Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1881, Page 2, Image 3
THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : AVf'DNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 , 1881 THE DARK NIGHT Drapliic Description of tlio Maiiyj Scenes of Horror aud Wild Excitement ' / -Consequent Upon the Roroipt of the News in all Cliuios and Spheres. Wonderful CalmnessDisplayed ) by the Bereaved Wife Upon Hearing of the Crisis. Miss Mollie Garfleld AlniostJ Prostrated nt the Unex pected End. Chester A. Arthur Bocoivos Official Notiflcition of the President's Death. Ho Takes the Oath of Office at President of the United t : tat os. Arrangement * far tlio Interment of the President' * Cold Remains. THE I.AST BULLETIN. K Uonal Aiuoelutcd 1'rcM LONO BRANCH , Sopt. 19. The president died at 10:35 : p. m. Aftrr the bulletin was issued at 5:110 : p. in the president continued in much the ] amo condition assuring the after noon , his pulse varying from 100 tc 100 , with rather increased volume. After taking nourishment ho fell into' ' a quiet sleep about 35 minutes before hia death , and while asleep his pul rose to 120 nnd waa somewhat mo feeble. At 10 p. m. ho awoke complaining - ] plaining ot scvoro pain in the rngion ot the heart. lie almost immediately Lccamo unconscious and ceased hrcathont 10:35. : ( Signed ) D. W 13nss , JHn F. 1J. HAMILTON , n D. H. AUNKW. lai The I < aftt Moments. ill Dr. Dliss says when ho retired to ! ltd his room about i > :30 : last night ho did so under the knowledge time the proa-j Jdont wan comfortable and that bar-j iiii rinjf the always nrcsont probability o 'lit ' danger , ho exhibitp ( every indication 'birt ' of having before liiin the prospect of a rt comfortublo niglit. The doctor when rtot Jio reached his own room nt once act oo about attending tohiscorrcspondcnco , 18 and was engaged reading seine letters 18dc whqn ho was informed the president dc had complained of sufloring great pain th ; in the region of his heart. Ho nt once went to tlio room and nn exam co ination showed that the president was coTl dying. liis heart had almost ceased in to thiob. re Dr. Elias says the president's death reV was quiet and ousy , and at tor ho made br thn complaint about suffering pain at his heart , gave no sign of n physical Ifobc trouble , but passed away withou | bcd. further disturbances as if going into d. sound sleep. it itli > The Pro idoat' Family. Loxn DRANCH , Sopt. 20. All tin Hu members of the president's family in ] , Ohio and at college were nt once noti lied at precisely 10:42. : The announcement mont that her father was dead when ] IE made to Miss Mollie Garfield had 30 -auch a depressing effect on her that Uf for n long time it was feared she woul Ilir * be tluown into n state of dangorou Ilirr excitement. The young lady had boon r hu under the firm belief that her fnthc : > had entered upon n period of improve > inont that would finally restore hin Iw to recovery. When Mrs. Garfiol lost night entered the bad-room and ! iraa told that the president was dyin she maintained hur calm exterior nn gave no evidence of breaking down. } ho is bearing her aflliction with al' the fortitutudo for which she is BO ro inarkublo. She is us well as could b expected. The prosidont'a niotlio Svill not bo sent for to como to Lon Branch. She is much prostrated atidj it pronounced unable to Htand th Tournoy. The venerable lady will , however , attend the funeral of hot son in Cleveland on Monday next. All the president's children will be Jioro to-day. _ [ The Funeral. jf . LONO BHANUII , Sept. 20. Arrangements monts for the funeral lias been mude entirely to meet the wishes of Mrs. n Qarfiold. The arrangements ns olll dally announced by Attorney ( Junonil ] McaVeaghnro ns follows : On Wednesday day morning a sp.ot.ial train for Wush .inptou will convey the remains to tit capitol and the body will Ho in stnt ; { under the dome of the capitol o : Thursday and Friday , and on Friday evening it will bo taken by a tipocinl train to Cleveland , where it will lie in t i etato Sunday. The remains will be interred in Liko-Viow cemetery nt , ,1 Cleveland , in accordance with the ; often expressed wishes of the presi dent. A nUAllD OF HONOK. TitKXioK , N. J. , Sopt. 20. Hon. "Wayno 3IuoVeagh nm directed by < Qoy. Ludlow to tender you a guard ol honor to the remains of President -Gurflold > " (8inod ( ) WM. (3. ( STIHCKKU , Adjutant General. 1 Attorney General MnoYeagh an awetvd , fttating that the oll'or woulc " "probaVly bo accepted. THE PRESIDENT'S APPEAR ! ANOE. Ilia KACJU NOT JMACIATii : > OH UllKD. Mr. Bicharda , the doorman , had not sucn the president since lie , was ahot , uaid , when asked jf ho would Imvo rccoini-od him : "Yes , cbrtamly ; Jio was not emaciated as I hud sup- poAcd , nnd oven if the features had houn lesi natural than they were , ] filinuld haytt rccogin ud him unywhure l > y his butrd. " ia "Tho fdoo ia not dUfigured , thon"i ? 'No. ' The wouiida caused by the1 , ' incision oucmi'd to mu to have almost ' ntir ! ly healed " i' 4 J Such incidents as thi'no were the vnivorenl talker the few of these ; who bad an interest in watching the , mso. Most everyone seemed to innkr J the loss n personal one and the prcaij dent dead had moro friends than ht | nottld over know had ho lived. The News nt WftBhliiRton. \VAMII.VOTON , Sept. 20. This citj 11 in mourning from ono end of I'onn- Ajlvania nvcnue to the other , where few months ngo all WHS brilliant with' ' olor us the newly elected president . \ciit to liis inauguration. There ) iio mass of pombro blnck. Already jorps f men nro busy draping the do- partmontn in black , nnd the lings on those buildings na well ni nil over the oity are nt halt-snast. The feolintfot wrrow ia becoming intensified. Tin lopnrtmontn oiicticd nt the usual time , nt J ) o'clock , but there was nil uiiBcNlcd feeling ntnong the ofllcinlf- md ck'ik nnd no woik is being done. Tito death of the prenident is the only topic of discussion , A few niljtutca before 11 o'clock , * just when the.iters were letting out , i newsboy rushed down Pennsylvania ivcnuo with nn extra edition of n newspaper , shouting , "A full account , if theprLBidoiit'fl ' death. " At thosanu time n few people were on thostrootn , but it was not long before the Btreold were thronged and the church boll * were tolling and announcing the Bad- Jest news that the people had ovci licnrd. Immediately after the news here them was n great commotion great crowds gathered and there were sconce hoof depest regret and now nnd then ndignation were presented. Men cried md women wrung thrir hands.Viii \ - \ n an hour after tlio news arrived , workmen were teen rushing through the atreetfl , nnd hnnimeru resounded ] the work of placing mnrning dcco rations progressed. At no time since ] the day the shooting , has the cit > been so excited ns at the time of the 'croption of the news at the Whit [ louse. The Night at LOUR Branch LONO BKANCH , Sept. 20. The night was onOOf | hurry , excitement , anxiety ! md work , such nn Long Branch lias ] icvor aeon nnd will not aeo again , 'hero wan neither sleep nor quiet ex opt nt Franoklyn cottngo. It wuaj bout the hour of 4 o'clock when ho last of the newspaper men eft nnd nt six o'clock began to arnv- rom thu west end. The news cam vith n terrible suddenness , dcspit lie fact that everybody was Availing iind watching for the news , and the anxiety to secure accurate factswhich it first promised to bo difficult to ob tain , prevented any attempt nt the narration of the death. Ilalf of the newspaper men , longntj duty at Wash ington nnd hero , were tired out nnd luul gone to bud. The horses had Ijcon stabled. Only n relay of men ncro on telegraph duty , nnd in an ithor half of nn hour all the hotel and sottago residents would have been islcep. Tlio announcement- the presi lent was sinking rapidly changed nil his. llyerson & Brown , the livery nen nt the West End , had all they iould do , and their men within call L'ho first coach reached Elboron with- n the lapse of eight minutes from the ocolpt of the first dispatch at the West End , two miles away , over n jad rojjd and on a dark night. Coaaji by tlio surf , back nnd forth , from that hour until dayljght egan to bo seen. At the first alarm loop parties and halt-awakened oner- itors came down the stairway hall Iressod and rubbing tired eyes , while m the outer porch shoes were nastily mttoncd and coaches started one iftcr the other , overloaded with who ivor could scramble in. This fooling was intensified at the Blboron ! nnd among the surrounding iottngos from the incidents of the ifternoou , which would probably never 01ol invo boon alliulod to or thought of igain had it not boon for the sad ro mlts of the night. ' About half-past o'clock Mrs. Uarfiold sat for a time n the front porch , distant from , but vithin full view of the road. AT CHICAGO. si CHJCAOO , Sopt. 20. The city to 4fj lay is far moro quiet than on an or- fj inary Sunday. Businrsa ia almost IT entirely suspended nnd about the Inly noUu is in&do by the boys calling iho extra editions of the afternoon papora. The board of trade mot as o usual this morning but only toadfourn onuo without tiansacting any busi ness. Public nnd private buildings ire rapidly being heavily draped in iombro black. Largo but silent jrow ds gather where thu bulletins arc displayed and also gaze Badly on tin ihotographa of the. murdered prcsi lent whinh are displayed with thoai nil the Qarfiold family in many MRS. OARFIELD FAILING. IH NOT UELIUVKD HICK OVN HDItVIViiV1 TUB KT11AIM LONO BHANCH , Sept. 20. It is now mud nnd believed by tlioso who know her that Mrs. Garfiuld's life is in dan- or , nnd that she will not long survive lior husband. Courageous as uho loomed she has her feelings undot Control at an enormous strain , and the oaction cannot fail to como. The oiibiou was brought on when she wai drcady ill and only beginning to re ovo' , trein what had boon feared woi'ld do a fatal illness. The terrible tutumor in Washington with its unin- | corrupted worry , trouble and excite nont , loaves her in no condition tc withstand n nervous reaction. She wept , however , long , silently an freely ns she sat on the bed beaidi the body of her dead husband uftui inidni'-tht , which was thu bo t .immo'- liatoioliuf. HUB HKEMKU UNUHUAIXVOHKKUFUI , and returned the greeting of frionde whom aho recoxnizod with Hinilos ol recognition. An hour later MUs Mol lie Garfield ran about the lawn with a young lady friend , nnd was in such bright apitits na to attract the atten tion of the people about the hotel who gathered in groups to watch her Neither ono aoeinod tp iiavo expected tlio worst , and coitninly not BO soon Mr , Ourliold , it ia said , hnd received every warning that the phyaicinm could give her , but her husband had so often won thu fi ht that elm had quined a habit of hopefulness in tin nosonco of danger , Miss Mollie , ii leported , snjs that she had been idecoivod by friends and did not over 'iies3 nt the coming tuith. It wn communicated as n cruel kindness bj these Mho claimed to know it to bc t true. lh JIAltUY AND JAM KM. . WIU.UUHTOWN , Mosa. , Sept , 20. | Harry Giuficld left here on the 7:303 : o'clock train the morniug ior Now1 V'ork , and will go direct to Long Dranch , his horther Iamcs , Jr. , inl prostrated with malarial fever , and ! too ill to Ic-u-c lit * room The collcgoS is quiet. Thoio will probably bo some ! public exprccsions of sympathy by thoj students. CHESTER A. ARTHUR. 1111 UKOKIIT OF TUB JfKWK-TAKKS TIUj OATll OP l'Ut.HU > KXT. Nr.w YntK , September 20. Ocn I Arthur received nt his residence tlicjj Dflicial nnnouncomcnt of the prcsi' lout's death from tlio cabinet at 12:1 : ! " thN moining. Theioworo with Ocn.I Artlinr District Attorney Ilojlins , | " " " it Root nnd Poljco Commissioner French , Several dispatches , stating ! ] ihc president hnd died , were received , ! hut it was not until 12:25 : this morning - " ing that the official notificition from ! the c ibinet was received , After n brief j consultation with his visitors. Oen.l Arthur retired to his library , where hoi remained nlono fifteen minutes. Hcl then walked up ntnira to the pnrlorj md in response to rcprcsontativca off ; lic press said ho did not wish to ben 'ntorviowod on the solemn occasion , ! indhad not determined ns yet on nnjl ) tana for his immcdinto movements.I IIo could not say when ho would * leave the city , but thought it would bel some time to-day. Gen. Arthur * ilined nt his residence with Sonntorr JoncH , of Nevada , Elihu Root ondl District Attorney Rollins early in thol evening , nnd they remained witlil Gen. Arthur until Jio hnd received tlu illicial dispatch of the president's * death. NKW Yonic , September 20. To the oabnot : I have your message nnnounc-l ing the denth of President Garfieldp permit mo to review the expression ol jorrow nnd sympathy which I have ilrcady telegraphed. ClIKSTKH A. AllTHUR. HE TAKES THE OATH OK OFFICE. NKW YOUK , Sapr. 20. General ! Arthur was sworn in at a quarter past ! two this morning nt his house. Two ! udges of the Now York SunrcmeMc 2ourt hnd been sent for , J. It. liradyBt md Charles Donahuo. Judge BradyF irrived with Messrs. Rollins & RocBj 110 minutes to two , bub the cercmo-Bf iy was out of court nnd deferred untilli udgo Donahuo'a nnivnl nt n littlcA mst two o'clock with ex-Coinimssion-Bj r French. f On Judge Donnhuo's arrival Gcn.J rthnr rose from his sent in the libra-f y and advanced to the front parlor. In t is n largo room. The carpets arcIJTi oft nnct deep nnd of a dark tint.II" ieavy curtains -vhicli match the car-It' ot hang from the largo French win ows. Oil paintings by old master from the ceiling. Dispatches , | ooka nnd writinir materials were cattored all over the largo table that tands in the center. Gen Arthur stood behind this ta lc facing the window. Ha had ro- ainod. his composure , his eye was ulenr , nnd his manner dignified. The baa in the library wns burning dimly , and hia line till form stood out r grandly from the dark back ground. Old allegorical pictures loomed out from the darkness , pictures of con quests of triumph , and of defeats vnd despairs , and ubovo nil wns n white marble bust of Henry Clay. Judge Brady stood on the 'other side ot the tublo facing Gen. Arthur. a Grouped around the two men were Judfjo Donohuo , Elihu Roe , Com missionc ! French , Daniel G. Rollins , and Gen. Arthur's son. Judge Brady slowly advanced a step and raised his right hand. Gen. Arthur did likewise. A moment oi impressive ailonco followed. Gen. Arthur's feature were almost fixed. Then Judge Brady administered the oath , when Arthur , speaking in n olenr ringing voice , said : " 1 do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the ollico of president of the United States and will , to the best of my nblility , preserve , protect and stand by the constitution of the Unv ted States. " After this ho icmnined .standing , a moment longer , his handj dtill < raised. No ono apoko or moved , Up to 3 o'clock ho had not decided nrhcn to leave the city. TO MACVBAOH. NEW YOUK , September 20. To Attorney General MaoVoagh : In no- jrdanco with your suggestions I have taken the oath of ollico na president , before the Hon. John R. Brady , justice of the supreme court of UK tate of Now York. I will soon aavist ou further in rcgaid to other aug- 'cations in your telegram. ( Signed ) C. A. AUTIIUK. Vi lt to President Arthur. fatloiul AmocUUtJ Pros. NKW YOUK , Sept , 20.Gen. . Arthur , if tor n rest of two hours this morning oft his room nnd proceeding to his room was ready to receive any one hat wished to see him on important jusiness. At 0:05 : Secretaries Blaini uul Lincoln drove up to his house to jothor in n coupe. They were fol- owcd soon after by Col. Gco. Bliss md Police ConiniisBioncr French. Secretaries Blaine nnd Lincoln ro itainod with Gen. Arthur for nearly in hour when they entered their joupo , when' they left by the 10 ; " " rain for Long Branch. Commissionc : French left nt 10 o'clock , and Col. Bliss a few minutes after. Ex-Sena1 tor Conkliug remained the wliolo o ( ho morning in his rooms at the Fifth ] \vonuo hotel , -where ho received largp number of callers , At 11 o'clock tt was announced Piesident Arthur would proceed to Long Branch by the 12:3Q : train. GCri'EAU. r. IH vnuy HKSTI.VVI AND vaunn or JIIMWI I < YNIHMI : > . WAHIUNUTON , Sppt. 20. The viola ity of the jail , soon uftortho announce ment of the presidunt'a denth , pro- tonu'd n very ntiim.itod scono. Great crowds of men , woinen nnd children gathered there in anticipation of an ittaok , but up to midnight no univer sal uoinonstmtion WIIH made. Owinp to the alarming cinidition of the pres ident early last evening , it WHS thought necessary to putdoubto guards nt the jail , and BO that evury inch pf ground ivitjiin n radius of two hundred yard if thu jail \u covered by faithful , entries under instructions to shoot on , the firtt provocation , No on . waa nllowcd to approach the . . _ \ except bearers of important incs-lii , jcs to the warden. As BOOII tibli'i the new a was iccrivod nt ( ho jail that ! the ] > rcfidcnt was dead the nlnu > sli ; \ irocaution wns lukcn that Gultoau , lik should not k'nve thu guards. were conntraincd to keep the mailer ! secret , but by some oversight n guard * doing duty in the corridor on which Gultcau's cell is , dropped n hint , nnd Guitctia jumped nt the truth , Gui- ] itcnu wns surprised. Ilo would not 'believe ' the news nt first , hut when Gun , Crocker wns c tiled nnd admitted | it uns true ho believed it nnd said he \vnfl \ sorry. "Any mnn who hnd made such n struggle for life , " added the wretch , "should not bo bo per ii'itted todio. " "But what will become come of me. " ho naked , turning iwlij , pale , then dropping upon his knccj ] lie began to pray. Ilo wna assured tnntno harm would como to him nnd lie arose nnd paced his cell , mutter ing to himself now nnd then nnd net ing like n madman. On the outsidd of the jail n quiet but anxious crowd gathered , nnd word wns received that n party of ] Ij nchers had left Baltimore for \Vnsh ington , but up to n latohoiir they had ] not appeared. All is quiet nt the jail at this hour. A carriage containing eight persons drove up to the jail at 2 o'clock this morning. Its occupants said they had medicines for the prison ers in jail. They were promptly mil ' ) IF the grounds by the police. The train to the west which passed througl Baltimore nnd is duo hero at 2 o'clock , irrived hero this morning nn hout a to. It brought here from Baltimore ' [ i unng of 100 or 200 men , who came fully prepared to take part in nnj demonstration which might bo made iigninst the jail. No organization ex isted among them , but they were cvi c iently disappointed in not finding * occasion for active service. They sail ' hey expected reinforcements from Philadelphia . , nnd they wont to the Baltimore & Potomac depot to wait tlio arrival of the latter. Sergeant Noakcs , ono of the inside guards , nt 4 o'clock this morning , itnted to n reporter that Guitoau WUB deeping quietly. Ho has a sense of security so long ns ho is within the walls of the jail but expresses fears of being Ijnched nnd is 6vcn abject in Ins terror. Ha learned of the death jf the president through the un guarded expression of ono cf the at tendants , who spoke of it in a tone oud enough for n prisoner to hear md the news wassubscqucntly passed 'rom ' cell to cell. Shortly afterwards t was confirmed by the tolling of the ) ells , which were plainly heard in the ail. Honorable Mention. Of all the remedies on earth that well may claim attention , Dr. THUSIAK' KCLEC- .TRIO OIL commands especial mention. Vm wondrous power to cure dfceagu , iU fame there's ' none- can throttle. Ita merits are not In the puff , nut are iusido the bottle , lillieuniatlsm , neuralgia , eoru throat , asthma , bronchitis , diphtheria , ( to. , arc ill cured by Thomas' JJclectric Oil. codhv WOMAN'S TRUE FRIEND. A , friend in need ia n friend indued. This none can deny , especiall when assistance is rendered when one is sorely nillicted with disease , moio par ticulary those complaints and weak nesses so common to our female pop ulation. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend , and will positively restore her to health , oven when all other reme dies fsiil 4.Ui ingle tritdyiU alwij.yn prove our assertion. The are pleas ant to the tosto and only cost 60 cents bottle. Sold by Ish & McMa- hon. i (1) ( ) FOR. RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , ffaofacfio , Soreness of the C/iesi , | Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell' ings and Sprains , Burns and * . Scalds , General Bodily Pains , footh , Ear and Headache , Frosteitl Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. Jfc Preparation on earth * quili Bi.- - . tt a safe , litre , ilmpl * nd c/iap Eiternill femtJjr. A trial nt lli but the eomp r liv lj I teUIng onO T of 60 Cent * , nd J ry ont mfftril j ! wltb rIn can few che p ud podUTt wocjl TIU elalmi. | > j , I DlrecUoni la Xltrto Ingti f r L WU ) BT ALLTJBUQOIBTB AHDPEiLEUI IN MEDICINE. ' A.VOGELER4&00. . - SJmlron In Ever , , \nil Hint with lour mill uirii . r hlllau * tent , tlio j > ( ciiuuaviu lie trvttl fmnri - litnaiittlruinlth llonti tter'i Mcuueli Hitter * I'rotut tlienjituiiiarulliitlt ultli tlil < I ) lull cent mil | nuiinllc , lilci ) U prcino roiimly for IJtvrcoiiip'alnt , coiut | 4t < on , J\Hiq | ta , iklillltv , rlirtimatl in , kulnct trail ant ] otliar nllinontii. tirt'or MU l > y all Uruirciit * nd Ptalctf gen trail/ . If ) ouinIcr ( from ] > } B ] > ci > H , iito DUIIDOCK 1ILOOD niTTKIlS If j on nro nflllctoil with ItlllomncM , u o DUIIDOCK ntoon niTTKns. If > ou nrc prostrftlcil \ \ ltd stck UraJaidc , taVo llUUDOCK BLOOD IllTTiil3 : [ f jour How ch nro illxortlcrcil , rcjrnlato tlicm with IIUUDOC'K III. f jour Itlooil Is Impure , purify It nltli IIUKDOL'K I1I.OOD niTTKHS. * f juilbavo liull'p ( tlon. jou nil ) nml an nnllilotcl n IIUUDOCK HLOOU H1TTEIIS f ounrctrouMcil with Spring Complaint' , cr-J ullcatctlicm ttltli IIUHDOCK 11LO01) UITTEU9.I ( jour Liver la torjiltl , restore It to hfxltli ) nctlori ] A 1th BURDOCK 11I.OOD llITTKHal f jniir I.l cr UafTcctod , jou will flmlasuro re ! toratho In IIUUDOCK 111,001) IttTTKKS J I you liac any cpccicn of Humor or Pimple , fall ] not to take UUUDOCK 111,001) BtTTEHS I jou Imc any rymptoim of Ulcera or Scrofuloui 3orcs , n curath c rcmeilj will bo found In DtniPocK nr.oou DITTEUS for Inipartlnfr Btrengtli nnJ vitality totlionjs : cm , nothing can equal BUHDOCK IILOOD U1TTEH8. Debility , tone up the ij etcm with BURDOCK 1II.OOD UlTTERS Vice , 1.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti FOSTER MILBURN & Go , , , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by lih & McMnhon and C. F je 27 ecxl-mo BiSWITZ & WELLS , 1422 Douglas St. , Near 15th. Sefore removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STOREJ Will sell their stock of BOOTS 1 SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. Established 11 Tears , AlMU Keprciented $82,000,000.0. DON'T IT BURN I Hyhouie and furnlturn l iiunred will 0. T. TAYLOli ft CO. , ' " ' for 14than' BIBBBTT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , / VXD CITY , NEB , otlou i-Ueii U > collect loin In Butter EADQUARTERS j FOR B FURNISHING GOODS. / Wo desire to call the epeoi il attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan * Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls. Hosiery , &o , , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , ! SH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. If 18 mo FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments , miulo u > will reecho prompt attention Kifcronces : State Bank , Omaha ; Platl & Co Baltimore ; 1'eck & Baiuhor , Clitcajo ; J1. Wcrk & Co , Cincinnati. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , IMPOUTEUS AND JOHBKUS OP MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Max Meyer & Go , GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY COOPS. . MAX MEYER & GO. , Omaha , Ne \ J. B. Detwiler's CARPET STORE. Fhe I argest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in " " The West. y * * f _ l , Bit < " - f , I I I ft t 1 ! We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , OOh cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. , ' > i ' . ( X * * * ' WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. L313 Farnham St. , Omaha. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Gookins : Stoves TI3ST Eepairer , Jol ) Worker and lamifactoer oat * M X CM ascxiKnoo ox Tenth and Jacksc" Qt - - - Omaha , Nfeb