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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1881)
9. THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE : SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 , 1881 FRIEND. Banger Pays the Plane a Friend ly Visit , A Short Sketch of the Growth of the Place , With the froiipcot of it/i Future Advnnoomont. - - * * " FIIIBKD , Sept. 21. In 1870 Mr. Oliasl Friend nettled on the then un cultivated prairie and built his IIOUBO nnd niado his home where this little city now staiuln , UIKTOHY. I'n 1874 ho caused a town alto to be lilallod nnd aurvoyod and at once coinmoncod the business of making n lown. As BcttlorB came in , each ono liocamo nn assistant in the great work of making wild land worth a thoraand limes its original cost , and in a very few years Fricndville , n it waa then oallod , baoamo known as a live , untor prising station town. The firat atorc wai started in May , 1871 , by Chaa. Friend , and then in the order in which their names are given : Ed. Whitcomb , Edwin SIngg , Hobt. Con neil , John Franco , Proudfit llroa. , and Fred Sanderson started ntorcs. I A CONTHABT. Tv o years ago I visited Friondvill and at that tiinu there waa , I think , only , , about ono-half the lioiiaca in town Unit thoru are at the proaon time. SixycaraagoIfiratatoppedheroJ more by accident thrtn anything clao , and at that time there was nothin0 Iicro of promiao excepting , perhaps,1 two or three live men and n few good- looking Indies. Thorp was nol an ar- tificiaror any other kind of a grove to clot the landscape. There was not a house outside of town- I roinoinborj rightly , that was not built of sods. There was not a wind-mill in sight , nnd there was wonderfully little to be HOOD besides that same monotonous , everlasting waving sou of prairie liny. At present things are not what thuy wore. 1 look in vain for a single un cultivated farm. Thu houses are not ono of tlioin of the shanty or sod Idud. Beautiful groves are every where ; the fans of the whirling wind mills Hash the nun's rays from a hundred drod water pumpers , and the town packed with teams and people is , for its size , the busiest ono on the line of the II. & M. U. R. i'01'Ui./mojf. / Last year Uuolo Sam made a tall } -of the inhabitants and reported GG5 , -which was a better showing than cither of the towns cast or west of hero could make. But 005 is not the population of Friend to-day. A year .makes a big. difference in a town like Ihis. I used to know every ono in Friondvillo- now , excepting Oharloy Friend , Ed. Whitoomb , Dr. Hewitt nnd a very low others , I find t f a town of strangers. A In the olden time tlioro was a genial al gentleman , an enthusiastic believe [ in the future -of Friondyillo , an withal a sound republican. Tins gooi friend of mine came originally from Omaha. Ho loved THK UKK , and ] how ho used to work io help tno got list of subscribers for it. Well , h was A tailroad engineer , nnd ono dark ! wtormy night hia engine wont through a. bridge and Michael Egan waa dead. Ilo know the torrent was playing havoc , ao ho uncoupled his engine ] from the train while nc ran over the bridge to aoa whether the atorm hndj undermined the supports. Thu ho .wont down to hia death , alone ; h died that his passengers might livo. 1 } was not amid the roar of battle , it waa not under the stimulous oil patriotic fervor , it waa not some high official performing aomu grand but dangerous duty ; it was only n locomotive tivo engineer obeying orders. Michael Eipm wua ono of the true horoea of every day lifo , ono whose' valor will not bo sunr , ono whoao deoda the his tori an will not record , but ono whoso noble devotion will live in the hearts And memories of A host'of warm , true friends. THK LiXIi for the original town flito comprised three-fourths of which fifty-six ucrca , - vroro given to the 11. & M. Land Co. , by Charles E. Friend , ' but it was not many years before the progressive little city wanted more room , and additions - ditions wpro made in the following order < dor : Uontloy'fl addition , sixty acres ; U. E. Friend a 1st addition , twenty acre * ; J. K. Friend's addition , II ft ecu ] ncres ; Pago'i addition , twenty acres. During the List four weeks Mr. 0 , IS. Friend has sold nineteen of those lota at an average of 800 per lot. Tinloy & Morten sold last week six pieces of land at the rate the owner ! I : hold it at a year ago ; UH it waa fariuj land ho presumed that no ndvanc had been made in the price of th eighty , but ha could not got a dee for the purchaser until an advance o : ton per cent , was paid , and BO it ii even agricultural lauds nro booming' ' nnd. holder * are firm , while the buyers ors are getting all tho. time more nu inoroui. Town lota nro steadily nnd oven' ' rapidly advancing in value. JUVUQVKMKNTH. A. school houio that will occupy n block 300 foot wjuaro is now in pro ou of erection. The building is to bo GOxGO , two atorios high and built of Lrick. It will be finished in time for this winter'i uohool. A Ifeutut church is to bo con Ktriiotod at once , and the indications nro that it will bo au elegant building And tufusiouUy largo to moot the re quirements of the city that will be lioro ten yc&n from now. Mr. Friend ia putting the necessary lumber in position for a oed slock yard , where ho will carry on the very profitable business of fattening stuck for the market. TUB u greatly on the increase , and will , in 'few years , be the loading interest of all this' country , The only thing for which u mun can mortgage his farm with any cer tainty of being nblo to como out whole Is for yoBh to buy cuttle to jstock that farm , and this is what hun Llrcds of the best farmers nro novtV lloing , and what others should do who" Iiro too timid to otriko out for the long pull between the calf , nnd Unfit | full grown , ana fattened ox , , Oats are probably turning out heavier average than any crop sown in ! ] [ this part of the country. It is claimed ! Eon need authority that the wvoragcL ( yield of this slaplo will not fall shot IB of15 bushels to the acre , Corn is not so chaffy as was cx-J pooled. Although the ears nro sninll,6 yet they are pretty sound nnd plump sn rule , nntl the crop will grade No. J , at least it will in linn vicinity. Thel ivaragu it is thought will rather ovor-C culi than fall short of . ' )5 ) bushels U > | the ncro. Wheat is poor. TJioro is no nying this fact , and the nverngo \ bo below ton bushels to the acre , ] Potatoes are a very light crop , in fnct.i ilmosta failure. The market priccHt > f this important vegetable is now nta thin place , ono dollar per bushel lUidEJ eagerly sought for at that. Fruit trees nro not yet auflicieiitlyRi matured to fully test the fruit raisingffc capacities of this country , but ovory-Kf' thing in the line , except peaches , didfcc very well this year , and where windjF breaks are used good results will ccr-P tatnly bo had. There are a number of thrifty young orchards in the vi cinity of l''riend. ' 8aro yory bright lor Friend. It is jltliat make n town , and Friend Bthom , She always had them , event dwhon there was only ono house mi town nnd that was Charlie Friend's ! jjhouso. Tlio people throng hero asl lif there wcro n circus going on nnd | Etlio crowds in the stores nnd thoLr Iwagons on the streets nro packed likejilc | i first ward caucus. ' | ODDS AND KND.H. W. A. "Wilson , "Happy Bill , " phould try preaching. Ho has bcanl laolcrk , has practiced bw and still iu n patron at the bar , but his mclodiousB. Ivoico and choice ] > icklcd jokes wouldlb Itn a church draw like a mustard pliis-jjl Itcr. Happy Bill was selling TexasR' Jponios at auction last Saturday , aiulBJ Itho virtue in these bucking bronchosHc Iwas , according to Bill , equalled onlyBc by Joseph , the man who was too vir tuous to live ( with Fotiplmr's wife. ) F. M. Woodruff , tired of 'wander ing nlono through this world's wil derness , " 1ms recently sworn to love , honor and obey , or something of that kind , nnd now his custom is increas ing , for it is said that owing to the ibsont-niiiulodnoss , caused by perfect bliss , ho is in the habit of giving a dollar's worth of sugar for fifty cents , Frank Ptak has recently begun the erection of a wagon shop for wood work , etc. Ho will also put in an Emory wheel. This tack will un doubtedly bo appreciated by the pub' lie. lie.Mr. Mr. Fred Sandorsou , who soils THE BEE , has increased his order for copies. 15IMIC1HANTH , who want to find a town where business is perma nent and bound to increase , where nvorything is booming and where the boom will continue , should 'juy < v ticket to Friend , Nob. , or write 'or'particulars to any party named in jthis letter. I cannot bid good-byo Iwithout returning thanks to Olms. E. Friend , whoso time and best efforts fkronlways { at the service of his town. ' 'Yes " said " did , Charley , "you always ; ho square thing by Friend , and Tin : [ 3EU shall have a list here that will re- iay her for what she has done , " and jy his influence n truly metropolitan ist was mado. For business review BOO advertising ; olumna. RANGER. HONEY FOR 1HE LADIES. Terra cotta in a now rose uhtule. Porcelain blno i * the favorite handkcr- Watircd rlbbonu and Initial ptna of iilver are proper nock garnitures. Stacking doyen are decorated In paint ml silk with butterflies and vines. Opa < ] UQ pearl and oriental jet jewelry i worn with steel gray silks for half-mourn- Littlu jawelry is worn : bangb bracelets and diamond bead car drops only nro per- misblblu , IIand bouquets are designed in horse ] xhoea , crowm * , parasolx , uhlcUU , circles and trefoils. uigoldn , hops , tiger lilies and cro mperlals are the latestj .cucontrlcltlos fo bosom bouquet * . Grand tolletH have shoe , stacking , handkerchief - kerchief , parasol , fan bouquet , glove , skirt and bodlco covered with lace , A great dual of Irlrdi point embroidery and uoa In n ud on dresses of surah de- Kued for dinner orovenlng wear , The poimlaiity of shirring remain * nn ihanged , nnd every part'of a dress that can be gathered IH drawn up into innumerable ings and fmu puffs. Diamond-diluted black patches nro wcl mo novcltioH , and dame fanhlon locates , .horn in the dlmplo of the chin , or the aup- [ lioso.l locality of that charm. The latest stockings wo road of are ol tin ev or four color J. This ought to make \ \ muddy croKaing jjlljlen llko a rainbow. Philadelphia Chronicle-Herald. , The lialtimoro American doesn't think ! that the civil rights bill wilt deal haralilyl [ with a bartender of that city who refused null drinks to three colored women , Costly enamali in the lienvenuto style , Ith lockets either oacrcd or prolaue mad liytho famoiiH Froment Meurieo , urusuH ended from the dollcato clmteUtns ofyoKl r silver , now BO fashionably worn , The Jersey plovo U the latest frcak.l Though buttonlesii , It U us long as au ilghtecii-lmttonkld , nnd tits the hand a the I eroey jacket does the body , The fnvorltt rolors are black , cli'impat n , old gold , and' ' nercury , Elegant nliuh goods haying an extremely - ly long ana hwavy pllo. ami iliuwlng broad stripes of satin of u dconer or coutrustiug color , brightened by minll flower brocadtn woven in cluntcrs , ere among the most ex- | ) ontvo dross accessories of the senaon , The openwork embroidery called bro- ! lero Auglalto U gieatly used upon tollotu of every doscrlpUon , It it wrought in various tints of the dross material and looks strikingly handsome for tlouncen. imiioli , plMtronn , nnd also for vertical Lmndi for dividing skirt pufllngn , tuid for liorderingi and ruverev , The mode of wearlui ; pannioru combined with the clinging skirt , either ehort or .rnlnod , eeemsto lind frouh favor in au tumn tol'cU. Thcso pannlorS as now worn are composed of bhort full draperies rounded - od over the liitw in tmo Wnttemi futhlon , ami nro unually made of a material differ ent from the tablier or petticoat , and arc frequently matched to that of the train. The cutbo | ) amj olcgant fashion of ro- ' iioylng ouUIdo wroj before entering a I''Aled church or place of tntortainmcnt , which has met with wi much bttcccM ] among the fuxhlonuble ladles of 1'arin and mf0" fort1ll ° , l > lwt two 'r thrco y aw , * " " "Vbe wiually thocu.tom with many Am- ! londcrtrif fashion ittirirx : the cominjr old o a oti. Tliow who follow It will " rfati the double advantage of tlisplayitig their toilets complete without nny cloak to MlnfiKiire or conceal them and yet have ali itho comfort of their wrajn out of door , 'when really needed , Una of tlio ] no. t ridlculdili , nnd at thc - nmo time one of the saddest fclfjhti in fashionable life. In to sco ft wonnn , cithcr married or lnfie { , upon whom the Rohlcu. cnclinntcd Kate of fresh bloomlnjr woman- Ihoodlms closed forever , Ktlll dHiilaylng the nn ] > ardoiiable ill-taite of drossln ? llkc h rehoolglrl of weet hlntcon. Tlio modeni fa-Jilon of wearing bright , intcnsn nhnilc hai given minimal pcope to elderly Indies wluif.1111 leftlco toKlvu up gay Or trying8 loiT , nnd the results hao hcen that thcic | l-dtrsfieil women have apjieared morc .han iHitnlly conipicuous In their incon- ; nions nttire. The new Persian or lloman Btripcd , bro- jaded or plaldud tjoiMls In ollk or wooll .vhtch nre now exhibited among fall 'ahric.4 are strongly recommended tel .vhowlsh . toicmo'dcl their own or thelr hildren'H last , year's miiU with comtrnm- , ivd llttlo cxpen'o , IXcn though thcsc . miulBomo goods Bcom high in price. ImtT wo or three yards are required to change * L plain drc B of dark blue , green , brown ; r black into n liilht ( attractive costume ; * ' vs mingling the gny-colorcd material with B't' hu plain trimmings on the skirt , and ml- ling ft plastron orl > anel , with ahouldci no , deep culF * and pocket * , qulto trann- onus ' n simple drew into an attractive lostumo ; suitable for nny ordinary occn- ion , _ _ _ , Doll for Republican State Coiiven- tion- The Republican eleclors of the State of . ebratka are hereby called to ncnd delc- ates from the Kovcral counties , to moot In it.itu Convention at Lincoln , on Wcdnes- lay , October fith , 1881. a * ; : i'K : ) o'clock , p. ji. , for the inirpo o of placing in nomma- ion candidatcit for Un following naincd lllceH , viz : , Ono JtulKQ of the Supreme Court. Two Itegenti of the Htalo T/nivc > rily. Anil to tran nct such other b\isiiio.s iiav properly como before the convention , The several counties are entitled to rcp- cHentatiou m the State convention ns fol- own , based upon the veto catt for George V rV. Collins for Prefidcntlal elector , elvinp mo dclcgalo to each one hundred and fift.v 150) ) votes , and ono for the fraction off * ovonty-five (7 ( < "i ) votes or over. Also one * tcleguto at largo for each organized coun 5ountics. Vts. Del Counties. Vti. Del . Vdains. . . . 1417 11 Johnson . .1008 fi ntoloi'o. . . 577 6 Kearney . . fi.TO 8 Joono G71 5 Keith .12 1 ' Juffalo..ll9d 0 ICncJx 550 5 Jurt 1U10 8 Lancaster.3397 21 iutlcr O.'S 7 Lincoln. . . 377 4 Jass 1801 13 MadlHon. . 070 5 Jedar 218 2 Morrick. . . 810 C Jhoyenno. . 233 3 Nanco. . . . 100 2 3Iay 1517 11 Nuckollu. . 50J 0 fax C85 0 Ncmaha . 1473 11 'hoso , . Otoo . . . . 1018 14 508 Pawnco.,1181 Justor.r. . 200 3 llhelw. ] . . . 420 Jakota 328 3 1'icrca. . . . 70 2g ) aw6on. . . . 817 3 Polk 013 ) undy 2 Platto. . . . 851 ) ixon ' 150 4 KcdWillow28t ) edge 1430 11 3Uchrdsonl704 ] 3J ) otulasj [ ) . . .3200 23 Salino..l8U iJ : 'illmoro . . .1401 10 Sarpy. . . . 401 'ranklin. . , . 585 Saunders.,1717 12 'rontler. . . . 133 Sownrd. . .13t 10 'umas 000 Sherman. . o08 : t Jago 172(1 ( 13 Sioux o.tnor 150 2 tOanton. . . 180 2 Srecley. . . . . 182 U Tlmyor. . . 831 7 [ all 1150 9 Yalloy . . 302I lay CM . . . . . . 2 Wnsl&itonllOO P famllton. . . 907 8 Wheeler. . 2 larlan 78 C Way no. . . 118 2 litchcock. . 135 2 Webster. . 100(5 ( 8 lolt 3 t II York 1444 11 lowani . . . . 037 fi cflcKon . . 100'J8 Total 411 It is recommended First. That no Toxics bo admitted to the convention ex- eiit such as are held by persons residing it the counties from which tha proxies are lyen. f , , Second. That no delegate shall rcpre- ent au absent member of his delegation miens ho bo clothed with authority from ho county convention or is in po'wc.-nion > f pioxies from regularly elected delegates hereof. By order of the Republican State Cen ral Committee. TAMES W. DA WES , Chni'n , P. .T. HKNUKKSHOT , Sec'y. pro tcm. Lincoln , Nob. , Aug. 31,1881. RELIGIOUS. The L thcrann 'havo only twelve com nunicnutx among colored people of the untb. The crucifix which Columbus held hen ho lirat landed iu Amoiica is assert- d to be in the po.snosalon of a lady In Col- rado. The Prcxbyterian church ( northern ) ha 0,501 oklera 4,59li deacon ; , The number * f those ofiicerhnvo novoi- been reported icforo this year. Tnlmago's church , in Brooklyn , has now he largest msmberxhlp of any 1'rcnby- erian church on this continent , Themtmeti in the roll number 2,471. The Methodist Episcopal church has vo pastoral charges mm three church iiilldhigH in the Black Hill * , ami .is about o build another church In Deadwood , The reports from the camp-meeting * ild during the pa t mimmer Hiioak M c ule of good attendance , well-behavi'd au- lieucei ) , and excellent preaching , lint the ionvenioiiH were not considered propor- ioned to the numbei'H iu nttcndunco. llev. Dr. . Thomai , convicted of herosj it Chicago , says ho will not bo driven on if the Methodist church. Ho twlds : "I \m not a irnlversallut , nor n Unitarian but an orthodox Methodist , and 1 do no mean to join any denomination unlcx : linccrcly agree with it in doctrine. " Tlio leeent meeting of the M : onfcrciieo nt East Portland , Oregon , wai tttendcd by ministers from the north line if Washington Territory and the tumth ine of Oregon , COO inllen apart , nnd from Wood Lake , in Eastern Idaho , 700 mile * apart. Tlio intervening regions are tnv vcrnod by the Itinerants of two conferences. The Itov. Mr. Green , who is in prison at Lancantor Castle for violation of the law ) l ritual , has an altar fitted up In the east ernmost window of hii room with a gilt ire s above it and candles , and other rftu- illntio emblems and clerical furnishings , n < l fromiontly , when bin friend * visit him , praeticeu hU functious us a clergy man , A Congregational church at Springfield , tinH , , in order to bring all its member- into nctivo work , has Issued n card on which are classified the various depart ments of church work , with a place on the opposite bide for the member to Indicate in what department nnd work ho will pludgo himself to participate One of them is tent to each member , and when filled it- returned to the imstor , who then know what hu can depend on , Sample ot "boy preacher" Jlui-rUon 4ylo as reported at Louisville ! "Tlu hwo was pale aud the rU'cr thereof win death ! Tlio rider therof was dcathl ( Sobs. The rich man hoard hi * foot on the hill Ho heard him oouio down the hill. Jfe lieaul him como down the hill. 'Wife , wife ! ' ho erica , 'Jccep him out ! Keep htm out ! ' Less than ten minutes before the rich man had said ; 'Soul , take tlilna canel' ' Pnt the rider came in and put hU hand on him. 1 ho rich man nald : 'Thin must be death ! Oh , Death , go uwayl ( So nway until 1 have hald inyiirayerl Go nwuy until 1 hear John ! until 1 get religion ! ( ) . death , ileath , death , death , death , death. * leathl keep oil from mo until I am saved ) ' i aoui and tears throughout the congrega tion. ] But no. Uixl ald : Thy BOU ! b tliU night rc < ] iiii-cd of thoe. ' ( ! od aJ ! : lto- liitredl1 Moro than that , He called him a tool. Good God , t > ave us from tlila ! iLrittMof.'V'w . , yef , nmcn.'l ' There in no time to proyj I am goliig to judg you. I hero la no time to bo baptized ) you arc coining to judgment. You have no time M'lsl01"1 W Wtt ln . ' . to damn you ! 