Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1881, Image 5
UJMAilA UAiLY BJili : SD .y SEPTEMBER 21 , idii. The Omaha Bee.l f , occoptSnndny.j tdi only Monday if.ominpt daily. v rx$10.00 I ThrcoMonths $3.00 ; , Muiths. . . 6.00.1 Om " . . J.Of rrrn WEEKLY BBB , puuishcdci. T TAO ) . Ono Year. $ 001 ThrcaStonlhs. . K " . . SK OOllUBSrONUKNCK-All cation * rclftting to Now and 3-klitorW mat tare should bo addressed U the Kwrroii o > THK Hr.R. BUSINESS Letters mid Keinlttnncr * ehfliltl ho nd dreasexl to Tm OMAHA rcvtrnmsa Cov TANY , OMA A. Drafto , Cheota nnd l'o < office OnJorn to bo jwlcti y ble to tl l order of tfco Coin ] > any. OMAH1 PffBLISHHEflOD / , , Bragta E , HOSEW ATER , Editor. Edtf tn DavKTnttHRor df < Dlty Cirovlntinu * John If. Pier w ? sin'Oiftrfa | ' : of the Mfti Circr.Ul.Mi of ' WE W'AILY 1JEK. Trocln OKfroit , I LINC OIN , 'NKII. , Sept. 20U8S1 TJia terril iletnvKody which oreurrod in the city of IVivihlnL'bon OH trw M of July In-tt , when iko > thM magistrate of the nation l > er MBO 'the Abject of tin fissammi improvnko d nnd'tfsipernlc si ult h filially c l mmahAVrn n national disaster , too Jiioun ifcl in-6licrncter to bo announced in the on'iiB ry l8nguage of narrow. Our honnrcd i J beloved preHidrtit , James A , 'Oarlield , iliert t Long.Branch-N < .7. , at 10:30 : p. BU vcntcixlay. AtUr many w M of into ) a Biiffcring , the * trong , br wo heart 11 rtill , - nd the CriondH of liwv nnd r nJor and peed govornmoat ttirotigl liMit tlia world a bowc'l with grvi r * thetu'who feel the weight-'ofi-a "jcnon ( U horeavomcnt. Tie * uu-iou -calam'rtr brined torrow to every home- lioidin N'oliroi'ta'nnd ' swakeiiH the ton lie a'J fee iiitfs of nymnlhy | for the f- lllctodonmp.inlon .il fittlierlcsi chilrlren ot the Ute/imiilclent. ' 'Ttie-e emotions of grief anil BrtupAtny will rfiiid | iprt > i > riatt xpr > H i Q8 in-'ovoiy elty , vil.a e and Ttiral homo. In hn'inony thorowitli It 1 msTRfotecl tlint on ( the rt..y * < K npart fur tlio tin kl tHfnie-i , nil public offices anr other placoi of liusiiif d ho closed 'It. ' is nlso reooiiiinenileil th t til3 03 p'o ' wemli1o ! lir.nit-h lit the tto in their respective plates of > vor hpnnd ! i < wilh ap imprlatortlisiouB exerciser pnrtloipatuta thu nation's ' mem- that uccaHion as .a further m-vnifeijtation of the Mirrovv th.'it'islclt by : ill , Anil-fti a innrlcof rcBiicct f r the exalted - alted dltaractcr Of our late chief magis trate. | It is ordered that -the national fin ) ; bo ( liHplayed at iJifJf uait on the capita ) building nt Lincoln , mul that the several state * 5et.irttiients bodraped witli einbleins it mourning for the period of thirty d yn. In witness whereof I have hereunto af fixed my hand , , this 20th day. of Septem ber , 1681. liy the Ruveimor , r ( Signed ) AtDiNUH"NANCis. S. J. ALKXANDIB , Secretary ofState. . BEHIND oycrybud there is a sil ver lining. _ "Gou roi ns < and the govemiuent At Waahington.stillllivos. .J. A. GAIEHKID , ' ' Senator ' Van \Vych'a viowi ou civil crvico reform -do not nppoar 40 nicot -tho approval of < 3nrl Schurz. at last got on top ami-Ohio .must tnko n back ucat in tho-distribution of the upoil.s. " NOCIIUASKA'B governor was the first Jitato cxeoutivo to iaauo a proclarau tiouof mourning in honor to the memory of .James A. Garfiold. \VK should not bo { surprised if Ser gcant Mason i * sentenced to the poiv itentiary fur missing Quitcnu und Guiteuu ' is But.ut liberty for whooting Oaiii'old. KK of sympathy pouring ii from every quarter of the glebe nttus the respect in which our nation ii licld abroad and the admiration whicl the heroic endurance of its marty : president excited throughout th world/ "If Bomu man ehould stand on thi .1ii lorio platform aud nropoao to provi to this audience Loyond controvorHj that this Republic of ours had failed must go to ruin , ho would prove the most Awful fact that could bo conceived -ceivod in an American mind. Nox to overthrowing the univorgo ot Ooc would bo the calamity of the fall o : the Republic.Jamoa A. Garfield M AN v year * ago the cry ' 'Cotton ' i King" wai heard on every hand , an its' ' truth very generally admitted The great west , then in its infancy Jiad not put off its swadding iigricul tural clothes und thousands of equar miles of bud , what is now cxcellon Arming land , lay untillcd osunbroko yrairio , Tim civil war broke the rul < of old Kfn Cotton , and for the pas twenty ycurd its scepteo has bee yielded to farm product * used in th insmufacturo of broad or the produc iicui of meat. Corn it now Iing ; and occupies tl fthroiu ol thu dupaited sou thorn moi arch. Jt iijjy fnr the most impor unt crop iil'on'r countiy. It is usenet not only vury largely for human fi in Jtu various prepatations , but it also tlio cheniicst food for animals by reason iif its easy conversion into1 "bacon , mutton , buof , butter nnd hce8o. The nrornfto corn cfop of the ] United Status j placed at 10,00000o5 | bushels. This ytar < here will bo deficiency of R 000,000 bushels , uiounliuj ; to oiio-thinl ef the entire fcl ' A TRYING POSITION- The premature doaVh of tlw la- - mcuted chief magistrate of the repub lic has elevated < o the presidency nn-j other who , on ticccpting the honor able position of vice president , had not the remotest 5 lea that ho would Over bo 'celled upon to asaumo the rave ro ionsibUily devolving upon ho head of the nation. Placed in this hiili position by tin cod of an assassin , amid the mourn ig of millions f people , GeiiRtr. Vrtlmr assumes Iho presidency under onCitions which should win for 'hin lie uctivo sympathy and moral auy xwL of ovoty American citizen. No one , prob.ibly , feels tnoro 'k ' on / than himself that he is not tin hoico of ( he American people for tin salted .position ho now fills nd no own realizes more fully "flint " his ccrssiou toiiho resiQenoyiis viewed lthgr7o apprehensions by "too " cour. ry. No president , not-ovon except- ig A-ndrow. Johnson , 1ms nssumec lie duties of chittf cxccurivo under lore trying circumstances. Wh 'readmit ' Lincoln was .nssassinatcf 10 'succession devolved -upon n mar ho had been in-public - life for aqunr- cr of u contwry , possessed oxecu ro governor of a great tetc , and Iia4mastered the problems f government in n long and foril- silt legislative c vcor in the failed States Fuiuto. Measured y the standard-of'his predecessor , .ndrow Johnson was regarded in rery way ao well-qualified to ( rr-api ith the gr vo'issues ' that confronted im as Abraham Lincoln , aixi the yal people of < the union viewed his occasion to the presidency with tin ounded confidence. General Arthur rings to 'the ' discharge of his pros ! ential duties .comparatively limited xpimonco in public life , and mcas- red by the -standard of James A. arliold ho falls below the exalted jtimate which the American people ro in fclio Dmbit of placing upon icir presidents , Add to thih 10 fact that General Arthur , his former political associations , as been identified ' with political riders who were diametrically at v.v iinco T.'ith the policy of the late pres ent , who enjoyed the popular es : cm in euch an eminent degree , the oaition of President Arthur becomes , theoutset _ extremely embarrassing , this trying ordeal President Ar- lur can only overcome "popular proj- dice and gain popular confidence by xorctsing sublime patriotism and rdad-miiidod . He rdadmiiidodBtatcsmanship. + now president , of the whole ountry * and the country has right to expect that ho wiU'emulute 10 exam ] > lo of his predecessor in dopting a policy that has 'in view the elfaro of all the people of these Jnitcd'.States. It will not bo very difficult for 'residont.Arthur to gain the confi- once and esteem of the American eoplo. , JIo has uiado a very , favora lo impreseion upon them by his dig- ified bearing during the fatal illness f General Garfiuld , and lie will on Dimter no'obs'tables in sustaining this npression. All good citizens , irrespective of arty or-scction , will ot the otuset of is prcsiddntial career give the new xccutivo n cordial and loyal support , citizens of the great republic il ) choovea us all to sustain the ndmin stration and place no obstacle or ob truction in the way of Prcsidcnl Arthur to make that adniinistratioi is 'successful and popular as has bcoi ho administration of Pre.sidon 3arfiold Until President Arthui ias had n fair trial , supported by the ; oed will aud sympathy of the nation t behooves all patriotic citizens to uspond judgment and allay all