Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1881, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs M1IDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 188L THE. DAILY BEE. MAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS 010 hdrnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TKIUIS OP SUBSCHIPTION Onocopylyear , In advance ( postpaid ) $10.0 0 months " 6.0 3 months " " . . . . sw RAILWAY TIME TABLE. NK WHO ClllWCO , ST. Mtt , .MINMUrOUS AXItj OMAHA RAtLUOAD. Leave Omaha No. 2 through pwonscr , ll | . in , No. 4 , OaVtand pawnircr , S > :30a. : m. Anlvti Omaha No. 1 , through pa. < onjcr , 2:5f : u. So , 3 , Oakland passenger , fi:30 : p. in. Lt.WI.NO OiUllA HAST Olt fOlTTll r.Ct'SD. C. , n. & 0. S n. m. 340 ; p. m. C. & N. W. , C n. m.8toV : < " C. , K.I. & ! > . , OA. tn. 3:40p.u. : . K. O. , St. J. A 0. 11. , 8 n m. 0:30 : r. m. Arrlvi J tit. Loula at 0M ; n. m. Mid 7:4G : n. m. WFAT on II. A M. In Xcl ) . , Tlirousli Express , S:3S : n. m I II. A M. Lincoln rrvltfit. 7:00 : p. ra. U. P Express , 12IB : 11. m. O , k 11. V. for llnjfln , 10.20 n. m. O. A U , V , for Oicooliv. 0(0 : . m. V , } ' . freight No. D , 6:30 : ft. in. U. P. freight No. 0 , 8:16 : a. in. T7. P , Ircltht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant , U , P. freight No. 11 b:2S : ji. m. AHR1VIS9 FROM lUSt AND 0. C. & 0. , n:00 : n. in. 7:25 : p m. C. fc K , w. , 0:45 : a. in. 7:25 : p. in. C. II. I , & P..l:45 ) : a. iu. O.Ofi p. in. i 1C. C. , St. Joe & 0 7:10n. : m.S : p. m. \Y. , St. L. & I1. , 10/ o. m. 1:23 : p. m. ARRIVISO moH THS ISMT AND SOUTHWKSI. 0. ft 11. V. from Lincoln-IE : ! ' . : p. in. U. P. Kxpiw 3:25 : p. in. Jl it XI. In Neb. , Through Kvprcss 1:15 : p. m -J1. & JI. Lincoln rroijht S3S n in. U. P. Freight Ko. 10-1:10 : p. in. No. 0 1:25 : p. m. Emigrant. No. 8 10:60 : p. M. No 12 11:35 : a. in. O. & K. V. mlxcil , ftr. ' 1S5 : p. m. Noarn. Kchraaka DIUslon of tno St. t'aul t Sioux Clt ) Kovl. No. 2 leave * Oicaha S0 : : ! a. m. No. 4 lca\M Omahn'l.llO p. in .S'o. 1 arrl\csatOnwhaatCoO : . in. No. 3 arrhcs at Omaha at 10:50 : a. in. OCKMV tnAlX'3 KStRPUM OMAHA ASD coratiL Bwrn. Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. 1:00 2.W , 3:00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : and 0:00 p. m , LC.T.VU Coumil lilntla nt 8'Jj : , 0:2S : , 11:25 a. in , 1:26 , 2S.l : , 3:25 : , .1:251:25 : : and 0:25 : p. m. SunJajs The dummy lca\ca Omiha at 9.W nd 11:00 : a. in , ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 5:00 p. m. Loacs Council Ulnfta at D2S ; and 11:25 : a. ui.j 2:2J : , 4:2. : ' and 5:25 : p. in. Opening and Closing of Malls. K0in . crur. CLOSK. a. m. p. r.i. a. m. p. in. ChlcaROisN. W 11.00 0:30 1:80 : 2:40S : Chlc. so , K. I."A Pacillc.ll:00 0:00 4SO : 2:1CE : Chicago , B.&O 11:00 0:00 4:30 : 2:108 Wabash 12:30 4:30 : 2:4(1 : ( Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 4:30 : Union Pacific 6:00 11:40 : ' Omaha & It. V 4:00 11:40 : U.&M. InNcb 4:00 : 8:10 : 6:3(1 : Omnhafc Northwestern. 4:30 7:30 : Local mails for Ktato of Ion a leu ; o but once n day , viz : 4:30 : n , in , A Lincoln Mall If ale opened at 10:30 : a. m. Otnco open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. in. TltOS. F HALlj P. SI. Business Directory. Abstract ar.d Real Estate. JOHN L. SteCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. 15. BAKTI.E1T 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFIIENE & MENDELSSOHN. AHClIITECTS.jj Crcighton Block. " A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cielehton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DBVINE & co. , Fine Boata nml Shoes. A Rood assortment oj ) home work on hand , corner liith and Ilarnoy. THOS. EH1CKSON , S. E. cor. 10th and Dougas. ! | JOHNFOHTUNAIUS , 605 10th street , manufacture * to order good work ! ftt fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Gprlnca. J. P. LARR1MER Manufacturer. J517 Dour-las 9t Books , News and Otatlonery. J. I. FUUEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. V Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCHUOEDER , the oldest B. and E.J bouse in Nubraxka establlthed 1875 Omaha. CENTRAL RE&TAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , southwest corner lOthand Dodpe. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ucala at all Hours. . . . . . . Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash , riirnlahral Hnnma Supplied. Carriages and Roaa Wagons. WM 8NYDER , 14th and Ilarnoy Streets. * Jewellers. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Fnrnham Street. Junk. II. Bni'.TllOLD , RaffS and Metal. Lumbir , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GRY corner 6th and Douglas Sts. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1309 llouzlas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. G. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most iiopular Merchant Tallora Is re colvlng the latest designs for Bfting and Summei Goods for gentlemen's wear. Stylinh , durable and prlrcs low aa ever 215 13th bet. Douc.&Farn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Good9 In great variety , Zepliyrs , Card Hoards Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest Houao litho the West. Purchasers save 30 per cent. Ordei bv Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. houndry. JOHN WEAKNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson stt Hour and Feed. O1IAIIA CITY 11ILU3. Etfi and Farnhttm 8te. , | Welehana Htoa. , proprictsn. Urocert. Z. STEVENS , 21 t between Cumlnp ; and Irar T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and CuniliiffBtreets j Hnrdwnie , Iron and Steel. DI.AN ft LASQWOKTIIY , Wholosali110 andjj 112 16th street 'A. IIOT.M S corner Ifithnnil Ctilfornl * . Harneis , Saddles , &c. B. WEIST 2013th St. liet FarnHarney [ Hitelti. ANFlELDIIOUSEae5. C.innclJOth& FarnhauiB COHAN HOUSi : , P. II. Oiry , 013 rarnhim St | SbAVCN'S HOTEL. K , Slaxen ] 10th St. Southern Hotel , Gug. Hniiiel.Oth .t Lca\enworthj | Iron Fencinc. The Western Cornlco Works , Acents for th ( ! Clumplnn Iron Fence tc. , hate on h&nil nil Iilmli-K ot Fancy Iron Kenccs , Crcttln a , 1' , Hallln9. ( | cti1310 Uoil o Btrcc. aplSj Clothing Bought. 0 .SI I AW nil ! pav hlghetit Cath price ( or tcconoB band clotlilni' . Corner 10th and Tartil.ain. Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. 16th & Dolge. Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUIIN & CO. , FharmacUte , Fine t'uno Goodi , Cor. 15th r.nd DouglM utrcct * . W. J. WHITKIIOUf K , Wholesale i He tall , lethst. C. C. FIELD , 2032 t.'orth Side Cumlng Street. M. PARR , Druirt'lft , 10th and Howard Streets. Dry Qourls Notions , Etc , 'JOHN II. P. lElllIANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Bor ! % 1310 and 1312 Farn ham itreut. I , . 0. Enewolii alee booU and ulioca 71h A Paclfli ! , hurultuie. A F. GROSS , New and Bacon ! Haii'l I'urnlturt- nd Stoves , 1114 IxiuiriM. HU'lu-t cult prlci aid for second hanu twin 3. BONNER 1309 Dou.-i * tt. Fine eoodt , &c. Planing Mill. A , MOVER , manufacturer of saih , door * , bllndi , tnoldlngs , newels , baluntcrs , hand ralli , lurnlslilrjf croll savsing , Ac , corlodj ( and th itrtets , Pawnbroker * . ItOSENFELD , 3 10th St. , bet. far. & lUr.jj | Florlrt. A. Donnghue , plants , cut flowers , seeds , boanotsj Jitc. N. Wcor. Ifith anlDoudas streets. Civil Engineers and Surveyors. ANUUEW 1103E\VATEU , CrclRhton | JTonn Rune } * , tlradoand Sowcraye Sj stems jtpcchlty. Uommlttlon Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL M8,1 JUWodgo Street , . n. UKEMEU. For details see largo aJ\crtlsc-P | ncnt In Dallv an J Weekly. Cigars nnd Tobacco' jiVEST ft FRIT.SC1'till ' , manufacturers of Clor , Jj jind Wholesale Dealers In Totnccos , 1303 IX iiIas.l 1 V. F. LOHKNZEN manulacturcr 6H 10tli trcit. [ : Cornlco Works. I Western Cornice Works. Mantilacturcrs Ironjj | 2ornlco , Tin , Iron and Hhto loofili\ir. ! Onlorij rrom any locality promptly executed In the licsll 1 iwnner. fftctor.v and OICcc 1310 Dodf i Street. jjahanlrud Iron Cornices. Window Capa , et . , | tured Mid put up In any part of thcf jwunttv. T.S1NIIOM ) 116 Thlrtoulith street OrocVory. I. 1309 Dounus strict. Good lino. Clothing and Furnishing Good * . 