Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1881, Image 1
: v * ( M THE OMAHA'DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , Mil DAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1881 , NO , 79 WEEPING AMERICA MnltifcudBB Hourly Viewing thf Corpse of oar Deceased Martyr , And Doing Homage to H Whom Once they Loved And Ohoriahod. The Streets are Lined Witl Gloomy and Saddened Faces. Party Discord Set Aside it Reverence and Honor of the Dead. Chester A. Arthur S.worn ir " " "Chief Magistrate of the Nation. Ho Delivers His Inaugural Ad dress and Assumes the Chair. The Funeral to "be Conducted in Exact A ccordance With the Widow's Wishes , The Poor Wife Boars the Shod With Qnlet Resignation and Christian Fortitude. WASHINGTON. National Asso < latcd Press. THE 8TKEETS CROWDED WITH SOUUOW ING PEOPLE COMPLETING A1UUNGE MENTS FOR. THE FUNEUAL. WASHINOTON , Sept. 22. Up to past 10 this morning the remains o ! the late president had been viewed ty over 25.000 people. During the en tire night a steady stream of humanL ty poured through the capitol build ing to take a last look. From 5OOC to 10,000 people are now in two lines from the cast front of the capitol foi long distance up East Capitol street and are passing through the castdooi if the rotunda , one on cither side oi the remains , out through the west door at the rate of about 4,000 pei hour. GLOOMY STREETS. WASHINGTON , Sept. 22. The streets of the capital are filled with people to day and the tide of travel moves to wards the capitol , where the dead president"liea in state. 'The depart ments remain closed and the city still bears the appearance of the deep gloom which settled upon it three days ago. The hotels are filling up with people who come to attend the funera to-morrow. Among the arrival to-day are Hon. Jno. A. Wise , o Colorado ; W. E Cameron , of "STir ginia , and Col. H.'E. Peyton , execu live clerk of the senate. The polit leal aspect of the situation remain generally unreferred to , theJfeoling ) o grief still being supreme. There ha been no stops taken as yet toward the assembling of the senate , bui a proclamation appointing day of fasting nnd prayc is expected to bo made to-day BULLETIN 12:15 : i : M. WASHINGTON , September 22. President Arthur has just been sxvurt in by Chief Justice Waite in the vie president's room at the capitol. Then were present the entire cabinet , tin senators and members now in tin city , General Sherman , Treasure Gillillan , Justices Harlnn nnd Mat thews , and Gen. Grant and others | Immediately after the swearing in o .I the president , the cabinet went hit \ cession with the president. BULLETIN. WASHINGTON , Sopt. 22. The proc larnntion to bo issued appoints Mon day next , the day of the funeral , as r day of fasting and prayer throughou the nation. WASHINOTON , Sept. 22. Thc streets of the capital have been trav erscd by a continuous throng all daj long , and this evening steady streams of humanity still inovo to and fro ii thp capital. Each incoming trail brings additions to the crowd. It is estimated that 80,000 people passei the casket to-day , and nt least foui Mines that number in the city did nol go to the capitol at all. The great I'EATUIIKS Of THEFUTUHB in the 'minds of all hero is the funora' ' to-morrow afternoon and subsequent procession to the depot. The busi ness men upon Pennsylvania avenue are taking measures to secure the closing of business houses ou thai street to-moriow , and it is probabl that there will bo corporation in this matter throughout the city , BO thai the business will bo generally sus pended. There is. a feeling in the hearts of thu entire community ant that ia to leaving nothing undone thai will servo to manifest the grief of the people of Washington on this occasion. The OFFICIAL I'JIOUIIAM of the procession and escort has been satisfactorily arranged. The arrange ments frv the funeral services at the capitol nro still incomplete and can not bo fully complete ; ! before to-mor- r -row. Rev. Mr. Power , the presi dent's pastor , will maVo the address. Ho will speak extemporaneously nnd will bo assisted by the llov. Mr. Erritt , of Cincinnati. Music will bo furnished by twenty-four select sing ers from a Philharmonic society , THE MUSICAL 1'itOQKAM will consist of an anthem from Men delssohn's oratoria , of St. Paul , "To thee , oh Lord , I yield my spirit , " and two famitar hymns , favorites of the departed president , "Jesus lever of iv ronl. " am ] "nulonp in Jeans , " Singing will bo distributed through the program as follows : The cere monies will begin by singing an an them of St. Paul , and will bo sung by twenty-four voices. Then scriptural roadimr will bo followed by singing , "Jeans lever of my soul. " Then AN ADimusM ! intervene and _ bo followed by ringing , "Asleep in Jesus , " which will conclude the musical portion of the ceremonies. Arrangements have been made for the accommodation of Mrp. Garfield nnd friends nt the ser vices , nltbough it is not certain that die will attend. Secretary Brown , Dr. Boynton , Gen. Swnim mid Col. Rockwell will bo present , representing the white house family , nnd will ride Jin the procession to the depot. Services expected to begin at 2 p. m. , and will last about an" hour. Tickets of admission nro issued to members of the senate nnd housu and to the heads f the departments for distribution , md no more will bo admitted than the [ space beneath the dome will allow. Ministers of nil denominations in the [ city will attend in a body. The Wil liams College association will also nt- 'tend ' in n body. Senator In nlls , ( Treasurer Gilullan , Col , Rockwell and It. J. Mitchell nro designated to represent * this association and iacort the remains to Cleve land. The pre-arranged plan is that the procession will leave the capitol , xt 3 ] > . m. An official order detailing the order of procession was issued teas - _ , as follows : The remains pf the late president will lie in state in the rotunda of the capitol until 3 p. m. on .Friday , the 23d inst. , when they will be born to the depot of the Balti more and Potomac railroad'and thence convoyed to their final resting place nt Cleveland , Ohio. OllDER OF THE PHOOESSION. Funeral escort in column of march , [ battalion 3 , District of Columbia vol unteers , battalion of marines , batal- Ilion of foot aitillorybattallion of light hrtillery , civic profession , Chief Marshal "ol. Robert Boyd and assistants , cler- ; ymcn in attendance , physicians who ttonded the late president , guards of honor , bearers of hoarse. The ollicers iof the army and nayy and marine | cOrps in the city and not on duty with the troops , forming the escort in full [ dress , will/ form right in front on , { either side of the hearse the army Jon the right and the navy and the ! marine corps on the other and com-j 'pose ' the guard of honor ; the famil relatives , cx-prcsidents of the Unite States , the presidentv the cabinc ministers , the diplomatic corps the chief jmtico and * nssociat justices of the supreme couit of the United States , the senators the United States , members o the United States'house of represer tatives , governors of stater and terri torics , and commissioners of the dis trict of Columbia ; judges of thb cour of claims , the judiciary pf the Distric of Columbia and judges of the Unite States court , assistant1 r.ecrotariea o the state treasury and'interior" departments partments , assistant postmaster gen 3rals , solicitor generals and the ns sistant attorney general , such socictie as may wish to join , citizens anc strangers. Brevt. Major General R IB. Ayers , cwloniel of the second ar tillery , will command the. funeral es sort. THE PLAN OF THE FUNEKAL. WASHINGTON , Sept. 22. Theplar is contemplated , though not yet com ) lete , is that the funeral train wil eave at 5 o'clock , reaching Pittsburp jetween 0 and 7 in the morning , anc Cleveland in the neighborhood of 1 01 o'clock. The second section of tin : train will bo composed of two Pull nans and a hotel car for members o the senate and four Pullman ! 'or members of the house rt'ith a combination car for baggage and smoking. The cars which wil jompose it have been arranged as fol OWB : The Pennsylvania railroac : : ar , for the baggage and train mon. : ar No. 207 as the funeral car. In ho center of this car is a stand , on ivhich the casket will rest. This : omposes a platform , five by fourteen cot and eight inches in height , upon which rests a dais three by eight foci md fourteen inches in heh'ht. The tfholo is covered with black cloth , rith festoons and rosettes. The itand , or catafalque , comes within wenty-two inches of the lower sash ol ho window , and will give persons on he roadside an opportunity of seeing it least thp top of the casket. The icxt cjr will bo No. 395 , a regular 2nst Luke car , which will bo used by the cabinet and pall-bearers. Thoi will corao ELEGANT PULLMAN CAH.S Paris , Marlborough , hotel car and ali/.er and President Rohorts"privato tar 120 , in which will bo Mrs , Gar- [ Held and family and immediate rela- ' .liven. To-day the master mechanic older of the Pennsylvania railroad , [ with n force of workmen , wns engaged indecorating | [ the train in mourning. The entire sides and ends of the cars nro covered with black [ cloth , relieved by rosettes on ; the inside of the funeral car , The ceiling is dr.iped in mourning with Baches of red , white and blue colors. There are no provisions for members of thu press on the train. ' QUEEN VIOTOJUA'S GIFT. A largo wreath of white roses \yas laid on the collin this afternoon with the following card attached : "Queen Victoria , to the memory of the Into President Garfield : an ex pression of her sorrow and sympathy with Mrs. Garflold nnd the American people. " _ MRS GARFIELD , SHE APPOINTS PALL-IIEAKEKS MESSAGES OF CONDOLENCE TO THE Jtl'.KEAVED WIDOW , WASHINGTON , Sept. 22. Mrs. Gar- Hold has selected the following pall bearers to carry the body from the capitol to the hearse and from tlio hearse to the cars : A. K. Tingle , 11. 0. Steer , W. W. Dungan , Benjamin riummy , B. F , Moore and W. S. Iloose , They are all members of the Vermont avenue church , HUE VISITS THK WHITE HOUSE , WASHINGTON , September 22 , To the surprise of many the window of dead president paid R visit to the white house this inorninsf. She came it 10:30 : in company witli MM. Rock well and Harry Garfiold. Col. Rock well and Gen. Swnim following the Presidential carriage in n landau. Private Secretary Brown mot the In dies at the door ot the executive man- on. Mrs. Garfield leaned on Mrs. Rockwell's arm as she passed through the heavily draped portal. Her oycB were filled with tears , but not a sob es caped her. Just inside thu threshold isho paused ns if bewildered. "Let us go this way , " sni-.l Mrs. Rockwell , and they passed to the- right through the reception room and up the private stairway. In the pri vacy of her own room she fought klowu the outward show of grief that well nigh mastered her. Then for an [ hour she directed her friends in the arrangements of the details concoin- ing the removal of the personal ef fects of the family , after which sue returned to Gen. MaoVcagh's. A special permit wns this morning issued by Dr. Smith Towushond to the health officers of 'this district to carry the remains to Ohio. It is n singular fact that Dr. Townshond was the first physician to attend the presi dent after ho was shot , nnd is now the last physician to do service to the remains. Sunday at 0 p. m. has been desig nated as the hour for union pr.iyer ncoting at Memorial church. Information was received by Mrs. Garfield to-day that her son. James would bo nblo to travel to-day and would start to-night in company with Dan Rockwell for Cleveland , joining funeral cortege at that city. CONDOLENCE TIILEOHAMS. The following was received to-day : DUNDEE , Sopt. 22. Blnine , Secre tary : Pray accept and convey to Mrs. Garfield my deepest sympathy nnd condolence. God , grant her support under her terrible nflliction. THOIISTON. OTTAWA , Out. , Sept. 22. To Vic tor Drummond , charge d'nffairo : Be pleased to convoy to the president , through him to the people of the United States , the deep sympathy felt by the government ami people of the dominion of Canada for the sad oss the United States has sustained n the mclancJnly death of Jtho presi dent. dent.Signed ( ) W. J. RITCHIE , Deputy for Canada. THK PRESIDENT HEI'LIES. WASHINGTON , Sopt. 22. The fol- owing answers to French messages of : ondolence was sent to-day : To the President of the French Re public : The sympathy you express to Mrs. Garfield in her great sorrow and .ho profound grief to testify to on your awn behalf and that of the govern ment of the French republic are deep ly and gratefully appreciated at thi lour of national bereavement. ( Signed ) CHEBTEU A. ARTHUR. BLAINE TO ASTRACHE BEY. -Astracho Boy , Turkish minister Jfew York : Oh behalf of Presidon jfarfield's family and of the America ) government , I return thanks with ull heart for your messages express ng the touching sympathies of hii nnjcsty , the sultan , and the genorou Dttomnn nations , in the dark hour o lational woe. BLAINE. THE GAUFIELD FUND. The total amount of subscription o the Garfield fund up to this oven ng is ? 2GCC78.20. The United States Trust company has purchased ? 200,000 worth of United States or cent registered bonds , for whicl : hey paid $232,400.25. Three nonths' interest on the bonds , due ) ctobor 1st , will bo paid to Mrs. Gar 'eld by the Trust company withoul ny charge for commission. THE METROP&LIS- ANI > WHITK SOLEMN AND SAU EMBLEMS OK 80KUOW O.f EVEKY HAND. NEW YonK , September 22. The [ work of draping private and public buildings with mourning , out of re apoct to the dead president , was con tinupd to-day and the streets in every portion of the city present a sombre appearance. It is said the duplay of mourning emblems was not BO great at the time of Lincoln's funeral. Tlio Front of every building on Broadway , with but few excep tions , is festooned with black Along the avenues the decorations are general and many firms have OX' ' ponded largo sums in therr ondoavora to excel thu display of their neighbors. All ferry nnd excursion boats , locomo tions and coaches on the various roads are draped in mourning , The KEELINO OK SYMPATHY is so strong that hundreds of citizens wear bands of mourning around their hats. The committee appointed on behalf of the Now York Stock Es change to represent that institution at thu funeral loft on the midnight express. Major General Hancock left to-day for Washington , Ho was done. General Mitchell , of his stall" , loft this evening. Immediately upon irrivingnt Washington General Han cock will report to the gonoral-in chief and will hold Itiin elf in readi 11033 to take his position in the guard of honor at the late I'UEMIUIOT'S I'UNEUAL. A delegation of fifty meinborn , selected lectod by the American League club to attend the president's funeral , started for Washington in a special this afternoon. The board of nl- dormen has decided to nttend the fu neral at Cleveland in a body. Alder man Waite received a dispatch from Mayor Hnrtock , of Cleveland , atating the common council of Now York would bo recognized in their official capacity nnd assigned a place in the line. CLEVELAND. nil : UATAJ-'ALQUi : IT 1H EHKUTEI ) AT MONUMENT KQUAUK. CLEVELAND , Sept. 22.The com- ; initteo of arrangements nro very busy pushing forward the work of prepara tion. The work on the catafalque ivas commenced last night and has now progressed far enough to giyo n pretty good idea of the general de sign. It is nl the intersection of Su perior nnd Ontario streets , in the cen tre of the public square , nnd is fifty feet square , nnd the lobo or dome which surmounts the center will bo sevomy-fivo feet from the ground. On each of four rides is an arch from the the cornice , twenty-four feet wide nt the base nnd ttvonty-niiio foot high' , with a keystone of shield middlings. The entire tloor will bo nix foot rom tin ground. The KNTUAXrr. AND EXITS are on Superior streets , the sides being tpproachcd by inclined planes. The four corners of the roof nrosurmountuil by largo pinnacles of draped ( lags , nt die base of which extends pendant tin American colors appropriately draped The roof rises to n poiiU in the cen ter , nnd will bo festooned wi h white xnd black drapery. Governor' Fostei telegraphs Adjutant GonofM.j5niitli ti l > o here to assist in the arrangements. The committee appointed toescort the remains to this city leave at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon , and will meet the funeral train nt PittBbnrg.nrtil , return with it to Cleveland nt ' | o' < ) lock Sat- turday afternoon. * " ' THE PRESIDENT'S REMAIN'S will bo viewed by the people Sunday. Ewing , of St. Louis , tenders the use of thu hoarse used nt Springfield on the occasion of Lincoln's funeral , nnd in the possession of Jessie Arnold of that city. A suite of rooms.aro being - ing prepared at the Konnard house for the cabinet nnd Gen. Grant , other liotcls being telegraphed to reserve rooms. Individual subscriptions amounting to § 15,000 will bo asked from the citizens to defray the funeral expenses. . FURTHER AUUANUEMENTS. CLEVELAND , Sept. 22. The com mil tee of arrangements have received additional telegrams announcing tin intention of the government guards of Columbus ; the Toledo cadets ; the Apollo commandcry of Knights Tem plar , of Chicago ; Mayor Lyon , of Pittsburg , and a committee of fifty ; Mayor Ewing , of St. LOUIE , nnd n committee of twenty-five ; Mnyoi Buckley , of Hartford , nnd a coun cil committee ! the Olivette and Eagle commnmforics , of Painesvillo , to be present and participate in the funcial sei'iiicip. Gen. Barnett wi ictus marshalwith Gen. Meyer an Major Goodspcpd ns assistants. Th body will be taken from the Clevolan & Pennsylvania at the Euclid avunu station , aijd tlJo route will bo dow Euclid avenue to Erie , thence to Su icrior and doivn to thu catalfaquc Ex-Secretary vt ) State Evarts will b isked to deliver the funeral the funern oration. In compliance with Mrs 3arfield's rccjuost , Rev. Dr. Errott , o 3h < cinnnti , and Chaplin Jones , o 3arfield's regiment , will officiate a the services. The remains will bo it state from Saturday afternoon unti Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The , rill bo open to view all day Saturday Mfanday afternoon they wi lbo takei o Lake Viewnnd , deposited'ill vault. The citizens nt the East End wil > uild an arch across Euclid avenue opposite the Desciplo church. Join I. Thompson secured accommodation 'or fifty congressmen at the Konnarc louse yesterday. Gov. Harrison , o [ ndiana , will stop at the Weddoll uid Gov. Foster at the Konnard The reception committee decided tc [ o ( o Pittsburg in the special cars o 3. P. Eels and Superintendent Paine ] f the Lake Shore road. The ; tvill leave hero Friday at 2:30 : p * . in [ "ho " party will consist of twenty pee ? le. Amos T. Toirnsend telegraph o General Mayor that Mrs. ( inrfiok lesires Rev. Isaac Everett , of Cincin iati , to conduct the funeral service vith Buch others as ho may desire. Al ho arrangements are satisfactory tc lor. Mrs Garfield and family wil atop at Jas. Mason's. Mother Gar field will be at Mrs. General Shel ARTHUR'S INAUGURAL. AFTER THE ADMINISTKATION 01' THt OATJI OF OFFICE , FJIEHIDENT ARTHUII DELIVERS HIS INAUQUKAL ADDRESS , WASUINQTON , Sept. 22. After the of oflico had boon administered by Chief Justice Waite , Presidon Arthur read the following inaugural For the fourth time in the history of the republic the chief magistrate las been removed by death. All hearts arc tilled with grief and horror at the hideous crime which has durk- on eel the land and the memory ory of the murdered president. Hit protracted sufferings , hiu unyielding fortitude , the example and achieve- in on Is of his life , and the pathos of his death , will forever iliuniinato the pages of our history. For the fourtli time un olllccr elected by the people and ordered by the constitution to fill the vacancy so created is called to asaunio the executive chair. The wisdom of our fnthurs , foreseeing oven thu most due possibilities , made sure the g eminent should never bo imperiled because of the uncertainty of human life. Men may die , but thu fabrics of our free institutions remain unshaken. No higher or more assuring proof could exist of thu strength and per manence of the popular government than the fact that , though the chosen of the people be struck down hit. constitutional successor iu peacefully installed without shock or strain , ox- copt'tho sorrow which mourns the be reavement. All thu noble aspirations of my lamented predecessor which found expression in his lifo , the meas ures desired and suggested during liih brief administration to correct abuses md enforce economy ; to advance proa pority and promote the general wel fare ; to mauro domestic security md maintain friendly nnd lion- irablo rotations with the nations of the earth , have met the approval ii the people , nnd it will bo my earn } at endeavor to profit , nnd to BOO that the nation f hall profit by his example uul experience , Prosperity blesses > ur country. Our fiscal policy ual Ixod by law is well grounded and 'enerally approved. No threatening issue mars our foreign intercourse , uul the wisdom , integrity and thrift ] ) f our people may bo trusted to con tinuo undisturbed. The pros out gives assurance of n career reor of pease , tranquillity and welfare. The gloom nnd anxiety which have enshrouded the country must make repose especially welcome now. No demand for speedy logiala turn has bcon honrd ; no adequate oc casiou is apparent for an unununl son 3011 of congress. The constitution defines the functions nnd powers of the executive ns clearly ns those of either of the other departments ol the government , , nnd he must inswor for thu just exercise of the discrctiqn il permits nnd the performance of the duties it imposes. Summoned to these high duties and rouponsibilitics , nnd profoundly con- 'icious ' of their magnitude and gravity , T nssumo the trust imposed by the constitution , relying for nid upon Divmu guidance nnd thu virtue , patriotism ami intelligence of the American people. After the reading of the iunup iral address , the personal congratulations of those present were extended , and the company left the cnpitol , Presi dent Arthur returning to the homo of Senator Jones. PROCLAMATION. 3II1WTKR A. AUTIIUIl ISSUKS HIS KI11ST 1'ROCLAMATION AS I'RESllir.NT OK TIIK U1ITED STATES. WASHINGTON , Sept. 22. The fol lowing has just been issued : By the president of the United States of America : r A 1'ROCLAMATION. WHEREAS , In His inscrutable wis dom it has pleased God to remove irom us the illustrious head of thu na tion , James A. Garfield , late president of the United States ; and , Whereas , It is fitting that the deep .rriof which tills all hearts should man- feat itself with one accord toward the throne of infinite grace , and that wo should bow before the Almighty and scok from him that consolation in our allliction and that sanctification ot our loss which Ho is able nnd willing to vouchsafe now. Therefore , inj i > bodionco to the sacred duty , ami in accordance with the desire of peo- 1 , Cheater A. Arthur , president of | the United States ot America , hereby appoint Monday next , the i'Oth day ol September , on which day the remains ] of our honored and beloved dciuLwil' bo consigned to their last resting ; > lace on earth , to bo observed through mt the United States ns a day o ! luinilmtiou and mourning , and " earnestly recommend nil people t issemblooii that day in their rcspcctiv ; ) laces of divine worship , there to rcn ler iilikp their tribute of Borrowfu iiibmission 'to the will of Almightj Hod and of rovcrunco and love for tin inomory and. character of our lat chief magistrate. In witness whereof I have horounti jot my hand and caused thu seal of th United States to bo aflixod. Dona ii ho city of Washington on the 22 lay of September , in the year of ou Lord , 1881 , and of the indopondenci If the United States thp 100th. ' . ( Signed ) CHESTER A. AitTiiun , By the president , JAMES G. BLAINK , ' Secretary of State. The Eagllah Pro s- LONDON , Sept 21. The news o President Gariiold's death reached th < nornmg newspapers too late ycstcr lay to permit of more than the mew uinouncomont of the fact. To-day , lowevcr , they all came out with Ion ; . mil well considered editorials and THK TIMES 2von goes so far as to drape its col imns in mourning. It Bays that tc nglishmun tin's termination of th president's illness is hardly less thai : , o a national calamity nnd cxprossuE loop sympathy for the America ! [ > eople. TUB IKLKaiCAril inys the president's death is the losi ) f a great citizen , but remarks tha here is some consolation to bo found .n the fact that the president and th \inerican people have set nine ino example to humanity , 't also points out that America will , hroiu'h this calamity , find out how loop is England's sympathy. It thinke hat all nations may profit from th ixamplo ot America , which uch men , so worthy to live and die in her service. It hopes Gen. A r thin will not undertake to displace the cabinet or deviate from the policy o : ' his predecessor. THK HTANDAUD 3ays a common gloom has descended on both English and American com niunities , and expresses thu belief that president Garfield will longer lingei in men's hearts as a grand u.ul worthy citizen. THE DAILY NKWH. LONDON , Sept. 21.-Tho Daily News trusfs that Gun , Arthur will iBsumo the leadership of thu nation md not of party or faction. Gov , Slaolclmni'B Proclamation. National Associated Tread LOUISVILLE , Ky..September 22. CJov. Jilackburn has issued a procla mation calling upon the people of Kentucky to so observe Monday , the 20th inst. , as to show n proper respect to the memory of the lamented pros- ! tent , whose remains are to be interred on that day , The ministers of Louis ril o resolved to hold inoinroial ser ficcs appropriate to the occasion on thu day of the president's interment , In Respect to tbo Dead. DBS MOINKH , In. , Sopt. 22. Gov. "iear has isiuod a proclamation that publiu officer ) , schooh , places of busi- leas , etc. , bo closed on thu day "of the 'uncrnl of thu president next Mon- Jay , in honor of the dead , - ' Elootrlo LiM > National Associated 1'rcou. NEW YORK , Sopt. 22.- The patent 'or the platinum lamp , awarded * to Vrnxim , in thu interference between lim nnd Ediaou , has , after two np- loals , been iasucd to the United States Electric Lighting company , Maxim's assignees. This was the first nvontion claimed by Edison us solv- ng the problem of lighting by olec- ; ncity. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Safe is Blown Open and Bur Klnrieed to tbo Extent of $1,000. r Wreck of tbo Schooner F , W. Qiflbrd Disastrous Furri- cano in Michigan , rcatlmony Elicited lq the Jennie Ornmor Cnso-Othor Items of Interest. * - 4 BLOWN TO ATOMS. Snfo Blown Open nutl81.OOOTnUcii Wreck of tlio Solioouor r. W. Gilford , Etc. I'tWB. * DETHOIT , Mich. , Sept. 22. A post- itticu safe nt Eveit , Michigan , was blown open by burglars last night , nnd $1,000 stolen. The schooner F. W. Gilford went mi Calchoster roof , Lake Erie , last night nnd has to jotsom her valuable cargo of iron ore. The railroad ticket war in Detroit began this morning. The Great West ern , Canada Southern and Grand Trunk each selling tickets to Now York at $4 , and Boston nt $5. This morning a Gorman woman named Frank Schmidt committed sit- cido by cutting her throat with a ra- /.or. There was a terrific hurricane last light near Atvvood's station on the Harris Branch. Over 2,000,000 feet if lumber was blown oil' and two mon n a tent instantly kilted by falling roes. Thu men in thu camp Hod to ho Bwnmp and escaped injury. The nmuB of thu killed nro William Do- nine , Canada , and Joseph Pepper , Day City , Mich. AN OPINION- 3orouor Kollos Expresses the Be lief tlmt it Was Impossible for Garilolil to Recover. s'fttloinl Associated Pn.wi. BROOKLYN , N. Y. , Sept. 22 lor Kolles , of Brooklyn , who is i > racticing physician and surgeon , wa resent at thu autopsy of the president \t Long Branch. Ho had taken grca ntorcst in the case and was anxious tc earn whether , if the bullet hat > oen foUnd and extracted once , there wns a possibility if Garfiold's lifo being saved 10 had like other physicians , takoi ho theory of Dr. Bliss and other nt ending physicians as to the locatior ) f the ball , and , like those .mon' , wa Burrisod ] when they failed to find i 'n the location which they believed i ohavo lodged. "If"waa , not , " Ii laid , "so.remarkable that they ehoul iave boon deceived as .to it service. It was at right angles fron whore it had entered the body. " Hi jays that the autopsy took from 4 un 11 8 o'clock in the evening. I would have been impossible for then o have probed the full length of th vound , as it was equally impossibl or the president to have recovered \11 the doctors were , of course , as onishod , but they did all that was for them to do. IIo never aw a corpse BO bloodless as the proni lout's. The Columbus Delegation. latlonal Associated Prcai. COLUMHUH , O. , September 22. nal arrangements nro completed sc hat Governor Foster , federal officials tate officials and five senior meinben if the staff will leave on the rcgalai 'on Handle train for Pittsburg n a. in. Saturday , whore transporta ion will bo provided on the funern rain. Capt , Andruw Gardiner , pros dent of thu Forty-second regimonta Bsocintion to-night , issued a call tc urviving members of Uarfiold's regi nont to rendezvous at the Woddoil Cleveland , Saturday noon , A major ty of the regiment live in the neigh > orlppd ( of Cleveland , but ono com iany is in Loccnn county and ono ir oblo county , The Jennie Cramer Ca e. 'ntlonal Aesoclatcil Preen. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , Sent. 22 , In jtiio Jennie Cramer hearing to-da\ iThomns Degran , the man with a black moustache , Nellie Connora and John S. llaswcll testified in corroborutioi [ of Mrs. Knno. * Uo intended to show ithat Mrs. Knno and not Jennie Cra mer , made the remark when leaving the Hying horses , about being parnl ized , TuoBluo uudGrny. National Aswjclatul 1'rvii. OHATTANOOOA , Sept. 22 , At the army of the Cumberland reunion to day , ex-federals nnd confederates marched to Common Hill , raised the flag , held requiem services , and memo mo rial services nt ! p. nf. , nnd at the army of the Cumberland ovation to night , Young James Garllold. National Associated Pica * . WILLIAMSTOWN , September 22 , James A. Garfield passed a comfort able night , and Dr , Hubbell thinks , ill danger is passed. If ho experiences poriencos no relapse ho will go to Cleveland to attend thu funeral , lie hopes to leave Friday or Saturday. f SouHtttlcmal Elopement. National Associatwl Press. KANHAH Cm' , Sept. 22. Will Mo- Quire eloped with nnd married Miss Addiu Dayton despite the objuctionb pf her parents. They wore married in St. Joe nnd wont to Colorado , ShootiiiR Affray- National Amoclatctl 1'rvM , Ind. , Sept. 22 , .loe Lou shot and killed William Uowyor while Bowyer was attempting to put liim out of ilia saloon on the South tide lust evening. Leu is still nt largo. GERMANY. j of Sentiment Bismarck' * Commonilnblo Move for the Punishment of AMiw in . AsioclntrJ Prow. LONDON , Sopt. 22. The German tovornmi'iit has fully determined to . lo nil in its power to secure the pun- shmont of men who mnko attempts ipon the lives of the heads of govern- uents. With this object it has re- ipcned negotiations looking towards . ho oxtrndition of nny one who shall ' ; il ) or nttompt to kill any lulor or minister of nny government , and to - Drusli nway the distinction ilthorto made between po litical offences nnd other crimes l > y which BO ninny criminals have boon \\i\o \ \ to find safety by merely crossing iv frontier. The assassination of President Garfield , following so quick ly upon the murder of the czar and the frequent attempts .recently made upon the lives of Emperor William , King Alfonzo "and Prince Bismnrck. is thought by the German govormcnt to have nwnkuncd the mind of the itntcsmcn of every country of the ' importance of thu steps which it now is preparing to urge. Bisinnrclc docs not propose to that fugitives who have confined thuir treasonable designs toward or to even acts not in volving an attempt at murder shall come within the proposed treaty , but proposes to ask all the governments to consent that the murderer of a king or n minister shall bo surrendered up j.ust ns much as the murderer of a ) easant would bo. CORN "CORNER. " Tnllc of n Corner on October Corn The Wall Street Mniilp- nlntors' OiuuAno , Sojit. 22. Humors have been tloatiilg about for several days hat n "corner" is brewing in October corn. Ib is gossiped about that Wall troot operators are heavy buyers of corn , and already have 10,000,000 bushels , more or less , and intend to runa giganticdoal in the next month's future. Among other theories in support of the story is ono to the ulleeb that these followB intend to ilnck up the elevators hero with grain , BO that there will room for fresh receipts , and , aa grain iR not regular for delivery on contracts unless accompanied with warehouse receipts , the corn arriv ing after everything is filled up could lot bo delivered on account Bales. There was tnlk yesterday of removing thin objection by modifying the rules so that No. 2 corn in cars or vessels could bo delivered in future in the enmo way as grain in store. The ca pacity of the olovotbra here is about 18,000,000 bushels.and it is said there ire about 8,000,000 bushels of vacant room now which it would not take very long to fill up. RAILROAD MEETING. CommiMtoner Fink Maintain ! ' Petition of Retioenee with gard to the Proceeding * Mfttlonkl AiaocUicd 1'ieM. NEW YonK , Sopt. 22. A meeting" of the executive committee of the trunk railroad lines was held at Com missioner Fink's office to'-day. The" proceedings wore in secret. After the = Adjournment Fink was interviewed , but refused to say anything beyond that everything passed off harmoni- Another railroad man said ; : The impression is that the war will soon bo settled , but rates are not ikoly to advance materially for some time to come on account of outstand- ng contracts. Grain mon say for the first time since the war began freight igonts decline to make rates except from day to day. Shipping News- National Associated I'rcus. NKW YOKK , Sept. 22. Sailed : Ro- imblic , for Liver pool ; State of Nevada , For Glasgow ; Friaia , for Hamburg. Arrived : Belgian and Antwerp. HAMIIUKO , Sept. 22. Arrived : Her- Jonay. 'ooL , Sopt. 22. Arrived : Lake AVirtnopog , from Montreal ; Ohio , from Philadelphia. GLAKOOW , Sept , 22. Arrived : Cana- lian , from Montreal. ANTWERP , Sopt. 22 , Arrived : 4 tt'nasland , from Now York. . Hotuohold Words- 1'earHon , 28 Sixth utrcet , Buffalo , ; ayn : " 1 liavo used yourHruiNO BIXJHHOM or niyHclf and family , and think it inval- inlilo an n liotiHchold remedy , for ref-ulat- itjf tlio liowel.s. llvur nnd kidneys. I elmll lever bo without It. " i'ricu CO cents , rial bottk'H 10 cout.f. 10-cod-lw. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For tlio speedy euro of Consump- ion nnd nil diseases that lead to it , h iiH stubborn coughs , neglected .Colds . , BrpnchitiH , Huy Fever , Asth ma , pain in the side nnd chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in thu throat illoarsoncsfj , Sere Throat , nnd all 'chioiiic ' or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr , King Now Dis- Jcovery has no equal and has established or itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend [ and HBO itin their practice. The form ula from which it is prepared is high ly recommended by nil medical jour nals. Thu clergy and thu press liavo complimented it in the most glowing torniK. Go to your druggist nnd gut a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular sine for § 1.00. For Sale by d(5 ( ( Isn & MoMAiio * , Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICE. An excellent likeness of Jumca Abnim Garfield wns shown us to-day , printed in black and gold , size of card 14x10 , There is also printed the history of Garfield and also of the [ assassination , giving dates , &c. , a complete cabinet picture well done , and wo have no doubt will meet with a ready sulo at the very * low price of 25 cents. For sale by all stationers. Agents wanted , with whom special terms will be made by which they can realize an excellent profit. Tube Roses'in pots as well as for decorating for sale in any quantity at E. 0. Erlling's , near U , P. depot.