Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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010 Harnham , bet. Oth nnd 10th Street * .
Onocopylyesr , In iklvanco ( postpaid ) . $10.00
(1 month ? " " . 6.0
v nmontha " " 3.00
Loire Onnlia No. 2 through passenger , 11
. m. No , 4. Oakland jwi'ciiRcr , SSOa. m.
Arrltu Omaha No. 1 , tliroiuh pno'cnircr , 2:60 :
m , So , 3 , Oakland jtatsciigi r , C:30 p. m ,
a , II. k q. B ft. m. 3:40 : p. in.
C. d K. W. , 0 n. m. 3:40 : p. in.
u. H. I. & r. , n a. m. sue p , m.
K. C. , St. J. i 0. n. , 8 a in. < 1:3'J p. in. Arrho
Bt. Louis at 0:25 a , in. and 7:45 a. m.
II. ft SI. In Nob. , Throw ; ! ! Kxprrw , 8SS . m.
II. ft II. Lincoln r'relitht. : M f. > n.
U. I' lixnnw , 1:16 : p. in.
0. fc H. V. for llncoln , 10 : 1 n. m.
O. A H. V. for Oiccoh , 0:40 : n. m.
t ) . P. InUht No. t , 6 : ' a. in.
U. P. freight No. P , 8:15 : a. in.
I ) . P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. tn. emigrant.
U. I1 , frck'ht No. 11 b:25 p.m.
C. H. & Q. , 5:00 : i. n 7:25 p m.
C. A K. W. , D:45 : a. u.-7:25 : p. m.
C. H. I.U',0:45a. : iu. 0:031) : . in.
K. C. , St. Jon & 0 11. , 7:40 : n. ru. p. ru.
W. , St. L. & 1' . , 10:1& : n. m. 1:25 : p. ru.
0. < t It. V. from Mnoln 12:12 : p. tn.
U. P. Kxpre s S:25 : p. in.
D & M. In Ncl > . , Through Kxprcss 1:16 : p. ID.
II. h M. Lincoln Krclht8:35 : n >
U. P. Freight No. 101:40 : p. m.
No. 0 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant.
No. K 10.60 p. in.
No 12-11:35 : a. m.
O. & 11. V. mixed , nr. 4:35 : p. m.
Nebraaka Division ot tno Ht Paid & Sioux City
No. 2 leavm Omuh-j SRO : a. tn.
Vo. 4 leaves Omah.i1.30 p. m
So. 1 arrl\esntOimhaatS:30p. : m.
No. 3 arrhca at Omaha at 10:50 : n. m.
I.rave Omaha at 8:00 , 0:00 and 11:00 a. m. ;
10 2:00 : , 3:004:00 : , 6.UO and 0:0(1 : ( p. m.
I.oavu Council lllulfn at 8:25 : , 9:25 : , 11:20 a. m. ;
1:26 , 2:25 : , 8:25 : , 4:25 t:25 : and 0:25 p. in.
Suiiflnys The dummy leaves Omaha at D.OO
nd 11:00 a. in. : 2W : ) , 4:0 : < > nnd S O p. in. Leaves
CoTirM llhi'N at n:25 aiid U:2li a. m. ; 2.26 , 4:25
and 5:25 : p. in. _
Opening and Closing of Mall * .
a. in. p. in. a. m. p. m ,
( Thlrwo A X. W 11.00 9M 4:30 2:40 :
t'hluuo. It. I. & Pftdllc. 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40
CMcwo , I ) , it ( 11:00 : 0:00 4:30 2:40 :
Waliasl 12:30 : 4:30 E:40
Stonx City ami Pacific. . 11:00 4:80
Un'on ' Pacific 60 11:40
Dmaha&It. V < .tt > 11:40
ti. 1 II. In Ncli 4:00 : 8:40 6:30 :
OmahA.t NortM\c 'crii. 4:20 : 7:30
LiH-M nin.Hi for SUteot Iowa lei\ but once a
d y-\l : : 4:30(1. : in.
