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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17 , 1881 CnlJ forRrtpnljllonu Sin to Con von Tlio cleclnra of the Slnto o Ncbi.iika are hereby called to fend tli-lo gates from the so\eial Ootintics , to meet ii State Convention at Lincoln , on Wednes day , October fitli , 1881. a neO : o'clock , 11 in.or the imrpo < c \lftdiiK In notmna tion candiilntcs for On following tianioi One Judge of the Supreme Cjwrt. Two UcKcntsof the titato 'Jiiivoralty. And to trnn nct Mtch other ImMticM as tnny properly come before the c'imcnttou The f overnl conntiei are entitled to rep refutation in tlu3 State conxcntion as fol lows , baicil upon tlio vote ca t f < ir ( icorse W. Collins for I're lilcntinl elector , cMng ona delegate to each ono hundred nnd fift ) 150) ) vote * , nnd ono for the fraction ol eovcnty-fixo ( ! i ) votes or over. Also ono delegate at largo for each organized coun It is recommended First. That no liroxies bo admitted to the convention ex cept such a * are held by pcrtons residing in the counties from which the proxies arc given. Second. That no delegate shall repre sent an absent member of his delegation unless he bo clothed \vith Authority from the county convention or ii in possession of proxies from regularly elected delegates thereof. By ordcrof _ the Republican State Ccn- ral Committee. JAMES W. DAWLS , Chm'n. F. J. HEXUKKSHOT , Sec'y- pro tern. Lincoln , Nob. , Aug. 31 , 1881. Wlmt I Live ForT - T live for those who lo\o me , Whose hearts are kind and true ; For tha heaven that smiles above ma And awaits my npirit too ; For all human tiea that bind me , Kor the task by God assigned me , For the bright hopes left behind me , And the good that I can do. I live to learn their story , Who've suffered for my sake ; To emulate their ( jlory , And follow in their wake ; B.irds , patriots , maityrs , t-ages , The nobles of all ages , Whose deeds-crowd history's p.iges , And tima's great volume make. I live to hold communion With all thatjs divine ; To feel there is a union Twixt nature's heart and mine ; To profit by aflliction , Heap truths from lielils of fiction , Grow wiser from conviction , And fulfill each grand design. I live to hail that reason , By gifted minds foretold , When man shall live by reason , And not alone by gold ; When man to man united , The whole world shall be lighted - As Eden was of old. I live for those who love me , ' For those who know me true ; For the heaven that smiles above me , And awaits my spit it too ; For the cause that lacks assistance , For the wron/ that needs resistance , And the good that I can do. G. Linmuua Banks , MUSIC AND DKAMATIO. Leipzig is to have a "cycle" of Weber's operas thu winter. Liwrence Barrett is iile.vsing the inhabi tants of Milwaukee. Brignoli has joined the Kellogg concert troupe for the coining beason. Mine. Janaii'.chek will begin her next season at Cleveland on October 3. In February Lester WaLJack will give a series of performances in BoaTon. Dmily Soldcnp U in London , and says she will never visit this country again. During the coming season Miss Fanny Davenport will essay the role of Lady .Mac beth , Pauline Markham is playing Louise in "Tho Two Orphans" in.the Isew England circuit. Mr. Stcclo Maekay'a dramatic version of "A Fool's Errand will bo produced in the Arch Street thcatie , Philadelphia , on the 24th of October. Rubinstein has added still another a seventh movement hi "Ocean Sympho ny , " representing a storm. Ho now re gards it as finished. Ilerr Hermann Frank ? , has Fecnrcd the performing right of Wagner's "Die Aleis- tersinger" in England and America for 1882 , 1883 , and IBS 1 Madame Patti is to appear in Elsa in three special performances of "Lohengrin" during the German opera season at Drury Lane , London , next spring , Madame Albani is engaged for a series ot operatic performances at Berlin at the beginning of thin season , after which wo -will have n concert tour In Germany. It is sheer nonsetifo to coioparo Miss Abbott ( with Miss Nclhon , Di Murska , Albani or Patti. She pretends to no place on their plane. Denver Jlepubllcan. Teresa Liebo , violinist , and her brother 'Theodore Liebe , 'ceolist , will arrive in America next month and appear at the Worcester , ( Mai-s. ) festival September 2Gth and 23th. Annie LouUo Cary seems to have really left the stage with the Intention of never returning to it. She steadfastly refuses to make an engagement for next season on nny terms. Lotta has received the now play written for-her by Mr. Fred , Marsden and paid to believe that it is the best which elm lias , This is not saying a very great dual , but overvl > ody will hope that It is true , Bcrlio/.V dramatio cantata , "Romeo and Juliet , " will be performed for the first time in Boston , in October , under the di rection of Theodore Thomas , with ( Joorgo llenschul ni soloist and the Philharmonic orchestra largely augmented. A recent police regulation at Berlin en joins that every theatre in tbls capital must , by the first of October , bo provided with an iron cuitain , dividing the Htage from the auditorium , and to be let down in case of firo. Smoking , also , is prohi bited , from the same date , in the i > o-calkd "Jtauchthcatro" or smoking the.itien. Besidu the twenty Higgingnn concerts , Boston id to have this winter another nor/ series of concert * , given by an oichestra of fifty performed ) , conducted by Carl Xor- rahn. Among the nololttn will bo some of the more advanced pupils of the Xow Kri- plaud conncrvatory and college of iiuuio. Tha programme will Include woiks by Schumann , Lln/t , Wagner , Salnt-Saww , i Goldmaik. D\orak , Paine , and also tli most meritorious work * composed by cot scrvatory pupils. It has now been definitely decided tha Mr. Booth will make his first appcaranc in New York , slnco his return from Lon don , in "Ilichcllcu. " Thii will bo jilnyet twice , and \ \ ill bo succeeded by ' 'Mac both" and "Othello. " Mr. Month alternat ing the parts of the Moor and Ingo wit' ' Mr. Samuel Picicy , vlm ? o contract asr member of the company was nigncd thl week Among the resolutions pinned by the recent cent mu icnl congress at Milan , the fol lowing three are worthy of not lee : fl ] 'that roino of the three-oilingcd dotibl ba ies In orchestras chonld bo replaced b ; instrument * with four string * . ( - ' ) . Tha the wo of the cornut-a-pUtim In jilnco o the K tint trumpet sliriuld bo forbidden [ 3) ) . That the French intonation should bo introduced IMPIETIES Kvcn a deacon u ill not say grace whci lie sitps into a railway eating house. He l.nows that it would bo asking too mucl , o be thankful for anjthing lie will get there. Some tramps who got hold of one of the 'our hundred thousand copies of "Foot ror Thinking ChilstnliH , " wcio dlcgustct in opening the book to iinil no culd meal nit. nit.A A brother arose in a weekly piaver meet- ng in New Jersey nnd Haiti : "Brethren , vlum T consider thu shuitn < Hs of life , I eel as if I might ho taken away biuldenly , ike a thief hulio ni ht. " Tha dcgiuo of D. D. h w been conferred in the general b.igg.igQ agunt of the Con- I'acilic , ThU" dt-greo is every day confurrvtl on baggage agent * , but two mall d's are considered Millicient to ox- iress the idea. At the Methodist conference in Oawcogo \ roHolutioii was iwsst'd not to patronize my fair which had n howe oi the pro gramme. It is all light to exhibit a hog ir a go KO or : i calf , but when it comet * to a iorbo the aw fill wickedness Is immediately ipparcnt. A Methodist minister of Washington trenched last Sunday on "Prayer Ag.dnst Vhisky , " and m.untiiined that the treat- nent and actions of the president's physi- ians weio intjiired by divine providence , 'his is nn ciuiorxcmunt of Bliss fiom an mexpcctcd imarter , and would eeem to nclndo his prescriptions of rum and vhisky. In the year 1820 John Heading wai do- loscd from the position of organist in St. lolni's church , Hackroy , Knglond , after > ein7 admonihhed nnrf berne with for even years. His offense wasjor playing pluntaries too long , light , airy and jig- ing tunes , no wayu proper to raise the dc- otions hiiitablo for a relMous assembly , 'ho Philadelphia Standard ( Itouian Cath- Hi ! ) calls the attention of modern organ- sts to this. The revised Kcw Testament Is now reg ularly used in , the pulpits of at least twen. ty leading presbyteriau churches in Now York. The Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Con ference , recently in sessionat Kock Island , 111. , decided to send a missionary to the Mack Hills. The Piscitaqtia Congregational associ ation , whose first recorded meeting held 100 years ago , will celubrato its cen tennial next October. The United Presbyterian church has empowered a commission to consummate a union t ctwcen it and the Associate He- formed churches in the south. The French government reported that up to the end of last year it had sent out uf the republic 5,708 members of religious urders , of whom 2,001 were Jesuits. Mr. Kimball , the "church debt raiser , " lias thus far labored in behalf of 1GO : hurches , being instrumental in raising from church members the respectable Hum of 811,000,000. The fortieth annual convention of ihe Kvaugelical Lutheran Synod of Kast Pennsylvania will l > o apened on Wednes day evenim' , September 21 , at St. John's Lutheran chinch , Lancaster , Pa. To facilitate the raising of money to build the new Methodist church at Chat- lanoogn , canes are cut from the battlu- llclds of Chickamauga and Mission Hidge. I'liese canes are sold at $1 each. About 310,000 is needed , ivnd as the cauc crop is large , the brethren who have thu matter in iiandfeel encouraged to hupothat they will joon raise the amount. The Congregational churches in the Ohio association have gained iivo hundred mom- liei-h in the pait 3 car. The association in- : ludcH hevcntccn churcliPR that arc in Pennsylvania , West Virginia , and 1C n- Lucky. Tlio total contributions fur IK nc- yolout purposes amounted to5Ji3 , . > IS , , iu increase of 527,101 o\cr the jeai b f."t > I'herc are U30 churchcH in UK.issucLaiuii aghln fi\e of. In Elizabcthgrad , Oennany , ha > 5 been Formed anewJewith i-ect , consitting tif foity families , who make the following statement of their principles : _ " \V'e ac- Icnowledf'e only the moral obligations of the Motaic law , and rejict its custoina and : eremonies. We brush aside fiom the Bible the thick dust of Talmudic interpre tation and make the following summary jf Itn teachings : 'All men should be broth- ir # ; wo should help our neighbor , and bo industrious and honest. Wo must pray briefly , simply and intelligently ; it is our luty to develop nnd spiritually improve mrselves ; one should frequently hold con- rcruution concerning Uod and His : rcation , both of which are best ecognized through the natural icIcnccHj it is wrong to practice usury yith one's nioney , to deal in fpirituous iqnors , to. lie , hwcar , treasure up evil igninst another , speak that which is base , ift one'H hand ngainst another , indulge in iiipcrstitions feelings , play canls , etc. L'hlstcct calls itself 'The Splritui , ! Bible fraternity , " and declares : " \Vo interpret ho Bible bpiritually ; this compels us to ) clie\e that God is not to be worshipped vit'i priestly vebtinents , or white linen tuffs about thcjhead , but with fervent and Imple'prayew , honest speech , good deeds , md what is the most Importantof all by ho enlightenment and ennoblement of our iwii selvos. " The Law of Kindness. H universal ; it affects all the human amily , all animals , nnd may bo even aund in patent medicines. Some are Irastic , and the patient in obliged to tmf- er pains worxu than the ; but in aBCH of obstinate constipation , dyspepsia , here is no remedy BO kind , so gentle in tn effects , and yet BO satisfactory as IJuu- IOCK litooi ) BiTTKiw. Price ? 1.00 , trial ize 10 cents. Bnolilin's Arnica Snlvo. Tlio best salvo in the world for outs , muses , Borca , ulcers , salt rhouin , cvor sores , totter , clmppoil hands , ihillblniuB , corns and all kinds of .kin . eruptions. This salvo in guar- iiitecd to give perfect satisfaction in ivory case or money refunded , Price , JOtj per box. For sale by THU it MoMAirox , Oinalm. C , F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT- - - . ' 2 Ptrnhum Ht. Omaha N KO. w , IXUMI. A. c , DOAME& CAMPBELL , Oittorneys-at-Law , S W COIt. 16TII & DOUGLAS 8T8. , Jv 21'tf OMAHA. Dexter L , Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , A bad brcnlh may result from oddity of the otoiimcli , or from lilllouviicM. , n ilthor caaon low dosoi of Tarrant'sSultaor Aperiout , dmlnl tcr l apoordlnR to dlri-ctloim. will nip. plant thl < uiiploifAiit conipinlon Kith n eurrt and hmlthfnl ono. It l < n ailino rorrcctlvp , ] MI- cl.illv tilt.Mii for narm uvatlier , ixnd Icatc thr * j stem strong to do IUork of recuperation , 80M > IIY ALL There exists a moans of so- iritis n soft nml brilliant Coiniiloxion , no matter how poor it may naturally bo. Hasan's Masnolia Halm is a delicate ami harmless urti leivhich instantly removes Freckles , Tan , Kcdnoss Roughness , Eruptions , Vul gar Flushings , etc. , etc. So flolicato aiul natural are it ? effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggist for 75 cents. MAM Vest tor Ijeinc ; tlio moat direct , quickest , nnd xlcst line connecting the ( 'reat Jlctroioll9 ] , CHI- AGO , nnd tlio KASTKUV , NOHTII-EASTIIRN , SOUTH ml SonriI-i\BTitnN : LIMIS , which terminate there , Ith KASSAR CITV , LnAVKxwonTii , ATCIIIBON , : oiiNci , IlLirrrs anil OMAHA , the COMURHCIAI : KMBIU ) from uhlch radlato EVERY LINE OF ROAD ut penetrates the Continent from the Missouri U cr to the Pacific Slopo. Tha CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OHIO RAILWAY 9 the only line from Chicago o nlng track Into \nns.v ) , or which , liy Its onu rood , reaches the lolnts above named. No TRANSFKRA BT CAURIAQX I < * o mssi.NO COS.VECTIO.VS I No huddllnir In III * cntllatcd or unclean cars , oa ov crv nwentfcr Ir carried In roomy , clean and ventilated coicheu Mn Fast Express Trains. DAYCAR-S of unrUalcd majrn I licence , ruiiMAS 'ALACK SLKKi'jxo CARS , and onro\Mn\orld-tamou3 CARS , uiionthlch meals ara servcxt of un- irinsjcd excellence , at the low rate of Ssvuvrr. 'INK CENTS BACU , with ample ttmo for healthful njoj menu TlireniKh Gira bctwocn Chlcayo , Peorli , Mil aukcu and JINsourl Hiver Palntn ; and clo a con ectlons at all iKjhita o ! Intersection nlth other oads. Wo ticket ( do not forset this ) directly to over } ' Nebraska , Illacl. "oiodft , Callfomla , . . . . , Colorodo , Arizona nd New Mexico. As liberal arrangements rcjjanlmj , ' baorgaso as ny other line , and rates of fare alnays ast ow as ompetltors , who furnlbH hut a tltlia of the coin- rt. rt.Do > f3 end taclilo of ujwrtsinen free. Tickets , maps and tolilers at all principal Ilitcs In the United Status and ( inadi. U. R. OAIil.R , U ST. JOHN , Vlco I'ret't & CJcn. Ocn. Tkt and I'ass'r A , ; lluna cr , Chicniro Cnlcaeo. NOTICE. Tlio vurtnershlp hcrctoforo oxlstimj bctucan M. Vf llartlinn and Win. Oiuhurs , . o n 0.1 Mlffourl Valley Holler nnd Klieot Iron Works , Id ] lsol oil by mutual consent. All hills duo tlio Unnuill buiol'cc-ted ' by Mr. Ilnrtigin and all ae- . ount.s a i llrm will bo mid by him. SUV. HAHTK1AN. WJI. QUSHUUbT. Enamlnatlou of Tonoliors. I will lie jircEcnt at my olllco In Crclghton .lock on the llret Saturday of roch month to" x- Hume sucli npnllcants 09 tiny dculro to tc.uli in the pnlillo uthoaU in Iou'lim county. Quar terly exanilnntlon first Snurdny in February , Hay , August and . .Noember. . J. J POINTS , County Supt. Public Instruction Au2t-lBtatid2 | Jsoinw tf Tar. Jlofci 1'oruiiAii ! TUB lirar * iK If' ' t-V OUUKKS . . . . . QDICKEH HiMiufActnrcJ In Dto rlzig , 4,0 , 8 , 10 and 1 : UOIIK. It hua no I'Ctrliu' . Ilcnio no nulai Ices IU worL easily and qulck'y. M'd ' fttstha atRCBt amini't of lutUr fmmilio milk or : ruam ; la ni'iuc from 'lie > c t aeli lumber. It olil at alowi-r price Uian any ntlur fint-lues hum , .Send Itr dU.rlinlvo circular and price U to tlio tlioOVAL CHURN COMPANY. COSHHI. IMP. AGENTS WANTED ro OUU NEW BOOK BIBLI : FOR THE YOUNG , " icing Uio Story of the Scriptures , by Kov. Ooorge Alexander Crook , D. I ) . , In bliuiile nnd attracthc ungua e for oM and JOHIIK. Vrofusoly Illiistra- ccl , niaktiiK a moat Interesting and Imre ) l\e outli Inetnutor. K > cry parent will secure this tork. 1'riaihcrs , you f-hould circulate It , ' 3.00. fiend for circular ! with extra terms. J H. C'lIAMIIKUS & CO. St. Lonla Mo. AOKNT8 WANTKD KOll tbo Fastctt follliiR Book of the AK | rouiiilatioiis of Success. BUSINESS AND 80UJAL FOKUB. TliehvvBoftrado , Icu&l forms , how to Irani- A& nujlnesa , valuahlo tables , aocial etlquotta , milUmciitary ueajiii , how to conduct public lUdlnaiB ; In I4tt It U a complete OulJo to Hue- cm for all clanets. A family nocuJiy. AdJreti or clrcnUraand spuclal terms , \NCIIOU 1'Uil- , IHIIINf ) Ou. l IxnilH. Mo. LEGAL NOTIOK. Fo Catlnrlno Itcddo , non-resident defendant. Yon are hereby notified that on the Zd dny of iii.tumbcr , 18S1 , John llvddo. plalntKT. fllul his Ktltlon In the District Court , within and tor HMS\M \ County , Nebraska , Birulint lou a * do- etiihnt , thu object and prayer of which petition n , to obtain a of divorce from thu boiuU il'matrlmony with you for the following C.IIIHCK , o-vtit : Ut , habitual drunkcnniiEii ; 2d , entrema ruolty , and for general relief. Vou ore roqulrol to an vtcr bald petition on bo 2lth day of Octolwr , 1681. UOANK 4. OAHl'BEI.I , , o7w Gt Attoriieyn for I'laliitlff , A. G. TROUP , A.TTOENEY - AT - LAW No Changing Cars OivlnElA & OHIGAOO , Where direct coimectloni are no < lo ith Throuch SLKEl'IXQ OAK LINES lor NKW VOUK , nOSTON , 1'llILADKI.riIIA. BALIIJIOIU ; AND ALL EASTKKN ITIW. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , C1KCINNATI , LOUIS- h' , nnd all point * In tbo THU DMT UH * For ST. LOUIS. \Yhcro direct connection * are mode m tlio Union Depot with the Through Slroplnir Car Lines for ALfj POINTS NEW llNE" > nDESMOINES THE FAVORITE ROUTE KOll Rock Island. The uncounted Indncomontn offrrnl l.y thla line to ttnu'lrrn and tourists are M follouc The celebrated PULLMAN (10-whiil ) PALACE SLEE1MNQ CAltS mil only on thin line 0. , 11. & Q. PALACE . HAWING UOO.M ( JARS , with llorton'a Itcclinln ? Chairs. No citn clnro for coats In Reclining Chalra. The buious C. , II. & Q. Palace Dining Can. Gorgeous Smoking Cars titled w Ith elegant hlgh-bacKixl rattan rc\ol\In ( ' . clmlra , for the oxclrjU o use of first-class passcn gem. gem.Steel Track and superior equipment combined with their gjcat through car arrangement , makcn this , alxno all others , the favorite route to the East , South and Southeast. Try It , and 3 on will find traveling a luxury In dtcad of a discomfort. Through tickets \Io this celebrated line for sale at all oflitcs In the United State * and Can\ila. All Informitlon about ratiM of laie , Sloiplnu Car accommodation ? , Time Table * , etc. , will be cheerfully given by applying to / > EUCEVAL LOWELL , General Passontrcr A vent , Chicago. T. J. POTTKH , Onnorol Manarcr Chicago. Sioiix Oity J Pacific St. Paul fiTsioux City BAILBOADS. rilE OLD RELIABLE BIOUX CITY ROUTE A.C9O JIILE3 SHORTER KOUTE PROM COUNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS /ULUT1I OR llISJUnCK , ind all points In Northern I'jivn , JlltinofOU and Dakota. Tills line ts iqulpped w th the Improi ccl ft'cstlnghousa Automatic Air-brake vitl ilillcr Platform Ccruplcj and ItuOcr ; and ( cr SPEED , SAFETY AND COMPORT is unsurpassed. Elegant Uranine lloom and Sleeping Cars , owned and controllc'l by the com pany , run throuKh WIT"OUT CIIANOE uctwccn Union Pacinc Transfer ucnot at Council Bluffs , md St. Paul. Trains leaxo Union pacinojTranifor dopota Council Uluffs at 6:15 p. m. , rcrtcliln ? Hloux City it 10:20 : . . in. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. in. maUim PEN IIOUR8 IN ADVANCE OF ANY.OTUEU UOUTE. llctumlnp , Icavo St. Paul at 8:30 : ] i. m. , firrtUn ; ; Sioux City 4i : ! a. m. , and Union Pacific Trans Idepot , Council lllulls , at 0r : < 0 n. m. Do : at your tickets road \ la "S. C. 4 P. It. 11. Y. C. HILLS , Superintendent , T. E. nOBINSON , Missouri Valley , U. Asst. Cor 1'ai.s. Acnt. ; J. II. O'nilAN , Paw-a-rcr ARcnt. nonnril Hinds , Iow . cim HOUSE J. B. DETWILER , 1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NEB. Body DnuracH , 81.25 to 81.75 ; Tapestry Ilrus- icls , 81:15 to 91.35 ; 3 ply Carjwt , S1.25 to J1.40 ; lust 2ly Ingrain , 1.00 to 1.15 ; Cheap 2-ply ngraln , 40c to OSc. Mattiiiga , Oil Oloth nnd Widow Shades at Lowest Blarkot Prices Liargeafc Stock and Lowest Price1 ? . Samples furnished at ynrd-ra Scjid for out New Illustra ted Price-List No. 30 , for FallnndWin- LeroflSSl. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. Wo deal Jircctly with the consumer , and sell all joods in any quantity at wholesale prices. 1'ou can buy better and cheaper than at lioine. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avciiuc.CliicaKo.IlL H014 ; ) in RACINE COLLEGE ! A COM.KOK AND 011AMMAU SCHOOL I HE BEST SCHOOL I BOYS Vor terms Addrena Dr. Stevens Jarker , warden of Racine College , ilaoino , Wis. jy 22d < tw.lin Corn Shellcrs , Horn Powers , Vilnd Mills , Culllvaton & Corn Stalk Cutters. Marseilles M'fg. ' Co , Uirtsmit , La Calls C5..IU " ( THAYKD 1'rom Slcrt'n ttahlo. Omaha , one J hlack main , color kouiowliatlaileil , ulxlit or ino jcaruold.wcU'hj about cle > cn hiimlrcil , hail nuaildloainl lirhllu. A reward will ho jialdforjher eturn or Information kadlny to her rctoiery. V. K. CATHKV , Kort t'alhoun , Nch 7U32t r Neariny houuoon Haturday , an old vhltohoriiu u Ith black \ < \t\ \ \ blind In he rl lit uo. I * . O. Iloynon. nortli Hide l.uaron. t. 7thwiJttli. at)10-wJt ) -OK- Tlio Greatest Variety FANCY GOODS , SHAWflS , SILKS DRESS GOODS FEEUCH MILIUEET , AT Prices so LOW as Defy Any Honest Competi tion at NEW YORK 9SY GOODS STORE , Oil Paruham Street. CALL AND SEE US. PHOJJATK NOTIH. In tlic nnttcrof the Kstato of Thomas BlarKmorc , dmned. Nntlco la hereby clvon that tlio creditors nf talil deceased , will meet tlio ndnilnlstrlx of mid l &tato , licforo me , County Jud o of Donning Countv , Neluaakn , at tlio Cotintv Court llonin , In salt ! County , on the 1st clnynf Xoveinlicr.lbSl , on tlio 1st clay of January , 18S2. nuil oti the Iht day of Mnrih , ISS'J , ut 10 o'eloui a. in. oacli d ly , fur thu puriwso of | > resuitlnj : their claims forox- aniliiiitiun , adjustment nml allowance , six nionti B nro nllowuil for creditors to lire.sent thilr claim , nnil anu jenr ( or thu ailnmiUtmtrix to scttlusii'il estate , from tlio 1st ihj of Scpti iiilur , 1S31 , thU iiollco ulll lioiuihllfhi'il In Tnu OMAHA M'rThM DKK for four uuckHsiirccBsUtly , julor to the Int ( lay ol No unber. IBS I. HOWAKD It. SMITH , BcHu4t I omitv Judge. THE NEW SHEEP DIP I Little's Chemical Fluid. ( I'atonteit In U. S. , July 3,1877. ) MOimiS MTIUl&SON , I'ro ] > rlotoiH& MunTrn. Non iwlionoiis , Non corrosive. Is a sure cum and loincdy us lollouu : Hlllir.l'-Prali. TiikN , LIcc.Hly anil MajrKot . Oruli In the head. Improvi'menl In quuntlty ami of tliu uool niuru than ] ftHfor thu Dip. bKU Mango. Uco , ifirutti , ( Iruwo , Cruckod llcrli , Kadd'o ' anil other guild , ( Handera , Io , Mini ; . UATlI.i ; I.lco , Foot ami Mouth disease , I'lcuro neunionla. JHKJS Magiiu and I'leas ; makca the coat llO'lJR Mango nml ! ! < e. Internally for worms In all animals ; ulcers and woundd of all klnda. ruUl.iKV-KIcu : anil Ue' , 1'urlllcd the houses. llitl.TICUI/IUni ; A | > hK IHUit , Fcalo on Oni'KO Tict , Hark I.lco , Ituat in Carrota. I'rlce , per gallon , f I to ; Ten gnlion * and up- wurJi" . # 1 C5. Html 3 font Htaiiip for U. S. tentl- uiniilnld to T. W , LAWroitl ) , ( len'l AH k ( Mention Ihla luiicr.J Ilex 604 , lUltlmorp , Mil GUI'AT AUCTION CATTLE SALE. 000 head of Native and Short-Horn Graded Cattle to bo Sold at Public Auction , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 22 , 1001. I will eel ! at I'uhllo FMo on Fciitombcrpa , JS l , it my pluto on 1'latto ItUer , onu inllh west of r'oroit Clly , harjiy County , Nebraska , 300 Head 2 Year Old Steers , CO Head of Yearling Steer * , 100 Cowi , 100 2 Year Old Heifers , Alno , a mm hcrof Short-Horn Grade Hull Cultcs. 'Jo4 aniUklfera have been bred to thorough' bred Short-Horn Dull * . Cattle will Lo told in bunches to mil luiri. Ealo to coinnicnce fmirddav , fc'cnteinbcr 'i'i at 12 o'clock n > arp , and * Hi foiitlnuo until all Hold. TKHMH C'AHII , hut itlil toimldirapp'k'ntloii ' of tiujir * wanting short time on ajinrcmil security , Q. FOLKEN , * nHwlt rorciit City , Haryy C'niuity , Keb nTHAYKD 1'roin hlcrt'n btalile , Omaha , ono J ) black ware , color somewhat faded , right or imoycnra , wHghs about eleven hundrud , hml in tad ( I lu and brldlu. A rowanl will bo l > ald for "in " return , or Information luidlng to hur re- xiycry , W. K. Cothcy , Kort Calhoiin , Nch. PIONEER LAND AGENCY P. M. EATTIBUN , Cambridge , Neb. 1.000,000 acroa Roxrninont land ojxm to Homo- > tuld . rro-cinptlons and Tinibir Lhlma. 200 holto Improved cUlinnl or Halo or exihanj'o. 200 if the bi > t duMlod farina In HouthwunUrn Nvbrui- < a with timber and wutir for oolo. A ( w holie itAck rttiahen with fouccd tkldi , timber , hay and attr , for nale. cheap. CorrcupoucUmo BolUltid , mar30 tf IIIIlUBTOKK-IIasforBaloall klnil ! OMAHA ' and Domotlo Illrdi , uNo Illr' ' rojiclcry fooaij at 10th fat. , b t. UoujlM aid au80-3iu S HITW Al h l'rocti jeyond any rcnsonnMo question Hint tlia CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y" Is by nil odV Itio bc.H 7on l for you to tftito wLrn Ir.ivcllns In cither ( ilico.tloti betwreiU Chicago anil all of the Principal Points In the V/osI / , North and Northwest , H Tlio rrlnolpnl Clllrtof " "u'k ' ° clos < ) couucctlou3 HE CHICAGO & . HORTM-WESTERH RAILWAY , . The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. . , .1. .lUmllcr ! ! < 0 nsk for Tlckota vtrt tlili toad , tie sure they read over It , and take none otheri ! HAKJIS Wtomrr , acu'UIaiiaBcr , Chicago. sh.\V. U. SIEmiraeu'iras3. Agcut , CUIcagoJ HAnilY P. Dtll'.r , , Ticket Aircnt 0. A N. W. Rnllnny , 14th and Fainham streets. I ) . K. KIM 11 AM , , Anilntant Ticket Airint 0. & N. W. itallwny , Hth'jinil Farnkam strocU' J. HEM. . Ticket Ascnt 0. & N. W. Hallway , U. P. H. 11. Depot. SAMiaf. CLAIIK Ooncnl Airent ADVANCE OF THE SEASON ] Goods Suitable for the -JUST 11EOEIVED AT- And will bo sold at our usual extremely X.O W Blankets and Comforters , Flan nels and Shirtings , Cotton Flan nels and Sheetings , Muslin and Calicoes , Dress Goods , Silks and Satins , Black Goods and Cash- t , meres , Hosiery and Underwear , Corsets and Gloves , Ribbons and Ladies' Neckwear , Cloaks and Dolmans - , mans , Table Linens and Napkinsn Gent's White and Colored Shirts , Waterproofsand | Flannel suitings- Denims and Jeans. ' Our [ Bine Checked Shirting at IB ,2-3c , Sold Everywhere else at 20c. You will SAVE MONEY by Buying Your Goods of 303 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. ofCal. , E. Side , Dmaha , Collins Dheyenne , 9 Colorado , Fall and Winter LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , TrunksValises. / . IN TIIELATEST ; STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all t 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTKKNTII , Recent Direct Transportation of FRENCH PERCHERON HORSES , 5 on Exhibition nt the Nebraska State Pair Stables , 311 to 318 * COMB AND SEE THEM ! Horses For Bale or to Lot to Responsible Parties. ' Sownrd , Hob , , ( Farm Half Mile West of Towri.1 " T ' '