preju lice. Lotus hope that in thh trying rdeal our now president Avill bo cqua o any emergency and let us hope hat ho will bo guided by wise coun els in the discharge ot his duties at ihiof magistrate. NUT a voice will now bo raised tgainst the generous contribution ; ioh are pouring into the fund foi .ho maintonaaco of the family o ; President Garfiold. Consecrated bj ho untimely death of our lamented president , such gifts become at onci iacramontal offerings upon the altai ] f a grateful people. With the dcatl of her husband , brutally shot dovvi n the discharge of his public duties. . Mrs. Gat field and her family became the wards of the nation , Sorrow hat berne heavily on their heads and want must never knock at the dooi of their dwelling. Generous heart and ready hands throughout the lime are cagnr to add their mite towaa testifying to the love which they bor < to our departed chief. The fum which has been built up by voluntary contributions from the wealthy nil bo still further increased by tlio niiU of men of moderate means , whoso love ] and respect ia no less fervant. | Yho telegraph announces that the fund in increasing with satisfactory ! cupidity. With § 250,000 invested securely ns contemplated by the trna- ' tees , JMrs. Gurliwld will be in receipt of an income amounting to Sfi.OOO a year , widen will comfortably mipportl 'ier and her family nnd ufl'oid nmploH means fur thu education of her chil-i dren. To thia amount oongross willI no doubt , add the four years' RuluryP which General G.lilluld would Iiavo reenivcd had he nerved Inn full term , ind prnvision of courao will be iniule or the expenses' incurred upon his tut illness and funeral , f THE NEW 1'RESIDi-NT. 'lHo ' MU\ Service * of General Cbo t r A. Arthur. Chester A. Arthur was born in | JFrnnklln county , Vermont , on i ( Jth cif October , 1830 , being now near ly fifty-one years of ago. His father , Hov. Dr. William Arthur , was n Hap Jtiiit clergyman aud an Irishmnn , hav Sing emigrated from the county of jJAutrim when lie was eighteen years nld. Ho died nt Nowtonville , near Albany , N. Y. , October 27 , If Gen. Arthur wa educated at Union 'college ' nnd graduated at the ago of nineteen , iiHho class of 1819. After leaving college ho tnuyht n country Jachool during two yearn in Vermont , Kami thrro , having savud , by rigid econ imy , about § 500 , ho wont lo Ne v York , -and entered the ofllco ot Judge K. D. Culver ns n student. After bo np ; admitted to Uio bar ho formed i itncraliip wi'li his friend , llcnrj 0. Gardner , with the intention o practicing * in the west. They soon lowcTor , returned lo Now York , wherci they entered upon n Rucccssfu < arecr. 'General Arthur soon after ward married the daughter of Lieut. ItTorndon , < if the United States navy Mrs. Arthur died about two yean ! > . Previous to the outbreak of the war 10 wan judge ndvocato of the Kecom > rii ; < ulo of the state militia , and Gov ernor Edwin D. Morgui , noon aftei its inauguration , seck-ctcd him to fil the position of engineer in chief of his staff , in 1801 ho held the post of inspector specter general , and noon eftorwards was advanced to that of nuartormni- or-f oncnil , whieh ho hold until the jxptratiou of Morgan's term of ofllce. So higher encomium can bo passed ipon him than the mention of the act that , although the "war account ol the state Now York was at least ton imes larger than that of any other itato , yet it was the first audited and illotved in Washington , nnd without ho deduction of a dollar ; while thu [ uartermasten1 account from other tatos wore reduced from $1,000,000 x > 'S10,000,000 each. The personal honor and honesty of General Arthur is unquestioned. le had , during hia holding the ofiico if quartermaster general , thousands if opportunities to put millions of lollars into his pockets , yet when he etired from his olllco ho was still in ; cry moderate circumstances , und , luring his entire term , refused to nc- : opb a present or consideration of any marnctor from any source that could oossibly bo construed into induce- nont or reward for contracts given by lim. The clothing , arming and trans portation of nearly a million men van under hia supervision , and all ras attended to with rare wisdom , liscrction and fidelity to the great rust' reposed in his hands. ' " 1 ould not misappropriate five cents" vas his remark to an acquaintance ipon ono occasion , "without thinking hat the first two men J : uw in c > n- orsation on thu sidewalk wore talk- ng about it , aud the very thought would drive mo mad. " After Governor Morgan's term ex pired Gen. Arthur returned to thu > racticc of his profession , in which he md already madn a hinh reputation. L'he firm of. whioli ho was ono were ) vorwhclmed with business , nnd Gun. IrtSur was/'called to the Btnto and lational capitals on matters of grout mport , in which ho achieved national amo. Tiio position of counsel to the Doard of tax commissionois of Now fork city was conferred upon him at $10,000 per annum , which dignified is well as lucrative ofllco ho occupied 'or some timo. After a time the political struggles letwcon the two great parties en- volvcd him aud he buckled on thi iriuor in behalf of republicanism with .ill his heart. During the many mrd fought campainga in the empire state. Gen. Arthur evinced the nest remarkable ability in organiza tion and effective work. Ho btooc mlo by side with lloscoo Conklbif ; and Alonzo 15. Cornell in the battles for the maintenance of NOAV York stnto in the van of the republican phalanx. In November , 1871 , Gun Arthur was nominated by President Grant to ; ho collectorship of the port of New York , and four yeain later ho was re- nominated , an honor never bofou conferred upon any collector of the [ > ort. In a letter written to the secretary of the treasury in the winter of 1877 , after the Now York custom housi committee had finished their labors. . General Arthur said : ' "Tho subject of civil service reforn and the modes of appointment ti ofiico is t'hat to which tlio commissioi gives most attention The essentia elements of u stable civil service ] understand to bo , first , permanent in ofllco , which , of course , prevents removals except for ciusu ; second , promotions fr m thu lower to tin liiihor gradva , based upon good con duct und efficiency : third , prompt nnd thorough investigation of all com plaints , and prompt punishment of them. j * I claim that the administration of my ollico hasabuon characterized by the observance of all these. In thin respect I challenge comparison with any department of the government. ' From Gen. Arthur's lottera man ) bad statistics woru quoted during thi- contest which followed his removal b\ President Hayes In this connection ho Hiiill : "The general order system so-called hnd boon for moru than i quarter of u century , a constant sub ject of complaint by the merchants , of investigation by congress , and ol alleged corruption. Siuro the changes in the uytttom and in the charges for storage , introduced five yuars ago ; no whisper of complaint has been heard. Hya change in thu system , the method of fraud and corruption by which thu1 government had hist lurjjo HUMIH , has' ' been cli'ectually checked ; by thu in- ' [ trodnctiou of a nysUmi by which prompt notice is given to luoichnntH jof refunds ) f duties thov liavo been saved from imposition ami delay , " I 3mmudiatuly upon hihiomovnl from the collectorship by pnuidunt Huyow , ho wau tondeied hy that exocutiv ! < ho consul-generalship at Paris , in. gutter ad < nu\vleding ( { ihu tender of thu olllco , Hen. Arthur expressed his < npprooiatioii of tlie compliment , and .hia regretthat , W private intorostc' ' wore in ruch a condition that ho or < tljt lot nccopt it. Gun. Arthur was nominated f or uu vico-presidcncy by the mejornii , republican convention hold t n fji | , ciigo , Juno 8 , 1830 , on thef jrat ballot , ri'Cfiving 408 of the 701 Allots , am his nomination was then made unani uious. Tlio followinp extracts nn made from his letter < , t acceptance o the nomination , and for etutc8m n like iibilily , putrio' < Jo Bontiitient ant Iccidcd wxpressi'jn , boar favorabk : ompari3on with the most distinguish . d iiitoriico3 o prominent men : "llepublica ns cherish none of the resentments wliiclt mnyhiivoanimntot them the actual conflict o arms. TUoy lontr for n full and rod reconciliation btiu-con the sections which wore needlessly and lamontnblj < \i sttifo ; they sincort-ly oflur the