Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1881, Image 3

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In 1852 I was mining noartho licntl
of Fall Creek in that county. I had
n claim that was paying mo over nn
ounce a day , nnd for once in my life ,
was quito content with my prospects ,
In July of the year named I took n
lot of about eighty ounces of gold
dust and wont to Washington , on the
South Yuba , into which river it omp
tics but a fpw miles above Washing'
ton , at which pwn I generally pro
cured my provisions and other sup
I was walking slowly along in the
deep shade of the great forest , with
my eyes bent upon the ground nnd
thoughts far away in spmo of the
old forests I had seen in Germany
while serving as n soldier , when there
came n slmrp , quick cry , "Halt ! "
Instinctively I halted , hardly real-
. im > g thnt I was not still a soldiui
obeying the command of a superioi
ofllcer. But it was only for nn incom
putable fraction of time , for on the
instant a masked man , armed with a
double-batrolcd shotgun , stepped out
from behind a largo sugar pine , and
about ten fuct from where I had halt
"IIold up your hands ! " cried the
masked man , and the shotgun was
leveled nt my head.
I held up my hands.
The follow then seemed not to ]
know what to "do next. Ho stood
some seconds without speaking , as ifj
considering how tt > proceed.
"Tako oil'your belt. "
"How can I tnko ofl'my bolt if ]
am to hold up my hands ? " said I.
The man seemed nonplussed , nutl
again hesitated.
"You have no pistol ? " said he.
"That is my business. "
Again the man hesitated and sur
veyed mo. 80011117 no pistol-belt out
side of my clothing , ho appeared to be
reassured , and said :
"You can put down your hands and
take off the belt you have about your
waist that dust is what I want. Be
quick about it ! " And again the gun
was leveled.
I took my own time , nevertheless ,
and as long time as possible , closely
watching the robber , who several
times for an instant glanced nervous
ly up and down the road. I also ob
served that his hands trembled. I
could plainly sco that ho was really
more frightened than I was. Having
passed through many battles and dan
pcra of all kinds , I did not feel at all
alarmed afrny situation. In a mo
mcnt I understood the whole busi-l
ness. I knew that the man only
wanted to got my dust , and did not
* ant to kill mo. If ho had not fear
ed committing murder ho would have ]
shot mo down without speaking-
would have taken no chances with
me.Whilo slowly taking off my pouch ]
of gold dust , my mind was not inac
tive. I saw that the rober > was n
trembling fellow , not at all fit for the ]
business a man that I could hav
tv- cowed and _ commanded in almost anj
situation had wo been placed on anj
equal footing.
When the belt was off , the high- ]
waymnn said. "Lay it down and be
off. " '
I laid it down and turned
though to go away , but as the fellow
picked up my dust I faced about and
' said :
'S "Do yo\i \ know who I am who you
are playing this trick upon ? "
"No ; nor do I want to know. Go
away ! " said the man.
"Did you over hear of Big George ,
of Siskiyou , the stage robber ? " said
I , moying toward him. '
Ho made no reply , but stood trem
bling and evidently quito bewildered.
"Poor devil , how nervous you are ! "
exclaimed I. "Why , I am quite ]
ashamed of you for a man in you
line of business. There's not a bit of ]
style about you. "
I was now quite close upon him ,
nnd suddenly said :
"Hand hie that gun you trembling ]
ass , and I'll show you how to do
things in a way that will make you aj
credit to the profession. "
Tlio command came so unexpected
ly that I had the gun in my hands be
fore the man knew what ho was about.
"Drop that bolt ! " cried I , leveling ]
the gun at his head.
Ho lot it fall to the ground.
"Tako off that mask ! "
The man hesitated a moment , and ]
then took off his mask a piece o
black muslin , with holes for the eye ,
when I saw before mo a man about
30 years of ago , pale as a ghost , and ]
by no means desperate looking.
"What is your name ? "
The man hesitated ,
"What is your name1 and I raised
both the gun and my voice.
"Gcorgo Robinson , " came hcsitat-j
ingly from his lips.
"I did not ask you to lie. Toil me ]
your true name , or it will bo the
worse for you. "
"If you must have it , Thomas Berry
ry is my trup name , but I don't sec ]
why you should carp to know it , Bir. " |
"That is my business sir. 1 shall
lot you carry that dust for the time ;
the gun is enough for mo. As for
your name , it matters little whotheil
or not you have told mo the truth , as !
I am going to take you to where you ] )
are no doubt well known , for now I [
shall march you straight to Nevada
City. "
"To Nevada City ! " cried the man ,
stopping short , and beginning to ]
quake from head to foot. "Why ,
ain't you Big George , the stage robber :
bor ? "
"Never heard of such a man in all
my life. " said I. "I am Carl Wal
dow , of Fall Creek and not nslmmcd
of my name. I'll take you to Nevada
or blow the top of your head off. Doyen
yon understand that ? "
"For the love of God , spare mo ! '
cried the man , whom I shall hereaf
ter call Rood , which is not his true
name , but is a name given in the
place of the name ho gave mo , and
which 1 soon ascertained to bo his
true namo. "Spare mo this time and
will honestly toll you all. "
\I "Talk fast , then , " said I.
"I have a young wife and a child
a little boy and a ranch that I am
about to lose. It is mortgaged and
will bo taken from mo in five days if
I dqn't raise 82,000. On account of
my wife and child I made this dcsppr-
ate attempt to save myself from ruiii , :
I was in Washington last night , where
I tried in vain to raise the mon oy. Islopl
in the next room to you , and through
the chinks in the partition saw youi
bolt of gold. I had heard you say you
were going to Nevada early in the
i"-- ' " " . Tt viq nUo mv iwl. nnd
Iho devil put it into my head to gel
your gold without harming you. ]
had determined to do you no harm.1'
"Istlmtnll ? "
"That is nil , and the whole truth ,
so help mo God. Now , for ( ho love
of heaven , lot mo go , and I'll ' novoi
again do a wrong net to any human
bcins. "
"MnrchI" commanded I.
"God help mo ! " cried ho , "will you
ruin mo and bring diagraco on my
family by taking mo to Nevada to the
jail ? "
"I did not say 'March to Nevada1 ;
[ only said 'march ! ' and I say again ,
march ! Wo march , not to Nevada ,
but to your tanch , if you have ono. "
"Good Godl You do not mean to
take mo there and disgrace mo in the
eyes of my wifo. She is one of the
best women in the world , and it
wouldkill her. "
I will know the truth of this
whole business , " said I , "I am in no
liurry to go to Nevada City. I will
lake my lime nnd find out all. If you
liavo , as you say a wife at id child , 1
shall do you no harm will causa your
wife no pain. Again 1 say march ! "
"I mndo llccd shoulder "my dust
and match some ten feet in advance.
[ told him to tnko n straight course
through the woods , as I wanted to
ace no ono , nt > r was ho anxious to
meet any of his acquaintances ,
"We turned to the right from the
road nnd marched in a ooutherlj
course. It was a lon way through
the forest , and nothing worthy of
note occurred while passing through ]
it. Little was said by cither Reed or
myself. Reed tried to talk to me
about his wife and child once or twice
and to beg mo to be careful in what 3
should say before his wife , but 1
sternly ordered him to shut his mouth.
"I " said I "ant3
am thinking ,
, |
that is enough ; I am thinking of ]
everything and shall do what I think
aright. "
Wo passed through the pine forosi
and down into the foothills among ]
proves of liyo oak and auionc man/.a
nitn thickets.
"Is it yet far ? " said I-after wel
lad been some time among the low !
hills. '
"But n mile or so , ' said Reed.
At last wo reached the summit of
ittlo ridge , ho pointed to a cottage in ]
i field half a mile away and ' said :
"There is my homo. " .
"Good , " said I. "Now sit down ]
ind compose your self , for you are ]
lot to appear at all agitated. Wo gc
now to sco your wife and little boy. "
ilccd began to weep.
" " "This is rough , " said he.
"Ijis , " said I , "but there is no ]
iclp for it. I will take the belt and
out it on. Leave where you are and
iiovo twenty feet further down the ] '
lill ; then sit down and dry your eyes ,
or the sun is not halt an hour high , '
and wo must soon go to you'r house. " |
Reed did as directed , and when the ]
belt was in place and I had given him
time to compose his features , I order
ed him to get up and move on.
"My wife will think it strange to '
sco you carrying my gun. Will you
trust mo with it ? "
"I havoboughtyourgun , you know.
When I leave your homo I shall car
ry it away with me. "
Reed said no more. As wo dron
near the house I told Reed to fal
back by my side.
"Now" said I " atteiitiofl
, pay , J ]
am an old friend of yours , a man you
knew many years ago in where a
you from ? "
"Near Cold Water , Michigan. "
"Very well ; I am from Cold Water ,
'Michigan ; you knew mo there. I [
have come homo with you to see your '
place , and your wife and your boy.B
Now go on , I am your old friend , Mr.P'
Waldow ; remember the name Wal
dow. "
"So wo went into the houso. Reed's ]
wife met us at the door. I was intro
duced as Mr. Wtildow , and at once began
gan to piny the part of an old acquain
Mrs Reed was s woman about 28
years of ago and quite handsome.
She spoke with a slight accent that ,
caused mo to ask if who were not ofj
Gorman parentage. She was.She ]
told mo the name of herfathcr Jaco'
"J acob Schroeder ! " cried 1. From
nhat place in Germany ? "
"From Dantzig , " said she. \
"From Dantrig ! " cried I. "Good ! .
I also am from Dantzig. It is myJK ,
native town , and I know your fathorli [
well , " which is truth I did.
My heart went out toward her ,
[ said to myself as I looked at her
lionest face "Daughter of Jacob ]
Schrocder , you are married to a weak ,
bad man , and n robber , but I will do
you all the good I can.
As for Rccd , ho said nothing ,
sat looking quito stupefied. Even ! :
ivlieii his wife said , "Is it not wonder-sip
iul , Thomns , that Mr Waldow shouldHli
inow my father ho who is also anwj ]
aid acquaintance of yours ? " Hecdjrt :
rnuttored something about thcro be-H\i
Ing strange meetings in California. jjjj
I paid no attention to Reed's dis-j
IrcsH , but wont on and told his wife
nany things that > I remembered about
icr fathorand her uncles , of not a ftnvn ? ;
f whom she had heard her fntherffl"
ipeak , for her mother was also
Jantzig woman.
I was soon on good terms with I
joy , sung little songs to him , and in-Bp
Iced made myself so much nt homcB. ,
ind the friend of the family thatRcedJ1
ast at me stolen glances of astonish' '
nont. IIo soonied to bo saying tc
limaolf , "Is this the man I tried toB"
ob a few hours ago , but who captur-3'1 '
id rno nnd marched mo to my own
louse , a culprit and his prisoner ? "
3ut I gave hoed only to bcconio moro .
narry and talkative than ever with
ho boy and his mother , Also with
Iced I talked about his ranch and
old him wo would take a look over
ho whole place in the morning.
As soon as I found that ho had act-
tally conducted mo to his homo , and
nice I had scon his wife and child , 1
tad no fear. I know it was safe that
Iced would do no murder there had
to n score of guns and pistols.
After I was shown to my room forfl
ho night I took off niy bolt and car-l
ied it to the room I had loft , and !
oiling Mrs Hood what it contained
skod her if she had a safe place to
eep it till morning.
She begged mo to keep it in my
wn room , there was no knowing
rhnt might happen , and she did not
iko to take any responsiblity.
Hood looked astounded. Ho also
egged me to take the gold to my
win , and said : "Tnko the gun to s
your room -tako cAroof the gold your
self. "
"Tho gun ? " said T. "You think ,
then , thoromny b < > danger of rubbers ?
"Oh. no 1 tlon't know ! Take
awny the gold. 1 will take no chance *
with it.
Seeing n wood-box in the corner of
the room , 1 throw the bolt into it nnd
laid over it two or throu sticks of
ivooil , saying :
"Thoro is a better nnd safer place
for it than in my bod-room , " ami
turning about I left the couple , Mrs.
Rood gazing after mo in astonishment ,
The next morning Mrs. Heed hand-
d mo , my gold Kecnl did not scorn
to want to touch it. 1 had given him
dose of it , by letting him sleep in
the sixmo room with it. I told her to
stow it nwtvy somuwhero , ns Uued nnd
[ wore going to look about the ranch
little before break fast.
T marched llccd off nnd wo looked
ibout the place. I saw thnt ho had
excellent land ! )00 ) acres of it in all.
but that it was pooily cultivated ,
Signs of filiifllossiicsspro HOOII in
every direction. The fences woionot
what thuy should have boon , the !
i > arn was dilapidated , the nn
wcro Icon and hungry-looking , and
L soon \vivi sntisticd that llcod did
lot much relish hard work. His house
was n laujo nnpaintod stiucturo that
stood in an open field , with not n trci > [ |
or n shrub about it. Of his 300 ncrcsa
of land , ho prctandcd only to cultivate
vato eighty , llo said ho lacked wa
ter to irrigate more.
As wo wcro returning to brcakfasit ,
[ after this inspection of tlio premises
t said to llccd , "Toll your wife thai
ivo are going to Nevada City , nftcr
breakfast. "
"To Nevada City ! " cried ho , turn
ing palo and quaking with alarm.
"You don't intend to deliver mo up1'
"Calm your self. " said I ; " 1 have
business there and shall do you no
harm. Toll your wife that wo shall
bo back to-night , nnd also tell her that
I shall bo yourguost for several days.
"I shall do as you say , " was Heed's
reply , but ho did not look very com1
" 1 presume I shall bo quito wel
come in your house for a week or so ? "
said I.
"Yo-o-s oh , certainly ! " said Herd
quite welcome. I ani rcaly under
jroat obligations to you. You have
saved mo from doing u great wrong.
[ shall always "
"Novor mind : you have said enough.
[ think wo are beginning to under <
stand each other that is , to some cx >
lent. Wo have not been acquainted
eng , you know. "
After breakfast llccd harnessed hie
; eam and wo left for Nevada City , !
ieed's boy hfitlo Jacob calling
ifter us ,
"Papa , brine mo something from
town. "
Ho ivas a bright little follow , about
'o years old.
On reaching Nevada City I told
Reed to drive directly to the Court
He turned pale.
J'ltis all right , " said I. "Wo are
'going to see about the mortgngd it
is , of course , on record ? "
"Oh , yes ! of course , " said Eecd ,
looking roliovcd.
Wo found it all straight. I soId
my dust , drew some gold that I had
deposited at the bank in town , and
then wont with llccd and h : > d th
mortgage released. I then asked lu'in
if ho did not wish to take homo som
provisions or dry goods. He said h ?
kvou'd like to take homo some prbvia-
ions , but ho didn't like to go up
the store after them , as ho owed quit
a bill over § 100 , ho thought.
I gayo him $250 and tuld him to
'pay off the old score and got what ht
Wanted ' bcsido.
"Also , " said I , "go to a dry g
store and get your wife a dross and
some such things as you know her to
ncoa , nnd something for little Jacob.'m
' But how am I over to pay you all
this money ? " stammered llcod.
"You nro presently to give
your note for the wliolo. "
'But how shall I ever pay'th ? " ! !
"Never mind about that ; that willK' '
bo all light. I shall sec that you
-you will work it out. "
"Woik it out ! " <
'Yes , right at homo on your ownH
farm. You nro going to workflow
to work for mo and yourself , and youi
\vifo and your boy. I could have senlj
you to state prison , but I can makcffl'
better use of you do bettor by you.BI1
shall work you on your own farmHl , I
instead of letting you work in SatilL
Quonstin. You will have all maunor
sf homo comforts , and will bo making
inonoy for yourself and wife and
moro money than you over madc
in your lifo before. I am not
leing right , I know , I am conipound-
ing a felony , so to speak , for tlio
cuircs [ mo to send you to BtateB-1
orison. I choose to disobey the liuvH' '
lowoyor ; take the law into my
muds , and I'll make n better job of
ho business before I got through
rvith it than the la > v would bo able
lo. " )
Reed looked utterly astounded. :
"Bo off with you now and got
oods you rcquiio ; you will find mo
vith tbo team nt the stable , " said 1.
Heed marched away , did as I told (
ind presently came to mo at then
liable , when ho drove round to thclf
itora and took in his purchases. As
food's guoat , T purchased some little ,
iresent for Jacob and Mrs. Reed. ma
On the way homo I gave Reed in-jfl0
tractions. IIo was to toll his wife
hat I had paid oil' the mortgage , paid
ns store debts , and intended to not
lim upon his feet and give him a good
tart to make money , giving him
.hnost his own time in which to pay
ho note ho would give mo when nil
ros arranged , and this I was doing on
ccount of our old friendship in Mich-
All this ho carried out to the lot-
or , and Mrs. Heed ahcd tears of
ralittido when she tried to thank mo.
I remained five days at Reed's
ancli thoroughly studying it. During n
ho time I wont to Nevada City and a
irow more inonoy ; also took out to 10
ho ranch as assistant to Heed a' ' '
ountrymanot mine from Deer Crock , !
man named Kempt. I told this
tan that Hood was an old friend of
nine to whom I had lent a consider-
bio amount of money in order to give
iim a fresh start in the world ; that
Iced was a good enough follow , but
little inclined tobo , lazy and shift-
3ss , therefore , I wished him to push
iin in the work on the ranch , as I
esircd to get my money back as soon
possible , I also told Reed that any
soldiering on his part would bo re
ported to mo.
I found and took up n water right ,
through which suflicient water could
be obtained to irrigate the whole
rnncho ; had surveys made , nnd nt
once lot a contract for digging the
ditch , which wns but two miles long.
t bought nn additional team , ami
lumber for fencing ICO ncres of land ;
ilso for putting private fences nboul
the house nnd Darn , nnd gave orders
for fruit nnd olindo trees to bo planted ,
All this I did through my robber ,
Reed. I then returned to my mini'
it Fall Creek , telling the llcods 1
should return in six weeks.
At the appointed time I was again
it the ranch , and found that all wn *
? oing on well. The ditch was com-
ileted , the house and barn had been
fenced , nlso thnt the greater part of
: ho fence about the ,100 ncies had
.iceii put up , nnd the old fences , mnde
is good ns now.
I bought ten cows , 100 shoop.caused
f well to bo dug , walled up and housed
* in , before they lind been using water
| from a ditch , hired another man , amis
? U stout girl to assist Mis. Reed , loft \
[ orders for an addition to bo built to
[ the house , nnd the whole house to bo < ?
well paintedthcnrotnrnod to my mi no.
I say 1 did tllcsu things , and sol did ,
but no one know it , ns it was all done } }
through Heed.
When the winter came , and the
mines were buried in snow , I wont
| down to my robbor's ranch mid went
to work there with a will. Mrs.'llecd
id not think it strange , as she
her husband owed mo a largo sum
money , which was to be made outjj
of the ranch ; bt'aides , I charged rog
ulnr wages -which was but right , Slit
loulct not but know that her luuband
ivas rather indolent , and doubtless ]
suspected why I desired to remain on
the ranch and see that the work was
Wo plowed ami planted the whole
quarter section of land , besides doing
a vast deal of other work , marketing
and the like. Tlio ranch did not look
like the same place.
Tlio next year all the ground was
fenced and brought under cultivation.
Fifty head of cows had been purchas
ed and 2,000 head of sheep , with man )
swine and fowls of all kinds. Chinese
were put to gardening , and two herd
ers , ono to a tcnd to tlio sheep out in
the hills and mountains , and the
other to look after the cows and to
milk and make butter and cheese fo
the market When the Chinamen
were not busy at gardening , they
were ni.ido to work about the house ,
orchard and grounds. Thus all was ]
mt in shape , and my robber was
made to become a very industrious ] [
I frequently visited the ranch , and ]
lie next year began to got back mj
nonoy. Mrs. Reed wns a very happy
woman It was her nature to dqsiro
to get along in the woild nnd make
inonoy , and all wns noyir going to hoi
satisfaction. Her parents lived but
five miles away. I frequently visited
them , and they were often nt Rood's.
I began to have a good opinion of my
robber , as ho was now industrious ,
and was in many respects a fair sort
of man. Now that ho had got a
start in the right direction , ho seemed ]
anxious to go ahead. Ho began to
feel a pride in his ranch and all its ]
belongings , and took great interest in
everything. I had not found it ncccs-j
sary to keep Kempt over him after
the first year. f
All was going so well that in anoth
er year Rued would have been able to ]
pay up every cent ho owed me , when
111 accident happened to him. While ]
going homo from -Nevada City out
aay , his team ran away , throwing him ]
put of his wagon against a tree crush
ing in his skill and instantly killing ]
him. I was in Fall Creek when 1
heard my robber was dead. I at once ]
went down to the ranch and I'mar- ' ]
ried , the widow not right away , you
must understand , for , she thought a1
great deal of Reed ; I comforted her ]
and took care of' thiitgs on the place
till a propnr time had cxpitcd.
Now you know how I mot my rob
ber and how 1 got my revenge. To
this day Mrs. Waldow docs not know ]
when or how I first became acquaint' '
with her first husband. She still
thinks it was at Cold Water , Michi
gan Instead of 300 acres of land in
Nevada county , I have 3000 in Qro
Jacob is a fine young fellow , and Ij
think as much of him as though he ?
ivoro my own son , although I boliovcB (
am somowlmt fonder of my ownl I
boys. Perhaps it is because I thinlcl
they have a bettor father than the
man that Jacob called by thnt namo.jj
Jacob has 010 acres of as guod land ana
3an bo found in Oregon , and it ia wolll
improved and stocked. I have doiu-jf
til for him that I would have done hadt
lie been my own son , and in that I have !
tgain had my revenge and carried out !
iho law according to my own notions , !
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mil SoiTii-KisrrR * LtiiEx , which terminate there
CKXTKIU from whlih radinto
; hat penetrates the Continent ( ram the Mlssour
lilt cr to the I'aclflc blOx ) > . The
'a the only line from Chicago owning truck Intc
Kansas , or which , by Its oun road , readies th <
points abo\ naiued. No TiiANatrns BY CARIIIAOK
S'o OONM-UTIONS ! No huddling In 111
rontllatcd or unclean rnrs , as cverr pasacngcr li
svrrlcd In roomy , clumi and MiitllitcJ coochci )
upon Fast Dxiirum Trains.
DAY CARS oi unrhMoJ munificence , IlI.t ii
CALACH CAIIB , anil ouronnuorld-taMion'
DiNis'o OARS , uiwn uhlcli iiicAlu nro nerved of mi
inirpasscd excellence , at the low nxto of SxVKxrr
i'lMB CxNTa ucu , nlthamplo time for hoalthlul
Through Cars between ChlcagOi Pcorlo , Mill
.rank eo and Jll 8ourl Rl\cr 1'oliita ; nnd rlosu ron I
ncdlons at all poluU o ( intersection nlth othtit
roads. I
We ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to oxcrxt
nlaco of Iniportanco In Kansas , Neliranka , Illnclc
II1113 , Wjomlng , Utah. Idaho , Koxada , Oalifarnla L
Oregon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arlzonif
ind Now Moxico. t
As liberal nrrangcmonU ) regarding Inggago n > I
my other line , and rates ot faro alwajg iwl ow n !
iLomiwtltorflhofurnlslibutatlthaof the coiu-
'ort.Dors and tackle ol eportsmcn tree.
Tickets , maps and folders at ull principal
jHlcci In Iho united SUtcs nnd Canada.
U. R. CADLK , li ST. JOHN ,
Vice Prea't & Gen. Con. Tkt and Pon'r Ag
Manager , Chlcaro Chlcntro.
1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880.
St , JOB & Council Bluffs
u TUB oiar ,
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
Prom Omaha and the West.
Vo change of can between Omaha and & > .
ud but one between OMAHA and
Daily Passenger TrainsJ
This otitlro line U equipped with 1'ullmin'i
PaUco fllociihiK Can" , Pal.-iccIay Coichcs , Jllller'i
Safety I'htform and Coupler , and the celebrate
rt'estlngliouso Alr-brako.
fSTBeo that lour ticket reads VIA nANRAt
iJITi' , ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL r.LUPl'.3 Rail
road , \InSt. Joseph and ( it. Louis.
Tickets for Balu at all coupon Btatloni In thi
IVcst. J. K KAltNARD ,
\ 0. DAWK3 , Oon. Supt. , bt. Jofonli , Hoi
Q on. roes , wul Tiuktt Agt. , bt. Joseph , Ho.J
I AMJT HOKDKN , Ticket Agent ,
1020 rariilmni street.
A. I ) . HARXADP. Uvncml Agent ,
Sioux CitjN J Pacific
St. Paul fiTsioux City "
cuurrii on msMAncu
ind all points In Northern town , Minnesota cndL
JaVotn. T ) > ls Una 1 ] equipped wth tlio Improiccl
Vostlnghouse Automntlo Air-brake ml UlllciS
Platform Couploj anil liufTcr : ami ( or
unsurpassed. Elegant Drawinfr Itoom t n
Keeping Can ) , owned and contiolloil by tlio com
any , rim through W1T"OUT ClIANQi : bctwco
Jnlon I'cclflo Transtcr uepot at Council muffs
nd St , I'anl.
Tmlii3 liavo Union PacDlo Transfer depot a
2ount.ll llluHaat 6:16 : 11. m , , re Mng Sioux Clt ,
t 10.110 . . ni. nut ] St , Paul at 11:05 : a. in , nuldiu
Ucttimlng , Icao St. I'aul at 8:30 : p. m. , nrrh | ti |
' Hloux City Mt a. m , , nnd Union I'acldcTrans
lileiwt , Council HlulTs , nt 0:60 : a. m. lie
t your tlckttH road \ hi " 8. 0. & 1' . 11. K.
V. < ! . HILLS , .
T. E. noniNSOX , Mlwurl Volley , U.
Aunt , fin J'a .i. Aecnt.
J. II. O'Uin AN , Patuxxigcr Agent.
fhnncil lilillii. Inwt.
Axle Grease
Used on W xons , Buififlrs , Ilciipora , Thrc hcr >
.ni ] Mill Machinery. It li INVALUABLIS TO MUM
u ANU ' 1 EAUai H9. It curia Hcratctioa and all
liui ) oleorco on Ilornco and Block , ui well as on
utii.OLARK & WISE , Manuf's ,
ODD Illinois Street , Chicago.
iMI I.OOMIH , J. H. NKWiU : < ,
1. L. tllLLKIt ,
ar loU or Iti quantities to suit , imrihastra ,
Order * KolldtcJ.
rard , Foot Parnham and Doug ,
las Bta. , Omaha ,
q > 3-tt
I'tniui jpyontl nny Tcasoimhlo quwllon UIA.UIIA
Is by Ml PilAs tlio best romt for you trt tnko when { rnv llns In clthrt i
Chicago and all oFtho Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. '
Carefully examineitlils Wnp. The rrlnclral Cities of thoWwtnntl Nortliwc tiroBt.-vtlonA
ontli hroncl. Hi tlin > UKU ttalns mnko close coiiuccllou * with tlio trains ot.ill tnll/oatla aft
. xAuXoJJX..1 ? W C w S ) Lla3
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
iioimTown1 , , . . 1 ? IT , i w'Ji'i' ' K-l ' " ' ? , " s'lI , ' ' K 9XMJ\rtIl1 | onliiRTnmklJness Northwpt of Chlcanoi i bfr. *
IM , 'l r\\ } \ "TcVtt'V or ? California Urn , . " "Wlnona , Minnesota ft Central Dakota UneOa
s \
Viii imiW i' ' J"lbrJsUliiYnnkt'l ! . " "ChlcaRO. St. I'aul ami Minneapolis Uno.1
rfciJLiS n,1' W'ort & , IllljUIV ? l'ne"Milwaukee ' , Urccii Hay & I.aUo Superior Wia '
Canailiw. nro suld by nU Couiwii Ticket Agcuuiu the United BtaU * ami
Jtcmcmber to ask for Tickets via this siiro tlioy read over It.nni ] toke nonoothof.
J1ABUN UUaimr.Gcn'l Manager , Chicago. , W. II. BTKJfXEIT , Uen'l Pass. Apont ,
Y P. Dim. Ticket Aiont0. & N. W. lUllmy. 14th and Pwnhim itreota.
D. a KIMIIALI , , Assistant Ticket Agent 0. & N. W. Ilnllwny , Hth > nJ Farnhkm itroctr
J. BKI.L , Ticket Agent 0. & N. W. lUllwny , U. P. R. H. Depot.
8AMK3 T. CLARK Oonotftl Arent.
Goods Suitable for the
ild & Mclnnis'
And will be sold at our usual extremely
Blankets and Comforters , Flan
nels and Shirtings , Cotton Flan
nels and Sheetings , Muslin and
Calicoes , Dress Goods , Silks and
Satins , Black Goods and Cashmeres - . *
meres , Hosiery and Underwear , t
Corsets and Gloves , Ribbons and
.Ladies' Neckwear , Cloaks and Dolmans ( -
mans , Table Linens and .Napkins ,
Gent's White and Colored Shirts ,
Waterproofs [ and Flannel suitings
Denims and Jeans.
OuriBlue Checked Shirting at 16'2-3c , , Sol
Everywhere else at 20c ,
You will SAVHJMONBY by Buying Your Goods oi'
603 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Gal. , E. Side ,
IE IfcT G-IB-A. V 13ST Gf-
While our Work is better , our Prices are'1 Lower
. than all others.
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make , )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
laving lutoly enlarged my workshops and putting in now . .nil improved machinery
chinory , I hope to still moro improve the quality and finish of our
ork and fill orders with moro promptness than la usual. ,
O-A/cjTionsr i q
My Motto has always boon nnd always will bo ; "First to gain superior facili I
tics and than nuvortiso the fact not buforo no wild advertisements.
Koino unprincipled dealers being in the habit of cepying my
announcements , I would bog you , the reader of tins , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
nnd these of Yours , very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock