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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1881)
\ 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY EPTEMBEK 16 , 1881. 1Y \ < rt7r * I n /COUNCIL BLUFFS , rue Democrats Put tip County Ticket. INews of a General Nature Brief Paragraphs. THE DEMOCRATS. rnir.Y HOU > x COOXTY The I'ottawnttawio county dom cratic convention , na per call } > f UK chairmnn , convened nt llio coutt lion yesterday. Mr. Holmes cnllotl tl nntcrrificil to order promptly nt o'clock , The fitst business before tl body vnxs the selection of sccretnr fr. Holmo * being requested by unanimous vote to keep his sent b ind the bench. Mr. William 1'alti | ) cing in the room , VM loudly chose ,3 , temporary secretory. Mr. Frnim loved that n com mittoo of three o rmanont organization bo appointoi ho followiiif were selected : Ilormn endol , Frank Trimblo nn Wright. Mr. Frainc ivccl that n committo o imancnt on oif/nimation bo a ] inted from the chair. Mr. AVicl , m jno\cd an amendment that it I creased to five. Tin's ivas accoptci d the chair appointed 31. N. Elli imos Kelley , Henry Gelling , .Toll hito and Jim Crow. The convoi Ion adjourned until 1:30 : o'clock , n liich hour the permanent organizi on was perfected , ns follows : Ohainnan , G. AV. Holmes ; secret ) .Win. Pulton ; tellers , M. F. llohi iid Frank Trimblo. At this junctui o grand free-for-all race wni calle ir DCS Moincs. An unusual numbi . ere entered , and it looks as if tw ion from Council Ulufls would stan pretty fair show , as the ropublica audidatcs wore both selected frpi IJio other end of the county. Nio churtz , Jr.W. Hempstead , M. Keal ng , D. W. Price , 11. Purceval , Wni "ronoweg , E. E. Aylcsworth , Thomn owman , Wm. Whro , W. R. Vaughur. . . A. Holmes , A. Mi Gardner , W. ohiison and Perry Reel were prcsonl id as candidates for representative 'ho ' first informal ballot resulted n bllows : N. Schurtz 22 , .T. W. Homi tend 04 , 11. Purcoval 39 , M. Keatin 0 , D. W. Price 4 , "Win. Gronowe 10 , E. E. Aylcsworth 4 , Then a Bowman 11 , Win , War , W. R. Vaughan 0 , G. A Elolmcs 1 , A. M. Gardner 10 , W. 'ohnson 1 , and Perry Roul 20. Porr leel , Thomas Bowman and Williai | jronowcg positively refused to accoj jAo nomination for any oflico at til Hands of the convention , and a grot Wany didn't like it because they wonl /jot allow their names to bo use " rhon the party demanded it. Wliil MW first formal ballot was in proqrci MrX Gronoweg announced Iloboi -KirkVood as a candidate for ropn sontutjvo. The name of Mr. .T. \ \ Hemnstcad was selected to accompaii Mr. Kirkwoofl'fl through the campaigi These guhtlumon were nominated I acclamation. H. Mondlo , of Ncoli was nominated for auditor , but d dining , A7 M.ounimcr , of Av6c ; was substituted ; Yigo Badolot w : nominated for county treasurer t acclamation. James O'Noil nnd Job 1C. Cooper will try again for couni superintendent of schools at the unan inous request of the convention. , T1 first formal ballot tor county supc visor resulted QB tollows : Ban Underwood , 120 ; Diotrow , 1 McTntosh , 0 ; Karkwood , 0. Bar Underwood receiving a mujoril of the votes cast was declared tl nominee. J. F. Brodbcck was doeln cd the unanimous choice of the co vontion for surveyor. Then came tl tug of war. There wore a jjooil mai applicants for Mr. Faul's olllcp as cc oner. T. B. Lacy , Esquire Biggs , ( T ? . Wickham and llichnrd lUckel were announced. "Dick" seemed liavo the most friends in the convo lion nnd wont in with a rousing n : jority and his nomination was ma unanimous amid cheers that slio the the town house -in Keg Crci The f olio