hand of good will , but they ask in return a pled o of good faith. They deopi ) fuel that thu party whoso career is m illustrious in and patriotic achievement , will not fullfil its destiny until peace and prosperity are estab lished in all the and , nor until liberty of thought , conscience and action , and equality of opportunity shall bo not inuroly cold form alii us of statute , but livinir birthrights which the humble may confidently claim and the power ful dare not dccy. No man should bo the incumbent > f an office , the duties of which ho is , [ for any cause , unfit to perform , who is lacking in the ability , fidelity or in tcgriry which a proper administratioi [ of such ofiico demands. The rules which should bo'appliet to thu management of 'ho public ser vice may properly conform , in thu main , to such us regulate the conduct if successful private business liy the acceptance of public office , whether hijh or low , ono does not , in my judgment , csc.ipo any of his re sponsibilitics ac a citizen , or lose or impair any of his rights as a citizen , and ho should enjoy absolute liberty to think und apeak and act in politi cal matters according to his own will ind conscience , provided only thac ho promptly , fiur.hfully and fully dis charges his oiluial duties. The principles which should govern the relations' of the elements of the currency arc simple and clear. Thert nust bo no deteriorated coin , nn de preciated paper. Every dolltT , wheth er of metal or paper , should stand cho test of the world's fixed standard. The value of popular education can hardly bo overestimated. Although its interests must , of necessity , be shicfly confided to voluntary effort md the individual action of the sev eral states , they should bo encouraged , is far as the constitution permits , by the co-operation of the general gov ernment. No revenues of the na tion or the states should bo devoted to the support of sectarian schools. The government should aid works > f internal improvement , and should [ iromotj thu development of our water courses , and harbors wherever ho general interest } of commerce , ro. rjuiro. i As vice-president Gen. Arthur pro idud ever the sessions of the United Status KunaiOiWi h great dignity and lecorum. itr Tim president is six feet high , broad shouldered and athletic , weighing about 250 pounds. Hi 'ace ' is broad and full of character and ns head indicative of great decision. Tbo Foreign Aspect of the Pork j Question. Special Cjrrc p < SMlen'io to 7HK DB * . YOIIK , Neb. , Sept. 10. Our pork product is 0110 of our richest mines. Our vast ii. tyre fits vested in the busi ness should bo well guarded , Tlio nation cau but appreciate the prompt iction of Secretary Blaine when the ' -poosition to this product awakened so much alarm. Ho showed that there was but littlo' danger ; that but few jogs wore ever effected with trachinie. When wo look back and see how pork n every titate was eaten with impun ty , the wonder is that greater dlsaa tor did nut follow. In the nraiy him drvds of tliousands of men ftto raw [ > ork with no serious consequence re suiting from it. Yet the panic has gene out. Our markets will > to some extent bo effected. Wo should guard our interests as best wo may. This should bo dune by the government appointing inspectors for every pack ing house in tlio land. Portion of pork inch as might lodge the insect , ahoulc bo taken from eVery animal and be put under a powerful glass and the inspected ours ( about oiu' in throe or four hundred ) thrown out to bo tried into lurd nr sold for'suup grease. The expense would not bo over ten cents ! to the hog. There would bo no real loss. Every barrel of pork would Iwvo a U. B. guaranty and bo safer than any other. Pork would rise in value and huvo access to all the mar kets in the world and it would be iafo everywhere. 