Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1881, Page 6, Image 7

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Iho Local Budget Prom Aorosi
the Elver ,
Mourning for Jatnes Abrnnc
In Respect to His Memory the
Supreme Court Adjourns
Sine Die.
The BlntT in Brief
LTnd the c.iskot containing the re
fliftins of our Inmontod president bcei
tiorno up tlio court house steps mi
placed botwcon the bunch and bur , iv
more dcup sonao of Bytnpatliy nn
mourning would have porvndod tli
aroom than thcro did yesterday , Th
fltiprotno court judges entered sadly
and instead of takini ; tlioir places behind
hind tlio bench , p.issotl into ono of th
antc-roDina. A deep gloom was do
pictcd on every oountonnncn thcro us
omblcd. Promptly at 10 o'clock At
iorncy General McPhoraon came on
of tlio room , and passing up ( ho nislo
topped UDOII the platform and in sol
emu tones reported tliat the judgot
Awaited the action of the bar.
Major Lynmn moved that the meet
Ing bo made a , special ono and thai
iho attorney gonornl bo called upoi
to preside.
Mr. BIcPliorson in a very brief
.speech took the chair and callinj
the mooting to order announced thiy
it waa for the purpose of ascertaining
Uio viovva of the diflorent member *
an to the propriety of adjourning tin
the court. Mr. 0 , 11. Scott arose ani
in a few timely words oflbrcd the fol
letting :
"Resolved , By the attorneys in attendance
tondanco upon the present term of
the supreme court that it ia littinjr
* nd right that as , a mark ol
respect for the memory of our la
mented president that this court
ought to adourn ? sine dio. " Mr.JSapp
said ho would like to linar the views
-of attorneys from adjoining counties ,
-as they w6uld bo more inconvenienced
than those from Pottawattomio coun
iy. Mr. Strom , of Rod Oak , opposed
iho resolution. Bo said the action of
the members of the bar would only
bo formal. An adjournment of two
-days would show the same degree ol
respect as au adjournment that
would delay the business of the
court for. six months. lie moved
An amend inont to Mr. Scott's resolu
tion that when the court
.adjourn it adjourn until Thursday.
Mr. ' Soolt said there was no knowing
what tnu people of tliia country might '
bo called upon to do , in the next ton'
days. The funeral obsequies would
undoubtedly ocoup'y the entire proa-
-ent term of the ooUrt , and'lie believed
that the court should adjourn without ]
day. Mr. MoIImiry , of Dos Muines ,
aid ho felt under tlio circumstances
disinclined to wait upon his business
At this term 'boforo 'this court.
Ho would not have the
heart and could1 not dj
his client's justice , Mr. Russell , of
Corning , spoke in opposition to Mr.
.Scott's resolution. Ho said thorowas
no member'of the bar who entertained
inoro respect for the inumory of the
dead president than ho , und , noknow
thai each 'member of tlio bar , was
bowed dtwu with the most solemn
and profound grief.- Yet ho 'thought
.nftbr au adjournment for tivo days ,
iho busii.'CHj , out of justice to clients ,
.should bo resumed. Mr. Wright bo
.injj calloi upon , spoke briefly ;
in' favfar of the resolution.
Mr. MuPhorson said in view of the
great calamity that had bufullen the
nation , the question of an adjourn
incut of the coait ought not to bu con
sidered debatable for u single moment.
Mr. Smith of Logan favored an ad
journment over the term , Col. W.
4" . Hepburn'apoko in behalf of Mr.
: Scott'a resolution. Ho suid that the
tsupromn court was tlio only representative
ativo body of tlio state at the
present time in active operation.
Ita act upon this solumu occasion
would bo considered the act of the ]
.pooplo of Iowa , A vote was then
taken on Mr. Scott's resolution which
prevailed. Mr. MoHoury moved that
the attorney general Lo appointed a
special meaaenger to nnnounco < the !
voioo of the meeting to the judges in
the adjoining room. On hearing thuj
action the bar hud taken tlio judges
csuno out of the anti-roo.n and with' '
a solemn stop took their places bu
iiind the bonoli.