A Lincoln Mall it nlo opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Ollico open Sunilaj a from 12 m. to 1 p. tn.
A , TT A.
Business Directory ,
Abstract ntid ( teal tstate.
JOHN L. AttCAGUE , opposite Post Office.
W. n. BAUTLUTT 317 South 13th Street.
Architects. >
Room 11 , Crchjhtoii Block.
A. T. T AROE Jr. . Room 2 , Ciclshton Block.
Boots and tihoes.
Fine lioota and Shoes. A good assortment ot
homo work on hand , comer 12th and Ilarney.
THOS. ERICKSON , S E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
63510th street , manufactured to order good wort
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LAKRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dom-laiBt.
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
McSHANC & SCHROEDKR , the oldest B. and E.
bouse tn Nebraska established 1876 Omaha.
MltS. A. IIYAN ,
southwest corner lethnnd Dodge.
Bo-jt Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Meals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Montn.
Good Terras for Cash.
' Furntshnl Rooms Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
Wit SNYDEH , 14th and Harnoy Streets.
Jewellers ,
JOHN BAUMEU 1314 Farnhsra Street.
H. BEPTllOLD , Razs and M tal.
Lumbsr , Lima and Cement.
FOSTKJl & GRAY corner Cth and Douglas Sto.
Lamps and dlatsware.
J. BONNER 1809 Douzlas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors ,
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re
ceiving the latest dcalena for Spring and Summer
Geods for gentlemen 8 wear. Stylish , durable ,
and prices low as ever 21613th bet , Dou . &Farn.
MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods In ( treat variety , Zephyrs , Card Ioard ,
Iloulery , Gloves , Corscta , &c. Cheapest Hou o in
the West. Purchasers iu\o 30 per cent. Order
by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th It Jackaonsts
I-lour and Feed ,
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th acd Fainham 8to. ,
Wclahans Bros. , proprietors.
Grocer * .
Z. STEVKNS , Slst between Cumlnp und Irar
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Curalng Htreeta.
/ Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
DLAN & LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and
112 tub etrcct
A IIOLMRS corner lf th nnd PailfornK
Harnets , Saddles , &c.
B. WF.IST 2013th Bt. bet Farn- lUrney.
ANFIELD HOUSE , OoJ. Canneld.Oth 4 Farnliani
DOUAN HOUSB , P. II. Cary , 813 Farnhara St.
SLAVEN'fl HOTEL. K. Sl > en , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , Qua. Hamcl,0th &Icavermorth
Iron Fencinc *
Tha Woslom Cornice Works , Accnts for the
Champion Iron Fence &c. , ha\o on hand all kinds
of Fancy Iron Fences , Crcatliis | , Flnoals , Railings ,
cto. 1310 Dnivo ulrte. opl2
Clothing Bought.
O JHAW will pay highest Cash price for tocond
band clothlnr. Corner 10th and Yarnhain.
DU. PAUL , Williams' I'lock , Cor. lEth & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
KU1IN & CO. ,
Fhanoaclita , Fine Vuno 'liuda , Cor. 15th and
Douclii btrecta.
W. J. WIIITEHOUl K , Wholesale & Hotall , I6th St.
0 , 0. FJEI.D , 2022 North SIJo Cumlng Street.
M. PARR , DruKnlet , 10th and Howard Stroeta.
Dry Good's Notions , Etc.
New York Dry Good * Sn ; 1310 and 1312 Farn-
him Urcct.
L. o. EnewoU also \xmta \ and fliw-fl 71 h & Pacific.
A P. GROSS , Now and Second Hand Furniture
nd StoMis , 1111 Ixjuiriaa. JJIghost caah price
aid for tctoiid hanu urooii.
J , BONNKH 1809 Doul et , Find eoodi , &c.
Planing Mill ,
A , MOYER , manufacturer of eauh , doors , bllnde ,
moldings , noea ! , baliutcr * , hand rails , furnishing
ttroll wwlny , &c , wr DsdKoaud 9tU ttrccU.