0. B , HAUUISON. THE editorial columns are made .lubordinato to our telegraphic IIOWH which nt present is more .oagorlj read , and wo have no doubt better ippreciatcd. POLITIC ) 4L NOTES. * Tlio MassMjlmaetts prohibitory ntat - convention It called to meet at Boston on the 1'Sth of September. The Democrat who wants to run ( m CJovcinor of Wiscoiia n has not in ate hii- ajipeariuico up t < j date , Thu ] tomblic.ins [ of Cincinnati mid jli-velunil both li vo a colored man on ' .heir k'la1atlvo { ticlict this year , Silas M. B.Viloy , the ropubllcnn cauili- lute for treasurer of I'cmiMylv nl.i , in early lifu vva a jeweler' * apprentice. Thu republican convention to nominate a cundidiitu fur CoiiRre i In place ol Kllnld u ( ! . Lupham liua been called to nit'et at CftiiuiJ.iliim > n the l"th of ctober. Kx-rrcslilcnt Ifnycs ought to turn the Sluice on hia neixhlioM who have elected ill I in Uoininijsloner > y worklnuovury iiuitlii'i-V tona to the full extent of thu law. riio ro&d * nliout Kieinout ou lit to have a boom under lilx ailinhilntratlon. It's n ooil "Ilictf , iiml llavca ought to lay nsiilo [ all civil utrvlco und trot tliw Kicuiontcw iinnihin { { tlio double ijulck. , The Ciovurnor of Uhode Inland is a lie- imlilioiui , tinil will , of conrte , apjiolnt B livnililiciiu | mcccsnor to tlio late General liuriuldo. ' . ( 'liu uniform \oteof JU { d Inland for nmnjr yuar * paiil liidioatea that tliui Jrfuiilaturo to Ivu cliooaii thi fall will bo Inr&ely lUjmbliraii , UurnaUle w i elected la t year by a majority o ( fl" In a total vote of 101 for tlio full , term end ing Miirch , 1SS7. Full relitrns of tlic vote for Ileprc9ont.i' ' ilvo in Cnn ro-s to fill thu vacancy canned liy Kryo' < rcjlifniition cUn IHtirfey ( llcp < 11,007 : Oill.ert . ( ( Jrcenback ) , r..5Tl ( Head ( Dam. ) , 211 ; Kuatit ( I'loliiultioii ) , C ( ! Dinaluy'rfiriajority , n,17f. The Iteinilill ctn iimjority lor ( < o\cinor ; In the illstrlot la" < WAS 1,471. Fryo'n majority for , Jotigreiii was 1 , ! > 3I ) . The Iniycst Krpub lean majority c\-cr before given in thedU trlct was 8,100. Mr Ijiullotv , thp wino and 4Cid r prcs , ] mnmifnoturer who I < rimnhw for ( , 'ivernor if Ohio on the prohibition ticket , ( ftJ'H ho' ' lasn't tnAtcd wino or cider for twenty ! yenn < , and ii therefore A Lirohluitlonitt In ijood atnl regular ctandin ; ; ; which remind- * ! > ne of tlio K'rla ' who gut'religion and unit ! > ho would wear no more Mnfnl VAtiltlrx iko cnr-rin n and hreAstiiins. When asked what she had done vith her jewelry , ! ho ealil oho had iven it to her younger PERSONALITIES Lieut. Flipper It not as black as ho in minted , llu Htolu only 1,700. At I leu OateM hni gone to Australia , aiu r. Marvin , therefore , has no rivid in thii jountry. Courtney will accept .Tifclcett's chnl n > ; c to row. It will bo a match belwcci frlckettatidTiicky. Tesae Jntiioi is ilo-n on the Mfotour allioadn. They would'ntltt him lidcoi \ clergyman's ticket. "A miss i as good as n mile , " nayi Sultcau. "Agro t deal better/ays Ar Murvln , the uccompliihed bigamist. It Joaquln Miller h actually keeping ti boarding homo at S.vratrva , lie will , o uourro , make parties fay in advance. He cnows how it in himself. The wife of the late Senator liurnsidi viw Miss Mury Kiclimond Itlshoii , a de scendant , on her mother's side , of llogei Williums. She diu 1 in 1870 Capt. llowgate's friends stnlo that ho i vitliiji easy distance of Washington. Thi .rcasury . department rmut increase tin juard.4 and change the combination. lii-iinarck grows corpulent year by year In 1874 ho weighed 207 pounds ; in 1870 JIO ; in 1B77 , 230 ; in 1870 , 213 ; In 1870,215 ' 880 247 , and now he turns the scale a Ismail Pachn , ex-Kherlive of ( Egypt , nnc ia extremely uninteresting person , It stay ng at Vichy , in the villa formerly occu urd by Napoleon III. With h'ni ar i ht uf his wives and twenty-seven at cnilauts. Dr. Westmoreland , Senator Ben Hill' toind phydcian , says of the result of th ecent operation i "It is impassible to say n case he recovers , to what extent hi roicc will bo restored. If the ( ha iccome general.there is no liope of a per nanent recovery , but if it is still local hlnk this operation should secure nr ffeutual cure. James Mason , an American , who i eadinirin the Berlin diestouriiamen1 , i \ young , Bilent.-faceil fellow of 30 yean Jit , formerly New York reporter , wh < irst en i e Into prominence in Now Ynr ) < : ityinl873by beating Dcltnar in New York , lie ii n cautious player , over cautious , Americans think , and partlcu arly strong in hi defense. Of S. J. Tilden the New York Exprcs ; at H ho is still r. young man of 72 , who ha1 \piloof work on hand. Ho means t ( : rush Tainmany , tomahawk John Kelly > ury Cyrus W. Field , dynamite the re mblican party , elect himself governor narry Mr ? . llicUfi-Lonl , nnd Kj > cnd hi ast ilny.