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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1881)
THU OMAHA DAILY BEE FEIDAY SEPTEMBER 23 , 1881 MODERN DENTISTRY , History of Its Developments Valuable Instruments. Manufacturing Tooth Different Material * Employed. N. Y. Tribune. The days' when dentists wore bar bers and amateur surgeons , combin ing the art of shaving nnd cupping with thai of extracting tooth , have happily long passed. During the last fifteen yc.irs dentistry ' progress. 'The mechanical appliances .for dental work in its manifold forms nro many and complex , and very little improvement in that direction is non looked for by tlio profession. Nowa-j days dentists must bo graduated ] from dental colleges and obtain di plomas before practicing. This com-j fc paratively rccont departure must have n beneficial efiect on the standing of the profession in this city , which iiow numbers about 400 members Thc dentist'of to-day has to know some thing of anatomy and physiology , in addition to his specialty. Less than a generation ago a hand- burr'wns used byjdontists in excavating teeth. This instrument , so poorly adapted to its purpose , was clumsy and required patience and strength on the part of the operator and subject. "When the pneumatic engine was in vented with a rotating burr attach ment it was considered n great advance - vance on this crude method. It was a noisy instrument , however , and was supplanted later by a dental engine , the invention of a St. Louis dentist , which is regarded as one of the most valuable dental engines of the ago. A flexible tube connects the burr with the engine , which is worked with the foot. The rotating burr can bo ap plied to any tooth with equal facility , and performs its work of cleaning , of B ? excavation , with rapidity and delicacy. The rubber dam is an invention use ful for keeping the teeth dry during the process of iillim ' . By moans ot a clamp and forceps the rubber is placed about a tooth , _ isolating it from its companions while it is exposed for tilling. In the use of crystal L'old it is very important' that no moisture reaches it in its crystalled , state , oth erwise it will lose its collusiveness. Another invention is the electric mallet for condensing gold foil in cavities. Rapid blows are given to cavities by means of electricity. There is also an automatic mallet fo a similar purpose , by which the gold § foil is condensed by an automati blow instead of electricity. The strength of the blow can easily regu lated in the body of the instrument. An engine mallet is also used by operators for condensing gold foil. The "porcelain crown" is adapted to restoring teeth broken down by do- cay. The root is cut down and the orcelain crown is attached with metallic pivot. The advocates of th "tooth crown" claim that the time will come whcnWmost no teeth at all will be drawn. They urge that only once in 500,000 cases perhaps is it necea- sary to remove them , and that thei diseased condition can usually b cured and the teeth saved. "When a tooth is decayed to the gum its usefulness - fulness is restored by this process by the slipping of. the gold cap over tli root and the attachment of r. porcelai crown. The way the tooth crown is applied' ' may bo illustrated by an operation ) which took place not long ago. Th tooth was a broken-down bicuspid on | the left side of the upper jaw. Th < external half of the tooth had split of ) and a portion of the inner cusp woe' ' also' gone. In the operation , what re mained of the crown was cut ofl nearly even with the gum , and a nar row band or collar was fitted accu rately around the slump which passed under the gum and out of sight. To | this collar there was attached by a lin ing 'and solder the porcelain face , ! which was made by using a small ] plato tooth. The inner cusp was restored stored by making it a holloTt shell of gold. The face and shell were united when sot in its place. The ! shell was fdled with oxychlorido pastej and .1 screw passed through the crown into the root. The collar surrounded the root and passed under the gum , protecting the stump longer it is ; claimed , than by any other method. Previous to the setting , a hollow screw is inserted into the root , which in turn becomes a nut and receives the screw afterward passed through the crown. In the manufacture of tooth the uso' ' of platina with what is known as the ! continuous gum has many advocates. Platina is the only metal that can ] withstand the heat | necessary to f usi the gum on the plate. Another im provement in this branch of dental ; work is the mineral plato , the plate and teeth being of ono matoiial. Celluloid has been substituted in place of rubber , which is very injurious to ; manyjinouths. On some , rubber has ! no bad efiect , while the mouths ol "others look on exposure like raw beef. Of courao f ho preference is given to | ' fold as a filling for teeth , A compo sitipn filling may answer where the ! cavities are large and the teeth are not > expected to bo retained long , and es- | pccially when economy is considered , ! but for tooth that nro to bo saved gold is essential. In the extracting of teeth a rcvolu [ tion has taken place within seventeen years. For a long time , the only amusthotics known to the profession for this work wore chloroform and other. So many accidents , however , occurred with the use of chloroform that it has boon almost entirely nban ; doncd by dentists. Ether , although less dangerous , is very disagreeable , and accidents sometimes occur in its' ' use. Ether frequently makes people deathly sick , from the c/l'ects / of wind they do not recover for several days. Nitrous oxide gas now almost entirely ] takes the place of other nnicathotics both in this country and Europe. Aj well known dentist said to a Tribune ; Gportor recently : "I introduced the gas to the profession in July , 18Caj mid for the first year I had uphill' ' work. But I lived on faith that I had a good thing and stuck to it , and the following yeni't the tide bci/an to turn in its favor. On February -Hli , ; 1801 , I began to ask my patients ] after operations to write their name ! on a scroll. 'J'ho number of such names is now ISU.OOO , and I ncyei Imd an accident. The trouble with ) dentists in giving the gas ordinarily it Iracting to do. They mko up a batcl of gas , and after an operation cannot afford to throw it away , nnd it loses ( strength after n while nnd lias no | [ effect on a patient , A man weighing i250 pounds came to mo ono day nnd said that ho had taken the gas twice elsewhere , nnd the operation of ex tracting his teeth wtis nevertheless n painful one. I told him that the gas must have been stale or ho had not tnkcn enough. Ho had four teeth then that ho wished mo to extract. 1 did so nftor administering the gas. On awakening after the operation his' ' first remark was : "Didn't 1 heal somebody singing Pinafore1' ? Yon | 3 that if an inauUiciont quantity ofj 4..3 is administered the operation it made moro painful , for the first effect of an niiiusthctic is to increase nervous sensibility. " "Have you over administered thcj ; ms to neisona troubled with hcarl disease ! " asked the reporter. "I have given it to twenty or thirty persona who had valvular disease of the heart tlio most serious form of the disease. I am not afraid of the ofl'ect of the gnn , but the excitement of tlio patient. 1 have also ndifiiiiatcr- cd ib in nil stages ot consumption. Von see , the gas destroys nil sensi bility in the nerves nnd relieves the1 Uiock of the operation. An eminent' ' physician once brought mo n woman lillictcd with valvular disease of the lieart who had eighteen ulcerated teeth. The doctor said she must have ! them extracted if she died. Allaying ] icr fenra of pain before the gis was idminiatered , I removed tlio eigh teen teeth. "Doctor , that's splendid ! " he exclaimed , when it was all over. "Many teeth can be tilled and savedM .lid I so ndviso patients. PersonsHi lowcvcr , who cannot afford to spcndBl ? 5 or § 0 insist on having a toothlj Irnwn. An ulcerated tooth shouldp" ihv.iys be extracted , although it isj : luimcd by sonio dentists that it can 1)0 saved. " The doctor added that when ho was ] n Homo a few years ago he noticed .hat . the teeth of very ancient skelo- ons in museums were perfect nnd without any trace of decay. Hc | ittributcd this to the more natural ifo led by the Itonmns , the absence ) f such highly-seasoned teed nt their ncals as is popular to-day , nnd the frequent use of the bath. Sweet meats usually produced acidity of the stomach , which in turn caused the teeth to decay. Negroes on sugar plantations eat generously of the su- lunr cane , and yet have splendid teoth. This was owing to thorough digestionjBl of tlio cane. The doctor thought theKJf condition of a person's teeth was ajjc good indication of his physical consti-Bp tution. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M "ImobjHoadley. . " Philadelphia Times. The speculative supporters of the ! pool-selling shop on Samson street are ! in a state of fermentation over thcjSj- unprecedented streak of good luck ajSi mysterious investor from Chicago hasjjji struck. He is about forty years offli , ige , and hh shapely-cut fuco , whicl : bears neither beard nor mustache , i may bo seen in the International room iI \vhonever pools are being sold. Not withstanding the fact that ho has wor [ many thousands of dollars this month , he is still enveloped in the seedy , [ looking suit of clothes ho wore when ho first began attracting attention. ' The telegrams he receives from time to time are addressed to J. B. Head ley , and ho admits that ho hails from Chicago. The "regulars" in the [ pool-room call him "Lucky Head ey , " or "the Chicago man. " One of the pool-seller said yesterday , in re ' ferring to the stranger : "He used to come iloating in hero every morning nnd plank himself in a front-row chair and remain anchored there all day without dropping a cent. All of | sudden ho wont down in his clothes .ind hauled out aallet aiid began buying pools. This was on Soptonv ber 2. Ho invested about § 100 in the motion pools , § 2 in the combination md about $20 in the French pools , lo caught four winning horses , Frank 3. , Knight Templar , Jessie D. , anc Followplay , and ho drew $1100 out oi lie auction pool-box , and something ike $500 from the mutual machines , lis combination turned him in B13G.45 , so that ho cleared nearly 31,000 iu one afternoon. That 'ust started him , and he ias been nailing winners every lay since. " On Sept. y , the 'Chicago man" invested § 2 in the iombination on Fair Count , Memento ind Parole , and got § 100.40 in return. Ho drew $450 out of the auction and ] French pool box on the same day , Ho opened the eyes of the knowing jnes on the following day by backing 8 Frankie B. , Mary Anderson , Jeannie j1 ind Una , and they all won. On " Sept. 7 his winnings on Sir Hugh , sl ri\iir Count , Olivia and Sly Dance J1 ipiountcd to § 1,300 , although ho had ' but $80 invested in the four events , His two $2 tickets on Sly Dance alone paid him over $100. Tnis unparallcd uck made lain the lion of the loom , md the moment he began backing r torso the crowd followed his example lo evidently noticed the attention he VMS attracting , for ho did not appeal n the pool rooms on Soptomboi rth. About noon , however , he cnt a representative there to 3 bet $200. Of that sum $17 < > was aid on Crickmore's beating the Hying . . Hindoo and the remaining $24 was in vested In thre'j § 2 combinations nnd line $2 tickets on liounco and Marchioness , Hindoo met his first Meat this year , and as JJouuco Mar jliioncss won their races the two com > * ) ination tickets wore worth about < 8230 , When the Chicago man pro tl wntcd himself at the cashier's office ioxt morning ho received $953 for hU tickets. Ho had some ono employed Monday to nako investments foi lim on the Lexington races , for as ioou as the last event was decided he marched up to the cashier and got J328 for- tickets on Patti , Getaway ind Fiona , tlie three winning horses , L'ersons who have followed the lucky nan's movements say that ho lias ] lamed and backed over thirty win ling horses in the past ton daya , _ "TfiiTComiuodoro- " .Tos. L , l-'oote , tlio Coinmodme , Klein , 11. , avn Tliomai' Klcctiiu Oil cured him f sciatica with ono application , thorough- y applied. It also cured him of a fcevcrc olil and cough , llo tliliikn It aery val lalile remedy , and will never foe without ; TEJ WHILE LOSg OF LIFE. Millions of rata , mice , cata , bed- ] nigs , roaches , lose- their lives by col- ision with "llough on Hats. " Sold Cnll for RopuuHcnu Stnto Conven tion. Thc llcpuMlcan plccturs of the State ol .Kclrili.i . ) nro hcicby cnllcd to send dele gates from the cuml counties , to meet In Stnto Convention nt Lincoln , on Wednes day , October fitli , 1881. n MO o'clock , p. m , , for HIP imrpnaa of plncliig In nomina tion cntiilldfttca for ' . 'n following nnmcd iflicci , vir. : Oi\o iludfto of the Supreme Court , Two ItcReiitsof the atnto University. And lo transact swh ntlipr business n. " | niav properly conio before the convention , ! The several counties nre entitled to rep resentation m the Stnto convention M foi- lows , bmed upon llio vote en t for George W. Collins for Presidential elector , c\lng ! mo dcleg.ilu to each one hundred nnd fiftj .150) ) votes and ono for tlio fraction of < cvcnty-li\or5) ( ) votes or over. AUo one Iclcgato nt largo for each organized coun ty. ty.Counties. . Vti. Ucl Counties Vt . ' Adams. . . . 1117 11 i1ohn nn .10(58 ( Antelope. . . ii"7 T > Keainey . 5.0 Benne ( > 71 fi Kcltli. . . . 32 15ntrftto..11ir ! ! > KlHK. . . , Will Hurt 1010 8 hancnvte ,331)7 ) Hutler ! C 8 7 Lincoln. . 377 Cuss 18(51 ( IS Matliion (570 ( Ucdnr 218 9 Mcrrick. KID Cheyenne : i Nanco . . 11K1 2 ! Clay . , i 11I NuckolN Colfax. . , GSJ I ! 1173 rhaMj. . . 1 Otoo 1)18 ! ) Cummin ; , 1r. . 1'ittnieo. . .1181 Ouster . . ! > t)0 ) 3 ritvl | > a. . . . -120 Dakota. . I'iocvo . . . 7(5 ( D.iwson. . SI7 I ! 1'olk . . > I3 I Handy Plalto. . . . 8.11 jDixnn -inn .3200 Siliue..l8U Killmoru , .not Sarpy. . . . 4il ) franklin. . S\iindei-.1717 ; l''rontier. . , . 133 Kowtrd.1351 : Huniai . . . . . UOl ! Shornian. . 308 liago . . . .1720 Sioux . . mo SUnton. . . ISO ICrceley 1K2 Tlmvcr. . . 831 illall. . . 1150 ! ) Valley . . S)2 ! ) WmhsntoiillK ! ) Hamilton , OU7 Wheeler. . Ihirlan. . . 078 Wapio. . . 118 Hitchcock 135 Webster. .100(5 ( Holt 331 York .1441 " Howard . . . . (537 ( Jefferson . .1000 Total It is recommended First. That no proxies bo admitted to the convention px- | laopt such as arc held by persons residing ! in the counties from which tlic proxies are | jiven , Second. That nn delegate flmll repre-j < ent an absent member of hU delegations unless he be clothcil with authority from ! the county convention or is in possession ! " of proxies from regularly elected delegates , [ thereof. By order of the Republican State Cen- ] ral Committee. JAMES W. DA WES , Chm'n. V. J. HKNIJEUSIIOT , Sec'y. pro tern. Lincoln , Neb. . Aug. 31 , 1861. Bnokllu's Arnicn Salvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcera , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds ol skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anteed to give perfect snlisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 2oc per box. For sale by ISH & McMxiiox , Omaha. The Gorman Emperor William , physically , is an extraordinary old man. Ho is now in his 85th year A Berlin special , speaking of his activ ity and endurance , says : Tlio active life of the emperor is the subject of general conversation. From the review near Hanover on ] Thursday of last week , ho proceeded direct to Dantzic. On Friday the ) interview with the cxar took place. On Saturday he looked at the maiiou- vres near Konitz. Ho spent Satur- | 'day night in Ecrlin , and left on Sun day morning for Itzehoe. Thence lie ] came to Hamburg on "Wednesday , leaving again for Itzehoo on the samej evening. Ho went to Kiel on Fridnj to witness the naval mancuvrcs , and on Sunday ho leaves for Badon-Badec 'to attend the Carlsruho marriage fes tivities on Tuesday. Then lie will take a rest at Baden. The ompcror , n spite of this enormous work , looks very well , and members of his court say that ho never complains of fatigue. At Hamburg on Wednesday he re ceived n very cordial welcome. Springfield ( Mas * . ) Republican nd. ) : Wo warn the good people of this country that the nttompt to thrpw ofl' the taxes on beer , whisky , and tobacco , in order to lasten moro firm ly upon us the taxes on sugar , cottons , woolens , silks , stool rails and all im ported manufactures is about to be made in earnest , and that it will be supported by the corn , whisky , nnd tobacco states the pig-iron states , and that it will need every VQto which consideration of revenue re form or moral reform can bring up tofi anye the internal revenue system fronij being thrown overboard. Worthless Staff , Not so fast my friend ; if you couldi see ( the strong , healthy , blooming ) men , women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness , ! suffering nnd almost death , by thol use of Hop Bitters , you would say , ! "Glorious and invaluable remcdy"E A Philadelphia Press , Boptlo PROBATE NOTICE. State of Ntlir.aFkn , Doiijla ( Comity , ts : At a County Court , held at the County Court I Itoom , In ami lor sal J County , Aurubt 1st , A. I ) . Ib'Jl. I'mtmt , HOWARD IS. BMlfJI , | County JudKo. In the matter of the estate of Joseph II. Kcl ion , deceased ; On muling and fillii * thu , etltion ol Mnrthnl , Nelson , iirujinf , ' that tlio Instrument , imp4 liortlii' . ' to lie it ilulyutliontlcatcil copy of tliel nst Hill nml tcotamuit of tald dctcastd , and ofij .lio proliato tlivrtof , by ( lie Circuit Court ol'- .VjiniUln County , Htalu of Indiana , and thiadaj illc-1 In thin Court , may ticnllouij and nicorilcd , IH tl.olast wllland U'atainint of salil Joseph II N'clson , ilctcised , in and for thu HUto of Ne braska , Ordered , Tliat August 27th , A. P , JSS1 , nt 10 jVcIock a , m , , UaMljriiifl for hearingaald petition , D hcn till pcriioii * lnteri.iti'1 In paid matter nm\ ! W ippearat a County Court to ba held , In nnd foi PI aid County , nml thaw causa why the prayer ol ! iK'tltiontrfcliouIdriot bo granted ; and notice PIa the pendency of said petition and tha ln-arlnii a thereof , bo ( 'hcn to all persons Intcrutcd In said il natter , liv puMlshliii ; a uopy of tlili order In Tin ilB OMAHA WKKKLY Her , a nc | > apcr prlntotl In Bald B County , for tlireu fcucctbsUu utckn , prlorto ealo 11 ilay ol litarint , ' , 11Ci ( A true ton : ] JtOWAIlD I ) . SJIJTK , Ci Cit Cour ly Jnil. c. \t tti Tim MOOT TorDbAKl Tut BIST Huuxa\ \ THE OVALGHURN i THE JJF.KI " ] OlIURNH AND QOICKKIl HOST COJi- TIAN An VENIE.Vf OTHBH UlIUHN CIIQUN HA.SVFAC- IN TJIK TUKCO. MAUKBI Manufactured In li\c lzio , 4 0 , B , 10 ind 1 kllon . It bag no cotilnKunio no nol j ocwlti cr ) . enlly nd ciulcVrly. nj net ! tin r CBt arauunt ol LutUr frua llio nillk ui reimjli iniOo fiomth lc t osb lumber. It lold m lower price lh n any ntlicr Dnt'chii hum. Htnd ( r dlirlpllvo circular ted prlvt Ut to the theOVAL CHURH COMPANY. COSHtH.IND , SELTZER No ono-who li thoronRlity roRulnr M ttio liocU i Inll A < liable to < il < c.x n M he .hit Is IrrrKtihr. Ho may bo ftttucked by con. UIKCOIIS dlea e , nml o may the Irregular , but holijiot neatly ns subject to ontjUlc inltiicncca. Die \no ol Tnrrant's Seltzer Aporiont. < rciire4 regularity , nml consc < iucnt linmuiult } rein vluknc * , SOI.l ! IIY AM , SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists n inoniisof securing - curing n soft nnd brilliant ; Complexion , no matter linw poor it may naturally bo. Hasan's Jla nolia .IJaliu is a' ' dolicnto niul harmless nrti- clcovliich instantly removes Freckles , .Tan , Ilcdnoss Konarluicssj Eruptions , Vul gar I'lusliin s , cic.j etc. Se Holicato and natural arc it ; olTects Hi at its nso is not suspected by anybody. No lady lias the right tc present a disfigured iaco in society when the Magnolia Halm is sold by ull druggists for 75 cents. Special Ordinance No. 268. Lc\jhunfpceftl : ! tn\ for curbing nml irut'irlnt rnrninm ( street ( ram t u iitst curboflMI str < ct to the ccnlorot IStli street , In the oil } of Omnlm , ! > c it ordained bj the Jty council of the city o Omaha : SF.CTIOX 1. That special t\ to the amount o : _ 3M'J.40) ! ) three thousand live hundred and s'i y-nlno dollars tiiul fortv cents , \\hlcli bcinv tlv est nml expense of turbltip nml ntterlnK' I'arn , -iamttrctt froji the ciwt c-arhol 15th t-troot ti .the icntcr of ( Ikth street , be nml the same I' hereto levied upon the lots that nro IjounJii'K 01 ' .ibutdnp said Improvements ncionllnsr to Ihroi Ilicd's ma ) ) uhldi corrufpontls vItli A. 1) . Jnnu'i map .is the first nml orluinal map niul pl.xt of thi lie city of Omaha , to-\\it : I I g s c.U . 1OT CO JUS K 189 118 ra IS' ' ) UO 14S 7i ; 139 CO US 72 COM 118 M 148 Ti ns 01) ) 14S 72 us 00 14S72 118 di 14S 72 140 1.0 148 72 140 tli 148 72 140 CO 14S 72 COW 4 140 W ) 148 72 4a 4D 117 ( .0 148 72 a 117 to 148 72 7s 117 uo 148 72 s 117 00 148 72 1 141 ( ,0 148 72 141 00 148 72 3 111 uo 148 72 4 141 GO 148 72 & 11(1 ( uo 148 72 ( I 110 GO 148 72 7 HU UO 148 72 UOM 110 ( M 148 72 Src. 2. Such special ta\ shall be duo In thlrtj (30) ) da ) a from the pnssago and npprot nl of tills ordinance. . SEC 3. This ordinance shall tnke effect nnd be Th force from nnd after Its pantoce. ' Attest : 'limS. II. DAILEY , Prra't City Council J. J. L. 0. JhWKTT , City Clerk , Pawed Sept. Pth , 1881. ApnroMil Sept. Oth , 1SS1 tAMES E.DOYD , Major. Thonbo\c tax nccomos delinquent on the Oth day of Otobcr , 1SS1. After \thkh date , ten pur cent , pcnalti and Interest nt the rate of one iicr cent , per month , pavahlo Inndianco , will lit Klilul. S. O JIAIJ-KITK , slOdSt Clfy Treasurer. 1880. SHORT LIME. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , St , Joe ft Council Bluffs TUB OM.Y Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the West. S'o tbaneo of cars bct\-ccn Omaha and ho. uo and but one bct.M'cn OMAHA and NKW VOUK. EJK3C Daily PassengerTrains KIACI1IXO ALT , GASTEUN AND WESTEKN CITIES 1lh LKSf CHAHUbS and IN ADVANCE of ALLi OTIIEH LINKS. This entlro line IB equipped with Pullman't Palace Bleeping Cara , Palace bay Coaches , MUlcr't Safety Platform and Coupler , and the celebrated Wcatmghouso Air-brake. ifSuo that your ticket rondi VIA nANSAf- V , ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL BLUFFS Itall road , via St. Joseph and St. Loun ! , Tickets for tale nt nil coupon gtatlonn In thr West. J. F. BAHNA11D , < C. DAWES , Ucn. Snpt. , bt. Jownh , Mol Gen. POMI. and TIcKtt Ajt. , St. Joseph , t ANLV HoiturN , Ticket AKcrit , 1020 Tarnhnmiticit. A , B. BAKNAKP. General A cnt , OMAHA.NE Sioni Oity & Pacific ! -AKD St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS , n OLO ItELIADLC SIOUX CITV 110UTE 4O O MILKS SHOUTED ROUTE 1OO niox COUNCIL BLUFFS ro BT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS flULUTH Oil BI8MAKCK , < intUll point * In Northern Iowa , Mlnnowta ant Dakota. This line In cmilp | > td * Ch the Improvu' Automatic Alr-brako < vml Mlllci I'latform Conplu and lluffer ; anil for , SPEED. SAl'LTY AND COMFORT unsurpassed. Elegant Dnvtlne Hoora t n ilceplni ; Cam , ownuil ami controlled by tha com nany , run through WITHOUT CHANGE bctweoi union Pacific Transfer ucpot at Council Illulltf , ind St. Paul. Trains Icnvo Union Pacific Tranifor depot a Council Uluffn at 5:16 : p. in , , rcachlni ; Sioux fit ) 10:20 : . . in. and St. Paul at 11. OS a. in , roaklnt TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANV.OTHEH 110UTE. Itoturnlnif , lca\o St. Paul at 8:30 : p. m. , orrhlnf Sioux City l:4& : a. in. , and Union 1'c.Ullc Trarid ( depot , Council liliidn , at lW : a. in. Be at J our ticket ! road \la "S. 0. & P. It. It. ' F. 0. HILLS , Bupulntondont , T. E. UOBINSON , lllsxmrl Valley , U. Amt. On Pa i. AlfCiit , J. II. O'BIU AN , Pj * . < .uKcr Aztnt. ( inuncll Illuffi. lowi. DISEASES OKTIIK EYE & EAR DR.L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , in if LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYALJ LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Rcferrncci all IkpuUblo Pliyiklani of Omaha r Offlce. Corner ICth and Fornham 8t , , Oniah , Neb. a No Changing Cars lUITWKKM OIV2AHA & CHICAGO , lUictc illroct connrctloninic mitito nlth Thrnnirl SLKKPINO CAU LINKS for JEW Y(1HK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA. UALTIMOUK , \V.\81IINOTOX | AND AM , EASTKUN Che Short Line via. Peorial Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS 1'ILI.i : , and all polnU In the TUB KUT MM For ST. LOUIS , IVlicro dlrrct connections are made In the Unlor Depot with the Through Hlerplnif Car Line * for All. POINTS SO TCP I ? II. NEW LINE DES MOINES THE FAVORITE ROUTE FOR Rock Island. The uncounted Inducements offered by thta llm [ to tnu clrra Mid tourists are as follow > : The celebrated PULLMAN (10-whccl ) PALACI SLEEPING CAHS mil only an thin line C. , 11 fc Q. PALACE > HAWING HOOM CAHS , will Norton's Reclining Chairs. No extra charge foi 4cnts In Itecllnlnf : Clialrs. The famous C. , II , t 0.1'nlacc Dining Cor ; . Oorgroug Snioklnir Can Httcd lth clcpnnt hiRh-bnckiil rattan rc\ohlnj .hairs , tor the cxcluslxo use of fiist-clasa pasjcn l crs. crs.Stocl Truck arid superior equipment comMnoi with their gjcat throuvh car arrangement , innkcr [ this. abo\ nil others , the la\oritu route tothi Bunt , South and Sontlioast. Try It , nnd J on u 111 llnd trncliiiR a luxury In itead of a ilisvomfort. ThroiiRh tickets via thin celebrated line foi Ril ( it all ollleeo In the United States nnd Canada , , All Information about mtes of fare , Sleeping Car accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will b < jhccrfully glen by npplj Ing to PERCEVAL I.O\Vr.IL , Genera ] rassonter Airent , ChlcaKO. T. J. P01TEU , ( Jhlcaco. HTcatfor hclngr the most direct , quickest , and infest line connecting the great Mctropolln , CHI CAGO , nnd the EASTBRN , Noiirii-KASTURN , SOUTH ind SOUTII-EASTEBN Lixmlilch tcnnlnato there , with KANSAS CITT , LKAVKNWORTII , ATCIIISON , Cooca Vbupra and OMAHA , the COUMKKCIAI CuiTKRa from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrate * the Continent from the Uietourl RI\tr to the PaciHc Slope. The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY fa the only line from Chicago owning , track Into K'nnsiui , or which , l > y Its own road , reaches tin. . points above named. No TKANSKKKB uv C'ARiUAon' ] S'o iiiMiNo co.NMtcrioNN I No huddling In 111- rontllatcd orunclta.ii care , ai every innaciiKcr It carried in roomy , clean and ventilated coachcn upon I'nst Eicprcus Trains. DAY G'ARHOl unrhaled mn nlflccncc , PCILMA > I'AMCK HLKKPINO CAKH. nnd ouroirnuorld-famoui OI.NINO GAUM , uiwn which meals are served of un Hecd cxedlenco , lit the low rate of SKVK.NTY CK.NTH EACH , with ample time for healthful snloyment. TlirouKh Cars between Chicago , Pcorla , Mil vauKco and Missouri Rher I'oints ; ni.d close con nedlona at all points of Intcraectlon with othoi ondc. \Vc ticket ( do not fortret this ) directly to oven nlaco of Importiuico In liniifiat. Nebraska , Itlacln Ilills , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , California In Oregon , wa > iliii'ton ! Territory , Colorado , Arlioni jjj in J No\r Jlcxlco. As liberal nrrnngcmcntg rtgardmnygsigo \ tu my other 11110 , and rates of fare rUwajn asl ow ui eompttltora , who furnleh but a tltlio of the com tort. tort.Daps and tackle of nporUrcen frco. Tlckctn , mapa nrid folders nt all principal ifflcos In the united Btatu * and Canada. R. R. CAI1LE , E. ST. JOHN , Vice Pres't & Gen. Gen. Tkt nnd Pass'r Ag , Chicago Chicairo. DexterL.Ttaas&BroJ WILL BUY AND SELL AND ALL TKANUACTIO.N CONSrCIKD IHIlltKWITlI. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Bto.J IF TOU WANT 10 UUV OR BBIL Jail at Office , Room 8 , Creljhton Illock , Omalia , | { Axle Grease ! NEVER GUMS ! Uncil on Wnicons , Itucglcs , llcnpcra , Thresher * ! nd JII11 Machinery. It In IKVAIUAHUK TO XAim I KH AND TKAKHICIIH. H cures Hcratches nnd nlll lnd olnorcoon Horace r.J block , tut well as enl OLARK & WISE , Manuf'8 , 305 Illinois Street , Chicago. FOR PltlCEH. ) c21fim.b BlackDiiiniundCoalOo , W. II LOOMIS , J. H. NEWELL , I'llfrf. KM. AMI TUXAH , I. L. Mlf.LEII , AOK.M. HARD OR SOFT COAL n car lots or In minntltlcx to unit purchaser * . Orders KolielUd. 7ard.Foot Farnham and Doug , las Sts. , Omaha. tep3 tf Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , ICth and DodgoSti. , Omaha , Neb ' Tlila acency does simcrtTa brokcraifo buslncn Does not ipcculato , and therefore any barKalm- IU book * arc Insured to Its ] > atroui , luttctd belnv irobbled up bv the /cn A , G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT LAW THIS ITCTW AND CPftRECT BIAF t'nuui Beyond any rcnsoiinblo fiucstion thnt ttm CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN Rt ) by nil otWs tlio hf > > t roftil for you totako when traveling Inolliicrclltcetlou lwt rrr f ' I'.htcago and all of ttio Prtndpal Points In iho West , North and Northwest. arcfnllyOTnmltiotliUVnp. TlioPrlnclnnl CltlMof thoWp t.inrt NtirthvrfitnroHtalloni ? ( in this ronil , Its tliriiiiKli Itnlns inuKo close cuuuccUoui vlth the trains of ; tll rulU % , ! . * > "It * ' " sS ' s-lJ & ' ' § . _ ? v unoWWvAl i * > , W ? fl5 * $ ) / 'I'1'1 fie wV < 3r \ Va Vl/i / t THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over nil . or Its principal lines , runs r.icli way dally from two to tour or moro 1'nst Tradis. it Is tlio only ioul west of Uhlcago tliat uses tlio . The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. . ' " ' " , > > > ( " ' wnwas . . " " , . . C."i . ! ! Vr ' ' vnniitoii J.ino. "Chlcivjo bt. rnul ntul Mlnncinoll : < i I.lno. J or. Illinois , l-'m'poit A Dnbmiuo I.lno. " "MllwiumcpUrcciilt.iy& I.ako Superior IJva . Tlrlccts over this roail urn sold by ull Coupon Ticket Agents fu tlio Uultcd Btalqs uiu' ' . JtcniL'iiiticr to n .k for Tickets \la this roiul , bo sure they rend over U , Jiml take nouo other. ( Uin'JX llCOUin , Gcu'l Manager , Ulilcago.V. . 11. SIE3NETT , Geu'l I'ass. Apeut , CUIcaKO. HARRY P. DUEL , Ticket Aeent.O. ft N. W. Rnllwny. Ilth nd Fiunhara street * . U. K. RIMUALL , Aiwlstant Ticket Awnt C. ft N.V. . Railway , Hth.and Farnhara Btrocla J. HELL , Ticket Aucnt C. d N.V. . lUlHay , U. F. R. It. Depot. SAMES T. CLARK General Accnt. ADVANCE OF THE SEASON ! Goods Suitable for the COMING WEATHER -JUST KEOEIVED AT- Guild & Mclnnis' And will bo sold-at our usual extremely BJankets and Comforters , Flannels - . nels and Shirtings , Cotton Flan nels and Sheetings , Muslin and Calicoes , Dress Goods , Silks and Satins , Blaqk Goods and Cash meres , Hosiery and Underwear , Corsets and Gloves , Ribbons and Ladies' Neckwear , Cloaks and Dolmans -if mans , Table Linens and Napkins , Gent's White and Colored Shirts , Waterproofs [ and Flannel suitings , Denims and Jeans. to ( Blue Checked SIMng at IB 2-3c , Everywhere else at 20c. \ You will SAVESMONEY by Buying Your Goods of GUILD & McINNIS , 603 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. ofCal. , E. Side , I WM. \ ROGERS Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Siver Plated Spoons and Forks , Thu only nud | jtional plate that original firm of'j ' ia giving for in- llogora Bros. utaiico a single All our Spoons , 1 Forks a nd plated Spoon a KnivuB plated triple thickness of with the gronlest plate only on of caro. Each the sectio s lot being Inmg on u scale while whore 'expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby insure n full de making n single posit pf silver on plated Spoon them. them.Wo wear as long aa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention one. tion to our 8cc- Rival. Oriont- Tivoed. All OrJud In tlioWat , should bo Addre cO to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , - - ' - NEB ,