Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1881, Image 5

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NEW YORK , Scitcnibcr | 22 ,
Money closed at 4 per cent.
Kxchange closed Htenily at I 8ti@l 85
Governments closed strong ! currency
HIXCH , 1 .10 UJ , fours couixms 1 17i Mil ;
4\s \ do , 1 13J bid ; five * do. 1 01 bid ; sixe <
do. I 00 ] :
Pacific railroad bonds elo cd as follows
Union IsU , 11GJ@1 1" ; land grants , 118
sinking funds , 12I1 2IJ Control * , 1 11
The stock market was firm nt opening
but subjftpjcntly became weak mid prices
declined slightly in the general lUt , while
C. C. C. & 1. and Chicago , Burlington fi
IJulncy declined from 1 to 3J per cent.
After midday , however , the market be-j
came strong mid boiiyant and the decline
of this morning was fully recovered during
the afternoon and Htill higher prices
rallied ami the market closed strong at
highest point of the ( Jay , ami as compared
with yesterday's closing f to 4J per cent
higher. The principal dealing * ) were in
Western Union Telegraph knd St. Paul
fi Omuha , the .Southwestern trunkliuei ,
Denver & ] tie ( Jramle , and Union Pacific ,
The following aio the closing bid1) :
WUTel 874 Preferred. . . . ( J9J
Aihins 12xp.,137 ii. & St..T . 100
American 12xp. 87- Preferred. . . . 115J
U. S . . C.3 1C& T . 41
Fargo 131 I , B & W . M
CO C & 1. . . . ! U . . . . . . 12C
GC&IC 21J North western. . 127
NY 0 1K1 do pfd. . . 13S
111 Central 1313 Pacific Mall. . .
Mich Cent Ill San Francisco , 45j
Union Pacific..122 } do preferred. 74
Central Pacific 8" StP. 111 ?
A& TH do i.fd 121
preferred. . . ! K ) St P& Omaha. 41 }
c& A 131 Irofcrrc ( lOSi
J ) t Jt W. . . . . . 12DJ M L S & W. . . . 53 $
UfcRG 83'J Wabash r oT
Uric 41.J do preferred. . ! )
CHICAGO MQ.NKY u.uucirr.
CirtCAOO , September 22.
There was au active demitul for inouej
from nil sources and tha market wax
and firm at C@7 per cent , per annum
TheHunply of loanable funds is ample foi
all legitimate requirements. The tradt
of the city In active and deposits arc in
creasing , Eastern exchange between cit ;
banks wan weak nt DUD dollar discount per
thousand. The earnings of the associatci
T uankawero 87,100,000. , Oredrs Jor cur
rency were BiniUI.
Omaha Wholesale Market-
Thurssilay Evening , September 22. J
The markets were quiet to-day.
Grain firm. Wheat advanced Ic ; barle >
advanced 2c ; rye advanced Ic ; corn ad
ranced ijc ; oats a fraction higher than
Provisions steady and unchanged.
Groceries , hardware , lumber , dry goods
diwB , paints anil oils , firm and quotation1
in unchanged.
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 12J ; cash
No. S , 1 01A : rejected 75Jc.
BAULKY. Cash No 2 , ? 1.00 ; No. 3
RYE.-Cash , 93c.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 53 .c.
OATS. Ca-sh. 32.- .
Cattle Good shipping , 54 00 ; fat cowi
and heifers. i2 i5S ( > 3 00.
Hogs Mixed packing , 85 75@0 00.
Sheep Slaughtering in demand atS30 (
@ 3 75 per 100 Iba gross.
FLOUK Spring wheat , straight grade ,
? 325@350 ; patent , S3 75 ® I 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 75@ 1 00 ; patent ,
84 00@4 50 ; graham rye , 82 50 : Wheat ,
$2 75.
HYE FLOUR-83 25.
MILLS''UFF3 Bran , per cwt. 70c ;
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , pel
cwt. SOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; me.v
bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , 81 25 ,
POTATOES-UOc ® ! 00.
SWEET POTATOES-Very active at
5@Cc per pound.
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
92 50@3 00.
PRAIlllE CHICKEN'S S2 25@3 00
per dozen.
EGGS Very dull nt ! C < Sil8c.
BUTTER Choice bcarceat 20@25 ; [ > oor ,
no market ; creamery , 30c.
APPLES Good , Hound , very scarce
at 84 00 per bbl.
HONEY California white clover in
comb , 24@25c.
LEMONS Steady ; pen box , JIO'OO
@ 10 50. Finest Messina oranges $8 00
UTAH PEACHES S2 50 prJ -J bushel
EASTERN PEAIIS-A bu. bor , 31 00
© 12.1.
DOMESTIC GIlAPES-Gettingscarcc
at 5@0o per Ib.
( g400.
WATERMELONS Home-grown incx
cessive aupply ; per 100 , 81 005 00.
VEGETABLES All kinds bring good
prices and scarce.
BEESWAX Yellow , 18(5)20c. ( " )
ONIONS SI 25@1 fill.
CABBAGE $1 00(511 ( 50 per do/uu.
Qroccrs List.
COFFEE. ltio , lair , , liHc ; Rio , ,
14c ; Rio , piime to choice , f Uc " ; Old gov't
Java ; 20J@2SJc , Mocha , 2Slc" ; Arbuckle's ,
TIjAS. Gunpowder , go-xl , 45@3.c ;
Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ;
Choice , 00ft ( 75i ; ; Young Hyson , good , 3C@
50c ; choice , G"C@S1 00 ; .lapau Nat Leaf ,
35c ; .Taj > an , choice , ( ! 0@75c ; Oolong , gojd ,
35@10 ; Oolong , choice , I0@5'j ; Souchong ,
good.35(5140c ( : choice. 35S ( ) | 5c.
SUGARS. Cut loaf , llic ; Cnihhcd ,
IHo ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljc
Fine powdered , IJ'fc ' ; Standard Coll'eo A ,
lOJc ; New Yoik Confectioncr'a Stamlaiil
A , lOJc ; Good A , lOJc ; Prairie Extra C ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bblsI8c ; half
bis , fiOc ; kcgR , 4J galloim , 5230 ] ' '
table syrup , 45o ; half bbls , 48o ; ke ;
SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allop : , _ „ , .
Cloves , 15c ; Nutiiioi's , 81 00 : Cassia , 25c ;
Mare SI 00. '
SODA. D wight's Ib papers , S3 00 ; De-
land do , * 3 00 ; Church V , S3 00 ; Keg six la ,
STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Clou8 }
@ 8Jc ; Corn Statch , 8jg'C ) ; J celsioc
Glo-w. C7c ; Corn , 7ic.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash-
ton , iruetacks , 350 ; bbls dairy CO , i > i , 345 ;
bbUdairv. 100. 3i. 305 ,
DRIED FRUITS ChoFeo halves ,
peaches , new crop , DAc ; Evai.oratcd A
5 Ib boxes , 13i@llc ; Michigan , file ; . . . „
York apples , 8joStLouis ; Nol,7ci Prunes ,
old , ( ic ; now , B c ; Currants , 7@7i < : ;
Blackberries , now , lie ,
CHEESE Full Cream , lljc ; Pait
Skim , Oc.
WOODENWARE-Two hoop j.alls-
1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10 ; No , I'tubs.
( I 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 00 ,
pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown ;
2 75 ; Globe Washboard. 250 : Well buckets ,
chain , and 5 ply , 2021 } ; Colored carpet
chain , per Ib , 20 ;
LEAD-Bar , 81 G5.
MATOIIES-Per noddle , K > c ; round
coses , $7,35 ; sriuaro cases , 81.00 ,
PRO VISIONS lirenkfiut bacon. 14. ,
choice lard , 13Jc ; dried bctf , 14 ; hlimiM
era , canvassed 9o ; hams , cMiva < soti 14c ;
bacon , sides ll-\c \
NEWPIOICUW-Modiuui , in barrels ,
$9 00 ; do in half bbU , 5 00 : mimlh , in 1.1 j ] , ,
1100 ; do , in half bbls. 050 ; gherkins , hi
MJ ! . 1200 ; do , iu half bbls , 7 ( W.
VINEGAR Pure applu cxtia , lOc ;
purenjmle. 13c ; Prussing pure apple , 15c ,
HOMINY-New , $4 80 i > erW > l !
BEANS-Mediutn , hand picked S3 DO
per bushel ,
ROPE-Shal , J Inch anil I r3er , 9c ;
Inch'Jc ; i inch , " '
SOAPS-Klrk'n Savon Imperial , S 15 ; '
Clll/'o nCiln * .1 IT. . I.'Ul , ' . . ( . , ] „ < < J "A.I
> ; Kirk's magnolia ,
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibi , 10 or ,
I4cjboxcs401l > s. , 10 oz. , (13 , lie ; boxes , 40
sets , 14 oz. , $ * , 13Jc ; half boxes , 20 sets
14 oz. , 8 , 13c. t
LYE American , 3 10 ; Greenwich. 340
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lovvi *
ye , 4 fiO.To ; well lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 do ? . ,
n case , 3 ST. ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cae ,
L 00 : Anchor Bill 2 doz In aw , 1 50.
FIELD SNKD-Red clover , choice ,
lew , S.'iSO per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
low , 83 75 ; white clover , new , $14 00
il affa clover , new , $1250 ; aUike , new ,
s3 ! 00. Timothy , good , new , $2 50@2 05
jluc grass , e\tra clean , SI 2. . ; blue grass ,
'lean , 81 15 ; oi chard gras , $2 00 ; red top ,
hoicp , C5c ; millet , common or Missouri ,
H2.i ; millet , German , SI 25 ; to § 150.
lunnrian , 8115 ,
HEDGESEED-Osago orange , 1 to f ,
jUshel * , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels ol
> ver , 8150 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; pel
00 U.S. . , § 25 00.
FISIt Family white fish , 0011. lit bbls ,
53 GO ; No. I white fish , DO Ib hf bbls , 0 'M ;
-Jo. 1 iv bite fUli , In 10 Ib kits. 1 00 ; famil )
Olbkits , 75c ; New Holland herring , pel
ceg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colm11-
.iiv liver salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; GeorgeV |
5ank codfish , Go ) Gen. boneless codfish ;
Ic ; boneless fi h , 49c.
MACKEREL Half bbla tncw mackerel ,
00 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
00 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 ,
bs , 3 83 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25l ;
fo. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No , 1 shore , '
2 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
Field'n ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1II. ( Field's ) ,
> er case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , i > cr case ,
! IO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40j ilu
Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( Black ) ,
> er case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
b , per dozen , 1 ( M ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
150. Sanliues , small lsh , imported , one
uartcr boxes per box , 14Jc ; American ,
Quarter boxes p-r box , lie ; do half boves ,
.erbox , 21 Jo. Lobsters , 1 11. per dozen ,
80. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per
asc , 250 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
cr ease , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 100 ; ilu
v U. ( Yannouth ) , per ca ° c , 350
iring beans , per case , 14)0 ) ; Lima beans
or case , 2 00. Succotash j > er case , 2 10
'eas , common , prlrcase , 1 75 ; peas , choice
er case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case
50 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70
aspbcrries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00
) amsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Bartletl
ears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber-
es per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
fM , 3 25 ; do. choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
'ri'on gagcSj'J Ib per case , 3 25 : do choicer.
. | .tr cnse,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
00(013 ( 20. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 LO
o 3 Hi , case , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pel
.ise,32.'i ; do pie. 0 It. , per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , C.J@71c ; Louisiana , fif
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
essee , 81c per Ib ; fancy white , Oc per Ib ;
iw white Virginia , 7@7ic.
. Dry Goods.
c ; Continental C , do , Sc ; Crescent LT.
\c \ ; Crescent C 7c ; Crescent li 7Jc ;
resccnt A 8e ; Granitcvillo LL GJc ; In-
ian Head 7Jc ; Lawrence LL , Gfc ; Ports-
louth P , do , 4Jc ; Utica Cc \ ; Winthrcn.
, do , 7jc : Wochuvotts 7ic.
i ; Auburn A 1-4 SJc ; Ballardvalo 4-4
ic ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ; Fairmont 4-4 CJe ;
ruit 4-4 101 ; Hone l-l.SJc ; Lonsdalo 4-4
ic ; New York Mills 4-1 13c ; Pocassett C
-4 8\c. Wamsutta. 4-113c.
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , CJc ; Ameri-
an do , G c ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American
oOeBerhii ; solid colorsGc.CouestogadoGJc
ocbico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Cc
) uunell do , 7c ; Eddystouo do Cc
[ anuony , 5Jc ; Hartel.G.'jc ; Knickerbocker
ic ; Gloucester do , G c ; Hamilton. GJci
[ cimilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , 5c ; South-
ridge do , life ; Sprague do , 5Jc ; Simp-
m'a solid black , ( > \c \ ; Simpsoii'H mourning
M * . Kouthbridge do , CJc ; llcg&lta do , 5Jc
Pacific do 7c ; bprajue do , CJc
Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Spraguc
lijc ; SouthbridgeG5c ; Mystic , CJcj Merri-
inack shirting , Gu ; Washington oil colors ,
CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Harmony B ,
" > c ; Hooksett , T.CJ Kej's one Glove Finish
) Jc ; AVashingtyn , flc.
"CORSET JEANS Audiwcoggiu j-at-
teen , 8Jo ; Lockwood _ do. Oc ; Xiuunkeag
lo. , SJc ; Rockport ,
TICKING Ainoskeag. A. C. A. , 174c ;
Albany S. A. X. , 17Jc ; Coi-dis A C. E. ,
L7Ac ; CordiK , B. 13. , IMc ; Couestoga , R.C. ,
Red Stripe , Hi Jc ; Conestoga , C. C. A. , fan-
ay , 14c , Conehtoga , JC. C. A. , 14c ; Conestoga -
toga , -1-4 , Gold Medal , ICc ; Cone&toga ,
L7Jc ; Easton , B. , 9Jc ; Hamilton , I ) . , 11 * ;
[ Inn ilton ivgular , 13Jc ; Hamilton H. ,
lljc ; Omegasuperior extra , 27c ; Omega
uedal , 25c ; Omega A ( L\ , fancy fctripe ,
ISc ; Omega A 4-4 , ICc ; Omega A J , 13 ;
Pearl River , lG\c " \ ; Shetucket , S. , lOJc ;
hetucket , S. S. , 12c ;
Olli CI > OTH 5-4 wood , S3 00 ; 5-1
'ancy marble , ! f3 00 ; 5-4 white marble ,
J2 85 ; G I wood , S3 GO ; C-4 fancy marble ,
M 00 ; G-4 white marble , 83 85 ; 5-4 mo-
iaic , 8-1 00 ; G-1 mosaic , 84 00.
DENINS Amoskeag blue and brown ,
LOc ; Beavnr Creek. A. A. , blue and brown ,
I4c ; Beaver Creek , B. B.bluo andbrown ,
iSJu ; Beaver Creek , C. O. , blue and
irown , 12.\c \ ; Everett D. D. , blue and
jrown , 15 ; Haymakers blue and brown ,
Uc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 15c ; Otis B. B.
> Iue , 14 ; Otis C. C. , blue , 13c ; Pearl
[ liver blue and brown , 15Jc.
DUCKS Arlington stripe , 18 ; Boston
shecks , 131c ; Boston XX drab. 12Ac ; Bos
ton XXX Tno. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drab ,
.3Jc ; Boston 0. H.bro.,10Jc ; Boston XX ,
jro. , 12Jc ; Bislnrck strijie , 17ic ; Boston
itripes , 13Jc ; Dundee btripex , 18c ; Fall
Iliver , lljc ; Hamden 0. 0. , 10\c \ ; Lion
Blue , 15Jc.
STRIPES American , lOc ; Amoskeag ,
llJ.c : Dexter A. , 14c ; Mechanics. 8c ;
Omega , lie ; Otis B. B , , lOc ; Pittshold , 7c ;
Ujicaavillc , 9@OJc.
COTTONADES-Angora. D. & T. , 25cI ;
. . Y. A. , 2GcBoll , 18oBridgewater , 19c ; |
Japitol. ISc ; Charter Oak , 18c ; Everett , !
'heavy , 20c ; Everettl medium , 15c ; Fnrin-jlj
jerV 22ic ; Lewiston 10 o25c ; NewYork * '
mills cfieuks 18 ; New York mills proof , ]
22Hc ; Wickloxv,18'.c ' : Union Pacific , ISc1 ;
Wliittend n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light !
vvelsht. 12Jo [
SHEETINGS Androscoggln.O-lbrown
23o ; do 10-4 do , 23c ; Pepperolrs'J-1 brown ,
> - > a ; do 10-1 do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , 1(5 (
inch , bleached , 13c ; Androscoggin 0-4,1
bleached , 2Gc ; do 10-1. bleached , 20e ; !
I'opperoll , 0-4 , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4 1
bleached , 27ic , r
Carl.olie . , 50c ; Acid , Tartarie,5."c : Balsam
.Copabia , per Ib , 75c ; Bark , Sassafras , pi
Ib , 12c ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c ; CinchoniJi ; ,
I.IT oz , fcOc ; Chloroform , per Ib. O..c ;
Dover's powders , tier Ib , 81 40 ; Epsom
ialts , pcrlb , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , peril ) ,
I4c ; Lead , Acetate , i.erlb , 22c ; Cat
boil oil , 110 = , per gallon , lUc ; do 150. ° ,
ner gal , 13lc ; Oil , Castor , No. IJvpcrgal ,
' 1 10 ; Oil , Cabtor , No.S.per gal.SlOO ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50s
Opium , S450 ; Quinine , P. 4 W. kit' . It
3. , per oi. S2 25 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib ;
$2 , 50 ; Salaciu , per oz , 35c : Sulphate of
Monihiue , tier oS3 G5 ; Sulphur Hour ,
[ > er Ib , Ic ; Htrychniuo. ner oz , 81 50o.
Hones and Mulct.
The market is brisk and all grades are
Ailing well at a Blight advance in piiccs.
I'lio demand for good horses exceeds the
liupply considerably. Prices range as foi
lows :
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , 8175. to 225. : Common draft
Jiiu cs , S100. to 150 , ; Extra funn horses ,
$110 , to 125. ; Common togoo.l farm hurxea , .
fiOO. to § 100. ; Extr * plugH , ? ( JO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , E > 20. to $10.
MULES. 15 to lf J hands ( oxtm ) ,
to 1JO , ; 144 to 15 Imnds , 8100. to 140 , ; l
14 to I4i hand7" . to 100. ; 13J to 14
hands , $00. to V5
and Tobaccot.
UIGAKB.- - IM , 815.00 : Connecticut , .
Jil.OO ; Mixed , W CK ) ; Seed Havana , fSO.OO ;
Clear Havana , $7" > .00 ,
TOHACCO Pr.UO. Golden Ilulc ,
21 ib , GJc SpottedPawn , ,63cj Our Hope ,
fi2c ; Star , pounds. 24 Hi , btitt. " , OOc ; Horse
l-Shoe , jxiunili , 21 Ib , butts , f > 8c ; I'urity , 24
[ Ib. butt' ' , 2c ; tjuccn lco ! , 21 Ib , butts. 53c :
nnt IMife . , iHHiiiiN , , 2t , . Ib , butt" , , r.7 ; Anny
Iv. „ „
and Jxavv , | K > uiuIs , file ; Bullion , pound. * ,
' " c ; Idirillard's Cllmat , ixiunds , 57c.
- palk-Hnnl to
r > ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 78c ;
Favorite , GTic ; Rocky Mountain , " > "c ;
50c I5c.--In tin foil
Fancy , ; Daisy , - -
Catlhip 0. S. , 2 oz packages , " . Ib bo\e-s ,
I > erlb00c ; l nillard's Tiger , GOc.
SMOKING All grades- Common , 25to
? 3c. Granulated lUackwells Durham , 10
ir. liic ; Dukes Durham , 1C or , 45c ; Seal of
North Carolina. 10 or , 41' . ; Seal of Ni"
.cr * . 1C oz , S'icj Line .lack , I or , linen . . „ ,
icrlh , 81.35 ; M.iiburgs'Puck , 2 oz , .tl
oil , .Vie ; Dog Tail , CMC.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 lo 20 ft , 825 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft , , 23 00 ; sheeting dnwed ,
No , 1 , 22 00 ; No , 2 , 20 00 ; common boards ,
I rested , 2. " . 00.
FRAMING 111 ft. mid under , per M ,
. ' 4 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 2 : . 00 ; 22 ft. 2S 00 ;
21ft. 2800.
FINISHING-NO , i. finish 11 , u ami
J inch , S.V. 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch S-V ) 00 ;
No. 2. finish 1J , 1J nml 2 incU 8.1000 : No.
' " ,1 Inch , 81 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 iiu-b ,
O. G. ballon * per 100 feet liu. ,
51 f.O : well curbing , S.V.OO ; rough J ami 2
uch battcms per 100 feet III' . . . )0o.
STOCK BOARDS AHtiK > k , 815 00 ;
MO 00 ; C , 835 00 ; common stock , 827 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , $42 50 ; No. 2 ,
> 37 50 ; No , 3 , § 27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
545 00.
SIDING No. 1 , § 2750 ; No. 2 , ? 2300 ;
Vu. 3 , 820 00.
SHIP LAP-Plaln , 825 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
< 37 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
CE1LING-S30 005S315 00.
LATH AND SHINGLt'.S-A starbost (
liingles. SI 50 , No. 2 , 8350 ; No , 3 , $2 00
jath , SI 25.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel. 81 33 ; bulk pcrlm.
Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa plaster
jbl , S2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. .LI.IK
elt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , SI 00.
PAPER Sttaw paper , 3ic ; rag paper
c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; muuila paper , lOc
lews paper , 8c.
COAIi Cumberland blacksmith , S12
Morris Run Bliwsburg , 812 ; Whitebreas
ump , SO ; Whitebreast nut , 86 ; low.
iimp , SO : Iowa nut $1' ; Rock Springs , 8S
Vnthracite , all size811 " 00.
Hides , huis. Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7lgrcer ;
urcd hides , 8Jc ; green salt , part curec
lides , 8@ lc ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; drj
alf and kip , 12@13c ; dry Rait hides , hound
l@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10llc
recn calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c
reen pelts , 8100@115 ; green lamb skins
1 10125 ; damaged hides , two-third raie
cut scored and one grub , classed two
Lirds rale , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off
3o.n skins , No. l,45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3
. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2
Oc ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1
0c ; No. 2 , 23c. Skunk , No. 1 , black.
" > c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 'ic
road stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5J.
Merino unwashed , light , ll@10c ; heavy
13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c
tub-washed , choice , 32c : fair , SOc ; ding }
and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wools-
2@Uc less
SHOT. Shot , 81.73 ; Buck shot , 82.00 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , 8G.40 ; do. , hall
kegs , 83.48"do. ; , quarter kegs , 81.87 ; .Blast
ing , keep , 83.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 83 00 ; plow steel , cast , 7.
cast tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , set.
2 23@3 00hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@S3c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; snuaie nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , ] > er Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , G12c ; malleable , 8c ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoe. ' , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 50 ; S to 10 , 365 ;
fid , 300 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 00:3d ,
fine , C 40 ; clinch , all sires , 5 15 ; Oil , casing.
1 05 ; 8d casing , 4 411 ; lOil casing , 4 15 ; lOti
finish , 4 Go ; 8d finish , 4 00 ; Cd finish , 5 15 ;
half kegs , lOc extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
Oc ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cann , 20c ;
French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc ,
red heal , He ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
20c ; French zince , in oil asst , 15c ; llau
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw anil
burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13. ;
lefined lampblack , 12c ; coach block , l'c ;
i"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
ireen , L. M. & D. , Me ; blind and shuttei
/reen , L. M. k Dy 14c ; Paris green. 18c ;
J"ilian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscar , 22c ; American Vennilioil , I. & ] ' . , ISc ;
uhrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , ISc ;
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; ' patent
Iryer , Go ; graining colors : light oak , dark
ja c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Dry Paints
White lead , f.c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris
whjteitig 2ic ; whiting gildet > , IJc ;
u biting coml , Ijc ; Jampblock Germantown -
town , 14c ; lampblack , otxlinary , Sc ; Prtis-
nun blue , 55c ; ultramarine. 18c ; Vandyke ,
l.rown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
Ic ; fcienna , burnt , 4a ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paiis green genuine , 35e ; Paris grccu com' ;
iiu ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chromf
{ reen K. , 12c ; veiinilliou , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , ISc ; Indian rod , lOc ,
rose pink , 414c ; Venetian read , Cook-son's
ftv : Venetian red Am. , l c ; red lead , 7Jc ;
jnroniQ yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre' ,
French , 2jc ; ochre , American , lie ;
\Yiiiter'n mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brown2Jc :
Spanish brown. 2\c ; Trince's mineral Sc ;
VARNISHES Barreln per gallon.
Furniture , cxta , § 1 00 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
)0c ; furniture , U , 75c ; coach , extra , 81 25c ;
Coach , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Damar , 81 25 ; Japan , ,
rOcj-asphaltum , 70c ; Bhclluc , 6350 ; uanl
Ml finish. 8130. i
OILS-110'carbon pcrgallon , HJc : 150'
I.eadlight , per gallon , 12Jo 175" hcailllght
i.crgallon , ICc ; crystolinc , per gallon , 20c
iincecd , raw , per gallon , C2c ; Linseed , boil-
id , per gallon , C."cJlord ; , winter Btr'd , per
'allon , 1 05 No , 1 , 75c , No. 2 , COc ; castor ,
XXX , per gallon , 112c , No. 3 , 1 01 ; sweet ,
icr gallon , K5c ; Hjierm , W. B , , per gallon-
J" 33 ; liUh.W.B. , per gallon , OOc ; noatflfool'
axtra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1 , 05 ; lumburi ,
jating , xorn , ] .er gallon , 30c , summer , Ific
'olilen maehino , No. 1 , pergallon , ! ! 5c , No.
. ' , 28o ; hi.cnn , mgnal , per gallon , 80c ; tut1
) cntirie , per gallon , 00 < ; ; miptha , 7-1 dcg ,
er gallon 20o , 03 dear , 20c.
ALCOHOL 187 liioot. . > per
uino gallon , extra California uplnts ,
187 proof nt 1 20 per proof gallon
triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 8121 ; ped
proof gnl te-distilled whiskies , SI 00@l 50 ;
line blendetl , SI 50(5)2 ( ) 50 ; Kentucky bour-j
U iii , 8200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl.
vaiii.a ryes , # 2 00(5)7 ( ) 00.
1WANDIKS ImiKiiteil , SO 00@10 00 ;
lomeotio 1 40 © I 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@fi 00 ; domestic ,
HUMS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; New
England. 2 OOfrC-l 00 ; domcmtlc , 1 503 50 ;
t 75@4 00.
OIIAMPAONKS Imported per case ,
iiG 00@3J 00 ' : American , per case , 12 00@
18 00 ,
OLA11KTS Per case , 4 50@1C 00.
WINES Jlhlnewine , per case , 0 09@ 0
Xi Catavvba. per casa 4 00@7 00.
Cluclunatl Produce.
CIKCIKNATI , September 22 ,
Provisions Mess pork , jobbing 20 75@
' 100.
Lard Steady ; current make , 1200.
Hulk Mcata-Quiet ; clear Men , 11 05.
llaconJobbing , clear ! dea , 12 ! )7i@ )
v ,
Flour Firmr.fmnily , 0 85@7 25 ,
Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2 red , 1 47.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 71o for Do
OaU Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 4fc.
Kyu-Htcady ; No. 2 , 1 14.
Uarley-Strong ; No. 2 full , 1 10@1 15 ,
Whiaky-Steady at 1 15.
Grnnd Junction Mnrkoi.
Giusi ) JUNCTION , la. , September 22.
Butter 13c.
( 'ilH'Ano. September22 ,
On 'change there was a higher range ol
irices. The receipts of t-raln were 52,800
ini licU by cnnnl nml l,0i.l ! car loads b )
rail , embracing iVt of vv heat , 83. . of corn ,
J3 of oaK 20 of rye And 57 of barley.
Flour In good demand on local ami
very fulr business wastransactod , chiefly
lowcvcr on speculative account , ami
.rices showed a fuithernilvauco all round.
I'lio short * fcaiing further manli.ulation
\ > era disposed to cover nml watched the
narket closely , while tlio olfcrings during
uost of the HomUin were not very large.
I'ho market opened about Ic higher am )
ulvanccd quickly mi additional fraction ,
ruled weaker , again advanced , selling to n
toiut } © ljc nbovo llio closing figures on
clmiigu yesterday , llurtuatcd mm liii.illj
h i lie higher for c < i h , lo higher for
October ; Ijc higher for November. On the
ogular loaiil and on the call nt 130 for
September ; I 31J for October ; 1 3lj for
November ; 1 35 for December , and 1 30J
or the year.
Corn -A firmer feeling i.rov ailed for No.
i ami hiab-mived , and prices were further
idvanced ' / © , whii'h appreciation was ,
u.wevcr , not maintained , Speculator *
.railed freclv with the piefercuco given for
Jctobcr delivery , ami Clipper * purchasctl
airly of the grades suited to their wants. '
L'ho market finally closed about Jo higher ,
or cosh ; Jo higher fur October ; and ie foi
Vovcmber , On thorcsu'ar ' ivoard and on
ho cu'l at C7Jo for September ; CSJc for
Jetober ; GSJa for November ; G8jo for De
ember ; 731 0 for May.
Onts Firmer ami a hade higher ; do-
uand lair ; No. 2 , 41c for Suptvinhet : 413c ]
or October ; 42o for November ; 42Jc for ,
'Jecembcr. I
Rye Very qntct ; No. 2 cliwi-d at 1 0 ! > j
October ; 1 13 for November.
Barley Firm and a trille better ; No. 2,8
08 for September ; 1 OSJ for October1 !
11 for November. I
Pork Steady and slightly advanced ; ] !
minify light ; moss closed on call ntj
032J for October ; 1050 for December ; !
035 lor January ; 20 50 for T-ebruarv.l
Lard Fairly active and higher : c'oscill
112 10 for October ; 12 30 for Novom-J
cr ; 12 15 for the year ; 12 C0@12 G7J for !
ammry ; 12 80 for February ; 12 00 "
Bulk MoatH Stead ior"Bhort ; ribs , 10 I
or October ; 10 2010 21J for Nuremberg
015 forilanuary.
Whifky Steady nt 1 1C.
Receipts Flour 13,1'JS bbls ; wheat.B
0,503 bu ; corn , 3IW.C72 bu ; oats 41G01 |
u ; rye , 10,400 bu ; barley , 37.UG bu. I
Shipments Flour , 11,747 bbls ; wheat , !
9,542 bu ; corn , 251,823 bu. ; oats , 73,5771
u ; rye , 11,454 bu : hurley , 28,800 bu.
ST. LouiH , September
Ji'lour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Opened active and higher , bu' '
losed lower and weak ; No. 2 red , 1 43 , '
ash ; 1 44f October ; 1 48 November ; 145 ;
Jecember. ,
Corn Opened higher but declined ; C5Jc
nr cash ; G5Jo for October ; C8o for No-
ember ; COJc for December ; 70JC fur May.
Oats-Higher ; 42gcfor cah43Jc ; for Oc-
uber43Jc for November ; 40Jc forDeconi' '
- nt 1 42J@1 123.
Barley Unchanged.
Lead Steady at 1 05J.
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanged.
Whisky-Steady at 1 10.
Pork Held higher ; 820 ankcil.
Lard Better at 12 12J.
Receipts Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat.
0,000 bu ; corn , 30,000 bu ; oats , 32,000
u ; rye , 4,000bu. ; barley , 22,000bu.
Shipments Flour , 10,000 bbls. ; wheat
1,000 bu ; corn , 62,000 bu ; oats , 12,000
u ; rye , 1,000 bu ; barley , none.
St- Louis Live Stock-
, ST. LOUIH , September 2L.
Hogs Shade elf on liberal supply ;
rorkcrs , C 40(5 ( ? 0 (55 ( : packhig , 025G 70 ;
utcbers' to fancy , 0 75@7 25 ; pigs , 5 50@ .
10 ; receipts , 80,000 ; shipments , 1,200.
Now York Produce-
NKW YOBK , September 22.
. . . . . ,
n lici.t jQi 4C Iligiici , Am. t it * .i.i.b i ,
44 ; No. 2 do , 148.l@l 48J ; ungraded
hite , 1 3G@1 45No. ; 2 white , 1 43 ; No.
red , September , 128.
Corn Opened l@lc higher , eloBing
: arcely so firm ; ungraded mixed , 05@731 ;
'o. 3 , 71 ; steamer mixed , 72e ; No. 2 white ,
5@87c ; yellow , flic ; No. 2 , September ,
ostern , 41ajl3c. (
Uye Firm but quiet at 1 03@1 08.
Barley Quiet and firm.
Pork Dull ami weak ; new mem on npot
) fi. > ( Sll9 75 ; do. September nml October ,
) 25(3)19 ( ) 50. .
Lard Weak mid declining at 12 35f .
2 37i for each ; 12 30@12 32J for Soptcm-
er ami October. | |
ISeef Unchanged.
Cut MeatH Unchanged ,
Whinky Nominal. .
Toledo Produce
Totiio , Soptembcr 22. |
\\.ieat Steady ; No. 2 red , K.IJ'forjl
leash ; 145J for- October ; 14K for No-B. .
vember ; 1 51 lor December. P1
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , OUc for October ; !
,70o for November. L
OuthInactive. . H
Clovolnnd Market.
Qi.Kvr.i.AStt , September 22 ,
Putrolcum ( juict ; standard whitcH ]
110 lest , 7c. _
lilvorpool Produce.'OOT. , Soptembcr 22.
Flour American , 10n ( Iilr lS ) .
Wheat Winter , -lOn OdfgillH Id ; whlto.B
10s 7d ll ; spring , lO-tfelOs 4 < 1 ; club.B
Corn G' .
Poor in. Produce ,
PKOHIA , Set leinber 22.
Corn Firm ; high mixed , BrWfeCOc.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white.Il'@l5o. /
Rye-Finn ; No , 2 , 1 O8'f@l 00 ; sales fo :
November at I 12A.
High Wines-Firm at 1 15.
Receipts Wheat , 450 bu : ooni , K0l
i ; o.vti , 30,500 bu ; rye , 0,500 bit ; Iwrley ,
1,000 bu.
HhipincntH Wheat , nomrorn ; , Cl,000
Iju ; oivu 50,750 bu ; rye , 7,500 bu ; luiley ,
Bnltimoro ProUuoo.
B.M/niioiti : , September 22 , '
FlciiiiStrong. .
Wheat-No. 2 red winter , firm at 1 45J
01 45f for cash tind September ,
Corn Yellow , 72o ,
Philoilolplilu Pi-oduce , '
1'IIU.A1 > KU'JIIA , September 22.
'heat l''fnu ' at 1 45J for ti li and Sej
tcmber , ,
Corn--Firm at 71@72o for cash anil
September ,
OiitH-Kteady ; 47'48 forca h ; 47(3,47 ( !
Ityo-Quletat 110 for cath ,
E"stlilbcrty Llvo Stock ,
EAHT LIUKHTV , Pa. , September 22 ,
Cattle-Slow : prlmu , G OOfeO 50 ; good ,
rjf0iCOO. ( Receipts , 130 ; shipments , 1 ,
113 ,
Hogs Firm ; recelptn , 2,000 ; shipments ,
3,200 ; Phiiadclphla , 7 10& 7 30 ; beat York-
era. 0 WfeO 75.
Hheep-FIrm ; receipt * , 1.4JX ) ; shipment -
ment , 1'JOO. " *
Mayor n , 0 , Oolo , of Kokomo
M , , Riddled With Bullets .
Iiy a Deteotivo , i
mHo -
Ho is Caught in the Act of
Stealing Flour Prom the
Spriup Milla.
Ok. Connnirntlon in StIiouU Ron-
( lorn rirtrFnmiltciiDofitltuto
and Homoloft * .
Rldilloil by Bullet * .
S'Rtlon vl A.ioclaUil I'rvn.
KOKOMO , 1ml. , Sept. 21. Mayor
! I. 0. Cole , of this city , wiw shol
lead lust itiqht by the HlieriH' while
tcaling ttour from the Spring mills ,
lo him removed four sacks when he
von discovered , and attempted
light. Ho failed to obey the
jpmnmml to halt : xiul wai shot several
imos , and died with n revolver in
inch luuid.
A nirrmi I-T.KUXU.
KOKOMO , 1ml , Sopt. 22. The kill-
ng of Mayor llonry 0. Cole by
United States Detective llmmott and
nosso has created intense excitement ,
lie was found dead , with suvorul millet -
lot holes through him , uboiit 1125 !
yards from what uro known us the
Spring mills , in the western part ol
tliL city. For years Uolo has been
suspected of crooked ways and ho 1ms
been sluulowed by defectives for more
than 11 year. The. sherifVa po.M3o was
telling the .Splint ; mills , having lutd
intimation that the doctor intended to
rob the mill. Ho had an accomplice ,
supposed to have been it United States
ilotectivo , with him. They had car
ried four sacks of lluur from the mill
when lire was opened on Dr. Cole , irr
stilling in his instant death , lie w r
shot in liye difl'eient places the nock ,
both logs , the right arm and the back.
Cole's friends claim that ho was the
victim of a conspiracy and allege the
'act that those who vveiu instrumental
n his taking oil' were his bittei
D ne m ies.
Fifty Families Destitute.
ST. Louis , Sopt. 22. A lire started
> y children playing near the linseed !
ill factory of the Collier Lend works , ! '
spread with such rapidity and burned
so furiously that the mills nml two
blocks of tenement houses' were de
stroyed. About fifty families were
rendered homeless , and it is thought
one man was burned to death , Loss
nbout § 500,000 ; insurance light.
DAYTON , 0. , September 22. Early
this morning Johnston's livery stable ,
on Wayne'street , with twenty horses ,
buggies and contents were totally de
stroyed by fire. An adjoining resi
dence and several store rooms wore
slightly damaged. Cause unknown.
HOLMNfl Ml I , I. 1IUUNKI ) .
ATLANTA , Qa. , September 22. -
Last evening the Atlanta rolling mill
accidentally burned to the ground.
The null was valued at $300,000 , and
insured for $200,00.
The Ansntsin.
National Associated Pronn.
WASHINGTON , Sopt. 22. Every
thing at the jail is quiet. The guard
haa not been strongthohod and there
are no indications of any need of in
creased protection to the prisoner.
Ho slept well during the night and
this morning asked if there was much
excitement in the atreots. lie was
told the whole nation was aroused ,
md ho then said :
"I am entitled to a fair trial. ]
hope the people will allow me to get
it. "
HKUKTOKOUK some Deer wtii looked
on as an inferior and objectionable
drink , but it was when "Conrad'B
Dtidwoiser" was unknown.
PnolQd Coast Squib * .
Sjivclal lln | > .ioli toTim HKK.
SAN FUANUISCO , Sept. 22. Dis
patches from the San Carlos agency
report that Chiefs SnnchoNachiot , -
illy , Eskalow , Indeschiiui and the
brother of the iifcdicino man have
agreed to surrender unconditionally
.Hid ask fora trial for themselves and
the entire band.
The report of Colonel Kanlord's
fi ht iu contradicted. Nothing ha *
been hoard from him.
The oflicers of foreign veshuls in
port , also the Grand Lodge of Masons
and all bcnevolonl'Hociotic.i , as well ae
state and federal troops , will partici
pate in the obsequies of the dead pres
ident Monday.
S.v.v ViiAiwiHcn , Sept. 22 , Show
ers of r.iin have been general all over
the state. This ia an unusually early
commencement of Hie rainy Reason ,
. . _ „ >
Ho Still Maintains That the Prcsi.
iloiit'H CiiHoXVaH Not Prop
erly Treated-
N'lUonal Aimoclatod
CIIICAHO , Bent. 22 , A Now York
special to The Tribune that Dr. Hammond
mend still keeps up Jin charge thai
the president' ) ! cane was not proper ! }
treated by the attending physicians.
In llui courBo of a convcnmtion he
laid : 'The doctors nursed him M >
brothers , but attendance alone could
not euro him. I njgard the entire
treatment an an unmitigated outrage ,
'ind tlie result of it Wild the dentil oi
the patient. The time has comu foi
a Hciontilic' discussion of the case and
its nd junto , and you may depend upon
it that the discussion will bo promptly
forthcoming. Although I will not
aay the case is one of malpractice , 1
think it closely reiembled it. "
PlttsburK Oil Market ,
riTTOiiuiin , September 22.
The oil inaiket oponud nt U7c | ; IKiJo hid.
Bulfulo Live Stock.
KAHT llwrAia , September 22.
UogH Weaker : rect'IptH , 11 ; HlilpmcnlH ,
12) ) Yurkcm10@(1 ( ! ( 00 ; choice , Ii bO@(0 ( DO ;
choice iiiudlum , 7 00(5,7 ( J2Jj choice heavv- ,
' 'WINE ' OF OARDUI" makca rosy
"Ajeeks uud clear complexions. '
At > 1. t' . ( . ' 00J iimn
AflAPAHOE HOUSE , L. OLUTE , Arhpahoe ,
PACIFIC HOTEL , 8. J. PORTER , Fairmont , Neb
ESTE8 HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Grand ttland , Neb ,
U. P. HOTEL , S. F. DERRY , Gibbon , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T , M. STONE , Orleani , Neb ,
HOLLAND HOUSE , CEO. n. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb ,
PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P , REN8HAW , Deatrlce , Neb.
PARK HOTEL , W. J. QARVIN , Corning , la. '
OURKC'8 ' HOTEL. E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la.
CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley June. , I * .
NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Neola , In ,
CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvorn. la.
EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerton , to.
Vonmim , Dimiek it Co - Agricultural Implements.
ijanford Williams Agricultural Implements and Coal.
rjcu it Bickol Agricultural Implements , Hardware , Stoves and Tinware.
lonnot Ewin Cattle Dealer.
Francis Strain Meat Market.
) . D. Dayton . .Cattle and Meat Market.
D. C. Yonnum Grain Dealer ( Elevator. V
jew Robertsoi Grain Dealer ( Elevator. )
. * . J. Faling General Morclmndiso nml Drugs.
\ \ . ISaroch Dry Goods , Groceries and Notions.
> V. II. Taylor General Merchandise.
3. IF. ICyner Hardware , Stoves and Tinware.
D. S. Cloaveland Bank of Exeter.
V. 3) . Paine & Co Lumber , Building Materials and Cool.
? . T. Wliitmoro Jeweler and Watchmaker.
0. H. Babcock Book and Ne\vs \ Depot , Confectionery , &c.
Mrs. Lizzie Miller. Restaurant.
S. Roper Restaurant.
A , A. McCoy. . . . Attornoy-at-LiMV , Heal Estate , Loan and Collection Agent.
E. Peternmn Harness and Saddles
Martin E. Smith Harness and Saddles.
Chas. Halo Plasterer.
P. J. Fisher Blacksmith and Wagonmakor.
\Vnrron Woodward Woodward House.
Win. J. Waite Exeter Entorpri80-\Vooklv. ( )
Gco. Newer Billiard Hall and Saloon.
Double Strength White Lime
Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
Thirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB.
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , uhe La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
ham Streets
mMFVTPfl (36 ( ? Mil ,
O OMC jflk. J3C
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments- *
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu.
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
Omaha , A "DOT A flf Collins
Cheyenne , * & ' * VAM1.VJL ) Colorado
Fall and Winter
ING ! !
Hats Trunks Valises.
, Caps , , .
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit al