THE OMATFA DAILY JBEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER U , 1881. GLIDNWOOD GLEANINGS Tfotoi From Mill * County , lown. Since my last letter from tins point of the country , thoio 1ms been ninny things to note which may prove inter esting to the roadeis of Tin : JJiiR. The republicans of this county hel their convention hero last week , am put n good ticket in the field. Oi Saturday , the 10th inst. , the "people's convention" was hold , nnd drew out n largo crowd. llcsolutions wore adopted urging a repeal of the laws regulating the assessment of tolograpl companies' properly within the state , n reduction of penalties on delinquent taxci , the railroad commissioner law , and the law regulating fish , ways , etc. A strong ticket was put in nom ination , which was made up of gootl men from all parties. D. A. Furroll ( democrat ) , at present deputy sheriff , was nominated for sheriff by acclama tion , as was J. S. Frazor ( republican ) for school suporitondont. Tlio con vention was harmonious , and made short work of the duties dependent upon it. Next to politics , the coming county fair , which begins on Wednesday , the 1 Ith , and continues thrco days , is up permost in the minds of our people. The society have been untiring in their oll'orts to secure a good crowd nnd representation of county products , To this end they have put their grounds in fine condition , hung up n largo sum for speed trial , nlso a line list of special premiums. The have arranged for reduced intcs on rail roads , nnd did everything to make the fair n success. Governor Gear will address the people on Friday , the IGth , nnd ought to provo a good card. It is understood that n number of Omaha horses will be hero. Come down. Glonwood'a two now brick hotels urn being pushed forward rut fast as possible , and all classes of laboicrs nro in demand. Many other business blocks have been begun. Quito nu important change has taken pl.ico in the newspaper business hero. 0. W. Sherman , who has edited The Journal for nine years , has sold the daily and weekly ollico to The Journal Printing company , who will continue both papers. The pol itics will bo democratic. T. W. Ivory will bo the managing editor , and ns ho is an ublo writer of experience and is backed by plenty of money , with a good subscription list to start with , and is situated in n town whoso busi ness men are bclievora in advertising liberally , the prospect is flattering. While crop prospects nro not very llattenng it is thought that the corn crop of this county will r.vorago a two- thirds yield Wheat will not average much over five bushels to the acre. The favorable news in regard to the president is the cause of much re joicing hoio and his speedy recovery is hoped for. llov. Dr. Sharp , who has made many friends ns p.istor of the Con- gi optional church , will soon remove to another field of action , llov. "Kcklos , of the M. E. church , will nlso take liis departure in a few days for another charge. Other interests have diverted the minds of our capitalists horn the pro posed building of n pork packing os- tablUluncnt , but it is expected to bo t'l v - * * 6vivod latorrin fclio season. " ' Our city council have made an or dinance providing for the closing of nil places of business on Sunday , nnd it will go into effect from thin ( Into. The fire limit ordinance is being vigorously prosecuted , and causes much kicking nnd complaints of fav oritism. Pacific Junction , four miles from lioro , lias got n building boom , and iho little town is looking up An employe of the Q. road drove n livery horse to death n few days ago while driving two lady friends nt Pa cific Junction nnd gave up $80 of his hard earned wealth in cense quence. Glpnwood has a base ball club which she is proud of , After gaining easy victories over Tabor , Corminc and Hod Oak , they wont to DCS Moincs and played the "Capital City" nine during the state fair , boating them 18 to 4. They have challenged the At' lantic club , which has boon doing eon aidorablo blowing , but the latter docs not seem to care to face the music. A good game could bo arranged during our fair if some good club would como hero to play. The subscribers to the DAILY BKE are pleased with its full and frush reports ports of nil news items , nnd its col umns nro sought by many readers who do not subscribe for it. Parties frwm'abroad nro hero with the intention of raising a stock com pany to put ui > a first-class creamery , and the project promises to bo carried to a Buccca. Glonuood needs n system of some kind to supply the city with water , and nn artesian well is talked of. Our military company nro putting in good time drilling , and expect ti capture some of the prizes nt the grand state muster this full. MOUK ANON. Corn-Crib Architecture. Corn is now woith too much to bo stored in a fpnco corner or in a pen built with rails laid upon the ground. The poorest apolouy for a building on inost farms is the corn crib , though it is duaigncd to hold the crop that re quires half the labor expanded on the farm to produce , It is often built of old fence rails , with no covering but etrow or cparso hay. There is no way of protecting the contents against ruts , mice , nd other vermin , The floor often inclines from both sides toward the center , so that rain is held to in jure the corn above it. Nothing connected nocted with farm architecture de mands more attention than the corn- crib. County agricultural societies would do well to offer premiums for the best plans for corn-cribs. Farm ers who liave had considerable expe rience in storing corn could benefit other fanners by giving the dimen sions of cribs that aio most economi cal to build , and which will aunwor all the purposes for which they nro do- eigncd. The loss of com from being etorod in badly constructed cribs is annually very largo. In some cases it becomes wet , In others it heats and moulds , and in utill others it is de voured by vennin. ALBION NOTES. Gro < t Expectations For the Boouo County Crops. Outloolc For the Fnll Trndo nni Political Noloi. , " ' Corre | K > nJoneo o ( Tlic H c. jUmoK , 2jcb. , Sept. J2.-Bpono sends grouting io licr sslor comi tica in tlio fll.nto , niul clnims lo have n better general avomgu of cropa tlmu any otliorsoclion. The Into heavy raiim liaVo put tlio ground in splendid condition for fnl plowing , mid farmers gcncrnlly nro busy gutting tlio ground rundy for spring crops. It is snfo lo conclude that tlioro will bo nearly double the iinount of fall plowing done in JJoone county this fall over nny other year. The now grist mill on the Cedar will quito an addition to the mamifac- .uring intcrosts of this flection , and Hill supply along felt necessity of the farmers of the western portion of the county. Albion and St. Edwards are ( showing a healthy activity in buainosi circles , and the merchants of each place are uirchosini ; extensive stocks of goods n anticipation of an unprecedented all trade. The notion of the republican con ral committee in calling our county convention at so latu n date that it would bo totally impossible for the atato convention to como after it , lias irousod the just indignation of every loncst citizen of our county. i is generally regarded as a chcmo on the pare of Loran Olark and John Potora , to throw the ap- lointmont of a state delegation into ho hands of Peters , chairman of the ounty central committee , and thus to iccuro , not only n U. P. delegation , mt also one which will throw power nd prestige , " postoflices and plunder nto the hands of thcso two schemers , vlio not daring .to como before a con- ontiou OF TUB I'EOl'tB , i iavo tlniB attempted to disfranchise iio voters of Boone county. At a mooting of the farmer's til-1 anco on Saturday last , at which thrco- oiirths of the precincts of the county ere fully represented the following osolution was unanimously passed , nd cad i and ovary delegate present > retested , in bo'mlf ' of the voters of lis individual precinct , against the no- ion of the majority of the central ommittoo. " .Resolved , That the delegates of liin meeting extend a cordial invita- ion to the republican voters of Boone onnty to mo-t in mass convention at Albion , on Saturday , October 1st , 881 , at 12 o'clock in. , sharp , for the mrposo of electing five delegates to oprcHont the republicans of Boone ounty in the republican state convon- ion , appointed to meet on October Cth , 1881. " Elder S. P. Bellman , treasurer of Joono county , then introduced the ollowing resolution , which was unan- mously carried : "Hesolvedj That in case the pres ent central committee do not concede o a mass convention of Iho ropubli cah Voters of Boone county , the right o elect delegates to tlio state convention , then said moss convention vill not only elect delegates , but will vlso circulate petitions for tlio signa- ures of nil republican voters of our county asking the admission of our delegates to the state convention. " Never before in the history of our country has there boon such general ndignation , mid the masses of the people are arising , as they did in the : aso of Qeo. "W. Brown , to put down ho attempt of Loran Clark to steal ho state delegation. The ropub- ieans of Boone the banner county of the Sixth judicial district can stand a peed dual , but when it comes o complete disfranchisement , they will not submit to it. it.A A REPDIILICAN. The Control Proxies. 'litlsmouth Enterprise. The state central committee , at Its ccont mooting , decided by vote that ; hey wore in favor of nny proxies joing admitted for absent members , whether they wore residents of the district or not , and by that moans tjavo approved of a system that lias ousted heretofore but without pro- ct'dont , w hioh now is made a matter with a precedent. The committee could ill afford to take such action , and every member know it , but then igain , if n Bohomo is to bo foisted on ; ho people , if the time and place of sailing a convention nro of importance io any ring or faction in the state , they go to work at once and secure a dozen proxies from outside districts , and hold the controlling power in tlio committee mooting. The precedent thus established , makes every proxy i thing of marketable value , that a certain faction in Nebraska nould not scruple to buy up , and turn to their own uses. At the late committee at Lincoln , there was nothing at stake , uul the resolution was not introduced to cut tail tlio rights of any , or to excite - cite animosity ; it was simply an effort : o put the committee on record. The resolution road : llesolvod , That it is the sense of his committed no proxies bo admitted , ipld by these non-residents of the districts , for which the proxies were given. The resolution was objected to , and its adoption fought by that element in the party , tliat the J. P. always control ; in fact thoU.P. jrnnch of the republican party in No brnska. It was fought with a dolor- nlncd idea that it should neither bo > assod , or the objectors to it placed m record. It was tabled by votes lint aided to pass the resolution ad- nitting no outside proxies lo Iho state jonvoiition , without thinking , per- mns , that they , the committee , wore only n creature of Iho convention that lover admitted alien proxies. The vhole case in n nutshell was , the op- msors of the losolntionwore not lion- sat enough to pass upon something hey know was right , but preferred igldlng open a loophole for trickery i future , which woiKs only injury to ho party. Such appears the record rhioh was so adroitly expunged by lie monopoly body guard. THE SLIM TEAOHEH. How Ho Mnnngod the School n Cranberry Gulch. San Frtnclsco Chronicle. "Mister , no doubt you hnvo all th leaniin' ' that's required in a schoo teacher , but it wants moio than learn in' to make a man nble to loach schco in Cranberry gulch. You'll ' soon fint out if you try. Wo'vo hat thrco who tried it on. Ono lay * tliero in the graveyard ; another lo-j hia , eye ; the lait one opened schoo wwl left before noontime for the ben elit of his health , llo hasn't been back since. Now you'io n slender build , and nil your learnin' will only make it' ' worse , for all our youny folks nro roughs and dtfn't ' iitan'd tie non sonso. " This was what one of the trnitec1 of the disttict said to my frieiu Harry Flotoo , when ho made npplica lion for the vacant position of teacher , "Let mo try. I know t am slender but I am tough and I hayo n stron will , " said Harry. "Jest ns you like. There's the school house , mid I'll have notice given if you want it done , " said the trustee. "J do , " said Harry , "and I'll open next Monday at 0 n. in. " The notice was given , and there was a good deal of excitement in the lch and along the Ynba flats. More than fifty jouns people of boll soxcs made an excuse to drop into the tavern to got a sight at the fol low who thought ho could keep schoo ! in that district , and many n con temptuous glance fell on the slender form and youthful face of the would' ' bo toachor. Eight o'clock on Monday morning came , and Harry Floloo wont down to the school house with a key in one liand and a valise in the other. "Heady to slope if lie finds we're too much for him , " said a cross-eyed , broad-shouldered follow of eighteen. The school-house was unlocked and the now teacher wont to his desk. Some of the young folks wont to sco what ho was going Id do , though school was not called. Harry opened his valise and took out ajargo bolt. Then after buckling t around his waist , ho put thrco bolt's navy revolvers there , each six mrrols , and ft b6wie-knifo eighteen nohos in the blade. ' Thunder ! ho means business 1' nuttored the cross-oycd chap. The now teacher now took out a square card about four inches each way , walked to the other end of the school house and tacked it up against ho wall. Returning to his desk ho draw a revolver from his belt , and [ Uick as thought sent ball after ball nto the card , till there were six balls n a spot not much larger than a silver dollar. By this time the school house was uilf full of largo boys and girls. The ittlc ones wore afraid to come in. Then the teacher walked half way down the room with a bpwio-knifo in lis Jnind , and throw it with so true a lan'd , that it stuck quivering in the center of the card. Ho loft it there and quietly put two nero of the same kind in his bolt and reloaded his yet smoking pistol. "Ring the bolll ; am about to open school. " Ho spoke to the cross-oyod boy , the jully of the crowd ; and the boy rang the boll without a word. "Tho scholars will take their scats ; L open school with n prayer , " ho said sternly , five mfnutea Inter. * The scholars sat down silently , al- nest breathless. After the prayer the .cachor cocked n revolver and walked lown on the floor. "Wo will arrange .the . classes , " ho said , "all who can read , write and spell will jise. Of them wo will form .ho the first class. " Only six got up. Ho escorted theme , o upper scats , and then ho began to > xamino the rest. A whisper was loard behind him. In a second lie wheeled , rpvoleer in hand "No whispering allowed hero ! " ho thundered , and for an instant his re volver lay on a level with the cross eyed boy's head. "I'll not do so any more , " gasped the bully. "Soo you do not. I never give a second warning , " said the teacher , and the revolver fell. It took two hours to organize the classes , but when done they wore well organized. Then came recess , The teacher wont out too , for the room was crowded od and hot. A hawk was circling over head high in the air. The teach er drew his revolver , and the next Hocond the hawk came tumbling down among the wondering scholars. From that day on Harry kept school For two years in Cranberry gulch , his salary doubled after the first quarter , and his pupils learned to love as well as respect him , and the revolvers were out of sight Yiithin n month. They had found n man nt last who could keep school. This is a fact. Second Edition of Jab. Mra Ogdcn , N. Division Htruet . says : "I cannot bo too thankful that I vita Induced to try your SrniNO BLOSSOM. L was at one time afraid I should never bo ublo to net out lyniti. I seemed to bo n lecond edition of Job without his pa- lenco ; myfncaaiul body were ono Mist : cilk'ction of boila and pimples ; since Ink- ii(5 ( "no bottle of your Spring Blossom I am quite cured , nil eruptions have disap. wared , mid I feel bettor than I have in n oii(5 ( ttiuo. " Price 60 cunts , tiiul bottku .0 cents. cents.Established Established 11 Years , Assets Roprosenteil 882OOUOOO O. Ac the Flru and Ufu agents wantml. C. T. TAYLUli CO Uth & Douxlas gl DON'T IT BURN I Iy house and fumUuro is Jnturcd with 0 , T. TAYLOH A CO. , Cor Htli nud DouclM , U7 t W Great German REMEDY ron NEURALGIA , SCIATICA LUMBAGO , BACKACHE GOUT SORENESS or THE CHEST , SORE THIIOAT QUINSY , SWELLINGS JKD SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET 4SD EARS , SCALDS , GENERAL TOOTH , EAR 1KD HEADACHE AND All otter Pain : ACHES. No rrtri > "li ° n on tartli equals Sr JACOM OIL i a uric , tint , ttarLt and Burlhxterntl ) r. n.elj- A trlil cnUlli but tha corapltlrelj trinlng outlay of & 0 CXYTS , and cvtryont itiflcrloKvith rata caa ban chttp aail fcsltlrt proof of Itj claims. DIRECTIONS IK ELEVEN l.tNOClaE.1. SOLD BY Alt DDIiaOISTS AND DtAltRS IN MEDICINE , A. VOGELER & , CO. llaltiinorf , Sid. , V , S.A. SELTZER A bad breath mav result from icldltj of tha kmitich , or from biliousness , in cither case a cw doses of Tarrant's3 itzer Aperient , admlnhtcrul according to directions , will sup ilant tills unpleasant compinlori with n sweet ml healthful one It li u saline eorrecthc , sjie- tally suitable for narm we-vther , and Iciucstho stem strong to do Uorl. . ot recuperation , SOLI ) IJY ALfc UJlUa&ISTS SOMETHING EVERY LADY There exists a means of securing - curing a soft and brilliant Complexion , no matter how poor it may naturally bo. Hasan's Magnolia Ualm is a delicate ana harmless arti cle , which instantly remoTca Freckles , .Tan , Kcdness , IWnghuess , Eruptions , Vul gar JTlushings , etc. , etc. So dmipato and natural are its emvcts that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured lace in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. If TouaroamanT I If younro otbtninesi.wcalf. \ I man of ] C encd by the itraln of IcratoUiiiKoTCrjn your duties nvold night work , to rc etlmulantiand nto tore brain ntryp and Hop Bittero. I mute , use Hop B. If you nro jounit Mid I I ( uttering from any In- discretion or dlssliial tlon i if you are mar * lied or hlnfflc , old or I lyounK.BUircrinir from roorlicaltli or luiKuUh I I Inn on a bed of sick- ucfci , nly on Hop lOlttors. VrtioeTeryauare. Thousands dlo an whenorer you /eel nually from Bonio tana ot Kidney that your ejetcra needs clcanslnp , ton- ' > aisra o tbat mlKlit I hfTobren prevented In * or stimulating , without Intoxicating , I v bya timely UFO of take Hop HopBlttero Blttora. prptla , Mdn D. I. O. orur/iiarticom-f ' Is an absolute e' plaint , dl e and Irreaista- - oUw ( om A , ' . HOP ble o n r o for baiali , blood. drunkenness Uvtrerntrvetl uio of opium , You will be tobacco.or cured If TOO ute narcotics. Hop Bitters If you aw elm Soldbydrug- jily wonk and Sstn. hciultur lowejilritcd.try NEVER rcular , tti It may uornrrnns aavo your life. It Una FAIL TO CO. , onvod hun Rxbtitrr , K. T , dreds. A Toronto , Oat. W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Orricx Front Rooms ( tin Blairs ) In Il.-uiscom'a now brick building , N , W. corner Fftocatb fid arnham Streets. to. w. i > o AN K. A. DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , S. W COR. 1BTH & DOUGLAS STS. , It 21'tl OMAHA. ; : K Tbpucli Shaken , In Ever , Joint , liu flbtr with ( OM.I and usfuo , or bilious runttt ent , tlio ) t m nut ) * yut ho frcud from tno ma- fuantlruiulUi llostcttcr'u Htomaih llitturs. rotut Ihoi itimatralnst It \ > lth this licnt-n- I'lituntl sitsiioJlc , "lilcli U ( urthcriMorun fcii- riiiiori.iiiu. ] ) far Hi or complaint , conitliatlon , Ijsptiwla , Jublllty , rlivuiimtUni , kUlnv ) trout - \t \ and other atlmunta. i "Kcrialc by nil Drusb'lit and Ucalcn gen- rally. Mr . J. n. llohcrl'on , ritt ) ) tirjr. I'n. , writes : " . M Kiiltcrlnt ; frorrt general dclillltv , want of np ) > ctltc , cnn > tlntloii , etc. , no tint life uai n luir den ; nftcr tislti ? IlunloclIllooil Hitter * 1 fill bet Ur thin for j tars. I cannot praise journittcrs too much. " IJ. Glbl < . r > ! nuffalo. N. Y. , writes : "Vonr llunlock Illood Hitters , In tlironlcilljcaicsof the lilnoil. liter and klilnojn , lintc IILCII sltfnullv marked with success , I hat a used them m > sell with bc t results , fortorrildltv'of tlielUcr , ninlln oa oof a. Irlctid of mine miffcrlng from ilroi y , tlio cRcct uft , Ilruco Turner , fioehcstcr , N , Y , , | rltci : ' " been Bllhjrct to Fcrlous disorder of the kldncjs. And unahlo to nttctul to liuilnc's : llunl < Kk Illood Hitters relict eil me before Inlf n Imttlo nns u od , 1 fci.1 confident that they will ontlrtly iiuuino.1' E A < eiiltli Hall , Illnghampton , N Y\\rltc < ) : I sulTered wltli a dull l < nln tlnoujjli my left lung and shoulder. 1/ost my siplrltH , npictita | nnd color , and could vithdltllctilty keep up nil th } . Took jour llunlock Hlood uittcri ns ill- rcitcd , and haxa felt no ) l" since Hi ftuck nf tcr uslnc them. " Ur. No h HatcR , Klmln , N. Y. , writes : "About 'our jeriM nye I Ind annttnck ot llllouifc\ ) , nnd ietcr fullj recovered. My dlscstho onpuis ncrocakcticil , and \\outil I no completely pros trated for dajs. Alter u liu two bottles ol jour Ilurdock lilootl Hitters th'e linpro\cmcnt was BO vlilblothat I ua astonljhcd. I C.UUIOH. though 01 j cars of nc , don filr mid reasonable ilaj's work. " C. Hlackct Hoblnfion , proprietor ol The Canada Presljjterian , Toronto , Out. , writes ! "Forjears T suffered prMtlj from oft rccnrriii ) , ' headache. I sed > our llunlock Hlood Hitters with htpplest result * , nnd I now flnd in ) self In bettor health than forjtarapist. " Mrs. Wnlhec. HulTalil , N. Y , writes : ' -Ilmo used Ilurdock Hlood Hitters for nervous and bll- llous headaches , and can recommend it to an ) ono for bllliousncss. " W lira. Ira Mullholbnd , Albany , N. Y , writes : 'For ceiU j cars I hax o stiffcrcJ from oft-recur rlriL' billion ? headache * , dyspepsia , anil coni' iihintif peculiar to in > eev. .Since u > lnf > jour Murdoch lloo ) < l Hltttra I am entirely relict cu. " Price , $1.00 per Dottle ; Trial Dottle * 10 Cts FOSTER , IILBUM , & Co , .Props . , BUFFALO , N. Y. Solil nt wholesale by Ish & JIcMilion and C. F. Goodman. Je 27 cod ma MSTOZWELLS , 1422 Douglas St. , Near 15th. Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STOEE Will soil their stock of BOOTSISHOES At Greatly Eeduced Prices. Tin 1'oruMu ! Tin BUT SKLUMJ ! THE OVALOHURN TUB OlIDItNS AND QUIOKKB MOST CON' THAN AK1 VKNIKNT OT1IKH OlIUllN UllUllK MANUl'AO. IN TIIK TUBED. MAUKBI. lltnutacturcd InlltecUis. il ( , 8 , 10 mill lloni. U liai no rciiln. . ileiuc no nolia i lees 111 work easily and qulcVljnd jrtls tha atifcet amoui t ot l.utUr from iho mlllc ur rcam ; li undo from the I fit uh lumber. It > ld at a loner iirloo than any other flrot-cUu Imni , Heml ( or illi.ilptUo circular and price Hit to the theOVAI THAYKD-y'rom hlert' * ttable , Omaha , one bhck mare , color vonuuhat fajtnl. cljjlit or nliie j van , u eight about ek'H'ii huiidrotl. had on caddie and bridle. A reward will be paid for tier return , or Information ( tiding to her r < rat cry , W , E , Catticj , Fort Calhoun , Neb. A TD "HP " la1 T ? H JL J JL.luJ.t -FOU- Wo desire to call the special attention of the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PEIOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorahirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open , Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NKJB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jy 18 mo FEARON & COLE , Oommissson Merchants , 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments truwlo us u III rcceU o iirorupt attention , llcforcncci : State Bank , Omaha : Phtt k Co , IJaltimore ; Peck & Bnnslicr , Clilcajjoj II.Vcrk & Co. , Cincinnati. I. OBERFELDER & CO , , IMTOKTERS AND JOBBERS OF MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive w holesalo house in this line in the west. . o. o.LIBALE ) LIBALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. > yer & Co. Gtms.Ammunition.Sporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne o The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. 3 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TIlsT Stove Eepairer , Jol ) Worker and Manufacturer ox" j f-f' aacxxflTDfii ox * O LJMS. Tenth and Jackse" * - . - - - Omaliaj Neb