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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1881)
THE OMAT-TA DAILY BEE : SATUJRJDAY SEPTEMBER 24 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Record of Events on tlio East Side of tlio Missouri , Topics of General Interest to People Living Thoro. An Editorial CnniuR and Otlior Matters SKVKIIKI ) HIS rOXXKCTIOX. Next week , S. W. Moorlionit , editor ) of The Nonpareil , severs lai'eonncc- lion with paper. Per Ion lonjr "years Jio lias sloocl ii | the lircncli nml in.-infully , anil wo inny add powerfully defended and advocated tlio principle ] for liicli hia paper has fought. Mr. Moorhcad is yet n young man. IIo isj a thinker of no mean capacity t nnd oino of his best work has been upon general topica of A higher order , tlml. * ns soniotiinca evoked the Inkiest en- coniums from his readers. A gcntlo man of calm tcmporrnont , antiablo in1 Iiia intcrcourso with liis follow ninn , could not , ( is ho did , but win tlio es teem ami respects of those with whom both socially mid in business ho was thrown in contact. Wo understand that ho contomnlotcsj taking n now field of usefulness. Having studied for some yearn the profession that in early lifn hcj marked out to follow , that of a physi cian , ho determined to abandon every thing else and devote his entire time to preparing himself to grasp the "apatula. " After taking n course of practical study Mr. Moorhead will return turn to this city. As yet ho js undecided cidod as to where ho will locate permanently - manontly , but it will bo 'either hero , Omaha or Kansas. Wherever ho goes ! the best wishes of his friends will ; follow him. SCAUCKLY 8UCCEKDKI ) . An Irishman won outwitted by nlfui Frenchman in this city Friday niorn-Bmo ing. This being the first case of tholpul kind w'o hasten to place it upon rcc-lbu ord. It sooma that Mike Nolan , wholrcf lias occupied ono of these long framofcat tore buildings that otood on Burn ham & Tulloy's lot on Broadway , us abnoi saloon , received orders to roinoyo tholth building. Ho decided to move itjilli across Main street next to Frank'n house , situated on the cor-Bthe nor of Main street and Willow avo-Bbo nuo. Mike , who posseted some ofltho the native Irish wit , oithcr know him-l self or was informud that under thuunl city ordinance to move n building within the iiro limit ho would Lo obliged to procure permit from the owners of the proportyj where the building waa to bo placed. .Miko was too sharp to believe that thu Frenchman would give hia con sent , so ho gives it out that ho is go jug to move the building on to a vacant lot. near the transfer. Now , Mike know if ] ho once got his building on to the lot unbeknown to the Frenchman he ] would bo all light. So when ho dis missed his crow Thursday night lie ] made arrangements with thorn to been on hand at 1 o'clock Friday morning unless there was a light burning in ( lit Frenchman's window , but if all wan dark and still to approach the building and with , sharp , quick work all would bo over before the ; French man could make and recover hi senses sufficiently to distinguish aj frame building from anything olso. The hour of 1 came. It waa now the dead of night , when half the world ; including the Frenchman's family , waa wrapped in quiet roposo. Mike came first around the corner ; creeping irom various hiding places canto ull the rest. Work Was begun in good earliest. The building began to move , when Mike dincried a short , broad- shouldered man standing in the dark ness on the sidewalk strangely attirud. It seems that the Fionclmanj ) had been warned in time , hearing thi noise outside. Ho nroso , hastily put on what ho supposed to bo his pant it > but what proved to bo his vest. lit hcd slipped ono leg into each armhole - hole , and buttoning it around the Dwelled portion of the ' 'front part o his back , " hurried forth into thi darkness and presence of the astound ' d and outwitted son of Erin. "Votit you do hero ] " asked the Frenchman , "Purty smart you tonka , Frcnchy , " ! : roplird the Irishman , and kept right on tolling the men to "hcav ahead. " The Frenchman at once wunt up town'und informed Chief Laoy , of tlio fire department , who roparud to the . scene , and Mike's game of chance was up. . CANED. The attempt of Mr. Moorolmd to' ' disconnect himself from the boys over n the way Btirrod up their feelings to euch an extent that a mooting wi called and they voted "law or no law" to giro him such a caning that it would require years of practice of hia pro fession Lotoro ho tvould recover frc in the effects of it. TJioy kept the mat - ter adroitly from the police. Friday night they caught the editor just \rhoro they wanted , at a time when ' ' 'the machinery was making the most noise , BO if ho should scream it would not bo hoard on the streets , The gentleman who first made tlla osoault was Mr. MoWorktnnm. The first blow from the cane knocked him speechless - less , It was as follows : "Mr. Moor- head : In behalf of the news-room , 1 present you these testimonials , hop t ing , in after years , they will bring to ] memory the many happy hours wu | have spent together. " Tlio instrument used was a beauti ful gold-headed cane , upon the upper . face of the head of which was in scribed the following : "To S. W , Moorhead , from his friends in The Nonpareil now-Bioom , as a tokpn of regard , Council Bluffs , 1881. " While yet unable to defend himself the mo' ' hurled a largo inccrshaum pipe at him , while another struck him with * u ivory-handled "spatula. " Thoie wore several witnesses to the assaul. and are ready and willing to testify in behalf of the Editor. Mr. Moorhead tried to escape , bu staggered against the wall and was lot overcome that ho could not say one ] void. At last recovering himself , lie managed to mutter something as fol lows : "Boys I say boys of the coin-lgt posing department of the NbnpaiiolBftI if over in my travels' I should comeo | tcrow n sot of young men your equal. in nil respects , I'll ' sot every bono in their bodies for nothing. " They all retired to nn ndjoining room and wore teen to "full for uUonuico. " MAYOR'S rnocLAMATio.v ron MONDAY'S snnviCES. As Monday next , September 20 , 1881. has been oflicinlly designated ns the day for performing the last snd rites to our Into president , James A. Gnrfiold , I do hereby request that ovcry bunincn house in Council lilnlls bo closed from 11 o'clock a. m. iintil 5 p. in And I suggest the fol- owing funeral obsorynticcB , to-wil : At 11 n. m. Council Bluffs indoppn lent battery will ; commence the firing ] ) f funeral snluto nnd continue firing ! noryfivo minutes until f05p. ! ; m , , unking18 guns , indicative of the' ' ircftidont'n ngo. L ' At 1 p. in. nil military nnd civic so-H" ietics nnd citivons in cniriagcs nndr1 ii foot nro requested to form in n accession with the following' gentle * ucn OH marshals of the day : Col. D.I 13. Dailoy , Col. ,7. H. Kent Icy and Ion. Joseph. Lymnn , ns chief mar- [ hols ; M. F. Rohror , 0. M. HnrloJ Ktistnnt marahujs , whose outers will 10 obeyed , At 1:30 : p. m , the line mil march to ity park where appropriate memorial fl orviccs will bo conducted by tin lorgy of the city. To bo followed bj ho rending of resolution1 ? of symp.v by for the president's family with xprcssions of appreciation of liib ! oplo life. L I appoint nn committee on rcsolu-W. ion the lollowing gentlemen ! Hon. D. C. Bloomer , Chairman , Hon. J. W. Ohnpmnn , Hon. W. II M. Pusoy. Hon. ,7. 11. Rood , Hon. W , C. James , Hon. W. F. Snpp. Thn holla of the city will"bo tolled rom 1:30 : p. in , until 3 o'clock na nj okon of our tricf. W. R. VAUOHAN , Mayor. rnoctAMATiorf or ov. aiuii , STATE OK IOWA , EXEC. DEPT. , ! DBS MOINES , Sept. 22. ) To the people of Iowa : I respect Lilly recommend that on the dnj n which Khali bo hold the' ' unoral services of the late la- | touted president at Cleveland , nil ublio offices , schools and places of usiiiess ; bo closed , and the people Bfraiil from pursuing the usual nyo- utioiia , and recommend that on such ay they unite in their several oighborhoods throughout the state i memorial : services in honor of the luntrious dcnd and expressive of the arrow now burdening all hearts at lie loss of ono whoso name will over 0 held in fragrant remembrance by | 1 e people of thia common wealth. In testimony n hereof I have hero- , nto sot my hand nnd caused to be ] fllxcd the great seal of the state of owa. Done nt DOB Moines , this ] 2d day of September , in the year ofj ur Lord , ono thousand eight hundred : nd oighty-ono , of the independence ] f the United Statoi the ono hundred id sixth , and of the state the thirty- fth. JOHN H. GEAU. By the governor. | J. A. T. Hui4 Secretary of Stato. THE BLUFFS IN llItlEF. ' There is ono thing sure. | Our ] myor can "out proclamato" anything ! : iat has as yet made its appearance ] pen the face of the earth. Who has soon the Ilordio boniiots ? hey nro all the stylo. , Scott says the ' , 'bloemer" ' costume ill soon make its appcarancoagain. Miss Mary Winn loft this city last cok on a visit to her sister , who re- ides in Carthage , Missouri and bore - > ro she returns , if riiraor is correct , certain railroad engineer will Winn lisa Mary. R. S. Cole & Co. received yostor ny two car loads of pumps ; jilso two ir loads of lightning rods. iThoy ro expecting an unusual supply o' ghtning next season. t J.'M. Phillips says that while Scott 9 nd the bad lawyers in town arc ghting the firemen's "pip" money , o'und Wallace will grnda Bluff jitrcot o suit themselves , Uncle John for- ots that Kuller is out of the otho : ight onliroly. The city , wo are informed , was not ; repnrcd to incot Phillips and Wullac p at Atlantic. The following female chiefs in the ! : 'alloy girl" business were pulled in | rostorday for costs in Judge Burko'i n gurt on complaint of Brooks , the po iceman : Lcuig Stella \VoodsJ Josie iVallaco , Mollie Sheldon , Bessie ilooro , Mavgio Scott , Lou Robinson , iollio Cook. Jennie Sholdcn , Laura jowis , Qeorgio Clover and Boll Clover , .Veil they can afford it , Wilson , the "spirit" shoomnkorwns .rrcsted yostoiday and had the cahi- , loose nil to himoolf. After gettinr ; nside ho immediately seated himself the center of the room and com- if uenced to preach n sermon to the pirits. . Ho told them that lie had no 0 itith in their doctrines. They could 1 iohold hia condition , m\ay from hi | inuly in that lonthesomu cell , and ; hat if ho had let "spirits" alone ho k-ould Jmvo been a sober and nidus- rious man , us ho will bo , for a day or wo , if ho over gota well enough to ro- oivo his sentence to go to "yonder f " ock pile. E. L. Freeman , of Omaha , came ivor the river yesterday nnd put up at : al ho Ogden. , B. Grant , of Boone , was-in the citj rcstorday. W. H. Gardner , of Now York , was ' the Ogdon. Alderman D.wson and Supervisor lardeti have gone to Chicago for brief isit. ; ho isit.W. W. H. Robinson , who Jias been .ponding eomo time looking after his ; uining interests in Lcadvillc , has ro urnod home , ho Ten car loads of sheep wont cast ! ast o veiling over the 0 , , B , & Q , i ' oad , ' t Rev. J. G. Lemon preached nap' ' lid Bormon at the memorial service , liold in the Baptist church Friday , yet avening , taking as his text the UOth Ptudm. It Wo understand that the pnitios awning properly on both sides of the on which Mike Nolan proposes to or place his wooden building