t' ' TH 111 OMAHA DAILY BEE tfBIDAY jSBPTEMBIilR LG , 1881 * " * " F FRENCH VISlf&R , Description of 'the Mhip * "Tri- oniplmnt'o. " Her Grcnt Speed , Immense Guns , Projectiles' , Wlillolu-ml Tor- pcdooa and Elootrlo Lights. , & \n I'ranclsco Chronicle , It in seldom thnt tlio pcoplo of San Francisco Imvo ns good mi oppor- tdnity aa.nt the present to obtain an idea of the fbriuidablo ships of war that constitute the navies ot the Eu ropean powers. The French frgato Triomphanto , which lately arrived from Tahiti , entered the dry dock at Hunter's Point on Tuesday last. * \ Chronicle reporter visited the r.hip nnd obtained from inspection and in- 1 formation thu following particulars 111 to1 the size , power , build and anna- niQtit of the vessel. t The diircrcnco between the Triom- phantc , which only ranks as a second * class ship in the French uavyniul th so-called first-class vespols 111 ournav ; is astounding. Our ships would ap pear like a phantom fleet in compari son with the most insignificant displaj of the French fsquadron in the Pact lio. The immense bulk of tlio ship almost filling , the dock , strikes tin visitor upon entering. At a distance of about ton feet from her low wale ; line , the Triomphaiitc has u project * ing spur or ram. This ram is of solic ; bronx.e , and in shape resembles t swan's breast. mr.ow : THE WAI EU LINK. As she rests on tho' massive blocks on the lloorof the clock , her well-pro portioned lines , the contour of her mold and her line entrance and clean run are points which are not visible when the ship is in the water. From the k'ool to j height of 22K feet the ship is unarm orcd. The Lull is constructed en tirely of iron and teak , a wood whicl ; ranks high us material for shipbuihl ing in the European dock yards. Be * low the water line the vessel is sheathed with pure copper , over three- inch felt. Considering the fact that the Triomphanto has not been in dock Binco she left Franco , some eighteei months ago , her bottom is wonder fully clean. ( With the execution of two or three sheets of metal , winch have been rubbed oil by contact with the coral reofn of the youth Sea Is lands , tlio copper is perfectly intact. Her propeller is of a now type , the blades having u largo disc area. The diameter is 18 feet (5 inches The pitch is 38 feet 11 inches at the for ward edge nnd " 0 feet 11 inches at the after edge , giving a mean of 10 feet 11 inches. The disc area is .283 of the whole area , When the ship running at full speed , 13.2 knots an hour , the vibration is almost nothing. The points of the Wade , buing curved inward to the stern , check any cen trifugal tendency of the water as the ship travels through it. The mntoiial used is gun motdl. THK AUMOH PLATING. Above the water line the armor plating commences. The belt , which consists of six inches of solid plates , tapering to 4.7 inches at the ends , ex tends up the main deck beams. The casematcd spar deck , which carries the two barbette turrets , is also armor ed. These iron plates are bolted by means of'tnp bolts on to a twenty-six- inch backing of East Indian teak , which again is secured to the iron diagonal frames , beams and straps by counter-sunk bolts and screws. Be tween the armor and the wood , sheets of tarred felt are placed to proven t any moisture. Additional thicknesses of tarred felt and paper are in position \ along the water lincat the point wJiori the armor plating commences. Thia precaution is necessary to arrest any galvanic action that might trtko place. Eight water-tiyht bulkheads run from the keel to the main deck , having iron doors which are elo.scd in .action. Tlio construction of the cntiro ship is perfect in detail. Commodious qtmr tera for ollicoivt are on the main deck uft , those for the petty oflieors and seamen being forward. The admiral's apartments nio at the stern , and , in addition , a lightly-built cabin is fitted on the spar-deuk for his use in warm weather. The engines arc below the water line , .and are of the compound horizontal kind. Of 2,400 hoiso power , they drive the ship at the rate of 13.2 knots an hour. TUB BUAMJIKLIOIITS. The engine'room also contains the oxcitator and generator of the Grammo pattern electric light. The lamp is situated on the bridge , and its illumi nating power is equal to 800 candles. By a means of a series of slides , signals may bo niado to cither the shore or to ships , or in the event of : i torpedo attack being expected its light serves to show the approach of boats , Tlio steam launch , which is used to carry torpedoes , has a small Gramme light , which , fitting into the stern , furnishes light to a laino in position at his bow , The unyino for compressing the air , used as a means of propulsion by the Whitehead tor pedoes , is also in this portion of the ship. A small engine , which works the steering gear , pumps , and the electric light machine. , stands upon an elevated platform over the main en gines , As a means of protection to the engines against missiln , the coal bunkers are carried oti either side of the machinery and boilers. HEAVY AIIMAME.NT , The guns nro of the French style of breech-loadcra. Those on tlio main deck are 0.45 in calibre , weight 15 tons each , in length 14 feet , and have 24 grooves. The powder charge is 01.7 pounds , whiio the projectile weighs 317 pounds , and is able to penetrate 11.1 inches of solid steel ar mor plate. They are six in number. In the barbette turrets on the spar decks are two 10.8-inch breech-loading guns. These largo pieces of ordnance weigh 22 tons each , nro 17A foot long , hnvo 2(1 ( girores and carry n shot of170 pounds , with a powder eliargc of 00 pounds. Their penetra tive powder is 12 inches of steel plates. A single sun o'f the same call- lire id mounted in tho'bowof the ship. nix oj-inch c union , weighing two tons each , mo placed in the top to re pel boarders. There are also four small brass guns by lauding of boat parties. T01tra > 0 AITAltATUK. .1 fJJieTi-itinphan to lioad torpedo. Immediately above the water line are two ports. When | ho torpedoes are to bo used they nro .launched through these ports. An observer , viewing the torpedo boat on its platform , would imngino it to bo a preserved specimen of seine fish , The curious apparatus is about thirteen feet in length and fifteen inchc.i in diamoter-at the center. It is built of thin steel and is cigar shaped. The interior contains the projectile air engines , a series of wheels for regu lating the speed , depth of flotation , distance of run , and security of firing ariangemonts. The anterior portion contains the torpedo , the tail part the mechanism. Tin's mechanism is a marvel of construction. There nro three cylinders which work up to 40 horse power , which do not weigl over thirty-live pounds. Thos propel the screw and wor the rudder and the apparatui which guides the deadly weapon o its course. Another apparatus throw : the detonating substance out of gca : if it faijs to hit the object intended The torpcdw , after accomplishing iti work , ( huts on tlio surface. At a dis tancu of 220 yards it runs at thu vati of twenty-four miles an hour , and a a speed of sixteen knots will occupy minute and a half traversing 1,001 yards. The cost of each torpedo about § 1,81(5 , exclusive of the boat The weight of the torpedo itself , is when charged with gun-cotton , 58' pounds , As the olliccrs of the variou European navies are pledged on thei honor not to reveal the internal sys tern of the mechanism of the white head torpedo , a fuller descriptioi could not be ascertained. METHOD ( ) ! ' niUNO Till' EXPLOSIVES , Immediately forward of the engine room is a cabin containing n scriei of batteries and electric wires or ox plotting torpedoes , of which the ship carries a quantity. In firing off thes explosives communication is main tained between the officer in commaiu and the electrician from the'deck bj speaking tubes. The contact wirei are colored blue and yollew , for oitho : the port * r starboard sides. By closing the contact the torpedo is exploded against an enemy approaching. Th Triomphanto has small arms , of i magazine type , called the Taba ioro gun , somewhat similar in con structton to the Winchester rifle , Every portion of the ship is in ox * quisito order , and , considering her long cruise , is highly indicative of the care and energy displayed by the officers. The L'riomphanto was built at llochefort in 1877 , and went to sea in 187 ! ) . Her dimensions are 248 feet length , 47.2 feet beam , with n draught of 21 feet when immersed. Of 4147 tons , she is of a class of war ships highly chteemcd by French naval cir cles. cles.I'ho I'ho exorbitant charges made by the dock owners will preclude future patronage from not only the Fiench , but from other navies. The cost of docking the Triomphanto , exclusive of labor on the chip , was $9000 for four diiyd. Such heavy rates are not charged in any part of the world , es pecially to war shijw , and it seems short-sighted policy in the company to make such heavy demands. The Triomphante came out of dock on Friday and proceeded to her moorings off Washington street wharf. A Real R.omr.iico According to Zola. Gcrvaiso was in her room. Her Jitho form reposed gracefully against a cheap wooden table on which stood a pitcher , the handle of which was gene , while her foot rested on a chair seine distance away. Delicate , shape ly feet they were , and not puffy and coarse , and red like her hands , on which the continual use of hot water in the wash-house was beginning to toll. A step was heard on the stair way , a heavy , uncertain step that re minded ono of a lame mule going down hill. ( Jervaise hastily cleaned out her ear and listened. Tho' stop came nearer and nearer. At last it was directly in front'of the door. There it stopped , Gervaiso held her breath. Slip wasVuirious , and did not want to drive the unknown visitor away. There was a knock at the door. "Como in , " said Gorvaiso. Tlio door opened and Big Eliza "en tered. "Well , I declare to goodness I" said Gervaiso. "I never should have known it was you. What makes you lamoV" For an instant Big Eliza did not speak. Her face flushed , and she kicked nervously with her reliable foot at the cat that sat purring by the hcarti } > "Alphonso did it , " she said at last. "What , little Alphonso , the sonlot the man wha catches dogs for the pound ? " queried Gcrvaiso ; "why , now could that little fo low do it ? " A look of terrible rage passed over Big Eliza's face , making her countenance - nanco absolutely livid. "He got mo to ride a bicycle , " she said at last , the words being spoken in a husky tone that betokened her great excitement. "What's in the pitcher ? " she said , glancing toward the table. "Beer , " responded Gorvaiso. "Bock or Bilsener' ( " "Weiss. " Big Eliza took up the pitcher and swallowed its contents. "I feel better now , " she said. "You look it. " The two womnn sat talking about the current topics of Itat alloy how A dole's husband got thirty days for drunk and disorderly , the kicking of red-headed Nanette down thrcoflights of back stairs by her husband of a month , and the other bits of society gossip in which women are always in terested. Suddenly their chat was interrupted by the opening of the iloor. A man whom neither of them know stood in the hall. "Does W. 11. Coupeau live here ? " lie asked. "Yes , " said Gorvaisc , "Aro you his wife ? " "Yea/1 "You hod better go to him. You , vill find him nfc the morgue. " "Groat God , man ! how did ho die ? " jxclainicd Gervinse- an agony of , 'iinf as she put on her shoos. "ITo fell off the shot tower , " "Thank heaven for that , " said the joreavod woman. "Tho tower is 274 'eet high , and iny poor darling at east hud time to repent. " L'Assommoir hr.d done its work . Emilu FROM THE SCENE OF AVAR. Grnpliio Dccurlptloii liy Lady Trav eler * of the Recent luiHuu. Mn St. Ixwla Globe-Democrat , Pent. IS. Among the arrivals at the Lindel hotel last evening was Miss Gertio Constance and Miss Annie Constance , daughter's of Dr. Constance , of t'oru , Ind , , who are direct from Lake Val ley , Now [ Mexico , the sceuo of the lute Indian outbreak , Tlio two la dies , who have traveled alone from Now Mexico , are en ronto to I'liilndcl- phia with the will of George Dailoy , who was killed in the Lake Valley masancro by the Ap.iches . , in their possession , Dailoy , who wa.i well known at all the mining exchanges of the country , was a miner and cattle man , being inter ested in n largo number of mines and ranches in Colorado and New Mexico. The ladies , who are highly cultivated. and .intelligent , give a very ntorest- ing account of the Indian difficulties and the battle in Lake valley , all of which lias been narrated in the dis patches published in The Globe-Dem ocrat. Miss Gertie , the elder of the two ladies , states that Dailoy had some of her capital for investment , and that she went to New Mexico , partial ly for recreation and partially to see that her funds were properly dis posed of , and thai her sister Annie accompanied tier tor the improvement of her health. She was at Dailcy's ranch when news of the Indian out break was brought in , and Dailoy vol unteered to join the soldiers and take part in the light. Before leaving for the battle-ground he niadu his will and placed it in her possession , with thu injunction to deliver it to his fam ily in Philadelphia should ho bo killed , which accounts for her being in possession of the document. The Indians , under the command of Nairn , ono of Victoria's old followers , entrapped - trapped the soldiers in ' a canyon about fifteen miles from 'tlio ranch , and Dailoy was killed. Dailcy was armed with a breech-loading gun purchased at the Paris exposition. The gun carried explosive balls , and the first intimation of Dailey's death was an explosive ball fired by Indians , which struck a rock , explod ed , and killed a colored soldier. The ladies , who state they were in New Mexico about three months , are full of information concerning the soldiers , the Indians and Gen. Hatch. As an illustration of how the regular * fight Indians , Miss Gortio states that ac cording to the statements of the sol diers who were in the battle , not an Indian was scon during the whole fight. On another occasion the .only Indians seen were some squaws on the toj ) of a blufi' who had boon picking the soldiers oft"vith their carbines for some time before being discovered. They had frequently heard oflicerssay that they had gone through Indian battles without seeing an Indian. The soldiers killed the squaws as well as the ' 'bucks , " and never took an In dian prisoner. The people of Now Mexico were in favor of exterminat ing the Indians and wanted arms for that purpose. Miss Gertio carried a five-shooter silver mounted revolver in her trunk , however which she showed the reporter , and which she said she know how to manipulate. Miss Annie had a , fine dirk , which she stated , while in the hands of a lieutenant , had killed an Indian. The ladies also had in their posses sion the samples of a plant used by the Indians in poisoning niiiiimls and sprincs. Both ladies expect an in stallment of Indian scalps soon , hav ing been promised an assortment when the next battle took place. They think the Indians all ought to bo dead , and that there is no such thing as a good live Indian. The Indians ob tained uojut 84,000 worth of valua bles from D.iiley's dead body , but t neither stripped nor disfigured it. I The Ijavr of Kindness. IH universal ; it alfccts all the human family , all animals , and may bo uvon found iu patent medicines. Soiuo are ilnihtic , and the patient ia obliged to Buf fer paim woreo tlian tlio disease ; but in CiiM'ri of obstinate constipation , dyxpeii.si.a , there id no remedy FO kind , to ( jentlo In its cifects , and yet HO satisfactory as liuu- IIOCK llr.ooi ) ] 5iTTK s. 1'rico § 1,00 , trial bizo 10 cunts. Paralyzed the Court. "I the of the move discharge pris oner , " said Counsel William D. Daly , us ho stepped up alongside a , dilapi dated specimen of humanity in Judge Poloubct's court in Jersey City. "On what grounds , " queried the : ourt. "Mental incapacity , " said Mr. Daly. The court took a scrutiny of the tramp through its fiold-riniined glasses and remarked , "I can't see that there is any mental incapacity about liim. What do you mean ? " "I moan , may it please the court , that he's mentally incapable of esti mating the amount of Jersey City whisky ho can fill in without opilling. " After Clerk Kconan had poured some ice-water down the court's throat it recovered sufficiently to re mark : "Tho prisoner is discharged , and , Counsellor Daly , the next tiino you ittempt to paralyze this court of jus tice she'll send you up for six months , if she knows herself , and she thinks jl\o \ does. " Buolrliu'd Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , Fever sores , totter , chapped hands , jhillblains , corns and all kinds of ikin eruptions. This salvo is guar- inteed to give perfect satisfaction in uvory case or money refunded , i'rico , 25o per box. For aalo by IHII fc MoMAHON , Omaha. NOTICE. Tlio jKtrtticnililp heretofore existing lictuccn U. W llnrtlttiui and Win. ( luilmrB , Known an lllff.oiirl Valley Holler aii'l Miect Iron Works , In lUhoheil by mutual content. All lilll * due tliu Inn will lie collected liy Mr. Ilartlirnn ami all no omits oraliist tlio linn will l > u paid ! > y him. 1J.W. HAimUA.V , s3-3t \VJI , ( JUB1IUUBT. SIBBETT & FDLLBB , ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW , j > / VID cmr , NEB. fi | < clil attention uUim tooolcuUm ) In Duller "N-inu Om Imn Aitt-nt rr COMJilHIA i andO'JTOUK rtLi.S ; : , Beml throottnt ntsrrji forCataloxuo ftnil prieo lint containing full Information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Puinta.Oil * and Gins OMAHA , NEH A bnd brcalh may result from ixcldlty of tlio utoninch , or from biliousness , n cltlicr nwc it fcwdo c < ol Tarraut's Seltzer Aperient , administered iicconllnif to directions , will np plant this unpleasant coiiipnhlon with nevcit and hrnlthtnl onp. HNnmlino eorroctl > c , fpu Hilly snlt-iMo for warm weather , unit leavcstho f ) item strong to lo lt work of rccii | > eratlon. 801,1) IlY AM , UllUGGISTVI EVERY LADY There exists n menus of so curiiicr n soft nnd brilliant Complexion , no matter lion- poor it may naturally be. Human's JHnxnoIia Balm is a delicate ami harmless arti- delicate and natural are its effects that Its nso is not suspected by anybody. ! No lady lias the right to present ; n disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Halm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. No Changing Oars Whcro direct connections nro mtulo with Through SLEEPING OAll LINKS for NEW YOP.K , noSTON. 1'HILADKLVHIA , BALT1MOHK , WASHINGTON AND ALL EASTERN ITIE8. The Short Line via. Peoria nor INDIANAPOLIS , ClhX'INNATI , LOUIE VILLB , ni.J all points , ) ! ! thu " " . ' TIK BKST LINI For ST. LOUISr IVhcro direct ctmnectnna are made in the Union Depot with the Through SleqiinR Car Lints for ALL 1'OliNTd 8 CS TTJc" 3J3C . KEW iifiE'HiEs mms THE FAVOUITU HOUTE FOU Rock Island. Tlio uneq\alc l imlncjiuunts oltcrcd \ > y this line to tra > clcrs and tonrlhU nro nx follane : Thu uclchratcd PULLMAN (10-wlicol ( ) PALACE 3LKKPINO CAItS run only on this HIIU 0. , II. fc ( J. PALACK . "IIAWINU KOOM CAUS , with Horton'a llocllnin Chulru. Ko extra clia.igo for scats in Reclining Chair a , IhofumoiuG. , II , ti } . I'alaco Dlnhi ) , ' Card. Gorgoonn .SinoHtii , ' Cars fitted with elegant hlth'luckctl ; rattan rcNohln ihalrs , for the cxclinho use ol llrut-elads i > ia8oic jors. jors.Steel Track and superior equipment combined with ther ) ( M t Ihron h car arnngutncnt , mnlicn thln'al , > o\o all others , the ftuorito routu to'thv East , Suutli and SoiiUicrwt. Try It , and jou will flnd traveling a luxury In itcail of a discomfort. Through tickets via tills celebrated line for Bale xt all ollicud In the United States and Canada. All Information about rates of fare , Sleeping Car accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will bt : hcerfully given by applying to fKKOKVAL LOWELL , General PaMjanircr Audit , Chicago. T. J. I'OTTEIt , 'cr Chlcacro. 1880. 8HQRTJ.INE , 1880. KANSAS CITY , StJoeft Council Bluffs U TUK ONI/r Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIUEASF From Omaha and the West. STo change of cars between Omtha and bv. uouli , ted but ono between OMAHA and ] NEW YOIIK. ECX2IC Daily Passenger-Trains SUACU1NO ALL SASTEnH AND WESTERN CITIEH.wlth LESS CHARGES and IN ADVANCE of ALU OTHER LINUS. Thla entire line Is c < | Uim > eJ with Pullmui'i ? alaco Sleeping Can , I'alaco I lay Com lien , Mlllor'i Safety riatform and Coupler , And the celebrated iVcetlnghoutie Alr-lirako. tarUtio that your ticket reads VIA nANflAS JIT If , bT. JOSEPH & COUNCIL BLUFKH Xlail. cud , via St , Joseph and tit. I/nils. Tickets for ealo at all coupon , stations In th Vent. J. F. IIARNAltD , \ * 0. DA WES , Oen , Bnpt. , St. Joheiih , iloj Gen. robs , and Ticket Agt. , St. Joaepli , Mo.f | AHDT IlouoKN , Ticket Agent , 1020 Fariiham itrf t. A. 0. lUui AUD. General Agent , _ OMAHA , NE _ DexterL.ThonmsMro. WILL DUY AND SELL AND ALL TftANHAVIIOH CONNKCTKI ) TIIRIIKWITH , ? uy Taxes , Rout Houses , Etc. If YOU WANT TO KVV OR KKLL ! all at OOice , Itootu 8 , Crclgliton Illoik , Omaha , BOGCS & HILL , 9EAL ESTATE BROKERS. No , 1508 Fan-ham Street , OMC.A. - - OW3P3B. ) rncn North eldo op'p , Grand Central Hotel. IE MAM - Mti ! finite ! " ' vvlot bottiR Iho moil direct. quickest , Mill Mfv ( t linn conncrtlng the urfat ! otro | > ell , ( 'III CAtlO , mid Iho r.vsTMtx , Sontil-rAiTHRV , "OUTII and Sortli KAHtniN LINKS , which tormlnito then- , with KASIAH Citv , l.K.AU\Monrn , AICIIHOX , I'ofsnt. Itwrr.i niul OHIAIU , the OounxnriAi , ( r.NTtni Irom uhkh ridiato EVERY LINE OF ROAD ( hit ppnetritM thoOontlnrnt from Iho Itltcr to Hi" Pacific Slope. 'Ilia OHIOAH ( ) HOOK ISLAND rt 1'A- OIFIO ll\1l\VAV tl'O only line from Olileaio mi-iilng trip * Inti > , or whldi , hv Us imn road , rcnelm the tiatinto ItVIICtl. Xo IKAt-.FMiRIIY t'AKKttOK1 ' N'O VIMIMI COtMtCTHWll No lllllMllllj III HI- ictitllntiil or unclean cnri , n ptury piioion tr i * > Carried In roomy , clcnn ami \ eutlhtoii con ln" ipou ttwt lixnrpju Train" , DAT OAIIMOI vmrhnlnl tnvrnlllrpiirp , PUU.MAN l'.u.ACKHUKriMiC'\Rs , ami onr < i n world f.itiion < llixisn Urj , IIIHMI wliirh inrnli 11 r MTUI ! ol tin mir ) iv | ii\n-llcnrc , nt thu low riilb of Sm > M > FINK CKSTA XAt'il , with nnipla thn f > r hinlllifnl cnjojincnt. Through Cini between Uhliivii.1 , Peorla , Mil , \7iiikco iiivl .Missouri UlM'r I'olnn ; nud clixoiiin iixtloiijatalli ! iint ot InliTAxtloii with otlur niads. \VotUktt ( do not forjjet this ) illnttly to oieri nhco of hiipflrLmca hi Kan , Nibraska , Ulu-K 'II1U ' , U'yomliu' , 1'lnli , lil-\lio , Ko\a > K , linllfornla , ) reKon , WaHliliiKtoti lertltory , C\ilorado , Ariiona nnd N'cvMiivlco. . Anllliorul arratiircmt'iitfl re anlmif IIAKKRUV M , ny otlur line , ami ratcn of firii alwayn at' oas competitor , who fnrnUh but n tltlmof the i'cin- 'ort. 'ort.Dogs anil tackle of nK > rti en f rru. TicKct * . nnpH and lolilrrs at nil prlnclivil llct-j ) In thu l.'nlted Stalen and Otn.vla. it. n. CAIILI : , i : . ST. JOHN , Vice PreVt .t ( leti. Oon. Tkt andPi'VrAg Manaifcr. Chlcniro Cnlmiro. 01JD1NANOE KO. 178. Vti onUnnuco concerning the Onmlia TInrAo Kallwny. I5e it ordained bj- the City Council of the City ( if Omilii : : , ns follows : SKCTION 1. Hwhcvcliy tk-clnrcil unlinv- ul for any | njrmn < ir iiemonH to HIIIICCTH- inrily obstruct , ilelny , or in any iiiauiiot nturfuro witli the fit'o jiiviinijo < it tlio c-nrn ilong thu truck of thuOnmlm Hoiso liail- ivny , or to penult tlio winio to be ttono by uny tonin , vchiclcor othorthitiKtinilurlils or their chafjtorcciitrol , | irnviileU that all liio ippir\tus : shall Itnvo the light to cios-t iilch truck n any anil all toaiin , but Riich apparatus nh.ill not bo allowed to ohstri"t inch track any luiiKt-r than ii nb- 'ciltitely ' necessary , and provided fur- , hcr thnt. buildings or other heavy lnncet may bo moved aciOM ) truck at any time during the day ben - n i ) and 11 o'clock a. in. , nnd U and -I ( 'clock i > , m , , upon an lioura' notice firt ifitiR given of such cro sing tdtho SiiH'r- | 'ntvndent or other iniinnginjodiccr of thu : ) maha llorso 1'uihvny Conipnny , which 'aid notice hhall lie in writint ; and left at , ho ] uincilo | ollicu of s.iid conijiiiny , nnd irovided thnt not nun o than ninety ( HO ) nintitcH fh.ill be occupied in i < : \ \ crtusiii } , ' . Six1 , t' . It shall hcrc.ifter bo unlawful or Iho driver , or the pcrs-on in the iiiinie- tiato chaiKo of any car runninif on Raid railway to intentionally or nmlicioutly cause or permit auch car .to ob--tiiict any 3ioswalk ( or any street in this city , or to Irivo at a greater Hpeed than eight miles in hour , or when turning the corner from .1110 street to another , or when approach- 'ng and within fifty fcot of any other rail- oad track to drivu faster limn a walk , ere ; o drive such c.\r or team attnchod thereto ivithin thirty feet of- any train of cam in nioont on any track crossing the ttack of IP id railway. SKC. ; t. Jt lmll _ bo unlawful for any per- on to enter and ride upon any car used or ( peratecl on said railway and refuse to pay , hq rcKiilnr far.q _ foe carrying passengers hcreoti , or to disturb , molest , nr obstiiict lie dtiver or person in charge of such car r any i > asaenier theicon. SKO. 4. Any jieruon who shall violate any of the provisions ) of this ordinance on innyiction theieof shall bo fined in any iitni not less than five nor moro than one iimdrc'il dollars. f . This iirdinnnco shall take elfeet Mid lift in foree from and after it * jiansage. All act * nnd parts of acts in conflict herewith - with are hereby repealed. Vttest : THOS. II. DA1LKV , 1'rcs't City Council. J. J. L. C. .Itwirrr. ilty Clerk. Uth , U81. Apnio\ed Sept. Oth , 1S81. J. R MOYD , Mujor. OllUINANOE NO.170. . An onllnanco to llx thu coinpeiiKittion nf Inspci- ; tor of wti liiH anil niiuxiired uf llioiltyof Omaha , nnd li auicMnl onlln.UKu .Nn , 2sl ( , en- til Icil "An Ordinance to Amund Hevtlon I'ituof Clmpto Korty-tuoof ( he Jloilmil OxIlimiicuH , Bu It ordiinud by thocltyeount.ll of the city ol Omaha : .SKCTIOV 1. TlmtordlnaneonitinbcrZSrttntllleii "An Oidlnincu to Amend Suction fl\o of Clup- tcr Forty-tit oof the licunnlOidlnuncu * , " paored August litij Is73 , liu ninuiiiliil MJ that tuetion lit oof thaiacrforty-tHouf thaiutlkid'inllnuiici.ii .mli road an follows : Heetlon C , Tlio limpittor of weiyliU and muusnrcs ehall bo entitled iu ru- cei\oas fees lur Inspecting , regulating amlHial- Ing wel hixand inuabiiru from thu purxQiiu ow- In- and in-Ill ' tliutamo thu fullottlngBiimx Knr ] > l tfutm uiak'H with tvilghti belonging thcrulo , flllv eentn uieh ; fur counter Kc.ilut \\llli weights bclunglng tlicrtto , tttenly.llto centx oacii. l-'or beiun naids for weighing any 1111111 * her of pound * , lien thnii ono H'oumnil , buventy * IH'o cents uuli for the first beam ttalu , unit lor each beam btaloadditional liclon ln ; to UHIMII'O periton tttcnty.tlvo tunlu. Tor bumi t > uUcn for weighing one thoiiKand j.JiiniU and nitniril | * onu dollar and fifty conU for thu llrfct bcain nvil" bu- onglng to any onu person , nnd for nuiy udill- tlonai boani euilu belonging to the Hamo | n.T'oi | c\c'iity.lhu centufor cadi ailditlunal bculu , 1'ur boani scale ; ) of smaller duionilnatloiH twenty flvu conU caili. fur klnj-lo utlKliU llto itntu each , but riot to cxeieil tMenty-llfo ix.iiti for u tct , or a partofan.t. Kor dry lueiuiiron. f r each bmhel or lulf bimkel ten centd , unil for ( smaller dcnonilnntions llto eentt caili. l'ir wlno nicaDiires , threu gallon * or utmunl , tun cuntu , and for dmallur ( lenomlnatloiiK fli0 | centH , It blutll net bu lawful for HID liikpector to collect or reteltu thunfoiuMilil clmrgoM for liiNpiitlng , rcgiihtlng aud i-callng wcightu , iiiuamiruittlen , buanii , etceljurdn and other Instrunicnti muro than nnco inn < h y < ar from the name pertou fur thu fcamu Instrument , unlusj not JuiinU conform able to the standard. BKO , " . Section & uf Ktld e''aitcr ] 4'2 of the re- tUcd ordinances , and Raid ordinance number 2SO , and all other ordlnunceu and parts thereof inconslktent herewith are rciieulcd , HKO S , Tills ordinance bhiill tiiku ilfcct and be u forcu from and after Its pahsuL'c , Attest : THOU. fl. iAiriv : , PrtH't City ( Joauull J. J. L. C. Jr.wi.rr , City Clerk , Pasiol Bept. I'th , IBsl. Approt eil Sept. Uth , 1BKI. JAMKS I1IIOYI ) , Mujur , . PAPER WAREHOUSE , GRAHAM PAPER GO , 217 and 21U North Main Ht. , at. Louis , WIIOLK8AIB UKALKM IN ! , \ PAPERS \ KNVKLOIT.8 , OAKU I10AIID AKD Printers Stock. OTCtuAi i > ald for iUija and Paper Block , Sen Iron and JlctaU. Taper Htock WartlioiMon 1229 to 1237 , North 8 _ BVBON KKBU. I , WIHKJIU | BYRON REED & CO , Real Estate Agency IN NK llA8KA3 Keep a compete ah truc.t of title to all Ktal EuUtu Iu Omaha aud l outlajj county. maytf THIS N W AHD 'rf o , . .icjnnj tiny tea tmblo 'iticstlon that Mm CHICAGO & ' ? 50RTH-WE8TERW RTr fill oilrts tlio bc.i * ronil for ynu totnknnhcn { raveling In rlt her illtorlin Chicago n tul all of the Principal Points In the Y/ost , North and Northwest. otninlni > thl Knji. The 1'rlnrlpal Cltlosof the West nnil Northwest nrn fitailonf' on this load. Its , ilirou li tr.ilim nniko rloso conncctloiia with tlio trnlni" ( ail riillro.'Jsn ( Juiirtlnn points THE CHICAGO & NOnTH-VyESTERN I7AIUWAY7 Owr nil . of Iti iirlnolp.il llnci.iim oarh wayjl.illy from two to fouroriiioro fast ilspraia * Trains. It Is tliu . only lorul west ot Chicago tli.it usus thu The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. JtoiuVmlicr to ask for Tickets via this ro.nl , lie snro they rend over Itam ] take none other. MAItm lll'aiurr , Gcu'l Mauaicr ; , ClilcaRO.V. . II. STKXNKTT , Gcu'l Pass. Apcut , Chicago. IIA1IRY P. DUUL , Ticket Airent C. N. W. Itallway , llth ami Krunhtm streets. D. R. KI.MI1AU. , Aml'lant Ticket AtfrntC. * > f. W. Itilltvay , 14th nnd PnrnltMn ( J. IIKLL , Ticket Airent 0. & N. W. Itnllwny. U. P. U. U. Depot. - " nunoral. ' THE J Goods Suitable for the -JUST REOKIVED AT- era Ji " And will bo sold at our usual extremely Blankets and Comforters , Flan nels and Shirtings , Cotton Flan nels and Sheetings , Muslin and Calicoes , Dress Goods , Silks and Satins , Black Goods and Cash- ' ( 5 meres , Hosiery -and Underwear , 1 Corsets and Gloves , Ribbons and Ladies' Neckwear , Cloaks and Dolmans mans , Table Linens nndNapkins. . j , , , 4 Gent's White and Colored Shirts , ,1 Waterproofs [ and Flannel suitings , > > J Denims and Jeans. OiiT'Iue ' CliecM SMrting at 16 2-3c , Sold Everywhere else at 2Do. You will SAVE MONEY by Buying Your Goods of fiTTTTJH 8r WrTWNTTS HJJr % J JJJcSJ' * uu JwljL\fjLJL& AJ * JLO . y < 603 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Cal. , E. Side , t. OmaFia , Collins , Cheyenne , Colorado Fall and Winter LATE AND NOBBY STYLES Hats , Caps ? Trunks , Valises. TO OXUDOEIXC IN TnE.LAT5ST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all I , / 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH , Recent Direct Transportation of FRENCH PERCHERON HORSES , XTO 5 on Exhibition at the Nebraska State Pair Stables. 311 to 318 , , ' * 7 ? COME AND SHE THEM ! , , * Horses For Sale or to Lot to Responsible Parties. ' 9 Proprietor , / Seward , Neb. , ( Farm Half Mile West of Town. ) ol3 > 3tj