Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Published * very niorntnff.crcopt Sunday ,
i * Xk only Monday inorninff daily.
v ar. $10.001 Tlirco Months $3.X ( >
Months. . . C.OOlOnrj " . . 1.00
K WBKKLY BEE , puHlahwlsvJ
< ry Wednesday.
Edwin Davis , Mimng-r of City
John H. Pierce In In Charpn of the Mall
Orciutlou of TJIK DAILY BKK.
Proclamation by Pro ddont AT- !
thuv. ,
WASHINGTON , Sent. 22. The following
IUM junt b en issued : |
By the prc idont of the United Stales
of America : |
WHKKKAH , In His inscrutable wlmlom It
fcM pleaiocl God to remove from us the
nitutrious head of the nation , Junior A.1
< J rQeld , late president oftho United
OUVfflj and , . . . . I
WnxaKAH , It In fitting that the deep
grief which fills all hcarti should manifest
itself with one accord toward the throne
of infinite grace , and that wo should bov
before the Almighty and Heck from Hln
that connotation in our affliction nml lha
( utnctificAtlon of our loan which Ho is abli
and willing t < i vouchsafe now. Tliercforc
in obedience to tin nacreJ duty , am
iik accordance with tha desire of the pea
p o , I , Chester A. Arthur , president o
tie United States of America , hereby
point Monday next , the 20th day of
toml > cr , on which day the icmalns of ou :
lontrt-d and beloved dead will be cdn
nigned to their routing place on earth
to ho observed throughout the Unitcc
Stated as A day of humiliation and moum
IKK , and I earnestly recommend all pconl
to luwomble on that clay in Iholr rcspectlv
plncen of divine worship , there to rcndc
alike their tribute of Borrowful Biibirlj
idon to the will of Almighty God , am
of reverence and love for tno meinorj
oiid character of our late chief magistrate
In witness whereof I have hereunto sc
my hand and caused the f-cal of theUnitct
atntoB to be atfixcd. Done in the city o
Wjwhingtouon.thuSMdayof September
In the year of our Lord , 1881 , mid o
the independence of the United States th
105th.Hlgnod ( ) OIIKBTKH A. Annum.
By the president.
jAjinrt G. Bt.AWP ,
Kecretary sf State.
Proclamation by Gov. Nanoe.
JixKOtmvB Omci : , 1
LINCOLN , Km. , Sept. 'JO , 1881. f
The terrible tragedy which occurred Ir
the city of Washington on the 2d of July
Iwt , when the chief niogidtr.ita of th
natiou became the object of an asuaisbi'
unprovoked and desperate awiauU haa
finally culminated iu a national disaster
too mournful In character to bo announcoc
in the ordinary language of norrow. Our
honored and beloved president , .Tauie A.
Qurfield , died At Long Brunch , N" , , T. , at
10:30 p. m. Youtorday. After many weeks
of .intense nulTeriiip , the strong-t brave
heart in still , and thu friend * of law
And order and Rood govornuieul
"throughout the wuild mo boT/od with
ijjrlef a thoxe who feel tlio weight of n
4 > ersonal boreavetuent. The nnilou'a
> Al mitjr brings eorrow to every hoiuC' NehrasVa , and awakens the ten
detest fee Ingi of oyrupatliy for tlio af.
flicted compunlon u > id fnthorlesi ohlldrec
of the late president. Tho-o emotions ol
Brief and a > nipathy will find apprnp ' "
expnailona In evoiy city , va'aje
rural home. , , „
Iu h nnony therewith It Ii absented
tint on the day neb np.irt for the fiunl
ob ri'iioi , nil public ofllccs and
other places of bminm bo
cloiod J.I in uliio rocommenilod
that the peiplu usAomlilo throughunt
rtbii Htatu in their roHpoctivo places of
wiirKliip and with appropriate religioiiN
lOxerciiea participate In the natiou'u mom-
oriil tier * icon on that ucowlun as a further
< nunlfcntatlon of the nomnv that In telt hy
.all , Sudan ix mark of respect for the ox-
/kited character of our late chief magls-
It U ordered that th national flag he
'displayed nt half-mast on the capltol
Ibullillug nt Lincoln , nnd that tlio vevorol
iBUle departments be draped with emblems
ot mourning for the period of thirty dayu.
Sk vitncHH whereof I have hereunto af
fixed my hand , thb 20th day of Soptem-
I > * r , 1881.
Jjy the povcmor
B. f. A.LF.VANI > IR , Secretary of State.
for the dead but encourage
aud support tlio Hvini ; .
QBAKT and Blaine huvo shaken
JtuiiLs across the bier of Outfield ,
Tux BKR will presently have a word
or two to nay about local politica.
TUP. fnlar route ring derives vorj
llttlo comfort from Preaiilont Artltur'i
THKBK is nothing like science h
Vgery. Dr. Bliss 0111 looato a blue
man pill inany | inau's livor-i > ; il ( by th
aid of Professor Boll's olootrio indica
tor balance.
Tun Methodist coumuuicnl councl
! ta Adjourned nnd Government Di
rector Frost will noon return frou
London , to * attend to those Unio
Pacifio oatiog houaos.
'JitH proclamation of tlio prcsidon
' , TiMjomtnoniliny u general oupensiou ofj
* lusncHi ! nn Monday , the day But
apart im n day ofjiuouruing for the Into ]
prusidunt ahould bu ( juiiorjlly obsorvud'
in our city. It is ti simple way of-
testifying to our OBtucm ami respcctj
for the dead. .
Ooa last oxpvrieuco with nu cxtnv ,
scission of the acnato was not conducive - '
civo to the public welfarq or ( Ivunta-J
gcoua to thu republican party. But ]
llio shadow of n gru\t sorrow will at ill'
Lover over the hind whun thu suimto.
moots In October and doubtless will ,
allay thu pAsaiona of party .and the ;
ouvy of faction.
"I'jiou tlio genius of our govern-
taunt , the patlnnvy to honorable .dis
tinction lies open to all. No peat off
honor no high but , the poorest boy |
limy hope to roach it. It iu tlio pridotj
of America tliat many cherished 3
jesy at whose mention our Jicavtuy
with n quicker bound , wore wourj
by ( ho iwija of l vqily , wio
quurcJ cibsoarity ami baoamo
fito. . iu our 0rm mont , " Jaiacs
For many weeks the prayers of thc (
nation , ami of the world , have boon
poured forth inctwantlyfor tlio lifo of
mnglo man. Nuvcr bcforo ninci
time began has micli a unity of sup
plication joined U > o peoples of the
oartll. Nationality , religion creed ,
OVON the absence of nil religion have
proved no barriers ; ami from million *
lioarts since that fata ) July morning
earnest petitions have daily arisen
that God would bo pleased to spare
the lifo of James A. Garfield and re-
him to the nation which
loved him no well. And yol
the president is dead. In
the bitterness of our spirit wo may
feel inclined to any that the Almighty
has not heard or that Ho haa not an-
iwered. Not so. Ho haa hoard anil
[ Io haa answered n Boomed best in ac
cordance with the laws which Ho hat
made to govern His universe , llo has
tiiBwored in the highest nnd greatest
icnso by briiKfinir the American pco-
plo into a grand unity beside the bod-
ido ot their dead executive. Tlio wish
of man cannot determine tfio "will of
God. Thn prayer of the human can
not alter an inflexible purpose which
runs through ell the ages ; but bottuij
ind far moro important than
the mere ' gaining of the
object of the petitioners has been the
effect upon the hearts of the people ,
Forbearing to clmhgo his lawn , the
Creator has prepared our nation foi
the change in the afluir.of state b }
subduing partisan pasiion and fac
tional malice aud by bringing then
into a unity of purpose fit for sustain
ing the great shock under which the ;
suffering. Ho has given to 0111
now president time in which to adapi
iimself to the needs of the govern
tnotit and has aflordod an opportunity
'or reflection on the part of the people
by which they are infinstoly bottoi
fitted to sustain their now executive
: han if Prcnident Garfield had fallen
a victim to his wounds on the day he
was shot. It is not for the fin i to to
[ juoation the purposes of the infinite.
The true ofllcaoy of prayer is to
jhango the will of the human into
ubmisaion to the will dirino , am'
in this the highest and best sense the
prayers of the nation have boon truly
AT the extra session of the senate
jto bo convened on October 10th , "
ihoro will bo in their seats according
to present appearances thirty-seven
democratic senators , thirty-four republicans
publicans , ono independent ( David' '
| Davis ) _ and Senator Mnhono. The
democrats will have a clear majority ,
on organization , and from all reports
will cheese ono of their own ( membera
as president pro torn , who will bo
next in succession to the presidency ,
in case of the death of Vice president ]
Arthur. There is every reason to bo-
liovu that Senators Laplmrn and Miller
lor , and the successor to Sona-j
tor liurnsido , who is yet to * be ap
pointed , will not bo permitted
: o take their Beats until after the or
ganization of the senate is concluded ,
[ t is confidently predicted that as
ioon as this is dune another organ !
zation will bo immediately attempted
with the result of just such a dead ,
lock as took place last'spring.
There is , however , n possibifity
that the thirty-soven democrats may
not all bo iu their seats on the tenth ]
of October. Den Hill , for instance ,
has recently undergone an operation
for cancer and several democratic sen
ators are said to have gene abroad. If
the republicans take advantage of the ]
disability or absence of the democrats
'hey ' may succeed in admitting the
two Now York aomvtors and the suc
cessor of Burnsido on the first day
.ho session , and that will give them
the supremacy in organizing thu sun
uto. ' It would bu impossible for the
democrats , even when all their mum
bora aso present , to , reorganize the
senate , because the 37 republicans
with JIahono would be an oftset to 37
democrats with David Davis.
"On ! sir ; there art ) times iu the
history of men and nations uhon they
itnnd so near the vnil that separates
mortals nnd immortals , time from
Dtermty , utid men from their God
that they can almost hoar the boating
.ind feel thu pulsations of the
inQnito. Through auch a tihi *
has this nation passod.Yhon two
hundred and fifty thousand br.xvt
upirits passed from the field of honorjj
through thtit thin vail to the presence ?
> f God , and whoa nt laot ih parting ]
folds ndmltted that martyred proai-j
to the company of the doiuli
of the republic , the nation
near thovuil that the whtspurc
' of God were hoard by the children of
j mo n. " James A. Garllelil on tlio a.v
r-iiuMtiiuition of I'rosHont Lincoln.
, General Garfield wr.s elected
onaturr ho p.iid n beautiful tribute to
? liis prodccossor , Senator Thurman ,
before the Ohio logtslnturo , betivooiij
jlwhoin and himself n close personal
jfriendship oiistod. On this mcmor-1
.ublo occasion the late president aaid :
fj"Tho llowors of awootoot fragrance' '
iaro thoao th.xt bloom ncroso party
? vv.lla. " And now that ho has paused
WTay from ull putty asaociatioiis thcj
'truth of his metaphor b wonderfully !
.illustrated , for union ; ; the TrreotuM
Jthnt nru hung about hU torab by u !
jBDrrinviiif , ' nation there ar ncjno of
f&uobtcr f ni ntnco than comu fmm the
Si-ther sidu of the party vruil that Ui-
! l w liiui troui part &f hia c
Tlio national convention of the
Irish Land League , whoso ocmion in
Dublin has attracted wiclo and descrv-
! od interest on account of ttio largo' '
jjiiumborA of rcprejsontivo men in the
body and the policy outlined by its
leader , Mr. Piirnell. Mr. I'arnell bo-f
i aii his npccch with the ivssortion that
Irbland v/ill never bo prosperous 01
ontoutod until her people enjoy the
right of nolf-govcnimont. Ho do-
iKjunccd the coercion act m n measure
"founded upon fraud , devised in i
pirlt of malignant hypocrisy nnd ox
[ ccutcd for the gratification of private
vindictivonesi. " Ho declared that
irhilo ono man is detained in prison
under the coercion act the condition
the people cannot bo considered a *
improved. Ho averred that the land
juostion will never bo nt rest until
thu landlords are abolished and the
tiller owns tlio noil. Ho proposed
that the farmer shall sot aoido
{ portion of his land for the use of the
/laborer half an aero of tilled land
jjfor each thirty acrca in the farm
"pending further legislation tor en
abling laborers to become owners of
Jand. " Ho urged the people to
flonly articles of Irish manufac
ture , and purposes to usaist
EL- ind encourage homo industries.
Of course Mr. Par n ell is about to ap
peal to Amuriun for aid in his now ng
itation. It may as well bn said that
ho will fail to meet the response-
which lie anticipates. If there was
the slightest possibility that an independent
pendent national existence could bu
guaranteed to Ireland no people
ivould rejoice more greatly than the
Americans. But political leaders
must look at facts , not dreams. The
fact is that Ireland is an important
part of n great empire as much aj
part of great Britain as South C.iroli-l
na is of the United State * . England !
would as soon consent to the mdcpcn-i
Jonco of Ireland as America to the !
locossion of South Carolina. This is )
a question that is governed by consld-B
orations of high national aa'foty. En-j
gland knows that if Inland were free
to-morrow aho would become the ally
or the tool of any continental powoi
that chose to make war upon
the crown. She knows that
there is a largo portion of
the Irish people the thrifty , pious ,
industrious class in the north espec
allp who would regard socessioi :
'rom .England . as an unspeakable
calamity and would resist it to the
irorgo of civil war. She feels as much
irido in the integrity of her empire
is wo do in the integrity of our ro
public. For Irishmen in America ,
; heroforo , to consributc money to sup
> ort BO dreamy and . ; hopolcsn MI ui
atton is worse than folly. What
irishmen should demand ia that they
ihould hnvo the same liberty in home
iffairs as Now York and South Caro-
inn enjoy under our federal constita
ion. An agitation for this would be
iraclical and sensible. There is no
loubt that if. Irishmen patriotically
uid zealously press these reforms up-
3ii the attention of the British gor-
rnment other beneficent mcasurcb
fill follow the passage of the land
The revolt in Eaypt Booms to have
oecn occasioned by causes much the
mme as those which led to the revolt
n Bulgaria and Balkan peninsula.
fhoro is a longing desire for Homo
tort of representative institutions ;
not whut sort none of the eastern
aaoplo exactly know or care , but they
vant freedom from personal domina
ion and something which will give n
iart of the rosulta which they sou are
wrought about in the west. The
; it outbreak in Egypt is the cul
nination of a scries of ovants. It
nves its immediate origin to the arbi
trary actions of Riius Pasha , the premier
mior , in promoting aud reducing army
ulh'cora according to whims of the
moment. Moreover , there is a strong
ifcolint ; against the foreign rulers ol
t , nnd , as the Levant Ilorahl
wgyosta in n recent number , the im
proasion has been created that the
Uiaz cabinet consists only of n sot of
puppota of which foreigners hold the ?
strings. The Egyptian army in itself
is of little importance , and any belief
iu a general Mohiunmediin uprising in
Kgypt in only professed by these who
. ro nnxiouH to have Egypt turned over
wholly to European rule.
The success of Biauurok in the
coming doctiono oceino r.vwrod. Ifl
the great minuter ia confessedly nv
failure .1-1 a political or 'iinteor ho muut
bo ncknuwlodgod a champion diaor-
anir.ur. Ho Juvi nplit up the oo-
; ; culled libornl party into so many fwg-
; iiionta that they do not know oven
! wlioro to find thouiselvos.
I The landed property of religious or-
> dora in Franco has just boon dosKj-
1 natod on nnilliunlnntodmapof Franco
jj.ind distributed to the press. ThoJ
superficial area of Franco is 208,2slS
l quaro railos , ot which the ruligiousi
wrdew own lb'0 aquuro miles Thos
I value of the property is estimated un
| SM2B07,70Q , on which they only p.iyE
yearly tux of § 31,090 , or at the v
ate of two and oiio-fifth cunts eng
joioh ? 100.
5 The Ixmdpn Spuctator , whoso tit-
Ktenmcea ou CJiiiieaOxqui'stioiio are ox-j
Iti-omuly nccuriite , taya that the hist ,
st'vity I U\vv-o liussi-i and China ovorjf
it'iu ' AWjft ] I Sttoil KuviC3lllly C > 1 M
Jploloi the last ntcp in the path o !
iivcstcrn aggression in central Asia ,
| unoii which Chinaontorcd ] seven yean
gage , Neither nature , Moslem fanatr
Bciam nor Russian discipline has pro
Jvcntcd the successful ro-conqucst of a
Brogion over which the Chincso power
Nhas been extended at intervals during
ffeo centuries , The cmpiro has now
5.13:11 : n fcaohcd the national boundaries
Ito which it has boon regularly pushed
tin every period ot conquest since the era. The next stop of the
tOhincso cabinet , the Spectator says ,
[ will bo to concentrate a force on the
[ Anglo-Indian frontier , in the hope of
liecuring the Abolition of the opium
i Ex-soldiers are largely employed on
Etho railroads in Franco. A return is
tsuod by the ministry of public works
nhows that 182,933 persons are em-
Sployod ou the railways in Franco , of
whom 67,579 are men who have boon
tin the army , The companies prefer
iformor soldiers from their habits of
jjdisciplino and punctuality. In the
Itotal are 13,534 women.
I The fortifications of Paris are , nc-
icording to a statement in a Gorman
gpaper , such that A complete invest
jmcnt of the city would rcquiro a be
sieging army thrco times stronger
Ithan Uiat of 1870 , and 20,000 French
Inioii in the advanced forts would suffice
jjt'or its protection. Besides Paris , the
utlying towns of St. Dennis , Ver
sailles , St. Oloud and Sevres are ef
fectually protected.
The inodo of conducting election1)
in Europe are varied and quito inter-
'jstiiig in their details RJ regards the
expenses of contests In Austria the !
expenses o ! elections to the roicliDrathj
ire berne entirely by the state , the ]
candidates defraying only their per- !
aonal canvassing charges , which arc
alight. Voters are not to bo treatec
or convoyed to the p'olling places ; am"
if the supporters of a candidate choose
to bear his expenses these must be
confined to such trifling charges as
advertising , stationary and'postage. .
In Hungary the official expenses arc
also berne by the state , and they arc
said to bo so insignificant as to be
scarcely taken into consideration.
Corrupt practices arc , however , said
to bo common in apito of a law passed
in 1874 for their suppression. In Bel
gium the communes bear the expenses ,
except those of the hustings , which
are furnished by the government on
the condition of their being maintained
and i kept iu repair. In France , on
; ho contrary , the local authorities-
put to no expense whatever , the state
laying oven for everything that ia
published relating to the electoral
ista as well as for notices to electors
[ n the Gorman empire the general ox
jonsea of elections are defrayed by
; ho provinces , municipalities and dis
ricts ; but it is understood that olec
ions involvt ) expunditure of money
> y the candidates , and a general clcc
.ion for the rcichstag does not cost less
Jian ono million marks for ea-h side ,
u Italy the expenses of contested
slections are paid out of the fund of
.ho . chamber of deputies.
The two governments whoso heads
mot recently at Dantzic have notified
heir foreign representatives that the
friendly and family relations existing
letwoen the czar and the emperor are
mfiiciont in themselves to explain the
notivo of the interview and define
to character , and that the heartinos
; hat characterised the meeting is
low assurance of the continuance of
ho amicable rolatiousoxisting between
ho two countries and of peace
throughout Europe. These ofli-
: ial notifiations neglect to say n
vord about the conversation
ook place on the oubjcot of socialism
avorywhoro in general and in France
mrticular. As almost every large
city in either Russia or Germany con
; ains moro determined socialists than
can bo found in the whole of France
, hia conversation may seem to have
jooa unnecessary between two rola
ivcs who had not soon each other foi
rears and did not have much time ou
; heir h-'iuls > .Un they mot , but even
rulers of ( jroat nations may sometimoi
ind that the easiest way of avoiding
mploasant home topics is to drop into
criticinm of their neighbors.
King Kahikaua , while in Vieimu
lait month , broke out publicly into n
of " " to the infinite
very estaay "high-jinks ,
finite gratification of the rollicking
jvionueao. Hfa majesty ono nightfc
| while making the rounds of the aubur-
Iban dancing rooms , accompr.niod bj
Vila personal auito , happened io visit u
? famou3 saloon in the "Wurstel Prater.
[ Seated in w box , ho for some timu
Jcomphicontly watched the \vixltitore , i
Uiul Hotonod to the insidious Htr.xhu
! of Strauss. Presently the mode oh ;
"o\voo t sounds , bright eyes and lithea
jOsures melted his royal reserve , andt *
subdued for the time his ecnso of
fmonarchial decorum. Al > nt once |
rho rose chose himself al
( partner of singular beauty nnd
Wlity , doacondcd into Ino ball-
foom and began to dance with all thc |
( fervor of a ooulhoru nature. Greeted
by ontbuBtiutio shwuts of 'Bnivo ,
Majesty I" and "Long live Kulakaua ,
nnd thoru'a Eomothitig like u king for
! y u ! " ho give full I'oin to his long ic-
'pruucd ' tonijcrmiuut nnd danced
'away thr w'h , t'a < J ivmauuler of th-
1 ' al i > ouuimno uuul un earij
lliour of the morning. When he nl
last loft the saloon nnd entered his' '
[ carriage to return to his hotel ho was' '
choc rod to the echo by * an admiring
crowd , and the girls ho leit bohiiu
tliim waved their handkerchief en
[ thuaiastically as ho drove off. Kinj
Ivalakaua will long blossom in th
memories of the Kaisorstadtor as b ;
far the jollicst and least haughty for
cign monarch that ever yet came
among them.
OH , WHT HllOOM ) TOH HP1IUT OF it 01 IT At , Bt
Oh , why should the spirit of mortal hi
Like a Hwift Hooting meteor , a fant-flying
clou ; ! ,
A flftsh ot the lightning , a break of the
wave ,
He rmspi from lift ) to his rest in tin
fhe leaves of the oak and the willow flhal !
fade ,
Ro scattered around and together ho laid ,
Ami the young and the old , and the low
aud the high
51ml ! moulder to du t andtogothershall He ,
Ihc infnnt a mother attended and lav d ;
Tin mother that infixnt'n atfectiun who
proved ;
L'lic husband thnt mother and Infant who
blessed ,
2aeh , nil , are their dwellings ol
The maid on whoao cheek , ou whoso brow ,
in whoso eye
51iono"beauty and plusuro her tritunphii
are by ;
And the memory of those who loved her
and praUcd , alike from the minds of the living
L'ho hand of the king that the scepter hath
Hie brow of the priest that the mitre hath
worn ;
Ilie eye ot the sago and the heart of the
bravo ,
2 hidden and lost in the depths of the
I ho peasant , whoao lot WAS to sow and to
rcnp ;
The herdsman , who climbed withlii * goats
up the steep :
Hie beggar who wandered in uearcliof hia
bread ,
fftvo faded aw.iy like the grass that we
Clio saint who enjoyed the communion o !
heaven ,
fhe sinner who dared to remain uufor
given ,
Che wise and thu foolish , the guilty aud
lave quietly mingled their bones with the
io the multitude go , like tlio flower and
tha woe d
'list wither away to let others succeed ;
the multitude come , oven these we
behold ,
L'o roncnt every tale that ha * often been
Tor wo arc the r.atne things our fathers hare
been ;
-Ve - sec the aamo sights our fathers have
Ve drink the Kaino stream and view the
eamo sun
Vndrun the a.ime course our fathers have
'ho thoughts we are thinking our fathers
would think ;
from the death we are shrinking they too
would shrink ;
io the life we nre clinging they also would
cling ;
Jut it speeds from earth like a bird on the
wing. ,
[ fiey loved , but the story we cannot un
fold ;
? hey scorned , but the heart of the haugh
ty is cold ;
? hey grieved , but no wall from their slum
ber will coins ;
'tiey joyed , but the tongue of thoitj glad
ness ia dumb.
? hey died , aye ! they died ; and we things
that are now ,
'hat walk on the turf that liea over their
brow ,
\ud mnlce in their dwelling ) n transient
abode ,
rteot the Hame changes they met on their
pilgrimage road.
Tea ! hope and dowpoudency , pleasure nnd
pain ,
ire mingled together in sunshine and rain ;
Lnd the Miiile and the tear , the uonsi anil
tha dirge ,
shall follow each other , likemirge upon
Tin the wink of an eye , 'lia ths draught
of n breath ;
' 'rorn the blossom of health to the p.ilc
lies i of death ,
'roiu the gilded saloon to the bier and the
) b , why should the spirit of mortal be
proud ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ono of Giirfiold's Old Letton.
DCS Molncs Kegtstor.
We give below n. letter written by
he late President Garfield , and which
low appears in print for the first timo.
i was addressed to Mr. C. E. Fuller ,
low of DCS Moines , who had been a
00111 mate of the lamented president
vhile nt college , and who was ever
vftor a life-long friend. At the time
letter was written the future
iroaident had just recovered from a
Jungerous illness , and his expression
) f gratitude for the love and
sympathy of fiionds seeing strangely
iruphutie now. It would seem almost
, ! mt the sumo letter might have been
trritton by the same hand only a
nonth ago. Mr. Fuller courteously
) bnnits us to copy the letter as foi-
ows :
lYiui.vus COO.BOE , August 10 ,
1851. ! My Dour Corydon : I have
> ocn down near to the gates of the
'Silent Oily" since last I wrote to
rou , Perhaps it were bettor had 1
jntorod God knowth. But the
risis is passed nnd I in fllowlyiro-g
.urnlnt ; now. Your kind , peed lottoij *
vis roscivwl to day , and I will re-rj
puiid immediately. fc
I think I told you in my other tl > nt |
' . hud taken cold nearly every night ] ?
linco I ciimu , and had had a scvou- '
icadauho for about ten dnys. Ihow-
or kept on &tudying until Friday ,
ho Itli , when the hot water streamed
rom my eyes HO that I could not see ,
and I was oblijrod to stop mid send for
a phyaician. Ho feaied T would Imvoij
intlammation ol the brain or brain fever - |
ver , gave mo medicine nnd forbid mo |
reading at all. Friday , Saturday --1
Sunday I endured the most agoni
pain , but on Sunday afternoon it uo-f ,
gan to nubaido , but I found it hr.d-
ivrought ruin with my strength orf ;
when I triud to walk I was weak as tifr
jchilcl. I have walked but little siuco , &
am still weak , though
{ strength. I Hhall bo quito recovered
jbfiforo JijnL' , ' though 1 cannot study
an moro thU Hesbion. Kt
* Qh , how nuich I oM
felt thaubfiico o.f ilonr friunds during
M ese long dreary houts of pain ! J jl
' . .uibjmn eomo lint's tlm In
u ; n , ' Uirh thn c ! a h > 't *
> 1 . . . 'i ' I dj , i't „ ! . AU
the name of the author , yet they
possess the elements of immortality.
L know that you will love them and
fool them.
"Commend mo to the friend that conic
When I am sad and lone ,
And makes the nnetiish of my heart
The miffcrlng of hN own ;
Who coldly shuns the glittering throng
At pleasure's Ray levro
And oomcs to gild a fombre hour
And give his henrt'to me. '
He hears mo count my sorrows o'er ,
And when the task in done
Ho freely gives mo all I ask ,
A * 5gh for every 'ono.
He cnnnot wear n smiling fnco
When mine i touched with gloom ,
But like the violets necks to cheer
The midnight with perfume.
Csmmend mo to that generous heart
Which like the pine on high
Uplifts the same unvarying brow
To every change of sky ;
Whoso friendship does not fniio away
When wintry tempests blow ,
But like the winter's icy crown ,
Looks greener through the snow.
Ho flics not with the flitting stork ,
Thnt seeks a Southern sky.
But lingers where the wounded bird
Hath laid him down to die.
O , such a friend 1 Ho is in truth
Whntc'er his lot may be ,
A rainbow on the storm of life ,
An anchor on its sea. "
Thank God , I enjoy such friondt
is that , though they are not with mo.
llutl must stop. * * * I need
not say I am , as over , your brother ,
Can any of the readers of Tlio Reg
slcr give us the name of the author
sf the beautiful lines quoted above ?
They are destined hereafter
to hold companionship with
Lincoln's favorite poem , "Why
Should the Spirit of Mortal Bo Proud. "
[ t seems strange almost to prophecy
hat Garflcld should quote them in
his way in his youth. Thus holding
ibovo all value the symyathy and love
of friends ho lived to receive years
tfter , an'd when his lifo was closing ,
juch a measure of human love and
sympathy as ivas never offered mortal
man before.
Piosldent G.arflold's Church.
The opinion has been expressed
that there is something "queer" in
the religion of the Christian church to
nrhich President Gartield belonged and
many people are inclined to adopt this
opinion. That there is no cause for
luch a belief in evident from the
ivords of Alexander Campbell , who in
L833 wrote in reply to a question :
'A complete scriptural reformation is
irgcd and defined ; having for its
ipocified object to inculcate and
: educe to practice that simple
mginal form of Christianity , ex-
grossly exhibited on the sacred ;
mce ; ; without attempting to in-
: ulcato anything of human authority ,
) f private opinion , or inventions of
nen , as having any place in the con-
ititutipn , faith , or wisdom of the
Christian church , or anything as mater -
; or of Christian fait or duty , for which
herre cannot bo expressly produced a
thus saith the Lord , ' either in ex-
ircss terms or bj * approved precedent. "
Simplicity , indeed , seems to bo the
nain characteristic of the creed of the
hurch if such it could bo called. A
orrespondont has sent us the follow-
ng passage , clipped from a certificate
laptism presented to a now convert ,
rhioh bears out this view : "You
iavo this day put on Christ , before
; ho world by-baptism , and by this
ict declared your faith in the
icath , burial , and resurrection
jf our Lord Jesus Christ. As you
ire now to walk in newness of lifo , be
'aithful in all the duties which the
3reat Head of the church hath on-
oinod upon you and especially those
lutics as mentioned in Acts ii , 42.
And they continued steadfastly in
.ho Apostles' doctrine and fellowship ,
ind in breaking of bread and of
grayer. ' Cultivate friendship and
inivcrsal benevolence with all inan-j
cind. Speak evil of no ono , but live ]
n pcaco with thu world , and you shall
inally have a peaceful hour in which
.o die , nnd dwell with God and the
ingolfl iu the mansions of everlasting
ifo. "
Youm ; women study architectural and
mchimic-al draughting nt Swarthmore , the
Juakcr Collugo.
The Dai Monies public school * opened
with a-i attendance of 1JWFoity.fout
eachcru are employed.
The Into William Wheelwright haa left
138,000 to found in Nowbnryport , Mass. ,
i school for instruction in biui-
icis knowledge , .
How woulil it do for nil the young men
n our colleijjiw to slop talking iihout boat
aas and given year to nolid study. A
'enointion ago they found thUcoun.0 prof-
table. It vroula nowat leant , bo uchange
or the young men.
The Art School of Smith College , nt
Northampton , in thU year to bo associated
vtth thnt nt Yale , the tenchcrR and pro-
esBors of tha latter ( school going to
Northampton every week to give instrnc-
ion. The new nrt building of Smith Col-
ego will not be completed until next HUIU-
The school authorities of Portland ,
) ret'on , have Miuwn unuommon wisdom
n demanding experienced teachei a1 for thu
owoat grade of tneir primary departments
nd in paying these teachers reasonable
alnrios the game amount given for the
vork of the third grade , in the grammar
The department of mechanical engineer
ug iu the Ohio ututo university ia said to
e particularly well equipped and ijrosper-
ui , Activity iu railixiaa construction andji
ron working i * leading many younirnienH
t this time to enter upon thu studies pro-Si
.ir.itory to taking n sliaio in these in-j >
Uslrica. g
Tha question nf ndmitting colored chil- { ?
Mrcn to tlio public cchooli of Columlnw.M ! , hai been \iituaUy ccttled in tbe [ ;
iiflmiutive. Huvcial of the colored pupiKj ;
' ! u\o decided to otiuiy Cicrnmu. A lewft
In-hllo parents have lA-cn thtir childifiiV-
lout of bthonl bccauso of thu atlniittiou of ,
[ colnrcd puU [ ) ! , but general opinion con-
jdcms this proceeding .
j M . Shiw , the daughter of Profcuoi
rA6-ai-fliz and wife of the Uoston million ,
falrc , Im-j established over , thhtv feeo Kin4
'dur ' irtcn bchools in Hobtnn nnd thonci h-k
[ boring f uburhH. She haa bueled heitelf so
icnergetle.-illv in the work of founding the *
"schools and colU'cting In them the poorf
llttb xvjifs of tha city that ht-r health basv
Given way and she Is BufTering from ft ncr-ffi
| Vous prostration brought ou by her cxer-JJ ,
j The l ndon university Iionors
[ which luivo juat been published , ehow that
.tho ynnnjf Aiomen who wort ) examined took.
: i rcmurktiblu place. The clam ex-f
| nmnnt ! { m for innthemntlcal honors h d >
tlirao mtmbew , ono being a girl nnd theS ,
' lrl bent botlihnr male competitor * . TinA ,
hn > t hi thn Dngll/Ii honorn ll t for the IHO-L
Ihijiiuiy I ) . A. cxnmltmtion was a youngrj
wonini : . nd In the German lionow Hit two ,
of the rint da * * , coiuiathi ! , ' of only four ,
weia ulbo glib.
Onolnnati haa made a ntvdeparture' '
aii I p .il reform In edii atiiiiat n etu < ! i I > y. .
41. < s ' "ia " Ui Iy uf i . - ! > .J 1r > a
ft i i-r i u un , L i l ' -'rj t
mcntary lesions from the IvnglMi ami
American writers mostni > tcd for their Mm-
plicity and purity of ttylo. The children
will prob.ibly learn ICM nnd understand
more under the new pyslcm. Ihcro la
absolutely but ono nile in English compo
sition , and that I.i good use the tifflgo of
the bcit writer * . That ia what the fortu
nate Cincinnati children nro no\v to bo
taught. [ Buffalo Express.
The tendency of girls of tlio present ihiy
; o cultivate the ormcntnl nnd neglect the
iicful branches of thcircducatioii In slunvu
jy n Philadelphia incident. Atc.ichirof
sowing wai wonted in the girls' normal
ichool , aud of thirteen candidates who pre
sented thcmsclvcatonly two xvero able tea
> a s n satisfactory preliminary cxamiim-
.ion. Many n young woman can paint n
ilafpie , decorate a VMO or pan el , emlnolder
H'nutlfully and make angel cake , hut
vhcn it comes to fashioning n simple arti
cle of dress , darning stockings or mixing a
> alch of bread , why , mother , the drees-
u.ikcr or tlio cook must bo resorted tn.
L'ha ornamental has its place , nnd a high
we , but in this matter-of-fact world ,
vhero every girl cannot marry a million-
.Ire , the useful is as essential M nn alloy ia
n gold manufactures , thought it is by none
no monni tlio baser Ingredient.
Christine Nik on , Clara Louise Kellogg- ,
r Ha and Thalbcrj ; arc c.\pert banjo play-
: rs.
John T. Kaynumd is doing exceedingly
veil , in a financial sence , with " 1'rcth" in
ho Boston I'ark Theater.
"Clarisse , or All for Love. " is the natno
f the play with which Miss Knthorino
togcrs intends to undertake a tour soon.
The New York Times describeMr. .
"Mivcr Doud Byron's familiar lurid-drami ,
'Across the Continent" ' -
as a 'Vtartling-
nystury. ' '
Mdllo. Judic , the queen of opera bouffe.x
vill appear In this country during the
ling season , under the management of
tenry 15. Abbey.
Mr. Steele Mackny has made n play up-
n the basis of the story A Fool's Erraud ,
nd this will bo produced at thn Arch ,
'hiladclphia , on Oct. 21.
The rc-entranco of Edwin Booth on the
f w York statjoto bo effected upon Oct.
, at Booth's theater , under Mr. Abbey'
nanagemcnt will benuulo in the char-
ctcr of Hichslieu.
Mr. Siegel of Richmond , Va.who lathe
musical director of the Yorktown centcn-
ial , has written to Jr. E. S. Kimball , of
Vashington , requesting him to take steps
o organize a chorus of male voices to take
> art m the exercises on that occasion ,
Gus Williams has n brother , William ,
i'ho is shortly tomako his debut in Boston
n n Hebrew comedy by Archibald Gordon
ailed One of Our People. Is this nn
daptatlon of the well known German
omedy , Eine Von Unsero Lente ? Mr.
Villiams being of the chosen race , would
ccm to befell fitted to represent some of
.s eccentricities.
The field of negro minstrelsy is well oc-
upied this season , the roster of companion
mbraciug the following : Barlow , Wil-
on , 1'rimrose & West's , Brooks , Dickson
: Olapham'e , Birch & Backus' , Carncross's
Jeorge Thatcher's , Cal , Wagner's , Mcln-
yro & Heath's , Duprez & Benedict's
Einverley's Mastodons , Havcrlc'y's New
Mastodons , Hague's Europeans , Hoy-
wood's Mastodons , Leavitt's Gigantean.
Madame llentz's , Baird's New Orleans , Hi
Henry's 3'remiuni , M orton's Big Four.
Household Words-
Jainos Pearson , 28 Sixth street , Buffalo ,
says : " 1 have used your SPRING BLOSSOM
for myself and family , and think it inval.
, iablo as a household remedy , for regulat
ing the bowel. " , liver and'kidneys. I shall
neer bo without it. " Price 50 cents ,
trial bottles 10 cent.19eodlw.
cent.- ! . 19-eod-lw.
IFor the speedy euro of ConsumpV.
: ion and all diseases that lead to it , Vj
such as stubboni coughs , neglected '
Colds , Brpncliitis , Hay Fever , Asth
ma , pain in the side and chest , dry
Slacking cough , tickling in the throat
Hoarseness' , Sore Throat , nnd all
chronic or lingering diseases of the
throat and lungs , Dr. King New Dis
covery has no equal and has established
or itself a , world-wide roputatiory/
Many leading physicians recommend
and UHO itinthcir practice. Tlio forni-
ul.i from which it is prepared is high
ly recommended by all medical jour
nals. The clergy and the press have
complimented it in the most glowing
terms. Go to your druggist and get a
trial bottle free nf cost , or a regular
size for $1.00. For Sale by
d(5 ( ( ISH & MnMAHoy , Omaha.
Special Ordinance No. 268 ,
evjinpairpfcla ] lax for curbing and eut'erlnjc
Karnham struct from tvo nu-t curboflfith
ptnct to the center of ISth street. In the city
of Omaha.
Be It ordained liy the city council of the city of
Omaha :
HKCTIOS 1. Tliat cpecbl tito the amount of
3M9.40) ) three thoimina nie huiidreil and s x-
: y-nlne dollsta and foily cents , nhlih Mns tha
iost and e'epciite of curbing- and guttering Farn-
inm street from th utst curli of 15tli street to
: llu center of JlSth xtrect , ho and the umo in
icruliy levied ux > n thu lota thai are boun j'l p i/r
.ihuttfns > > ald Improvementacordns ! to Ilyron
ltccd's in.ip which correipondo ultli A. D. Jonu'a
! nap r.i tlio Drt-t and original map un j plat of tlio
he city of Omaha , tc-wlt ;
: t HI
i 111
6 mine
6 no
7 nu
8 11 ! )
SEC. ' - ' . Huch spcchl tax tti.ill lie dun In thirty
(30)il ( ) j frou4thu paksafu and Hjijiroial ol till *
aidlni lie.
I Sic'J Tills ordinance thall effect and txi
in force from arulalttr Its iisv'u. .
Atiut : 'llliti. II. DAir.F.y ,
I'ntp't City Council
3. J , L. ( X JBWETT ,
Citj. Icrk.
Pastd Sept. rtli , 1381.
JUyor ,
The al > ovc Ux cor.ios ocllnqucnt on tha f tti
day of Otobor , 1 > U A ter which datp len
'per ' co t penalty and Interim at th atu of ono
ii'.re. it. per nun th , jayahla Iiinh.ince , will bo
wUul , S. 0'i ;
dlCdit Ulty Truuiiirer.
John JIcFadden will tile retire Hut on Uif
lOtli of August , 1 S1 , Charlei llr&ndci , Jmtlcoj
tliw I'cncc , ol l > t precinct , I > ou lii Co. , t otj. . I.
Huxl an order of ntUehmcnt for l he sum of $ y' &
In ail Action iiciullnilicora ( him , ulirreln v\V7\
iCmtz It i > hlntlll and John ikKaJdtn dtfend.-iut >
Hut proi.crty consbtliifol ! lK > u > ihald turnltura
iml IniplomcnU hat U' n otU lied uidir fald
order , batit caiwo u.-vt coutliiucd o ilst ot
Stptcmlicr , 15S1 , ID o'clock p. ui ,
nuglTwat AHNOKHATA t'Wrtlff
I7\OU \ SALK A farm of elclity cr \ In neil
I1 ri | . tr , ooil lipuso. i30 tl 14x 8 ,
imall oickinlolb'nrliis tn-c * . 0 olle ( outh
of O iwftCity , lo - , n * > .0.fcI1 , . It , > illlt
gitun | pnr-rtK l li l. Adilr * i. ; 8 r , ;
John Q , Jact T ,
( Powerl ) ol UjOiiJuc
ui St , ' I S'd
> I T fi.