Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1881, Image 4
THU OMAHA DA.ILY BEE WEDN1 SDAY SEPTEMBER 21 , 1881 EXETER , Greater Improvements ti Year than Ever Before. The Apparent Possibilitie the Town CorrcK | > ndonco of Tlio Ccc. EXETEH , Soptumbor 20. Ei was born in the full of 1872. II 'Smith was the god-fntlicr , niul c fur the infant until it hail cut it ! tooth , niul con d run its own bnau Smith oroctotl the first store , Pi the next , thoti Taylor , Dr. llcec Pctcrinan , Uussoll , niul n scot < ethers followed in quick sticcc : nvith stores and shops. About thrco years ago the pr wanted to change postmnstcrs they held a sort of an election by signing of petitions. There ' three petitions in the fluid urn' original postmaster was also n test ant' , bub 0. II. Uabcock got .1 with the persimmons by a vast mi ity , and he id still in the stamp business , About live years Woodward built his 'hntol , the Woodward he and , to olldot Woodward's be -tho people erected three churc 'Than to .provide . for tho1 matorin well as the spiritual man , thruo vators wcro erected in 79. Sni -block and Bjfroch's building won last year. , HUNDRED AND EIGHTY' shows improvements that will dm- all previous efforts. A $0500 sc houao is on the tapis and it will I daisy , made of brick , two stories \ with basement aud all the latest ger broad fixings. Six clcuant d lingi and some cheaper structures now in process of erection. THADB AND THAFFIC. In a business point of view Exc it is said , and I presume thci truth in the claim , gets inoro pat age in proportion to her size I tiny town cither cast or west. Ji ing from experience of your cot pendent , Exuter is certainly a li town. I had scarcely alighted .tho . platform at the depot be a niau ran up and asked if I wn "Ranger" of THE BEE and wanted to take his subscription to the d ; Two hotel moil grabbed my valis rtho saino linn , and the one I cl to decide for supplied me , fro . expense , with a cigar and .a roaring fire aud something else was warm to counteract .the effect rtho sleet that tilled the air outside was only about four years ago i I first stopped at Exeter , and at I .titno the town was so insignificant1 the visit hardly paid expunaos. N however , I must auoie fur Exetur most profitable day in my wl week's work. A GOOD JOKE is told on the Republican and friend Woodward. The latter is of the jolliest boy * in the world certainly hits nothing ministerial al him , but the local paper for a stated that the Rev. Woodward ' goihgHo .some watering place' to lievo the pressure upon his brain , Well , the Republican came out in time with the announcement Rev. Woodward , the eminent dii whoso ministrations had done so H , for the advancement of religion -Central Nebraska , , was about to I .a much needed vacation to rccupe from exhaustion caused by the a : ous duties resulting from his ex -sivo pastorate , etc. , etc. Thorclig editor of Republican ( presum JkooksJ is certainly a sooner thn Well calculated to inako any papoi diculpus. ruosrEcxa. A Catholic church is talked up many of its projectors assert that itf bo the bi st west of Lincoln. A Cl tian chinch will also be built soon , -question being agitated throughout entire surrounding count ! y. Methodists are now getting subsc jtions for a church , and have ov .thousand dollars on thu list. future is gilt-edged in every resj THIS YEAU'H cuors will average , despite the drouth , 1 0 to 50 bushels to the aero for c from 10 to 5 for wheat , from C SO for oats , 12 to 16 for rye , an excellent crop of