Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1881, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17 , 1881. SUTTON. Pays a ; Visit to that Pretty Oily , The Eunning nnd Trotting aociation Mooting. Tacts About the Town ns It Is nncl as It Mny Bo. * * Corro | icinlcnco of The llcci if SUTTO.V , Neb. , September M. Stilton in the early days of the M. & II. had n light with its railrond , which was nlmost the exact counterpart of the Ulue Springs. In duo limo Sut- .ion xvon the battle nnd it , has prospered ever since , although nt ono time it vns generally believed that the town would go under. The census of i860 credits it with 1,000 inhabitants and it has gained largely since Uncle Sam counted noses. A JIAlb STOnM created liavoo hero nnd greatly de pleted the farm products , but this ac cident has taken only n percentage of the yield in this vicinity and the farmers are now very buiy marketing j heavy surplus of small grain. TUB BUTTON OnOVK. This is the pride of Sutton and well the people may bo proud of those giant trees that form the only spot of natural forest in nil the vaat prairie that surrounds the town. To this grove cornea the picnickers and ex cursionists from the wind swept prai- tie towns of tlio surrounding plains. THK VETKKANB1 11EUN1ON. "Next yrar it is said that some west ern town will got the reunion , and if that ia so "Hanger" nominates Sutton as the place par excellence. Hero there will be no lack of qood , healthy water. A vast extent ot open prairie Bufliciont for the maneuvers of the armies of Europe nnd America atretchcs away to the east , beginning nglit nt the edge of town. And the provo wlint n delightful npot for the children to romp in , for jovera to meet , and old veterans to congregate ? Think of the swings , the sl.ado , the inusie of the wind in the branches. The chance for camp fires ith n leafy aholtor that defies the high winds ; the beautiful brook that flows through the grove , nnd the thrifty town not two blocks nway. ' THK rcoi'u : OP SUTTON are of the class that will inako the ? soldier feel at homo. They nro large ly soldiers themselves , and * they uent nioro veterans to the reunion , it is said , than nny town on the main line of tlio B. & M Sutton mipports n fine post of the G. A. 11. , and per- Laps the-best militia company in the state. Ono of the most commodious buildings in town is the now nrniory of this company. Seine of the most T influential nnd popular inon in Ne braska are residents of Sutton , nnd they will put forth every ofl'ort in be half of their guests should the nosjt reunion bo thoir's. Lot the soldiers moot'at ' Sutton , nnct tlio Republican C "Volley veterans will bo there on mass. An energetic effort on the part of western posts of the G. A. 11. will K i ' undoubtedly ijiva the reunion to a 's 1 f central'western town , and if Omaha is not to have it , then I vote for Sutton fine , last and all the time. THE BUTTON IIUNNINO AND TtlOTTIXO AS- BOUIATION have cards out for a mooting on the B 57th and 28th of this month , and have ' a total of $525 , in six purses. The conditions are : five to enter , three to start ; entrance fee , 10 per cent cash down before starting ; all purses pay able on the spot as soon as the judges can make decisions ; running according to Lexington rules ; trotting to bo re governed by national association rules. tu J. T. Mollynoaux is the man to write to , as ho is tbo "scratchetary" of the Bocioty. Pool soiling will take place , so that the boys will have a chance to Lack their favorites in the favorite manner. TUB ALLIANCE lias decided that Clay county can get : along without an alliance ticket , and the anti-monopolists will Tight the bat tle within the old party lines. JSelso 0. Alberts , a young gentle man of deserved popularity , will have the full support of our Bide in the coining republican convention aa can didate for treasurer , 'BIr. James Whoulor is the nnti- monopoly candidate tor nomination ns county cleric on the republican ticket , I have not hoard who IB on the track against them , but the railroads must ; mask their bnttericn with bogus unti'n ' , or they can't stand the ghost of a ahow fur winning in Ohiy county , M IMl'HOVE.MENTH. : W't Hawloy's elevator has introduced 1 Bteam power , and the boys chippqd in nnd bought n steam whistle , BO that Sutton and all thu surrounding coun ) try might know the time to boitin nnd quit work , nnd also have the call "from labor to rofroihinents" given ti by steam , Dr , llartin Olark has got n telephone - phone to connect his house and store , nnd the helloing for bccfstaku [ and potatoes i.i conducted in metro politan style. TUB KUaSIAN MKN.VO ITEH , _ with their liny burning furnaces , in. ID a dustrions and economical habits , odd looking JIOUBCB and well cultivated farms nro becoming important factors in Button nnd surrounding country , They have settled down to the practi ' cal qvery-day life of the Nobrnskian and tseem to like their new homos. As .a rule they are doing well and making money. Most of them have learned to make themselves under stood in English nnd with very few > ; exceptions the > have discarded the outlandish style of clothing they brought across tlio sea. Already they lire beginning to tnko n hand in poli tics , und before many years their solid it vote will toll heavily in the ncalo of political influence. TJu < antimonopoly . ly side ia the one on which the Mennonite - nonito vote will bo cast. IIIUI. KHl'ATH. Tlio chances for profitable invest inunt here and hereabouts nro unexcelled Jr celled in all the central Nebraski i ? , ' country , The severe hail storm that harvested tt a i rcnt dcnl of llio Binnll grftin ns coin- plcluly ns if it licun done by urn- cliinory , in causing some tlobl-ladon and fnintOienrtcd farniors t RO into liquidntion nnd Bi'll out. Businofn men would call it "fnlling"nnd now iM < h a little means Irivo rare cluincca for getting tlio richest Innd in Kobrnskn vorj'clicnp , nnd n\iu \ > for buy ing fnrtn oulliisndrntitnitcously. Jlr. L.'D. Fowler , the 13. tt'AI. ngonfc nnd partner with Mr. Cowlcs in the Button bankis iloing [ intc n btifiincss in wild and cultivated Inuda. The nut- f.tco of the country in dimply perfect. U ia well watered by creeks nnd rivu lets , nnd in just rolling enough t < > _ 8- cuio the proper druinnifo. The soil ii of ununiml depth nnd has in it rll thu component pails necessary for pro- ducintr , the best crops of corn , snnll Brain and fruitH. This year's crops are , of course , no stnndnrd to jud o by , it beinq a notoriously bad year , and yet , licro the hail loft anything , the jicld nf lioat noldoiu falls below ten bushels to tlio ncro , and corn will nverngo nt least forty bushels to Iho acre. A BIT.CIMKN FA KM. Ill company with Captain Young , of the Oovornor'fl guards , your cor respondent paid a Hying visit to the homo of ono of tlm old-timo Nobraalca farmers , who lives about n milu south of Sutton. T forgot the name of the guntloman wo visited , but ho was ono of the bluff , hearty nnd kindly men of Now England , who form our best olnEf ) of citiy.oni. The farm wns a model. The towering trees that 0111- , bowered the house were spt out ut the commencement , yeain ago and now Uioy answer nil the pur poses of n natural forest grove. The birds wing in the branches , the winds aie broken by the barrier , the fill ado covers the ground , nnd it will not belong long bcforo nn abundance of fire wood will bo obtained by the necessary thinning , to mnko way for larger growth. The house was elegant and roomy. The mansard roof and the compact form were evidences of n cor rect tnsto. Inside , the furniture and the wall adornments wcro homelike and comfortabloi All in nil it was a good evidence of what educated industry nnd porscvcr- unco will do in this great prairie ntatc. The farmer's son was nt , the reunion its lieutenant of the Sutton militia company , nnd his glossy blue uniform with gilt buttons act oil' his mnuly beauty in tine style , but on the Mon day following he was again "Tho Farmor'a Boy , " with straw lint , well- worn and faded ovprshirtnnd overalls. , Uo did not look like the riaino man who was two days before "tho oflicor nnd the gentleman. " Republican America can truly bo proud of the runic nnd Tile of her citizenship that an thus fill nny position with equal independence and grace. For business review scoGth page. I ItANanit. Friendship After KLLA WllliCLKn. \ftcr the ficrco midsummer , all ahla/.e , Hiii burned itself to ashes , and expires In the intensity of iU own fires , rhcro ; como the mellow , mild St. Martin'd days , 3rowned with the calm of peace , but sad with haze. So lifter love has led us till ho tires Of hiit mm throes and torments and dejlrCH , 3omcn largo-eyed Friendship ; with a reat- ful igazo He beckons to follow ; and acres , Joel ; verdant vale , we wander free from care , it a touch of frost Has In the air ? [ > Why are wo haunted witli a sense of Vodo not \\Jnh the pain hick , or the heat ; Vid yet , and yet these dayH are incora- plete. t IONBY FOR 1HE LADIB3. * . Now bonnets are snmll , Byron collurd are not stylish , llffjli coiffures are worn again. Now lingerie piiiH have star hcad . Cluuiilron , or copper color , is the now cd. cd.riuih riuih llouiicoj Hlco fur nro on now cos- . hi Colored Spanish laces are imported f UltUIIlll. JJi Skirts of gray striped plush will bo woni K ladies. w Styllnh uloves have wrinklwl wrists and uo tan colored. Red and green will bo the fashionable ontraitn of colors. ll. by nanhos tietl high in the back nro jdopted by young ladles. Silver gray and amber-tinted satin ircaHCH are very fashionable , Jfaturnl floworx whlcli do not tado are worn upon opera hula. Monkoy.heart buttom nro to rlv ( > l owl's icada for young woineii'it dresses. Shrhnpii , turtlcH , gran hoppcrii and iecUu < , are among the oriiauieuts for now JOIlllCti ) . Gold r f liver Ince , witli gold or silver irimmentH , continue to form the dccma- iini3 of many elegant drosi bonnets , J. W. lllley has a poem "Tho Lost KUs. " HadocHii't make It very jilain AN liow he lost it , but it is presumed her mother came Into the room just hi time to atch him nt it , [ Itoche.itur Kx'prcKH. From Michigan the Htory conies tlmt a ( ; S man nf Keene , Ionia county , offered Ills laughter $10 if ho would climb to the top t the church steeple and hurrah for Itob In rngcreoll Thu baranau Local nayii tlmt she won the $10. _ An extreme"agony" U feT n y ( inns' lftdy > add to hnr toilet a large nunflowor at lier bolt. The occult signification of thin " 1 nhviijs turn toward the eon of Mine rich man , " Uu't there n touch of the ntt'iiia about this ? A pietty I'lcnch circular fan is made of | l > black satin , hand-painted In water HUM , rci.uU niul feathery ( jraiucs. In the centre are too largo humming birds | icrehed upon branch of red ranplierrloii , The handle of oriental Jet inlaid with muck uiblcn. Now full bonnets in Ilia poke thapo ate inndo of rich dark-colored plinthm shot with gold and trimmed with hunches of ihurt ostrich tips powdered \\hli iod. ! ) r I'ho in lda nf the bonnet * are faced with jolly tinted satins that Imrmonlzo with jio liiaterialinipim tlm mitnldo. "Olive l.oJaHTu'Bnu one of "her lecture * ecfiitlv with the remark ; "Whenever I leo n i rutty girl I want to ila : p her in my rmn. " "iso do wo , " uhoutod tlio boys In ho gallery. l''i > r a inoincnt Olive wan mm- ilust'd , hut , ivctiverlnu her belf-pcwfen-ion , iho lepllcdVcll , boy , 1 don't blamu , o . " fOU. ; , > At prMcut the tjrcat fad of the fcinnlov | for lovely tucklii'ii ( and nobby flu'oa. . Illauk hllU hose nro tl-a favoiltei , Into vhich uro Itit rows of Chnutllly or Jlal- .esa lace , At I.on llrauch hullen do it ; heiuselvoi ; buy black fillk Htockln s nnd - tucit ttrlpxof ImmUoino lauo over the m- lep. It's not ( 'oinii to bo wry oxpciulvo to lrea well thi winter , l < adlr can no oilier put twenty-live or thirty yardi of Ilk in o ( Ircsseiii they are t i bu made \ery lain , moatly embroidered ulth chi'iijlle or X and nm Hi vlvar the yioinul ten or twelve inches ( According to the foot of 111 wearer. ) Some tltno ago tlio llcno ( Jazctte an nounccd : "Chirlei T. lender oUcrs n | > rolal premium to the lady exhibiting baby that tno t resembles him. " Tlicr intiftt ha\o liccn fiomo trouble about thi announcement , for now tlio Oazclto cor reels It-clf ( n follow * ! "Ten dollars to th lady exhibiting n child moit reflcmblln her. " A man remarked nf A Callfornh bell bathlnif at ( tarfleld Jjimllitk' , tli.itslio wa n > naiiifccnt | ! swimmer : oho ncetncd tin phlhious. And her hlir brother whu over heard it , took the speaker liy the throA nnd * ad ! Ida plstcr wo-s a * modcsilv drc c < n woman as there wan nt the hoach , and | the B | > cakcr didn't take hack hh rctnar' and apologize , he'd f'ct hl < head ynnkci o.'F. feMlsSclmfTcr. the ynuni ; lady residin , Wi Khnlra , X. V. , who tool : the 8200 priz nt 15 rook port , recently , far hcingtho hand Hoini'fit woman In the ttatc , ha ? gnue crazy Her infinity In the result of too iniic notoriety on n weak ndnd. She ii to I ) taken to an asylum for the trouble ] of tli hraln , whlcli the physiciani assort ID du In no small degree to the use of cert all acldi to stain or color her hair. Kald he : "And you lovn mo better than nil the world bcitlde ? " "Yes , " nald nhe "And you love mo belter than anybody clHci" ' Html he. "Yen , dcarcnt ; " "An you wouldn't think any morn of mo If . waH worth n million dollars ? " Said nho "No ; and if I wit a rich hclrc < , yo wouldn't want to marry me any inoro than you do now ! " "No , darling. " They were not lying gentle render ; ihcy were rimpl ; courting ; that wus nil. 1'elerinci will bo very fashionably worn for eomo wcekH to como in place of an ; other outside garment. They arotho vogu' both for day nnd evening wear , nnd aru cut'plain or are Hhitrcd nliout the neck A the wearer may prefer , cither style belm equally laHldonuble. In cold weather the ; will continue to ho worn over jackets aim other wrnH. They are made of pluh velvet. satin or cannmcre , trimmed wi 1 lace i , beaded passementerie , or fine till gimps and cords. Among the now drew materials moire antique bidn fair to take tbo lead M the cholccHt novelty ; while surah pill ; , satin merveilieux arid Indian cathmereH dfapla > an over now variety of design In the aatoniidilng combination of narrow stripes plnldt and figure * . Dark brown , groei and grey are comliincd with nil the In-igh hues of the rainbow , tliu sombre stripe or tint forming n foundation as it wcro for an iucroaso in tone , yet mellowing ant" softening the whole. An innovation is made thh fall In nl the very dark sh.ulet * which have prevailec by the Introduction of brniuohucit , whicl In various tones , both in dress and millinery nory , will bo very fashionable. Not onlj the bronze colors will bo prominent , bu nil the different Khatles of brownish yel IOWH , yellowish grc ( in and bronze brmriH to say nothing of pure yellows , both ligln and dark , and all c.ilors showing a trace o this hue , from the lorrn cottn nnd dee ) ecru shades , to the delicate buff , lemon straw , sulphur , and particularly tlio green iah yellows and mantle tints \vhlch have s < much regard in the icatlictlc world of and fashion Second Edition of Job. Mrs Ogdan , N. Division stieet Buffalo , Hays : "I c.umot bo too thanlcful that 1 was induced to try your Sl'ltlNO Ur/xsHOM. was at ono time afraid I-xhould never be able to get out njfiiii. I Deemed to bo second edition of .fob without his pa tience my face nnd body wcro ono vast collection of boil * nnd pimples ; since tak ing ono bottle of your Sputig Blossom ] mil quito cured , nil eruptions have disap peared , and I feel better than I have in n long timo. " 1'ricu 50 cents , trial bottles 10 cents. TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of tlio uvor faithful wife nnd mother , con * st.antly , watching niyl curing for her tlonr ones , never neglecting a single Juty in their bohulf. When they nro issuilcd by disease , nnd tlio system should have a thorough cleansing , the itomach nnd bowola regulated , blood urifiod , nmlurial poisonoxtorininatcd , slio must know that Elcctrio Bitters ire the only sure remedy. They ar the best and purest medicine in the world , and only cost fitty cents. Sold y Ish & McMnhon. (2) ( ) .Special . Ordinance No. 268. levying aupcclal tax for turbine ; and Kut'crln l-'urnlmn Htrect from t'O last curOofl&th ttr ct to the eun cr of ISth strict. In the city of Oiimlin. . PC it onlMnodjy \ the city council of the city of Onmha : ' tJKCTtux 1. Tliat special tix to the amount of W.GUIUO ) tlircu niuimmd fl\o hundred anil s x- ty-nlnu ilolbtu anil forty tnit , wliiili bulni ; the est nnd uxpeiiKocf curtilriR Aim Riittorlni ; Farn- imni ttrcot from the east uuib of lEtli utrcot to lliu center of 18th etrcvt , lie and the tame it Herein levied upon the loU that , arc bound'i ( f < r ibuttfii ) ; vatd linproi enionU accord nt ; to II ) ron Itccd'a map wlilcli corra.ironils with A , 1 > . JUIIU'H nap an the Drat urn ! oritM " 1 map und plat cf the ho city of Onmha , to-\vlt : 1 130 "v CO M3 72 'i ( XI 143 131) UU .148 72 4 13'J Ml US 72 6 11H CO 143 72 0 lia CO 143 72 7 lit ) ( Wl 143 72 a 11U CO 118 72 1 140 W 143 72 2 140 ( X ) 148 72 a 140 ( tO 14" 72 4 141) " W US 7L 6 117 " CU 11372 0 117 " 00 143 72 7 117 " HO 143 72 5 11T " ( .0 143 72 1 ' 141 WI 143 72 3 141 bO 143 72 3 lit CO 143 72 4 141 ( W ) 143 72 6 11(1 ( ( .0 143 72 U 110 00 143 72 7 110 tO 113 72 8 110 " CO 145 72 hro , 2. Rui'h special t x fliall bo duo In thirty 30) ilny * Iroa , tlie i > oi a.'o and upprotal cl thu mllniMCO. Hrc 3. This ontlnnnio ( hall tftKo cdett and bo force from nnd alter tin paaxaire. Atvent : ' 1HOS. ll. DAILEV , I'rvn't City Council J. J. L. C , J * HT7. City ( , lcrk. J'nutd Puiit. I'tli. IbHl. Api-rovid dc | > t. Uth , 18S1. JAMta E. BOYI ) , tla ) or. Tlio above tax huiomei ik lln < iucnt on the Dili itayof Otobor , IhSl. Alter ulikh data ten icr t'biit. pcnalt and Intrroit nt llu into of one cr ii'nt. ir month , layalilu In mlvnncolll bo B. a MAi.iivrK , City Treasurer. AOBNTB WANTED FOH ' OSEATiVE SOIEKOE aud Sexual Philosophy , i y IllU'lntttd , heinMt linpoitant ard t bouic pulUil cd. Kkcry Umily want * 11. Cxtr irdltury in < lmcmcnt < ii > 0er d A.'tnU. Adilrcwi AutNTa'I'iltuillINQ Co , Hv. Xxralt , Uo Proposals for Sewer Pipe OWCK Or CITY CLIRK , ) OUAIU , .Vcb , Sept. 3 , ' / Hcalo proixiialt nlll bo rccchtxl by thoumlcr- ith'nrd nl liU ollUoi | > to 12 in. , of Tuonlay , iLiitcnilK.T 13th , 1831 , for the entire or part of the olio * Ink- Hit of H'ucr nl | > o of the lK t iiuallty mil llnitli ami to bo dovred [ ut Oaiilia , nubjoct luniHi'tlon ni ] KTbi .illli-ntlon In tlio t-lty en. lneern ( Hllco 17.Ki ( feet of 0-Inch tltrlflcd clay lKi | , ialtla | < e ; 1100 feet of 15Inchltrlllol clay IM ) , Hilt-K-Uw. w 0il.IA lourlnih Yv forhoHm ) ' omicttlon ; 170 fix Inih hand liolc . Al > o 000 rvt of 1U cn.t Iron atcr pliw , All bldi to fy ry of in.ilcrlal ran habo- un and conijilutud | < nit or In toto. The rUht to vjwl any oral ) bUU or lurt otMt \ \ limby re- ruM J , J. uaJKwirnv IQt City Clerk. SIBBBTT & PDLIjBR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB , Special atUutlon ( rUcu to rollatlom In Duller Great Gcrniin REMEDY Ton RBW1SH , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMDAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or TUB CHEST , | SORE THROAT , QUINSY , mult SWELLINGS 4KD SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET ' AXD IP' EARS , 33TT3ET.3WS3 1MU SCALDS , OENERAL TOOTH , EAR HEADACHE , Ana | | tjr. | i'iiyiiniiimiiia ' : ! ; ; ! ; i til Ollm 4HO ti\N \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ACI-1ES. ITtpintlon on ttrili | ti > 1i Sr. JACOBS OIL n t tAfc , stJDK , ftnil CHEiP Kitercul Iteniedr. A trlil eutilli lut Hit nmri tlreljr trilling outUy of l UEKTI. ted ti r ; out luITcrlnR IUi rila cm Lin ch ap ana fiotitlra proof of lit cUlma. VIKLlTlOMi IX SLSTDX LlNCCiliES. 191.0 BT All MliflOISTJ ( KO OtAUP.S IN HIBICI.'IL A. VOGELER & CO. llaltltitnrt , JSd.i U.S.A. ThpnRh Shalcon In Ever Joint Ami tlliurltn fever aim o , or Wlloua rcmitt cut , the > etcin may yel bo freed from tno nm- Unatitlnnwlth Ilostcttcr'a Btoniach IHttcrs. [ 'rotect tlicujstr.m ojralnst It with tills licncl- ] ccnt aiitlB8moilic | ( wlilcli Is f urthcruiorc a BU- iruuia remedy tar Iher complaint , conhtlpntlon , lyspcpsla , debility , rhoumatl-m , kidney trou- Jim and other nllincnts. jTaTForBalobyall Druifslstg end Dealers gen erally. _ _ I3SO. SHGRTJ.INE. 188Q. SANSAS CITY , St. JOB & Council Bluffs 18 THH ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ' ANUTIIKUASr Prom. Omaha and the "West. Jo change of can between Om ina anil t > t. und but one between OMAHA aud NEW YOIIKT Daily PassengerTrains riUCUDiO AUi EASTERN AND WKSTEKN CITIES with LESS CIIAUQES ana IN ADVANCE of ALLJ OTHER LINES. Tlili entire line ia equipped with Pullman's 'aluce Slccuinjt Can , I'ulaco lay Conchca , Jlillor'e ialctv I'latlorni and Coupler , and the celebrated Wctitmchonsa Alr-brako. f-TSco that your ticket reads VIA nANSAS OlTl' , ST. JOSEl'U & COUNCIL BLUFFS It-ill- rcxul , vln St. Joaeph and St. Louis. Tickets far sale at all coupon stations In the West. J. F. BAUNARD , A 0. DA WES , Con. Bunt. , St. Joseph , MoJ Oen. Paaa. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , ilo fl , AJiui BOHDFH , Ticket Agent , 1020 Farnham strcut. A. B. Diuuiin Qencnl Avcnt , OMAHA , NE DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR F. DR , L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist. LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. IcfcrciKTS i\y ( tcputablo I'liyhlclana of Omaha , tf TOrrice , Corner ICth and Farnham Sts. , Omaha , Neb u'JSmctf AGENTS WANTED FOR FineHT SULLINO BOOKS op Tim Aon t Foundations of Success IIUSINKS3 AND SOCIAL FO11MS. The laws ot tradu , le al forms , how to trans- ct iMuhu'feAluablu tnblei , toclrvl ctlquetto pArlLiuiciilary utogu , how to conduct public bunl- ie s ; In fait It la n complete Qulde to Succesj for 11 mhft. A family ncctcslty. Addrcus for clr- culan and tpcchl terms ANC110H l'UIL13HINO ! CO. . St.IxiuU Mo. EITX ? . X.OTTIM PAPER REHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. ! 17 and 10 Korth Main Ht. , tit. Louis , WllOLKSALII VIUUM IN nooit , i DADEDC twuiTiNot NEWS , f rArtno iwuAn-mo KNVELOPE3 , CA11U BOAIID AND Drinters Stock. / TCftsh paid for IUg M > tl Paper Stock , Sera ton and MeUls. 1'a r Stock Warehouses 1K9 to 123T , North TRON IIKID , 1.RW18RKXD BYRON REED & , CO. OLDSCT XSTABLUUKD Real Estate Agency KAc . 1 IK NnilltASKAl \ \ Kcup a roniikta | alutract of tltlo to all Kail MCI 'fUte In Omikba and Douvlas rountv. nuytf BCIt DexterL.Tliomas&Bro , WIU UUV .SKI ) BKLL AMI ALL TRANSACTION COJOiW-TKU TIUBEWIT1I. Pay Taxes , Rout Houses , Etc. ir too wAirr 10 cur OR mu > Do ill lit Onicc , Uooni 9 , CrelsUton Ulock , OniAhi. on Of t ! Mrs. J. n. llolwrtiori , I'ltMmrff , I'.i. , ritc : "I .n snllcrlnif from ( fcncrnl dolillity. Mivnt of tip- prtltr , constipation , etc. , PO that ll'c asn tuir- ilunnftir ; < isln llunlock Illood Hitters I felt bet ter tliaii for ) tars , I cannot praljo 3 our Hitters tooinucli. " U.OIljbi. of niiffalo , N. Y. , ritfs : "Vour liUHlock Illood nittcrd , In chronic illMx of the blood ll\cr and kldnc.ip , li.i\o bocn el > ; r > nllv innrkcd with uccc * < . used tlum niyiclf \\lth lic't rttult' , for torpidity ol thcllver Mid In owe of a friend ol mine ffcrlng from dropsy , the effect as man clott. " nri'icoTiirnci , Hocliestcr , N. Y. , | -rltcs"I : lia\o been subject to serious disorder of tbo kldnejH , and mmlilo tonttcnd to business : llunlock Illood Illttirs rullccd nio before Inlf n bnttlu u M used , I fed confident that ttiey will entirely euro Qiu. " Afciiltli H ll , TOnglmmpton , N. Y. . writer : "I BiiITered wllhn dull pain through luv left lung and rhouldir. fxijt my spirit * , nppetltn and color , and could uith dlillculty keep up all ilny. Took your Murdoch Itlood Hitters at ill- retted , nnd lin > o fo t no p.aln tlnco first ueik af ter Utlni ; thvin. " Mr. Noah Bates , Dmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About four yean ajro I had nn attack of bilious fever , and never fully rccotcrcd. My dlKo > tlvo organs v , cro xrcalicnvd , and I would bo comjilctcly pros trated for days . Alter lielng Uo bottles of your Burdock ftlood Hitters tlie improMinunt as so vhllilo that I uataMonl'hcd. I cannow , thou li 01 ycnrs of & c , do a fair nnd reasonable il.ij ' work. " I C. nincket HoblnTOn , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto. Ont. , writes : "FWjears I suffered prc-atly from oft-recurring hcadnthc. I used > our Ilimlock Illood Hitters with happiest results , and I now find myself In better health than for } cars " Mrs. Wallace , nuffalo , N. Y , writes : ! hnv < s used llunlock Illood Hitters for nervous and bil lions hcailachcs , nnd can recommend It to an ) one roqulrltiacura | for bllllousness. " Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N , Y , writes : "For several years I have suHcrul from oft-recur- rlnc bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com- Clalnts peculiar to my so&mco u ln jour urdock Hlood Hitters I nm entirely relieved. " Price , SI. 00 per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBURN , ft Co , , Props , BUTFALO , W. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish k McMnhon and C. F. Qoodmar. Jo 27 eoJ-ina LKGAlj NOTICE. John McFnddcn will take notice thxt on the lOthof August , 1SS1 , Charles llr.uidcs , Justicoof the 1'cacc , of l t precinct , Donglii Co. , Neb. , is- luedan order of nttadiment forihesumof5i0.25 In nn action pending bcforo him , vthcrelii Arm iCratz Is plalntllT nnd John McFnddcn defendant , that property conslstliiK of household turnitiiro ami implements has been attached under tnld order , h'ald cause as continued to 21st of September , ISsl , 10 o'clock p. m. t AUNO KUATZ , Plaintiff. PJIOB'ATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska , Donjrlas County , si : At a County Court , held at the County Court Hoom , In and for said County , Auirust 1st , A. D. 1891. Present , HOWARD B. SMiril , County Judjfo. , In the matter of the estate of Joseph II. Kel son , deceased : On reading and fillnp tlio ictltion of Martha S. Nelson , praying that the Instrument , pur- portlnir to lie a iluly authenticated copy of the last vv ill and testament of ( aid deceased , and of the probate thereof , by tlio Circuit Court of I'ountain County , State of Indiana , and this day filed in this Court , may be allowed nnd recorded , as the last vv ill and testament of said Joseph II. Nelson , deceased , In and for the SUte of Ne braska. Ordered , Tliat August 27th , A , D. 1SS1 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , Is assigned for hcarln eald petition , when nil pcr ons interested In ( aid matter may nppenrat a County Court to ba hold , in and for said County , and thow causa why tbo prayer of pctltionershould not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said petition mid the hcarinjr thereof , bo jlvcn to all persons Interested In said matter , bv publUhlng a copy of this order in TIIK OMAHA VVKFKLV Urx , a newspaper printed in bald County , for three successive weeks , prior to bald day o' hcarlnt ; . IA true copy. ] 1IOWAUD B. SMITH , County Judsc. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It ll a pos | tno cure for Kpcrnmtoi r hca , Somlna WeoknrsH. Impotancy , anil all diseases resulting from Self- Abuse , da Mental Anxiety , Loatu Memory. Palim In thu Back or Slclo , and dUcaect r " ntt * tsaA to | ( Consumption llnianlty and early grave The Specinc Mcdlclna U lin ; used 1th wonder ful success. _ Pamphlets lent free to all. Write for thorn and get full par ticulars. Price , Specific , tl.OO per package , or I tz pack. kirea for J5.00. Address all orders to B. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and IOC Main St. liuffalo , N. T. Sold In OinnhA by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , . K leh , and all drurglataevorywhcrc. : If you are a mim /If younrun. r m n of ten enmltijrtlio strain nf - your duties moltl , t re . " brtttiiiieiTi'nnd ilimuUnUulHl ui" Hop Bitters. use Hop ( I. 1 f you uro jounp oml I 11ufferlnu from ny In IT ill-ifliuil Itloni U you nro nmr-i rk'U or rinttlo , ulil orl 1 youiKTi uiferlnif from iioor lioltll or laiiK-uUli I fj lute on & boa of tick ECU , n\r \ ou Hop ] i Bittero. Winorerynu " * lliounnniti dlo an nually rrom om T-liBiiu er you tint your n't-- , , ronn of Kid nay needs cleniuliiir. ton- ' clIwMa iliac mlKlit Ina or tUmulatlnir , i linciiiroTcnlcd without ( iitoi/catdiir , tlmuly usual tul-.o Hop HopBlttero Bittero. n Toyonrff | - ptptia , l.tdttey D. I. C. orwr/wdryconi- Ills an oMoluto tilalnt , iU o e of tlio roiiuic'i , HOP II land Wo o u lirc<ttv r e f or tmcrll , blood , Bdrunliennoa Hivrerntntii II use of oiviuui , You "ill ( > e totiaoou , or cnrcxllf jouuio I ] narcotics. Hop Bitters If roa are dm Boldliydrosr- rly wo nit und rltli Bend fur i.wii'lrltcil.xrjr NEVER. Ciitrular. Ui It mny IIOP i.rmu onvo your ! FAIL llfo. It has BTU CO. , snvcd hun RHkeilrr , 8. T > dreds. k Toronto , Ont. Business College , ] fHE GREAT WESTERN QEO. n. RATH BUN , Principal. Creighton Block , IMAIIA , NKII11ASKA. iwRend for ClreuUr , Men of nMllty , to represent OIIAMIIKUS1 Dlitlnn.ry of Unl. ertal KnoulcdKc. Complete Cjclopwdla of l\cry Hiy Wants , ThU U the Most Uccful and Conivict ] Literary .chhnciiicnt of tno Auo. It no coiupetltow. I \Vo ant coinxtcnt | Solkltors. No pcddltrs red apply Circulnru. cUmx full deirlptlon , nt on application. J. II. OUAMIIKllH , St , Louis. Mo. , Chicago , 111. , Atlanta. U . Geo. P. Bemis IEAL ESTATE AGENCY , s IDIIi and Dodco Bt * . , Omaha , Neb. Tills trcncy docs JTRICTI.YH brokcraso 1ms In MI. not tppL-uhti1 , and tlitrefoiu any lurpalm Its books are insured to Its patrous , luttcad iMslnif vobblcd up by the arcnl H E A D Q U TERS -FOI Wo desire to call the speoial attention ot tbo trade to our elegant lines ( nt BOTTOM PlilOBS ) of Underwear , Cardigan. Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wuoleaalo only , SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , The Only Exclueivo Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jy 18-ino FEARON & COLE , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob. Conslirnmenti . mftdn nt ulllrcccho prompt attention , llcfcrcnres : Slnto Dank , Omaha * flatt ft Co. , Ilaltlmorc ; 1'eck & ltan licr , ClilcaKo ; M. Wcrk & Co. , tindnimtl. I. OBERFELDEB & CO. , MH'OUTEKS AND JOnilEKS OF 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this lisic in the west. . O. . / * = * /n n m. n ; i iNfjMjjH 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHINQ TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LIME OF NOTIONS AIM FANCY GOODS. ' MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne e The L argest Stock and MostCom < plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Caxpets , Oifr cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 3E3 1313 Farnham St. . . Dealer in Hardware , Stove Repairer , Job I orker and laiufactnrer 03E" .A T.y. CfcDE" renth and Jackso" Omaha , Neb