THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 1IIUJISDAY SEPT Bar BER 15 , 1881. VAN WYCK'S VIEWS , Address Delivered at the No- brnska State Fair. A Rousing Spoooli On the Iitrln IMUO * of the Day. At tlio instance of Ilio mnnnqors U. S. Senator Vnii Wyck on Wctlnos day delivered the following nddrossn the f.iir grounds in tliia city : Thli should be not so much th fanner's lioliilay , but rather the oc occasion for conference ns to tin manner of improviiit1 nil the imlua trios of the land because only throng ] tlio dovclopincnt of nil and the prosperity - pority of oacli Is his own prosperity secured. Not only to reason togotlt or ivbsut the system of husbandry , fo ho must learn that the best is tin only kind which will bo found profit able ; that weuda and corn cannot grow on the satno soil during the satno mm on ; that 100 .acres producing fiObush cla pur ncro is fnr bettor than L'OO acres producing 30 bushels per aero , That wheat in a largo portion of the state should not bo grown boyoiu homo supply , the uncertainty of the crop and the largo outlay for necessa ry imcliitioty leaving but little to the producer. That the best grade of stock on the farm and in the market is that which is host cared for. The severe winter and the equally severe Bummer is teaching rather severely the lessen , that cattle cannot subsist without feed , and that less food wil bo necessary \vhoro sheltered from the allows nnd winds of winter. And while discussing the treatment , feeding ing , watering and salting the herds nnd flocks , the growing wealth of this growing state , it will not bo amiss to know the mode of watering ether stocks and salting mines with miner als where none uxist. Every year ia bearing its testimony to the truths of the thousands gone before , that there is no true excellence without labor , oitho'rin the field , the arts and sciences , the forum , tlio bench , or the pulpit. That no addition is tnado to the actual wealth of the world except by the labor of hnnds. No pyramids in the deserts , no cities on the plains nnd by the sea , no mountains tunneled , no vnl- loya filled , no aqueducts , no canals , no railroads , except by the toil of muscle and norvo. Goniua nnd brain have often come to relieve much of the drudgery ; the screw , the lover , the wedge , were the first and simplest. Then tjtoam , elec tricity , the printing press , the sowing machine , and the thousands of con trivances whereby labor is lessened and often made pleasant. Yet , the inventions of the past and present are of no avail without the toil nnd weari ness of laboring hands around and be hind them. Beyond all thoao matters of hus bandry , stock-raising , machinery und toil , are other questions equally im portant and affecting the material in terests of the farmer. I know many are horrified at the thought of passing beyond what they would like to make the dead line botwcon labor in all its ramifications and the privileges of special interests acquired by charter , or combination ; but many of the latter have become BO grayling nnd njjgrt'ri- flfvo _ thnt _ naif-protection forces the cousidor.ition with the viaw of secur ing justice to the comparative few , and : equal justice to the toiling multitude. If wo were only allowed to ascer tain what county and whoso farm made the greatest yield , whoao oroam- } ory or dairy produced tlio best butter and choose , which grade of cattle or ( Bwmo made most meat from an equal quantity of grain , nnd by wny of moral diversion , which horse , for no sort of use to the horse or its owner , could bo forced into the greatest speed , or bo amused with a balloon of huge proportions demonstrating the folly and possibly the injury and death of only ono man , while the balloons of conservative in flationists , with pockets full of tracts , on stable currency ; yet hands pump ing and mouths full of material to fill balloons which impair the prosperity of the nation. If this were the extent of your mission then the chapter might be brief , but the productions of America are so extensive in the num ber of persons engaged therein the vast business interests they support , the nations of the old world tho/ are helping to food , that it becomes im portant wo should widen the vision. Consider , at least , all matters con nected with and depending upon agri culture , Vast as nro the railroad interests representing millions multiplied by millions , aggregating moro than one- eighth of the wealth of the nation , yet their real prosperity is dependent upon the products of the soil. The prospect of bountiful crops gives lifo to their business , elevates stock. The bull of Wall Btroot , borrowing tlio name of tno lender of the herd , tosses his head nnd booms , while tlio grass hopper and chinch bug and drouth are watched with solicitude , nnd their coming depresses , only enlivening the sluggish , torpid boar , nlso of Wall street , who is hoping for crash nnd reverse - verso that ho mar grow fat. So , too , with the manufacturers and merchants , bountiful harvests moan nn increased demand anductivity in all trado. This nation has tided over its greatest financial * difliculty nnd achieved its greatest financial victory , and resumption niado possi ble pnly because our surplus produc tions , needed abroad , called coin and ; bullion from nearly all the nations of Europe. From this stand point how plain that there is necessarily no con flict and should bo no antagonisms- between any branch of labor nnd between - twoon capital und labor. Although this ia too often only sentiment and after duo exhortation , the fact is : apparent that from the natural bolig- erenoy of. mankind the time for the lying down of the lion and the lamb , or the bulls and the bears exists moro Jn hope than realization. From the early times this has boon a vast huckstering , trnficking world , with individuals nnd nations each Booking advancement nt the expense : > of the othor. In tradn this has boon [ called competition ; in gorormontal : affairs , ambition. Jacob did it when ho watered stock , nnd to deceive Labun , hU father-in- law , placed whoop-poles Jn die uuttora : of the watering trmi li. So did I'ha- aoh and Joseph when they sold corn at famine prices in Egypt. From the days of Cain nn apology for defraud ing or over-reaching is over found in the Hearties ? nnd criminal inquiry , "Am I my brother's keeper ? " Siiico nations have been breaking down the Chinese wall , which thorn- sclvea had made in the guise of high tnriff , and exchanging moro liberally the productions of each , it bccomea moro nenesiary to fitudy the changed conditions ol trade nnd commerce. Now channel ? and now industries necessitate lien * modes of thought. As well retain the tinder box , the Hint lock , the battering ram as the dogmas of political economists ot the past century. Tlio world luu advanced na much in currency and finance ni in production ind transportation. An well cross the ocean by nail and wind ni to insist that gold can bo the imly circulating medium. A century ago in transportation and currency no otner factors were known , but the world's progress lias given amore moro active power to propel and i moro convenient medium of exchange Natural philosophy may not change now principles may bo evolved , bu' ' gravitation , light , lieat , the movcmon of the heavenly bodies remain th same ns in the ngo of Galileo , bu political economy based upon and rep resenting the most approved thcoriei of the times when written , inns change ns nations develop and ad vance , and keep abreast of progress ii manufactures , trade nnd commerce The great economic writers of othc : days should be gratefully remembered but if living to-day many of their would modify their own theories. Wo should benefit by the change : of our national experience. A few years ago , in the flush prosperity , when legal tenders wor basis of currency , when its volunv rathur than character made all indus tries active nnd profitable , man. prophesied disaster , which was a safi thing to do , nnd tnndo paper mono } the caus , nnd the only remedy a coii : basis. Jn duo time wo reached that point soon Citmo another wild mania foi speculation. The same conservative philoauhcrs who had denounced papoi money next said wo had too imicl coin , whoii it was flowim. ' back upon ua like the tide in exchange for the cattle nnd grain of the west. Then the same financial philoso pliers , in order to inaugurate another panic from which they might increase their gains , insist that money is op abundant , and silver must bo eliminated from thocuironcy. This was the same struggle of the few against the many. Then a portion of the press , con troled in trade centers by the money intercut , denounced the masses as sil ver lunatics and denounced the silver crazo. Congress stood firm and BUB bined the people over the veto of a too willing president. Wo were assured in the raid ngninst legal tenders that a hard money basis tvould repress the spirit of gambling md speculation , yet this nation never witnesaed such dangerous criminal xnd law violating speculation na since roBiiniption. 1'lioae uamo philosophers who iuT- nuno all knowledge and wisdom in fi nancial _ concerns in their bankers' convention , n few weeks ago , admit ted thnt a largo hroportion of the bus iness of the country , probably nine- eon-twentieths , wna based upon pa- ier nnd upon credit. When paper ivaa based upon the credit and faith if a nation of 00,000,000 people , Jieso men were instant in season and ut of season prophesying evil. Now , ivhou it is based * upon tlio credit ot peculators who , in a few years , or months , may bo bankrupt , the air is not BO full of warnings from that iourco and the sentinels on the watch towers are not prophets of disasters. Very many of those financial phil- 3sophors , who often seek to put off their notions ns embodiments of pat riotism , nro loaning millions upon col laterals of stocks and bonds , which thpy know nt the first approach of danger will bo worthless inftiiy of them fraudulently issued and in violation of law , known to bo swin dling , designing schemes to entrap victims , which will prove a fraud upon the banks and n still greater fraud upon the masses. The bankers are helping this dan- porous inflation they are furnishing the light air to blow those bubbles. Without their aid the victims could not obtain money for margins , and without their assistance the Bchomcrs who build now roads or rehabilitate bankrupt ones with the open , notorious rious intention to defraud by placing two and often four dollars in stocks and bonds on the market for every dollar really expended , could not float their worthless paper. * Much indignation is manifested at the same system in adulterating other articles by making greasy oleomargo- rino and calling it butter ; by mixing glucose and white earth in sugar ; u moderate sprinkling of corn juice in boor , or water , sometimes strychnine , in whisky ; but the adulteration of tiocla and bonds fourfold the vnluu of the property , excites no alarm in the minds of conservative bankers , or nt least not to the extent of withholding loans , thereby preventing this mad career of villainy. Thus wo BOO how important that each industry should understand nnd watch the other. Why not ? Who ire more interested in n sound cur rency and a stable credit than the toilura on the land toilers every where toilers in thoworksliops oilurs m the prairioa ? When the crash omci ! labor is injured and pow erless to protect itself , The gruntncss of its numbers is n louroo of weakness , The banking in terest can easily assemble in national jonyention nnd net in concert for a iommon purpose. The great railroads ] an bo represented in the smallest mrlor nt Saratoga , HO few in numbers ire the controling spirits. When { jank or railroad presidents moot in ionvention no outside interest at- cinpta to checkmate their movements , tfo Jeremy Diddlors bold enough to took to wool the oyoa of tlicao Bohoin- ; ira. Who would hope that a national . onvonlion of producers would uecom- lish any practical benefit when a ounty nnd stateorganization is sought ; to bo controlled in other interests and real antagonism to their own ? If finance in n legitimate question to bo considered , BO ia the moro imnor- ant ono of transportation. All hu > nan power , whether of wealth or of itate , will bo exorcised at times arbi. trarily. All people recognising thla fact have restrained by law the nvnr- ice , the greed and cruelty of money. Tlio usurer has always been denounc ed. The class of Shylocka with keen acont for blood money , always descant about the vahto of property , that money like other property should rcg- ulato their rate of interest by supply nnd demand. In na- sumcd superiority they deny the com mon mind the right to discuss or even consider so obtniso a nubiect ns finance. They claim that shouldbo left to the men who make it n lifo study. So unrelenting nnd overbearing ia the cent percent , that the usury laws are fieqliontly violated , iron will take the chance1) of the penalty , just us Urn pirate on the ocean and the smuggler in port. Tulle about antagonism of capital nnd labor ; talk about striken nnd com munism. Docs the pulpit nnd press ring out ita fearful anathemas upon capital setting lawa nt defiance in ita unholy greed to take the pound of llcah , and if not held by the throat would willingly take the drop of blood ? The danger ia not that the farm era and laborers will know too much in problems of government. If the masses are ignoranton these questions , that ignorance is a crime , and there 'a the danger. Hero ia your mistake. You give too little attention to finance , to trans portation nnd politics. Give thoao natters thought. Save n little time from the plow and field to ntudy. Keep your clijldron'in school. Don't aond thorn with the herd as Boon na .hoy can straddle the pony , or put them to the plow ns BOOH ns they can roach the handles. If you do , ether interests will gut the hotter of you. The struggle of this ngo is not with nuaclo , oven on the field requir ing muscle. You must have the brains ns well aa the brawn. You are educating the soil into' i moro generous harvests ; you hnvo im proved the grade of cattle ; oven rounded out the form of the hog until 't is exciting the diplomatists of nil iivilizod countries. Now do ns much or yourself nnd children. Jftlurn- , ion will give you better crops , bettor lords , bettor markets , and in the struggle with men who live nlono by , the brain , you can moot , if not on nn oqunl field , at least not to n disadvan tage. tage.Wo Wo know the difficulties in the way of education are somewhat npalling. The father muat toil from early morn to night , fall to procure broad for the little ones , nnd then the little ones ; must toil to help got money to pay interest to save the homestead , to appease - : pease the tax-gatherer. Will you then tell mo. it ia wrong for the state to interpose nnd protect the tolling helpless laborer ? that it ; shall insist that.inonoy , that corporate wealth , thnt banks , that railroads , that telegraph lines shall pay their just nnd full share of the taxea. Will you toll mo that the stnto should not compel the usurer to bo satisfied with the legal rate of interest ? thnt rail roads and telegraph companies should not double and quadruple the stock and bonds of ita roads und then insist upon dividends for ita watered stock and bonds. Of late some railroad magnates , while denying or attempting to ignore jhis species of legislation , no olnrft ring - ing for national interference to pro tect 0110 class of operators from the shark-like propensity of another. It scorns there ia much of human kind in stock operators , the habit of de ; vouring grows , after crunching nil victims withing reach , they sometimes turn nnd rend each othor. Some of the lamb-like creatures desire con gress to interfere and prevent their destruction by the ravenous beasts > that ( ok in the fold , claiming that no obligfpns of honesty or honor can hold awso men to n pool they have voluntarily joined , nnd they demand ) thnt the occaaional outbreak of competition merely for gambling pur i noses shall bo throttled by congress. This position is nt least n concession | ( V > of the power of the people to regulate and control. Thus the world mores. Wo rojpico in the indication of lioal- thy action from the moral standpoint. The most wonderful stock operator of the ago , Jay Gould , obtained not long since a sprinkle of religion. It was a strange , weird place to obtain that commodity down in Missouri , at Kansas City. Kansas accounts for > it that ho was so near the line of that state , and the holy influences lapped Missouri. Ho seemed then to bo re > nouncing the allurements of Wall street when ho said ho had already se cured of wealth money enough to f satisfy nil his reasonable wants ; that his family was small and ha had suf ficient for their maintenance ; that henceforth ho would own , stock , and bond , railroads purely for the food of the country and love of the pooplo. But ulas the return to Wall street was too demoralizing. Ho fell > from grace and wont on watering o stocks moro vigorously than before. L i'lion that other wonderful opera tor , Vimdorbilt , when ho was away from the gambling dons of Now York City ho , too , had n twinge of con science and Boomed reaching for the anxious sent. Not so strange in his rase , us ho could moro fully realize the ileetncss of lifo when ho saw paWj Mtutd ileetly dashing around the I Wj track ; then away from the bulls nnd al bears ho could enjoy tlio moro sooth ' iing society of horsomon. Possibly the tranquil and sacred influences of CO Chicago had a happy ofiect in eleva inj ting the thoughts and heart sufliciont- an 1.0 . ly long and high to bewail the wicked lei ness of the ago when ho proclaimed 10 ) that the rockleasness and villainy of the day in issuing stocks and bonds was unparalleled that no road was aver built or reorganized that did not ov fraudulently issue four times the cost Bti f its construction. de Vandurbilt has returned to the east , du but there is no record whether ho has 08 ! ono back to the abominations ho do- , sh louncod. St ( But the good work goes on. The shan Herald of Omaha , from which I am an ilways proud to quote. ( Has not our th oodfriond Dr. Miller always insisted thwe we .hut it was the only religious paper in by f ho west ) has proclaimed the irosont railroad building making BTJ ho republic ono vnst credit mobllior , BTJB by n construction company. An in- B udo ring of the inoorporators contract BTJE ivith themselves to defraud the future E iwnors of the roados well as the pub ; ic. That a now telegraph line was irganized and a contract made with Jicmeolvcs for construction at ? 300 Ejt per mile , \ \ hen the nclual coat could not exceed 8100 , The Herald asks what is "tho mat ter , " nnd answeis "that the line is built by subscriptions to capital stock , and the greater the coit the wider the margin for stock opcmtions. " The llcr.ild truthfully adds , "It will surprise n great many people to learn that some of the Inrgest railway projects in tlio country hnvo been un dertaken and carried to completion without the expenditure of n dollar of their own money by the oiigiunl projectors nnd largust owners. This ia done by stocking nnd bonding the concern , to double the cost of con struction , possibly thrco times the cost. " Speaking of CJould , the Herald says among his wondoiful nchiovomenta "Ilo purchased the Missouri Pacific for ? rj,060,000. To realize handsome ly on this venture ho issues $30,000- , 000 worth of slock , ยง 25,000,000 of which waa water. " At another time , the Herald saya , "Tho Pullman I'nlaco Car company hns-wmefod its stock $2.000,000 , , but kcopa the price of bunks up just the same. " When these facts are boldly stated by those who claim to know , I trust wo may bo pardoned for an occasional allusion , nnd that no taunn of hay seed and demagogue may bo hurled nt those who nro inclined to repeat the same. same.With nil this evidence , will it bo claimed that the state should not in terpose to protect , not the gamblers who are willing to buy and aoll worth less stocks nnd bonds , but the peoplo. There hna been added in valueless stocks nnd bonds moro than the na tional debt , on which is paid n greater rate of interest. It is always safe to do right. When it was proposed by the Nebraska leg islature i of 1878 to reduce the rate of interest from 12 to 10 per cent. , the representatives of the money interest protested that loanable capital would bo forced from the state , 1m t tlio legis lature boldly acted , reduced the rate nnd money came moro freely than bo- foro. So in 1880 n bill was introduced affecting slightly railroad management , BO just that many of the special advocates of railroad interests voted for the measure so equitably as to provoke no adverse criticism , except it was suggested that if any railroad legislation were had no moro roads would bo built and iafltorn capital bo banished. How liflercnt the result. Never so many niles built nnd projected ns during no last year. A fair , manly course on the part of ho people and the legislature has in- ipircd confidence on the part of oast- irn operators. They know that a itnto which has the manhood o do justice by ita own People , to capital and labor equally , is a safe place to make invest- nents whether in railroads , hotels , Manufactures or real estate. No in- orest should bo BO gcneroua nnd con- idorato to the people , for none had icon BO aided. The nation , the tatos , counties nnd precincts , hav.o lonatcd in land subsidies , and money ivon mortgaging the future , for gen- iratious to till the treasuries of nul- oad corporations. The world has made progress in nero liberal interchange of the pro- luctwfia\ MilForotit nations nnd mr own' notions in regard to arid' must bo somewhat modified n d the wise sayings of economic rriters of a past ngo will not apply. 'ho old cry about competing with laupqr labor in Eurouo , und that wo hould have a market for our produce irhoro our goods are manufactured annot any longer strengthen the do- nand for high tariff , because the ports f the old world nro substantially pen , and wo are feeding English perativcs , nnd the price of our meats tid grain ia fixed , not at New York ut at Liverpool. The great portion of tlio American looplo bollovo in a judicious tariff , nit such modifications are demanded s will accord with the changed and ibaral advance of other nations. The ights of the masses nro recognized in England , why not in Amor- cat Her people demanded heap bread , and the obnoxious orn laws were repealed. It is claim- d wo can compote with foreign man- ifacturea , then why so much tariff ? lenator Miller , of Now York , with few others enjoying by a tariff the monopoly of wood pulp in inanu- icturing paper says that ho can com- oto with foroicrn paper. Then why a arifT ? Ho also says ho can success- uliy compote with England in Brazil , the government will subsidize a tcnmship line and carry his gooda at . mall cost. Can any ono to-day assert rith reason that the present Miff should bo continued on lumber ' hutting us out from tho' Canadian Drests , The owners of our pineries ave already bccomo millionaires. ur pineries need no protection ; not much as the farmers of Nebraska. few weeks ago , the bulls of the imbor market arbitrarily and with- r ut any possible necessity added iraity-fivo per cent to the price , Continued on third page. Socoml Edition of Job. Mrs O deii , N , ' . ' .Vision street Buffalo , iys : "I cannot bo too thankful that I as induced to try your SritiNO HI.OHHOSI. wan at one time afrtiM I Hlmuld never bu jlo to get oat ag.iin. I seemed to bo a 'coiul edition of Job without hit ) pa- encej my fiico ami body wore ono vast ilkctinn of bollx and pimple * ; nlnca tak- iK one bottlu of vour Sprint ; lllospoiii I n ipiito cured , alt oriiptloiu have dla.ip- arecl , mid 1 feel bettor than 1 have in n iitf timo.1" Price 50 cents , trlul bottles cent * , TRUE TO If ER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of the or faithful wjfo and mother , con- nntly watching and carin for her ar ones , never neglecting a single .ity in their behalf. When they uro -sailed by disease , and the system tould have a thorough cleansing , the oinach nnd bowels regulated , blood irifiod , malarial poison ox terminated , 10 must know that Electric Bitters o the only sure remedy. Thpy are 10 best nnd purest medicine in the arid , nnd only cost fitly cents. Sold ncMl Ish AaroMnhon. . ( ' - > ) Ml MlF MX K1U > . F IYRON REED a CO. In eal Estate Agency 8 Il ( NEDBA8KAS Keep k complete abstract ol title to 11 KM ! Utc lu Orntb * tad DouuUs countr. mrtl Sirs , .T. O. Holiortiori , Pit Minn. , 1'jv. , \\rllei' "I at Kiiflcrliiiflrom gencml ilclillityiant , of up. tllc , conrtlinlfoit , etc. , no tint lifo \\asn Imr- ( lcn-nftcru ; inff llunlock Illooil Hitters I felt bet- tcr tlmti forjran. 1 cannot pralso jour Hitters too inucll. " II , OiWu. ot rinlT.ilo , N. V. , writes : "Vour llur < loc ! < Wood Ulttcri , In chronic cllfp.ijc , of the Mnoil. Hvcr nnd klilncvt , IIMO liven nljfiiixllj- mirked w Ith * mcce 8 , ] hiuo * cd them iinscff lth tiostrtmlM , for torpidity of the liver. Hid In owe of tifrloml of liilno Buffering from dropsy , the effect wan marvelous.1 , Ilrnco Turner , Kochcstcr , N" . Y.lwrltcs"I : hn o been sillijctt to fcerlotis disorder or the kldnrys , nnd unable to atUnd to huslncin : llunlock Illood Hitters relieved mo before half a bottle was uwil , 1 feel confident that they 111 entirely iuru inc. " A cnlth Hall , ningrminpton , N. V. , wrltcn : "I suilorud with n dull jialn through my 'ctt ' Inn If anil shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite ami color , ntul could vvlth dllllculty keep up Ml day. Took your Uurdock lllood Hitters ai. < ! | . reded , and nav o fa t no jxiln elncc first iv eck at- thtm. " Mr. Noah Kates , nimlrn , N. Y. , writes : "About four j cars a o I luul an attack ot bilious fov cr , and never fully recovered. My digestive orprans ucrovcakcncd , and I would bo completely pros trated for da > 8. After nsln tu o bottles of j our llunlock lllood Hitter ! ) the Improvement was no \lslblo thnt t un astonlriiod. I can now. though 01 > cnr80fni'c , do a fair and riasonabfc day's work. " C. niackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada I'rcsbj terlnn , Toronto , Out. , writes : "For years I suffered prcatly from oft-recurring hcndacho. I used jour IlunlocK Blood Hitter * with happiest results , and t now- find injsclf lu better health than for j ears jiast. " , Mrs. Wallace , IluITalo , N. Y , writes : ' 'Iliavo mcd Burdock lllood Hitters for nervous and bit- Iloui headaches , and can recommend It to an ) ono rcqulrlntru iuro for bllllousness. " Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , write * : "For pev oral 3 cars I na\o suffered from ott-rccur- rine billions headaches , djspcmln , and com. plaints peculiar to my FOX. fcinco u lnc our llunlock lllood Hitters 1 am entirely relieved. " Price , 31.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish k McMahon and C. F. Goodman. je 27 eod-mo SOMETHING EVERY LADY There exists a means of securing - curing a soft and brilliant Complexion , no matter hoiv poor it may naturally uc. Hasan's Magnolia Ualiu is a delicate auu harmless arti cle , which instantly removes Freckles , .Tan , Redness , Roughness , Eruptions , Vnl' far Flushings , etc. , etc. So elicato and natural are its effects that its nso is ot ] suspected oy anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured lace in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists lor 75 cents. Though Shaken In Ever ' Joint Ina liber with fuver and ague , or bilious rcmltt cnt , the 8) Btcm may 3 ct bo freed from tno nm- I'nant virus with Ilostctter'a Stomach Bitten , 'rotcct the system apnlnut It with this buiufl- rent antt-spaainoillc , which U furthermore n su- iremc remedy for liver complaint , constipation , Ivspcpitla , debility , rhcuinatitm , kidney trou- ilea and other ailments. /tarForsaloliy / all Druggists and Dealers gen- irally. ou nct.ea cnotl by the ( train of your duties avoid nit-lit work , to rei ituiiulnntaand UBO tore brain rterveand Hop Bitters. wuto , u > Hop B. If you nro younff Mid puttering from any In- dlacrUiou or dliilpa tluni It you am mar- Hod or elnsle , old or 7011111 ? . euuerlnir from noor lioAHU or laiitruub [ UK on a bed of fclck < uly OD Hop Blttoro. Wioovcr jr uarc. h Tliouiuinds illo annually - whenever you fctl nually from rouie that your eyttcm form of Kidney l M. iila ck-nnilnkt. ton- dlwaio tluit inlBlit lax or itltuulntlntr , without fnfoxfn bja tlmuly utuof tnlto Hop HopBlttero Dlttera. navejonrfjft- vju'n , l.ltlnea O. I. O. or ti rf nary cow- U itMolute tilafnt , dlicaio n and IrrcaWl of tliu ttomucn , haictli , blaoa , bio c u r u for Ihtrotatrvttl ueu of opium , You will be tobaoooi or ctmxllf youuBC norcotlca. Hop Bitters Baldbjrdrnir. iryouaretlm- . wen k and plits. Evudfur ply ' low spirited , try t'lreuUr. iti It may iiop DITIUS onvo your . life. It hns BTO CO. , onvocl hun nxkeilcr , 9. T > dreds. Jl Toronto , Out. PAPER WAREHOUSE. iRAHAM PAPER GO. 17 and SID North Main Bt , 8t Louts , ttllOLEIALI PBALIM I * OOKJ L DADEPQ J KWS , r rArtlio I ENVELOPES , OAUU liOAUD AND ' Drinters Stock. fSTCuh ( aid for IUgi nd P p r Stock , Ben on and lletaU. r pot htock W rehou oi 1 29 to 1237 , North Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. EADQUAR TERS FOH- / Wo deairo to call the special attention of the trade to our ologniit lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardtean Jackets and Scarfg , Buck Qloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NL'JS , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jy 18 me FEARON & COLE , Oommissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Heb. Consignments , made tig will retell o hronipt attention. Ucfcrcnccn : Stoto Bank. Oui&ha : Plat * & Co , llaltlmore ; Peck * Uanshcr , Chlcaico ; 11. Wcrk & Co. , Cincinnati. I. OBERFELDER & CO , , IMt'OllTEH'S AND JOBBERS OF MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. OliOC-A TRT A , , - The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. . O. iALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. GunsAm munition , Sporting Goods FISHING- TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER. & CO. , Omaha , Ne The 1-argest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TIZKT Jtove Sepairer , Job Worker aid lanufauturer OOPJttVE. . XC3Crj DS OX * fenth and Jacksc" Q * - - - Omaha , Neb