Austin Adams , the chief justice , ordered
dorod court to bo opened. A solemn
iBtillnuBS prevailed when Mr. MoPjior
son road the resolution , accompanying
Alto eaino with n few brief remarks. |
Mr. MoPhoroBon said ; The tolling of
the bolls lost night fell sadly on the
oar , und the mourning dross of the' '
uowspupora thin morning admonished
us that Uariiold had died. Wo' ' have' '
been led to believe fur some time that
we would uovur bo called upon to
drink from such it bitter uup. Such a
calamity would never bo dealt put U
this people , To-day the nation is
bowed down with grief , Qarflold has !
boon nlricktm down by the assassin
fell hand a man without an equal in1
scholarship , a statesman without a
peer. Whim Abraham Linco n was
taken , a loyal north was bowed down
with grief. To-day the news touches
the hearts of fifty million unitodpfoplo.
It is time 'or us to stop and consider
what our duties , aro. Two presidents
within the inumory of the boys , even ,
Tiave been thus stricken down ] by the
hand of the assassin. It is time the
poopo of this nation understood
whether lawlessness and coniniunisin
of peace and good order is to control
tliis nation , Mr. Scott , in seconding
the resolution , said : "Jamoa A. Gar-
fiuld has fallen. The nation to-day ,
regardless of party , is in mourning ,
Our great , our good und belpvod ,
president 1ms boun struck down.
\Vtill 1 remember nociiu { ' President !
Qurfield in that vast ampithoator dur
, ing the national convention that noin
itiatod him. The prosoncn pf the
raau moved mo when ho entered and
look a place in that vast throng.
There seemed something about him
that electrified the multitude thcro
[ assembled. The thought then came
'up ' in my mind as never before that
God created man in his
own imago , and I believe
if cycr there was a man created in the
iningu of his maker that man wo j
Jntnus A. Gnrfiold. His mission in
that convention seemed to be to pour
oil on the troubled waters. Ho war !
thcro as a peace maker , and as such
ho acted. He believed that the news
which informed him of his nomina
tion a\voko n thought in his mind that
with him all would not bo well. He
icomcd to have a presentiment then
md there that a shadow was nroun '
xtid about him. " Col , Sapp spoke i
'allows ; "I do not feel that 1 woul
30 doing my duty were I to remai
ilcnt on this most solemn occaaioi
t was my good forluno to bo pet
oimlly , and I may Buy intimately
Acquainted with .Tunics A. Uariiold
und I can say here in truth to knov
him was to love him. Ho was amoni
the foreman' in debate ; beloved ovei
by his political opponents ; a noble
'gunnrous ' , largo hearted man of broai
intellect ; a man not only of grva
kindness of heart but endowed wit )
extraordinary genius. Ho hadno cqua
in debate , ot BO kind and generous i
nature entirely void of malice. Tha
lie could always find something ti
I > rais6 in the acts of others , and , in <
deed , should the whole country , nyt
more , the whole world mourn deeply ,
that such a light as his lias been si
suddenly extinguished. At the con
elusion of Col. Sunn's remarks ; lion
iVustin Adams , chief justice , ml
IresHod the bar in behalf of the court. .
Mr. Adams said : "On thu death o !
[ . 'resident Qarfl'jld , no one of us linn
jvor listonud to a more solemn sound
, luin the tolling of the bells lust night
tnnouncing in language which none
) f us misunderstood , the great caltun
ty which has befallen us. No natioi
ivua ever so deeply .stricken by thu
loath of its ruler , bccatiao no ruler
iv'er died under circumstances so po-
mliarly nguravating. At a time ol
irofound peace and national security ,
it a timo1 when when no ono ques-
ioned a single principle upon which
.ho government is founded , a presi-
lent of acknowledged ability and
) urity of character , exemplary and
tmiablo of disposition , was stricken
lown by the hand of an assassin
Iftor hia many weeks of suffering thu
ad event BO painfully apprehended
rein the beginning has finally trans-
lired. The nation bows to-day
n heartfelt sorrow. Wo mouri
lot simply the loss of a great states' '
nan , the foremost representative of
lunmn progress and human libertj
las fallen by reason of his ofHoial
tosition. Wo have boon brought to a
minful realization , that no nobloncss
if character , no past or prospective
isefulnosa und no retrenchment in
ho hearts of n devoted people can
hiold the president of the United
itutos against thu assassin's , bullet.
rVo do not yet .know proutsuly what
ho lesson is which God has designed
0 teach us. Possibly it is that .we
liould pUt our ultimata faith in tu
iuman instrumentality. Under thu
ilussing of God.doubtless the nation
rill prove creator than nil presidents.
'Our ' hearts arc ted full to attend to
, hy ordinary vooilton. This court ,
horeforo , will stand 'adjourned for
ho time , and it is ordered that thej
osolutions passed bo made part ol
During the holding of missionary
crvices at Father McMonomy's Mon-
[ ay night this' reverend gentleman ,
in stopping to the door , noticed i |
> ankot about this size of. a common'
; r po basket , ou the steps , Suppos-
ng fhat 'soinouie hud temporarily
ilacod a Labkot of grapes thuro and
o.uld soon return ufter them , he' '
able1 rio { further iip.ttcus of the circuiut
tanco until ho * remembered that a' '
ricnd hud promised to fetch him a' '
ittlo puppy. Thiiikjn ! ? , possibly , !
hat such was the true solution .of the
mkot mystery 'ho again stopped tok
lie door , brought the baakut , , and ,
tliicing his hand insidu , ho felt luiir.
Jo smiled , as Father Muc is wont tu
mile , and fluid his pup had cumo at
ust. Ho curried the basket to thu
ight for n moro close inspection when1
0 his utter amazomonk he found , in-j
toad of a pup , snuuly tucked away ,
n tile basket , what proved to' '
> o a hulpkss little viaiter.
it was a male child , nakud'
u It cairio into the world and as Dr.
Eluvt Htatud when lie saw it only a day
) ld , The mother or father , who over
t was that left the babe , could not
i.ivo left , it in butter hands , for Father
\ln \ > , remembering that Mr. and Mrs
Fred. Martin had lost Iho only little
mo they had recently , imniediatuly
.uniod the waif over to thoin , they
iromising to take c.iro of it to thu
ull satistuction of Father McMunomy.
THE llt-UFFrt IN nillEF.
An alarm of lire was sent in from
box 1 Monday morning about tf
i'clpoki The lire dopartincnt turnci ]
jul in full force , when it was found
1 small stable on avenue F wan in
lumus. It was entirely consumed ,
jut not much damage was done. The
mgm of thu lira it not known , but it
s supposed to bu thu work of euro
ossnesa in lighting 11 pine or cigar.
Our city was indeed dressed in deep
; nnurnin < r yesterday. All along thu
niineipul streets , doors and windows
md cornices wuro hung in black. Thu
First National olllce , and Pusoy'a and
the Council IMull'i saving banks were
ill trimmed with black crape , as was
iluo the following buildings on Ilroad-
way : Chamberlain's ' meat market ,
Barney G mill's tin shop , Wicss &
Oltuison , R. Mullis , Geo. F. Smith.
A. S. Donham , Hull * Hal ) , T. J.
Clark , II. C , llonson , E. Huntington ,
( Jity meat market , John Lee , T. J.
Osborn , J , L. Foreman , Schofiuld A
Oavin , Mrs. Picllor , Mrs. Lee , H. S.
Dawson , D.IWBOII'S meat nmrkut ,
U B. Express company's ollico ,
hxciilo houBe , P. 0 lo Vol , Obur-
fuldur , Nowmnn'a pool line , K. 0.
iioket ofllco , A. Louius' , Foster llros. ,
Nonpareil building , Durksun's b\rburj
ihop , Knox & Taylors , Ruvero house ,
Murriuui'a arcade , Central beer hall ,
I. M. Phillips , Portorllold & Church ,
Dowhng & Co , , 11 , H. Judson. Mot-
mlf Uros. , L. T. Lindnoy , Multbys ,
J. II. Davidson , II. E. Suamans , Rul
er's furniture store , Cruckwull it Co. ,
lirb & Duquutts , J. U. Atkins ,
ICollor & Morgan , Stumbcck &
L.wi ' barn , Alex's ' saloon ,
Mrs , Booth's ; the pawnshop ; Luu'c. ]
nrbor shop , Woolsuy'a ruataurant ,
Mrs. Ilardin's , Exchange saloon ,
[ lumnaii's dry goods store : Charloy'a
; barber ulion. John Epenotcr , M. J.
