Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1881, Image 1

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No 1 Lot on llarncy street , noir new court
housu , 82500.
No 2 Lot on COM street near 22d , J2MW.
No 3 Lot on C.iUorni.1 street near 22d , $1(100.
No 6 Lolonilarey street near U. P. dooot ,
No 0 } block In Slihm's 3d addition near Con-
cnt , $350.
No 8 Two lots onDccatur near Campbell St.
700.No 10 Slots on Col fax street nc&r Hanscora
Park , "at reaxonable prices ,
100 choice roildonco lota In Credit Fonder and
Grandview additions a short dlstnnrc southeast ol
U. P. and U , & II. depots , prices from 100 up-
13 lota on 21st , 22d , 23d and Saunders streets ,
north ot and adjoining K. V. Smith's addition ,
HOC ; terms easy
No 00 Full comer lot on Douglas street near
10th , $12500.
No 70 Corner 00x110 fcttloton Doughs near
near llth street , 83100. ' '
No. 71 Three lots In disc's addition near Saun
ders street , $1000 i ' .
73 Lot on Dccatur street , near Irene Shlnu's
3d addition 811B.
t No. 75 82x00 loot on Pacific street near U. P
. fmd D. &M. depots , ? 300i > .
No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feel Oth
Street near Jones , $3500.
No 78 3 lots on Hartley street ncarl9th$2000.
No 81 Lot In Glso'8 addition near Saumlers
I'rcet , $500.
No. 82 Lot in Olses' addition near Saunders
Street , $300.
No 83 2 lots on 10th near Pacific and Nail
' " 'irks , $1500.
No 88Lot on Charles street near Saund&jj ,
1600 ,
No 87 Lot on tcavcnworth near ICth , $1,100.
No 88 Lot on Caldwell street near Saunders
No 89 'Lot on Chicago near 22d street. $1600.
No 90 Lot on Blonde near" Campbell street
876. .
SI lots In Millards & Caldwcll's addition , Sher
man avenue , 10th street , Spring , Saratoga and
Florence streets , 8700 and upwards.
No 122 2 lots on 18th Btrcet , near Poppletou's
now residence , $1000.
No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman avenue ,
ICth street , $110(1 (
No 121 8 lots on llcllovu street , near shot
toner , $50 to $76"each.
No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near
, A shat tower , $50 to $75 each.
' * No 120 Lot on 18th street , nog whltolead
works , $525
No 127 2 lots , 3 } acrcsnear head of St. Mary's
avenue , on road to Park , SilOO.
No 129 Lo on California near Crcighton Col-
CRC , 537(3. (
No 130 4 lots near now gocrnmont corral , 82 }
X207J acres each. $300.
No 101 Lot In Gisu's addition on Cameron St.
near Saunden , make an oiler.
No. ICO Lot In alsa'a addition on CasslusSt. ,
near State , make an offer.
No 102 LotlnGise'snddition on Cassias near
Eaunders , make an offer.
No 103 1 block In Bojd'a addition addition
near Omaha Barracks , make an offer.
No 1(3 ( ! 7 lota in Henry & Shclton'a addition
near high school , price from $1250 upward.
170 Lot on Pacific Etrcot , near16thmake an
No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st ,
both S33fl or 82000 for corner and $1800 for In-
* le.
jKo 173 1 lot on Cass near 14th street , JIOOO
f No 175 Lot on Sherman avonuo.lCth street
f near luira , 4 Ki8j , i4Kl. ' " ' ' * % ,
No 177 3 lots in Grandvlcw. make an offer.
No ISO Lot In Shmn's addition on Pier St. ,
tar end street car track , $525.
No 181 Two lots in Nelson's addition , 1 on
aahn Btrcet , 1 on Center street , near Cumlng ,
NJ 183 Two gilt edge lots ou Cess street near
21s2. on a corner , $ (5000. (
Xo 185 Lot on Suward street , uear Blunders ,
rroko an offer.
. No 180 3 lots on Seward street , near Irene ,
intko an offer
A N'o 180J , lot on Da\cnportnear 26th$500.
No 187 } , lot on Dhlslon near Cuming Bt. , $200.
/No / 188 } , block In lioyd'a addition , near Omah.\
Arracks , 8400.
( No 189 } , J lot on Pierce near Oth street , 5550.
No 1'Jiij , i lot on llth near Farnham , 42100
No 101 } , 2 beautiful lots in Shinn's addition
No 192 ] , 2 lots on ISth street near white lea
/works , 61050.
No 193 } , lot on 20th street near Sherman , ? 40 (
No 1044 , 2 loU on 22d street , near .Clark , $000
No lOOj , S beautiful lots on baundcrd bt. nca
street car turn fable , $1275.
No laOJ , lot on 16th near PIcJco bt. S500.
No 201 Lot in Oiso's addition on Cameron St.
near Saunders , $500 ,
No OJ Lot on Cameron street near Saundcra
$900.No 203 Lot in Shlnn's addition on Saundcr
street , ncarhtroct car turn table , 8850.
No 2U4 Ueautlful lot in Nelson's addition , 01
Division struct near Cumliiu , $350.
No. 205 Tno lots on Castcllar street , near lOtl
$150.No 200 Two lota on Sixteenth street , near tin
nail works , $1500.
No 208 One-half lot on California street neai
s t.STOO ,
No 209 Lot on ISth street near NlchoUs , $000
No 210 Lot on Capitol tuenuo near 2Jd$1500
Na 212 Lot 148x500 feet on tiolfiix street , near
Hanscom Park , wltn Improvements , $2700.
No 213 Two acres on Cumin ; ? street , $1000.
No 215 One-half acre ou California , near Ken
ncdy street , $350.
No J10 Denutlful tot on Hamilton street ncai
street car turn taole , $1000.
No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. $500.
A few aero lots only remain unsold In "Park
P lace" little west of Crcighton Collcgt , prices
r i K\ng \ f i oin $275 to $300 each anil on e.wy terms.
LoU in Ilorbacli'H 1st and 2d addltlonu ; nUo
ots In Parker'BShlim's ; Nelson's , TcrracoV , K.
. Smith's. lleiUck'n , and all thu other additions
any price and at any terms.
Ten acrm In the city limits on the road to the
arracks at $375 pur ncru.
1'our beautiful residence Iotn In front of
Crcl < 'hton Collecu ; will cut them up to suit.
Nine rceldeiRU lota north of C'rdgliton College
.V rnundi , from 1700 toJUMOcacn ,
trlilrty rotldcnt loU in's addition , nix
blocks north of tho.cnd of the btrces car tracu
on Saunders street , $300 each , $10 down , balance
suit , at b per cent inUreot.
A few lots left In Tcrraca addition on the road
to the Park , near head ol St. SI irj 'd enuo7xO
rach. To those who will build a 1200 residence ,
7vcarstimo at 8 pr ; cent intert
' . ' . SS50 each ID
LoU 111 Uko'j addition at rJ..OtO ,
years time atO percent Intercut , to those who
'UiooUlTouley4U-acro tract with home and
all Improvement ! ) , adjoining ( ace touruo and fair
ground ' for$8iOO. *
Tracts of 5,1U , 15 , 20 , 40 or SO acre * , with bull-
dings and other Improvements and adjolnlni ; thu
city , at all prices.
3600 ol the best residence loti in the city of
Omaha any location you desire north , cait ,
south or west , and at bud rock prices.
260 choice business loU in all the principal line-
ness BtreeU In Onialui , varjliig lioni $500 to
Two hundred houses and lots ranging from
600 to 816,000 , and located In erwy part of th
Large number of excellent arms In Douglas.
Barpy , Saunden ) , DodgD , Wuhlngton. Unit , and
other good counties In eastern Nebraska ,
12.000 acres best landu In Douglas , 7000 acres
best landu In Sarpy county , and largo tracts in
All the eastern tier of tountlei.
0 > cr 000,000 acres of the beat land In the No-
roska for sale by this agency
Veri largo amounts of suburban property In
.L 0110 to ten , twenty awl I irtyacru | > l . located
Mithln one to three , lour or Iivo .nllta of the
oatollice souiQ vtry cheap pieces.
/New Maps of Omahu. published by Ocorgo P
JrOeinfo plain , unmounlod inajw 60 centH caib ;
t - -'Imounted , coload and ujU' iloth back , 81.60
ouiics.stori'D , hotels , farms , lot jl indj. ofllccs
/If , . , to rent or Icobu.
Taxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgages ,
mid all kinds of real cslato documents niado out
on short notice ,
Eeal Estate Exchange
i 15th and Douglas Street ,
* OMAHA , - - NEB
President BarHeld Passes a Rest-
.ant Day ,
For the First Time Since
Wounded Ho Bnjoyfi. , the
Luxury of nn Invalid
The Wounds are all Healing
and Uveryono Seems
Dr. Bliss Details a Convei'sa-
tion Between Himself and
the President.
At 6 ji. m- His Pulse , Temperature
and Respiration Wore Res
pectively 1OO , OS. Sand 20.
LONOBUANCH , September 13. The
president's condition is on the whole
favorable , although it is reported that
sotno fever is existing during thaoarly
morning. It was understood -boforo
the examinaiion wns mndo that the
temperature and respiration were con
siderably above the normal , but thnt
ho has slept and rested BO well during
the night that the physicians regarded
his condition quite as favorable as that
of yesterday.
ELBKHON , ! September 13. At the
examination of the president at 8 o'
clock this morning his totnporattiro was
99.4 , pulse 100 , respiration 20. Ho
passed a comfortable night and slept
most of the time. On the whala-his
condition this morning is encouraging
and gives promise of a coed day.
J. B. ' . HAMILTON ;
The president enjoyed a good night's
rest and slept soundly most of the
time. Last night will compare favor
ably , so far as cflucts of the
rest and sleep are concerned , with
Sunday night , which was admitted by
the attending physicians to bo nunt
favorable the president has had inneo
ho was shot. The doctors s.iy
it would ho diflicult to ex
actly measure the improvement of
the last twenty-four hours over
that of the
because the latter was decidedly
marked and stcod out promint-on
ly against the stationary effect
of an early Sunday depression.
Nevertheless thpro was an addi
tional improvement during the
night. Drs. Agnew and Hamilton , ,
after.a long conference lantnipl * ' *
decided that the normal fospfn
tion of the patient was 20 and torn
poraturo S9 , and they so positivel ;
stated subsequently to Attorney General
oral MacVeagh. This statement ere
ated some comment , but Dr. Blis
says they are so eminent authorities
thut believed the truth. It will b
remembered that both
have ranged about these figures fo
some time. Dr. Boynton was cheer
ful when ho emerged from the sic !
room , and said the patient was im
proving. Dr. Hamilton declined t
4einterviewed , but said lie was plcascc
to bo able to say that the prusiden
\vas much better then when ho sa\
him last on the occasion of his previ
aits visit to Long Branch , Attorney
General Ma.cYeogh will remain hero
md not join the other cabinet mem
burs ill the Wliito Mountain trip , lie in explanation that ho simph
Joes not euro particularly for the
White Mountains and it in fully as
Peasant for him hero forever. Ho
lees not feel like leaving the presi
LONO BRANCH , September 13. At
LI o'clock the president sent for Drs.
31iss , Hamilton and Boynton. They
uirried out and the people became
ilarmed. Soon Dr. Hamilton came
nit and said to the agent of the Ka-
ional Press association :
"I suppose you aro'alarmod at whal
'ou saw just now ? "
"Yes , wo thought there was somo-
hiiig serious going on when wo saw
lectors running over to the president's
iottafi ) . "
"Well , " said Dr. Hamilton , "it islet
lot unfavorable news I have to
; ivo you its the result of thut rush , at
rou call itin ; [ fact it is so good , I will
oluntuer it. The president has been
cry anxious to gut out of lied and
11 to the invalid chair. He has do-
ired a change of position. Wo told
lim wo would
i soon as wo thought ho could bear
t. He sent fur us because ho
hought ho was btrong enough to
ear the change now. Wo found him
trong enough and lifted him into the
hair. Itia the firat time he has boon
nken out of bed and the first time ho
.as used
f course. Ho is sitting in a reclining
osition now and ho is enjoying the
Imngo immensely. Thu president
omained in the invalid chair thirty-
vo minutes , when ho was lifted back
jbed. No resultant ill ollects. "
f the president at 10 o'clock this
lorning ia bettor than for three weeks ,
lis day naps have interfered with the
ight sleep , and wakefulncss have
eon by some attributed to foreign
luses. The parotid gland openings
nd incisions are partially healed , and
oublu from that source ended.
i healing rapidly nml naturally ,
[ cither wound nor attendant incjaiona
re at present disturbing do.
icnts. There ' is no abscess in
10 lungs , nor , pus cavity , nnd
uver boon rccongnizud symptoms of
ly , The bullet is fjlly imuyatcd ,
ho lung affection is fully under con-
el , and has not been moro serious
than a soyoro cold , is novr about gem
and no disturbance from it.
18 correct ; the diaphracni was piorcet
by the bullet and is inflftinod , and tin
inflnmation extended to the lower portion
tion of the right lung. Small qunnti
ties of mucus from the parotiu havi
found way into the mouth and the exertions
ertions of the patient to relieve
himself of this matter cnusoc
inilanmtion which oxtondcd bolo\i
the ] ) harynx and caused the dopres-
siqn of Sunday. The patient passed
the period snccessfullyand is now bol
ter than before. His condition now is
of convalescence ; ho a similut03 food
and his nupotito is good ,
was wheeled over to the window and
the president sat tlicro thirty-live
minutes looking out upon the sea ,
and greatly enjoyed his recreation , as
ho called it. When ho was lifted
back into bed the president asked ,
"What do the instruments indicate ? "
Answer : "No change at all , Mr.
president. "
"That is well , isn't it ? "
ELIIEKON , September 13. At the
examination of the president at noon
to-day the toraporaturo was 98.8 ,
pnlso 100 , and respiration 20. At the
evening dressing at half-oast five the
tomporation was 98.4 , pulse 100 and
respiration 20. The president was
placed in a isemi-recuinbcnt position
on an invalid chair at 11 o'clock this
morning and remained there half an
hour without fatigue or discomfort.
The wounds are making the usual
favorable progress and his general
condition is reassuring.
( Signed ) F. M. HAMILTON ,
LONG BuANCii"Sept. 13. The fol
lowing was sant to-night : Lowell ,
minister , London : There has been
no material change in the president's
condition during the last twenty-four
hours Ho was moved at his own re
quest this morning from his bed to an
extension chair , on which ho remain
ed fur half an hour , and ho has been
less inclined to drowsiness during the
day than is usual. The weather is
now very favorable and the physicians
: hink they discover signs of a slight
mprovoment in his symptoms. They
expect him to pass iv very comfortable
night. ( Signed )
At 11 o'clock to-day the president
was lifted out of his bed into an in
valid chair , ana at this hour , 11:30 : ,
remains there. Ho enjoys the change
Dr. Bliss ivcs the following au-
: hentic history of the invalid chair
used to-day : "Before wo left Wash
ington , , at the president's suggestion ,
wo promised to lift him from his bed
ind allow him ' to sot in his invalid
chair. Ho often said ho would like
I/--hayo the cliungo mndo i uo
thought it prudent Wo encouraged
him to hope that it would soon bo al
lowed. Two days after his removal
hero he said ho believed ho
"Wo believed ho was improving , and
telegraphed to Washington for the
chair , which was sent by express at
once. Its arrival pleased the presi
dent and ho frequently referred to his
wish. Wo promised to lift him on
Fiiday last , and but for that day's depression
pression , would have done so Oi :
Monday morning ho had so surpris
ingly recovered that the question wai
again broached on his part. Wo thei
promised that if his , .
wo should lift him about noon to-day ,
About 11 o'clock ho sent for us and
reminded us of our promise and asked
to have a-ehango niado as ho felt sun
lip could bear it. Wo then lifteti
him from the bed on his sheet and
: arefully deposited him on the chair ,
1'ho chair' was elevated as high us ii
: ould bo and the angle of inclinatioi
ivas at least thirty degrees and up
lowards forty-five ,
lover before since ho was shot had
) eon raised that high. Ho really was
lilting up and ho en joyed the position
md ( maintained it without languor ,
L'ho chair was wheeled over to the
vindow and the president sat there
ooking out upon the sea. I remained
m the floor in another room. In half
in hour Mrs Garfiuld came to mo and
iaid the president desired tie
) o put back. Wo all at
inco repaired to his room.
L'ho president was asked if ho was
irod , and ho unsworud :
'No , I think I nm not. I think it
) otter I should not overdo this thing ,
ind on that account alone I think it
test that I should bo sent back to
led. '
Ho was carefully lifted up and
ilaeed on the bed. His pulse , torn-
icraturo and respiration wore taken
inmediately before and after thu ro-
noval , and thu figures both times
roro placidly the saino. The presi-
lent 1ms been carofnllyobsorvcd ninco
nd it is certain that the lifting and
hango of position have had no ill
fleets , The pulse while the presi
ent sat in the chair
ut dropped to its former figures ul
lost immediately. The president
ill bo lifted into tlio chair every day ,
' he so desires , and his present favor-
bio condition continues , and the sit
ings will bo prolonged daily if cir-
umstancus warrant it. Some time
ftor the president was put back teed
od I said to him :
'Havo you those feelings of weari-
esH any moro 1'
'No , I do nut hnvo thorn at all. I
over fool wfiiry now , ' ho answered ,
then fiaid to him ;
'Do you have any pain now ? "
'No , ho miiil , ' 1 do not suller from
nin now , I have no pains. '
What is your condition generally
. thu present stage ) ' I then asked
'It is ono of comfort. I am per-
icily comfortable. Iluvo a sense of
'rfect comfort , ' ho replied.
I was very desirous tolmvo him an
swer these questions , You sco , som
time ago , when ho was sulToring mud
and was much worse- than ho now ifl
ho used , often in an nlmost dishoart
"onod manner , wearily to say , 'Doctor
1 nm so tired I
1 AM HO TtllKt ) . '
Ho would toll mo nt these time ;
that his weariness was such that oftei
after being told ha had been asleep
lie felt as if ho had really not boon
1 have observed lately that ho has no
complained of weariness and has no
alluded to any forgotfulncss of sleep
1 was very anxious to know whothoi
this absence of complaint was duo tc
as induced him to refrain from com
plaining , or ftom the absence of con
ditions previously complained of.
My opinion has been that the Intloi
was the case , and I am gratified to
huvo his own positive declaration that
it is so. Ho talks with better voice
and talks moro than at any time pro >
vionsly since ho was shot. "
The favorable improvement in the
president's condition continued dur
ing the evening , and at 10 o'clock ho
was sound asleep , with the prospect
of adding another night of gain to his
caso. At that hour the physicians
and till the attendants had retired ,
Private Secretary Urown's cottaijo was
closed for the night , and all the lights
in that and the house occupied by the
president were out , except ono that
was1 turned down low in the pres
ident's ' room. In addition to
the authorized summary of the cose ,
sent out by the National Associated
Press during the day , Dr. Bliss said
to-night : "There's been a verysonsi-
bio gain of strength during the past
three hours , and has boon every day
since the removal to Elberon with the
oxc ption of the twenty-four hours
ending at midnight Sunday , during
which period there was a standstill.
The president't condition to-night is
ono of convalescence. "
The Parties Arrested on Suspicion
of Complicity In tlio CA - <
CHICAGO , September 13. The Daily
News , Independence ( Bio. ) special
says the prisoners heretofore confined
at that point , charged with complicity
in the Chicago Altoii train robboryl
were this morning quickly , but quiet
ly removed to Kansas City. It is sup
posed this was done us a precautionary-
measure , as there ia n strong linden-
current of feeling around Indopondi
once in fayor of lynching the more
strongly suspected members of Iho
gang. . flails-would certainly bo don <
if there won little more positive proo
of the'gnity. A vigilance committee
is being organized by the business
men and substantial farmers. Tin
pursuing parties hayo not yet bcci
heard from , and their present where "
abouts are unknown. A"
A Party of Notables-
National Associated Tress.
NEW' YOUK , September 13. Th
cabinettparty lett this city at 10:35 : a
m. over the Now Haven ' & Hartfor
road , not on a special train , as ha
been reDortcd , but on the Whit
Mountain train. The party too
possession of the Eastern directors
car , h small yellow sleeper , and , wit
ono exception , the least luxurious ca
on the train. The party consisted o
Windom , wife and Mrs. Windom"
sister ; Hunt , wife and young daughter
tor ; James , wife , son and daughter
Col. Jameson , of the postofiicc ; a Mr
Cheney , a Boston millionaire. "Rail
road Director Lincol was expected
but missed the tr.iin.
Manon to Ito Triad by Court-Mnr
tinl His Caiidiiot Grounded
ou Superstition.
Natlonnl Associated I'rosa.
WASHINGTON , September 13. Spr
geant Mason is to bo tried by a mill
tary court-martial , although the detail
tail of the court has ; not been an
nouncod. Under the rules and regu
lations of the army ho will bo triec
for ' 'conduct prejudicial to good or
der and military discipline. " Tin
court will bo convened by Genera
Hancock. The order will bo issued
in a few days , perhaps to-morrow ,
Mason's counsel , ( General J. G. Bige
low , is anxious for a civil trial , but is
not likely to get it. Tlui plea of in-
ianity will bo ontorrd for Mason , as il
is clear ho is ins no upon ono sub-
jeot-of avenging the assault upon 1'resi-
lent Garfield , It Ima * transpiruc
Lhat ho has brooded over this inattei
j'mce the day of GniteauV cowardly
: ittack on the president. Mason was
in Texas at tho' time' nnd says ho im
mediately resolved to kill Guitoau il
ip over got a chance. The basis of
lid desire was , us ho stales himself ,
; hat if Guiteau was killed and put un-
ler the ground , where no ray of light
: ould reach him , the president would
; ct well , but if Guitoau lived , there
iVao no hope for the president's recov
ery. Last Saturday was pay-dny.
Uasoii drew his salary , paid oil'BOY -
iral little debts , and resolved that
Guiteau should die within twenty-
our hours. The opportunity for the
hooting at the nrsunul did not arrive
intil Saturday night.
The Anti-Liquor Alllauoo.
pcchl Dispatch to TIIH DUB.
CoLUMiiUHj 0. , September 13. The
) hio Anti-Liquor alliance met hero
'hursduy to elect officers to secure
ho incorporation and place of the Al-
inncp NOWH , a weekly paper , upon
solid financial basis. Rev. 0. L.
itanton , of Cincinnati , will probably
'U ' editor.
A WoumuVWafi tuo Cansoot'it. "
'atlonal Awodakd 1'ri UK ,
OHAIILESTON , W. Yn , , September
JJ , Twenty yearn ago ono French be-
iimo intimate with the wife of J , I ) ,
'urlcy , while the latter was in the
nr. French loft , but Furloy Hworo
3 kill him on sight. Ho returned
osterday for the first time , when Far-
y emptied a load of buckshot into
im. The shot took tilled nnd ho ia
The Projootors of the Lincoln
Fromonb R , R , Ask a Bo
nus of $50,000 , ,
It ia Looked Upon Generally
na n Scheme to Head off
the O. &N.W. ,
As Also aUovico for the Un
justifiable Gaining of
Special Report of a , Mooting of Pro
jootors niul CltizouR in
: | xxla1 illsp.-itc.h to Til HUM :
LINCOLN , Nob. , September 13.
V meeting was hold in the Opera
louse last evening for the purpose of
discussing the proposition presented
> y the incorporatora of the Lincoln
t Fremont railroad lo the people of
Jincoln , asking them to vote § 50-
XX ) as an aid for the purpose of con
struction of said road. Doctor Litta
was called to the chair , and N. S.
Harwood elected secretary. Mr.
3nley was called for nnd took the lloor
and read the proposition , stating that
ho bonds voted were to run twenty
rears at the rate of interest , pay
able mutually , of 6 per cent. , and
also stated what ho had accomplished
, hua : "That none of the railroads in
ho northern part of the state would
nko bonds , but ono of the roads niado
a proposition that they bo divided be
tween them. " Ho also stated that the
Chicago & Northwestern railroad , and
Chicago , St. Paul & Minneapolis wcro
avorably impressed and would assist ,
> ut would not take any bonds. Lin
coln city was asked to vote 550,000 ,
Fremont county § 35,000 , Saunders
county § 50,001 , two precincts north
of Lincoln § 10,000 , making
a total of § 150,000. Ono pro
duct in Saunders was asked
o vote § 0,000 , but as the survey
vhich their corporation made would
wt touch that precinct , no bonds
could bo expected from them. Mr.
3aloy also said that moro interest was
muiifested at Omaha to defeat the
muds than at Lincoln to vote them ,
md went into the merits of the ease
s serving his interests and the cor-
'poralion.- ' ' Anio'/iirktJtior'4& / yutIcinfeu
speakers upon the subject Were Je
rome , Courtney , and Caldwell , who
spoke against the project , stamping
the proposition as n fraud upon the
face of it , and called upon the people
of Lincoln to vote against the bond.
Messrs. Raymond and Cushing spoke
in favor of the bonds. Mr.
Cushing also spoke for Mr. John
Fitzgerald , who was unable to attend ,
but was in favor of them. Mr. Court
ney stated in his remarks that the
Chicago & Northwestern railroad
would como to Lincoln whether wo
voted bonds or not and .said that this
proposition was a Galoy , scheme to
head oil' the Chicago & Northwestern
railroad and put § 150 in the pockets
of the incorporators. The whole discussion , -
cussion scorned to ho upon the point
whothor'tho ' proposition was honest
upon its face or not , and if by voting
bonds wo will obtain competition.
The judgment of the audience pres-
3nt , who were composed of our
wealthy business men and citizens ,
( vas that the bonds would bo de
Shipping Nows-
National Aiuoclaua I'tcts.
Nnvv YOUK , September 13. Siiilcd
\byssinia , for Liverpool. Arrived
L'he Queen , from London ; Wyoming ,
from Liverpool.
UOTTKUDAM , September 13. Sailed
LOth , W. A. Shaken , for Now York
BHKMIIN , September 13. Arrived :
Dhio , from Now York.
5-20 Bonds.
'atlonal Associated l'iem.
WASHINGTON , September 12. AH
iistant Secretary of the Sreasury Up
on says that there is no intention of
S8uin < { any call for the 5-20'a until
iftor Secretary Windom returns Irom
ho White mountains , and that even
hun none may bo niado.
O '
Postponed Till November.
rational AsaociitoJ I'rctt.
ALIIANV , September 13 , Tn the
ounty court to-day the coses of Sen
ior Sessions , A. D. Barber and Ed-
rards , accused of attempting to bribe
ogislators , were postponed until the
iovombor term of court.
'illonal Associated 1'rcea.
ST. LOUIH , September 13. The
nil is BO full of thieves and murderers
liat an extra session of the grand jury
as been called , and there is prospects
luit two grand juries will bo at work
t the same time grinding out indict-
Bout on Business-
atlonal AuocUtcd 1'rcm.
NAHHVILLU , Tenii , , September 13.
. Mormon missionary in this state
: no said to ono ono of our moat
rominont state oflloials that this
ould for the future ba the hoad-
uartors receiving-station for Salt
ako City , and that fifty agents will
D put to work at onco.
News from tlio iEronauts whi
Made Tlioir Ascent in Minneapolis -
noapolis Yesterday ,
They Make a not Altogothoi
Satisfactory Start The
Balloon Leaks.
The Telegraph Details Auothoi
Train Disaster in Penn
Complete List of the Poor Via
tiinsoftho Late Michi
gan Forest Fires.
I ml Inn Now * Youthful Suioiilo
Various Note * of Wide
spread Interest.
ProfKius's Balloon.
National Associated 1'rotH ,
ST. PAUL , September 13. A dis
patch luvs boon rocoivcil this morning
from the turonnuts , who in ado the
ascension last evening in Prof. King's
balloon. Tlio voyngcra slept last
night nt n farmer's house , about five
miles from this city. It is said that
the gas is leaking , ami tlio prospects
are the balloon voyage will not bo re
sumed. Thora was only n alight
amount of air when the pro-
fosaor called "lot loosoall. " Shortly
before 0 'o'clock last night the machine
attained a considerable altitude and
then began to descend , and the bal
last was thrown out and it went up
again. When midway between this
city and Minneapolis it again began
to descend and barely escaped a tree
top , when moro sand was thrown
overboard and it again rose gracefully ,
when it at last disappeared from view.
It was apparently falling near Men-
dota. This morning's advices wore
that it struck a current of air blowing
in this direction , and returned to witli-
in n few miles of this city.
Another Pennsylvania Disaster ,
National Associated 1'rcm
MouutsTOWN , Pa. , Sept ember 13.
As the freight train on the Philadel
phia and Erie division of thu Penn
sylvania railroad was passing over n
bridge which spans Spring Crook , the
structure , which had boon weakened
by flumes from burning trees below ,
gave way and tlio entire train wai
precipitated into the ravonc beneath ,
The bridge caught lire and much valuable
uablo merchandise of all deacriptioi
waa totally destroyed. The loss ii
largo. Tlio engineer , Wm. Kipperly
and fireman , Charles Parks , wen
Ujaatfll.ui'/6 ] , hi-tinivUunwn aErp ;
Two tramps who are known to Jmyi
disappeared , and it is supposed tho'j
wore burned to death.
Moro Uneasiness-
National Associated 1'rusi.
SAN FUANCISCO , September 13.
Anns have boon issued to citizens of
Arizona at all points where Indiana
are threatening. At Cooley'a ranch
near Fort Apache , Indians have driven
oil' four hundred head of stock and
sixty horses. There are thirty white
families and a Ifundrcd and lifty In
dian squaws and children at that place
guarded by friendly Indians. Nowa
from Fort Thomas is that tlio White
Mountain Indians have gained con
trol of the Canon Commanding Fort
Apache , making the situation very
serious. A meeting of citizens inTuc-
sun passed resolutions urging the re
moval of the Apaches from Arizona.
Nttinon of the Victims.
National Associated I'rcea.
DETKIOT , Mich. , September 13.
The Evening News to-day gives the
following Jistj comprising all the
names ot all killed by forest fires as
certained to date. Many more lives
have boon lost , but the names cannot
yet bo determined witli certainty :
Huron county , town of Paris
Mrs. John 8. Parkastian and iivo
children ; Victoria Mizuro , aged five ;
A. Susula and family of four ; un
known old woman , W. B , Worsen-
berger , wife and three children ;
George , Lucy uml Albert M. Nodski ;
S. Wyrbol ; .John Mol'honion find
wife , John Goya , Mm. Frank Ludo
find Iivo children , girl named Ilubio. ' .
ehild named Shana Larry S.ionbroiiH.
Town of Govro Win. Galley.
Town of Sherman Frank llodder-
icka and child ; Huron M. Mecliin-
beok , child , named Kuhn liloomlield ,
A'oman , named Sibley ; three children
) f Mra. Moss ; Mis. L.irman and child ;
Mr. and Mrs. Clark ; Mr. Hnzur Sand
Ik'nch , Ilobt. "Wade and family of
'our ; 11. Maulo and family of two ;
James Cochran , and three children.
Sanilao County , Town of Binglmm
Valentino Kalisike , Lucy Bates and
lur mother , Mrs. Bates , and n Miss
liarnes. ( Those two wore formerly of
Canada , but was visitingin Binghuiii. )
Folin Froidbur or , Christian Froid
jurgor , and their six children ,
Marion Mrs. Palmer and children ,
iVm. Day , wife and two children ;
iVm. II. Payne.
Marietta Ira Humphreysmail car-
Tyro Goo. McCardlo , dying. Mor
is Clifford and family of eight ; Mru.
ilorria Welsh and three children.
AustinMat. . Saloric and wifo.
Watertown Mrs. Diobert and fain-
ly of four , names not given.
Charleston The llcdiaon < l family
f seven ; Henry Colo.
-Kiohinomlrillu ilno. Lee , wifound
lother ; John Mahan , Miss Sharkey
fooro ; Mrs. Strong and her children ;
'rank Donnlaon , child and sister.
Argilo George Krootch , Mrs. Paul
/et/.el and four children ; George
rat oil , wife and three children ; J.
Five Lakes , Hapero county Mrs ,
: ichard , Elliott Ellington , Tuscola
nmty , and four mimes not given.
A Oall Made by the Khedive
From the Sultan of Tur
key for Troops ,
The Rumor That Iroquis Had
Been Withdrawn Emphat
ically Denitd.
Lilco Ireland , Scotland i >
Hod null Agitate * for Lnml
Reform ,
Old World Notes.
National Associated firm.
LONDON , Soptombnr 13. Constan
tinople and Cairo dispatches sny the
khcdive has called on the sultan for
troops. There are rumors of a proba
ble eruption in thu conference on
Egyptian affairs , etc. , and the French
and English press are greatly per
plexed on the whole question.
Loxno.v , September 13. The ru
mor of Iroquois1 withdrawal from the
Doncaster St. Leger is positively de
LONDON , September 13. The
Times this morning says the presi
dent's recovery is the greatest possible
t > eon for the American people.
BKIU.IN , September 13. The re-
orted meeting of the emperors of
llussia and Germany resulted in a
complete alliance being formed be
tween the two rulers.
BiiHLiN , September 13. One hun
dred and fifty delegates are present at
ho international congress of scientists.
Among them are many Americans , to
whom unusual honors have been
LONHON , September 13. Tenant
farmers in Scotland are agitating for
reforms respecting the tenure under
which they hold. The agitation
threatens to become a serious factor
in the political arena in that king
LONDON , September 13. The groa
Yorkshire handicap run at the Don-
castor meeting to-day was won by
Potronol ( who was favorite ) , with
Toviatdalo second and Syracuhu third.
LONDON , September 13. A Paris
dispatch admits the serious defeat of
Orient in Tunis , and on which may
result a serious disaster. French
troops mot the Arabs near the town
of Seaghour and were beaten in the
battle , and the Arab cavalry succeed
ed in temporarily cutting oil' the com
munication of the French detach
ment. The latter wore obliged to fall
back as rapidly as possible. The
Arabs , meanwhile , were on their
flanks and cutting off stragglers. This
gave the African cavalry opportunity
for successful depredatory move
ments , and they took advantage of it
, to puoli an extent tl atlthoy woro/iblo.
i&.Uy tb > doslv V Uiii w tmt farc '
nishes Tunis with water , placing that f'i
city , pressed for water supply as it
is , by an unusual influx of strangers ,
in a position of at least temporary
LONDON , Sept. 13. Hon. Lionel
Lacknllo West , newly appointed min
ister to the United States , will leave
in New Inman line of steamship City
of Homo , for New York , October 13th.
Several members of his suite will precede -
cede him at the end of the present
. '
National AaiocuteU I'tctx ,
PuoviniiNcii : , II. I. , September 13.
A despatch just received from Bristol
tel states that Gen. Ambrose E. Burn-
side died at 11 o'clock this morning at
this place. Particulars will be sent * <
PitoviDKXuii , September 13. Information
mation received hero , from Bristol ,
concerning the death of Senator
Burtisidu shows it to have been very
sudden and unexpected Ho died at
40:51 : ! o'clock this morning frbm neu
ralgic spasm of tlio heart. An acute
and fatal attack begun "riduy last ,
but ho was able to visit this city on ,
Monday and oven this morning ho
was not regarded as in danger ,
Couilratiou- | *
National Associated 1'ri-M.
WATHJHIIWY , Conn. , September 13.
The largo paper mill of the South-
ford Manufacturing Company was
completely destroyed by lire last
night. Loss , $10,000 ; § 1 8,000 ; in-
Youthful Suiuido- Associated I'rosa.
BOONK , Ta. , September 13. A
twelve year old boy named Nathaniel
Ouupull hanged himself yesterday to a
tree beside a farmer'H house in which
lie was living , near Bridgeport. The
motive for the deed is supposed to
liave been fear caused by the sheriff
iorving papers on him to appear in n
[ lartition suit , ho being one of the
lieira to the property.
KALAMAKOO , September 13 , Loon-
ird Sale , reporter of the Post and
Tribune , \Vas horsowhinped nt , I0 ! ;
) 'clock this morning , on his way
tome from work , by a woman named
Mrs. Brigham , who did not Jiko a
leries of articles which have apporod
n the paper recently concerning hoi-
telf. The reporter was not much
lamagtid. The Kalanmzoo Evening
L'imos , published by Huskol & Earlo ,
iiispcndod publication last evening.
Elootrlo Brief * .
Samuel llamsoy , confined in jail at
Iwingavillo , Ky. , was taken there-
rom the other night and hung to nn
iak tree. Ho was charged with being
lired to murder Sanderson Johnson
nd Thomas Afroy , his neighborswho
rero recently and mysteriously mur-
lorcd ,
The cotton spinners' employers in
lanchester have nearly all stonoed
perations in their mills , The reason
lioy give for their action is that the
iga and ( as they say ) fictitious prices
f the raw material will not permit of
lieir running witli profit ,