3EO. H. PKTERSON. Alw H t < , Car , P-wtsj Jhoon , Notions and Cutlery , f.01 S. 10th street. Fence Works. OMAHA Fr VCn CO. , . . . _ r , FRIE.4&CO. , 12131tarneySt. , Iuiproi& | jxl Ice Doxin , Iron and Wood Fences , Olltctf " . Counters of I'lno and Walnut. Rctrlgerntors , Canndd's Patent. | 0. V. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Hatnoy | Show Cace ManufActory. ) o. J. wii.ui : . SUinufactnrcr and Dealer In all kinds of Shon [ jCascs. Upright Catcj , ft . . 1317 Cass St. FIIANK I , . GniUIAltn , proprietor OmahVl Hsliow Case manufactory , SIS South 10th strcct.B tjbctncin I.cnvcnuoith and MarcAll ioodi | li\arraiitcd llrst-clasi. Stoves nna Tinware. A. BURJI ESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and M&nufarturcif if Tin Iloofj and all kinds of Building Work r ) J.l Fellows'Block. . BONNER. 13W Douslas St. Good and Cheap I Becdi. . EVANS , Wiolcwlo and Hetall Seed Drills am1 ! Julthators , Odd I'allowg Hall. Physicians an J Surgeons. iV. S. OIBBS , M. D. , Rjom No 4 , Crclghtorl , 15tli Street. P. S. LEISENR1NO , M. D. Masonlo Block. 3. U HART , M. 1) . , Kyc and Ear , opp. postofltcil DR. L. B. GRADDV , 1 tcullntand Auribt. S. W 15th nnd Farnham St l Photouraphors. GEO. HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street. icar Uasonlo ttall. First-class Work and Prompt less ( ruirantecV Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. [ > . W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. bet. Farnharr , nd Douglas. V/OIK promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK. 1409 Douelas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. KOSTERS. 1412 Dodge Street. Shoa Stores. 'hlllip ' Lanjr , 1320 Farnham st , . bet 13th & 14th I Second Hand Store. -ERKIN3 & LEAR , 1410 DounlasSt. . New annl Second Hand Furniture , llouao Furnishing Goods " ' . , bought and sold on narrow marring. Baloons. JIENRY HAUFMANN , In the nuw brick block on Douglas Stroct , hatl lust opened a most elegant Beel Hall. lIot'Lunch from 10 to 12 ov cry day. Caledonia " J FALCONER. 670 10th Street. Undertakers. ! IIAS. RIEWE , 101V ! Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.l P. PEMNER , 303J Tenth btreet , between Farn L lam and Harnev. Docs ijood and cheap w ork. W.\ 03 Oent Storei. ' . C. BACKUS , 1206 Farnham St. , Fancy Goodi KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ted t- co i i s " c "S I wi- ; Q wiirt * irt- - Ed ° o BITTERS ILER & CO. , Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a positive cure ( or Spcrmatoirhca , Scmlna I n'coltncBi , Impotancy , unu all.tllacases rcuultlnfl 'rom Sclf-Abusn , m McnUl Anxiety , Loeai I iltmory , 1'ali.a In tlic Hack or Side , and disease * ! ' that lead kl Coiiauniptloiif Insanity andl carlyiraii [ The Spcclflil Medicine Ufl being uscJE with wonder \ ( ul success. 1'anmhletil lent Irue to all/ Write for thorn ind gut rull par f Iculara. " , f 1'rlcc , Speeinc , Sl.OO per paclcage , or six pack iL'c far JD.CO. Addrcfs nil onlcrs to B. SIMSON JIKDICINE CO. Kos. 101 and 100 Main St. lluOalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha by 0 , F. Qoo.lman , J.V. . IJtll ( . K If > h. anil til druitirlstBOvcrywhcrc. SS-d&wlv BiSWITZ & WELLS , 1422 Douglru3 St. , Near 16th. Before removing to their new OPEEA HOUSE Will sell their fctnck of BO.OTSiSHOES At Grontly Reduced Pricea. John G , Jacobs , ( Formerly of Qltht Jacobt , ) UNDERTAKER. So. J417 Farnham St. , Old Stand ol J cob Ol . fcTOfdcrs by Tilegraph Solicited l > 27-ly IN TIIE FAR WEST. oT LITooti the Frou < tier * The first lime 3 mot old S.un | jlon J regarded him nn a human curi | osily. Ho nie.wures nix foot two in jjliis inoccn iii9 , is slim M nn overland gtclogrnph nnlc ; liis luiir hangs in ral tail order ( town uvorix bvickskin hunt- shift bojjriinod with the nccuniu- luted dirt of years , and ho is so cross- eyed that when onu of his optics o-ilmly gaxcs upon the beauties of a umintain sunset in thu west thu othoi roams tin trammeled over the snow- jlml peaks in the inonn-aiii3 ( as A SQU.W MAX , Having yeara'nuo won the ad'ootions of n Arrapnhoo womnn and taken her nto his hunrt and home. AVhen I first met him in 'CUT was ivith n hunting party of Eastern tour ists in camp on Indian Creek , on the borders of the North Park of the Col orado. Wo had just eaten snppoi 1 were disposing ourselves comfort- , ibly on our ulankets for iv smoke and ihat Avhen Sam C.MIIU riding up on tlu > most dilapidated specimen of nuih' lesh that ever awoke the echoes with in astlnnatio bray. It was a venerable iniinal and woienpon its time-marked face that look of quiet dignity which igo over infuses into animals of that species. Ulind of an eye , but a taper- ' .ny . spike where rfnco hung a bushy nil , ono ear erect and pointing prowl' ' lynt the heavens and the other droop ing down beneath n depression ofj spirits , or Honiething of that sort , the mir worn from its body in numerous places and every lib and bone stand- ng out in startling prominence , tin jtrango animal presented an appear unco that would at once attract the ittontion of any \irlist looking fora : nodel for a picture of antiquated ani nal life. With a long drawn out "WHO-A-AA , .imiUSALEMl" Ho reined up and dismounted a few feet from where wo lay , and as we iroso to welcome him said : "Don't ' git too clus to Jerusalem's licela , gents , or thar's liable to bo a vvako in the camp ! " "Is ho a kicker ? " I asked. "A kicker ? Pardnci , thar's bin joino kickin' niowols in thcso mount ngs that war' holy terrors , but none of 'em could ever ilirt a hoof with Jerusalem. Won this critter lets go i log somothin's goin" tor bo demolished avery time. Ho come of a kickjn' ( aniily , an' you kin just bet yor life vgin a b'ar skin that he's agoin' to ibid up the family reputation as long is ho lives , an" I reckon he's good fui aovoral y'ars yit. " "How old is the animal , uncle ? He ooks like ho might bo classed as a wtriarch among four-footed , beasts. " "Wai , pardner , thar's soiiio differ 3iico of opinion rcgardin' tjio length > ' time he's graced this airth. Tlmr's some settlers up my way thet claim he lin't moro'n five or aix hundred years jld , but I'm willin" to bet my hope o' jlory agin a jackknife thot Jerusalem n-ar' ono o' the chosen ones thot tuk a .rip with NOAH IK TUB AHK. if I war' jist as sure of connectin1 en icavon as I am. thet tliis animilc \ Heated around iu thot shower I could hear the harps a-twangin' ' now. Wat braces mo up in this opinion air the Fact that every time it begins to rain the old cuss gits oneaay an' lights out 'ur the top o' some hill. t had him over on the Big Horn the time the sugcrs came up in a boat , an' the minutp the old coot sped that boat floating in the water he looked up at the clouds to sec if thar' war' a storm comin' up. It happened to look like rain that day an' ding my ayes cf ho didn't let out a snort of alarm an1 in spite of all I could do he tuk to the water , with me on his back , an' swam out to that boat. The so- gers had to beat him off wi' ' the butte o' their guns afore I could stocr him ashore agin. Who-a-a , Jerusalem ! Please stan' ' back thar' a loetlomistor , or thar's 'liable to bo a shower o1 flesh n Utah in about three minutes ! " The lost remark was addressed tc ono of the party who had movecl around to the rear of the animal , and was contemplating his wonderful make-up. Resuming the conversa tion , I said : "So you think ho was on the Ark , then ! " "I do , but I reckon at that time he war"only a kid and knowod mighty tittle about the proper use o' his heels. If he'd a possessed the accomplish ments then that ho does now , this lirth would boa howlin1 waste , "fur ho'd a converted that air ark into kindlin' ' wood an' ' a drowndcd every critter on board afore they'd a bin afloat ton minutes. I tried ter break him o' ' the habit once , but after the trial I jest give up and settled down to the opinion that ho .was the CHAMPION Klt'KEIl O1 TIIK WOHM ) ! "Aforo goin1 to bed ono night ] backed him up to a barricade o' l .ga that I'd fixed for 'im. It war' foni feet high , twelve foot long and about * oroii foot thick , the logs boin" bound ; ogcthor with rawhide thongs When [ backed the old snooxer up ho looked iround sideways an' appeared t Know jcat w'at the barricade , war there tur. Ho turned loose on it nn'i [ went to bed an' fur three houra 1 ay thar' ah' listened to the fool wlmckin' away , niakiii1 a fair average o' twenty kicks to the minute , Finally , [ wont to Bleep , an' w'on 1 woke in the mornin1 nil w'ar still as death. 1 got up cxpcctui1 to find either a dead mule era a penitent one , but when I opened the cabin door the logs war' gone an' thar'j jtood thin identical critter in up to his knceo a holdin' up one hind foot an1 a fannin' it with his off cur. [ f yon don't believe it juat come ovei to my ranch on Snake river an * I'll' diow you the sawdust. " The old man remained with us for two hours , and the foregoing is but n sample of perhaps n dozen stories with which ho regaled our cars ore mount ing his ancient animal and setting out for his home on the Snake. WYOMING KIT. AMun "Who Consort * With Rat- ! tloxnalcos. I I don't luind snakes at nil. ll oughtn't to , considcrin' how manvj years I'vo ' been in the business. It h ] very seldom n person dies if they onlyl 'tend to them nn soon as they arc bit- ! ten. It's very funny to mo why folks ! are so terribly afruul of roptilee.L Outside of copperheads they are ul pretty decent crittci'H. Itlncksnakcl bites don't amount to anything , and ] rattlesnakes always let you know they ! are coming. It is the cursed copper head , lying so quiet and braced up for you that makes the the trouble. 1 rather like rattlesnakes , for they arc wrl of affectionate varnuls when' yon once understand 'cm. 1 often carry 'em around with me , nnd once inawhiloget myself intoa scrape jy it. Did you overhear ot my stage scrape ? No ! Well , it's a good one Mid I will spin it for you. 'Itout ' five years go some follow from the city came up and started a now line of Uagea. It was sopn after the Watei 3ap luniso was built , and ho got the Job from the Hrodhi-ads for that lotol. Ono day I'd been over to thi1 Jersey side gottin' ' some live rattier * ] or a couple of show chaps. Thoj' ' voro stoppm' at the CJap House , so I ook the stngo from the depot to ] : arry the snakes up to 'em. 1 md the varmints in n basket , but the } vouldn't stay quiet , so when L got in ho "bus " 1 put my hat over the to ] ) of ] ho basket to keep the critters in. 1 uiticed the folks oyci'ig mo and the ) basket pretty sharp , and pro'.ty ' soon mo of the women gave an awful scream , and yolleil out , "lie's got snakes. " In a minute therowas great incitement ! I looked down nt the ! basket and saw that the cusses had ! n-otkcd their heads out under tin brim of my hat and were stick in'j 'their ' , fangs out at the passengers. The women wauled to get out , but AS I aat by the door they were | .ifraid to pass mo. 1 couldn't help laughin' , and that made a man who 'was ' tryin1 to keep his wife quiet mnd. Mid he ordered mo to get out. Iflaid f something 'bout the serpents being ! innnlcss and that they couldn't got ? out , but thut didn't do any gtiod. 1 } md no idea lhat men were gottin * so < excited , for the first thing I knew the ! driver stopped the team , jumped , ' down , and came around to the door. At the same tmo a couple of men in- aulo came toward me , and in n jiffy they hustled me , basket , snakes ] ind all , out into the road. Ono of the rattlers got away and I could not find him. However , 1 goti even with the driver , for several Jays later that sumo varmint which had escaped in some way maimgcd fo climb upon the stngo , and curlud itself on the scat right nlongsido the driver. The chap heard it rattle , and when IK saw what sort of n passenger ho hndj near him ho gave such a yell that the liorscs ran away , and he , in jumping ) ff the stage , rolled over and over , miising himself pretty badly. A 3nlpopper , Va. , Character in the ] N"ew York Times. A Snnko Chnrmoi 'a fonts. Most people haven't a very highB 9pimon of snakes. William W.I iowo , of Camden , has. Ho oonsid-l or a that a snake has as much right to | > o treated as n pot as a dog or a cat or i bird. Uohind the counter of his ] iquorand billiard rooms , corner of Arch and Fifth streets , stands a nine ) ox with a glass front , and in this yes- erday afternoon a visitor found n six- bet pino-snako , which , at a distance1 3f three or four feet , closely rescin ded a rattlesnake. Mr. llowo thrust in arm into the box and lifting the squirming reptile by the neck tosaed urn on a billiard table to the conatoi- lation of u man who was reaching roBB for a ball. "That's the only one I have at iresent , " said Mr. Howe , as ho strok- > d the creature's back , "but I expect ; o got nioro soon. This fellow I caught about thrco months ago , neat Dhem'j'ig Station , N. J. , and ho haa ; urncd out one of the finest pots 3 lave had. Ho was pretty ugly at li rst , mt by gentle handling 1 have inado decent snake out of him. Why , he wouldn't ' eat for thrco weeks after he was caught , but I got him reconciled , o his fate at last. Ho now eats rogu- arly and is quite lively. 3 'ecu him on sparrows , mice , sggs and milk. T put the Dirds in alive , and I sometimes feel sorry for the poor things , they do taki on so. Ho kills them and then awal i lows them whole , feathers and nil. Ho swallows an egg without breaking ] iho shell. That sounds like a pretty atifl' snake story , but the throat of the snake is capable of wonderful disten sion. I food him three and four ] times 11 week. After a meal ho will lie for four or live hours without ] stirring a muscle. "Tho rattlesnake , " the snake fancier continued , "rarely feeds more than ] thrco times a week. Ho is much more vicious than the pine-snake , and it requires much more skill and pa- timico to subdue him. It is the same way with a blacksnako. The "rat' tier" has the nature of a bull dog to a ] great extent ; the only way in which ; anything can bo done with him iiti first is by brute force. I have to whip | a rattler into subjection. 1 low's ] that ? Oh , the whipping ? Well , air , ] find a snake has about as much intel ligence as almost any animal , and when it strikes at you it knowa it has done ] wrong and under-tanda why the whip ping iu administered. 11 uko a small switch and whip the Bimko over the ] head , HattlorB are stubborn nt first , but they can bo conquered dually by ithn whip , and give little trouble. When a rattler gives in and squeals itliun I know I have conquered him. 'Now ' with the pineBiiako it is differ ent. If I should take a switcli and whip that siialio there on the hi'ad it .would . cry like a hurt child. That's wtrango. isn't it ? But it is true. There is no need of whipping n snake more 'than ' two or three times , for attqr that it fea-8 you , and if you go nt it in the ] right way it will soon learn to love ' 'you the same as a dog or cat. Before f tamed this one it jumped clear out of the box ono day in an endeavor in strike the clerk. It novermadoa sin- pass at mo , and it probably novoi will , because 1 treat it Kindly. Would you like to see it climb a. tree ? Well , then , come out hero. " The mrnko owner carried the reptile , 'to ' u tree in front of the store and hiingj [ it over the first limn. In a few mo ments it climbed to the very top of the tree mid swung to and fro .in the summer breeze. Tliero WUH a 'commotion ' among the birds and loud Und angry protests were made against the intrusion. Mr , Howe and the re- iportor aat down under thu trco and | talked of snakes and lizards and all manner of creeping things , the former discoursing volubly on liia preference for snakes as pota and playthings. Ho claims to have own id and handled all Wta of small animals , including birds , Irats , mice , aquirrols , oposaums , ra coons , ground-hogs , foxes mid other creatures common to this jcountry. Ho proforH snakes to anything ho lias yet owned. Parguing that as much confidence cani ! Rbo placed in them as in a dog. While Jho was giving an onteresting oxneri-f fence n man stopped under the tree and ! ' Ibccamn nn attentive listener. Ho wuaj la middloated ; man , upon \vhoao fea It urea rum liad plncoil ita mark. llf Hwas evidently no straimor to deliriumt Iliis mind was cloudy and his speed it Eincohorent. As he sat listening , tlipfi ! Jinake , tired of the tree , dropped fromft Elite lower limb acum his shoulder , j , mud iustaiitly coiled itself about hs ! | ineck. "Merciful Oodl'Mio ' shouted swing- ' Ring to his feet and clutching -wildly all Shii throat , his face the very picture oil Sterror. "Take it oil' ; take it oil' ! ( ) hJ Shorrors ? Take it oil' , for lleavonVL L-xkol" 'Got ! " said llowo he u vwv em again o.m * imnu , us iiv crclioved the man'of the cold , clannujj coils. "Jim-jams sure , tliis time. Go | liomo and go to bed. " "Hut but wasn't Hurt n snake- that dropped on mo ? " fairly gaspecljj the man. "You've" got 'em again , I say. How j would a BniiTce be in that tree I'd like ) to know ? " "Jtoo ! ugh ! Yes , Tvogot 'em ! " aiidj lie started oil'at an unsteady though ! Fast pace down thu street , convinced ! that delirium tremcns was upon himl with all its horrors. "If that fellow hadn't ot rid of tliol auake it would have choked him tel dealh , " niiid llowo , as ho tucked the ! reptile under his coat. "It has al powerful backbone , and its squeezing ability is smnethini ; remarkable.- L'liiladelphia Times. Uoiiorublo Mention. Of all the icniciUuH on p.iitli that wcllj may claim utlcutloii , Dr. THOMAS' KCI.KC-E rino On. cntmnand- | icctal incntjnu. Foil vviiiulnnH PI\M.T to uura UCAHC , ill fainri tlicro'.s nonu c.m Iliiottlv. IU lueritH nrcf not In thu pulf , but mo iu.sido thu bottlo.L JMII , iii-uriilfila , tiiiro tlinmt , ] bioncliitiH , ( liilitlu'ria | , etc. , imi ciiroa i y T hoiiins' ICcloctrlc Oil. coiUwj FARMEUS AND MECHANICS. If you wish to avoid great jjuid trouble , besides a no small billjj Sof expense , at this season of the yearJ fly on should take prompt steps to keepf gdiscase from your household. The ! Astern should bo cleansed , blood | | purilicd , stomach and bowels It ml , and prevent and cure disea m'ising Irom spring malaria. WoknovvS jof nothing that will so perfectly and | ssuroly do this as Electric Hitters , andl 8.\t the trifling cost of lifty'cents a bot- | /tie. - [ Exclmngo. Sold by Ish it McMahon. (1) ( ) FREE OF COST. DK. KINO'S Ni\v .Discovnuv for [ Consumption , Coughs and Coldi Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given lawny in trial bottles free of cost t the afllicted. If you have n bad [ cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or any allection of the [ throat or lungs by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. As you lvalue your existence you cannot [ afford to let this opportunity pass. Wo could not afford , and would not 'give ' this remedy away unless wi ifencw it would accomplish what we iaim for it. Thousands of hopeless , cs have already been eompletolj urod by it. There is no medicine in [ the world that will euro ono half the cases that Du. KINO'S Nmv DIHUOVKUY will cure. For sale by 0) ) ISH & MoMAno.v , Omaha. United States Depository. NationalBank - OP OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST DANKINQ ESTAULISUUENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHEHS. ) BTAULISIIKD 1820. OfSfanlrud a National Dank August 20 , 1E6S. 2AP1TAL AND PROFITS OVEH 300I000 OITICEM 1MD DIRIOTOUk : IIiiRMAN Kou.M7.R , President. UHTiiH KOI'NTZX , Vice I'rcsMonl. II. > V. YATM , Caolilor. A. J. TorrLBTOX , Attorney , . , /ullJOUN A. ClUIOHTON. F. II. OAVIH , Awtf dtenlor Thl liank receives Jejioaita without rccnrd tt JimounU. Iu > uc8tlmi ) ccrtldcatcs hoarlni ; Intercut. Draws drafts on San Hnuiclsco anil p : Lltlcuof thu Unltnil States , also I.onilon , Dutun | &Jliilitirih and thv principal cition of the contl locnt of Knro | > u. Bclh insttcncer tickets for cuilgrnntg by tlia In ne. mavJJtl GRAND OPENING ! Professor Plaher , ( from St. I.oulu ) Danclni ? Ac- ladcnoj Standard Hall , cor. Flftvontli mid Kuril- Bhani , Tuoiiday e\cnlnn , Kuit [ < : inljur (1th. L I Clashes ( or Ixidlttn anil ( lentleinon comincnclnxl iruciilay ucnliiK September Oth ; clawctn for j S.MInHC'J and Mattel's , coiiiMicMLlii ; , ' Sitiinby nftor.B diiooii at 4 o'clock. Clas-cs for KmnlllcK , HI lie ] rratitfcd to ult thu honoralila i itrcms. Aluop allut ( laiulnx tan ho Lauulit , I Terms llbcrnl , and porfeat ratUfactlon to schol- Bars ( fimrantccd. rrhatuliiitriictloniull 10 glr-l Ion uttho Daiiclne Anulviny or nt the -\flilunicj ntho patrorn. I'rUatu orders left atMn > Mcyoi i mso-tf W , d. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , | 3 Owen Front Itooina ( Mimulr ) In IIanucoiii' ! l I low brick bulldliiy , N. W. corner Kitcenth mg nriihain StrrctH. J.P.ENGLISH , [ ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , | 310 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M.Woolworth. Dexter L. Thomas , ' - AT - LAWj .H FLIEGLE Bucf OKSor to J. II Tlilclo , Noli. & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. ) No. 150Hr < irjilinm Street , J0ffic : Nor h cHo om > , Grand Central Hotel. . B. CUHMO.V. . MUSI & Hunt , EJUCC04VI"1 la IHUuuJj & Hunt , I ATTORNEYS -LAW , OmluNob D. S. I3ENTON. [ ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AIUIAUI UWCK , Oor. DjuUi I Mi Etu. Uuiaha Neb. ! EDHOLM & ERIGKSON , -OIYBT1IK lUKOAINS IN AM , KIXDS OF- { JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS , jAfc Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Class Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Ar i also noli ) exclusively IT ' EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. DURING THE SIL&.T'IEI Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their 614-616 TENTH STREET. Ladies'Bearer ' Dolmans SB 00 upwards ; Lanies'Beaver ' Cloaks , 5 00 upwards ; Ladies Wool Shawls , . $100 upwards ; Ladies' listers , $3 SO upwards. 1 Lot Blaok Gashmeres , all wool , 40 inches wide , 50,65,75 , , BF tud 05 cents. Extraordinary Value , 1 Lot English Cashmeres , all Shades , reduced to 371-2 cents , 4 Cases'Canton ' Flannels , 81-3,10 , and 121-2 oents , 4 Bales 4-4 Sheetings , 71-2 cents per yard , by the piece , 1 Oase Prints , now styles , 5 cents , ' 0 Gases Bed Comforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices , Jhoviots , ( linghams , Ticks , Denims , Table Linens , Towels , Bed Spread &c. , ut Popular Prices. radios' , Misses' , Boys' and Childrens' Shoes'20 per cent lower than any Shoe i Store in Omaha. SPECIAL. ! Lot Splendid Shirting Flannels , 22J cants per yard , worth 35'c ' nto. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. CHARLES MCDONALD NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS acaw Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars. Etc , 300 Handaomo Suits , at $6.00 ; 300 Stylish [ Suits , $1O.OO ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.0O. Wo have several lots of ataplo goods which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale o 30RSETS AND UNDERWEAR , TJNEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LTNKN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. CHARLES MCDONALD. O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Ouraings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. Max MEYER & CO. , Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards , Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards , Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards.