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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .FE'IDAY SEPTEMBER 23 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Recorfl of Events on tlio Ea Side of tlio Missouri. A Driver's Terrible Trenttnor | of Hia Horao. In General in n Lee Wny , AN INHUMAN IIUUTK. Ono ot tlio most shocking lions has just como to light. A brul who lives on a farm about three mill from this city did fin net that , if I had just punishment , would awin him at tlio end of n rope from tl limb of n tree. Totally devoid i Jioart , he it > n Tit subject to tioOuitcn io for ballast nnd lling thorn both 1 the sharks. It sooins that this pcrso of whom wo write lives on n farm short distance from Council Bluf and owns n balky horse. The othi day the horse , not feeling lik obeying stopped nnd would not stnrl Tito brute thereupon bent him unmet ci fully until ho almost dropped. U then tried to start him , and still th horse would not go. This enrage tlio follow who took n stout cord opened the nnimnls mouth , tied th cord around the end of. his tongue made the other end fnst to .the nccl yoke of the other liorso and pulled th tongue out by the roots. > Vo Imv our information from n j'olinbl source , the man informing THE 13i : reported having received the facti from n responsible man who saw tin horse after his tongue wna pullci from his mouth The authorities an on the bruto'a truck nnd ho will HOOT bo within the clutches f the law. A JUDICIAL JOKI : . Judge James , that gbod-nnturcii democrat , got off ono of his jokes on THE BEI : reporter. The judge was in ono of the little back rooms at tlic court house attending to his duties faithfully when n representative oi THE BEE knocked and inquired who was within. The judge responded , "JtisX What dost thou wantnt this untimely hour ? " "What are you doing'in there this " morning , judge ? " The reply camo"Picking up items for TUB OMAHA BEE. " HUFHEMB COUllT ANNOUNCEMENT. The September term of the supreme premo court adjourned without day ! J on Tuesday , the 20th inst. , the death of the president haviiii' been an ,1 nouncod. Alt cases appearing on the Septem ber docket as transferred to said dock' ' ot from other districts , are rotrana forred to their original districts unless < loss by stipulation they are taken to other terms for submission. All cases regularly belonging to said September term nro continued gener ally , except when by stipulation , to bo filed with the clerk ai DCS Moines , they shall bo transferred to other terms for submission. All motions relating to cases on tbt September docket will bo considered at the next October term at Dubuque , By order of the court. I E. J. HOWIES , Clerk. ( \VATEK W011K81 TKOBLEM. Will council Bluffs over have water works ? Red Oak , Atlantic ant several smaller cities are moving ac- r lively in the matter. There is no ono . 'thing so much needed in this city as BOino system of water supply to bo " ' followed by some meant ) to procure good and complete drainage. If ever the American construction are to fur- 'rush what they contracted with the city to furnish , why don't they com incnco ? When certain citizens demanded manded that our city council require thorn to give a. bond thcso'citizcns were pronounced fanatics. Now vro BOO the very important part a 'bond would have played - od in * the matter. Tlioy would liuyo been obliged to commence and finish the work in time to accommo- .dato the people of tills city instead of themselves. As it is they aoom to ' liavo the question of time all their own way. There is no earthly excuse for longer delay. Judge Rcod , in his decision sustained the company in their.'position , and there is not muol probability that the supreme courl will reverse that decision. What they wore contending for has boon granted and now what are they waiting for ! Are they afraid of other injunction suits ? Do they expect to commence and complete this gigantio under taking without being subjected to in junction suits ; now , wo claim that this company should either convince the pcoplo here that they mean business or else throw the job up entirely and lot us try some other means. Tlio artesian well of Conrad Goiso has demonstrated the ( act tlmt wo can got abundance of pure water by boring for it and probably at less oxponso. But having entered into a contract which a majority of the people doom irrevocable , they can hold us to it. Hut how long can they hold this con tract over this city so that wo cannot take stops to have this very much needed water Hupp' Wo are holding out to the world that this rapidly growing city bo supplied with puro4wator. How it remains witli us to convince pcoplo that wo moan what wo My. Not a. great while ago it was talkoi about iu the stores and onovury strool corner. Now wo hear but little said about it. Wo ought to give the American Construction company to understand that if they intend to car TV out their contract , it was high time tlioy were at it , or wo shall USD out money in sinking artesian wolls. ANU ! . 1'OSITION. Quito a sad case cumo to the notice of Mayor Vaughun yesterday. A rather prepossessing young womai appeared with two little children , ono cloven and the other eight years o : ago. This is her story : About live months ago aho received n dispatch from her stater in Lc.advillo that hoi husband had bocu lulled in a mine and advising her to go on there as soon as possible , Slip was living in Montreal , Canada , ntho tlmo Mho immediately sold wliat fd\v worldly goods oho had and left foi Leadvillo , The day nho arrived there her sister died , leaving the two little ones' she has with her in this city. * - " - " W-VT" k'O After paying tlio funeral expenses n ; gelling the chiltlron ready to coi cast , Slio found she hnd not 111011 enough to get- further than this cit She is very anxious to gntthochildr into good families here. They n very pretty , sinatt-looking htllo gi ; \nd should experience .rouble in securing good place The children's names n Wynollo nnd Gracie , the former t jldor. Tliolr fathers nnmo was Av istus Cornet , and the imino of t ady who has them in charge , Mi faunio Livingston , They nro i topping nt Die present with M jnngwoid at the Mctropolitnu hotel < ewer Broadway. Mlt. KimtWOOU DECLINES. , la. , Sept. 10 , 188 iJ. 0. Morgan , Esq. , Chairman C 3on. Com : Having boon inform ! hat I was nomiiiated ns n Candida | for the office of representative to tl slnlo legislature by the democrat county convention hold at Count Hhifl's on the 15th of the prose month , I beg leave , with all duo r meet toward my friends who propose my name , to withdraw from said cai [ didacy , and request , that Homo othi person bo placed upon the ticket. Very respectfully yours , KIHKWOOD. On receipt of the above the contr ; coiRmittco mot in this city and put i the field their chairman , J. C. Mo : iyaMr Morgan will no doubt 1 Uccoptnhlo to the democracy of th .county . and would have been nom natcd in their convention hnd the known lhat ho would accept. II is n gentleman well know : in. this city and throughout the count } and will no doubt command the 11 and undivided strength of the part ) If. elected- will make n good bus ness rcprcsentalivc. TUB ULUI'FH IN 11UIKF. Pax ton it Gallagher , wholesale mot : hants , purchased yesterday of Mnyri & Co. , broom manufacturers of thi : ity , COO dozen brooms , J. 11. Pally , of Chicago , whs ii Council Bluffs yesterday. E. 0. Russell , wife and two child on , wore at the Ogden yesterday. Gco. Carson dragged n couple o ides of solo leather up our stairs yes crday. Ho says ho is not iv candi late for roprcsentivo this year , bu 10 will devote his entire time to tin iractico of his profession. Ho thinks ? e did wrong to call the attention ol ho public to the little game of cardi ho young ladies were indulging' ' ir indor the box-older. When ho was boy they used to do worse things liau that. Afc a meeting of St. Alban'a lodge , lo. 17 , K. of P. , hold September 20 , 881 , the following was unanimously dop ted : Whercan , Wo have learned through the ubllc prints of the death of our belovctl resident of the United States ; therefore Bit Koaolved , That wo do now adjourn ithmit transacting any business , in mem- ry of tlic patriot , statesman , uoldier and Itlzon , James A. Oixrlichl , president of lie United States , and tender his family ur sympathy and condolence in this then our of need. Itcsolved , That a copy of these resolu- ions be sprcaU upon the minutes of oui idge and sent to the , dally papcra for pub- cation. EDWIN 8. AimoTT , 1 W. F. DODGE , C. TlDIIETH , Committee on resolutions. W. J. Davenport. M. P. Brewer , . 13. Atkins and A. B. Walker have ppointed themselves a committee of ftp whole to hunt clown all sneak liovos since they were victimized the thor evening. There was a single drunk up at turko's yesterday. Thcodoro L. Cole , agent for F. H. 'homas ' & Co. , of St. Louis , Mo. , illod at THE BEK oflico yesterday. Tim Toner , who has had so much oublo , has at last been "brough to 10 block. " His voice is again hoard pen the streets daily. J. T , Hart has gone to Lincoln , fob. , oh a short business trip collected ected with his firm. Cole Brothers & Hart have started corps of collectors on their annual ip through 'tho states of Iowa , No- raska and Kansas. Jtov. M. Button , who has boon isiting Mr. Bcrgor , of this city , has turned to his homo in Mount Pleasr nt , Iowa. Memorial services wcro held at the 'aptist church last evening. Part of the Fred Wardo combina- on arrived yesterday and are at tlio gdon. vMrs. Otis and Mrs. Abbott , ol towart , Iowa , were iu this city yes- irday registered at the Ogdan. Wn > . 11. Moron and Mrs. Farrol , ol 'cola , are iu the city yesterday at the gdon. S. N. Harvey , of Neola , took in the > wn yesterday. Ho says there is nose so talking , Council Blufls will bo the , rgost city in Iowa in a few years. Wo have not seen it , but they Bay is n fact nevertheless , that one of 10 Hordio lias arrived , Vaughan is There was an old piece of wire that as boon tripping people up down on earl street for some time. Out layer was soon to ( jo along the othoi ny , pick up the wire and dispose of on n vacant lot near by , Who can iv ho docs not notice oven small lings ? Goo. P , Lee , paymaster of the Mil- aukoo t St. Paul railroad , was in 10 city yesterday. J. F , Hubbard , onoof Atlanticasuc- Bssful business men called at Tin : IKE oflico yesterday. Ho is surprised J find that wo haveno opera house oi uitublo size in which to play Mac- oth in good shape. The sociable that was to have boon Ivon by the ladies of the Baptist so lely last Wednesday evening was ostponod on account of the death ol 'resident Garlield. Sixty-five carloads of cattlq went us ! over the 0. , B % & Q. and 'thirty 1110 over thb Northwestern ycslor Boautiflori- Ladies , you cannot make fair skin , My cheeks and sparkling eyes with II the cosmetics of Franco , or boauti- ors of the world , while in pee calth , and nothing will give you ach good .health , strength , buoyant ilrits and beauty as Hop Bittors. * > A ial is certain proof. TelugrapJi. ' ocll SUGGESTIONS IN TIME What o Women of Prominent in the Medical World ha3 to Say About Her Sox. Synoptlii of a Lecture Delivered' Mrs. Doctor Kent on , Before tin "Wonifxn'n Society of England. from the Homo Journal , New York , In nil aRCH of the world , poctf , rcicntli ind men of prominence have linked wi ontlmMr.Mn often nkin In reverence up woman ; hut it l < only within tlio last d yean that RIC ! lina begun to rxsswno Ii rJ ht plnco. not only in widely , but wi the world in Kcnernl. Wliy no dcilral riu end should Jiiwo been so Ion ; ; dolnyi It in difficult to understand ; hut that 10.1 at lint como ii certainly causa f gratitude. In her i-plinrc , in Ji mental do\clotnent ] and especially In h [ ihyoical iinprovcinent , woman has cliov .vmilcrful advancement and Mich M nsto lics the world. Tlioy who have made a careful Invcal ; ation tell usthatheathen women nro nnu nero able to endure ] > nintliinareUiawoini : if civilization , l > ut civilbcil women wont etcnt the charge that tlioy arc weaker 1 > \en\\w \ t \ tliey are civilised. A cHstim'uMu jwritcr piiy ! "If the women of civllizatii. ; .iro lei * able to ciidmo the taxation < | their physical resources than are he.itlie ivoinen , it In a mere accidental circuit taiioe nnd one within their control. " Let us consider for a moment the po [ unities winch present thenipclvrs to uvct n'oman. When the body in Iiealthy beat ty in cettntn to appear , even In feature And forms once plain ; indeed , it is the enl known way to become beautiful , and a other preparation * , powder * , stays nn laces aic contemptible deltmions. Wit health and beauty in all their attractivi jness a new life dawns , ENJOYMENT HEIOStl [ and nil the luxurious attendant ! ! of healthy body conic forth. The inalde feels the glorious possiblliticD of life ; th mother becomes conscious of the grandcu of maternity nnd the joys of a family. A this Is not only woman's privilege. It is he duty , nnd it embodies the highest