Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1881, Page 8, Image 8
'I ' h FEE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATTy&uAY , SEPTEMBER 24 1881. 1. DAILY BE Saturday Morniog. Sopt. j 1'ori6 nccomod Uon of our up-t pntrong ftrnxngcmentsliavo been miwlo Kdholm & Krlckiwn , jewelers , opposltt post offlco , where swlvcrtlscmenlfl orxlcrs for the 5ty deHvcry of TliK will be received. AdvertlscmcnU foi evening must be hnmletl In Iwforol th wornitif. edition Iwforo w. , tor ; LOCAL BREVITIES. Pottcwon fffonl. \ \ . DUMIO. Itcllnblo Hatter. Pn-vlerick Ixindins Hnttcr. - ( K 3 bnMnem lota Call on IJcniis Xcw oransea at A. It. ( iladstono'i 4000 rwiacnco lotu JJonim , mrcnt , IBO hoa . ( . ! | i nml loU Bcinia'ngcnt Bcmis' rcnl eatnto bocm. Klrnl A. W. Niwon , Dentist , Jncob'n b Best line of Clftars , at Saxo'e. Smolso Starlton tt. Storms , f Cigar , fttKntm'ii Drug Store only. SoJ Water , better than cvci S&ro's. S&ro's.Bimis' now map of Omaha , 25 c 200 farnw ami 1)00,000 ) ncrea of Bernls , ngcnt. Th ° Lion continuca to rowr tor Mo Harnc i..i'id Saddlery. Kor FIXE Cornntcrclnl Job Prln oil ot THE HEB Job rooms. Blcycla for nalo or trade for n h C T. Cnnan. . Who pays the h licat pvioo for Sc Hand l urnlturoJ Abrahams & Li 1121 Douglas street. BcplO- Prof. W. J. Anders Dnncing Si begins October 4. Sec atlvertisemci another column. aeplO Lieut. Wm. If. H. Crowell , Ct 1 fantry , has been granted leave of nbi fur a mouth. Moit elegant new dtyle * of lint- thoOronha Purlor , Henry . Rid 15th sheet , opi > . postoffice. septlG To the fonncw don't forget to call RBO Doane'a fine lot of hata and ca ; 218 , llth street. * Burt Pierce , foreman painter at 3 climber & Daily's , was made happy ye d y .by being presented with n tv pound girl baby. The Bohemians of this city ycatc nent another 100 florins to Prague to n the completion of the now National t tor. This makca about 8200 already i An expressman a few days ulncc JuRcd to haul n keg of becrto a private deuce , Alleging as a reason that the H trnlTlc was illegal. Kindel & Krclln , Practical lint We Bell ImU and caps cheaper thaif Lo else. You will find it to your vantage to give us n call. soptlS Doane , the reliable hatter war ; - co "you all to-day , giving nwny II.-ICP ' remcmbar 218 , caps at Doono's , etrcct. McOormick is rcmocllini ; his bulk When completed It will liavo a plate-i front. , It in one of the oldest , if not oldest brick building in Omaha. As noon M the equinoxtlala Htriki city the full benefit of the oak crora w being rapidly laid in the various w will b appreciated. Council la spcn $5,000 in tbli way. " Pipe Iiayine Nearly FinUhec Thojvator company yesterday tied od over to the city the romaindorof , difltributin systotn , which inolii tlio territory near Boyd's pad liouso and at the lower end of Tc atroot. The only portion of the torjbpply syatom now romaininp Gotvloto is that on Gaming sti vov of Saunders and Baunrjnra sir Aa jjfl the gradof Itavonow boon oal lishcd out there , work will bo c monccd at once , nnd it is oxpoc that all the pipes will bo laid there tin10th of next month. The en distributing system will then , bo c ploted. _ If obraclta Stata Stenographers' , Delation. The next regular meeting of association will be hold at the law fico of John I. Rcdick , in this < Oct. 5h , 1881 at 7:30 : o'clock sharj The annual election of otlicors the queuing year will take place arrK&BinenU for tbo "banquet" 01 bo considered. Pleaao turn ut and make the 111 ing aploasant one. GKO. W. BOYDBN , _ Spcrplar , Sowing and Reaping- When a young ladv hems Imndkcrcl for a rich Whelor , eho HOWH that the reap. . JVhen aeedsof disease nro pla Uirough over indulgcnco , you can pro tto un-lertakor irorn reaping the bond viloy Spring Blotboin. 1'rico fX ) c trill bottlcu 10 cento. xoptlUeod : Bcantiflcr- Ladies , you cannot make fair a rosy checks and nparkling oyoa ' all the coametica of Franco , or bui Cora of the world , while in ; health , and nothing will give uch good health , strength , buo ; apirita and beauty an JJoi ) Bitters. trial U certain proof , Telegraph.oc oc BURGLARIES Committed at Private E K deuces Thursday Night. The roaidonco of Goo. E. Pritc cu Eighteenth etroot , bolwooa I ham and Douglaa , was burRla Boiffilifrtf Thursday night. Owii the fadi that ono of the childrer i [ iulr , some of the family wore ; ing _ about op-staira during most of the tiniu. The Dur ara iut n number of valuable articles liad them packed up to , take i with them. It is thought that were Beared oil' by Boinothing , for only escaped with a lot of platd vor w ru. | Seine itoHd * silver r had laid out they lo ! ThJIfoiidenco of George Thrall th , mopbr of 10th and Do strf 0tlp aa also visited on a ail miuaion. A quantity of uilvoi and u ( jmall wum of money were at HasEverytbtsiicFaile'd Voi Then try"NYamor'a Safe Kiduoy Tiiv r Cure. 18-1 STAR ROUTE SWINDLi Two Mon Arrested , But Commissioner Fails to Hold Them. . On Monday last Jfaj. John JJ , ray , posloflico inspector , Un Slates jrarfihnl E. L. llicrbowor , United States District Attoi Lambortson. loft for Sidney , N where Marshal Diorbowcr , on c plaint of Maj. Furay , arrested oflicora of the Sidney & 131ack I stage route , which is known as on the alar routes , concerning wl frauds the government han of been taking aumo .vigoroun steps. two men arrested were E. E. Cor superintendent of the Bingo compi mil 0. F. Iddings , the agent nt uoy. The charge made agn theao mou was conspi to fraud the govornii by inducing the postmaster at Sid Fred. E. Clary , and at Deadw Sol , Ilivrr , to make false roturni the postal department an to the [ I of departure and arrival of m The inon were arraigned be United States Commissioner A and the following facto deduced : The line from Sidney to Deadw m two hundred and eighty-seven m over a difficult road to travel , boi succession of mountains and t liills. For this ( service the central Thomas A. McDovitt , who wan dontly a "straw" man rccoivci first ? ! ) ,725 per annum , the mail t carried seven days in the wcok , a aighty-hour aorvico In 1 through Brady , of star-routo not < tyfctno route was ' expedited' ' the cost of § 20,355 , for which 77 mid 288 horses wore to bo omplo According to this arrangement 'mail ' was to bo carried 50 hour ummcr and 05 hours in the fall spring. The postmasters at Sidney Deadwood made their returns the mails were being carried ant riving in the time named. M Furay , in his investigation , came convinced that this fraud , secured auulciont ovidcnc frighten both of the postmasters confessions that they had misro sonted the facts , and obtained ono proof to show that the mails lever arrived at either place on < but once , that they were late f thrco to five hours in sum ind' two to three clays winter. For each hour the mails delayed in winter the govornn loses $1.24 , and for each hour inter tor 81.CD. Postmaster Clary testified to fact that ho had been induced by ' bin and Iddings to falsify his rctu but said that ho had not thought ho was doing any harm. The defendants -voro roprcsci > y Judge Heist , of Sidi who produced several witnesses to tify to the good management of mails nt the Sidney end of the 1 Corbin way also put on the stand. were that all ho had requested of postmasters was that they bo as | orous as possible with the compi but that ho did not ask that tin turns bo falsified. Iddings waa not sworn , but issistod the poatmiwlor to make the returns. District Attorney Lambortson ippcaring for the government , m in able argument before the conn noncr. That official , however , thro onto mysterious chain of logic , jnnblo to see that aufliciont ovide tad been presented to hold the p mcrs , and so discharged them. Both Corbin and Iddinga will bo 'cstcd ' again and arraigned bol Jnitod States Judges McOrary Dundy at the November term of "c ( in this city. In the collection of donco Major Furay was ably assii > y Marshal Biorbowor , and Dist ttornuy Lambcrtson made out n hich it is clauucd would liayo 1 : io prisoners in 'any unprejud ourt. ; a Grocery. Thieves broke into the side ranco of J. MoVittio'fi grocery s t Eleventh and Farnham sir OHIO time Thursday night and for pentho money drawer niado away i uout $3 in nickels which it i nincd. Nothing else was distui far as could bo seen. Eutn ran effected by forcing open the < ith a jimmy. LEG BAIL. Colored Man Takes it Ft the County Jail. Yesterday Oharloy Miller , i i the county jail , had a coupli irisonors in the yard at work , f thorn , a big negro who had 1 out to jail for drunkenness , orking the pump for awhile and nally replaced by another priao rltller turned his back for a mom ud as ho did so the colored man ; an to use his legs in the moat vi us manner. Miller had scar urncd hia head botoro. the negro mlf n block uway. The jailer round the building for the pur if hoadinc the prisoner off. bu his ho failed. ] ] o chnsod the n or five or six blocks , but wai rvofully distanced that ho finally jp in disguat. The o prisoner loafed quietly ivbout loomed to enjoy the chase with keenest relish. The negro bos yet been recaptured. His would hixvo expired , the jailor by Sunday , and ho would have released to-day. ' i Notice. There will bo n special ineetin lluth Itobocka Degree lodge No , thia Saturday evening at 7:30 o' sharp , to transact such business ai coinp before the lodge. D , A. PiKiioy , N. . .I , i , . . . . . - . -i . . Society Notice , All members of Omahu Council 320 , A. Lof IT , are requested t present at their meeting next Jay evening , Da there is buaiiv iinportanco. Also degree work B. E. KOOEIIK , Bocrota A Uul package of "BLACK-DRAUC charge. At F 0. OoodmiE Ilubonuann for watch work. The Military Ousorviuioo. The following order haa bcon p .ulualed from military hea'liuart t Washington : The remains of the hxlo prcsidi if the United Slates will bo inter in Monday , the 20th instant , at Clc and , Ohio. The secretary of lircctn that labor on that day bo t leudcd at nil military posts , and 11 public works under the dircctioi Jio war department. The flags at nililary poslfl , htalions , forts , tin nga and vessels , will bo kept nt li uast during the day , and ut 1'2 o'cl itcridian twenty-one ininuto g nil bo fired from all forte , and nt nilitary poatfl , and at the milil icadcmy , . "PLEASANT HOURS.1 Annual Meeting and Elect of Officers. The Pleasant Hours club hold t nnual business meeting last over i the 33ord of Trade rooms. It ully attended. The following elli ore elected for the ensuing twi lonths : 0. E. Squires , preside . Mi llosi , treasurer ; \V. F. Mel in , secretary. The following executive conimil as appointed : A. E. Touzalin , B elm B. Furay , Lieut. Foot , E. &CK President Squires responded i : ricf speech. This ia the eighth ti f that gentleman , which IB a litl cstimonial to both his high so ualitics and 'his ability to pro ; racefully nt the imo receptions of lub. lub.An announcement made by resident was grodtod with applai t was that Uoyd's opera he ad been secured for oming season's ' parties. Tli ) aciou dressing rooms on the tl oor will bo provided , one for the ( onion nnd two for the ladies. < itheso rooms the largest will tied up with $1,500 worth of fu ire , and bo a perfect gem in wa ; ppointmcnts. The following are the dates of ' mrtics for the coming season : . ember 2 , November 18 , Dccombc ) ecembor 30 , January 25 , 1882,1 uary 21 , April 10. The party gi ) eccmbcr 30 will bo the centon arty given by the club , and oxtr : inary efforts will bo made to man ot only the social event of the i on , but the greatest which Om as over scon. The club opens oar under Hollering auspices i vith a largo membership. Now Trap Shooting A now thing has come into larkot for sportsmen , which , it in o hoped , will in preab part do a\ ith the "slaughter of thoinnocon : ia a red clay nhcll , and it ia E rom the trap in such a way that oncavo side shows toward the g or. A Irap will easily c.uiso om icso shells or discs to sail upwi \actly as a pigeon Hies , for fortj ity rods away. They therefore jrd an excellent mark. Four mi era of the sportman's club , Mcs ughcs , TJruckor , Halhaway i [ ills , shol at the now "pigeons'13 jrday. Tlio scores didn't run cry high , but the boys had plenty un , and they dcclaro the invontio uccess. _ ARPY DISTRICT COUP A. Motion to Quash Two of \ Liquor Indictments. Considerable intercut haa been racted toward the Sarpy county i ict court , by reason of the ind outs against liquor dealers in i ounty. Ono dealer pleaded guiltj 'hursday ' and received a sentence 150 fine. Yesterday two cases -n rought before the court on a mot j quash the indictments. Argum as heard and decision reserved u iday. John O'Lcary , Sr. , indicted _ for ; ault and mayhem against Kapi 1m Bohemian , was tried. No i once of mayhem was presented , I'Leary was convicted on the elm f assault with deadly weapon , ill bo sentenced to-day at the st uio with hia son , John O'Loary , . ho pleaded guilty. Court will probably adjourn te nd the.liquor cases may go over 'i another term. All of the aaloona iu Papillion w ileaod yesterday except ono kept b uaty Gorman , named John Xunn man , who ia reported to have BW hat ho wouldn't close up if " oyful and his grandmother cc rouut. " His sales yesterday amoi d to thirteen koga of beer , and oilier ilhulviscd pluck is paying 1 oil temporarily at least. i * Worthies * Stuff- Not ao fast my friend ; if you cc oo the strong , healthy , bloom ion , women and childion tlmt h loon raised from beds of aiukn uHcring and almost death , by .so . of Hop Bitters , you would f 'Glorious and invaluable romoii Memorial Service * As President Oarfiold waa n m or of the Christian church , there 10 memorial soryicea conducted hat.chuich in thia city next Sun morning. In the evening the jw will preach on the religious fait the departed president , The pub ] iordially invited to the meetings. FARMEUSAND MECHANIC ! / If you wish to avoid great dai ind trouble , besides a no BUI all f oxpouso , at this sooapii of the > you should take prompt stops to I disease from your household. Astern should bo oloansod , b purillod , slomaoh and bowels ro ; bed , and prevent and euro ( list uiaing from spring malaria , \\a\\ of nothing that will BO perfectly tmroly do this as Electric Bitters , ivt the trilling cost of fifty cents a Uo. [ Exchnngo. Sold by Ish & MoMahon. ( DIED. MURPHY-Sopt. 23 at 11 a. iu. J Dantol , son of Mr , and JMra. Mur age D yean. l-'unerul Sunday at 2 p. in , from Jence 20th and 1'Jcrco elreetx , 1'rlcni tiled , ROSH-H SHANA. rho Jeyjiah New Year I Cclobrntion. ljt SlfrniBtainco , Purpose * and Events it Commomorntci , To-day ia the Jewish Now Year , ing the first day of the lunar tn < Tishri. It is being generally cclo ted and observed all over the w by all orthodox Hebrews. It bt it sundown last evening and < with sundown to-day. All of the ) closed their places of business evening and will keep thorn oh during the day. Services were 1 in this city last evening , and will continued to-day. Upon this day the orthodox bol that the record of their conduc jopon and their sum as well as t virtues nro balanced , that the ri aoua are predestined for the con year to hfo , health and prospei ind the wicked nro destined to : fortune nnd porhapi death. But evil decrees from this record mnj be changed , providing that the sii will rcpont , and endeavor by chn uid prayer to counteract his deeds. On nlonoment day , howe ton days' hence , thn dusliuy of n irrevocably fixed , and the decrees 'scaled. ' I Duforo the destruction of the T pie all sins were atoned for by sr iicca upon the altar and throtiuh intercession of the priests. Since captivity , however , the annual destination doctrine has bcon mat part of the cardinal faith , and based upon a very touching tradit which ia incorporated in the pray Some three nundrcd years ago Germany , a very pious rabbi maimed by having his legs sawed ibccauBO ho refused to change his fa On the evening of this holiday ho [ himself carried to a synagogue placed in a box in front of the sun nry , and m this position , being prop up , he uttered a prayer which iu e atanco declares that the Lord , u this day , rises in judgment over n kind. The deeds of all men pass fore Him , and Ho decrees whol their authors shall live or die , prosperous or impoverished , po m the ilamo or in the water , or happiness or sutler misery , timely prayer , charity and repents may change ihc-oyil of His subl decree before the verdict ia sealed This now year's day , besides bi the judgment day , is also common .itivo of the emancipation of sla which was proclaimed in Judea o\ iflicth year , a ram's horn b < jlovm and the words shouted : " 1 claim liberty throughout the lar Although the emancipation was ] claimed upon thia day , it did not t Inal clt'ect until tho. atonement t when all slaves , either by birth , ( turo or voluntary servitude were free. The blowing of horns is : observed in every ynagof although other , traditions 1 : ucon connected with this c mony. The aorvico is very solei directed mainly Inward a general view of the frailty of man , his u dependence upon.Proyidenco , and necessity of purification , both of body and the soul. There is also usual reading of chapters from Old Testament bearing upon this < Ono of these passagea ia that of prayer of Hanna for a son , and inawcr to the prayer in the birtl Samuel. O ' ' A CARD. OMAHA , NKTJ. , Sept. 12 , 188 ] To wlinm It may Concern : This ia to certify thai for the ] eight months , I hnvo Buffered fron ncuto attack of uuiatie rhoumaii Part of that time 1 wni unable to ; form my daily labor , and dui most of the time J Imvo bcon the tim of constant pain. After trj avcry known remedy , and having cured the best medical treatment t the city could afford , without any parent relief , I began to consider case hopeless. In this emergency , I was asaurct a friend that Dr. John Moaghor , ' md lately arrived in Omaha , made a specialty of rheumatic al cior.s , and I was strongly advised ire him a trial. * I have done BO , now , in justice to Dr. Meaghor , well as all those who may bo afllii is I have bcon , I make the fclaten public that I am cured scarcol ; truce of sciatica remaining. I convinced that Dr. Meaghcr's tr uiont of any form of rheumatism ni : > o necessarily successful , if the dent adheres to the rules and. ttructioim given him. JOHN llusi Dr , Measlier can bo found at iouth 12thfitrcot. It A TOUR BY NOBILITY Canada's Governor Gone Coming to Omaha. Two special cars were taken f the Rock Island road ycstoi ind attached to the Unbrt Pa tram westward. In ono ivoro Sir Sidney AVatorlow , London , a member of pa mont ; hia BOH , Paul " \Vn\er ind hia two daughters , Misses H md Celia. The party came f Quebec aud will go through to Pranoisco. They were accompai from Chicago by Mr. St. John , 01 ho Rock Island directors , . Another special car waa attache the U. P. train , which ia bound Ogden , where it will bo pli \t the disposal of the ornor-gencral of Canada , Mar ) f Lorno. The Governor General present in the British dominion. ia accompanied by a party of four relatives nnd members of the nobi They will return via Omaha andp ibly remain in Uiis city a day or _ _ , , | _ . . - n * Nourlv a Miracle E. Aacnity Hall , Dlughanipton , N writcnj " 1 sulTered for several mi w" a dull pnlu through the left lunj hv Uloru. I lout my spirits , nppetlti xdt ami could with ditlicuUy kee ; * 11 day. My mother procured BOJUO DOCK llLOOi ) BmEius ; I took them n reeled , and have felt no l > ahi nlnco week nit r utiu ? them , nud am now i well. " 1'tlco ? 1.00 , trial ho 10 W cent roil. * Two Raoo * Today. The fever heat to which the ow : of local ' 'stoppers" have suddenly i on can bo laid directly nt the dooi the stnto fair managorH , who wore ipircd by some mischievous gcniu ctol up a roadster's class. Hank H' ' bergcr , whoso horse wns distance that contest , has surprised ha ! ri by turning about and winning tw thmo private matches , nnd has an bor of more on hand , aud Iho boys beginning to suspicion that ho playing them for bole. To-day at driving park there will bo lota of over two races , ono between G. Wright's horse nnd Uornborger's , the oilier between horses owned Dennis Cunningham and Phil. ! Shano. They will calcli quite aero PITCHED FROM A BUGC Little Millie Groff Sever Injured Yesterday. Millie GrolT , daughlcr of Lo\m Grotf , of the law firm of Grou" & M ornery , met with a very serious cidcnt yesterday. She is qener driven to school by her father on way to the oflici1. Yesterday t left their homo , corner of Gooi and Coburn atreets , later than UKI [ n order to reach Iho high scln where Millie nltouds , before scl time , Mr. Groff drove very rapii On turning the corner on to Mary's avenue , Millie , who sat on edge of the so.xt , was thrown from bugtry between the wheels and badly cut in the face , wl her leg nnd nrmyoro' sovci bruised bcforo the horsu could stopped. As soon as pcssiblo slip ' iixtricatod from her perilous posit ! ind carried intern , house near by. . CofTinan waa hastily summoned i made an examination. Ho said bones were broken , and advised the ho bo taken homo at onco. This i lone Millie is an nttractivo gir bout 12 years , nnd popular with jcsmpauiona as well as with others \ iknow her. PERSONAI * . Mrs. Paul Ruinsey and daughtur left lay for Sidney. P. H. Sharp , leaves this afternoon fc busineas trip to Chicago. Jcfcse Blackburn , of Liucoln it ) at Creighton. W. Hnydcn and wife , of ChiciRO , staying at tha Witlmell. CJcorgo Berry , ot O'Neil City , a Et route contractor , ia in town. Col. Martin , of General Crook's st arrived froru the west yesterday. Col , Hooker , the fltock ngcnt of Hock Island road , went westward Jay. Jay.Will Will Connolly , on artUt , of Shenandc [ n. , ia in Omaha , visiting his brother , Connolly. Senator Saundera and wife left for Cl < land yesterday afternoon to attend'Pi ilentGarfield's funer.vl. A quiet wedding" West Point , N brought two guests to the Creightou he to-day , H. D. Gallant ! nnd wife. Mibs Allio Powers , left this morning Wisner , where eho will handle tlio rein government in one of the schools in t vicinity. Mrs. M. Donavan has been lying e ouely ill for some time past at the Ore ton house. The lady ia now in a fair \ to recover. The following persons are registerci the Witlmell , among thin morning's vals : G. W. Hulst , V. T. Price , of lumlws ; J. M. Dimmitt , of Laramie , A Per. ; Sol. Siegel , of Salt Lake. I Sir Samuel Baker , the renowned Afri ijxplorcr , was on board the arriving o' land train yesterday. Ho waa accoir nied by his wife , with whom ho has h making an extended western tour. Tlio following are registered ct Witlmell : Mrs. J. T. TUoclleclc , of ! : neyj Lieut. 0. H. Boughtcu. of the t teil States army ; G. A. Scaright , of Cl cnne ; W. S , Smith , wife tnd fcon , of C Jale ; J. II. Allen , of Denver. W. E , Phelps and wife , Mrs. J. P. " \ pent and daughter May , and MissHai worth , all of Slanx City , nro at Creighton house. Vincent & Phelps the contractors for the railroad worl progress between this city and Blair. Tlio following nro registered at the ' . tropolitan : 1" . W. Dick , of North Pla P. t' . Carpenter , of DCS Moincs ; L. Cooluy , of Farmington ; Thos. Price Lincoln , nnd Kuv. II. Cook , of Jessnp , | Tlio latter gontlernan isa coinniercial t : elcr , and at the name time a preachc oniu note. At the Grcighton house : K. Gary , iChicngo ; A. 0. Wnto and wifo. Mh olie , Minn. Mrs. Lynian lllclmnlson aud daugh Iss Mii'nic , Uft thli < afternoon for u { weeks' visit cast. The Metropolitan's register bhcmti : A. Drown , of Grand Rapidu , Ia. ; 1 [ Charles N , Gate , of Columbus , Neb , ; JN. Prceman , of North Plalle. J. P. Flood , the bonanza king and li > f the great mining linn of Flood , O'lir Mackcy & Fair , nnd aho the head of Nevada bank , is expected boon from , 'rancisco , and he will probably inak top in Omaha. Superintendent J. F. Clark , Dlvl Superintendent P , J , Nicholu , nnd K. Morsomnn , general manager of the U rcqt * , aril\cd ycetcrdi.y afternoon f in extended trip of observation over Jniim Pacific road. They report ev hingo. k. The following are some of Iho late li inivuls at the Witlmell house yeitei afternoon and evening : F , P. Irelani Nebraska City ; U cargo L. llanier , Preston , Ia , ; J , M , Timelier , of Ft , . ' braraA ; , G. Lasoolles , of Sioux City A. lUelmrdsorj , ol Chicago. Tlio follow inj ; persons are Btoitpio the Canfield house : Byron Clark , of pillion i M. C , Smith nnd wife , nnd Bruton , ulicrilf of Dodge county , Frein S. B. Lawrenca nnd A. 0 , Drown , of coin ; 0. M , Uopp , of Wahoo ; Miaj I tlughea , of North Platte ; Leon Stroni ! Florence ; J. C. Dlackburu , of Lincoln " BLACK'pnAUOHT" cures cost ness urd ijlck-lluadackel Brief DomoHtta Felicity' Sun Chung Lung , the cckslial | tlemnn who uovolea his tnlciit to Wo of tea , got married a week [ to a white lady. Last night his ' left him. It wns nt first thought to si mou pure love match , but it sc there were two minds in the snim liancc besides incompatibility of t per , and the house divided agaius lielf of course had to fall. OMAHA MEDICAL COLI/EGI Fall session begins Oct. 10 , U Address G. D. Avnr.3 , M. D. , Sei "Tho llovoro llouso Counct HI ia the best second-class hotel in rest. " nuirl7-li SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Unit , FounJ , Wants , IJoanllni , tc. , will I wrted In these columni once for TEN Cf per line ; each ib cqucnt Insertion , FIVECl per line. The firjt Insertion ncncr less rWESTY-FlVE GENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. ONiV TO I-OAN-Cltukson li Hunt , 2) ) M 14th Street. 211 MM ONEV TO t.OAN-CalUt LiwUlllcco M : L. Thomas ItooiuS , Crol''hton Block , To loan at from Sto 10 pen " on uood roil tatcsccurlti till , ISAAC UDWAUIH , 1100 rarnhatn St. KH f\f\f\f ° LOAN At 8 per ccr tll.UUU li-rcst I" sums of 2,600 arJs , for 8 to Syaixro.on drst-ilv-a city farm property. Hrsns UEAI UITATII and I \oxvcr. 16th and Doutthi St . HELP WANTED. ' Situation \book-kecpor rhy WANTKO ed lady. Oood references Irrm J It. , lice OIHcc. 77-2 A woman who con dollghtha WANTED and care for a child. Add re1 tl on Mrs. II. 0. ricrco , Ko. 714 North 18tl C8-t ( Uy fifteen-year olil boy I WANTED , place to work for board anil w , ago to school , willing to work. Itctcro r en. AdlrcMl ) . , thUcllk-o. 75-21' Situation by a young mat WANTED II. MANNWE1LEII , lltli St. , "arnhnra and Harncy. 71 2 Immedladcly , a woman bctv WANTED of 1ID 11 30 , with some small m tnd In Kood standing in tiBO'Mcty PS partner Ifo Call or address L. Buergcr , corner : ind DoJKc. 73-24 * "ANTED A flrst-cl'is.i ilounlo entry b W keeper. Address P. O. Box 23. 7 WWANTED Ily a respectable youn < r n WANTED as cleric or porter In hotel ; wll o work at am thlnir respectable and light Iresa 0. L. V. , Ccc office. 74-2 A woman coolc. Jnqulra WANTED lit 020 ilarney St. , bet Oth 10th. 7o-tf Fifteen flr t class carpenl WANTED \\i.'ca paid. Apply at 0 House , corner 1'arulium and lOtli. SIIA FIELD. 07-23 | VirANTED A No. 1 Rood mil for M Tf work , will pay good wages. Chvi. K iicyer , Hoot and Shoo Dealer , 1515 Dodge CD- A situation by ancxperici WANTED nnd burr dresser. Apply tot llreet. Central City. Neb. 01-21 * Button hole mikcr * , at WANTRD . Cfl-28 \TITANTED Boirdtrs at ii08 Cas St. YY 67-24 Two or three day hoarder ! WANTED family. Inquire 1C09 Davoi'1 .trcct. 40-27 \XrANTED An experienced and trusty V V 'or general housework , tuia'I fauillj ; IVtbster St. S5- ! Woman cook. To a first ( WANTED uaRci will be paid. Call nt S. coracriuth and Davenport. & 3-2i * \TrANTED Carpcntsrs to build 25 cottas W contract. 1100GS &H1I.I. . VTTANTED Manufacturing concern wan YY business man In Omaha and In evi > ry not already taken ) . A few hundred dorlara Pessary to pay for gnodi onlolh cry after or mvo beeiue-urcd tor tho.samj ; S150 per mo iroflt cuarantced. Tno most searching in > ration solicited. A. 8. AIlhOLD & , CO. , ilroadnaj.NcwTork. sc21flt 'A.NTED-Oood sccona girl at 1S18 Chl < street. 4Mf \TTANTED A good girl about 15 , to ansla YV aiturc. Jlust come with good retire \ddrcf3 SlcrLhants , City. 39-tf TANTED HouseUcercr , IIOJ Farnbam W up stain. 30-tf Ww ANTED Oood fecond girl at southv w corner 19th and llurt St. 35-tf Situation by y'iins man wil WANTED at any respectable business. Ircas A. , Ileo onice. 45 21 * ANTf'D Woman cook at tkc Km W House. 33 tf Ww > ANIED-01rl at 2GOJ Dodge street. w 970- ANTED flirting room girl , at the D < W ; House , opposite Hcu ottko. 974-tf "ANTED KespcUable tmplo > mcnt by ] W band and wife. Addrc-sl1. P. C.lei 077. > -Dy M. W. Hartlgan , proprlcU the Missouri Valley lloilcr Works , Om Soli. , four llrbt-cUst ) bollcr-umkcrs. No o icctl apply. Bmt wages | aid. M. W. HA1 055-tf MN. _ _ To rent , by a newly mar WANTED bcforu Nov. 1st , a email cott entrally located. Address llo. m U , Crelgl llotl : . _ fl ANTIID Gill at 11S3 North 10th St. , W houeu north ot brldga. H. B. 111100 ! T0 experienced cooks , til 1 : WANTKD thirty table waiter * , during v > l r-tato fair. Kiinuiro of O. T. JIOUNT. 812-tf HITArnbain ! Fundlni ; bridrje aud school bo WAN1KD Clark , 11 Jle\uc. 20 FOR RENT-HOU8CO AND LAHD. rurnUhed roomi wither v POHIIVZST , 1117 llo otd Ht. 03 T OHllENT Two pleasant front roomu , i i ) ab'o for man and vl'e , at No. 316 N. 14th J t lde. bet. DA\cnport and Chicago , Knq C3-24 , in prenmci riOUUENT New rottaca roomr ; Ilaml JL tit. , 8 blo'ika from struct car. 1'osses Oct. 1 , $20amonthinadtaiici ( , A. C. ' " WA " ' UY. KENT Two furnUhcd rooms , No. Foil sUcet. 63-83' ITiaK UENT A new cottage with thrcu ro 1 } jnit llnUhcd. Inquire on premise * , 30th btt. Varnhain and Douglas , -0 lltNT Just finished two flrat class t FOK brMk houses , U ami 0 rooms , ti nd tetncntcd cellar * ; ? 10 mouthy in adiai W.M. UOailMAN. H. E. corner IMh and D < l Sts. . OiJ KENT i furnished rooms over cliints' Exchinio , K. li , ccr. 10th and U itrcets. VM Oil KENT Onu room with board , IbW fornla street. 73i KENT Eleirantfurnlshed rooms , llet FOU price * , brick house , iOJ3CMbt. o FOR BALE. SALE A peed milch cow , No. 1C6 FOR . , bet. IJou.'lat and Dodgo1 7i T7\OU \ SALE Sinn largo J ouog hones h ; JJ L. Thomas. Ci I70H HALE 1 flrtt-class cabinet orifan , 1 > cheap ; nearly new. Imjulro Milton lit i 801)4 i1' " ft"J "f"liam St. W SALE-Abont SOO cubic jards of FOIl ' corner 20th and Cum lit. Ini VH\vi { J iSPEOIAL HOTIOES-DontlPnod 8A1.B Four ncrw ol linrt n ir water 171011 < * tc'cnolr , nlio two rotUprci on Capllct lilll. Add. ANDnhWUhVlNS.lSOO Douglas fcU SALE A tariro , commodious , new , Iwo- cll ! jrood Inca Ion , ncAr homo can , full lot with met , v ell , tMern. tic Terms rcssoniVc. Knriulre o' P. W. Uof , King SI. , bet. ClituHsunJ Sewftnl Sis. 027-S RICK it s B ESTABtlOOK * COR. . . . aA'.E A "inMI inlineII. . W. I'.vynn k SonVinakc. In perfect osdcr. Inquire of II , ( J. Clark&J * > . 80-H S ALB Leato and funnturn ot a * tnt-cli * > hotel In a tow not 1SOO InhtbltanU , In ttata ol Ncbratki ; has 4 bcd < ; the traveling men's ro- lOrt. Inquire at DKK office. , S1S-U TTtOlv SAt.B Maps of Douclis atid Sarpy coun- L tics. A. ltOSE\VATKItlC20Karnh ra trcnt 320f AflNeat houi-c and lull lot , 12 blocks from 1' . 0. at $000. JOHN I , . MrUAirit , 712 tl Opp. 1'ostolllco. SAIVE Kino slock farm ol 400 acrts FOU ( -ood liouso , catlla ulioil , orchard 4c. , with n tuy reach of railroad. Price , $4500 , uar .lino nt OX. JOHN L. McCAd UE , Oi > p. f'ost MII r / I- SAM ! Neat cottage and KOOI ) lut at POIt . JOHN L. McCAUUE Opp. l'O. _ . AND LANU Ucrnls rent * tion-p , HQVsr.3 , hotel * , farir OU , htidn , offices rooms , ilc , Sou 1st jugr 171011 SALE ( JooJ iiousovith lour rooms nn < i L1 half lot , No. 2013 Uodirc hetwcm EUtli and iitli street. Good ni.1l and shada tries ; hou i In .rood condition. Inquire on premises. 221-U ' . Ana rruasom reputed by M. u HCltUTT llth and Furnannts. 7EOU MISCELLANCOU8. GKALEDPUOl'OSALSWm be received until O OU. . , 1&31 , atho odlec of Mowt. II. C. Stcclu & JuhnKon , No. 1313 Douglas etrcot , Onio- lii , fortonitructliiKa brick utoro building on tbo corner of Ninth and Jonc * ts. ; 3 titorles high \lKActhc basement. I'lanx nnd f ] > edllc\titn < ! may bo seen at the olllce of 1 ] , A. 1 unlor , archi tect , 317 13th St. I ! ) 0 niUVATE IN8T11UOTION3 In Frcnih , Qcr J. man , and Latin. I'rol. Henry W Ueck , 1207 Jackson St. KK-oc8 ) ALE1) UAY-At A. H. 3aiidor'B JVd Store , 1013 Harncy St. slU-U | 7 < URNtSUED ROOMS-Ileaaonable rates tt L 1717 Cumlugs , bet. 17th and Ibth strcotf. 894 tt _ _ HOUSK TO UKNT Bcstjurt cl the city , FINE rooms , bath-room , water-ilctet , gut fur- lace , Ac. N , Shelton , 1613 Karnhum St. 162S ftAI.L AT MRS. B. E. CLAHKE'3 No. 1 U Ing Ucui * , cor. 18th and ledge 8t . Ucot nth * city _ 510-U _ . ' TELLKK AND MEDIUM Mm. Eliza tells past , present and future in love ind all affairs. She ret cab the dvcpcat secrcU of .he hcnrt. She iioesta ca the magnetic pow er to 'ulflll all j our w n-hc.i Call at No. 322 corner IGt-i ind Chicago street. _ r\MAHA Umnsroui : llaa for rale a > l kinds \J of Foreign and Domestic Birds , also Bird Kanclcry goods , at 104 South 10th St. , between Douglas nn Dodge. EMIS has rattling lonij lii-ts of houM.- , lot B lands aiid farma for sale Call and got ilipm. UUOM. ote 1 BOEMIS' OEMIS' NEW CITV MAPS,25c. Sec lit paso , 'HAKEN UP A red cow. Oftner can hue the JL s-imc by pro\in property and laying : hargcs. FKAN01S ROBBI.NS , Saimdors ana 3rato St9. u21-e iMIS' KEAL tSTATn EXCHANCJE. S B " l t pairc. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. K\ cry bed v in Council Bluffs l WANTED TilK IEK , 2i cents per neck , dc- h crcd by carriers. Oillco comer lir adway ami vlain , up stain , Council Bluffs. CUMf \TTANTED-To buy 100 tons ( broom corn. YY Tor particulars address Council Bluff * ttroom Factory , Couuiil Bluffs , Iowa M-2lrtf ANTED A coed carpenter at once Ap ply Mynster Adams , Council P.luffe , iowa. C59-2U' 1 A flret-claRg broom tier. Jtayne WANTED Council Bluffs , Iowa. COO SO * A boy to do chores at Uyn teri W flslicry , Council Bluffs , 8fll-2 ! > * WWANTKD liooj girl for Ren. ral hoiifiowork. WANTKD Mj natcr , Council DlufTa. COZ tf YXTANTED A situation by a flrst-class n > lller. \ V Had 20 > eus experience. UnOerstaniU ild anil new processes. Speakn rniil h and Jtmian and aiqualnted ultn ktenm and wutor > wcra. Can uho : he best of reference. Will onicon trial at any tluio. Address 11. H. , Box 1611 , Council muffs , U. 9 25 V1 * airciitlenuin ol exrwienceand WANTKD habltt , a position with a firm , ilthcr as clerk or t > travel , llu crcnco given. I. * WATKINS , Council Hluffj. 012-E9 PAl.l ( ( on or addre n Potter * Palmer , 40 S-outh ( j 5th ktrect Council IflurTs , lows , for rill- oad tickets ca t. west , north nnd south. Chloajo 110.00 Hound trip819.00 Bury tickU Kuar- intced , and tickets bousht , eoU and exchanged . aujlT-lm Two experience 1 booh solicitors WANTED and Utah. Addrcs * P. O. ) OX 1214 , Council IluT ! , Iowa. K90-21 * 'i ' fo Contraotora , Builder * and Property O rnors. The undctgltfncd having been appointed ajent or the evtciisUe iron andnlro manufuc'urini ; louseH of K. T. Barijum , of Detroit , and the < UBi > cl Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , > hlo , capacity of M tons dally , Is prepared to UrnUh estimates and prices far Iron columns , tc. , &c. , for store fronts , window capu and sills , hrtdbold iilaUs. wrought Iron beams and gird- : rs , hjdraulic eloMitors , ttapli ! fittings , ' imlloya , iiiafting , &o. ; also Iron fences , crestlnir , VID- law guards , ahutterf , sUlrB , balconlts , eettecs , . .hillsateu ) , aiquartuma , fountain * , summer louses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornamr nts , lower stands , gra > e guards , &c. , & > ' . .in cndlosa aricty. Catalozuos supplied on application. llfvNHV 11. llAHKY , f llanufacturers' Agent , 22 I earl street. aiulO-ltu me Council niuffn , lovrai BDWAED KDBHL , JAOISTKR OK PAI.MYSTE11V AND CONDI ; riONALIbT , 403 Tenth Street , between Kurnhnm ind Ilainoy. Will , with the aid of guardian ipirlte , obtain for any ono a tilanre at th ] wv Mid present , and on certain conditions In the fit- , iiro. Itoota and Hhoes uudo to order. IVrfect latUUctlon Ruarantccd. auI8-lro 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Or pe Cr m T rUr. No other arpatloD makes uch light , flaky hoi breadf , nxurloui pastry. Can be enttn liy Dj ifvpUc UVout fear ol thellU re ultlng Iroin heavy Indl t t'.blo food. Hold only In ami. by all Groc n " ' CO JinVAT.iUKIKOII'OWpHIt