THE BEE 'ELEVENTH YEAR 'OMAHA , MONDAY MORNINGSEPTE\1BEU ] \ 10 , 1881 , NO. To THE OUTLOOK Iu tlio President's ' Case , Though Not Bright , is Not Disparaging , iHia Condition Saturday , How ever , Conceded to bo Very Alarming. The Expectoration From the Troubled Lungs Continues to bo Purulent , Notwithstanding which the .Physicians Say the Lungs are Better. Mind is Oloar and No Hal- > ' > S > luciivations Have Recent ly Been Observed. Eecurrence of the Saturday Chills Last Evening'Again Deepened Anxiety. 3Dr < Boynton Cencnrad for Saying - * * ing there wa Al > ioo on' Below the telegraph gives a full ac count of the president's case Satur day , Sunday and last night , which , as will bo seen , was a period of not oven ordinary fluctuation of pulse , tem perature and respiration. In the average - erago mind little doubt existed that , ere the sun rose yesterday ( Sunday ! morning , the spirit of James A. Gar field would have boon wafted , to un earthly spheres. But ho decrecc otherwise , wo felicitate oursolf to say , and President Garfield still lives with relatively good prospects for his ulti mata recovery. National Associated Press , 4 1 > . M. BULLETIN OFFICIAL. ELBEKON , Sept. 17. At the exam ination of the president at noon to day the temperature was 102 , pulse 120 , and respiration 24. At 11:30 : o'clock this morning ho had. a severe chill , lasting half an hour , and fol lowed by perspiration. Since the noon examination there has been a gradual falling of temperature , with a diminishing frequency of pulse and respiration , so that at the evening ex amination the temperature was 98 , pulse 102respiration-18. Ho slop ! "inoat of"-tlio time' during -the after * noon and has taken nourishment ai the proper intervals. The cough has been less frequent than usual. ( Signed ) , Buss , AONEW. Dr. Boynton , after the rigor ex perienced by the president in the af ternoon had passed away , said it was the same in character as those ex perienced in Washington and was one of the incidents of his condition and might recur at any timo. It was only nlarming n so far as it showed what might occur. Two onomatas oi fibrous beef were given during the day ; ono early in the morning and the -other after the dressing of the wound. The president slept quietly most of the afternoon , and when sponged off after 4 o'clock expressed him- .self as refreshed. Hia pulse was then 108. The surgeons and attendants wore summoned at half-past 5. the president having remained awake to make the evening dressing. Although the president had boon half raised in bed and boon eating grapes , Dr. Agnew - now said on his way to the cottage that the situation was ono to give rise to grave anxiety. Col. Rockwell was also quoted as saying the presi dent's condition was very critical. 'Tho evening bulletin was unexpected ly hopeful and the best which has been issued for four days. It created amazement at the president's "rapid recovery from the morning's unfavor- .ablo chill and the favorable reaction from the conditions at noon. Dr. Agnew and Dr. Bliss came together from the president's cottage after issuing the bulletin and wore over whelmed with congratulations over the unexpectedly good nows. People almost refused to believe the figures , .and the surgeons said when they were first indicated they hud doubted and looked a second time with great care -at the instruments , the figures were found correct. Tiicro were universal expressions of but amazement that the president should so completely have shaken off the ill effects of the ' rigor. The Burgeons referred to Gar- fields phenomenal HTKENQTIC OF CONSTITUTION .and maintained that the bulletin was the best in ninety-six hours. "It was a chill , " said Dr. Bliss this even ing , "and was caused , wo think , by the depraved condition of the blood , .and pulmonary troubles seem less pronounced to-night and there seems to bo a yielding of many malignant symptoms this ovoning. The respira tion has boon 18 since 2 o'clock this .afternoon. The worst symptoms seem to have passed away , Wo have given him abuut five and one-half ounces of "beef blood during the past twenty- four hours ; also beef tea and a small portion of poptourized beef , some milk punch , two dozen Delaware grapes and two strawberries. " "What had the president eaten before - fore vomiting ? " "Ho had just token his porridge .and his attendants were civing 'him brandy and water. His utoniach re fused to retain cither , vomiting was attendant upon rcgior and no con tinued nausea followed. " "Doctor , do you think the pus cav ity is in the wound ? " "I have no reason to think BO , I believe the ball thoroughly encysted. " "Whatindications wcro there of the chill last night r "Tho president had an npproacl to chill before Iho febrile rise las evening. His extremities were coo but not BO much so to attract hi attention. Heated ( lannola wcro ap plied and the difficulty overcome without his knowing it. Ho com plained at the same time of pain it the bowels and slight coldness. Tin succumbed , however , to the same 'treatment. " "It was absolute chill to-day , was it ? " "It was. His extremities were coo thirty minutes , although the rigor W.IH not as severe as ho liad sulforct in Washington. " MIDNinllT BULLETIN UNOFFICIAL , Hope and despondency have vici with each other for the past twenty- four hours. The people were so despondent pendent that they took great courage at the issuing of the bulletin , bu the admission oy the physicians that the fluctuation was liable to occur all } moment caused renewed constbr nation. t It is now generally aVl .mittod that the projidenta condi tion over since ho was shot has bcoi one of constant loss , and that in favor able periods ho has not recovered whal ench relapse cost him , and in no in stance has gained what he actually lost. Dr. Bliss lias never talked so discourajjingly as to-night. He sent a dispatch to a friend , saying "Tho president is not so well. I have no hope of his recovery. " In a conversation with the reporter of the National Associated Press , Dr. Boynton said : "Tho president just now is comfort bio , asho is at present suffering no pain. That means nothing more than that ho is quiet. Ho had a slight improvement - provement during the day , but it haa not been maintained. Ho is no ! where ho was before the relapse. " 2 A. M. BULLETIN UNOFFICIAL. Condition unchanged at this 4hour , and the president is quietly restine. Mr. Parnell cabled Mrs. Garfield a letter of condolence to-night. General Swaim and Colonel Hock- well still think the president will pul ! through , although both are evidently depressed. The lights in the president's cottage were turned out at 11 o'clock and the house closed for the night. The pres ident was then asleep. At 1 a. in. the president was sleeping quietly and the indications pointed to an un eventful night. Ho was described as being comfortable. SUNDAY. 9 A. H. BULLETIN OFFICIA. ELBEKON , Sopt. 18. At the exami nation of the president this morning , the temperature was 98 , pulse 102 , and respiration 18. There was no perceptible febrile rise during the night , the pulse ranging from 102 to 112. The cough was less troublesome than on the previous night. Expcc- , toralion xmcnanged .JIe jsjnble to take the nourishment and stimulants required without gastric disturbance ; nor has there been evidence of men tal aberration during the night. ( Signed ) BLISS , N HAMILTON , AONEW. LONO BRANCH , Sopt. 18. Dr. Hamilton has authorized the reporter of the National Associated Press that the president's condition this morn ing is fully described in the official bulletin , and that , while the bulle tin is not decidedly reassuring , yet it is slightly encouraging. At noon Dr. Agnew said the president was com fortable and so far to-day had exhib ited nothing to indicate that ho had suffered perceptibly any ill effects from the chill of yesterday. SIX P. M. BULLETIN OFFICIAL. ELDEUON , Sept. 18. The presi dent , though quite weak , has passed a very quiet day. There has been no recurrence of chill nor mental dis turbance. At i ) a. in. a slight febrile rise took place and began to subside at 11 o'clock , at which time the tem perature was 100 , pulse 110 , respira tion 20. There has been no increase of cough or change in the character of the expectoration. At the even ing examination , 5:30 : p. in. , the tem perature was 98.4 , pulao 102 , respira tion 20. Signed ) BLISS , AONKW. * THK PRESIDENT'S CONDITION this morning is one"which warrants a renewal of hopo. The surgeons say it in dicates , on the whole a less critical state of the case and shown that the president has done little more than merely hold his own. Ho is better than at any time yesterday ana better than at any time within the past forty- eight hours , without , however , hav ing made any perceptible gain. His condition is improved BO Tar as subsidence ) of alarminir symptoms and a bettor ap pearance are concerned , and at pros- jut indications tlio favorable condition will continue during the day. Every thing would seem to encourage the belief that a good Sunday has been DCgun , General Swaim gives the fol- owing assurances ; "I wns with the president most of the night , and ho has started in on what 1 behove will prove to bo ho best Sunday ho lias lad in many weeks. This condition during the entire night and low warrants the belief that he is tow on a bad-rock on which to make a clear and solid .start. He had less cough during the night and its char acter was very much bettor , and ho experienced no trouble from it in any way. His SIIND IH 1'EIIFECTLY CLEAR and during the night it showed not a Dimmer of dimness , He talked a ; oed deal v > hen awake , Ho oxpori- meed no trouble from his stomach , hat organ doing everything that was 'equirod of it. The temperature dur- ng the post forty-eight hourn has got vitliiu a normal range , which is a fa- 'orablo symptom. THK LU.VO TROUllLK conn to be modifying its grave synip- ems and during the night gayo him 10 trouble whatever , The wound is a an improved condition and the discharge from it lias a more health } appearance. " The attending surgeons foe more cheerful and agree will every word made in the statement mont of General Swaim and en dorse it as a careful oflicial statement of the situation this morning. Tin surgeons Bay that Gen. Swaim a in tiinato knowledge of the patient ; his perfect acquaintance with the case and his constant attendance at the president's bedoido give to any state' mont made by him , especially whet accompanied with the ondorsomonl of the bulletin , the full character eland and oflicial declaration. ( IKMIIUL lilt A NT , at 12:15 : o'clock , walked over from his place to Francklyn Cottage , saying ho desired to receive some personal as surnnccs as to the actual condition ol the president. When lie approachot the cottage quite a number of persona cainu out of the cottage to welcome come him. There were among the number Miss Mollie Carfiold , Mrs. Rockwell , Gen. Swaim Secretaries Windom and Hunt , Post master James , and a number of the president's ' personal attendants. The general did not intimate any desire to enter , and extended conversation was hold on the parlor porch Gen. Grant came away from the cottage more cheerful and with his face covered with a smile of satisfaction. Meeting a reporter of the National Associated Press , ho was asked : "General , what do the people at the president's cottage tell you m re gard to the president's condition ? " "What they toll , " ho replied , ' 'is of a moro reassuring character. " "Do they refer to the chill of yes terday ? " "Yes , they say that there are no ovl denccs of a recurrence of the chills. " "Do they say that ho has suffered any ill effects from the chill ? " "No , they aaauro mo that ho has not suffered any ill effects from the chill , and also that he is quite com fortable. " "What do they assure you is the actual condition of the president now ? " "What they assure mo of is that the president is now on an upward turn. The term 'upward' U the exact lan guage they used in describing his con dition to mo at the present timo. At 1 this afternoon the temperature of the president was reported to bo slowly rising by the immediate at tendants , when the president said that at present there wereno indications to warrant the opinion that there would bo a recurrence of the chills , or that any now complications would arise- . They did not deny that the chills may occur , and that new com plications may arise , but they Bay they expect them so long as president - s blood is in ita present septic condi tion. " THE flUEOF.ONH any ho febrila to-day was unusually " yund 100 and the pulse did not go higher than 120 figures much below the average of most of these fevers ol recent occurrence. Dr. Bliss says the fever was slight and the indications furnished by it were favorable. At 7:35 : p. m. ATTOUNEy-aENKEAL JIACVKAOII telegraphed Secretary Elaine , Au gusta , Maine , that everything was of n bettor nature and the president was having a good timo. At 7 :30 : p. m. it was reported that the president had just had another rigor. The author of the rumor was ono of the colored attendants , who , liurrying from Francklyn Cottage , was heard to exclaim : "Do president has had another chill. I know he's cold. " The same man half an hour later said the president was asleep and comfortable , but he insisted that the president was cold at the time ho referred to. Attorney General MacVoagh , on hearing of the rumor , hastened to the president's cottago. Ho returned almost imme diately and said that he did not believe liovo that the darkey's statement was true , as he found the president quiet , with no indication of his having a chill. MaoVoagh says that the presi dent did have a chill. It came on at f:15 : p. m. and lasted ton minutes. [ t then passed off without any percep tible fever and without having loft any perceptible effect. THE CHILL was not at all pronounced and was hardly noticeable. Its approach was so void of violent symptoms that its real nature could hardly bo ascer tained before the chill had cone , MaoVoagh" says the ohill was so very slight that the president took no no- ; ice of it. It seemed like a shiver , 3ol. Corbin , desiring to return to Washington early in the afternoon , called upon Doctors Agnew md Bliss and Gen. Swaim , who were together , and told them of his desire , laying ho would not go away unless 10 had their oflicial assurance that there was no probability of the presi dent having a relapse. Each as sured him that there was 10 indication to induce any fears of u relapse , and that the situation was such that they thought ho could ; o. The colonel departed on the | f ) /clock train. Dr. Hamilton wont loino on the 0 o'clock train and will return Tuesday , unless summon ed sooner. sooner.HAH HAH TAKEN A TUUN. There is good authority for the statement that Dr. Agnew to-day as- urod Dr. Pjncoast , of Philadelphia , hat ho thought the last night crisis n the president's case was turning , aid that the president had found it ar bettor this morning. It is not rue that Dr. Hamilton's presence lore last night was duo to u sudden umrnona by Dr. Agnew , stating ho hought the end hud comu. Dr. Ham- Iton s visit was voluntary and unex- Kictod , MAUVJUail TO HLAINi : . At 8 p. m. MaoVoagh notified Blaine hut the president had a chill lasting en ininntos. The announcement that he president had another rigor re- lowed .the excitement of lait night , hough in a modified form. At t ) o'clock Dr , Bliss came from the presi dent's cottngo and gnvo the following account : * "Yes , the president has had anotlior chill ; ho is now well over it. After the rigor yesterday had subsided , in dications scorned to warrant the ex pectation of a recurrence of chills. We then put ourselves in read iness to bo always prepared to meet them. Wo kept a close watch on the temperature. Wo kept him wrapped up in warm flannels and bathed him whenever necessary with hot alcohol. Until after the evening dressing there appeared nothing to indicate disturb ance , but matters changed after that. Some lime before oven there appear ed signs that ho would have another chill. I arranged him cnrfully and comfortably and wont to supper , to bo prepared for work ahead. " Said Dr. Agnew : "There ill bo playing by the band to-night , " and n few moments later he was summoned 'to the president's bcdsido by the in formation that ho had a chill. "When I got thbro the chill was almost over , and the ensuing fever was in such disturbances as are incident to the condition of thu patient's law state of system , the condition of the blood and stoppage of the healing-process. " MAUVEAQlt's CABLKOUAM. The following was Bunt tonight ; Lowell , Minister , London : The presi dent passed a comparatively quiet and comfortable day , but this evening ho had another chill of Icssduration than that of yesterday but sufficient to in crease the very great anxiety already existing. Ho has also bcun slowly growing weaker. His present condi tion excites the gravest apprehension. ( Signed ) MAO YEA OH. "Previous to the -chill , * ' said Dr- Bliss , "the president was cheerful. Ho has taken nourishment and stimu lants , including two and a half ounces of fibrous beef. There \ \ as no fever preceding the chill , which lasted about ten minutes and was not nearly so severe as yesterday. Daring its continuance the president was cold , shaky and trembling. His pulse wont to 134 , temperature 100 , respi ration 22 pulse two boats lower than yesterday , temperature two and res piration not so high. The chill was less severe in every way. The lungs remain about the same. As hereto fore , there was loss expectoration and couahing. " "How about the other symptoms ! " "There has been no particular change in the wound. It is about the same. The channel has diminished somowhatin size , but not frilni healthy causes , for instance , when bo ny cleaned it now holds but ono ounce of water whereas three weeks ago it licld two and one-half. This is not Lho result of granulation , because no repair has been going on for the last hreo days The granulation is not healthy. Thcro is no diminishing of the cafity as has been shown by the lessoning of the elasticity of the walls. [ There has been no contraction durM. the last fc u srfivo : day ; there [ JjKak-ntion of puss along the channel-thoro ; is ho" soreness , no swelling' and no other evidence of pus along the track and the wound is fully encysted and there are indications of an absence of all irritation at the end of the track. "Will there bo morb chills ? " "Yes , they are likely to occur so long as there is no repair. Until the repair is resumed wo may expect dis turbances about twice in twenty-four hours. There are now evidences of repair. " "Is the president worse than last night ? " "No worse and no bettor. " Dr. Bliss continued that there was no swelling of the gland , but the pro cess of healing in nil the 'wounds Ima stopped. There was no hallucination during the febrile rise to-day. Ho docs not seem to got enough nourish ment to keep up the work of repair. Ho is SUFFERING ! FROM INACTION. Ho has mild sweats after each risor. The prospects are that ho will have no more rigor to-night. That the Fever will subside at midnight and the pulse run from iOi ( to 108. He looks upon the case as grave and watches it closely. This lias been a fearful fight. My God ! you know nothing about it outside. There is this to say about it , howev er , the experience and skill of a life time has boon put in those last twelve weeks. The president has a chance , and wo are going to fight for it , to the end. Things are rocky just now , but no patient of mine has over been buried until ho was dead. AT 11 r. M. the situation at Elboron was un changed. The president was no worse than ho was last night , but was weak and very low and ho was much exhausted. Secretary Kirkwomt arrived this norning. Secretaries Blaine and Lincoln will bo here to-morrow. The consulting doctors censure Dr. Boynton for saying that the presnlont md an abscess on the lungs. They say there is no ground for such a re mark. ONE A. M. HULl/BriN , Secretaries Hunt , Wfndom and rCirluvood wore summoned tc/JSlboron > y Attorney-General MacVongh , to confer over the wording of the trullo- tin to Minister Lowell. AH the facts ) f the situation were laid before them n conference and the cable as sent was the result. At this hour the mom- > ers of the cabinet are in bed and thu ights in Franklyn cottage are outand communication with it out off till morning. At this hour the gloomy now of the case is that the struggle is iotwcon death and an exhausted man's vill-powor , and hopeful views of Pros- dent Garfio'd's ' ' phonomical strength of constitution , as Dr. Agnew culls it , nay do for him what it haa shown it self in the past able to do under even nore desperate circumstances , IiidioatioiiSt i'itlona.1 Associated I'ruu , WASHINGTON , D , 0. , Sept. 18 . p. m. For the upper Misissaitipi and lower Missouri valleys : 1'air veather , north winds in latter and ihifting to north in former. High > aroinetor and stationary tempera- uro in the northern portion , AT THE BARRACKS. Masoii , of Bnitoau Notoriety , Submits Manfully to His Incarceration , Ho Devotes Moat of Hia Tiino to Deliberation Upon the Shooting , And linn Just Completed nn ' 'Ad1 dross to All Good Pcojilo who Hate Nutlonal Associated lr M. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Sept. 17. Sergeant - goant Allison is still contlnuil in a cell nt the Barracks here and boara im prisonment woll. Ho has occupied hia spare tiiuo by writing nn address , entitled , "To nil good people of tlio United States who liato assassins. " In this ho says ; "I tun ono who stands ready at nil times to do right , yet iu tlio case of niino I Imvo dona a big wrong to tlio good Inw of tlio land by shooting nt tliovouldbo assassin , Guitcau , who has caused so much sorrow row and suffering to the president and to good people ul the world , that has in tliu last two months caused to bo offered up to the oivr.u or ALL GOOD all the prayers that in on and old women could invent , and I hope they liavo done so mo good for the presi dent and people who bclicvo in prayers , ( I hope nil do ) ; yet I am ono who knows not how to pray or what to pray for. I must eay that while that wretch Guitoau lives prayers will debut but little good. As for all assassins , or they who attempt the lifo of a chief magistrate of any country , lot it bo empire , kingdom or republic , lot them DIK AS 890N AH I'O.SSIIILK. Put them in a ditch ten feet deep and , all who wish , throw mud at them. Bo so , and then cover the place with brimstone BO that ho grass can grow. I want no ono to applaud mo for my unsoldior-liko conduct , yet I nm of the many who would titko the lifo of tiny assassin rather titan guard him. Guitcau ordeicd soldiers to bo sent to the jail to watch him , to keep the enraged people from him. Ho is in a strong'jail that has cost the country thousands of dollars and the wretch was put in a No. 1 cell where ho could look out at the soldiers coming there to keep the pcopty away , while ho slept like a good man , and I was ono of the soldiers. I take the words of n great soldier , who would do anything to put down a war nnd end a rebel lion : "Why not say , DEATH TO ALL ASSASSINS. " I would not care if they shot mo on thoflpot forayjmtj.did. i would do it lupunj , arid "airutatr hmintkmb ii ? that I did not hit the wretch I hato. Yea , luck was not inino in this case. Ho may go that way yot. The intent to kill linn is as bad as if I had done the killing. I made my mind up to do the shooting and I did it , and am NOT ASIIAMKD OF IT so far. Let others say what thoymay , but if the United States army of 20- 000 men was nt that jail , 20,000 would kill Guitcau and the other 5,000 would desert it before they would have anything to do with him. Half of tlio - soldiers of this command can say that watching that jail to keep people from hurting Gui- te.iu is worse than a campaign , for it is a campaign combined with strict cnmp duty. A soldier rides out there two and one-half miles , goes on post duty for two hours , comes off and lies down on the floor with wet clothes , while poor (1UITEAU 18 HLKEl'INO the sloop of n good man. What a sliatno that poor soldiers must do what they do not like to do and some- tiling they ought not to. There are cloven or twelve guards nioro at the jail who get 8100 per month , while the soldier gets from $13 to ? 25 n month. " Numerous applications have boon made for permission to photograph Mason , but General Ayrcs has refused nil requests , sayii.g ho did not think it right to make a show and regarded tlio act of Mason as cowardly. The demand for Mason's picture is far in oxooal of the demand for that of the assassin Guitcau. Turldom. Natlon&l AwodaUd Truss. AT CHICAGO. CHICAGO , Sfcjit. 17. Twollly thous < nnd people attended the races at the Chicago fair to-day * The Jlrst race , running , half inilo dash , was won by Ilobort Mj with an unnamed liorso second. Timu , 1:50J. : The third race , rniltt nnd ono quar ter , running , was won by Balancer , with Cinderella second and Lord Byon third. Time , 2:12 : ? . The fourth thfoe-quarlerB of a inilo dash , running , tfus' orf by Clif ton Hello , with Peotono'JJnWy'iJccond , 7ack Havorly third , OlartsOtt fourth , Oak Grove Jloso fifth. Time , Ijlflj. Little Brown Jug , the pacer , was jogged a inilo in 2'JO. : The last half being at a2ll ; pace. Th < T second nice , for the 2:40 : class , Irottirtrg , ono mile , was won by High land Stranger , with Bonesetter see- otld , Gratia Misery third , Horsemont Ifoy fourth , Alhnrnbra distanced. Time , 2:1)5A : ) " ; iitfGi ; 2:07 : * ; 2:37' : ] ; 2:38 : } ; 2:3'J. : Tlio grand steeple chaise , two iniloB mil one-quarter , over three solid stone walls , eleven hurdles and fences , four solid nest and rail fences , three foot and BIX inches high , and two grand water jumps , fifteen feet wide , was very exciting , and was won by Guy , with Miss Mulloy second , Laturah third , Dochanto fourth. CONEY IHLANI ) IlAC'lld. CONEV INLAND , Sept. 17. Fast race , oven Boiling race for ono inilo , won by Ada ; Spark aocond , Hehortor third ; time , liW [ . Second race , handicap sweopitnkos , ono uiilo and ono quarter , won by Sprague ; llounco second , Motiroo third ; time , :2lJ. : ) Third rncc , nil ages , four miles ; first heat won by Lawrence ; time , 0:18 : ; Glonmoro second ; Glcnmoro won the second heat , in the time of 0:2-1 : , wilh n now ridor. Lawrence wns then withdrawn. In the Brighton hotel stakes ono milo and n lialf , Crick moro won by four lengths ; time , 2i(5J. : : ( Anlcoil to National AsioclatcJ 1'rcss COLUMIIUH , 0. , Sopt. 8. The fol lowing correspondence issolf-cxplaim- tory : COI.UMIIUS , 0. , Sept. 17. Goo. K. Rash , chairman republican state ex ecutive connn'itteo : Dear Sir : Dur ing the wock a long list of appoint ments for the nblo nnd distinguished speakers of the republican party have been announced for Ohio , beginning on the 20th. The democratic com mittee has been ready to open the speaking campaign , bub in the con tinued and critical illncs.i of the presi dent wo have thought that the patri otism and sorrow in the presence of that awful calamity to our coun try demanded that partisans should bo silent , Tidings each day from great Buffering grow gloomier nnd in dicate that death nlono will end the tragedy. In view of this sad condi tion of affairs wo wish to suggest that wo nro willing to avoid all discussion that will lead to bitterness , and out of respect for the president , this being - ing his native state. If you will con sent to the a.rangcmont wo will not announce any meeting , provided you withdraw your appointments. How ever , if you do not care to do this , a soiiao of duty compels us to say wo do not foci like opening the campaign while President Garficld lingers at tlio door of death. " Yours Respectfully , CI.JLUK IRWIN , GKO. 13. OAKRV , Chairman. Secretary. COLUMIIUS , 0. , Sept. 17. Clark Irwin , Chairman Democratic State Executive Committee : DKAH Siu Your favor of this day has been received. In reply I will say that tins committee before it announced the opening of its campaign determined that fair , honest and candid presentation of the principles of the republican party would bo rather improper or unpatri otic. These principles President Garlield loved nnd advocated with all his great powor. Prom his life-long and mamiilicont record wo know that the triumnh is most earnestly wished for by him. Whether by will oi Providence President Garfield lives or dies it is a sacred duty of the repub lican party to use all proper moans to maintain the principles. President Garfield , when a soldier for the Union , never faltered because an eminent and useful commander foil < u tlio ficJjjl f .batthM i3 . , Pf : rJsj : Garfiold'a'vplco cauld bo hoard ho would bid his old comrades , "Do no't abandon the principles because I suf fer. " In contending for his and their principles the republicaas will follow his example and obey hia command , whether It is proper at this time to advocate the principles which the president always believed to be in jurious to the country , is a question for n commission to determine for iteolf. " Very respectfully , G".o. N. NASH , Chairman Republican State Executive Committee. DIVIDING UP. Considering the Question of a New Oongregationalist Church. Rev. Alvin F. Shorrill , of the First Congregational church delivered a sermon yesterday morning taking his text from Acts 13 , regarding churches branching out. In begin ning ho said that it had boon suggest ed to him by a number of the mem bers as well as by outsida parties that it would bo wise for their church to branch out and establish another Congregational church in the western part of the city To-day ho would present the reasons why they should do so and also reasons that might deter - tor them for so doing. The reasons for are .briefly as follows : The his tory of'churchos in general show that those churches eucceed best that make tlio most effort. People attend the nearest church when they can. The people living near St. Mary's avenue and In hat vicinity were favorably disposed towards their church and were able and willing to giyo liberally. Several property holders had offered to con tribute towards It and the Congrega tional church in gonornl trai disposed to aid them. The Methodist had branched out several tinies and had boon generally successful ; that part of the city is now well settled and that it would certainly increase the mem bership. The reasons why it might not bo policy for them to branch put are briefly as follows : It would divide the church , many members claim ing that united in ono church it gave them more power and influence. Many active members would oppose one's leaving the present church , a i they would dislike to have them go away , In conclusion , llov. Mr. Shor rill said that ho merely presented the subject to them for consideration , but that n mooting would beheld Wednes day in the church to discuss it. Eiirtliquulco nt Sim Francisco- 8X'al | ( ! dispatch to TII.K HBK ; SAN FRANCIM.-O , Sept. 18. A smart shock of earthquake was felt in this city about 0:15 : this evening. It won severe , but very brief doing no dam- ago. ago.Tho news from Arizona is that an advance was made on the hostiles today - day from all sides , and news of a con flict may bo expected soon. CRIMES AND CRIMINALS. Henry Bowman , of Lincoln , Neb , , Arrested Uudor the Ohargo of Robbery. Two Children at Dyke Mills , Ala. , Brained by then ? Inhuman Mother , Quiteau and His Now Quar ters The Villain Seems Better Satisfied. A Mysterious and Startling ; Case of Wifo-Murder iu Chicago. DoRtitnto of Money By Reason oC which H. E. LlrliigHtono , of Albany , N. YSuicides. . Arrested on Saajitoion. Special nlnpach toTns Dm. LINCOLN , Sopt. 18. Henry Bow man , formerly clerk for J. C. McBride - Bride , of The Nebraska Farmer , later cleric in the county clerk's oflica and in the employ of B. T. Cobb , esq. , of this city , was arrested last evening- about ! ) o'clock , under suspicion oC robbing Mr. Cobb's safe of $265. The suspicion pointed to Mr. Bowman , OK- a copy of the combination of the safe was found on the floor o lis writing and figures and. .ho same writing corresponded with. that in the county clerk's ' office and was identified by several parties. Mr. Bowman has boon gambling of late , and may have taken the money iu iiopo'of making up some of his losses. Mr. Cob'b's diary , in which was the * combination of the safe , was lost while Bowman was in his employ , and has not boon found up to the present. Circumstantial evidence tends to fas- lon the guilt upon said Bowman , who now lies in the county jail. Gnitoau'a Now Quarters- National Associated 1'rcss. WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. Quitoau is now confined in the cell made ex pressly for him in the now corridor , near the rotunda of the jail , which. cannot bo scon from the outside. It is of brick , with cast-iron doors , lined. with plank , and is bullet-proof. A. grated opening near the top admits light. Only two sentinels in the corridor can BOO him. Ho is much pleased with hia " ? w quarters , t w " " ' "V fright. Vita sloops , gained a dozen pounds sinco'his'in- carciration , now woiahing 145 pounds. Poverty the Cause. National AwoclatcU I'fcsa. ALBANY , N. Y. , Sopt. 18. Henry E. Livingstone , about GO , supposed. to bo from Brooklyn , ouicided this morning in his room at Stanwicham. Ho took laudanum. Ho loft a Jotter addressed to friends in Brooklyn in dicating that pecuniary dith'cultios wcro the causa. - * - FOREIGN. Nitlonal Associated I'ID M. THU CIIOLK11A EPIDEMIC. VIENNA , Sopt. 18. The cholera in raging to a fearful extent in a Russian. town near the frontier. UEDUCINQ ITH AIIHY. LONDON , Sept. 10. A dispatch from Athens says that the Greek government - ornmont has resolved to reduce its army to 30,000 men. KEINVOUCKUENT8. A Tunis despatch says reinforce ments continue to arrive and the French are making strong efforts for an attack , A HEAVY HTOltiT. NAPLES , Sept 18. The severest storm over known passed over hero to-day. The villages at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius are completely swamped and several person ; drowned. Mariuo Items. National Auodato < l 1'rcu. NKW YOKK , September 18.- -Ar- rived : Utopia , from London. LiVEiU'ooL , Septomaer 18. Arriv ed : Adnantic and Scicitia , from Now York. QUEENSTOWN , September 18. Sail ed : Wisconsin , from Now York. HAVKE , September 18. Sailed : . West Phalia from Hamburg for New- York. Universal Approbation ] ! y the community at largo has been given to liuuDocK BLOOD UJTTHIUJ , No luatanco is known where Jisjatlafnctlon has been manifested by tlioir u e , or where aught but benefit followed their administration. Price , $1.00 ; trial ei/.o , 10 cents. 1'J-eodlw . * Fire. Ifatfom ) Associated Prvu. 1'mSHiuun , Sopt. 18. By a burst ing of an oil tank in an old shod the wa/ehouso ef Jmhon it Co. , glosa masoufacturors , was fired. Loss , $18- OOtf. A largo lumber pile of tha Union planing mill was also burned. Loss , 8tf,000. t 13. J. Kcmpf , Esq.j'Fordiuand , Ind. . writes : I am a druggist and sell a , vast quantity of St. Jacobs' Oil , It gives univeisal satisfaction , and num bers of people are ready to certify to ita ojlicaoy. Amudus Woortor , of thus place , was alllictod with excruciating lumbago , Ho tried doctors and lini ments without nunibur. As a last re sort ho bought a bottle of St , Jacobs' Oil of mo. The pains vanished and ha > was cured , aoplD ' TEAS at 25c a pound and upwaids at ' > W. 11. 11JJNNECT & CVfl - ,