Pawnbroker * .
ROSENFELD , 3 10th St. , bet. Fur. A HAT
A. Donnghno , plants , cut flowcn , nccils ,
etc. N , W. cor. lUh ( anl Doui'los streets.
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors.
ANDUF.W KOSEWATEU , Crelghton Block
Town Surveys , OnuloRndHcweraRO Sjatc s
Uommlsslon Merchants.
JOHN O. WIt > LIS.1414 Dodge Street.
D R. nEKMF.K. For ilctalla co Urge lulrcrtlsc
mont In Dallv nnd Weekly.
Clears and Tobacco.
ft'EST A FRITSC11KH. niaiuifftcturcrs of Cnr !
tid Whole-Kilo Dmlcrs in Tohiiwos , ISOMtouglM.
\V. K. I/UUNZKN m-inufMturcr f.l 110th street.
Cornlco Works.
A'c9tern Cornice Worki , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron nnd BlMo Kooning. Orders
front any locality promity ) executed In the bc
UAiiner , Factory and 1310 IXnlgo Street ,
Oalvanlzrd Iron Cornlra' , Window CAJW , vtc.
xanufncturcd and put tip In any pm of the
country. T. aiNHOI.D 4lO Tlilrtreiuli trret
Crockery ,
I. BONNHR 1300 DoiuKM slrvet. Good lino.
Clothing and Furnlihlng Goodi.
OEO. II , 1'CTKllSON. Al o Hats , CafHi Boots
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 H. 10th street.
Fen co Works.
OUST , FRIE3&CO. , 1213HirneySt. , Improve-
# 1 Ice Boxes , Iron arid Wood Fences , Otllce
Ralllnsrs , Counters of Pine anil Walnut.
nefrlReratort , Cnnflold's Patent.
0. F. GOODMAN Hth St. bet Farn. A llnrnoy.
Show Case Manuractory.l
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In alt kind ] ot Show
Cases , Upright Cx ca , „ 1317 CMS St.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omthi
Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street ,
betnccn Liavcimorth aud Marcy. All goods
narrantwl first-class.
Gloves na Tmwaro.
Dealer In Stores and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Fellow a'Block.
J , BONNHR. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap.
Seed * .
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
Cultivators , Odd Follows Hull.
Physicians an i Surgeons ,
W. 8. GIDDS , M. D. , Hxrai No 4 , Crclghton
Block , IMh Street.
P. S. LEISENRING , H. D. Maaonlc Block.
C. L. IIAHT , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflco
DR. L. n aRADDY ,
Oculist and Auri t. S. W 15th and Farnham Sts
Orvnd Central Galk-rv ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and 1'rompt
ness frunrantcop
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TAHPY & CO. . 21012th St , bet. Farnham
and DougUn. WorK promptly attended to.
I ) . FITZPATHICK. 1401 Douglas Street.
and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. HOOTERS. 1412 Doilgo Street.
fihoo Stores.
Phillip Ling , 1820 Farnham St. . bet. 13th & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. . New and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods ,
&c. , boui'htnnJ sold on narrow margins.
In the new brick hlock on Douglas Street , has
Just oprncd a most elegant lien Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
e\ cry day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER. 079 10th Street.
CIIAS. RIEW'E , 101 ! ! Farnham bet 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNEU , 303J Tenth street , between Farn-
ham and llarncy. Does good and cheap work.
09 Cent Stores.
P. 0. BACKUS. 1206 Farnham St. , F nov Oooda
p PI
I i
' 33
ILEB & CO. ,
Sole Manufacturers , OMAHA.
IC05 Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska
Ciro.ully sclcctol land In liiskrn Nebraska for
Hftlo , Great liargalni In imirOTOit ) farms , and
Omaha city property.
Late Land Com'r U. P "
Ural on Waicona , lliii tea , Reapers , ThrcBhom
and il 111 Machinery. It IH isvAurxnLs TO rjutM
tnn AM ) TKAUBTKIIB. It cures Bcratchca and all
klndgof Borcoon Horses r.J Stotk , an well anon
" " '
OLARK&WISE.Manuf's . ,
306 Illinois Street , Chicago ,
FOU PHICES. Jo24.6m-b9
BlackDiamondOoalCo ,
\V. II LOOM'S ' , J. H. NKWKfX ,
1'urv. Beer. AMI TKKAI.
In car lota or In 1111.111111101 tn uult purthascM ,
Onlun Kollcltul.
Yard , Foot Parnham and Douglas -
las Sta. , Omaha.
. 80l3tl |
Professor KMic-r , ( from Bt. IxiuU ) Danrlnk' Ac.
ndimy , Standard Hall , cor. Flfttcnih and Furn-
ham , 'luctday cvpiilii ; ; , Mcptcmbcr ( Jth.
Classen ( or lAdluK anil Ucntlcmcn commencing
Tucuday ttcnln tjcptembcr Oth ; ilaiwciw for
MUbcii anil Mattvrd , roimncMidnf Saturday after *
noon at 4 oVIocl ; . Cl.-mcj for r'ainllluv , will ho
arranged to suit O.o lionorablo jatrons. Also
ballet dantlnj ; tun l > o taught ,
Tcrnu liberal , and \vileo \ : satisfaction to Hctiol
am L'uarintccd. I'rlvatoIiKtructlomovll lo ulr-
eiint thu Dancing Academy or at tlio 'tildc.'icu
of the 1'itroiu ,
I'rhato orders may bo loft atMa > Mcjcr.t
Dro'a. i-UO-tf
No. 1508 Farnham Street ,
0/rict Jfor U tUc opp , Oraud Central lintel ,
Not Noah's , but ono cqvmlly as tlis
nstrous as frtr as it went , us tlioy know
in Minnesota.
Lucy Fanclien , standing in ho
brothnr-in-law's door-wny , looking ou
ever the snow nt the figure ot ft mat
who had just turned and wired his
Itat to her , had no idea it was coining
Her blnck eyes wore bright and her
face warm with inch color.
' 'Lucy , " called her sislur from the
little bedroom , "who wna llio man at
the door ? "
"Charlio Kosccoo , " said Lucy , defiantly
fiantly , "what is it to you , Colomb ? '
"What is it to mo. I'll tench you ,
miss ; when Polar comes you shall go
homo nnd marry .lo Aim , as you have
been told. You'ro not a Yankee girl ,
if you have boon to their school , and
you shall do as you arc told. I'll ask
old Gauticro to go for Father , Chora-
lior when ho cornea into the house. "
"I don't care , " said Lucy , still
moro defiantly ; "you may pot a do/on
piiosts , if you like , I'll not marry Jo
Aim if ho has a thousand cattlo.
Charlie is bolter with nothing. "
"So foolish you lalk , what do you
know ? you arc not to talk alone with
nifii at my door , it is not decent. You
should io ; back to Franco , miss , anil
learn manners , and not to talk of
your priests so disrespectfully. Fix
the fire and coino and take the baby
nnd let not Charlie Uosecoo comohoro
once more. "
Lucy filled the steve with corn , the
railroads had brought but little wood
yet and that was so dear they still
used corn as they had done during tlio
blockade. When she had done that
she took the baby and sat by the win
dow , rocking it and looking out on the
snow where Oharlio had passed ut of
sight Old Gauticro had coma in
from the barn where ho had been to
bake euro of the cattle and horse , and
Colomb was telling through the open
bedroom door of Lucy's rebellion.
The old man muttered nnd Colomb
scolded , but Lucy only looked moro
rebellious and dcliant than over , and
javo them a sharp answer now and
ihon , tossing her blnck braids about
with every scornful movement of her
; oquettish head. The old man mum-
jlod and muttered about the black
light , and that seine ono had told
lira the river was rising above there ,
sut Lucy paid no attention to his
words , and after once moro renewing
; ho fire lay down on the lounge near
: ho door wf her sister's room , ready to
mswor any call during the night.
Soinetimo in the night , she did not
enow how long she had been asleep ,
she was awakened by a terrible crash-
ng and grinding about the houso.
She could not tell what it meant , she
lad never heard anything like it.
3olomb was screaming and old Gau-
ricro stood on the stairs half-dressed
and wholly terror stricken muttering
about the river.
The water began to pour in under
ho door and almost while Lucy looked
c rose ankle-deep. She rushed to
lor sister's bed and called to the
old man. She had bound many an
ucro of wheat , and her arms wore not
weak , and with the help the old man
! ould give her they dragged off the
jed with her sister and the baby unon
t , and by much pulling and pushing
; ot them up the narrow stair-way.
The grinding and crashing con-
.inued . ; they could hardly hear each
other speak , and the water rose rap-
dly. Lucy could see it rising higher
and higher on the stairs , she had hur
ried back and snatched the lamp from
he table ns soon as Colomb was safe
upstairs. She had to wade through
vater to do it , and noticed that even
lien it was as high as the chair scats
and was putting out the fire. She
vatchcd the water as it crept step by
tep up those stairs and soon saw they
would not bo safe there. The only
ilazo of escape left was the attic and
hat was a very small nnd low one ,
> ut they must take refuge there. She
sot her wits to work to plan a way to
each it. The chamber was unfin-
shod , only a few loose boards lay on
10 beams overhead. Old Gauticro's
> cd stood near and an old rickety tn-
> lo beside it. She placed the table
on the bed and got the old man up on
ho beams , then she reached up bed
clothes and a feather bed and directed
lim to arrange a bed on the looao
> oards , finally she lifted Colomb till
ho had her where the old man could
nke hold of the quilts about her and
mil her up.
They were not a minute too noon ,
or just as she reached up the baby
and prepared to swing herself up
roni the old table , there came an
other and louder crash , the house
ocked to and fro for a minute , the
amp went down with a crash , there
was a rush and sweep of water , and
hey felt they were moving off. Co
omb was shrieking and the old man
airly howling in terror. Lucy put
icr hand down between the bourns bo-
ow thorn , it struck into the water. It
vas as high as that then , it would soon
) o over at that rato. She thought of
Charlie , where was ho ? lie had gone
truight on down the valley , ho
vould bo drowned. She cried out at
hat fur the first time , but just then
.ho house surged to ono side and Co.
umb shrieked , and they all huddled
own together in the darkness.
On and on they went , the house
winging to and fro in the current ,
ho water dashing nnd splashing
ibout , and the ice grinding and crash-
ng outside. The old man mumbled
lis prayers nnd Colomb repeated hors ,
bricking out now and then to sumo
aint for mercy , or calling loudly to
jucy to stay near her. How long this
asted tiioy could not tell , but
after what saenicd to them a life-
hue , the houao stood still. Where
hey were they did not know but
Mcy , digging open n little cinuk in
.ho gable , could BOO cakes of ice all
about , and beyond that the river run-
ling furiously by. A church was
bating along with the current ) and
bovo all the grinding of the ice and
rush of the water , she could hear the
iwful tolling of its bell. Down on the
cakes ot ice stood Colomb's best black
ow , chewing her cud no if uho tycro
ufo at homo in horatnll.
The hours passed on drearily enough
vith no food , no fire , no light , only
ho darknoBA and noiao. It was day
low , Lucy could HCO that , but the lit-
lo attic wan still dark. Hut it was
Boino consolation to know that they
vero standing btill , and no longer in
lint crushing , crashing miisa , "Lucy
videncd the crack in tno gable as the
day passed on , and reported what slio
saw. A lot of wood went by out in
ho river wood that had been placed
on the river bank for the use of steam
boats when the river opened. She
know what it was well onoiiijh , for
she had seen some of the neighbors
burning a part ot it during the
blockade. Trees wont by. and pieces
of houses , and a dead body rolle <
ever and showed her its white , rigii
face. She would not look again after
that i
Night settled down at last , and thnl
was worse than day ; it vfM plensaiil
to know that Ihcro was light oulmdo
even if'thoy could not BOO it. Lucy
did not sleep , the others slept a little ,
waking with frightened criua that
made the night moro hideout. She
WBS fearful lest they should start
ngain and the house go to pieces in
the ice , but it stood firm , and she be
gan to fear they must stay tin-re and
starve. Perhaps thu ice had frozen
hard enough to allow her to not to
shore somewhere , for thouuh the river
was open , it seemed frozen solid
where they were , which prob.ibly was
not really the river , only where it had
overflowed , and she resolved to try
and cot out in the morning.
When the 11 rat streak of li ht was
visible , she began her work , but hav
ing nothing but her hands ohe was
jiving up in despair , when Colomb
: riod out that she heard voices , They
listened. , Sircly : there were voices ,
liclo had como. They shouted to let
the rcsc'uors ' know they were there
nnd nlive , but the voices wore growing
fainter anil fainter , evidently they
11 ad concluded no onu was thuro and
were going nway. With all their
united voicci they called agnm and
Lucy looked out through hur little
opening in the wall and saw them ,
; wo men , and one of them was yes ,
it was Charlie Itoaecoc. She put her
nouth lo the opening and called with
all her might : " 'Charlie , oh , Olmrlio !
joino back ! wo'ro hero ! " Then she
ookcd again nnd saw they had turned
and were running back.
"They're coming , thoy'ro coining ! "
she cried to Colomb ; "its Charlie ,
lo'll save us" but Colomb had
The men were list long in making
nn opening in the roof , for they were
> rcparcd with their axes for just such
'inorgoncics , having been out at work-
all night. Tlioy carried Colomb ,
vrapped in the bed clothes , across the
co to their boat and Lucy led old
jiiutioro , trembling with fear and
voal.noss , to the .same place. They
ihivercd in the 'bitter ' morning air ,
> ut Lucy soon found work enough to
ccep her warm in helping the men to
Hill the boat against the strong current.
2akcs of ice came rushing down al-
nest upsetting them at time ? , and
eng timbers swung around peril
ously near the boat as they were dash-
ni clown the river. Luck * asked
) harlio where they were , and how far
, hey had como. Below Vane , ho told
icr , and they had como 15 miles. Fif-
con miles in a rocking , surging
louse , among those enormous cakes of
co she shivered again at her rowing.
"Dp you know that place ? " asked
Charlie. Lucy looked and saw a soli-
ary house , standing amid enormous
cakes of ice , < so black from mud and
and covering them and contained in
hem that they looked moro like cakes
of black lava than ico. That 'was like
10 place she had over scon.
"That is Glenn Island , " said Char-
io. She looked again she could not
joliovo it. Glenn Island was a pretty
ittlo town ; she and Charlie had gone
o school there , and it had churches ,
tores , schools and houscs'in plenty ,
t could not bo.
"There is the railroad , " continued
yharlio , as they got back nearer their
own homo , or what had been homo ,
jucy could only see a vast sea stretch
ing out on every had , with a swift
current in the centio and blocks of
co and mud hero and there in every
lirection. Sometimes there was the
rowf of a house or barn , and a few
cattle perched on top o some straw
lacks , or standing in the water half
way up to their backs , the ice frozen
o thickly about them that they could
lot move. She could BOO no signs of
ho railroad ; was where Charlie
> ointod , it was buried under tons of
"Dp you know this farm ? " asked
/harlio again.
Lucy looked and saw acres of land
> lunging into the river. Dead bodies
f cattle lay hero and there , caught
mong ono of the cakes of ice , and a
> art ot a harvester whirled by them
n the water. No , oho had never seen
k , she was sure.
"That is Jo Aim's , " said Charlio.
She caught her breath and looked
gain. All those broad acres and
mrns and horses and cattle , that her
istcr had talked of so often , gono.
As she looked , she caught sight of u
nan wedged in between two largo
akoa of ice not fur from ( hem.
"Thoro's a man , Charlie , " she said
under her breath for the sight of him
mil sent a horror to hor.
"It's Jo , " cried Charlie as the boat
wung around so they could BUO bib
ace , "nnd he's dead. "
Colomb cried out at that and bcg-
ed them not to slop , and indeed they
lould not in that swift river. How
crriblo it all scorned as they went on.
for elF , the bluffd , like the banks of
ho sea , in the center of which was
heir struggling boot , on every side
oofs of churches , houses , barns , or
vrccks of them all , The comfortable
arms , that the year before had been
ovored with wheat , buried in water
ml ice , some half washed into the
Ivor , and many covered with a do-
xisit of sand tliut had ruined them
or years , nt least Cattle , horses ,
onpors , mowora , everything gone ,
nd sometimes the owners , lee , like
> oor Jo , Great trees were turn nil
> y the roots , or cut ol' ( clean tin a
niootli , some stripped of 'hoir bark ,
heir largo trunks coming half hunan -
nan us they lay there ruined and
lolplcs ! ) ,
Ono was stijl standing , and perched
n its branches were throe women
vhom Lucy recognized as her former
icighbcrs , Mrs. Ole Oloson , Mrs.
Stark Sturkeon and Mrs. Peterson.
Such had a babe in hur arms and nil
called loudly for help. Thu men
miught the boat as near as possible
o them , nnd promised to , send them
iclp at once , but tlnnr boat wai full.
I'ho women begged pitoou ly , They
lad nil got together in onu house ,
hey said , and when that was going
mil climbed into this true nnd had
joon there all night and were cold ,
Colomb kiuw their husbands woru
vith Pctor after wood , but she atiked
vhero Mrs. Oleson's other childion
were , and the poor woman broke out
ebbing and said they were in the
river , Sarah had slipped down into
the water when they tried lo got up in
the tree and Hans had dropped otF in
the night when she had fallen asleep
just a minuto.
Fatthcr on Charlfo pointed out a
house standing on higher land than
the olhoriwlioro ho told Lucy n fami
ly were uj ) stairs waiting to bo taken
otl'if need bo , but allowing others in
moro danger to go first , and near by a
man had lain in another house with
both hands and foot frozen so badly
thu doctors were going lo amputate
them. At last , they reached their
destination , the great elevator where
the owner , who had boon rich the day
before but wan now a poor man , was
doing all ho could to nmko the people
jomforlnble. They were soon among
the other suH'orers , AOIIIO worse oil'
than themselves and the men who had
brought thorn only waited to take a
iittlo food , then started out again with
others ,
D.iy after day and week after week
the tlood continued. Skills and yawls
were hastily built and parties of res
cuers were out continually. Ono'day
: hey brought in a family who had
iveil daya on raw chickens , the fowls
laving been driven to thu liouao by
'right ; and another tiny it was two old
adic.s who had lived moro than a
week in their barn , Little children ,
> nly half dressed and consequently
nilf frozen , were brought from nil
sorts of strange perches and
their rescuers had many n narrow
wcapo while trying to save them.
I luge barrioadns of ice , sometimes ! 10
'cot high , iniiat bo crossed , and again
swift , open currents and sometimes
bin ice , on which planks were laid to
nake it moro secure , or the boats were
dragged across to reach another open
ilaco. Day after day , they brought
hum in , taking GO porsoiiH from thereof
roof of ono Innjo house nnd picking
ip others hoie and there , all half
rozon and half starved nnd wholly
lestitute. The owner of the elevator
drew up by means of pulleys iv few
cattle thathad been savinslaughtering )
hem on ono of the upper Hours and
coding the people. They had no
ights , for the kerosene and even the
: andlos had given out everywhere the
) oats could reach , but they bore that
[ iiitu patiently us long as they hiul
omo sort of food.
Pelor returned with his neighbors ,
> ut they came in n boat and their
vood wont on down the river. Neither
10 nor Colomb said n word moro
gainst Charlie's lovu-niakiug , though
hey saw it was progressing in the in-
ervals ho had from his work in the
joats , and oven old Gautiero could
lot forget that Charlie saved his lifo ,
and if ho muttered it wae only to
iraiso him.
And Lucy and Charlie think the
lood was not altogether without its
id vantages ,
Fall Down ,
Mr. Albert Aiuloftwn , York street , Uuf-
nlo , fell down Rtalri and HoyeixOy bruised
111 knco. A few implications of Dr.
'IIOMAS' KLKCTUIO OID entirely enroll
lim. tlieodlw
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly the greatest
nodical remedy ever placed within the
reach of suilering humanity. Thou-
ionds of once helnless sulierers , now
oudly proclaim their praise for this
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi-
iyely euro Consumption , but Coughs ,
3olds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay
Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of
the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields
ut once to its wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. Wo do not ask you
to buy a largo bottle unless you know
what you nso gotling. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to call on your
druggists , IHH & MuMAiioN. and got a
irial oottlo free of cost which will con
vince the most skeptical of ils wonder-
ul merits , and show you what a rcgu-
ar ono dollar size bottle will do. For
sale by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( )
BiSfffi & 1ELLS ,
1422 Douglas St. , Near 16th.
Before removing to
their new
Will sell their stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
Established 11 Years ,
As cU llcprosonto'l
82 , 000,000-0.
Attlvo Klro and Ufo
v.untcd. 0. L '
ily liout.0 and fiirnlluru h iiiDiiroil with
0 , T. TAYLOH U CO. .
( 'or 1 1 Mi
John G , ' Jacobs ,
( Kormorly of Olsh&Jacobj , )
No. UlTKarnhamSt , , OIjI Btaml of Jacob Oil ,
Wliile our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others.
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
inj { lately onlnrgod my workshops nnd putting in now . .nd improved ma
clunory , I liopo to still moro improve the quality nnd finish of our
ork nnd fill orders with moro promptness than la usual.
My Motto lias nhvnys been nnd nhvnya will bo : "First to gain superior facili
ties and then ndvortiso the fact not before no wild advertisements.
Some unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of tins , to
dnuv a line between such copied advertisements
nnd these of Yours , very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their
&ft/ /
Ladies' Beaver Dolmans $6 $ 00 upwards ; Lames' Beaver Oloaks ,
35 00 upwards ; Ladies Wool Shawls , $1 00 upwards ; Ladies'
Ulsters , $3 50 upwards.
1 Lot Black OastoBS , all wool , 40 inches wide , 50 , 65 , 75 , Bf
and 85 cents. Extraordinary Value ,
1 Lot English Oashnieres , all Shades , reduced to 37 1-2 cents ,
4 Gases -'Canton Flannels , 8 1-3 , 10 and 12 1-2 cents ,
4 Bales 4-4 Sheetings , 7 1-2 cents per yard , by the piece ,
1 Case Prints , new styles , 5 cents ,
6 Oases Bed Oomforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices ,
Ohoviots , Ginglmins , Ticks , Denims , Table Linens , Towels , Bed Spreads ,
&c , , nt Popular Prices.
Ladies' , Misses' , Boys' and Childrons' Shoes 20 per cent lower than any Shoo-
Store in Omaha.
SPKC1AL. 1 Lot Splendid Shirting Flannels , 22 i cents per yard , worth
P. G. IMLAH , Manager ,
Leader of Popular Prices.
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
Wo nro prepared to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styles
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection ,
300 to 312 13th St. , Corner Farnha
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Oumings Street , two blocks
north of
jyl-cocWni ,