dcfm tlon of "woman'a rights. " Aft-r'enumerating many of the Messing that follow perfect health the speaker cor tinned : All these desirable things can he nccoir lillshod , but _ in ono wny only. Th Creator has given both woman nnd ma [ icrfcct pliVHical forms , nnd each is con itltutlonnlly equal to all natural dcmandf tt is a mistaken and pernicious notion tlin ) nois Htrong and the other weak. X mrso was pronounced xijran woman wind lid not apply with penalty ngains nan. If women lielievc the fatalism Urn Hseaso in n necessary condition of the ! ixistenco it U chiefly because thodhcipline if the pchools of medical practice hav iccn utterly incapable of competing will niullitudo of ills which , by persona larlcNHiiew of jirofcssional mcompctoncy hey liavo permitted to fasten upon wo nan. nan.A few wcek oio I received a call fron i charming lady , whoso earnest fac learly Hhowud that she dcsiied adviceniu ,8si tance. Upon questioning her shi tatcd tlmt she believed sliena fitilferinj roni n para'yzcd ' liver and wished to knov f I oDuld in any way aid her recovery s'ov/ , imperfect aa her statement wns 11 0-nrd to the ilisc.ise which tioubled licr hero iu no doubt that TltOt'SAWH OF WOMKN , ro suffcrinij ; to-day from siinilnr troubles die do not recognize their cuso * 1,0 , ncnrh thin lady did. Paralysis means death if the member par.vly.sed and torpidity ol ho liver is the tint stage of its dissolution , This is ono of the moat serious question1 hat can nriso in the experience of nnj romnn ; fora torpid ana diseased llvci annot bo cured at once , nnd it carries trlth it the elements of disease to all thi ither partR of the system. With nn im. icrfcct liver , billiousnes , languor , a sense f bearing down , constipation , displace ments , ntcrino troubles and the thousand Us which sro coupled in their train comt hick and fast. Then follow impure blood nd all the evils which an imperfect circu- Ulon cause. A derangement of the kid- oys or liver causes disease In the orgam rhich adjoin them just as certainly ns a oxl peach Injures the other peaches in the axkct. Not only this , but when these oran - an are in a healthy state they restore lid keep in order any irrcgnlnriiy which nay occur in the lower portion nf the ouy. No wonianwn ever seriously eick ar any length of time when such was the ase. No hcrious inflammation cnn occur fhcn the blood is pure , nnd no blood can e impure when the liver or kiincys urc 11 perfect order. I have seen very much of the troubles nd ills to which women liavo been nub- ected , and L have learned to sympathize fhllo 1 have Hiui > ht to relieve. Jnvndcav- ring to carry relief I have tried to bo free rom prejudice and ha\o in view but / mend nd , namely to help those who are Buffer- ig ; and L feel it is my privilege to-day to t to that 1 believe there is unionmwhere- y those women who nro nittering can ob iln complete relief and those wJui are in enlth l > o continued in its enjoyment. A jw years ago a prominent and wealth ) eutlcman residing in Itochcuter. N. Y. , ns given up to die of Bright' ) ) disease of lie kidneys. Iy ! means of a shnplo and uroly vegetnblo remedy he W.IB restorctl i ] > crfcct health , nnd has ninca been thi loans of saving the lived of many others , o efficient did > didJIIH JIIH niHcovKitv rove in the caao of many well known ncn , that it began also to bo iwtd by la ics , anil to-day thousands of women in 11 parts of the land awe their restored ealth and continued huppinesn to * the ronderful power of Warner * Safe Kidney nd Liver Cure. Mr. Warner has tin written testimony of hundreds of the best ulles in the land , onthnsi.istlc.illy praln- ig the remedy , nnd thankfully express- ig their gintitudo for health. These let- in are sacrqd nnd cannot bo gix en to the ublic , but they overwhelmingly veiif > 11 the facts auovo htntcd , Nr.turo ha. Ivcn woman a delicate , watchful , nlcrt ! istluct , and fiho has found this remedy to 0 what h r BOX for years haa needcil , ti . store and maintain tint perfection of nn- lire. She reticnU the imputation that she 1 bound to buffer all the 11U that nttaok , cr She rocoKiiizcH that suffering U but n Incident of her cvixtence , and that lU incident in wholly within er control , if she can find the ncccsanrj olpn which nature provides. Tim diangu- bio character of our climate , the ofttluiei rnctinu and cnerviitlngcuatoms of bocicty , f faBhton and of nccetbtty , all conspiio tt npair the vitality of women. If wo nil < [ > ihcBu the exhausting duties of mother , oed , nnd the mental anxiety for the mic ess of her husband Iu all hU laudable nm Itloiw. which play upon her energies , Uit nrprintng that thin burdened the bhouli : rcak down under the physical ttrnln ? llv 0 means on the contrary the wonder f mt she han maintained her phyeica" ; ii'ii th an nlio haa. I have not the time to elaborate thii olnt. \ < m youinelvcn very well know hat the clrcumttancea are which linvi 'iideicd her llftia burden , You also know int the riUMAHV CAUHK f phy ici l degeneration Is Impure blood , 'hn-verformunco-of the natural function f wonmnhowl niul motheihood U not n Incase , nor should It bo HO treated. | ) is- u > o is the l wilt of the trnnsgic Ions of hyfclcnl lawn by our ancestor * or by our rives , and the natural couruingH of the lood should not bo connldeiod , If , how- ver , the blood bo impure , It U certain t reduce ! U iioUouous effecta in 'tho parti ith which it comes In contact , nnd thur iu a Inlluinuiatlons and ] the Innumerable IH that nmke the physical Hfu of woman > liard to endure. An enumeration of the/ troubles in , hlch woman U subjected , and the adapt * ] bllltyoftho leinedy ulwvo named for itlr euro wa > then made by the epeaVcr , ho continued ) i 1 inn awuie that a prejudice xUt vgnlnst proprietary incdlclnci , nnd lli nich jirejudlce Is too often well fountle lint wo MI mild discrimlnato in our jud incnts and not condemn all became ROI ire Insufllclcnt. The mcriti of Wnrne Safe Kidney nnd T.lrer Cure liave be irovcn beyond a doubt , because they d < lircclly with the catixcs of i ll fcmi troubles ; they effect and control the bo < > f the trco rather than its lir.inchw. Wn rter' * Safe Kidney and Liver ( Jure has I Iced been n ble ing for the rich ; n bm to the poor. It has lifted men from a b if dentil and restored them toigorni lealth. Hut greater nnd better than i ft , It has come to womn s mixed her , restored her ni kept her in constant hoped nc s and health. It has kept back diaca ty n'ttlng the system to resist Its nttacli t has regulated the life , purified the xourc if life , nnd brought innumerable blessin > iit of numberless woe * , Tlie women of America , both young ni ild , have greater opiKirlmiitles to-di han those of nny land In nny nge. The ights nre more fully recognized , the irivilegci greater nnd their po * iblliti inlimited. . They nre peimitted to enif Ifo to its fullest cxtenf. and to do th heir bodies must bo unimpaired. 1 coi rntulnte the women of this free land tin ho keenness of their porccptioi tas led them to dUcnvcr thci necessities nnd what will satisl hem. I congratulate them that they , wh lave reaped the greatest benefits from 11 'cicntlfio researches of independent inve ttigatlin , arc to-day the moit cnthticiaRl ; proclaimed of the merits of this gre : ircmcdyof which 1 have spoken. Tl [ spirit of tolerance , Iinnyi..iyin conclusioi [ HO inmpnnt In this age of fite investigi ition when nil things nro judged by vvhn [ they tire nnd not by what they tain , nnu eventually give wny to the better , wisci nobler liberality in which alone can I Tound true security , true peace , true healt nnd true happiness. The leading Scientists of to-day ngrca thn most diseases nro caused by disordered kldncj ir liver. If , therefore , tlio kidneys anil liter ar kept In perfect order , perfect health \\lllboth result. This truth lias only been Knonn a shoi tlmo and for j cars iieoplo mificrcd Krcnt ngon without belli ) ; able to find relief. The discover ' if Warner's bafo Kidney and Uver Ciiro marks' i now era In the treatment of these trouble ! \\tu\a \ \ from a tlinplc tropical leaf of rate value. I jontalns Just the elements necessary to nouris ! indlrulKorato both of these great organs , nn lately restore and keep them in order. Ittv 3oiftlvo Remedy for all the d'seasos ' that caui mlns In tlio lower part of the body for Torpli l.hcr Hiailachcs Jaundleo Dizzlntss Qra\i - KexcrApruo Lhcr and Urluarj' Organs. H l mi excellent militate remedy lor female lurlnp Pregnancy. It HI control Mcnstruatlo ; md Is In 'aluablo for Lcucorrlioui or Falling o ho Womb. As a Ulood Purifier It In unequtiled , for it cure ho organs that niaVo the blood. This remedy , whlih has done such wonder. ' , I mt up In the LARGEST SI/HI ) HOTI'LE of nil' ' ncdiclno upon the market , and is sold by Drug- : ist8 and all dealers at 91.20 per bottlo. Fo MnlictCi' , enquire for WAHNEn'S SAFE DIA JETESCUIlk. ItlsaPOSIilVnilcmedv. . H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. Y. fclO-tu-th-sat-lv The Oldest JAN'KING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Jaldwell , Hamilton & Co , Ktulncoa irantcctcd came i that ol fta Inter Accounts kcnt In currency or gold subject tc rht check without notice Certificate * ot dcpoilti raued payable In three x uiul twche montlu , jcarlng mtircbt , or oi : mun J without Intcrat , Adiancca nude to ciutomeri on approved locu ties at uur'.a ntt of Interest. liny and Mil cold , bills of exchange , gorcrn ten * , state , county and city bond * , Draw Bight drifts on RngUnd , Ireland , Scot nd , and all \a.iit \ of Eurojx ; . Bull European jiasaago tickets COLLECTIONS I'llOMlTLV MADK. aurldt SIBBETT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DA VTD CITY , NEB. Spcclil attention gUcn to collections In Cutler ivvtr " ' 4-niiiCiu 3YRON REED & . CO , tOLTSCT MTiELlblJSD leal Estate Agency IN NEnUAEKA ] Keep a complete atatract of title to all Itcal itate In Omaha and Iiou/lai conntv. mMU S. P. MORSE & CO. 1319 Farnham Street. Opening Bargains for Fall Having decided in future to adhere strictly to the manufacture of Men's Gloves , the well known house of F1sk , Clark and Flagg have closed to us their 'entire ' stock of GLOVE Wfl JLI r W AJI claimed by all who know them to be superior in some respects to the Alexander , Trefbusse or Perinot Gloves.- We offer this morning I860 Pairs Best Quality 3- 75c TOO Pairs Best 4-But- Button Kids at , Quality - - ton Kids at $1.00 , 150 Pairs Best Quality 6-Button Kids at $1.25. The Retail Prices for these goods East are 3- Button , $2.00 ; 4-Button , $2.25 ; 6-Button , $2.50. IRIIBIBOIDsrS ! IRXIBIBOICsrS I The sale of Ribbons inaugurated by us in summer met with such suceess that we have secured BETTER BARGAINS for Fall , and open to-day ) 500 Pieces Gros1 Grain Ribbon , all widths , 5c. a yard ; 3500 Pieces Satin and Gros Grain from No. 7 to No. 40 at 10c. ; 75 Pieces Sash Ribbons at 25c , a yard. NOVELTIES EN DRESS GOODS ! NOVELTIES IN TRIMMINGS ! In .fact our whole fall-stock is now being opened , and we invite attention to the largest , cheapest and best stock we have ever shown. S. I3. ZMIpZRSIE &c OCX , 1319 Farnham Street. Established 11 Tears , Aascta Represented SB2OOOOOO.O. Active Fire nnd Life wanted. C. 'I. TAYLOR CO.- llth & Douglas St : DON'T IT BURN I My house and furniture is insured witli 0. T. TAYLOK & CO. , Cor1Hh and Douplas. CONTINOK8 TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND 'Saddlery. ' 3 -r = F IhAro ailcptcd the Uon as R Trade Mmk , anc illioy cowls lll bo BTAMrCDnltli tlio LIO.V mil my NAME oil the same. NO 11001)3 ) Alll (1ENU1.NK ( WITHOUT "III" ACOVK BrAMl'3 I'he best inntcrial la used and the iroft skllltx norkmcn are tiunlaycd , and At the lowest c.iol price. Anjonu wisliInKairlciistol | | good wll confer a fa\or by tendingor one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. AGENTS WANTED rOE OCR NEW I500K BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " bclnp the Story ot the Scriptures , by Itov. Ocorgn Alexander Crook , 1) . D. , In sliuploand attractltc tttiguaifB Jor old and } oung , VroJuscly Illustre- cd , nuikliig a most Interesting , and luiprcuht outh * Instructor , K\ cry mreiit w 111 uccuru thii uorli , I'rcadiers , jouthould circulate it. Price 3.00. Bond for circulars with extra terms. J II. CHAMDEU8&CO. St. Louis Mo. RinVPI EC lamAircntfr COLUMBIA DIUIULbOi aiulOrrODIGi'CLKS , Send three cent stamp for Catalogue and price litt containing lull luloriuatlon. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paitita.Oils nnd QlaM OMAHA , NEB Reading and Elocution AUGHT iiv JULIA E HARDENBE1RQH. Voice Training , Private Letsoni and Clasict , DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , ' J. B.FRENCH & CO. , CARPETS' ! G R O C E R SI ? Buy the PATENT PROCESS * MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. W. M. YATES , .Cash Grocer. Recent Direct Transportation of FRENCH PERCHERON HORSES , , TO 5 on Exhibition at the Nebraska State Fair Stables , 311 to 318 , COME AND SEE 'J11IEBI ! Horses For Sale or to Let to Responsible Parties. a Proprietor , e-r--