Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1881, Page 8, Image 9
v- j o # * > % < tt * * ' T r i < M I ' t OMAHA DAiLX" BtiE WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 1881. : fllE DAILY BEEl Wednesday Morning , Sopt. 21 LOCAL BREVITIES. Patterson cells coal. -Doane. Reliable Halter. Vredcrlck landing llntter. X ) buHhiOTs lots Call on Dcmls. New oranges nt A. II. Gladstone' * . JOOO residence loU Konui , agent. SoO houMM and lots licmls1 Ueinls' real estate booiri. Flrnt A. W. Naoon , Dentist , Jacob's block. I5e t line of Cigar * , At SaxoV SmoUo Stariton k Storm * , finct | Cigar , at KulmV Drug Store only. Soda Water , better than over , at S-vxe's. Bo/nis' now map of Omaha , 25 cent * . 200 farms and 000,000 acres of land Bemfo , went. A full aisartment of pure California wines at Gladstone' * . \ \ ho pays the } il'hcst ) price for Second Hand Furniture ? Abrahams & Lewis , 1121 Douglas street. nepl9-2w Prof. W. J. Anders Dancing School begins October-I. Sec advertisement In another column. ncpll-3t ) Most elegant now ktylci of Hale , at the Omaha Knrlcr , Henry O. llichter , 15th stuct , opp. poitolfice. ftcptlti-tf ' Tli" Ijlitn cimuniiex to roar ( or AluoreV Marnenr. iid Saddlery. For riNK Ciinuuerclal Job Printing all'at TUB HKB Job rooms. Bicycle for nalo or trade for n horeo.j G J. Canan. To the farmers don't forget to call and ( see Doano'H fmo lot of haU nnd caps at ( 218,14th Btreet. ' r' Nindcl& Krclld , Practical Hatter , Wo Bell hata and capH cheaper than nny- bcxl else. You will find it to your ad vantage to give us a call , eptl3-tf Doane , the reliab'e hatter wants to eo you nil to-day , clving away hats and oapi ot .Doane'tf , iremember 218 , lltl street * i Look out for the cqucnoxtinl storms after to-day. The first building in the city of Omaha to be draped on tlio announcement nf the president's death wo * the Wobash oOics. LWork waa begun on that by Jo j Teahon , about the time the bells began to toll. > ' - -Tli9 Union Pacific base ball club will play a game to-day at Asldand with the club of that place. Under the manage ment of Copt. Handle the U. P. boya have , got themselves in good shape. Mary O'Brien was Injured Home time ninco by falling into a gutter on Tenth B'rcek end Injuring her ankle. Recently he bromrht suit for damages against the , city for 8200 , which the o tatncd juilg ; mint for yoiterday before juatico Brandcs. Last evening Col. K. F. Smythe waa made the recipient f a handsome gold watch and chain , It waa given him by ; jtho member * of the state board of agricul ture as a parti il token of their apprecio-j ( tan of hU service * a general maneger of * thostatofur. { Fred Dellone , thn contractor of the new Doujlm county court ho iso , ha * had thu time for giving the Indemnity bund of $3b,000'extende I by the county counnla- io icrnuntil , Saturday next. Mr. Dell me "feel * confident that he will bo able to fur nish the requisite amount. ; ' The B. & M. ba e I oil club will go to Hastlnji to-day under the management of Oapt. Cha * . Auttin , where they will play a gaine of base ba'l ' with the Hastings nine , The game will occur Thursday on the ground * of the district fair , which is now being held at th t place. Worthless Stuff Not so fast my friend ; if you could ! see the strong , healthy , blooming ! men , women and children that have ] -boon.raiaoil from beds "of sicUnesn , ! suffering and almost death , by thu use of Hop Bitter * , you would suy,1 "Glorious and invaluable remedy. " -Philiidolphia Presa. suptlb A 1ml package of "BLACK-PnAUGHT" frwi ( jf charge. At F O. Ooodmin'i. GLORY ENOUGH. TUB WHITE REWIND MAClIINli AGAIN VIOTOHIOUS. ' No diplomas or premiums awarded , but the universal verdict of the people ple is that the WIIITK is thu best ma- rchino on exhibition. The work done ; and the samples shown were wonder- tfu ) , and to hear the exclamations of 'hundreds of ladies. "I have a White , ' and would apt exchange it for any 'inachino mudo , " was very gratifying to its exhibitors. ThoWhito has the largest Bale , gives the best satisfaction , and is thu easiest soiling inachino madu. Wo cordially invite everybody to examine the White before buying , as we guarantee perfect ) satisfaction m nil cases , * * Soliciting a largo share of youi patroimtro und thanking you for past ; favors , I am k Respectfully yours , * 1 " JOIIN ZKHKUNO , Wholesale arid'retail ' dealers in White machines , Omaha , Neb. Fir * Department- | There will bo a mooting of the Omaha tire department at Firemen's hall Wednesday uvoning , September ! 21 , at 8 o'clock , to settle up business connected with the parade and ball , JUUOMB 0. PKNTZKI , , Secretary. Yout Then try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. 18-lw. ? Surprised Sleepers- List evening as Oon. McGoath , the watchman of tlio Millard hotel prop erty , was about to retire for the night and waa going into the door of the oflice next to the hotel building , lie stumbled across the inanimate form of a man lying length wise before the door. The general became alarmed and called for a policeman , who came' ' ' * up ami arouica the deeper , who , ' , when awakened , imagined that ho ! had been lying in liis own comfort able couch at Jmmo. Ho wns much . ' ' -1 ! surprised to find that ho was slumber , ' ing on the cold atones of a side walk. ' Ho was taken homo "Tho Hevore House Gouncl 13luff is the beat second-class hotel in the I A SOLEMN SCENE. Noteworthy Gatherifipf in the Academy of Music. The Prosidont/o Death Officially Announced by tbo Ma , } or. Addresses Made by Prominonlj MOD on the Occasion. Appropriate Resolutions Ex proasivo of the Great Loss. A Commit too Appointed to Ar- JFnrtber Caromoninl- A most impressive mooting of citi zens wns hold nt the Academy yesterday torday to take proper notion on the death of President Garfield. The Academy was appropriately draped it mourning. Jn the qeiitro of the stage was a handiomo portrait rf Iho presi dent embwldcd in crape. Immediate ! } , tbove woie Iho words : ' 'A ' Nation' ? Sorrow. " In front of the boxes were the Bontitnonts : "A Hero Ha 'F.illen , " and "Wo bow and Wccp"j On cither mdo of the stage were the words : "It is the Hour of Grief"j and "Millions Mourn with us To day. " There Mas a very largo aiulj flno attendance present. The Mooting Opened' Shortly after eleven o'clock .Mayor ! (3i ( > yd stepped to the front of tJir [ platform and H.iid : I doom it my duty to announce lo you tlio death of James A. Gnrlicld , Into president of Iho United States , tnd I have requested you to meet liorc nt this hour to , pay proper ro- ipcct to his memory , and to take such tction as in your judgment you think Dost to pay to his memory the tribute * f aninceronnd hcnrtfult sorrow of a oss which is surely felt by overyon hroughout the broad domain. The loath that has ended his labors vas not unexpected , Ho was n child' ' f the people : born humble , but he lied the peer of the proudest and the est. I could not , if I would , make my extended remarks on this occasion , md I nwait the further pleasure of ho meeting. " "I move that James E. Boyd act M ilmirman of this meeting , " said Dr. G. j. Miller. The motion having been unanimous- y carried , Mr. 0. E. Yost was , on notion of Col. E. F. S my the , elected itcrotary. Boinp called for Ilov. A. F. Sherill iflerod the following "Oh God , our Heavenly Father , we ire g.ithored together hero in the ihadow of a great , sorrow. A great man lias fallen in our midst aud we nourn incommon grief together. We ] pniy theo O Lord our ' od that it will liolp Us to remember that thou still livuat and roignest King of Kings and Lord ot Lords'and thou has promised as if wo trust in Thy namu that thou ivill make nil things'to work to thy jlory and the good of men. Wo praj htc that wo u y P'aco ' all thingt lioforo thuo'in an humble spirit. May wo accept this trial with submissive liearts. May it teach us the uncer tainty of- lifo and the suronpproach of leuth. AH the nation mourns iii common sorrow , and ns others unit * with us in prayer to ihoo , may wo bt grateful that such a life ? so strong , si rounded , so useful , wns given us.cvei for u few years. Wo pray thco thill Dach ono of us may a > well servo our day and generation as ho has done , nno tuny each leave behind him as nobh ii record of a noble lifo. May all things bo in nccordanco with Thy wil in this'moQting. ' Wo nsk it for Christ' * Sdkof Aniun. " Upoh Iho concluaion of the prayoi Hon. J. L. Webster suid : "Ono o the brightest ilowoiu of our natioi has b on plucked by thu hand of ai assassin. It is fitting that t is citj ithould , iu an appropriate manner record cord its sorrow uud grief. 1 move that the chair iippom a committee of nine of which lion ( ami's M. Thurston shall bochairmai to diuft appropriate resolutions urn present them to this meeting. " Mayor Boyd appointed thu commit tee us follow H : Hon. J. M. Wool worth , Senator Alvin Saunders , Hon J. M. Thurston , Hon. J , L Webster Clinton BrigffH , Gno. B. Lake , Dr. G L. Miller , E. Uosowater and Frc ( Nyo. ThaRtaoJutiom , After a short deliberation the com initice loturnod and presented the fol lowing resolutions , whiih woio ruu ( ballon. J. M. Woolworlh : The protracted and v lulent sulferings o the president having suddenly terminate/ / In his death on Monday nf ht at 10:3 > > cli > ok , and the event having been an Bounced tn thy whole land by tolling o bolla and the emblem of woe. * We citlen of Omaha,8peedlly convene to coiiblder of thU solemn nnd awful dlh jpenbatlon of Divlnu Providence do roolvt The f.ftt . vlttan of the republic , tin chief of her tttto nen , the president I dead. A whole people niouin with tU cry us of Jfachel weeping for her children. Animosities of par ties and dlssentlons of factions , arc hiikh.d throughout the land nnd tin south end the north refuse to bo com forted. Henceforth the name of Jume A. Uarfielu iulnscrlbi'ilmi the memory , hi virtues ore entombed Jn the heart * nf a devoted - voted , loving and Krateful people forever In the death of President Garlield tin country has been deprived of the Bervlcei ; , ftKreftt , ' , ' ! ninfnablo public servant ills chlvuJriu nature equal to every trroail exigency , the generous culture which graced his publlo speech , the wide extcrl- ence wlijgh he had gathered through twen ty years of kervice for the nation , gave as 1 urunce to the people of n wise , Ju t andl beneficent admlniHtratlon of the lawn. I Itesolvcil , That as a part of thegreail SS ? ' . . ! * . ! , ' > olIi1'w.0 ; pn l.oui | . . in the coiitruillnJ - - . . . .v.iuu of our dead piMldent'a life I iiamcly , that liberty , republicanism n. t'l ' lu.t giiveinment are greater than urn I Jllice and greater than uny laun ; thatwil iwlut to hi * woitls In this behalf HI , nuionil iheKraiidestererenundated ! that , secuilf the tioHteulou of this putrlollo axiom vo locifc to the help of God and ( he caln I avf if " > H 'ff ' public tiplniou to iiretervtl | win this hour of desolation , to nerve ti f vith couroge for the future , and to leail to the ulthnalo glory nf which our lnstl-1 "tlnns , w full of nromuta L Id and Hwcet virtues of hU . o-l * * ' * Wi'lch luIlUt.a11 k' - ? < ? luIlUt. " ? ii md all trlumjilw , mule liU homo Li * chlt ) , call for the tondcrcut sympathy for heroic wife and lo\Inc child rtn whom lie has left to the cure , the i flection i ml 1 the gu rdiumhlp of the nation. Hon. J. M WoolworthVi Romnrln In nlft'iing the resolutions to ( huj iiiouting Hon. J. M. Wuolworth made thu fallowing remarks : "What can wo sny ut a time like ; tliii. The whole people Imvo Blood' ' through weary weeks andlong months by tlio wide of otio who wns selected ir'oin their number to servo thorn in the chief magistracy. Hopointj against liupo , followed with doubt , with the iBsurntico that the worst might come , tt any time , they have looked to the and with anxious npproliunsion. Y-t now tlnit tlio blow luis coino wo arc stunned and shocked and wonder that it cumo so soon. I cannot trust myself while my grief is so fresh , to speak of thin man. His cliivulric nature never qunilcd before my trial or assault. Before tholovo he ' bo'ro her who brought liitn into ilie world , is scui the calm and BWF.KT AFFECTION ho exhibited to the conitmiiion if his manhood. Uis cliildrun arc loft orphans , Unless this people adopi them for their own. 1 would not trespass on Hint solemn feeling which makes silunco moro clo- quont than voi-ds. It ! s sorrow row and priof throughout tlic land til to-day are como together , biought hero by ono common iinpnlco , over- liorno by ono cotnnnn soriow. This , tir , is Uio tliird who ] ins boon shot dead by the bullet , and n the event of c.ich was illustrated \ tendency of the tinic.s. Hamilton \ > ll by the ballot of the duulist , and n that death A KF.UO Of IIAKDAIUKM ivcnt down forovcr. Lincoln foil by ! liu bullet of thu rebel , and in hnt death VIIB buried UK > | lopes of all who deserved anything > ut the Rood of the onliro nutionJ Vnd now Garfiuld is dead , shot down > y a s [ iiit which roprcsonts wounds Kid principles which Qed grant may , o buiied in hia trravo. Mr. Presi- out , I cannot add moro. HE WAS A OllEAT MAN , , a wisoman , a noble man. jet in embalm liis memory as it is re- orded foruver on the greatest page of ur country's history. A- Campbell's Remarlo- A. 0. Campbell , junior member ol .he law firm of Doatio & Campbell , n ado the following remarks : That noble form has porhhcd , that ustrous eye is dimmed , that gun tie icart is stilled , that vlnquotit ton ue s silenced , that bright and flaming ntellect is extinguished. "There nay bo many Ciusars cro such an > thur Julius ; " there may bt nnny presidents ere such an- ithur ( Jarficld. There are times Mr. . 'resident when language fails of its Mission , and is inadequate to give ex pression to tlio feelings nnd sunti- nunts of the soul , and at times tiletico would seem to bo moro bo- itting , At such a time as this when ifty mil ions of frcb people npproacli .ho bier of a beloved uud martyred president to pay their tribato ol ( bmngo to his worth and eicolleiico , he silent tear is moro eloquent than ny words thah pout can paint , ot rater utter. Wo can not express the leop niiguish , the heart felt lorrow , the woo , the grief , that ills the hearts of all of all nations , such n time as this wo cm. hold ] vith the poet , 'that it is naif a mn "To put in words the grief we feel , Per words , like nature , half reveal , And half conceal the uoul within. " But if wo cannot express our grief paint our sorrow , wo can each and ill bear testimony to the Christian , 'irluos , the matchless ability , thoj Spartan courage , the sublime forti- ude , the angolio purity of James A. :5iu : field. Of him it can be said , born in poverty , reared in ndvoisl y , " ho overcame over obstacle , sur- nonnted every dilliculty , rose step by itep from the lowliest to tlio highest , intil at last ho reached that proud ; iinnacle where the nations of the uncovered in his presence , ilis life was ono grand trugglo against adverse cir cumstances. In curly life "thrown into that crucible in which destiny lasts a person whenever she wishes it scoundrel or a domi-god , " James A. ji.irlicld came out the demi-god. In nis lifo wo can read the lesson "fa soul Hiiblimo rhat hath felt the Influence of malignant htur , | And waged with fortune an unequal war , " Driveron the tow-pathteacher in the oliools , professor nnd president of jollegoveteran , on the liold , represent itivo in cotigrcfis , senator-uloct from ho third state in the union , president if the grandest republic that Godevei milled upon , enthroned in the hearts > f the people , martyr among martyrs , nournt-d of humanity , such is and has been James A. Qurtluld. "His is > iiu of the four , thu immortal name * hnt wore not bom to die. " Mr. Tfanntoa' * Rewarlu- Hon. J. M. Thutston , being called ipon , spoke substantially as follows ; Under the shadow of this awful ca- amity the nation is dumb. The ruler if the greatest nation in the world is itruck down in his manhood , in his prime unexpectedly and dastardly. A. roan who in the future vill bo regarded as a nodcl for coming generations. Sprung from the people , born in pov erty , in manhood sent i y them to the mils of Congress to legislate for the < oed of all. Ho was tlu nan who above all others hews the capability of the American people. Leaves Imvo their time to fall \ml lowers to wither nt tbu north-wind' ' breath , Jut thcni liOJ-t all 11 BCMoaa for thtno own , O Death ) Cementing all sections , the great fleet of his death will bo loyo of tin vltolo conn ry and not of part i roni thin day has sprung that eonti- [ tentin his death , as well as liislifo o has done good for the liberty am Iu of his chosen people , Judge Uavage'i Obiervatioui. Hon. James W. Bavat-o said : 1 ] ave hurried from public duty inl rdor to bo present at this mooting tel \ stun not to speak. Silence , sad-l less and woo are not io bo expressed by language. The eutiro civilized world grieves with us. A few weeks tgo I crossed the Atlantic. For ] ton days wo were without news. On our approach to the cove ] f Cork wo saw a boat ] coming to meet us. All on board ! ? our bodt looked earnestly to see if tlu Hugs Bho carried were Hying high When itcaily to m wo hailed her "How U Garfioldr"Die question neb hoard. Again wo hailed , "How is Garliold ? " "AM. niaitr , " came ringinir back. Never gentle men , have I listened to such a heart } cheer us rung from thu hnt > tniB nbonrd. All nationalities joined in the shout. A few week * Inter I returned in the same boat ti this country. On Hearing this const the same question wns nuked the first mnn who boarded us. "Bul , " ho re plica , The qloom and sadness which instantly spread over the ship was o > goiipral as had been the proviour gladness. England and nil foreign nations mourn with us und extend to thouifo , who was hin strength and comfort during his long illness , to hu mother''who patiently awaited nt homo for news , to the children who are no\v' < 6rphancd , their deepest sym pathy. Senator i Senator Siumders being introduced delivered himself thus ; I 1 was well acquainted with . A , G.ufield nnd visited him man } ! times btforo nnd nftor his election. ! f never felt less like talking in in ) I lifo tlmu Upon this solemn occasion [ It is thu hour for grief. Iknewnonmiil whoso judgment 1 valued so highly.l Wo all felt 113 though wo had lost njj ioar : nnd dear relatives , nnd when thc | gallant struggle of weary weeks > vor , nnd ho who HO KULDOltVA8 COXQUEHKD is conquered nt last by deulh , wo nir terrible loss. Thu children ofE 3ai field are from this moment thu ( children of the nation. To the d nijed mother his loss is The nation c.xn take euro of itsulF,9l md will do so. Nothing chuffs lil'ect the pcrinaiieucy of these insti-B lutioiis. It has a and needs nu'.HE ' > ur sympathy , but the wife docs Nothing can compensate hur for her oss. Ilubbod by death of her hus- > and's life , she should have out full- . at sympathy Goii. Mnnderson. There were , loud culls for Gen. Sanderson , wl'io finally stopped for ward nnd said : While speaking of Garfield thi president , 1 desire to say something if Garfield the man. Future genera tions will exalt him not so much for liis qualities as a ruler as his qualities is a manly man. I first mot him in 1850. I was than studying law ; 10 was a professor in a college neai my old homo. My acquaintance was tgam renewed in the army of tlu Cumberland bcforo his duty called lira to Washington. I mot him lusi a Ohio , ono year ago. This is al most the anniversary of the day. He was the observed of all the observers ; ; ho man upon whom wan falling the 'till broad light of criticism. When I saw him liis noble face and manly attitude were sufficient to set' tin all questions of calumniation , The n'ahon lives , for it cannot diu It is iv mutter of consolation that the 'urther suffering and pain of James A , Garfield is no more. With him it i now everlasting peace. Hia was- the truest lifo and noblest death the gen- jr.Uiou has furnished. Viear General Riordan- Very Rev. Vicar "General Riordan , ho pastor of thu Cathedral church , represented 'his absent bishop , aud bo ng called upon by the mayor , spoke .is follows : Mr. Mayor nnd Follow Citizens : I regret very sincerely that ollicial duties an unavoidable character have un- my right revet end supeiior , Dr , 3'Connor , in a district seine fwu hun dred miles west of our aiilicted city. L'liotit-h personally absent , you mny ) o iissnrcdUhat hu is with u.s in spit it , md shares in your thoughtful , maul } tnd feeling expiession of municipal ! regret. I have no hesitation in say- ng that no prelate or clergyman imongst the seven millions of Catho- ] ! ics living within the limits of oui .jreat republic , entertains more pro-Hi otind sympathy for Mrs. Gariiold un4 ninily , or fuels moro acutely tba na- iunul stain on our glorious tl.ig by a second presidential assassination tlmn the eminent citizen who , in compli- with the wishes of our lute Holj _ Author Pius IX. , camp wesfc sonic ivo years ago , casting his ministerial I ot amongst the people of this pros- Iri > crouB city. ri I have another assurance to givi /ou gentlemen , and that is that no Downed head , no prince or statesman 'n Europe entertains a more profound lympathy for Mrs. Gurlield and ninily and our afflicted republic than i the noble and generous pontiff wh ( spiritually rules 250,000,000 of Ontho ! ics , our Holy Father Pwpo Leo.XlIl , Jnder these circumstances , knowing the footings of the sovereign -pontiff , thu feelings of the hierarchy clcrtiy and Catholic citizens of thesoUnitod States , md specially of Bishop O'Connor am liis devoted clergy and congregations. L hastened last night to give instruo lions to have our Cathedral bel oiled till midnight , aa echoing tht sorrows of a nation over the broai but silent waters of thu Missouri. I have , therefore , the mournfu' latisfuctiun . . , in . the absence of ni ] U'ht reverend superior , of assuring you that our fullest sympathies an vith .you in your public expression o [ eolinp. Once ono of your president * 'oil by the hand of an assassin-tin i llnetrious Lincoln and now again mother president , equally illustrious , alls a victim to the bullet of the as- mssin. Both presidents died , but : ho Blllictud republic lives , and wit I Glod'a blessing , ever and over shall live. Rer- MrBberrill - Rov. A. F. Shorrill said lie would ppy ! to Garfield the language thai vas uttered by another urcat man : 'I have fought the oood fight ; I have ! finished my course and kent faith. Ho Henceforth is laid up a crown whichlli the Lord , the mighty judge , will give to me on that day. " Ex. U. S. Dist. Atty , Neville doliv-lq cred a few brief but very elegant audio appropriate remarks. Ho was followed mv by Moj , Olarkson , who , being loudly Bi | uallcd for , related an interview whichBji don. MoBrido and Senator Vun \Vyck had with the president , in which ho expressed a great desire to ice Nebraska. / The question OH adoption of the ! " csolutions was put and the resolul" ions unanimously adopted. , Col. Ohaso moved the appointment of a committco of ni .0 , of which Gen. I Mundeisoii shall bu chosen chuirnmti , ! to take churKO of all corumoiiKs inl : onnectiou uith the celebrnti > n ofj the funoml floniccs whijh tike plii test MomUy. The inniioii wiw ! idotitcd * Senator b.iiindera inovedl thut u copy of the resolutions bo seiitj liv tlio chniriiiaii of the tnei ting to the ] A idow of President Garfiold. Unalii- oitsl ' adopted. I Hon. J. F. Kinuoy , one of tho' board of agriculture , was present nnd had it copy of the resolutions , which ivoro passed by the board nnd the } tvi-ro , by request , read. Upon motion , the resolution. ! wore incorporated in the proceedings of the meotiiu' . At J2:40 : the most impressive gath ering over seen in the city of Omaha tdjourned to await the call of tin- ohitirman. COUNCIL. A Rather Quiet Session Held Last Night. Rosolationa on the Donth of the [ President Pas&od. At the rc < ! iilar moetiugof thocoun-l oil last night the following niombcrJ | were present : BaLer , Corby , Dun-I ham , KaufmanlcUavook ] \ , O'ICeefvl and iStiill. Mr. lluiman presided. Air. Kaufman moved the rule * bo suspended and only communiq.i- ( ions , committee rupoits and saiy businuss ho attended to. Adoiit- ud. ' The following ordinances wore ap proved by the mayor : Making up- unipriations for the payment of li.t- bililiua incurred in August ; levying n ipeciiil tux for curbing tmd guttering ! Purnham street from tlie vast curb ol Fifteenth street to the center of Eighteenth street ; fL\inj { the cotupcii- iittion of inspeitois otvti < ; hts aud measures ; concerning thu hurso rail- way. ' ftlr. Shclton garo official notictli that a number of hydrants were inl propcr'shapo and turned the same jver to tlio city. TJiis was ivfeired to the committee on natur works and ' lowers. Sir. WcCuno , of the police force , IVIIB allowed one week's absence nu iccount of the illness of his father , it Des Moines. The water works company request- id that sumo ordiiiauco bo pasaud to itnp peisons from fooling with the furious hydrants. Suvuiul had been instructed by brooms and biiuk-bats. deferred to the judiciary committee. The appraisers reported the ) considered John t > . Jones damaged to the extent of $400 by reasoi'i of the ihaifio in grade on Douglas sheet. Referred tn finance committee. John H. Horbuch loqucsied * that the cnuncil take action in regnrd U delinquent city and county taxes , on lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 , in block D. He- furrtd to judiciary committee. A number of ciii/.uns signed a com munication rcquesiing that the watei pipe bo extended 'along Suventeentl ; sticot , between Jzard and St. Paul st routs. Kefuired to comtuitieo on waterworks and scwera. Bids were received from ten parties for lots advertised for sale in block 344. Referred to committee on pub lie property and improvements. . > Bids were received to furnish labot md matoiial tor thu construction ol jewors from Ittuer Bros. , Murphy & Co. , and McCauley & O'Briuti , of Omaha. Referred to committee on waterworks and sowers. The linanco cummitteo mended that S. G. Mullet , city tn-as- urer , bo denied additional hulp'in ' his jllico. Adopted. The report of the committee on jliiims that D.ui Slmtiuhan be paid f49 was adopted. Thu committee on water works and 3uwots reported that Hugh Murphy ' i Co under bid McOauloy & O'Brien 5415.05 for constructing the nuivers [ md recommended that the coiur.tct be awaidcd the latter. Adopted. The ordinance establishing a sow- ( I jrago district wua read by title and leforred to the judiciary committee. A special ordinance appropriating money to John H. Green for curbing md guttering Furnhmn street from Ffteonth to Eighteenth. Passed. Ordinnrco establishing thu grade of rwoutyfieth street from St. Mary's L ' tvenuo south to the Union Pacific railway track passed. I The following resolutions were pasHed ; That n sidewalk bo laid on St. Mary's uvonuo along Oak Knoll iddition' to Bishop Clarkson's resi lience ; that a sidewalk bo laid on Furiihum street fr m Twenty-first to rVenty-fifth street ; that bo placed 011 the northwest corner of il Eleventh and Jones streets ; that the ) iron culvert ut the corner of Califor nia nnd Fourteenth streets bo moved f to Webster street , to replace tht I wooden culvert now there ; that 500 copies of the city ordinances compiled | under thu supervision of G. 8. Chasi be published in law book form utidei the direction of the committee on printing , 100 to bo bound in calf and the remainder in pamphlet form , uud I that thu volumes contain also the con i stitution of the United Status and th rity charter. The city engineer's re tort on cidowalka not built nor re f paired was adopted. Tim committee in gas was instructed to keep the tamps on Tenth street burning all night while the street is being graded , Air. Herman was grunted leave of jb'cnco during October. At the conclusion the following resolution was adopted : ' Whereas , Wo Imvo learned with I thu deepest Borrw of the death ol James A. Garfield , president of tin- United States , therefore bo it Resolved , By tlio city council of Omaha , that appreciating the nobility I. if his character , the completeness of liis manhood and the maturity of his A'isdoiii , admiring the patriotism and itatesmunship which so thoroughly jimliflod him to fill thu presidential D ( ilrlco , this council , in the midatof uni rorsal sorrow , and as a token of re- ipect to liia memory , does hereby ad- L1 ourn. Adopted. U pied. DU UN ALL. Monday morning ut 8 /clock , of typhoid f y r , Mm. Durnall , ii vlfo o ( Samuel Durnall. Funeral from ate resilience , 1135 Sixteenth utrcet at 3 in. TburjJ y. Frleml * luviteil to at ad. OMAHA A1EDIOAL COLLEGE Full session begins Oct. 10 , J881 Address , G. D. AYKEB , M. D. , Sec. "DI.AOK.DRAUGHT" cures costive ness ni'd AtO. I * SPECIAL NOTICES. NOriOE-Aihcrtlsciiicnt To Loan , Forbaln. , < wt. Found , WnnU , lloarcllnt , tc , , ntllbein crtcd In those colnmni onto for TEN CENT ? jer line ; ench aubsoquont Insertion , FlYECKNTr icr line. The tint Insertion noicr lc thai CWKNTY-FIVK CENTS * TO LOAN-MONtY. I ONKY TO LOANChrkson & Hunt , 21,1 , S. I 11th Street. t ! ) If [ ONKV TO LOAN Uall ut l.iw OHluol D L It. Thonm UoomS. C'rnlirhtnn Illonk. , To loan at from 8 lo 10 pi r tent , _ , , , J on irood c-tntirecurlty , l > s ill. H AC KDWAlllX. 110 ! ) 1'arnhani ft > > ' * m / MMITOCAN ' At S lier crntln iPr itMUlv tercit In sum * of fi.WXl and ipnanK f or 3 to B year . on llr > til.i a rlty nut nrni ( iroiKrty. UPMIS UKAI , I > I\TK and I.o * ' \HKVCY. ISth and | ) nir/l.-i Sl HELP WANTED. W ANTKD-OooJ soon- girl at ISla C strcL-t. -iJ-tf WAXTRO-Olrltoilo pcncral hoimnnrlc In family ol three ; tin children. Wax s SI 00 iir ive It. Apply 181S Uotyl-is St. . 4J-U2' - ( -noilsirl nliout 11 , to insist In ! WANTKDAnoilsirl nUii-is. .Mu.t eoinoMlth good lu'trcncej \ildrcM.MerLhanta.Oty. S'MI WANTI1I ) A lood , ll\o nun , uxpcrlcncctl In ilu erjcLciy biitlncis. Itnnirillktoly ISAAU8. 41-io W'ANTKI ) cr , 110J Farn'iani St.,1 up Ulr . 30-tf WANTED-Rnrn to rent , xillhln flx Joih-L ol lAtli aiul tnrnliam KU Applv 15131 rt.rnliam Si. 3S If ANTED-nood- irlrl at sotit'mc8i ' | VY loincr 10th and i iirtSt. US-tf W' ANTIJl I Ity four j oungr mm , who ran fur i lull trnod rufcrunvu , either tatilc b aril 01 toaril ai.d . led lnK. Addres' , amtlnj ; lurtlcnUr-J : . A. U. , Ili5 , nlllce. 37-M WANTKD Situation by y nng jninMlllnc to ork ut any respectable buslnesn. Ad- Irejj A , lice olllcu. 45 21 * WANTEU First-class ba-ber , will puarantoo Hftcen dollar * per week , SIS South lath It. , bet. Farnham und Ooujjlas. 27-21' rtTAXTKD A steady , competent girl for sec YY " ' "I work ; wages jjpcruccli , J1HS. A. J 'ul'1'ljt.TON. 23 21 W ANTK D nlnjr room gI at lielntka'a Itcstan ant , 13th and Jaikiou Stu. 81 IANTKD Womin cook at t o R met w House. 33 tf WANTED Situation by a joung man In s'ore. Knqnireut the In clllgcnco ufllco , UhHt , bet. Kanihaii.and llarncy. W 'ANTKU-A Rood hors.tor n dellr rj nagon. W. M Yaten , IDIli and Dodfo St. W'ANTED-Oiil at 10s8 Ncirtli 10th trct , opposite J. J. Brown. llitS J. il. COUNS IAN. 070-tf ITirANIED-A boy at Peterson's Uolhlng1 YY store , F04 S. 'tenth St. A Uciiuan picfcr- d Hu t give good reference 99tf N i KD-GIrl at 2GOI Dodge street. WA "TO-tt ( vra -.i I I'Inn room girl , at th Dorah Home , opK > slte Bee otU c. 074-tl IJirANTKI ) KtsjMji-talile ( inp'ouneiit liyluu- VV band utid wifeAUdrcs I > . l > . G , Kee I- Ice 9I7-tf ITTAXTKi'- II. W. Hartlgan , jimpiIctor of YY the Ml ouri i alley Holler Works. Omaha , Job. , four drat class bollcr-niakcra No o her iced apply. Bustwages , akl. M. W. IIAltil- IAN. 8.15-tt l"\7"A\TED-At Victors rcstonrant , a girl , > Y aboyand a good waiter. ( ! oed \vajoj \ \ 111 0 111' . , . OSttl WANTKD To rent , by a newly married con lie before Nov. 1st , a email tottajio entrally located. Address 1(0 in 14 , Crcljrlnon ' 31ouk. il AKTKD Olrl at 11R3 North 10th St , 4 VV house north of bridge. II. 1) . IMuOM. 853-tf Two experienced cools , blx liclp-l WANTED ruand thlr'y table xvaltera , during UCCK | _ if tatofuir. tnqultoof D. T. MOUNT. 842 tt H12Funimm at. m V7ANl'KlKiiiidiiihridKrand ithool boudCl YY H.T.Clark , 0 ll ue. 20-tf _ ' FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. 1710" li\T ( : A ntwcotttgcwltli three rooms' , L j'ist ' llnl-lied. Inquire on i/rcinlsey,30tU nt , 'tt. Kirniiam and Douglaa. 23 tf 71011 IlKNT Finnlshed klttlui ? and b'd r emU U cheap ; with board If preferred. 1403 i ass tit. 10-2J . 'Oil KrNT < ioodhon > e , 10 rooms and 8 00 wortn of furniture ( hero In for fcalo Apply oS , T. Peterson , Itaii liitale Agent , h. K. ior , till and Donglan St. 934-tf lUNT-Ju-t nnlshediwo Hrst-claio two- FOR hrl 'k houses , 8 and 9 rooms , smh'e id cemented cellars ; 310 mouthy In advance. V.SI. UUSIIMAN , S. E. corner JMh ai.d Uouc B tin. OiJ-tf r.lOK RENT S furnished room * over Altu chant * ' Exchange.N , K. ccr. IBth and Dodgi ' 'n ets. isn.ii 17011 KENT-One room with board , 1 03 Call * fornla Ntrcot. 7. tf - iiv IlKNT Kleirantfurniahcd rnome. uuuu alilo prjccui , brick house , SOISUaMi St. Oil i | = oa SALE. . neil IlKNTiiR FOR SALK-TwoJartre , new L Hue within quarter mile of post of- iC4 , nerBt Han's A > cuuu ami IsthSt ; 9and t rnoniii caih Juslfoiniilelul. One 84u end ne tOO per mouth. BEillH , Agent , 16th and on'las at. 1"- ' OH IlKNT Two cotlafes , four rooms each , ' im Fourteenth ttreet. Enquire of Then. * 1ft. 49-tf 7 < iU REST 3 furnished or unfurnished roomi I' f r liounokecpliife' , S blocks from | K > t office ; 00 NorUilMh t-reet. 42-22 . AKOod hone. Inqulru at New FOU8AI.K Co. , 1UOS F n.lum at. 8 21 OR * ALB 1 flint-class < ahlnet organ , very L' cheap : nearly new. Inquire Milton ] togcr > Son , 14th and Farnham Bt. : < 0-tf nOR RALK-Abont 300 > ardi of dirt , L' nonthea t corner 20th and Cum ug , Ipim re FRANK 8ASJ1ROU , 6Ii north lOUi utreet. 092-tf . BALE Four acres of land near water EOfl. reservoir , aluotuo cottaj'e on Caplto 1. Add. ANHULWHbVIN3.lbOO | Vougtu bt. rtOR SAI.K A large , commodious , new , tw LJ story liftu BwIth well ; jood loca Ion , neai ioreu can , full lot with tree , well , lUtern , ttc 'cnui reaaonaWo. Eii'inlron' I' , W. Roe , Klin . , bet. Charles and Seward Bti. 0--7-2 * > U10R. It BALE.ESTAHItOOK ESTAHItOOK * COK. SAF.E-A small enslne , II. W. Payne I FOR Son' * make. In perfect osdcr. Inquire of | i , . Clark & Co. 30-tt I7IOR SAI.K A * p n of ponlci , buyiry and liar L1 ni ; bu yy a most new. Apply at tht laledonlan Salovn , U. 1' . block , 10th tit. "til-tl I7O11 UALK Uateand fiiriuturuof alnt-cU hotel In a t wn of 1SOO InhahltanU , In ktati Nebraska ; has Zt lieda ; the trat cllnir tnen'a rt > art Inquire at 11KB orUce. 218-tl HOI ! aAI.G M ps of Dou Ukand Harpy couc- tie * . A. IIOafcWATKitH20Kariih ru trtcl 320-tf neil tiALB-Neat hou o and full lot , 12 block * from I' . O. at $1X10. JOUN L , . JkC'Aouii , _ 71S-II Opp. I'ototllce. FOR SALB-Fino atock farm of 100 a cm food houw , cattlu shed , orchard ic. , wltu my reach of railroad. I'rlce , 81500 , par imu at VJOHN L. UcCAOUK , Opii. I'oal Itllc-e. tlit ! tl * BAkK-Neat eottairvand good lot al FOIt . JOHN L. McOAUUK Opp. f. O. SP5DIAL HOTIDES-Oonnmiod I r oUsKH AND I.AMJ llrnn rrntt hutitr < . L'l. utorcs , hotcN , finr ote , Unil < , rooms , etc , See 1st tnjf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hou c \-tli | four room * and half lot , No. iII3 Dod.-o liotnccn 2utli nml ! 7th ttrcct. Oood Hell nrnt plindn Iri'cs ; ) ioiie In < oo l condition. Inqulvo on piwmUci. tSl'it rTMnttBI.IJUU.AliH l-nl-i ni n-n rc < l bj M. U S01HTT lllh anil Rirnnin U , TSOtf MISCELLANEOUS. CJTIIAYEUOII STOt.BN-On IhonUhtot IHh Q of September , | { r y cell nbout thrca jc r ) l < l , with white face nml tliclut era "J. K."bmml- ! on i lie lift hipntnl shonliler. A rcwird will > u inlet ( or hU lu'iirn or for-ny Inform t Ion cndliiKto 111 * re oury. SAM UUSiCK , 1'oit Jinalu. 2S4' II ) HAY At A. II. HnnJcr's Kcul Store , J 101.1 f I irncy St. MiMf SITUATION \VANTKI-lly 5Oiin > { man to. drhoJiack or | 'tl tc mrrliire ; utilctly ru- i uctablo. AiUrcsn K. A. , lieu olllce. 18-20' On la\to street , ft litlle noith of Oinn- FORT " , a jil.iln cold rlnp. ktlcrrJ nnil U'o I. Tlio finder nil ) 1)0 nmid-om ! } rvu-n (1 d f he Hill cominliiiicnto with K. IV ; I1. O Box ) ? . ' . , Unmlia- \lli : TAUTV1Vho took clur o of M A. .l . . NnH'Oatsti'iMof Oinmny trock , co nnl' . Icttira anil oAiiiplos of rlno tr , " 11 intommont Canlk-11 llonmi , nlll liu liberall . \nnkil nnd no ( | iicttloni nskiil. i0 : < : Ut1 rive lieacl inllcli IP-VS bt Jnlm KOI mix's fnnn.on Itollouio mail , nbonl 3 iillciNoiltli of tlio dty. Oumrmn ln\u snno ty pratliiKirop | .irt > and t \ > his1 hm ge * . li M * Klrst-cl.i s coik winteI for nihata NOTIuK ! ) ) - . t- linn rent residence' . . - < oUti ) 10th ; st. JIMS. ir. KOU.NTOH. VM-ZO * . JlMSlii ! : > Hull.MS-Ito.isoiiiiblo rutod at Lli. 1717 Cuiul igH , btL 17tlia il Ittll fctrec ' . . ) i tr OOhTUM : TKM.UII AM ) MKIHUtt Mn. i. ' Pllza. tell * pail , i rc'cntnnil future in lota ( .md all nlTiirn. hho ro\ciN tinilcepit > t stcrotsof cart. MiiMioMin-is the mifjnctii : power to fulfill nil your tti hm Cull at No. yi.2 corner ICta and Chicago strctt. FINK HOUSK TO IlKNT lle-t pi il of the city , 1" rooiin , bath-roim , wilcr elo ct , jiai fnr- iacc , &e , N.Slinlton , 1513 KnrnhiuiiSt. IC-23 M.MIA Hlltl ) SrOIIK IlaHfortaoal kinds 0 of Korelcn and Inmc8tlu ) HIrils , alan ISInl fanclcry poods , nt 10J South lJili St. , hetxvcen ujihs an Dodgo. ang20-.liii. IUii | > USAL KOIt MAY Rid. will he received by tno undersigned until noon. S p'u bee ! 6th , 1SS1 , for ' . ' ! ) tot s ol hay , to bu dJU end to 'he Still tiirricrs of the U i aha pos office , tbo aid hay to bo liluo stein , n iddllnv c nrao and of the very hert quality. JuSEl'll UlCIlBAtj. ScptlO-il2tS\v2t. Onial.a 1'ostolllt-c. P1UVATK INSTHUCTIONS In French , Ger man , Gnck nnd Latin. I'rol H.nry ( W. Mpok. HUB CallfoniU S > SOO-QC3 BEM1S has rattllUK'lonllttn of liousos. loto lands aud tarrn for B.\le Call and KG ! them. > A'i MKS. U. K. CLAHKK'S No. 1 Hoard CAM \ Itonee , cor. 13th and Vodgo tits. Heat ii the tity. SlO-tl n EJII3' REAL ESTATE BOOH. Sec 1st p ge. nr r EMI8' NKW CITY MAPS.25C. Soc 1st p { UP \ red cow. Ownur can h Y < J. name by pro * in ; property and pnylnff uliarKca. FltANUd UOUBCxS , Saundcrs Gr.uoSt- ' . au2l-ev KMIS' KKAL ESTATK EXCIIANUK. ti B rr U. BROWN Corner 12th and Chicago Li . streets , Is rmly to bore or deepen wells , . COUNCIL BLUFRS SPECIAL NOTICES. ANTED K\cryhoilr In Conne'1 Rluffs l it tAoTiiK UKC , 2' cents p.r cuk , de- iliend by camera. OititocOr cr ur odwuy and Main , up stairs , Councl llluffs. 6u-Mt T. > buy 100 tons brorni crrn. WANTED address Coii'iill Bluffj Ilioom Factory , found D.iifTj , lonn C5i-2'Jtf A ooJ carpenter at once. Ap ply Jiynstcr & AiUuis , Council I'luflf , Iowa. 059-29 * . WANTED A fir t-ci ! H bnvm tier. Vayna & Co. , Council Bluffj , Iowa. CCO 20 * ANTKD A boy to ilo chord at Mvnstors WAN 11 ihcry , Council BuH , < . COt-So * ANT > iD Hood glrlforfjen ral housework. W ilari * JJynatcr , ( 'ounc.ll Bluffii' 002 tf TT ANTCn A fcltuatlon by a first-class n I'lor. Yl Had 20 , ioirs experience. Understandit old and netv i roco > fos. Speaks in'iilrnml U rman and at | ualuteil ulth btcnm and water p worn. Can pi. c 'he l cst ot rcfortnco. Will comonn trial at a < .y time , Addruia H. S , Box 1S11 , Council Bluff * , la. \ V AKTED -aMhtlenlan 6 * cx > ericnccand VLul'o 3 lialilt' , u poslt'on uith a firm , either at tierk or t travc' . lo crcncu given. I. U WA'lKINa CounUl niuft ) . 01229 e / 1AI/L on or addro Potter fc I'alnicr , 40 South \j Cth street Council Uitiffs , lona. for rall- road tltKcta onit. west , notthnnd south. Chicago 510.00 Hound trip S10.CO Kvi rv tckct uuar- uitceil.and tickets bouslit , sold and cxehan ed Two c-vpcrlcrico I hook Colorado and Utah. Addrui P. O , box 1214 , Council Bluff * Iowa. MK)2l ) * To Contractors , Builder * and Property Owners. The undo. tinned ba Injc been appointed agent 'or the oxtennho Iron and nlrn inanufao'iirlnff nousei of E. T. llarnum , nf Detroit , and the us-cl Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of to tons daily , \t \ prepared to uniUh ettlniates and prices for Iron columns , tc. , ic. , for store fronts , window caps and sills , threshold plitis. wrought iron bcanu and gird- in , hjdraulle clcvatora , staplii tlttlng * , ' inillcys , iliaftlntr , Ac. ; aNo Iron fences , cresting , v/m > Jew guards , shutter" , stairs , bale nits , Bcttceu , .hull 9ancs , aiquariunu , fountains , eumincr louses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornam nts , low or stands , gra * o suaril , &c. , & ' . . In cndloas arlcty. Catalogues supplied on application. lli-.NHV II. IIAItllY , Manufacturers' Agent , Zi I carl struct , Council Bluffs. Iovr l EDWAED KUEHL , V1AQI8TER OF PAf.MYsTEUV AND CONDI ; fiONAU.VT , tm Tenth Street , i.Lt c-o'iF.irnhiun md II * ney. Will , with tne aid of cuordlan ipiii'i ' , obtain for any one a glance at the past km ! pruMiit. and on certain condition * In the fu ture. H x > t and Shoes mudo to order. Perfect atlifactioii puarant4Cd , u28-lm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other trpatlon makut nuch light , flaky hot brcodi , nxurlous paltry. Van In ) rtton by Dttpcuilo It rout fear of thelllv rfiultlnit from heavy I nil od. Hold o lv In tain , In all Ororcn 110YAL lUUlHCil'OWDKIt CO r N w York. 0. Y. OOOJIUM s.