Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Interesting Letter Regarding
the Business Outlook at
Oorinne , Kilton nhd
Geese Creek.
Falls as Magnificent no
Correspondence of The Hec.
] Joisi : , IDAHO , Sept. 17.--A I
from Ogtlcn , Utnh , to the capital of
Idaho is in many respects nn intorcst
ing one , nnd yet is not such iw n por-j
son would wish to choose if traveling ]
for pleasure. FromUgdon to Kclton ,
ft distance of ninety-two milrs , llion.-
is the luxury of nn evening ride on
the Central Pacific , in a train fitted
with nil modern conveniences , and ifj
favored with n bright moonlight , the
added charm of glimpses of the great
inland sea lying placidly at the foot ofi
high mountains. Corinna is the first
town reached. Once it was the great
shipping point for nil the supplies pfj
Montana , casturri Idaho nnd part ofi
northern Utah. When the Union
Pacific readied and crpsscd Hiv
cr , this town sprung up as liy magic.
Largo hotels , inimeiiso warehouses and
extensive stores were eructed , and nil
the vices nnd virtues of a western
frontier town were gathered , thoro.
Long trains of teams strotcli deut
out along the routes to Montana foi
hundreds of miles , and there nlwnya
were enough of thcso freighters in
town to make it a live camp. Saloons
nnd faro banks nourished , nnd mono }
flowed so freely that the town was
always lively , yhen the Utah $ ]
Northo n pushed its line from Ogdoi
towards Montana , this freighting busi
ness was transformed from time t <
time to Bomo now terminus of tlm
roadj and the "Uurg on tlm Hani1' '
lost its prcstago and glory. Many o
the buildings have boon carted oil' tether <
other localities , and there still remain
three times as many as are placed now
to use. Corinna limy again become ol
importance as the junction of n brnncl :
road to Yankton , Dakota , which wil
leave the Control Pacific at that point ,
yet there is little hopes of iU ovoi
occupying any such prominence ir
commercial circles as in its early days
eight or ton years ngo. At present
there is much freight being hauled
from thcro to Idaho nnd Montana b >
teams , because of the excessive freight
charges mndo by the Utnh & North
crn upon California merchandise.
When the Union Pacific Raised the
rates from Ogden to the northern ter
minus of the Utah Northern , from
81.75 to ? 4.GO per 100 Ibs. thoyj
brought much censure to the road ,
and morchantH put teams upon the
road to haul their goods n distance ofi
four hundred miles alongside the nar-
row-gnngo railway. Quiet , nnd ns dulli
ns aooms Corinno , ono merchant packs
nnd ships about two hundred thous
and dozen eggs , and ono hundred
thousand pounds of butter. Ho has
usnd this season five carle ads of lum
bar for egg cases , boxes and chicken
coops , the latter of which ho ships
.about 000 fowls per week. Those arti-
clcs of produce nro gathered in by
merchants in northern Utah , and
.southern Idaho , and the teams which
haul to Corinno take back mer
chandise. About twenty carloads of
blasting potvdor have boon brought
from California this summer and
taken by wagon to Montana
und Idaho , to aid in mining
But wo moro on to Kilton , whore we
find another important freighting
point , ninety-two miles west of Og-
don. Hero all goods from the east
for Boise and all parts of Idaho , leave
the railway , while the bulk of freight
for the great Wood River country
goes from this place , During April ,
May , Junu , July nnd August of this
year , the Central Pacific delivered at
Kolton over 8,000,000 pounds of
.freight , to bo sent northward by the
two forwarding houses. To move !
this freight would require a line of
animals and wagons over twenty-five
miles long if stretched out in one
string. Teams of from four to six
teen animals each are hitched to great
wagons , which , in turn , have one or
two smaller wagons ns "trails" hitched
in the roar , nnd after being loaded to
the fullest extent , start off for u trip
of hundreds of miles , requiring weeks
of time to accomplish. The drivers
, stop at convenient places nnd camp ,
turning their animals out to grnzo.
Through dust nnd storm , n d over
n barren country , the occupation o !
freighting does not appear to be n
pleasant ono , and yet thera is a charm
about it which keep * men once en
gaged in it , still in the business. Two
thirds of-this vast bulk of freight UIIE
season was destined for the new min
ing country of Wood river , while the
balance goes to the towns nnd rnnchcu
of Idaho. During September nnd
October the receipts will bo groatet
than any of the other months , so that
the amount ( his soaaon will probablj
reach twelve million pounds. Ketton
is a Biiwll town of only about fort )
buildings , nnd it located on n barren
plain overlooking the Great Salt lake ,
About seven miles east ia Monument
Point , where an important industrj
sprang up in utiluVng the salt of tin
luke. A windmill pjinpstho brimi
into largo tanks , part of whicl
is deported by solar evaporation for
tiso in oilvor mills , while- portion
passes through boiling kettles for. con
centration and purifying for table
alt. Throe cords of wood will manu
facture liyo tons of salt per day. Tin
source of supply ia unlimited , as it is
drawn from the lake covering n mir
face of ninety miles long and forh
miles wide , while the density is so
Broatt that about one-fifth is salt.
Leaving Kolton in the morning , tin
ride northward on the line of the
. Utah , Idaho and Oregon stage com
pany is over vnst plains , with elevated
mountains on oitfior side. Tito routi
would not bo diflicult for n railroad
lino. The first place of importance
reached is Albion , located in Marsh
I. t " Basin , sixty miles from Kolton. This
"basin is hemmed in on all sides bj
mountainsand is nearlycircularin form.
1 his basin , seven by ton miles in ex-
tent. Is rich in farming land , nnd
about ono-fourth of winch is under
line cultivation. The town of Albion
is of noiv birth ana of rapid growth.
Oooso Creek is the next station we
reach , and is n sample of what can be
jono in changing the desert into a
nlnco of vorduto. Hero the Wood
River stngo line branches off from the
nain line , but wo stick to the main
line nnd find rest at Hock Creek , far
ther on. This place is about ton
miles from Snnko riveat the point
ivhero nro the great falls of the river.
A ride over the desert countrj
brings us to the river. For two or
three miles above Shoshone Falls the
river flows through immense chasms ,
with walls on cither sldo hundreds of
feet high. The riyor is full of rapids
or milci , the descent being
0 great. At the upper Shoshone
ulTsj known as Twin or Little Fhlls ,
the river is divided by an island , and
the two streams rush over the preci
pice nnd fnll into the pool 175 feet be
low. As yiewed from the blulls hun
dred * of feet nboyo , the sight is grand ;
and from below there is still more to
idmiro and to nwo the visitor. Some
four or five miles down the river and
wo come to the great falls , where the
entire river descends in ono sheet 210
feet. Wo'remombcr roaming around
Niagara Falls , the rapids nnd other
places of intorcst for several days
once , nnd with all that there is there
to ndmiro nnd excite our wonder ,
there is ns much , if not moro , to in
terest the v sitor to this portion of
Snake river , nnd should this place be
connected by railway with the outside
world , this will become n great resort
for travelers. Some thirty or forty
miles farther down stream is Solotnou
Falls , which are n succession of small
falls , extending quito a distanco. The
greatest of these falls is only nboul
twenty feet , but the fovms and the
; reat number of the falls nnd cascade
makes it very beautiful. But a short
jdiatnnco above thcso falls is the most
'remarkable ' sight wo have over seen ,
jpi the highbluHsnlong the river there
is.suus numerous great springs , the
waters of which fnll over the rockf
mil is lashed to silvery streams nnd
ipray in its descent. The first of those
pours over a dill' in n scmi-circulni
form nnd fnlls over 200 foot. As seen
from the opposite side of the river it
is very beautiful. Farther down
the , river is n much grander
sight. A stream of wivtor ,
equal to that of a small ' river ,
pours out the bank nnd falls ever lhe
'ocks ' in silvery streams of almost
Dvory conceivable shape nnd form ,
while the spaces between is lined with
rcon moss nnd shrubs , so that it pro-
icnts nn appearance of nn immense
jrntta. These tails cover a space of
jvcr 100 foot in height nnd sovora'
imidrcd feet in width. Farther dowi
he stream for over one mile othoi
limilnr springs issue , nnd each posses-
los its own features of beauty. Where
his vast body of water comes from is
t question that will probably never be
iplvod. Lost river enters the Snake
ivor valley at n point up stream over
mo hundred miles distant , and there
inks out of sight in the lavn. Other
itrcnms nlong the western nnd north-
rn border of this vast lava plain foi
distance of nearly 200 miles come
1 from the mouhtfiinsnndsink. Those
nitcd streams would probably fur-
ish ns much water as pours outof |
hose springs , but no single ono of
hose streams would supply any of the
irger springs , HO it is only speculation
o ossumo that the source of supoly
omes from any particular stream. We
iush on and on , ami end our ride in
3oiso City , 25D miles from Kolton ,
> vor a road tluit is full of interest to
ho tourist at times , while other par-
ioni is over vast plains of deserts' '
rhoro nothing but : saga brush grows ,
nd whore the absence of moisture ,
lie grinding of wheels nnd feet of nni-
u\ls has pulverized the Alkaline soil
ute fine dust. This > , dust rises in
louds nnd is floated by winds , much
o the discomfiture of the traveler.
? ho time is not far distant when the
nilwny will make this route more
peody and pleasant , and much that
9 now desert will become rich in tig-
iculture. Boise City is a pretty place ,
jul worthy of a special letter , reserved
or another occasion.
in Ireland-
Tile following embraces the loading
acts in relation to the condition of
.griculturo in Ireland as reported in
no registrar recently issued to the
ord lieutenant :
Of the total surface of Ireland
, bout 20,250,000 acroa moro than
' ,000,000 nores must be deducted
rom the agricultural returns ns con
listing of barren mountain , nnd near-
y 1,750,000 , ncres as bog ufid barren
nnrsh ; though it is cut tain that the
putter part of this lost could be con-
ortcd into good land if capital md
nbor were forthcoming for tno pur-
) oso.Vator , roads , fences , etc. "
lomprise nn extent not coming fnr
hort of 1,000,000 acres ; so that there
cumins available for culture of ono
ind or another n total of rather more
linn 15,500,000 acies. Of this.speal ;
ng in round numbers , 5.000,000 ,
, ores wuro last year under arable cul-
ivntion , nnd 10,250,000 , were occupied
a meadow or pasture land , leaving
5,000 ncres of fallow nnd 310,000) )
ercs of woods nnd plantations ,
/umparing this with past years , it
coins that the barren mountain land :
as increased 10,000 ncrcas since
870 , and the water , roads , fences ,
tc. , " 10,000 : whiK ) about 23,000
ores of bog nnd marsh were re- '
laimod , or otherwise disappeared
rom the returns. In the ton yearn
tiding with 1880 the total of unpro-
luetivo land , . excluding fallow , in-
ireascd moro thnn n quarter of n mil-
ion ncresfrom1,21)0,000 ) to-1,030-
K)0. ) The land bearing corual nnd
; reon crops decreased in thu snnu
leriod from 5,500,000 to 5,000,000
.cres , while the grass land inctenso'J
rom 10,000,0001610,250,000. Woode
mil plantations show nn insignificant
ncreoso in size , and fallow lands re-
nain within the nvorago of ten yearn.
U the same time the number of hold-
ng lias steadily but very slightly do
ilined , showing no greater change in
ho subdivision of farms than might
inturally bo expected in any country ,
' . 'he total number of holdings in 1880
s reckoned nt 574,000 whereof about
' 0,000 were hold in more patches o\
ess than one ucro in extent , nnd
24,000 were worthier of the name
f farms. It appears that the average
IKO of holding in Ireland is about
wenty-aovon ucresj nnd indued the
inoat numerous class of farmers con-
tsts of those who own between lifteen
nnd thirty acres. Those number llll-
000 , against only 130,000 who hold
ibetweon thirty nnd fifty ncres , nmt 7 , -
| 000 who hold between fifty nnd one
hundred. The whole class of "peasant
proprietors" who occupy less thnn live
icrcs does not include moro than 115-j ,
000 persons This latter class iv
moreover , shown to have remained' '
nearly unchanged in numbers duringj
the lint year ; nnd it is oily in the in-J
creased number of the larger holdings'
above ono hundred acres that there
was any notable alteration. It is ,
liowovor , remarkable that , excluding1
the petty holdings over ononcro , there
was during this period n decreaio in
every province in the number of oc
cupiers , amounting in the whole to n
falling off of 100 ! , although at the
uimo time the holders of fifty ncrcsj
increased ninety in number ,
The land , thus parceled out among1
its occupiers , maintained in 1880 nj
Hock of cattle almost equal to that :
which ii maintained in 1871. Even
litico 1872 the falling off in horned ,
beasts has not amounted to more than ]
Vbout 5 per cont.nhdin ; the mattoi
of horses , mules , nnd asses there was ]
.111 increase of some 5 per cent. Ever }
one of thcso categories show , however -
over n decrease since 187 ! ) ; and so do !
these which enumerate the goats and
the poultry , though they nro still ]
ibpvo the level often yenrs ago , But
it is the items of sheep nnd pigs that
the year 1880 shows the most con
spicuous decrease. The loss in sheep
since 1873 has been moro thnn 20 pot ,
cent. * nnd the total of thu smaller )
minials , which was until lately greateri
than that of the horned cattle , has ]
now fallen far below it nnd station at
about 3,500,000 , ngainit neary 4,000 ,
000. Pigs have become still moro un
popular , nnd have decreased to n.nj
ilmost incredibln extent in the last
three years from close upon 1,500- ,
000 to 850,000 , or n loss ol 42 pel
cent , of which the past year is no
countable for moro thnn 14 per cent.
Such u falling off may no doubt be
partly accounted for by the increased' '
cheapness of bacon in the market ; but
it is to bo feared that n vast number
of cottagers nnd small occupiers , no ]
longer Called upon to "pay thn rint , '
have dispensed accordingly with the
linimal whoso special duty it was to ]
furnish this fund. It may bo now ai
cheap to buy bacon ns to feed it a
homo ; but the difference between the
two processes does | not end thoro.
The decline in the muster-roll of piga
moans not only idlonosi and improvi
dence on the part of the quondan
pig-owner , but also increasing barren
ness of the land ho cultivates or pretends
tends to cultivate. The single feature
is the return of live stock for 188 (
that can bo called nt nil cncourjiginc
is the comparitivo steadiness will ;
ivhich the horses nro kept up to i
evol not far below that of thu pro
riotis year , nnd above the nvorago o :
on years past. But oven the satis
'action to bo derived from this ii
argoly modified when it is observed
; hat there is a very heavy decline o
L ? per cent in the total of foals under
year old..TUB
For the cultivation of arable am'
noadowland 1880 _ was a good year n :
[ roland. The estimated produce per
tore wns well above the average of
.on years , nnd in the case of oats and
oot crops ban only boon twice exceed-
> d in the decade. The much smaller
juantity of l < tnd sown with ceroaln
produced accordingly n consid
erably larger crop , and should
lave enabled the occupiers to main-
; ain a mbch 'larger stock on their
'arms besides themselves living bed -
d the need of charity or a reduc-
,1011 in rent. The statistical details
how , nevertheless , that the good har
rest wns much less productive thnn it
mould have boon , owing to the small
tcrcage of land cultivated for those
jrops which turned out best. The po
, ate crop , for instance , wns 3 times as
rood as in 1879 , and 30 nor cent ,
setter than in 1871. But the potnto
rounds in the latter year covered
lioro than 1OCO,000 , ncres , whereas it
1880 they included only about 820 ,
XX ) . Again , the wheat lands pro-
luood 25 per cent , per ncro moro in
1880 than in 1871. But in the earlier
r there was cultivated for wheat ir
Oonnnught above 10,000 acres , nnd ii
the latter year only 7.000. Of the
; wolvo categories into which the crops
ire divided , nil but two are shown to
inve been grown either on loss land in
-ho previous year or on an acreage
Dructically the same , and these two
ire oats , which was cultivated on 50- ,
)00 ) moro ncres , nnd llnx , which wae
'rown on 157,000 acres against 128 ,
)00. )
Noarlv a Miracle
K. .tWuity Hall , ISIngliaiiuitoii , X. Y. ,
write * : "I suffered for novcrnl month'
, v" Ii a dull Pain through the left lung am :
ill Word. 1 loutiny B liltH , uppctitu an < !
: ol mill coiikl with ihtliculty keep uji
ill tliiv. My mother procured KIIUU Jiuii
> oei < ItLOOD UriTEiis ; 1 took them us dl
reeled , niul have felt no nnln rinca firnt
, veck after uxint : them , mm i\m now quite
.veil. " 1'iico § 1.00 , tilnl size 10 cents.
Ill coillv
Hr.s EvorytliiiiK Fuiloil You ?
L'hun try Warner's Safe Kidney nnd
Liver Cure. 18-lw.
ionled proposal ! for the Construction of
Koalcd propawil * will be receded by the under-
j.'iicd until Suptcmbor Ufl , 1831 , at 12 o'clock
eon , for thu construction of nldowalKs In front
fund adjoining thu follow Ing docribcd prc
ilsoa , to-wlt :
Lot , lllodc. Addition , llcmarl.s.
80 .
' Kountro&ltnth'a
'J-S-4 4
4 " . "
0-1M2-13 4 " "
- - _
, " 2(14 ( 174 HbidoJavknoi
S-4 201 Ord. iviulrcc
> M w ride I'l it
VJol7 74 mHoCap.Av
Uof4 Iloibaih'ii vnhhcrinariA.
s' 30 ft S liounttu'ii Sd o ldo 10 at
0 u u u ii
iWftll " " " "
! 40 ft 14 " " " "
VIS 131 " " n nldfl Harncj
Capitol iiDldor'anihai ,
Alto all that pait of Iho cunt tide of 10th street ,
ctwcvn thu notth nldo of CaUvllar and outh
no o ( Mock one (1) ( ) In South Omaha addition
Uta all that part on the ea t fcldo of 10th itreot ,
utwccii thoaoutli line of Charles atrceet and
orth Hue of blok ono ( U In South Omaha ad
Itlon. J. J. l > . G , JEW1HT ,
ec-JJ ot City Cleric ,
3. 9. Corner Oth nnd Howard ,
The plan ol Studies I * the unia a that puriunl
11 nil the AraiU-iuUi of thu bacrcil Heart , Hit
cunco In religion In no obnlaclo to the admli
loiinf jouiirfladlo. Tertut : liuliidliiif Hoard ,
iVaihlnir , Tuition and Instrumental iluilc , pci
c loiiof ( h iinntlu , SIM ) . Itvfortnwa iron.
lulrixl from all penoni unknown to the liutltu-
lon. For further Information apuly to Tin
tight ltcUUhop o Otiuha. or to the Lad }
upcrlor , c ± iJlin
tlaurafgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Racfacho , Soreness of tha tihosi ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell
ings and Sprains , Burns and
Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Yooih , Ear and Headache , h'rostoti
Feoi and Ears , and all other
Pains and Aches.
V ( . PrTsniHon en arth qi' l Sr. JACOBS On
* tnfe , urc , tlinplr and rhrni Kxttmn'
lUmpJj , A Irlnl cntalli but tlie cornparatlrtl )
IdJIiip outlny of 60 ffnil , nnd * ter > ORS niirTfr
fjtj with piln can hare rhe p and poiltlri orao )
r Iticltltai. < / . >
Dlrcctlpni in Klerrn LanguagH' > r
, ThonnTt Slmlion in Ever Jjint ,
\iidllberTillhfmor nnd n uo , nr bllloui rcniltti
; ont , the 8) stein may yet bo frtid from Ire ina-l
lijiiantlniswith llostuttcr's Stomach liittcrs.l
Protect the sj ttrra against it with this bcncfl-f
lent antt-8iasmoillc , which Is fnrthcnnoron hii-1
renio remedy for Iher complaint , const patloti , !
\9icp"ia | , Ocbllltv , rhuumatiju , kidney trou-T
Ics nnd other nllmcntn. I
jTJTKoreale by all Drugj lata and Dealers gen-l
Foundations of Success
The lawn of trndo , Icfal forms , how to trans
, ct builncs1'aliiablo tables , social etiquette
rllmnentniy > u igc , how to conduct public busi
lost ; fn fact ftli a complete Onldo to Slicccu foi
ill casen. A family nccrtjity. Address for clr
iiilars nnd special terms ANC11OU rUBLISUINO
20. , SLUiulH. Mo.
217 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis ,
Pr'rnters Stock.
/3TCfteh paid for Ilags and Paptr Stock , Sera
ron and Metnls.
Paper Stock Wtn houses 1229 to 1237 , Nortl.
3rof , W , J , Antler's ' Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A. Hoipc , Jr. Hall , 1510 Dodge St.
lass for Kvntloincn commencing Tuesday even
ijf , Oct. 4 , Clans for ladles c'onmicneini ; Thurs
ayeicnlnif , Oct. B. Turin * liberal. The cas
uthodl I ha\o for tcachlntr the Waltz , Gilds
.c. , I can guarantee perfect tatUfacl'ori c
cholarx. For terms , ir. , call at A. Hospo.Jr.J
111U Capitol A\c. sl7dlm
Edward W. Simeral ,
From blort'n liable , Omaha. OIK | !
black maru , coloi bomc hat faded , citiht or ]
line yean , weight about cloen hundred , had !
n eaddlo'and bridle. A lovvaid will bo jiald foil
cr xturn , or Information leading to her re f '
< eiy. \ \ ' . K. Cathey , Fort Calhoun , Neb.
7P3 dltwZt
P. M.
Cambridge , Neb.
1,000,000 acroa go ; eminent land opoii to Homo I
: cads. Pro-cinptlons nnd Timber claims. 20CI
lolce Improved chlms for tale or exchange. OC |
f tlio bent deeded farms In Southwestern Nebras I
a with tlmlHirnnd water for xale. A Jew choice !
Mk ranches with fenced Holds , timber , hay and |
' , for i-alc , cheap , Corro > i > oudcnco Solicited , !
.ddrroiliiff . the ttiulonts of the National School eli
ilocutlon and Oratory , said.'o are ) l\ln In aj
mil vhose ncnlua , unoso hUtor > ' , uhoso Institu I
Ion eminently demand oratory. ' ' The Nationals
chool of Elocution and Oratory as c tab I
shul in 1S74 , to eupplv tills demand. Chartered !
i 1K75 , Nineteen Teachers and Lecturers , !
peclallsta in the'r < loaitiiienls. | Sumnierl
crni , July C , Fall Term , October 3. beiicl ?
or circular to
J. II. limiTEL , Secretary ,
Hid nnd 1418 ChCDtnnt street , Philadelphia
If jou ronm n /If you voi
f man or lei ,
jour iliitlM avoid ulili ( wui k , to rca
utlmuUnttanil U86 lore brain ii r > t ui
Hop Bittors. Iwute , Uko Hop D.
youna nd I ruffcrlnir frooi any In
. ur iirMlpi I Uuii i 1C jounromar.
rloJ or - ilnirlc - , old wr 1 rountf , suut riiiir from
IworlicaHU or laJii Wi I HIT on a tied of lick
ucu , rvljr on Hop !
Tlinuundidlo an-
AVhoorer you are. ,
from aoniB
. fctl nuolljr
.ilieiioriT you |
tint ryiU-mJ
your duiaiM ) tuttt uuKut
Ticuda clearulnjj , tou-1
itlumutliiK , IIATO leu proi cnli it
nHtiout < ( ( ccif by a timely uwot
tnUo Hop HopBlttero
llantyt D. I. C.
n tbMjluln
i it , ml Irri'sli .u
. . HOP Lie c u r o for
INI Hit. tloixl. druiikcoiiM-a
tl > erutnttftl , u o uf opium ,
You will lie tobaoou.or
ciirvJIfyouu * , uurcottu.
Hop Uittor
UtK. bi'ujfur
rly w uk u iJ
hitiJrltcxI.trj NEVER CltvuUr
It i It may
aavo your FAIL ru ro
Ufa. It Mae
euved hun- | BMk l ra.T
dr U0 > I AToronlo.C
* < tTl1Ttt < ?
If jon suffer from pjspopila , usu
If jou nro aftllcteJ with Iliuousnc" , Ufa
111.001) UITTKUS.
If .roil arc prostrated \ilth lck Headache , take
f } our Bow els arc illsonlcrcd , rrgulato them with ]
f jour Wood Is Impurr , purify Itilth
UUUDOCK nrooi > iJirrais
f jinliaro Indirection , > oil will flndnn antldotcj
f \ounro troulilcil wllh Spring Complaint * , or
vllcato them ltli IIUI1DOCK 111.001) JIITTIJIIS
f your Lhcrls ton > IJ , restore It to hraltliy action
* uh Dunuocic iiiooi ) nrrrr.p.s
f your Il\cr la affected , jou will nnd a sure re
toratlioln IlUllOOCK I1LOOD 1HITEIIS.
f } oulm o any tpcclca of Humor or Pimple , fal
lot to take IJUUnOCK 1)1,001) ) IIIITCHS
f j ou hao any ? j inptoms of Ulcers or Scrof ulou *
3orci , a curatl\o remedy will lie fmmil In
UUUUOCK 1)1.001) ) ) HITTEUS
[ 'or unpirtlnjr strength am ! vitality tothosys
cm , tiothlmr can equal
for Xttr\ oils and floncral PelOllty , tone up the
'rice , SI , 00 per Bottle ; Trial Boltlcs fO CJs
POSTER , MILBUEN , & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Ith & McMahon and C. P.l
Jocdiran. Jo 27 cod-mo
'n the matter of the Kttato of Terdinand Tluin
Notice 19 hereby given that the creditors o
i l l deceased , will mot the oxccutrlv of fail
'stat- , before mo , County Judfe of DougU
bounty , Nebraska , at a County court Iloom , It
aid County , on the 12th dny cf Not cmlior , 1631
n the 12th day of January , 1S92 , and on th
2th day of March , IBS. ! , at 1U o'clock a. in. cac'
cy , for the purpose of presenting tlulr ilalm
ir uMUiiIi.ation , luljiistment and allowance
K months are alloucd for creditors to present
their ilahni , and one j car /or the executrix to
settle said Estate , from the 12th day of Scptcni
licr , 1831. this notice will bo published In Tin
P.MAIIA WEEKLY Hun for four Mocks nucccsshely ,
prior to the 12th ( lay of November , 1S81.
Bcp21-wt ! County Juiljje.
In the matter of the I tatoofThoinasBlackniore ,
deceased. ,
Notice la hereby gl\cn that the creditors 01
aid deceased , will meet the admlnlstrU of said
Estate , before me , County Jndfe of Douglas
County , Nebraska , at the County Court Uoom
in said County , on the 1st ihyof No cmbor , 1881
on the 1st day of January , 1SS2. and on the 1st
flay of ilanh , 1S82 , at 10 o'cloik a. in. each day ,
for the puriK o of presenting their claims for ex-
Liminatton , adjustment and allowance. Sl >
months arc allowed for creditors to present thcii
claim' , ami ono year for the administratrix tc
settle fcald estate , from the 1st dny of September ,
18Slthlsiiotlo will he published lu Till ? OMAIH
, \VKKM.V BKK for four necks suctesslv cly,1 prior to
the lit day of Noi ember , 1SSI.
80l4w4t County Jndjc.
"en of ability , to represent
CHAMBnitS'Dictionary of Unl
crsal Knowledge. Complete Cj clopaxlia o'
Every Day Wants.
This is the Most Useful and Compact Utcran
Achlc ) eincnt of the Age. It has no coupctltors
Wo want competent Solicitors. Wo pcddltn
iccdnpplv Circulars , clung full dc rlptlon ,
tent on application. J. II. CIMMllhllS ,
St. Louis , Mo. , Chicago , 111. , Atlanta , Ui
seSm&e d&nlra
Business College ,
QEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal.
Creighton Block ,
/tarScnJ for Clrcul r. _ nov.20d&\vU
Western Horse and Cattle Insurance -
surance Company ,
Qtvr x
Capital , . . . 810OOOOOO
[ nsurcD Horses , Mules and Cattle against loss lij
icoident , dcccaso or theft. Agencies in all coun
ties of the State. Send for circulars. sciOwlj
the Faiteit Felling Book of thi A l
foundations or Success ,
The l n of trade , legal forrai , how to
ict bu'-lnoss , vnlimiilo tables , BoJal etiquette
urlUnicntaiy usage , how to conduct publii
punlnetg ; in ftt.t It U & eouinluto Umtlo to Hue
003 for all clami. A faintly rocosel y. AOdrcv
iorclrcului'sand sp clal terms , \NUUOK I'UH
.ISUINO 00. , Bt Loulfl. > In.
To Cathatino Rcdde , non.resident defendant.
Yon are hcrihy notified that o n the 2il day o.
Septrmbcr , 1831 , John Rcddo , pblntlfT. filed hK
'nelltlon In the District Court , withinanltoi
, Nebraska , pjialimt jou as dc
fcnd.uit , the object and prj ) cr ofvlilcli petition
is , to obtain ft decree of divorce from the bonds
pt matrlmony with jou for the follouln/ causes ,
to-wit : lit , habitual drunkenness ; 2d , cxtreim
cruelty , and for general relief ,
Yoiiaroieriulrc'l to nmucr raid petitioner
the 21th ihy of October , 1881.
Bo7 St Attorneys for 1'lalntltf.
IIOIiniK IIKU9. ilrokcrs In all Ilailroad
1'icktt , Omaha , Keo , , offer Tlclcta to the Kntt ,
jntll further notice , at the follow lux unhc&rd ol
tow Hates ; ,
Chicago , $10 ; rtouiul Trip , tlO.OO. These an
limited Firet-ClaEs Tlcketa and sooil for return
through thoj ear , and \ la the Old Itcliablo Chi
caj'o , turllna'ton ! it Qulncy Hailroad. Also , oni
ar to
NEW YOHK , lit clis , S17 OOj
110STON , do 3800.
1'iiu.ADr.Li'iiiA , dj nro.
WAHIIINUTOX , do 1700.
1'or particular , urltc or fro direct to 1I011IHE
DUOS. , Ucalcis In Kcdiutd liatu Itallroad and
Steamship Tickets , b09 Tenth tit. , Omaha , Nch
Iltmrmbcr the place Three Doors North ol
Un'on 1'adllc Ilallrc * ! Depot , East tilde of Tentl
Omaha , August 1,16S1 , nuSJdan Jir
UetehLand Agency
606 Farnham St. , . , . Omaha , Nebratkn
iire.ully tclcctcd land In I atern Ncbraikafoi
tale. llartraliu In ImproU'd farmt , and
Jmahi city property.
Ute Und Com'r U. P. p . ' * ) -fcbtf
Physicians and Surgeons ,
Omen , Over CrulcUhank , IBth St. , Oct.
Purnham and Uoivlis. aSMiu
O. F. Mandersoni
- - ,
'i FatnhimSt , Omaha N
Wo desire to call the special attention of the trade to our J
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan X
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovevshirts , Overalls /
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
IAI u ft i ro A D r oiniii niOTD
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Oommissson Merchants ,
1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Cons'tfnmonts . , ' iade us will reecho prompt attention. References : State Bank. Omaha ; Platt
Is Co. lUltlinore ; Peck & Bausher , Chicago : M.Vcrk & Co. , Cincinnati.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
1308 and' 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Tlio only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west.
Max Meyer
GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO ! , Omaha , Ne
J. B. DetwUer's
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
JSt a
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Dealer in Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
. TIlsT
Stove Bepairer , Jol ) Worker and Manufacturer
Tenth and Jackson Rtc . . - Omaha4 Neb