have given their consent , and Mike will move on , W , A Carpenter , of Detroit , Michigan - ) ) gan , was in Council Bluffs yesterday. ( if Mr. Carpenter is general freight agent lias the Detroit , Laming & Northernlal railroad , nnd noted in the capacity of general freight ngcnt foi the Noith western road nt thia point nt one time. time.Win. Win. l r. Bushncll , nn nciivo poll tician nnd ono of our leading ngncti' ' turn ! implement men , has go no to Chicago cage on n business trip. Win. Moore" , of the wholesale ciirai firm of Porcgoio t Moore , has left the city on n visit. Col , John H. Kcatlny , who will jonto day bo known ns the historian , returned homo from nn extended 'astern trip. F. C. Newell nnd family have re > urnod homo fromn recent visit to Dhhngo. A team attached to a milk wngon an away yesterday near Guso's brow- ry. Some milk nnd v.ntor wisf pilled. No other damage HIVJ WHAT SHE SHOULD DO. Pow Eucgostions of anco oa a Subjocb of InterKno1 est to the Ladies. { Ind OcrLtiin. Pacts WhiobBthf Should Be Known by All Women. 'rcm Tlio Homo . A tthort tlino since nn article appeared BJ" tlio columns of this paper , being nsynop- It of a lecture delivered by n prominent jju(1 ( before a well ktioun New Kiiglaiit ) * ociety. Thh article dealt so direct ) } K"'lt tlio needs of women , nnil contained HJ nnny hint * ! wliiclt wure valuable that it mturally attracted no little attention , nnd itw , wo learn , been n subject of cnmtncnl ] n social circle ? fn nearly every uart of the and. 11 calking tliat no mibjcct can I c if moro vital Importance , as well as inter- 'at ' to nil renders , tirnn the condition of the ] VOID en of America , wo lm > o collected anil irepnrcd with considerable care , addition- ) 1 fncti bearing upon the same subject. The Indies of this country Imvc been nero observed and talked about than those ] I any other land , nnd Europeans always lotico their characteristic * usually with dnriration. Sara liernlmdt declared slit id not nee how nnyono could resist falling n love with "thoso pretty American In- ilcs. " She might have ndded thnt even icr far-fnmed French nntton would find it Iflicnlt to equal , much less excel , American women in quicune's of percop iou nnd biillinncy of intellect. The mindi , nd manners of American women are nil hat can be dciirci ) ; but it is a lament- . ble fact that their physical frames are far ifcrior in comparison with their social i nd mental characteristic. " . The women f Kngl&nd are noted for their florid' ' . e.iltli ; those , of Germany for their strong > nnstitutions , nnd the Dailies of France for heir cxuhernncu of spirits ; but American ] rotncn possess no ono of these' qualities in ny prominence , and nil of them only in n light decree. The reason for this must e plain to every careful observer. So- ontixry ways , devotion to fashion bul bovo all and moro than all , carelessness r.d indifference to daily habits and duties Ktho nvo rendered the women of this laud farflj 33 strong and healthy than it is either theirjpP,1 uty or privilege to uo. This irregulai nd Indifferent habit of living bringsabout ; 10 most serious remits nnd is both direct- , r and indirectly of untold injury to thi .ice. The cause , therefore , being mnni ; stly tinder the control of the women ] liemselvcs , the power to rcmuvo it must alurnlly bo under their control also.l American women can possess just as ] harmed lives ns though they liml in JJu ape or nny foreign land , if the only do 're nnd determine to do BO. The jitimary cnuso of Buffering frorr isenso in iin ] > ure blood. The performance ] f the nnttunl functions of womanhooilL nd motherhood la not a disease , norl houhl it t > o treated ns Mich , nnd to tnain-B lin one's health the organ's which tnnkellf > nd purify the blood must bo preserved in , r restored to , their normal condltion.L heso organs are the kidneys nnd liver.3U It la the ollico of the kfdnoya to take ! rom the blood the poisonous matter whlchp"r ns been collected from nil pnrts of the ] ody and P.V.H it off fiom the body. IfM hey nro impaired in their notion theyH an not do this work , tho'iioison ' nccumu-lhiKj itcs , nil the organs In the uody which nrelj ist.iined by the blood nro ucakened andB ivo way , and finally the kidneys nnd con-fll igiious organs bccotno the source of crcntui ian ! , and without prompt relief death ixjjl lertnin , 10 It in the office ol the liver to extract oth-MJ r impurities from the blood and utilize nHmii lortioil of them for digestion. If the HvcrH disordered ull foims of dyspepsia occur , ! ! he bowcla cannot expel the waste inatterl-1.1. ! ! nd the moat distrcrtsing inconvenience fol-H ow. This is esjicclally tmo In the case otffi vomon. Audit the bow els nro thus inac-Bmai Ivo nnd overloaded the neighboringorgnn'-H rhich nro particularly dependent for tlieirB Ight Action ui > in the stnto of the liver , ! lowela nnd kidiioji' , becoma displacedt nd the coiiscqtienccj which ensue nro tool toll known to require restatement in nh uggestlvo nrtlclo of this kind. The so H ret , however , of preventing theae mnnifoldBri lisonlers is to keep the kidneys and livcr | | perfect woikini ; cundition. This is rcn on , this Is science , and it appeals with orce to the suffering women of America. [ When the body is in n healthy condition hen comes beauty of complexion , elas- icity of step , hopefulness of disposition nd comfort anil happiness in the duties ] ml responsibilities of a family. Thcro is , < herefore. every incentive to secure ami irexervo buoyant health , Wnrncr'H anfo Khlnoy nnd Liver Cure , ifltiE ho remedy described In thu lecture to vlileh reference has nlrciily been miulc , in imcir eceiviii , ns it certainly merits , the moat ilium areful attention and the ttinlot the women iliumS the land. It in a puru mill t.tinnlo vege- nblo rcmcdv vhich in now doing more bring health and strength to the Anicri n women than nnyono thing which has ] ycr been discovered , , It nets dlrcctljL ipon the liver , kldimvH nnd adjacent or-U | A ntiB , soothes liny Inlldmimitlon , nllnys oVm tain nnd places UKVO organs In n cotidl ion to bring health to the uody and hnp-jja iliiea.i to the life , The mumimuturora ofjrJl his rieat remedy , as wo Icain from the ecture , have tviittcii thanks of thousands ! women mnnv of them of gieut pronii- ] icnco but tlieKO k'ttem ere very miij egarded ns too bncred for publication. _ . . rue woman is pleased to n\\o her physi troublca flaunted in the eyes of thi vorld. The unquestionable vnlno of Warner's 5afo Kidney and Liver Cure is nil the uoro manifest from the fact that hereto- 'oro no adequate remedy for the ills of vomcn 1ms ever been discovered ; nor have ho medical profccsion over been able to isnist woman in her troublrH ns tlio do- icrvos. Thlt ) inorlmps \ , largely auo to prcKcnca of go much bigotry nnd into- ] irnnce in that prufcsslon. Tim hhtory of ncdlclno U a history which Illustrates to ho fullest the blighting effect of bigotr ) md intolerance , Jlnrvcy , who discovered circiilr.tlon ef the biped , wna driven ut of Ktiglaml. Junner , the father ol ncctnation , w na oppressed nnd scolfcd nt. I'hompson , the founder of the Thomsonlnn 'hcoryvns the victim of a hateful con- iplrnoy. Morton , in Massachnsotts , who introduced the use of ether in surgical op- iratlons , vvns charged with witchcraft , and ths discoveries uf these men nto to-day recognized asof liilinlto benelit to the race. I is the solemn duty of ph clan in the land ovcry "i'l to t\ko adVantage ; every opportunity which Is within hi rhe reach ; not to promote the Interests of thi. that school , but to heal the people of price. their Infirmities. All ha\o vvltneesed , - ilef.tb-bcd scenes and felt that if skill wen equal to diaeato death might haVe been osti > oncd many > car ngo that fcclence use w ere made of nil the agencies she revealed ) wns equal to a cure. How many a time in the experience of l has thin been Illustrated ? A cold is WTwt BO j , It refuses to yield to n Hxcdl. form of treitmen * , the pbytl < inn may not bo cindid enough to call in the aid of other tchnolx , or of independent enclel and the dear ono dies bccniiio the doctoiB" will not exhaust expedient known totbd world for relief. If ho have the courage ol Ills conviction * r.nd employs mttsldo agen [ olc ho l vlnltc < l with expulsion from the ] society of his fallowr , and , forjootli , be [ comes what they chooie to call n "quack , " When they have exhausted all the agen | cits ! < approved by their nchoo'R they "shirk the responsibility" of the death of thtir patient by adviting A dip to "Colorado or Klor.dd or a voyage to Luropo ! Sitcb | treatment . . may bo in accordance with the , "code of ethlts , " but in the > lew of tlu unprejudiced nublio it Is downright cnicl ty , if it mny not bo oven moro itrongl ) cnnraclcti7cd. Thcro is no reason , hovvcv er , why thcl women in this land should not possess the best of health and spirit * . The character ] of Uio country , thcnctivityof hersurround- * ings ' , and tlio opportunities afforded for recovering lost hciilth nnd retaining thej : ame nro greater than those of nny otlici hnd on the fnco of tlio globe. My n care ful observance of the p'nln and simple hws of health ; by n watchful cut fjver dally lutiits nml intic ! , and by n > ci" illation of thollfo with the remedy nbovrj Turned , which hni b'como so prominent ind vahmhlc , thcro _ fa no rot ton why r.ll thb desired thinijHo hivomcnltincd maj Kno1 In sec ucd in their highest degtcc. li l1 thcrefoio n matter of im oitnnco that w. men give this wibjo-t the nttention which It desirve * . nnd the circ which they nro nble t bestow , conscious that tlipir i ( forts nre certain to bring them per Kifcc health nnd Ion. and happy llvei. rat2I-\vr > | The leading Sclentliti of to-day agree that most diseases are caused by disordered klclncjs ir liter. Jf , therefore , the ktdneviand liver arc kept in perfect order , perfect health wllllmtiu csult. Thia truth lias only been Known a short .Imcnnd forjuvrs people suffered great agon ] ivitliout being able to find relief. Tlio dlsioicrj jf Warner's frofo Kldni-y and Ltv cr C.iro marks ji now cm In tlio treatment of these troubles Made from a simple troplutl leaf of rare valuo. il ontaliis Just the elements necessary to ) nd Invigorate both of these great organs , anil nfcly rcBtoro and k.cp them In order. It Is a Positive Remedy for an the dleoasca that cau-c pains In tlio lox\er part of the body fnr TorpW Liver Headaches Jaundlco Dizziness Oral el rmerAKTIO Lh cr and Urinarj Organs. It Is an excellent and > > afo remedy lor female. luring I'reznancy. It will control Menstruation md Is In 'aluablo for Lcucorrhcca or Falling ol lie Womb. As n Blood Purifier It Is uncqualcd , for it euro .ho nrgnns that mnko the blood. This . remedy , nblth has done such wonder' , put , ! . up In the LAIIOEST SIZKO UOTCI.K of an nuJii-ino upon the market and la sold by Urui- l ts and all dealers at 31.25 per bottlo. For Diabetes , cnmilre for WAIlNRn'S SAFK U1A BETK8 CVIU : . It Is n I'OSI IVE Itemed f. H. H. WARNER & CO , Rochester , N. Y. United States Depository ] * X3E&S r * NationalBank OP OMAHA.- . Oor. 13th and Parnam Sta. . 3LDKST BANKING fOTABLISHMEST t > OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. } ] BTABUBHXD 1356. Organized oa a National Bank August SO , 1868 JAPITAIi AND PROFITS OVER 300.00C . OKI1CRU3 AND DIRECTORS : KOCVTZB , Prunclent. AUOWTUS Kot'mit , Vice PrcsMenl. , ' II , W. YATM , Cashier. A. J. rorri-irrov , Attorney. Joiih A. UaeianioH. P. IT. .DAVIS , Asst. Cashier. ) To Thi hank ruches deposits without regard tc | mounts. Itsncatliiio ccrtlficntcH Ixnrli'p ' Interest. ) Draws ilratta on ban Francisco nnd princlpa Jtlca . . ol the United State * , .il o London , Dublin | i Inbnr lianU the jirlntlpivl cities ol tlio contl ncnt of huropc. to- Sells { nestncrr tcl ! : < ts lot emigrant ) by the In man line. nmvliltl Mtho The Oldest Established IN NEBRASKA. Oaldwell , Hamilton & Co. , | Jml , ' transtctcil samu as tliat o ( an Incor | noratcd oonH. on > Acvountj kept In currency or fold nubjcct tf I 121 iilpht check without notion dii for Certificates cf deposit sued pavablo In three MX lx and tueho months , joatlnj Interest , or 01 the Ionian J Hhout Interest. stti Alliances made to customer ) on approved sccu bcr jrltlos at market of Interest. Ou. Duy and ncll Rolil , lllln of exchange , govern prl mcnt , btate , county and city bondn. Draw Blent drafts on I'ngluid , Ireland , Scot ml , and ull | arta of Europe. Bell European pa&mzo ticket * . COr.LEOIION8 I'UOJJITLY MADR. inn SIBBBTT & FULLER , JIM ATTOBNEYS AT LAW , SCO * li DVTD CITY , NEB , < n S-cil | ! attention fhen torollcUlont In ISutloil ( for ! ! Lam ,1110 lal ctl CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) the Harness AND Saddlery , HOC oft mil 1-8- 7 10.1 i J3WJ WJ ' . 10 d t 3U CD 10 [ j 10w w have a.lopted the LlonasnTnds JI ik , and Abet wlU bo STAMt'EDwIUithotlON " bet "y"NAMK on the ame. NO QOOD3 ARt Inc OENUINK WITHOUT Tim ABOVE HTAMV'8 ilso brat luatcrUl U used and the mo l nklllor bit workmen are ciuplovcd. uid at the lowmt ctvsl nor . Anjono ulnbW a price-lilt of good wli dltl -oiifer a Uvor by Kiidlnjc tor one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. Dexter , L.Thomas , A c ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , i ngB . oil' ! S. ( P. | . . 1310 Farnham Street. > * Opening Bargains for Fall Having decided in future to adhere strictly to the manufacture of Men's Gloves , the well known house of Fisk , Clark and Flagg h ve closed to us their ntire stock of claimed by all who know them to be superior in some respects to the Alexander , Trefousse or Perinot GloYes. _ We offer this morning I860 Pairs Best Quality 3- Button Kids at 75c , 700 Pairs Best Quality 4-But- ton Kids at $1.00 , 150 Pairs Best Quality 6-Button Kids at $1.25. The Retail Prices for these goods East are 3- Button , $2.00 ; 4-Button , $2.25 ; 6-Button , $2.50. The sale of Ribbons inaugurated by us m summer met with such success that we have secured BETTER BARGAINS for Fall , and open to-day. 500 Pieces Giros Grain Ribbon , all widths , 5c. a yard ; 350O Pieces Satin and Gros Grain'from No. 7 to No. 40 at 10c. ; 75 Pieces Sash Ribbons at 26c , , a yard. NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS ! NOVELTIES IN TRIMMINGS ! In .fact our whole iall stock is now being opened , and we invite attention to the largest , cheapest and best stock we have ever shown. S. IP IMIOIRSIE ] & OCX 1319 Farnham Street. IN PASSENGER HATES I HOBRIB ! BROS. Brokers In all Railroad 'ickets , Omaha , Neb. , offer Tickcta to the Eaut , untV further notice , at the following unheard of aw Hates : Chicago , CM ; Round Trip , $21.00. These are Imltcd First-Class Tickets and ( rood for return lirouKh thojcar , and > la the Old Reliable Chi- ago , liurllngton & Qulncy Railroad. Also , ono ray to NEWYORg , IstcliSf , 81800. BOSTON. ] do 1900. I'lllLADKLPHIA , do 18 CO. WASHINGTON , do 1800. For partlculare. wrlto or fro direct to IIOIiDIE IIIOS. , Dealers In Reduced Rate Railroad and tcnmjhlp Tickets , 09 Tenth St. , Omaha , Neb. Remember ! the place Three lee ) North of 'n on Pacific Railroad Depot , Coat bldo of Tenth trcct. < Omaha. August 1,1831 au25dawlm LEGAlT NOTICE. " 'o Ci thirl no Rcddo , non-resident defendant. Yon are hereby notified that on the Sd day of leiitcmbcr , 18S1 , John Itcddc. phlntlff , filed hla ictltlon In the District Court , ulthlnandtor ouglaa County , Nebraska , ojrahist > ou as do- cndant < , the object and praj trof which petition , to | obtain a decree of dli ono from the bonds ; matrimony , with ) on for the follow hit ; carifts , o-ult : 1st , habitual drunkennifs ; 2d , c.\trcmu ruclty , and for general relief. You nro rcqulrc-l to anfucr raid petition on ho 21th daot October , 1SS1. DOANK Ir OAMI'IIELL. Attornej n for 1'l.ilntilT. niOBATE NOTICE. the matter of the Kstato of 1'crdlnand Thum , ilcicascd i Notice la hereby git en that the creditors of nld deceased , Mlh nieit the executrix of Bald JsUtt' , bcforu me , County Judjo of Douglm 'ounty . , Nebraska , at a County court Itoomdn aid County , on thu 12th day of Not ember , 1881 , the 12th day of January , 18S2 , and o t thu 2th daj of Maun , 1833 , at 1U o'clock a. in. caeli liiy/or / the purpona of presenting tin Ir clalma exitmlnatlon. adjustment arid allauanco. Ix months are allow cJ for creditors to present heir claims , and one yVar for the c\ccutrlv to title Bald Kntate , from the I'Jth day \eptciu- - icr , ISjl , tnU notice will bo published In IIIR IUAIIA UVeuLY UKK for four weeka bincessivcly , irlor < to thu 12th daj ofNo > cmlKr , 11-81 , A. M. CIIADVVI 1C , ccpJl3t Countj * Judge. PJtOlIATK 'JTOTJK. the matter of thu l tate of Thomas El.-ickmore , deitarod. Notku li hen by htn that the creditor ! of aid cloti-oned , will meet the admlnlstrlx of raid Mate , before mo , County JnUo | of Douglas 'ounty , Ncbuuka , at the County Court ISoom , said County , on the 1st day o [ No\ ember , 1831 , the 1st day of January , 18S- . and on the l t of March , 1SS2 , at 10 o'eloclc a , in. cadi day , the purx > to of protntln their claim * forcx- inhmtlon , adjubtmcnt and allowance. Six iiontla are olloued for creditors to present thtlr lalni" , and ono jcar for the administratrix to cttloeald estate , from the 1st dvy of September , 881 , this notice will bo published hi TUB Oujuit VKEKLY BKU for four nctks stieccssUcly , prior to l t day \o\embur , 1881. 1IOWA111) B. SMITH , eeH 4t County Jndtfp. lealcd proposal * for the Construction of Sldcwalki. Healed proposals will Lo itcth cd by tha under- Igncd until September 20 , ItWl , at 12 o'clock teen , lor the construction olsldonalks In trout land adjoining the follouinir described pre- ulses , tolt : Lot. Mock. Addition. Itenmks. SO a-34 4 KoiintiCiUUitli's 4 ii ii O-IMMS 4 " " I22lU 174 E&UlolSit 22 ( til 174 Seldo Joel eon 3-4 201 Ord. repaired \XK ) wt Idol Jit otl 74 nildcCap.Ar. Jof4 Horliach'u uuBlicrnunA. .tOltS h'oimtic'd 2il osIdolOit - " X > ( til witn ii u ii ii k'J8 ; 1S1 " " iiBldoJIarney Capitol luldoFaruhaiu Also nil tlmt pAtt ol the cask sldcot totlmtrett , otueen ihunoitli Ido ol Costclhr and Boutb ot block onol ) In South Omaha , addition , nil tlmt lart on the cost eldo ol 10th utrcct , ctween thu eoutli line ol Charlci itrccct and orth line ol bloik ono (1) ) In bouth Omaha nd- Itlou. J. J. It. 0 , JKWKTT , c22.flt City Clerk , W , J. CON NELL , ATTORNEY AT - - LAW , Omen Front Rooms ( up italn ) In Hanscoui' * w brickbullJlnj _ , N.Y. . corner K f rh r DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! OROHAED & BEAN , J , B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI G R O C E R Ssi POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , J1IN1NO UAClliNjilY , BELTINQ , HOSK , BRASS ANU IRON F1TTJNOS. PIPE , STEAM 1'ACKINQ , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG. 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT aa-ac-o. * TSTATE AOENl FOR MILWAUKEE CrJJSNrjCOMI'AHY. ' i -rr-r * * i M * v - * * -