Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1881)
8. THE OMAHA DAILY BTSB TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 13 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE Tuesday Morning , Sept. 13. LOCAL BREVITIES. Potternon unlU coal. Doanc. Itcliablc Hatter. Frederick Ixa ; < llng Hnttcr. COO business lota. Oftll on Bcmlg. 1000 residence lots , JJcmw , ivgcnt. 3M homen and lots. Bemlfi' nffcncy. Bcrals' real estate boom. First page A. W , Nivson. Dentist , Jacob1 ! block. Best line of Cigars , t SMO'S. Smolto Stnriton & Storms , finest Cig r , nt Knhn'ri Drug Store only. Soda Wntcr , better than ever , nt . . liemis' new map of Omaha , 25 cents , 200 faring and 900,000 acres of lane Bcmls , agent. The Lion continues to roar for Moore's Harness and Saddlery. For riNte Commercial Job Printing , nil at THE BKK Job rooms. Iticyclo for sale t > r tnxle for a IIOJTC. C ,1. Canan. Hero we goto ] ) oano' , the reliable Latter to buy n good hat , 218 , 1 Hh etrcct. To tlie farmers dnn't forget In call and HCO Doane'M fine lot of hata and capi at 21H , 1-ith street. Tickets are now cm ( sale for Charlotte Thompson and Furnished Komns. 'Rale for Grand Opera njiens Wednesday morn ing at 7:30. J. T. Allan , in charge ot the Union Pacific railroad building at the otato fair , iiiYitcs eastern newspaper jnen to mnko headquarters with him. Doanc , the reliable hatter wants to aea you oil to-day , civ ing away ImtH and .caps at Doano'H , remember 218 , Hth utrcct. utrcct.K K , 1. 1) . Solomon has on exhibition in hia Rhow window , an elegant gold watch valued at sixty dollars , which ho will offer as a nremium at the otato fair for the best Bicycle. Illder under 15 years of ago. Last evening a night blooming cereus opened at the residence of Mrs. O. B. Jlustin. It required three hours for it to thoroughly unfold , when it measured eight inches across to the outside potnli. The number of vehicles being licensed to run to the fair ground * thin week is nomcthing extraordinary. At half-past 10 o'clock yesterday about forty had l > ccn registered. A meeting of the board of trade will 1)U held this evening for the purpose of electing two delegates to attend tlio Mis- vissjppi river improvement convention at St. Louis , and provide proper means for the accommodation ot fair guests. The ladies land league held n largely Attended meeting yesterday aftornoon. The committee wcro not quite ready to make complete returns for the picnic , but decided to do HO at the meeting of tLu general league on Wednesday. f I- ; Mrs. Michael Griffith , who resides in La Platte about fifteen miles west of Omaha , fell down the cellar stairs Saturday after noon and fractured her wrist. Dr. Chad- wick of this city , attended her. All members of the Omaha Glco club are requested to be'prescnt at the rehearsal to be held this evening at the county clerk's oflico. Time , 8 o'clock nlmrp. Jack Miller was amusing himself by throwing watermelon rinds at Mr. Hill , of Itoggs & Hill , real estate dealoro , on Doug las street , last night. Ho was arrested for disorderly conduct. The Holy Parish Family fair was crowded lost night. The Mtcnncrchor wore present acd rendero J several selec tions very nicely. The Hibcrian band will bo present to-morrow evening. Yesterday afternoon a horse belong ing to the telephone' company , which stood hitched to a fence on the fair grounds , bo- cdmo frightened at a picco of its harness dropping on its heels and kicked at a lively rate until tbo harness was complete ly demolished. "Tho Kovoro House Counci Btufl's ia the bust aucond-clnsa hotel in tlio * vcst. " _ _ nuirl7-lm PERSONALS. Itev. S. B. NeilBon , of Waterloo , Nub. . is in town visiting ] ) r. Giblu. Walter S. Mount , of St. Paul , Minn , , in a guest at the Crcighton houao. T. B. Hotchkiss , manager of Litlu Ella , tlio musical prodigy , is in the city. Kittle and Lita Glllmore , loft yesterday for Topeltn. Kansas. The latter goes to enter Betliany College , A. W. McLaughltn and wife , of Plaits- mouth , and Mrs. W. P. Lime , of Chicago , are registered at the Cruighton house. 3) . 0. ( Joodcnow , William Fem , nnd Kainucl Callerty , leave Omaha to-day for Yuiikton , Dakota , on business , J. M. McDonnell and Albert Thomas , of 1421 Howard street , loft the city yestcr- iluy on Iho weiil-hound train. They are yoiug to Helena , Montana , on business. * Senator Van Wyck and wife nro in the Col. Kdwin A. Gcorgo , who was former ly in charge of thoCrelghton Hoiuo din. ing.i-opra , is now ncting as steward at the Van field ' House. Col , George is n bred nnd bom hotel man , r * ' 11. Marsh nnd wife , of Lanitnio ; Wallace Wheeler , of Lincoln ; Judge McClary , of .Norfolk ; L. Clark , internal revcnua collec tor , of Albion , are in the town , visiting the fair. They are staying at the Withuell. The following visitors to the fair are regis tered at the Can field ; H. Bigelow , of WakafT ; A. J. Koine , Philadelphia ; A , M. Triublo , Lincoln ; T. 0. Johnson and wife , Ltnwood , Iowa ; A. Kaught , Carroll , Iowa ; and T , C. Dodge find wife , Wood 3llver , Neb. Among the large number of visitors to the fair in the city the following nro regis tered at the Crdghton house : U , ] ' . Bab- cdfck , of Lincoln ; L. F , Whitehead , of Howard ; 33. P , Tufts , of Kearney .7 unc tion ; J. J. Tufts , of Waterloo , Ills. ; J/F. 'Jiurns and wife , of Fremont ; Putrlclc Hynen , gf O'Connor , B. & M. agent and Irish colonyajjent ) K , Hinckley , agent und operator for the B , &f Jl. at Brenner , Ka. ; It. K , Martin , editor of the Orleans .Senti nel ; lion. J. H. Bailey , of Herman } J , 0. Krinzol and wife , of Winner ; F. J , Hale , of Battle Creek , formerly n merchant of thin city ; J5d. L , Blair , formerly of Omp. 1m but now t > f Lincoln. FAIRLY OPENED , Bo the State Pair Maybe bo Considered. The First Day Mainly Devoted to General Preparations. Arrival of Two Military Com panies for Police Duty. Blootiro Light Undoubtedly o Brilliant Success. Unusually Fine Exhibits and Superior Entries , Tlio Evening Profrrammont I < ontli Tlnally Arranecil- The sun rose ycstcnlny morning in n cloudless sky nnd discovered 'bust ling Activity all over Uio state fair { rounds , Nearly two thousand ox- libitora nnd employes of the stnto joanl wcro on the ground by eight o'dock nnd nil preparations ior the complete inatinjjotnunt of Nebraska's exposition for 1881 progressed with great rapidity. ENTUIK.H COMINO IN. During the entire afternoon nnd , n fact , the whole day , the entries poured in nt the secretary's oilco ! in great number , and the clerks voro kept as busy ns been. They Boomed very tired , but evidently satis- led with their work , nnd answered the [ iicstions of the newspaper man ns graciously ns possible. "Yes , wo are very busy , " said Mr John Gillespio , ol Lincoln , ono nf the assistant HOC- otarios ; "nnd we hnvo had to delay pine of the entries for a considerable inio on. account of innbility to trau- cribo them properly. They are coming in with a rush about this time , and there promises , o bo mpro of them before the time or closing the entries , to-morrow noon , arrives. Although so fnr the mtrios have not boon equal in nutn- ) or to tlioso of the same time last year , still they excel them in point ot norit. Now , in my classes , ombrac- ng horses , poultry nnd bees and lonoy , some of the finest entries I vor saw have been made this after- 10011 , and I fool somewhat/ proud of t. I have 103 entries in horses , 74 n poultry and four of nvnrios. " TUB NKXT DIVISION s presided over by Mr. Leo Estollo , of this city. IIo has the difficult classes of cuttle , sheep andswino to fill , and attends to his numeious appli cants with great readiness nnd coler- ty. In cattle ho had recorded 104 mtribs. representing about J100 head , > 0 stalls of sheep , and CO pens of wine. Ho , too , said that the charac- er of the entries was the best ho had over known , and that they were com- ng in very rapidly. As the reporter vns standing at the window a man rushed up in breathless liusto , dust- talnod and'generully unkempt , with strong evidences of spiritual excite ment about himJand | excitedly in quired if there was still space for hoop. Ho was smilingly answered hat there was , nnd forthwith entered ix stalls of fine Merinos , which ho ssortod ho had brought all the way rom DCS Moinos. The sheep wcro ntorod and ho wont off happy. THE TltlllD DIVISION mbrncos the Fine Arts , Textile Fa- rics , Ploral and Discretionary. Ex- ictly what the Inttor is , has not yet joon found out , but it commands 12C entries just the siuno nnd bids fair to > o nn attractive and mixed up ussort- nont of articles. About eighty on- ries wore mndo in the fine arts and ho BUIUO number in the cluss of textile abrics. Mr. E. L. Sayro , of Lincoln , s the courteous assistant secretary in his division. TUB POOHTIl DIVISION cmbrucoB mechanical arts , in which Hty-two entries wore mndo nt the mur before referred to. Machinery , with 11) ) ) ontricsj marble works , with 10 entries na yet ; and Jloral exhibits , of which there are 25 entries. Mr. J. T. Welsh , of Omaha , officiates nt , his desk , and is very accommodating o all who call upon him. THE riKTH DIVI8IOH ncludos farm production 70 unities. Champion entry , o entries as yet , and natural history , C entries. Those classes made n line showing whore hey nro exhibited , and thuir numbers vill doubtless bu swelled by to-mor row. Mr. E. S , Phelps , of Aurora , s the efficient and well known socre- ary of this division. OVKIl TUB HIXTII DIVISION , vhich is the last in tbo line , Mr. U. D. Ualcomb , of this city , presides ns entry Hocrotary. Ho status that ho itid been over his ears in work , and ho number of his entries fully sub stantiated Una statement. The class of agricultural societies and special igunt's premiums is represented by 13 entries. Fruits take the piizo ns to lumbers , with 250 entries. The class of orchards is not as yet ronro- Bonted , but will probably boby to day. THIS ACIOIIIIOATION of entries numbers in total 1,288 , and , t is confidtmtly expected that by noon to-day it will bo increased to 2,000. U. I' . DISPLAY. The display of the U. P. railway of ( Wiotis products of this state nnd the .erritorios is very creditable. Chief among the display nro the specimens > f grain upon the stock from the west ern counties of this state , Hall , I'ht-lps , Kearney , Lincoln , Dawson uid Bull'ulo. There nro over one uuidrod varieties and they nil look extremely well. The exhibits of corn are very good. Thuro is ono kind , mrticularly , which dnucmm mention m account of its rocoul introduction n this state , It is called the Ynnkeo orn , und is unexcelled for commur- ial purposes. The fruit exhibit of ? obraskn , Idaho and Utah are lino. J'ho pears , peaches , plums , apples and ( rapes from Utah lira fully equal in oof(8 to thpBo grown in California , nd it is claimed that the flavor is us 'ood. Utah potatoes have always con superior in quality and sumo no specimens are uhown. Tlio ex- hlbita of coal , iron ore , gold and sil ver bearing quart/ from Colorado Wyoming , Utah and Idaho nro gooc nnd very interesting. T1IP.SK DIVISIONS do not include the speed division , it which at present there nro twenty seven trotting entries. Proniinon among the flyers are two entered b Mr. Low Glen , of Mt , 1'lensniit lown , who enters Dig Soap , with record of 2:24j : , and Little Sioux with ft record of 2:22 : $ . There nr also uinny horses who hnvo trotted it SO or better. Thirteen horses cam in from DCS Moincs yesterday at noon nmong which wcro those mentioned As yet the full programme of the trot ting and running races has not beet prepared , but for to-day in the thro minute class there are ninp entries They are ns follows : Bay stallion. Mac Mahon , owned by A. S. llalliday ; bav Btnllion , Tip Sultan , owned by C Smith ; chcsnut niaro , Little Press owned byV . D , Gibson ; bay mare Golden Rule , owned by D. HCamp , boll ; brown gelding , Dexter D.-owne ( by M. O'llcilly ; sorrel mare , Milo 0. , owned by Chris , Novins , o Onmim ; bay stalion Maxio Cobb owned by E. Pile ; brown geldinf Robbie Dunbar , owned by MoRobin son : roan mare Speed , owned by Wil Kirkland. These horses arc expcctci to trot in FOUTV OH 1IKTTKII , nnd a very exciting nnd interesting race is confidently looked forward to Tlio entries for tlio running race were not completed at eight o'clock las evening and did not close until nine o'clock. It is expected that there wil bo several fast horses in this class. Among the trotting horses stabled on the grounds only two are from Omaha. Some of the speeders have very curi ous names , ono being Boston on the Table , a running horse reported to bo very fast Big Soap , who has been spoken of before , is a well known trot- er in the west and a hard horse tc ) oat. Little Sioux's reputation nnd record is too well known to need fur- her mention. Late lost evening a number of other ast horses arrived , which , up to the iino of writing had not as yet boon entered. It is expected to-day that norc will como in and that by to- light at Isast forty horses of fast > lood and well known pedigree and speed will bo stabled upon the grounds. Mr. S. Kinney , son of Fudge Kinney , the well known mem- ) or of the stuto board presides over his department. TUB ELKCTIllO LIGHT , As announced in TUB BKK yesterday norning * nn unlocked for accident caused the suspension of the illumina- ion which otherwise would hnvo tali enlace > lace upon the grounds the night bo- ore last. While the power was being applied rom the largo power engine to the electric engine , and when the rcvolu- , ions of the drive wheel had been raised to two hundred a minute , an upright beam to which was attached ho shaft running the electric engine , , 'avo way at the foundation , , and sus- > ended operations for the time being. Che conductor of the electric engine , VIr. Baker , had just applied the olec- ricity , and for a moment thu lights all over the grounds' flashed into start ing brilliancy ; then , as the beam gave vay and the shaft became bent > y the irregular pressure , the rovo- utions ceased and the lights went out it bccamo rumored about that the ilectrio engine had been shaken from ts foundation and that it was impos sible to repair it. Such was not the cose. The cause of the accident was generally said to bo the unsubstantial oundation of the upright to which it vas attached by the shaft. In order o successfully run the electric light eight hundred revolutions a minutes of the electric wheel are required , and sixteen horse power is necessary to naintainod by the large power en gine. Yesterday a number of men vero at work during iho entire ufter- loon and evening replacing the beam which had broken and rearranging the shaft in such a way as to make t perfect and secure. There is no lucstion now but what the electric ight will run without difficulty , nnd lie public may feel assured that the grounds will bo brilliantly illuminated ivory evening during the week. The experiments with iho light night be- ore last proved that the current is distributed aright and that no diffi culty exists between the machine and .he lamps , to which its wires conduct iho electrical fluid. All that is neces sary now is to maintain sufficient power from the largo online. Early yesterday morning the lloral exhibits for lloral hall com- noncod to arrive and they vero rapidly arranged and put n place , so that last evening every available spot in the hall was filled vith flowers , fruit , gr.rdon products nul domestic machinery and the va- lous attractions that go to make up .ho . many beauties nlwnys to bo found n this spacious building. In onu ving of the building there is an es- > ocially handsome pyramid of canned fruit and vegetables , vhich are arranged in the neat nrliatiu fashion. The display of ogotnbk'H ia not only large mid v.iri'-d mt also excels in assortment and quality thai of any previous year , trinumoth pumpkins , squashes , choice apples and apricots touched with the rich hue of autumn ripeness ) , peaches , leara , ami n tempting collection of mailer fruits occupy two long stands n the hull. By noon to-day every thing in the hall will bo in perfect order and it will bu of itself an eihibi- ion well worth coming to the fair to nee. IIUILDINQS. The Max Meyer's building was completely arranged yesterday , nnd Is artistic decorations are beautiful nnd striking , both within and without. The B. it M. railroad company's milding , which was completed nnd laiidsomely painted yesterday fore- loon , was tilled with n fine collection > f the various classes of grain grown ii the fertile territory through which his road runs , and many specimens ot woods and fruits , und in ninny re- pecta it rivals the moro pretentious , nit scarcely ns handsome , structure of of the Union Pacific company. HWIIDUNT OLAHKBON'H HKAKQUJUITKUS. Among the buildings which hnvo > eon completed on the grounds to- lay is the headquarters building , in vhich President ClnrkBon hns his office , It is situated immediately vent of the secretary's ofiico , and hns mplo room for the meetings of the board oi managers , who transact thci business thoro. The building is ver ; handsomely dccora'ed ' nnd painted nnd is ono of tlio most attractive niu ornamental features on the grounds President ClarkBon is ably assisted hi Mr. A. D. Morns , of Omaha. HtlNDllEDS OF MEN were busily employed yesterday dur ing Iho entire day , both cast and weal ot power hall , arranging the miniorou ! exhibits of agricultural implements All the prominent manufacturers of the the country are represented and th ( display ia ono which could but bo o : great interest to every ono whcthc ] or not engaged in agricultural pur suits. Numerous windmills are bcinj erected on the north side of tin grounds and are stretching their great arms out to the breeze and with then bright colora make the scene ono ol riimarkablo attractiveness. In the mercantile hall many attrao. lions worn arranged , and although tin space _ ia not fully occupied , it probably will bo by to-day noon. During the day exhibits from many of the conn , ties in tlio fltato arrived , prominent among which was that of Burt county , occupying nearly a whole car in its transportation to the fair. Two com- panics of the Nebraska state guard ; arrived in tlio afternoon , ono froir Beatrice and ono from Juniatii , Capt , Coles , of the latter company , assum ing command of both. Tlio two com panies will bo detailed for police dutj through the remainder of the fair. They tire quartered in the largo tent which was yesterday brought from Lincoln , and took then meals in the extensive dining hall on the cast nido of the grounds. Ono of the principal features of the fair , the Nebraska City cornet band , with sixteen pieces , arrived during the afternoon ; The boys are all good musicians , are resplendent in now uniforms , and have first-class instru ments , with which they will discourse muaio every afternoon. Last night they serenaded the olliccs of President Clarkson and Secretary McBride. Ono of the novelties on the ground , the steam incubator , was in full blaze yesterday and the peep , poop , peep , of numerous feathered youngsters on their entry into the world by artificial means could bo heard at almost any hour of the day. The conductor of the incubator promises to hatch a chicken a minute during the entire fair. The activity manifested by exhib itors yesterday , tlio admirable ar rangements of every thing in connec tion with the fair and the unusual troata which are to be offered visitors are enough in themselves to indicate the untiring efforts of the state board to make this fair the greatest success in this line over arrived at by Ne braska. Gentlemen who arrived yesterday on the ground from various parts of the state are unanimous in expres sions of opinion that the crowds which will come in to-morrow and next day will aggregate from twenty to twonty-fivo thousand and it is stated that every man , woman and child in the lower counties are intending to put'in an appedranco during the latter part of the exposition. Two excur sions are coming from Lincoln on Thursday" and Friday. The first of which will bo accom panied by the cadet band of Lincoln , which will remain until the conclusion of the fair. Trans portation to tlio grounds from the city is amply provided lor. A largo number of citizens complain of the increase in faro from B to 10 cbnts by the street railroad and Super intendent Marsh is severely censured. At a meeting of tlio board of man agers last evening the following pro- gramme was determined upon for to day and this evening. * rnooKAM.i Tuesday , September 13 , 1 p. m. TUOTT1NO. Three minute class ; purse , $300 ; $150 to first , § 75 to second , § 45 tote to third , § 30 to fourth. ' IIUNNINO. Ono mile ; purse , § 200 ; § 100 to first , § 50 to second , ? 30 to fhird , § 20 to fourth. r.VKNIMl. Commencing at 8 o'clock. , sharp. Running race ; three in live ; § 150 for first , 875 for second , § 50 for third , § 25 for fourth. Entries free. Theao races will bo contested by the best thor oughbred horses in the country , and as no entrance feu is demanded a very largo field may bo looked for. En tries close at1 p , m. Between each the Omaha Glee club , consisting of twenty voices , will render their choic- oatpieces in front of the amphitheatre iiiul the Nebraska City cornet band will intersperse some of their sweet est airs. THK KLEOTllIO UOHT will illuminate the grounds and prin cipal buildings to a brilliant degree , and a grand good time is anticipated. At the close oi the ruces tlio gates leading into the park will bo opened to gentlemen desiring to enjoy a drive around the course under the soft rays of the flectiio light and listen to tlio music of silver cornet band. Those in the grand stand will have an op portunity to view the beautiful turnouts - outs , for which Omaha and Council Blulid are noted , The grounds will bo cleared of all visitors at sis p , m. , at the close of the afternoon exhibition , and the gates reopened at 7:30. : Tlio entries for the trotting race in the afternoon , races are given in the above report. Tlio following are the entries for the running race of a mile : L. Shenatt , Itollovuo , outers bay mare , Sol ; J. 1) . Phillips , Moborly , Mo , , enters bay gelding , Boston on tlm Table ; II. Clover , Lincoln , enters the sorrel , Governess ; W. 0. Ross , Shoimndoah , outers chestnut stallion , Barney King. A proposition was sent Mr. Jacobs to-day by the bo.vrd otlbiJng $9W to Mrs. Burke to give two exhibitions , Friday night and Saturday oftornoon , riding against the time made ut Coun cil Blulls ami Dos Moines , No reply had boon received at a late hour last night , but it ia expected she will ap pear. OMAHA MEDICALCOLLEGE. Fall sea'aion begins Oct. 10 , 1881 Address , G. B. AVHKS , M. D. , Sec. "WINE OF OAHDUI" cures Irrogu- painful , or dilliciilt menstruation. At C. 1' . Goodman , THE COMMISSIONERS. Money Which They Paid Oul at Last Mooting. At the last mooting of the count ; commissioners the following accounts wcro allowed from the road fund. llirnin A very , grading , $30 ; W. C. Hanoy , 870 ; M. J. llobhison , goOj E. E. Tljonuis , work on road , SIC ; 0. II. Thomas , grading , $40 ; Goo , Me- Jvunzic , Jr. , grading , $21. From the gcnoral fund : Chas. Split , renovating outhouse , $24 ; Luke McDermott , ac count of gnulo on Cuming street , $370 ; John S. U.iulficld , writing fluid , $4.20 ; 0. F. Goodman , goods for poor , $0.40 ; Foster & Gray , lumber , S103.80 ; llodfiold Mros , printing , $1.50 ; liurr's Implement Co. , scraper , $8.iiO ; Peter Cassady , work on road $10,50 ; D. T. Mount , goods for poor house , 811 ; Gco. II. Guy , sheriff , boarding prisoners for July , $527 ; Ilonry IJolln & Co , , goods for poor , $12.15J. ; M. Wolfe , copy of Omaha directory , § U.50 ; Hans Kusmus , work on road $57 ; JJ. P. Knight , cash expended , $0 ; W. II. Ijains , foes for Fob. term , $50(5.78 ( ; George Schmid , goods for poor , $2 ; Homy Grubo , goods for Bounty farm , S4.16 ; Geo. A. Hoaglund , lumber , $152.20 , Sol Prince , witness fees , $8 ; Dr. Paul Grossman and Dr. P. S , Leiscnring , post mortoms , $10 each ; 0. T.JBond , witness fees , $2 ; E. T. Duke , nails and bolts , $48.70 ; Geo. E. Timmo , reid commissioner , $3 ; St. Joseph's hospital , care of pauper , $2Bernhard ; Thomson , same , $12 ; A. H. Doneckor , repairs at juila , $5.8 ! ) ; W. J. Broatch , s'oocls for county , $4.70 ; John G. Jacobs , coronorfocs , $37.75 ; eighteen jurors , $18 ; twenty-two persons us witnesses , S22 , An Entire Success. It has been proved by the most reliable testimony that THOMAS' KI.ECTIIIC On , is nn entire miccena in curing the most in veterate cases of rheumatism , neuralgia , lame back and wounds of every descrip tion. 12-eod-lvf. A Queer Sight- Early last evening a portable engine Lo which was attached a heavy thresh er , passed through the principal streets of the city. The engine wheezed and 'aspod as if it wore in mortal agony , and the limit of its strength seemed ; o hava been reached in hauling the cumbersome machine. The pulling and snorting of the engine frightened several teams and runaways were the result. Fortunately no particular damage was done in this respect , so 'ar as heard from. The engine made a blockade in every street through which it passed , and no end of trouble was the result. That it should have icon allowed at all to pass through ; ho main thoroughfares is altogether unexplainable. How to Got Sick. Expose yourself day and night , cat ; oo much without exercise , work too mrd without rest , doctor all the time , ; ako all the vile nostrums advertised , und then you will want to know How to Got Well. iVhich ia answered in three words Take Hop Bitters. Septl-Octlu THE WATER. Supply From the River to Be Maintained Hereafter. The water works mains have boon illed up to a pressure higher than will ) o necessary hereafter , and in the hirty miles of pipe but twenty-two > rcaks and leaks were discovered. It ras expected that there would bo at east ono hundred to repair , and this re sul t is consequently considered very sat- sfactory. Most of the breaks are duo o the fact that the company was com icllcd to allow about 25,000 feet of > ipo to Ho in the street during the vinter. These became filled with mud and water which were frozen , 'ho water has again boon completely trained from the mains so that they an now bo considered perfectly loan. All the water has been omovcd from the clear water basin so s to allow it to , bo bricked and co montcd. This aftornoou the > ipes will ull bo tilled with clear water md kept so hereafter. About six onnections a day are being made vitli houses , and those can bo sup- iliod with river water after to-day Hooinn for Visitors. The board of tnido hold itn ivgular necting last night. Dr. G , L , Miller nd II. G. Clark wcro appointed dole- atos to tlio St. l ouis river convon- ion , to bo held October 20th. . At the suggestion of tv number of tie merchants , the board of trade uqucsts citizens and business men gen- rally to close their places of business 'hursday afternoon , in order to miiko general holiday and to give their mployc.s a chance to visit the fair , The secretary of the board has a egistry of all places where visitors can > o accommodated. Ho can cither bo ound at the board of trade rooms or t the fair grounds. Beauty , health , and happiness for Indies n"WINEOFCARDUI. " At F C. Oooiltnin's. P : TO HER TllUST. Too much cannot bo said of the vor faithful wife and mother , con- tantly watching and caring for her ioar ones , never neglecting n single uty in their behalf. When they are ssailod by disease , and the system hould hnvo a thorough cleansing , the tomach and bowels regulated , blood Mirifiod , malarial poison ox tonniiwtiul , iho must know that Electric Bitters ro the only auro remedy. Thpy nro ho bust and purest medicine in the vorld , and only cost lllty cents. Sold by Ish * McMahon , (2) ( ) THOUSANDS OF STKANGKHS Will visit Kurtz's store , Oroighton block. sept 12-41 Greeting tolrolnnil. The Land League of this citi last evening sent a cablegram U O'Ncil Larkin , secretary of the Irisl land lenguo as n token of fraternity t < the Irish national land leagtio whicl moots in Dublin. The cabkgran reads as follows : "Nebraska sondi greeting. 'Hold the harvest. ' Nc compromise. Wo pledge our hearticsl support but there must bo no surroiv dor. NEBRASKA LAND LEAOUK. " Null WorlcerV Picnic , The employes of the Omaha iron and nail works will hold a picnic at South Omaha park next Saturday. Great preparations are being made , and the affair will no doubt bo agreat success. Only 50 cents 'general ad mission will bo charged , with no extra price for dancing. "WINE OF CARDUI" makes roy " \iciiks and clear complexions. At C r Goodman. "SPECIAL NoicEs7 ] NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For S le , Lccit , Found , Wants , Hoarding , &c , , will be In- iiortcil In thcso columns once for TEN CENTS icr line ; each subsequent insertion , F1VKCENTS > cr line. The first Insertion nctcr loss than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. ONEV TO LOAN Call at Law Ollice ol D. M L. Thomas HoomS. Crclchton Illock. . To loan at from 8 to lOpircent. f on good real catatcsccurlty , by UK. ISAAC EDtt'AUDJ , 1109 Farnhatn St. 03DKA AAAT0 LOAN At a per centln- 6 > /iOv/.UUu tercst In sums of $2,600 and upwards , for 3 to 5 yoars. on first-clang city and farm property. HKMIS URAL EHTATB and LOAN AOKSCT. ifith and Rouglas Sts. HELP WANTED. Situation by a young m n and WANTED clerk In a hotel or any other rapac ity. Address J. Warrci. , care Bc office. B57-13 WANTED-1120 North El'-htetnth St ; GlllL wages. Itefcrcnco required. MHS JAS. J1AYNES. 000-17 "ITfANTEIi A boy to learn the mattrcBs tr , ilc. YY Inquire at 303 North 15th St. UMI-12 A sItuatlonHby a young lady as WANTED or to take care of Children in a irlvato family. Good reference can bo given. Address H. M. M. , Dec olllce. OC4-15 A good boy to take care of horsu WANTED h.icbclf useful about store ; 1318 Farnham St. 002-12 - SI. W. Hnrtlgan. proprietor of WANTED-liy \'allcy Holler Works , Omaha , Neb. , four first-class boiler-makers No othtr need apply , licstwages raid. M. W. HAK'lI- GAN. 055-tf TTTANTED Couple furnished rooms , sultiblc VY for "Rnt housekccplnjfat reasonablu rates. Addrcfcs "C. O. " leo ! olllce. 1)03-14 ) ANTED Nu so girl , northwest corner 18th W and Chicago St , 70o-12 WW ANTED Man to take care ot horses and W buggy , S. E. corner of 8th and Howard Ulfl-10' . limned ! itely onu laundress at the WANTED llou c. 046-10 * . Situation us clerk or to drive < Ic- WASTED wagon ' > ' & yournr man ho Is well acquainted in thu city. . Good reference gl\en. Aildreaa b. T. W , . hoi ; 418 , city. 043-14' . 'ANTED Oood tfirl for general houscw rk. Apply at 2020 St. Mary's Ave. DM-IS" . Girl for general housework In WANTED family Inquire at Postmaster's olllce. 944-ti. TJ OUSE WANTED Not less than eight rooms ; JLL must bo north of Dai eii.rt | street. 1'oa ncs lon by October IBth. Address J , U. H. , U. P. General Ticket office. 030-15 \T7 ANTED n.v a gentleman of experience and YY business habitti , a position withatlrm , cither as clerk or to tra\el. Uefertnce given. 1. [ . . WATKIS' Council BluDN 042-13' ' At Victor's rcstanrant , n girl , WANTED a good natter. Good ages will be iKtlrt. l > 33- WANTED To rent , by n newly married coiinlo before Nov. 1st , n small cottaac , centrally locatul. Address Ito in 14 , Crelghton Block. 02S-tf VSTANTEU Situation by man nnd wife. Good VY references jrheii , Inciuiro Intelligence olllce , llth St. , near farnham. t)20-12r ) ANTED A chambermaid at the I'mmet W llouho. 032-16 WAJJTKD Situation for a young man in it utoru , hi ( ountrj or city. Inquire nt In telligence ollii'o , Eleventh , bet Ilarncy and Fur iiam. 020-12 * \\rANTBI ) To buy n Hrst-clats n ldcnce. > | worth from SSOoO to S10.UOO. Addro-s S , U , Lock Ho\ tOO , Omaha. U01-tf 'ANTED A good cook and laundress , 8.V W corner Hurt and IBth St. SOS-tf \VANTEl-At lllcliarcl'a Uestaurnnt. COO b05-12 WANTED A situation by aflrft-class ml ler. Had 20 jears cJipcrlcncc. Undminmki old and new processes. Speaks Eng i h and German and aciualntcd | with ntcani and water powers. Can give the best of references. Will como on trial at any time. Address U. S. Hex lf.ll , Council 1 ! uBu. Ix Sfl-Jt * ANTIID Ctrl at 11 1 North 10th St , 4th W lioutu north ot bridge , 11 , II. ItltOOM. BM-tf w- ANTED Two uxpcrlcnc 'd eool n , hlx hel | > - < maiul tlilrfj tub ! wulters , dining \vtc' of > tate fair. Enquire of D. T. MOUNT , 842-tf 1412 Kunham bt. ANTED An corlciicil | dry goods , clolh W Ing , h < xjt anJ'hau Hjesmaii , .N'onu with- Dili food references need apply. 4H7 U. AUl.KIt , Suward , Neb. Good cool < nt thu Occidental hotel. b'JI-t ANTED Fuiidlnir bild.-nand chool liomls. w H.T , Clark , lldluvuu. -JG-tf FOR nENT HOUSES AND LAND. nil UOO.MM- lodging for n fi w per. J1 wins nt 1717 Uiiniliii ; * bet. 17th und IHth St. , il D Vlil ilo < r wi'.st ol lit ) ) H , , mi Howard St. OS'J-tf 15ENT Cott'Kooffi rooms on Mason and FOU . Apply en prcmlsch , UIAS. | KAISK1I. OK HUNT , Furnl lied rooms ; itli nr with- P one board , .North-went corner llth and Jackin Sts , ) . ' ItEN rutnUhcd Mttlnir room and bid- room , cheap ; with board K preferred , 140S Uvfcs St. OM-tl rpWO PUllNISIIUl ) HOHMS KOH lliNT-2.'d : .i andDoiiKlMSt. Eiuiulro ut 16'23 corner l th md Dou 'lan , O.VI-tl T. OH ItKNT A Urge furnished ( rent room , I1 1724 Webster St. , northeast corner Ibth St. 1)111:14 ) : KENT Unfurnished front * rooiii , 1421 FOH llouard St. " 35-12' . 71011 KENT Front room over State Bank. In. F quire nt 412 lOlhbt. I.K 40hcAlof flno throe > ear fctccw i' i t or comlngfoiir , will mirage ISOOaillcco nlllM.ll niuonablo. H. A. I'.sher , Pl'i'in ' , Sinn. Icru Co. , Nub. Or can kco onncr at Omaha tlur- jig the State Fair at lieu olllco. OIM3 jpOH Itl'NTJ * t nnbhcdUo nrst-clawtwo. L' tory brhk hoiiKei , 8 and o rooms , itabio nil cemented i-ollum ; # 10 month/ Advance. IIUBHMAN , 8. K. rarnor 16lh anil Doli/ W StJ , U"3-tJ raoiiM tultublo lor -.r.nji , afJIT 17th bt , ll . tla . . . cn Krt and Clilcai.'O bt . - . K HENT-NiW brick htoru on lUth bt. , bv L1 tvrccu Furnham and How ard , gis per mouth. WT-t I HJUilblAN. 1701:11ENT : A nlcily lurnUhcd ( rout room for I1 one or two gentlemen , ut 1210 Howard btrcet. DWtl SPEUIAL NOTIOES-Ooimimed | .10K KKNT-2 furnished rooma o\er MoJ- LJ chants' Exihunrc.X , K. ecr , IGth and Podge street * . ZSO-tl Ijion KENT Furnl'hcd room , S. W. Cor. 10th U nnd Davenport Sts. 784-U nKNT-One room with board , 1S03 Cali fornia street. 735-tt 'ITIOfl KENT Elegantfurnlshcd roomi. Keison JJ Mo prices , brick liousc , 20'l3Ciw.s St. 02311 FOR SALE. AI.K OV DUILDINO-Bca'ed proposal * for § i ho Bile nt Casa Street School building , now ndlng at tlio corner of 1Mb and CniJ itrcet , will bo received by thoumlcralgneduntllZo'clock p. m. Monday , September 19th , 1831 , CHARLES CONOYEIl , ihalnnan Com. on Ilulldlngii nd Prop. 053-17 OH BALE AT A UAUHAIN At "Illuo ll rn. ' J Council HlnfTs Ono span o ( inulps , $17i.OO ; 1 span do. ; 1 span 9200.00 ; 1 span ? 2DO.OO. 053sptl2" SALE-Good Saloon , CIO Ilroajwaj , . Council muffs , In Nonpareil block. 0523pecla112 Oil SALE flood sized , sound , well-bred F niaro. 110DDIS , t TIIHALU 81)0.10' Oll SAI.ll Four acres of land near water works reservoir , nKotwo cottages on Capitol l. Add. ANlHEWHEVlNS'lltOO Doughi St. SIS tf tf.wo SALE A largo , commodious , new , .wo > story hoiuu with wcll ; > good lou.Vloii , n icar horse cars , ( ull lot with trees , well , cistern , etc. Terms reasonable. Enquire nf 1' . W , llov , lilnf St. , bet. Charles nii'l Scwurd Sts. 027-2 * IGH SAU : At ruvsanablo prices , CO head of M-ry llvo work mulca. Call Mac Wise' * it cry Stable , East Scott , near Hroadw.iy , Coun cil H lifts , Iowa. 013-14 > niCK II SALE. ) 203-tl ESTABUOOK COE. Eon 3AT.E-A small engine , II. W. 1'ayno t Son's make. In perfect osdcr. ImHlronf If. U. Clark & Co. 80-tf I10H SALE A span of ponies , buggy and liar- 1 ness ; buigy almost new. Apply at the Caledonian Saloon , U. P. block , IBth St. 764-tf T71OH SALR Lease and furniture of a , ilrst-claM JL1 hotel In a tawn of 1300 Inhabitants , In state of Nebraska ; has 21 beds ; the tra\ cling mcn'a re- sort. Inquire at PEE offlce. Zlg-tf TTtOR SALE Maps of Doiiglnsaiid Harpy coun * J : ties. A. ltOSEWATEKlC20F nham street 320-tf TjlOH SALE A new nil leather top side-bar Jj Phaeton with nprintf cushion and back , at W. E. Oratton'8 carrl.go top manufactory 314 , S. 15th t. bet. Farnham and Harnuy. 707-tf BALK A rann of eighty acres , in good Fun , Good house , 22x30 ami ell 11x16 , small orchard of bearing trees. One milo couth of Onawa City , Iowa , on S. C. It P. R. U. Will give time on part If wished. Address K. M. Sean , Omaha , Neb. 19dtf 24w4 SALE Neat house and full lot , 12 blocks EOH from P. O. at $900. Jen * L. MCCAOUR , 712-tf Opp. Postolflco. "TJIOU SALE Fine stock farm of 400 ncrei JU good house , cattle shed , orchard &e. , with In easy reach of railroad. Price , $ * 600 , par time at C . JOHN L. UcCAOUE , Opp. Pos * Ofllcc. , Kifl-tt SALE Neat cottage and rooil lot at EOI1 81160. JOHN L. ilcCAQUE Opp. P. O. ( (37-tf ( HOUSES AND LAND lieiDis rents houses , stores , hotels , farms , lots , lands , oftlccsf rooms , etc , See Ut page , iOKSALE Good house with lour rooms nnd F _ _ half lot , No. 2013 Dodge between BJth and 27th Btrcct. Good uell and shade trees ; house In good condition. Inquire on premises. 321-If TTMBKELljAS Ana Parasols rcpuired Uy il. U SC1IU1T llth and Farnain sts. 780M MISCELLANEOUS. JIAHA 1SIUD STOHE Has for ra'o all Kinds ol Foreign nnd Domestic Ilirds , also Hint F. nclcry goods , at 10S South 10th St. , between Douglas nn I Dodge. aug20-3m , 7710UND A potkttbook. Onncr van luvo _ IJ fcaineby proving property and pajinjf charge 4. T. J. Hartwcll , 20th and Dorcas 930-15 * . FOR HAY Dicliwllluo received by tno undersigned until noon , Sen o bcr\ Mth , 18S1 , for 29 tons of hay , to bo delivered to the Mall Carriers uf the On aha pos'office , the said hay to bo blue stem ; middling c'arse and of \eryhestquallty. . JOSEPH MIOHKAL , Scj > tlO-d2tt 2t. Omaha 1'oatotlicc. "PRIVATE INSTIIUCTIONS In French , Get- _ L man , Crick and Latin. Prof Henry W. Meek , 1616 California St UOO-ocS BEU1S has rattlinjf long lists of h onsen , lots lands and farms for sale Call and get them _ _ , A'l MHS. B. E. CLAHKE'S No. 1 Board CAM ? House , tor. 13th and UoclL'o .Sts. Beat in the city. _ filo-tf T > EM1S' KEALE&TATE BOOM. bee 1st pato. T TX7"It'K IE Manufactory of paper ft. lJ. YY boxes , 1 3 Farnham frtreet , Omaha , Neb. a22-tt&s- ! ANYONE having work fora typo writer can bo accommodated by tclephonlii ) ; the HH nllli-e. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4gtf / < AMj on or address Potter * Palmer , 40 South \J fth strict Council JlluHn , Iowa , for rail- roidtkKcts cast , west , north and south. Chicago 810.00 Hound trip 810.00 Evi-ry Ktiar- antccil.and tickets bouijlit , sold and exchanged T7IOHTUNK TELLKIl AND MKDIUM Un. Jj KlUa tells past present , anil future In lo\o and all affairs. She reicata the deepest secrets the heart , bho posses the magnetic jiowcr to ful fill nil jour wUhcs. Call at No.1010 Chicago street , near 10th. aug 10-tf TiKMIS' NEW CITV MAP3,2ic.- fee 1st pag UP A red cow. Owner can hive the TAKKN by proilng property and paying charges. FltANOIS JlollUI.NS , Saundcrs and ar.-uo Kti. _ aiiZl-ovwcdSt B EM IS' HEAh ESTATE EXCHANGERS lie paito. rf jll HEB or four young men can bo accommoda- J. ted with board , deferences exchanged. Ap- | ily 2011 Ca s street , 4th door west of 20th St. , iroddrciia llox 337 , postomco. _ 3I3 I HM. BKOWNt-Corner Ilth ! and Chicago . BtrcctB , Is ready to bore or deepen H oils. satisfaction guuranUel. 503tf MAOISTIIR OP PAWIYSTEHV AND COND1J riO.NAI.IhT , 4H ! Tenth Street , Dct iu-i r.itnham indllaicy , Will , with the aid nf iMiariti.ui piiitu , oblnln for ally ( mo a tlanco nt tha mil prusent , and on lurtulu uomlltiom in the fu- cure. 11 lotsuml Shoes mndo to order. Perfect > atUfJdloii gnanintfttl. uu2fl-lm Absolutely Pure. Made from Grope Cream Tartar. No other nation niakis uucli light , lUky hot breach , uxnrloiu rtutry. Can 1'uraunby l ) } pcptle i-itrout fear of thellls usultinaf from heavy liidl 'cit'blo ' food. Hold In can * , bv all Grorcu KOYAh AKINOl'OV.'DEK CO N w Ycrk. C , r' . ( ! ooJiq ii i.