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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1881)
I \ THE OBI.ATIA DAILY BEE : FETDAY SEPTEMBER 16 , 1881. BORN IN A BOOM. And Still Alma Koopa Boon : ing But the Political Pot Boils. t Flour Mill to bo Erected , i Corrc pindenf of Tlio Ucc. AI.MA , Nek , September 10 , AV . -I ; nil know the interest TUB HKB take ? ' * * in , and how it likes to hcnr from tli "back counties" to kuop pealed up ii nil the progressions of the stale whether in hamlets , towns , cities counties or districts. Almn , in what ia familiarly callci "Old Hnrlnn , " is though why "old1 would bo hard to define the baiino : county of the great Republican val ] 0y has no idea of being in thu bad ground , though liuges corporation ! nud little nobody's try with all wilful , cunning trickery nnd misrepresenta tion to keep her down. The fact ie Alma wns born in n boom , and HIC ! will boom anyway , and so aho kcepi on booming as if there were no hard times. Corn or no corn , grasshop pers or no Grasshoppers , hogs , cattle , or gripes , it's all the same , the town continues to grow , will grow , and all the other towns and hades cannot prevent it. To-day moro building is going on here nnd more wheat is bought , moro money change * hands , andinoro business is done each day than in all the towns in the coun ty , if not in the Valley , west o Red Cloud. You will remember how the B. & M. for years fought Mastitis , nnd yet Hastings growod nnd still goes on , opposition or no opposition. So with Alma. No great corporation , or its subordinates , tries to bolster up Alma , gnts its land agents to work it up its historiogriphor , the most won- dorfuilest of all ecologically gifted gabbers if not philosophers , to write and capitally moj > it up has its time tables make it.a point , where no point appears , making it more prominent than Red Cloud , Uloomington , Alma or Arapahoe , and yet more wheat , hogs und cattle are shipped from here and moro inward freight landed here every day than in Orleans in thrco days. The town grows , houses are building , immigrants are coining , and every day gives lonowed promise of the prosperity that attends her unceasing enterprise , industry and public spirit , us Well ns central importance. In n few uaya wo nhall have com menced two enterprises that cannot bo overestimated a lirat-class graded school building , equal to all the demands - mands upon it and'a steam flouring mill of the most modern improved make , that will surpass any mill in the valley , nnd be the equal of the very best in the atato. It ia demon strable that * taking the risks of this treacherous river , construction of permanent dams , the sudden terrible freshets that mveop all before them , nnd the yearly expense of repairs nnd delays , uiat a otuum poivor inill with modern machinery can l > o built , main tained nnd run cheaper than a water mill. This being true , parties have determined to build hero a mill equal to the wants of the county and which will on the opening ot the road to Donvet giv ? it a certain market for nil it can do. The splendid wheat country north of us , also a portion of Kearney county and Phelps county as well as 11 part of Phillips county , Kansas , tribu tary to this market , will furnish all the wheat required , so { hat there it no problem about it. Tlio now bridge across the Ropubll can river here ia about completed and it will bo the bridge of the river , urn' high enough , solid enough nnd wide enough to accommodate all the vicis < alludes of high water , high winds am high jinks from the south side awaj into Kansas and all the rest of creation tion , including the prairie dog and al its branches. In Bounty politics it would makt you laugh a regular horso-laugh to set the manipulations of the "sartin sure' ' candidates who nro " 'goin * " to b nominated "any way you cai fix it , boys , " and who "wil run" the county " "whether or no1 ! Ono thing will bo soon , none bu true , capable , known men , will b nominated by the county ropublicai convention , und they will bo noitho followers of any clique , corporation town , or ring , in any section of th county , nor be manipulated by th United States land olllcials nt ill Uloomington land oilico. Ono of the most' amazing thing out in thia "neck of woods is th hallucinations of the State Journu about stalwarts , half-breeds , etc Some think its editor lias half-broci on the brain ; but what breed ? is th conundrum. Will the Journal neve cease to mourn never got over agon izhiR the self-defeat of its idolize idol ? That is a serious question , bu n truce to all pleasantry. The couis of tlio Journal harping its harp of 1,000 strings has become utterly in tolerable to every republican in tin valley , and vro would suppose througli out the state. There is reason in al things , but neither reason no ' ordinary aonso , nor friendly dovotio justifies tint incessant stalwart hall broodism of tlio State Journal. Thu matter was ground to powder by th members of the Now York Icgishuur who were all elected as stalwarts , ante to keep up the irritation and fire hot in Nebraska is not only exasperating but a miserable blunder. The Joui not ought to know and teach both things. Are the republicans of th state to bp held responsible for No York politic * , and shall wo all I counted as renegades and outlaws hi pause wo do not all bow down an worship as The Journal does ? An shall the kettle keep calling the pi black , blacker blackest ? It is timi high time the calling names , innuoi does , elurs and stabs over M ; Conkling's own defeat , for which 11 man is so responsible us hiinsol ceosod. No man is to bo proscribed for p < litical opinion's nako and y t tli t Journal paya wo regard to this fundi inentalism and daily keeps luuimioi ing away regardless of principle , jui ticocommon sense andrixhtorrospci of person , For ono Nebraska ropul liciin we have got tired and distjustei with its course , and wo toll it MOV that this is llio feeling of 0 ! ) out o every 100 lepublicans in the untiri state. AVe Imvo had enough of NOT York local fight , and the attempt t < nationalize it and perpetuate it hen and elsewhere i simply intolernbli and diagrnceful. It should bo wtop pcd , In this connection too , to feel tin full force of the reasoning of tin Journal editorials nnd lllngs , OIK wants to lead Dr. Miller , in the Omaha Jleiald , on the ' 'Actual Is sues" nnd "the Democratic Oppor tnnity , " Oth instant , weekly issue , ( to appreciate the situation as it now uius , because of llio resignation ol Now York's tw o republican aonatorB. Perhaps about tlio second week in December next the Journal will 1 > 0' iin to lind out what a fool a d d fool In , as well as realize how stalwart ro miblicaniain it wns for txvo republican United States sonatofB to throw the control of that body into the hands and power of the democratic party to wlto not somebody else , in fact nit themaolvefl. Sl-akcspearc writes : T can call mi spirit * from tliovai tydcoi > iVIiy no can 1 , or no can nny limn ; Jut will they como when you do call for theinr Aye , that's the rub , and wo think ho Journal nnd all its kindred ayrjrP pathizora will call and call in vain. Wo never wish to recur to this matter again , nnd AVO trust wo may never be obliged to. Yours truly , LIVK O K. Ex-Miultttor Noyos- Cincinnati KnqUlrcr. Gen. Edward F. Noycs , who for the ast four years has been the minister f the United Statei government in lie French Republic , reached this ity at half-past 7 o'clock yesterday "During your residence in Paria , General , did you over mingle among the French peasantry in the outlying districts ? " queried our reporter. "I did , frequently. " "What kind of n people nro they , and how do they comp'aro with our agricultural clnnsca ? " "Thoy are n frugal , industrious people ple , but intellectually do not com para with our own countrymen. The French working classes earn less than ono-half what is paid for the same la bor in America , but save twice as much as Americans. It ia character istic of the race to save money. This is the reason thnt there ate so .many landowners in Frnnqo. " "Aro the old barriers between the aristocracy and the people breaking down ? " "To some ox tout , yes ; but it will take two or throe generations to de stroy the reverence for the traditions of the Empire. Even the lower class es treat with marked respect those who were dukes , counts and Viscounts during the days of Napoleon. As all the avenues to power lies through the republicans , the younger generations , lions of the old aristocracy , have allied , themselves with the young but vigor ous republic. " "Do tlio Itonapartists and Orloan- ista Btill continue to advocate their cause with the old time vigor ? " "They are on their last logs. The combined force of thot Legitimists , BonapurtinU and Orleumsta is insig nificant when cotnjuirod with thogiam ? strength of the republic. An argu ment which has oiTcclnally silenced all opposition to the existing regime ia the fact to which the French point with pride that the two most prosper- OUR nations on earth nro the two ro- publtca on cither aide of the Atlantic. This is a stubborn truth , against which the assaults of the growlers and chronic disturbers found in every lountry fall harmless. " "What is the French idea of our country and institutions , "Amorlca is the star in the firmn- nont of nations upon which the French build their hopes of the fu- uro. In every way they emulate our ixamplo. It is really astonishing the cnowlodgo they possess concerning .ho resources and institutions of the United States. " "Ia our high financial standing the subject of much comment ? " "It is , indeed. Not only are wo considered the foremost nation of the world in our material wealth , but our : rodit is boundless. Homo time since , in a conversation with Baron do Rotchschild , ho spoke most enthusi astically of our commercial and finan cial credit. I recollect ono sentence verbatim. It impressed mo as such a great compliment , coming from the most famous money king in the world , that I have treasured it up in my memory. IIo said : 'Tho financial po sition of the United Status is unexampled plod in the history of the world. Yet nro gobbing the treasuries of all othoi nationa to enrich your own coffers. " "A great many Americans visil Paris every season , do they not , general oral ? " "At least 00,000. Our citizom Imvo won quite u reputation for thoii hborality , bordering on prollgaoy , all over Europe. It is cause for mucl remark , and the impression is indelibly ibly formed unon the minds of Europeans poans , especially the middle and low er classes , that the United Status is i voritiblo Eldorado , or the Ions ; sough land of Ophir. Ono reason for thii idea ia the fact that so many ricl Americans go to Paris to spend theii money , and , consequently , the Froncl sue but ono sidof life in the Unite ( States. " "Among the Americana in Pari Mrs. Mackoy , wife of the Bonanz : Idnjj' , is ono of the most noted for hoi ability to spend n largo amount o money , is she not ? " "Yes. But the newspapers havi greatly exaggerated the stories concerning corning her prodigality. I am wo ] acquainted with Mrs. Mackoy , am she is n noble and generous woman She spends four times as much fo charity than anything else. There i no doubt that olio lives in magnificon style , but not snobbishly or unbocom ing her position. I have frequent ! called upon her aa representative d the legation to got assistance for ho needy country mon , and never has sh failed to respond liberally. " "What about that famous dinno parly aho gave in Puria which croatui such a furor ? " "I tfaa present at that dinner , " sail thogpnerul , "unditwaaa moat prince iy ull'uir. But coat nothing like til urn stated by tlio newspaper * , think Mra. Mackey expended on tha occasion 820,000. " "Havo you ever calculated ho\ much mont'y Americans leave in Pnri every year ? " "No , It would bo almost impossi bio to do no. The nuni is slmpl < fabulous. Boucicanlt , ono tof tin most popular dry goods men in Parii among Americans , told my wife thn in 1878 ho sold IH,000,000 ) frnnbi worth of goods , nnd of this Ainrtricani bought ( ino-half 45,000,000 franca or g,000,000. ! ) " "Our people are a source of mud profit to Parisian shopmen , nnd a c consequently tmatod with the litmus deference. Boucicault never diftputei a bill with an American , nnd , ovoi nftur taking goods to their hotels 01 place of residence , if they do not anil Jloucicuult will take them back in exchange change or icfinid the money. " "What is the feeling between tin Ficnch nnd Germans , General , BO fni ns you have been nblp to observe ? " "It is a formal friendliness , but ni course their is some sorcnens fait ovci the Into unpleasantness. The Qcrmai minister at Paris in one of the mosl popular men on the diplomatic corps , The French people nro happy mid prosperous , nud want pi-ace. It ia nol likely that nny dilliculty between the ; wo rival nations will nriso for yean , o come. IJarth nnd the Apnohcs- 1'roin tliu Alii Kiicriiio | | ( N. M. ) Journal. Hon. Sol. Bnrth , of St. John , Ari < /.ona territory , arrived in the city Mon day. To a Journal reporter ho gave Jio following particulars of his oxcit- tig nnd romantio ndvonturca with the Apaclie Indians on the road : St. Tohn ia about fifty miles south of the A. & B. road. Sol Barth ia a noted ranchman in that region , having stores , ilocks and horsca. llo ia a tor- itorinl ocnator , nnd quite prominent n the political alF.urs of the territory. Dnco in three months ho comes to , his city nnd buys n stock of uoods. Lust week , accompanied by two mon , 10 otnrtcd over the long route from St. John to civilixation. AVlion pass- ng through a lonely canyon in the /uni mountuins ho was astonished to see n band of Indians circling around n pyramid rock , yelling nnd firing .heir . guns. Upon the 'op of lie rock was a Mexican inoun- ainoer , with his wife and chil dren. No Boonor did S > d take in the situation than Uo charged the In diana , putting the squad , eighteen in lumber , to flight , relieving the Moxi- and his family from certain death. Llo found the little children crying 'or water , but otherwise the family vero uninjured. Escorting the fatni- y to n place of safety , and leaving ono of his men to repel any attack .ho Indians might mnko , Mr. Barth , vith ono assistant , pushed on toward .ho city. They had gone but n few nilcs when they wore confronted by x bund of Indians , but , their notions coming peaceful , Barth thought .hem friendly Navnjos , nnd allowed .hem to como within Bpcaking listnnco of the buggy in which ho and lis companion wore riding , when the 'ndiniis suddenly opened liremortally vonnding his companion. The horse lecame frightened and overturned the mggy. Mr. Barth aei/.cd hia Win- heater , nnd , protected by the buggy- > od , ho drove oil' hia assailants , cap- Curing one of the Indian ponies. Securing - curing the pony nnd putting hia wounded companion in the buggy , lw Irovo on. $ Jlian noa/t tjin Moxitail ; own ot El Rita ho hoard firing , and on approaching the town the Indians etnrnod nnd attackedhim. , The peo- ilo of the town turned out , nnd soon .ho Indians were driven off. At El litn the wounded man died. Soooail Edition of Job. Mrs Ojjdon , N. Division street Buffalo , ays : "I cannot bo too thankful 'that 1 vas induced to try your Si'itiNa BLOSSOM. ' , was at one time afrnid I should never bo nblo to get out njMin. I seemed to bo a iccond ctliUon of Job without his pa- , icuce ; my lace nnd body wore ono vast lullectiou of boils nnd pimples ; since tnk- ng ono bottle of your Spring Blossom I am quito cured , all eruptions have disap- > eare < l , mjd 1 feel hotter than I have in a eng timo. Price GO cents , trial bottles 0 centH. A Iionf ns Big oa aToblo. -tfofCalO Union. About three wooka ngo the local of lie Union gave notice of a mammoth ) io-plant that ia now growing on the ) romisoa of J. W. Huggtna , in Shor- imnH addition , Wo stated at the time that the largest leaf of this plant , ; rown from seed put in the ground on , ho 20th of April last , measured sev enteen foot in circumference. Out contemporaries criticised ua as though wo were the 'lineal descendant of the celebrated liaron Munchauaon , and had inherited nil the leadiny traits of our noted ancestor. This treatment , of course , has been as n thorn in our flush over sinco. We vowed that wo would got oven. We are now ready to vindicate our honor aa n truthful journalist. Yesterday wo measured that leaf in the presence of two witnoaaoa Mr. Huggina am ] Dr. Port. Ita circumference was twenty-one foot nnd uino inches , There ia no "ahonanlgan" about this. The plant ia somewhat the shape of a palm leat fan , with asmoothodgo , and not full of deep scallops , na Ima been auriiiisod by these who had not scon it. Mr. Iluggins , who wns former)1 ! an Iowa tanner of the old school , 1ms many other "big tilings" growing alongside of thia plo-plnnt. Wo saw 11 boot of six weeks' growth that mena- urcd three foot ono and n half inchet in circumference , nnd n turnip of the aamo ngo ono foot eleven nnd n hull inches in circumference. Wo nlsc saw n small bush , transplnntod lasl spring , that bore a quince which moiis ured eleven and n half inches in cir oumforcnco. TUUE TO 1IEH TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of tin over faithful wife nnd mother , con stnntly watching nnd cnring for lie : dear onoa , never neglecting a singh duty in their behalf. When they nrt nasnilod by disease , and the Byaton should Imvo n thorough cleansing , tin stomach nnd bowola regulated , bloot purified , malarial poisonoxtonninatod she must know thnt Elcctrio Bitten are the only euro remedy. They art the boat nnd purest medicine in the world , nnd only cost fitty cents. Sole by lah & MoMnhon. (2) ( ) Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LA fi AHBACH CLOCK , Cor. Dou U uth Bti. Um h peb. Great German REMEDY ron mmmi NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , G O U'T , I | | ; : : ! ! ] SORENESS orinr. CHEST , SORE TEROAT , QUINSY" , SWELLINGS 1KD SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET JM > EARS , UTJXS.3VS jii.a SCALDS , GZNEIUI , TOOTH , EAR HEADACHE , AXD -AKD ACHES. No 1'rtparilion en earth equals ST. JJCOM OIL ai fc nrr. , tine , STMTLE inJ CIIEAI' Eiterntl Ittn.tdjr. A trltl CDUlls but the comparative/ ! trifling outlay or SO CtftJ. f.nd torj ono luirorlng with f > ia can u v chotp ml | ioiltit rroofcf Hi claims. IlIllKniOAS l ! ( 1I.ITF.N LAKflUiOES. SQID BY AIL DRUQOISTS AND DEAIERS IN A. VOGELER . CO. llulthnort. Md. . V. , . In Ever ; Joint , And liber with fovcr nnd a 'uo , or bilious rwnltt ; cnt , thu B > etcm may jot bu ( real from tna ma- lu'iiatitvlruiwltli HosUttcr's Stomach Hitters. 1'rotcct tliu sjstcm nyainititwith thia litiiefl- cent atitlapnsniodlehlch Is ftirthcrmorc n su- ircmo remedy for lit or complaint , constipation , Ijspcpsla , debility , rhcumatl < ni , kidney trou bles anil other ailment * . iHTt'or sale by nil DrugglBts and Dealers gen- irally. _ Sioux City & Pacific &Siouk City RAILROADS. THE OL1 > RELIABLE SIOUX CITY ROUTE 1OO MILES SHORTER ROUTE 3.OO FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS UULUTII OR BISMARCK , and all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and ) il.ota. This line Is cxjulrjpod wjth the improv cd VcstiiiK'liouso Automatic Alr-hrako and Miller 'la t ( ona Couulu and Buffer : and for SPEID. SAFETY AND COMFORT 3 unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Can , owned and controllail bv the com- any , run through W1T OUT CUANGU boUecn Jnloii Pacinc Tnuisfci ucuot at Council Bluffs , ami St. 1'aul. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer depot a Council BluCts at 6:15 : p. m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 : . . m. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. m. making TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANYaOTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 8:30 p. m. , arrh Ing Sioux City 4:45 : a. m. , and Union Pacific Trans I depot , Council lllulfu , at 0:60 : a. m. lie at your tickets road \ la "S. 0. & P. R. R. F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , T. E. ROBINSON , Missouri Valley , I . ABst Oei Pass. Agent. J. n. O'BRI AN , Pafwongcr Agent , Council Bluffs , low * . LEGAL NOTICE. To C&tharlno Rcddo , non-rcelJcnt defendant ; Yon are hereby notified that on the 2d day ot September , 1831 , John Rcddo. plaintiff , filed his ii'tltlon In the District Court , u Ithm nnd tor Douglas County , Nebraska , against you as de fendant , the object and prayer of wlilch petition a , to obtain a decree of < fl\orco from the bonds of matrlmony u 1th you for the following causes , : o-utt : 1st , habitual drunkenness ; 2d , extreme cruelty , and for general relief. You are required to answer ( aid petition on the 21th day of October , 1SS1. DOANK ft CAMPmiM , , BoTwCt Attorneys for I'lalntift , LEGAL NOTICE. John MeFadden will take notice thit on the 10th of August , 1831 , Charter Drandos , Justlcoof tha 1' , of Ut precinct , Dougliii Co. , Noli. , Is- i u d an order of attachment for the sum of 320.25 In mi action pending before him , "herein Arne iCratz Is plain tilt and John MeFadden defendant , that property consisting of liouschold turnlture and Implements lias been attached under cald order , Said causatas continued to 21et ol September , 1831,10 o'clock p. m. aiig7w3t ARNQ KRATZ , I'lalntlg. / vMAIIA llIRDSTORE-lIaH forsMooll kinds \J of Foreign and Domestic Birds , also Bird Kunclcry goods ; at ICth bt. , bet. Douglas and Dodge. au20-3m PROBATE NOTICE. State ot Nebraska , Douglas County , es : At a County Court , held at the County Court Room , In ami for said County. Augutt 1st , A , D. IbOl. Present , HOWARD W. SMITH , County Judge. In thu matter ot the caUto of Joacpli II. Nol- BOII , decoaiod ; On reading and flllnjf the | * > titton of Marthn S. Nclhon , praying that ( ho Instrument , purporting - porting to 114 a tluly outhontlcatod copy of the last v 111 and testament of mid dccca&ud , and ol the probate thereof , by the Circuit Court ol Foumaln County , State of Indiana , and this day filed In this Court , may bo allowed and record * ! , as the list will and tostnnmnt ot mild Joseph 11. Nelson , deceased , It ] and for tha State of Ne braska * Ordered , Th t August 27th , A. D , 1S31 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , Is Assigned for hcarlngcald petition , hen all iicreon * Interested In said matter may appear ate County Court to bo held , in and for said County , and thaw came hy the prayer ol patlttoner-thould not be granted ; and that notice ol the pendency of said | x.tltlon and tha hearing thcrool bu git en to all persons Intereitrd in uld matter , bv publishing a copy of thli order InTui OiUlU WBKKLY I > , a nouipaper printed in Bald County , for tliroo iucccul u weeks , prior to nail ) U * ' HOWARD B. SMITH , County Judye. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. BATHQUH , Prlnclp l. Creighton Block , OMAHA , NE111USKA tVSoad ( or Clrculu. Sirs. .T. O. nobcrtson , ritKlnirc , 1'a. , * riles : " 1 WM siidcrinK from ( jtnural clcMlity , ant of p- fKlito , coiislllntlon , etc. , w > flo ( WTUI n luir- den ; nftcr lulnif llunlock fllooil Hitters 1 felt liet- tcr tlinn forj enrs. 1 cannot jiralse your Hitters too much. " K.OIbK nf nnffdlo , N. Y. , writes : "Vonr Iliinlock Illooil Hitters , In chronic illscnses of the Mooil , llur ami Milncys , IIMO liccn flynMlv tnirknl with succcf s. I hao TI < H | them jnj t elf with licat result ? , for torplJit } oftholUcr , mil In cnsoot a friend of inlnu suffering froin ilroji'y , thu effect ai mar\ilou3. " Bruce Turner , Kochcttor , N , Y. , | rtM"I ! lia\o liceii subject to ncrloiH illsonlcr of the klilncjs , mul nmlilo to attend to bii'lncMs ; lltinlock lllootl Hittcnt rctlcMHl mo before half & bottle wns used , I feel confident that they will entirely euro me. " \ : > Atcnlth Halt , ninjhampton , X , Y , , writes : "I sulTcrvd with a dull pain through my left lung and shoulder. I.o t my spirits , appctlta nndiclor , nnd could with illlllculty krcj ) up nil thy. Took jour HiirUock Dlood Hitters M ( It- rictcd , nnd lm\o felt no pain since first ueek af ter using them , " Mr. Nonh Bales , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four jcarsago Iliadanattock of biliousfc\crniid nc\er fully rccoxcrcd. Sly dlgcstlto organs were weakened , nnd I would t i completely pros trated for < lns. After using two l > ottles ot jour Burdock Blood Hitters the linpro\cincnt wns so \ Itlblo that I was astontihcd. I can now. though 01 j cars of ac , do a fair and reasonable di ) 's work , " C. lllackct lloblnion , proprietor of The Canada Preshjterian , Toronto , Out. , writes : "Koryears I suffered grintly from oft-recurring hcmlathe. I used your llurdock Hlood Hitters with happlrst results , and I now find myself In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' -Ihato used Burdock Blood Hitters for ncnoua and bll- lloui headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring n euro for bllllouincss. " Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. T , writes : "For several jiars I have sulTcrcu from oft-ricur- ring billions headaches , dyspepsia , and coin- ilalnU peculiar to my sex. Since uilng jour Burdock BlooJ Hitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 81.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBDEN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F. Joodmnn. Jc 27 cod-mo Jo'lf you are a raim ylf your-ron. f oftu uiccswcak. nan of Uv eued by tlio strain of ' your duties avoid niitht orlc , to'rcl ttlmubiitinnd use . torebrninnprveand Hop Bittors. I waste , use Hop Q. If you uro younit nnd IrufTerlnefromnnr In- discretion or dlssipa ) lion i ir youm-omar- ricd or Elnslo , old or yaunir , eutrerlns from poorlicMth ur lancuUn . ( UK on a Led of sick' iics3 , rely oa Hop ! Dlttoro. , . , Tliounnnds ulo an- Wlioevcr youarc. whenever you ficl I nvally from seine that elttcm ' 1 form of Kidney needs your clcnnf Ine. ton- < f illsca o that iiUKli In ? or uavo by a timely use of tnlto Hop HopBlttora Blttere. Hftvoj-on < TM-v D. t. O. or urlnani com Is AU absolute plaint , dl'ouie . and irrcsit-tn. ot tlio stninach , bio euro for . HOP bniccM , blood. drunkenness. Ificrornenesf use ot opium. You will be tobacco , or cured If you nee narcotics. Hop Dlttoro Ifyonnreflm . bcndtur ply w o n Is and tow jitritcdtry NEVER Circular. it i It may iiop BrrrtEO anvoyour FAIL ! ETC CO. , llfo. It hae awvod hun dreds. A Toronto , Out. csatffiSBKaKffSj JIcn ° ' "Mllty , to represent CHAMBEUS' Dictionary of Uni- \creal Knowledge. Complete Cyclopaedia ot iery Day Wants. This Is the Most Useful and Compact Literary Achievement of the Ago. It h.13 no competitors. Wo u ant competent Solicitors. No peddl rs need apply Circulars , giving full desription , sent on application. J. U. CIIAMBK11S. St. Louis , Mo. , Chicago , 111. , Atlanta , Gt. seSm&c cktwlra PIONEER LAND AGENCY E. M. EATHBUK , Cambridge , Neb. 1,000,000 acres gocrnment land open to Home steads. Pre-emptions and Timber claims. 200 choice Improved claims ! or sale or exchange. 200 of the best deeded farms In Southwestern Nebras ka with timber and water for sale. A few choice stock randies with fenced Holds , timber , hay and water , for sale , cheap. Corrcspoudcnce Solicited , TOttr30-tt _ CJTRAYED From Slcrt's stable , Omaha , ono O black marc , color tomowhat faded , eight or rilnoycar80ldwclghs about Ioon hundred , had on saddle and bridle. A rcn ard w 111 bo paid forjhcr return or information leading to her rccoicry. W. E. OATIIUY , Fort Calhoun , Neb 703-w2t WAE IN PASSENBER BATES I IIOBBIE ' BROS . Brbkcra in all Railroad Tickets , Omaha , Neb. , offer Tickets to the East , until further notice , at the following unheard of law Rates : Chicago , SIO ; Round Trip , $10.00 , These are limited Plrtt-Class Tickets and itood for return through the j car , and \ la the Old Reliable Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad. Also , one way to 1st class Philadelphia and Washington , $17 00 For larticulars. write or go direct to HOBBIK BROS. , Dialers in Reduced Rate Railroad and StcnuMhln Ticket * , 603 Tenth St. . Omaha , Neb. Remfimicr the place Throe DOOM North of Un'oii ' Pacifle Railroad Depot , Uast Side of Tenth Street. Omaha. August 1. 1881 _ au25dqw4m AQKNTS WANTED EOP. the Fastest r-elllng Boot : of tin Agel Foundations of Success , BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The luwaol trade , legal forms , how to rails- net uuduuss , valuable tables , social etiquette , n.irllaraeutarusage , how to coiduct public buMnot.e ; lu f jet It Is a comnlote Qui Jo to Sue- CO.H for all rli.Bts. A famUy netesel y. Addrous for clrinlannnd special terms , tNcIiOi ; PUB- UKIIINUCO.St LmilM , Mo. AQENTS WANTED roa OHR NF.W BOOK B8BLE FOR THE YOUNG , " be Ing the Story ot the Scriptures , by Rev. George Alexander Crook , D. D. , In simple and attrattlie angiuge for old and joung. Profusely Illustra ted , making a most Interesting nnd Impnsshe jontlie instructor , i\cry jiarent III secure this work. Prcaihcrs , you nhotild circulate It. Price 33.00. Send for circular * u 1th oitra tcnns. J II. CHAM11K11S&CO. St. LouU Mo. UP N ar my house on Saturday , an TIAKKN whlto horse with black snots ; blind In the right o\o. P. 0. Boyson , north blda Lcarcn- worth street bet. 7th and 8th. aulO-w4t Tin MOST PorubiBl Tui BUT THE OVALCHURN TUB BEST / ' , OHTJKNB QUICKKII MOST CON- VENIKNT ClIOUN OUUUN MANUKAO- IN THE TUUEP , HAUKEI U nnf cturc < l laOvetlni , 4.8 , 8 , 10 indl gallons. U tiai no uenrlnc. Ucmo no nolw Joes Its work mlly nd nulclrly. i > d st\ \ * the largcit amount ol l.utUr frunnho milk ; 01 crsum ; Ii nude Irom the > > wt Mb lumber. It ( olUat lower price than ny othvr flnit-UMi t burn. Beua lor dUcrlptive clrculw uid price HEADQUFOR -FOR Wo desire to call the opocial attention ot the trade to our elegant Unes ( at BOTTOM PBIOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls llosiery , &o.uow open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUG-LAS STREET , MAHA , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska 4 SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jy IS-tno FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments made tii will rccche jiroiniit attention. Ilcfcroncos : State Kank , Omaha ; Platt & Co. , Baltimore ; IVck & Hnnshcr , Chicago ; SI. Wcrk & Co. , Clticlnimtl. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , t IMPOUTEUS AND JOIJUEUS OF MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. IE1. O- 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Guns.AmmunitionjSporting Goods FISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE GF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne S The Largest Stock and MostOorn- plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , " Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. ; 1313 Farnham Bt. , Omaha. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves ) TI3ST Stove fiepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer f OX * * * ff3HCX3XTX > 0 OX * O- Tenth and Jackso" Q * - - Omaha , Neb ]