Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1881, Page 8, Image 8
1 TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE ) FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 1831. : HE DAILY BEE. Friday Morning , Sept. 23 , LOOAL BREVITIES. Patterson sells coal. Donne. 'Reliable Hatter. Frederick landing Hatter. COO business lota Call on Heroin. New oranges ftt A. II. GliwlHone'a. 4000 rosmonco lots .Benin , agent. 350 nnd lot * Bcmts' agency , Bemla' real estate boom. Unit pa | A. W. Nason , Dentist , Jacob's blocl Best line of Cigar * , at Saxo'n. Smoke Stnrllon k Storm * , fine : < 7fgar , nt Kuhn'a Drug Store only. Soda Water , better thnn over , n ti SaxoV. SaxoV.BemN' now map ot Omaha , 25 ccnti 200 farms nnd 000,000 ncrcs of Ian Ccmls , agent. Th * Lion continues to roar for Moore H rncsnnd Saddlery , For rmtt Commercial Job Printing til at TUB BKK Job rooms. Bicycle for sale or trade for a horse O J. Canan , Who pays the highest jirlco for Sccon Jlaml Furniture ? Abrolinina & Lewis 3121 Douglas street. sep0-2w Capt. Handle nays that fully 8,001 persons witnessed the game at Ashlan between the U. P. nnd Ashland nines. TJio rear end nf the district conr house has hcun adorncil with a now pore and p.iir of steps. Prof. W. J. Anders Dancing Sclioo licglns October 4. Sec advertisement li another column. Rcpl9-3t Most elegant now fctyles of ITntn , a the Omaha Furier , Henry O. Illchtcr 15th fltiect , opp. pontolllcc. septlfi-tf To the fanners don't forget to call nn rco Doano'fi fine lot of liatn and caps a 218 , 14th street. Nlndcl & Krellg , Practical Hatters Wo sell hatfl nnd capa cheaper than any bed else. You will find it to your nd vantage to give us a call. scpt3-t ( The front of Iloyd's opera house was be ing thoroughly cleansed yesterday , nmHhi mortar In the space between the bricks l > intc'd black. Doano , the reliable hatter wants to MO you all to-day , giving away hats nnc caps at Donne's , remember 218 , 14th .street. .street.I. I. O. Parker , who was BO bnOJly In jurcd hynfall from a thrco stniy house , iitriklng on n paling fence a few wcokx nincc , la now so far recovered as to bo alilt to walk about in his room. Fifteen hundred nnd twenty-five cart Jl of the stock have passed over the U. P. railway from various poinla in Montana , .1 Utah , Colorado , Wyoming nnd Nebraska from the 1st to the 20th of this month. r i Frank J. Itamgolms issued his fallnml winter fashion pinto , the wibject being tiarficlil nnd his cabinet. The photograph which is a beautiful work of art possesses a and significance , nnd will doubtless be treasured as A memento. The trial of the liquor casca in the county court 1ms been postponed for thirty days. All of the evening trains from the east arrived on time last night , except the Hock Island , which was three hours late. The friends of Pat Hluckoy , a jolly son of Erin , are congratulating him. It a bouncer And weighs eleven'pounds. McCormlck ii rcmodling his building , When completed It will have n plate-giant ) front. It'Ls one of the oldest , if not the oldest brick building in Omaha , Mayor Boyd * aya be has looked up tbc law on the subject nnd finds that the coun cil committee on fire and fire appnrntui really have no control whatever over the fire department. That portion of Twelfth street fa miliarly known as the "half acre , " ia on' joying n period of unwonted quiet. Nol a fight has disturbed Its pcncn for Severn nights , The west bound IT , P. train waa throe hours late in leaving yesterday , owing to n like delay In the C. , K. ft , Q. train from Chicago. The "Q" started from Chicago irjth fourteou cm , on all of which hat been placed the automatic brakes Instead of air brakes. Through lack of knowledge of the brakes they .bocamo act on ono ol the special cars whicli bad to come through and it required some time to loosen them. "Tho Itovoro House Counci JBlufft ia the boat aecond-cloea hotel in the Treat. " aucl7-lm Stealing Xraaaber. For some time past Foator & Gray iff have boon missing lumber from their yards on the bottoms , The thefts have been BO' numerous that a trap was act to catch the depredators. Thia resulted in the arrest of a man named William Hobol , who was taken before Judge Bonoko yea torday. Rebel pleaded guilty tu the charge , but it was proven that he waa a poor man with a largo family , who had boon but a short time in [ ' country. Ho had soon other people carry away the lumhiir nnd thought ij was no harm for him to do the same. Ho waa sentenced to nmko restitution in double the amount , and to pay a fine of 810 and coat. A Lady Hart. A singular accident happened yea , torday a few milea west of Omaha. Mrs , Koatonor , who livca about six milea from town , waa coming towards the city in a buggy. A etcor in a lot adjoining the roadside came ruahing against , the fence , forcing hia way through and made for the buggy , The homo , frightened by the steer , stopped and reared , allowing the hruto to up set the wagon. Mrs. Kortonor woe thrown from it and struck on her head , rendering her uncon cioua. The steer , in though aatiaflcd with what it Imd done , walked leis iircly back to the field , A gentleman driving past seized the hone and prevented vented its running away. The lady waa supposed to bo seriously injured and waa taken into a house near b ) and a mcsaago sent for u physician , Before liia arrival she recovered con bclousness and it waa found that slu was only slightly bruised. The buggy was straightened up and the lauy < lrovo homo. IN all seriousness wo advise the apoetlcs of temperance to advocate the use of "Conrad's Budwoisor. " Auk your physician , 'tr RAILROAD MAGNATES. Traveling in Special Oara Both East and "West. President Villard of tlio Northern Pacific nnil n DlfttinRnUkcd Patty. Yesterday wan a big ono In the way of special coach en and railroadmog intoa. Attached to the 0. , II. .t Q. express train from Chicago , whicli irrivcd at 2 o'clock p. m. , were two pccial coaches Pullman's 'private ( rawing room nnd hotel car , nnd the Belgic , " n dining car. AB may be urmisoa , these cars hold some distin guished occupants. At the head of ho party was iinxnv VILLAIUI , jresiilcnt of the Northern Pacific road , nd recently elected president of the ) regon Transcontinental Transport. ! ion company. This latter company ian been formed through Mr. Vil- ard's olforts nnd lias for its object the ouatruction and connection of t lirough line from Now York to Port and , Oregon , and thence by steamer o various points still further west. THE PARTY. Tlio other moiribors of the party 3rc : Capt. H. H. Gorringo , the man vho brought the obelisk from Egypl or Win. II. Vaiulorbilti Privy Conn- ilor and Secretary of Stnto Hor/.og , f Berlin the dignitary aecond only 0 Bismarck in the Gorman empire ; lerr Enthauaon , a wealthy Calcutta merchant ; Junius Ilcnri Browne , the amotis correspondent and writer ; II. . Wiancr , late consul of the United tatos nt Coburg , Germany ; William Lloyd Garrison , son of the lamented ntf-slavory loader , N. 1 * . Hnllowcll nd Charles Fnirchild , of Beaten ; 8. . Heed , of Portland , Oregon ; H. H. yndalo. J. C. Henderson , 0. F. Me- .im and Gen. H. L. Buniott , capital- ] ts of Now York ; A. L. Stokes and fm , W. Bates , of Chicago , and C. ' . SpofFord , President Villard'a pri ate secretary. TllKIH OI1JECT. The party came directly from Now ork city , where the foreign gentle on arrived about two wccka ago heir tour is ono of observation , which as as its purpose the construction of , rat , the Northern Pacific road trough to the coast ; nnd , second , the uilding of numerous branch' lines. President Villard waa very brusque lion approached by the reporter ol nc BEE nnd , as was expected , gave tlo information regarding the great itorpriso , of which ho ia the head. He n largo man , with military mus- cho , and ia aomowlmt inclined to rpnlonco. Ho has risen to the reaidency of the Northern PaciGc ad , from an humble start , having ecu at ono time * AN OIlKCUItli ItKI'OllTER , n n still moro obacuro paper. The ar found him n correspondent nt the ont , after which ho commenced to abblo in Wall street affairs nnd rap- ly rose to financial power. It was learned , in n brief interview , nit the now Transcontinental com ( any , of which many of the gentle- i on of , the party were stockholders , reposed to build n thousand miles ol ranch roads from the main line with < the npxt year. The total amount road in operation now , including 07 miles of coast branches , is 1,005 iles , The main line ia to bo extend- 1 to Portland as soon as possible. Ilia will give n through connection rom Now York. The estimated earn- gs of the whole nro placed by the co-president of the road , T. D. atos , at $14,725,000 annually. OOINQ EASTWAHU tachod to the overland train from gden yesterday afternoon was thtflc social car "California , " from thell entral Pacific road. It contained ! * 10 San Francisco millionaire , D. O.It ills , president of the Bank of Cali-B ] irnia , Ho is also ono of the direc- < irs of the Chicago & Northwestern ! ] lad. Mr. Mills was accompanied by ! is family , with whom ho will spend ! 10 winter in Now York city. Resolution of Regret. At the regular mooting of the land ague last night the following was aasod ; Our chief is dead , stricken down in 10 prime of life , and in the meridian his usefulness. The nation ourns its chief magistrate , Prosi- ont James A , Garfiold. Therefore RESOLVED , That the Irish Nntiona ! ind League of Omaha , fools the ] niversal sorrow which pervades tli nd , The dark cloud of the nation' ' grief hangs over us. Standing it : spirit before the bier of our distin guished and beloved president , w lour forth our keen sorrow , mingled ] vith team at the irreparable loss BUS tninod by this great nation. RESOLVED , That while wo offer our sympathy to the aged mother , and relatives of the distinguished dead , wo also fool ourselves indebted to that nether who gave such n son to the ro lublio. great in the forum ; great in ho field nnd great as chief magistrate , lie haa at last earned martyr'a crown. A Big Job- Sergeant Dey , nnd his assistant , Mr , D. B. Natson , have n big con tract on their hands. From the en tablishmont of the signal service sta tion in this city in 1871 to 1860 tin data which had boon sent on to Washington was importect and insuf. ( icicnt. It now bccomoa necessary that the whole work for that time be reviewed and n corrected data bo ob tained. It will occupy the time ol 1 the gentlemen in the ofllco , aix hour 1 daily , nineteen months to complot " the review. ' A latimglotl Xofc * A man waa brought to St , Joseph's hospital yesterday suffering from nn injury sustained by being run over by a car. Ho waa walking on the railroad track and on the approach of a train attempted to step to ono sido. , His foot catching in the tics ho fell , one log lying on the track from the linkloto the knee , The car passed over it crushing it horribly. There is a faint cliuuco of his recovering the use of his log , "BLACK-DRAUGHT" , - cure * ncaa uml Kiek-Jleuduchu. At 0. y. floodinbii , Hubermann for watch work. re * . A special committee , appointed by [ the city , council , of which Mayor Uoyd in chairman , met in the city clerk's ollico last evening for the pur- Iposo of hearing any .chargoi that might bo tnado against Chief of the fire department. The only qcntlcnmii who appeared before the committco was lion. C. K Cotitant , who gavo. n brief iccoinit of several recent fires and expressed the opinion that the city was to blame for not hnrini ; com pletely extinguished tlio remaining ambers so that no other fires might be started by them. There were noj cli.irgos of any kind brought against Olnof Galligan on account of Jiis ac tion at the recent Tires. The commit tco decided to take no stops and in tructcd the city clsrk to advertise Lho fact that hnothcr mooting will be ] ! iold for the same purpose on Wednos lay evening. MEMORIAL SERVICES. Arrangements Made for Them By the Citizen's Com- niittoo. A meeting of thu committco of citi ens appointed to perfect arrange Hints for n public demonstration in Ills city on the occasion oi President Jnrfiold's funeral , met last evening : i General Mandcrson's office. There roro present , General Mandorson , the liairrnan , Judge Savage , A. N. For- uaon , C. E. Yost , Hon. J. I. Ilcdick , ' . P. Shelby , Col. C. S. Ohasu. 'udgo Cowin and J. U. Millard were lsent. The servicoa of the Musical f nip n orchestra were tendered for the ccaaion by Julius Meyer , nnd of the malm Oleo club by John It. Man- icstor. Both were accepted , after Inch the following program was do- ded upon : OIIDEH roil THE DAY. From 1 to 2 p. m. , tolling of nlll lurch and fire bells in the city , and ! altering of the people , nt the ! ' cadomy of Music , Ij At the Academy of Music exorcises ! i follows ; li 1. Dirge by Musical Union Orchestra. It ' 2. Heading of Governor's proclamation ! ; General 1\1 andersun , . 3. Invocation by Itov. A. F. Shcrril. Up -I. Hymn by Omaha Glee Club. B' ' 5. 1'rnj cr by Rev. J. W. Harric. It 0 , Music by Musical Orchestra. | j 7. Address by Ht. Rev. K. II. Clarkson.Bt 8. Hymn by Omaha Glco Club. mr 'J. Audreys by Rev. J. W. Ingram. Bjt 0. Address by Kt. Rev. James O'Con-B' ' nor , n 11. Music , ( not nssigned. ) H 12. Address by llev. W. J. Ifarsln. 9 13. Addrecs by Rev. W. E. Copoland. B. 14. Hymn by Otnalm Oleo Club. | fl 15. Ucnedlction by Itcv. J. H. Mnx-r field. | t 1G. Funeral March liy Musical Union | " Orchestra , dining which the audience willlj1 dlapcrac. Bt On recommendation of Col. C. S. | Ohaso the following was adopted : Tlio committee call special attention to the governor's proclamation in re gard to closing places of business on the day sot apart for the public obse quies of President Garficld , and re spectfully request that all business , houses bo closed at least from the time tlio bells begin to toll until the memorial services have concluded. The committee adjourned after de ciding that Gen. Muiidcrson and Mr. Ferguson make all further preliminary preparations. / The Wabaria Disaster Victim * . A gentleman from Shenandoah , ) la. , near which place the accident on the Wnbash road occurred two weeks go , which killed ono person and in jurcd twanty-uight , states that four ' 3T five of the wounded persons are li able to die. Among thoao who nro in a , critical condition nro thrco members Df the Foley family , from Missouri ; Miss Konrna , a lady from the north ern part of Ireland , who was on route to California to meet her brother : and Miaa Mack , who has a brother in the employ of the 0. , B. & Q. road nt Hastings. > A SUIT ' , In Which Side Issues Were Most Entertaining. There waa quite nn entertaining suit tried yesterday afternoon before Justice Brandea. It appears that Barney Shannon owns a house near the corner of Eleventh and Davenport . streets. This house has been occu pied for aomo time by Will H C lliloy. During the past two months it is claimed by Shannon that Riley has paid no rent , .it nnd ho therefore brought suit to re cover the amount duo him , Tlio ut toriioy for Riley began to clmlf Shan non , who retaliated by giving na good ia ho received. Riley joined in and triangular war of words waa betjuii , in whicli the parties to the iuit made some disagreeable jbscrvntioiiB about each other. Shan non at length nppliod n very ugly epi la thet to Hiloy , who retaliated that hcL. luul kept Shannon from going to jail 11 ! Few years ago. Shannon replied thai ! " lliloy inverted the truth , and whilvlb ; the justice took the case under adviso-Itr mont the uiidionco adjourned tu the ! iidownlk to listen to the two men swap compliments. Thu personal contest wan finally settled before thu partic * same to blows. o Slight Fire. a : A few minutes after noon to-day " fiiimll frame kitchen in the rear of "an unoccupied frame houao near the cor ner of Fourteenth and Hartley streets waa discovered to bo on firo. The de partment were on the scene in a iiily V and for the first time attached their hose to tin ) lira hydrants. Two fine , streams were thus secured , nnd , not ) withstanding that the building was n perfect tinder-box , the fire was doused out of existence in no .time , The building belongs to Tom Murray , m : , is adjacent to the old curiosity shoo. The damage to the building is a gronl deal less than nominal for the entin : structure is a worthless auuir. [ ) Chief of police of Philadelphia , Pa. , Samuel II. Given , Esq , says he used St. Jacobs' Oil in his family fet I' various painful ailments , with excel lent results. Ho has also hoard from many who have used it tor rheuma tism , that it alone of all remedies di" ; them good. CHARGED WITH MURDER A. Former Ornnha Man in n Western Jail , News comes from Wyoming torn tory that Peter Ashley , a former em ployo of the Union Pacific railroad uid n resident of this city , has been irrcstcd on charge ol shooting a raon fatally in a melee. 13cioro Ashloj left this city ho was charged , through the columns of the papers , with com plicity in the death of a xvoman whom 10 represented as his wife , who died under peculiar circumstances , A girl wan taken to a hotel on Tenth street by Ashley and introduced as his sis ler. She procured work there , Ash- oy boarding at the same ylaco. Durn ng her stay there she received n num- > cr of letters addressed to Miss Annicj Ashley. Her norvicea not prov ing adequate she was discharged , ] ind Ashley left at almost the s.xm line. The nest hoard from them was that \HJileyand she were living , as brothel ind sister still , in a house on Four- .cotith street. As their relations ] hero excited some comment , the mner of the house , Mr. Riley , re- pucsted them to leave , and they did ] 10 , moving into a few rooms in n ] IOIIHC on the corner of Tenth street , nd Capitol avenue , nearly opposite vhere the girl had first found work , lerc Ashley and she lived as man ml wife , and ho told , in explanation ] > f this now relation , that ; his wife had ] eft her people in Indiana without heir consent and that she took hi amo as his sister , to cover up lie dcntity. Ho afterwards said that ] ho cnino from Missouri and related , , n entirely differentstory. . In June last the woman died undo ; uspicous circumstances. Before her death she admitted to n friend that she had attempted malpractice upon herself , and when asked us to Ashley's knowledge | of the matter , said that he know ) of it , but was not to blame. Thcso ; facts induced a reporter to pub lish the affair , making an inference as ' to ) Ashley's connection with the crime , land asking the question regarding the' ' 'relationship between the two. No ] investigation was entered into , and the woman was buried. Ashley at the time threatened to make it warm foi the newspaper giving publicity to the ] affair , but instead disappeared , and had not been heard of until the re- porb that he had become involved in fatal encounter. Sowing and Reaping- When a younp lady hems handkerchiefs ! for a rich bachelor , she sews that she may' ' | reap. ; When seeds of disease are planted through over indulgence , you can prevent ' the un lertaker rrom reaping the benefit by usinjf Spring lilossom. 1'rico CO cents ; trial : bottles 10 cents. teptlDeodhv 'PERSONA ! , . Mrs. Sigel and Mm. Springer , of Balti norc , arc registered at the Withncll. D. H. Uoughloa , 3d U. K. cavalry , is in own. 0. K. Hoar , from rSan Buenaventurc , Jal. , in visiting in Omaha for a few days. P. M. Linehan and wife left yesterday or Clarion , Iowa. Gideon Maxtor , traveling agent for the /nndalln , ia in the city. Mrs. M. C. Hamilton and Mrs. Fred avis returned homo from the east yes crday. Geo. 1' . Linehan , for sosse time past , an iperator in the Telephone Exchange , left 'csterday for Ackley , Iowa. Hen , L. 11. McCorniick , of Wauseca , Mini. , is in the city , staying at the With- icll. iTnhn A. Creightnn nnd wife returned ast evening from nn intended trip through nit the western country. N. J. Eclliolm nnd wife , nnil Mrs. J. K. ilottse left for St. Louis last evening ver the Waluah. Senator Saundersand wife left yesterday 'or Cleveland , O.vliero , thoywill meet ho presidential funeral cortcgo and attend ho cereinonien , Mrs. Saundcrs ia an ispecial friend of Mrs. Oar field. H. K. Barnard , attoiney for the 1'humlxj i Mutual Lifo Insurance company , is In the ilty reviewing the claims which have been irescntcd against that company in this tale. Several importantsnlts havoarlxen , vhlch will ho tried nt the next session of .ho United States court , Nov. 14. Jcaso Blackburn , of Lincoln , is at thr 3rcghton. ! W. lluyden and wife , of Chicago , arc laying at the Withnoll. Cu-orge Berry , uf O'XcIl City , a htagc outo contractor , is in town , Col. Martin , of General Crook'H stair , irrived from the west yesterday. Will Connolly , an artist , of Shenaudoah , ! a. , i * In Omaha , visiting his brother , 1' . Connolly , Senator Saundcw and \vifo loft for Clove- ' and yesterday ufternoon to attend 3'rcti lentOarlU'ld'H ' "A quiet wedding at West Point , Neb , , irought U\o gueaU tu the Grcighton huukcj [ o-dity , H , I ) . Culland nnd wife. Mrs. M. Donavau haa hecn lying fieri rnsly ill for some time past at the Crelgh ' on houbo. The lady U now In a fair waj recover. Sir Samuel Baker , the renowned African ] ixplorer , was on board the arming over- ami train yesteixlay. Ho v/os accompa tied by hU wife , with whom ho hau been naklng an extended wcMtem tour , The follpwlug are registered at the A'lthncll : Mr * . J. T. Tkoellcck , of Sid ney ; Lieut. O. H , lloughtcn , of the Unl- ed States army ; G , A. Searlght , of Chey- iinc ; W. S. Smith , wife Mid son , of Oak- lale ; J. II. Allen , of Denver. W. K , I'helps anil wife , Mrs. J , I1 , Via cntaiul daughter May , nnd Miss HarrU- vorth , nil of Sioux City , nro at the 3relghtou house. Vincent & Pholpa are ho contractors for the railroad work In rogroi > betw cen thU city and Blair , The following are registered at the Me [ iropolltan ; V. W. Dick , of North Matte : ] ' , O. CariMintcr , of Den M nines ; L. H.j Sooley , ol Fannlngtonj Thoi. i'rice , of ; Uueoln , nnd Hcv. Jt. Cook , of Jessup , In. [ riia latter gentleman iaa commercial ler , and at the came time a preachei o ( | tome note. Hospital Addition. The committco appointed (9 ( solid subscriptions for tlio addition to St Joseph's ' hospital mot at Judge Wool worth's ofllco Inst ight. TJiey had been waiting to learn how much Hit different railroads would contribute before appealing to tlio people. The mm required is ? 10,000. They do- cidcd last night to begin at unco and solicit subscriptions. Over $2OOC was contributed by the members of the committee , speaking for them selves and for others who had author izcd them to. The following gentle men were present at the meeting Judge \VVolworth , Frank Murphy , W. A. L. Gibbon , J. P. Knglish. Webster Snydcr , Vincent Uurkley , E. B. ; ciifttidlerVm. . Uushman , John McCrcary and J. L. Webster. GOOD-BYE MY LOVER , Qood-Byo , Sang Mrs. Louis Lewis , as She Loft Him Behind. On Wednesday morning a man uslied into ono of the stores on ] south Tenth street , and oxcitcdlj laulcdofThis coat. The proprietor f tjio place wont down under the ! iounterfora revolver , thinking that t meant fight. "llow much'llyougivomeon this ! " , .skoil the excited individual. , Ho | vas referred to a pawnshop and ther" 10 "put it in" for § 2. and , in his hirt sleeves rushed for the outgoinj 3. & M. train. , This somewhat remarkable actior night have arisen from an ordinary ausc , but in this instance it didn't ' , nquiry revealed the fact that the in .ividual with tlio coat to sell was t cserted husband , or a fooled Lo hario , it being impossibli j toll which. It appears tat ho went to the Germania ouso two or three days ago with roman , registering as Louis Lewie nd wife. Ho was seen to give ar mount of money to his companion or. 'uesday , after which ho disappeared , ho remaining at the hotel. Both had een drinking , and Lewis 'became opolossly bewildered when he was t of her sight , so that howas taken by the police. During his absence in the afternoon 10 woman formed the acquaintance of young fellow staying at the house , id it soon evidently became n case i which she thought : "How happy coulj I bo with either , Were t'other dear charmer away. " Night came Lewis ; didn't show up ! y morning ho hadn't yet put in an ppearance. Then it was that his better - ter or worse half , realizing that she Iliad the money in her possession , 'concluded to accept the endearments of the other chap , and fly with him. Accordingly the woman paid her bill and the pair left , taking the 8:35 : B , & M. train. Thcro is no telling what may liappon when Lewis meets the couplo. OMAH A MEDICAL COLLEGE. Fall session Logins Oct. 10 , 1881 Address , G. B. AYRKS , M. D. , Sec. TERRIBLY OVERWORKED , The Hospital Sisters Who Can Take no Rest. Thnro are 27 patients at St. Joseph's Hospital , and every day there are several applications for beds , which owing to the lack of room , have to be refused. The Sisters in charge have been working night and day. Dr. Paul Srossmann informed THE BKK repor ter that a short time since not ono of bho sisters undressed for nine days. Overtaxed nature has at last rebelled. The sister in charge of the drug de partment is sick with the ty phus fever , and Mr. Schro- tor , of Schroter & Bcchi now , visits the hospital each day and puts up the prescriptions for them. One other sister , who is a very efficient nurse , is also sick with the same foyer and the brother of the Sister Superior is also down with the same complaint. A few days since u telegram was sent to Lafayette , Indiana , * asking that if possible two aistpra bo sent here. . An answer wa received to-day saying that they would leave imme diately and would reach here as soon as possiblo. Ono of the sisters will take charge of tlio drug department , [ t would not bo out of place here to say that the physicians having charge of the hospital speak very highly of the sisters and give them credit for very excellent work. By all the pa tients they are regarded with great affection. T GL011Y ENOUGH. Till' WIllTi : MIWlNll .MACIIINK AtlAIN VJITOHIOUH. No diplomas or premiums awarded , but thotumveraal verdict of the people ple is that the WHITE is the best ma chine on exhibition. The work done mil the samples shown were wpndor-i ful , und to , hear the exclamations uf | 'hundreds of ladies , " 1 have ix White und would not exchange it for any mtichino made , " was very gratifying to its exhibitors. The White has the largest Halo , 'jives the best satisfaction , und is the easiest selling machine made. Wt cordially invite everybody to examine Itho Wnito before buying , as we guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Soliciting a largo share of your patronaao and thanking you for past favors , I am Respectfully yours , JOHN /iiIUUXO : , Wholesale mid retail dealers in White machines , Omaha , Neb. i i - Hurt at the Cathedral- At 8 o'clock yesterday while the workmen engaged on Trinity cathed ral were raising ono of tlio largo win dow frames on the north front of the building into position on the wtoll , the derrick broke and the frame was hurled violently against the scaffold on which three carpenters were work- ling. Tlio timber struck a workman on the forehead knocking him down Und bruising him severely but not Dangerously on the head. A trill package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" frpe of charge , " . CHARLES SHIVERIOK. Furniture , IJcdding , Mirrots mi everything pertaining to the furn : turo and upholstery tracln. Una tli best stock in Omaha and makes tli lowest prices. SoptlOtf SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Adtcrtlscmcnt To Loan , For Sil Ctnt , Found , \VanU , lloirdlnir , * c. , will bo li icrtcd In thcso columns once for TF.N CF.NT ier line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENt r lino. The first Inncttlon nc\cr ICM th rWENT\.FVK flES TO LOAN-MONEY. ONBY TO I.OAN-Clnrhson i Hunt , 215 ! : MON Street. 2MI VONEV TO LOAN C ll at IAVT OIHce of I ivr L , Tlionns UoomS , C'rck-liton Block , " 1"0 loan .it from 8 to lOpcrccn on Rood real cilAtenceiirlty , b UR. ISAAC EDWARDS , 1100 Fnmham St. O LOAA At 8 per ccnllr tercst In surniof 8J.COO an ipwanls , for 3 to i , on tlr t-tla9 city an tarin property , llrsns Hut , KBTATK and LOA Van.Ncr. 16th anil Uouzlcs Sts. HELP WANTED. ANTED Fifteen flrjt-clasi canrantcr vv Ioii e , corner Karnham anil IBtli. 8IIAV1 FICI.D. 07-23 \"V7"ANTED-A notnin ho can dollRhthotise > \ kcciilni ; and caio for a child , Address o all on Mrs. It. C. Pierce , North IStli Ht. 6t A No. 1 Rood 'nia-i for BOWCI WANTED \\lll pay geol wages. Clim. Koh" .iic.vcr , Hoot and Shoe Dealer , 1615 Dodge St. ) . " , " CTi-20 \ \7 ANTEI ) Girl for general homework ; \V per week to a eumpctcnt girl. Apply a lUthnest corner ot California andSUtbt. 2 22 . A situation by an experienced WANTf.D and burr dresser. Apply to C. F Irect. Central City. Neb. 01-24 * : ANTfiD-Uutton hole makers , at 112 : VV Fainliam fct. CO-28 \\T ANTED To rent nicely furnished room ! VY ' 'i a prltatc residence , comcnicntto btne ars. Address U. S. Engineers , lice olfice. 2S If -ANTED-lioirders at 1403 Cass St. W 57-24 Two or thrto day hoarders In WANTED family. Inquire 1009 Dnetipor trect. 40-27 IT ANTED An experienced and trusty glr V > for general housework , email fanill ) ; Ib' Vebster bt. 55-24 PfrANTED Wo-oan cook. To a first clasi YV one good wages will be paid. ' Call at N ) . cor B cr Ifllh and Dav enport. D3-2 J * . IXTANTEI ) Four good coat and pants mak VV crs ; must be Ilrst-cla s. Arply at 017J N Oth St. , hot. California and Webster 5M [ T7"ANTED A apprentice boy , about 13 year VV old. Apply at the Excelsior Machln forks. 50 tt TITAXTLD Carpenters to build 25 cottascs o YV contract. BOGGS&1ULL. 47-1 C\7"ANTED Manufacturine concern want's a YV business man In Omaha and In cvrrj cilj lotalrcady taken ) . A fuw hundred dollars nc ns ry to pay for gnods on ilclhcry after orders Jliavo been becured lor the same ; 8150 per mo.ith profit guaranteed. Tno inoitucirthlnir Imcsti 'gallon ' tolidtcd. A. S. ARNOLD & CO. , 1203 llroadnai , Now York. . sc21Ct W IANTKD Good second girl at ISlS Chicago btrcet. 41-tf - general Wtiscnork It WANTKD-Oirltodo family of three ; no children. Wages $4 Ot per neck. Apply ISIS Douglas St. 43-22" WANTED A food girl about 15 , to assist ) r a store. 11 uat cornerIth good reference Address Merchantf , City. 30-tf IT ANTBD IIouscKcrj cr , 1100 Kornbam St VV upstair * . 38-tf 'ANTED-Oood etcond girl at southwest W corner )0th and Hurt St. ns-tt WANTED Situation by ymg man to work at any respectable bufllncsa. Ad drcsi A. , lleo oillce. 45-24 ANTED Womin cook at tto Kume W House. 33 tf WANFKD-Clrl at 2001 Dodge street. 970-tf , 'ASTRO Dining room girl , nt the Doran W House , opposite Dee otllce. 074-tf Ilespcctalilo employment liyhus WANTED wife. Address I' . 1 * . C , , Heo Of Occ. 077-tf Ilr M. W. HartlKin , proprietor o WANTED Valley ISoIler Works , Omaha Ncli. , four firnt-clasi boller-inakirii. No oihcr nocdapiily. Best wages I aid. II. W. HAltll C1AN. 055-tf To rent , by a newly iimrrlet WANTED cuunlc luforc Nov. ] t , a email cottage centrally located. Address Itotin 14 , Crcighton llloik. 02d-tf ANTKU Cllrl at 1183 North lOtli St. . 4th W liousu north of bridge. U. II. IlltOOM. BM tf 'ANTKD Two experienced cooks , fix help W thirty table waiters , during week of itato fair. Enquire of U. T. MOUNT , 812 tf 1412 Farnham St. - ; bridge and ncliool bond's. W II. T. Clark , Dcllos tic. S6-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. Oil JtKNT Furnished rooms with or without - F out board , 1417 Howard St. Uj tf [ 71011 KENT A coincnlcnt house of 5 rooms , J < H1H 10th St , near U. 1' . Dep.t. Eiuiuiro of A , llcOa\ock , fl4-2 > FOH Itr.NT T o pleawint front rooms , suit alt u for man und wifeat No. 815N. 14th Ht. , tnldo. bit. lUvenport and Chicago. Enquire iprcmlits. \ \ . C3-2I FOIl KENT New cottage , C roomr ; Hamilton Ht. , 2 blocks from btr ot car , 1'ostcntiiaii let. 1 $20umonthlnad\ancc. A. C. WAKK LY. 48-23 Twofnrnlthcd rooms.No. POUIIKNT Hurt HtJfet. 63-23 > 710H 11ENT-A iitwiottRgowltll three rooms , } Jiiht IliiUhcd. liiiiulruonprciiildcs,30th ht. , tt. r.irnliaiu and Douglas. 20 tf FOIl IlhNT-Oood home , 10 rooms und ? 00 worth of furnUiiru Ihcrc In for sale Appl } MS , T , I'ctcrton , Heal IMutv Agent , s. K. Lor. 16tliid UouglaHSt. DSl-lf F5ll Ilh XT Just finished Inn llrnt this two- ktory brl"l < housin , 8 nnd U roonp , utublo nd lomcntcd I'dhm ; { 40 mouthy In ndfanct. \V.M. I1USIIMAN , y. E. lonuriaii and Iou ix c bt . _ _ _ _ Hr.NT 2 furnished roam * oicr 2lcj FOR ExihaniiN. K. ccr. IClhand Doil tncts. 2h-J-tf POIl UKNT-Onu room with board , IbOS Call fornia street. 7J5-U | 710ll HUNT Klwuitturnlkhott rooni * . llcason I.1 ablu jirk-oi , lirkk lioutc , ZOISCaxd St. Ci5 tl SALE. BAM Span largu joung liorson by 1 > POIl Thomas. 00-20 BAI.K llou ehoM goodi In llnt claw POIl , cheap. Apply to L. II. Orecn , 313Can * Ut , 40-22' TTlOllllKNT Two cottagM , four'rooms cacli , 1J on Foiirtcoiitli ttrtct. Eniulroo'llios | ( , TT10II HKNT 3 furnUhed orunfuriiUhod rooms D fur hounelcrplng , S block * tromtpo-t oillce ; 000 North 16th btrect. 42-3 SALS 1 llnt-clnJ cabinet orjrau. cr ) EOIl - ; nearly new , Iniiulru Milton llutrcn A. Son , lltli nnd Farnham St , M tf 71011 SAI.E-Abont 800 culilu jarJs.of dirt , . ' eouthe.vt comer iOtli and Cuiinnx. Inquire " ol"FllANIv 8AS31UOM 1 615 north 10th fctrtvt. OU'J-tf yAI.K--Four acrcv of land near water FOU ixwcnoir , abotwo cotUifen on Cajiitol 1111. Add , AMMLWIUEVINS..lWd IXnglw St , 17\OH SALE A large , i-ommodloui , new , two 1 ; itoryhouto with well ; L'ood location , IICAI horse can ) , full lot with trout , u ell. ciitcrn , etc. Tcniu rouonkVle. Enquire of r , W. Hoe , King . , Ut. Charlctand 3u rd Kti. Oi7-24' T ' "rK I * * ' * * SPEUIAL HOTIGES-OoimnUBd SA'jE A ( mull ciifflno , tl. W. Pajno k FOIl ' . In iicrfctt onltr. Iniiilro | of TI. O. Clitk & Co SO- SAM : A Fpan ol potilc * , bujriry and h - FOR : \megy \ almost nc\r , Apply ot the CalcJonlnii Snlo n , U. V. block , ICth St. T04-tf Lcasoandlnrnlturool a llrst-class- POIISALR a tawnof 1SOO InhaMtinU , Inftato of Nebraska ; hn 84 licils ; the trn\ cling men's re- nort Inquire at DEB olTlco. 218-tf SAI.K Maps ot Don U * nnd S n > > ' couo FOR * . A. ROSKWATEIS , 1620rarnhi\m trcct. . 320-tr AI.l liouio Md full tat , 12 blocks FOR P. 0. At (000. Jens I. . JlcCtui'K , _ ri2-tf Opp. I'ostolllce. SALE Fine stock furm ot 400 acres FOR liou'C , rattla olicd , orcharil Ac. , ith n CAty reach of railroad. Price , $ < KX ) , par time at 0 % . JOHN L. HcOAOUK , Opp. I'os * Oittto. C : > 0-tf RAM : Ncut cottage and rood lot FOR . JOHN L. ItcCAUUK Opp , f. 0. AND LAND Uorais ronn hou c ? HOUSE9 , tiotcU , fanr ote , hndn , ofllcca rooms , etc , See 1st page TT10RSAI.E Good house M-lth four rooms and. Jj half lot , No.-J013 Vodgo between Ciith and tfth street. Good ucll and shade trees ; liouao In { oed condition. Inquire on premises. 21-tf And 1'arasols repulrod bv il. UMBRELLAS and Fnniani its. TSOtf MISCELLANEOUS. ) PROPOSALS Will bo rocchcd until SKALKI , 1831 , at tlio olHco of Jltssr * . R. C. stcelo & Johnson , No. l13 ! ! Douglas street , Oma- 11 , ( orconsttiK liifrn bilck Htoru bulldlngon the lorncrof Nit I hand Jones Sts. ; 3 starlet high f < ibn > utho b.i'iciiiriit , Plans and ppiclllcatloni nay bo seen at the oillce of U. A. Fowler , archl- : cct , 31713th St. 69 20 INSTRUCTIONS In Trench , Gcr PRIVATE Orccl ; anil Latin. Prof. Iknry Vf ' v ilcck , 1207 Jackson St. IKXl-ocS B ALEI ) IIAY-At A. 11. Sander's Teed Store , 101U Hartley St. sW-tf rWRNISUED ROOMS-Kcaaonablo rates at 1717 Ctnnlngs , bet. 17th nr.U litli b tree'P. 9114 tf I OKTUSE TELLER AND MKDIUH Mn. | j Eliza tells past , present and future In lot u ind all affairs. She rccala the deepest nccrctfl of no heart. Slie assesses the magnetic power to uinil all 3 our w ishcs. Call at No. 32 icnicr 10th , nJ Chicago street. 7IINK110USETORENT-Ie < tp rtofthcclty , JJ 10 rooms , bath-room , water-closet , gas fur- tacc , &c. N. Shclton , 1013 Farnham St. l23 ItlRD STORE lias for rale all kinds OMAHA and Domestic Illrds , nlso Bird anclcry goods , at 102 South 10th St. , between Douglas anil Dodge. FOR HAY Ilidjwlll bo received PROPOSALS until noon , Scpto ber ! 6th , 1831 , for 20 tons of hay , to bo delivered to he Mall Carriers of the On aha pos otllce , tbo aid hay to bo blue stem , middling ccarso and of , ho > cry best quality. JOSEPH M1CHEAL. SeptlO d2U 2t. Omaha Postolllce. BKMIS has rattling long lists of houses , lots lands and funns for ealo Call and get licm. A'i .MRS. 1 ! . K. CLARKU'3 No. 1 BoardIng CALL Ing House , tor. 13th and Uodgo Sta. llcst : i the cltj- . 010-tf D EMIS' REALESTATi : BOOM. Sec lit page. DKMIS1 NEW CITY MAPS,2e. Sec 1st pac. 1UKKN UI' A red ca\f. Ouncr can hiu the JL same by prating roicrty | and jiajioR hargcs. FRANCIS ' " ' " " Saunilcra and rai.u St ? . ' REAL ESTATE EXCHANOa Slit BEMIb' lit pafxe. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. ITTANTEB K\er > body in Council lllufls lo W to take THK HFP , 20 cents per iicrcd by carriers. OlHco corner Broadway and lain , up btaira , Council Binds. COMf ITTANTKD To buy 100 tonn [ broom corn. VV 1" ° ' particulars address Council IlluOs Irooin Factory , Council lilufTs , Iowa. 6 JS-2011 WANTED A coed carpenter at once. Ap ply Jlynster & Adams , Council Bluffs , nwtt- H".0.9U A flret-class broom tier. Mayne W & Co. , Council Muffs , Iowa. 600 SO' 'ANTED A boy to do chores at M > nster > W n&hery , Council BluOs. COI-2S * ITTANTED Good girl for general housework. VY Maria Mjiihtcr.CouiicirBluffs. 062 tf IT7-ANTED A situation by a flrst-class irlller. V | Had 20 jcara experience. Understands id anil now processes. SnoakH hin.11'Ii unit tnuan and auuaintcd | uitn etcain and water ) wcnt. Can ( , 'ho the best of reference. Will o me nn trial nt nny time. Address II. S. , Box 611 , Council llluffs , la. S'J-28 ntTANTKD II1 agentlcman of experience and VV bti-lncfis habits , a position with n firm , Ithcr as clerk or 11 travel. Iteicreiico L'hra- . , . WATKINS , Council Illuffs. 012-29 " 1 AIJj on or address I'otttr ft Palmer , 40 South j f > th ttreet Council Jlluds , Iowa , for rill- oad tickctM cant , west , north and nouth , Chicago 10.00 Hound trip 810.00 Kury ticket guar- nteucl.and tickets bouxlit , told and exchanged au lT-lm [ TrANTIII ) T o expcrlencul book xolicitors VV for Colorado and Utah. Addrtsi 1 . O. ox 1211 , Council muffs. Iowa. IJ99-21 * 'o Contractors , Builders and Property Onmorfl. The undcietKiied having been appointed agent r the oxtcnsl > e Iron and wire manufacturing ouscs of K. T. Barnum , of Detroit , and the unscl Iron Foundry and Work * at Toletlo\ hio , capacity of 60 tons daily , Is prepared to irnisli eetlumtcs and prices for iron columns , c , , io. . for store fronts , window capu and tills , irealiold platen , wrought Iron beams and gird- r , hjdroullc cloiatorH. etaplo fittings , i pulleys , laftlng , &c. ; also irni fences , crciitlng , win- aw guards , ahuttcra , staire , balconies , bcttees , liuaecs , acquarlumi , fountains , summer iiaoii , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments , o cr stands , gra > o guards , &c. , &c. , In endless irkty. Cataioguus aupplldd on application , llf-klty II. llAKHV , Ifanufacturcra' Agent , 22 I'carl Htrcct Council lllufls , lowat 3D WARD KUEIIL , 1AGISTEII OF FALUYSTKIIV AND CONDI ! IONALIMT , 403 Tenth Street , betwcoi Farnliam iidllamcy. Will , with the nld ot ptiardlan lit ltd , obtain for any ono a Rlanco at thu past nd present , and on certain condition * in thu fu- irc. DcoU and Shoca made to order. 1'irfccl llsfjctlon guarantied. au2U-lni POWDER Absolutely Pure. lUile from ( Jr p Cre m TurUr. No other nrratlonnmkM filth light , Uky hot brtd . uxurloiw i * try. C n tw tt.ttn by DWP e. ttltrout leu ol thellui tMultlny from heavy Indi < tble ! food. Bold only In o n . by dl Uroctn UAKINOrOWlEK CO K < - " V lr.