Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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NEW YORK , September 23 ,
Money closed nt 3 per cent.
-K.xclnmgo closed stendy at 4 8IJt 85.
Governments closed firm ; current1)
nixes , 1 3d bhl , fours coupons , 1.17J bid ;
4j ( li > , 1 IHJ bid ; liven do , continued at
1 01J bid ; nixes do. cmtimietl nt 1 00 } .
Pacific railroad bonds closed as follows
Union 1st * , 11001 17 : land Krauts , 11GJ ;
Kinking funds i Ifcral , 1211 ; Centrals ,
1 14JG31 15.
Tha st ck market was strong during the
greater part f the day ; prices advance- '
Htoadlly until FCC mil al' ' , whcu the high
cst quo'u ion of the day were cuncut ,
led by th Central Pacific. St. Paul &
Omahn , Michl an Central , Kansas & Tex >
M Puc fie. After * cci ml ca'l ' , however ,
a weak tone ft-t In and tlio market cl'i.'ed
with a u.'rtion ot the early advance lost ;
tlieo o-ing prices , however , showed an ul
yanco of ) © ! § per ctat , M co inptrcd v.'itl
yc'lcuhiv'closing. .
Tim following arc the closing bids :
WUTel 87i Krlo 45S
Adams Cxp..l37 il. & St. 100
Aiuoricnn Kw , 88 Preferred. . . . 110
U. S . C8i K &T. 41j
Vargo . 131 LK& W 53 ,
cc ok i. . . . on L. S. . . . 125 ]
CC&1C . 21J Northweitern..l2G
O Ii S Q . 101 do pfd 138
N Y 0 . 141H Pacific Mail. . . . Dl
111 Central . Km Rock Island. . . . 130J
MiohCent . San Francisco , . 41
Nor J horn Pa. . . 40 do preferred. . 53
Profurred. . . . St P 113J
MoDfd 121 ,
Contrrtl 1'acilic. IDJ Stl'fcOmaha. . 44 :
A. & Til . 43 Preferred. . . . 107 :
preferred . 01 MLS&W. . . . 52
C& A . 13U Wabash 52
PI. At W . 12fil do preferred. . 92J
D&KG . 80
CinoAno , September 23.
Tha local monoymarket to-d y was firm
t Ci-)7 ( per cont. and the demand wai of n |
.goner 1 cliaraclor , but the supply of oan-
able funds wa < in CXCCHS" nil legitimate
requirement ! . On Monday the banks w 11 ]
bo c.oaol. The cloarlnci of aiwciated
banta wcro 5700,000. Kastorn o-cchanpe
botwcon cityb .nka was one doll ir ills-
count per thoiuaud dollnrs. Ortlerrf for ,
corruucy were liitht.
Omnbn Wholosnle Morltot-
Friday Kvcninff , September 23. J
In country produce circles there w
nothtnRiiew learned in connection with ]
the trade , affair : ) remaining ( substantially
as reported yesterday.
Nothing now was reported in the live !
lock market. HORS were Bte-uly at yes
terday's quotations. Receipts and shipments - ]
ments not reported.
The leatlin produce inarketi were
.strong and a little hij-her to-day. Wheat
dereloped a sharp advance. Corn wat >
bettor and advanced l > c. Barley strong
and advanced Ic. Oats firnwmd 15 higher
than yesterday , llyo quiet and tmchant'cd.
Flour was active and firm with slight
advances for some makes.
There was quite a liberal movement of
goods in the general merchandiao markets ,
and the fall trade seem.i to have tot in
in enrueat.
In dry good * there wai a very generous
movement. Prices in most lines con <
atantly hardening , with slight advances ]
noted in Rome brandu of bleached ami
blown cottons , prints and denims. Pall
etocka ate placed on the countcrx and
ijoods usually seen in summer are dinap- ]
Staple and fancy grocerieH jnet a very ,
brisk demand , C6fTee < i&nd suj-ar generally
firm and unchanged. Canned goodn.stioiig
with an upward tendency.
Local Grain Deal-net.
WHEAT. C'aih No. 2 , 1 14J ; cash
No. . < , 1 041 : rejected 774c.
BAKLEY. Cash No 2 , 31.01 ; No. 3 ,
HYR. Cash , 03c.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 55c.
OATS. Cash. 33o.
Cattle Ciood shipping , $4 00 ; fat cows
and heifers. $3 # © 3 00.
Hofp Mixed paokinpr , ? > 7r > @C 00.
Sheep Slaughtering in demand at $3 00
' @ 3 75 per 100 Ibs grosa ,
JPLOUU Spring wheat , Rtraight grade ,
8325@3SO ; patent , $3 7.4SO ; winter
\ wheat straight grade , $3 75@4 00 ; patent ,
84 004 60 ; gntlmm rye , $ ! 50 ; Wheat ,
I' * 2 75.
' KYE FLOUR 53 Ki. "
MILLSTUri'S Bran , per cwt. 70c ;
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; short1 * , per
cwt. 80c ; chopped fueil , per cut. 100 ; meal
bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , $1 ' > .
rOTATOES-OOc@l 00.
SWEKT POTATOKS Very ftctive at
5Qo per pound. .
I'OULTIiY Live chickens per do/en ,
$2 f)0@3 00.
PllAIttIK OHIOKKNS ? 2 25@3 00
per dozen.
EGGS Very dull at 10@18c.
UUTl'-KU Ohoico carcoat20@25poor ,
110 market ; creamery , 30c.
APPIjTJS Good , Bound , very fecarce
at SI 00 per bbl.
JEIONKY California white clover in
comb , 2423c.
LU.MONH Stsady ; per box , J10 :
© 10 50. Finest Mcmina oranges 88 00
UTAH PKAC'nB3-S3 : DO p r i bushel
iASTI3UN : PKAKS , - bu. box , § 1 00
' @ 1 23.
I' DOMKSTIC GKAl'KS-GcttliiRicarce
at" 6@Go per Ib.
fJFOHNIA PKARS-Per box , 5350
(25100. (
WATKllMULONS irpme-ffrowninex-
ccssivo HUiiply ; per 100 , fl 00@6 00.
VKGKTAHrj-JS-AH kindabrhiR KOO < !
prices and swrce.
swrce.Yellow , 16S20e.
OAU1JAOK 51 * 00@1 fiO per duztu.
Qrocars List.
