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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17,1881. i nT * * * ft rt COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Bffoot of the Grade Avouuo G. Notoa Boiled Into Br Paragraphs. IIKSOLTED IX PniVATK 0001) . The grmlinR of Avenue G , Icatli to nnd from the trotting park , Ihongh it cost the tax-payers o < $5,000 , was not without its privi benefit. A very Jargo quantity dirt has boon removed from the stc blurt's in the vicinity of the tnnnc to Buch an extent that that noighbi hood presents a marked improvoinoi if taking away the bluffs can bo call an improvement. This suggests t thought that but n very few years w elapse before n largo portion of t high bluHs now facing Omaha will used in grading the bottom lane which , with the assistance of the pr jectcd levee , will prevent all futu encroachments of the "Uig Muddy TUB nLorrH IN IIHIEP. A gentleman from the cast name "York called at THK BEI : ofllco ycsto day. IIo lias been connected for tv yearn with n largo collco and npii mill in Boston , Mass. IIo ia please with this city as a point at which I locate the earno kind of business. 13 says that n wholesale codec and npic house could not Jiolp returning a lar percentage on the capital required i establish ono , and behoves that nt n distant day ono-will bo. started hori It requires but little capital to put i first-class machinery , and the artich produced are all staple and there .always a demand for them. The following notice has bee served on Mayor Vaughan and tli city council : "You are hereby not ficd that on or bcforo the first dny c October , 1881 , n petition will bo file by plaintiff , the city of Council Bluffi on the relation of 0. II. Scott , in th ofllco of the clerk of the district cout of said county , claiming of .you th sum of $800 , on account of money b you wrongfully and illegally toke from the city treasury and funds c said city , and illegally appropriate by you on or about the SHh day c Juno , 1881 ; to get tncrowith intorce thereon from the last named date ( Signed ) The city of Council Blufli on the relation of C. 11. Scott , Scot . & Hight , attorneys. " It will bo scon by the above tlir the city authorities are sued for th full amount appropriated for the put pose of entertaining visiting editor ; Wo have been informed that $05 < the money was not expended but re turned to the city treasury. The city fathers mot in regular set sion last evening. Full report Moi day morning. It is now understood that no n -quest having been sent to the Mothc -dist conference by the church hero J return Jfv. Collins , the society wi \boJEurplied ! with a now pastor. llr. and Mrs. R. S. Cole loft Coui vcil Bluffs Thursday , evening for short visit amongst friends in B Joseph. "Snake-nasty" Sim was taken b fore the court yesterday. His atto ney , Uol. JD. B. Dailoy , appeared an waived examination. Ho was boui : over to appear before the grand jui at the December term of the diatri court. J. M. Phillips gives it as his opii ion thai W. 11. Vaughan , since ho h filled the oflico of mayor , has work * ns hard for the interests of the city . any mayor wo over had. Perry Reel and Thomas TJowmr liavo no blood with which to wash tl altar. Prank Trimble- says that rum h carried hundreds of thousands to tl grave , and the oamo thing will win thin fight by a largo majority. There ought to bo a little volur printed on the manner of conduct ! county convention. Thorn wns excitement among t prisoners at the jail Thursday on i count of the pressure of the cro ) up stairs. Rov. Mr. Lfliiion has returned fr < Tndianola , whore' ho has been in i tondnnco on the Baptist associatic und will occupy his pulpit to-moi n morning and evening at the usi hours. If TUB BKK reporter had the soli tion of a candidate