Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1881, Image 5

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Nr.w Yotw , September 15.
Money closed nt 5@0 per cent.
Exchange closed firm at 4 811 8IJ.
( lorernincnti clood firm.
Cufiency ( is 1 30 bid ; 4V < do , 1 13J ;
4s coup. , 1 17i ; Gs lontinued , 101 ; 5s do ,
Pacific railroad boiuU closed M follows !
Union litv 1 10 ( < i 1 17 ; land grant ? ,
IK ! ? I' ' " ' : sinking funds 1 IMfoil Slf ; Cen
trals , 1 1 IJtjiil 16J.
The stock market this morning opened
lUoyant ) nnd ( inn , prices advancing ] ( i')2
per cent , in the regular list , but u \\v.\k-
nesi soon net in nml the auS mice was en
tirely lo t , nnd homo shares oven fuither
declined. Reading and St. Paul & Omaha
were noticeably strong and sold nbovo the
highest figures of yesterday. One hun
dred shares of Haunih.vl Ai'St. Joe com
mon changed haiuli nt 300 , arninsl 225 at
tlietl. . st previously reported transaction.
During the afternoon the market was very
irregular , with frequent spells of firmness
and depression , nnd prices nt the close were
generally lower than yesterday's closing ;
250 was had for Hannibal & St. Joe nt the
The following nro the closing bids :
Central Pacific. 01 $ N rth Pac. . . . . 30
Cedar Falls. . . . 21 Preferred , . . . SO
CC&l 013 Northwestern .120
OStL&NO. . 77 Preferred. . . .130
OC&IC 21J Omaha . 43
0& A 121 Preferred . . . .107
CS&C 4U Oregon Nay. . . .103
Can South 05J PD&E. . . . 41
DL& W 12G Pacific Mail . . . 50
13 & 11(3 87 ? Rock Island. . . .137
lift W 51 Reading 01
U.-io 433 StPM&M. . . .102
Adams Exp..137 ' ' ' .111) )
Fargo 130 Preferred' . . . . . 131
American Exp. 88 St P & Duluth. . 30
U.S 70 Preferred. . . . b'O
II. &St.T 250 San Francisco. . 30'
Preferred. . . . 113t do preferred. . 74 :
II & T 03 1st Prefd..lOO
III Central 131 Tex Pac 52
IB&W 40 Union Pacific. . .123 ;
L.S 123i Wabash 50
Mich Cent ! > 3i do preferred. . 88 :
BILS&W. . . . 52 WUTel snl
Mo Pa 105J
Following are the closing bidi on min
ing stocks :
CmcAao , September 15.
Business in banking circle to-day was
only fair. Money WAS in good supply and
firm at C@7 per cent per annum , but our
leading discount houses shouldered all the
A 1 paper presented. Kaatern exchange
between city banks was nt 80 cents dis
count per gl.OOO The clearings of the
associated banks vrero 88,300,000. The
outgo of currency to the interior was only
Omaha Wliololalo Market-
Thursday Evening , September 15. j
Grain Steady at yesterdays' quotations.
Live stock Very little doing and nom
inally the same.
Provisions Quiet. There was the ordi
nary run of transactions on the streets.
Butter Very firm for choice.
Eggd Declined 2c.
Fruits Active , oranges hcarcc , grapes
plenty , apples fair supply.
. Poultry Steady.
Dry goods , drugs , paints , oils , etc.
Firm and merchants doing a 1 it-go business
this week. Country merchants attending
the state fair are generally ordering large
ly for fall and winter trade , v
. . i - "
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 10 ; cash
No. : ! . 1 02 : rejected 72c.
BAHLliS.- . Cash No y , OSc ; No. 3 , C3c.
11YK Cabh , SSjc.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 50e.
OATS. Cash. 303c.
Live Stock.
c Cattle Good shipping , 54 00 ; fat cows
-and heifers. 32 i. > @ 3 00.
Hogs Mixed packing , § 5 75@G 00.
Sheep Slaughtering in demand at ? 3 00
< 3)3 ) 75 per 100 Ibs gross.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
8325@350 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , § 3 75@4 00 ; patent ,
4 00@4 50 ; graham rye , $2 50 ; Wheat ,
"RYE FLOUR 33 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 70c ;
screenings , per cwt. 70@SOc ; shorts , per
cwt , 80c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 00 ; meal
"bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , SI 25.
POTATOES Market lower at 75c.
SWEET POTATOES Very nctira nt
3c per pound.
POULTRY-Livo chickens per dozen ,
42 C0@3 00.
per dozen.
EGGS Camllcd , scarce , lower at 20c.
BUTTER Choice scarce at 20@23 ; poor ,
no market ; creamery , 30c.
APPLES Good , Bound , $3 50@3 75
per bbl.
HONEY California white clorer in
comb , 25c ; Nebraska comb , lS@18c.
LEMONS Steady ; per box , S10 50
00. Finest Messina oranges § 3 00
UTAH PEACHES $2 50 per i bushel
EASTERN PEACHKS-Scarce , $1 00
(5)1 ) 1T > per basket , retail ; very fine , per
basket 82 00@2 75.
EASTERN PEARS-S bu. box , $1 00
@l 25.
TOMATOES-Per bushel , 75c@lOO.
DOMESTIC ( } RAPE3-Gettfiigac. rce
-at 5@5c per 11) .
< dJ400.
WATERMELONS-Homo-growu inex-
esslve supply ; iier 100 , § 1 00@5 00.
VEGHTAbLKS All kinds bring good
prices nnd scarce ;
BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c ,
Grocer * List ,
COFFEE. Rio , lair. 13 < c : Rio , good ,
14c ; Rio , prime to choice , f lie ; Old gov't
-Java ; 201@28c } , Mocha , 28Jc" ; Arbuckle's ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45friBc ;
Choice , 00@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@15c ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 3(5 ( ©
f > 0c ; choice , 05c@Sl 00 ; Japan Not Leaf ,
3Tc ; .Taian. choice , C0@7/ ; Oolong , go il ,
35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; , Souchong ,
goixl. : t540c ; choice. 3545c.
SUGARS -Cut loaf , lljc ; Onuhad ,
lljc ; Granulated , lO c ; Powdered. 11 4J
Fine jKiwdercd , llc ; Standard Colfea A.
lOlc ; New York Confectioner'H Standard
A , lO c ; Good A , lOo ; Prairie Extra ; O ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbln , 48c ; half
bis , f)0c ; kegs , 4k gallons , § 2 30 ; choice
table syrup , 45c ; half bbls , 48c ; kegS2 25.
-SPIOES.-Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c
Cloves , 45c ; Nutmo''u , 91 00 ; Cassia , 'irioi
Mace 81 00. .
BODA. D wight's Jb paperg , 83 00 ; De-
land do , 83 00 ; Church' * , fc3 00 ; Keg tods ,
STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss , 8J
@ 82c ; Corn Starch , 8j@0c ; Excelsior
GloMM. GVc ; Corn , 7ic.
SALT. Droy loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; Ash-
ton , In nackx , 3 50 ; bbu dairy < K > , 5s , 3 45 ;
bbli dairy , 100. 3 * . 305.
DRIED FRUITS-Cholce halves ,
peocheii , new crop , 0o ; Evai < o * ted A pple * ,
llhckbciric' , new , lie ,
CHEKSK-Full Cream , 11 ic ; Pait
Skim , Oc.
\\'ooniNWAUi-Twn : : hoop jnib
1 ? . " ; three hooii pniln , i > ] 0i No. I lulu ,
neO ; No. 2 tubs , . S 00 ; No , 3 tubs. 700
pioneer washWn | , 18. * . ; Double Crown ;
2 75 ; Glebe Washboard. 250 ; WellbuckoH ,
chain , nnd 5 ply , 2021 } ; Colore < i carpet
chain , per Hi , 20 ;
LKAD-Uir , 81 0' .
MATdHKS-l'cr avldfo. Me ; round
ca oi , $7.3 ; vquaro cases , St.OO.
PIlOVISlOXS-Breakfast Ifacon , II. .
Jhoico lanl , 13'cj dritd beef , Me ; fhmild-
crs , canvas.eil 9e ; h.uns , canvassed 1 J ;
liAcon , sides 11 } u
NKW PICICLKS-Medium , in barrel. ,
CO 00 ; do in Inlf bbls , 5 00 ; < mm11s , in bbN
llOOj do , In half bbls. 050 ; gherkins , in
bbln , 12 00) ) do , lu half bbls , 7 00.
VINF.GAU Pure apple c tra , Ific ;
pure npijle. ISc ; I'mssing pure apple , 15c.
llOMINV-N-cw , $3 SO per bbl.
DEANS Medium , hand picked $2.CO
per bushel.
° > < ! ' ! lrtrfior' °
. 1i J1 W , ' ? ' c
inch 0/c / inch lO
, ; ; , c.
SOAPS KirkV Savon Imperial , 315 ;
Kirk's natlnct. 3 to ; Kirk's stmidan ) , 3 30 ;
Kirk's white luv ! < lan , fi 00 : Kirk's Eutww ,
203 : Kirk's PrniiloQnoen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
10Kiik'sinaiHolin ; ; , I 30.
UANDIjl'-S IJotes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 8s ,
1 Icjboxcs 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Os. 14c ; boxes , 40
sets , 14 oz. , 8s , 13Jc ; half boxes , 20 sots
14 ox. , 8s , l.c. !
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3JO :
N estern , 2 75 : North Star , 2 CO ; Lewis'
lye , 4 ( iO.rewelllye ; , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 dor. ,
in case , 3 ! 0j Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in i-aw ,
1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SUED lied clover , choice ,
now , ST > 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
now , $575 ; vvhito clover , now , 31400
nlalfa clover , new , 51250 ; nlsikc , new ,
813 00. Timothy , good , now , § 2 50@2 65 ;
blue grass , extra clo81 2.5 ; blue grass ,
clean , 5115 ; orcliard grass , $2 00 ; red top ,
choice , C-jc-millet ; , common or Missouri ,
812. ) ; millet , German , § 125 ; to SI CO ;
Hungarian. SI 15.
HEDttKSBED Osage oramre , 1 to 5
bushels , > " > 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , § 4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35o ; per
100 Ibs. . 525 00.
10 lb kits , 75o ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"-
bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's
Hank codfish , ( Jc ; Gen , boneless codlish ;
3.c ; boneless fish , 42c.
MACKEREIHalfbblsmessiuackerel ,
100 Ibs , $1250 ; hfbbl No. 1 ox shore do ,
lOOlbs , 000 ; hf bbls , fat family" do , 100
ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ;
Mo. 1 ox shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 lb do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb
Field's ) , per case , 81 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
icr case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ,
J 00 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per cose , 2 40 ; do
J lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) ,
) er case , 2 00. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , 1
b , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2.1b , per dozen
! 50. Sardines , small Psh , imported , one-
luartcr boxes per box , 14 Jc ; American ,
piarter bo\w per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
) cr bov , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
. SO. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 lb per
: ase , 250 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain )
> er case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 100 ; do
! lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca = e , 350 ;
tring beans , per case , 1 00 ; Lima beam
> er caBe , 2 00. Succotash ] > er case , 2 10.
'eas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
icrcase , 4 50. Blackberries , 2lb , per case ,
150 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 70 :
aspberrics , 2 lb , per case , 2 75@3 00.
damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 25. Bartlett
ears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber-
ies per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb per
rae , 3 23 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50.
RICE Carolina , 01@7ic ; Louioiana , 5 ?
? 0jc.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten-
icbsee , Sic per lb ; faacy white , Do per lb ;
aiv white Virginia , 7@7ic.
' Drup-4. "
Jnrbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartaric , 5Dc : BuNain
! opabin , per lb , 75c ; Bark , Sassafras , per
j , 12o ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchoniuia ,
er m , SOc ; Chloroform , per lb , 0"c ;
) ovcr's powders , per lb , SI 40 ; Epsom
nits , per lb , 3Ju ; Glycerine , imre , per lb ,
4c ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22c ; Cor
oil 110 ° gallon IHc do 150 °
on , , per , ; ,
er gal , 13.c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal ,
110 ; Oil , Castor , No.S.per gal.SlOO ; Oil ,
Hive , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c
) pium , S4 50 ; Quinine , P. & W. tR. &
I. , per oz , S2 25 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb ;
2 , 50 ; Salacm , per oz , 35c : Sulphate of
lornhine , per oz , S3 Ojj Sulphur flour ,
er lb , 4c ; Strychnine , ner oz , SI 50c.
Dry Goods.
c ; Continental C , do , Sc ; Crescent LL
ic ; Crescent 0 74c , ; Crescent B 73c ;
frcscent A 8c ; Granitoville LL G.Jc ; In-
ian Head 7ic ; Lawrence LL , G c ; Ports-
louth P , dolie ; Utica C 5cj Winthrop
; , do , 7c ; Wachusetta 7ic.
ic ; New Yo'rk Mills 4-4 13c ; Pocassctt O
4 S\c. Wamsutta. 4-4 13c.
PRINTS. Allen's ' fancy , CJc " ; Ameri-
in do , Gtc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American
oGcBcrlfn ; solid colorsOc.CouestogadoGJc
iochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Cc ;
) unnell do , 7c ; Eddystono do Gc ;
lannony , 5Jc ; HartelGJc ; Knickerbocker ,
Jc ; Gloucester do , Gfc ; Hamilton , GJc ?
lamilton do. 7c : Marlboro do , 5jc ; Koufli-
ridge do , 5 c ; Sprague do , 5Jc ; Simp-
Southbridgo.GJc ; Mystic , GJc : Merri-
lack shirting , lie ; Washington oil colors ,
"CAMBRICS Garner , Be ; Harmony B ,
o ; Hooksett , 5o ; Keystone Glove Finish ,
\o' \ Wn hington , 5c.
"CORSET JKANS-Androscoggin sat-
8io ; Ijockwood do. 'Jc ; Naumkeag
o. , t'ie ; Rockport , 7jc
TKjKING-Amoskcag- . C. A- ,
led Stripe , l ( Jc ; ( Jonestoga , O. C. A. , inn-
y , 14c ; Conestoga , } , C. C. A. , 14c ; Cones-
) ga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , lOo ; Conehtoga ,
? Je ; Easton , B. , 9Jc ; Hamilton , D. , 11J ;
Ininiltoii regular , 13U- ; Hamilton H , ,
lie ; Omegasuiierior extra , 27c ; Omega
icdal , 2jc ; Omega A CA , fancy btripo ,
Be ; Omega A 4-4 , IGc ; Omega A g , 13 ;
'earl River , lOJc ; Shetuckct , S. , lOlo ;
hetucket , S. S. . 12c ;
OIL CLOTH 5-4 wood. $3 00 ; 5-4
mcv marble , S3 00 ; 5-1 white marble ,
2 85 ; 0 1 wood , S3 00 ; 0-4 fancy marble ,
i 00 ; G-i white marble , $3 85 ; 5-4 mo-
lie , S3 00 ; G-i mosaic , SI 00.
DENINS Amo.skcag blue nnd brown ,
Cc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown ,
i\c \ ; Beaver Creek , B. B.bluo and brown.
3Jc ; Bea\er Creek , C , 0. , blue mid
rown , 12Jc ; Everett D. D. , blue nnd
rown , 16J ; Haymakers blue and brown , Ii' '
jo ; Otie , A , X. A. , blue , 15o ; Otis B. B. "
hie , 14 ; Otis 0. O. , blue , 13o ; Pearl
liver blue and brown , 15Jo.
DUOKS Arlington stripe. 18- : ; Boston
ro , , 12c ; Bhmarck stripe , 17ic ; Boston
tripes , 13Jc ; Dundee ntn'pcs , ISo ; Fall
livnr , lljd ; Hamden O. O , , lOJc ; Lion
Hue , lljc.
BTHIPES American , IOc ; Amoskeag ,
lie ; Dexter A. . Mo ; Mcclianlca. 8c ;
mega , lie ; Otii 15. B , . lOoj Pittsneld , 7c ;
" " " '
Iiicasville ,
COrrONADES Angora. D. & T , , 25e :
r' L'24o ; Lewistou 10 oz. , 25o ; New York
illla checks 18 ; New York mills proof ,
2Je ; Wicklow.lBie ; Union Pacific , 18c ;
vliittemlnn , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light
'eight , ll'Jc.
23o , .1.10-1 do , 2rc ; PcppcrcllVJ-l brown
25o ; do 10-1 do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , 4t
inch , blenched , IHc ; Andrcwpoi'gln 0-4 ,
blenched , 20cj do 10-1 , bleached , 20c
I'epporcll , 9-1 , blenched , 15.10 ; do 10-1
blenched , 27jc ,
Horses nnd Mulct ,
Thn market is brl k nnd all gradd arc
selling well nt a slight advance In pi icon.
The dcnmiul for Rood hordes exceeds the
mtpply considerably. Prices range as fol
lows :
Finn simli drivers $150. to " 00. ; Extra
dr.ift horses S175. to 22. " . : Common draft
horses S100. to 150. : Extra farm her us
8110 , to 125. ; Common to good fnnu borers
S1IO. lo ? IOO. ; Extra plugs SIX ) , to 75. ;
Common plug * . 820. to Jj-10.
MULES. 1 < - . toi : > i ImiuN ( extra ) , Sir. ,
to l.'O. ; m to I.I hand$100. . to 140. ;
14 to lt\ hands , S7. ' . to 100. ; 13J to 14
hands , SCO. to 7.r >
Cigar * and Tobaccos.
CiaARR. Hoods. 615.00 : I'onuortirut ,
S2.\00j Mixed , S3.-.00 ; Seed Hnvana , $50.00 ;
Clear Havana , S7o.OO.
TOBACCO 1'LUtl. Golden Rule ,
21 lb , ( Up ; Spotted Fawn , 02e ; Our Rope ,
C.2e ; Star , pounds 21 lb , butts COc ; HOMO
Shoe , itomuK 21 lb , butts , 58c ; Purity. ' 24
FINE CUT In lulls-Hard to Beat ,
75o ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 7Sc ;
Favorite , ( i5c ; Rocky Mountain , 55c ;
Fancy , 50e ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil -
Catllii > 0 , S. , 2 oz packages 5 lb boxes ,
per Hi OOe : Lorillard's Tiger , OOe.
SMOKING All trradcs-Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated lllaokwclls Duiham , 10
o4ic ( ; Dukes Durham , 10 07 , 45c ; Seal of
North Carolina. 10 or , 40 ; Seal of NcV.vs.
ka , 10 oz , 38ej Ijono Jack , I 07. linen bags ,
per lb , SI.36 ; MarburgH1 Puck , 2 oz , tin
foil , CSoj Don' Tail. OSc.
FENCING No. 3 , 12 to 20 ft , S25 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; sheeting dressed
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards
liressed , 25 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M
24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00)22 ) ft. 28 00
21 ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish IT , 1 $ am
2 inch , S55 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch S50 00
No. 2. finish 1J , 1 * and 2 inch. S5000 : No
1 finish , 1 inch , 515 00 ; No , 3 finish , llnh
51000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin.
5150 ; well curbing , $35 00 ; rough 4 and '
inch battnni ) ) er 100 feet Hi1. . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS-A slock , 515 00 ;
? 40 00 ; O. $33 00 ; common stock , S27 50
FLOORING No. 1 , $12 50 ; No. 2
tf 7 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1
M ? > 00.
SIDING No. 1 , S27 50 ; No. 2 , $2500
So. 3 , S20 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; 0. G. No. 1
! 37 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
CEILING $30 00 < SS45 ) 00.
liingles S4 50 , No. 2 , S3 50 ; No. 3 , $2 50 ,
Jath , $4 25.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bull : per bu. ,
5c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster ,
ibl , 82 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tarred
sit 100 Ibs S3 50. Straw board , S4 00.
PAPER Stiawpnpcr , 3c ; rag paper ,
c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , IOc ;
ews paper , Sc.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12 ;
Ion is Run Blo- " > burg , S12 ; Whitobre.ibt
imp , SO ; Whitebrcnst nut , SO ; Iowa
miji , $0 : Iowa nut SO ; Rock Spi ings , S3 ;
Lnthrncitc , all sizes , Sll 00 ,
Hides , l-urs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7j ; green
iired hides , SJc ; green salt , p.irt cuieil
ides , S@gc ; diy Hint , sound , 13@14c ; dry
jlf and kip , 12@lSc ; dry salt hides t-ounii ,
l@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 Ibs , 10@Uc ;
reen calf , wt. under 8 Ibs per skin , 50c ;
rcen pelts , SI 00@115 ; green htmb skins ,
110@125 ; dam.iged'hidcs , two-third rate ,
: ut bcored and one grub , classed two-
DC ; No. 3 , 15e ; No. 4 , 5e. Fox , No. 1 ,
DC ; No. 2 , ' _ . " . Skunk , No. 1 , bbiclc ,
"ic ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 25c ;
road stripe , IOc. Tallow , 5J.
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; heavy ,
5@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ;
ib-woshed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30e ; dingy
id w. , 2Sc ; hurry , black and cottcd wools
§ Cc less
SHOT. Shot , S1.75 ; Buck shot , S2.00 ;
riental Powdnr , kegs , SU.40 ; do. , half
cgs , S3.48"do. ; , quarter kegs , S1.S7 ; Blast-
iK , kegs. 83.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50e.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , $3 25 ; plow steel , cant , 7 c ;
ist tool do , 15(5(20 ( ( wagon spoken , set ,
25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
ry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; axles ,
ten , 75c ; Enuaro nuts , per lb , 7@llc ;
ashers. per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , tier lb , He ;
ill chain , per lb , C@12e ; malleable , 8c ;
on wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow
eth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
eel. 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 40 ; 8 to 10 , 305 ;
I , 3 00 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 00 : 3d ,
le , G 40 ; clinch , all , 5 15 ; Gd , casing ,
05 ; 8d casing , 4 40 ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOd
lish , 4 G5 ; 8d finish , 4 90 ; Od hnish , 5 15 ;
ilf kcga. IOc extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL-Whito lead , Omaha
, P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & O. Co.pure ,
: ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ;
rench zinc , green seal ; 12o ; French /.Inc ,
d seal , He ; French zinc , in varnish awe ,
ic ; French zince , in oil asst , 15c ; Raw
id burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12o : raw and
irnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 18 * ;
fined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lno ;
ory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; .Prussian
ue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
een , I < . M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
een , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , ISe ;
'dian ' red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9e ; Tuscan
il , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &P. , ISc ;
irome yellow , L. , M. , O , &D , O. , 18c ;
illow ochre , Oo ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
yer , Oc ; graining colors : light oak , dark
i { , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Dry Paints
White lead , 0c ; French zinc. IOc ; Paris
liitelng 2ic ; whiting ulluen-i , ljc ;
lilting coml , lie ; liuiipblack Gorman-
wn. 14c ; lampblack , onlinon' , 8c ; Pms-
: in blue , 55c ; ultramarine , Inc ; Vandyke ,
own , 8c ; umber , ' burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
: ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , row , 4o
iris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com' :
ic ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chroml
een K. , 12c ; vennillion , Eng. , 70o ; vur- .
illion , America , 18e ; Indian red. lOe ,
se pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
io ; Venetian red Am. , I'/o / ; red lead , "ic ;
rome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel-
w , K. , 12c ; oehre , rochcllc , 3c ; ochre ,
renuh , 2Jc : ; ochre , American , He ;
mineral. 2Jpj lehigh brovni. 2 jo :
lirown. 2\c \ ; lrlnce'n minenu 3c ;
ANISHES Barrels per gal
itrniture , extavl00 ; furniture , No ,
icecJ , raw , per gallon'COc : Linseed , boil.
I , per gallon , G3c ; > lard , winter str'd , [ ier
, llon , U5o No. 1 , 70c , No. 2 , OOe ; castor ,
XX , per gallon , 112c , No. 3,1 0 > ; sweet ,
ir gallon , 85c ; Rpcrm , W. B. , per gallon-
35 ; fiiehW.B , , per gallon , OOe ; neatsfoot
tra , per gallon , 75c , No , 1 , 05 ; lumbcri ,
ting , /ero , per gallon , 30o , summer , 15o
ilden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , ! t5c , No ,
28e ; spenn , Bigual , per K"Hon , 80c ; tur
iiltine , jxir gallon. COc ; naptha , 74 dcg ,
T gallon 203. 0 < ie ,20c.
Liquor ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof , P2 ST per
ino gallon , extra California xpirltH ,
17 pioof at 120 per proof gallon
iple refined spirits. 18 ? proof , 81 21 ; per
oof gal re-distilled whiskies , 8100 ® 1 50 ;
10 blended , 81 50(5)2 ( ) 50 ; Kentucky hour-
ins , 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Peimsyl-
inia ryes , ? 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIKSImiwrted , | 0 00@1000 ;
) ine tie 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 C0@0 00 ; domentlc ,
HUMS Imported , t WWO 00 : NP
Miglnmi. 2 OOSS4 00 ; ( Ininpitie , 1 MWM 50
OUAMPAGNIvS-Iuiportcd twr CHIP
20 00 ® . ' ! I 00 ; American , per c.ue. 12 OOfu
1800 ,
WINKS Rhlncwino , | > errn e , ( JOOfjjrf
00 Catawba , per case 4 < Hi < j,7oo.
Grant ! Junction Knrltot.
GUANO .TuNcnojf. l.v , September 15.
Butter 13e.
Aiin. September 15.
On 'Chango market * were loss active
and an unsettled feehni ; prevailed. Thu
rccetnta of grain worn W.OOO huhel * liy
CAiinl nnd 1,021 cut limit hy r.ill , einhrnc' *
ing 59 cars of wheat. 827 of corn , "I of
oat , 14 of rj o , ntul 51 of Kirley.
Flour In K oil demand ixml strong ;
tran action < limited on Recount of miiitll
olfcrings ; common In clmico western
npriuili5tgC ! 50 ; do Minnesota. So 005i )
7 CO ; patents , 87 00 7 .0. .
Wheat No. 1 ! sprim ; more cpiiet nml
passed in this market , ktill n fair aggio-
gate business wa < trnn ntind in a speculative -
tivo way. The nmrki-t opened stronger ,
which was possibly duo to the r.\iny
weather. and price * VUTO about gCfjo
higher , but under free oircrinijs prices de-
clliicd H@lJc for the various future * ; the
market finally chued } c lower for sellrr
October , mul jjc lower far November on i
the regular bonrd , and mi the call nl 1 , I
1 2St for September ; 1 I0i ! for October ; :
1 33.1 for November ; 1 X > \ for December ; I '
1 28J for year.
Corn Market was not no active am
fc llng vrw steady ; early prices \\ero $ di
jo higher , but later in the day this 1m
provcmcnt wai lu tj olltrings were fair
shipping demand fairly acliva for No , :
and rojictcd ; market tin.-illy cloccd about
Jo higher on the regular bo.ud , and on tin
call nt Oljc for Septeiulict ; ti'ia for October
tobor ; GGJc for November ; ! " ! for Oecem
her ; Olgo for the year ; 72Jc for May.
Oats In fair demand mid higher bil
quiet ; Noi 2 closed on c.dl at IlOJo for
September ; -lOJo for October ; 43Jc for le
cembor ; 40cfor year ; 47Ji for May.
Rye Firmer ; No. 2 , l.OS for October
1 10 for November.
Barley Dull and easier : No. 2 , l.OS ®
1.08 } for September ; 1 03J1.09 for Octo
ber ; 1 0J } for November.
Pork Mos * closed at 1'J 17 } for Octo
ber ; 19 til ! } for November ; 10 40 tor Jan-
nary ; 10 CO for February.
Lard Easy , quiet mill steidy at 12 10
for September ; 12 ID for October ; 12 3T
for November ; 12 15 for year ; 12 70 for
January ; 12 80 for February ; 12 DO for
Hulk Meats Active but lower on ac
count of largo offerings ; Kliort ribs , 10 1 ! ( )
for October ; 10 12 } for November ; 10 25
( or January.
Whisky Quiet at 110.
Receipts Flour 11,720 bbls ; wheat ,
2 , % 8 bu ; corn , 3G8.G24 bu ; oats , 42 , 120
bu : rye , 13,519 bu ; barley , 2.5,572 bu.
Shipments Flour , 10,054 bbls ; wheat ,
113,007 bu ; corn , 590,508 1m. : oat , 113,201
bu ; rye , 7,507 bu : barley , 12,441 bu.
Now York Produce-
NEW YOIIIC , September 15.
Flour Quiet ami in moderate demand.
Wheat Opencd'J@e lower , but closed
strong with part of decline recovered ; de
mand moderate ; npot sales of No. 3
ied winter , 1 421 4H ; No. 1 do , 1 48f
3148 } ; mixed winter , f 42f } fll 43 ; No. 2
Slncago and Milwaukee , 1 aSJ iH 3' ) ; No.
2 white , 1 40.l 40J ; No. 2 red , 1 40 ©
I 47 forS.eptmber ,
Corn J@lo lower and trade less active ;
ungraded ini\ed , 0171c ; Xo.3 , 09 ; No.
2 , 7171c ; steamer mixed , 70c ; No. 2 ,
* 0c bid for Seplember.
Oats Whits , J@lo higher ; mixed , dull
and weak ; No. 1 white , JiUJc ; No. 2 do ,
50J < 5 > 5Ho ; No. 1 mixed , 41c ; No. 2 do ,
13Mt43Jc ; and mixi-d western , 42 © Uu.
Jtyo Quiet at 1 00@1 07 for loads
xnd car lots.
Pork Dull and weak ; spot sales of
30W mean. 19 7C20 00. *
liilxl Fairly active attd'hlcailrj
L2 37 } for cash.
lloef Nominal.
Cut Mc ts Nominal. .
Baltimore Prodnco ,
BAMJMOUE , September 15.
Floiu Strong.
Wheat Southern iiuiot ; fall 1 J0@l 43 ;
OUB berry , 14(5@l ( 51 ; No. 2 red winter ,
veak and lower ; 1 41 } for cash and Scp-
lember ; 1 40 for October.
Corn White southern quiet at OOe ; ycl-
ow quiet at 72o ; mixed western , dull and
ovvcr at C7i@07Jo ( for cash and Si'pttm-
Iilvo Stooli ,
EABT LIDKIITV , 1'a. , September 15 ,
Cattle Slow and imchanKod ; rceeiptn ,
,277 ; nhipmcnts , 1,501. , Fair to beat ,
i 75@G 00 ; fair to good , 4 50@5 00 ; com-
non , 3 50@4 25.
Hogs lirm ; receipts , 2,400 ; shipments.
,800 ; Philadelphia * , 710@7 30 ; Yorkem ,
i 50@0 70 ; grassers , fi 2. @ 0 50.
Sheep Unchanged ; receipts , 800 ; ship-
iicnts , 800 ; prices ranf.o from 3 50@ 1 80 ,
Fhiladolpbln Produce.
Pllll.ADKl.l'IllA , September 15.
Wheat Easier at 1 441 45 ? for cash
, nd September ; 1IBJ for October.
Corn -Easier ; C0i < g(70ic ( for cash and
icptember ; 71Sc@72 for October ,
Oats Steady r.t 48@48Jo for cash ; 47J
or September.
Liverpool Produce.
JjiVKiiroot , . September 15 ,
Flour Amcilean , 1U ) Od liSs
Wheat Winter , 10d 8dCall ) Id ; white ,
Oi 7dr5)lls ) Id ; sprhijf , 10j ( 10i 4d ; club ,
0 < lld@lls4d.
Corn ( is.
Lanl tilin Od.
Pork 78 Od.
Toledo Proaaoo
I'oLKiio , Koptonibcrlfi.
No market ; iiession of the board of trade
o-day adjourned for thu tri-etato fair ,
Chicago Llvo Stock.
f'iiio. < ! ; . Soitteinbor 15.
IfogH Receipts , 27,000 ; t-hlpmentH , 3 , .
00. Market quiet and weak ; lOc lower ;
nixea packing , ( > > ( $ < ) U5 ; light , (1 ( 40 ©
00 ; choice htavy , 0 OOGd 7 10 ; culls unit
Cattle UecciptH , 7/XX ) ; Hhlpmrnto , 3-
00 ; m.irket f.trong ; exports , C20SI70 ( ! ;
hipning , 5 005M5 00 ; common , 4 00 5 75 ;
iiiteherf , 2 0fe4 10 ! ; Tisans , nctivo at3 20
i3 80 ; half breeds and nutiveH , 300fe
Sheep liecoipts , 2. GOO ; shipment ! * , none ;
emand nrthe. coninion to fuir,4 OO t 20 ;
nod to choice , 4COfeH)5. )
St , Zioni * Produce-
ST. LOUJU , Ropttiuhcr 15.
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Opened better , then declined
nd became niihettlcd ; No. 2 red , 1 444
a hj 1 40 October ; 141)J ) November ; 1 G1&
) ccembcr.
Com Opened higher and declined
38o for cash ; OSjjo for October ; ( ! 8o for
November ; COJo fur Duceiuber ; 7U o fur
Oats Tjowcr ; 42jo cash ; 43o OctolR-r ;
5o November ; 4Go December.
Ilye-Slow ; 1 07 0 bid.
Uarloy Unchangedj Wisconsin 00c@
15 ,
Lead Firm at 5 12J.
UtiUer-Jietter ; dairy. 20@30o.
J-K : a-QllIet ttt l'-@Hc. s
Whisky-Steady at 110.
Fork Lower at 19 75.
Lird Nominally lower nt 12 15 ,
Keceinii Flour , C.OOObbln.j wheat , 30 , .
00 bu ; corn , 30,000 bu ; oats , 38,000 bu ;
ye. l.OOOJbu ; b&rloy , 4,0001m.
ShipmentH Flour , 1,000 bbln. ; wheat ,
4,000 bu ; corn , < i5,000 bu ; oat * , 0,000 bu ;
K , 1,000 buj larlojr , none.
clS3B3SR fl
and Farnham Streets ,
And. Manufacturer's Agents for
Special Bargains to Cash and Prompt Time Buy-1
BPS , and every possible Inducement Extended to
W remove to our Mammoth New Store , or ;
! 0th St. , about January 1st. Dimensions , 100x135 ,
: our stories high.
Cleveland Blurlcot' ) , September 15.
Petroleum Firm ; standard white ,
10 ® I 07.
Poorla Produoo.
PKOUIA , Scr.tcmber 15.
Corn Steady ; high mixed , Gljc ; No. 3 ,
nixed. OHc.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 43'-a41. { ;
Kru stiirk /rrcgtilar aim easy ot
: osj@i oy } .
Highwine.s Market steady nt 114.
Receipts Wheat , none ; coin , 41 ,
100 bu ; oats , 37,100 bu ; rye , 0,100 bu ;
jarley , 500 bu ; higlfvv ines , none.
Shipments Wheat , 2,000 bu ; corn53-
100 ; oatt. , 50,750 bii ; rye , 2,000 bu ; bar-
ey , COO bu ; highwiiies , none.
Plttsburc Oil Market.
PiTTsnuiiii , September 15.
The oil market opened at OUc ; closed
it OSc ; New York , 8Jc ; Antwerp , 22
ranenj Charters yesterday were 63,800
larrels. Shipments yestcixlay were 58,810
larrels ; sales at Oil City yesterday were
,531,000 barrels ; Pittsburg salea ycstcr-
lay were 378.000 barrels.
Cincinnati Produce.
CINCINNATI , September 15.
Provisions Mess pork , jobbing , 20 75.
Lard Steady ; current make , 12 05.
Bulk Meats Dull ; clear Bide , 12 00.
Bacon Quiet ; clear sides , 11 25.
Flour Firm ; family , G 50@7 00.
Wheat-Firm ; No. 2 red , 1 47.
Corn Finn ; No. 2 mixed , 70.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 45.
Rye Firmer ; No. 2 , 110J.
Barley Steady ; No. 2 fall , 110.
Whisky Firmer at 1 14.
Bt Louis Iiivo Stock.
Sr. LOUIH , September IS.
Hogs Active and higher ; Yorkers , G 40
5G GO ; packing , G 30f ,0 80 ; butcher * to
niiey heavy. 0 U0@7 30 ; pigs , 5 50@G 15.
leceipts , G,800 , ; shlpmsnts , 2.400.
flie Greatest Tariety
> rices so LOW as Defy
A.ny Honest Competi
tion at
On Farnham Street.
. R. CUBKHOJI , A 0-
Clarkson & Hunt ,
Bucccoxr" In nithsrdi ft Hunt ,
8 UthBtrtet OmluNob.
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.
Max MEYER & CO. ,
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards ,
Pipes from 26c , per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards. '