barley. FRUIT. Mr. Younger , on Turkey ci .south of town , is bragging on .young orchard tfcat this year f him an extensive variety of excel .apples. Hov. Ingham's farm also has s excellent fruit , though his poach t that bore well hist year are bu this summer on account of the frosts that killed all peach buds' f .as far south as Kansas. TIIK LOCATION of Exeter is in the northeast corn Fillmore , ono of the second tie : I counties north from , the Kansas It has the valley of the Blue < miles north , and Turkey c -valley is only seven j to the south. Water is obtaine "tho best quality , and in nbunclanc from 35 to 40 feet. A. A. McCoy , Iho.rual estate do has for iulo wild lands in em quantity , but he also has some of very host improved farms orchards , fiilo houses and outb ings. Land is yet cheap hero , tin it will not bo many years bcfoi will require a big pncketbook to c ICO acres of Fillmore county land Real estate ) has recently been almost in sight of town for 8' .acre , and suburban farms are rei obtained for 820. OUIIH AND KJjnS. Mr. Bonnet Ewin , the well kn cattle dealer , has recently creel t series ot stock sheds , 1)0x0 ) 1 feet , r j iiicloauil for stock yards a 10-acro adjoining town. Ho has also ' two colossal cribs for holding stock fattener. A huj-o platform , covering the corner in town , has been laid by " miin , Dimick & Co. , successors I A. Edncy , to accommodate their play < > f agricultural implements. There are car loads of good * in a [ warehouse al the rear of this ] form. form.Your correspondent is largely lobtod to the active exertions o : A. McCoy , attorney , collector , md real vstato ngcnt , for the very tonsivo list of subscribers tn laily obtained in Exeter. Such ire i ro the life of n town. They fun : ho dash and push , the energy itick-to-it-ii-tivenc83 that is bourn win , Two or three such workora trorth more than half a dozen sic 'capitalists ' who "toil not , neither tliuy spin" and yet how much n lire wo apb to honor those kid-glc ' 'lilies of the valley" than the i who wears faded clothes and thn bare garments , but whoso brain workshop that is always ] duciiu' something useful , so thing to bcnifit his town , fricmla , himself or all tl .it once. The "lily of the vail needs no effort * of brain or him pair of scissors to clip coupons sc annually will answer his purpose , if ho wants to make a big haul wAtcrs his stool ; . The papers | him n personal if ho takes the tri for for Council Blull's , and they i him another when ho tetui Ho has no store , no olllco , but lives in a line mansion and li.curoi the socio'y ' editor's roporla. Ho horn farmers und mechanics , anil c the first clod-hoppers and the la the tin pail 'brigade. When they ionible , ho calls the mooting a i .ind wants them discouraged , and paper icfusus to do his bidding i communistic aud its editor an arr demagogue. There are none of tlio "Lily of field" class in towns like Exc They are once in auhilo found'gotl on or oll'tho trains withn pack ofd it their hcols and a breech loader their gun case , but they play a Alines of billiards , take an ho tramp , replenish their pocket flo ; : urso the town and country , buy sc prairie chickens and announce Om when they show the conductor tl frco passes , * Some of these chaps come fi Lincoln , but they are not nutnor autsido of metropolitan towns. Wherever found they are loccl the product of a bad government jood government badly ndminiatci They halo all reform because t neans their destruction. They the backers of railroads , and all ri ind extortions , and , strange as1 it n leom , amone the producing clai ; h y have a large and servile foil .ng. Their tools and agents are fein n all such towns as Exeter , and th 'ellows do the work that their masl vould scorn to even think of , but ' vouTica ) f Exeter give but few indication ! my very great love for the kind nen who thus manipulate the pee ind thereby rill their owji pockets. In the coming election the ai nonopolists will win , for the pcu ire waking up to the necessity .earing the mask from the yci > rophots that preach submission nonopoly dictates. Here , as elsewhere , the comment ' at Otm ipon Van Wyck's speech ire strong and emphatic in their I ind complete endorsement except i Few , very few , of ths old Jackson ailroad lackeys who still insist , iourts to the contrary notwithsta ng , that railroads have all theipr eges of a private firm. iThey ne ihink that when the railroads ta , heir property for a , road bed i jots bonds , 'depotjgrounds , &o , thr receives more than businessfirms i lenco becomes measurably the { jle's property. [ For business review of Exeter , idvertising columns. HANGEK Call for Republican State Couvi tlon. The Republican electors of the Stat Nebraska are hereby called to send d rates from the several counties , , to nice state Convention at Lincoln , on Wed ] lay , October 5th , 1881. a 3:30 : o'c'ock , nl , for the imipiise of placing in nonii Jon candidates for tfn fallowing nai dices , vw : One Judge ° f the Supreme " Court. _ Two Regents of the btute "Viiiverniti And to transact Mich other bushier Taav properly come before the convent : The several counties nre entitled to i refutation in the State convention as IOWH , upon the vote cast for Gef W. Collins for Presidential elector , ui\ mo delegate to each one Inmdied and t 150) ) votes , and one for the fraction loventy-live (70) ( ) votes or over. Also lelegate at large for each organi/.cd co Counties. Vta. Del lounties , Vt1 * . Adams. . . . 1-117 11 Johnson . .10IJ8 kntelope. , , 577 5 Kearney . . 550 Boone U71 5 Keith. . . . . 32 Buffalo..1195 0 Knox 550 Hurt 1010 8 Lincaiiter.3397 Uutler 058 7 Lincoln. . . 377 Dass 1801 13 MadiKon. . (170 ( Uedar 218 2 Merriok. . . 819 Ohoyeime. . 232 3 Nance . . . . 109 Clay 1517 11 Nuckolls. . 5'Jl Colfaic 085 0 Ncmaha 1473 Chase 1 Otoo I'.HB Cummin ; . . 538 5 1'uwiieo. . 1181 Cubter. . . . 200 3 Phelps. . , . 420 Dakota 328 3 1'icreo . . . . 70 Dawiion. . . . 347 3 Polk . . . . 913 Dumly 2 1'latto. . . . 8.71 Dixon 459 4 Red Willow284 Dodge 1139 11 Douglass . . .3290 23 8alino..l841 Klllmora . . 1401 10 Sarpy. . , . 401 franklin. . . . 585 5 SaunderH.,1717 Frontier. . . . 133 2 SBiv rd.13r 4 Pumas 000 5 Sherman. . 308 Gage 1720 13 Sioux . QoMier 150 2 Stanton. . . ISO GJreeley 182 2 Thftyer. . . 83J tlall. . . 1150 9 Valley . . 392 Hayes 2 [ faii'ilton. . . 997 8 Wheeler. . Harlim 078 0 Wayne. . . 118 Hitchcock. . 135 2 Webster..1000 Holt 334 3 York 1444 Howard. . . . 037 0 Jefferson . .lOli'J 8 Total It is recommended 1'irst. That proxies ho admitted to the convention ? ept Mich ns are bvld by iiemotH resit in the cuuntiea from widen the proxies jlvcn. Hecoiul. That no delegate Khali re tent an absent member of hist deloga unices he be clothed u ith authority f the county convention or is in posses of proxies from regularly elected deleg thereof. ] ! y order of the Republican State ( ral Committo" . JAMBS W. DAWKS , Glim' V. .T , HKNDKIWHOT , .Sto'y. pie torn. Lincoln , Xiib. , Aug. 31 , 1881. Eowint ; mill | Wlion n young lady hennt handlcorcl for a I ich bi.chelmetio KOWH that the : ieap , When seeds of disease ar | > lai through over indulgence , you can ] > nv the undertaker irom reaping the Ituncli liking Spiing IHoibom , Price HO ct trial hottleH 10 cent * . > cptlOeodl F UVK ] \lillioii3 of nitn , iiuco , cats , 1 Iniga , roaclivs , loan tlioir lives by lision with "RoiiKh on IlatB. " f. by druggists , loc. ( SOMETHING EVERY LAD OUGHT TO KNO\ There exists a menus of cnrliiff a soft and brillli Complexion , no mutter li poor It inny naturally Hngnn's Mngnolia Hnlm 1 delicate mill Jmnnlcss ni clo , which instantly romo1 ProcMos , .Tnn , Itcdne Roughness , Eruptions , Y gixr Flushings , cic.j etc. flolicnto atmnnturnl nro effects that its nso is i suspected by anybody. No lady has the right present a disfigured iiico society when the Magno Halm is sold by all druggii Tor 7u , cents. If you .iron n f t fm int'vswu ttiMbythostmlnof rojr ilutle * nrolo uoik , tn r ftlnmhiiMnnu uao torclinilitnrivfn . u u Hop Ui Hop Bittcro. Itjounroyaunirnnd jiilTerhiirmrantij I I Ion i tl J'ou nrumi nai rle-l or nlncli ; , M or ° oii of sli j | ir n l < eu uijr on H o p H Blttpra. TliouwMins ale I . or rtmu&tln without JnfoJrfwMH Udnev orur/iiari/foiif / , llio It rrrr , Tioon , * roruertf You will bo cnrodirjrouiiBO Hop Blttcra Ii > i rlrlU > utr > it i It may nap Dirrt envoyour PC co. Ufa. It hns . Cwkcttrr , B. oavcd hun dreds. A Toronto. C TAR IN PASSENGER tEATE HOnniB BROS. Broken In nil Italli Ickctn , Omaha , Neb. , offer Ticket * to the I ntll further not to , at the ( ol'onlng nnhcai ow I'atcti : Chlcopo , 910 ; Round Trip , 81P.OO. The'i mlicd First-Class Tlclicts nnd tfooil ( or re lirotiRh the year , nnd via the Old Kclltblo ago , KutllnKton & Qulncy llailroad. Also , nv in M\VYOKK , utciw , sn 1IOSTON , do ) fi IMHLAUKLVIIIA , di 17 WASHINGTON , do 17 For \ nrtlcnlarf" . write or pro direct to 1IOU IOS. ! , ' Dealers In Kcdiicea Data lUllroad tcaimhln TUl.ct . 09 Tenth St. , Oinalm , 3 Rcmomhcr the place 'Ihrco Voort Norll Uast Side of Ti n on faclflc llailroad Depot , Itcct. Omnlm , An Runt 1 , 1881 _ au25dni Soiix City & Pacij St. Paul & Sioux Oity RAILEOADS , FIB OLD RELIABLE SIOUX CITY KOI .OO MILES SHOUTED ROUTE 3LO fROM COUNCIL BLUFFS 3 ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OK BISMA11 id all points In Northern Iowa , Mlnncnotn aKota. This line Is cqulppedwyh , the linprt Automailo Air-brake vid M litfonn CouDlej and Buffer ; and ( or SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT unsurpassed. Klejrant Rrawnnir Itoomi Iceplnu Cars , owned and controlloil by the c my , run through WITHOUT CHANGE botw nlon Pacific Transfer ucpot at Council Uli id St. Paul. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer dcpc TOncll BluHsat 6:15 : p. in. , reaching Sioux < ; 10:20 : . m. and St. Paul at 11:03 : a. ta. mal EN HOUUS IN ADVANCE OF ANY.OTI ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 8SO p. m. , arrl Sioux City 4:45 a. m. , and Union Pacific Tr I depot , Council Blutfe , at 0:00 : n. in. Be at your tickets road via "S. C. & P. It. R. ' F. 0. HILLS , Superintendent , T. E. ROBINSON , Missouri Volley , 1 A t. del Pans. Agent. J. II. O'BItt AN , Piw iicr : 'e. rouncil Blnft * , Ion 380. SHORTJ.IHE. 188 KANSAS CITY , It , Joe & Council Bin ! U T11R ONLY > irect Line to ST. LOU ANDTHEF.AST From Omaha and the West o change of cars between Omaha and si. , u and but one between OMAHA aud NEW YOIIK. csxizz : DailyPassengerTraii SrACIIINO ALt , ASTERN AND WESTERN CITIES with I CHAHQES nnd IN ADVANCE of ALL' , OT1IEU IAKKS. This entire Una ta equipped with Pullir alacc Sleeping Cars. Palace Day Coachcn , Jlil ifety Platform ami Coupler , and the celclir cktuijhoiiito Air-lirake. tiTHco that your ticket reads VIA nAN ITtf , ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL BLUFFS 1 mil , via St. Joseph and Ht. Louis. Tickets ( or tale at all coupon stations li tent. J. F. BARNARD , O. DAWES , Qen. Supt. , St. Jo cph , 11 Oon , POM. and Ticket Agl. , 8t. Joseph , Me. AKUT llOKDXN , Ticket Agcnl 1020 Farnhani btreet , A. B. BARKAKP. QonurM Aient , _ OMAHA. MB JetraskLandlgeni DAVIS & SNYDER , JOG Farnham 8t. , , . . Omaha , Nebro are.ully ( elected land In Kaitcrn Nobroiik Jo , Great Bargaiqa In lmpro\cd ( anus , 'nioh ' * city property. i , F. DAVIS. WEBSTKtt BNYr Late I.oiid Com'r U.P , P _ ' * -el JH FLIEGLE Successor to J , II Tlilclo , MERCHANT TAILC Zo. 230 Domtlar " ' - " - * . . N h , AGENTS WANTED FOR KASTUIT SKLLINO IJOOKH or TUX Ao | Foundations of Succe BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOHMB. The lawa ol trade , ItK l ( oruis , how toti ct biulncus , taluablu tablti , gotlM ctl < | ii nrllanivntaryuaye , how to conduct public e > * ; in ( net It U a voinploto Uuldo to Hucte II caises. A faintly memltv. Aililrcru (01 ulars anil terms ANC1IOU PUBLISH ! 0. , St.Ixiuls , Mo. BOGGS & HILL , 1EAL ESTATE BROKE ! No. IfiOSFaruliaru Street , ac k.3QCA. , - - wraa : Nr.U ldo ei > i > , Oiand U atr l Uo p'c t for hcmif the jnont direct. q\ilckc t , ifcst line connfftlnir the jrrfat Mctroi > elli , AOO , nntl the KxntitRN , NORMI-I'.ASTIIHN , S ml Sorrn-KAgiKR ! ! Lisit' , lilch lorni'.mtp t 1th KANKAH Cirr , I.RAVRSWORTII , ATCII ovscn. Itmrra nml OMAHA , the COMMKI IWTKRS Iroin nlilrh rndlnto EVERY UINC OF ROAD ml penetrates the Continent from the 111 * Ivcr to the IVkclflc Slox > . The IHIOAOO ROCK ISLAND , t : CIFIO RAILWAY i the only line from ChlenKO owning tracx &nsw , or which , by Us own rcvul , rcixchua ilntu ulioxo named. XOTRASSFFIIH BV CIRRI 0 UIMISO COXNItCTIOVsl No Iliulcllllli' | | ; ntlbtHt or unclean raw , fti e rrv IVVKSCIIRI irricvl In rnoiuy , cliwn nniliitlhiil ix > .v | wn Fast K\iin. TrnliM. lATCAR oinnrllc < I nmunlflcfiicc , I'uu ALACK HtKFriNO CAH , ixml ourown wotM-fa INIXO OARS , \iixiii which wienlsnro < rtvr < l ol iriweil oxrcllonco , nt the low nvtc of Hitvi INK CKSTH BACH , with ample time lor lnviU ijoymcnt , Throuifh C.\n between Clilcnw , I'eorh , nukco nnd Mlvoiirl UUor lVlntnmiJ clone : ctlon tttftllXliiU | of Intersection with mil * . . milVo ticket ( ilo not forcot tbl ) illmtl.v to o aeo of Importuned In KMinai. .N'cliutl.n. 1 ] 111 % Wvomlnit , ftnli. Iilnbo , Neli , ( iiilfoi rciron , NViuthlngtmi Territory , Cobriulo , Arl id Now Moxleo. Aa liberal nrmniccnicnt * res.vHnijf li vtni iy other line , and rnto * of faro nln i > * . < o impr.titon ) , v.ho furnlnh but ft tllho of the i rl , Doci and tAckle of xporbimen tree Tickctc , 1111113 nnd foldcra at all ] ir < nct | > .M HOOK In the United Stntc * and < ium la. It. 11. CAIU.K , K. ST. JOH Ice PrcVt & Oon. Ocn. Tkt ami I'oM'r . r. Chlcvco Cnlrm Send for Now Kn. 30 , Fall nnd V ; r of 1881. Frco to nny nddrcsa. ( ilns full description of all /iWoof gc > r personal and family use. We < ircctly with the consumer , nnd sell nods in any quantity' ' nt trholcfale pri "on can buy better nnd cheaper tlm ome. HONTGOMERY WA11D & C 27 and 229 Wabash Avcnue.Chieaco BoHwUm Xbcnmlnntlou of Tonchor * I will bo picscnt at my office In Crcljl ockontho first SatunUyof each month tc nine such applicants ai mny ilo'lru to t the jinbllo schools In Douglaa county. Q rly examination first bnturday In Kcbru ay , AugUbt and November. J. J VOINTH , County Bunt. Public ItwtrnctU tand'J.-i8eiiiwtl Aug24-l _ II. R. CUABRBOX , J. O. II Clarkson & . Hunt , Succcewr. to Hlch&rds & Hunt , iLTTORNEYS-AT-LA _ < ? Ub"tr ) > pt flm h N b _ WISE'S Hxle Greas NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagons , Duffijic * , 'nKfwnl , Throi nl Mill Machinery. It IB IKTAI.UAIMI TO V at AND TKAUHTKKB. It cures scratches an Inils of eoreo on llorsto ted Stock , aa well i icn. icn.CLARK & WISE , lanuf's , 385 Illinois Street , Ohicai TSEND FOIl PRICES. Je 24-Om D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - ATLA AUBACII BLOCK , Onr. Douiiln. " IBth fits. Omaha Nub DISEASES OP TUB- _ DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Auri ATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN RO LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL corencc nll Reputable I'liynldaiis of On TO tTlce , Corner IDth and Farnliam maha , Neb -iU-JSin SU. W. DUANK. A. C. CAU1V DOANE& CAMPBELL , Xtt orneys-at-La 8 W COR. 16T1I & DOUGLAS BTK. , lYSl'tf 01IAIIA , 'IONEER LAND AGEN ? . M. EATHBTI Cambridge , Neb. 1,000,000 aero * government land open to II xJ . Prc-einimons and Timber clalinn. loicu Improved tlalnw for iulo or cxchaneo. I the bent deeded fanni In Boutliwcstorn Nc > with timber aii'l uater for Halo. A ( ow c ck roneheH with fo'iccd fields , timber , ha ; Ator , for sale , cheap. Corrotpoudcrico Holli nurtO tt the FutMt holllnic Hook of thi Agi foundations of Succc BUSINESS AKD EOUIAL FORMS. The Uni of trade , le < al fiirtot , bow to ' t tuHimii , v lumle tmbloi , social ttlqt irlUmcntar } ' asa e , hw to conduct | > urlnem ; In f.ct It In icomMMe amde to BII fur all clu us A family uecoMl y. Ad xclrcnUnand p clal terinf , ' I ! i. St , , . . M , , . W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LA OrriCK Front HCXJIIII OipuUlm ) In llantu owurkk Imllillnif , NV. . corner Fttoeutl arnhain Streets. AGENTS WANTED ro OUR NKW BOOI BIBLE FOR THE YOUNC clnjf the Btory of tlio Scriptures , liy llov. 0 .loxandir Crnoli , I ) . I ) . , In ulinpla and nitre itigua e ( or olil anil ) emi , I'rofunely Illi : il , muUnj ; u "K t liitfrcttlni ; und lni | > r < outli ItiktrtutQr , I'.vcry parent will hceiir ork. 1'tiai.htTB , you hlionlJ circulate It. 3.00. Hcmt ( or circular * with extra terms , J II (1IIAMIIKI1H&CO. ht. Login 3exterL.Tioias&E ] ] WIM. IIUV AND SKM. 1-A.X AMI ) Alb ' rONNCCTKD TllimXWITH. ? tvy Taxes , Rout Houses , I If YOU WAST TO HOT OK SKU. all i.t Offlcc , Room 8 , Crclghton Block , On No Changing Cars BKTHllRX ) MAHA & GHIGACI rhcro direct connection * uro maitn nUh Thtflt SLKKl'lNCl OAll LINK-1 ( or ; K\V YQHK , nosn > s , iA , LllMOnWASIIIKOTC WASIIIKOTC AND AM. KASTKUN Short Line via , Poor : Vat I.XllIANAI'OUS , CINCINNATI , LOU 11.1,1' , Mul all polnU III the Tim RUT LIXi ror ST. LOUIS rhcr itlroct conntitioni ru m-uto in the Uu Dciiat ulth the Tlimu h SUwpliiK Car Unrifor ALbl'OlNTH gg O TP" M ? 3BC . 1EW LINE DES MOIME THE KAVOU1TE IIOUTE I'OH Rock Island. The uncoMtlr , < l Inilnccmuntti oRcml by this I i tn < olrn n J tourUU ixro u follomi : ThuwlclinitcU 1'L'I.LMAN ( ! ( ' hcul ) VAI.A LKKl'INQ CAII.S mil only an thin line C. , 0 , . PAI.ACK UAWINO ROOM CAltS , w orton's llecllnlnif Chain. No extra charge atiln lU'cllnlni ; Chain. Tic f uucmsC. , I ) . r&lacc nininff Car * . Dorp * ui Snioklny C lUnl with clepxnt liluh-lnckcil nttan rcvoUl mlta , ( or the cxcluslvo use ol flnt-cUux ftaai jrs. Stool Track and superior equipment comblr Ith their gicnt tlirou"h ( car armiEomont , mal ill , alwt o nil othcn , the ( \orito route tot rvst , South anil Kouthnaxt. Try It , iviul you 111 llnJ tm llng ft luxury , cnl of a illsromtnrt. Through tickets \lo thla rclchntutl line ( or * : all ollicoa In the LTnltf.1 StatM Mill Cnnulx AH Infonnatlon alwnt rntci ol ( arc , Hleeiil nr accoinmoilatlnnii , Tlmo Tablet , etc. , u 111 lecrtully given by applying ta EUCKVAI. LOWELL , ) I'asunirur Ancnt , Chicago T. J. POTTEU , Oonnnl Slanaper JlackDiamondOoalGi jr. H LOOM'S , J. S. NKWI'.LL I'liKu. Site. AND TRK I. Ij. 1IILLBR , AaiKT. HARD OR SOFf n car loU or In iiuantltlca to suit purchase Orders Solicited. rTard , Foot Farnham and Dou ] las Sts. , Omttha. _ cp3-t ( GRAND OPENING ! Procjnor Ki her , ( ( rain Sit. ! .ouli ) Dandnpr . dt'iny , Standard Hull , cor rifteoiiih and Fa am , Tuesday cvutilnu , September OtH. ( .lasses ( or ixidloaaiid itentlemiacninmencl 'uciwlayciitf ' ! ! | Scptcniber Oil. ; claiscm ll'svs and Musters , co nmcnclne Sxtiird iy alt oan at 4 o'clock , Clai-ei ( or HimlllcK , will rnoiired to mlt ( IPO honurnbla patrons. A ailct dancing can be taught. Terms liberal , anil pcrlnc natUfaqllnn to > cV ra guarantied rrlvato Initruetl'HH wll lufj n nt the Dancing Aeadcmy cr at tluIilc. . ftlio patron * . Pnvato orders may bo left at Mat Meyei Iro's. Iro's.Geo. . P. Bemis REAL ESTATE IBth and Dodge UU. , Omaha , Neb This agency docx BTRICTIT ft brokerage bmlne ) oe n > t Hptcnlutv , ami thvrefotp any bari n UN bnnKn arr Inmmd to Its patrons , limit ( iH'Itnr vobblnd nn bv Ibo THE BEST OF ALL POIl MAN AND BEAST , For more tlmn n tlilrcl ofn century 111 i'xIcniinruHlniinI.lnlinciitlmMboi ; hiuinrn toinlllloiiHiill ever tliirworlcl n tlin only HUIU roHunco for the roller < niuliluiitfl mill imln. H IH u inoillrln nlxivii iirloo Mini pnilflo tlio lu-i.t nl ( I ' lilml. For every luun ol ujcturnul pn' thn Miistmift l.lnlniont Is nltlmutnn cminl It i > riictr lr niul muscle t llio > cry Ixnir inuUlnu tllu ccntlni iiiifii ( if niiln Hiul iiilliiiniimtlnii liupn xlliln. llHHl'cclHiipnii llilliiiin Di-sli UK din IlnilnCri'iillon nru Kjnully wumle fill. Tlio Muxlciui I.lnlini'lit Ifl nonili'il liy cviiry IIOIIHCI , Kvt'iy iliiy bi I"f { nnws < ' of nil mvl'iil uriilit f lull' tllu K < > " ) HiilKluod , of rlM-nnintio iniiriyrn r Hlni il , or a vnlunliln linno or uvc-a by tliu hu whlcli ftocillly ] ttive-H such ailments < tlio HUMAN F1JCS11 IIH Itliountiitlmii. HivellliiRi , fill JTutiits , foiitrncted Jtrii cle , Iluri mid HruIiUi Cut * , Itrulue * nil i I nliuuou iitr nil MKOirxit , Ijaiilciicmi , Ol Korc Mpiilfi , Cakcil Jlfcnit , an Indeed every form of extemul dli cone. It iK-nU itlllinut Kciim. For tlio lluuTi : CitlUTiON itcuirs i lin , NMliuiy. ( Ulir Joint iil/ir , Ilnriiea * Horcn. Hoof IU , Foot Itol , Nrrewvurin. . Hen I llullotv Horn , Hi-riKcln-n , IVIix anil * . Spavin , TJirnxli , Itliiuliun Old Norm , I'oll Ilvll , I'llin < i | > < i Hie ( Jlulit niul every ollii r ullnini In ivlilcli tlie ovciipunlB of li Mlnlile nail Htofli Vi\rd nrn Ilulilf , Tint niexlvun Jllinlmii ; I.liilmti nlwtiys CIII-UH uiul uovur ilUuppolut niul ft Is , positively , THE BEST OF ALL. FOB MAN OR BEAGT , Edward W. Simeral ATTORNEY . -AT - THIS N W AND GC RRKCT MA2 ? X'rotvw jcj-oml riny Tcasoimblo question tht.Ui CHICAGO & KORTH-WESTERN R'V jf ? Sy ml oAs tiin'ifs' roa.1 for you totnko wlirn invcllnj IncltlicriJlrcotlonbctwcoar Chicago anr ! all of ilia Principal Points In the West , Norlh and Northwest. ( Jntpfully pxnmltic tnts Mnp. Tlio TrliiclpM Clllfflot llio Won find Nnrtliwcil nto Rtntloni in llihroad. Its fJitonijli tialus uiuko cluM coiiucctlouj HU unction polnM SCt 2SJi 8 ' ft0 ! 1' * m THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , lo "he Imperial Palace Dining Cars. NnrtlwMt o ! ChlcaKo. Trunk Unos ; ' , Minnesota & CcntrM DnkMa IJn > j . . . . , HU raiilntutMlnncnpolh l.lno. 1 AntlllliKiis , I rcciiort & Uiibuquo Line. " "MllwanUro , Urcoii Hay & Lalto Hupcrlor V Jio ' 'i r.okcts o\cr tills ror.a .iro suld Ly all Couiwu 'llcltct Agcutsmtlio United HtuUss au'ilj IScii'ioiiilicr to aslc for TlcUct-s via tills Toad.bosuro they rcml over It.nml take none othoii IAKV1S lll'aUHT.Oeu'l Jlaiiascr.OhlcaKO. + > W. 11. STKXXm.aoti'U'ass. Agent , CUlcagc * . IIAimV P. miEL. Ticket Auent C. & N. W. Hallway , 14th and Fiunham trccts. D. K. K1M11AM , , A l3tantTlckrt A cnt 0. & N. W. Hallway , Utb nJ Farnham itrecll * . J. 11KI.I , , Tlekct ARont C. A N. W. lUllway , U. P. n. H. Depot. 8A.MKHT. CLAllK General Aircnt. iDVANGE OF THE SEASON ! ( Goods Suitable for the COMING WEATHER - JUST RECEIVED AT - Mid & Mclnnis' 4 And will lie sold at our usual extremely IPIRIECIES I Blankets and Comforters , Flan nels and Shirtings , Cotton Flan nels and Sheetings , Muslin and Calicoes , Dress Goods , Silks and Satins , Black Goods and Cash meres , Hosiery and Underwear , Corsets and Gloves , Ribbons and Ladies' Neckwear , Cloaks and Dolmans mans , Table Linens and Napkins , Gent's White and Colored Shirts , Waterproofs jand Flannel suitings , Denims and Jeans. ur ( Bine Checked Shirting at IB 2-3e , Sold Everywhere else at 2Dc. You -will SAVBJMONBY by Buying Your Goods of GUILD & McINNIS , 03 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Cal. , E. Side , VEAX MEYER & BRO , , CO Jr ? ; he Oldest Wholesale and 3MC .A. 3 detail Jewelry House in THK LEADING } maha. Visitors can here MUSIC HOUSE ind allnovelties in Silver IN THE WEST I iVare , Clocks , Rich and General Agents for the Stylish Jewelry , Ihe La Finest and Best Pianos and test , Most Artistic , and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low aa in Choicest Selections any Eastern Manufacturer Precious Stones , avid all and Dealer. iescriptions of Fine Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments a * Watches at as Low Pri Bottom Prices. ces as is compatible with A SPLENDID stock of lonorable dealers , Call Steinway Pianos , Knaba Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi md see our Elegant New anos , and other makes. Store , Tower Building , Also Clough & Warren , > rner llth and Farn- Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do im Streets not fail to see us before pur WAX MEYER & BRO. chasing. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND IIETAIL DEALKIl IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , ASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LSf 1E , CE EHT roil MILWAUKEE CJMHNTJCOMI'ANY. fear Union Pacific Doi3ot. , OMAHA , KEB 1 mn Avont ( r toMMlllA : ! WA1ITPT1I Jlc' " ° ' ttWIltv , to roprenonk . ami OTTO III' ifOJJS. Htnd WAUlJlllJI UHAUIIKim1 Dk-tlmnry of U | tlneuiLiit btprpIorCaialocne \cnnl KnoKlodh'u. Coniplctd Cycloi'axlla oC and ) > | U'v ll t toiitalnlnjf full L > erv 1'ay ' Want * . Information. Thu I * the Mutt Uw-ful and Coinivict Literary Adiluvcmuit of thu AV. | It ) ms pu co-i itltor N , I , D , SOLOMON , ntvtl \VowaiitfOinpclciit apply Cltrulara , Bolli-ltom. ( ; lviuii full ho duirlptlaa.- ( > cddliN bent on appllmt on. J. U. OlIAMHhllH , Paiuts.OiU null Glai .bt. Louis , ilo. , Cblc fo , 111 , Atlant OilAlIA , KliiU