on Fifth street i < to junction with Pearl sheet , west on " Eight aveiiuo to Sixth street' , north ' ti on Sixth street to Willow avenue , f. J cnat on Willow avenue to Pearl street , north on Pearl street to First avenue , west on First avenue to the entrance i' ' of the public park , in which the tip . proprioto obsequies will bo held , un der the direction of the clergy of thei city. \t' , The various organizations will fem V at their respective places of meeting ' , ftt 12:30 : n. in. , and await orders fron the marshals , ' > The chief marshals will wear darl i'T , , _ clothing , militaiy mlicn and white . Assistant J ( gloves. marshals am mounted escorts will wear dark cloth- intr , black Bashes and white gloves. The bells of the city will bo tolled during the time the procession ia m ov ing. IIHUIHU COACH EH. T The centre of attraction yesterday , outside the churches , waa in front 01 Bray & Helm's stable , on Scott struct , A double and single Ilordio coach or rived Saturday und wuro on 'oihtbitibi ; yesterday. They look as if Council UMuffs pcoplo might enjoy them Aj eight they appear heavy and cumber some , but on closer inspection the w 03 in which the body is placed upon tlu .axloBhowa .that that , t oy are of easy locomotion. They will certainly make our city look MIOIO Metropolitan than anything wo have had ainco the at tempt at water woiks and our town -clock. If they prove to bo a BUCCOSS , OB the following , printed on the bock of each , aoemu to atsuro : "Hertlio coachi ono ride , 5 cents. " The poo- pie will have Chapman and Vaughan to for hnVing introdiicuii thu upon the sttects of Council lJlufls. A LAST oi'roim'.siTV. Ono of our wtallliy nnd rpspcotnb ladies , hearing of the two little fall erlcsa nnd motherless children , nn touched witli pity , called ntt ho Metn polilnn hotel Satnrd.iv to rco than Slto wn < j very much plowed vith tl older ono nnd told the Indv in clnu-j. ) f thom tlmt slio would take her nu cnro for her as aho would ono of hi children If flho pfovcd a jjoo What she might do for her > the way of fitting her for womntihoc iho could hot say , but she would tnli her nnd bring her up ns nhutoul n'cro aho her own child. The womn n clmrgo naked her if she would Big \ paper to divldo her property wit the child. She replied tlu iho could not protuiso Hit ill nho Mould protmno nt propci ; would be to take lho child , bring he up , treat her in every respect as fill would her own , and if nho pr6ved , iood , honest , upright girl , she mi li io tnoro when they separated. Th ivomnn in charge concluded nho woul until oho found seine ono wh tvonld naroii when they took tliochil o yivo nor n share ot tlio wealth. W idinit the wonmn'fl icsponslbility t bo n grave one , nt the fin mo tmio ijood homo in : i wealthy , rcspectnbl 'utnily , with the prospect of n lantini ilfccliem urowitig up between them rvould bo bolter for the girl than an ; writing that could bo drawn. Of ItEHl-ECT. At the meeting of members of Ab . .iiicoln Post No. 2i ) , O. A. Jl , , holi ] on Fuday evening nt the ofllco o Justice Abbott , iimong blhfcr businos ; the following motion win catried That n committed of five bo appoint ad to draft toaolutiotm of respect ti the memory of our Into soldi6i' pros ! dent , Jutni's A. GnrG61d , hnd tlia Col. W. F. S.ipp , hnviiig been an ol ( ind esteemed friend of the president l > o made chairman of said committee nnd that 0. II. llarrhon , K. 1 ? Ifolmcs , D. U. Dailcynnd Edwin J , Abbott bo mndo balance of commit' ' tee. A request wAa made that Col , jSapp tend the resolution uhen it hat beun drawn up. , A wnrrrniit waa issued seine time ijo for the arrest of Doll Shannqn , bl Crescent townshipby Justice lAbbptt , on n chnrgo of assault and thrcntoninj to kill' ' . Yesterday Constable Rose- cranz , hearing of the whereabouts ol the defendant , wont , in company with Constable Plenary , of Crescent town ship , to Crcsceni City. Mcnary atarteil out , and soon found his game , but it in some way manngod to escape. A lively chase then ensued. Constable llosccrnnz , who was near Jones , BOOH fliiccocd in capturing him. By strong persuasion , and after seine resistance , the man ho was after was brought into the city by the oiliccr ami com mitted to the county jail by Justice Abbott in default of $500 bonds. THE J11U1TS IN DUIEF. P. Holler , ono of Council 131unV leading painters , lias purchased an old frame building that formerly was uwncd by Mrs. Maria Mynstor , that 'jas Btooel BO long on North Main itreot , and has converted the same , ifter making extensive rcpniis , into n [ mint shop. Wm , E. Mallory , formerly of Dnn- buryj Connecticut , haa pnrchasocl a Imlf interest in Ilnbbaid's railroad juido and city directory. Wo under- itund that Mr. Mallory is n iclalive > f E. H. Odoll , of this city , nnd is a ivo and onergotso young man mid not v novica in the business. I The old building that has' ' stood so eng on the corner of Pearl nnd Scc-j md streets , on the Catholic church { rounds , is being raise'd preparatory ; o being moved elsewhere. Wo hope 0 sco in the no distant future a Bplem- lid stiuoturo erected in that loc.Uity. It is certainly needed very much. Cyan Ilamlin , pastor of the Centre1 , iticot chuich , preached an eloquent ! Uumorial sermon yesterday morning , ] electing ns the b.isis of hit ) discourse wi > sii < | ei found in Proverbs xxix , 2 ind si , 10 , 11 ; also Ecclesias i\- chap-j or , lint , part of first verso. Ho paid L noble tribute to the persovcrenco , lifjli ntlninmontH nnd Belf-sacrificinj ; Jin it of our fallen lioio. Goo. A. Jhiley nnd wife , of Glen- rood Me > re > in Council IJlud'a over Sun- lay , guests at the Ogdon. Mis. L. Tinkle and BOH , of Ida Jrove , spent yesterday in this city. J. M , Pierce , of Bedford , wns at ho Ogdcn yesterday. W. J , Fletcher , of Glomvood , was in Ogdcu guest 5 ostorday. j G. L. llerry , of the Chicago , Hock1 Blanel & Pacillo was huio pvoiSun - luy. luy.Thoro There was a Inrpo gatheiing of the cvcral lodges of Odd Fellows of this ity nt their liall on JJroadwny yester- lay afternoon , called for ( ho purpose > f making cmeiitn for the fu- lorul obsetpiii's to bo observed to tl.iy. 'udgo ' Fiuly Huiko was chbaon chair- nnn , and E. U. Gardner Sccietniy. I'lip following ollicera were uhoauu : Jhiof marshal , Win. G , Oliver : nv istnnts , Win. Sieelentou" and J. J. Miu. M. A. Wilson , of Sioux City , was t the Ogden > catordny. E. E , UnrknesB , a niuinbor of the intensive diy poods house 6f llark- less , Oicutt it Co. , of this city , eight , 'pnrs ago last Saturday evening mur- icd a young lady who resided at the : imo in Now York , Miss Ellen Lester. Dn the evening above mentioned hey extended invitations to a. few of : heir most intinmto friends to bo resent nt ( heir residence on Willow ironuo , ( o nesist thom in ( iheir eighth anniversary. Tlio house ivna beautifully illuminated , refresh- incuts in abundnnco wore served and 1 general good time was hail. All business will bo suspended in : his city to-day. 0. 11. Scott has written nnothci ilmrp epistle , in Which lie attacks QUI jity council and mayor without stint. [ f What ho says is true , thoio is some- hing "rotten in Denmark. " Hov. P , F , Brccso occupied the > ulpit nt ( ho Broadway Methodist ihuroh yesterday , The yoetofllco will bo opened to-day rom 7:30 : toll n. m. , and from 0:30 : o 7:30 : p. nn Tin ) Union Piicilio ttnin was two lours behind time Saturday. One hundred and forty-aoven car oads of stock wore received Saturday t the Union stock yards. General Weaver , the champion Toonbnckor next to 1J. F. Butler , rill hold forth in this city in Doha nay's hall to-morrow at ii p. m. A interested in the cnusjof paper mom mil plenty of it are invitoel. Tlic American express comnanj through their superintendent , W. .1 Hancock , offers to forward to til Michigan fire sufferers all donation [ reo of charge. On Saturday Dr. Pinney's attentiy is called to a guntlo tapping on hi down town ollico door , which h opened. Theto stood little Bcrli Mctcnlf , holding n doll up for the doc tor to examine. "Dotor , tan oo fitt lolly ; Red hoi hot her not ? " Th doctor laughingly took up the piece Und informed her that there was n Icnro for any thing with a broken neck I'ho little girl loft the ofllco with tear in hur eyes , muttering : "Oh , dolly 'oo ' must die * ; do doctor taut fits on Mainnm said ho teed , but ho tout. S < 'oo ' mint bo buried 'iko Garfiold. " Our worthy ciliVcn of gas fame Toll LMon , 1 as icturncd homo fron in extended business nnd plcaaur , , The Goeln Help ( those who help themselves , " and na Jturo invariably hclp-i the who tak I \Viirnei' Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Tonr- "To watch the nunly-maniud coup Jus who tr.ivol is ono of the coin pen intions of our arduous lifo , " said in hotel clerk the olher day. IIow can yqu tell whellior tlioj faro nuwlj'.marricd or not ? " iiujuiu-i reporter of The New York Sun , le whom this remark was addressed. "Tell thom ? " ejaculated tlio clerk ; 'I can pick them out na easily , ns ii they cAincel signs , 'Wo aie just mar ried. ' " "Yes ; but howl" "Well , in the firot place , they are al ways most abundant in the fall nnel winter. I don't know why it is , but such is ( ho fact. Ono of the signs oi n nuwly-mairicd couple is their spick and spun now clothes. Somehow , when pcoplo got married , they goner- illy got na many now clothes as possi ble. The bride and groom hayo now Imta , and now trunks , and new dusters. L'hon , again , Ihoy spend money more ifrooly. When a man is In his honey moon , ho genotally fools as if he ought ( o bo gonprous. JIo has agroat- ful aort of spirit , nnd throws his money nround as if ho wanted to [ show that the world has used him well , ! Ho has put by his mcnoy for the oc casion , and is not afraid to spend it. illo ia especially anxious that the bride mall cat and drink of the best. Hi [ must have n room with a private parlor - ! [ lor , and not up stairs very far , and ! in ith n good view. Sometimes ho in A litllo chary of asking for these things but when wo suggest thorn ho nlwnyb jays 'Yes. ' Of course it is part of oui business to sucgest them. Wo con sider that wo have the same right to pluck a nowly-mnrucd couple ns au undeitaker has to pluck bereaved rel atives. " "Do they behnvo differently from other reoplel" "I should well , yes. The husband does not run elF to the bar-room , 01 the billiard-room , as the old married men elo. When the old mairiud coup le arrive , you may bo certain that the first thing the husband does is'to take' ' A drink , or lounge about the billiard tables , tolling his wife that ho lias some business to attend to. " "Are newly-married people bash ful ? " "That depends. The widowers nd widows don't ' mind it' but the ! young pcoplo nro a little coy. At Niagara Falls wo had most of the now couples late in the season , when the tegular boarders had left. I harcj seen as many as a do/on nt a time lilt into the dining-room trying to I6ok \s if they had not been muiriod jester- Juy , but casting furtive glances about to sco if tlu y nero suspected. Tin men were especially watchful , lesl jomslody should bo ogling the brides. Ono ejay I thought wo should have n' ' fight in the dining-room. A stiapplngj big follow fiom the west , in n iitmt suit of store clothes , sat down to thc | t.iblo with hia biido , n buxom , browm beauty. She looked BO flesh mid rosj that she could not but uttr.ict attcn tion , and she got it. Every gentle innn in the room took more than om look at her , and she knew it. 0 301U80 shei did not object. Hut the man began to , get nngiy. Ho did no ! like to apeak to the btido ubout it because ) she was evidently not displens 3d. Finally ho got up ami walked te Iho nearest gentleman whom ho hae' observed , and aaid : " 'Look hero , stranger1 I'd like tc know what you nro staring at mj ivifo for ? ' " 'Your wife ! Allow mo to congrnt jlalo you , my dear follow. You have , jot the linest wife in the city , ' enii Lhc gentleman addressed. " 1'Jio fact is , 1 thought she was j our sister , ex Jtisu mo it I was , rude ; but if ymi don't \\Mit \ \ people to look at your wife , you must never ( uko4 her out in public. Nil offense meant , sir , ' "I'ho bride-gloom went back to his jhico , but ho tcok good euro at the > lest meal to put his wife with hei ce to the wall. " "Which do you think take to the low conditions most gracefully } " "Women , by all odds. The men ire always betraying themselves. They want to talk ubout it ; they are : ull of the subject. Women are more vrtful , and have more adaptability to lew circumstances. But , with all thoii nts , they can't deceive an old hotel jleik , and it is very seldom that wt hui't turn in a few dollars extra to : he house on account of our knowl edge. " "Another peculiarity of the newly married couples who go to hotels , " : onlinued the clerk , "is that inamy of them live in the city. They always : omo equipped for u loni ; journey. They have left the guests with the uiiiounced intention of taking a long journey , conspicuously dioplaying , perhaps , ( heir railroad tickets , and iinvo been driven by way of the depot to ti first-class hotel previously select- . < d. I knew one case where a bridal : ouplo , to avoid detection , actualy loarUcd a train and started apparent- y on n journey , but took at the next itntion a train back to the city , and itopped at A hotel a few blocks from lonio. Then the wedding guests wore lermittod to stay at the feast as long is they pleased , without disturbing mybtidy. " A SttorTkoad , to Healtk. To nil who arc eulfcrlm ; from boili , ul : , tcrofulft , carliiuirlcs. or other obatl- mto dl case of the lilood and Mn , n wireeof IJunlock'u Blood llittera will be 'omul ' to bo a thurt road to health. Price ft , trial nice 10 centt. liScodlw The lending Qclcntltti of to-dny itroo th ontdNciUicoxrocniitcil 1) } " illjorJcrnl Klilno ir liter. If , tlitntoro , llio Kldnci.iniHl liver a ( kept In perfect ohl r , | icrfoct litaltli wlll'ot [ result. 'Ihli trutlilia cnli liccn l < iio n n ulio ( time and for 3 ram people sutler cit cunt a ai [ without brltiv Mile to II ml tcllcf. Tl\f \ illtcaio Kof Wnrncr's * ate KKIn vixrulLHer Ciironmili- Ju now cr % IT the treatment of tlicso t nil > l ( ? Miu1o from ft niinjilc tro ) Iral leaf of rnrunluo. . Jtonti'm Just tlio elcnicnls nccotary to noiirl find Invljfnntoliotli of Ilicfo ( 'ic l orpine. M iwtfoly leMoro rnil l.ceti tlicin In orJt r. HI- jPosfllvc Remedy for nil tlio iliacnsci that ( ait Jinlinln the lower jnrtof the Iioiljlor Tori | Jtlici IItnil.KlicJaiindlco Il77lnc i-0rar j 1'cur ARIIO Liter and Urlnnri Orjjain. I It Is MI i vco'lctit ntitl xifa rctncuy tiir 'JtirliiR I'rcifinncr. It will control Mtnslniillc find Is In 'nltialilo for Lcticonlicca or Kail ny < [ the Wutiih. I Aan Hlooil I'urllkr It In tincnualcil , forttitir the onnhf tint unl.e tlio liloou. j This rcinnlv. whlcli lini ilonc such w'onder , imt up in the I.AUUK.STSI/.ID : IIOTI I.K of > Itncdklna upon the market , nnd N oM liy Urni 'sluts anil nil ik-alcra at SI.25 Per bottle. F < ilialiotci , cniitilu for WAllSKK'S KAKrt Ml. UKTCS t'iml : . Ittial'OSI IVKlluuciU. H. H. V/ARNEF7 Cc CO , Rochester , N , Y. . . _ WAR TH PASSENGEE RATES BROS , nrokcrs In nil Rallroa Tkkctn , Omaha , Xvu. , offer TickoU to the liw until further not ec , at the ful cuing unlurinl ( Low Hates : Chlcajjo , * ll ; Hound Trip , 421.00 , 7hc < o ni llniltcil 1 Irtt-Cliws'IlclictH ntul food fqr rctur throtiL'h lho > ear , nnd > U the Old Ikllablo Cli \ago \ , lliirllngton & Qnlnc ) llailroaJ. Also , on ate NKWYOUK , litclw , 81SOC I I103TON , fto iPOO I'lllLAUEU'HIA di , ISfO WASHINGTON. do 1800 Kor | artlcttlars. wrlto or gn illrrot to HOUllI BltOS. , Dcnlcri In Itcdural Hate ItallroaJ an Steaimhlp Tickets , 609 Ti-ntli St. , Unmha , Nol Ilcniciulicr the place Thrco Uoors North c Un on 1'Aellic Itallroad Depot , I'jiei Kido of Tent Street. jOfauha , ' August 1 , 1SS1 _ BuSWavrli 'LEGAL NOTICE. To Citlnrlno llcdde , non-rcnldcnt dofcndint. Yon nro hereby notilkd that on the 2d day c September , 13S1 , John Kcddo , plalntlfr. filed hi iiclltlon In the District Louit , nithlnanclto OoiiRlu County , Nebraska , n alnst jou as dc ( cndint , the object nuil prjjtr of uliiLh potltlo : Is.toobtaln n dccrco of dhono fiom the bond matrliuonj ulth j oil for the following causes to-Hit : 1st , habitual drnnlcniictsj 2d , extlcm : mclty , and for ( fcncrul relic. , You nro rciiilru'l | to ansvtir tald petition 01 : ho 21th daj of October , 1831. Attorno\s for I'lalntlff. CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( E ) Harness AND Saddlery , Iha\o adopted ( ho Ulon an a Tndo Matk , ani ! limy ( 'oods will bo STAIIPIUI Tilth the LlOIi nd my KA11K on tlio NUIIO. NO QOODS ARE IHNUJNU WITHOUT THK ABOVE STAMPS liobcst material 1 ] used and the iroet skillcc workmen are craploycd , niid at the lowest cast -rlco. - Anyone wishing a prico-ll t of good II1 outer a fa > or by sending for one. DAVID mm MOORE. ioalod proposals for the Construction of Sidewalks. Scaled proposals w 111 lo rp celled by the under Igiitd until Piptcmuer 2D , 1831 , at 12 o'clock loon , for Ihoconstrilitloirof sldoMalkn In front 1 anil adjoining the following lUacriljed prc .JO . ft 11 50ft 1J " " " " fj < i M n ii I' J8 1EJI " " n sldo Harnc } Capitol imldaFarnliain AUo all that pa t ot the cast sMo of 10th street , oUton the no tli shlo ot e > itullar and touth no o' block ono (1) In South Omaha addition , lso all that | rt on the east ddo of lOtli stiect. ct con the Houth line ot Charlcj ttncct anu orth line of blu koiiol ) In faouth Omaha ud- itlon. J , J. I , . C. JEW1HT , 81)22 Ot Cltt Clir'r. ACADEMY OP THU 3AOREDHEART OMAHA , NEH. ! . B. Corner Ofch and Howard. Tlio plan of Studies Ii the same as that pirnucd I all thu Academic * of the Sacred lUnrt. Dlf irenfo In religion U no obstacle to the admU on of JOUMI ; ladles. Tcnus ; Includlnir Itoanl I'ashlng , Tuition and Ii btrumontol Jiuilc , po liiion vf fie month * , JUO. Itefercnccs uro re jlrttl from it'l pomons unknown to tie Instltu- oii , 1'Jr furtnnr Infoinutlmi apply ti The lifht liov. Ulohop o Omaha , or to the Lad > aptrior , BciJdlm If Touara auiMi flf JounraL ofCu liici . r l < r mau of lev cncil bj ttio ttralit ul tmtclUriforermi rtiur Uutlei avolil nlKhv voit > to rei > llmulanU nil u e toro hralniicrv nti Hop Bittoro. Iwutc , uio Hop B. IrulIcrlnBfroinany In- Z rCTJSSl leigni If yotinniinar. ilwt or ulnelff. old ot I I jrouiur , ( ullerlnic from poorbeiltUorlaiigul [ InLf on a Iwd of ick Qcia. iv'r ' a Hop ] iVttora. . „ Tliouunds dto n- * . WUoefcr youw " from tamt irheacicr you f l Hint your y loui icodj clronjOnir , loa- lilt or i.tlmulatliiff , I timely uwivf HboutN/oJ < caf ' bra ° P HopBlttera Ut t.rH ? II Tey nd " , D. I. O. . ) ruri < arufom"- | iU | an absolute , ; | pJ Irntlila. ) t ilia riouiac HOP llklucuro for 'j-nccli , t too a , lldruukfimoii. \t \ > crtirn ntt lluso of opium , Vou will bo Itobaooo. or MI rod If you use llnarcoUu. Hop Bitter * Ifycu are lm lowviilrtted.try NEVER ICUtuUr. tl It may n01'WTTL 3 nvoyour IFA1LI TO CO. , llfo. It hot laved hun xkKirr , S.T , John G. Jacobs , ( Koriuerly of G1A& Jacobs , ) JNDERTAKER. 9. HIT Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob OU rOrJeti by Tclttrapb Solicited p27-lr E 1319 Famliani Street Having decided in future to adhere strictly to the manufacture of Men's Gloves , the well known house of Fisk , Clark and Flagg have closed to us their entire stock of claimed by all who know them to be superior in fsome respects to the Alexander , Trefcrasse or Perinot Gloves. We offer this morning I860 Pairs Best Quality 3- Button Kids at 75c , 700 Pairs Best Quality 4-But- ftoh Kids at $1.00 , 150 Pairs Best Quality 6-Button IKids at $1.25. The Retail Prices for these goods East are 3- JButton , $2.00 ; 4-Button , $2.25 ; 6-Button , $2.50. IRXIBIBOItsrS ! ZRIIBBOlsrS I The sale of Ribbons inaugurated by us m summer met with such [ success that we have secured BETTER BARGAINS for Fall , and open to-day. 500 Pieces Gros Grain Ribbon , all widths , 5c. a yard ; 3500 jPieces Satin and Gros Grain from No. 7 to No. 40 atlOc. ; 75 Pieces Sash Ribbons at 25c , a yard. NOVELISES m DRE8S GOODS ! NOVELTIES IN TRIMMINGS ! In .fact our whole fall stock is now being opened , and we invite attention 5to the largest , cheapest and best stock we have ever shown. S. IP. IMIOIRSIE ! &c OO. , 1319 Farnham Street. United States Depository , NationalBank OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. ' JLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT I > OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) ETA8U81ICD 1856. , Organized as a National lUtik August 20,1803 JAPITAL AND 1'UOriTS OVER 300,00 ( OFFICERS ANU DIRECTORS : iRRMAN KOCSTZF , president. Auae'sTtu KOVNT/K , Vice PrcsHent. II. W. YATM , eJwhlcr. A. J. I'ori'iKTON , Attorney. -J JOHN A. C'RKiauroN. F. II. DAVIS , Aeat. Cashier , Tht bank recoil cs deports without regard I'nount" . 1st tics time certificates bearing IntcrcHt. Draw * draft. ! on San Francisco anil prlnclpi ittcs of tlio United St-itcf ) , also London , Duhln yJinl < iir'i ] and tlio principal cities ot the txjut unit ol Curopo. Sells ussengcr tickets for emigrants by the fn in lino. niavldtf The OWest BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , tranfroutcd same w thit of an Ineor wrated oauk. . _ kept In currency or gold subject tl Irlit iheck v , itliout uotle-o Certificates ot < lt ! | > oit ! ? ucd paj able In three Ix and tueho months , juirlti ' intorcut , or or cinancl without Interest. Ad Minces made to customers on approved sccu iticu at market rated of Interest. Iluy and fell gold , bills of exchange , govern ncnt , state , county and city bond ] . Draw eljriit ilnfti on KngUnd , Ireland , Scot ind , nnd all rarta of Kuropo. Soil European passage tickets. coi.LKcrrioNs PUOMITLY MADR. i > uvldt PROBATE NOTICE. n the matter of the Estate of Ferdinand Thum , deceased . Notice Is hereby given that the creditors ol Id Qtecatcd , wilt mctt the executrix ot wild : sUt" , before me , ( bounty Jud.'C of Douglaa 'ounty , NtbrasLa , at a t'imnty court Itcoro , In aid County , on the 12th day ft Not ember , 1881 , in the 12th day of January , 1SS2. and o i UK- th day of Jloreh , 18S2 , at 1U o'clock a in. e ol I y , for the purpoaa of preccntlnir thtlr claims or uxumli atlon. adjustment and allowance , Iv months are allow e-d for creditors to proMiit heir ilalms , and onucar for the executrix to cttlo bald Estate , from tha 12th day of Scptcm- ier , 1831. tills notice will bo published in TUP ) MAiA WKtkLY llm for four utcks euccossiicly , rlor to thu 12th day of Notcmhrr , 1881. , A. M. CIIAUWICK , te)21. ) 3t County Juilie PKODATE NOTIK , i the matter of the EstatootThomasBlaclmoro , ilccraicd. Notlco U hereby gUcn that the creditors nl aid deceased , v , 111 mctt the admlnlstrix ol said Ibtato , before me , County Judo of Douglah 'ounty ' , Nebraska , at the County Court Iloom , i iiald Ouuiity , on the Ut day ol Koemlrfr , ISil. n the Ut day of January , ifci. and on the 1st ay of March , ISSi. at 10 o'clock a , m. each day , 3r the purK > so ot prtscntiiif tlielr clixlma for cx- mlnatlon , adjustment and allouanco. U lontbH are llo od for creditors to present their lalmi , and ono jcar for the admlnUtratrU to cttlusald citatr , from the Ut dvy ol September , SSI , this notice will be published in Tun Oxiiu k'nihLV Hr.E for four MceksKuccessltely , prior to iio Ut day of November. 1831. IIOWAUD B. SMITH , eollwU Countr Jniliw. D. S. BEIMTON. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AUUACII BLOCK , Cor. Dou lM Uth Bts , Omaha Neb. NITURE ! m i ' i ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRBNCH&CO. , C A R P ETS I G R O C E R S'l POWER AND HAND JJMBC Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MAOHINEUY , nni.TINO , IIOSK. I1KABS AND IKON FITTINGS , PIPE , BTEAM . 1'ACKINOI AT WHOLESALE AND ULTAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND ItETAlL DUALKlt IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LSME , CEMENT I'JLMJXC , 3EX77O. MTSTATE AOENA FOII MILWAUKEK CEUSNTfCOMFANV. Near Union Pacific Depot , , OMAHA , NEB