Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1881, Page 7, Image 8

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010 Harnnam , bet , Oth and 10th Streets ,
One cony lyrar , In ( uliatico ( postpaid ) , . . , . . $10.00 '
C months * " ' . . . . 6.0
S months " " 3.CX
Leave Omaha No , 2 through
. in. No. 4 , Oakhml | iaiiciitn.r , 8tOn. : ! in.
Arrho Omaha No. 1 , through jvvwcnzcr , 2:51 :
ID. No , 3 , Oakland p.-wjciiKtr , 6.30 p. w ,
G , n. ft Q. fi a. m. 3:40 : p. m.
. & N. W. , 0 ft. ra. 3:40 : 1) . tn.
. a , H. I. & r. . 0 A. in. 3:40 : p. in.
K. C. , SU J , & C. II. , 8 a in. 0M : p. in. Atrlr
tiU Louis at 0S5 : n. m. and 7:45 : a. m.
n. t M. In Noli. , Through Pjcnrrm , 8:38 : k. m
It. k It. Lincoln KrUKliU-7iOO p. m.
V. V RXVTKH , 1JIB p. in.
O. * It. V. for 1 Inioln , 10:20 : x in.
U. A 11. V , lor Odccolfi , 0:40 : n. in.
V. I' . freight No. 6 , 6:30 : n. in.
IT. P. freight No. D , 8:18 : a. m.
II. 1' . frclRlit No. T , 0:10 p. m. emigrant.
U. P. frelirht No. 11 8:28 : p. m.
C. B. & O. , 8:00 : n. re. 7:25 : p m.
O. b N. W. , 0:4B : n. u.-7:25 p. m ,
C. lU I. ft p. . 0:46 : n. in. 9:05 p. m.
K. C. , St. Jou & 0 U. , 7:10 : ft. m.-4IG : p. m
W. , St. L. ft P. , 10U : a. m. 4:2fi : p. m.
O. ft R. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m.
U. P. Expr < * 3:25 p. m.
B ft M.ln Neb. . Through Kxproil:16 : p. m
B. ft M. Lincoln Freight 8:30 : a m.
U. P. Frcljiht No. 10-1:40 : p. m.
No. 0 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant.
No. 8 10:60 : p. m.
No 12 11:35 : o. m.
O. & IU V. mixed , ar. 4:38 : p. ra.
Hcbraeta Dillon ot tno St. Paul ft Sioux Citj
No ! leaven Omaha 8:30 : a. m.
No. 4 loam Omaha 1.30 p. m
So. I arrhti at Omahaat 6:30 p. m.
No. 8 arrives at Omaha at 10:50 : a. m.
oouNtit , Biurrs.
Loa\c Omnra at 800 , 9.00 and 11:00 a. m.
l.-OO 2:00. : 3.00 , 40. 6:00 nnd 0:00 : p. m.
Loaxe Council Mutant 8:25 : , 0:28 : , 11:2 : $ a.m.
1:26 , 2:25 , S'28 , 4:25C:25ond : C:25p. m.
Sundays The durcmy loa\ci Omaha at O.OC
and 11:00 n. m. ; 2.00 , 4 :00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Lcact
Oonncll llliilli at 9:25 : and 11:25 a. in. ; 2:25 , 4:21
and 6:25 p. in. _
Opening and Closing of Mail * .
03TX. OPr.N. CL08S.
a. m. p. m. a. in. p. m ,
Chicago ft N. W . 11.00 9:30 : 4-80 2:4C :
Chtcajoru. I. & Pacinc. 11:00 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Ohlcayo , B. 4 Q . 11:00 : 0:00 4:30 : 2:41
Wabiwh . . . . 12:30 : :30 2 :
Sloiu City and ruclllc. . 11:00 4:30
Union Paclllc . 6:00 11:40 :
Omaha ft R. V . t.M 11:40
B.4M. In Neb . 4:00 8:40 5:30 :
Omaha i Northwestern , 4JO ! 7:30
( x > cal mails for State ot Io a lca\ but once a
day , \lzi 4:30 a , in.
A Lincoln Mn.ll Is also opened at 10:30 a. m.
Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
THOS. > - HALL P. M.
Business Directory.
Abstract arid Real tstate.
JOHN L , McCAdUE , opposite Post Office. )
W. B. BAUTLETT "Sl7 South 13th Street.
Room 14. Crolgbton Bltck.
A. T. LAUQK Jr. , Room 2. Cielghton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
fine Boot * and Shoes. A good assortment o )
home work on hand , corner 12th and Harney.
THOS. EIUCKSON , 3 E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
60510th street , manufactures to order good wort
t fair prices. Retiring done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARUIMER Manufacturer. 1B17 Dourlaset.
Books , News and Stationery.
/ . I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Fomham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
McSHANE tc SCIinOEDER , the oldest B. and K
house In Nebraska cstaMlshod 137S Onmhx
MRS. A. K7AN ,
outbwejt comer ICthaml Dodge.
Best Board ( or the Money.
S tletactlon Uuarantccd
Meals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms lor Cash
Furnlshnil llnmns Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
WM SNYDER , 14th and Harney Street * .
Jeweller * .
JOHN BAVMKR 1311 Farnham Street
Junk ,
H. BET-THOLD , Ran and Metal.
Lumbr , Lime nr d Cement.
FOSTER & ORY corner 8th and Douglas Bt .
Lamps and alassware ,
m J. BONNER 1S09 Banalas St. Qood Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One o ( our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re-
celt Ing the latent designs ( or Spring and Suniinot
deeds ( or gentlemen wear. Stylish , durable ,
, aud prices low as ocr 216 lath bet. Douc.&Farn.
f J MRS. 0. A. HINDER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
fft cy Goods In great i arlety , Zephyrs , Card Boards ,
Hosiery , Glovcxi , Corsets , lie. Clieapent Houxo IK
UioWeat. Purchase sa\e 80 per cent. Ordel
br Mall. 115 FKteenth Street.
JOHN WEAHNK & SONS , cor. 14th& Jackson sU
HouranU Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Funbara Sts. ,
Wcl&hans Drew. , proprietors.
( Jrocors.
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Curolng and Izar
T. A. McSHANE , Com. 23d and Curalng atrocta.
Hardwaio , Iron and Steel.
3LAN & LANQWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and
112 16th street
A. HOLMES corner Iflth and CWItornla.
Harness. Saddles , Ac.
B. WKI8T 20 18th St. bet Farm ft Harnev.
ANFIKLD HOUSE , Oea. Canfleld,9th * Farnham
DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 013 Farnham St.
BLAVEN'B HOTEL. F. Blaven , lOUi Bt.
Southern Hotel , Ous. llam'el.Cth & LeaveAworth
, Iron Fencing.
The Western Cornice Works , Agents ( or the
Champion Iron Fence tc. , luuo on luuid all klnd >
of Fancy Iron Fences , Greetings , Flncals , Ralllni , ,
eto. 1310 Dotltre stroe , apl !
Clothing Bought.
0 .SHAW will pay highest Cosh price ( or secono
hand clothlnr. Corner 10th and rarnhain. :
DR. PAUL , Williams1 Block , Cor. UUi & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
Pharmaclirts , Fine Vane Uoods , Oor. IBtb and
Doutiii btreeU.
W , J , WIHTEIIOUf E , Whokeale & Retail , 10th st
a 0. F1ULD , 2022 hortn Bide Cumlng Street.
tl. PARR , Drusrglet , loth and HottarU Street * ,
Dry Conrls Notions , Etc.
New York Dry Goods Sx > r , 1310 and 1812 Farn
L o. EnewoM al o boots and ulioos 7thAI'clflf
A F. GROSd.Now .n4 Second Hand Furnltiirt
nd Sto\t , lilt liouwu. Hubert CMh prlc <
aid lor second lianu aw.
J , HONNKU 1 00 Doufi * t. Flno goodi , Ac.
A. MOVER , rnamif cturcro ( a h , doors , Mlndi ,
rnoldings.ncwcliJjilusteri , hand rails , lurnlihlDi :
rol ) wwlng , &c , cor Pixl e and 9tb trc U.
J R03ENFF.LR , 8 10th St. , bet. far. & H r
A. Donahue , plants , cutflontra , f coils , boqueti
itc. N. W , tor. Iflth an I IXniolas ttrceM.
Civil Engineers find Surveyors ,
ANPUF.W ROSKWATEtt , CrelRhton Wnck
Conn Kur r } > , Grade and Sc en o Sjntcina (
< pct laity.
Uammlttlon McrcHnnts.
JOHN 0. WII > US.UH Dodge Street.
) 11 ItKKMKR. Fnr details sco large rul crtl o
ncnt In Dallr and Weekly.
Cigar * and Tobacco.
VEST tt FRITOJIKKtimmifftcturcno ) ! ClR r
mil Wliolcvklo Dcilcrs In Tomcvoii. 11105 Doiitfhl
( V. V , I.OIULNZKN mvmtactiinr 614 10thstreet
Cornice Worki ,
Vcstcrn Cornice Avorl < , Manulacturcra I rot
"ornlcc , Tin , Iron and Ulato UooniiiK' . Onlcn
rein any locality proniptlv cvccut 1 In the IXMI
nanncr. Factory and Oil cc 1310 Dodge Street.
laUanltcd Iron Cornliia. Window Cnpi , etc.
iinimtacturctl anil put tip In any part of tin
ranntrv. T. SINHOI.l ) tlO Thirteenth utrcct
OrocVery ,
I. BONNER 13t Doucini ttroct. Good line.
Clothing and Hurnlihlng Qoods.
JKO. II. 1'CTKKSON. Also Hats , Cap * . RooU
tbocs , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th street.
Fence Works ,
JUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Hartley St. , Impro\c
d Icj HOXCS Iron and Wood Fcnrrs , OlHo
tallltm. Counters of Pine and Walnut.
Relrlceratorj , Canfleld's Patent.
3. F.GOODMAN llth St. l > ct. F rn. & Harnoy
Show Case Manufactory. )
ilannfacturcr and Dealer in all kinds ot Show
: ascs. Upright Cues , a : , 1317 Can St.
FRANK L. QCRHARD , proprietor Oraiht
ihow Caao manufactory , 818 South 10th street ,
letttccn Lctvvcnworth and Marcy. All goodr
warranted flrst-cliss.
Stoves Bim Tinware.
) ealcr In Stoves nnd Tinware , nnd Manufacture )
f Tin Hoofs and all kinds ol Building Worl.
Kid Fellows' Block.
i. BONNEtt. 1309 Douelas St. Good and Cheap
' . EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills ana
Mltlrators , Odd Fellows Hall.
Physician * an1 Surfieon * .
V. S. Q1BBS , M. D. , Riom No 4 , Crelghton
( lock , 16th Street.
P. S. LEISENR1NG , tf. D. Masonic Block.
! . L. HART , M. D. , Kyc and Ear , opp. postoBtci
Icullit and Aurlst. S. W Kith and Farnham 8t
Photoerapner * .
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
icar Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt
icsti fruarontccp
Plumbing , dan and Steam Fitting.
' . W. TARPY & CO. . 21012th St , bet. Fornhan
nd Douglas , WorK promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK. 1409 Douebu Street.
Painting and Paper .Hanging ,
HENRY A. KOSTERS. 1412Do.lce : Street.
Shoe to res.
hllllp tang. 1820 Farnham 8t. bet. 13th & 14th
Second Hand Store.
'ERKINS & LEAR , lllfl Douelas St. New anc
ccond Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Good
, c. . bout-lit and sold on narrow mnnrlns.
n the Dmv brick block on Douglas Straet , hat
Just opened a most elegant IScel Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
e\ cry day.
' Caledonia " J FALCONER. 670 IBth Street.
Undertaker * .
IHAS. RIEWE , 101'J Furnliaui bet 10th k lltd
P. PEMNER , 303J Tenth street , between Farn
am and Harnev. Does vood and cheap work.
00 Oent Store * .
' . 0. BACKUS , 1205 Farnham St. . Pancv Ooo.l
ILER & CO. .
Sole Manufacturers. OM 4.HA.
Fo Nervous Sufterers
) r. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It la poitl ] > ecure ( or Spcrnrntoirhoa , Bemlrut
ircokncga. Imx | > tancy , ami all cllsiascs rcsultinj
om Ktll-Alitisc , an llcntal Anxiety , Lota-
leoiory , I'alnn In the Hick or SIJc. dn < l dlsoMct
'hat lead K
Insanity am
early gnu <
Mcdlclno li
with woniler
( ul success.
. _ _ Pamphlet
cnt free to nil. Write lor them auJ get lull par
Price , SjwcIDc , fl.OO per package , or ilx pacl
croe ( or (5.00 , AJdrcsa all onlcra to
Not. 104 and 106 lliln St. Buffalo , N. T.
Sold In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J , W. Del' '
. K lab , and all druffglatsevery where ,
d B iwl
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly o ( aish&Jacoba , }
'o. UlTFarnhamSt. , Olil Stand o ( JaroliGln
ty Order * livTisIcffraphHnllelUirt aplT-U
Heading and Elocution
Voice Training , Private Lesions and
Classes ,
SOU Can Strict , between 20 and 21 > t.
Physicians and Surgeons.
OrriCE , ( her Crulckthank , IMh St. , lift.
Farntiatn and UouKlas. u'JMtn
ieal Estate igencj
Keep a cnmpltto al tract ul tltla to all Rral
itt < iln ninaiaaml Doiigla-n-nnnlv
Dexter L , Thomas ,
'UtmUuRtho ' Elephant in Ornml > o <
Itiiul , Africa-
Corre'pomlcnco Cleveland PMmlcaltr.
I little uxpuctud wlioti liatuning tc
'Artonnn ' Wunl'H live minutes' lectun
in AfricH thnt I would over bo fount
in its jungles shooting oluplmnts , Hoiia
ind otliur small nmne , Mr. Ward , ii
lis brief remarks , nmdu n sariou !
ihindur wlion hu B id Afiica wns colo'
mitud but for onu thing , nnd that wiu
die meaning , ns ho oxplnined it ,
the negroes , Much na has buuu writ
ten on the subject , nnd gr.iphicnlly M
many parts of it IIHB bucn dcacribcd ,
there yet ruinnins at lunst ns much un
did. i could 1111 my paper with my
mir-brendth escapes , personal en
counters with the noble kings of tin
forest , and ctlior equally unpleasant
.vud annoying comunnionsj doscribi-
the character and peculiarities of the
dillcront nations , the rivers , lakes and
general appear.inco of the country , but
will at present confine myself to my
first elephant hunt. Onu word in to-
rard to Capo Tovui. It is about tie
iltliy and undcsirablo a place for a
, ) crmvnent residence as could bo found
under the BUII. Its populutiou of
.ibout 40,000 is composed of about as
notloy n. lot na over existed in onr
, ) lace , one-fourth white and the rest
Malays , Hindoos , Madag.iscars , Mo-
[ zambiquors , Kitfnrs , llottontola ,
'Arabs ' , St , Helenans , and a mixture of
the whole , every shade of color from
white to coa black , On landing you
u-o shouted at in every imaginable
onguo for the privilege of carryinjr
; our lujigngc from the dock to tin
lotcl , The houses n o mostly om
ind two Btnrics , built of brick , atuc
: ocd and whitewashed on the outside. .
with stoops projecting into the streets
which are , with one or twooxccptions
without sidewalks. There is no sys
em of sewerage , which accounts fo
ho filthy condition of the place.
The morning was clear , with tin
usual accompaniment of intense Afri
an heat. Wo loft camp at daybreak
ind passed through a densely woodcc
jountry ior two days , when wo nrrivec
it some largo rain pools , where w <
discovered that elephants had but re
ccntly slaked their thirst. NVo found
some bushinen in the vicinity , and
from them wo learned that about five
miles to the northward there wa :
watorj where the elephants had.beor
drinking every nightforabouta week.
Cjcaviiif ; the cart , wo walked over neai
; he water and encamped there tor tin
night. Early the next morning SOUK
of the bushinen went to the leviathan
drinking and bathing place , and soon
returned with the cheering roporl
that about fifteen elephants had beci
there dunng the night. By sunrise
iv o wore us and ready for the fr.iy.
We started on the spoor ( Dutch foi
track ) , and from that time , with tin
exception of a few brief broathini ;
spells , wo kept up the march until
near 1 o'clock , when we overtook , oui
game. The sun was pouring his
blistering rays down upon us at abou
L10 degrees. The animals were lira
discovered by one of our bushinen
who had climbed a tree take obacrva
lions , and vioro standing contented ! }
and on good terms with each other ii :
the shade of some large trees. It re
called to my mind youthful obaorva
tiona on the first elephant I over saw.
Mid could hardly realize the fact thai
[ was about to test with load the
capacity of the elephantine hide.
After a preliminary rest and con
mltation wo crept forward to within
ibout fifty yards of whore the ole
pliant stood. On account of my leader
ship I was given the honor of having
the first shot. I cast my eyes ovpi
the herd , and selected the largest in
sight. I raised my gun and blazoc
away , the natives following with their
tihots immediately after. Part o
the herd , when they discovered tin
condition of affairs , considered thai
discretion was the better part of valor ,
md rushed away. But 1 soon found
that I had as much as I could attend
to without observing the actions o :
ny companions , for the elephant that
I had wounded cocked his oars , ole
yatcd trunk , and with a loud trumpet
ing rushed straight for me at the top
of his speed. I soon found that the
condition of affairs had been some
what reversed ; instead of mo hunting
; ho elephant , the elephant was exert-
ng no inconsiderably amount of spued
in hunting mo. I did not stand long
m the order of going , but fled with n
speed that would have won at least
second prize in a go-as-you-please
match. By keeping to leeward
) f him and dodging among the
lualios. I got out of hia aight. lie
'ushod' impetuously by mo , over thorn
niah and young trees , perfectly
crazed and mad with rage. Presently
10 returned on bis treck , and after
cautiously following him n short dla
anco I got another shot at him. He
turned and charged again , and I had
ibout the sharpest race for a ( juarter
if a mile I ever had in my life. He
lion gave up pursuit and turned back.
[ followed in his tracks , which wore
covered with blood , and soon overtook
lim. I prepared for u desperate encounter
counter , gave him a shot that broke
lis shoulder , and preventing hiu
charging again , loft him hora do com
> ut. lilood streaming from him ,
md ho was hardly able to move.
lame waa still in his eyes. Approach-
ng within a few yards of him I gave
itm two more shots , and ho sunk on
ns knees nnd buried his long tusks
n the ground. Ho inado several in-
jffi'ctuul attempts to rise to his feet ,
mt fell over lifeless. It was by fai
ho meat exciting hunt I ever had ,
ind you may believe I waa npt a little
jlalud with my success.
During the battle I had hoard whoh
it times from my companions , who
vurii pursuing the herd , and soon
iftor they came staggering in and ve-
xirted having killu'l ' two elephants a
mil and iv cow. The one I killed was
i largo bull , with fine tusks , which
ivuigliud fifty-eight poundu each. The
jihuis were smaller. Cow tusks rarely
jxceod fifteen pounds. Leaving the
jlopliuntH , wo made our way back to
.hu water , wlieiu wo ni lived after
lark , tirc-d and hungry , Tlio next
lay wo sent for the cart , and the poo-
ilo \ > ent out to out and dry meat from
.ho eleph.mts wo had killed. When
hu cart c.uiio I went nut vuth it and
'ound meat prepared to load nnd
umps of it a cat to rod over the ground.
\foHt of my people ual n host of
iiinliiaon who hud como to the fenttt
voro goiged with eating. 1 never
: ould understand how thq bushmen
Ind out tlmt nn elephant has been
dllod in the vicinity , You will not
| sco n sign of them , hut when t
laughter takes place they como vM
the vultures and hyenas , all ready t <
partake of the banquet. After cut
lint , ' out the tusks , which are imbed
ilud in the soft bono of the head foi
half tholr length , wo hndod the carl
IN it h meat and went Imok to the wu <
L'ho next day T wont to anothoi
ivator , seine miles nway , to look foi
ip'jcir , but. found none. The tlvy foi
lowing biuhmeu that I had flout inn
o.inio in and reported havinc soon rlo
( ihant tracks , nnd thnt the nninuU
wen * heading for a water ( hat ln\
vboul two hours' walk beyond. 1 took
the hunt to that phco , mid the s.tnu
night n herd of thirty or lorty were
Irinking there. Next morning we
'took ' the trail and overtook them
.ibout 10 o'clock , aud began the light
soon after , keeping it up until about 1
o'nlock'p. in , , when from sheer ox-
jliautum wo g\vo up the chase , having
ikillcd six clephv. ts , two of which fell
to my share. Four of Iho six were
cows , consequently Iho yield of ivory
Vaa small. Moat of this herd were
cows , some of them with calves. Onu
of the cows killed had a calf. It !
stopped by the body of its hfeles.v
parent , and it waa indeed a. pitiful
iittht to see the little orphan in the
fruitless attempts it made to arouse
the dead mother. It was too young' '
to feed , and knowing thnt it nouldl
perish , I had it killed. Cows light !
[ with a desperation , I think , exceeding - ]
ing the bulls , One of them came
very nenr ending my elephant-hunt-
'ing ' , nt least in this world , that day.
[ had to throw my un away and run ]
for my life. There waa not much un
derbrush , nnd I had a long run before
I could got out of her sight. If any
one can imagine a locomotive clusim :
him through the woods , nnd bnrelj
escaping from it , they can have some
idea of the charge of n wounded and
infuriated elephant. It is not every
man who has the nerve to hunt ele
phants nt nil , nnd but few will stand
A second charge or risk it. To got
within roach of nn elephant' ) ] pro
boscis is certain death. Although a ]
very dangerous sport it is most excit
ing , and must say I was proud of my
victory over my first animal , a tremendous
deus brute , standing nt least ton or !
twelve feet high. Whan enraged the ]
elephant stops at nothing. Bush and
trees nro no impediment to him , un
less of largo growth.
Before closing this letter , and for !
the information of those who may ]
contemplate visiting South Africa for ]
sporting purposes. 1 will give them an
idea of the kind of arms and ammu
nition I used. Guns used in Africa' '
hunting arc of various calibre , and ]
each man carries two or more of them.
Ostriches are shot with rifles of any
kind. Double breech-loading rilles.j
carrying a ball weighing eight , ton and !
twelve to the pound are used for clo- |
phanta , ghaOes , hippopotami and
other larrgo gamo. Elephants have
been killed with military breechloaders
ers , such as the Snyder , Westloy ,
Richards , Winchester , and Homing-
ton , but those nro not to bo depended ]
on. They penetrate well , but do not
scorn to produce shock enough to ]
cause speedy death. Both round nnd
conical bullets are used , the laiter ]
sometimes stcolpointed. Lead for all ]
large gaino is hardened by the addi
tion of tin or type-metal. Pure lead
would not break bones , and when an
elephant has just como from a mud-
nrallow , it would hardly penetrate tlio
Dispatching Trains by
New Vork Sun.
A wild-cat train used to bo the
dread of railroad men. Now every
freight train on n great many roads is
a wild-cat. Yet it runs with mort
safety to itself nnd to other train
than when it used to be time-tabled
[ t starts out when it can , and there
after runs or lies still on sidings undo
orders received nt the stations.
This stnte of affairs has beet
brought nbout by the increasing us
of and dependence on the railroai
telegraph lines. But to secure safety
the telegraph must bo ckcd out witl
the ilag , The engineer can bo com
municated with only by flag or lantern
Telegraphic communication stops n
the stations.
Three years ago every flagman 01
the Erie railroad was summoned ti
the superintendent's oflico mid then
madoto'show ' whether or not ho un
derstood the rules of the road ns tc
flagging trains. If it was found tha
ho did understand them ho was al
lowed to go back to work after signing
i statement that ho understood them
It is said by rend official * that this
proceeding so impresses the Hagmoi
with the importance of their dutiei
that there has never since boon nn ac
zidunt caused by a flagman's careless
ness , such as was said to have c msod
the accident ut Rye , on thoJNow Havoi
railroad. There uro four whistle sig
nala. Ono whistle , continued for aboU
Two ecounds indicates that brakes must
bo turned on to stop the train , Twt
whistles is the signal to let oil tin
brakes. Three whistles is the signa
that the train is about to bo backed ,
ind also for the flagman to go back ,
Whether the train IB backed or not. .
uid under any and nil circumstances' '
the flagman must leave the cabooseoi
\ freight train , or the rear cur of t
passenger train , nnd hasten back
three-quartern of a tnilo or n mile ii
readiness to stop any trains that maybe
bo approaching. Hu must stay there
until ho has stopped nn uuproachin ; .
train or until ha hears the signal t (
301110 back. This signal is four wltis
When the engineer has given 'tht
lignul for the ilugman to come in it
> > y no means follows that the train
nust wait for him. The flagman gets
jack if ho can , If he cannot , hi
nust follow on the next train ho can
; ot. His flajr is n pass on any train ,
jomotimcs , when a fog lies on tht
Jersey Meadows , an Erie train cumes
n with only the engineer and conduo
-or in charge of it , every other em-
> loyo having boon left behind with a
Thu signal for flagman to go back
nust bo iivon ; by the engineer every
inio the train stops , unless it bo at
> no of its regular stntlona and on
.iiiio. If it in not on time iv flagman
iiust bo whistled back. More than
his , whenever n train stops , except
it n station on time , the flagman must
; o back , whether hu hears the uiuiml
0 do BO or not , and ho must stay
.hero until ho guts the signal to ro >
urn to the tr.iin. If ho does not get
1 signal to reluin , ho must stay back
in the track until ho stops u train.
I'ho thuory is that if n flagman
lees his full duty thuro is
hardly n possibility of one train
crashing into another. There are 130
laily passenger trains scheduled on
the tnno-Ulilcs of the Erie oflico
These must necessarily bo run accord
ing to n hint ) schedule. Of the num
ber of freight trains only two nro now
scheduled ; nnd it is said that this ii n
uero form , since it is impossible thnt
huy should run on time. The enl )
/ rule of the road ns to the run- ]
iiing of trains not carrying passenger *
is tlmt right of way slull nlway * be
{ ivon to stock over nil other trains.
A.H freight trains may bo said to bt
run under the eye of n train d'.tpntch
i > r , whoso business is to study the ]
'train ' sheet. This is n very large
[ ruled sheet of card board , on which
the telegraphed time nt which over ,
tr.iin on the road passes iv station :
put down nH soon on it is received
L'his sheet informs him just wher
[ every train on the road nt any give
time is Some roads mnko thotr trni
' dispatchers out of the telegraphers i
'tho dispatcher's ollico. It has bee ;
tlio policy of the New York , Lnk
Erie nnd Western mil road , however
to make them out of conductors
on the principal that thn du
patchcr ought , in case of an nccidon
or other disturbance of the ruiiniii
of trains , to bo nblo to call up to miu
every inch of the rend , with over ;
witch nnd siding , where the Ion
fast-time stretches , and where it i
impossible to mnko good time. Hu
must know where to lay up nn unini
portunt freight train , nnd where ti
itop n stock tr.iin temporarily , sc
that n passenger train shall lese nt
time , if possible , nnd the stock trail
will lese ns little time aa possible.
In sucli n juncture the dispatchc
lias no time to plan. All stations ar
notified of the disturbance nnd ever }
moment comes n statement from on
of them that ftttuh or such n train i
there and wait ill' ' for orders. Onl ,
ana brain can do the work nnd n man
who has not in his mind n vivid picture
turo of the roads , ouch as n conductoi
has , would find himself at n disad
vantage. There is n record of tht
orders sent out by n dispatcher to the
Erie ollico in case of accident several
years ago , showing that frcquontlj
during a period of eight hours tht
dispatcher sent out us many as three
telegraphic orders a minute. The ob
ject is to keep as many of the import
iint trams moving as possible.
The complex work sometimes re
quired it is impracticable to illustrate ,
but the dispatcher's method may be
shown as follows :
Suppose , on a single track nectior.
of the road , train 1-14 moving east
ward ought to meet train I If 7 atEnglc
< rood , and that train 137 moving west
ward has the right of way. Now , i
the latter train is nn hour late , it ii
plain that train 144 will bo delayed an
hour if it waits for 137 nt Englewood
[ n such n state of aflairs the train dia
patcher prevents the delay of trail
144 by issuing orders as follows :
Conductor nnd engineer , 137 , J. 0.
( telegraphic name for stntion that
train 137 is yet to pass ) : Do not pass
Uorgon until train 114 arrives there ;
31 ( telegraphic question moaning
' 'How do you understand this ? " ) .
E. O. II. , Superintendent.
S. S. , Train Dispatcher.
Train 137 is now flagged , nnd boll
her conductor and her engineer ontoi
the station. They read the dispatch ,
write 32 on it , and sign their initials.
The number 32 happens to moan in
the code of signals , "Wo understand
us follows. " The dispatch , with those
additions , is now sent back to the dia
patcher. If it comes back to him jus
, is ho sent it , ho then knows tlmt botli
the engineer and conductor have sen
it , and that it has been transmitted tn
them just as ho sent it. Ho then
sends back the letters "O. K , , " whicl
the operator puts on the paper , witl
liis own initials , and shows to the engineer
gineor and conductor. The message
is then filed. Until the " 0. K. '
conies from the dispatcher the trail
must stand on the track , if it is al !
This order provides n stopping
place for the delayed train nt u poinl
as near as possible to the place whore
the two trains would naturally moel
if both kept running. As soon a ;
this transaction is completed the fol
lowing order is sent with like can
and formality
"Conductor and engineer of train
L44 , wd. ( symbol for a station ) , rui. .
to Bergen regardless of train 1)7. ! ) "
Accordingly the cnu'incor of trail
144 rattles by Englewood witluml
The train dispatcher must always be
at his post , and must always decide
'juickly. ' In the Erie oflico ( hero art
three of them , each one on duty eight
hours n day.
In each freight caboose there is r
machine which records all the move
inentH nnd stoppages of the train ,
The revolution ot un nxlo of the ca
boose moves n piece of paper , and c
pencil is moved by clock work. If
ihe caboose stands still it records ox-
ictly nt what time it stops and lion
long it stands , because the pencil
keeps moving , If it starts , the time
is recorded by a divergence in the
pencil mark at a certain point upon
the pnper , and if it backs the paper
moves backward , causing the pencil
point to make u truthful record. This
machine compels onginooru and con *
luctors of freight trains to perform
their duty. It is not used on passen
ger truiim because tluy run by n tinu
Noarlv a Miracle-
K. Atfenfty Hull , Jjfiigiiiiiiijiton , N. Y. ,
.vritesi "I tulTurcd for novciul inontlii
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