to run agaii Miss Smith , ho would have sucrgosl ono of Council BluuY best educate Miss .Lizxio Kimbo , and ho do , lcnow what her politics are either , 4Rov. M. Button , of Bit. Plcaaa Town , is in the city on a visit to 1 daughter , Mrs. J. W. Portjer. This would bo splendid weather run Uordio coaches. The niin caved n bank in near 1 asylum yesterday and buried a c so that only her head remained sight. Two boys managed to oxl cato the beast before BIO amuthoruc death. The Rock Inland passenger tr ran over a bull , near thin city , c ting ottliia legs. It is said that more sympathy was over nunifos \ over a human being by passong than was shown towards the unfoi jiato bovine. Mayno & Co. have nearly cc plctod the puttini' iu of u niamm boilor. The following record entry made yesterday on the register at lice headquarters September K S30o. ; m. : First snow storm. There wore 104 arrivals at the ( den yesterday. The web-footed citizens ot Coin Bluffs were all lioppy yesterday. No man in the county is bol qualified to fill the auditor's pi than T. A. Kirkland. Dr. 0. J. Ross , of Bhonandoali , < of the physicians into whoso hai fell Mr. Matthews , who lost un arn the veterans' celebration , was in city yesterday. IIo took in the ] braska state fair and got taken in h ; self u littlo. lie says the corn ci around Shenandoah will bo short. II. 0. Hedges , in charge of B iHim'u advertising brigade , arrived this city yesterday. There are fo tcon of them in tliisbatch. They i all stnyiiiR at the Ogdeti house. John Orr , nephew of John T. Bn win , has charge of the Ogdcn hoi register. Charlotte Thomson , Alice Hnstii nnd Annie Adams , of the Clmrlo Thompson troupe , arc booked at t Ogdon. Goo , Kelley got crazy drunk yi tcrday and wont to fiuhting on I streets. Olllccr Brooks arrested h but was unable to carry him. So team ivai employed and hoi pulled in at a cost to the city of o dollar. 'Ijvio j'ounij miscreants entered t poatoflico book store and at < Jo pocket book. They wore arrest nnd hold to appear to-day to ma sofo explanation of the allUir. Ollicor Brooks found a man nnm McC'arty drunk and wet to his hit Ho was taken to police hcadiiuarkc thrown into the healer niul wli dried ofT ho will come out and set up or "break rocks. " 0. A. Moore , of Sidney , came the cify yesterday to go to Oinnli but on account of the rain stopp < over , Frank Mocombor of Carroll , Tow was in the Blulla yesterday , at tl Pacific. II. A. Cherry , of Burlington , low was in the city yesterday and kept i out of the wet at the Pacific. E. F. Leach , of lied Oak , was the city yesterday at the Pacific. TAPPING A LAKE. A Scheme for Utilizing niilrumoni Water Power. Virginia ( .Vev. ) 'Chronlilo. Mention was made in tliia pap < iome time ago of the project of GY Merrill and P. N. Murker , of Waslu City to tap Eagle lake , Gal. , and uti izo its water power. The nov ichcino is now boitii > carried ou Eagle lake is located iii Lassen com , y , Cal. , 100 miles north of Ilono , an the projected course of the Ni ; adn & Oregon railroad. It is thiri nilcs long and ten miles wide , andcoi .ains 110 square miles of water BUI 'ace. It has no known outlet. Ui iko Lake Bigler , it frccz ( iver in winter and ' is awarn ng with trout. Notwithstanc ng its f reat supply of fish , they ni rory diflicult to take with n hookan : im only be caught in any quantity b ipcaring or the use of seines. It i , lmt immense shoals of the trou nostly about eighteen inches long ind acres in extent , are frequent ! icon in the lake , leaping out of tli rater like diminutives porpoise : Choy resemble the Truckeorivortroi itrongly , and there are so many i , lioin that the lake water has a lisli taste. Messrs. Marker and Morri ) wn the lake and many thousan icrus of timber and fanning land a < iacont. They are now running a tui , iol , which will bo over 7,000 fc < eng , to tap the waters of the lal < L2foetbolowitsbed. The tunnel is no in 200 feet and is being pushed foi ward by two shifts of workmci When the lake is reached the fall c water obtained will be used to run saw-mill nnd flume , which will 1 built from the mill 10 Belfast , twent ; six miles distant. The timber cut i the mill and cordwood will bo tloatc down 'the ilumo and its waters wi further bo utilized for irrigating tl thousands of acres near Belfast whic need but their fertilizing tone to swell with an abundant ha vest. The timber around tl shores of the lake is most spruce , yellow pine and sugar pin The trues are not as largo in girth those at the Truokeo and Bigler woo lands , but 'are unusually tall ai straight. The majority of the ph trees .will yield four sixtecn-feot lo before a limb is mot. The project draining the waters of such n lu ; ; sheet us Eagle lake and forcing the to actually serve as hewers of wo < and cultivators of the soil , is an at bilious one and worthy of western o torpriso. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Similes of Human Nature- llurdetto. The teacher arose immediately af ( ho called the Hchool to order. The was a look of pain on his gentle fac and ho seemed to bo fooling for i apple in his coat-tail pockets , but . ' was not. Ho was feeling for son : thing , but it was not an apple , and was not in his pocket. Ho glanc around the school , and every face w either oblivious or mischievous exec Walter Crane's. AYalter Crane's fa < bent over his Latin grammar , h such a profoundly studious oxpressu it was so sublimely frco from gui it was so angelically itmocoi the toucher called him to t big desk , and ns "Walte wondering eyebrows arched the selves into silent but expressive torrogation points , the teacl handled a long switch and said : "V Walter , yee ; it was very neatly dor and now if you will just stand c hero for one'moment I will show j just about whore that pincauuht in And ho allowed him not once I many Union , to the great disgust studious Walter Crane and the inl ito delight of all th ? rest of the ache and more especially big Sammy Jol son. Did Walter Crane really ] the nin in the teacher's chuirl J no , indeed and truly ho didn't ' kn anything about it. It was big Sam Johnson , who grinned and rubbed hands every time Walter "hollorci who did it. Thus wo BOO that HOI times in the study of physlogno the wisest teacher will , as llerodo observes , "bite ofT more than hu c chaw. " A fond mother leaned from a vi embowered window up on North Fi street the other evening , and in teas as soft as a gentle mother's love ce make them , called to her bcauti boy : "Clarence ! ClarencePlantage Jones ! Wandering little honey I mother hears your merry prattle among the flowers ; come to your I my honey > bird. " And just then mellow hum of the little honoy-1 twittered out on the gloaming : " ] gone the dog gene luck to thunder was tryia * to make a big black fight n gray spider in a bottle , an1 ; hollered and made mo mash a green worm in my fingers. Dog g it all I" And the mother , hiding smiles behind awoll dissembled fro came into the garden and said : " ' you nasty little pig , I'll llako the li off you with i * mop-stick if I c catch you in the garden again. W your lilthy pawa now , mm como al to your Biippor if you want on This , children , strongly illustrates dilfcrenco between poetry and blf verso _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slio Pasted It Along. "I send yon my te tmmilnl ! In rclcrc to HrniNd HmwoM , having taken It ' 'y | > eiila , and receiving nlmoU iimncill tcllif , I tMwed It to my neighbor , win ntlng It with the carao icsnlt * . Mns. > r , W. JjEiTniT , 12oodlw Khnlrn , N. Y. 1'rico M ) ccntn , tilal bottles 10 cents. Tlio jPloMtirofl ol Yontli- New York Bun. James G. Fair is worth $12,00 000. And the whole $12,000,000 , it , my dear boy , can't make him hnppy as you are with the dew youth in your heart when you hi the hand of the girl yon love , a walk with her in n path that is 01 wide enough for one , with the riu ing branches whispering above y < head. BO hnppy you cannot apeak w anything but your eyes. If you on him , Tolcmancu.1 , if you , with y < brown hands and your bright you face , with the down jnit Blinding yc lips , with not a gray hair in your hi oragnawingcaro iu your heart , with t morning sun shining on his upturn face , with the velvet turf under yo feet and the blue heavens above yo head , with the blood coiiraing nnd your veins like wine , with lifty sixty years of life before you wi mirage after mirage of bright dreai and beautiful illusions nnd plcasn vanities making the landscape beau ful about you ; if you envy this m his ? 12,000,000 , and his upoctncli and his gray hairs and his wrinkli you are a fool , my boy ; and you r scattering ashes on the roses that gr < in the morning. There is litHttiu in your stop , my son , nnd color your blood , and dreams in yourhca : and all the love , and beauty , ai freshness of the sunrise the $12,001 000 cannot buy , nnd don't YOU fc get it. A Testament Rovisor's Opinion The eminent author , Prof. A. Kendrick , D. D. , LL. D. , who professor of Hebrew , Latin and Gre in the university of Rochester , ai was one of the revisers of the Nt Testament , in general conversatii with a number of gentlemen a she time since , said : "I have receiv from the use of Warner's Safe Ki ttoy and Liver cure very marked bo jfit and I can most cordially rocoi iilotid it toothers. soptl2-eod&w Notice to Sewer Contractors. Scaled proposals will bo received by t undersigned until 12 o'clock noon , of t UOth day of September , for the mater iinl construction of a newer from 8 to Feet in diameter 3 ringu thick , and abe 1200 feet lontf , on June * ntrcct from a poi near-tho catt side of 13th utreot at t terminus of the 8 footsower as constructs ; a < * t to a point about 40 feet east of t side of Oth street. liids to be baaed upon detailed plans n ; ipeclficatitons on file in the city eiiginec ] tlico and to bo separate and specific up the following points of detail. | R.ito per linear foot for malarial a : lirick work complete in wall of sewer i : luxivo of excavation and back filling. Rate per cubic yard for concrete wo somplete , inclusive of matviinl in t jamo. _ liato per linear foot for Wheeling , incl nvo of driving and extracting. Rate per linear foot of piling furnish ind driven. Rate per linear foot of pipe laid i shoots or other purposes. Ratp per vertical foot for complete c utruction incluuivo of material of cat bains and man holes. Rate per each newer nud pipe conm tion. tion.Rate per cubic yard for all cmbankuie or other grading nccess iry outsldoof c.xc vation and refilling belonging to the cc htrncthm of sewer under lir t head. Work to be begun on or before Octol 15,1881 , and prosecuted ns per provisi of HiH'oilicntioin filed. liliUnnutbe accompanied by good a HufHcicnt bond * in the sum of $10,000 miruty that the contract , If awauled , v ho ontcml into in good faith by the b dor. The bonds to \ > a read previous consideration of'bid , and unless found boa good and bona-lidc bond the bid to rejected. J. J. L. 0. JUWJ5TT 8ept8-12t City Gh LEGAL NOTICE. To HiiRh Kliialy and all others whonl It may c rcrn : You will take notice that on the Ttli < la ; November , 1W8 , Mary A. Dii ilalo pnrchisoi treawiror's dale for tnxci for the 1877 , the w lot 3 , Llo < k i : , In the city of Omaha , mid lot' tnxoil In thu name ol Huh ) Kiii | < lynml tlia tl of redemption li.v < expired , and that on the t day of Novemlier , Ibtll , 1 will npply tnvild tri orer fora deed to the itbovo dc-i rlliodrcnlonti MARY A. Dl'ODAU ' Dy JjiMns F. SIOUTQK , Attorney. aulO-vt : HAI.K Anrgo \ twoetory iraino uhlnj 3T10K Hotvl and ono story kitchen ; alia story Irnnio , HhhiRlcd roof , hall room for ten i tftflanco , nml liarn largo enough to hold twe tcnnii- All ultuntcd on corner of Ilroad and truet , I'teinont , Dodge Co , , Ki't ) . 1'or furl foniiatlon atiply to 0. 0. TIIOMI'SON , H53-IOR-8 Kremont1wfu \ Co , , Kcl Ul' A rnl and fthito Slotted t TIAKUN 0 jcurj old ! rlsrht car crojipud , at Kan'a addition , north Omalia. Ml-w4t L. lIl'.N PllOliATE NOTICE. , Doueloa County BS : At n County I'nurt , hold at the County Ci lloom , In and for uitd County , August 21 A. J' . ISiSl. 1'resent , HONVAUU 11. eMl' County Jud o. In thu nutter of the ctitato of James K , lull , tcascil : ! On rcailliifr anil C.llnir the potitlim of iUi M. lull , praying thatadiiilnUt'atlon of Kaldo may lie ( 'nnted to hur a < udmlnUtratlx : Ordered , 'I hat Bcptciubor IDth , A. I > . 181 10 o'clock n , in. , Is iwslL'iioil for huarhiK said | tion , u hen all [ icrsoui IntcronleJ In uilJ mix may appear at a County Court to he held , Infer for 8 > ld County , ami phew euiiso uhy the tin of petltloiiiT thould not ho ( 'rautnl , nnd that tlco of ( MMidoiicy of wild petition and the hc.ii thereof , bo given to all portions luteroitcd In matter , by publishing a copy of thu order In ' Onnu WtRKLT lien , a nuwspaper printed In County , ( or three vuceeiialvo ei > ki , prior ted d > yofhoirlii | ( HOWARD II. SMITH , _ County JudE rnAKEN Ul'-A rod yearling bull , on J 4 , llrown'i Unn , rlx lulliB ucit of Omaha auglO-wlit H. U McKLDU ] THE CHAMPION HAY GATHER ! " ' t . - w 5 ? * ' w" Takes tin hay direct from BuatL to K WX ) to 700 Ibs. at a loail. Sivus wlnrow khovllnt ; , ic. I'rlcv , f23.00. For | iartlu aJJrt-w b. II. aiLLlL\NI > , Mon roe City , Mo. , 1'aoiirletor and H nuUcun | W , J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LA1 Orrici-Kront Iloomi ( up Ulr ) In Hanbo riow trli-k bulldlu , N , w. corner Ffteuitb arulum Strt-cU. D. S , BENTON. ATTORNEY-AT-LA AU1IACII 1JLOCK , Oor. Dou la HUiSU. OamluNeb. The lending Scientist * of to-day asroa tl tno tdlscifcj nte c-iiucd liy dHordcrcd kldni or liver. If , therefore , the kidney nml lit or n health will ' -a t kept In perfect enl r , perfect result. ThH truth hn only been kmwn a flit time and for ; cara people BiilTcrid irrrnt without bcintf able to flnd relief. The clhcoi c ol Wanicr'H Safe Kliln 'yarn ! Liver Cure mark1 a new era I tlio treatment of thesis tronMi Made from a flmple trot leal leaf of raranluo , eontvin Jii't tliu clcincntfl ntcctisary to noun and Invl iinta lioth of Huso jjrcat ordain , a palely restore and kvi ) > them in order , Ill Poftlvo Remedy for nil the dlaeise ? that can palm In tlio loner part of the body Tori l.lvcr Headache Janndlio Dlzzlncni Orm FeverARIIO Llur nnd Urinary Onari . It Han cxce lent and safu rumody lor fein.V during I'jcifiiancy. It "III control Mcnatruatl nnd It In 'alualjlc for Ltucorrhuxv or Tail ng the Womh , Ai a Blood Purifier It IK itnequalcil , lor It cui the onrans tlntimliu the hlooil. This rcmnlv , whleh has done mirhttonder , put n | > In tlia'LAKQiST MIX.BI ) ItOTI'l.i ' : at ai inuliulnoupon the market and 1-iHold | iy Dm L'lstn nii < l all dealers at tl.20 per bottle. 1- l ! rtl)0lc , pnciulrc for WAHNKl.'d SAl'Hi 1)1 IICTKS CUIlk. It Is n POH1 IVI3 Ilcinolp. H. H. V.'ARNCR & CO. , Rochester , N. Y. folO-tU-th-sat-lV fiouralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , ffacfache , Soreness of the Chssi Gottit Quinsy , Sara Throat , Swell' ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Vooth , Ear and Haadacho , Frosta Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches , ITt Trfpirailon on tarth equals Sr. JACOM'O Hi A t/Vtrrr , simple and flirup T.ittiti Ertin djr. A trial entails tut the comparative trtllnp outlay of SO Cent" , and etery one uff L-3J trlth r&ln can hare cheap aad poiitlT * cro 1,1 iticliims. J. 13 lrectlon In Eleren tan juag * * . ' f COLDBTAILDRUQaiSTS ANDDEAMI IN MBDIOIHE. A. VOGEL3BR & : CO. , r.alHntn United States Depositor ] - OF OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Parnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING I KSTAIIUSIIllENT OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHER ! BrAliusiiKU ISiO. } rganleed 03 a National Bank August 20 , 1& CAl'lTAL AND PROFITS OVKB 300 Ol omcr.iu AND DmncroEa : UliviAti Kouvrr.K , President. ACUIISTOS Kopxtr-n , Vlco President. II. W. YATKS , tSuhlcr. A. J. Pow'MtroH , Attorney. , lu Jens A. F. U. DAVIS , Asat. Cash ! Thl hank receives dcposlta without regard amounl ) . Iccuciitlmo certificates hcarirg Intcrcet. Draws draftx on San Fianclsco atid prlneli ItlrBof the United States , also London , Duul [ Edinburgh and tbo priutlixil cities of the cor ncnt o ( Europe. Sclh | mttongor tickets for cmlgranta by the man line. _ mavldt The Old eat Ulstablishrd IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton Cc Kuslncsa tranitctcd JAma as that of an Ine | K > rakd oank. tf Accounts krnt In currency or gold subject drill ( heck without notlm Ctttltlcates of dupoult leaucd payable In thr ilx and tweho months , bearing Intercut , or demand without interest. Advances mailo to customers on approved 10 titles at market rates of tuturcat. Buy and rvll Kold , L11U of exchange , cove men' , itate , county and city bonda. Draw stunt drafts on 1-jigland , Ireland , Be UnJ , and all parts of Euro ] * . Bell Kuropcin piuiaago ticket * . COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADK. wrldt _ _ WAR IN PASSENGER RATES HOllUIi : lllioa. Drakcn In all llalln Tlclita , Onialia , Neb. , offer-Ticket * to the li until further notice , at the following unhcaril Low Itttc8 * Chicago , IO ; Hound Trip , tlP.OO. These limited PirBt-Cliisg Tickets nndirood for reti through tlio year , amis la the Old lUllable I KO.llurlliib'ton & Qulncy Hail road. Also , i uay to NIW : Yonic , let chta , 817 do 18 17 VASlTlNi."TON , " ' deFer 17 For iiartleularg. write or KO direct to 1101)1 11HO8. . lmler In lloduted liate Itallrood i btciiiuhlp Ticket * , SOU Tenth fit. , Omaha , N Ikuicnuicr thu jilaco Three DOOM Mrth Itn'on ' I'aclllo llallrottd Depot , East Bide of To StOmia.a. Augu.t 1,18S1 u2Wa Edward W. Si moral ATTORNEY -AT - LAI DRS. COFFMAI AND THOMPSON , Physicians and Surgeor Uth St. JK't. 0 riC8 , Over CrulckbhanU , , AGENP OMAHA , NEB 500,000 ACRES O3E" Davis & Snyder 1505 Fnrnliam Sircct , HOEGE LAils ! ! and Koiuos in Nobraskt 17,000 Acres in Douglas Ooui ty , $5 to $10 Per Aero. : lOiO Acrci Ritpy County Land , iJft.CO to $ t ( ) , U.20DVftjlilnstcn Co. Land 5.0 1 to 10. 1.109 ' lltitt County f.and 3.0cl to 8. ' 22bOO " CcmbiirCounty Lnncl 8.CO to 8j 10.SOO " fUntnii County Land 2.25 to 0' ' 5U.90) " Jlviljon. tiintvLnud. 2.00 to fl.1 lZM " I'l&tto County land. 3.CO to 8.1 Terms 'o SuitPurohaooroLon Time and Low Interest. Pi'i'lfo't TiticA fluau'a.utcc < ALSO tAHOETltACTS OF LAND IN Dodge , Oolfaz , Pierce , Morriol Hall , Sauuners , Butler , And Other Counties in th B.'astorn Portion of Nobraeku lor Sale. of AH Sizes , From 40 t 010 acrej ea-.ll , ad-kpted to Grrln an 1 Sleek llab iiir , to bo Sold at Low Kljurcp , and on r.oni ; llrao. State arid County Maps fo Distribution. Seiidforclrcu'arin&pKpfriodlcfl1non ' prices nnd 'onus of lunJa In all localities , etc o'-c. ' Address 1505 tiiruiiam Street , 3r E ! 3E COOO Agents wanted to sell the Life of PRESIDENT GARF1ELD , ncludln ; a full and aecurat-c account of lil.f Ijrli but CNcntful adailnUtratlon ; the crcnt conlli with the "Stolw-arti" headed by Conklinifj tl .labollcal nttuinot to assasulnato him , " 1th fu > artlculars of his , ono of tha most critic \ rcni.ukablo \ on record. The Intense IntcrcJ veiled cmsen thousands to desire lull p.irt ulars , herico thin book mutt sell Imnicnsci ; 'cnua liberal. Outfit , 0c. Circulars free. Ai rcss UUDUAKDB10 ! ! > . , Pubs. , aulO-wU Kansas City , Mo. fa Contraotom , Bnilflors an Property Owners. The undeislicncd having been appointed agcr or the o\tcnsivo Iron and wire minufactiirin lousca of K. T. Darnum , of Detroit , and th Uiscel Iron Foundry and Wotka at Toledi ) hlo , capacity of 60 tons dally , Is prepared t urnbh ettlmatci and prices for Iron column : c. , kc. , for store fronts , window caps and bill liresliold plates , wrought Iron beams and fin ra , hjdraullc Ueatore , staple littint's.l pulley : hatting , &c. ; also Iron fences , cresting , lew guards , Eliuttcrn , stairs , balconies , settee hiliaaaes , arquarlunu , fountains , ninnmi inusca , lawn , garden and cemetery ornament flower stands , grave guards , ic. , tc. . In cnJlc : arlety. Catalogues supplied on application. , HbNIlY H. I1AUKY , Jtanufacturere' Agent , SS Pearl street. . mo Council DliiHa , low. GRAKD PUBLIC SAL ! - OF - Short Horn Cattle , AT TIIEFAIll OKOUNDS , OSCEOLA , CLARK CO. , IOWA , Wednesday and Thursday , Sept. 21 and 22 , IBS Comprising the entire herds of Dr. . U. 1 loblns of Otccola , John llcllonough of W o mm. and II. C. Slplcr of Oaccola ; also draft fro th'u herd of J. W. Hood of Woodburn , Clar ! County , [ ana. I'll ) His , Cambria , Pomona , Ituby , W'hito nos Auntha , Adelald , Amelia , Maiiciane , Panvy , ai jtiier good fuml lies , beaded byaagrandbruedll mils ai can l > u found In the west Sevcnty-fl lows and lielfera .ind tlility-lho chok'o jou ; jiills. Short Horns will lituold first day ; bu.rc ty-ftvo grade cows and holfers and other stoi \\111 bo H Id on the second day , Wo cordially invite the public to attend o sale nndve prumUu k > nd uttentlon and cim . Ilicril ; .uinmtticnl In catalogue \vhl ulll lie- cent on iipplUntlon aftrr August ICth , addressing i.ithur of thu p.tvtli > < , ortho auetione at LIca.Molnuj. Wsi. i'ut.LKRD , Auctioneer. II , M. ItOHUINU JonNMi'loxoi'an. J. W. HOOD fco7ut If. C. SKIMCK. . CONTINUES TO Boar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Sadder\ ! jggp & 4 j I have adopted the Lion ai a Trade llaik , a all my goods will bo bTAMl'KO with the Ll < and my NAMK on the game. NO 0001)3 AI GENUINE WITHOUT TIIK ADOVE HFAHl 1 ho best materlil li used and the rcojl skill workmen are employed , and at the luwutt co price. Anono wishing a price-list of good w confer a fa\or by tending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. Propoiatt for Purchaio'of Lot 5 In Block and Part of Lot In Dlock 044 , Scaled pioposali will be received by the tmd < Binned until 12 o'clock noon , ou the 17th < 1 ol September , A. D. 1SS1 , for the purchase of I 5 n I lock II , mid also a strip of ground In bio 314 , being 84 feet Iron ton Webster street by 1 feet deep , ad Joining Casper E , ( jest's proper ! Illds to Uka Into consideration existing least Km elopes containing vald proposals shall marked "Proposals for 1'urchu.oof Lrts. " J. f. L. 0 , JBWBTT , scO-lw city Clerk , HENRY WARD BEECHER addressing tiie etndcnti of the National School lUoeutlon and Oratory , said , "Wo arc lit Ing li land Ythoso genius , vtnouo history , uhoso Inetl ! tion eminently demand oratory. ' ' The Natlor School of Elocution and Oratory wa-i csti lUhod In 1874 , to supply this demand. Clmtci Iu 1876 , Nineteen Teacher * and LoUurc Specluiliti In their dc'imrtnunit * . Gumm Term , July C , Fall Term , October 3 , Se lor circular to J. 11. BKCIUr.L , Socrttorj- , 1410 and HIS Chestnut btrcut , l'lillaJilhiC | niOVOI CC lamAicentfr COLUMB LllbYuLllOi andOlTOlllUt'CLES. Sc three cent > ta ODJI forCatalo and prlee list containing I Intormutlon. H , I , D , SOLOMOH Pftlutn.Olls nnd OL OMAHA , NEB DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. TOWNS HOTELS. ARAPAHOE HOUSE , L. OLUTE , Arapnhoe , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , D. T. PHILLIPS , Harvard , Neb Hatting * , Neb. DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Grand Island , Neb. E8TE3 HOUSE , N. T tSTES , U. P. HOTEL , S. F. DCRRY , Gibbon , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILMS , Kearney , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , Orleans , Neb. HOLLAND HOUSE , GEO. U. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb. Wllbcr , Neb WILDER MOURE' THOMPSON REED , Do Witt , Neb. DLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R , DAVIS , REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z , 0. ROOKHOLD , Wymorc , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T.MUNHALL , Dlootnlngton , Nob. GAGE HOUSE , A. R. OAGE , Republican Clty.Ncb COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 0. D. DORDEN , Almn , Neb. SUPERIOR HOUSE , 0. TIMMERMAN , Superior , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. O. OAARPEtf , Hardy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E , FUNkHOUSER , Chester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR , W. W. JONEO , Dluo Springs , Neb PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , Dcatrlco , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , C. D. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Crcston , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , OUDKIN8&DRO. , Red Ontc , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTOH , Vllllsca , la. PARK HOTEL , W. 0. OARVIN , Corning , la , DURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. BURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW fir CO. , Jefferson , la. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. , Mo. Valley June. , la , V ,1 , HEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERTZ , Ncola , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COOHRAN , Cromwell , I . [ OENTllAL NEBRASKA 11. & M. K. E. ] SUTTON. Fowler & Cowlcs . . , . Sntton Bnnk F. B. Dhismoro & Co . ; . . . Bankers. r. W. Johnson . , . Loan Broker.- D. D. Fowler . . . ' . . B. A ; M. Land Agent. 3co. Honey . Furiiituro und Undertaking. 3rosshans Broa . . . Agricultural Implements. ' D.V. . Brown . Meat Market and Cattle Dealer. f. N. Clark & Co . Uardwaro , Stoves and Tinware. [ Jagloy it Bonus . . . .Attorneys at Law. Dr. Martin Clark , ( Druagiat and Bookseller , graduate in Pharmacy and medicine and aqont for TUB BEE. I. GrosBhaiiB & Son . . . , . Grain Doalcra. R. A. Ilawley . Grain Dealer ( Elevator ) . John Mollyneaux . Occidental Hotel. E. P. Church. . . - . Clark House. 1. 13. Evans . Button Times ( weekly ) . STAR STOVE POLISH AND BEAUBRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING MANUFACTURED BY GIVE TIIE BAnOAINS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. & .t Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Glass Article. Ar.-i.o SPECTACLES STAR TINTED GO , EDHOLM & ER1CKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. MAX MEYER & BRO , , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Lhe La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in * Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. IAIIETER & HBO , , * HOC TIIE LEADING IN TIIE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing , POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MAOH1NKHY , BELTING , HOSE , BIIAS3 AND IRON KJTTINQb' , 1'II'E , STEAM I'ACKINO , AT W1IOLESALK AND UCTAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A , L , STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha.