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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1881)
mumr isiiamaEg ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MOUMNG.SliiPTl lHISRgO. 1881 , NO. 76 > FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS No 1 tAt on llnrncy f troct , near new court houio. f2.VX ) . I Xo 2 f.ot on OARS street imir 22J , $2WX1. No 3 IM on C.iUoniu Btroot near 21 , J1COO. No 6 Lot on JUrcy strott near U. P. depot , $1200. No 0 i litock in Slilnn'a 3d ndilUlon nc'nrOon nit , 8StO . Xo 8 Two lots en Dccntur near St. , S700.Xo Xo 10-8 lots on CoUax direct near Ilanecom P.ark , nt ranomhlo prices. 1CKJ choice rcgltlcncu lot * in Credit Konclcr ami nramllov ntltlltloiii a short itlt.tnnru sonllicait of U. P. anJ II js M. depots , prices Iroin § 100 up- 13 loti on SIM , 22i13J nnil Svinders troet > , north of n-ul aOjolnin I' . V. Smith'midditlon , J100J terms ray No CD Kill I corner lot on Douglis street nc. r 10th , ? XM. No 70 ronierCO\110 feet lot on DouglM near llth street , f.noo. Xo. 71 llirco loUlu Ol c's addition ncr aun ilcn utrcet , $10UO 7S Ixit on Uccatur street , near Ircno ShlnnV &J addition 9115. Xo. 75 82M10 feet on Pacific street near U. P Mid n. & M. depots , S.100J. Xo. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feet Dtl Btruit ncnr Jones , # 3500. * > , Xo 73 a loti on llamay street ncirlBthS2000 No 81 Lot In Ulau's addition near SatinJurF 8'rcet , S500. Xo. 82 latin discs' addition near Satindcn ttroct , (300. No S32 lots on 10th near Paclflc and Null w-rks , 81500. No SOLot on Charles ( struct near SaiinJcJs , fWX ) . NoS7 Lot on Lcnvcnworth near IBth , $1,100. Xo 83 I-ot on LXUJwoll btrcct near Sauudcre Xo 83 Lot on Chlcafoncar22d8trcitlfiOO. ! Xo 00 Lot on Blonde near Cunipbell btrutt 870. 31 lota in Millrmli & Caldwoll'a addition , Sher man avenue , ICth street , Sprln ? , Sintoa"i and Florence -streets , 5700 and tipuard . Xo 122 2 lota on Ibtli ttrcct , near I'opplctonV now retldcnco , SICOf ) . Xr 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman aicnuc , 10th fitreet , 61100 Xo 121 8 loti on Rcllctuo ttrcct , near ehot tower , SM to 875'cncli Xo 125 Full block on Clinton street , eliat toucr , 300 to "a uat.h. Xo 1M ! Lot on 18th street , no 5 white leail orlis , $325 XoiaO ( lot ? near now ( ? o\crnmuiit corral , S2J * x27J ! acres each. $300. L Xo 101 Lot In Cl ! c's addition on Cameron St i near Baiindnr , make an otfcr. Xo. lliO- lot in OUc'fl addition on near State , mike an oiler. Xo 1G2 Lot iiiGise'saddltlon on Causing licit ; Saumleri , make an offer. - " Xo 1C3 1 block In llojd's aliiillon additlor near Omalii liirracks , make mi offer. XolOl 71'tUln Henry & Shcltoii's additloi near liLjh school , price from312JOup\rard. 170 Lot on 1'acillc street , near 16th , make ai , offer. offer.Xo Xo 171 2 lots on Wcbstor street , near 21it both $ JM or $2000 for corner and $1800 for in do. . Xo 173 J lot on Cassncar 14th street , $1000 I t < -Nol7/t 105 on _ avenue Will street noarlzard , 44 > E182J"$1400. . Xo 177 3 loti in Grandvicw. make an offer. Xo ISO Lot in Shnm's addition on Tier St. car end street car track , * < 525. Xo 1S1 Two lots in Xolson's addition , 1 01 aaho Btrect , I on Center struct , near Cumin/ , (300 each. ' Xo 133 Two t'Ht ede : Iota on Cass street ncai 21st. on acorncr.iGOOO. Xo 185 Lot on Svward street , uear Saunders. make an offer. Xo ISO 3 lots on Seward street , near Irene , auko an offer Xo ISli ) , lot on Davenport near 25th , 8300. Xo 187 * , lot on Division near Cimilnirtit , f200. Xo 183 } , block In Uoyd's udditlon.ncar Omah.t barracks , $400. XolSQJ , * } lot < in Pierce near flth Btrcct , $550. Xo 19 ! ' ) , 4 lot on lltli near 1'arnhain , $2100 Xo 11)1 ) i-beautiful lots in Shinn's addition , (1200. No 192) ) , 2 lots on ISth street near white lead works , 11U50. K Xo IDJj , lot on 20th street near Sherman , ? 40fj ( ) Xo 1914 , 2 lot * on 22d btreet , near I Uric , $ < XW.p Xo lOJj , ; ) beautiful lota on fcaunders kt. ncurj street ear turn tnhlu , ' 1275. Xo 11MJ , lot on 15th near Plcjco st. SMI ) . Xo 201 Lot in Qiao's addition on Cameion St. , near Sauudenf , i5lH > . Xo 02 Lot on Cameron street nearSanndera , Xo i03 ! Lot in Shlnn's addition on Saundcrt etrett , nair street ear turn table , ttSUl. Xo 2IU iieautlful lot in XcUon's addition , 01 Uiiislon etnct near Cumin ; , ' , $ s50. Xo. 2UJ Two lots on CabtUUr street , ncarlOtl. eir.o. eir.o.Xo 200 Two lota on Sixtcentli Btreet , near tin nail works , $1500. Xo2S ( ) One-half lot on California Btrcct ucui t , 700. XoIDD Lot on ISth street near Xlchohs , $ OCO No 210 Lot on Capitol a\cnuo near & ! ( l,91iUO.Jb Xa 213 I/it 14SxWO feet on Colfax street , nearjj Ilaiueom Park , \\itb Improtements , V-7VO. Ft Xo 213 1'wo acres on Cuminif street , 1000. Xo 210 One-lull aero on California , near Ken m. oedy street , $350. . Xo 210 IIiiAiitlful lot on Hamilton street ncai Btrcct ear turn tatilc , ilUOO. Xo 217 Ixit on 23d street , near Clark. $500. A few acre lots only rcnulii unsold In " 1'ark laco" little west of Crelshton Collegt , prices uiriiiB f 10111 ? 275to # 300 each and on easy tenns Lots In llorbae-n's 1st and 2d additions ; ale ] otn In I'arkcrVSlilnn's ; Nelson' * , Terrace's , K , . Hmith's. Uedlck'd , and all the other addition ! any price and at any terms. Ten acres In the city limits on the road to tin arracks at 2-J76 per acre. Four beautiful residence lots In front ol Creljjhton College ; will cut them up tci wilt. Xinii resMcnc-u lift north of Crcln-liton Collcx < round < , from < fiM ( toSlwoo cacti. Thirty retldont lots In Parker H addition , cix bloeks north of the end of the Btrces car track : on Sanndersstreet , tfJOOeaeii,810down , balance : suit , at S pur tent IntcrcH. A few lots left in Terrace addition on the roau | _ o tliu I'ark , near head of bt. JHiy's enues7t'0p oath. To these wlip willbnilda tfl'JOU renldonce.jt T\earjtimoat8i ] r cent Intcrt . jfl toU in toko's addition it W.'iflto $ sSO each , K'V ' jcarathuu avO percent Intercut , to thoio who ? build. , S 'HioolilTou8loy4n-acro tract with hotisoaml all improvement1 ! , adjoining race course and fair grounds' lorSswO. Trui'tsof 6,111,15,20,40 orSOacrci , wlliibuil din/ . ) and other Implements and adjoinln , ' tin city , at all prices. - 3500 of the best residence loti in the city ol Omaha any location ) o desire north , east , south or west , and at bed rock pikes. 250choicehuatnos lots in all the principal bua , utrixU 111 Omaha , MOlu ' Horn 500 to T\ro liunihcd honscM anil loU rnn ln from1 600 to $15U'JO ' , and located In e > cry part of th Lar e number of excellent armn In Douglas , Barpy , Saundcru , Dod u , WosliliiL'ton. Hurt , and otlier food tountli'S In eastern Xeliraalca. 12WO acrua bo t Iwidi In Douglas , 7000 acre * bent lauds In Sarpy oiunty , and lar o tracts in til the ca tern tier of coiniiioN. Over lliJO,000 acres of the beit land In the Xe ra ka for sale by thia agency , Yen largo aniounti of biiburban property In ono to ten , twenty uiul f ) rty acre piece * , located within ono tu three , four or llto miles of the ontotllco--somo > cry cheap pieces. . Now Maps of Omahi. published by George I' Ileinli plain , unmounted uiajH (0 cents each ; mounted , colored and with cloth back , fl.MJ ucch. llouwiitores , hntiln , farms , Iotal amU otllccu rooms , etc. , to rent or Iwiio , Taxes p-iU , rents collected , ilecdi , mort a'j . , tnd all kinds of real estate documents made out on short notice. GEO. P. BEMIS1 . fl Eeal Estate Exchange ] , i 15th and Douglas Street , NEB ] OMAHA , - - . jOver the Untimely End of James Abram Garfield. . - * The Heart of' ' the Ration Bowed Down with . 'Grit * A. Picture of Universal Sorrow that History Canaot DupUcato. The President Passes Peace fully Away at 10:35 : P. M. i His Death Unexpected by HisJ Immediate Friends , But the Members of His Household - ] hold Present at the Final Moment. Unconscious for Some Time Before His Dissolution , i 3o Dies Without Uttering a Single Syllable. * riio Feeling Manifested Over the EvoiitinAll I'artsoftlio " Country- The sad death of .Tunics A. Garfield was announced nt precisely 10:35 : lasi evening. To the many it was not vcntiroly unexpected or unthought of , but to the immediate friends and nt- | t tend ants of the departed and dooplyS lamented president it VR * a Bore Bur-j prise , inasmuch H8v&ffjbfvfil.ttfo3 ! ; | indications in his ca&o were favorable ! to a continued existence of at least two ] or three daya. Upon the receipt ofl the appalling intelligence in this city j the bolls began to sound , and each toll ! made straight its mission of sorrow tel jevery heart. Though remorse may be | ' [ ours at the loss of so honorable a citi-fj /.en and so wet thy a president , it is a5 t E 'consolation ' to know that ho has left a | * " I jbed of pain and suffering for ono of blias and lusting contentment. National Associated 1'ret-H. AT ( ! : . ' { 0 r. si. Loxo HUAXCII , Sept. 1 ! ) . Col. [ Rockwell c.tmo from the president's ibcdside'at G'tfO p. in. and said : "The president's case is not boneless and 'no ' ono'of those who are about his bed- dido have Btiid that it was. Now , 1 | I mean just what I say. Thcro are two kinds of coses about which the term 'not hopeless" is used. When it is used in relation to on'e kind , of the absolute certainty of which there can bo no doubt , the expression means simply a hope against fato. I'n the other kind the result remains absolutely uncertain , and the oxpros lion not hopeless mc.uisthat there are reasonable grounds for hope that a' ' turn for the butter may yet como. This case at present is ono of the lat ter , and when 1 say that hia case is ] not hopeless I mean that there are ictnally existing chancesfor recovery. " Loxo UUAXCII , September 10. The president is sinking faat now. All cho silrgeons and attendants are mini- inoncd. 10:58 : r. M. iiui.u'.Ti.v. The pnnidont is dead. Gen. Arthur hin been telegraphed ; o como nt oncu. iSuorotarieci Jilaine mil Lincoln have been tologr.iplimljl1 , . MI route. The guards huvo been ox { ; ondud , and nil P.ISBUS have been du-Ji ilarcd void ; access to the Francllynlj { rounds are entirely cut off , and , un-l ler order from the war department , : ho telegraph wires to Klboron havi iron taken possuaston of by the gov jniniunt. WIIKX TIIK i.Vl : ) CAMK icarcoly any ono believed it , as there , VUM nothing that led to the belief thut Icuth would be no smldon , Somu loins of moro piiditivo notice than wen that of this morning had boot ixpcctcd , From the boat early infer nation , however , it la bulinvod that ho president's family had been fully .varnod. Every niombor of it who vaa in the cottage at the time , was ireuont fully ten minutes before leatli came. Sources of infonnution Yore , however , quickly cut oil' , and .ho few who knew the details were not in a condition to give the information mation at the moment , and access to the cottage was afterwards quickly , utd peremptorily cut oil" . DKATit ocrimiiKu AT 10:35 : , ami the first announcement of it was inado at Elboron nt 10OM : by Sir. Warren Young. Then thu announce- niont only followed by a very few mo menta the rumor that the president ivius sinking rapidly death hud droady taken place. When the ru mor of the new trouble was flint heard hia condition had been such that thu cottngo had been closed and most of the newspaper men had gene to thu we-st end , and some of them > vcre already in bed , with the cxpocta- ) tion of a hard < lny to-morrow , to bo-j uin in the morning , and oven Dri lltimillonvr.s of the opinion thut Jcatli was not imminent ; ho wnn noi > within eidl and not present when thcj death occiirrod. The newspaper niotit who were present started to get tin- ' letails , only to find that the LINK or Tin : IIUAUDS ! iad been extended such a distance thu cottage that the line eoul < l _ I HI ajiproached or ] ussed , lhatj Ciipt. Ingidls in command had roceivedj [ ) ositivo orders that all parses i. suedi up to that hour had been declared void , to use tlio moat trustworthy 01 "first infoinmtion came from thu usual "source. i \t ihis'h.iur , 11:30 : p. m. , Attor ney General MaoVeiigh assembled all the members of the press togotlioi ind gave the following ollicial state mcnt of ( he prchident's death : At 10 o'clock ho telegraphed to Minister Lowell shottly before that. At that time Dr. Bliss had seen the president and found him to be com fortable , with his pulse at 100 and the conditions promising a quiet and comfortable night. Dr. lilm asked the president if he felt any uneasi ness , discomfort or pain , and the president answered . 'Not nt all. ' Soon after this the president FELL ASLUCP , ml then Dr. Uliss retired to Inn room across the hall. I Goncr.U : Swiiim and Colonel Rockwell. after the retirement of Dr. Bliss remained with the president abouts lifteen minutes. After 10 o'clock the ! president awakened , mid he said ii > [ IMr. S\\niiu that ho was buH'ering aj Lreat pain , placiiu , ' his hand over the | itKoiox or ins IIKAUT. Dr. BJies was c.illed from his room icross the hall.Vhon \ ho entered hi found the president unconscious , bub atantially without any pulse and wit the action of the heart almost indis tinct. Dr. Bliss said at once : "Thi president ia dyinc. " He then inimo diatcly directed Gen. Swaim to scnd for jNIrs. Garfield , who was in another part of the house , and for Drs. Agneu laud Hamilton , who were in the Lipnrtmonts at Elboron , and for Dr. Boynton. . 'hoy all repaired to the president remained in a dying condition - ( tion until 10:35 : o'clock , when ! life was pronounced extinct. ! The president said nothing after ] his utterance to Swaim. Hoi died of some heart trouble. The sur-I < ; eons say the trouble was probably ! ucauralgia of the heart , but of course | 'that ' is as yet uncertain , I at once .notified the vice president of thel 'president's death. 1 also cabled the ! announcement to Minister Lowell asl jwell as I could. Also attempted tohayej t.ho announcement reach Secretaries iBlainu and Lincoln , who were at tlmtC jtimo on their way hither on the train ! from Boston. Other members af the ! cabjni't Aero at their respective dc- p.iitments at West End and were alj once summoned. They are heru no jj and A > C are all together in consulta-3 tion. The result of the conaultuiionF will bo given out as soon as it is at- | taincd. All relatives and near friendsj have 'been ' Hunt the news. AUTHUU ADVISHI ) . Attorney 'General MacYeagh liasj just sent the following : "To Vice President Arthur ; Tt becomes - ! comes our pajnful dlity to inform you ] 'if the death of President 'Garliold , I ind to advise you to take the oath ofS jflice as president of the United StateaJ without delay , if it concurs with your judgment. We will bo very glad ifl ou will como here on the earlicatf train to-morrow morning. Signed ) Wsi. WINDOM , Secretary of the Tre.'isury. WM. H. HuNr , Secretary of rho Navy. Tnos. L. JAMES , 1'o.stmiistur General. W. MAoViunii , Aitoiney General. . S. .7. ICiiticwooi ) , Secretary of the Intei ior. It in Raid that the wliolo family lad known of the crisis in time to he president while he was still c- ioiiBcioua , or appeared so , althoughjj t was not known that ho had apokeu > r oven recognized any ono. jNIrto jnriield , Slisi Jfolliu Gatliuld , Col.p tockwell , Gen. Sw.iim and Dr . ind Agnuw were present during the ! intiru lime , hut none of them left tht | louse immiidiatuly afterwards and theV inly ono to enter was Dr. Ilaniilton.f . .t is undurstood that for a long timi-l 1 1m ? been Mis. Garfiold'H wish that t the criaia finally anne the faniilyll1- hould Jiavo all possible privacy antlfc' ' ' ' . hat the information to the public ] ) ihould not extend to dotaila , but bd Considered UH private and sacred. SIIISSAQK ntOM AliTIIUIl. LOKO UitAXC-ii , Seploinbor 10.- 1 ; L'lio II rot mc aago of uympathy received ] /an from General Arthur , who heard ! t before ho was advised to take the | atli of ollico , or had received any ! lotificalion of thu desire of the oabi-f let. Ho w the Shook v/sa Pelt. rational A wclatsJ i'rcii AT ALIIANl' , X. V. ALIIANV , N. Y. , Sent.Tho [ rorn tolled by order of Aluyor Nolan nd the public building are boini. Iraped in mourning on thu Hnnounco-v nent of the president's death , 1L AT 110STOX. if -IJOOTON , Sept. 19. The news ol ] ho prt'sident'a death was received nil 1:20 : p , m. and at 11:30 : the fire alarm ! bolls struck the first pcnl , while "yol hundreds of persons from placet of .vmuaemont were on their way home. In nn instant every pcdostmn halted , .UK ! when succeeding blows on the bolls nt intervals of n inimilo con- tinned the dreaded suspicion those on the Htrcots hurried to the nowapa per ofliccs to obtain pni ticulars mid oonllrm the nad news the hiinuto UK bells of the tire alarm sounded. Foi liulf nn hour the crowd tilled ( lie cots in front ( if the newspapci oil Ices and telegraph 'liradqiiiirturs. All the thontora announced no pur- foimiuicca to-night. < AT OSWItdO , Nf \ . OswKdt ) , N. Y. , .fe'pjit 10. The .ie ' .s of President GnrfKilii du.ilh w.\r received hero at lli.lOjfSiiil in r few 110111011(1 ( the city hall ijjljl commenced 'oiling ' , thus givrhg notion U the citi- ions that their worst fitus wore eon- AT CLl.Vl'.I.AXUS'O. CiK\T.i.AXl > , Sept. J llS ) ! The news ( ) . , , Ulio prcsidont'R dpathytuiii rocoivecl * , it 11 o'elock anil created fjivatoxcito - nient , although it was objected , Tin Cathedral bell was tolled , lullinyod l' ) > ither churches. A special mooting ol : ho city council tso.illoil for to-inomiu Jinorninj , ' , when HuitaWl- resolution ! ' ' " bo passed. All thu public build in . * * NAT are mourning. , AT IXIIIAXAt'OLlR , IMI. , Boptombtf 18. The 'noun ' of the death of President Gar- tield , ultluniili not unexpected , cro Lited n profound sensalion hcio to- uiuht. The tire bells ' \\ere tolled , vhicli brought thouKunda to the news- : iaper ollicus to receive the latest in- | tolligenco. Gov. Ported and Jlayor Grubbs united in a call for a public meeting nt the grand oper.i house to-moriow at 2 o'elock p. m. Messrs. Brooks and Dickson huvo announced that their theatres will be closed until iftor the funeral'and Demiuui Tliomp. ' son , who is playing at''llio ' English ! oper.t house , unnoimced that initlur no ! liircumstauces will he ppcar again' ' until after the obsequies' ! AT I'lXlHIA'.L PKOIIIA , 111. , Sopt.ii > . The news t > l the president's ' doatlijWas received ivith the tolling of tells , and great : rowds of pcoplo are upKJnthu ' Borrow.J * AT KAX8AS CITY. CITV , Sept. i | ) . The news } ! of the president was received at 10:15 | ) . m. 1'laccs of publ ! | meeting ml- ournod when the bol ] comineiiccd oiling , this being recognized as thej. ignalof a national calamity. Tliomuyorji iasued a proclamation'juS'dering a dis-f play of the usual signs of moiinnn ' on public buildings , and calling meeting of the citizoiij nt noon to morrow. . < i AT oixoixxiti. OINWXXATI , Soptcinlur 1 ! . The death of the presidentwas announced 4t 10:30 : "p. in' , creatiL. : ; n profound dismissed with the announcement of the death , and the tolling of bell carried the sad news to the people. Doath-liko silence prevailed ] and the crowds on the streets convened , almost in whispers. AT LEAVKXWOUTII , KH. LKAVKXWORTH , Ks. , Sept. ID. The nrnvs of the president's death , though not unexpected , produced n profound sensation , followed by anxious inquiries nt newspaper undO ; telegraph ollicos as to the trutli of the ropoit. As soon as the news was con firmed the bolls tolled , the noise of the streets ceased , nnd the city is filled with mourning. AT LOUISVII.U ! , KY. LOI-ISVIU.K , Ky. , Sept. 1 ! ) . The news of the president's death caused ] much excitement. Theatres closed , crowds surrounded the newspaper aw' telegraph oftiees , nnd all the city hells were tolled. AT DAYTON , o. DAYTOX , O. , Sept. 11) ) . Tlio announcement - nouncement of the president's death created u profound sensation in this city. Bells were tolled. AT UICH.MO.VI ) , VA. RICHMOND , Va. , Sept. 19. - Bolls throughout tlio city commenced toll ing on the news being received of the president's death. Melancholy crowds were waiting in front of newspaper ind telegraph olllccs , eagerly scanning - ning the bulletins. Every man feels w though it were a domestic uflliction ind there is an undercurrent of feel ing that would bo dangerous to the Assassin if ho were in reacli. AT UOOJIKSrai , N. V. HoniKHTin : , N. Y. , Sept. 20. The lowa of the president's death was received at 1L o'clock. The belli , ivero tolled and telegraph and IIUWH- japer o/licea / were beseiged. Great ixcitument prevails and sincere sor- ! ow is expressed. 1'ublio buildings' ' ivill bo draped in mourning. AT rol.UJlliUS , OHIO. COI.UMIIUH , OHe | > toraber 1 ! ) . The IOWH of the president death spread > Pd aidly | ) anil a feeling of the duopwt ' ; rjof pnivailcdinall classesbells buing .oiled all over the city. , The roptib- ican state executive coinmittuo with- Irow all appointments for this week , Joiniiiuitt to-night is of a subdued .one of sadncsa as if personal bereave- nent had been still'ured. ACKOSS TIM ! OOKAX. LONDON , Sept. l ! ) , Tlio news of the loath of 1'rcsulcnt Gnrfiold created a roat excitement , ns well as gieat yinpathy for MrH. Oarfiold , AT CIUl'AOO , Ciuo.uio , Sept. 19. The bullotii Lnnonncing the president's death came vith anpalling suddenness. The oven- ng bulletin had alleged npprehonsionn if an imiucdiato and fatal terinina- ion of the pieeident's utrugglo for ife , and the had ncnva produces a rout flhool ; . The Uro alarm bolls voro tolled , and the city council } yhicli was in Kc.uion , immediately ad- ournod until to-morrow at 2 o'clock , rhen nrrangcmonts will be made to end u committee to nttpnd the unural , IX XKW YOIIK riTY. NKW YOKK , Sept. 19. Trinity a : hurch bolls began to toll at 11:17 : L 'clock , when IIOWH of the president's ' eath was confirmed. Bells in the tipper part of the city are also tolling. Proolnumtinn by Gov. Nnncc. I.ISTOI.N , NKII. , Sept. 20 , 1 1m. . | The turrililo tr.iKi'dy which occiirrvil In the city nf WnOiinitiiii on the I'd of Jul ) at , ulion tlio chief limilitrat ; i of tlic mlioii licrmnu tlio olijoct nf nil n iruilt nil uiprnMikuil AUI I duipcr.itu anintiU li.i innlly ciihiilnMt'd in a nntinanl disaster , lee mournful In character t < > bu nimounocii in tlio ordinary laiixu.ij'o nf ciirmw1. Out iiinnrrd ami Moved ] itr idiit , .Inmc-i A urliohl , died at Kong Hrniirli , X , .1 . , nt 100 : ; ! ji. in. vwlcrdny , nftcr iiiatiy wvekMof uteii'e KUirorin ' . Thu ntniu , bi.-uu icnrt ! * stilt , mill thu filvniN of la itiiil nnlcr anil KOH' ( ' h'ovennucnt .liiiiugliuiil tlin Wtiihl a n linv\Vf | uttli R riif in tlirfo who fell the S OH uinl 1 eifininujtit. The in lou'n j'utauiity luluo" Kirioiv tu every home- film > i in Velum a anil n\\.a1 < ! im the ten ilovst ftc liin' ol Fyinjiathy fur the nf- illic oil cr.iniii "I n iv /MtliaifcM clulilrrn Jut lliu Into p'lsidcut. 'I'lic-o dilution * of 5ief ! nuil it\nitltiy | will tiud m pr < ' < iv { r > s ! oim lit evoiy city , vll linmc. In hutmmy Uiciouilh ( l it c 'hit on tliu ( by K < > ifiart fur tiio Ittit i > ( ] ' > , nil pulillo ( illlici ntn > ither plac < u ( it liiisitiit-i houtil > c closed It in rlwi leeon mi'iuli'il 'lint ' ( lit ) ] n p'c ' I'cscmliln illtiinK'i ' nit. tlin Ktato m their rvDprctivo placet of [ ivorMiip niul vith appropriate irlljjlou" ! evcreiki-K participate in tliu imtion'n liiem-- trial M I vices on that oration its ( nrtlii.'iS iiiinifcNtntiiiu of tliu sorrow thnt Is lelt b > { .ill , ni.dnsn mark of rcipocL f r thecv- ! ' iltcd cli.iroctcr of our chief innfi { < lr : tif. j | It N onleruil that tliu national tlj [ b 5 displayed at Imlf.m.-ot nn the cnpttolP [ building in Lincoln , mid that the Mncrwll iitntu department * lie draped witheinlilcin" ot mourning for the period of thirty dayx. Tn witnt'sa whereof I luvo herctmtn nf- lived my liaiul , tliiit-L'Olli day of Septet ber , 1JW1. ] ty thu covcnior , ( Signed ) Ai.iUNUs NAXCK. S. J. Ai.uxANiir.n , Secretary of Htoto. The NOWH iti Omnlin. The measured tolling of the lire bell , the sharp notes of which havi-3 .1(1 ( often carried terror to the hearts of ? ) Omaha people , brought with it last night the lirat dread intimation that I'rcsidont Oarlield had paused from time to eternity. The news reached the city .il half past ! ) nnd scarcely two minutes elapsed before the lire bnll was rung. The alarm continued to bo sounded at regular intervals foi nearly nn hour. At lirst most people on the sheet supposed it to he an iilnrm of fire but they uoro quicklj disabused of tliis and it wni uatonish- ing how quickly everybody ro.ich- . jd the same conclusion. Fet jomo cause or other there were com- D.iratively few people upon the stieot , but thesii rapidly made their way to1 the Western Union ollico to , if possi ble , verify the newa. There it was learned that a mere announcement , without particulars , had been received , " but the reliability of the news could i bo vouched for. In n few moments the bells of St. Philonicnn's lied nil began to toll bolunmly , and some other rfjursjins < illoivnil in the course of time. This Bpre-iil" " tlio news ( o thOj bounds of the city , nnd at 10 o'clock Lho streets were comfortably filled with people. A later message soon verified the first one , if verification troro necessary. The announcement ipparently created no excitement , but the main festations of sorrow were as universal as they were apparently lieartfolt. People generally seemed' ' lisinclincd to talk about the matter , ! init there were probably many whoj thought with the poet , that "Thu bonstof heraldry , tha pomp of power , \nd till thnt beauty , ' all wealth ere - K'1 ' } ° ' ft \wnit nlilte the inevitablehntir , p I'lio paths of iIory lead but to thu ( ; rave. It wan 11 sad annoiincnment to th leoplo of Oinahii and in'no city in th inion was it received with moro heart 'elt sorrow. The Avougars. l Ausodatcd I'nuH , Niw YOIIK , Sept. 1 ! ) . The "Na .ion's Avengers , " a secret society , me .o-night and took action that nil loon relieve the nation of the trouble > f supporting Guiteau to trial by jury. I'lio "Nation's Avengers" have IK loubt but full justice would bo muled tut to the assassin if left to the isual process of law. They unani notisly resolve that onu of their nuin > or bo chosen whoso duty shall bo to lovoto his whole time and energy to larry into execution their proposet ilan , and while it is understood thai ho person selected to murder Guiteau nil bo unknown to follow members ixcopt this executive committee. WA.SIII.NOTOX , ' Sept. 19. The wat lepaitment has been notified by Gen. liincoclc thiit ho will at an e.uly day letil : ! ii special eouit martial to try iergeant .Mainu for shooting at Clui- eati. A prominent army ollicor Haiii o-day that public sentiment with Inson in his attempt to kill the m- iiKsin does not ox tend to ollicers of ho army , who regard his net with intrust nnd univurtinl condemnation , Senator Ingalls , sponking of equal ivision of the Bon.tto in thu event ol Icn. Oarlield'ii death nnd ncci'ssion ol ! en. Arthur to the presidency , aaid o believed the republicans would intiiuiQ to have control of the com- litteea , but the democrats would nve the organization , The Gnu Rooolloil. atlonal As.HUtciI 1'rtss. AVATKKTOWX , Wia. , iSotombor [ 1 ! ) , -A young man namnd Blair met with singular accident near hero Satur- ay. While shooting nt noino game 10 gun recoiled with great force , the utt end striking him across the re- ion of the heart , causing instant oath. A MUsiuK "OouUdoutial. " utlonal Awvoclattil I'riM. OivriN'NATi , O. , September 10. ubury Winslow , confidential clcrl : ofi chafer Forbes , is iiiibning and ac- | units to the amount of $2,000 itre lort , Ho speculated with the em loyeia' money , Opera glassed for rout at Whipplo , ! [ oMillen C ° -i corner 15th and louglas atruotB. Sept , 19 , 2t. THE WORST YET , * The Brim Monster's Shadow Again Oloarly Visible to tlio Eyes of Many , * It Casts a Dark and Unearthly Gloom Over the Whole People. The Honrts of nil Void 01 Hope nucl Given to Cruel Dospnir. Since the Issuance of the Evening Bulletin Garflold Haa Auothor Attack yjOf Olrilla aucl Rigor , With an Accompanying Pulse-Boat of Prom 112 to 130. Agnew Considers the Chances as "Only u Qestiou of Time. " ftlnoVoacli Sends Vice President Arthur n Stntaineut of the Existing Circumitnuccs- JMomUy Afternoon l ) ! < pitdn.H. ] S' Associated Press LONII IJuAxrii , .Sept. 1 ! , 8 a. in. The president had a very comfortable light , and the attendants say ho was iinch easier after the subsidence of ; ho fever following the chill than it lad been expected. The lights were .lot once turned up during thu night. There is a much better feeling around Fraiu'klyn Cottage than there watt oven during yesterday morning. int. IIOVXTON , vho spent the la'.ter part of the night , vith the president , has just conu5 from the cottage. In uimwer to a5 iuestiou by the reporter of the Na-K tional Associated Press as to how tlu-5 ( president was doing , ho answered : "ho president is all right. " 8lf : > oN , Sept. 10. Dr. Agnuw , , vlio has just come from the Fr.uiek- lyn cottage , where he has been for the last twenty minutes , says that the president. w apparently doing better , from no disturbance during1 the night. 8:55 : IIUI.MSTIX , Euii'.uox , Sept. 10. Tt ia this moment that the president is suflcr ing from another rigor. 0 A. M MULLETIX OFKII.'IAL. ELUEKOH , Sent. " ! ! ) . The condition -thdprosiddiit'thiS ttinmiuH contm ucs unfavorable. Shortly after the ssue of the evening bulletin ho had a drill lasting iif teen minutes. The feb rile rise following , continued untill 12 m. o'clock , during which time the pulse ranged from 112 to 180. The sweating that followed was quite pro "use. The cough , which was trouble some during the chill , gave but little annoyance during the rmiinindcr of the light. This morning at 8 o'clock the empiiraturo was ! )8.8 ) , pnlso 100 , and thu respiration was feeble at 22. At 80 : ! another chill came on , on account of which the dressing was temporarily postponed. A bulletin will be issued at 112:30. : ( Signed ) N HLIHH , AtlNl'.W. Dr. Koynlon said , at ! ll0a. ; ! in. , to . . reporter ; "Y-bM , the president's condition was comfortable for nome time before this rigor came on , but i looks very bad now. The three rig urs since Saturday mornini ; have per ccptibly reduced the president ant liuve put him down much lower thai lie was. lie is very low and exhaust ed. " ' 'Han it at last been reduced to : i question of but a few liouru ? " "Not exactly that , but the presi dent is very low. " "What ia the hope yet ? " "There is no fact in the case now except the man's ' wonderful constitu tion. " "Is that all ! " "That is all. Most men in his ! case would have been dead long a < ro. ' ' | IIt. Ad NEW said at 8:15 : o'clock the night had been1 diiuh and the conditions then weie inch that a favorable bulletin wus ox- meted. Thu ux.tinination and diesa-Vj ng waH undertaken and a favor.ibkyj bulletin w.'n issued. At 0ir ; a. m.t ir in thu courho of the construction , trhen thu rigor made itu iipieanuno | , .lie bulletin wan then destroyed a .void sent out that thu pirticulara .ho tiger would bu given in an ollici.tln julletin. Thu rigor in EOIIIU rcspectHnl was like that of last evening , und came on soon after the dressing of the president. AT 10:10 : A. .M. Or. Agnew was asked what the uhanccH for the president wore , "It in but a question of time , " wa& the answer. "Do you believe recovery is inipos " 1 believe the president will not re jover mid that the only < uiestion i jnoof time.1 . "One of a day or two ? " R "Jfo , I think it may go on longei ft han that , although anything ia possi- ulo. " Attorney flonoral JraoYoagh , when ] islcedhat thu actual condition of the ! resident was , anu\vercd : "The lowest yet. Jlo is worse thiui ic has ever been. ' * "Has the end eomei" "It looliii very much as if it hi\d."i Dr. Dlisa being asked if thoru wns' i probability of u recurrence of the rigors , said ; "Yes , they are likely to occur nny .iine. " "How long can the president Btand hem ? " "If they should continue for forty- fcight hours the president , I believe , 'i * * * i 1 II * twill die. "Is thnt the worst contingency ? " "No , it is not. Tlio president may expire during any chill which may hereafter como upon him. " I "Did the last rigor seriously ailed him ? " "Yes , it did ; it was the most pros- iting ono the president has over had. " ' Has any oilier dangerous symp- [ loins appeared ) " | "Yus , there has. While I do not believe that of dullness in the hint lias increased , wo now know that it is [ entirely inll.ited and that the difficulty in bivathing has increiiRCd. " "In tlieru nil } thing especially bud about the last rigor which was not ' the others ! " 'poftaeasctl by two , | "Yes. The worst symptoms thnt has recently been developed is the fact , that during the morning's rigor the temperature did not got below normal. That indie lies the worst possible thing next to death. It shuns that tlio president is in such i condition that his vitality is reduced to the lowest point. His system has been so ellected by blood-poisoning that it How seems impossible for him [ to hayo oven such changes in condi tion as ought to bo ellected by the or. Tt would seem that he is too lou1 to bo any longer eflcclod by any thing ono way or another. " Dr. Agnew , when naked if matters were at their worst , replied : "They are very bad , indeed , " "Can such n condition continue much longer ? " "It cannot. M UJVKAfllf TO AKTlItm. Xiw : YOIIK , Sept. 19. - Vice I'rcsi- lent Arthur just received the follow ing dispatch from Attorney-General SlncVoagh : EMIKUOX , Sept. 1 ! ) , 1881.-Vico President Chester A. Arthur , 123 Lexington avenue , New York : It is mpnssiblo to conceal from ourselves hat the pieaident is rapidly growing voise. , The two chills occurring with- fin fourteen hours wnrn us to bo pro- jparcd for nny affliction which Clod in ins mercy mayafllict us with. ( Signed ) SOON UUU.KT1X - Et.iir.nox , Sept. Ji ) . - The urcsidont is now asleep. Secretary Lincoln has Airrivcd , and a cabinet council in in progress. The members have been in session for half an hour. All the Members are present except Blainc. 2:15 : i' . M. IIUJ.I.CTIX UNOFFICIAL. Ki.Tir.uox , Sept. 11) , 2:15 : ] ) . inTho president is asleep and quiet and com fortable. ICrs. Garfiild's Fnnd. NnwYoitK , Sept. 20.-Cyrus W. .Field a ] i peals to the National Asso- ictutod Press : That ho death of the president has led to inquiries in re gard to the fund raised lor the benefit 1 if Mrs. Garfield. The whole [ amount subscribed is § 157,51)9.38 ) , jHfJj every ollar has Jjoau paid 'except ' a single subscriplion'of $5 000 , 'which wns made under the condition that $245,000 were first to bo raised , | and may bo withdrawn should not that amount bo secured. The money just received was 'deposited with the United States Trust company , and as [ soon an a sufficient amount wns paid , in the Truit company purchased | $100,000 of 4 per cent , registered , ( bonds , to which has since been added k$2i > ,000. Owing to the hujh premium gthis $125,000 in bonds codt $145- ,281.25. The bonds remained on do- moait witli the Trust company for Mrs. jGariiuld , in most of which is $5,000 a Jyearlo bo paid to her quarterly as long fas she lives. At her death the wliolo amount will bo divided equally ninbng the snrviviiiL' children of James A. Gaifiald. There is a bnlancu in cash ; if § 738.14 , which , with whatever may bo added hereafter , will be ap plied in Rome other way. Thcro would seem to bo reason for expecting con siderable additional , now thnt the president is gone. Individuals have made liberal promises of what they would do in the event of his death. Some oven felt that there \\ns impro priety in the attempt to raise subscriptions wlulo ho wns still living , with hopes of recovery ; that gift would create a feeling ol personal obligation that might prove jjIiereaftor some were re- [ str.uned from giving loss. Their mo- itivcs should bo misunderstood. That 'objection ' is now removed and no ono need fear the imputa tion of unworthy motive ? , for which tllero is no longer u place. 'Our ' dead president has no favors to L'ivo , nnd no honors to bestow. Ho [ cannot be touched by tokens of pub lic sorrow oven by a whole nation fol lowing his bier , Jut ) there is u prac ticable way of showing respect for the dead by kindness to his living. Uu is gene but his wife anil children live to bear through all thuir lives the burden of this great sorrow. Mrs. Gar- Held will soon leave the capital in which her husband was lately nt the head of 50,000,000 of people , to go back to her distant homo widowed and desolate. Only once before has them been anything BO pathetic in American history , That the country will di-iil generously with the stricken household wo will not doubt , but great bodies move slowly nnd it is go long to wait wo huvo preferred to d5 something now , asking only the privilege , in the first Hush of grief of mowing our sympathy in a practical way , nnd so in some slight degrco , if wo cannot seethe the hidden sorrow , of relieving the unxiotica that nlust oresi upon that widowed mother's heart , ( Signed ) Cvnua W , FIELD. Worthy ol Praise. As n rula wo do not locommond pa tent medicines , but when wo know of DUO that really is n publio benefactor , ind docs positively euro , than wo con- tidor it our duty to impart that infor- nation to nil. Electric bitters nro nily a most valuable incdicino , ' nnd A ill surely euro Biliousness , Fever ind Ague , Stomach , Livsr nnd Liduoy jomplnints , oven where all other rom- : tliea fail. Wu know whereof Wo ipeak , and can freely recommend tu ill. TEx. Sold at 60 cents a bottle Ish & McMahou. (4) ( )