fl ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , Till ) USD AY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 15 , 1881 , NO. 72 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS AT I IV lit FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS , No 1 Txit on Harnay street , near new cour house , $ 2100. No 2 Lot on Owi street near 22d , ? 2fiOO. No S I/ot on CXilfornla street ne\r 22d , 31COO No 5 Lot on Marcy street near U. T. depo' 11200. No 0 1 block In Shlnn'a 3d addition nenrCon ent , SSTiO. No 8 Two lota on Dccatur near Campbell St 700.No No 10 8 lota on Colfax street near Ilanseoi Park , at reasonable prices. 100 choice resldcnco lots tn Credit Fancier an Orandvlow additions a short distance southeast o U. T. and 13. & M. depots , prices from (100 ui wants. J 18 lota on 21st , 22d , 23d and Blunders streets north ot and adjoining 12. V. Smith's addition 1400 ; terms cany. No 09 Full corner lot on Douglas street nca 10th , $2500. No CO Corner 00x110 feet lot on Douglas nea near llth street , $3100. No. 71 Three loUin Gise'a addition near Saun den street , 91000 73 Lot on Dccatur street , near Irene Shlnn' ' 3d addition 8116. No. 75 82x00 feet on Pacific street near U. P and B. & M. depots , $300J. No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feel Ot : street near Jones , $3500. No 78 3 lots on Harnoy street near 19th$2000 No SI Lot in disc's addition near Saundera i'roet , 1500. No. 82 Lot tn Ulics' addition near Saunders treet , 8300. No 63 2 lots on 10th near Pacific and Nal ' "irks , $1600. N 85--Lot on Charlei strict near Saundus iOO. iOO.No No 87 Lot on Leavcnworth near IBth , $1,100 No 88 Lot on Caldvcll street near Saundcrs $500. No 89 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , $ 1600. No 90 Lot OB Blonde near Campbell street fib. 31 lots tn Mlllards & Caldwclt'a addition , Slier man avenue , IGth street , Spring , Saratoga am Florence directs , $700 and upwards. No.122 2 lots on Ibth etreet , near Poppleton' new residence , 31000. No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman avenue 16th street , 31100 No 121 8 loU on Bcllevu * street , near she toner , $00 to 75'cach. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , lhat tower , ? 50 to $75 each. No 12i Lot on 18th street , neJ works , $525 No ' .27 2 lots , 3J acres near head of St. Mary'i avenue , on rood to Park , 2500. No 129 Lo on California near Crelghton Col rpe , $37fi. No mo i lota near new gorernuiant corral , 82 z267i acres each$3 ° ° . No 101 Lot In Disc's addition on Cameron St near Kaundcri , make an oflcr. No. ICO Lot In GUo'g addition on Cassius St. near State , make an oiler. No 102 Lot in disc's addition on Cassius near Blunders , make an offer. No 103 1 block tn Uoyd's addition addition near Omaha Barracks , make an offer. No 101 7 lots In Henry & Shclton's addition near high school , price from 81250 upward. 170 Lot ou Pacific street , near' 16th , make aa . offer. No 171 2 lot * on Webster street , near 21st i both $33t,9 or $2000 for corner and $1800 for in de. de.No No 173 } lot on Cass near 14th street , $1000 "Sr X6ntat 01 Sherman avenue lC.hu ( near Izard , 44x132 , $1400. No 177 3 lots In Orandvlcw. make an offer. No 180- Lot In Shmn's addition on Pier St ear end street car track , $525. No 181 Two lots In Nelson's addition , 1 on aaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cuming , 300 each. No 183 Two gilt edge lots on Cass street near 91st. on a corner , $0000. No 185 Lot on Stward street , uear Saundora , make an offer. \ No 180 3 lota on Seward street , near Irene , make an offer No 180 J , lot on Davenport near 25th , $500. No 187J , lot on Division near Cumin ; , ' t. , 8200. No 183J , block in Boyd's addition , near Omaha barracks , $400. Nol891 , i lot on Plerco near Oth street. $550. No 19nJ , 4 lot on llth near Farnham , $2100 No IDlJ , 2 beautiful loU In Shlnn's addition , No'lD2J , 2 lots on ISth street near white lead works. 1050. No 103) , lot on 20th street near Sherman , MOO , No 1914 , 2 lots on 2'2d btreat , near Clark , OOU. No 190J , 3 beautiful lots on bounders tt. uear ( trcet car turn ttiblu , f 1275. No 11M1 , lot on 15th near Pleaco fit. $500. No 201 Lot In Ulso's addition on Cameron at , , near Saundcrs , 8500. No 02 Lot on Cameron street near Saunders. 4000. 4000.No 203 Lot In Shlnn's addition on Saunders ( treet , near street car turn table , 8850. No 2nl Beautiful lot in Nelson's addition , on Division btreet Hear Cumlng , $ 50. No , 205 Two loU on Castcllar street , near 10th - No' 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the call works. $16(10. ( No 21)8 ) One-half lot on California Btreet near No 2" - Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $000. No 210 Lot on Capitol ovcnuo near 2Jd.$1600 , Na 212 Lot 148x5W feet on Colfax street , near Hatwcom Park , with Improvements , $2700. No 213 Two acres on Cumins ; street , $1000. No 215 One-half acre on California , near Ken- edy street , $350. No 210 Ueautlful tot on Hamilton street near trcet car turn taole , $ HKXJ. J No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. $500. A few aero lots only remain unsold in "Pork laco" little west of Crelrhton | Collegt , prices nifinic fiom $275 to $300 each and on easy terms. Lola In Horbacn's 1st and 2d additions ; aUo otsln Paruer'sShlnn'i ) : NcUon's , Terraco'H. K. . Smith's. Ucdlck's , and all the other additions any price and at any terms. Ten acres In the iltv limit * on tliu road to the arracks at 8375 per acre. Four beautiful residence lots In front of Crolghtoii College ; will cut them up to uit. Nine residence loU north of Crcl'hton ( College rounds , from 7oO toSHKKl each. Thirty roddent lots In Parker's addition , six blocks north of tho.end ol the fctrccs ir track on Saunders street , $300 cacti , $10 don n , haUnco suit , ut 8 per tent Ink-rut. A few lots left In Terrace addition on the road othe Park , near head of St. i.ry'sa > cnuoS70 eac-h. To thosu who 111 build a J120U residence , 7) ears tlmu at 3 p r lent Intcrt LoU In Laku'u addition at 3fOto S50 each , 10 years time at ( I percent Intercbt , to those who build. JlieoldTousloyiO-acro tra't with house and all Improvement ) ) , adjoining racu cournu and fair grounds' lor JiUM ) . Tractuof 6,10,16,20,40 or SO acres , with buil dings and other Improvements and adjoining the city , nt all prli'cs. 3600 of the best rcsldcnco lots In the city of Omaha any location > ou duslro north , cant , south or west , and at bed rock prices. 260 choice business lots In all the principal but- nou streets In Omaha , varying from $600 to Two hundred houses and lots ranging from WO to $16,000 , and located In crery part of th Largo number of excellent arms In Douglas. Barpy , Blunders , Dodge , Washington. Hurt , and other good counties In eastern Nebraska. 12.000 acres best lands In Douglas , 7000 acres test lands In Sarpy county , and large tract * In all the eastern tier of counties. , . . . . Over UUO.OOO acres of th best land lu the No- raska for sale by this agency , Yerj largo amounts of suburban property In ono to ten , twenty ami f ) rty aero pieces , located nlthln oneto three , four or live miles of the Oitolllco some very cheappicciM. Now Haps of Omaha , published by George P BemlJ plain , unmouiiwu maps W ccnU each ; mounted , coloiid and with ( .loth baclt , $1.60 CCilo'us < M , torcsliotcl3 , farmatoti , ) andtoltlccs rooniB.ctc. . to rent or lca e. TOUCH paid , rents collected , deeds , tnortgago. Mid all kind * of real cjtat documents made out on ihort nctku. GKO. P. BEMIS' Eeal Estate Exchange 16th and Douglas Street , OMAHA , - - NEB "li ' " I'M VERY HUNGRY , Complained President Barflol to a Physician Yester day Morning , "And Should Like to Havi Some Fruit Before Eat ing Anything Else. " Thereupon a Ripe , Fresh Poaol Was Procured , Which He Ate Eagerly. Ho is Again Placed in the Bus pension Chair Without Serious Results. At 5:30 : P. M. , However , H Was Quite Feverish and' Pulse More Frequenb. Record at That Hour : Tempera' turn 90-2 , Pnlso 113 , Res piration 21- National Associated Press. ' , LONU BRANCH , Sept. ' , 14. The of ficial bulletin was delayed this morn ing because the president was Bonn and prolonged till after eightthi ; morning , and the dressiiu' and exam ination was delayed on that account , When the president awoke ho mad' ' the the largest speech yet recorded o him , and the physicians .quote him n saying : "I'm very hungry and should liki to have some fruit before eating any thing else. I should like a ripe , fresh peach.and think I could greatly en joy it , if the doctors do not object. " THE 1'HYSICIANS said they had no objection , and a fine larcio und luscious'poach was selected and given to him. IIo took it in his finders , broke it into two pieces and' ' ate it with great relish. Ho remark cd that it was just what ho wanted , and left the other half aside. This is the first fruit in a natural way that the president has eaten since ho was shot. The president J-ELl. ASLEEP ast nighfc at about 0 o'clock and lozed about an hour and a half , then lis sleep became tranquil and deep , and lasted continuously to 1 o'clock ; his morning. IIo awoke and asked fur a drink of water which was given him. To this was added , after short intervals , some ) orrid < jo and a brandy and milk punch , soon after taking these ho-fell into an CASV Bleep , which , became profound and lasted wiclibut'ii slllglo'awakeninR spell until 8 o'clock. The doctor says , ho sleep of the president last "night vas the most profitable that he has iad since July 2d. THE RESULT THIS MORNING was that ho awakened fully at once , ike a child , with all the faculties alert. Appearances indicate the greatest gain made in any ono night tinco ho has boon ill , and his appetite s , in point of fact , almost nornml. 8ECRATARY OK WAR LINCOLN arrived this morning and had an in- : orviow with the president. The secretary's visit was purely informal , and made at the requcnt of the pros ! dent. The latter made inquiries re garding personal matters , but 10 personal business was discussed , and the secretary remained only , few moments. Ho says the presi- lent looks and seemed better than expected. The president w.ts changed o the invalid chair shortly after loon to-day , and when wheeled to ho window remarked , "Iliko this. It Iocs mo good. I think ii should have > eon done three weeks ago. " 9 A. M. BULLETIN OFFICIAL. : ELBERON , September 14. At the xamination of the president at 8:30 : liis morniiu' the temperature was 8.4 , pulse 100 , respiration 10. He . assod the night comfortably , sleeping udiciontly. Ho is bright and clieer- ul this morning , and has taken fruits nd his first meat for the day with a eliah. ( Signed ) , BLISS , HAMILTON. The president remained in the in- alid chair ono hour and thirty-fivo ninutcs and returned to his bed upon lie solicitation of the surueons and iien under protest. Immediately up- n being placed in hod he fell into n ouiul slumber. Ilis pulse before re- noval and after retirement was 104 , omporauru 00,8 , nBpiration 10. > IX THIRTY J1. M. IIULLKTINOFFICIAL. . ELIIKRON , Sopt. 14. At the exam- ( latiun of the president at noon to- ay his temperature was 03 8 , pulse 02 , respiration 20. At the evening rcssing at f > : ! )0 p , in. , the tempera- uro was 9,2 ! , pulse 112 , respiration 1. The president wus placed on the ivulid chair in a semi-recumbent po tion at about 12 m. , and remained no hour and a half , sleeping part of 10 timo. He was not fatigued by 10 transfer or change of position , lia general condition this evening 9 as favorable as usual , notwith- ending a slight febrile mo. ( Signed ) D. W. BLISS , . FRANK HAMILTON. HAOVKAail TO LOWKLL. LONG BRANCH , Sept. 14. - The fol- owing was sent to-night : Lowell , linistor , London : There ia an in- roaso in the president's temperature , ulflo anil re&pinitiun , but it is HO ight as not necessarily to indicate mt the condition of the blood is pro ucing any now complication. The rouble in the right lung is not in- rousing and in causing him less an- oyanco. Ho has tnken adequate ourisliineiit , lli oleup lias been atural and refreshing , m > that if ho as gained nothing Jio lias probably est nothing during the day. ( Signed ) MAOVBAUH. The high figures in thin evening' * bulletin caused considerable alarm , and the people concluded fit once there was something moro and oem ? now complication had arisen in the case. Dm. Ilamilton nnd 'Agnow are both present. Humor had it that during the afternoon the president HAD A DKPHESSION , superinduced by fatigue caused by his long sitting in the invalid chnir , nnd that another operation had been per formed. Ky the authority of the sur geons it is stated that there is no fur ther complication ; that they have no alarm that the president's condition for better ia unchanged during the past twenty-eight hours ; that NO .1U1VJ1CAL OPKHATIONH are contemplated or needed ; that Dr Agnow'a visit was accidental and per aontil , accompanied by his wife , wh was to remain at the Branch for brief period. Dr. J31iss said this over "Thoro ia no cause for alarm at th high pulse , temperature nnd rospira lion , The president steadily improve all day. and will have a good night The rise in pulse , temperature an respiration was cased by thojuct tha the daily febrile development was ii progress when the examination was made. " The following is an authorized statement mont of the actual condition ot th patient this evening : "Tlio president's condition to-nigh ia unchanged ; perhaps a little betto than last night , but certainly is no worao. Ho is improving steadily , bu of course slowly. The specific reason for the rise of pulse and temperature is the febrile rise , which occurs ever ; twenty-four hours since ho woe shot , and it is liable to come any hour , day or night , and was fully advanced , when the cxamina tioii was made this evening. Man ; times during the illness tlioy havi been much higher. The fluctuatioi is temporary. " Dr. Boynton in an interview this evening , agreed perfectly with the surgeons regarding the riac to-night. . .He , said : The president's pulse , temocrature and respiration have been as high as named in this evening's bulletins a < least once a day ever since the prcai dentjWas shot. ' , The febrile rise to day was much less than it has oftot beunt - There are no indications o anyhow complaint , and to-night the president is comfortable. " -Is his condition as favorable as laat.night , " "Yes , I think it is ; fully. " "Has ho gained since yesterday } " "Well , no. But I think the case has been stationary. " "Aro there unfavorable any com plications ? " * ' , No , I think there are none af present. " "Has 'ho suffered any relapse or any fatigue from being put into the _ HoiacomfortolJoand I tliiuk.ho will have a good' ' night. " Despite the president being hire the season is about closed. The Ocean Hotel Mansion house and the Howland hotel closed to-day , and the United States , Clarendon , Florence and Jauch's hotels will close to-mor row. The West End has nearly 800 people , and the Atlantic 200 guests , and they will remain open until the president's departure. AMONG THE MANY RUM OILS circulated late this afternoon is ono to the effect that Dr , Agnew haa brought with him n now aspiration , which , it is said , will bo inserted to the presi dent's right lung for the purpose of drawing from it the pus alleged to bo gathered there. Tliu attending sur geons have already denied the proa- unco of pus , and Dr. Boynton ad mitted that he does not believe there is either a pus cavity or abscess in either lung ; but ho still believes in n Jinull pus on the lungs. TUB ATTENDING SD1UJEON8 liavo also assorted that such lung trouble as has existed has passed the risia and is now disappearing. The president does not cough often , some times not oftener than once in three lours , and then jiot violently. The lectors say ho has no longer any .rouble in ejecting the phlegm by ox- 3oct rition. AT MIDNIGHT ivorything was quiet at the cottage md the president was asleep , haviiiy ho prospect of u good night before urn. Un warrimta'blo Murder. National Associated 1'rcss. PIKRK CITY , Mo. , September 14. Hharles T. Han is , n respectable r'oung business man of this place wus aat night mistaken for a horse thief > y II. W. Mubbard , who struck him n the KiJo ot the head with the butt md of n gun with such n force as to ill him. Harris and a friend wore : limply walking up and down the road icar Hubbard's house , but the latter hought they intended to steal his nulcs. Before striking ho demanded o know who they were and what ? heir business was , but got no satis- actory answer. Indication * National Associated Treat , WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. For the ippor lakes : Partly cloudy weather , ocal rains , winds shifting to colder , / lorthwostorly , higherbarometer. / . For ho upper Mississippi and lower Mis- ouri valleys : Fair weather , oxcojpt ocal rains in southern portion of the orrnor district , colder northwesterly : rinds , higher barometer , Materially latlonal AnoctateJ I'reM. CHICAGO , Sept , 14. There ia prao- icully no clnmgo in the railroad war. L'ho'domand for Buffalo tickets over ho grand trunk is very largo. The 'onnHylvania sold a great many ro- jato tickets to Now York this morn- ng , and the strife between it and the . /atulcrbilt lines , it is thought , will oceivo a fresh impetus from a out ; vliich it is anticipated the Michigan Jenlrul will make to Now York , . A DAY'S ' RECORD Of Events and Doings Mi oiouBly Oolloctod by the N , A. P , Mooting of the Piro Under writers' Association in v Chicago Yesterday. f- fJ ' . . J 'Camp Garfleld" is the Oarup Occupied by the Ro-Unionists. Gen. Burneide's Funeral Gen. Arthur Invites Senators to the Ceremonies. A Delegation of Banker * Hava a Hearing Before ComRnnia on the Taxation Subject- Assembled Insurance Men , National Associated Press. CHICAGO , September 14. The Fire Underwriters' Association of the Northwest began its twelfth annual convention in this city to-day. Presi dent Jasper M. Dresser read his ad dress at the afternoon session. An address was road by J. P. McGropor on "Tho Associated Efforts Necessary to Make the Business of Fire Insur ance n Success , " nnd by J. W. Hoi- man on "Tho Amoncsotios in Our 'rofossion Their Cultivation and Uso. " ANOTHER ACCOUNT. CHICAGO , Sopt. 14. At the after noon session of the "Underwriters' as- ociation reports were made by ropro- entatives of the various state organi zations. J. P. McGregor , of Milwau- ceo , readapaficr on the , "Associa ted Effort Necessary to Make the Bus iness of Fire Insurance a Profession , " The Warner Miller prize of 8200 was awarded to Ernest C. Johnson , of Medina , O. , for the beat essay on "Flour Mills. " J. W. Holman read a paper on "Tho Amenities in our Profession " Articles of incorpora tion for the association were received from the secretary of state , with the following incorporates : David Bev- oridgo , A. W. Spaulding , Chas. E. Bliven , R. J. Smith , J. O. Wilson , Eugene Cary , H. M. Tichalan , J. M. DeOamp , A. 0. Blodgot , 0. H. Case , J. H. Blackwelor , Q. W. Adams nnd J. A. Hastings. Adjourned until to-morrow. Ohio' * Reunion. t National Associated Press " * , CINCINNATI , Sept. 14 Public And private buildings are handsomely decorated , and peoplojiriv swarj * ' ; the street's i < j wolobirio t/la / " ? / < ? of the war whoso reunion here com menced to-day. Tlio artillery began its boom last night , and to-day the city trembles beneath the roar of cannon. The camp is at Carthage , near the city limits , and is calloc Camp Garficld. Three hundred tents are up and many others being put up this morning. All morning trains brought great numbers of soldiers from all directions. Camp Garfield presents a lively appearance. Col. Ullory and Mayor Means delivered addresses of welcome , and Governor Foster welcomed the soldiers. Sam uel Fellows responded to the address es. Governor Foster , General War ren Koifer and ox-Minister Noyes , in charge addressed the merchants. General BnrnsluV * FuuornL National Associated Press. WASHINGTON , Sopt. 14. Vice-Pres ident Arthur this morning telegraphed Sergeaut-at-Arms Bright as follows : "You are hereby authorized and directed to invite senators to attend the funeral of General Burnsido ac cording to the custom in such cases when occurring during a recess. " In accordance with this , Mr. Bright tele graphed Senators Jones of Nevada , Logan and Cameron , all of whom are in "Now York , and notified Senators Johnston , Garland , Lamb and Jones of Florida , who are in the city. Mr. Nixon will represent the secretary's oflico. The senate committeu will leave this cijy for Providence , II. I. , nt 0:00 : a. m. to-morrow. Senator Vest arrived to-night from Flanquir , White Sulphur Springs , and will also proceed to the funeral. A dispatch From Senator David Davis was received to-day as follows : "Am shocked at Qoneral Burnside's death. Ilegret I mi unable to attend the funeral. " The suimto chamber was this morn ing draped in mourning outot respect to the memory of the late senator. I'lio fla'on the nonato side of the apitol is flying at half-mast. Banking Stock- National Associated , WASHINGTON , Sept. 14. The bank- rs had a hearing of the subject of ; taxation before the internal revenue sommiBsioner , Baum , this afternoon Win. Dews and 0. F. Sarthmoyd , of New York , said that a bank's daily transactions should not bo made the basis of taxation , but the clearing louse statements of otio day as show ing the deposits of the preceding day. /Ugornon Sullivan , for Now York and Boston bankers , said the doily trans actions of bankers were fifty times ' greater than the amount of deposits. It is uaid the commissioner will do- ido adversely to the bankers , and an ippeal and hearing will bo had before Secretary Windom. Comei to the Surface- National Aiwclatcd 1'rw NIAOAUA FALLS , N. Y. , fioptombor L4. It will bo romumborod that a ihort time ago a man named Crimi- lon , from Toronto.Out. , committed luicido at the falls , leaving behind itin a letter filled with cntiy accusa- .ions of all kinds against the priests md relatives. II is body haj gincu omo to the surface , and is visible n the water below the tlo falls on .ho Canadian side of the rivor. It is caught in an eddy , and an oyo-witness describes it as whirling round am round in the water now up , now down presenting a horrible sight the Icps and arms swinging about am ] bobbing hero and thoro. It is assort ed that the remains could bo oatily secured from the Canadian tmoro , but that the Clifton authontica refuse to have anything to do in the matter , in asmuch as they would probably have logo to the expense of burying the body if hey took it oul. Meanwhile the miserable corpse ia the contro of at traction for hundreds of people and is for the time being ono of the celeb rities of Niagara Falls. Throe Prisoners Esoapo. .S'atloml Auoclatct ) 1'rcM LITTI.I : HOCK , Ark. , September 14. A telegram from 0ark says that three piisonors made their escape from the jail by means of a stove-pipe hole. 3ne of the men was a murderer and other two horse thieve * . This is : ho second jail delivery within sixty days and is creating considerable ill- rcoliug against the jailor and ahorifi' . Indian * Removed- National AewH'latvd 1'rcm. OitAn-ANooriA , Tenn. , Soplombor 14. I ast night thirty Cherokee In dians loft for their reservation in the "ndian territory. The government has irovided for the removal of tlio entire ribo , and they are sent in squads of hirty to fifty as rapidly as they can lisposo of their property. Old World Notes. National Associated Press. LONI > ON , September 14. The Don ustor St. Lodger was won to-day by rorjuois , the first American horse vliich over won the raco. The two housaml guineas and the Derby was von by Geologist ; second , Lucy , Glit- ors , third. BULLETINS. LONDON , September 14. Iroquoin wins St. Lodger. ' LONDON , September 14. Iroquois allopod a mile and wont well. LONDON , September 14. Disaf- ectcd officers of the khedive Inivo ignod an act of complete submission , laidcn Pasha has appointed as minis- er to 1 ( ranco Mahomond Pasha Bar- ndo. loath Froferralilo to Imprisonment ment- atlonal Associated 1'rcss. COLUSIIIUS , O. , Sept. 14. John Os- mm , a soldier at the barracks , hung limself in the guard house at mid- ight by a rene mada from his shirt , 'ho sentry discovered him in time lo was sonienccd recently to the inil- tary prison at Leavcnworth , and pro- erred death to imprisonment. Ho was transferred this morning. An indictment for murder in the rat degree is found against Daniel Nichols for killing Ilussoll Scoonoon n a farm near this city September 2. 1 1-2 Per Cent. Dividend. ' t'.jnrl , ' Naui'iy-of ted Ptif - NEW Yoitx , Sept. 14. At the rag ular meeting of the Western Unioi Telegraph company directors to-day a dividend of ono and one-half per cent was declared payable October 15th The not revenue for the quarter ii based on an official statement , am estimates for the current month $104 , 089,401 surplus cash , after paying $1,200,000 , the dividend will be $450 , 153.37. 821.OOO. National Associated I'TCDH NKW YOUK , Sept. 14. Tolol con tributions to data in aid of the Michi gan sufferers , $21,000. Turf do m. National Associated I'rces. BAi/riMonK , September 14. It has been decided to have the fall mooting of the Maryland Jockey Club at the Pimlico rucu track on October 18th , 19th , 20th and 21st , one week earlier than usual , in order to catch the crowd that will be attracted by the Oriole celebration during the previous week. CONKY ISLAND HACKS. CONEY INLAND , Sept. 14. The Jockey oy club had a largo attendance. First race , all ages , ono mile , won by Chick- more ; Pilgrimage second ; time , 1:45. : Second race , two year olds , three quarters of a mile , won by Wyoming ; Virgo second , Catlinn third ; time , 1:17 : * . Third race , all ages , three-quarters af a tnilu , won by Ohio Boy ; Ada second ; time lilfiA. Fourth race , handicap sweepstakes , all ages , mile and n quarter , won by Sly Dance ; Fair Count Kecond ; time , 3:11. : 3:11.Fifth Fifth race , utooplo chase , nhort 3nuiBo , won by Day Star ; Highland : Fling second ; time , 3.15. [ Marino Item * . National Associated 1'n.w. NKW YOIIK , Sept. 14 Sailed : St. uleunain , for Havre ; Elb , for Bre men ; Bothnia , for Livnrpool. Ar rived : Labrudoro , from Havre ; Fris- o , from Hamburg ; Purthia , from Liverpool. ) SouTHHAMiTON , Sept. 14. Sailed : 3der , Bremen , for Glasgow. Ar rived : Slate of Pennsylvania , for Now York. HOTTEHDAM , Sopt. 14. Sailed ; llth , SA. . Schottor , for Now York , irrrivcd : Amsterdam , from New fork. LONDON , Sept. 14. Arrived , Cali- 'ornia , from Now York ; Australia , rom Boston. d New Impetus to the R. RWar. . National Associated Prow. BALTiiioiiK.Sojit. 14. The Balti- nero & Ohio railroad company an- louncod to-day a general reduction of mssongcr rates from Baltimore to the vest , as follows : Chicago , Cincin- mti and Columbus , seven dollars ; St. Louis , twelve dollars. ThuBultimoru t Ohio will also sell cut rate tickets rom the west to Baltimore and iVaahington at the same figures udopt- id by the VaTiderbilt road between ho West and Now York. At present hero is no indication of a lull in the mssongor war. and continued cutting if rates is probable. FIRE ! FIRE ! A Torrlblo and Most Disastrous Conflagration at Kansas More Than Ono-Half of th Kansas Oily Fair Asso ciation's Property Destroyed. Tlio Fire OrlRlnntoq iutkoMalu Hull , Which iiGomniuod lu Twenty Miuutcs. National AnoclatcJ TTCM. KANSAS CITY , Sept. IB. The thin ilay of tlio great fair wliicli lina beet in progress huro during thia week has boon marked by n great disaster , ro suiting in tliu destruction by lire o : mure than onu-lmlf of tlio ontin property of tlio Kansas City Fair As lociation. Had not the huur of th fire bcun that of tliu great races o Iliu dtiy , thus attracting tlio thousand of people from tliu main building t the amphitheatre , there nniat Imv boon a tearful loss of life. An it was no ono was killed outright , but MANY WEUR SERIOUSLY INJURKl ) > y the great rush made to escape tin flumps which advanced upon th ampitheatro in loss than ton minute after the main hall was fired. Th day hud boon lovely. Thousands o jpople had como to pay their annua , -isit to the fair. The wind was blow ng n utiirbrcuzo from the northwest , Plio 2:30 : race had boon called and icarly completed at 3:40 : p. in. , vrhoi : a shout of "FUIE ! FIRK ! " ran through the assembled thousands In an instant the flames , which start cd at the northwest corner of the main hall in a pile of straw , leaped ip the sides of the building and ran over the roof , driving everybody fron : .ho hall , including koopora , exhibit ors and visitors ; all being compelled .o 11U81I FOR THEIR LIVES. The fire haying started in the exac > ath of tlio wind , consumed the mail mil with its contents , estimated at i value of § 30,000 in the incredibl short time of twenty minutes. Tit ire spread rapidly to newspaper row- - consuming tlu > buildings of the Jour ml , Times , Mail and Commercial In licatorand the secretary's und trus oea' ofliocs. At the same time IT LEAVED ACROSS THE HTRKET , a distance of more than ono humlrc 'cot ' and fired the amphithoatre , an n which at the time the main hal cauyht wore seated at leaat 12,000 icoplo. The instant the alarm was jivcn the immovable stationary on' jinos , which furnish , _ yiolivtl , JJOWH : upon tlio grounds , sot up their into ornble screams and whistles. Cloud of amoko rolled ovor'tho amphithoa tro and a grand stambodo , AMID TUB WILDKbT CONFUSION instantly began. Men rushed lik mad for ground ; women-and children screamed and fainted , or became BO terrified as to become totally helpless some moro wore carried out , and some leaped to the ground , Out al escaped. In the grand rush many sustained serious injuries , but none with loss of lifo. The chief loss fulls on the fair association , which property co.vr THEM $00,000 , and moro than one-third of thia is total loss. Tlio insurance amounts to $7,000. Tlio exhibitors in the main hall , who had everything destroyed by the fire , arc us follows : Bullono , Mooros & Emory , dry goods , loss ? 10,000j insurance , $2,500. D. J. COON , mantels , loss § 2,000 ; no insur ance. Kansas City Stencil Works , loss 5000 ; no insurance. Koovil & Waplca , iiirnituro , loss $1,000 ; insurance , $700. Smith American Organ Com- mny , loss $2,000 ; insurance , none Frumbull , Reynolds & Allen , sow- ng machines , $1,000 ; insurance $500. Uonver Bros. , instrument ! * , loss 32,600 , ; insurance none. Moduli & 3o , , instruments , $2,000 ; insurance lone Eugcno Carlat , undertaker , 2,000 ; insurance none ; 0. II. Rico , nillinery mid hair works , $1,000 , [ Caiman City Uai { factory , $500 ; insur- DIICO none. Wilcox & White , cigars , L $120 $ ; insurance none. Scott & Grif- illi , nrugs , loss $800 ; no insurance. Calmer & Weiss , $1,000 ; no insur- incu. Slies , millinoro , $500 ; iusur- inco none. Sweet , Sioberg & Co. , ) f.'iOO ; no iiiHiirancu. Western Paint onimny | , $500 ; insurance none. ) 'Brion it Hnrrop , $200 ; insurance lone. 0. W , Dorr , $200 ; insurance tone. 11. S. B.IOWII , $3,000 ; insur- inco none. Many otliors i MF.T WITH LOS8KM. ranging from $25 to $100. Tlio West ern Union Toleuraph Company , who ! > ccupiod rooms in the Journal build- \ ng , lost its instruments , telephones , tc , Before the people had left the air grounds , the diroctoro of the as- ociation hold an informal meeting , md decided to go on Thursday with ho program , taking it up where the [ ire interrupted it , and before five . /clock LUMBER ANI > MATERIAL voro on 'tho way from the- yards to he ground , anil moro than fifty men ro now at work repairing damages nd restoring the amphitheater , and . he greatest rusli of the week is ox- joctod on Thursday. The stock , ma- ninety and carriages wore situated to he south of the fire and all escaped , ' Indian Agency Reform * atlonal AtutoUatuJ 1'rus.i \YAHIUNOTON , September 14. Sec- > otary Kirkwood ia fully resolved to efonn the Indian agency service of lie intoriou department. Recent do- lilopmunts regarding the irregular- ! ics of Agent Tiffany , of the Don Jarlos agency and the deplorable lack f executive ability shown by Agent Jastman , of the Navajo agency , and y other agents , will bo treated by the secretary in a practical vsay. Not only will cnaea of maladministration bo punished , but it will bo the effort of the secretary to roplnco incapable and inefiiciont agents with men hav ing the tact and executive ability to a proper and successful administration of agency afTairs. GRIMES AND DISASTERS. Ruiismaii Murphy , of Chicago , is Precipitated Eighteen Feet Into the River , A Running1 Train Collides With a Hoarse and Upsets the Lifeless Occupant. Conflagration at Iioomifi , 111 , "Wll- ou Brown Instantly Killed liy a Falling Roof Accident at Chicago- National Associated 1'rciu. CHICAGO , September 14. A most remarkable accident happened hero last midnight. In response to n fire alarm the nose cart of Empire Co. No. 1 dashed down Adams going oast. Capt. John W. Campion was driving. Beside him sat the regular runsman. Patrick Murphy. On the tail-board stood Pipeman Burke and Barkott. As the horse leaped down the viaduct the men were horror-stricken otsooinc the bridge open. Campion jumped , as did also the two pipomon , but Murphy irrnspotl the reins and remained at his post. An it was im possible to stop the horses the cart and driver plunged into the river , eigh teen feet below. Murphy struck foot foremost and was hold for a moment by soft mud at the bottom of the river , but soon rose to the surface and was pulled out. The horses swam a block down the stream and were also rescued. Later the hose cart was taken out uninjured. The accident cannot bo explained , us the moon was shining brightly and the danger signal on the bridge stared the driver in the face long before ho reached the end of the viaduct. Really Horrible. National Associated Press. CIIATANOOOA , Tonn. , Sept. 14. A funeral procession was on its way to the graveyard , near Loadvale , yester day , to deposit the remains of a lady , when a team drawing a wagon con taining several ladies took fright at an approaching train and ran away , upsetting the hearse. The cof fin was thrown out and bursted open , and the corpse rolled in front of a frightened horse. It was run over , mutilated and covered with dust and dirt , presenting a ghostly sight. . Destroyed by Fire. Natfnul A * wl t i IIBM. j > - , * - * r r RUTLAND , HISept. 24. Thisraorn- ing the Excelsior mill"ownod by Em erson Hakor , was destroyed by fire , with 3,000 bushels of oats. Loss , , ? 7.000. LOOMES , 111. , Sept. 14. Fire lost night destroyed the confectionary es tablishment of Levi Johnson & Co , An employe named Wilson Brown was instantly killed by a falling roof , and another person was severely in stantly killed by being struck on the. head with timber. Combustion- National Associated Pruu. DECATUR , Ala. , Sept. 14. A boiler of Emengont's steam mill , in Choctaw - taw county , exploded yestorod , kill ing the fireman , who was drunk at the timo. Mooting of Stockholder * National Aiuoclatcd 1'rcss. NASHVILLE , Tonn.Sopt , 14 The an nual mooting of stockholders of the Nashville , Chattanooga & St. Louis railroad was hold to-day. President Porter recommended that a 3 per cont. dividend bo declared. A board of directors was elected for the ensuing ' ' year. Bat and Ball National Asnoclatocl I'rcsa. BOHTON , Sept. 14. Bostono , 1 ; Chi- sagocs 4 , WORCESTER , Sopt. 14. Worocsters , ; Bullalos , 2. PKOVIDBNOB , Sept. 14 , Provi- lotice , 4 ; Detroits , 1. TROV , N.Y.jSopt. 14. Olovolands , ; Treys , 8. Moro Evidence of Discontent. National Associatot ) I'rcM , FRANKLIN , O. , Sept. 14.--Tho clay ' muds in the Franklin pottery are on strilco for an oqiialntation of their icalo of prices ai'd for an increase. lho ? strikers are leaving for Tqoiitoii , , J. , East Liverpool0. , Wheeling , . \V. Va. , nnd other pottery centers. Tito R0diliin More Content- National Associated Tress , SAN FRANCIHCO , Sept 14. Reports rom Sail Carlos agency bay that the ndians are restive , A company of .roops has been sent there by'Qoneral Wilcox. Faoiilo Coait Squil > a- National Ansoclatwl I'rets. SAN FRANCIKCO , September 14. senator Fair has submitted to an in- .orviow on the dissovory of an ere jotly in the Sierra Nevada mine , and lays it is not a stringer , but evidently s nn ere body that will bo further de- r'olopetl by the cast cross-cuts. Jas , A. Smith , ex-county clerk , of I'ortland , was instantly killed by frank Howard , while drinking logoth- r in n saloon on Ross Island , Frank O'Reilly , superintendent of ho Empire mine , Utah , was killed by 3111'inoor G. W. Shpt , in solf-tlefonco. VRoilly at the time was nssaultinc lim with a knife. Tickets for the fairgrounds for sale it Max Meyer & CO.'B. OOo mich. , , 8opl3 3t