'Ihy koul U this night required of you , niul Ho wiw gone , " von MEUMATISI , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backncho , Soreness of the Cfiesi , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swafl ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Foot and ars , and all other Pains and Achos. Ml Prep&rnllon en etrtli equali fir. JA I Oil u tafenrr , timpl * and rhrttji Kittro l idj. A trill entail ) tut tb comparttlrelj iK outlmy of 80 Onti , and tttrj cn iuffr- S with pain can bar * cheap and poiltlTt croc ! lit elalmi. > ' H Direction ! In Elerfn I. ngu j * , * r COLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AKD DIALEEB IN MEDICINE. A , VOGELER & CO. , _ ' t Though Shaken in Ever t Jlut Uid Illier ltli ( c cr and aijuo , or Iitliom remit ! cnt , tlio B.uteminny jot bo freed fromtno miv Ijnatit VlrUBWith Hostotter'8 Htonuu-Ii Dlttem. rotcit the system against It with this bcncfl cut niitl-spasniodle , which Is furthermore ft * u ircmo remedy for liver complaint , const pitlon , Ijspcpsla , debility , rhouuwtiuu , Uldnc.v trou ilcs and other ailments. jrjTForsalo by all Druggists and Dealers gen rally. WELLS , 1422 Douglas St. , Near 16th , Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STORE ) Will sell their stock of BOOTSISHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR DR.L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , .ATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. tcfcronccj all Itcputablo Vhystclani ol Omaha. fjrOfTlce. Corner 16th and Farnham Sts. , Dmaha. Neb * PROBATE NOTICE. jUte ol NcbraaVa , DouglM County , ti : M & County Court , hi'ld at the County Court Room , Iu antl ( or said County , Aujnut 1st , A. D. Ib9l. Present , IIOWAUD IJ. SMI HI , County Judi'e. In the matter ot thr estate ol Joseph II , Nelson son , tlocc'Mcd : On ruadlni ; and flllnif the petition of Martha I. Nelson , l.ntjlnff that the instrument , ) > ur- wrtlnir In bo a duly authenticated copy of the out will anil testament ol tald deceased , and ol .he i > r t > &to thereof , by the Circuit Court ol fountain County , State of Indiana , and tills da\ illC'l In thU Court , may b Allowed nnd recorded , ntl.ul.ikt will nnil testament of nald Jonepli 11 SeUon , deceased , ID and 'or ' the BUto ol Ne- * * rorJ'r dTli t August 27th , A. D.'lSSl , nt 10 o'clock a , in. , liAMlL-neJ for heanniBaIdMtltlon | ) , hfn all ncrioii * liifcrcstcd In ealf matter inaj \ppcarataCountyCourttoba held , In and (01 ( ld County , and .how Muse why thr nrajcr ol potUioiicrihouldnot bo rruntcd ; ami Hut notlw } lthgiwMilciieyofiialdHtUloiiciiid | ! thu Iu i1n ( thereof , lie then to all pernon * lnt ; ri ted In wlu matter , bv imbllahlni ; a copy of thli order In Tin O AIIWrcKLY HBK , a in \ | apor iirlntcd In said County , for three lucovtthuctKii , prior to Bali ) Trurrom' ; ] HOWAHD H , SMITH , tuzlO-v\3t County Judge. DexterL.Tliomas&Bro , WILL BUY AND SUM , COMMCTXD TIUXRVmil , Puy Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc. IF TOU WJLST TO BUT OU IIU C ll a Office , Room B.CrtlsbtoQ Block , Omaha. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , - I6th and Dodge dti. , Om h . Neb. ThU x nry doc unuortT * lirokerajc bfetlncw OoiSuotuwulatti , Mid Hierofoi * any borKaltij ift | booki rw InturodtolUjvitrooi , liuton ) of btilnif irohMetl uu bv tlm ft/ent < O , F. Manderson , ATTORNEYATW.l 2 Fftrntuun 8t , Ouialu N | i Bufdock BITTERS II j-on suffer from Dj-cpcpsli , use uunuocK III.OOD f jou nrp afflicted with llllknwictn , use nuiiDocK BLOOD IHTTKIIH. II } ou are vrostrntoit lth kick llcadnclio , take BUUUOCK BLOOD HITTERS fyoitr Itowclsarc disordered , rfjulato them with VUKDOCK BLOOD lUTTKliS f jour lllooil U Impure , purify It wllh BURDOCK BLOOD UlTTEItS.1 fjauiiato Initiation , jou will flntlan antlttotcj n BURDOCK BLOOD BlTTKltsi ( \otlnre troubled ulth Sprln ? Complaint * , cr-1 iJIcftto them lth BUHDOCK BLOOD JHTTURS f your Uicrb torpM , restore It to healthy nctlonl * tlh BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS j ( your Lt\cr h affected , jou will flnd a euro rc-l .toratU . c In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ! It > ouhacany species of Humor or Pimple , fill ! not to take BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ! I you liU : o any symptoms ol Ulcers or Scrofulous ] Soreu , acurothorcmody will l > o found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ! l-'or Imparting Mrcnjrtli ami vitality tothosy- ] cm , nothing can cquil BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERH.8 : 'orN r\ous ami General Debility , tone up tin istem with BURDOCK BLOOD RlTTERH.Ii ? rlce , CI.OO per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Go , , Props , ) BUTFAI.O , N..Y. Sold at nholcsalc by lah t JIcMfthon andC. F.l 3 < xxtnmii. jo 27 cod-rac > lffiitflWffi > 32S"i > f * * A"i S3iifcLj ? ] ! j * W/ffl E No Changing Oars BSTWEIH OMAHA & CHICAGO , Vhero direct connections are made with Thrmigl SLEEPING OAK LIKES for JEW VQIIK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE , WASHINGTON AND ALL EASTKRN ITIK3. rhe Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS ULLE , and all polnta In the soTjm-u or. TUB BEST MSI For ST. LOUIS , Vhcro dlioct connections are made in the Unloi Depot with the Through Sleeping Car Line * for ALL 'OJNTS MEW LINE" DES MOINES THE FAVORITE BOUTE FOIl Rock Island. The uncqvalcd Inducements offered by this llni a trai olen and tourists are as fellows : The celebrated PULLMAN (10-whcel ) PALACE LKKPINQ CAHS run only on this line C. , B t Q. PALACB MIAWINGI BOOM CABS , with lotion' * Ilcclluln ; Chain. No extra charge fo aU in BecUnlui ; Chain. The famous O. , D. i \ Palace Dining Cars. Qorgcous Hmoklngf Cart ttod with elegant hlRh-bockod rattan revolving hairs , for the exclusn e use of flnt-claea passea Steel Track &nd superior equipment coinblnec vlth their gjoat through car arrangement , make * Ills , above all others , the fa\orito route tothi imi , South and Southeast. . Try It , and you will flnd traveling a luxury ID tend ol a dtacomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated line for tali t all offices In the United State * and Canada. All Information about rates of faro , Sleeping } or accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will IN .hcerfully given by applying to PERCEVAL LOWELL , General Pasnonccr Atent , Chicago , T. J. POTTER , nnneral Manager Chicago. NetaskaLand Agency DAVIS & SHYDEB , COS Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska 41,00,000 utLOXC EIEi lire.ully selected land In Kastern Nebraska for la , uroat Bargains In hnprotcil farms , and ) n > aha city property. ) . F. DAVIS. WEBSXKU SXYDER Late Land Cotu'r UP. P _ . V-febtl Established 11 Years , Assets Represented 882,000,000.0. Aitlvo ro and Llfa affcntu wntfd. C. T. TAVWHl 4 ; CO. DON'T IT BURN I My koiuo and funilturo U Insured will O , T. TAYLOH & CO. , dir Hth and Uoiu-las. Ed ward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LAW HEADQUARTERS -FOR- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our olegnnt lines ( at BOTTOM PRIDES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open , Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STEEET , MAHA , Ni'U , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House iti Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jy IB-mo FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants. * 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments . , mode us will rceoh , o prompt attention. . References . : State . Bftiik. Omiha : Plait li Co. Baltimore ; I'cck & Banshcr Chicago ; H. Work & Co. , Cincinnati. . o. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , , IMrORTEKH AND JOBBERS OV MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne J. N B. Detwiler's i CARPET STORE. The Largest Stock and' Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. I 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. WBL F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TZ3ST Stove Bepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer X > M O3E * Tenth and Jackson * * * Omaha , Neb