FFKliI.lIo ! , lair , lUAc ; Rio , good ,
t-lc ; Rio , prime to choice , f-l'.c ; OKI gov'l.
I'f .Mocha , 28ic ; Arbucklo'a ,
'J3AS. ' . Ounpowder , goo-J , 4355c ;
.1 rn/ frT , . " . , .nr..t '
, , ,
vvu , WI < F\V , w v i'X wv , ilUfUII IMlb 1J
} jr cj Japan , choice , C0@7flc ; Oolnng ,
3S40j Oolong , choice , 4030 ; Souchong ,
BOO 1. ii-iioi-lOc ; choice. 3j15c.
SUGARS.-fut loaf , llio ! Cnishod ,
lljc ; Granulated , lie ; J'owdered , J1I < -
V'ma powdered , 11-Jc ; Standard Colfee
lOJc ; Now Yoik Confectioner'-- Standard
A , lOJc ; Good A , lO c ; Prairlo 1-Jxtra C ,
9 Jo.
tiYUUPfl. Sugar home , hbl-i , 48c ; haliR
f bin. 50c : ke1A cullnnu. ft-'ftn ? r > l > mr.J ! '
Maoa S10D.
. SOD V. pivlcht'i * Ib papow , C3 00 ; De-5 ! <
b.ud do , 53 CO ; Church' , * , 33 00 ; K B sola,5 '
4U . g
ttTAKOJI.-Pearl.Sc ; Hllvor Olow , 8U {
raS-je ; Corn HUruh , b Oo ; UxteUlor ?
GloM. 6c ; Coru. 7c. | J
SALT. Dwy loadi , p r bbl , 1 95) ) A-ih-i
3D , in nack , ; i 50 ; UJIH dairy ( X ) , Oi , 3IS ; ! (
DRJUU l- '
! - , < mi \ \ j\ii ' .
paaflii- new ; m ; i ; MMipoiatol ! < .j-
6 I.L \ . , 1 / 11" \Iiclii.-ni 'c ; fe
Y r'i * ) ' ' , , .Luii.N li , l'j nt
ild , Oc ; new , 8Jc ; Cnrrftnts , 7@7Jc
larklwrric' ' , now. IJc ,
CHKKaK-Full Cream , 11 Jc ; Par
Skim , Oc.
WOOOKNWAUK-Two hoop p.ill"
1 85 ; three hoop palK 2 10 ; No. I tub ,
3 00 ; No. 2 tubs. S 00 ; No. 3 tubi , 7 00 ,
lilcmcer wAiliboanU , 1 85 ; Double Cniwn
2 76 ; Glebe \V-vahboArd.2rX ) ; Well buckets ,
jhaln , and A ply , 20i@21i ; Colonxi cariwl
chain , per Ib , 21 ° ;
MATOKKS Per caddie. We ; ronm
ease * , S7.IS5 ; square caso-4. S-l.PO.
PROYlSlONS-Rrcnkfiwt bncon , II *
: hoico lard , 13ic ; dried beef , lie ; Mi'mld
: ra , canvassed ! 'c ' ; h.-xnn , canvassed lie
jacon. Rides 11Jo
NK\V PICKLKS-Mcdlom , In barrel
? 9 00 : do In half bbk 5 00 jiinall" , in bbK
1100 ; do , in half bbls. 050 : gherkin ? , Ii
bhl12 00 ; do , Iu half bbli , 7 00.
VINEOAU Pure npplo extra , IGc
Hire apple. 13c : Pruning pure npple , I5c
HOMINY New , 54 } > 0 per bbl.
IJKANS Mediwm , hand picked $3W
KT bushel.
ROPE Sisal , } Inch nnd larger , 0c ; !
ncli , l Jc ; J inch. lOlo.
SOAl-S-Khk'aSavon Impciial , 315
Kirk's satinet. 3 15 ; Kirk's * standard , 3 SO
Kirk's white Russian , 5 00 : Kirk's Kutoca
- > 05 : Kirk's Pinirio Queen , (100.cakes ( ) , '
10 ; Kirk' * magnolia , 4 30.
CANDLKS Boxes , -10 Ib * , 1G oz , Ss ,
Ltcboxc ; < * 40 Ibs. , 1G o ! * . , fin , 14c ; boxes , 41
sets , 14 o/ . , S" , 13ic ; half bo\e , 20 sets ,
11 oz. , Sf , 13c.
LY1-3 American , 340 ; Greenwich , S40
Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 50 ; Lewi ?
lyp , t GO ; Jewell lye , 276.
POTASH Pennsylvania , cans , 4 doz.
In case , 3 3Ti ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case
I 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , I 50.
FIKLD SEED Red clover , choice
new , -J5 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover
now , 8575 ; white clover , now , 81100
il-alfa clover , now , 512 50 ; nhiko , now
31300. Timothy , good , now , $2 50@2 G5
jluo grass , extra clean , § 1 25 ; blue cra-u *
i-lcan , ? 115 ; orchard grass , S3 00 ; red to ) >
uholco , G5c ; millet , common or Missouri
31 25 ; millet , Oermrm , 81 25 ; to ? 150
Hungarian. 8115.
HKDGKSEED-0ago orange , 1 to J
nitheK 85 00 ; nsngo ornuge , 10 uushels o :
over , § 4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib , , 35c ; pe
100 Ibs. , 825 00.
FISH Family while fish , 00 Ib hf l-bln
53 GO ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , G 30
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; familj
10 Ib kit1 * , 75c ; New Holland herring , pei
teg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colup *
> ia river salmon , per 100Ibs , S 00 ; George't
'auk codfish , ( ! c ; Gent boneless codtuh
3Jc ; boneless fish , 45c.
MACKERKL Half bbl. * mcgsmnckcrcl
OOlb ? , S1260 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex there do
100 IbK , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , IOC
be , 3 85 ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25
No. 1 we shore , 12II ) do , 1 GO ; No. 1 shore
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 ib do , 75c.
CANNKD GOODS Oystcre , 2 11
Field's ) , nor case , § 1 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
> er c.i'ic , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
J ! ! 0 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do
1 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
) er case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
,1) , per dozen , 1 G5 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
50. Sardines , small Pah , imported , bne
juaiter boxes per box , 14Jc ; Anicrictui ,
piaiter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
) cr box , 2Uc. "Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
ISO. Tomatoe1210 ; do 3 Ib per
wso , 250 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain
) er case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 100 ; do
i Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 350 ,
tti ing beans , per case , 190 ; Lima beans
> r case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10.
