HIM ATT A HATT.V TVRTv THTTRftDAY. RTCPTRMP.TCR 99 Ififti FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. UON'ET AXP STOCKS. NEW YORK , September 21. Money closed strong nt 0 per cent plus1 110 of 1 percent tier diem. [ Exchange closed steady at 4 01 } © t 85. Governments closed lirtii. Pacific railroad bonds closed M follows : ] Union 1st * , 1 Il@ri7 ; land grants , 11C. 1 181181 ; Kinking funds offered at 1 2IJ- ; Centrals , 1 lftj@l 1CJ. HTOCK9. The stock market to-day was irregular throughout with exchange from liruinfu to depression ; transactions not very large caused by tlio excitement nnd tlio elo in- , quotatious generally the lowest of tlio da ; and from 1 to 1J below yctU'rilny'ti cloaiu , . prices , The mast active Rtock were the trunk lines pool shares , W , V. Telegraph , - " - Central 1'ncillc , - ' ' Pacific , .Mil. & 8t 1' . , nnd St. 1' . k U. The followiiiR are the closliiK bids ! WUTcl 87 J JJLfc NV .1203 Adams Kxi..l3li ] JK111U American Kxp. 87 Jvrio . . . . . TJ. S CSJ rf. k St. , ! 100 Vntjfn 131 K i"i T 103 OC 0 A 1 . . . 91 ? h.S . CC&IO'I Oil & Q lOOi do pfd. . . liis NY V 14.-U Pacific Mail. . . , no ] N J 0 W ? Rock Island. . . . 137 Ill Central 131 San Francisco. 15 Mich Cent. . . 1)3 ) do preferred. North Pao. . . . 39J St PA : Omaha 1'referred. . . 7 ! ) Preferred. . . . Union 1'iicific. . . 122 StP' Central racific. 1)2 ) } A& TH14 \Vabash 503 preferred 00 do preferred. . 88 | Ck A 131J CHICAGO JIOXKV MAIIKET. OniCAoo. September 21. The local monetary situation remainsB nnchunged. Money was in good elcmandi at 0 per cent per annum. The clearings off associated banks were < i,000,000. ThcJ falling off being duo to the general suspcu-f nion of business yesterday. Eastern cx-l change between city bank was quoted ] at 80c@Sl discount per 81,000. i The foreign exports from Chicago ince ! January 1 , include 213,3(51 ( bbls. of flourjj 42,130,30(5 ( Im's of wheat : r > ,2f > 9,43G bu'H.I of corn ; 10,755 bbls. of pork ; 3U,350 ! lix' .I of cured meats nnd lfi2UIM tierces of Iard. | Orders for cuircncy were light , Omalia Wholesale Market- Omen 01THK OMAHA UKE , ) Wednesday Kvening , September 21. f Live stock icmains steady nnd ui changed. Grains of a1 ! kinds ruin , wheat advanced ] Uc ; Barley > dvanced 4@8c ; Ry < Jc lower ; f Cor.i 2c higher ; Oats advanced abouflc. Potatoes firmer , advanced 5@15c pel bushel. Kggs rather dull and lower. Apples are very scarce and advanced 25c ] per barrel. No other changes noted. Local drain Dealings. ' WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 11A ; cash ! No. A , 1 01A : rejected 72Jc. BART/EY. Cash No 2 , 98c ; No. 3 , 75c ' 11YE. Cash , 'J2c. CORN. Cash No. 2 , 022u. ) OATS. Cash , 31go. Livestock. AT OMAHA STOCK VAHIW. Cattle Good shipping , § 4 00 ; fat cowi and heifers. S2 l > @ 3 00. Hogs Mixed packing , $ . " > " 75@G 00. Sheep Slaughtering in demand at $3 00 @ 3 75 per 100 Ibs gross. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , ! $325@350 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter ' wheat straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent , ! ' / . $4 2- 00@450 ; grahain rye ; $2 50 ; Wheat , j RYE FLOUR § 3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 70cl ; V. screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , pert cwt. 80c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 : rueall c bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white. 81 25. POTATOES-flOc ® ! 00. SWEET POTATOES Very active at ] 5@0c per pound. I lo. POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , 82 50@3 00. j > PRAIRIE CHICKENS § 2 25@3 OOj l > er dozen. EGGS Very dull nt li@18c. ( { UUTTER Choice scarc(3at20@2.- ( ; poor , [ y no market : creamery , 30c. I APPLES Good , sound , very scarce ] at $4 00 per bbl. HONE V California white clover iu UJc comb , 24@25c. I LEMONS Steady ; per bo * , SIO'OO } ISc @ 10 fiO. Finest Messina oranges § 8 00 ] repacked. f UTAH PE ACHES-$2 50 per J bushel basket. I EASTERN PEARS A bu. hov , § 1 Oo ! " 2 @ 1 25. ! DOMESTIC GRAPES-GcttingscarceJ < aic at' ' 5@0c per Ib. FORNIA PEARS Per box , $3501 IGc { 4 00. L4Jc CALIFORNIA PLUMS 32 50 , I3jc CALIFORNIA PJ3AOHES 82 r 0. CALIFORNIA GRAPES 8200. - WATERMELONS Homo-grown In excessive - | cessivo supply ; per 100 , § 1 00@.r 00. blue VEGETABLES All kinds bring poodj prices and scarce. BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS 812o@l fit ) . ton CABBAGE 31 00@1 50 per dozen. 13Jc Grocers List , bro. COFFEE. Rio , lair , 13c ; . Rio , good , , - lie ; P.io , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Old gov't Ilivur Java ; 20i@28ic , Mocha , 28ic" ; Arbuckle'sJ 173c. 173c.TEAS. . Gunpowder , good , 45@.rwcj ; Llic Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@-15cC ; Choice , C0@75c ; Young Hytion , good , 3G@ | BOc ; choice , 05c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat LcafB 35c ; Japan , choice , ( iO@7i"c ; Oolong , goodI , 35@10 ; Oolong , choice , -tO@55 ; Souchong , ! good. : i5/a.lOe : choice. : t5S-ljc. ( ) I SUGARS. Out loaf ! , lljc : Crushed . . jlljc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljol TIIIQ jwwdcred , llc ; Standard Coffee A.f 22ic mills lOJc ; Now York Confectioner's Standanll A , lOJc ; Good A , lO c ; Prairie Extra Cl weicht \ SYRUPS. Sugitr house bbls 48c haUl 'P , DUIS , ; ; 23c bis , 60c ; kegs.'P gallons , § 2 30 ; choice ! 25c table Hyrup , 45c ; half bbls , 48o ; keg" , $2 2. " ) . ! Inch ES. - Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20cl ; Cloves , 45c ; Nutmeg , § 1 00 ; Cassia , 25 ' Mace SI 00. SODA.Iwight'sltpaper * , &T 00 ; De-l land do , $3 00 ; ClmrchV , $3 00 ; Keg sixla.J STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss. 811 @Sc ; Corn Starch , 8'0c ; Excelsior ! . GIoiw. r > ? c ; Corn. 7io. f b , SALT. Dray load * , per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash-L > e'r ton , in Back * , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5 , 3 45:1 : Lbl dairy , 100. 33fi5. . | inlts DKIUD FRUlTS-ChoIo. . ImlvcaJ 14c ; peaches , new crop , flJc ; Evaporated. ion 5 Ib boxen , 13i@llc ; Michigan , 8Jc iier Yorkapples,8cSt.LouixNo.l,7c ; ; . ° 110 old , flc ; new , 8Jc ; Currants , 7@7icJ ; Olive lilickberrles , now , lie. Opium CHEESE-Full Cream , UJc ; Pai d.per Skim , OP. . , "J , WOODENWARE-.Two hoop pall" . 1 85 ; three hoop palls , 2 10 ; No , I tuln , | > er DOO ; No. 2 tubs , .8 00 ; No. 3 tubs. 700,8 pioneer wabbboarus , 1 85 ; Double C'rown ; ! 275 ; Globe WwJiboanl. S50 ; Wellbuckct . | The clmln , and fi ply , 20i@21i ; Colored carpet ! cUiii , per lt > , 2U ; 1 The VTLEAD-Bar , SID' ) . f supply | 'MATCHES Pur1 caddie. 85o ; round ! ows ' cases , $7.83 ; wpiaro case , $1,90. draft Fine PROVISrOXS-Breakfast bacon. 14. choice lard , 13 c ; dried beef , Me ; t-lioiilil ume ers , canvanited 9c ; lianw , canvassed 14uf ; S110. bacon , aides HAo I SOO. NEWl'IOKLES-Medhnn , In barrel- . , Common $9 00 ; do in half bbl j , 5 00 emails , in bblx.f ol50. 1100 ; do , in half bbls. OftO ; gherkins , in ) lUi. 12 00 ; do , iu half bbls. 7 00. \ amid. I to VINKGAU Pure 'apj'lo extra , lficJ ; puronjijilo , 13c ; IViwuing pure api > l , IBo.l JIOMINV-NflW , SI § 0 per bbl. I JJKANH-Medium , hand picked $3 005 $25.00 per liiihhel. i Clear liOPK-SNnl . i * . , J i r. hiuh oml larger , 9Jcj 3J 21 Ib , SOAPS Kirk' * Savon Imperial , 3 iKlvVs Mttluct. 3 Ifi ; Kirk's standard , 3 : ilvirk'fl white Russian , f 00 ; Kirk's EutocaKlb. I. ! 05 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 BlO ; Kill : ' * magnolia , 4 30. S CANDLES Boxes 40 Ib" , II ) oz , 8 , } | llobo\cs ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , TK 1 Ic ; bo\f , 40Sj ( < et , II oz. , 8s , 13ic ; half boxes , 20 soUHrr.D Illoz. , S ,13c. , I LYE American , 3-10 ; Greenwich. Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 r > 0 ; Lewis'RC'atl I lye. 4 00 ; Jowoll lye , 2 75. if 1 POTASH PeiinsyhaUm cans1 iltn.n iu case , : i 3" > ; Babbitt ! * Ball , 2 doz. In ca , | . 1 00 ; Anchor Bull 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIELD SEED lied clover , choice.Hvori [ new , S5 oO per bushi'l ; mammoth clover , ! [ now , S57" ! white clover , new , 81IOOdur balf'i clover . . , . new . _ , . . S1250 . . . . . ; alsike , no\vKtt0j S13 00 , Timothy , Rood , now , $2 50@2 05t ; Jililuc KM' " , cvtro clean , SI 25 : blue gnisj , | J Joleau , 8115 ; orchanl grass , $2 00 ; rod top , j Ye , C5c : millet , common or Missomi.B SI 25. ; millet , German , 8125 ; to 81 50.8 Hungarian. $1 Ifi. lIKDOKSKKD-Oinpo orange , I to r , $5 00 ; ewago orange , 10 bushel * i \'er. i . $150 ; honey locust , per Ib. , S5o ; peiji-1 100 Ibs. , 825 00. FISH-Fmuily while fish , 00 Ib hf hht , < 3 00 ; No , 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbk ( ' 30ja- ; N'o. 1 white lish , In 10 11. kits 1 00 ; f.xmll > 10 Ib kits , 7f-c ; New ll.illand hciring. pei keg , 120 ; Russian sardine * , 7"c ; I'olUP'-Jf1'/ bin river salmonper lOOlbs , 8 00 ; GuonjoVM1"01' Bank codfish , fie ; Gen. boneless codfish ; Sjc ; boneless fish , 4Vc. MACK E R E L-ll nlf bbls mess mackerel , 100 - - - Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl . No. . . 1 c.x . . shore . ' inOMS-l CANNED CKJODS Oystow , l ! { Field's ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 It. ( Firld'sdlj' per case , 2 fiO ; ilo 2 lt > ( Standard ) , per casoffl i 'JO ; do 1 Ib ( sUndard ) , per case , 2 40 ; elog i Ib ( slack ) , per we , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , lj It. , per dozen , 1 ( > 5 ; ( lo 2 Ib , per dozen L' 50. Sardiuw , small i'sh , imported , om > D piartcr boxes per bov , l-ljc ; Amor5caiiHj-Cj juartcr boxes per box , lie ; do half boxc JRiji : ) crbo21 _ _ jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per _ eto7cufcit L 80. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per jose , 250 ; Corn , 2 It. ( Mountain ) i > er case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 100 ; do i Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ea e , 350 ; itring beans , per case , 1 HO ; Lima bean ler case , 200. I'eas , common > er case , 4 50. J50 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70 , raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 2 75(2)3 ( ) 00. Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Bartlctt I ears per cose , 3 Oo@4 00. AVhortlebe ries pc'r case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lt > perlKjjt u e , 3 25 ; do. choice , 2 Ib , per ca e. 4 W.l. > rren gage.Ib per case , 3 25 : do choice , ' 111 b | .er casc,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , perc.'ise,9recj J U0@5 20. Peaches , 2 It. per c.ve , 3 U ) : , ' Jo 3lb , case , 0 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 It ) , puiSD ase,3 25 ; do pie , G 11. , per dozen , 3 50. ( RICE Carolina , C74c ; Louisiana , Gjtl 'pEANUTS-Roasted , choice , red Ten-i > nessee , SAc per Ib ; fancy white , 9c per l'jH-Oo- ' ) wv white Virginia , 7@7ic. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Buckeye L > 'c ; Continental C , do , 8c ; Crescent LI Uc ; Crescent C 7Jc ; Crescent B 75cJ | Crescent A 8c ; Graniteville LL Ojc ; In-raiH@ lian Head 7Jc ; Lawrence LL , C'/c / : Ports-Mtu.v noiith P , do , Ho ; Utica. C ojc ; WinthropHAnj , do , 7Jc : Wachusetts 7Jc. H'aGc ( BLEACHED COTTONS Altoona 3-4l"w JG ; Auburn A 4-4 8Jc ; Ballardvalo 4-4 , 'ic ; Dairy Cloth 5jc ; Fairmont 4-4 GJc- rdit 4-4 10Hoei \ S'ic ' ; Lon"dalu 4- \o ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Pocassett < -4 8\c. Wamsutta. 4-4 13c. PRINTS. Allen's fancy , CJc ; Ainerl. , an do , GJc ; Aniohl's do , 7c ; AmericanlQ loGcBerlfn solid colorsGc.ConestogadoGlcSp'y Jochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , ( ! ; 3Bf-25a Dunnell do , 7c ; Eildystope do GcK''ry ; ' lrlannony,5jc ; IIartelGJc ; KnickerbockerReach - - " - flvv.ash1 Jcoil jridge do , f. c ; Sprague do , 5ic ; Simp-Jfliron on's solid black , Gjc ; Simpson's nioumhiv.HJteeth 'a. Southbridge do , Glc ; Regatta do , OVcjH 'acific do 7c ; .Sprnguo do , ' 'i'-.H tlanchcster , 7c ; Pacific , 7c : SpraguuiHOd Jc ; Southbridg e , GJc ; M ystic , Oic ; Merri-Hlfine nack shirting , Uc ; Washington oil colorsB 1 . Brinish CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Harmony B.Kholf ; Hooksett , 5c ; Key.stuiie Glove Finish , ! Jc ; Washington , 5c. I CORSET JEANS Androscoggin sat-Bp. een , 8Jo : Lock\vood do. 9c ; Naumkeagw < J. . , Sic ; Rockport , 7ic ' ; TICKING Amoskeag- . C. A. , mcjllred Albany S. A. X. , 17Jc ; Coixlia A. C. E.,8 : -OG 7Ac ; Coi-dis , B.,15. , , Ojc ; Couestoga , R.C..iid edStripe,10ic ; Conestoga , C. C. A. . fan-Jjburnt , 14g ; Coucstoga , 5,0. C. A. , lie ; Cones-CSiijfiiie oga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; ConestogaBi"ory 74c ; Easton , B. , 9ic ' ; Hamilton , D. , H4Bblue ; Ilan.'ilton regular , 13 c ; Hamilton ILlgreen ; Omcgasuperior extra , 27c ; Omegan 'green ' meclal , 25c ; Omega A CA , fancy stripeHl"dia ; Omega A 4-4 , IGc ; Omega A i , 13 ; ivil Pearl River , IGJc ; Sbetuckct , S. , lO'.cAchron Shetucket , S. S. , 12c ; " yellow OIL CLOTH 5-1 wood. $300 ; 5-4j'ryer ' fancy marble , 83 00 ; M white marble9 , < 85 ; G 4 wood , 83 GO ; G-4 fancy marble , 00 ; G-l white marble , 83 85 ; 5-1 moIBV , 83 00 ; G-4 mosaic , 84 00. | ! DENINS Amoske.ig blue and u ; Beaveir Creek , A. A. , hlue andbrown.ljtown ; Beaver Creek , U. B.blue audbrowj.H-iian ; Beaver Creek , 0. C. , blue andBbrovvi brown , 12 c ; Everett D. D. , blue andBtcf ; brown , 15J ; Haymakers blue and brownBParis 9JcOtis ; , A. X. A. , blue , 15c ; Oti8 11. ] 5.1 5c , 11 ; Otis 0. C. , blue , 13c ; PearlSfcrecn River blub and brown , 15ilc. million ' DUCKS Arlington htripe , 18BoBtonH ) ; 0.130 checks , 13jc ; Boston XX drab , 12Ac ; Bos-Sp/01 / XXX bro. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drnb11'01' ' ; Boston 0. H.bro.,10ic ; Boston XXR low ' . , 12ic ; Bi arck Btrijio , 17ic ; IJostemSKn' | -itripes , 13ic ; Dundee stripes , "ISc ; Fall WluF , llic ; Hamden 0. O. , lOic ; LIonH" ! ' " ' STRIPES American , lOc ; AmosJceag.Hgoi. : Dexter A. . 14c ; Mechanics. 8cSfnn'ci ; ; Omega , lie ; Otis 15. B. , lOc ; Pittsfield , 7oX70c- Uncasville , 9@9Jo. B0i ] ; COTTONADES Angora , D. & T. , 25cg ; Oil cadi icrga llnceed ! 4c ; Lewinton 10 oz. , 25c ; NewYorkJed , checks 18 ; Now York mills proofB/allon ; WIclclow.lSJc ; Union Pacific , 18ef ; XXX. \Vliittend n , D. & T. , 30c ; York , lightl per , 12Jc K ! ' 35 SHEETINGS Andrnscoggin,0-4brownoxtra ; do 10-1 do , 2flc ; I'epperell'H'J l brownDoatin ; do 10-1 do , 27jc : Alexandria , 4U -oldeii , bleached , 13c ; Androscoi'glii 9-4 , 2 , 28e bleached , 2Gc ; do 10-4 , lileaohed , 29c ; pcntinl I'epporell , 0-4 , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4 . er bleached , 271c. Drum. DRUGS AND CHEMIOALS.-Acid wino Carbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tartaric , 55c : Bulsam 187 Joj.abia , nor Ib , 75c ; Bark , Sassafras , pel triple 12o ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c j ; Clnchonldia i , liroof Pine o/j" , 80o ; _ Clilorofonn , per 11. , 95c ; 'jous ' Dover's powders , per Ib , SI 40 ; l'.l , Ib , 3c Glycerine , per ; , pure perlbH 1ti Leael , Acetate , purlh , 22c ; Cat. " oil , 110 ° , per gallon , llic ; do 150 ° , F imo ( . g.U , 13Jc ; Oil , Cot-tor , No. 1 , pergal.f . ; Oil , Castor , No.3pergal,8100 ; OilL . . . , per gal , § 1 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50a Iw "i. , § 150 ; Qiiiiilne , P.&W. &R. il'jw oz , 82 25 ; Potasnium , Iodide , per Ibfli y ( 50 ; Salaciii , per oz , 35a ; Sulphate oW Vjii .Morphiuo , i.erox . , 83 G5 ; Suljihur flourP Ib , 4c ; Strychnine , ncr oz , 81 50c. 1 20 Horses and Mulo. I market is brisk and all grades ari-V Wl llingwell at a slight advance in piiceH.B'PO Ci demand for good horses exceeds thcS conniderably. Prices range us fol-B : | j dingle drivers , 5150. to COO. ; ExtraH " horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common dra.'tB , Corn . * . 8100. to 150. ; Extra fonn her esf Witt . to 125. ; Common to good farm horno.s.lCiulxw to 8100. ; Extra jilugn , fGO. to 75.i8r"tl' ; plugs , 8 0. to 840 , H Oats MULES. 15 to 151 hnmU ( extra ) , S125. white . ; 114 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140.ffif ; rejected 14i hands , 875 , to 100. ; 13J to Hffl { al . $ ( X ) . to 7fl I "V1 Clears and Tobaccos. High . ' CIGARS.Seeds , 815.00 ; Connccttcut.loso1 : Mixed,835.00 ; Seed jr vana50.00ijHv ; Havana , $75.00. H Hbi ; TQHACCO PLUG. Golden 1nleK7fi 1 , Olc ; Hpottcd Fawn , C2o ; " " iiighwiiioH IBjWKc ; KOBSho < . I a.'ll ' r.uul Na"vvwmd | , 51c ; ' Bullion , 'ixmud lM5c : l/irillard's Climax , | HiutuN , < " > 7c. FINE \ OUT In palls.-Hard to Peat , jrr.D ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fuunttdu , 78c : Favorite , , G"c ; Uocky Moiinliuu , "ic ; BIOiHFam , f > 0c : Daisy , 450. In tin foil M aCatlins 0. S. , 2 cu tweknges , " > Ib boxM , ' jl pur Ib i COc ; l iillard'n Tiger , CiOo. SMOKING All KradM-Commnn , 2.1 toH hic. ; Gramilatcd-Blackwolls Durham , ICl'.l W/ l.c ) ( ; Dukes Durham , HI o ? , 45c ; Seal ofgB iN'orth Carolina , 1(1 ( oir. : Se.d of NoV.is.H.i * ka , 1G OZ. SSi-j lionoilnck. I o ? . linen bugrwive iiorlh , ] , S1.35 ; Marbmxs" Puck , 2 or , tolJ ] ' 55c ; Dos Tail , G5c. Lumber. FENClNG-Nii. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $25 HN'o. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; sheeting ilix JN'o. 1 , 22 00 ; N > . 2 , 20 00 ; common boauN.jg-- ilres cd , SB 00. FRAMINtl-lfi ft. mid under , per M.Bjj Wl . 00 ; 10 ft. btudding , 25 00)22 ) ft. 28 00 ; &M ( t - " . StiOO. | FINISHING-No. ] 1. finish 1.4 , 1J amlH 2 inch , $55 00 No. 1 finWi 1 inch Jf0 * OOiBfeollr No. ! . ' 2. ! ini .h 14 , 1 } nnd 2 inch. 55000 : Nn.B.idvni - liniMi ' ' , 1 inch , 5 5 00 ; No , 3 tiuMi , 1 inoli.lWll rflOOO . ; O. G. haltoiM per 100 feet liu.Bnnrk ? 1 f.O ; well curbing , $3T > 00 ; rough 4 and inch batttms pur 100 feel 111' . . 50c. STOCK P.O Alt DS-A stock , § 15 00 ; * 10 00 ; C. S.T. 00 ; common stock , ! ? 2r 50.1f' FLOORINCJ No. 1 , S-12 50 ; No. 2Rtho i 7 50 ; No , 3 , $2750 ; yellow pine , No. 1H " 45 00. SIDING No. 1 , $2750 ; No. 2 , r.OOjfforS N'o. 3 , § 2000. SHIP LAP Plnhi , $25 00 ; C ) . G. No. lffl'MK - ' 7 50 ; ; No. 2 , $25 00. fl OKILING-3000Clir.OO. ] ! i l , LATH } AND SHINGLES A HnrbtfstBa ( iiiiylcs , $ t 50 , No. 2 , § 350 ; No. 3 , $2 50. L.itli , 51 25. Dulldlnc Material. * LIMK ] Per barrel , § 1 35 ; bulk pcrbu.BJJJ ) ,55c. Cfiiifiit , bbl , $2 50. Iowa phuler.ll'v' bbl , ) , , § 2 50. Hair per bu. 35 TariedH.,11 felt 100 : II w , § 3 50. Straw boar.l , § 1 00. PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper , Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , lOo ; news paper. So. " COAL ( Cumberland blacksmith , 812 : Morris * Run Blo. slmrg , 812 ; Whitobreast ump ) , SB ; Whitebruast nut , 8G ; Iowa " lump i , 80 ; Iowa nut S < i ; Rock Springs , 88 ; bu Anthracite ! , nil size811 00. Hides , rurs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7J ; green Uu cured hides , 81c ; ftl crcen salt , part curetl , ' ' ' ' hides , 8 calf an ? ® reen < . 'reen pelt's , 81 00@115 ; green lamb hkinsjBwith 5110@125 ; damaged hides , two-thild ru'eii Hcut scored and one grub , classed two-P" 1 irds rate , ) brniieled hides 10 per cent , off. ! Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3KXX 0 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2Bgood )0c - ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. l.Bconm Me ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. I , blnck.Rtock i"c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 25cBstock' ; road fctripe , lOc. Tallow , 5J. Ht Wool. Iter Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy.lTexa LH@15c ] ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; ca ub-washed ] , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; "ingjB , ind w. , 2Sc ; hurry , black and cotted wooU ° .w § Gc less Shot. SHOT. Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot , 82.00 ; 3rieiit.il Powder , kegs , SO. 10 ; do. , half cegs , 83.48'do. ; , quarter kegs , 81.87 ; Blast- _ UK , kens. ? 3.35 : Fuse , tter 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 83 00 ; plow sfecl , cast , 7c ; $ ) cast tool do , 15(5,20 ( wagon spoke" , fefc. \ 25@3 ( 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed , , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@S5c ; axles , No. trade eauh , 75c ; souare nuts , per Ib , 7@lloHt ; wiisherfi , per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , perlb , lle ; 1 . > chain , per Ib , C@12c ; malleable , 8cB ; 1 37 wedges , Cc ; crowbars , lie ; harrowH Iteeth , 4c ; horseshoen , per keg , 5 00 ; sprinjjKJ , , 60' ' ' 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 SO ; 8 to 10 , . , < , . , , Mno. , 3 90 ; 4d , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 90 ; 3d\0. , G 40 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15 ; lid , casing. | ] fir ; Sd casing , 4N ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOdl ] finish , 4 G5 ; Sd finish , 4 90 ; 6d iiuish , 5 15 ; i ilf kegs I , lOc extra. Sdo. Paints Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN Oil. White lead , Omaha 12 p ) , 7c ; white lew ! , O. P. & C. CD.pure , Marseilles gicen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; b'reiu zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst , ; French zince , in oil asst , 15c ; Rn\\ burnt uuiber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13. , ; mfmed lampblack , 12c ; coach blank , l"c ; black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian red , , 30c ; ultramarine blue , ISak chrome tober , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind aiiu ahutter 145. rcn , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9cluscnii for , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &P. , ISc ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. ifc D. O. , 18c ; \ ochre , 'Jc ; golden ochre , 10 ; p.itenf ; ober , Gc ; graining colors : light oak , dark ier ; < walnut , chestnut and ash 12c. Dry Paints Rye \ } White ] lead , GJ.o ; French zinc , lOe ; Par ! ' wbitelng" 2Jcr"'whStiiig""riliSersr ilcH ; biting com" ) , 1.4c ; lamiiblack Gornian-H * $ , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Priis-B i blue 1 , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndyker , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , rawl _ sienna , burnt , 4c ; hienna , raw , 4cL , A-heat green genuine , 35c ; Paris green coni'jB'iyOO ; cliromo gieen , N. Y. ' 'Mo ; chromllj. * ? { 1C. , 12cj rennillion , Eng. , 70o ; VHr- G ii,000 ( , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOi W'u ; pink , 14c ; Venetian read , ConkMmVr" Venetian red Am. , le ; red lead , 7ic ; | ' yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome vel-l. , K. J , 12c ; oclire , rochelle , 3c ; ocfireH Win ' , 2''c , ; ouhro , American , Ucsfltcmbe Winter's miiieral , 2Je ; lehigh brown , 2cK | nmnish linmni.c Piince's 'MS " ' -\c \ ; mineral 3oBsSei ; > VA11N1S1IKS llarrcls p r gallon.R Oats Furniture , exta , § 1 00 ; furniture , No. l.BSctitei 90cfuiniturc , , U , 75c ; coach , extra , SI 23c ; | | Kye , No. 1 , ? l 00 ; Damar , fl 25 ; Jnian. asphaltum , 70c ; thollac , 83 50 ; haitl finish. , 8130 OILS-110'carlion perRollon , ll.Jn ; 150'H HOD Lcadllght , porfjallon , 12io ; 175' headlight Ki ( 1 75G pel-gallon , IGc ; cryhtoline , per gallon , 20c , raw , j er gallon , G2c ; Linsrud , boil , tier gallon , ( ! 5c ; | lanl , winter str'il , per , I 05 No. 1 , 75c , No. 2 , COc ; castor , . per gallon , 112c , No. 3 , I Oj ; sweet , i gallon , 85c ; uperni , W. B. , per gallon- 50@0 ; filsh , W.B. , per gallon , GOc ; npatsfoot1 , , per gallon , 75c. No. 1 , U5 ; Iimtbeit , ; , zero jier gallon , 30o , Niimmer , 15c iimuhine , No. 1 , jier gallon , 35c , No. ; tipcnn , Hignal , per gallon , 80c ; tur * < i)2150. ) ) , per gallon , GOc ; naptha , 71 deg , Lan gallon 203 , 03 ileif , 20c. Bulk Liquor. liac ALCOHOL 187 proof , f2 35 per gallon , extra California spirits , pi oof at 12(1 ( per proof gallon refined fiplrlls. 187 proof , 81 21 ; pet Flour gal re-distilled whiskies , 8100@l (50. ( Win blended , 81 50ffl250 ; Kentucky"hour- .Oi , 82 00 7 00 ; Kentucky nnd Pennsyl- tOi Hi . . _ Con BltANDIES ' Imported , ? 0 00@1 < ! 00H ; Lnn tia 1 40@4 00. H Porl .INS Imported 50@G 00 ; domestic , ! 1400)300. ) H LJMS . Imported , 4 50 < Sn 00 ; Now ! Jand. ; 2 00 © 1 00 ; domestic. 1 503 50.1 The PEACH AND APPLE URANDY-P linco 175T4'IOO. I , CHAMPAGNES Imported per caeo.I cm 00@3100'American , per case , Ili00 ( ! foilenlay CLARETS Per case , 1 C0@lf5 00. I ' WhN'ES Rhinewiuc , per case , G Oa@KOl C'atawba , per case 4 OQ@7 00. Peoria I'roduoa. I Wheat Fh , I'HOUIA , September 21 , iniictl1 Wheat ' Good demand. Rber. > Klnri , active and higher ; No. ' . ' Con . 73c ; yellow , GHc ; high mixed , Olicf72o. ; , lilju ; No. 3 , ( i5/c / ; rejected , Gilo ; nofl ' , GUc. Hj I inn and higher ; sales No. ' . ' National , 4lo ; mixed , -lie ; rejected , 4L'lcji ; jic { mixed , 41. m..fu , Marley-Dull and nomhial. S1) ) Hyu-Flrmj No. 1 , 1 08 , WhMvi Wines Firm and higher , I 15. fflwas f Rfceljits Corn , ( ! 9,435 hii ; eiats , 40ffdnv' . bu ; rye , 3,725 bu ; barley , 506 bujlfti , . J ' , iiDne. f HhIiiiivntH-Corn | , 68,000 hu ; eaU , 38-L listol buj rye - , 5,000 ' bu ; barley , none ; ] YIW , r- - Mil. MARKETS BY TBLBGRAPH.y Grnnel Junction Mnrlcot. Ju.vcrio.v , la. , September 21 , isitKs i ; c. Butter 13c. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO. September' ! ! . Flour Quiet nnd firm ; tnin actloiu 'checked , , by light olTcrings ; roiinnun te > l Sohole w esto n opring , 4 25li M' doS Miimeii.ta , 5 00(0,7 ( f > 0 ; patents , 7 00 ® S 11 ' 00 ; winter brands , li 50&8 00. 6 Wheat No. 2 pining wan active aiidj . i decidedly strong feeling developed , act-l ive peculatl\M ) demand , numerous mtUel f Unifonlcr * I clug received , and ' shorts" freo. ' l.uyors ! , inlluenced by fears of a. inaiiipu-j Blatcd nmikct , In October piice-i wu o nd-j vaiiced ninid considerable excitement , 2ji.S ( 'ic. llucltmted nnd linully closed nboutj . ! ' - higher ' for eafh ; 1 ! c higher for October ; ! K"11 IJo hlglicr for November , and on the ! ; illar I oard nnd on thfl call at 1 2 ! ) for ! ; | itemberl ; HOifAl 'I i for October ; 1 32J _ U'2 ' { for Nomubcr ; 131 } for Bir . C.D ru- Active ! business w < t reportednndj i feeling was decidedly . -trorgcr , prices wercj .idrnnccd lj'c. and iinpr.ncmcut wiul u-oll maintained ; < Ife-ring * liberal. Thcj nnrUct finally closed about 2Jc higher foil 2gcanh j'JJo ; higher for Octobtr ; and 1J { < lor , | Nmonihcr. On thorosu'nr imard niul the ca'l at 2 p. m. , 57Jc for October ; Ct.B. for November ; 07J for December ; CGo | for the year ; : 72ja [ for May. Oats In ( jood demand and model ate. Iso. 2 cloned on call nt for September : 10''c for October ; 41Jc . . .it November . } ; c for the year , ni il 47Jo foij , J\J : Finn ; No. 2 closed nt 1 0"J foij lumber ; 1 08J for October ; vember. . Barley Good dt'inand ; maiket quiet ; J No. 2 I , I 10 for cash ; 111 for October ; 112j for November. f p rk Active and firm ; me.ss ehxeil at ) 1U25H)1 ) ! > 37J foriwli ! HI 20 for October. Ill 45 for November ; lit 35 lor , laiuury. [ . , l.anl Stronger nnd higher ; cVscil at fi ! ' for October ; 12 C2J for January ; 12 72J@12 75 for the year. Bulk Meats F.xhly active ; nhort ribs. 1025 for ciuhi 10 224 f"r October ; 10 174 for November. Wldfky Steady .at 1 Hi. Receipts Flour 23,510 bbls ; wheat , "i9,0ll bu ; com , 527,080 bu ; oats , 40,7111 ; rye , 10,7 8 bu ; barley , 47,092 bu. Shipments Flour , 17,153 bbls ; wheat , 70,41)7 ) bu ; com , 455,405 bu. : oat , ! > ,77J ( ; rye , 14,410 b\i : barley , 23,350 bu. Chicago X.lvo Stock. CIIICAOO. September 21. * . > ign Receipts , 20,000 ; Kiiipmciitp , 4- 200 ; demand good and market generally 25(5 ( , , , , - ) ; ' enkaud slow ; exports. 0 10@J ( C > 0 ; Kood to choice shipliing cattle , 5 lOi tonimon to fair , 4 00 < 5J4 00 ; butchcrs' Ltock , , 2 25@ 2 40 with bulk nt 3 00@3 U0 ; stockcrs ' and feeders slow sale at 275n ( CO for former nnd 3 40 ® I 20 for the l t ; dairy calves mainly 800@14.00 ; Texas ; cattle , 275@3liO ; northern ' lcattle,300@4CO. Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; Bhipmcnt3 , ) ! ' fair na- ' 4 50@ .ls M Now York Proilnco- : NEW Yontf , September 21. I-'lour < A shade stronger and in some instances - | stances 5@10c higher. Southern 'l ' ° ur , inlet but stoadv ; common to choicu extra , , 33 , . ' . Wheat , Very firm and l2.c higher ; ( active ; No. 3 red winter , 1 43@l'4l ; ) . 2 do. 1 421 48 ; No. 1 white , 1 45@ i 15.No . " ; 2 Chicago and Milwaukee. , - ; , No 2 red , September , 1 47@1 47i. Corn lie higher ; hnoincsulairly active ; , graded i mixed ' , ( ' i5@72c ; . No. . 3 , . CO.Jcj for ' Oat . J . 1 mixed , 43c ; mixed western , 41@4 Ic. Rye Quiet but firm. Barley $ Finn ; No , 1 Canada , 1 15. Pork Quiec but firm ; new mess , 1 ! ) 75 ; October nnd November , 10 00@10 50. lot Lard Weak nt 12 30 for cash ; 12 27J@ 30 for September. Beef Quiet. Cut Meats Quiet. Whisky Lower. St. Jjonii Produce- Sr. Louis , September 21. Flour Firmer ; top grades DC better. Wheat Active , higher and firm ; No. 2 1 13 ; cash 1 i ] ; September 1 44J ; Oc- 1441 ; November 1 50 ; December , ng 145.Cor Corn Actnc , higher'and strong at GIJc cash ; Ii5jo for October ; . G8c for November .nd vcmbc ; G9c for December ; 75jJcforMay. . Oat Hleher ; 42o for carii ; 43ic for Oc- ] ; 45c for November ; 40c forDcccm > 51@51 c for May. > n ° Higher at 1 OH.1 } 09. lot Barley Unchanged. Lead Steady at 1 05J. Butter Firm ; dairy. 2230c , I'IggHHigher at 14@14Jc. Whisky ; jjower at 115 , . , Ltrd Nominal nt 12 05. A.ftc Receipts Two daj'B ; flour , 8,000 bbls , ; ' km , 42,000 bu ; oatn , ( i 1,000 bu ; rye,1 sliffli i.OOObu.j barley , 2,000 bu. and Shipments . ! Flour , 20.000 bbls. ; wheat. inhr bu ; corn , Gl.OOO bu ; oats , I " " " 1"1 , xyc , 2,000 bu ; barley , none. pulse the Philnclolplifa Proclaoo , o'clo Piiu.AnKi.rnM , September 21 , Wheat Steady ; 1 41 for cash and Scp- ; 1 41J for October. Con - Steady ; C8J@GOJo for cash aiulj Seiitcuiber. ' > Steady ; 471o for cash ; 40Jc for tor September. will Rye-Dull. _ the Euffiilo Live Stoclr. have EAHT BUFFALO , September 21 , Hogn Steady ; fair to ijood Yorkers , ! idont © 85 ; best , (1 ( ! > 0@0 1)5. ) them EifttLiberty Live Stock , EAST LiiiKitTY , Pa. , September 21. Cuttle Slow : prime , C 00@G 50 ; good , ? @ 00. of Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , September 21. Provisions Mm * iiork. bteady at 21007 work. . f Dull ; current make , 12 05(3)12 ( ) 10,1 ! Meats-Quiet ; clear fides , 11 G2. Bacon Quiet , near Ono Zjivorpool Produce. Livrid'ooL , September 21 , posed American , 10 * GJ(5/jl3s ( named Wheat Winter , 10s ( Jdrallls M ; white , 7d@lls ; Hpriii ! , ' , 10o@"lO. < 4il ; club , | was Uel@llM Oil. 0 < lljd. Lard-Ills. A Pork-SOi. tion Oil Mnrhot. well Pm'Hiiuiio , September SJ. Colds oil market opened at Slj alof ma , opening t H7c ; New York , BaCmr. ; ] yenterday , 157.000 latruln ; | nlii ! > int'iit , 7J131 barrels ; Pittibtirg naltt- nonu. chronic throat Baltimore Proelnco. covery liAMlsioiiK , September 21 , or " U4 Firm. &fany , No. 2 red whiter , higher hut ! and ; 1 41Jul ( ) 45 for cash and Heptom- uhi CornYellow , 72e ; mixed winter , 70 ® , IlUlo J1'1i1 ; coinj Satisfying ! Their Hounli tonn ; Aumlotcd I'rcw. trial Jliciiiio.vj , ) , Vu. , Sept. 21. A sine Gon. PeytonViso \ and Uniiud d lD ( District Attorney L , L.Mvlt fou ht near \Varrento\vn \ yostor- The CJrfli. Wise received lire froin jtook Lowin. waa iinlinrt , and lirod his jhicycloH in the air. John U. Powlmin 'nlata second for Mr , Lewis and Oon , the II , 1'iiyno for ( Jon. Wiso. invited FATAL COMBUSTION. JTho Boiler of an Engine Ex- plofles and Instantly Kills Four Persons , . - Sfhoir Mutihtod Eoniamcs Are3 Picked Up a Distiuico of 200 Foot From tbo Trnolc. of PncconRor nnd Freight Trains Two Moil Seriously Hurt. Terrible Railway Acolelont- .V.itloinl Anoii&tod I'rcM , IAKSOX , Kas. , Sopt. 21. Anolhor | jtoriihlo ac.ndent occurred on thu JMia * souri Pacific mil road last evening. Al [ freight train loft this point , bound ! tnuh , shortly after tl o'clock , andg ! when within about ihrco inilca ido of Chotopa , the boiler of the lo-l jcomotivo exploded , instantly killing ] four persons and injuring n fifth. The ! tigine was literally blown le > . atoms * ' .uul nine of the freight cars baillu wrecked. The killed nioit were Ooo.i G. Aelams , engineer ; Simon HailoyJ fironian ; Jack Denny , n conductor onS tlio San Francisco roadj and O'Neal , stranger , looking for a job. Tlu Mvertp ill seated in thu cab of cnainu at the titno of the accident.H Their bodies were picked up n "is'Bijv. taco of liOO feet from the railroadBjj track in a horribly nuiiL'lotV condi-Kp' . * . . . . . . . . . . * - . . . tion. Tho.head of Uarty , the < lu man , was entirely blown oil' and no where to bo found. The injured mai was Frank Nicholas , head brakoinan who was just in the act of climlnnj , on to the box car wlien thoexploaioi : look place. His arm was broken am lis body badly bruised. The re mains of the killed were brought here this afternoon. The cauao of the ac- cidemt is supposed to bo a shortage ol water together with a defective boiler , Two Trains Collide. N'utioiml Assoclnttil Viean. MAUIETTA , O. , Sept. 21. Twe train ; , a passenger and a freight , col lided at Bird Hun last night. Eotli engines nnd several cars wore wrecked. \ Conductor Snyder and Mail Agenl Col u in in i were liurt. Aiiothor Indlnu Coufliot- S'nllonal Associated I'rcsn. > SAN FJIASCI.SCO , Sept. 21. A re- ort has been received at Camp Thorn- > / Arizona , that Col. Sanford has nd an engagement witli the White Mountain Apaches , near Black river , nd gained a victory , no details. In- dian Ai'ent Tiffany has gene out to ! t10 scene i of the conflict with lifty , icoufs. Forty bucks belonging to .ho White Mountain band hayo coinu ! nito Camp Thomas to talk with Ciun-j oral Wilcox. They are believed to be part , of the boely that attacked Gen- ral Carr. There are preparations in this city or an elaborate funeral pageant on 'londay. ( The Apaches Rot rent- national Ansociatcil Press. SAN FHANOISCO , Sopt. 21. Arizona lispatchos say that Carr's advance has ? struck the Apaclios in the noigh- orhood of the late battlefield and the olicf is that tlioy hayo rnlrcated to the iasaltio canyons , wlioro it will bo mrd to hunt them out. Discovered on _ the Roadaiclo- National Assoi latvd Press. CHICAGO , Sept. 21. The body of Irs. Ida Stern was found this morn- in a ditch along the side of the oad five miles north of Lawndalo , a iiiburbon on the Chicago , Burlington Quincy road , with a bullet liolel .hrough her head. Her- husband has een locked up sincp last Wednesday n charge of killing her , but it was' ' known until to-day how ho did it. Jnmoa AGarflclil , Jr. National Associated 1'rce * . WILLIAJISTOWN ) , Mass. , Sept. 21. \.fter , being moved to President ilop- e house young J. A. Garfield wae slightly delirious during the aftprnoon , evening. Ho paescd a night ofH unbroken sleep , however , and liinl has fallen from 100 to 72 , amlEj JtC indications nro favorablu at lln _ o'clock this morning. M Senator Bock's Qplnlon. H " National Aceoclatvil 1'rew. ECTTI LEXi.Nn.Tox , Ky. , Sept. 21. Scna- Beck thinks that Senator Dnyard bo elected president pro tern , of senate. Ilo says the democr.its ; three majority and now inombers cannot bo uworn in till after the pres-H Q pro tern , is elected to swear in. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. de I AssociateI'rum ! The strike at Now Ktraifsvillo , O. , haulers , is terminated by thu em ployers complying with their demand , ce namely , 82.25 per day and nine hours' . he Thu mutilated body of Eel. Jon OH , colored fanner , was found in a field ax Memphis yesterday morning. S1 Jcg nnd a foot was found HOIII- distnnco from the body. It is sup cor ho wan murdered by n negro Jollii Johnson. A bloody axe hai found near the victim. haiN WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy curu of Consump and all diseases that lead to it. IIH stubborn coughs , neglected , Bronchitis , Ifuy Fever , Asth pain in thu side and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in thu throat floarsoness , < Sere Throat , and nil or lingering diseases of the and lungs , lr. ) King Now Dis . has no equal and has established ntself " n world-wido reputation , loading physicians recommend La use itintheir piiictice , Thu form- from which it is prepared is high- , recommended hy all medical jour-MQOC * Tlio clergy and the preBB Jiavo eonipliiiiontod it in the most glowing ? . Oo to your druggist and get a8 hotllu free e > f co.st , or n ruyuh for : § 1.00. For Kale hy | ( Isir & Me.MAHoy , Umaha. two America Columbia both premiums over the English in thu bicycle races At thu ? fair. Solomon is tlio agent for ! "America-Columbia. " All arej , to call and examine them. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , § [ CENTUAL NEBRASKA 11. & JF. H. U. ] EXETER. Vonnnni , piniick iVr. Co Agricultural Tniplcnionta. MSanford ) Villi.iins Agricultural Implements and Coal. jJLeo it llickol Agricultural Implements , Hardware , Stovua nnd Tinwnto. Dcnnut . , Ewin Cattle Donlcr. Francis Marsh Meat . D. ; B. Dayton . . , Cattle and Meat Market. Market. 0. 0. Vennnni ' - ' drain Dealer Elevator.j Low Hobertson Grain Dealer ( Elevator. I'.J . ) J. Faling General Merchandise nnd Drugs. M. Uaroch : Dry Goods , Groceries and Notion ? . w. Jf. Taylor General Merchandise. s. II. Kynor Hardware , Stoves and Tinware. 0. S. Oleavoland Hank of Kxotor. W. D. Paine it Co LumberBuilding Materials nnd Coal. P. T. Whitinoro , .Jeweler and Watchmaker. 3. H. Babcock Book and News Depot , Confectionery , &c. Mrs. Lizzio Miller. Restaurant. S. Iloper. . A. A. McCoy. . . .Attornoy-at-Law , Real Estate , Loan and Collection Restaurant. Agent. . ' K. I'otcrinan Harness and Sadtlles Martin E. Smith Harness and Saddles. Dims. Halo Plasterer. hJ. . Fisher. Itlacksmith and Wagonmakor. Warren Woodward , Woodward House. \Vm. J. Wnito Exeter Enterprise ( Weekly. ) jleo. Newer - . Billiard Hall and Saloon. STAR STOVE POLISH AND BEAUBRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING MANUFACTUllED 15Y MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S crafoe Strength White Lime ST. p AULLUMB R YARD Lumber Lath , , Shingles , hirteenth and California Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEB. delilmclm SUPERIOn OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY - AND - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. -SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. au23eo < 13m KAX MEYEE & BRO. , , lie Oldest Wholesale and Jetail < Jewelry House in Ol maha. Visitors can here ind all novelties in Silver 37are , Clocks , Eich and Stylish Jewelry , Ihe La- est , Most Artistic , and Choicest ] Selections in Precious Stones , and all lescriptlons of Fine batches at as Low Pri ses as is compatible with lonorablo dealers. Call ind see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , H-ner 'llth and .Farn- im Streets WAX MEYER & BRO. IAIIETEB & BEOr. o no : x EC x , THE LEADING MillIN IN THE \VKST ! General Agents for the Finest and Best Eianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. . Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments a1 Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu. Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. IHAELES MCDONALD NOW OFFERINQ FOIl ONJ5 MONTH ONLY 3 lilies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars. Etc , , 0 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish [ Suits , $1O.OO ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo hnvo novoral lots of staple ( { noUvhioli will bo offered t All ladies should avail thcmaolvua of tliis great ualo of * ISETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND HOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK : AND LTNISN HANDKUiioiirEFS , LAWNSOITS AND SACQUES , ' s9-wd" CHAELES MCDONALD ,