TUB OMAHA DAILY BEEi WEDNESDAY , MWPTE1UBER LI , 1881- THE DAILY 13BE. OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS 010 Harnham , bot. Oth and 10th Street * . TKUM3 OK SUnSCIlU'TION Onocopytjcnr , In ttiUaneopostpaid ) 910.00 0 month ! . . . . B.O 3 montlu " 3.W ) RAILWAY TIME TABLE. > MR CARD CIIICKOO , ST. I'.U't , , MISMUVOL S AMI OMMU RAII.KOUI. I cixvo Om.MnNo , 2 throticli pwcnser , It .a , tn. No. 4 , Oakland { > a.vcli rr , b.'SOn. in. Arrive Omaha No , 1 , through | ii ciiircr , 2MI : in. No , 3 , Oakland tu&n-ligiT , .30 p. U ) . MIAVI.NQ OIIAIU KA3T OK SOOTH BOVKD , C , , U. & O. 5 a. in. 3:40 : p. In. C. & N. W. , 0 a. w. 3:10 : p. m. | C. , It I. & . r , . Oft. m. 3JO : p. m.\ K. C. , St. J. & G. U. , 8 a m.i:30 : 1 > . m. ArrU o St. Louis nt f :2 : ! > a. m. anil 7:4C : A , m. WK.1T OR Jl. & II. In NeK , Through K < prcs3 , 8:3S > . m. U. ft II. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 : p. in. U. I1 KxproM , 12:16 : it. m. O. ft U. V. tor Unjoin , 10:20 : n. tn. O. A It. V. for Ojccol.1 , 0:40 : n. in. If. I' . IrcUht No. 6 , 6JO : ft. m , U. I' . frelKht No. 9 , S:15 : a , in. ' 1J. I' , freight Xo. 7 , 0:10 : p , -emigrant. . U. I' , trolirht No. 11 8:25 : p. in. ARRIVING FROM BABT AND ! > OUIlt. C. n. & O. , r > :00 : n. m. 7:2fi : p m. C. & \V.o:45 : n. m. 7:23 : p. m. C. K. 1. &P.,0:45n. : m. 0OS : p. in. K. C. , St. Joe fcO U. , 7:40 : n. m. 0:45 : p. In. 'W. , St. L. & 1' . , 10 : % . in. 4:2S : p. m. ARR1V1NU FROM TIIK IVK3T AND 80DTIIWKST. O. & U. V. from Lincoln 12:1 : ! ! p. m. U. P. Kxprtti 3:26 p. m. iB & II. In Noli. , Through Kxprcct 4:16 : p. ra. II. & M. Lincoln KrcWit S:35 : a. in. U. P. FrelKht No. 10-1:40 : p. m. No. 0 4:25 : p. tn. Emigrant. No. 8 10:60 : p. tn. No 12 11:35 : a. in. O. & K. V. mlxol , ar. 4:35 : p. m. NORTH. 'Nebraska Dhlslon of tno St. Paul & Sioux City Head. No. 2 leaves Omaha 8:30 : ft. m. No. 4 Icatca Onmhal.30 p. in .Vo. 1 arrives nt Omah.int . ' > :30p. : in. No. 3 arrUca at Omaha at 10:30 : a. in. DUMHT TRAIXS XiirnitEX OMAHA AND COVNC.IL BLUFFS. Lcaxo Omaha at 8:00 : , 0.00 anil 11:00 : a. m. ; 1:00 2:00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 , 6:00 : and 0:00 p. m. Leal o Council ninHsat 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:20 a.m. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 1:25 : ami ( ! :25 p. m. Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at 0.00 and 11:00 : a. in , ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and -.00 p. in. Leaves Council nitillti at 0:25 : and 11:25 a. in. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 : tand 5:25 : p. in. _ Opening and Closing or Mall * . Hours. oritx. CI.OSR. ' a. m. p. m , n. m. p. m. Chicago & N. W . 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , K. 1. & Pacinc.ll:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 iChlcago , B. & 6 . 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Wauash . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : 'Sioux ' City and 1'acinc. . 11:00 : 4:80 : Union Pacific . 6:00 11:40 : Omaha 6 K. V . 4.00 11:40 : B.&JI. InNcl . 4:00 8:40 : 6:30 Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 : Local maili for State ot Iowa leave but once < v 'Cay , % iz : 4:30 : a , in. A Lincoln Mull Is also opened at 10:30 : a. m. Ottlco open Sundays ( rom 12 ra. to 1 p. m. T110S. V HALL P. M. Business Directory. Abstract and Real Estate. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office. W. n. BAUTLETT 317 South 13th Street Architects. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN. ARCHITECTS , Room Crclghton Block. A. T. LA11QE Jr. . Room 2 , Cielsthton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DKVINE & CO. , Flno Boots and Shoes. A good assortment ol homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harncy. TIIOS. EIUCKSON , S E. cor. 10th and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , " ' 60S 10th street , manufactures to order good work at ( air prices. Repairing done. Ocd Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlasst. ! Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUP 1015 rarnham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoSIIANE & SCHUOEDER , the oldest B. and E. 'house in Nebraska csLiMhnccl 187C Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , couthwcst corner ICthand Iodic. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ucala at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. : FurnlaliPd Unmng Supplied. carriages and Roaa Wagons. "WM SNYDER , 14th and Harney Streets. Jewellers. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. . IJEP.THOLD , Raira and Motal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GRAY corner dth and Douglas Sts. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1309 Dowlas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. Q. A. LINDQUEST , -Ono of our moat popular Merchant Tailors Is re- 1 ceh ing the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods ( or gentlemen's wear. StylUh , durable , and prices low oa ever 216 13th bet. Dou&Farn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest Houxo In the West. Purchasers sa\o SO per cent. Order InMall. . 11G Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WEARNE Si SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson sts Hour an J Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8ts. , , Wclalrona Bros. , proprietors. Grocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and Irar T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Htrccta. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 tCth street A. HOLMES corner 10th and California. Harness , Saddles , &c. U. WEIST 2013th St. liet Tarn. & Harney. Hotels. ANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. Canflcld.Oth & Farnham I DORAN HOUSE , P. II. Cary , 913 FnrnhamSt. r SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. Southern Hotel , duj. Hainel,0th Jb Loavcnu orth i t Iron Fencing. Tlio Western Cornice Works , Agents ( or the Champion Iron Fence ic. , have on hand all kinds o ( Fane'Iron Fcncca , Crcstlnge , Flneals , Railings , r , cto. 1310 Unlro stree. ap2 Clothing Bought. 0 .SIIAW will pay highest Ca&h prlco for second bind clotliln/ . Corner 10th and Varnham. Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' L'lock , Cor. 15th & Dodge. Drugs , Paints and Ulls. KUIIN & CO. ) FnirniaclGts , Flno vunc Goods , Cor. 19th and Uoujln btrccU. n f W. J. WHITEHOUf E , Wholesale & Retail , 10th t. C. C , FIELD , 2022 Horln Bldo Cumlng Street. M. PARR , Druiriflst , 10th and Howard Streets. Dry Qooris Notions , Etc , fJOHN II. F. IKllMANN k CO. , Now York Dry Goods Sloru , 1310 and 1812 Farn ham struct. L. o. En c weld alao boots an J tlioca 7th & Pacific. Kurulture , A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture nd Stoves , 1114 Douzua. Highest cash prlco aid ( or BotonJ liana goooe. J. BONNER 1309 DourJk Bt. Fine icoods , ic. Planing Mill. A. UOYER , manufacturer of eash , doors , bllndi , -oldlngs , newels , bahuten , hand rails , furnishing sawing , &c. , cor. Dodge nd Oth ttrueui. Pawnbrokers , J ROSFA'FKLtl , 3 10th St. , bet. Far. * Har. _ - Plorl , ! , A. DontRhup , pl.MiU , cutflowrrg , feeds , boqtiot * etc. N , W. cor. ifith mil Douchs streets. Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. ANDIIEW lOSi\VATiil ! : : , Crclghton Block , Tonn tiurtcyi , ( Irado and ScwcrAifO Sjitems n Uonimlislon Merclinnts. JOHN 0. Wlli US.UUPoilRO Street. U I ) ni'.KMKH. FordetAlls ment in DMlv Mid Weekly. Olgari and Tobacco. WEST & KlUTSl'UIIU. manufacturers of tnd Wholewlo Di-ftlers In Toivxi-co ? , W. F. LOUI'-NZEN manufacturer fill 10thstntt. Cornice Works. Wcitcrn Cornice Morka. Maiiutartnrcra Iron Cornice , lln , Iron nnd Shtu lloolllii' , ' . Order * Irom any locality promptly executed In the licit manner. Factory nnd Olllco 1310 DoOga Street. Oalvanlied Iron Cornices. Window Cnps , etc. , nMinif.Kturcit nnd | > iit up In any part of the coimtrv. T. SIXHOI.ll do Thirteenth street OrocVory. J. nONXKU 1300 DOUSIIVJ Btroct. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. OEO. II. PETERSON. AlfO lints , Cnjv ) , lloot , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , bOi S. 10th street. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRtES&CO.,1213Hanic.vSt , Improv ed leu Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Olllco Ralllnirs , Counters of Pine anil Walnut. Retrlgerators , Oanfleld's Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN lllh St. bet. Farn. & Harney Show Case Manufactory , ) 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds ot Sho1 Cases. Upright Cases , A . . 