O'Neill ' , Ucchtell's hotel , C. J. JJcck-
man's , Mnurcr it Craig , J. H. L.\iin \ ? ,
Robinson Bros , , Hunry Eiecmnn , L
Kirscht. Harknoss , Orcutt it Co. ' *
store wns very tastely decorated , in
'ono ' of the windows was displayed n
'largo ' cliroino of the deceased prcsi-
'dent ' , draped in deep ihoiirninxi vcrj
prettily. The frame of the picture
was hung in crane , curtained ni > with
tvliito ribbon. Tn the front window
if the city building was a picture of
iho deceased , decorated in about life
same fashion , with this motto : "We
mourn the loss of our president. "
[ < Yom the third story of the James'
dock was also suspended a largo portrait
trait of our Jato president , draped in
die same way. Several flags wore ]
itrotchcd across the street
draped in deep mourning.
On Main street Smith & Crittondon ,
wholesale dry goods ; Hayes t Glea-
son , Ed. Cook's Bullion , M. Griffin ,
0. 11. Jacqiiemin , K D. F. Fisher ,
Loughton , Harry James , Win. M.j
Uusholl , A. H. Hsizzard , Newton's' '
photographing rooms ; liarku , photo
irninhur , displayed a lliig trimmed witli
black cmpo from ono of his windows ,
Die decoration on the city building
ivas executed by Justice Abbott ; that
m Odd Fellows hull by Nush & Daw-
ion. The Glebe office , on Pear !
itreet ; also iiiimham & Tulluy'i
vcro likewise draped. In fact , ul
air p"rincipiil struots uvidencod whcru
lie thought and syiujKithy of tlio peo-
> le of Council Itlulfs wcra directed
Frank's Evans shipped alargoqtian
ity of corn to Chicago , mid wlmt i
mown o" rojectcd sold for sixty-one
It is oiiid thub two of our well
mown citizens but a suit of cloth.-
ng on thu life or death of Garfiuld.
The following business was trans
icted by the board of trade Monday
ivcning : T. J. Hart made the follow-
ng report : "AVo , the undersigned ,
lomniittoo appointed to visit Dus
iloines during the state fitir , for the
iiirpose of arranging for the holding
if the next annual meeting of thu
tatoagricultural society in Council
3luffs , ro'jorts as follows : Wo viaited
he state fair and had an interview
vith tha otHcors of the state associa-
ion and found they were in favor of
amoving thu fair to some othut
ocality than DCS Moinns ,
! t was generally understood that a
ontract was existing between iho
ociuty and Des Moinus to hold their
.nnual meetings at that point for a
ertain number of yuar > . Wo found
his to bo untruo. No such contract
las ever existed. That thu time and
ilaco of holding the annual meeting
/us decided each year in January by
ho board of directors appointed by
ho different agricultural associations
n thu state , anil after it was located it
fia customary to lot it remain two
uars. That wo are fully satisH d
hat with proper effort and ihe
nsistanco of the citizens of
! otincil Bluffs thu next meeting of , the
nciuty can bo secured to Council
) hilV < , und wo wnulil reconimond that
nia s meeting bu culled in tlu ) near
uturo for thu purpose of duvisinp
neans for securing'tho necessary aid ,
t which time a moro complete and
lotailod report will bo given. On
iiotion of 0. R. Scott the following
itizuns' committee was appointed t < < |
aok after the matters connected with
ho proceedings of the state fair at
His point : E. E. Harkness , W. J.l
) avenport , Canrad Gieso , John
) jhuny and T. Bf , Gait.
The following delegates were ap-J
ointud to attend the Mississippi ini- |
rovoment convonlion at St. Louis on
l-o 20th of October next : Hon. W.
\ Sapp and Hon. L. C. Baldwin.
The board of trade building , the
n&tnirico on Main and Pu.irl streets.
Vri-ht & Baldwin's ' and S. T.
Vulkor's worn draped in mourning
ith thu rcstycstorday.
Wm. Oappy , of Avoca , who has re
ontly returned from au extended
rip into northern Iowa , Ho reports ]
lie corn crop in a flourishing condi
Bartlett & Cappy used corn instead
f wood to burn brick this year in
Vnliiut. Now rejected corn is worth
1 rents in Chicago.
C , Q. Norris , of the firm of Norris ]
Iros.1 , prnpriutors of the Hibb.ird .
ouse , Sioux City , is stopping a few
ays in this city with Capt. Wheeler ,
f the Revere.
"Tho Commodore. "
JQB. L , J''oote , the L/'ummoilore , Kit-in ,
II , , bays Tiioiuos' Klvctrio Oil cured liini |
f hciatic.i with uno apiilicatlon , thorough * !
y appllud. It also cuicil him of a severe'
olilund cougli , lie ihiults it a very val ,
iftlilo ruuivily , and will nuvtr bo witlnmt ;
t. ' BeptlOeodlw
Ludios , you cannot make fair skin
itsy chucks and sparkling eyes will
ill thu coimotics of Franco , or boauti
lurs of the world , whilu in pool
lealtli , and nothing will give yoi ,
uch peed health , strongtli , buoyant
pints und buauty as Hop' Bitters.
rial ia certain proof. Telegraph.octl
'rofW ' , , J , Ander's ' Select Danc
ing Academy ,
A. Hotpe , Jr. Hall , 1510 Uodge St.
ItwiforiMii'lemcii roiuinunrln TuesJ y ovtn
\g , Oct. 4. dais ( or ladluit conimMiciiiz 'Ilium
OTH entnif , Oct. 0. Tcrmi liberal Tlio cni
lolhoil I havu for teaching the vvalu , Oliilj
o. . I can Kuarantoo ( xirffi't t.atUfnrtlon c
; holark. For tern , * r , , cill at A. llospo , Ji.
r mid run Hid Capitol Are , ilTtlliu
l0ll BALK Aatw of cl lity BCTCD , In cod
L' rep Ir , irocul hoiiao , - > i'M anil tl 11x10.
mall orchanl ot b arliiK trees. Ono mlle Boutb
[ Uimwa Uty , lo a , on H. 0. i P. It. It. Wl
ho lima on part WwUlitvl. AiUlr'in K. K. Scan ,
'malm ' , Ncl > , MUdthSlwIt
Astern Horse and Cattle
Biiranoe Oouipany ,
Capital , - - - 6100,00000
uurm Horici , Mule * anil Cnttlo
wlJf lit , tl. . toiso or Ihelt. Ayeiic
ciiol tlio Stato. hciuirorvlimlan ,
n tlio jiutttT of tlio Estate of 1'cnllnatul Thum ,
Nutlto l < licrolir ulicti th&t tlio i-rcdlorn ! o !
iilil tltuatid , MllVntot tliocxtcutilxol M
> , U-fuiv mr , County Judvu of
, . , , . .
J 1tf.MIVII , tOQS. Hb 1U UllU K A
y , lor tlio purH | of protontlnir tlulr
it njiiiiiiatlcyi. adjustment anil nllowaiR-o
Ix inanthn tttn'sllovvwl for croillton t iiroiont
ii'lr tlnlnu. and tmc year tot the cuocnulx to
rltlo kalJ Kitato , from the Utli ihy of tiitoin-
r , 18)1 , thU notiio will tv pulilUhixl In TUB
> MAIU WBILY II n for four wcok m < x il\a .
rlor to , thv Uth u y of Novemb r , ItSl. '
, A. M. CIIAIlWI K ,
M | > Sl.vr9t County Juoic ,
The leading SclcntltU of to-aay asrroe that
inft ! > tillncu ( . ' i > ic CAUicil by disordered kidney *
or liver. If , thcrc'foru , the kldnev and liter nrr
kept In perfect ord r , peifect health wlll-otht
result , This tnith hannly hrcn known n ( hurt
time anil far yean pcoila suffered cruat agon )
without hclrij ? nlilo to find relief , The rll co\cr }
of Warner's afe Kliln y and l.lvcr Ciiro mark * n
new era I the treatment of thcfio troubles
Mode from n Mmplo tro | lent lent of rare value. Ii
eontVin Jtut the elements nceeniatj' to nourlsli
i ml Invlttjonto hoth of thc o xruat onrans , and
nafcly restore and keep thorn Innrdir. ItUn
Positive Remedy f rail thu diseased that CHUT
paltn In the lower pirtof the lioily I r Tor ) > l '
i i\ci Ilfadaihci Jannillcolilzz nrtu Giavel
FeverAinic Mvorntid tlrli-nry Ortran .
It l an cxca lent niul mto remedy lor female ;
It'rl ' ) ; rrcziinney. It will rontrol MciKtrn.allo
ind It In 'Bhnvll for Luicorrhosi or Kail njf o
the \\Vinh.
As n lilood I'urllUr It \ > ttnoitmk'd , ( or It cure
the nr nni licit in tki * the hlood.
This remedy , v lileh has ilono unch wonder , !
put up In tliu' IIOTn.H. n ( an
iilcdli'lnu iiiion the nurl.ct and l-i iol I hy Driiir
ilsti mill all dralcn nt SI.25 pur hottio. l' <
UW,0'o , , enntilrc for \VAIINB 'S SAKrt II1A
III7TK30UHIIthnPOdl : IVI ! Itemeil' .
H. H. W&RNER Ct CO. , Rachetter , N. Y.
1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NED.
Cody nniMoln , 91.25 to 91.76 ; Tapestry Urns
icls , 1.16 toll.3S ; 3-pIy Carpet , ? 1.2S to * 1.-10
iJC8t 2-ply Ingrain , JI.OO to Sl.lfij Cheap 2-pI ;
ngraln , 40o to DJC.
flattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Sbndci
at Lowest Market Prices
Largest Stock and Lowest Prices ,
Samples furnished at yard-ra
2JTUAYED From Slerl's etahlo. Omaha , on
J hlack mare , color omewhat faded , eight o ;
imo yiar8olclwclKhn about eleven h-ii dred , hat
msicldlonn Ibrlrtlo. Arcwanl vvtllbo paid for hci
eturn or information leading to her recovery
V. E. CATI1EY , fort Calhoun , Neb 703-W2I
Notice to Sewer Contrnotors.
Scaled jiroposals will bo received by th > .
intierai iiud until 12 o'clock noon , of the
! 0th day of September , for the tnutcrial of a smver from 8 to SJ
I'et in dintiieter 3 rin a thick , and about
1200 feet long , on-Jones street fromn point
icar the cost ide of 13th direct at tin
ermlnus of the 8 foot sewer as constructed
last to a point about 40 feet cast of thi
iost t-ide of 9th utreet.
UUU to he bascil upon detailed jl.ins and
ipeuificationa on file in the city engineer' *
> flico and to bu separate and spectic ! upon
; liej following points of detail ,
Hate per linear foot , for material and
irick work complete in wall 'ot'aewer in
sliisive of excavation and back filling.
Jtuti ! per culiio yanl for concrete work
ininplcte , inclusive of material in the
> ame.
Hate per linear foot for sheeting , inclu
live of driving and cxtractiiip.
.llate per linear foot of piling furnished
aid .driven.
Jlnte per linear foot of pipe laid foi
h ots or other purtMiscs.
Kate per vertical foot for complete con'
itruction inclusive of material of catch
xiin.10.1 d man holes.
Jtato per each sower" and pipe conncc
'Hate per cubic yard for all embankment
ir other grading nccess.ry outside of exca
vation and refiliins belonging to the1 con
itruction of sewer under fmt head.
Work to'be ' begun'un or before Octobei
. ! > , 1881 , and jirosecuted as per provision
if speciKcations filed.
llitN inut be accompanied by good am'
iilffirtient bonds in the sum of $10,000 p
mrety that the contract , if awiuilcd , will
ja entered into in good faith by the bid-
le'r. 'The ' bonds to ba r ad j.revious 11
: inaideration of bid , and unless found tr
.lengood and bona-fidc bond the bid to b
ejected. J. J. L. 0. JEWETT.
te.tS-12t | City Clcrti
217 and 21H North Main St. , tit. Louu ,
Printers Stock.
i2TC.vih paid lor IUg and Taper Stock , Bern
ron and Sletali.
I'aper'Stocli Warchoinci IKZflto 1237 , Norr'
Po Oithaitno Itedilo , non-resident defendant.
Yon are hereby notilltd lhat on the Sd'dav o
ii-mcmbcr , 1881 , John lleddo pl.iliitilT ; filed 111 :
u-iltion In thu liUtrict court , within and toi
> ' < uilad : County , , rt'ulnt vim us du
cud mt , the object and iir-ycr ol.wlilch pclltloi
, to obtain a decree ol dlvcrco from thu bond :
n.iivUriiiiony with you for Iho tolloulny
o-ult : 1ft , habitual dninkcnnuks ; 2J , cxtivini
ruelty , and for penoral rodcl.
You arc ic < iulrti < ) to an-ver lakl petition 01
ho 21 th day of October , 1S31.
Attorneys for I'lalntlfl.
ildri'HsliiK the ntudrnta of the National School ol
locution and Oratory , sold , "Wo are living In emil
mil wlioso Kenliii * , wliaso history , wlioso Imtltu
Ion eminently drnmnd oratory. ' ' The National
ichool of Elocution nnd Oratory \tas c tab
Ithi'd In 1874 , to silpt Iv tliU demand. Chartered
ii 1S7B , Nineteen T.-Achert and Lecturers ,
Ipeclalltti In the r dipartincnta. Summer
> rm , July 6 , Fall Term , October S. Send
3r Urcular to
J. II. BEOIITEL , Secretary.
lllrtnnd HlBCheutimt street , I'hllulclphlC.
2-2-2.1 .
Jo - w
ii thu nutter of the KatutoolThomas DUckmoro.
doecu cd.
NntUu In horchy plvcn that the creditors nl
lid doccucd , will meet the aUmlnlstrlx of said
itilu , hcforo me , County Judge of Doujjlac
oiintv , Nuhiailia , nt the County Court Jloom ,
i itilil Coutity. on the 1st day of Novumhur.lBSl ,
n the 1st day ol January , 18S2. and on the l t
ay of March , 1382. nt 10 o'clo K a. in. each day ,
tha minwio of protentln ; . ' their claim * form-
nilimtloii , Bdjuktinciit nnd allowaii'-o. Six
i lit a are allowed for creditors to present their
la m mm ono year for thu lulmlnUtratrlx tc
i tile bald c tnte , from the 1st dny of s'cpU'inher ,
391 , thl < noilco will heHihlUhe | < l In Tim OMAIU
llRB for four wcckusurt-CMluly , prior to
m4w4t rountv
THAYKW From blert'mstable , Omaha , oni-i
j black maro. color oui hat faded , cunt ot
cloven hundred , had
mil vuar * . weL'ht about
n na'ddlo anil bridle. A reward will bo | > 4l < l lor
IT .xturii , or Informat'Oii leudliir ( to her re
ivcry. W. K. Cathoy , Fort Calhoun , Neb.
II !
Business College ,
QEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal.
Orcighton Block ,
WTSeuJ for Clrcol . nov.SCdkwtl
* * -
Gloves , Hosiery , Notions . ' ,
: i
Are in our Store and will be Shown from day to
day of this Week. ; Our purchases have been
made for cash in1 ; the cheapest markets of the
World. I ' ' , . .
S. IP. CO. ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Boar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery ,
? *
O >
Op -
I have adopted the Lion ns uTrtulo Jlaik , am
ill my poods will bo OTAMl'ED with the LlOt >
md my NAME on the tame. NO UOOD3 Allr
I'he beat material Is used and the rroH sklllci
vorkmin arc t-niploycd , and at the lowest cut
i.rlcc. Anyone wishing a price-list o ( good wll
onfcr a favor hjeciullnj ; for one ,
United States Depository.
Cor. 13th and Farnam. Sts.
Organized M a Katlonal Bank August 0,1863
Auavnua KorMTZX. VIra FrceM nl.
H. W , YATU , Uathlrr.
A. J. rowrro.f , Attorney.
, /Ji.JouNA. CmiauroK.
F. II. DAVIS , Asst , Cuhler
Thl bank receives dcposlti without regard tc
.mount' .
I ti ucs time cortlflratci bearing Interest.
Draws drofti on San Francisco nd prlnclpt )
Itles ol the United KUton , al o London , Dublin
{ dlnburzh and the principal cities ol the contl
icnt ol Europe.
Bella passenger ticket * lor emigrants by the In
nail line. ' uuvldt !
The Oldest Established
3aldwell , Hamilton to Co , ,
Diwlncsa tnnsvctcil ume M that ol ui Incor
toratcil uank ,
Aevounts kept In currency or gold subject tc
Irht check without notion.
Ccrtincatcs ol dtpoalti wuetl pfiyablo In three
Ix and twelve month * , joarlng lntere t , or 01
cniatul without Interest ,
Advance ) nuula to customcm on approved > ecu
ItlcD at markrt rates ol liittrt'st.
Iluy anil Rcll gold , bills of exchange , govern
lent , utate , cxmnty and city bondu ,
Draw eight dnfts on England , Ireland , Hcot
inJ , mid all jarU ol Europe.
Sell European powage ticket * .
tni-lilt _ _
S10 Boutu Thirteenth Hired , with
J. M , Woo I worth.
Irfifls = jiSSlPBE . -
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c. per polled upwards.
Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards ,
Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L , STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha.