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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1881)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA.SATURDAY MORNINGSEPTEMBER 24 , 1881 , NO. 80 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS AT FIFTEENTH AND -DOUGLAS STS , * No 1 Lit on Iltirno- street , Dear now rout No 2 Lot on Cv > 8 street near 22d , (2ROO. No 3 Lot on Callornln Etrcct near 22 > l , 8100C No 5 Lot on ll.\rcy street near U. 1' . depot euoo. No 6 t block In Shlnu's 3d addition near Con cnt , tSM. No 8 Tire lots on Dccatur near Campbell St. 1700. 1700.No 10- lots nn Colt&x street near Hanicou Park , nt reasonable prices , 100 choice resilience lots In Credit Fonder an Qr.vuh low additions a short tlUUvncc nouthcast o U. 1 * . anil 11 & II. depots , prices from 100 up words. 13 loU on 21st. 22d , S8d and , S.vindcr itreots 1 north ol anil * adjolningy E. V. Hrmth's addition (100 ; terms easy. No 09 Ml corner lot on Douglas street nc 10th , 92500. No 70 Corner (54x110 ( feet lot on Douglas nca near llth street , S3100. No. 71 Thrco loUIn Gist's addition near Satin tiers street , $1000 75 Lot on Dccatur street , near Irene Shtnn' Sd addition 8115. No. 76 S2xOOfoot on Pacific street near U. 1' ' and 13. & M. depots , J300J. No. 70 plcndtd warehouse lot 77x132 feet OU Ucct near Jones , $3500. No 73 3 lots on llarncy street near lOth.f 2000 No 81 Lot In Olso'ii addition near Saunder e'rcct , * 500. No. 82 Lot in UI ' addition near Saunder 4reet , 300. No 832 lots on 19th near Pacific and Nal jrks , $1600. V No BOLot on Charles street Dear SaundeJi No 87 Lot on Leavonworth near 15th , $1,100 No S3 Lot on C&ldwell street near Baunders . No 89 Ixjton Chicago near S2d street. (1GOO. No 90 Lot oa Blonde near Campbell gtrcvt J76. 31 lotslnWllardi&Caldwell'a addition , Sher man avenue , IGUi street , Spring , Saratoga am Florence streets , ( TOO and upwards , No 122 2 lota on 13th street , near Popplcton' now residence , ilUOO. Nc 123 Lot 71x310 feet on .Sherman avenue ICth street , $1100 No 124 3 lots on Dcllovue street , near Blio tower , $60 to $76'oaeh No 125 Full block on Clinton street , nca that tower , SCO to $75 each. No 120 Lot on 18th street , no % nhltolcai works , $525 No ' .27 2 lots , 31 acres near head of St. avenue , on road to Park , $ if > 00. No 129 Lo ou California near Crclghtou Col ego. 6375. , No 130 1 lots near new government corral , S2i x207i ncrc each. $300. No 101 Lot in Glso'a addition on Cameron St near SuundcM , make an offer. No. 100 Lot In QUc's nJJltion on CassluaSt. near State , make an oiler. No 102 Lot In Giso'Btxldltlon on Coaalua ncn Satindera , taako an oSttr. No 1G3 I block In Boj-d's ddltton addlttoi near Omaha DarracLo , make an offer. ' No 101 7 lots In Henry & Slielton's nddltloi near hi0'h school , price fron > S1250upnard. 170 Lot on Pacific street , near 15th , make ai offer. offer.No 171 2 lota on Webster street , near 21st both $33jO or 82000 ( er corner and $1800 for ill de. de.No 173 } lot on Casancar llth street , 81000 No 175 Lot on Sherman avenue ICth strec near Irani , 44x132 , 31400. No 177 3 lota In Grandvlow. raukc an offer. Nn 180 Lot in Sinnn's addition on Pier St. e r end street car track , ? M5. No 181 Two lots In Nelson's addition , 1 0 'daho street , 1 on Center btiect , near Cuuiiutr 1300 each. No 183 Two gilt edge lots on Casa itreet nea tilt , on a corner , 80000. No 185 Lot on Sow ril street , uear Saundere make an oBsr. No 186 3 Iota on Seward street , near Irene make an offer No ISO } , Iotm Davenport near 25th , $500. No 187i , lot on Division near Cumin ; ; t. . $200 No 188 } , block In Boyd's addition , near Ornate -barracks. 8100. No 1891 , t lot on Plerco near Oth street , 9550. No 19uJ , t lot on llth near Kinihun , * v100 ! No 1911 , 2 bcautlfiU lots in Shlnn's addition J1200. No 102 J , 2 lota on ISth street near wlilto lea works , 81050. No 193J , lot on 20th street near Sherman , $400 No II ) 1 } . 1 ! lota on 22d street , near Clark , 4X > ( I No 100 } , 3 beautiful Iota on fcaunders at. ncai itroct car tuni table , S127& . No limj , lot on 15th near HeJce Kt. ? 500. No 201 Lot In Giso's addition on Cameron tt. near Saunders , 6500. No 02 Lot on Cameron strcot near Saundurs $900. > $900.No 203 Lot In Shlnn'a addition on Sauudon etrcct , near trc .t car turn table , $350. No iW ! Ucuutlfiil lot in Nelson's addition , 01 Dii talon Gtrrel near Cumlng , . . . . . No. 205 Two loto on Castdlar strcot , near lOtl No'200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near tlu nail works , S1000. No as Gnu-hall lot on California street ncai * NoSOO Lot n 18th street near Nicholas000 No 210 Lot on Capitol a > enuo near 2JdlSOO Na 212 Lot 148x500 feet on Colfax street , ncoi Hanscom Park , with Improxemcnts , $2700. No 213 Two acres on Cumin * street , $1000. No 216 One-half aero on California , near Kpn No 210 taaut'iful lot on Hamilton street ncai Mrcet car turn tanlo , $1000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. $500. A few aero lota only remain unsold In 'Turk laco" little west of Crclghton CollcRt , price * ngrng fiom 8276to8300eathandon cany tcnus Lots In llorbacn's let and 2d additions ; oho oUIn 1'arkcr'sShlnn's ; NcUon'8 , Tcrracu'i , E. . Smlth'B. Hcdlck'D. and all the other addltiom any price and at any terms. Ten acres in the city limits on the road to the rracksat375peracro. Four beautiful residence lota in front ol Crelghton College ; will cut them up to mil. Nine rosldcncu lots north of Crclghton Collect roundi , from VidQ to$1000 each. Tli rUrosldcnt lots In J'arlicr'B addition , six blocks north of the end of tha strccs car track ou Saundcrs Direct , 300 oach,810 down , baUnct suit , at 8 per cent Interest. A few lotJ left in Terrace addition on the road o the Park , near head of St. Mary's avenue,87' < 0 each. To those who w ill build a $1200 residence , Tvuira time at 8 P'r cent Intcrt Lots In Laku'ii addition it $3f.Jto ( ? 3M each , It rearstlrao atO percent lutercit , to thot who Lulld. 'Iho old Toualoy 40-acro tract with house and All improvements , adjoining r > .co course and fair ground * ' for S3000. . . . . Tracts ot 6,10,16 , 20 , 40 or 80 acres , \vtthbull dings and other Improvements and adjoining thi city , at all prices. 3500 of tha but residence loti In the city o ! Omaha any location you dculro north , cait , south or went , and at bed rock prices. 2W choice Imilnciw lots In all the principal bus ness street ! In Omaha , varying ( torn $500 to 17000each. Two lumdiod houscsrand lots ran-ring from 9,00 to { 16,000 , and located In erory part of tlu city. city.Largo number ot excellent arms In Douglas Sarpy , baundcrs , Dodge , Washington. Hurt , aud other Rood counties In eastern Nebraska. 12.000 acres bent land ! in Douglas , 7000 acrct beat laudi In Sarpy county , aud large tracts In all the eastern tier of counties. Over 1)00,000 ) acre * of Iho beat land In tlio Kc- raska for gala by this agency. Vcrj largo RtnounU of suburban property In ono to ten , twenty anil f arty ACTO pieces , located within one to tlirto , four or Ihe'uillui of the- ostolHco some very cheap pieces. New Maps of Omaha , published by George I' Ccmts plain , unmounted inapa CO cents each , mounted , colored and with cloth back , fel.60 osch. osch.Uou3C9 , torcs , hotels , farms , lots.l andl. offlco roout > , etc. , to rent or lease. Taxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgage ! , j.nd all kmdn of real cstato documenU niiuoout on short notice. GEO. P. BEMIS' Real Estate Exchange 15th and Douglaa Street , SAD AND SOLEMN. riie Boinains of the Dead Presi dent Lying in tlio Rotunda , Funeral Services Over the Gasket Prior to Leav ing for Cleveland.1 ! t f Heavy Hearts and Down-Cast Eyes Witness the IiK pressive Rites , . i Ihe Bereaved Widow , the Be- cipiout of . .Universal Sympathy. The EJtineral'x Party SIutv.on . to Cleveland at 5:81. : Great Throngs of Sympathetic People Crowd Around the Train. A Spirit of Universal Sensa' tiveness Unprecedented in This Country. Cleveland Reception Commit tee Moot the Funeral' Train in Flttsturg' National Associated Prows , WASHINGTON , Sept. 23. Ifotwitl standing the care which was take : yesterday to carefully sponge the fac of the dead and by artificial means'b preserve 'tho natural appearance a far as possible , decomposition of th remains has commenced. The casko was immediately closed , but the pub lie was allowed to continue lilin ; through the rotunda. It was BOIII time before the fact that the facewa / not to bo scon bccaino known , bu oven after the crowd hoar i but very few droppodi ou of line at present no decrease to any oxten haa 'been noticed. The majority o these who passed by the coflju seemot really glad that the casket wa closed. They had heard so much o the terrible appearance of the faa that they were glad of some excuse t prevent them from having to endun the bight. It is not believed that dc composition will make any change i : the present arrangements , tha jcC1-- being metalic and horrnotricallV sealed TEE CAPITAI. never witnessed such n day as'this The heat , which prevailed all day , hat no apparent effect on the throng"wliicl crowded the street. The trains nl day huvo brought in vast numbers The crowd which had been oil' fron the entrance to the rotunda begat noxfc to disperse and climb the dome THE ONLY CHANOK IN THE PUOOn of ceremonies at the rotunda has beer in regard to the music. Mrs. Garfielc lias expressed tlio desire that then should bo very little singing ; cense fluently the program has been arranget follows : First , hymn , "Asleep ir Jesus , " Philharmonic choir ; second reading of scriptures , Rev. J. E Rankiu , of the First Conffrcgationa church ; third , prayer , Rev. Isua < Errett , of Cincinnati ; fourth , address by llov. Fred. Power , pastor of the Vermont Avenue Christian church fifth , closing prayer , Rev. D , 3. Butler , of the Luthorai shurch. Unless Mrs. GarfieW changes her mind before 2 o'clock slit WIM , NOT ATTEND TUB SEHVICE.S it the rotunda. It is not yet dofi nitcly settled what ladies will.accom panyHrs. Garfield on the train Miss Mollie Garfield , Mr. Rockwell , Mist Lulu Rockwell and Mrs. McVeagh , liowover , will go. President Arthui ind ex-President Grant will rcmaii : horo. Ex-President .Hayes will ac : ompany the body. The justices ol fto supreme court will go , occupying icats in the congressional train. . At 11 o'clock the doors of the ro .tinda were closed. Thu coflln wae then opened by Mr. Benedict , the un lortaker , and it was obaorvcd that ; hero had been no change hi the state ) f the body. The particular object ol ilpsing the rotunda at 11 o'clock wan ,6 allow Mra. Garlield nn opportunity o sco the remains , she having ex pressed a desire to visit the capital thin morning. A little before half-past 11 ofyock. The two car- iagea containing Mra. Garfield md those accompanying hoi Jrove up to the northeast cornel jf the aonnto wing. The part ) ilightod and walked to the north en- ; ranco ' and by way of the private ituir case to the vice president's room , riio rotunda having boon absolutely ilcared TUB UEUKAVEU KWIILV eft the room and proceeded clown the oug corridor to the rotunda in the 'allowing order. Scrgoant-at Arma Jrighty , Gen.SwainondMra , Garficld , larry and Mollie Gmfmld and Lulu ilockwoll , Col , Rockwell and Mrs. itockwcl ) , Attornoy-Gonoral Mao- /oagh and Mra. Bwami. Mrs. Gar- ield walked with her face ( partly hid > y the heavy black veil nho wore , lor features were partly disclosed by ho veil being thrown aside. Her loft irm waa resting on Gen. Swahn'u right rm , and her right hand hold a HAHUKKnCIIIEF TO 1IKU KVKM. Hie other ladies of the party were dso weeping. They wore dressed in ho deepest black and the whelo pro- casion was a eorrowful ono. The ihildren were not weeping , but their acoa showed plainly the grief tliuy elt. The party remained m the ro- , unda absolutely alone for about five in'nutcs. As the hour for the service dro icar the alroots in the lower part ol the city were tilled to overflowing. The piazza of the rapitol was donficly crowded by noon and these who had tickets of admission could wilh diffi culty roach the foot of the rotundn slops. A stretched rene there kept them back until 2 o'clock. TUB BKUVICKS did not begin until U o'clock. ' Thost rcprosenUng thti family , cabinet and other officials cnmo in carriages bo twcon 2 and 3 o'clock. The member ; af the diplamatio corps were early in their scatfl. The Chincsb minlstoi was the first diplomat to come. The diffluent organisations forming the s cert gathered in front of the ca ito at an early hour and the anxiou crowd kept their places of observation ] for five or six hours. The first society to arrive Was the Boausnnt command' ory ofc Baltimore. They did not ro mum in the rotunda , but , filed past the ciskct. . , Sir Knights Stephen. LnVtohj 'Butler and Jennings placed at'iKehh6ad of tho'catafalque a mog- | niricontifottcip cjrjjss of,4.ivhitotlow. . ] crS'irfio'UapalieSo : ! ! legation arrivedi next , and then the holders of tickuts were allowed. In less than ton min utes ull seats not reserved were filled. There has boon no additional drapinu in the rqtunda , nor any flowers placedi on the casket other than these already mentioned. THE OATAVAT.QUH. was surrounded by the guard of : ionor. At 2:30 crowds wore impa tiently awaiting the arrival of the president and party. Members of the English , Turkish and Italian legations and a delegation from tlio Vermont Avenue Christian church had at that time already taken the ! seats. Dr. Royburn was also present. The judges of the supreme court liavo also arrived and boon seated , Chief Justice yaito sitting on the right and Justices Miller , Harland ] and Mattcws sitting next to him in the order named. At 2:40 : the repre sentatives of the executive family and clerical force entered in the following ] order : Col. and Mrs. Corbin , 0. O. Rockwell , Lr. Boynton , Private Sec aetary Brown , Mr. Judd and Mr. Warren Young , Mr. and Mrs. Prud- din , Mr. Hickloy , Mr and Mrs. Bol- way , Mrs. S. Dean , Mr Duke. Rov. Isaac Errot , editor of The Christian Staudird , offered the open ing pruyor , few sentences of which could be heard except by these in { he ] immediate neighborhood of th < speaker. Rev. T. D. Power thei ascended the platform , which was at ! the head of the catafalque , and sppk Bxtcmporaneouflly. At that tini the rotunda was nearly fillei with chiefs of the governmon departments and army and navy ofii L-eii , and the other members of thi house and senate did not enter unti the very last , having strartod in body'from their respective chamber it 2:45 p.ra. ThoPJiilharmonicohoi entered together and were give ! scats. The ministers of the cit ; shurchos also entered in a body. PRESIDENT AKT1ICK i entered with Secretary Blaine fol lowed by the cabinet and ladies Mrs. Garfield did not attend. Th < services began promptly at 3 o'clock ivith the hymn , "Asleep in Jeans. " [ t was precisely 3 o'clock when th iolectcd choir broke the silence whicl prevailed and sang the opening an then 'Asleep in Jesus. " The tune was ar ild ono and the singing made a dee ; mprcssion upon the vast throng , vhon Rev. Mr. Power stepped upoi ho platform and in a clear voice un lounced the reading of the scripture jy Dr. Ranken. The latter , who it jastor of the Congregational church cad appropriate selections from tin criptnrcs. It took some time utter the cofiit iad been taken down the stair case tc .ho hearse for the procession to form n. line andgot under way. The nilitary wora drawn up at the parade est on plazo and 'had been waiting luring the services. The crowd was mmensn and filled the porticos oHhe : apitol as well as piazo and avenues .t ' was about 7 p. m rJion the * cortago gob fairly under ray. It was extended from the capi- ol to Four and one-half street about half mile and was an imposing sight. Pho soldiers marched with reversed rms to the beat of mutiled drume ml tho.sad refrain of bands. It was ndor the command jof Major Gen iral R. B. Ayres and march- id on Pennsylvania avenue opposite 'Lxth dtrcct , and were drawn up in no , facing Sixth street , forming an dvanco guard , from the pressure of ho immense throng that gathered at hat point. The hearse waa drawn iy six iron gray homos , each led by n alored groom. Upon each aide of ' 10 hcarco marched the pall-bearers ith the military officers on ho right and naval officers n the left. Thtf carriage ontaining Rov. Dr. Power , wife and amily followed , after which came the arriages containing the foreign mill iters , . Them came carriages with the hysicians who attended .the late residnnt , clergymen , friends and olativcs , judges of the supreme court nd senators and representatives. The Irand Army of the Republic followed , inder AVm. Gibson , commander , and ho Pennsylvania Republican associa Ion , TUB IJOVfl IN JJI.U13 , lith citizens and nlnuigcr.1 , brought p the rear. Whilp the procession ras moving , the mi nil to guua wore red and the battery of artillery sto- 'oncd near the capitol. At the same imp the bells in churches and fire ngino houses were tolled. When ] io procession utartod every band in lie entire line played the "Bwcot Jyo and Byo" aiinultancoualy , with an fleet both touching and beautiful , s nlroady stated the crowd 'hich witnessed the passage of the ortegp was immense. It was a quiet athoring and no pushing for places , t was almost an impossibility to push no's way through it. The foot pas- Miger to keep time with the dirges of ands in his progress up the avenue , it was impossible to move quicker. The windows wcro FIU.t\ ! ) WITH VKOM.TJ ind the roofs were crowded , The nearer the procosnion drew to Sixth itreet the doimcr the croup w Every approach to the TiaUiinoro I'otomao depot , except by what the remains were irt bo taken , WAR im passable. Blonds had boon orcctoi upon which the people stood all tin moniing. Vehicles were pnckod there tnd on the hcarso containinft he ro maihs came along the nvcnuo from every door from the cApitol to tlu entrance to the donot cnmo out heads uncovered. ' The Train's Biporlwe. DllOP WASHINGTON , Soptombpr 23 5:13 : p. M. The funornl thtiu ia jusb lcnv > j ing the city. f W1LHONS. . WILSONS , Mtf. , D-ilr. : M. Wo aw just phasing thia station.Progress ot Iho train good. JA . HEX JIUOOK. * * § $ , . . . SKA BnooKjG48' ) ; . M. The fun * aniltrain nwmnr ititoijull speed. . No indents rt.sA. " ' 1J" " - " ' Bounc , Md. | 5:03 p. m. Wo are now running at tlu rate of forty milcc , tin hour. . ODKNTON , Md. , 6-0-1 p. m. Wo tire twenty-threo miles from Washington ; tlio time to this place ia forty-three minutes. > 7 WNANH. WINANB , filG : p. m. The run from Odenton was-iuauo in cloven minutes , mtl we are lese than nine miles from Baltimore. STAONES. STAONEHI G:22 : p. m. Wo nro due at Baltimore nt 0:30 : p. ni. FDLLEBTON JONOT1ON. FULLERTON JUNCTION , 0:27 : p. in. A considerable number of pcoplo na scmbled at , ' the depot to trout the train as it passed. . BALTIMORE. .uAUJLuuviuj , 8t33. Wo have jus irrivcd ntthorUnion depot and mad our first slop. ' Wo will remain eve ibont tou minutca. IT. VEHNON. MT. VPRNON It ia now 6:49. : p. m \Vo left | Junction depot , Baltimore \fc 0:44 : , passing from the Philadelphia phia , Wiihiiin-jton & Bnltimoro rail Tay io the Northern Central , en roul 'or Hurrifiburg. MT. WASHINGTON. MT. WASUINGTON Koachcd thi station nt G5D ; p. m. Nothing of i i occurred BO fur. TimONIUAI. TINIOXIUM , Md. , Sept. 23. W are now twelve miles from Baltimore The run waa made in sixteen minutes The delay of the train at Baltimore was because of the enormous crowd o people who , dosp'to ' nil the effbrtp-o ; ho railroad compnny'e omeiiilH , oj iyM od upon the track outside of thu du aot , makiiiy it impossible to proceed i'ho train ollicialo , decided to maki an official inspection of the whuol runniug sear and take a fresh suppl ; uf water. Except for the great crowi no stop would have been made. I was estimated that 100,000 poopl ivero about the depot , and it w stated that all the streets intho vicini ; y voro thronged. It was nuciiasar to start the engine at the lowest possible siblo pace , aud actually to push poole > lo out of the way by the motion o ho train. GIKC01 ) ! . . 7:17 : p. in.Tho Instfiv nilcs wcro run in in seven minutes. AllKTON. PAniiTON , 7:1'J. Wo aionow twcn y-nino miles north of B.iltimoru. NEWFKKEnoM. NEW FKKEBOM , Ponn. Wo los eight minutes between Parkton ant Now Freedom. Wo are now thirty nine miles miles north of Baltimore The loss was occasioned by tukinp water and climbing up grade. GLEN HOCK , PA. GI.EN IIOCB : , Pa. The train inaxL ono minute less than schedule time between Hunovor Junction and this point while cooling the engine. YOKK. YOUK , 8:33 : p. ra. Over 16.00C people gathered hero to reot tlu train us it passed , but wcro rai through at n high rate of npocd in order , if possible , to muko up the lost time. HAHIUSDURG--Tho train did - - not oomo to a full ( stop at York , but stop ped at York Haven for water. The crpwd at that place wai very largo. A. company of military faced the train. The .train left the Northern Central road at Marysvillo without Bioppinir and did not go to * Jlarriaburg at ull and ran slowly through Bridgeport , which is just across the .river from Uarrisburg and where a crowd wok waiting. The bunks in both traiub liavo been put up and most 01 the pas iongors have retired , A note dropped pod ut York from the forward section ays Mrs , Qarflold and Mrs. Rock well will sit up all night , Wo arc now averaging ttrcnty-oight miles an liour. NEWI-OUT , 1230 ; p. m , Everything in going well on board the train. Most of these attending the party Imyo retired for the night except the watchers in the funeral. MOCMRVBY. McGARVEY , Pa. , 1:07 : a. m. At Altoonn we changed engines and af ter leaving that city , entered upon thoPittsburg division , The clmngoof engines was elFcctoJ in three minutes. OUEKHOX. 4 GIBSON , 2.-20 n. m. Tlioro wet ton minutes in nil for change , The train is now quite up to time. aov , HELL MAKCHEHTOB , N. IT. ( September 23. Gov , Boll to-day issued a procla mation recommending the observation of Monday M n fast day in honor ol darfiold. _ _ _ _ _ _ THE POST-MORTEM. THIS UNSATISFACTORY WAY IN WHICH THE POST-MORTEM 1VA3 MADK UPON THE BODY OK T11K TRKSllinNT. Oincino , Sept. 23. The Tribune's Washington special says : "llumora a * to the concealment of essential facts .it the autopsy at LOUR Branch have been confirmed , at Icnst in part , by u statement recently made by Dr. IJoyn- ton. The elory is that the report of the autopsy concealed miuiy .facts irliich tended to even further discredit the nttcmdinn surgeons. Thia is said to bo particularly true as to proofs ol extensive blood-poisoning nud the nb 3ccssc.i on the lungs. It has been learned that when the knife struck the lungH they were found to bo full Wof pus , and the small pus points form King th o m o tastal ic ixbhccsaus were clear ! j ( visible , Tlio bullet was not found un jttil itvas discovered on a pluto among Jtho entrails. Tlioso who had charge lof the nulopiy nmdo their search foi JLtho Lull along the line of the pus cav- iity that Was called "the back of th wound , " and it was evidently only b Wiccidont that the real location of th mail was at lost found , i Dr. Boynton ia reported as liavin. Bjaid that the president might have been saved by a different treatment H The Times' Washington spocia says : "General Swuim is so indi nan lover the report of the autopsy thn nothing will pro vent him telling tin Itruo story to the public after Genera Gnrfield is buried. It is claimed h Khos already told the story to snvora medical friends in this city , ono o [ whom makes the following statement I "In the first place , the post mor torn aa attempted by this man Lain' ' Iwaa so unsatisfactory to Dr. Agnoy that ho performed the lost part of i himself. The physicians in charg * Iwero urged very hard to send for cm linont nathalogists not connected witl Icho case two from Philadelphia anc Htwo from Now York but they woulc Knot do so , upon the plea that it wouli reflect upon them after they made ai ( incision into the abdomen. The ; broke open n tack from four t > | dx inches long , containing a larp Sunount of matter which ran into UK bowels. Then they pursued th licurch down Iho H HUrTOSED TUAOK OF TI1E HUI.LET , Ibotwcon the musclo.i of the abdomoi tnd the interior wall of the abdomen for over an hour. Then they "tool the intestines out and put them int < \ wash bowl and then further pursue their search for thobullot. Failin to find it whcro they expected thot looked for it in the intestines , , ant found it in tha back part of the mas i of the washbowl. It could no mvo lain outside of the peritoroum ulso how could they hav < alcon it out with the intns ; inos. The ball burnt ; incystod , it coul not have ruptured an artery. Thod did not oxumino iho stomach ; the ; did-not open any of the intestines rjioy simply ) opened , ( hoBehest nn ( raised the lungs nnd OAU.ED THEM IIEALTUY. when eonio ono insisted upon thei examination. They were not removed but cut into , and as soon us they were cut into the pus Mowed out freely line copiously. They closed them up am laid { hero was no laceration there was no abscess thero. An abscess wa 'nuiid first in the loft kidney. Thev said it woo not an abscess , but 01 reaching the ri ht kidney the ubaccs v/aa BO largo that they were compollet : o admit that there was an abscess md Agnew , being asked if the lef was not the same , answered : 'Yes precisely.1 The wound waa not nee 3osarily a mortal ono. The track o the bull had healed ; thu ball wet encysted. Tlio vurtcbrio showed n evidence hat it was injured , ca there was nothing to indicate an injury o , ho spinal cord at all , but there wen argo abscesses in and about the live 'rom four to six inches long. The ; nust have been the result of A CI/JT oy IILOOU brined soon after the shooting am this blood , becoming putricd and dis organized , the whole system beciun > oinonod and was iho cause of these Abscesses. If this blood had boot withdrawn at the time there wonh lave boon nothing to produce these ibscusscs. That could huvo been dent > y an aspirator. By the use of ai rdinnry aspirator they could htivi , old by the hardness and firmness o ho part at the time that the clot o } lood was there , You romomboi durgeon General Wales , of the nuvi nid it was thuro and mapped ou ho size of it. It ia about ns consiston or n physician to make his own pos nortem oxnniinations as it is for neal oal estuto agent to niitko surveys 'lio revelation of the post mortem rvhon officially nmdo will create n greai ensation in the medical world , " CONVENING THE SENATE- 'REHIDBNT ' AKTUUIt'rt 1'KOOLAMATJON CALUNC1 AN liXTJtA 8KHSION OK T1IK HKNATB I'OJl TJIC lOlll OK Orf011EJl ( NEXT. V Uonal AsiocJttcd 1'rojui. WAsniNaroN , September 23. The allowing has just bcoon issued ho president : WAHHINOTON , September 23. A reclamation : Whereas , objects of interest to the [ Jnitcd States require that the senate liould bo convened at an early day to ecoivo and act upon such commuui- : ationb as may bo made to it on ; llil part of the executive. Now , there- ore , I. Chester A. Arthur , president > f the United States , have conslclcrod t to bo my duty to issue hia , my proclamation , doclar- ng that an extraordinary occasion equirca the senate of the United States to convene for the transaction f business at the capitol in the city if Washington on Monday , the IGtliJ ! ay of October next , at noon on that lay , of which all whp shall at that line bo entitled to act as members of ] hat body are hereby required to take ] oticu. CUvon under my hand and the oal of the United States , at Wash- ngton , the 23d day of September , in Iho year of our Lord ono thousand [ eight hundred and o5ghtj--one , and o : the independence of the United ates the ono hundred and sixth. ( Signed ) CiinsrEi : A. ARTHUR. By the President , JAM. O. ULAINK. Sncrotary of State. THE SON LESS MOTHER. ( ORANDMA UAKVlKLn'a KUnilUED ORIE1 Hlin I1RA11S HER AFFLICTION JUV MAUKARLY WRLU CLEVELAND , 0. , Sept. 23. Motho : [ Garfield listena carefully to every thing that is said about the funcni preparations , but is neither demon jstrativo or tragic in hoi' grief , as sh has been represented. . Last evening ing she talked with ft Nationa1 Associated Proas repronentativc ii ior quiet way. Her dee iijriof id only equalled by th < interest she manifested in nil that wn kaid. Occasionally the mention j&iomo little act of delicate courtesy on the part of the pcnplo woilld toucli her heart and a tear would glisten in her eye. Everybody loves Grandm iGnrilpld hero , and many are the ox nrfeesiona of sympnthy tendered her [ Naturally retiring , she seeks to hid her grief. There Booms to bo no dan 'gor ' that the great affliction will un balance her mind , for she seeks t compose herself and bear thu tria bravely ; yet the falling tears reveal [ the anguish with ] ) which her hoar : is rent. The president's siatois ari [ made weak and nervous by the tcr riblb news , following as it does in tin in the wako of four other famil doaths. Mrs. Trowbridge , atricko with grief at the death of the r.resi dent , is watching by the bedside of dying granddaughter , the little chil ) f Mrs. Connor , who is prostrat rvith quick consuinpUon and death i 'lourly expected , GUXTEA1J. National Awoclatixl 1'rcn. IE QUESTION 01' LECIA1. 1'UNISII MKNT. WASIIINOTON , Sept. 23. The dis cnssion of the legal status of thu Gui teau case continues , the best author ties agreeing that the state of Nov Jersey has no jurisdiction in the pro niincs and that the assassin must b ried for murder in thu district court CJUITBAU'H XERVOUH CONDITION. The assassin at the jail continues in i nervous state. The least action o : the guards of nn unusual character ex cites distrust in Guitcau's mind. H now watches the minutest action o oven these ho formerly trusted , , Moiicau Symbathy. Correspondence ot Tlio lloo. CITY OF MnxicOj Sept. 23 , . meeting of the American Citizens' lo Cation was hold here and resohitiom jf sympathy with Mrs. Garfield and the government were adopted. Th foreign ministers will moot to-day I lake action hi regard to Prcsiden Uurfiold'a death. All the Mexicai journals publish expressions of sym RotrtMXV National AMoctoteiU'ress. ' , r LITTLE HOOK , Sept. 23. Apaaaci ir train which left hero on the Ire ( fountain road at 8 o'clock last nigh was boarded at Hope by throe yoi non , who drew revolvers on the cor ductor between Prcscott and Kensel stations , and compelled him to a the train. After robbing passingors nf between $700 and § 800 they ontero the express car , forced messenger t open the sufo and robbed it of abou ? 30,000 , Before leaving the car the. lirew back a package containing § 15 , 300 , which they thought was valueless AH three were young men less tha 21. None of them were masks of an ; cind. They wcro allowed to quiet ! 'eavo the train and escape. Tlio Concrosftionnl Delegation- S'atlonil Attodntod I'rubS. WASHINGTON , Sept. 23. At ncoting of the senate hold last oven ng the following sanators were ap minted committee to accompau ho romaiim of the late president t Jlovoland and attend the funeral there jcimtorn Sherman , Bayard , Ingalls ? ugh , Blair , Cameron and Morgan. From the house of representatives Huckos , Kasson , Randall , Hiscnek L'homaB , Shelby , and Townsend , 'o ' ) hio. Fifty members of the hous telegraphed their regrets that the , : ould not attend the funeral , Junior Garfiold' fatlon&l Amoclatod t'rcu. WIU.UMSTOWN , Mass. , Sept. 23 , Fames A , Garfield , jr. , is much botto his morning and will leave for Men or at 1:30 : this afternoon in compan. vith his room mate , the son of Col lockwoll , and a party of friends. Th nemoriul services will bo held in th Juipol on Monday. Indication ! . WAHJIINOTON , D. 0. , Sept. 23. "or the Upper Lakes : Partly cloud ; > r cloudy weather with rain , variabl vinds , lower barometer , stationary or iixhor temporaturo. For the Uppe liasissippi and Lower Missouri val oya : Partly cloudy weather , loca aiiifl , falling followed by rising ba ometor , rising followed by full in ; emporature. * THE OID WORLD. fttloiial AuocIatoJ rrc j. 1ICETINO OP AMERI04NH LONDON , Kept. 23. The meeting ol moricans in Exeter hall to-morrow or the purpose of expressing their cntimoiitu concerning the death of 'resident Garfield promises to bo very largo and imposing gathering. All the 'nrrangoniontu for it are now made. It will bo opened with prayer , Minister Lowell will bo the chairman. There will bo only six orators , it havin , . boon thought best to confine the peaking within these limits. Gen. McUlollan , Conaul-Gnn. Morritt , Mr. Shannon , Mr , J. 3. Morgan and [ imhop Simpson will occupy seats on the platform. The poet Tennyson , ind his grace , Dr. Tail , the arch- -jiuhop of Canterbury , have written otters to Mr , Lowell expressing thoii sympathy with him and with his oountrymeu in their present allUction MISDEEDS AND MISHAPS. Hgilant Officials Make it Lively for Michigan OonntBr- Burning of nn Oil Town in " New Joraoy A Fearful Sight. acrlotu Dottrnoiion tiy of Crops Mllli , Bnrni , nnil Other Property * s'atlanil Auwclattxt Prf M. l' , _ . J DETROIT , Mich. , Sept. 23. Officers hrmighout Michigan are now ongagoA n breaking up HOvoral gangs of couu- .crfoiters , who have been overflowing .hoir respective localities with hall lollars and 'dollars , Ono gang was nillod near IMuakob , another in Ot- ' i awa county , and last night mw'Bwar , < ! ' $ * ' 3odfry was arrested near Vermont. 3o is acciiBcd of making a peculiarly Jangorous fifty-cent com , which was apidly becoming current in the In terior. DAMAGE BY MOUTN1NO. Lightning -struck the pinning mOI of Allen , liall & Co , , of Lansing , lost light , and bunicd it to the ground. Loss , § 25,000. The Lnko Shore & Michigan Houthorn olnvator , adjacent , was also destroyed. Loss on eleva tor ana. wheat over fO.OOO. The ightning was unusually severe in the : ontral and northorn-contral part of the state , and many barns , crops , etc. , vero burned. ' OIL TllAIX ABLAZR. PATKRHON , N. J. , Sept. 23. bout 10:30 : this morning the east- , iranl bound oil 4&nk tram took fire ; 'roni some unknown eauso between Sloatsborg and Sterling Junction. Pile last report was received at 12 j'clock , nothing could bo learned bo- : aiiBO the wires wcro all down , the , poles being burned. At that time tea < " tank care were A Royal Visitor- , tfattoiml Awaclatud Vtoaa. , NEW YORK , Soph 23. King Kal- kaqua , of the Hawaii kingdom , and suite , consisting of Gol. MauFarlune , lis aid-dc-camp , and Gol. Judd , s chamberlain , arrived hero from Liver- viol in the atoamship Celtic , of the iVhilo Star line this morning. Thn cing received news of the death of _ President Garfield at Sandy Hook this morning and was qrcatly shocked. Among his first acts upon landing waa , o send a message of sympathy and condolence to Mrs. Garfield , Ho will remain in thia city until Monday , , i when ho will proceed to-Hampton , , Va.'stopping a short time at Ifhia-- delphia , jBoltimoro and WashiriRtou. . region , Kontutjy , and expect * to for Honolulu or , Sau. Francisco 01 tboUt October V. ' " T" Sallno County Fnir- CorreopCDdcnco Of The llco , WILDER , Sept. 12. Yesterday war * ; ho flrat day of the Saline county 'air , which promise to ho n BUCOOSB' n every rcnpeot , The hnlf-inilo fool , nice vrttB won by Goo. "W. llerkloy , oif" Wilbor. The 200 yards race by Sey mour Dix , of Wilbor , und tfio ahoot- 'ng prize ( glass balls ) by a team of "ivo representing thu Wilbor sports men club. D. Foreign. MTKKBSION OH AHTllUll'8 ADDllESK. LONDON , Sept. 23. President's Ar thur's inaugural address created a. { oed impression on the coutinuutal mui'sos. TUB TUANHVAAL CONTHOVEUHV. A dispatch from Turban saya in opening the Transvaal volksraad , the' president Eaid : "Iho covention did not satisfy the executive nnd would not satisfy the volksraad and ho trusted that England would consent ; to the modifications of the convention. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. N tlonalA 30flated 1'rcsn. opENHAanN , September 23. A violent gale prevailed on the 1'nltic tun to-day and thirty nhips have boon 'ost on thoDanish coast. VIUHNA , September 2'J. The Amor- cans and Englishmen in this citjr net at the Evangelical church last veninp ; and passed resolutions of con-t lolonco on the death of President Glarficld. PAIUB , September 23. The Amori- : ann in this city hold n meeting last night and passed resolutions on tub / leuth of President Qarfield. CIIIUAOO , Bopt. 23. A terrific storta ngml for an hour this afternoon. The oof of the Ycddor at rent school wua , oni off and considerable other dam- go done. DUIIUQUE , Sept. 23. Judgment hat jecii attained by the Dublin uo lovcl' nining company for § 100,000 ngainat 3cluli Chamberlain , ot the water > vorka : ompr.ny. OiiiL'Aao , Sept. 23. The wire fence , lompany has commenced suit against- ho Washburn company to bo ronOveA f paying license on barbed wire. Cincinnati Floral Gift. CINCINNATI , September 23. Tbo Cincinnati florists this afternoon ship- ted a carload of magnificent floral mblcnia to Cleveland aa a tribute to i ho dead president. They include n Token column eight foot high , a largo rch "Tho Gates ' representing Ajar/ heaf and sickle crosses , lyres and ascs nil natural size. The author- icn also Bend tlio city seal , four foot- cross , un elegant place. They woroi 11 exhibited to-day at the exposition. . Tlio Relief Fond. atlonal Aeaoditcd Press , Nuw YORK , Sept. 23. The treas- ror of the Michigan fire relief fuufl aa reported. Up to S o'clock thia - ftornoon the sum of $035,820 had eon raised for the sufForera. $10- 00 was forwarded to-day , making a. otal of f 583,000 tcut to Michigan. .