1317 Cias St. FRANK L. GEU1UHD , proprietor OruMi Show Cafe manufattory , 813 South IGthstrcci lictuccn Lca\cnworth and Marcy. All good warranted Ural-class. Stoves nna Tinware. A. I1URMESTER , Dealer In Stoca and Tinware , nnd Mnnufncttirc of Tin Roofs nnd nil kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1309 Douclns St. Good and Cheap Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Sceil Drills nm Cultivators , Odd Fellows' Hall. Physicians an 1 Surgeons. W. 3. GIBBS , M. D. , Riom No 4 , Crclghton Block , 16th Street. P. S. LEISIINltlNG , a. D. Masonic Block. C. I , . HART , M. D. . Kyc and Ear , opp. postofllc DR. I * B GRADDY , Oculist anil Aurist. B. W 16th and Farnham SU Photographers. GEO. HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt ness guarantccn Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting , P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. rarnham and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK. 1401 DoiiKlas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. KOSTERS , 1412 Dol2c Street. Shoe Stores. Phillip Lang. 1S2Q Farnham St. . bet. 18th & 14th , Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAH , 1418 Douulas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing QooUs , Sec. , bouirht and sold on narrow uinri'lns. Snloons. HENRY HAUFJIANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Stroct , has just opened a mojt elegant Heea Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 . o\ cry day. Cile-IonK " J FALCONEU. 671) ICth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 1018 Farnham bet 10th & lltd. P. PEMNER , 3031 Tenth street , between Farn iam and Hamcy , Docs good and cheap work. 00 Cent Stores. P. C. BACKUS. 1205 Farnliam St. , Fancy Oootls AGENTS , WANTED FOR FASTKST SKLLIXO. BOOKS or TUB ACHE ! Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade , legal ( onus , how to trans- ict business , \aluablo tables , tocir.1 etiquette parliamentary usage , how to conduct public busl icss ; in fact ft is a complete Guide to Succcai ( or ill cases. A family necessity. Address for clr- ula and special terms ANCHOR PUBLISHING SO. , St.Louis. Mo. Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , . To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a postli'eciire | for Spermatoirhca , Semlna VcokncHs , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting rom Sell-Abuse , ns Mental Anxiety , Loeai ilcmory , Pallia In tlio Back or Side , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity and > tarly gra\ The Specific Medicine Is Inc used w ith wonder ful success. ramphlcto ent ( rue to all. Wilts for them aud get full par- Iculars. Price , Specific , (1.00 per packajro , or tlx pack- JDS for f&.OO. Address all orders to B. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. Koa. 104 and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha by C. r. Qoodman , J. W. Bell , K Ish. and all uniialstgccry where. . n 7-dkwlr. AUCTION SALE OF MISCELLA ' NEOUS ARTICLES , AT OTOE AGENCY" , NED. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1881 : ' The undersigned will nil fit public auction to lie hlxhcit bidder or bidders , attheabovo men- ioned time and place , thc.folloulng property , U : Ono(1) ( corn shelter , four (1) ) cultha'ors , flio unJrcil ( fiJO ) feme poaU , ono (1) ( ) grain drill lachliiury anil cnglno of Btcam grist and aw illl , four f4) lioreo ? , onol ) mule four ( I ) liar- ows , ono (1) ) grindstone , ono (1) ) liorso rake , ono ) iimvUnginaLhlno. four (4) ( ) mowers and ruap- , fifteen (16) ( ) stirring pious , ten (10) ( ) fchincl ilows , twenty (20) ( ) liulite.idii , forty (40) ) chairs , no (1) ( ) cooi < st ve , flvo (6)heating ( ) stoics , eight ) tables , one (1) ( ) step-ladder , fifteen (16) ( ) hogs , tc. ttc. Sale to commenio at 10 o clock , n m. Terms cash. By order of Department of Interior. I.KUfLLKS K. WUOUIM , U B. Ind A t. . M. HANKIW , Auctioneer , Otoo Agency , Siptember 3,1831. Hept. 4 , d Ct. Geo. P. Bemis SEAL ESTATE AGENCY , ICth and Dodge 8ta. , Omaha , Neb. Thla agency does HtnicrLTa hrokcrago liuMncoa. oca not | > cculate , and therefore any bariralna Ita hooka arc Insured to Its patron ) , Instead belli ? trobhlcd uu hv tha a/cnt WISE'S t A.xle G-rease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagon * , Ilutarlca , Iteapen , Threshers > nd 21(11 ( Machinery. It In INVALUABLK TO CAKU- ioj AND TKAMHTKUI. It cure * Ncratthcn and all liid * of oreo on Ilorto ud Stock , on wvll an on icn. icn.OLARK & WISE , Mannf's , > 305 Illinois Street , Chicago. roil I'lticKs , STONEWALL JACKSON , A Night with the Great Oon- ferteratq Loader , Hosting Al'tor Battle Past Asleep During the Artil- lery.s Thunder. His lllody Servant nml Fuvorlto War Her o- A. K. D tlir In llio 1'hlhdclnMft Time * . " \Vhilo serving on SUtnowull .luck- son's stall' I Bumatiinc.s shared with him tliu nlicltur of liis ( out , nnd it \vaa my good fortune to do BO tlio night of the battlu of Freduricksbunt , \vlicn sonic little incidents occurred which though trilling in themselves , were so eharnctcristie of the general's considerate kindness , that perhaps on tlmt account they dcscrvo to bo ic- corded. After the fight wns over , when Tlic ul ht cloud had lowered Ami tlio Hcutluel stars set their wntch in tlio sky , Wo were tiding together near Hamil ton's Crossing , on tlio riuhtof our line , when ho turned to mo and said : "Colonel , ns this has been a , fatiguing day and you must bo tired , I think yon had better return to camp , got your supper and go to bed , for wo tire likely to have a very busy day to-mor row. " The advice was timely and too good to bo neglected , so , with a grate ful appreciation of its fitness , I thank ed him for the suggestion nml prompt ly turned my horse's head toward the camp , which was about n milo from the crossing , whereupon he ndded as a parting injunction : "Bo euro nnd tell Jim to make you comfortable in my tent to-night and not to wait for inc. If wanted I shall probably bo at army headquarters. " Jim was the general's body servant and faithful factotum , us much identi fied with him in his campaigns as was the "Old Sorrel" which his master always rode in battle and which , by- tho-way , was a little like the Scrip tural war-horso described in Job , as the general himsulf resembled the classical representation of Mars in Hebrew mythology. The servant and "Old Sorrel" being nbout the same color each ha"ing the line of gingerbread , without any of its spiciness their respective characters were in n concatenation nc9ordingly. For tlioy were equally obedient , patient , cusy-going and reli able ; not given to devious courses nor designing tricks ; moro serviceable than showy , and altogether as sober- sided a pair of subordinates as any Presbyterian elder with plain tastes and n practical turn need desire to luvvo about him. ] ! oth man and liorso seemed to understand their master thoroughly , and rarely failed to como up fully to all his require ments. So that when I told Jim that liis master said ho must make mo comfortable for the night , I know very well that nothing further need bo urged to impress him with the com prehensiveness of tlio order , which lic'd be sure to look upon as limited only by the resources of the camp and liis own capacity as n caterer. Con sequently , in duo time a substantial supper was served , to wliiuli full TUS- iieo was done , as I had eaten nothing stneo daylight , and soon thereafter I was sound asleep on the general's pal- ot , which appeared to have u caout chouc capability of accommodation vhero Jim , "on hospitable thoughts ntent , " proceeded , as ho said , to 'widen of it out for to make it moro littenfortwo. " IN TENT WITH JACKSON. About midnight I was awakened by .ho entrance of the goncr.il , who had icon , as I learned afterwards , at Gen. Leo's headquarters , but I did not let urn know ho had disturbed mo , as ihat would have worried him. Light- ng a can die and laying aside his great coat , sword , etc. , ho opened the Jraught of the little sheet-iron stove hat warmed the Sibley tent , and eating himself at the table , read for iwhilo in his woll-worn testament ; hen , kneeling reverently down , ho 'bowed himself in prayer. " When hrough with his devotions ho drew 1T liis boots , put on a pair of slippers , md quietly lying down by my side , ell fast usleop almost immediately. ; Jy this time I was too wide awake to , ollow his example. My thoughts , everting to the terrible scenes of the ; irocoding day , would not bo con- ) rolled , and 1 could not recall them rom the bloody battlefield close by , vhoro the dreadful drama had been , nncted , and where thcro were then ying so many thousands of bravo ; nen , who fud mink on tlio ground o'crpowcred , 'ho weary to sleep and tliu wounded to die. I thought of the mngnilicont spec- aclo of the morning befoie , when 'tlio rolling mists" began to rise from ho river and revealed "tho grand irmy of the Potomac , " with its hun- rud ami twenty-live thousand men , uperbly equipped , as it developed , olumn after column , on the open lain before us , "in nil the pomp and iridc and circumstance of war" ono f the grandest sights over bohcld on ho continent. I thought of the plondid advc.nco of its triple lines of jattlo , marching with the precision of oculars on dress parade , nnd prcHurv- ng their alignment along our front us nr as the eye could reach , until coin- ng within point-bin nk range of our > tosition , when , vitli three hundred aniion roaring around them and tliu ir filled with tliu merciless jnimdleH of loath , they so gallantly rushed to the hargo on the rh'ht hand and on the eft , and were so remorselessly ro- mlsod by tliu concentrated fire of the onfcderates , which sent them reeling jack beyond the river road to reform heir shattered ranks for u fresh as- ault , while the intervening ground , ovcrod with their killed and wounded vas so torn up by shot and shell that' looked in places as if it had huun ilowiul. I thought of young 1'elham'a luring feat how , dashing forward far nto the open field upon the federal lank , ho so raked the advancing inos with an enfilading fire from two ; of his horse artillery as to com * ol them to pnuso and not only con- rent him with a whole division of nfantry , thrown into crochet at right nglcs with their main lines of battle , ut likewise to concentrate upon him ho fire ot four batteries , besides the icnvy guns on Stafford heights ; and how , notwithstanding those combined attacks , the boy artillerist maintained the unequal duel for more than an hour , and until ho wni recalled by positive orders from his puiilotm position. Well might Gen. Leo exclaim .ns ho did to Jack son in rcgrtttl to I'ollmm s prowess : "It is inspiring to neo such iHnrimis cour- ngo in ono so young ) " and well might JacKson say to him , ns In * did to mo that day : "Jlo'a the bi-u Artillerist , for his ago. I ever saw. ' I thought of the furious assaults made early" the afternoon upon our right , when ng.iin under cover of a terrible can nonade , "throe lines uf battle ad vanced to the charge , preceded by clouds of skirmishers , " strengthened by ten batteries of field guns upon their flanks ; of how limy broke through n portion of the confederate line , forcing two of A. P. Hill's bri gades to fall luck on their Hiipportorn nnd of the temporary confusion which was caused thereby , for fear our flank should bo turned nnd our position taken in reserve ; or how gnnully the lion-hearted Gregg thing lumsnlf into the light that wns fated to bo his last ; of how that stanch old soldier , Jubul Karly , came to the rescue , regaining the lost ground nnd re-establishing our line , and how the fodornla ngain were finally compelled to seek safety in flight , while a terrible fife of canister and grape made fearful havoc among the fugitives. 1 thought , too , of the last desperate efforts that wtiro mixdo in the evening upon our left , as described - scribed to mo by these who saw them when the enemy _ so insanely as saulted Leo's position on Maryo's hill , which was impregnable , and where so many galliuit men were sac rificed in vain attempts to achieve an impossibility. STONKWAlt/H ODD 1HH1T.S. Thus the principal events of that momentous day of excessive oxeitp- mont passed in review before mo in the order of their occurrence , like the pictures of a , moving panorama , with all the horrible details of n bat tle field , so that , of course , there was no moro sleep for mo ihat night. ] lut this was not tho'caso with the general by ny side , who was more fortunate , I was glad to see , in securing for him self the benefit of "tired nature's sweet restorer , " which I know ho greatly needed. Jackson , however , had the happy faculty of sleeping when ho pleased , of waking when lie wanted to do so , nnd of taking imps under circumstances tlmt certainly , were not calculated to lull the senses in oblivion ; for not only have 1 fre quently seen him nodding by the camp fire , with his stall' laughing and talking around him , and sleeping in the saddle amid 'tho dust , confusion nnd discomforts of a march , but like wise on more than ono occasion when under fire , ns was notably the case at Halltown in May , 1802 , when 1 made n pencil sketch of him as ho reclined on the ground against n true in the rear of a battery , not more than 30 feet from the guns , and was slumber ing as placidly as an infant in its mother's arms , while the cannon were firing rapidly , and their reports were as loud as the "livo thunder" itselt. But to resume the thread of my narrative. It was about 2 o'clock whon'thejgcnoral awoke , and ho did so suddenly , as if by his own volition , at the expiration of the time ho had previously allotted for his nap. Ho got up carefully , making as little noise as possible , for ho evidently thought I was still asleep an impression on his part which I did not think proper to correct. Relighting the candle ho began to write at the table , which stood near the foot of the bed and in n position that enabled mo , as ho sat by it , to study his handsome profile , to which , by the way , none of his pictures do justice. After being thus engaged for some little time ho turned toward mo , and seeing that the light of the candle shone in my face ho softly arose from his seat and brought a book Jtrom the opposite side of the tent , which ho carefully adjusted on the table between the candlL and my self , so ns to shield my oycs com pletely from the light. It was a little thing for him to do , a ycry little thing indeed , but at the same time it was fuflicient to indicate to me the thoughtful goodness of that great icart of his , which was as bold as a ion's and ns gentle as a lamb's. JACKSON ANDOUEOa. While I lay there looking at him hrough my half-closed oyo-lids I icard seine ono gallop up to our quar ors and inquire of the orderly if the cnoral was in , and presently an nido f Gen. Maxoy Gregg's was ushered nto the tent , who came with a verbal ncssago from his dying chief. "General , ' said ho , Gen. Gregg lus sent mo to Hay to yon tlmt will bo Iad to sco you before ho lonycs rs. iVo fear that ho will not live until noniing , and ho wishes to toll you hut ho regrets having scnl you the loto ho did day before yesterday , as 10 has since discovered that you were ight and ho mistaken. "Poor follow ! " exclaimed the gon- iral , in a tone of deepest fooling , "I eared his wound was mortal , but did lot think ho was BO near. Give my eve to him and say thut I will sco lim as soon as 1 can get there. " 'hereupon the young oflicer took his cave , and the general , accompanying lim outside , gave orders for Jim to addle "Old Sorroll" for him ut onco. iVhen ho ro-ontered the tent I took iccaaion to speak to him to let him enow I was nwake , and after some ittlo conversation about Gen , Gregg , vhum ho referred to cmnlmtio terms f pruifio , affection mid regret , I skcd him what was liis idea of the In ituulion in front , and whether ho bought thu attack would bo n-novred. "Yes , " said ho , ' 'and J think upon inr right ; so I have given orders to itrongtjit'n our pomtion there by on- ronching. llurnsido has doubtless Uncovered by this time that it is use- if ess to inuko any further attempts on ho left and left centre of our line , . ind that his only clmnco for oU'ecting tnything will bo to concentrate his brco upon our right , near Hamilton's Tossing , making n feint in the direc- ion ot his last assault , near Frodor- ckaburg. Hut , colonel , " ho uddud as 10 drew on his boots , "we'll bo ready or him , and , with God's help , we'll itin another victory. " SUSTKH AM ) MAN. When ho wont out to mount his torso wns a somewhat amusing col- oquy between himsulf and .Mm , iti vhich , though characteristic of inuulor if : nd man , showed how the latter faili'd .n or once in obedience to orders , and hu former , likewise , in enforcing his own command. Jim , it sccmos , had put the saddlu on the wrong hoise , which c-msi'd the general , as ho dis covered it , to ai him : "Why , what docs this moan ? Didn 1 send you word to saddle the 'HI Sorrel ? " "Yes , sir , you did"said Jim. "Then why have you. brought nt this animal ? " was the next intniiry. "Well , sir , 1 tell you , " sntd Jim "you aoo , sir , when you como b\c ; last night it wns most midnight , an the 'Die Sorrel' was tlmt dead tire 'cause you'd been n-riding of him al day lohg that 1 sort < > ' promised hin Bomo rest befo' ho should be rid again Mr. ThnrfV nir , 1's done fetch th young sorrel for you this time , sir. " "Hut , Jim , " replied the general , " nlwnys prefer to ride the 'Old Sorre' in battle. " "I know what , sir , " responded Jim "an" if thcro gwino to bo another but 'tlo ' 1 toll yon what 111 do. Soon as " bar the first gun go bang I'll fetch th 'Olo Sorrel" down to the front for you sir , and then you see , sir , he'll b fresh , sir. " That nsMiraneo seemed to satisfy the general , as he rode off withou further remonstrance. Whereupon calling Jim into tho.tent , 1 asked bin wlmt "it was his master wns saying about another battle , and his reply showed that ho was by no means do liciont in sagacity. "For , " said ho , "tho general , sir , ho thinks there's gwino to bo another battle hero , maybe - bo this morning. Hut , sir , 1 don't believe il for it stands to reason , sir , that the powerful lickin" wo done give the Yankees yisterday is n gwino ir last 'em n good long while. Least' wise they wont want any mo' doin'a o that sort to-day. No , sir-eo , thoy's too smart for thut them thur Ynii' ' keos is sir. " Jim was right in his prognostics tion , for though "tho morning nis < closed the federals still drawn up upon the plain in full array , nnd their com mander , Gen , liunisule , was anxious to renew the enga < ; emont , ho received no encouragement to do so , it is said , from either his ollicors or his men , and the following morning passed without any demonstration , except some artillery practice ut long range and n continual skirmishing of shurp- shootets until a tomporaiy truce wns granted to enable the federals to relieve lievo their wounded on the field , many of whom had been lying for twonty- foitr hours on the freezing ground where they had fallen , and no ; . o poor fellows for two days and nights , unat tended from the time they had been , stricken down in the preliminary skirmishing of the day before the mo- morublo battle of December 1J ! , which closed the campaign of 1802. Incredible. K. A. Soi'.xtch , Kutlivcn , Out. , writes : " 1 have the Kioatent confidence m your ISuitnouK HI.OOII BITTKHM. In ono cnno with which I am i > eiwmrilly nciiinnted | ! their HUCCUSS was almost incredible ! . Gnu liuly told me thut half a bottle ilid her more peed than humhcds of dollars' worth of medicine she had jirnviously alen. " Price $1.00 , trial size 10 cents. I'Jcodlw Buclrliii's Arnlon , Salvo. The boat salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fcvor sores , totter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anleed , to give perfect satisfaction ii every cnso or money refunded. Price , 25c per box. For sale by THII it McMAifo.v , Omaha. HENRY WARD BEEGHER addressing the ntudrnts of the National School of I'loVutlon and Oratory , tald , "Wo nre living In a land uhoso genius , ulioso history , \\lionu Institu tion eminently demand oratory. ' ' The National School of Elocution and Oratory \\ai estab lished In 1871 , to anpply thlt demand. Chartered in 1S78 , Nineteen Teachers and I.ctturers , Specialists in their departments. Summer Term , July G , Fall Term , October 3. tioud for circular to J. II. IlKOIITnL , Sccrctan- , 1410 and HlSC'heitimtntiect. riilladclphlO. JoSH-JMw m.VKKN UP A red nml whlto spotted cow , J. nliout OjcnrHOld' ' rlitht car cropped , at Ho- iran'a addition , north Omaha. 611-wlt I , . Il AGENTS WANTED FOR ODB NEW BOOK , ' BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " lielni ? the Story of the Scriptures , hy KeOcorge Alexander Crook , I ) , u. , In simple and attractive anb'uaxa for old and yoiinjr. Profusely Illustra ted , making a moat Interesting and Impressive youth B Instructor. Kvtry parent will eecuro this norle. 1'roachcrs , jounhould rlrculatolt. I'rlco 53.00. Send for circulars with extra terms. J II. fllAMIIEIlfl&CO. St. Louis Mo. lien of aUllty , to represent ailAMHEKS * Dktlnnnry of Unl. ioral Knowloilse. CompHtu C'jclop.udla of Every Day Wants. Thin Is the Most Useful and Compact Literary Aijile\ciiicnt of tlio Ago. It has no urnpetltorH. \Vu\MUitcompetent SollilUira. No ] > eildl rs iced apply Clrcularx , Llxinu full ilerlptlon , scntonuppllcatlon. J. II. U11AMIIKUH. bt. IJillMo. . , Chleafo , III. , Atlanta , 0 * . OHAMPIOK HAT GATHERER , Takes the hay direct from SwaU. to Stack XO tn 700 lls. at n laid , gt\is wlnroivliik' , iliocklnjr , ie. I'rlcu25.00. . 1'or jiurtluilars ti. II. ( JII.LILANI ) , JlonrooCltv , tlo. , M 2t I'aoprictor nnd ManuUetiirer. J'JIOIJATE NOTJOE. \ itatoof Nehraska , Doutilrw County fs : Un County Court , held at tliu Coiintv Court llooin. In and for mill County , August uoth , A. 1 > . lf > SI. I'rcoent , IKIWAIII ) II. SjllTII. County Jnd o , tlia nutter o ( tliu cut.itc of Jjines K ] h , do- IT4Mli ) On readuiL'and Rllnx the petition of Martha tl. lull , piajliih'tliatadinliilfctmtlon ( iln.'iklesUtu nay ) > t'r'.inUil to lier an ailmlnUtratlx : Ordcicd , That b'eptemljer ICtli , A , I . IfSl.at lOo'elmka , in , , Is implied for healing mldpetl- Ion , Mliciiall porsom liiUreHtvil In mid nutter nuy iiipt ] > .ir at a County Court to hu held , In nnd or uilil County , anil rho\r CIUIHU why tlio prayer petitioner would not hu urantcil , nml that mi- liu of iKiiiiloiiuy of nald jiutltlun ami tliu lie-irlnt' .hereof , ho uhuii tnull purnons Intere.tcd In n.id | imtttr , Ii ) tlil'"ll'l"I ' > > A copy uf tlusnrdurln TIIK Ivi.uu WKKKU HKK , unou paper printed In Bald Jounty.for three imcernshu wnuku , iirlor to said liyofhoirln IIOWAHD II , HMITII , aii UiUt County Jiidae' PIONEER LAND AGENCY P. M , EATHBUN , Cambridge , Neb. 1,000,000 acre * government land open to Homo- ad . I'ru-emptlonn and TlmW chin is. 200 hulco Improved clahint or Hale or oxcliun o. iOO tliu hunt deeded farm * In Bouthutwtern Nobnu- with timber and water for vale. A few choke lock rtuiela's with fuiicod field * , timber , hay nnd valor , for sale , cheap , CorrcsiKiudentu Hoi lei ted , m r30tlrt.r"Ji TO ALL WHO IIAVK S < . N * e.ufiu TO JJK REPAIRED , TO BE DQNE OK tobe be While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others , ST-A-TIE received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make , ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops mid putting in now and improved machinery chinory , I hope ( o still moru improve the quality and finish of one oik nnd fill ordora with moro promptness than ia'uaual. My Motto Ims always been and always will he : "First to gain superior facill tics and then advertise the fact not het'oro no wild advertisements. Some unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my announcements , f would bog you , Iho reader of tlna , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and those of Yours , very' truly , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , . Sign of the , Striking Town Clock. OMAHA DURING THE ST-A-TIEI Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their 614-616 TENTH STREET. II Ladies'Beaver Dolmans $ B 00 upwards j Lames' Beaver OloakSr 85 00 upwards ; Ladies Wool Shawls , SI 00 upwardsLadies4 , Ulsters , $3 50 upwards. 1 Lot Black Uaslimores , all wool , 40 inolios wide , 50,05,75,8F , , , and 95 cents , Extraordinary Value1 , ' 1 Lot English Gashnieres , all Shades , reduced to 371-2 cents , 4 Oases : Uanton Flannels , B1-3,10 , and 121-2 cents , 4 Bales 4-4 Sheetings , 71-2 cents per yard , by the piece , 1 Oase Prints , now styles , 5 cents , 6 Oases Bed Comforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices , Cheviots , Ginghams , Ticks , Denims , Tnblo Linens , Towels , Bed Spreads , &c. , at Popular Prices. Ladies' , Misses' , Boys' and Ohildrens * Shoos 20 per cent lower than any Shoo Store in Omaha. SPECIAL. ! Lot Splendid Shirting Flannels , 22J cents per yard , worth 35 cents. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that < Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OP Furnishing Goods j , Hats and Caps. \Vo are prepared to moot the donuuids of tlio trade in regard to Latest Styles and I'uttorna , Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection. RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 300 to 312 13th St. , Corner Farnha " ' " . - . . _ _ . _ . , - J --T-T - - - -i - - j rj.j O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Gumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT