Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1881, Image 1

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    Tf\ ' . ' <
No 1 Lot on Hartley street , near > iew court
house. $2500.
No 0 } block in Ehlnn's 3d ncMltlon near Con-
cut , 8SW. .
No 8 Two lots on Decatur near Campbell St. ,
No 10-3 lota on Colf.ix street near Jlanicom
I'ark , at reasonable ] iiirai ,
100 iholco resilience lots In Credit Fonder and
flrindx low additions a short tllitAnco southeast ot
17. 1' . unit 11 , & 21. depots , prices from $100 up-
v , ards.
IS lots on 2Ut , 22i1 , 23d and Saumlcn streeU ,
north ol and adjoining K. V. Smith's nJJItlon ,
f400 ; terms pa y.
No Gy Full corner lot on Dougl&s street near
10th , S2500.
, No 70 Corner W.'tllO fcctloUm UougUa near
dear llth street , SJ1UO.
No. 71 Tli r CD lota in QNc's addition ncarSaun-
Ucrs strict , 31000
73 Lot on Drciitur street , near Ircno Shlnn's
2J addition 6110.
No. "fl S2xCO feet on Paclflc street near U. P
and II. & M. do ] > ots , S300J.
X No. " 0 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feet flth
street near Jones , 83500.
No 7d 3 lots on Hamcy street near 19tli , ? > 000.
No SI Lot lu Olse'a addition near Saun.lera
B'rcet , $500.
No. 82 Lot In Oiscs' addition near Saundcn
fltrcct , (200.
No 83 2 loU on 10th near Paclflc and Nail
W5rks , * 1500.
No SOIo t on Charlcg street near SaunJejj ,
No 87 Lot on Lcaicnworth near 15th , 81,100.
No 83 Lot on Caldwcll street near Sounders
No 89 Lot on Chicago neat 22J street , S1GOO.
No 00 Lot on lilondo near Campbell street
31 lots In Mlllards 4 CalJwcll's addition , Sher
man a\cntio , IGth street , Sprint , ' , Saratov and
Kloroneo streets , 8700 and upwards.
No 122 2 lots on 18th street , near Poppleton's
now residence , 81COO.
No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Shcnnan avenue ,
ICth street , SHOO
No 124 S loU en Bcllcvus street , near shot
tower , S50 to S70cach
No 125 Knll block on Clinton street , near
Bhat tower , ? OT to § 75 each.
No 120 Lot on 16th street , not ; white lead
works , SS25
No ' .27 2 lota , 3J acres near head of St. Mary's
acnue , on road to Park , 32500.
No 129 Lo on California near Crelghton Col-
ego , S375.
No 130 1 lots near now government corral , S2J
K2074 acres each. 8300.
No 10 1 Lofin'Glso's addition on Cameron St.
Dear Saundcn , make an offer.
No. 100 Lot In Qiao's addition on Cossius St. ,
near State , niaku an offer.
No 102 Lot inaiso'saddition on Casslus near
SamukTS. inako an oiler.
No 1U 1 block in lioyd'a addition addition
near Omaha Barracks , make an offer.
No 101 7 lota in Henry & Shclton's addition
near high school , price from $1250 upward.
170 Lot on Pacific street , uear 16th , make an
No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st ,
both § 3SjO or § 2000 for corner und $1800 for In-
No 173 } lot on Casancar 14th street , SIOOO
No 175 Lot on Sncrman avenue loth street
near Izard , 44x132 , 81400.
No 177 3 loti in Grandvlow. maUe on offer.
No 100 1 jit. In Shum'd addition on 1'icrSt. ,
car end street car track , 8525.
No 131 Two lots in Nelson's addition , 1 on
daho titrect , 1 on Center street , near Cumin ,
8300 each.
No 183 Two gilt eclffo lots on Casa street near
21st. on a corner , SCOOO.
No Ib5 Ixit on Surard street , near Saunders ,
make an offer.
No ISC 3 lota on Seward street , near Irene ,
malic an offer
No 138V , lot on Davenport near 25th , 8500.
No 1S71 , lot on Division near Ginning ht. , 8200.
No 1SS ) , block In lioyd'u addition , near Omaha
barracks , $100.
No 182J , 2 lots on 18th street near white lead
works , 41050.
No 103J , lot on 20th street near Sherman , $100 ,
No 11)4 ) i , 2 loU on 2A1 street , near Clark , SOOG.
No 100 } , 3 beautiful lul'i on fcaiimleix bt. near
fctrcct car turn table , § 1276.
No 109 ] , lot on 1.1th near I'iejco ft. 8500.
No 201 Lot In Clso's addition on Cameron St. ,
near Sanndcn , $50U.
No 0.2 Lot on Cameron street near Saunders.
$000. * .
No 203 Lot In Shlnn's o < ldltion on Saunders
street , near btivet car tur.i table , 8350.
No 3)1 ) Beautiful lot in Nckon's addition , on
DMsIon street near Cumins , S 50.
No. 205 Two lots on Caituiar ttrect , near 10th
8150.No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near , the
'tiail AOrlis , 81500.
No UOS One-half lot on California street near
No'liay Lot on 13th street near NIchoHn , fOOO.
No 210 Uiton Capitol a\enuo near 2Jdpl600. !
Na 212 Lot 143x500 feet on Colfax street , nwr
Ilaiiscoiii Park , with Improvements , 82700.
No 213 Two i 'i i < > 'uniliiff street , 81000.
No'JIfi Oin-lialt uiro on California , near Kennedy -
-nedy itrv < i , j..W.
No 210 llciuitlfnl lot on Hamilton street near
street c r turn tanle , 81000. s
No 217 Lot on 23d street , ncarCKrk. $500. )
A few Hero lota only remain unsold In "Park
lacu" littleest of Crclghton Collect , prices
njtiric fiom 8275 to $300 each and on easy terms.
LoU in Horbacli's 1st and 2d additions ; also it ,
ots In P.irkcr' Shliin'si Nelson's , Terrace's , K. " * - .
. Smith's. Itcdlck's , and all the other additions :
any prlco and at any terms.
Ten acres In the- city limits on the road to tlio
arracks at 6375 per acre.
Four beautiful rcsldcnep lota In front of [
Crclirhton College ; will cut them up to euit.
Nine residence lots north of CrcU'liton Collect a
rounds , from 6700 to SI 000 each.
Thirty resident lots in Parker's addition , six
'blocks north of the end of the strccs car track :
on Saundcrs street , t-aou each , $10 dov\n , balance
suit , at S per cent Intvrcat.
A few lots kit In Terrace addition on the road
o the Park , near head of St. Mary's avenue,870 !
each. Totbosowho-nlllbullda $1200 residence ,
7yeiMtlmo : atSp'r cent lnter
Lots In Uko's addition at fclffl to $550 each , 10 to
years tlmo at 0 prr cent Interest , to thoa who id
'Iho old Tousloy 40-acra tract with housoand gt ;
all Improvements , adjoining race course and fair CG
grounds' for iS'AiO. '
Tracts of 6 , 10 , 16 , 20 , 40 or SO acres , with bull-
dings and other Improvements and adjoining the
city , at all prices.
3500 of the belt rcsldenca loti In the city of III
Omaha any location you desire north , cist , IIId
Boutli or west , and at bed rock prices.
260vholcobuslncss lots In all the principal bun. 1 (
ness streets In Omaha , var > Ing from $600 to d
. { 7000 each.
Two hundred homes and lots ranging from Wi
COO to $15,000 , and located In orery part of til WiA
Largo number of excellent anus In Douglas , a.o' .
Barpy , Saunders , Dodge , Washington. Hurt , and o'
other good counties lu eastern Nebraska. o'WI
12,000 acres best land * In Douglas , 7000 acres WI
best lands in Sarpy county , and largo tracts In cc
all the eastern tier of counties. sii
Over UUO.OOO acres ol the best land In the No-
raska for sale by this agency.
Verj largo amounts of suburban property In
ono to ten , twenty anil f > rty aero pieces , located
within ono to tmce , four or Iho miles of the [
ostoltlco some very chtap pieces.
Now Maps of Omaha , published by George P b (
Beuils plain , unmounted majn 50 cents each ;
mounted , colored and with cloth back , $1,60
Ilousef , store * , hoteln , farms , lots , ! andj. offices
rooms , etc. . to runt or leaio.
Tuxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgages.
and all kinds of real cotato documents made out
on short uotico.
oi 11
. in
Eeal Estate Exchange nl sti
15th and Douglas Street , . tu
OMAHA , - - NEB ra
Tlio Condition of President Gar-
flolil Admitted to Bo
Very Critical ,
The Febrile Rises Still Con
tinue With Alnrming '
The Gland Suppurates Un-
- i * fjiji
- - abatin iythwi Causes
f NovrJPearj.
His Mental Faculties Ac
knowledged by Dr. Agnew
to be Affected.
Bed Sores Have Konpjienrod nud
nro tlio Source ofiio Iiittlo
National Associated 1'reim.
ELIIEUON , September 10. At the
examination of the president at 8:1)0 : )
this morning his temperature was
08-0 , pulse 104 , respiration 21. The
fcbrito rise during the night was not
as pronounced as it usually hns been ,
There was at times considerable accu
mulation of pus. He , however , slept
comparatively well nnd took stimu
lants and nourishment as directed.
The cough wns somewhat moro trouble
some during the first part of the night
nnd the expectoration rather moro
prudent. The discharge from the
wound is less abundant , and not quito
so healthy in appearance. His pulse ,
however , has volume , andjiis general
condition docs not seem to have
materially changed in any respect.
( Signed ) D. W. Buss.
Con. Sinnin and Col. Rockwell di
vided the night with tha president be
tween them , and their observations
were entered into thb make up of the
bulletin. Swain says the pros Wont
slept well and n great deal , but wns
somewhat restless at times. Taking
the night ns a whole , it was favorable ,
nnd I think his condition this morn
ing is excellent nnd quito up to that
of yesterday. A t early morning the
president coughed a gicat deal and
raised much mucuous , but did so
easily , and with much less trouble
than previously.
was asked regarding the report that
the president had had a recurrence of
the exhaustive . Ho
night-sweats. re
plied that there was not a wprd < > f
truth in the rumor , nnd not the slight
est .foundation in fact.
' * " "
nftcr the dressing , Appeared
rather gloomy. Ho said : "Of course
I still have hopes , but there docs not
appear to bo much ground for thorn.
I certainly see no reason for sanguine
belief in the recovery which tho-re
cent picturing cf the case Boomed to
produce. The president has been
having ups and downs , but c the
whole 1 think now that
than torty-eight hours ago. I think
thcro has been a gradual but no n
marked loss , and the general condition
uhows that the discharge from the ttn tth
wound is of n less healthy character
and the suppuration of the gland has
not ceased. Bed sorcg have again
nmdo their appearance. For some g
time there had been none. Ho for-
inerly had BOIIIO and was much troubled - Q
bled and annoyed by them. They
disappearad , however , and there lias
boon no trouble recently from them.
They hnvo now T
1'heso sores are the result of the tl :
greatly exhausted condition of the pa >
tient and long continued confl'iomont
io bed inn very weak state. They
ire troublesome. Thcro is no material
mango in the lung trouble but thcro
n continuance of disturbing dreams , s
xtonding into waking hours. Hallu-
linationa continue' und nro more
narked. They now nssort that the
president's mind is under these hallu- oi
inations much moro of the time than IK
brmorly. Ths prospects to mo ul
not to that thcro
am willing grant cc :
sulliciont ground for any sanguine of
issuance that the president will root
over , although I do bclievo ho has jn
ulliciont vitality to bear his present JH
oad and , perhaps , carry it safely
o-day is cold and stormy. The prcs- nt
dent s room is kept nt 72 to 75 de- ntWI
recs by fire. The room is lined with til
oik so as to exclude dampness. " bt
ELIIEUON , Sept. 10. At the oxami- tli
lation of the president at 12 m , to- g
lay , the temperature was ! )8,8 ) , pulse ui
.00 , respiration 21 , At the evening
Ireesing ! , 0:30 : p. m , , the temperature
vaa 08.0 , pulse 103 , respiration 22 ,
slight febrile rise occurred nt 11
m , , and had entirely subsided nt 2
'clock p. m. The condition of the
round remain ? unchanged , The
ough lias not boon BO frequent or per-
istent , but the sputi still remains f
lurulont , Nourishment and stinui-
iints .havo been given in increased
tiantitiea and without discomfort , nl- ycw
w <
hough his general condition cannot
o said to bo improved. BOTl
( Signed ) , BLISS ,
Lows BitANoii , Sopt. 10. The fol- bewi
owing wns sent this evening : Low- wi
: , London : There has been no very I'1
narked changp in the president's con- in
lition , but it is not at this hour roas-
uring. The different symptoms are n
ImoBt all slightly aggravated. The lu
ompornturo nnd pulse have boon flue- pr '
tinted than usual and'tho cr
moro , respi-
ation is rather moro frequent , while ill
the chnrnctor of the discharges con- bo unsatisfactory. There is ,
therefore , n sensible incrcnsoof nnxio-
ty. M.\oVK\ili.
The most exaggerated rumors nro
circulated to-day since the prosidont's
removal to Long Branch. Various
allegations are made , based on the
morning bulletins and the despondent
tone of Dr. Boynfon'n statements.
The fncts na stated in the bulletin nro
true , but there is no foundation for
the sensational stories that incisions
into the wound and the main channel
had started n profuse flow of blood
and watery pus ; nor that the parotid
gland was again troublesome nnd
emitting pus ; nor that the bed sores
were broken out nil over the body.
Dr. Boynton simply said Hint the
bed sorea had reappeared. The re-
sponsitylo surgeons admitted during
the afternoon that the present was
not ono of the presidents best days ,
but stated thcro wns no foundation
for sensational reports nnd that the
bulletin told the entire story. All those
connected with Iho nick-room nflirmcd
that there- was no serious change , but
thnt to day's symptoms were merely
the result of fluctuation which must
bo expected until the president had
entirely eliminated from his system
the septic condition of the blood , that
the parotid glnnd nnd fnco were decidedly -
cidedly better.
said the febrile rise came on earlier
than usual , and lasted about an hour
At 1 o'clock this afternoon the presi
dent's pulse wns 108 , temperaturp and
respiration normal. The president-
requested to bo pincod in the chair ,
but wns persuaded by the doctors that
he hnd bettor wnit until later. Attor
ney General MncVeagh denied that
the crisis had coma and said it was
only ono of the ordinary fluctuations
which were expected during the pres
ident's present septic condition. The
president is admitted oflicinlly to bo
worse to-night , nnd
The cnsc is so serious thnt the great
est state of alarm exists nt Elbcron.
After the issunnco of the evening bul
letin everybody connected with the
case refused to speak nnd referred nil
questions to Dr. Bliss. All the re
porters were assembled in Private
Secretary Brown's cottajro , adjoining
the president's , nnd nt 8:30 : Dr. Bliss
came in nnd nftcr a long drnwn sigh ,
made the following statement without
any preliminaries :
"Thero hns been another febrile
rise in the president's case this evening -
ing , nnd thiais the second febrile
rise which has occurred within
the past twenty-fours. Such a thing
never hnpponed before with the
cnso. This riae occurred with extreme
suddenness. Wo have finished the
evening dressing and examination.
Wo had noted the febrile nt 11 o'clock ;
ita culmination nnd its complete sub
sidence by 2 o'clock. Wo had noted u
between this hour and 4 o'clock , nnd
a period of favorable condition thence
to 0 o'clock. Wo wcro writing the
last sentence of the bulletin ; in fact ,
it lind been written. It stated there
had been , the whole day taken to
gether , a perceptible improvement.
Then a change in the president was
and it was found that another febrile
rise had suddenly shown itself , nnd it
was so rapidly running up the pulse ,
temperature nnd respiration , which
had gene down BO favorably since
noon , that the last sentence in the
bulletin was nt once changed , the
statement ( that there had been a perceptible -
coptiblo improvement being stsickon
Mit. | The president's condition to
night is plainly what it wns a few days
The change may not have any special
iignificance. I do not know that the
vcathor had much to do with it- but
ho weather to-day is in condition the c
nposito of that which exists might bo c
ileasant. The signal service bureau o
iromiso pleasant weather for to-mor-
ow , and such weather , if it comes ,
nay have n coed effect. The wound
no worse than this morning. Dur-
ng the afternoon n c
some RT/.Q came out from the chnn- !
icl which previously it had clogged
ip somewhat. This clot had discol- ' '
ired the pus and retarded1 its flow ,
md after it was removed the original
olor waa restored. The clot did not [
therwiso interfere with the character is
tliOjpua. The wound is not heal- )
ng any now , but the healing process
ma been arrested. Suppuration of the
icon probably renewed. Thia ia at-
ributable to a lack of nutrition. If \
lutrition waa .increased suppuration
rould diminish. The discharge from
ho wound is fully as frco as it was
icforo yesterday , but it is not as :
loalthy as wo would like to see it at
his timo. This , however , is not dan-
orous of itaulf , but ia a symptom of an
nfavorablo : condition. There are
low. They are slight. There are
wo of them. They have been in ox- Ni
itonco over two weeks. These are
lot deep nnd do not involve anything at
tore than the skin , Ono of those atTl
ia about the ei/.o Tl
ores / of n three-cent
ieco and the other is about the mo soni
a penny. They are not considered
inportunt and have not increased bo- en :
end repair , Three days pn >
ago they pnV
/ere healing and wore not tronblu- pnat
omo. Tliev are not healing now. at
" '
'hpir present lack of healing ia not to
indication of danger. They have
icon kept down by ringa of oakum , '
'hich wo have nmdo us needed to bo
ilaced under them. They have been
oxiiitonco since before wo left N :
Vashington , but the healing process
thorn has now boon arrested. They
lave not been an aAnoynnco to' the
'resident but would bo if
, they in- c <
ireusod. I do not suppose they will w
ncrenso , for wo have for a long time gi
loft a plaster on the president's b.ic
to prevent the formation of sores
There are also
These hallucinations nro only occn
sionnl nnd not marked. I never wit
ncssed but one of thorn. Once xvhe
I entered the room tno nresidon
asked mo n question which 'I do no
now recall , but the nnturo of whic
showed nt the time his
Dr. Hnmilton assures mo ho notot
a aimilnr occurrence onco. lie h ,
dreams , unnaturally , nnd sbinutinii
in the day timo. Tins febrile rise i
nn evidence of want of nouriMiiiien
of the brain. Tlio stomach is extremely
tremoly woll. There wnanu curly am
natural movement of the bowels dtir
im ; the afternoon , and Iho prwidi
took more food during the ihy thai
ho did yesterday , and toler
nted it. Ho took aoliU food
Ho was not lifted ir
his chnir to-day. When wo BU'
the matter to him , after wosh.'id previously
viously dissuaded him fronfifc ) m- fun
ho guessed ho would not c.\ru to bt
moved to-day. Subsequently ho salt
ho would like to bo put in the chair
but then wo thought it bettor to
and ho consented. The figuics to
day were not greatly different fron
those of any of the period of fever
If anything , the increase in pulse
temperature nnd respiration wen
slight to-day compared with many o'
[ ho fluctuations.1' '
Has respiration been higher thai
22 before ? " ' $ .
"Yea , the record , shows flovera
periods of respiration of'22"and some
of 24. "
"How waa the preaidont uojng to
day during the examination ? "
"I can best tell you by'describing
his conduct. It tnkos about ton min
utes to got the figures , the greatest
delay being in getting the tempera-
turo. To-day , while Availing for the
indicator to complete the record ol
temperature * , I expressed some inipa-
tienco and remarked that I believed
the instrument was not recording ns
it should. " The president" said :
'Doctor , you have u full minute
11 P. M. BULLKTIN. " '
Dr. Bliss has just returned from
FrancUyn cottage , and reports * the
latest to Dr. Agnow. After mak
ing hia report. Dr. Agnew ap-
appeared much moro cheerful nnd
paid that it would bo unnecessary for
him to arise earlier than 3 o'clock in
the morning. Dr. Bliss assured him
that if ho was needed before that hour
ho would'bo sent for.
At 11:30 : p. m. MacVcagh ; tele
graphed to the different mombon of
the cabinet , the diapatch to each'being
substantially the same as the ono sent
to Minister .Lowell. It is 'believed
the cabinet officials will return at
. Jttki .
onco. . . .
- ATt > *
ELBEUOV , Sopt. 10. The great cx-
citcmont produced by the formal dec
larations of Dr , Bliss has somewhat
subsided because of recent and moro
favorable news from the president's
Dr. Bliss came over to the Klberon
and said : "I come over to give you
the latest news , because it ; s moro re
assuring. The president's fever has
been subsiding. Ho slept BOIIIO and
waked uy about 10 o'clock. At that
time his pulse had fallen n good deal
and stood at 110. His temperature
was not much .above nprnial then , I
should judge , though of course
r could not take it
with exactness , nnd his respiration
was not much above normal cither.
It now looks ns if the president would
pass n moro comfortable night thnn
seemed possible a short time ago , and
ho hoped to ivo n moro favorable
bulletin in the morning tnnn was ex
pected. There
and the indications nro that they will
continue until morning. It was as
certained from other authority that atone
ono time during the ovenim/ the
febrile < rise sent the pulse up to 130.
"Is thcro any probability that the
crisis will occur during the night ? "
"No , nothing of that kind will oc
cur during the night. 'Tho president ,
in al ) probability , will pass n comfort-
bio night from now until morning ,
lie is now asleep , nnd the indications
point to n continued rost. "
1:30 : A. M. IIULLHJIN.
ELIIEUON , Sept. 17. Everything is
uiut at the presidont'8 cottage and ho
still stooping , with a good prospect
f having no material diaturb.tnco.
Instantly Killod.
Special Dispatch to Tux Itnr.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 1C. Alvin
. McQuiro shot nnd instantly killed
Elijah Vannrikon. They quarreled
ibout the woman who afterwards bo-
amo McGuiro'a wife. Yanarikon
sailed to sco her , was refuse admis-
lion , and ho kicked the door down ,
tlcGuiro then shot him.
The CuUnot Party.
latlanal AsjcxmtcJ freta. '
BOSTON , Sopt.lO. Sccrotnrios Hunt
md Windom nnd Postmaster
Fnmoa arrived in this city at fi p. m.
L'ho party w very despondent , nnd
coin to think that this is the begin-
ling of the end of the prosido'nt'H
aso. Secretary Hunt received n dis-
atch during the evening from Mac-
foagh , Dr. Ulisa and Col. Rockwell ,
follows ;
The condition of the prcjident haslet
lot improved to-day nnd occasions
inxioty. Others were of the name
onor. The party leave hero to-mor-
ow morning at 11 o'clock for Now
I'ork , '
Sergeant Mason.
National Abtodntocl I'rcws.
WASHINGTON , Stipt. 10. Surgoant
Macoiij who attempted to shoot Oiiit-
Jnu , will bo tried by coiirt-nurtml for
xuiduct unbecoming a soldier. Ho
m\l \ probably bo ncqiiittod on the
jrounda of temporary insanity.
This Lilliputian Vessel Makes
a Sticoassful Voyage Across
the Atlantic.
HOP Grow Compriaoa Two Moil
Dimensions 10 1-2 Foot
Longnnd 2 1-2 Doop.
The ! choouer " 0. L. Caufleld , '
Lndon With Goal , Found-
era ofT Bar Point.
Prjf Kinjj'o Aerial Voytigo
an Abaoluto Failure.
Cuptitio nl Winonn , Minn. , of iho
l\Iurloror of Aumx
v Martiii.
The UltloVostora. .
Natloiml AtK'late < l I'rosjt.
HO.STOX , September 10. The Little
Woatcrn , which has occasioned niuoU
uniioyancu to itcean steamers by calm
ing thorn to turn oil' their course on
the BUpjKmhion that she was it bout
containing u shipwrecked crow ,
arrived at Oalveaton last iiisht , hav-
int ; completed a round trip from
Gloucester to London , England , and
back She ineiisured only nintUoon
and one-half feut long and two and
one-half feet in depth , nnd is the
smallc-st boat that over crossed the
Atlantic , and the only ono that
lias crossed the ocean both ways
with a crow of two men. They had a
| iroUy rough time coining back from
England ; they left London June 14th
ind were thirteen days reaching the
oxcnrd , und hud boisterous weather
ill the way to Halifax , where she ar
rived on the L'd insl. This is the
; hird "ocean tnunp" Gloucester has
sent out. The first wan the Conlonnial ,
which went to England in 1870 with
only ono mun aboard , and the other
the other the Nautilus , with the An-
InnvB brothers on board , in 1878.
Pho Little Western was only forty-
bur days on her outward trip , and
vaa ninety-two days on her rpturn , in
cluding stops at Capo Briton and
Ail Absolute Failure. Associated 1'ic'Sd
ST. PAUL , Minn. , September 1C.
L'ho balloon voyage has boon given up.
An alternation of calm and unfavor
able winds has kept it anchored in a
cow pasture live miles from hero sincu
Monday evening , the wind blowing
rom the north-west so violently that
ho balloon could not safely leave its
anchorage. Ib continued yesterday ,
accompanied . . .wit cold 4 1111,4 and
lirnaliing the gas bag about untif
he roj > es and Ir.imo wcro badly
atrained and nearly nil the ras es
caped. Then Prof. King gave it up ,
ripped the balloon nnd let out the
est of the gas. The journalists have
oturncd to St. Paul and will leave
or the cast today. Jjolden , of the
iuston Journal , the ono who hns had
xpuriencci in billooning , defends
viug from the charge of timidity and
ays it hns not been possible to ascend
afely at any time sinc-j the wind bean -
: an to blow.
SoliooiiorM. li. Canlluld Voundor * , {
Scliaouor Rod AVlii'x in '
RocU-\v ul oiI.
'atlonal Associated I'rcaa.
DhTiioiT , Sopt. 1(5. ( Chnrlt'4 Cutler ,
of the Cutler house' , Gr.uid Ua\on ,
who'was injured by a oiploiiion ,
September 1 , died to-day. Manager
Spies , of the same house , is not out
of danger.
The ' schooner M. L. Can field , of
31evoland , laden with coal for Am-
lerstburg , foundered in sixteen feet
f water oil' Point , Lake Erie , at
a. in , to-day. The crew escaped
nd arrived at Amhorstburg at in. ) in.
n an exhausted condition. She was
nchorod , when the g.ilo struck her
nd lifted her hutches. The vcssul
vas not insured.
Authentio reports from the burnt
istrict nhotv that people are actually
curving to death in the remote parts
f Siinilao county not yet reached by
y the reliei committee.
The Bchooner Hod Wing has gone
n to the rocks lit the dreaded Lime
crossing , Detroit river , and n
ng propeller , believed to bu tlio Cum
icrlund , has gone aslioro at
'oint , 1/iko Etio. No Jives tire lost
o fur as known. Tlio gale waa very
The debut of Col. John L. Bur-
eigh , as Othollo , was made last oven-
tig. Col , Burleigh is n well IUIOMI
ournalist , and filled the senatorial
Imir in the state logislaturo. His
ow departure is n genuine triumph.
Criminal *
atlorml Assoclatc'd 1'ftm.
WJ.SONA , Minn. , September 10 ,
'ho young lady reported yesterday as
eing assassinated near linulifonl was
lisa Anna , daughter of Qeo , Afartin ,
farmer living about three miles from
10 village , and was returning
om a neighbor's about 9 o'clock in n
to evening , accompanied by two sis-
ors. As the girls wcro pasning u ruriuo
toy met u boy witha gun , and , without
arniiigj ho drew up and Died upon
10 party and tlmn dmnppeared. With
yell Anna Mai tin fell dead , pierced
y the charge from the gin : , Her
Ifrightcnod sisters gave tlio alarm ,
lit could toll nothing of
10 murderer or his design ,
'iio whole deletion was instantly
armed and the parties titarted to
cotir the country for tlio murderer ,
Yoni the coital a description given by
10 frightened tjirlo siiHpieion foil un-
a ix Bohemian named Jacob Pruuhok ,
nd about \ o'clock the party went to
is homo and routed out the yotinu'
inrdorci. Ho ut first denied all
Howlcdgo of.tho nffair , but , boiiii ;
throntciit'd by the excited crowd , fi
imlly confessed that ho had done the
need. Ho gave no roafon nnd no rcn *
BOH can bo discovered The boy is ii
custody and there nro threats whicl
may result in making it warm for bin
yet. The girl was of n good family
and of excellent reputation.
Ho Still Amort * HI * Innooonon-
.National As oclatcd I'rcw.
OAMIIUMHH : , 111. , September 10.
Olomont L. Gallion , the murderer ol
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dilley , will bo
hanged in this place this afternoon
about-I o'clock. Ho wns seen by n
reporter last night , with whom ho
chatted for half an hour in the most
iiulillo.tont and unconcerned manner.
Ho atill protestsi his innocence- the
murder. His spiritual mlvisor , Father
Kcardon , anys the condemned man
will have something to say when the
hour comes. The execution will bo
private , the only witnesses being the
aliuiill's of Henry , Stark , Hock Island ,
I'oorin mid Mcrcor counties , the jury
that tried the case , two physicians ,
the clergymen nnd members of the
prcsa. Unllion arose early this morn
ing and was called on nt li o'clock b\
Father llonrdon , with whom he hni
a long visit.
The Bnrllttfjtou & Missouri
to Extend Its Rend into Col
Special ills ) tcli to Tim BKK.
DENVEU , Sopt. JG The Burlington
c Missouri railroad company yester
day filed papers of incorporation with
the secretary of stnto for the cxton
sion of its line into this state with n
capital slock of § 5,000,000. The incorporators -
corporators are Gen. B. Harris , T. E.
Calvert , A. E. Touznlin , T. M. Mar
quctto and James M. Bnrr. .For the
ensuing year it will bo operated under
the directorship of E. E. Pratt ,
A. G. Snnwood , W. J. Ladd , Nathan
iel Stone , Jnmca Lowell Cnrt--r ,
Edward 0. Wolcott nnd A. E
Tou/alin. Tlio objcnta of this corpo
ration is to construct n railroad from
aomo point on the eastern boundary
of Weld county to some point at or
near Denver. Work of construction
will commence At onco. The main
oflico will bo in Denver.
The ClirlsttiMicy Cnio.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. A now
feature of the Chriatiancy divorce case
was nmdo public to-dny. It wns no
less tlmn a challenge from the brother
ot Mrs. Christiancy to the ox-senator
lo fight n duel. Her brother ia Dr.
French Lougonbecl , practicing physi
cian in Fairfax county , Va. The fol
lowing letter from him was found by
Christiancy in his box at the hotel
last night :
Hon. J. P. Ohristiaiipy Sir : Unices
ypu i > ruoiv to conlino'-youn1 an ults
upon women , to warfaro'in print'nnd
to similar methods involving no phy
sical danger , you will please moot me
at any spot in Virginia which you
may designate within twenty miles of
Washington. Any communication ad
dressed to mo , care J. Eicholz , 310 D
street northwest , will reach me. It
will bo host to accept my proposition ,
Respectfully ,
[ Signed ] F. LUOKNIIEEL.
Christinncy replied to-day ns fo'-
lows to the address gi.'on nbpvfo :
National Hotel , Washington : Sir ; I
have had the honor of receiving your
polite note without date , but left for
1110 last nvoning at this hotel. Hav
ing ' no special ambition to achieve no-
tori uty by assassination , in which it
sueiiis 1 have the difler
from you , and not believing
the method you propose is
tlio best for ascertaining the truth ,
though perhaps as satisfactory ns
lioiuo of the methods of prccocduro
rocuiitly adopted in the country , it
occurs to mo that the best manner of
answering your letter is by emphatic
silence ns far us relates to special
matters therein sot forth , but
without admitting the truth
of your chnrgea nnd leaving you
to carry out , : vt your own time , and
your own way , the implied threats in
the last sentence of thnt note , the
wisdom of which can not prevent ,
even on your nssurnnco , the seeking
on my part of only such protection as
the law of my country afford mo ,
( Signed ) Yours , truly ,
Chrlmtintioy Robbed-
National Aaioclatcil Treat ,
WASHINGTON , September 10 , Ex-
Minister Chrmtiancy was robbed this
morning of $0,000 worth of diamonds
and jewelry in a strong box in his
room in the National hotel. The
thieves forced the door and secured the
plunder during Christianoy's tempo
rary absence. The jewels were not
the property of Christ iancy but were
left with him for safe keeping. It is
bclioved the thieves followed Chris
tiancy from Now York ,
Xiynoliod to u Tree Limb-
National Associated rrcBu.
SiiitKVuroitT , La , Sept. 10. Last
April the reaidonco of Mr. T , J. Ful
ler , of Jack BO n parish , was set on fire
by .loo Caleb , n colored boy. Ho was
arrested mid convicted , but escaped
recently and was recaptured , and
Wednesday night a mob look-him from
the jail at Vernon and hanged him to
Iiittlo Browii Ju ( { .
National Associated Tieui ,
CiuiJAao , Bunt , 10. If the track nt
the fair grounds is in good shape to
morrow the Little lirown Jug pace
against Maud S.'n time , 210 ; { , will bo
called. Otherwise tlio program will
bo caniod over into next wook.
National Associated I'rcsa.
WAHIIINUTON , D. 0 , , Sept. 17.
For the nppor lakoa : Fair weather ,
varying winds , stationary or higher
barometer and temperature , For the
upper Mississippi and lower Missouri
valleys ; Partly cloudy weather ,
local rains to west windn , stationary
or higher tomponiture ,
The Cable Announces the Perma
nent Establishment of Poaca
.In Basntoland ,
The LandLoaKuerB , in Oonvon-
voution , Boaunao Work
on the Land Bill. '
_ _ _ _ _ V
ii '
England Accepts Franco's Proposf
tiou for tlio Ajuitmont of
Egyptian Affairs.
National Associated Vross.
Duni.iN , Sept. 10. The laiut
leaguers' convention on reassembling
resumed the transaction of the pro
visions of the land bill wlnck
was interrupted by Iho last night'a -
adjournment. The session will prob
ably occupy the entire day.
LONDON , Hopt , 10. Reports front
the Lancashire milling districts say
that more employes are stopping work :
to-day and IHero arc indications that
all the mills will bo shut down until
Roino change should occur in the con
dition of the cotton market.
.LONDON , Sept. 10. The fair trade-
delegates expelled yesterday forcibly-
entered the Trades Union congress
to-day and created quito n disturb
ance. Great excitement prevailed. ,
They were finally permitted to remain
until n free discussion on the subject ;
waa ondod.
riiANCK's rnorosmoN ACCEPTED. *
It is reported that England has ac
cepted the proposal of Franco to appoint - '
point n mixed military commission ,
with n view to the regulation of the
Egyptian army.
'LONDON , Sept. 10. Count Sabru-
rplt have agreed to take concerted ac
tion against the nihilists , nnd the cooperation - .
operation of England nnd Franco have
boon requested.
General Farrcis is proparim ; an.
elaborate campaign in tlio north of
Africa , to conduct -which it is believed
100,000 men will bo required. Strong
reinforcements nro arriving.
LONDON , Sept. 10. The press-
strongly nnd generally condemns Par-
null's speech at the opening of tlio
Irish national convention nt Dublin
DUBLIN , Sept. 10. Prisoners in.
Kilmnnhnni jail have sent n document
to the land league convention , asking :
the unanimous rejection of the land
PKIILIN , Sept. 1 0. A further num-
b'brof aoefal/ata liavo boon'expelled. .
from iho city. ' '
LONDON , Sopt. 10. A Constanti
nople dispatch says Turkey is entertaining - '
taining a proposal for the immigration
of Russian nnd Roumanian Jews to > '
Syria. '
LONDON , Sept , 10 , A dispatch
from liorlin says it is rumored that
the meeting of the emperors of Russia
and Germany nt Dantzic was arranged
for the restoration of a triple alliance
and for the reassertion of the Sansto-
fane treaty instead of the Berlin ,
treaty , the object being the wreck of
the Ottoman ompiro.
1 1
"Clem" Gnllioii'a Elocution.
National Associated I'rc'ss. ,
OAJiiiuinau , 111. , Sopt. 10 , Play-
itiau Gallion , alias Glum , was executed ,
lioro to-day for the murder "tf Mr. ,
nnd Mrs. Dilloy.which occurred on the .
night of December 10 of last year.
i'ho murder was ono of the most cool-
flooded nnd deliberate over committed.
in the state. On the nbo" < inon-
.ionod date Clem Gallion entered the
louse of the Dilloy's in llonry
county , and , after shooting the
jld man " with n pistol ,
beat the old lady's brains out with
.ho handle of n shovol. At the last
icssion of the court of this county
jlullion was found guilty of murder in.
.ho first degree , nnd sentenced to bo
langod on .September 10th. The son-
, once was oxocutcd to-day by Sheriff
Goodoll. The culprit fell through tluv
imp nnd died in about seven min-
ilcs , with acareoly a pcrcoptiblo atrug-
Pacific Coast Squibs-
National Associated 1'rc-s.s
SAN FIIANOIKCO , September 1C.
ndian Agent Tillnny has been noti-
iod to keou his Indians on the rosor-
ation , as all found oil' will bo treated
nil hoatiles. This will precipitate
roublo UH tha Indians have had great
iberty and will refuse to obey
> rdora to remain. The removal or
extermination of the Apaches ia
what tlio Rottlora are ro'solvod upon.
Austin , Nov. , has been visited by
fire which destroyed § 100,000 worth
of property.
A strike in tlio Eureka tunnel south
ot the lluby Jlall mine , creates excitement -
citomont ,
Ore assays from § 000 to § 1,000 per
' >
The Chicago Fair ,
latlonal AwiOclatcd 1'roai.
Oii'nuao , Sept. 10 , Arnypr Ilnrri-
lou has issued n proelamation urging
ho business men of the city to make
o-day a holiday nnd'givo the laboring
class an opportunity to visit the Chicago
cage fair. A drizzling r.iinwhich sot
n early this morning will probably
ntorforo with the racing nnd the pro
gram for the dny.
Mr. Frank IJordon , connected with
the oflico of the American Linen eom-
wiiy , Hull River , Mass. , says ; St.
Jacobs Oil is very highly recommend-
it ] in our factory , und it would bo hut
Hlmplu jimtico for mo to say a few
woida in its nraiso. Tlio inon havo.
used it for rheumatism , nouralgm , .
uprnina , burns , outs , corns and in fact
for almost every ailment it claims tu
euro , and it does nil that it promised.
to do , never fiuling to euro , " 7
" * -
r > ' ,