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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY" BEE SATURDAY" , SEPTEMBER IT 1881. THE DAILY BEE Saturday Morning , Sept. 16. " LOOAL BREVITIES. rolls coal. Donno , liclmMe ITnltcr. "Frederick l iwlinjf llftttcr. COO business lots. Call on IJemls. 4000 residence lot * , Bcmio , ngcnt. 250 houM * and lot * . DcinlV agency. TjemU1 real estate boom. Tlrst pag 'A , W , Nftson , Dentist , Jacob's block TJcst line of Cigftrs At Saxc's. The county court incclo October -Ith Ostrich fcntliCM cleaned nnd colom nt Itlnpcr's , Karly ycslenlay there was qnlto i Ih cly snow storm in the city. Smoke Stnriton it Storms , finesl Oigar , at Kuhn's Unijj Store only. SoJaVnter \ , belter than ever , al SaxoV. SaxoV.Beints' Beints' new mnj ) of Omaha , 25 ccnUi , 00 farms and 000,000 ncroa of land Ucmii , Agent. ScaU for Charlotte Thompson go on sale to-morrow morning. A few gooA seals left yet for the ( Irnml Opera. ' - - Flrtt-clnBg coat maker wanted. J. II. rilegel. rilegel.Most Most elegant new htylos of Hats , nt the Omaha Furicr , Henry ( ! . Hlchtcr , IRtli street , opp. postollico. ncpt5-tf The Lion cvntinuea to roar for Mooro's r-Tarneiis and Saddlery. For FINK Commercial Job Printing , all nt THE DEE Job roome. Bicycle for sale or trade for a horse. C J , Canan. Hero wo go to Donno's , the reliable hatter to buy a good hat , 218 , 1-1 th street. The crowds at the hotels of thinning out rapidly. Owing to the rain ol to-day few people expected much tport nt the fairgrounds. To the fanners don't forget to call and tee ] ) oanc'n fine lot of hats nnd caps at 218 , 14th street. The great hit , "l-'urnUhoiI IJooms' at the Academy Again to-night. Jtcncrvc your scats early , as hundreds wcro turned .nwaylast night , Nindcl & Krells , Tractical Halters. "Wo Bell lints and caps cheaper than any body else. You will find it to your ad' "vantage to give us a call. Boptl3-tf ' Doane , the reliable hatter wants to nee you all to-day , giving away hats and caps nt Doane's , remember 218 , 14th -etroet. McGranahan and Whittle , the well known revivalists , will probably Hjwmtl the winter in Omaha in the interest of the Y. M. 0. A. Fred. | 1) ) . Lowe , who for the pant year and a half haa bei-n deputy clerk in the district court , has resigned his position .and will devote himself to Ida private busi ness hereafter , Compan > jp , of this city will nliis evening tender a reception to the two visiting .military companies that Imvu been doing duty at the fair grounds during the week. Twelve closely packed coaches left the city over the I ) . > t Al. railroad yestcr- -iliy. They contained many people who had intended to remain over until to-mor- JTOW , but who were disappointed by the hilly rain storm. Twenty persons consulted Judge Bcneko ycbtcrday on official business principally in regard to remitting fines , It was the largest docket that court has had for some time. Many were unable to pay fine ) , and visitors from abroad were gen erally discharged , but $00 was turned Into the treasury * Mro. 0. Re n , of Honaparte , while visiting the fair Thurwlay afternoon , had her pocket picked of a considerable sum of money while looking at the races. The picnic of the nail works employes ) will bo held nt South Omaha park to-mor row. Arrangemepts for having ft pleasant time have been made nnd the success of the picnic is assured in advance. Eddie Hyan , seven years old , while playing on Sixteenth street , near J. J. Brown's residence , yesterday , was struck on the head by the hoof of one of the horses attached to Driacoo'H team. Ho wax knocked senseless nnd quite severely though not dangerously hurt , About 10 o'lock last night a telephone incfcsago was received nt the jail asking that an officer be scut to the Occidental house , on Tenth ttroct , to search n man accused of stealing two revolvers ant of the vali/to / of one of the boarders. No officer being at the jail at the time , no attention was giv < n it. A BKK reporter visited the IIOUHC , butthu landlord refused to glvo any further information. Fuuny Sight- Thcro was n vury amusing sight Si : front of the California house last ovo- ning. A man who had probably drank a fjood deal during the day was lying on the eiuownlk there. Ho was apparently in the full use of his faculties nnd the upper part of his body , but his IOUB were utterly worthless. In other words , ho felt the clFnot of his intoxi cation altogether in the logs. These appendages were perfectly limp , and could no moro bo used than BO much rubber. When the man would turn his body one way his lees would naturally fall the other. Ho tried to convince the bystanders that ho had been run over and both his legs broken , and that ho was not in toxicated. In this ho failed , however. Ho was finally placed ir a wagon and carried homo. A Positive DouinX J. W. Blanchard , division superin tendent of the Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific railroad , writes a letter from Stanbprry , Mo , , in regard to a state ment in Tan BKB that an engineer on the run on which an accident occurred recently near Bhonandoah had given up liis job , afraid to run any longer , BO bad was the track. This otate- inont Sir , Ulanchard denies positive ly and says the regular engineer was upon his engine at the tima of the ac cident. Ho further states that from personal observation had less than thrbo hours before the accident oc curred ho found the track in good hapo and that ho usually inspects the tract between Council Bluffr nnd Btanbcrry every Monday morning , while ho is on his way to his olllco us ho was that day. A DISMAL DAY Which Put Another Damper on the Pair. The Rain Prevents Falflllmont of the Programme. Continuation of the Exposition on Monday Next- Evorypno nt the state fair grounds wns in hiuh spirits on Thursday night , nftor the very successful exhibition and. largo attendance , and the most active preparations were made to nc- commodato the throng expected yes terday , But "tho best laid plans of micp nnd men gang aft.igloo ; and the cquinoxial storm which cumo over the plains from the west struck the fair grounds about I ! o'clock yostoidny morning with full forco. A steady , celd rain fell steadily during the greater part of the day , driving all of the exhibitors who could get away of the ground and seriously inconveniencing iencing the rest , Many of the tent : and booths bccamo flooded witl water before daylight , RO thai their occupants were obliged to got out and shiveringly seek drier quarters. Of , tJicro was no attendance to speak of , although the ticket otlico showed a sulo of fifty pasteboards. Everything about tloral hall , the attractive buildings on either side , and morchanlilo hall on the op posite side of the grounds , was inact ive , while the mun in charge of the agricultural machinery seemed to have ( lec.iinpod in u solid body , only tlireo being lound nbou- the wide nrea cov ered by that display. As many per sons as could convuniontly congregate in the president's and secretary's of fices gathered there at an early hour and assisted in keeping two stoveo one a very feeble ono warm. The hoard of managers were kept busy most of the forenoon discusainu the general condition of affairs uiKl finsworing the inquiries of muioui jxhibitora and boothmon. Numberlest suggestions were made. Of those- most seriously entertained one wa < i to. lontimio the fair until Tuesday night loxt , which would allow the many at- Tactivo features of entertainment to jo utilized. This found considerable aver in the minds o the members of ho board present , nnd will probably > o decided upon if suitable nrrarigo- nonts can bo made with exhibitors o allow their displays to remain. An- itlior suggestio i was to- open thn [ rounds on Sunday at twenty-free onts admission , and give a sacrud onccrt in the afternoon , with appro- iriato addresses by two or throj di- incs from Omaha. Despite Uio rain , cold , mud and eneral disngromblenoss upon the ; rounds yesterday , there was any mount of fun and jollity at the arious headquarters. While the ioard wore considering the feasibility if the above propositions a big square houldored fellow came in and stated hat ho wanted to remove ids exhibit. "What hivvo you here ? " asked Prea- ilont Olarkson. "A show , " said the man. "What kind of a show ? " "A dog show. " "How many dogs ? " "Ono dog without front legs-a wo-lcggod dog. " "la it a quadruped or n biped ? " skcd Judge Kinnoy. "That's what's boon exciting this rowd on the ground so , and wo never : now it , " exclaimed Col.Smytho with chagrined expression on his face. "Yes , that's BO , " aaid Chairman ) orsoy , "and I ddn't think this fair an go on without that dog. You ladirt bettor take him away. " The man ecutnod reluctant to say , , iy more , but finally ho blurted out : 'Well , I can't stay. My tent , is in a tool of water , my wife is sick , nnd I iayon'1 cash enough to run this thing .nother day. I'vo either got to 'got mt or atarvo. " The shout of laughter which had , ) eon excited by the first part of the liuloguo died away Hero was ono of , ho results of the adverse fair week , [ n a second Chairman Dorsoy took off liis hat and said : "Bring the dog over iieroiind show him. Gentlemen , chip in. " The fellow needed no second invitation , lie disappeared , and while ho was gone the contribution urow en couragingly , so that when ho came back with the curiosity a ehophord dog with only two legs enough was placed in his hands to run the "show' ' until the end of the week. Just then another incident occurred. The agoutof a sowing mauhiuoeompaiiy was reported as preparing to movo. Orders wont out to stop him. Present ly ho was brought into the olllco in charfio of the chief of the fair ground police. Ho was chafgcd with attempt ing to paok up preparatory to removal , and with being very impertinent when ho was spoken to about his prepara tions to movo. Ho attempted to argue the question , but President Olarkson "sat down" on the follow so suddenly that ho slid out of the door without further remark. It was then announced that no further exhibits are to bo allowed to bo taken fron the ground until the close of the fair. U hue this may inconvenience a few it will assist and eatisfy the over whelming majority of the exhibitors. In the county exhibits there were BO many things for the committees on awards to consider that it required considerable deliberation to decide ii : regard to the premiums. The awardi were finally determined upon as fol lows ; Lancaster county , first ; Wash ington county , second ; Hall county , third ; Burt county , fourth ; IXuyaoi county fifth. All of theao exhibit ! wcro very creditable , and have beer more fully referred to in Tin : BEE heretofore , Dawson county has boot : especially unfortunate in many wayi this week , The exhibit arrived n good shapp on Monday , and then , ni the committee having it in charge as Bert , it was not given a place , hut was obliged ( o Ho in the HUH until many of the fruits and green product hud dried up , bo as to bo almost use less for exhibition. It wan filially as uignod a place underneath the big tent west of the row of building ! along the main south driveway , ] < had only been nicely arraigned on a long row of tables when , SVeilneuduj night , a windstorm arose nnd "down came baby bunting and all , " urn Dan son's exhibit was again "lion du combat. " Such a combination o ; circumstances and elements wua to much forDawson's coimnittco on coun ty display and they gnvo it up. TO CONTINUE MONDAY. At a Into hour yesterday afternoon it wns decided by the board of mana gers to continuo tlio loir over to Mon day. Most of tlio exhibits will bo al lowed to remain upon tlio grounds nnd the program which had boon arranged for yesterday and to-day will bo fully carried out. Tlio following is the program for to-day , which , for the information of its read ers , THE BEE repeats. FORENOON , 9 A. M. Hivcop.staken exhibitions in lots 1 , 2 , 4 and u of class 1 or horses. Sweepstakes in lots i , L , 3 , 4 , 5 , C and 7 , of class 2 , cattle. Sweepstakes in lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 ot class 3 , flwinp. Sweepstakes in lots 1 , 2 , 3 nnd 4 of class 4 , sheep. Also , any lots in classes 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , that have not been examined nnd passed upon. AKTEItNOON. Running race Ono inilo and repeat peat ; pursu $300 , divided as follows S150 , § 75 , $15. Bicycle race Puiso $100 , dtvidet into 810 , § 30 , § 20 , $10. Chariot raco. Entries for running race , ono niilo find repeat ; purse $301) ) . W. 0. Ross , Shonantloah , Iowa , en ters b. a. Siroc , jr. ; A. Brandt , Hollo- v'tio , b. in. America ; J. W. Jacobs , Lincoln , enters Boston on the Table A. D. I'holps , Moberly Mo. , enters : h. g. Turin ; P. Pearson , Lincoln , [ micros , m. Resumption. In the 2:00 : trotting race the follow ing entries nro nude : M , C. Robin- 1011 , Wisnor , Nobv , enters b. s. Hob- bio 'Dinibar ; J. McDougal , Dallas , I'exas , ? * KOlaronco II. ( J < \ Moore , [ lasting * , r. in. Qr.-vco S. ; 0. Neris , Dmahn , a. m. Mila G. ; E. Pylo , Lin- iolti , b. D. Maxio Cobb ; R , L. Gra- lam , Oakland , Pok , d. g ; Yellow lackot ; M. O'Roilloy ' , Kearney , Neb. , ) . if. Doxier D. In the roadster raco1 there are five in trios. IIXAUTIFUL I > WDLAV. . The Ma * > Meyer & Co'a. building , irst door oa t of iloral hall , i a outer of attraction. This firm has a ino exhibit of silvoB'platcd ware , , 'hich is very beautiful in nppe.iranco. 'hero nro many fine lots of goods in ho Messrs. Meyer's show , and in very respect they are worthy of the oinmondattvvn not only oftlio - town ut of the state genorally. One case ontains n fine variety of ailver- rrought wars , and in tltis display my bo seen numerous other beauti- nl articles ? The exhibit o frosted ilvcrwaro is-Tcry elegant. . Another iiso containo-'a very excellent cahibit f cigars , meerschaum pipes and ci- arctto holders. A diamond brace- ) t , manufactured for n Council Bluffs cjlo , is nlno on exhibition and is lucli admired by the lady viaitors. Hogother tlio MAX Moyer'a show resents a Tory magnificent appear- nco. FLORAL HALT. 11UU1IIT. The general show in Fltml hall , liiltj it is not so extensive as that of .st year , has many attractions for isitors. Persons viniting the fair go > the Floral hall first and they nro unorally well satisfied with the dis- lays there made. In the cast por- 011 of the hall Mr. Yon DACII , of the malm apiary , has a. case of bees nnd oncycovnbs with the little yorkers usily engaged in their untiring laura - ura in the manufacturing of this do- ictablo niticlo of food. Mro. D. Rust has rm exhibition of iiintinga and portraits in undia ink , hicli look very uicely. Mr. George i. Timmo , the Douglas county artist , as some vyoU executed portraits in il , among which are these of udgo BonGlco , of the police court , ud J. M. Thurston , of thirf city. The display 6f George Iloyno , the ixlccnlh street photographer , is very ooil. J'rof. I'.dthbinn , of the Great Wcst- ru IJiHtiifS.'i ' college , has a good show- ig of peninnnship and artistic pen IniM'incis. ' * * * * " - Ttlra. U. V. Mandprson haa several .lintings on exhibitimi which .have L'cuiyod considerable worthy , ri ion. .J1UUT COUMV KXniUIT. The Burt county display of yegota- loa is very good. The qualities of quash , onions , potatoes , turnips and wcut potatoes exhibited are among ho beet ever r.iiscd in this state. The lisplay of grasses from this county , lso look very nice. Hungarian grass , illio joint and other varieties , which roro cut on the otalk and sent in tor inhibition , look very healthy nnd ihow that Nebraska ns a grazing lo- ; ality has no superior nnywhoro in lie United States. Burt county itands fourth in the general county ixhibits , and had un extra mention m account of its ouporior exhibit of vegetable's. This county had the honor of carry- in j oil' the premium given for the best I ulity of fl ix raised i.i this state. Mi1. McDowell , of Oakland , was the , uuky farmer who took the prize. HALL rooNTV. The exhibit of Hall county in the lifloront kinds of grain is excullont ind is indicative of the superior qual- , ty of the soil in the western part of Iho state. I'ANOV BIHPLAY. In the matter of fancy goods and noodle work there are quito n number uf good exhibits. Staiidin" in the west wing of the hall is the display of Kirs. J. U. Moore , who haa on oxhibi tiun an elegantly wrought nnd fanci fully fiuured worsted pin cushion. It uvidontly took n great amount of la bor to manufacture it , nnd it evinces that 'ho lady 1ms n tulont for this des cription of work. Mrs. J. M , Thura- ton has several articles of noodle and fancy work on exhibition , nnd they show a good deal of task in their manufacture. The exhibit of 0 , A. Ringer is very commendable indeed , and is very much sought after by the ladicd in their rumbles about the various build ings , A particularly line portion of Mr. Ringer's display is two oases of hnts and bonnets. Thesu are of the most recent patternsami uro "just too lovely for anything. " Beside these are a number of embroidered quilts piucod from silk nnd other fabrics. E. 0. Killing , the florist , has n fine show of hot house plants. Messrs. G. 11 , nnd J. S , Collins have n neat exhibit of saddlery goods , Boaido these given especial mention there nro many goods oliown in this building which dcsorvo great praise , Tousloy & Brp. Imvo n good displaj of vegetables in the hall , A.V. . Fulltciilo A Co. have an olo' gant display of booto nnd shoes in the west wing of the building , nnd itlooke very well. Mr. Fiillrcido is n now compr in Omnliu , but through his en- terpise has gained many patrons nnd friends. Dr. Lawrence , of Rl. Joe , Mo. , has n case of epcctnclus and opera glasses on exhibition. Altogether this hall may bo said tu contain n good show in ovary branch represented , nnd the exhibitors generally - orally nro worthy of much credit for their cntcrpiiso. POJir.STKJ OOOWH. The "White sowing tnnching com- pnny have three or four of their ma chines in iloral hall , besides some fancy quilted rugs and bed spreads which look very well. Tlio Wheeler Wilson sewing ma- china company have n plnco in Iloral liall filled with aomo of their ma chines , nnd the company may fee considerable satisfaction in vlieir ox hibit. hibit.Messrs Messrs 0. X. Brisco vt Co. haru a very display of safes nnd vaults , nnd nro essentially the "solid men * 'oi the hnlh The King sewing mnchino company mvo Bomo of their machines shown , nnd they nttr.ict considerable nttcn- ion. ion.Windoll Windoll .t Krollo , in Iloral hall , mvo alsoa very elegant display ol mts nnd caps which is worthy of men- ion. This linn , although recently ongagcd in business , Imo attracted nimidotnble nttetition on account of Ivcir activity and gonosnl business [ ualificalioca. They are nasured of u uucefcsiul biioiness career in Omaha. John Eviim , the Omalm > seedsman , iaa n fine show in the caet wing of i'loval hall. It consists of the various < iiuls of seetli and an olobornto ( Us- jlay of flowcri in various shapes. The xhibit of dried fiowora put up in vrc.thB , coronets and boquets are os- ro especially noticeable. Mr. Evans las boon in tha seed business for a eng time nnd thoroughly understands vorj requirement of the trade. The exhibit of II. G. Clark & Co. , s voijy lino.ri'ho pyramidali display f spices and axtracts is worthy of 10 highest pzatBO. The show coin- rises tlio diftenmt varieties cf spices , xtrasta , and roasted coffees all manu- ucturod by this. firm. The firm also lakei- the beat : quality of r an , cake nd Hiokwhcat prepared flour. This rm starled in irado in 1878 , and dur- ng their busineis career have eaperi- nccultho beat kind of tnids- among heir patrons in this state and the rcstem torritctfies. Tlioy are the nly firm which has had the entor- rixe to exhibit , their particular line f goods. UNITING- THE RACES. CMaamaii Joining His-Name to a White "Woman. An Americanized Chii-junsn ap- litil to Judge Chadwick of the county ouzt yesterday for a marriage license. lo- gave his name in the original as lung Chang Leo , or in English Ohas. j > . In reply to the usual' questions iC- said ho was born in China and i as 34 j-car&of age. His , father was % o Ting and his mothar's maiden iiuno was liJdio Quoo. The bride of ho occasion1 will bo Miss- Emma Trip- ott , who gave her residence ns himha. and her birthplauo as Buonoa .yrcs/South America. She is a rather ilcnsant-faccd young woman , and it is mdcrstood to to n case if pure love on both sides. Mr. Leo las lived in Omaha for sotno timound ends hia energies to tbo sale of tea. lo adopts the American mode of tress , and utulcrstanxls English rcn- onably well. This , is the second case > n record where Ja Chinaman re- iciveil a marriage license to" wed a voman of anotlicp race in this conn- y. On the first occasion that ilongoliau conformed to liia future ' far to clunin- vifo's eccentricities so as - ito his pig-tail. This pleased the lady iugoly.but other Chinamen of the city iroso in their wrath and thirsted for ho bridegroom's goro. They failed , o get gore , but that Chinaman lost jast amoti' ' his follows thereafter. PERSONAL. Mr. L. Hay wood , of Ncoaha city , Is itthoWithucll. , Hon. A. llecco , of North Pintle , Coon iy Treasurer of Lincoln county , was in the : ity yesterday. , The llov. Otto Grocnbaum loft recetitly for Wisconsin , where ho will take charge 3f a cong.egatiim. Mr. Tieliuum , and wife nnd II. Sronlgomory and wife , of David city , nro [ } iic ! > tB at the YTithnell. Lo Viscomtu Uu Dore and Le AMtcnmto Ciuitari and wife , tourists from 1'aris , France , are rcgUtered nt iFiulue n Iiociilator- Among these who appeared before Judge Benoko yesterday charged with being drunk was n nwn who was designated on the docket ns John Doe. The man was very rospoctublo in ap- pcnnmco and seemed to bo a person of some standing in the state. Ho positively refused to give his proper natno and was without money to pay his fine. A friend came to his rescue , however , and ho was released. It was afterward learned that this gentlemen is quite a noted politician. Ho was n member of the legislature when the Slocumb law was passed , nnd , it is said , voted for it , mid elo quently defended it upon the floor of the houso. Another gontlotnnn , whoso homo is in lied Cloud , /acknowledged to _ the court that ho had boon a great friend of the late Judge Kaloy , and had strenuously favored the Slocumb act , Ho was out of funds but being u utrangor was discharged. How to Got Slclr. Expose yourself day and night , eat too much without exercise , work too hard without rest , doctor all the time , tnko nil the vile nostrums advertised , t ul then you will wnnt to know How to dot Well. Which is answered in thrco words- TttUo Hop Bittors. Soptl-OctlO OMAHA MEDICAL COLLEGE. Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881 Address , G , B , AVKES , M. D , , Sec. A PRESENTATION To the Superintendent of th Agricultural Dopnrtmont. W. J. Kennedy , o/ this city , super intondcnt of the agricultural department mont at the Fair grounds , was callc to his olllco this morning where It found gathered n largo number of implement plomont men representing nurncron manufacturers of ngrictiltuml imple ments , Air Kennedy wns introduce by M. S. Montgomery ana recoivoc by Howard Potter who addressee him very eloquently and pros 1'iitod n fine silver sot , consisting o way , pitcher and goblet , ns n token o esteem from his friends , and their ap preciation of his efforts to nake everything pleasant in iis department on the Fair grounds To this Mr. Kennedy replied with much fueling and earnestness , mani festing his nurpriso and hoavtfcU thanks. When ho concluded the boys gave thrvo cheers. Songs being next in order by E. D. Vaiieourt and M. E. Skill' , ridded mueii to the occasion , after which they nil adjourned eome- whcro chfrnnd rejoiced again. S. AV McCoy wns the secretary and M. S Montgomcsy the treasurer. The clo- gant set WIM purchased nt Messrs. Ed- halm & Eriakson , the popular jewelers of this city , , and the following are the ilonors : II. H. Wilson , Moline Wagon Co. ; rarkerifc Bowers , M. 2t Welch , with .Kansas Manufacturing Co. ; K. L. Sailoy , with B. D. Buford & Co. ; Hnworth & Son , Mr. Barber , with Ilirlin & Oirandorf ; Ed A. Blunck , Barry Young , E. H. Mwridon , C. S. Blair , with J&mitor Plow works ; J. S. Grelzer , 0. W. Hunt , M. L Hurd , O..Wood , witln Hurst , Ihiun it Co. ; Rev. Thomas Martin , Dovio Harvey ; J. .7. Vandivcr , Tom Fhvyor , with Dcore&Co. ; AS.S. Montgomery , with 3oiy : & Co. ; J. H. Phillips , 11. H. Daji , with Vandivor Corn Planter ; W. J. Eaton , with I \V. Stoddard & Co ; S. \V. \ Croy , with Champion Planter Do. ; ; Wallace Wheeler , Oscar Allen , Uaines Bros. & So. , I. M. Kendall , T. C ; Clark , R. Hi Foes , E. D. Vuu- : ouit , A. A. Parsons , E. M. Wilcox , W. fit Mumaugh.Dan Busr , Emer son , Talcott & Ce , Mr. Wells , with Deer * tf. Co. ; W H. Baynor , E. A. White , W. 0. Pliolps and Di Mulhol- miclp with FartneraFriend' Manufac- uriig Co. Is it TossibloTI rhat.i remedy nuido of such common , nmplfe ] > lants ns hops , buchu , man- Iraksdandelionetc. . , make so many ind such marvelous and- wonderful ! ure OB Hop Bitters do ? ' It must bo , : or v/hen old antt' youngv rich and loprf. pastor and doctor , lawyer and iclitor , all testify to being cured b , hem , wo must believe and doubt no longer. Septl-Oc'tlo A Doctor Censored. PottEditor of TIIS.BRE. . OMAHA , Sept. UO. At 8. o'clock last light my wife was t&Iieti sick , pro rious to confinement with twins. ,1 , lent for a midtvifn , MriK. Hanson , who i0ou arrived nnd ; remained until 5 > 'clock in the morning. Mrs. Hnn- 1011 said the uaaa would bo a dangerous. > no and I had better at once go for Da. Parker. I started for that physi- : bn's house , and , ou waking him ujft eld him of tlioicaso and what the mid- > ifo had told mo. Ho positively re used to gowith me , and ns the case vas serioua lurged him : v second time , iut ho still refused. Finding Dr. t'aiker determined not to go , I at ouco itartcd after Dr. Grossman , who aioso mmediatoly and wont with mo tomy louse. I > r. Grossman acknowledged he case to. be a serious ono and renamed - named th ro two hours By Dr. Parker's refusal to go to my house , I , : aino very near losing my wife , and I hink ths- public should learn of his sonduct. JosEi'U MONDAY , JJinth st. , bot. Mnrcy & Leuvcnworth. TERRIBLE PLIGHT. Newly Married Couple Un able to Secure Quarters. A couple of rural lovers called at the county court Thursday and ap plied to Judge Chad wick to marry thorn. Everything being found straight the nuptial knot was tied as tightly as they could wish , nnd the newly married pair departed bubbling . , over with happi ness. Toward evening as the judge sat in his office the same couple made their appearance. Both looked completely worn out nnd the ellervcs- cing gush of the morning wns replaced by an appearance of worry. They informed the judge that they had been at the fair and. throughout * , ! io city taking in Iho sights during the day. They had only boon in town since morning , r.nd had been so busy talking over their loves and anticipations of hap piness that it never occurred to them to seek quarters for the night. As the shades of eve ' wore fall ing it suddenly struck thorn botli and they 'began to search for a room. They were unable to find a single apartment anywhere. In their distress they again called upon the judge who had married them. Ho directed them to Mr. Alien , secre tary of the board of trade , who doubtless - loss secured thorn proper quarters , for nothing further was heard from them. DYING BV INCHES. Very otton wo BOO n person sulFor- ing from some form of kidney com plaint and is gradually dying by inches. This no longer need to bo so , for Electric Bittois will positively euro Bright's disease , or any disease of the kidneys oruriniary organs. They are especially adapted to this class of diseases , noting directly on _ the Stomach nnd Liver at the same time , and will speedily euro whcro ovoiy other remedy has failed. Bold at fifty cents a bottle , by Ish & Mo- Million , ' ( S Williamvllllton-On Sei > t. 8 , nt the residence of Col. F. Oast , West Uirkeley , Cat , by llov. G. D. Pinnea , Mr. Henry WUHutiiH. of Llvermore , Oal. , to Mrs. Hilton , uf Oakland , Cal. "Tho Jtovoro House Counci BlufTi is the bofltsaecond-clas3 hotel in the vest. " nuu'17-lm f Harvest Homo FoUlvnl. Bishop Clarkson appointed Hun day , September Seth , for the nnnna "Harvest Homo Festival" for th churches of the Diocese of Nebraska All the churches will bo dccoratot with fruits and flowers and grain , am n sermon suitable to the occasion bo preached in each by the rector Should the president's life by spam nnd hh recovery assured nt that dale then it is contemplated to join witl tlio festivities of the "Harvest Ilom Festival" n service of thanksgiving for Iho president's recovery. Tin bishop earnestly requests that the offerings on that day in nil the eon Cfregntions should bo devoted to dioccaoan missions and sent to Mr Motcnlf for that object. SPECIAL K XOTICK AiUcrtlscmont To lx n , Kor Silo Lost , Found , Wont * , Itcwrillr.-av &c. , will be In urtcil In these columns one * for TON CENTS > : r line ; rich nabecqiicnt ln crlon ! , FtVKCENTS icr line. The lint Insertionumcr lew th n WKNTV.JTVK OKNTS TO LOAN-MONEY. ONiV : TO LOAN Call nt lawOfllraol D. L. Tlionux' ) llociiiS. Crelchtcn Dlock. O w frf \ \ A To loan al from 8 t < vlO ytr rcnl. * 5fM/.uV.M * "n ( rood ruil cslntJsaoiirlty , by > H. ISrtAO KOVMUDi , 1109 Tarnh-Mn Kt. VW I.OAA At 8 jjor ccittln ' ternt In * nmsorw Ol anil p anl < , for 3 to C-ymn , rn ftst-tlasn ! rity unil irin proiHtty. Buns IUAI , I TAIK and Lotx ABKSCV , U < th anil Douxla.4 Sin HELP WANTED. A ; jo < l steady boy , WANTKI1 , frotu'10 to 18 Ji-irs olil. to < ork uttorc. Cloocl Hsgcst Apj > 'y nt llco olll rj > S-l" XrAXTEl ) AsiKvllhoiscorroonnimltillo for VV lioi > sekcciiiry.ront not to exceed $10tr Muitbclu rospetiablo loialllj- . \ < 1- , Ilcu oilke. 4-t ( > ANTKOooJiBlpirftt ] Harris k W market. 7-10 'ANTED-Coat-asaLerat A. Marlln'tvllSO rarnham St. 9-I'Jl 'ANTEU A girljrortlnrcst corner 14t > . - ' < : tndi J * < .k on5.t. < MT * 'ASTCU Olrl it > n.private bonrdlng houco , w'ASTCU conurtUodgc , Vil-W IJfrAA'TEn Tuo txperlencoI book solicitors W 'or Colorado and Ut h. Address T. O , OK 1214 , Council I11U2 * . loww. 000 'J3T "jTrA-NTED Board and room wllli prlv\to | ff , family ; must be nice pleasant room and. ct farther than 10 blc-MS from post etlleu. Ad- nta N. , lice office. f Oi'J-tt It r ANTED A approitiuo boy at the K\eeljl r W Machine Works. 03736 ANTED A flrst-clns barber for stciJy W work. App'y to'iim Cornfield , CO } 10th St. 11SK-1U rOTICE First-clossrc-ook wanted for rllt h family. Ftiqu ro. at residence , boutli 101 MIIS. H. KOUNTZG. I9S > 30 * 'ANThl > A ( , 'ood drl , at Iso. til Wnlh bt. bet. UhanilUth. 978-1 ! ) " Tr ANTED Olrl ( < \ opi osltc J. J. Crown. MUS. J. JI. COONS- AN. U70-H bor. nt Peterson' ' ! store , E04 S , Tenth St. A German prefer- Ii Mutt give good inference. B 9-lf ; T7"ANTED At Vator'ft restaurant , n mil , a iiV l > oy and agooiiwalter. Oood waRts.wjll a UiU-tt ; AN1KD Girl atax > l Dodge street. W ANT15D Carp-ajtccs. Apply to W. W Canflcld llousa. . 971-10 T7"ANTED Dlnicjt om girl , at tho-Donm f.V House , opjrasac lice oltl.e. TTANTED A tinner ; steady job. flood ro- I-V feraiccs i < > < 4ilr A A drctaY. . ( J. l.a- ouKtte , Culbc.TtsonNeb. 07S-10 TTANTED Itcjpoctablo rmnloyiucrfc by hus- rV band nndlh. . Address P. P. C. , lice Of- k . 077-tf TT ANTEI-nr M. W. HartlKan , propriotior of fY the Mluoiul \ alloy lloller Worits , Omaha , eb. , four Drst-c'ass ' Ixillcr-iaakers. J o o-'hcr ecd apply. leiJrA.ascs i aid. M. Wi HAITI AN. 355-tf ANTED Mm to take cara o > horse * nnd W buggy , ii. K. rorncrof Sth ami Howard. ' . S10-IC' ANTED linmcdlately ono lau.idro'tt nt the W flinalia. House. S45-1C" . TCTANTElV-At Victor's restaurant , n girl. / < V a boy and a good n alter. Good w aces Mill u palii. 033-tf T7"ANTK To rent , by a newly married V ? coualo before Nov 1st , a , small ibttayc. entrally located. Address Ho ui 11 , Crclghton lock. Oii-tf TfTANTHD To buy a Bist class re Id once YV worth from 880W ) toJlO.liOO. Addro-s S , Locli llox 00 , Omaha , 001-tf 'ANTED A good cool , and laundress , S. W W toincr Uurt and lOUi St. 898 tf ANTED Girl at 1133 North 10th bt. , 4th w houec north of bridge. II. U. 11KOOM. b53tf T o ovporlenced cooks , six help- traand thlrry table w-alters , during week f ittato fair. Enquire of D. T. MOUNT , S42 tf 1412 IV.rnlmm bt. N"J'ii : ) An evpcricncid dr > goods' , ploth J , boot ani fhoo n ilcsman. None with- ut rood references necil apply. SM-17 Q. ADLlilt , Scnard , Neb. A.N'IKD Uood cooK at the Oecidental w hotel. 821-tf TTANTED Fundlnir bridge and school bonds. [ V II. T. Clark , Uclle\uc. 20-tf FOR HENT HOUSES AND LAND. 71011 KENT A cottage with flio rooms , cellar. 1 hard ami colt water&t )1& per month ; 822 OUth Ifth St. E-17' ; \OU \ ftAljri Three hun red tors Icofor talc Enquire of J. F. 11EEH , LoUan , Iowa. IlfcNT Good home , 10 rooms and $ ' 00 world of furniture there In for sale. Apply o 8. T. Peterson , lloal Eitaio Agent , S. E. Cor. 6th and Douglas St. OSI-tf TmUKNISllEf ) ItOOMS-Lodging fora few per- JJ ton" at 1717 Cumlngs , bet. 17th and Ibtli St. , 1J door wcbt of Htli S . , on Howard St. UMltf T7IOU 11ENT. Furnished rooms 1th or with- Jj out boartl. Norlli-wcut corner llth anil Jackson Stu. ! * * HEN Furnished ilttinir roon. and b'd FOIt , cheap : with board if piefcrred , HOd Cas3St. - rjlOH HhNT Ju t nniihcdino tlnt-cl.m two- U etoiy brl"k housun , 8 und U rooms , stable nil cemented cellarj ; f 10 mouthy in advance , W.JI. liUSHMAN , H. E. corner Ittli and Doug asbts. BKNT Ntw brck store on loth St. , be EOIl Farnhaui ar.d Howard , $45 per month. POMf _ B. LEHMAN. " 71011 KENT S f urn Mif J room * over Mej- h ohnnts' Kxeban.-e.N. K. ccr. 10th and Dodg-t ire-eU. 2itl > _ , _ 011 JIKNT Ono room with board , 180S Call- F ' fornla Btreet. 736-tf FEOU BENT Elegant furnished rooms. Iteiww EOU 1'rleci , brick home. t013Cas ! Ht. t.a tt FOR SALE. [ 71011 BALE A farm of eighty acres , In vrod L reiulr , good home , 2 x30 and cl 14x10. tiuallorchard ol bearing tree * . Ono niilo south olOnawaClty , lowa.onS. O.iP. H. It. Will L'ho tlnioon part K wished. AilJrui F. IV Scars , Oinalia , Nsb. al dtfi24w4l 7\UH BALE About 300 cubic yards of dirt , ] < southea t corner iWth and Cum ng. liuju ro of 1'UA.NK SASSrilOM. 615 north lUtti street. WMf 171011 SALE Two good horses nd two ceeond Jj land bujglet Apply at 1671 North 16th bt. TtUH BALi : Important to flockmastcrs , &c. , F Ihu UMro blooJid Scotch Colhu pups Z uonths old. for nait > ; luotlitr 3 month * ftom Scotland. Apply to John 13ell , bttw eeu lith nnd ISth , Cam strut alley. 973-ltT SPECIAL HOTICES-OontiPflBd ALK OK nlHM > INO-ScVcd prPitoJ-vli S < lie ilc of Co s StmtSchool l building , Handing at Hi * corner f 16th Mid Ca tlrcct , will lie received br th6tmder lgnodmilll2o'clock 11 m. Monday , Sent n her l th , 1SS1 , CltAtll.KS CONOYEIt , Umlrman Com. on HulldlngB nnd i'rtp. _ _ MS-IT _ cows , CAI.VIS AND HULLS roit JKinnv One t otmiiili-lirrtt , tcrcy luill 3 yoirs olil In flrB' condition , oiielmlto nionllii old , one heifer IRinoiithsnhl. ( In calf ) . Thonbovoarc roghUrrJ. Also 3 high grndo Jersey > with holfercMvM , nil In no < l rondl * Uon nml Riling mill : nt UiUihto Any or nil of tlio abov e cattlovvlll ho sollnt tcvior ti1o ptlrcs. Address or call on the nb c Ihernnd ncotlilH line Mock. H. A. WILLIAMS Uhnnimd , JIIIU Co. , Iowa. U7S-10 iTic _ _ . . . . I' worm rcwnolr , al fitwo retinues on Capitol llVit. Add. ASIWKWIIIKVINS. 13WJ Doiurlw St. SIS If "T7IOIISAL12 A large , coinnioiKou , ncntKiv L1 story houco with well ! food Joea'lon , near liorso cart , full lc with trees , vi oil , cMcrn. etc. Terms reasonable. Euiinlru o' 1' , W. I'.oe , liliu } . , bet. Charlcaikei ) Suward Sti. 027-2 * KICK It SALK. B - 03-tf * COK. R SA'.B-A R nl1 cnelno , 11. W. 1'Ayuo k Son's iml < c. In uerfett osdcr. Iniinire nt II. J Clarlijf Co. _ 30-tf TpOU SAIiH A fjiin'of ponies , bujrjj vid hnr * L1 nw ; ImiBy a niOMt new. App'jr nt thd L'nlnbnhn Saloon , U. l/Miltx-k , IGtli .St. Tdt-tf SALE Ucasournl liiriiituroot FOK a low not , IncUte of NtkrasAa ; ItMSt bcij ) ; the trntcllnp men's r * ort. Inquire at lIKColflcc. 2IS-tf TlOR SiVtE MRJIS ot tv nsla aiil Sarpy M tlcj. A. lOSlWA'riKlC20Pttrnhainf ! : : ct.vct J f 171011 SA-f.E Ntit house mid full lot , 12 bloriis [ J f mm ? , t > . ixt 1)00. ) . > ' i w I. . JtcCAO UK , nz-ir Op ) ) . 1'oatolllcc. I710U SAfiE KIno stock fnrtn o ( 400 nirr ? 1 joe < Pioij ! i' , ratlin hci ) , . orchard &c. , with n easy iOT < h of mllroad. I'riif , fifiOO , mr line at K ? JOHN L. McaAOL'i : , ( > i > p. i'o.iS Hike. _ _ tan-tf SAJ < it Neat cottnRO unl I'ood lot ad FOIt > . VJliy L. 1KUAUUB Opt ) . 1' . O. - AND LAND UCIMS nuts hou w , HOUSUS ) , he-tell , farina , lota ; lands , otflcctr rooms , etc , Sir 1st page , Good house with fsur rooma and JOUSALK : r < oi il)13 ) Dodzo between 2tli ( ) an.l iTtli street. Gcod well and shad j trees ; lieu u In ; oed condition , Inquire on premises. 231-tf 1'ira.solg repaired by H. SCItim1 llth and Fanmm tin. 780tf MISCELLANEOUS * FOUND A ilmft. Inquire at lJlc t Western Brewery , 2r * and inumiitf St. 2-10' OST A blacji and leather boui.d note book. I J containing tw t notci , ono Sfc SV ) and thw > tlicrJ500nnd-it\va ty-thrca dollkrt in cash. Finder will plcrca Jc voat the IlcctxTkc and re- : ehorewarij ! 1-lfl * " OST Abunih-of krji ) Fintlkn will _ t leax c at the \\u-t ollko and rccMjo rcuanl. 8-17 TIUIINISHEI ) BOOMS-Keason ae rates at 1 1717 CuinlDi i bet. 17tiand ) Uilistrco'p. 001 tf TIOKTUNE TE ! LEU AND MHUIUM Mre. J Eliza tells r st , | recent and 'titure In loic id all affair * , bho ree ils the deepest secrets of tt I'cart. bho pos-icsscH the mnj iMiu power to illlll all } our niahea. Call at No. corner 16ta ind Chicago strt t. . IAAKEN Ul' Sept. 13th , blacX horse with L harncsi on. Uivncrcan > : et It i& 1418 nortl * . .h and pay costs. A' . PE1 CUSl'.N. " OST A pair of gold bowed spostaclcs nt tha _ J U. 1' . depot. Finder please return to Markcl b \\obe and rco Ue liberal IWO-1B * lIIU ) > STORE Has for-f 1o all Kinds DMAIIA trjaiul Domestic H'nla , also lilnl "anclcry KOO IS at 103 South IGtlu St. , between I DcJe. | JfOll HAY lidivi : > llio received PROPOSALS Icrsljfncd until neon , S pto ber ! 6th , 1S31 , for2'J tons of hay , tel * delivered to ho Mall CirrkiM of the On aha jx > s ollice , the aid hay to boliluo stem. inld < llnc ! : arse and of iho very best lyiaUty. JOSUI'll JUOHUAL , SentlO-d'2t4.- . Oiniha Fostolllce. \ PIUVATK ISSTUUCTIONS In- French , dc - 1. man , Greek and Lotm. Srof. Henry W. Jcok , 161C CaJfornta St 000-oc8 Kills has rattllnj ; loni ; listH of hnusos , lots B lands arid farm * for sale Call and gefc ilicni. % plAM. A'l MUa. D. K. OLAUKE'S No. 1 Hoard ( _ J Inif House , cor. 13th and iJoilzu Sta. nthc city. " P KMIS' Ul LFATATE IJOO-M. b c Ibt page. rT "TTflMvIE Manufactory ofiiipcr . JJ. VV boxen , 14CU Farnham street. Jilittlia. Neb. n22w&tt . cii or udJress Potter " 1'i.lincr , , ,0 South 0AM. street Council lU'iifr , loua , for rail- o.vd tk-'iets cast , west , iiortband bouth. C'hlrait > ilO.OO JloundtripSlO.CO Enrv ticket uax- inteed&nd tickets bought , ecld and cxchan etl au ' 17-liu : TCLLHIl AND JIKUIUJI ilre , ElOOTUNi ' past prescjit , and future In love ind nil affairs. She rev coin the deepest feecrats : hc heart , bho posses th * magnetic power to ful 111 all your \\Uhcs. toll at No. 1010 Chicago itreet , near 10th. au lU-tt OFJIIS1 NEW CITY MAPri,25c. Soolst paz 'IIAKEN ' OP A red cow. Owner can hiio thor r name bj pravln ; ; property aud paying : harffc . FKANXIS IlOUll S , Saundjra ana JrneeSt' . auiltwcdst EJ1IS' KIIAL ESTATE EXC11ANQE. S B [ til KKE or four young men can bu accommoda- L. ted with board , licfercnccs exchanged. Ap- y 4011 Cain t-trcct , 4th door west of 2uth St. , r address Uox SJ7 , poatolUa ) . 343 vt 2tir nd Chicnto . streets , is rcnily to bore or deepen wtJlB. Wtttf Reading and Elocution TAUGHT BV JULIA E HARDBNBEBGH. Voice Training , Private Lessons and Classes. 2011 Cues Street , between 0 and 21st. EDWAED KUEHL , IAOISTEU OF PAI.MYSTF.RY AND CONDI- 10NALIMT , 4U3 Tenth Street , nu ceil rarnham ndllaincy. Will , with too aid of guardian liiltu , olitaln lor any one n clanco at thn put nd present , and on certain conditions In tlio fu me. Hoots and Shoes made to order. Perfect eatl fJttlon iruariiiib nt. au26.1m r ! Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar , No other rpatlon inakcn inch light , flaky hot breads. usurious pantry. Can lia ratcn by UjtpcpUe nltrout fe-ar ol thullU re.uUIng from heavy Indl ire tlbl food. Sal i or-v In raafc , bv all ( ! rw trs IIOVAL IJAKIKOJI'OWUKU CO KtwYcrk. 0. F. Goodman. * .