n ing resolutions we adopted : Resolved , That democrats stn firmly upon the platform ado | cd by the Juno state convention ; tl its principles nro so prominently 01 bodied in that instrument all tl convention need to do is to adhere them and all will bo well. Resolved , That wo hold in dorisi the means used by the republic party whereby they , BGok to ovmlo t amendment to the state constitutic that the democratic party holiovo tl any legislation touching the liqu traffic of the stnto cannot bo ct ducivo to the interosta of t people nnd will interfere wi a largo amount of busini They expressed the deepest sympat for our uillictod president , and dopi cated any in cans adopted to dopri the people of their choice of u pro dent , whether it came bylaw or ntt hands of the assassin. The convc hon waa very fully attended , nil : fpondinj. when the roll waa calh except Hon. W. H. M. Piisey and 1 meinuor from Keg Creek. BWKDJHU CHUHOII CONKKKKNCE. The general conference of the 81 dish Baptist church of the Uni Btntett convened in this city yest day. Wo understand that the p pose is to enter into a general disc sioti us to the best manner to corn ! their church work ; their school Ic ted in Chicago and their paper p liuhed in the name city , called " Skriften ; " besides the most eilici niuans of advancing their mission work. The church has sprung from a sin Io nocfl until it numl now over 0,000 mumboni and is ii prosperous condition. Thu follow ura among the wall known pastor attendance : F. 1'oturson , Minnw ] is , Minn , ; N P , Jensen , l.u chuioh , Chicii o ; John Anderi Red Wang , Minnesota ; H.Or ien , Princeton ; Illiii Prof. Edgrisn Moigan , Park , ' . John Oiif/iium , Chicago , 111. ; E. gieti , pastor qf the Second chu Chi&igo and editor of thn " Skrofton" ; L. Johanson , Alton , O , A , Sandwnn , Bwodobund , Towa A. F. Palm , pastor of the Bwvi .Baptist church t ; Btronisblirg , J The body will ccntiuuo in session c , day during the week. THE mvtr IN niiiEr. Our fire department wiUi OlUt bana went over the river yesterday lake part in the grand parade tl took place there , The people of this city takomoro tcrcst in the fair over the river tl they did in the races on this Bide. are all ono city anyway. No sooner docs ono court adjot than v < o have another. The suprei court of the state holds a short sessi commencing the 20th. There i about eiahty cases undisposed of the docket. The members of the Rescue Engi company met at 8 o'clock ycsterd and nurching to the depot look t train for Omaha nnd the state fair. It wni a quiet day y cat emit Everybody wont to the fair without cot on their shoulders. Wo have been informed by ono our leading citizens that had the lii men of this city received n con worth of benefit from1 thoSiJCO no o would find the fault , althou money for any ] iurpo o ontsido of t lawful channel should not bo appi printed. Wo hope that no rno will cousin our article which appeared in T ; Bun Wrdnosday jnorning tj me that wo believed that if lion. 0. . ' Scott recovord the § 250 from the may mil council that ho would receive a benefit aside from the dijlcrence tl : unount would make in his taxes. 2V Scott is simply acting as relater f the benefit of the taxpayers under t statute , and when recovered , t money will bo returned into the ci treasury , flhoro it belongs. Conductor Scott , of the Rock ' . land , came 5ft late yesterday mornii : When asked what caused the dcl.n lie remarked that ho was obliged liaul up at Weston "to lot the co atcli-hor-calf. " : - - There is n rod-cheeked girl at t llovoro House who can say "Ron Ueof , " "Roast Pork , " "Mutton Oho mo thousand times in five minutes , THE BEE reporter had the ploasu f mooting Mr. Tyler Cuminint brcman at the Globe oflico , this cit Mr. Cummings ia a very pleasant vo loman , and has boon in the west b iix months. Ho JH n native of Nj fork , and is very much pleased wi ho Blulls. The man who was moan enough ob a drunken woman has at lasb be 'ouijd by Officer llosocrantz Ho w rying to hide in a saloon. "Wh liscovorod the missing jewelry v > bund on his person. His name I 10 gnvo it ) is Charles Lawson. T iToung woman who lost the propel ; oc3 Under the name of Jennie , a s too bad to bo real ( jood. She oug , o got stationed somewhere , and i jo beating around loose where BU nan can impose upon her. Laws i ad his trial before Euquiio Bui ind was convicted nnd sent up I thirty days. E. E. Guernsey nnd F. AV. Smi : allod nt THIS BKE olllco yestordu They are two of our steady you men , and are at present in the ompl rf the Rock Island. Win. Outhout brought his n found wife to this city Wednos'd night , they were being bothered Uf ol Hliolby. TJiuy , in nnin ; > a with two young lady friends , M Garrio Linn and MISH Delia Brii : engaged the Revere house for c night. Well , they had a nice tin Ho says that Council Bluffs is the b place in the west to spend n night during the honeymoon and that 1 Revere house is not u bad place spend it in. Mr. Wheeler gave tin the liberties of the house and th were not bashful at all. Both part belong to wealthy and highly respc able families. B. Thurman has justroturnodho from an extended northern trip Minnesota and Dakota. He visil all the principal cities in Minncso as well as Bismaick and Fargo , 1 kola , llo says the farmers will about ono-half short on wheat. 1 Northern Pacific railroad is progrc ing finely , and will reach Glondino point about 21i2 miles west of 1 marck , about October 1 , this year. B. B. .Brood , of Oshkosh , Mic gan , was ill the city yesterday , t stayed at the Pacific. H. A. We of Hamburg , 0. J. Woodhurst , H. 0. Woodhurst , of Pacific Juncti and.J. A. Gardiner , of Fairview , also registered there. The voters shou'd ' try and i themselves upon the question hanging our charter , Thoru many advantages wo will' gain if vole to bo a city of the first-cli Council Blull's don't want to rum second to any city in the state. T , J. Evans has returned from state fair over the river , and ho e if that electric light could speak would say thai it was about "thinost thing" it over shone upon Is it Possible T That a remedy made of such comni simple plants as hops , buchu , in draKe , dandelion , etc , , make so mi and such marvelous and wonde : cures as Hop Bitters do ? It muat for when old and young , rich \ opr , pastor und doctor , lawyer ; iditor , nil testify to being cured hem , wo must believe and doubt ongor. Soptl-Octl 'roposali for Laying Bewer Pipe and D the Necessary Qradlnc nnd Other Work for the Same. Omen Or CITY CLKRK , OUAIIA , Noli. , Ki' | > tS , 1WI Healed proposals tt 111 be rcccltod at the of the undcrntirnud up to 12 in. of Tuesday , member 13th , 1831 , for the la ) Ing of pipe , i of all necessary jfradli'ir , Bhorlni ; and other connected tklth thu game , an per cpcelflratlo the City Knglnctr'a Olllce , In port or for the tire work ; bids to vpcclfy rates lor work on arstu lines , as follow ; lJilnr ; of i > li ) , oxca > otlni ; and ronillnpof feet , more or less , noncT line on Alley , bel Dodiro and Douglas jtre-tta , Irani 'J\vei itrtct cunt to iinln siwcr. LA ) Ini ; ol pipe , exinvatlns and re'lllllnif feet , more or lu , ol ( J-lnci ) setter ItnuonalU twucn Uou lasanil Karuhaui Urcct * . ( rout i teenth strint tjut to junetlono ! main wtrer lAjlujfot 4OOft etmoroorlu'olO Inch pipewith ncicBtary ixcavntlonand rclllllii alley Utwooi Karnham tnd llarnoy ttriet , Hot onlecntli fctn et iat to main llnu ol cwi lAjlimofa.M'OfeotofUliich'plpoiiiorvorli ' ' tiwmiaryeicatatlon and rclllllnu , on thi biULvnllsrnet and Howard atreits , from uutoentli ttrivi cast to setter lino. Aluo I ol 1,700 feet , morn or less , ol 15 ana 10 mains , an per plans and i educations , I point near the loot ot Dodtu to Uio rltt. . All MJs to Uiaccomi aided by bonds Ii sum of lltothouiu d dollar * , on surety fo faithful ] < erorinancuol ( thti urk herein < tlsuij , 11 awarded. The rljht to reject any or all bids Is herd wnf I. J.J.UJKWKT I 10t' - - > ) > oil ) CI She PftR oil it Alonif. "I pond yon injtectlmoninl In rctcrci toSriiiNo'lli.oiHOV , liavliiR tftl < c" l\ \ , ilyspuinl.a , nml ifctivin nlini t iintnc'll1 relief. I iKiH.ul It to my nelxlibiir , wlio UsiiiK It Avith the BMIIO roitillf , Miu. J.W. Lrmir , 12cndlw lllniirn , N , \ . ' I'rlco M > cent" , tiinl Ixittlts 10 ctntn. A Tcstnmont Rovlsor's Opinion The eminent author , Prof. A. Kcndrick , I ) . D. , LI. . IX , who professor of Hebrew , Latin and Ore in the university of Rochester , a of the Ni was ono of the revisers Testament , in general cotivursati with a number of gentlemen a BM time nince , B.iitl : "I have rccciv fiom the use of Warner's Safe ICi noy and Liver cnro very tnaikcd be cfit and t can most coidially lecoi mend ittoothora. Bcpt.l'2-fod\'w Kntico to Spwnr Contrnotprs. St'ilcti | iioi al < i will 110 retched by t tnitll o'clock noon , of t 20th day of September , for tlio inntcr ami oonM ruction of tiHOXtcr from 8 t i f ct In dlniii.t ( < .r 3 ring ! ) thick , ixtul ftbc 1200 foot lonjf , on Jimei direct. fromniol ) ncnr tlio cast * ldu of llltli Htic-et nt t lertntniM of the 8fontsot\cr tciPiHtructi cast to n point nbmit 40 feet t.iit of t cast kido of Jltli ftlrcut. Kid * to liu based upon detailed pbnsa fipeciflcatloiiH on lilu In the oily Qiiirinco ollico mul to 1m Koparale nnd specific up tlic follmt Ina point * of detail. ) Kato per linear foolfoi material a \torkc.imphte in tt.ill of newer I clifiva of excavation nnd buck filling. Unto per cubic yard for concieto tvo complete , inclusive of inatctial in t Hatnc. Kale per llncir foot for Hhceting , incl sivo of uriviii ! ? and cxtnictitiir , lintc per linear foot of piling furnWi nnd driven , 3nte ! rer linear foot of pipe laid I clinotB or othtr iiurpoKci , llatc per crtlcal foot for complete co ntruction inchtHivo of matcii.kl of tut bains and man holes. llato per each hewer and pipe conni tion. tion.Hate per cubic yard for all cmbankmc or other gnuling necewry outsldeof cxc \ation and refilling bcloiming to thu co fctructlim of fewer under lirtt head. Work to bo be'Sim on or before Octol : 15 , 1881 , and prosecuted ns per provisi of Hpeclhcntlon * filed. IJitU nm Uic accompanied by KOOI ! ai Miflldent bonds in thu sum of 810,000 Burety that the contract , if awaided , w bu entered into in good faith by the hi der. 'J'ho bonds to b re-ad previous consideration of bid , nnd unlcm found bun good nnd lona-fulo Imiid the bid to rejected. J. J. L. C. JKWKTT. oplS-12t . City Cle , LIAL ; NOTICE. 't To Iliijh Klntl ) and all others tthom It mi } o ccrn : You t.ill tike notice that on llioTlh daj Kotcnibcr , 187S , Marj'A. Iluiplalo pnri.ha til trenwlror'H Bil for taxc-t for the IS77 , the w J lot 3 , block K , In the elty ot ( Jinalii , Kxld lot v taxed In the mine ot ( huh Kindly nnd the tl of redemption Inn expired , itnd that on thu 2 ! diyof N'Jttmbcr , ISM , 1 ttlll npjilj tos-alil trc oier fora deed to tliotiboinilc : riucil csta JIAIIY A. UUODALK Hy jAMifl I' . Jloitrov , Attornov. nulO-tt3 " 17101 ! SAI.K A Iaro ( t\to story tmmo chilly JLJ roof Hotel and one utory kltUien ; nlfo t tor.\ frame , xhlnn'led roof , hall room for ten f toclaneC , ami b mi large enough to hold Uei tcims- All situated on corner of Itroul and - trtct , Fremont , Uoclse Co. , Neb Kor fnrt ! H formation apply to C. 0. IIIOJII'SON , 858 to n-8 Fremont , Dodco Co , , Neb rnAKHN Ul1 A red a'ld tthlto F ] > ottc.d c < L about n jeans old ! rl ht ear cropped , nt I ( tan * * addition , north Otmhn. fiii-wit L. iiiNNiNiiorii : : : " pYioDA'FiElroTioiL State of Nelira ka , I otii.las Countus : At n County Court , held at the County Co Itoom , In and for said County , Amrust 31 A. 1' . 1881. VroHCnt , IIOWAUI ) U. iJIH County Jud | o. In the m itter ol the estate of James 1C. Ish , C/l t Allll UIHIlTllriu ( ln ) k tAI < fn vf fifnt M. Ibh , praying tlmtud intlon of wildest nmj he grontcil to her ai admlnlutrntK : Ordered1 hat September 15th , A. I > . 15S1 , 10 o'elnek a , in , U assigned forlicirinf'H"ild ] tlon , uhrnall pcrsom Intrrastcd In Bald mat nmj appear at a County" Court to bo held , In c for s ild County , and fhotvcaute whj the urn , of petitioner Miould not ho Krunt' d , and tlmt tl ( c of jjondoncy of mid petition ami the hear theriiifbii KltLii to all persons Interested In n matter , by publishing ; a copy of tln.n order In 1 OMAHA VBKMA lnr ! , a ncttspipcr printed in Countt , for thrco suceonlto MO | , H , prior to B lUyothoirhii ; UOWAItU 11. SMITH , ' ' aii21n3t Comity. UP A red } cnrlln hull , on J TIAKUN ) n'H farm , six milts uistof Oinilin , ndt II. I. iltKliDON THE CHAMPION HAY MTHRRE TukiH thu lia > I rom buatl. to si COO to TOD lie. nt a load. tM4 ulnro * ! nhocklni ; , io. 1'rito. 8J5HO. Tor jvartlu' addruu 8. II.OILLlLVNl ) . Monroe Ut.Mo. . , oulO 2t I'aoprlctor and Munulailnre HENRY WARD BEEGHE1 nddrcssliiK the student * of tha Katinnnl Schoi Klocutlon and Orator ) , Bald , "Wo are Ihlni ; land uhoitOKcnlna , whoso history , nhnio IIIK ! tlon vinlntntly denmnd orator ) . ' ' 1 hu Nntlc School of Elocution nnd Oratory wan c llnlied In 1BT4 , to HuppU thin demand. Chart' in 1876 , Nineteen Teachers and Lectni Specialists In their departments. Eumc Term , July 6 , Fall Term , October 3. for circular to J. If , IlKCIITEL , Secretary , 1410 nnd 1418 Chestnut Htreut , I'hlladelpn ! JoiUSdw rpAKKN Ul % One dim iniilo , letter V brni X on lelt slilc of thn net-k. AUtH 8TNKI.SON , Jyl3-\\St OnCnltfliton 1'lai o , Military Hoi John G , Jacobs , ( formerly of flUh&Jacoh * , ) UNDERTAKEN No. 1417 Karnhttm St. , Old Stand ot Jaroti M liv Tnli i J.H FLIEGLE Suceoiwor to J , H , Tlilclo , MERCHANT TAILG Ko. A , G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LA1 6000 Agents wanted to sell the Life o PRESIDENT GARFIELD ml accurate nteount of his I hut uientful aOinlntitrntlon ; the urcat co with the "StoluarU" houltd hv ConUlnu diabolical uttemui to waivwlnatu him , with liartlcuUrs ol his rasu , ono of thn most crl and rtinarkulile on rt-conl. The Intvnio lut < excited ruutri thouininU to dculre lull i culars , hcnro this book must nelllinnicn Tcniu liberal. Outfit , Wo. Circulars Irvo , Orota IIUllUAKUmiUH. . I'ubs aulOn _ Kunsaa Cltj.i To Coutraoton , Bulldors i Property Owner * . The mulct signed hit Inu been appointed c tor the cntcimltu iron und wire manufitcti homes ol K , T , Uariimu , o [ Detroit , and llussol Iron I'ouiulry'and \\orkslat \ Ic 11 Ohio , caiudty of (0 tons dally , U lire > nr , furnUh c tlnmte and prices lor Iron colu & . ! Ax , for ktoro frpiitv , Ilidow rajH and fi tbiwbolil piatvv , uroujcht Iron J > CSIU4 OJld inhdrauUc cletatow , stoplo llttlniisj pu liaHliitf , i.c. ; ale Iron fences , crc tln , dew guards , tiutteri. stairs , balcenks , nv chain , t * u , arqmrliLiui , fountains , sui hauses , ls n , irtnlinaiid vcnisteiry ornvi flowornUuds. | [ rat a yuarild , ic. , ia. In ei \ orlcty , Catato uci suppllexl on o'i > matloi / ' , IIKNIIY II. llAUIlV , Manufacturers' Ageht , SH Pearl stri auxlO-lta wo . Council Dlullo , The leading Scientists of to-dny asroo th ino < tdlicicmrocaUHil ! > } dlinrdi rea Kliltie orllvir. If , thtnforo , the kMiiev * nml liter a Xept In perfect otd r , pciftct holth ulll'otl result. 'Ihls truth Inirnly In" ! knoftti a klu time anil for ) cnr * iicoiilo filtered ttrcAt n'ui niUiontbcllih'nhte to nnd relief. Theill eo c of Wnrncr'n Mfe Kldn y ami Mur Ciiroiimk" A no * em In the treatment ol thc'e trouiili Mode from a slinplo trorlenl toif of rare Miluc , ronUIni Jii tthoclemini iiiie' miy to nouri Ainl InOirnnto Iwth of thi e nnt orrfnin. ni MfcH restore incl keep them In order , Itli Potlllvo Remedy fnrixll the illnpaRti tint can l > ntni In the lower part of the tiod.t fir Torji 1 UOT lleoilatlic * Jntimltci IHrlnoHitlrnt t\ner Ainio Uturand 1'rlnnrj Or atn. ltl < nne\Lollontntnl ! afo rcnieily l r fcmal ilnrlnK I'rcjcnniiQ. It lll control Mcmtrmtl < nndt In nhialile for l.eue-orrhaa or fall ng the Womb. Atnltlooil rnrlHerlti iiiie < nnKd , forlttui tlio orifini tint inikn the blood- This reinwh , wliUliluitiinnomrhvonder , ytlt up In the l.AHfJKbT sIXHI ) 111) PI LK of ni mcdlclno niion thu mirkct nnd l < * ol I hy Urn jllsta nnd all ilenlcrs nt SI.25 per bottle. Ihlieti , enquire ! for WMlNKrN SAKi 1)1 ) HhThS UURK. Ithnl'OSI IVKIlrnitiU. H. H. WARNER & CO , Rochester , fl. Y. ANDSTILLTHELIOI COM'JNt'M TO Roar for iYIoores ) Harness AND Sad d I enc I tfft * liSsJTOT- i ; / . * . . . - * IhM . uloptcd the l.ion an n Trade Malk , u allmv L-oods will be SfAMl'EU ith the Ll ( andnij NAMKon thoramc. 0 OOODa AI RLNl'INi : WHIIOUT T1IS AliOVE S1AM1 The best mtterlnl la and the icost skill workmen uro imploxid , nnd at thu lowest en price. Anj \\Utiingaprlue-list of good eonlu n faor liy Ktmllni ; ( or one. 'DAVIO SMITH MRE. Proposals for Purchase of Lot D In Block and Part of Lot In Block 344. Soiled proposalB tvill ho retell cd by thoundi signed until 12 o'clock noon , on the 17th < t of September , A. D lb-31 , for the purthasd of 1 C in I Inik 11 , ui d iiKo n stiip of ground in blu 34 J , licliy 84 fett ton ton \V obiter street bj 1 itdicp , ndjolnlnt' C mtr 11 Qnst's proper ) lllds to taku into u n < lilomtlo > existing Ii i I'.iu eloiics containing raid proi > o al3 shall HiaiUcil "Propoiuls for 1'Jnlu-oof t. ts " J. J. L. C. Jr.WFTT , beO-ln City Clerk , United States Depositor ; - OF OMAHA. - . Cor. 13th and Parnam. Sta. OLWK3T HANKING KCTABLI3I1MENT 01IA1IA. ieuccEssons , TO KOUNTZE BROTHER erAbLisiiKD 1S.16. OrtTAnUod as a National Ewik Aupnt 20 , IE CAPITAL ANIJ PHOFllS OVER . ' B300 0 ASU DIRPCTOIia { IEIIMAN KoiiNrzi1 , Prtndcnt. Auaosirii Koi'NiKK , Vice PresWcnt. II. W , V > iijiCnbhKr. A. J. I'm n.KTON , Attorney. * .u Jens A. CiisiuutoN. . F. II. DAVIS , Asst. Cash ! Till bank rccehcs deposits without regard .monnli. , IUUCK tliim ccrtlllcatca biarlni ; Interest. Drawl drafts on Ban Francisco nnd prlncl Jtles of tlio United Stntce , also London , Dub Eillnbnrith and the principal cities ol the coi , ent ol r.nrope , SclH pnsaciiKcr tlcktta for cmlranta ( by the nan HUP. inavldl The Oldest Established HOUS IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & d _ tr&iiOTcted Hainii ftfl that of an Ini loratcd eunk. Accounta kept In currency or gold subject Irht chuck without notU Cortlficatu of deposit u-medpMoblsIn thi ilx ami tttclto month * , licctrliiK Intercut , or lemand without Interest. Adtanccs nude to citttumcn on approted ec rltlro nt market rated of luterc t. Buy and Hell Rold , bills ol j.cMnjC , got c en * , state , county and c.lty InwidB. Draw elRiit ilnfts on Kngland , Ireland , S < and , and all parts ol Kuropc. Hell KurOieiii | ] Uxvo tleketi. COLI.KCT10K31'I aiu'ldt DRS. COFFMA ! AND THOMPSON , Physicians and Surgeon OKKICK , Our Crulckklmnk , 16th St. , Bet. Fariiliaiu and DouKlas. aS t aBAWD PUBLIC SAI OF Short Horn Cattle , ATTHEFAin QHOONDS , OSCUOLA , CLA1 CO. , IOWA , and Tliuriday , Sept. 21 and 22,1 ComirUInt ; the entire herds o | Dr. II. ttnuliM ol UbeenU , John McUonouBh of\V burn , and II. 0. Mglorol Osccola ; ! ) draft f the herd of Jy , itooel ol Woodburn , Cli Count ) , lotta. The offcrlriK * of this nalo incluilo uueh poii strains ni Imported Uoldla Duenna , Dial : Hose of bliaron. Dudemona , YouneMary , Yc l'hllii , Cambria , 1'oiuonn , Uuby , White Jl ' Auath , Adelatd , Amelia , Mauetano , I'ansj , oilier KooelfamllliV licadul by as erandbrvci bulls as can bo louml In the ttost. botcnty cows and heifers aid thlrty-flto choices ) c bulls , hhort Horns will b told tlrst daj ; BO t > -llto ynuld eo s and hclfcru and other t u III be s Id on the second da ) , , , , , , , Wucordlallt limto the public toattone ! Bale and ttv promise Kind attention and c Justice to all. In c-atalogno Tt-nns liberalannounced will bo sent on application alwr AUKfsl 1MI - " - ' Uthoroflhojvirtlesortheauetio \Vii. COIUKU , Auctlone JI , il. llomu-is. If. C. ' Blown , MC krv LAND AOENO\ \ OMAHA , NEB. 500,000 ACRES Davis & Snyder 1505 IFsirnlmm S < r ct , Fuuiis and Homes in Nebraskn 17,000 Acres in Douglas ( Joun ty , $5 to $10 Per Acre. ll.CJO Acres Harpy Couiitt Uin < l.iS.CO to 10 C 12.200 " \\hi hliitfnCii. ! ) IJind f'.OJ to 10 C 1,409 " ntirtUouiity I.ttid 3.00 to 8.C 2,800 " CumliuOounty Land 3.00 to 8C JOftOO " SUnton County Lund 2.25 to ac " rivli-ioiuouiiuLanJ IPO In (1C " PlutU. Comitj I nd. 3.CU to 8t T rin j to Suit Purchasers , LOP j Time and Low Interest. Pi-TWn tics < jjli nnit OJM ALSU I.AHOK TRACTS W LAND IN Dodge , Colfax , Herco , l orrioh Hall , SaunQers , Butler , And Oilier Counties in th Eastern Portion of Nebraska for Sale. ravins ot All Sizes , Krnni 40 to CIO acres tarh , adapted to drulii Dill Stock 1UU UK , tu to Sold at Low I linircn , and on Ioni ; llmo. State and County Maps fo Distribution. Se ndtor clrcu'ar , m piporlodlcaliion theSt * prices nnd term * of lands In Ml localities , t ( DAVIS & SNYDER lf or larnhani Street , ? , 1ST 33 3E EstalilisliBd 11 Years , Assets Represented ' 882,000OOO.O. Actho Flro and Llfo aient wanted. 0. r. TA.VLOU a. CO , llth d Douglas gt , * * 1,1,1 l" * * * ! Ty'f.Ssy- SW'/'illWr rcSift- " ' DON'T IT BURN I My licmso anil furniture Is Insured tvl C. T. TAYLOR k CO. , ( 'or 1 Ith 38ST 3" " * 3C I GJEi 1422 Doujrlas St. , Near 16th , Before removing t their new OPERA HOUSE 8TQB Will soil their block of BOOTS S SHOE ! At Greatly Reduced Prices , Edward W , Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LA\ . . . * . * * / % * r DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PROPRIETORS. rOIP-MS ARAPAHOE HOUSE : , L. CLUTE , Arapahoc , Harvard , Neb . PHILLIPS , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , D < T. CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hastings , Neb. DENVER HOUSE Grand Island , Neb. , tSTES , T ESTE8 HOUSE , N . . BERRY , Gibbon , Neb. U , P. HOTEL , 8. F. A . , Kearney , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILMS COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , HOLLAND HOUSE , QEO. B. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb , WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED , Wllbcr , Neb Do Witt , Neb. BLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. C. ROCKHOLD , Wymorc , Neb. Bloomlngton , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T.MUNHALL , CAGE HOUSE , A. R. QAQE , ' Republican Olty.Nob COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Q. D. BORDEN , Alma , Neb. SUPERIOR HOUSE , S. TlMMERMAtJ , Superior , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A , C. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOUSER , Chester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W. W. JONES , Blue Springs , Neb PACIFIC HOTCL , W. P. REHSHAW , Beatrice , Neb , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E. D. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Creston , In. JUDKINS HOUSE , eJUDKUIS&BRO. , Red Oak , la , COMMERCIAL HOTCL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca. la. PARK HOTEL , W , el. OARVIN , Corning , la , DURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. DURKC , Carroll , la , HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW ft CO , Jefferson , la. CHENEY'S ' UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley eluiifc , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERTZ , Ncola , la. CENTRAL HOUSE. 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la , CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN , Cromwell , I . tCENl'RAL ' NEBIIASI\L < \ . B. & J r. R. . ] HARVARD , NEBRASKA. IMorrill B. t M. Laud Agent 3. K. ' Lumber and Building Blutoi ial Co T. D. Bnin it flockhill .t Birdsal Lumber etc Sirs. G. W. Howard , M. D Hoinooptithic Physician Station Agent , 13. it M. 11. E. T. .1. Cox < \ Leo Forinan ' . Suporintonclrnt City Schools nnd Contractor ) . J. Scott Carpenter Store Bain t Co I. D. < Wolbacli Bros General Store .Gunural Store L. C. Howard ; and Dealer in Goods D. J Dowd , Jeweler Sporting Dealer Now Elevator Grain . , > V. J. Turner ? /M. Davis ' . ' . : Giain Elevator tf. H. Lewis ' Blacksmith \sagoiunnkor \V. II. Hammond Metallic Coflln , ( patented. ) Meat Market 0.V. . Gardner i City Hume Agent for S. A. Morgan F. D. t iV. T. Perry ' . . . , . ' Hardware , Stoves and Tinware 3rowu & Sloat . . . . . ' . " . ' Booksollora and Stationers jilchnst Bros , . , < t Grocoriea , Flour , Crockoiy , iSrc. 3. J. Riley A'l I Groceiiea and Provisions Bros ' . Furniture and Undertaking 5wopo . . . .Bankers L. A. Payne & Co ' ! ? r. ' . ' . " . Hotel D. T. Phillips J. H. Spanbrd Mettopolitan Hotel Geo. AV. Limbockor Clay County Journal Join's Stein ' Fanning Implements ami Tools \Vashburn & "Van Gilden. . ' . . . . ' . . . . . ' Flour Exchange j. B. Peck ' . . . . ' ' Physician and Surgeon STAR STOVE POLISH AND W BEAUBEUMMEL BOOT BLACKING } MANUFACTURED BY QlVKTItn BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WAR&AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Class Article. Are also sold cxclusltcly STAR TINTED SPECTACLES by us. EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. W110I.K.SAI.U AND HETAIL DKALr.U IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LiKlE , CEMENT TK AOKNI FOII WILWAUKEB cr Near Union Pacific Depot , , OMAHA , NjEB SUPERIOR OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND - - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUY IE ! BEST ! SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. r W