-i In the White House. Ho is a1 ivcly ns a last-year's locust. FIFTH WAKD. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure ct C'onsump ion and all diseases that lead to it > uch as stubborn coughs , neglectet 3olds , Bronchitis , Hny Fever , Asth- na , pain in the side and chest , drj incking cough , tickling in the throa ffoarsoness , Sore Throat , and al chronic or lingering diseases of the ; hroat and. lungs , Dr. King Now Dis oovery has no equal and lias established or itself a world-wide reputation Vlany leading physicians recommenc and use itinthcir practice. The form da from which it is prepared is high y recommended by nil medical jour nals , The clergy and the press havt complimented it in the most glowing : orms. Go to your druggist and got riai bottle frco of cost , or a regulai M7.o for $1.00. For Sale by d(5 ( ( Isu & TtlnMAHON , Omaha. AN HONEST MEDICINE FREE OF COST. Of nil medicines advertised to cure my affection of the Throat , Chest o : Lungs , wo know of none wo can recommend ommond so highly as Du. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY for Consumption Coughs Dolds , Asthma , Bronchitis Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling -in tin Chroat , loss of voice , etc. This mod cine does positively euro , and thai where everything else has failed. N' ' nodicino can show one-half BO man ; positive and permanent cures as hitvi already been effected by this trulj vomlerful remedy. For Asthma am bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur ng the very worst cases in the short tist time possible. Wo say by nl iii-ans give it a trial. Trial bottle. ' 'reo. llegiilar size Sl.OO. Forsalobj 8lly ( ) Isir & Mutf AHON , Omaha FALL OPENING OF- The Greatest Varietjf -IN- DRY GOODS , FANCY GOODS , CLOAKS. SHAWLS , SILKS DRESS GOODS MILIERI AT Prices so LOW as Defy A.iy Honest Competi tion at KNEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE , ! On Faruhara Street. ' ' ( CALL AND SEE US. A , G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Great German REMEDY ! FOtt NEURALGIA , SCIATICA LUMBAGO , BACKACHE. GOUT , SORENESS or THE CKEST , SORE THROAT QUINSY , SWELUNGb AM ) SPKAINS , FROSTED FEE ! Ann EARS , AMD SCALDS , OENEKAt TOOTH , EAR AND HEADACHE. 4KB All other Faint jxn ACHES. No rrcparatlim on tnttli t < iu l 3r. JACOM OIL > t lire , ( CHE. smrl.E and CIICAIi i : tern l lUiinJi V Irlil cntillt lot the corapurntlreljr trilling aullnjr at I ) CIMS. nJ o\ rene ufforlng ullli | alu eta btrt keipnnd riosltlre proof of III clalmi. UlltECTIONS III PI.KTE.1 MNCCKIES. iOLO M All OMOGISTS AND BtAUsS IN MUICIME A. VOGELER CO. llnttltnnrf. Md. , V.S.A LAND AGENCY OMAHA , NEB. 500,000 ACRES OX" Davis & Snyder , 1505 Farnham Street , CHOICE LANDS fit * iiis and Homes in Nebraska | 17,000 Acres in Douglas Coun ty , $5 to $1O Per Acre. 1,620 Acres S&rpy Couuty Land.fd.OO to 910.0 IS.C09 " Wusliti-KtoiiCo. Land 6.01 to 1.400 " Bmt County Land. . 8.00 to 8.0' :2,800 " Cumliu County Land S.OO to S.C'i 6.SOO " fl/\iit < ; nCouni > Land 2.SB to 60' ,6,900 " Mwiann CountyLatid 2.00 to C.O' I8.BM " fUttoCuunty L&na. B.OOto 8.0 < Perms to SuitPurohasers.Lonp Time and Low Interest. Perfect Titles Guaranteed ALSO LAHOE TRACTS OF LAND IN Oolfax Pierce Merriok Dodge , , , , Hall , Saunaers , Butler , And Other Counties in the Eastern Portion of Nebraska for Sale , i Farms of All Sizes , From 40 to 610 tans each , ulnpted to Oralu and Stock Bah OK , to be Sold at Low Figure * , and on Long lime. State and County Maps lei Distribution. jrlcosmxl i ormi of laAila la til localities , etc. itc. Add rest DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Inirnhaiii Street , O XKE 3SOTH 13 PllOBATJS NOTICE. Statn of h'chraRka , Pen las County , s : At a County Court , luld At tlio County Court Room , In ami for talj County , Au uet 1st , A. D. IfrOl. Trcsotit. IIOWAUII H. Sill Til , County Jinltfu. In the matter of the c of Joseph 11. Xtl son , defended : On rcaJinf ; nnil lIUnK tjo | petition of Martha 9. Nelson , pr.xjlns that tliu In trinnent , inir- porting to Vie a ilulyatithenticatol copy of the o t lll and ( estomcnt of i-ald deceased , ami oi the prolnitQ thereof , by thu Circuit Court ol Fountain County , Stitu of Indiana , and thU ch\ died in this Court , tiny lie allourd end rtcorncil , as the hut will and tcfttainunt of nil'I Joseph 11 Nelson , duicnscd , in and for the SUtu of Xc b mult a. Ordered , lliat August 27th , A. D. 18S1 , at 1C o'clock a. in , , Is&siiKDtd for hcnrln ealdpetition licn all persons Intercstu'J In said matter innj ap ] > carat a County Court to lie licld , In anil foi gahl County , and how cause nhy the prayer o ) pctUioiierxhould not lie i'r.into < l ; nml ttut notlci of the poadcncy'of raM petition and the hcarlnfi thereof , he 'hi'ii to all peruonn Intercntcd In raid matter , bv publishing a copy of thli order in Tin OMAHA WKEKI.Y DKK , tv iicuxpaper printed In Mild County. forlUrcu nucccssUu wcoku , prlortotalc tiny o' ' rearlnL' . [ A true copy.J HOWARD D. SMITH , aujrtO-uItt Countv J ml TO. Till MOST rori-L Kl 'Ail Bur THE OVALCHURN THK CKHT ANI > CON- VENIKJJX OTHER CllUHN Oil DUN MAN0KAO- IN TUB TUIIKO. MAKKRI Manufactured In Cieur a , 4.0 , B , 10 and 1 aPuni. It liai no t" rln . lleme na n'j < m DM Its work easily anil iu'iky. | ) and rcta tl > . vgret ainciii't ol u't r frmnvho inline o ; muao from lui ml mh lumber , ft old m alouir price tlmn any > tlnr flnt-ilav hum. iSni'l lor dlx.ripil\e circular at.d prlct lit to the theOVAL CHUBN COMPANY. . IND AufcJNTB Wa.NTBU KOH OHEATiVE SCIENCE and Sexuul Pbiloaophy. ( roluwiy Illurtraird , hem nt l > uiortant | am wrtbiiolc pul.lliletl. Mory ftiully wanu II Kjttr oidlnary lulu omcuts ifferwl A.'tuH. iMrra IMVTH1 ! ' ' mnMnq | n Ht IrfMlU MO LEGAL NyTlOK. John UcFiuliJcii will Uke notice that on thtl lOtli of Auifiut , 1SS1 , Clmrlci lirandcu. JnutlcoolH he I'caco , of l t | irednit , DoujfUi Co. , Nub. , U ucdaii order of utlai-litiient furihuHuinof * iO'WB n an action | Kindliibfforo | him , uhcruln Arne yiCratt U plulhtlll and .loliu > l. Kaddun dcfondant , tliat property roiulktliiy of IIOIIM.IIOU lurnlturc 'and Implunifiiti hat I mi uttv hcd under uld 'rordcr , tali ) riiiso wn continued to Ultt ol Scptcinlicr , 1SS1 , JOo'eock p. in. AUNUKItATZ , I'l.ilntlff. C. F , Manderson , ATTORNEY- - AW. ' 3 f rnhain 8t , O.mhj CHEAP A NEW ADDITION ! TO Omaha. f BEST BAEGAfflS Ever Offered J" N THIS CITY : CASH PAYMENTS Required of Persons Deair- in to Build. ' ON PAYMENTS ox * $5 TO $1O PER MONTH. VloneyAdvanced ; TO Resist Purchasers Building We Now Offer For Sate S5 Splendid. RESIDENCE LOTS , Located on 27tb , 28th , 29th ; md 30th Streets , between arnham , Donglasand the pro- losed extension of Dodge St. , . 2 to 14 Blocks from Court 3ouse and Post Office , A'll ' 3IiICBS ranging from $300 to $400 | vhich ia about Two-Thirds of" heir Value , on Snull Monthly Payment of $5 to $10. Parties dosMng to Build and- 'mprove Need iMot Make any Payment for one or two years , , put can use all their Means for- "mproving. Persons having $1OO or $20O- jf their own , But not Enough 0 Build such a house as they want , can take a lot and we. vill Loan them enough to com- ilete their Building. Those lots are located between the- IAIN BUSINESS STHEETS of the. ity , within 12 minutes walk of th , Business Center. Good Sidewalks ox- , end the Entire Distance on Dodga. itreot , and the lots can bo reached by ray of either Farnham , Douglas or ) edge Streets. They lie in a part of io city that is very Rapidly Improv- ng and conBoquontly Increasing in alue , and purchasers may reasonably opo to Double their Money within ft- iort time. Some of the most Sightly Locations < 1 the city may be selected from these * ' ' * its , especially on 30th Street Wo will build houses on a Sinai ash Payment of $1GO or * 8200 , and 311 house and lot on small monthly uynients. It is expected that 1 hcfo lots"will be- tipidly sold on these liberal'terms , ' id persons wishing to purchase " iwuld aill at our olllco and secure loir lots at the earliest moment. Vo are ready to show these lots to all orsons wishing to puicliase. BOGGS & HILL , fteal Estate Brokers , " " 14O8 North Side of Farnham Street , Opp. Grand Central Hotel , OMAHA , J BB. , , /