'oaf , i-ommun , pnr case , 1 75 : peas , choice ,
cr case , 4 50 , Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
iSO ; btrawbcrries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70
-aspberrie' " , 2 Ib , per case , 275@300.
Jamsona , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Bartlett
wan per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber-
ies per care , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
tie , 3 25 ; do.-choice , 2 Ib , per caf e. 4 50.
"ir-oon - * 2 Ib 3 25 do choice '
"iroonrage * , per case , : ,
b | > er caso,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , percn ° e ,
3 U0@5 20. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 LO.
lo 3 Ib , case , 5 005 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pei
ase,325 ; do pie , 'G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
PJCE Carolina , Gi@74c ; Louisiana , 5 $
1'KANUTS Roasted , choice , ml Ten
ie aeetS ojajlb ; ; fancy white , Oc per Ib ;
wv while Virginia , 7@7ic.
Dry Qoods.
'c ; Continental C , do , 8c ; Crescent LL
ijc ; Crescent C 7ic ; Crescent B 7Jc ;
3rescent A 8c ; Urnnitoville LL Go ; In-
[ ian Head 7Jc ; I awrcncoLL , Cic ; Ports-
nouth P , do , 4k ; Utica C r.Jc ; Winthrop
do , 7-ic ; Wocmtsctts 7-ic.
n < > : ACHKD COTTONS Altoona 3-4
Auburn A 4-4 8Jc ; Ballardvalo 4-4
4c ; Dairy Cloth 5ic ; Fairmont 4-4 GJc ;
ruit 4-110J : Ifono l-lSic ; Lonsdale4-l
He ; New Yoik Mills 4-4 13c ; Pocauett C
l-4 " 8. .c. Wainsutta. 4-4 13c.
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , Gc ; Ameri-
au do , GAc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American
loGcBerfri ; f-olid colornOo.ConestogadoGlc
Jochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , fie ;
Dnnnell do , 7c ; Kddvstono do Gc ;
Harmony , 5Jc ; IfartelGtc ; ICnickcrbocker ,
\o ; Glouccbtor do , Gfc ; Humilton. GJcl'
Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , 5c ; Sontli-
jridgo do , 5jc ; Sprngue do , G o ; Simp-
OII'H solid black , GJc ; Simphon'H mourning ,
'c. Southbriilgo do , G4c ; Itcgatta do , SVc ;
? actic ! do 7c ; Spniftio do , Gic ,
Mnnchenler , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprnguc ;
iic ; Southbriilgo , GJc ; Mystic , Oic ; Mem-
nack Hhirting , Gc ; Washington oil colors ,
"cAMBKICS-CJarnor , 5c ; Harmony B ,
ic ; HookHutt , 5u ; Key H tony Glove Finish ,
l.c ; W.vhlngton , Cc.
CORSET JKANS-Androscnggin snt-
aen , SJo : I/Jckwooil do. ! ) c ; Nnumko'ag
o. , Jv ; Rockpoit , Tie
y , lie ; Conestoga , 5,0. O. A. , 14c ; Cones-
ogn , 4-4 , Gold Medal , lC cj Concstoga ,
71c ; Easton , B. , Die ; Hamilton , D. , 11 * ;
familton regular , 13ic ; Hamilton Ii ! ,
lie ; Omcganiperlor extra , 27c ; Omega
nedal , 25c ; Omega A CA , fancy utripe ,
8c ; Omega A 1-1 , IGu ; Omega , \ . 2 , 13 ;
V-ail Iliver , IGJc ; Sh tucket , S. , lOJc ;
Jhutudwt , S. S. , l2c ;
OIL.CLOTH-5-1 wood , S3 00 ; 5-4
ancy marble , § 3 00 ; 5-1 white marble ,
2 .S3 ; G 4 wood , S3 00 ; G-l fancy mnrhle ,
V. 00 ; G-4 white marble , S3 85 ; 5-1 mo.
ado , % 3 00 ; G-l mosaic , SI 00.
DUN INS Amo-keag blue nnd brown ,
Ge ; Bea\nr Creek , A. A. , blue andbrovvn ,
44c ; Beaver Creyk , B. B.bluo and brown.
13jc ; Beaver Creek , C. C. , blue and
brown , 12Jc ; T'veietl D. D. , blue mid
brown , 15J ; HaymakcrH blue and brown ,
'He ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , J5c ; Otis B. B.
blue , 14 ; Otis C , O. , blue , 13c ; Pear )
Uiver blue and brown , 15Jc.
. - - . . - -Irab ,
I3ic ; Boston 0. H.bro. , 10c ; Boston XX ,
bro. , 12J'Bis"nirck ; stripe , 17Jc ; Boston
itrlpoj , JUc ! ; Dumieo stripes , ] 8e ; ] ' 'all
liivur , lljc ; Hamdt'ii 0 , O. , lO'.c ' ; lAon
IJIllI' , lljc.
STRIl'KS American , 10s ; Amoxci-a-.f ! ,
lljo ; Dexter A. , 14c ; Mcchanici lic :
Omei-a , lie ; Otis B. B. , 10s ; Plttafiold , 7c ; % |
Uiicnsville , Og-UJo , tf
heavy , 'JOo ; Hverott , medium , 15c ; Fariti-V
er1 * 2J'o ! ; Lowlnlon 10 OA , 2" c ; N jv/York } <
mills checki * 18 ; Now Yoik mills proof , }
a2Jc ; Wicl-low , l < f jc ; Union Pacific. lS'-y
\\1illlqnd n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , llghtf
SHK15TINCS AnrlroscogL'in.O-1 browiif
file ; do 10-4 do , 200 ; J'oppcrellVJ-1 brownW
pi'.e ; do 10-1 do , 274c ; Aloxandrla , 4Gp
inch , blenched , 13o ; Androsi-oxgln 0-1 , !
hUached , 2'Jc ; do 10-1. bleached , 2'Jc ;
U'ejipnrcll , 0-1 , Uoachwl , 23u ; do 10-1
blcaohcd , 27-Jc.
rll $ .
Oarlinllu , 5O- ; Acid , Tarlailc , Mo : B.dwir
tCopabla , per Ib , 73e ; Bark , H iHi-nfra-i , pei
lib , 12oalomul ; , -icr Ib , 70o ; Ulncluinldla , . ,
per or , 80o ; Chlomfnnn , p < ii Ib , OJoS ;
Duver'n povvd M , iwr Ib , § 1 40 ; Kp oriia
wit * , T'er Ib , SJo ; ( rlycorlnc , pure , per Ib.s
Ho ; Jjwl , AceUle , pur Ib , 22c ; CurV
ho.i . .II , 110 = , perr.diwi , JH < - ; Ai IW- , *
pfi-r ' , l'e ! ' ; Oil , Cist , r , No. 1 , p r ( S
. , N -.j , rf.l-100 ; cd.r
Olive , tier col , St 60 : Oil , Origanum , 60c
,0plmn , , $1 f-0 ; QiiinlnpP. . & W. kK. A
; S.per or. 82 25 ; Potax um , Iodide- , per Ibi
$2,60 ; Salacin , peroz,3.1c : Sulphate of
Morphine , per or , SJt 05 ; Sulphur flour , !
per Ib , Ic ; tUrvclmitir. ner oz , SI 60c ,
Horset And Mules.
The market ii brisk anil all grades arr |
kcllinewoll at a flight ad\nnco in pice * .
The demand for Rood hor. c.i exceeds tin
upply conilderably. Pilcci rangu as fol
low * !
Fine Rlnglo drlvcrc , 8150. to SOO. ; Extn
Iraft horfic < . S176. to 225. ; Common draf !
horses , S100. to 150. : Extr * fann horses ,
? 110. to 125. : Common to good farm hones
? ' .K ) . to § 100. ; Hxtra phiRs , 3WJ. to 76.
Common plug820. . to 640.
MU1E8. 15 to Ifijs hniith foxtra ) , 8105
to 150. ; 11J to lr > b d , SIOO. to 110.
14 to 14J bands $75. to 100. ; 13J to 1
hand * $ < > 0. to 75
OlR.irs and Tobaccos.
CIGARS.Seeds , 815.00 ; Conncrtlrtit
i2..00 : Mixed , -Sn.OO : Seed IIavaiuS-0.00
Clear Havana , 373.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hull-
it Ib , Glc ; SH ] > lted K.iwn. 62c ; OurUope
i2c ! ; Star , pomidt , 21 Ib , butt , 60o ; H ir
Shoo , | H > umta1 , Ib , butt * , 5Se : 1'urity , 2
Ib , butt < ! , 52c ; tjuecii Bco , 24 Ib , butts. 53c
0lt J-MRC , poinuU , 21 Ib , ImttK , f > 7 ; Annj
mil Navy , jxiundR , 61c ; Bullion ,
" > flc ; Ixiritlard'- Climax , irauiuls , fjju
Catlius O. S. , 2 oz packnge ? , 5 Ib boxvi !
l cr Ib nOc ; l rillaixra Tiger , liOc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25tx
13c. Granulated Blackwells lmhim , 11
iv. Kic ; Dukea Durham , ll ) nr , 45c ; Seal o
N'orth Carolina , 1C ozIf , ; Senl of Ni'
kn , 10 of , 3Sc ; Lone Jock , 4 oz , linen
per. Ib , § 1.35 ; Mnrburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tii
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail , G5c.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $25 00
N'o. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; thccting drcwed
N'o. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards
drcsscil , 25 00.
FRAMING 1G ft. and under , per M
21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 23 00
21ft. 2800.
FINISHING-NO , i. fmtsh ij , ii ai
2 inch , S55 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch SiO 00
N'o. 2 , finish 1 } , 1J and 2 inch , 85000 : No
2 finish , 1 inch , $15 00 ; No , 3 Imiili , 1 in.-h
$4000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet Hit.
Jl 60 ; well curbing , $3500 ; rough 4 ami :
nch battens per 100 feet ln. ! , 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A slock , SIR 00 ; I.
$10 00 ; C , $3500 ; common stock , S27 50
FLOORING No. 1 , 12 50 ; No. 2
> 37 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1
SIDING No. 1 , 52750 ; No. 2 , $2500
N'o. 3. 820 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
? 37 50 : No. 2 , 325 00.
CEILING S30-00(345 00.
iinb'les , $4 50 , No : 2 , $3 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00 ,
Lath , 34 25.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk porbu. ,
5c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa pbister ,
bbl , 52 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tarrcc
[ elt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board. $4 00.
PAPER Stiaw paper , 3Jc | rng paper ,
Ic ; dry good * paper , 7c ; mamla paper , lOc ;
lews paper , So.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , § 12 ;
Mori is Kun IMoesburg , $12 ; Whitebreast
limp , SO ; AVhitcbreust nut , SO ; Iowa
limp , SO : Iowa nut SO ; Rock Springs , "
uithracite , all bizes , 311 00.
Hides , hurt , Etc.
HIDES Green hutcher'a hide , 7J ; green
nired hides , SJc ; green' salt , part curt-tl
ildcs , 8sc ; dry Hint , sound , 13@14c ; dry
alf nnd kip , 12@15c ; dry salt hldcisound ,
Ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@llc ;
Teen calf , wt. under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ;
; reen pelti , 81 00@115 ; grot n lamb skins ,
' 110125 ; damaged hides , two-third rale ,
cut scored and one grub , classed two-
Lirtla rate , ) branded hme 10 per cent. off.
3oon skins , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
; ad stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5J.
Merino unwashed , liglit , 14@16c ; heavy ,
315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ;
lib-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , oOc ; dingv
tid w. , 28c ; burry , black aud cotted wool'
© Gc lew-
SHOT. Shot , 31.75 ; Buck hot , 82.00 ;
3riental Powder , kegs , SG.40 ; do. , half
tegs , J3.48'do. ; , nuarter kegs , Sl.S ? ; Blast-
DR , kctfs , $3.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware LUt.
Iron , rates , 83 00 ; plow steel , cnft , 7ic ;
nst tool do. 15@20 wawn spokes , hef
25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 12o ; felloesawc
ry. 140 ; tongue- * , each , 70(385c ( ; axles ,
acn , 75c ; snuaro 'nut- * , i > cr Ib , 7@llc ;
vasher.- ' , per In , S@18c ; rivetf , jr j Ib , lie ;
Oil chniif , per 11) , G@12c ; mallenble , 8c. ;
ron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow
cclh , 'Ic ; horsctihoeM , ] ier keg , 5 00 ; wpring
teol. 7@8c. '
NAll 10 to 20d. 3 50 ; 8 to 10 , 3G5 ;
id , 3 00 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 5K ) : 3d ,
inc , 6 40 ; clinch , all Kizes , 5 15 ; lid , rosing ,
05 ; 8cl casing , 4 40 ; 10d casing , 4 15 ; 10d
inish , t Gr ; 8(1 fniUh , 4 00 ; Gil ( inWi , 5 15 ;
lalf kegs , lOc extra.
Palnti Old and Viirnlihet.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
\ P. , 7c ; white leatl , O. P. t C. Co.pure ,
o ; MarBeillei green , 1 to 5 Ib unns , 20c ;
'rench zinc , green Beal , 12c ; French zinc ,
ed Hcnl , lie ; French zinc , In varnish ns t ,
tic ; French zinw , in oil asbt , 15c ; Raw
nd burnt umber , 1 Ib cam * 12c ; raw nnd
> urnt Sionua , Kic : vandyke brown , 13 , ;
efinwl lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l'rc ;
> 'ory black , 16c ; drop black , IGo ; Pruislan
ilue , SOc ; ultnunarino blue , IRc ; chrome
ieen , It. M. & D. , lie ; blind and nhuttm
recu , L. M. & D. , 14c ; 1'arii Kreen , Ific ;
"illnn reil , 15c : Venetian red , ! ) c ; Tuscan
cd , 22c ; American VermllloJ , I. & ! * . , ISc ;
hiomo yellow , L. , AI. , O. t D. O. , 18c ;
cllou * ochre , ! > c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
Iryor , Gc ; graining colon * : light oak. d-irk
nc , WMluut. chestnut and auh 12c ,
Dry Palntt
own. 14c ; lampblack , oralnary , Sc ; I'rui-
tuti lihio , f > 5c ; ultramarine , lee ; vandyku ,
rown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; timber , raw ,
c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; siennn , raw , 4o
lillion , America , 18c ; Indian red.10u ,
esc pink , lie ; Venetian rt.-ul , CookKonV
Venetian led Am. , l-c ? ; red lead , 7ic5 ;
b'unilturc , cxtn , > ? 1 00 ; fumitui-c , No. J , §
SlOc urnlturt1 , IT , 75c : c < uch , extra , 81 2"icS ;
Ooaeh , No. 1 , § 100 ; Uamur , y ] 25.lniAn.f ; )
70c ; aRphiltuui , 70c ; fihellac , 63 iO ; hai < lf
oil fmMi. SI 'M ft
OILS - no-carbon iierifallon , llin ; JCO'/S /
jieadllfht ! , jw r i allen , 12io ; 175 * headlight 6
Jl > cri alliiii , Ilic ; cryi.tollnc , per gallon , 20oJ '
lln'-ijcd , r.uv , porgtvlloii , G2c ; Lingcid , boIl.B
. ' , 2Po ; spenn , filgual , jier gallon , 60u ; ' tin
t > < .ilUUC , JIU' Mlllftl. UVV , I
i ur ifallon 20a , 03 dc , COc.
$ Liquor.
< ALCOHOL-187 proof. . * 2 35 per
uinu gallon , extra CMlfornla tsjilrits ,
j-187 pr < 'of at 1 20 per proof rallon
plplerulincd nplritK. 187 proof , SI 21 ; per
{ ( ami bJcitdinl , % l WCtitiM ; iCqutui-iy boMi--
lUuiiK , S2 00(0(7 ( 00 ; Kentucky ud Iliinibyl-
ilvanlivTViw , 32 OOSt7 00. '
* IIIIA'N'DIJWImported , iJC
Jl 11 i-tir 1 Wv I 0.0. I
* , < T J -J- . ' , , J , 1 W/'jO' ' . ; 1' . i 'Kl
1 1 ( O"1
RUMS Imported , 4 SO@C 00 ; Nd *
Rngland. 2 CO ® I 00 ; domestic , 1 50 < 3J ! : 50
I 75@4 00.
OIIAMPAONK8 ImiKirted jicr CMC ,
> < ! 00@54 00 ; American , per civ-c , 1200@
1800 ,
CLARETS-Por ra--e , 4 r,0@10 00.
WINKS Rhlncwlne , p r cas ,
X' ' Catiwbft , per cate t ( Ki/17 ( 00.
Grnutl Jtiiiollon Mnrltot.
JUNCTIOK , In. , September 22 ,
Butter 13c.
( September 23 ,
On 'cliango ' prices wcro ng.iln lilghc
The receipt-1 of iTftin wero33,900 bu hel
liy cannl nnd 811 car londt by rail ,
mbracing 50 of wheat , Go ! ) of corn
V. ) of oat * , 24 of rye mid l"of barley.
The rt'poit of the reilgnntton of the
ucMilcnt'R cabinet nluwil cri'ntrtl a panic' '
on 'change. Com declined Ii i-cnt nud
wheat 5 cent , but the latter teen rallie.l
md closed nt nearly the highest urico of
tneilay ; but corn only reeou-ml J cent.
A fcnturo of the latter market was that
November option ? , Hint yoslerd < y sold a
x discount of J@l cent , closed at a Might
iremlum to-day. Thin huiki as though
lic Hobbs corner was gis ing way , L
Flour Stsady nnd in good deinnmli
in b'cal ' nccount ; quotations mil hanged , f
WIIKAT In No. 2 spring prices'nhowl
'urther advance nil nnniiul. There wa.
niny wrnthur in the mirth wool and it wa >
renrcd that it would interfere with thel
threshing , nnd the feeling developed wnsl
very strong during most of the Beailon.f
"Shorts" wcro bought freely nud thc
pcculatlve demand generally \vui active. !
llio market opened about ! ( © J per cent ,
lij-hcr. nnd with tdight IhictatioiH nd- [
\aiiced nu additional' j .lo per bn-mct )
mil then receded 0 , but fluctuated nniij
innlly closed about IJc higher fur caili ; ,
Ic higher for October , and j > c higher for !
November on tlio regular bonrd and out
the call nt 1 3ttj for September ; 1 32 for
Dctober ; 1 35J1 35J for November ; 1 3U
for December , nnd 1 31 } for the year.
Conx Active nud n firmer fooling pra-
nilud , accompanied with nn advnnjo u :
. ' ( S12Jo on the whole range of pricci , lint
nil ndvnnco not suhtalned by offerings oil
pcculativc account wcro free , but demaiu
rom shorta in early delivery was mtfll-
: lcntly urgent to aboib them at udvniic-
ng scale. The murki-t opened about ] < j >
\o \ higher and advanced with some Huctua-
.ion . 4jc ( ! { , nnd then fell off .l@Jc per
mshcl , but rallied again nnd finally closet
vbout lc higcrh for rash ; lijc for October
I Jo for November. On the regular boanl
md on the call at GSJc for October ; G8 i
or November ; < > 8J ( ( ! > c for December
)7g for the year ; 73 c for May for No. 2
mil high mixed.
Oats Tairly net ivt- and higher and tlio
'fferings ' were meagre ; No. 2 closed -lllc
or September ; 41ijc fur October ; 42Je
or November ; 43.Jo for December ; 41
or the year ; 48 for May.
Rye Firmer nnd in good demnud ; No.
J1 OOi for Septambcr ; 1 00 for October ;
13J for November ,
Barley Firm nnd higher , ofTciingx
ight ; Pso , 2,115 for Oclobcr'imd Tfovonv
* .
Pork Kany ; incsi * closed on call nt
9 40 for September ; 1030 for October ;
0 52i for November ; 20 40 lor January ;
LAUD Quiet with a tendency to weak-
icis on account of liberal olfcrings ; cloned
112 15(511217J ( for September and Octo-
> er ; 1225 for November ; 1240 for De-
Bui.K MEATS Steady nttlight advance ;
hort ribs at 10 27i for October ; 10 174 "
Whifky Steady at 1 17.
Receipts Flour 10,417 bbls ; wheat ,
3,843 bu ; corn , 30,797 bu-oats , 74,011
iu ; rye , 12,902'Im ' ; barley , 38.201 bu.
Shipments Flour , 10,104 bbln ; wheat ,
0.7G8 bu ; corn , 315,030 bu. : oats , 63,111
u ; rye , G,482 bu : barley 10,845.
Chicago Xilve Stooh.
CIIIOAQO. Seplcmber 23.
Ifogrf RecM-'il-f 18,000 ; shipments , 42 ,
00 ; utrong , active market and valuer
mite firm anil nil aolil ; mixed imcking ,
40igG 80 ; light or bacon hogd , G 55(5,0 ( 75 ;
hoico heavy packing ami shipping , U 05 ( < r
35 , < | tiality of olTerliig- , very poor ; culls
nd gniaserf , 3 ! KfrU 25.
Sheep Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments ,
KX ) ; nuvrket active and natives firmer ;
aloB of common to fair , 4 004 55 ; geode
o choice , 4 50@5 00 ; Inmbx , per head ,
50 ( < jj3 00 ; business at the yarili on Afo.-
, AV next IH expected to bo very light.
Cattle Receipts , 7,400 ; shipments , 3 ,
ttO ; market , except on choice corn fed cat-
Ic , very Blow , ana values weaker ; exporti-
ctivc and Hteady nt G 20@0 15 , mainly nt
30@G GO ; good to choice shipping , plen-
ifnl and weaker nt 5 405 00 ; common to
air , very dull nud almost unsaleable at
75@500 ; nitho : 1mtellers' stock imiet and
ommon weaker , hale * at 2 00@4 25 , mniu-
y 3 003 ( 50 ; stockoru nnd feeders nlou
iide biornt275@125 , chiefly nt 325 ®
75 ; range cattlu plentiful and wenk at
Oc decline ; grnsM Texanit , 2 7C3 GO ;
VmcricnnH and half breeds , 3 U0 , l 55.
St. Iionin Frodoce.
ST. LOUIH , September 23.
Flour Aboul 5c highor.
Wheat Opened higher ; drclinod and
artlnlly recovered ; closed firm ; No. 2 red ,
45 cnsli ; 145-f October ; 1 43 November ;
52 December ; 1 65 Jnnuary.
Corn Higher ; G5J@ 5y for wish ;
HJo for October ; G83@U9c for Novembcrj
Oc for December ; 7C@77c for Mny.
OatH Hifibfr ; 43J@431c for each ;
or October ; 45i@15Jc for November ; 4UJ
g lOgo for December.
Kye-Steudy at 1 08i@l 08J
Barley ( Juuit ; medium to iirlmmipring ,
Liad Quiet nt 1 05ji.
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanccd.
Whf-ky-Stca < ly nt 11C.
Pork Held firmly nt S'JO 00.
Lrtrd Better nllS 15. .
Receipts Flour , 3,000 bbln. ; wheat ,
G.OOO bu ; corn , 40,000 bu ; oatn , 15,000
iu ; rye , nom-j Imley , none.
Shipuicntf. I'lour , 15,000 hbls. ; wheat.
0,000 bu ; corn , 31,000 bu ; oatn , 27,000 "
u ; iye , 10,000 , bu ; barley , none. '
New York Produce-
NKW YORK , September 23.
Flour 10 lo liOc higher with improve-
nunt. L
Wheat -I@14o higher , rlosinr ; firm andfl
active , * ilh spot mica of No. 2 fed wiuturp
. t L 4i@l ! 41)3 ; of No. 1 do at 1 47 ; of No.O
c , JM-Ofili'Jc ; t ro. 2 , fieptimber ,
\ -Mi-deral-jly nctlvo and JOJo bft-S
fc-r ; No. 1 \ > hitc , Jfen ; No. 2 do , WfaMaM
VNo , 1 mixed , lUi'aiUcjmixcdwoisttni ' , 42' ;
J 4c. - K
hut finh 03. Cj
llyo--CJul nt 1 01@J
Barky-l-'irin. a
Pork--Quiet and firm ; newmcjaon iipot , ? !
3 L-ird Blronp nud fwiily native nt J2 40/1
@ 12 421 for onsh ; 1237a } ( > 1240 for U < p-A
t nbcr and October. g
Cut Moats Unchanged. tl
WJii-ky > omiual.
Pooviu Proilncn.
l' . . bir . .
: oni.Hoplcu > : * -
Whrat - < } oed ilumunu for all millliidM
adu. , i (
| C < rn Firm , irregular nmi hi-lii'r ( ; No.
,2 , v > hlto , 75o ; low mixed , 7 < c ; high mised ,
05c ; tmniurchautnble , Ii3 o.
| Oatt Finn nud high ; No. 3 whltg , 4Kc ;
mixeil , 42lc ; iojcctcil , lie.
JljuJflrm nnd htwily ; No , 2 ,
. . . . - , IU.
B. jloy- Firm awl iinuil.iiilly
Wfui ) FJ | in nnd titnmg. i
nplH--Wh.Sit 4SO Im corn .
u u > > , ; , SJ.CSOj
| bn ; < .at , ti , S'JOlbii ' ! ; ryg , 4,025 bu ; burlcy ,
jrt 'u nniiiiitfi Wheat , nnne ; norn , 51,0001
Pjluiji .u C * . " 7. > biij - , > - , 1,000 tuj 1. in'iy.l
i/i 'a , i
Bnltlmoro Prmlne .4
kt No , 2 rcil winter , fining M
! 5)1 ) 40 } for cmli nd Kcptrmbrr.
u Yellow , firm ; Nn. 2 mixed went
am strom ; at TlKgiriJo cash nnd Hcptcn
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
f'laciN.NATt , September 23.
Pork- , lobbing , 20 7521 00.
Lard Jobbhi , curirut umko , 121 21.
Bulk Meati Cltnr rib t > ! di' , 11 00.
Bncon Jobbing , clcnr ribMdcfl , lee <
\t 11 OL'i.
Flour Firm ; family , G S.'ifo ? 25.
Wlu-nt Firm ; No. 2 ml , 1W. .
Corn Strong ; No , 2 inixvil , "le.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , I lie.
Rye-Firmer ; No. 2. 1 MJ.
llnrlcy Firm ; No. 2 f.tll , 105Gill )
Whhky Sti-ftdy at 1 11.
Oil Mnrltot.
: untn , September 23.
The oil m.trkct opened with nalcaallUM
1at TOJc ; Now York , 8Jc.
E-'stlilborty liivo Stock ,
HART LIIIKUTV , 1'a. , September 2.1.
Cattle Nothing doing ; reccipl.- * , 7'iO
L-.hiiimcnt < i 412.
3 llogn blow ; receipts , 3,500 ; Hhlpuipnts
K , 00 ; I'hlladclphiiv , 7 10 7 SO ; best York
icr * . (5 ( 50@G 75 ; coimiion to fnir , (5 ( OOffiGJO
| Sheep Firm and uuchaiiged ; receipts'
[ t.SJO ; shipment ! . , 1,000.
Buffnlo Ijlvo Stoolc.
] -3.\ST Bui-KAlO , September 23.
Hogs Dull nnd weak ; receipts , 4Uc.irs
[ i-hlpiiicniB , 41 cnw ; Yorkers , tl 10G , G W
nifdlum , 08oij70U ( } ; | ; oed heavy , 710(5
Liverpool Proilncn.
Jjtvr.iu-oot. , KcptMnbiT 23.
Flour American , IDs tVIiilSn ( ;
Wheat Winter , 10 * OiUu'ills Id : while
IOs S.K&HH ; * prlng , 10ij.tO ( ) * 4d ; club
Corn full d.
Lard (12 ( * .
Pork 8 < X-
Toledo Proanoo
Toi.nw , Reiitcmber 23.
\\.ieat-Strady ; No. 2 i l , 14IJ fo
cash : 1 15 for October ; 1 P\J for .No
vembcr ; 1 fMi lor Di-ci-mbor.
Com- Steady ; No. 2 , U'.io for cash ; CO.
for October ; 70jc for November.
Oats Nominal ; No. 2 , 45 for October
Mult rvthul Ii } lliucllj couiiill of tlio City o ;
That n Hltleu-itlc Iw , ulllilii fifteen ilajs fron
iUihto , uaiiHtructcsl uml l.iU to the tcrn-xmir- .
In MM illy , In ( rnnt of unit mljoliilng tin
nunj , ' described premises , via :
Lot S , eat IUu of l > : ucu | > ort uttvtit , 111 block
SO , U feet u Mo.
Lot a , cant kliio of mtli btrcel , in Mock JO , (
[ loot \ \ Mi' .
Lot t , ci > t dido of SOtli street In Mock W ) , U
( cut wide.
> ' nortli HlJo of 1'lorco street , In Mock SKI ,
'a ' tout wide.
Lot U , north lilo ot PIcrcu street , In lilouk 210 ,
i ] fret wide.
North half of lot C , cast eMo of Oth street In
hlock 100 , 0 fvct wide.
Lot 13 , Oak Knoll addition , 0 feet wide.
111 , 0
Lot 13 ( , I'reatoii A.WIlllainV addition , 0 fcitj
u Iilo.
Lot IK , Preston , t Wllllnmi' addition , 0 ft'it
I t 10 , Preston , t Williams' addition , 0 feet
Also G.IO feet more or lew on couth tide EL
SIn.ry'8 from 20 th htrcit to cant line of W. J , Con
nell H lot. ( I feet wide.
Sucliumcualkto iMjeonstructcilof i ! Inch jilm
.aiik and to bu In u Idth , as nb < n o i-peelf led , ami
Jio ropcctlin owner or o n.rn ( of the Kbo\o uc- ]
perilled jireinlaes arc hereby rn-ulruil to conxtnicl
he 6.UIU- .
V.ISHI ! Sent. 20th , 18St.
18St.J. J.I , . C..1 i\V17iT.
City Clerk.
AHKNTb WAN'l Kll roK ouu KKVf HOOK
> \rg \ the Btory of the Bcrlptnrw , hy 1'i-v , 0 < ori
Mr uiiiltT Cioolt , I ) . V.t in hlniiilo ami attii : .ni
. iifUiiyK for old nnd jouiijf , 1'rofui'ly Illuntru
' , if runklnc n ino-it Intcnotliif ; ami linprutuh <
| -ontli liibtrii'.tor , livery puorit w.1 ' * < "to I'll
oil l'r < achorii , 3'ou klioultl ilrcnl't nt. 1'n i
tt.CO , Scml for UK uUm with c : tra | cr m.
J H. ( IIAMUHKH&CO. ; > f. Louh Ha.
lnniAKontff COI.UUIUA
atnlorruUK rtJIw.8. Kciu
thrto cent tta rp fflr-Ufr.cin !
and prlco Hit waMiiUif ful
N , L I ) , SOIiOSQH ,
Palntii , Ollu null Glai
Eeal Estate
it : mw.ASKAj :
Ki'p a cnmplcio obi tract of tltlo to * J1
Kn-Ata In Ouiatiik anl Iloujlw vountv _ inuM
3 0 Soutlt TliUtu' nth Btriot , vlth
tj. Wl.Woolworlh.
FiiornTimws. - TOWS
GANDERS K3J3C ( , CHAS. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb.
PACIFIO MOTEA , 8. J , PORTErt , Fairmont , Neb
r.STES HOUSE ? N. T tSTES. Qrnnd Island , Neb.
U. P. HOTEL , 8. F , DERRY , Gibbon , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HCO8E. F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Nob.
COMMERCIAL HOUOE , T. M. STONE , Orleans , Neb ,
HOLLAND HOUSE : , QEO. 0. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb.
wiuunn Houun1 THOMPSON REED Wllber , Neb
BLUE VALLEY HOUHE , n , DAVIS , Da Witt , Neb.
PACIFIO HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , . . Beatrice , Neb.
OUMM1T HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creator ) , la.
OUDKIN8 HOUSE. JUDKIN8 & BRO. , Red Onk , la.
PARK HOTEL , W. J. QARVIN , Corning , la.
DURKE'8 HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la.
CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DRO8. , Mo. Vulley June. , la.
CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , In.
EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la ,
CROMWELL HOUSE. M as. n. COOHRAN , Cromwell , I .
[ CENTRAL NEln'.ASKA ) . & M. 11. R.J
t' . 1\I \ Woodruff , Crocer
Uliiirlca Fif-lior I firooor *
D. M. Seed H Grocer
L. JMosior , Flour utnl Feed Store
Fintitz it JJriukluy i Mcrchnndiso
Ud. Wliitcomb , fionornl Morolmndiso
I'Vod. 8.iiulurmni. . . ( Aguut IKK ) . . .Musical Iiittrtimonr , Books nnd StAtionary
Finlny it Morton Kcnl Estate , Loan , Collection nnd Insurnnco Agents
L. H. Pn-0 , llcnl Hatato nnd Tunurnnco
CliAvloa K. Friend Town Lots and Stock Yards
T. 0. Rico , . .Furniture nnd Undertaking
linimltij-o Dros Hardware , Stoves and Tinwnru
K. Slngy Hardwnrd aiuP Timraro
nrcDotiKiill it Calliilmu . ! Hardware , Stove.i and Tinw.iro
U. M , Tidbnll Lumbar , Limo nnd Coal
II. M. Smith Lumber , Lime , Ac
L. K Soutlnvick > Jiankcr
Z. L. TJnss. . . . " Farm Mnohincry , Grain nnd Stock
Frank Ptak Agricultural Implunionta , Wngoimmking nnd Dlackamithing-
J. Gilmore Agricultural Implement * !
Uoburl Council Druggist
U. W. Ilowott , til. D - " ; . Phyaicmn and Drtiggiat
Dr. Chn * . AVliitnoy rhysiciau , Surgeon and Attornoy-.M-Law
\V. A. Wilson ( i'Happy Hill" ) , Auctioneer
D. C.rnjoru ] \ . Rarbcr
I'oter Grcon ' . ' . . ' Harness nnd Saddles
las. A. McKinney niackemith nnd Wngomnakor
D.ivid Croy Mm bio Yard
Drown , Luiauro it Co .Carjiontor and Contractor
Fiuiclo it Braohear Cattle Dc'ilora nnd Meat Market
John Kcwor Billiard Hall nnd Saloon
K. O. Shvphord Boots nnd Shoes
H. 11. I'orry ' Telegraph ( Weekly )
Clmrlet * E. McNish . Bniid'ors llouso
Double Strength White Lime
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
rhirteonth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - % NBB.
P. T. Barnum on the Way ,
Greatest Show on Earth , t-l
United for this season only , nnd now l-muirunitln-r. n c'i | > ctlinontiil tour of thu whole country at
the daily expento of f ( , &W > . 1' . T. llarnutu , J , A. Unlluy & J. L. Hutthlmonolo owner * .
Omaha , Friday , October 7th.
At 2 and S p. 111. Doom open ona hour sooner for Inspection of tha Mciugorlo and Museum.
The Feature Show of the Period The Seven Giant Wonders ;
OHANQ , the Chlncio QUint , the tallest , man
In the world.
The Original QeneralTom Thumb and Wlfo
ru-lntrdducftd bv lion , I' . T. L'arimm , for
the ( Kit tlma In twenty year ? , and 1,000
additional aeimtlon ) .
3 Times the Largent Menagerie
An/Hhcreon the niolm , Midi exactly S ) tla-
phantH , and CMI.V other ilcparimcnt
equally txtcnalvu ,
In Bring * , Icnplne , v.rpitlliij , ' , rldlnp end tnm-
bllii ' contoUt for Gold Me ( Tula and Ulamond-
8tuddudJ oln.
, rnoit hrllllnnt , and lonzeet ftieet
picjiemloii CUT hi'tn. pallni ; oil others to
_ uuthlnKiicEMMlth Its iforgcouiglory.
- 100 Chariots , Dens and
' Lairs ,
ailttcrlnz lth ( loin nnd .Sllvcf. Ko-v CMcand
. llillmiy Wurdrobo , iiiAdoof llnollroailcloths ,
lu lace ulivcr thifcl nnd niM.Uu bul
lion. ( Note No upaii'jlui or cfr >
New Waterproof Pnvllllons , the Largest
Ever Erected. 0,000 Luxurious Chain.
. ' " 1 Gut t for 15,000 Pcoplo ,
i * ' Innovation upon liinontlon looking to tln--
com'oit Biul rimatloh of our jatn IH , Uu JH-
tlont only a little longer atul jflii chall
See the Brightest Constella
tion of Exhibitions
Kvor conceived In tlio brain of Im who U
tlio unJb-mtcd
Fatlior of Amiisoraoiit Triumplig ,
upon tlioiisiuij * of liappy poopta
by tlica-i cxcuiblonA cnovvryfull-
icad n'litorlni ; In the city.
Oro-ulway , for 35 , t3 and 910 , from which t < *
OU3 PAtfADE , to boicpoatect herein daylight.
Admission only 60 cento , Children under 0 years old ,
hhlf price. Reserved Seats extra : *
j Pojttii'cty no free ticket ; ylmto anybody.
Iriokotaoanbo pnrohoood the daya of oxliibltioa at Edholra
Erioksou"Q Jovrolry store , opposite PoGtoffloo ,
usual eliglit advance ,
At Council niufl'u , TauifOAV , Oct. 0 ; Lincoln , SATtmiuv , Oct. 8.