Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1881, Image 7

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010 harnlinm , bet , Oth nnd IQlli Glrocti.
One cory Ij-car , lnail\nncopoitvild ( ) . S10.0C
0 tnontlii " ' . . . . P.o
3 months " " > 3.0(1 (
, MK CAKIl CII1CAPO , I.T. I'M I. , WI > MtArO.S ! A\
t.o.-uo Omilia No. 2 tliromjli pi - fnrcr ( , 1
n. in. No. i , OntiKml jn cnjcr , 8SOa. in ,
Arrh o Omahn No. 1 * ttyronih ( | n'scn'or , ' _ : . ' >
ru. No , 3 , OAVUncl ] * 8nger ( ; , 0:30 : ji , m.
OHAIIX r.wr on nol'iii ITC.DND.
C. , n. & p. B A. w. C:40p. : m.
C. ti N.V. . , 0 n. in. SMO p. tn.
0. , it. 1. * r. . o . m. 3:40 : ji. in.
K. C. , St. J. i C. B. , 8 a in.-SiM p. m. Arrh
.St. Louis at C:2o : a. ra. tind 7:45 : m m.
wrsr on
U. & M. In Net ) . , Tliromh Ex-pro * ? , SS5 : n. m
II. & M. Lincoln Kroljrht. 7:00 li. in.
IT. I' ixim : , 12:15 : p. jn.
O. & It. V. tot I lnoln , 10.20 ft. m.
O. A It. V. for Odccola , 0:40 : n. ni.
XT. I1 , troljht No. D , 6W : ! n. in.
t' . I' , freight Na t ) , 8:1R a. in.
1) . I' , freight No. 7 , OilO j > . m. e
U. l'.irelirht No. 11 8:25 p. in.
AnmviNo rnoM KAST AND
0. n. & Q. , S60 : a. m. 7:25 p m.
C. & N.V. . , 9:4fl : a. m. 7:25 : p. in.
C. R. I.&l',0lSa. m. n.05p. m.
K. ( ! . , St. Joe fcO II. , 7:40 a. m. 8MB p. In
W. , St. L. & P. , 10W a. m. t:2B p. ro.
Anrjvi.Na ruou TDK vat Ann SOUTUWKSI.
0. * ; n. V. from Lincoln l.l.p. : m.
V. P. Exprc-w 3:26 : p. in.
B & M.ln Neb. , ThroiiRh Express 4:16 : p. m
B. & M. Lincoln Freight 8:35 : n m.
U. P. Frelirht No. 10 1:40 : p. m.
No. C 4:25 p. ni. Emigrant.
No. 8 10CO p. in.
No 12 IlflS n. m.
O. A H. V. mixed , nr. 4:35 : p. m.
Nebraska Division of the St. Paul _ Sioux City
No. 2 leaves OniatiaS:30 : a. m.
No. 4 lcucH ; Omnlia'1.30 p. m
No. 1 arrive ? at Dunlin , nt i > :30 : p. in.
No. 3 arrives at Omaha at 10:10 : n. in.
T.ravo Omiha at 8:00 : , 0.00 and 11:00 : a. m.
1:00 : 2:00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:00 nnd 0:00 : p. ra.
Lcavo Council Illiilt-i nt 8:26 , 0:25 , 11:25 : a. m.
1:25 : , 2:26 , 3:25 : , 4:23 M25 and 0:2B : p. m.
Sunflnjfi The dummy leaves Omaha at 0.00
nd 11:00 a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 and 6-00 p. m. Lcatc-i
Council Illuli * at 0:25 nnd 11:25 : & . m. ; 2:25 , 4:25
nd 5:25 : p. m. _ .
Opening and Closing of Malli.
in. p. in. a. rn p. m ,
Chlcago&N. W . 11.00 9:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , K. I. & I'aeinc.lllOO 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , U. & Q . 11:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:10 :
Wabash . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Sioux Cltv and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30
Union Pacific . t:00 : 11:40
Omaha &U.V . 4.-00 11:40
B.&M. InNcb . 4:00 : 8 : 0 6:30 :
Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30
Local mails ( or State of Iowa leave but once a
day , viz : 4:30 a , m.
A Lincoln Mftll ID alw opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Office open Sundays from 12 ra , to 1 p. ra.
Business Directory
Abstract arid Real tstate.
JOHN L. McCAOUK , opposite Post Office.
W. K. BAUTLETT 317 South 13th Street.
Room 14 Crclxhton Blcck.
A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Ciciehton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boots and Shoes. Aircod assortment o >
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hartley.
TIIOS. ERICKSON , S C. cor. IGth and Douglas.
COS 10th street , manufactures to order good ork
at ( air price : ! . Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LA1UUMER Manufacturer. 1B17 Doui'lasst.
Books , News and { Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 FarnUam Street.
Butter and Eggs.
McSHANF. & SCIUtOKDUR , the oldest B. and E.
house til Nebraska established 1876 Omaha.
oouthwest corner IGthand Docile.
Best Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guarantccil.
Mcala at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnlahnl llnnnig Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
\VM SNYDER , 14th and Harney Streets.
( jewellers.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
. BEKTHOLD , Raw and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement ,
FOSTER & GRAY corner 6th and Douglas St * .
Lamps and Glassware.
J. BONNER 1309 Dotwlaa St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One of our roost popular Merchant Tailors Is re-
celling the latest designs for Sprint ; and Summer
Goods for gentlemen's wear. 8tyll b , durable ,
and prices low as ever 21613th bet. Doug.&Farn.
1IRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Board * , '
Hosiery. Glo\cs , Corsets , &c. Cheapest Itouso in
the West. Purchasers save 30 per cent. Order
by Mail. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE& SONS , cor. 14th ft Jackson sts
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Sts. ,
Welahans Bros. , proprietors.
.1 :
Z. STEVENS , 2l8t between Cumlna and liar
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlnf ? Streets.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
OLAN & LANOWOIITHY , Wholesale , 110 and
ia 16th strut
A HOLMES corner IMh and California
Harness , Saddles , Sec.
B. WKI8T 20 ISth St. bet Knrn. & Harnev.
ANFIELD HOUSEGw. Canflcld.Otb d Farnham
DOUAN HOUSE , P. 1I. Gary , 013 Farnham St.
SLAVK.V3 HOTEL. lSlaxm , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , Gus. Hamel,0th &Lca\en orth
Iron Fencing.
The Western Cornice Worki , Agents for the
Champion Iron Pence lie. , } m\e on hand nil klmli
of Fancy Iron Fences , Crating * , Flnvals , lulling ,
oto , 1310 Dodiro btree. ap2
Clothlnc Bought ,
0 .SHAW will pay lilKheut Cash price for second
band tlothlntr. Corner 10th and Farnham.
Dentists ,
DR. PAUL , Williams' Flock , Cor. 16th & Dodge ,
Drue * , Paints and Oils.
I'harni-clsts , Flno vuno Uoods , Cor , 16th and
Doutlts btrccta.
W. J. WIIITEHOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , ICth St.
O. 0. FIELD , 2022 horth Side fuming Street.
M. PARR , Druggist. 10th and Howard Streets.
Dry Qooris Notions , Etc.
Now York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Faro ,
him ( tract ,
L. 0. EnOHoM also boots and ihoca 7th A Pacific.
A V. GROSS , New an.l Second Hand Furniture
nd Stoes , 1114 Douirias. Jllgbcat cash price
aid for second hand voo'ia.
J. BONNKR 1S09 Dourla st. Fine Koods , &c.
Planing Mill ,
A. UOYER , manufacturer of a > h , doori , blinds ,
oldlngi. now ell , balustern , hand rails , funiUhlug
g , Ac , , cor. Dodge and 8th structs.
Pawnbroker *
J ROSENFKM ) , 8 10th St , lt. far. A Itur.
A. Doniphuo , plants , cut nowcw , fed , boqticts
etc. N. W. cor. Iflth an 1 l > ou las street * .
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors ,
ANDUKW r.OSr.WATr.'I , Crrlshton Block ,
Town Surto ) * , OraJonnd Sc cmxo 8stems n
Specialty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uommljtlon Merchants ,
JOHN Q. Wit. 1,18,1414 IKxlRO Street ,
D B HKKMKII , For dct.-vllj FOO hrno tuh ertlsc-
mcnt In DMlr ami Woikly.
Clg.irs and Tobacco.
WF.ST A riMTSCIIKU. nnnufwturcrs of ,
indVholcxnlu Dcnlcn In Toliiceo * . 1 SO. ) Douirias.
W. 1' . LORIUSZKN nnniilacturor MllOthstrcit.
Cornice Works.
V.'cslorn CoinlooVdrkd , .Manufacturers Iron
Corner , Tin , Iron mid Slate Hoofliii ! , ' . Onlcrs
fronfnny locixllty proiuj'tly cxccutctl In lite be
mnnnf r. IViitorj * and Oil CP 1310 Dodjto Street.
Iron Cornlci'5 , Window C.t ) , etc.
l and put up In any jnrt of
Mimtrv. T. SIXIIULU llmiilrtictitlntrect
J. IIQNNKR 1303 DOUKIAS street. OooO lino.
Clothing nnd FurnlshliiK Ooodt.
OEO. 11. I'RTKKSON. Abe llati. Caps , Boots
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 604 S. 10th street ,
Fence Works.
OUST , FRIES .tCO. , 1213 Harney St. , Irupnno.
( xl Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Olllcc
llalllnts , Countcra of 1'ino and Walnut
Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent.
C. F.GOODMAN llth St bet. Farn. & Harnoy ,
Show Case Manufactory. )
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
Cases , Upright Cases , U : , 1317 Casa St
FHANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omali
Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street
jctuccn Lcarcnu orlh nnd Marcy. All goodi
warranted first-class.
Stoves nna Tinware.
Dealer In Stores and Timvarc , and Manufacture !
of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odil Fellows' Block.
J. I10NNER. 1309 Douelas St. Good and Cheap ,
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retell Seed Drills am
Cultivators , Odd Fellows' Hall.
Physicians an1 Surgeons.
V. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crclghton
Hock , 16th Street.
P. S. LEISENR1NO , M. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflo
Oculist and Aunst. S. W 15th and Farnham Sts
Photographer * .
Grand Central Gallcrv ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonlo Unit. First-class Work and Prompt
lews Rinrantcci'
Plumbing , Gas and ateam pitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21012th St , bet Farnham
and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATR1CK. 1409 Douttlas Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. HOSIERS. 1412 Dodge Street
Shoe Stores.
Phillip Lantr. 1320 Farnnam et. bet 13th & Uth.
Second Hand Store.
ERKINS k LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. New and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods ,
fvc. , liaurht and told on narrow margins.
n the new brick block on Douglas Stract , has
] u t op'.ncd n most clcgnnt l/'eeJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
o\ cry day.
Caledonia " J FALCONER. 679 10th Street.
HAS. UIEWC , lOia Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNEK , S03 } Tenth street , betuecn Farn
lam and Uarney. Does 1'ood nnd cheap work.
00 Cent Stores.
. 0. BACKUS. 1205 Farnhani St. . Fancv floods
Proposals for Sewer Pipe.
OMAHA , Neb , Sept. 8,1SS1-
Se.Ved proposal 111 bo retch td by the under-
gncd at his olllco up to 12 m. , of Tuesday ,
eptembcr 13th , 1881 , for the entire or part of the
ollowint , ' list of scwcrplpo of the best quality
nd finish and to bo dcmcrcd at Omihn , subject
o inspection ai per specification in the city en-
Inccrs otlico 17.001 feet nf 0 inch \itriflcd clay
> lpo , eiltKlazc ; 1100 feet of IS-lnch vitrified clay
ilpe , salt-fc'lazeOOOtK ; by fourinch YB forhOHso
onnection ; 170 Blx inch hand holes. Also GOO
cct eMU Inch cast Iron water pipe. All bids to
; > cclf > how teen delivery of material can bebo-
giin and completed part or In toto. The ri ht to
eject any or all bids or part of bids Is hereby re-
crved J , J. L. C. JKWETT ,
eep3-10t City Clerk.
Oornell College ,
The Classical , Plillosophlcal , Scientific and Civ-
Engineering Courses compare fatorauly with
10 beet colleges in the country.
Special adtoutages arogiven in the Prepirato-
r and Xornul Departments , and In the Conberr-
tory of Music ,
Twenty Profeitors and Teacher * .
Superior Buildings , Museum , Laboratory an I
txpeniet Low. Fall term opens Sept. 16 ,
For catalogues or otherlnformatlon , addreea
I'BBS.VM. . F. KINO , D. D. ,
V 12-d&w2m Mt. Vornon. Iowa.
Notice to Sewer Contractor * .
Sealed itropoBals will be received by the
ndersigned until 12 o'clock noon , of the
) th day of September , for the material
nd construction of a Bcvver from 8 to 8J
eet in diameter 3 rings thick , and about
200 feet long , on Jones Htreet from a point
ear the east side of 13th street at the
erminus of the 8 footsower aa constructed ,
ast to a point about 40 feet cast of thu
aat nido of Uth fctreet.
Bid > ) to bo based upon detailed plans and
locifications un file in the city engineer'H
lice and to bo separatu and specific upon
10 followint , ' pointw of detail. )
Kiitu per linear foot for material and
rick work complete in wall of sewer in-
usivo of excavation and back filling.
Hate per cubic yard for concrete work
omplete , inclusive of material in the
Hi to per linear foot for wheeling , inolu-
vo of driving and extracting.
Jtato per linear foot of piling ; funinhcd
nd driven ,
Hata per linear foot of pipe laid for
loots or other purposes.
Kate per vertical foot for complete con-
ruction inclusive of material of catch
ains and man holes.
J'ato per each hewer and pipe cornice-
on ,
Kate per cnbio yard for all embankment
r other grading necmsnry outsidoof exca-
ttinn and refilling belonging to the con-
ruction of newer under iir > a head.
Work to be begun on or before October
> , 1881 , and prosecuted an per provision
T Kpecilicatioim filed ,
Hid * must be accompanied by good and
illinent bonds in the Hum of § 10,000 aa
uroty that the contract , if awarded , will
e entered into in good faith by the bid-
er. The botuU to ba read previous in
moderation of bid , nnd unless found to
> o a good and bonn-lido bond the bid to bo
rejected. J. J. L. 0. JKWKTT.
Bept8-12t City Clerk
Axle Grease
Uiod on Wagons , HuL'glei , Ileapcn , Threshers
nd illll Machhary. It la INVALUXBI.K TO KAKK
t. AMD TKAUHrVRi. It cures Hcratclits and all
Indi of sorco on Iloruco and Stock , tut well ai on
nen.OLABK & WISE , Manuf's ,
30C Illlnoli Street , Chlcaeo.
/3T8BND FOH PJUCEa. Je Sl-Bm-bs
Dexter L. Thomas ,
How n POOP Plow-Mnltor TJconmr
thoProslilcut'ti Prloinl Tlio Hard
Money > } > rooU that GlmuRod Tow
KiohoVa SVirtuuo.
I'roni tinDentcrTrUiunr. .
"I shall novur fomot Thoinns Jf ,
Niclioh , His oiucur lins Leon .in 10-
timrkaMu na any man's I over lic.inl
of. Wlioii 1 first know Jiim ho was
dirly nnd rajjjtcil. Now lie is n banker -
or in Now York , and nu esteemed
friend of I'rosidont Gal field. "
Hun. tii'onjo A. Crawford , ox-gov
ernor of KixusiiH , in.'ulo ( Ilia roiiuul ;
wliilo chntiintj ia hU easy , ploasaut
niaiiiior with two or three friends at
the Windsor liotol yesterday nffcr-
noon. llii littoners looked interested ,
and one of thuin asked :
"Who ia Thomas M. Nichol , any
way ? "
( Jov. Crawford smiled aa ho said :
"llo's u wonderful man. His history ,
SK far aa I know it , is ono of the most
interesting political romances 1 ever
hoard. I can romcmhor as plainly as
though it were yesterday the first
limo I ever mot him. it was ono
evening in September , 1873 , on the
kopot platform at Fort Scott , Ks.
Ho had como over from llumboldt to
exhibit n plow ho had invented at n
fair then being hold. At that time 1
was manufacturing plows at my foun
dry. I had heard that morning that
n man with n now style plow was in
town , and I had some curiosity to
talk to him. So I wont up to mm
while ho was at work taking his plow
apart to ship'it back to llumboldt. I
asked him ono or two questions , and
from his sharp and rather brusque-
answers , but sqnsiblo and to the point ,
I soon discovered that ho know
all about his own plow , at any
rate. Well , wo got to talking , And I
liked him so well that it ended in my
beginning the manufacture ofhisplow.
At his own proposition ho went to
work in the foundry with the other
workmen. Wo soon discovered that
although the now plow wasa good ono ,
it was too expensive for the farmers
so wo stopped making thorn. Wo had
iv number on hand , and .Nichol went
to Racine , Wis. , to sco if'ho could not
soil them tq T. C. Henry , who was
something of a grain king in that ro
gion. Wliilo there he mndo arrangements
monts with Case & Co. , to manufac
ture his plows. It was about the time
3f the crcenback excitement. Sam
Carey spoke there ono night , and his
speech so excited the hard money ire
} f Nichol that ho went to the republi
can committee and asked if it would
not hire n hall and let him
inswer Carey. The committee man
ooked him over and laughed at him.
What could a rough looking fellow
iko him have to say on had money
: hat would convince anybody ? Then
tfiehol got Ho was bound to
mswcr the speech , and said if the
jommitteo wouldn't biro a hall ho
.vould . do it himself , and lie did. Ho
ulvertiscd that the Plow Boy of Kan-
lag would speak , and ho filled the hall.
Blis speech created a sensation at
nice. The republican committee that
lad laughed at him now smiled Hweet-
y on him , and offered him a coed ;
leal of money to canvass the state and
iclp elect Smith governor. Nichol
Iropped his plow nnd took to stump
ipeaking. Ho jumped into popular !
y at once. His speeches were origin-
tl and forcible , and it was to him
hat Smith owed his election ,
laving established quite n repu-
ation as a hard money advocate ,
Nichol went into Illinois and helped
ilont ; the campaign there , and then
Iroppod into Ohio , where ho mrulo
farm friends of Garfield and Sher-
nnn. It was not long after that that
10 established the 'Honest Money
eaguo , ' and had his oflico at Chicago.
lo wrote a good many pamphlets ,
irhich wore largely used in the difibr-
nt campaigns , and which brought
litn into close relations with the
irominont men of the country , esye-
ially Garfield , lilaino nnd Sherman ,
lo was as poor as a Bohemian all this
imo. Ho never had any mrnoy.
Vhon the Chicago convention con-
cued Nichol was on the ground as
ho confidential friend of John Shor-
iaii. Ho worked hardffor his man ,
nd did some really clover outside
fork ; but when ho found Sherman
ould not mnco it , ho was heart nnd
oul for Garfiold. After the election
fichol was made nn Indian commis-
ioner. But his health was so bad
liat ho resigned the office and wont
D Now York Wo now como to how
e became a. banker. Upon arriving
i Now York ho made the acquaint-
nco of Mr. Hatch , of the largo dry
oods firm of Lord & Taylor. Hatch
as quito infatuated with him.
lichol s lite was a romance to him ,
nd ho had so much faith in his now
npnd's ability that lip proposed the
llianco m the banking business
lichol to put his knowledge of hard
ish , so to speak against Air. Hatch's
npital. That was some time ago.
Tow ono of the biggest banking
ouses in Now York ia Nichol , Hatch
; Co. I can hardly think ho is the
imo man whom I met on the depot
latform sovcn years ago ,
"You would think it a little strange
i hear that if it had not been for
fichol , Gov. Low Wallace , of Now
lexico , would not Jiavo been ap-
ointed minister to Turkey , would
ou not ? " and Gov. Crawford looked
iquiringly into the interested faces
f liia listeners.
Ono of the group remarked that
othing that Nichol could do would
iirpriso him after what ho had heard ,
' : u genial story teller smiled and
ontinued ; "Yes , Low Wallace owes
is appointment undoubtedly to
lichol. It all came about through
ivijield'a love of books , nnd his ap <
rcciation of literature that pleased
im , As I said before , Nichol and
! ; ufield are great friends. Whenever
10 was in Washington Nichol used to
lay at Garfiold'u , house , Ono morn-
Dg my friend came down to break-
list , and , after drinking his coflco ,
urncd to Garticld and said :
" 'By the way , what do you think
f that now book by Low Wallace ? '
"Garliold looked up in some sur-
iriso nnd nskod : 'What book has Low
Vallace written ? '
" 'Bon I'ur , ' replied Nichol , nnd ho
rent on enthusiastically to toll how
nuch ho had liked the book and ear-
lestly recommended Garfield to read
t. The latter remarked tnnt ho hud
o little reading time that lip was
areful to select nothing but litcr.i-
tire of the highest order , but that ho
rould rend 'Bun Hur' if Nichol
thought ho would like it. Ho rc.i
the book and was highly please wit
it. When Nichol nsked what li
thought of it Garfield said'A mm
who can write n book like that cm
servo his country better tliun in gov
crning a territory like New Mexico. '
Garfield showed his upprcci.ition o
the book and its author. Ho nl one
wrote ; i congratulatory letter to Wai
lace , and n friendship ti | > raii ! { up between
tween Ilium. It was duo lo this that
Wallace was appointed to n foreigt
"Nichol is now not mnro than 10
yeais old. Them's no tolling what ho
may do before ho dies , " said Governor
Crawford , as ho concluded his al ry
Tobalco IK a demokr.itic vegitablo ,
komposeil tiv Binoak nnd cunt , nnd izi
yused n good col buy innmats uv
alinsliowspa bo4 tlia put tliaro.
A good incnny inon lnvv tnnid lor-
chunu.i oph tobako , and n trooil inunny
moar wood hav bin fot'cluinib if tha
Stun people moaztircs the prosperity
uv the kountry buy the iukrees in the
tobako krop.
If it wuzent fur the tacks on to
bake the guvermoiit wood hav tu find
seine other way uv timing ininiuy nnd
the ] ) ooplo BUIU other way uv spending -
ing it.
Won n man soz lie iz a modrato
Binoakcr it iz abonght nz definite sir. tu
say onything iz the size uv a dog.
Won a man sez the only viau hohaz
iz the yuso uv tobako he gunumlly
praktises that so\v mutch that hu ain't
got tymo fur the others.
Wen 1 hcor n speokor say , "Wy ,
oven hogs won't cliu tobako , " I kno
ho ain't scene az menny cliuors az 1
hitv.Tho yuao uv tobako iz lookt upon
az a virclui buy awl hoe r in the grasp
uv the vise.
Wen a man acz ho lies cliuod ever
aitico ho wuz a boy and it nuver dun
him kno harm , it maix mo glad tu c
him sow well satisfydo wit'i himself.
Wen a boy begins tu Binoko ho
thinx it inaix him a man , lyko sum
men hoe awarcs thinx it maix them a
Oenral Jaxon.
Whenever I hoer a doktor say the
vuso uv tobako iz knot injmius tu the
health I kno wun uv tu tilings ho
yuso it hizzelf or ho aint got much
Sum men smoax without liarm buy
swallowing the smoak without spit
ting ; others buy spitting without
swallowing the smoak , It iz a poor
reel wet won't spit both wazo.
Sun doktors orders tharo pnchonco
to smoak tu kwiot tharo nerves ; butt
if tha wood only iind out wet kawsc's
tharo nerves tu bokum unkwiet and
remoov it it Would bo moro ccusiblo.
I kno a feller wet spends 5 smiso
fur tobako and 12 sense fur his din
ner ovry day , hoe oez lie got sic when
ho diskovcrcd a smawl peace uv read
liare inn hiz hash tlio other day.
lib stummic haz bekum sow purifydo
uud sensitiv buy the kontinude yoose
uv the weed that ho couldn't go tlio
road hare.
Kannibals won't cet n mhn wet haz
yoosed tobako a hint for mi.hona-
ries :
J3ill Joans' - fatherBCRit" iT : knot
polyto tu yoose yoor nife tu oet fried
potatoes with butt I scene him yooso
liiz nifo to' ' kut a hunk off pop's plug
uid eeb'it. It iz a keel day wen Bill
Joans' daddy's nifo won't kut'both
Sum men scz it aulwaiz maix them
'eel misorabcl if tha don't smoak after
1 meol , nnd then asks if anybody haz
my objeckshins tu tharo indulgin
; hon , nnd konsidcrs themselves mag-
lanimusly polyto bokawa tha giv the
) thers a chance to objokt after telling
; hem their objekshin wood mnik thorn
Won a feller asks his Sunday gurl
f she objekts tu tobako smoak and
iho BOZ kno she lykos tu smell it , I
tulwazo think she haz katar in bur
lozo or bur bump uv language is
The kronio yooso uf tobako to pro-
rcrts a man's ideas uv liberty uv
ickshun , cspochally on a krowded
> romenaid.
Smoaking on strcat-kara iz aloud on
ho frunt platform in summer and
ho back platform in winter.
Wet inaix mo mad iz to okupy the
runt sect inn a summer kar wear the
cool broazo bloughs on yoor faso , and
inv tu change it bekawso the driver
'ooses yoor faso and shirt-boozam tu
> raktis on with hiz porpotchooal to-
> ako atomizer.
It iz a bad thing fur a man wet
moax tu toll hiz boy it iz a bad habit
u smoak , bokawa just az suuo az ho
logins tu lurn that hiz father doz wet
2 knot rite .ho loozes kontrol over
1 newer Binoakt butt wun scagar
.nd didont finish that ; it finisht mo
The modern podagog teochoa yung
dcas how tu cha-root ,
Tobaka rczombols watcrmollins it
ran bo plugged.
Pop sez if tobako wuz knot good
u choo , God wood knot purmit it tu
; ro ; but won Bill Jeans throed n
tone and hit him on the bed , pop
: awt liill and spankt him by another
Kcmists hnz anylized toboko and
07. it kontancs nootrimont. But that
z a , deer way tu obtnno it ; tu 10
cent plugs kontancs 1 sonso'wurth
iv nootriment , wich iz wunto than
takois' bred ,
The Innjin tnwt tlio wy'.o man'too
'ooso tobako , and the wyto man ro-
alinted by showing the Tnnjin how
u drink whisky. Az yoomml , the
vyto man iz abed.
When Cir Waultor Ilawjoy furst
cum back tu Inglund and , . Hinoakt a
eagar , ovrybody tliawt it wn the
oktrick lito , and Kwoon Victory
> aut up awl the stoo she koo'd got ,
Ltid then askt I'arloymont turaizo hur
vajea tu moat hur ockstraordinary
\\on Waullor chuckt nwa tlio butt
hare waz a ukrambel ,
_ Sum pcoplo choose fine kut tobako
vith tharo nozo ,
Tobako preserves poor tenth lyko
'inigar dokukumbers. .
Kolord inoorahnms iz wurth moar
ban wyto wnris ; but it ia dilFeront
vith kolorcd men.
Mont everybody tryos tu nionzuro
) thor people by his idvna ur things ;
hut iz the roozun tharo iz so monny
clijohmt and BO fu fits. A minister
> vet sinoax don't think it iz ony harm
( i iinlulj that habit ; wun wet tuix hiz
'lusi UT wino for dinner don't boleavo
in total abstinence , and sollli. . H i
hard tit fit another man with yoo
pcqliaritlc.i ; the saino t ylor ought ti
maik both. GIM
Brlilnl Pair In Pnnts.
Clni.inn.itl Ooi nierclnl ,
HlriiMOND , Ind. , Setcmber | 8.
The northern part of this county am
Hu' southern part of Kundolph , is ina
fever heat of o.\citemont over Iho
elopement of a pretty school girl 01
thirteen , with her father's hired hand ,
and the purauit and capture of the
young Juliet. Her name is Hartley ,
and she is the daughter of a well fixed
farmer , who owns a farm on the othei
side of the county lino. Tin
two had boon making love
on the sly for a long time ,
and at last determined to run nwa )
and got married , and loltmi homo
and ask forgiveness and a corner of
the old homestead place. She wns
largo and well developed for ono 01
her ago , and after chopping oil hoi
long silken tresses and putting on her
brother's Sunday pants and cut-tiwny ,
shb made a good-looking boy , Hoi
best dress ami summer hat woio pack
ed in a carpet-sack , nnd nn hour be
fore daylight the rural Itomeo drove
up under the window with the family
chaise , and she was soon stowed
away in it with her carpot-sack. They
drove rapidly over to Harrisvillo , "a
way station on the C. 0. 0.
it I. road , and were standing
on the platform , waiting for the
norning accommodation to como
dong , and bear them nway , when a
'reight train drew up and the old gon-
lemaii jumped oil' and began mauling
the young tellow with his fists. Ho
stood it for a minute and seeing that
iis picnio was over ho braced himself
ind gave his employer a good thrash-
ng. The old man had not detected
iis daughter in the round-ahouldorod ,
'air-skinnod boy that Mood by nnd
vitncssed the engagement , nnd she
night still have eluded him if she had
riud ; but when ho began to cry for
lia child , and upbraided the fellow for
iaing taken her from him , she ran to
lim and asked to bo taken home.
When they got on the cars ho drove
nil the piissongers out nnd made her
change her apparel. Ho wont homo
swearing that if that follow ever cnmo
around his promises again ho would
shoot him.
V. A. Scratch , Itutlivcn , Ont. , writes :
'I hiuo the Rrontest confidence in your
iunnocK lii.oon 35ITTKUH. In ono case
rith which I niu personally acquainted
heir HUCCC3S was almost incredible. One
ady told inu that half n linttlo did her
nero KOIM ! than hundred * of dollars' wurth
of medicine BIO had previously taken. "
"rice 51.00 , trial hizc 10 cent * . 12eodlw
Buoltliu's Arnlon Salvo.
The best salvo in the world for outs ,
mnscs , sores , ulcora , salt rheum ,
over sores , totter , chapped hands ,
hillblains , corns and all kinds of
kin eruptions. This salvo is gnar-
uilccd to give perfect satisfaction in
every case or money refunded. Price ,
2uc per box. For palo by
Ihit it MoMAiioN , Omaha.
To Nervous Sufterers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It Is a positlvociirc for hpcnnatoirhea , fa'cmlna
Wcokncai. linpot.incy , and nil diseases resulting
( ram bclf-Abiue , an Mental An\loiy , l.osai
Memory , 1'alnn In tlio licU ! or SI.Jo. . nnd disease ! )
. , J.
„ , ,
tllat ov to
Insanity and
I The hpcclllc
Mcdlciuu is
bulnu used
ulth HOJidur-
till eucttsa.
font Ircu to all. Wrlta for them and gat full par
Price , Specific , 81,00 per packaifo , or ilx jiock.
aiica ( or (5.00. Address all orders to
Hon. 104 and 100 Main St. llullalo , N. Y.
Sold In Omahi by U. F. Qooilman , J. W. licit ,
J. K Itli , aud all JruifKlatsovorywlicro.
Geo. P. Bemis
IGth and Dodge 8ti. , Omaha , Nab.
Tills aircncy does BTMOTLYa lirokcrnco butlneii.
ocd not speculate , and therefore any horgnlna
n lit liooks are Insured to Its patrons , Instead
1 belt ) , iroliblcd UP bv the a cnt
Fcrandations of Success
The laws of trade , legal form * , how to trann-
ct busincM , Adlu-blo tables , social ettipjetto
arliamcntary usao ) , how to conduct public bust-
tens ; In fac.t It Is a coinplcto Guide to Hueccsj for
1 cases. A family nciTailty. Aildrcwi for clr-
liars and cpocial terms ANCIIOK PUULIHIIINO
O- .
Sioux CrtyK J Pacific
St. Paul &A"sioux City
id all points In Northern Iowa , MlnncHota and
akotn. Tills line Is equipped v.-Jtli the Improiocl
WcstliiKhousc Autoinntle Air-brake nnd Miller
latform Counlej and lluffcr ; and for
s iinmiriufjiccl. r.lcpint 'Prouinir Itoom and
( uplni ; Cars , owned and controHinl by the coin.
uny , run through WlT'iOUT CIIANOK between
Inloii P.itlllo Transfer ufi > ot at Council lllulls ,
ul Kt , Paul.
Trains l we Union Padflo Transfer dipotu
ouncll Illultoat p , in. , rcsnliliii ; aloux City
1 10:20 : . in. and tit. Paul at ll:0i : a. in. inakliiK
HctunilriK , leave Et. Paul at 8:30 : p. in. , arrhhiK
Hloux C'ltj 4Uftjk in , , and Union PacllluTrani
I dcmt | , OonnrlI llluirH , at 0M : ) a. in. Heat
at jour tlcktU ro.vl via "S. 0. li P. It. U. '
F. 0. IIILLU , Superintendent ,
T. H. H011IN80N , Wlmourl Valley , ia.
As t. On Pa8 . Agent.
J. II. O'lllll AN , 1'aw.uiror AKent.
floimcll Illiiffi , Iowa.
DexterL.Tliomas&Bro ,
lja _
AND lib
cossrc-rru TIURKWITH ,
Pay Taxes , Eont Houses , Etc.
all at Ofllce , Itooni 8 , C'rcilitoii ( Illock , ' Omaha.
No. 1508 Farulium Street ,
rr > c North tldo opp , Grand Central Hotel.
MQ " 38 T3T "f /o4"ET / V 'f "iTi tfY * if ; rHTi/Tl / * S * < 1 Vrt ' 57
dull uXd\j li UrJLJllg U y > iHJciiOlj | ] 9
Finest giver. Hated Spoons and forks ,
The only nml/j / Jtionivl pinto that
original firm of v
is giving for instance - ]
llogora ] ) roa.
\i1iZfn\Gf'rt\ \ \
stance n binglo
All our Simons ,
plated Spoon n
Forks n u (1
Iviuvos plated triplothicknosaof
with the greatest "
plate only \ on
of u\ro. Each
the s o c t'.i o * s
lot being hung
on a acalo wliilo where expo d
buing plntcd , to to wear , thereby I
insure n full deposit
making n single
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
thorn.Wo wear aa long aa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial attention
tion to our see-
Rival. Orient- Tinned.
All Orders Iti thOjWcst should lie Addrciiscd to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their
M Ladies'Beavor Dolmans $8 00 upwardsLanios'Beaver , Oloaks ,
35 00 upwards ; Laflios' Wool Shawls , $100 upwards ; Ladies'
Ulsters , $3 50 upwards.
1 Lot Black IMimores , all wool , 40 inolies wide , 50,65,75,8F , , ,
and 95 oonfcs. Extraordinary Value ,
1 Lot English Cashmeres , all Shades , reduced to 371-2 cents , ,
4 Cases -Uauton Flannels , 81-3,10 , and 12 1-2 cents ,
4 Bales 4-4 Sheetings , 71-2 cents jor yard , by the piece ,
1 Case Prints , new styles , 5 cents , * ; ;
0 Oases Bed Comforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices ,
Cheviots , Ginghams , Ticks , Doniina , Tublo Linona , Towels , Bed Spreads ,
itc. , nt Popular Prices.
Jadics' , Misacs' , Boys' and Ohildrona' Shoos 20 per cent lower than any Shoo
Store in Omaha.
SPECIAL. ! Lot Splendid Shirting Flannels , 22i cents per yard , worth 35 conte.
P. G. IMLAH , Manager ,
Leader of Popular Prices.
Omaha , A POT. A HIT Collins ,
Cheyenne , * * * WAMIA/ * ! Colorado
> f
Fall and Winter
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all I , ,
J. A.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - ' " OMAHA , NEB