Til 15 OMAHA DAILY H13Ei TUESDAY , SIOTTOBER 13 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUDU3HINQ CO. . PKOPRIETOnS 010 1-nrnharn , bet. Oth and 10th StrccU , TKH.M3 OF SUUSCIUITION Ono ropy Ij car , In odxnnco ( postpaid ) . , . . . . $10.00 0 montlH " . . . . r. 0 ; t tiiontiij < . . . . 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. .MS CAIID CIIIC\(10 ( , ST. rjU't , MINNK.U'Ot/.S AMI OMMIA UMI.RO Ml. I.wivo Om\hi N'o. 2 through | vx pnKcr , 11 a , m , yo. 4 , Oakland yawi-pir , 3SOn. : in. Arrive Omaha No. 1 , through ] u icncr , 2RT : in. No , 3 , Oakland pnvsciigur , SIM p. 111. irAVl.NiJ OMAHA' KANT OH SOUIII BOUND. C , , D. 4 : 0. 6 a. m. 3:40 : p. in. U. * N. W. , C & . in. 8:40 : 1 > . m. | C. , It. I. & P. . o a. m. 5:40 : | > . in. ' K. C. , St. 3. .fc C. It. , 8 n m. 0:30 : p. m. Arrh c St. Louis at fls5 : ! a. m. Mid 7:4f : > a. in. WMT OU &OUTmvfcTS. It. & M. In N'cli. , Through HMW , 8:35 : 'a. m. II. & M. Lincoln Prehtht , 7:00 : p. in. K. I * llxi.tess , 12lfi : n. in. O. < t 11. V. for Lincoln , 10:20 a , m. O , A U. V , for OaceoU , ! ) :40 : n. in. V , I' , frclirlit No. B , ditto a. in. \ \ I" , frelirht No. 0 , bslfia. in. u. P. froiidit No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant. U. P. frclrht No. 11 8:25 : p. in. ARSIVISa IBOH RASI AND 50BTII. C. ' P. & Q. , 6:00 : n. in. 7:28 : p m. C. & N.V. . , 8:46 : n. in. 7:23 : p. m. C. H. I. & I * 0:46n. : m. 0:05 : p. m. K. C. , St. Joe 4 G 11. , 7:40 : n , m. 0:45 : p. C W , , St. L. & P. , 10:56 a. in. 4:2fi : p. in. AUR1VINO ritOMTIIIt TTMTAVD BOUTII K3T. 0. ft H. V. from Mncaln-liilit p. in. U. P. K\pri < < 3:25 : p. m. B & M. In Nob. , Through Kxprcsn Iil6 p. ro , B. & M. Lincoln Freight 8:35 : ft. in. U. 1' . Krelirtit No. 10-1:40 : p. In. No. ft1:25 : p. m. Emigrant. No. 8 10M : ) p. m. No 12-11:35 : n. in. O. A , II. V. mixed , or. 1:35 : p. m. SOUTH. Nebraska DMslon of tno St. Paul & Sioux City Itoail. No. 2 Ictuca Onmlin.Sn. in , No. 4 loucs Omalm l.MI p. m .Vo. 1 arrivcsat Omsihaat 4:50 : p. til , No. 3 arrives at Omalmnl 10:15 : n. in. DUMMY 1RA1NS KKrWKKN OMAI1A AND COUNCIL Bi.frn . . Lfa\o Omiha at 8:00 : , 0:00 ami 11:00 : a. m. ; 1:00 : 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00. : 6:00 : and C:00 : p. m. L IM > Comidl llluttoat fc:2C : , 0:26 : , 11:25 : a. m.j 1:25 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 6:25 and 0:25 : p. In. Sundays Tlio dummy Icn\c9 Omaha at 9.00 nd 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 p. m. Lun\i's Council WutTs at 9:25 : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 : and 6:25 p , in. Opening and Closing of Malls. * * * ROUTK. OPKX. closit. a. m. p. m a. m. p. m , Chicago & N. W . 11.00 9:30 : 1:30 : 2MO Chicago , H. I. & I'aclHc.llsOO 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U. & Q. . . . . . . 11:00 : 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Wabas.li. . . . . 12:30 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and I'-iciUc. . 11:00 4:80 : Union VsuAte . 5:00 : 11:40 : Omaha & U. V . : oo 11:10 : B. M. in Nub . 4:00 : H:10 : 5:30 : Omaha & Jsorlhw astern . 4:30 : 7:30 : Local malN for fatatu of Iowa leave but once a day , viz : 4:20 : a. In. A Lincoln Mall ix aNo opened at 10.30 a , m. Oillco open Bunda\s from 12 m. to 1 p , m. TIIOS. F HALlj V. M. Business Directory. Abstract ard Real bstate. JOHN L. SIcCAdUE , opixtslto I'ott Oflico. VT. It. lUHTLKTT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFUF.NK & JIENDKLSSOIIN , AHCJIITECT3 , Room 11 Uroi hton 131cck. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Itocm 2. Ciel hton lllock. Boots and Shoes. JAMES UKVINK & CO. , Fine Boots nnd Shoes. A Rood OK < ortmcrt ] of home work on hand , corner Itith and Harnvy. TI10S. EUICKSON , B B. cor. ICtli and Douslas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 005 10th street , manufactures to order ( , 'OOd IN otic At fiir prices. Rcialring done. Bed Springs. J. F. IjAliniMER llanufacturcr. 1517 Doui"la 6t. Books , News and Gtatlonery. J. I. FUUEIIAUF 1015 Karnham Street. Gutter and McSHANE & SCHROEDiit , the oldest 1) ) . and K. house In Xcbmska catabllshvil 1S75 Omaha. CUSTKAL RESTAURANT , lilts. A. RVAN , touthwcst corner lOthand Dodpe. Host Board for the Mony. Satislattloii Guaranteed. Meals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Fiirnihhod Hnnmg Supplied. Carriages and Ruad Wacons. Wit SNYDUU , llth and Harncy Streets. jewellers. JOHN BAUJIEIl 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. UEP.TIIOLD , Ras and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER Jt GRAY corner Hth and Douglas Sta. Lamps and Glassware. J. I30NNER 1309 Douglas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A. MNDQUKST , Ono of our most ixipular Merchant Tailors la re- ceivlnj ; the latest dosijjns for Spring and Summer Gobdu for Kontlenien a wear. Stylish , durable , and prices low as over 215 13th bet. Dou&Farn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Board * , Hosiery , Olo\cs ; Corsets , Ac. Cheapest House In the West. Purchasers B.UO SO per cent. Order liV Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. foundry. [ JOHN WEAUNE & SONS , cor. 14tlii Jackson st3 Hour and Food. [ OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8t8. , Welshans llros. , proprietors. Uracers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cuminff and Izar I T , A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlna atreota. Hardware , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 12 15th utrcct A. HOLMHS corner Iflth anil California. Harneti , Saddles , &c. B. WKIST 20 13th St. b < > t FarnHartifV. . Hotels. CANFIELD HOUSE , Of ) . Canfltld.Oth & Farnliani DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Gary , 013 I'anihum St. SI/AVEN'S HOTEL. 1' . hla\en , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Gus. llaiiiil,0th , t J.cmcnuorth Iron Fencing , The Western Cornlco Works , Aycnts for the Champion Iron Fence &c. , have on hand all kinds ot Fancy Iron I'entea , Crebthifc'S , Flncals , Ralllnss , etc1. 1310 DoiiKe etrve , ap2 Clothlnz Boul < t. 0 .SHAW will pay highest Cash price for aocond hand clothing. Oornir 10th and Yarnhaui. Dentlsti. DR. PAUL , Williams' Ulock , Cor , Utli & Dodgo. Drugs , Paints nnd Ulli. ' KUHN & CO. Pharmacists , Flno Vane Uoods , Cor. IDth and otrocta. W. J. WHITEHOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , 18th Bt. 0. 0. FIELD , 2023 North Dido Cumin ) , ' Street. M. PARR , Drutrglat. 10th and Howard StrooU. Dry Qoods Notions , Etc. fJOHN II. F. LUllUANN & CO. , Now Yoik Dry Gools Rtoro , 1310 aiirf 1312 Farn. him itre U Ii. 0. Encwolil also boot and fliocs Tlh&Ptclflc. f-urulture. A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture nd Sto\cg , 1111 DouzUa. Highest cash Jirlco aid for wwmd. hana KOOOJ. J , BONNKll 1309 Dourla Bt. Flno eoode , &c. Planlnc Mill , A. MOYE1I , manufacturer ol Bash , doori , blinds , moldlniri , e * l , baluster * , hand rails , fimiUhlug ncroll a lniJ , &c , , wr , Uod o and Oth directs. Pawnhrokers. J UOSENFELT ) . B 10th St. , lt. f u. A H r. , Florist. A , Donichup , phtit , nit llowtrc , f l , bonnet * ate , N. W. mi. ifith an I Itaiif > h < streijts. Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors , ANDRUW H03i\VATin : : , Crcljrhlon niock , To n Surxcys , Grade and.Son crayc Sjstcms a jiw laity. Uommltslon McrcliAnts , JOII.V 0. WII. LIS.U1I Dodijo SUcct. 1) n. IIKEMKR. KordetAlls Dallv ClRnrs and Tobacco. WT.ST & VlllTSCI'iit. ' : mwiilactiirctsol dors , Hid Wholemlo Deal n In To'vivco ' * . 1WS Doughs. W. V. LOHE.S'y.KN niinufiPtiircr B14 lOlhstreet. Cornlco Works. H'o-'tcrn Cornlro \ ork , M.Miulactnrcrs Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and bhto lUwfilni ; . Orders from any locality promptly c\ecntiil in the best maniur. Factor ) and Uillco 1310 Dodge Street. aalinnbcil Iron Uornlvu < . Window Oaps , etc. , niAntitavtuml and put up In any mtt ol the eaiinlrv. T. SIXHOI.l ) llOTIilrteentli ttrcct OrocVeryi r. nONNKIl 1309 Doiuws street. Good line. Clothing and t-urnlslilnc Goods. OEO. H. PF.TKUSON. Also Hats , Cap' . lool , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , & 04 S. 10th street. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIHS&CO. , 1213HarneySt. , Improio. eil Ice lloxu" , Iron Mid Wood Fences , Oltlo IliiillnvK , Counters of 1'ina ami Walnut. Refrigerators , C.infield's Patent. C. F.GOODMAN llth SU bot. 1'arn. & Harnav Show Case Manufnctory. | 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cases , A ' . , 1317 Cass St. FIlANIv L. OlIRHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , SIS South lOthbtrert between Lcavcmvorth and Marcy. Alt goodi warranted flrst-cla1 * * . Stoves nna Tinware. A. nURMESTElt , Dealer In Stoxes and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' lllock. J. BONNEII. 1300 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills iu CuUhntora , Odd Follows' Hall. Physicians an1 Surgeons. W. S. GIBUS , M. 1) . , R3om No i , Crclghlon Block , 15th Strcnt. P. S. I.EISENR1NG , 11. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. U. , Eye nnd Ear , ojip. | x > stotllcc Dll. L. 11 OHADDY , Oculist and Aurht. S. W Kith mid Fariiham Sta Photocraphers. GEO. HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallerr , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Jlasoutc Hall. First-cms Work and Prompt Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21i ( 12th St. , bet. Farnhau ) and Douglas.Vorh promptly attended to. D. F1TZPATHICK , 140D Douglas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. KOSTEltS. 1112 Dodge Street. . Shoo Stores. Phillip Lang , 1320 Farnham St. . lct. ) 12th & Hth. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LJIAR. 1410 Douglas St. , New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , lie. , boui'ht and sold on narrow maivins. Saloons. HENRY HAUFMANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Stract , has just opened n most elegant Keel Hall. Hot Lunch fiom 10 to 12 c\ cry day. " Caledonia " J rALOONnit. f,73 10th Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIiWE , 1011 ! Farnham bet. 10th & llttl. P. PEMNEIt , 303J Tenth street , between Farn ham nnd Hainuv. Docs good and cheap worlc. 00 Cent Stores. P 0 RACKl'S. 120J Faridiam St , Fancy Goods To Nervous Sufterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a positive cure for S vcrmatoi Then , Eemlna Weoknesi , linpitancy , and all diseases rc ultlng from Sclf-Abitso , as Mental Auxlcry , Lossi Memory , Pains in the Hack or Side , and diseases - - that lead to Consumption Insanity and early gra\ The Specific Medicine la being used with wonder ful success. _ _ _ _ _ Pamphlet * Bent , frcfl to all. Write for them and get full par ticulars. Price , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack- uses for 85.00. Address all orders to B. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. Y. Sold in Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll , J , K' Ish , and all ifruifKistsoverywhere. AUCTION SALE OP MISCELLA NEOUS ARTICLES , AT OTOE AGENCY , NED. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 15 , 1881 : The undersigned will i-cll at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders , at the abo\e men tioned time , and place , the .follouing property , viz : Ono'lcorn shelter , four (4) ( ) cultivators , ( ho hundred ( flJO ) funco posts , onu (1) ) grain drill machinery and engine of ttcam grist and saw mill , four ( I ) horses , onol ) mule four ( I ) liar- row 8 , one ( I ) grindstone , one (1) ) hoito ial.c.otio } ) nioHinguiachliic. four ( ! ) mo crs and rcup- ors , fifteen (15) ( ) stirring plows , ton (10) ( ( .hovel p'cAm. tnentv(20) ( ) bedsteads , forty (40) chairs. unolcool < btrc , live ( Mlicatlng toex , eight 8) ) tab'cs ' , ono (1) ( ) btcp-lacfdcr , ( Iftecii (15) ( ) hogi , etc. etc. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock , a m. Terms cash. lly order of Department of Interior. LKWPI.LKN E , WOOUIN , U u , Ind Agt. , M , HAU.NKH , Auctioneer , Otoe Agciuj , Septembers , IbSI. , Hcpt. i , d-nt. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , I5th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Tills agency docs Bmicn.vn brokerage business. Does not bpccnlate , and therefore any bargains on its books arc Insured to Its patrons , liibtoid of belli ? I'oliblcd ui > bv thn ( vent Axle Grease MEYER GUMS ! U ed on Wajfons , Ilu ylcs , Kcajxin , Thrcsl.cw ami Mill Machinery. It Is ixvAtUABLii TO KAHM- KKH AMI Tc.uiHiKim. Hcurc-s Scratches anil all klmh of soreo on llorecB irJ Stock , u ucU an on men , OLARK & WISE , Manuf's ' , 30G Illinois Street , Chicago , FOR 1'IIICKH. jo 21 Om.ki ) Blaet Diamond Ooal Co. w. H LOOMIS , J. H. MWKM ; < , I'xrv , HKC , AM > TIIKAH. I. L. MIM.KII , AOK.NT , HARD OR SOFT COAL In car lota or In ijuantltlc * to suit purchascro , ( Jrduu Solkltcd. Yard , Foot Parnham and Doug las Sts , , Omaha. A , G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW How They Suit n Claim. I.ar.\mv ! lloiiu-ranK " 1 wish yon would expl all about this s\ltitu' : of claiuis tliat I hear so much about , " said a nieok- eyed tenderfoot to u gtItaly old miner who was panning "lit six ounces of ptilvciiwd iUarK. | ( "I don't see what they want tn salt a claim for , and I don.t Anidorstand ho\\ they do it. " " \Vtill , you see , a hot season like this they have to Halt the claim lots of times to keep it. A fresh claim is good ouoimh For a tenderfoot , but the old timers won't look at anything but a pickled claim. "You know Avlmt quartis. . proba bly ? " "No. " "Well , every claim has Some more or les , Yon lind out hov many quartz there aic , and then pn in so innnv pounds of salt to th quart. Wild cat claims require more salt , because the wild cat spoils quick er than Anything ol.'e. "Sometimes you catch a sucker , too , and you have to put him in brine pretty plenty or you lose him. That's ono reason why they salt n claim. "Then ai ahi , you often j rub staki " 11 man " 15ut what is a grub stake ? " "Well , a grub staki ! is a stake tha the boys Jmnij their grub on so they can carr } ' it. Lots of mining men "liavo been knocked cold by a blow from a urub stake. "What 1 wanted to say , though s this : yon will probably at firs strike free milling poverty , with indi cations of something olse. Then you will no doubl sink till you strike bed rock , or a true tissuro gopher hole , with traces of disappointment. "That's the time to put in your salt. You can shoot into the shaft with a double-barreled shot-gun , or wet it and apply it with a whitewash brush. If people _ turn up their nones at your claim , then , nnd say it is a snide , and that they think there something rotten in Denmark , you can tell them that they are clear off and that you have salted your claim , and that you know it is nil right. " The last seen of the tenderfoot ho was buying a double-barreled shotgun and ten pounds of rock salt. There's no doubt but a mining camp .is the place to send a young man who wants to acquire knowledge and till his system full of information that will bo useful to him as loni ; as ho lives. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IDoliuoiilco- New York Herald , On one occasion Mr. Dclmonico talked freely with a representative of the Herald , who said : "What wages do you pay , Mr. Del- .monico ? " "Ton thousand dollars and more the first of every month. " "What rout ? " "All told $100,000 ; i year. You see , besides our houses wo have throe great wine collars down town. Wo got wines and liquors by the 100 , 200 , 300 casks at a time , and can buy direct much cheaper than any dealers can afford to sell us. " "Do hard limm afl'ect you any ? " ' 'Yes , indeed , uiul mainly in wines. I remember the time when I walked through the rooms and saw from ono to tlircn bottles of wine on every ta ble. Now if wo hear a cork pop wo turn to sec whore it is and then it's generally a bottle of B.iss. " "Some of your orders are silly , I suppose ? " "Yes , indeed. We often give din- nora that cost $100 a head. Why , sometimes the flowers for each cost $20 , and I have paid as high as $20 for each and every bill of faro ! You know the mottoes they Irnvo for the ladies. Well , there are people who pay as high as $10 each for these things. So you see it docs not take long to run up to $100 in that way. " Delmonico got up many a dinner for A. T. Stewart , but no matter what temptations wpro prepared for the guest the invariable dish for the host was a simple chop , with possibly a plato of chicken broth. Mr. Stewart dined many noted people , among them often Gen. Grant. When the late Andy Johnson was swinging nround the circlp ho was festively dined in Delmonico's , and after the dinner held a reception. IIo was full of fun , at all events , and kept his friends in roars of morrimont. After the } ' were all gone ho called to his servant to "Come to bed. " Mr. Dol- monico told the president that after liis servant had undressed him the waiter would show him his room. "No , ho won't , " said Andy , "I'll un dress myself , but that boy sleeps in my room and nowhere else to-night , and that I toll yon. " That ended it , and the colored attendant shared with his master the best room in the house. Among the regular patrons is counted "Sorosis , " Not that Sorosb spends any considerable amount of money at its .little lunches or oven at its annual festivity ; but Sorouis is a feature of any place it makes its homo. College - . lego boys like the hospitality of Dol- monico'tt , and at coitain seasons of the year many a hardened oar in the ; dining room holow is pierced by the : jolly shouta of the under-graduates up stairs , and many a hardening heart is touched by the memory of days and nights mainly nights gene by , when the snmo songs and the same hurrah-boys chorusua worotho regular thing with thorn at Harvard , Yale or Princeton. Ti o late Col. Fink was not a regu lar patron of Dolmonico's. Ilo went further up town , but now and then ho spilled over from bin bowl ofbounty there , On ono occasion at 4iO ; ! p. m. ho called at the oflico , "Clnuloy , " said ho , " 1 want a tiptop stand up lunch , with llowora and all that sort : of thinu' , served up in the Erie build ing for lf > 0 men at OtfO. " "That's two bouts from now. " "Well , a great deal can bo done in two hours. " "All right , Colonel , I'll do it ; but ' it will bo'an expensive job for you. " " \YJio said anything about the cost ? You do it , and I'll nay for it. " Of courao the lunch was served , and equally of courao the $1,500 bill was paid. At another time , when Fink was working up the Ninth regiment , a ball was given at the Academy , and Ji'isk was anxious that Delmonico should furnish the supper. They declined - clined on the ground that there was no profit in it. "How much guarantee do you wjxu'j" said Jim. "A thousand dollars"said Dulmon- ico. "All right , " replied Fish , "I'll take 500 quppor tickets , " mul ho did. The King potentates iwor faorcc ; ) elmonico's np-town house imioh , bin .pent thousands of dollars in tin Chambers street place. Peter It Sweeney used to go there when lit xvished to bo quint nnd by himself. The last time ho called hn nearly com pleted n bargain with IVhnonico by which the latter was to take Peter's Thirty-fourth street propc rty for a res taurant. When Tweed's daughter was to bo married the old manc.ill'd mi Del- monico two months in nilvamv , and without mentioning ten us. simply said : " 1 want n supper , good one , for my daughter's wedding ; tiOO pee ple. ( Jood day" The diy after the supper was served lie calk-d and paid for it. "Do you keep your penplo along timoJ" Mr. Delmonico.is oiico asked. "Somo of them. " "Tho cooks how about them ? " " \Vellj \ I pay Iho present lie.xd cook 31,000 a year ; his predecessor $ < ,000. The other cooks got from gin to $ ; ) ( ) "What do you give the head wait er ? " "Fifteen hundred dollars and his board and lodging. Tliet.dilo waiters not $ o ( ) a month , nnd avcrairo Sl0 ! in fees. 1 wanted to transfer one of them from the saloon to the bar , raising him from $30 to SoO , but ho wouldn't go because he made $ ! )0 ) where ho was. " An Illiterate Parrot- Sin rnuicidco Chronicle. Ivirly in Juno last II. Menson took a fancy to a certain gaudy-plumnged parrot in the store of Jiseph Jacobson - son , a bird-seller on Maikot street , and bought it , paying therufor $15. Mr. Honsou took his pmlhusu to his residence and spent his leisure ! hours endeavoring to converse with his par rotship on various subjects , each of which was evidently distasteful to "Poll , " who-expressed her disappro bation by giving utterance to a series of ear-splitting and unintelligible acreechcB , which so disheartened JMr. Henson that ho visited tlu < store of Jacolurm and demanded that ho should t.ako back the bird and refund the purchase monoy. The bird ven der , however , WjOiild not entertain the proposition , so JMr. Donson invoked the aid of the law , through the medium of an attorney , who drew up a complaint for damages against Jacobson , setting forth in sorrowful lai.gimgo how the peace and happines-j of the JJcnson household had been disturbed by that "awful screech-owl , " through couitesy term ed a wirrot , which it was claimed , had damaged their pcaco and happiness $50 worth. The complaint was filed in the Justice's Court and the case was assigned to Justice Connolly for trial. F. A. Cardinoll , of counsel for the plaintitr , put the ball in motion by calling If. Benson , the plaintiff , who testitiod substantially as above- stated , and was corroborated by Alice Eenaon , his wife. Doth swore that Jacobsou had guaranteed that the parrot could speak excellent English , and was , withal , a most remarkable bird. Counsel for the defendant essayed to throw discredit on the tes timony of Mr. Henson by inquiring if ho was not intoxicated at Iho time , and imagined that the de fendant guaranteed ( hat tfio bird was a good English conversationist. Mr. 'JJunson de nied the imputation , and when the porsintcnt counsel sought to prove the allegation by the defendant , Justice Connolly ruled it out , and Mr. Ja- sobsou testified in direct contradiction if the plaintitrs witnesses. Ilo was asked : "Did you guarantee that the bird was a good talker ? " A. No. Vat yon dinks that I boll 3m a good dalking bairot for fifteen iollar ? Mr. Cardinoll. Can you make the bird talk ? A. Yas. i You pring om here ; I makes him talk in China , French , derman and English. The testimony of the defendant ro- lardint. ' the guaranty was corrobor- itcd by Robert llowc , a , ; mint em ploye , who was present when the bird ivas bought. The defense then intro duced Mr , llobinson , a bird dealer , to iliou- that u purrot that speaks plainly : ould not bo bought. Tbo oiler was objected to by Iho plaintitr and ruled jut by the court. Mr. Cardincll then read section L707 of the civil code to his honor , vho gave judgment in favor of the jlaintill'for $10 and costs , ' HuutluK for Alligators- la KHomlllo Cor , Kuuiih : NCHB. Parties are hunting the "gatorsr.y lown on the Caloosalmtchlo and Kiss- infco rivers , and upon the numerous akes in that region. Nothing is used jxcopt the skins upon the belly and .egs , the rough , scaly plates upon the jacks of the animals being rejected , i'lio heads are cut oll'and buried for a ow days , until Iho tusks can bo < lo- uched. It was announced BOIIIO days iinco that ono person had collcptod illigator teeth to the amount of , ' 150 iiounds. Thin fact alone will give jo mo idea of the destruction now 'oing oil among these creatures Jew- jleni mount these tueth in a thousand ) dd and fantastic shape * , and many of Iho artiolos in the show-eases here dis play true artistic i/uniim. Not more proudly does the Sioux bravo wear hi : ollar of griz/.ly bear talons than iloes the J'roadway belle parade lior polished bracelet composed of Looth of slain alligators. On the HI , John's river a now method has boon lo vised for the micccssful p lira nil of this game , A dark-lantern , with a powerful rullector , is used on suitable nights , and no dilliculty isexporienced in approaching the quarry. The ani mals appear to bo perfectly bewildered by the strong glare , and make no jll'oit to escape. The gun is hold ivithin a few foot of the head , a touch to the trigger , and there is a 'gator ' IOHS in Florida , ' Thm now process is very effective , as the hunters are en- idled not only to kill , but to secure their prey. When pursued in Iho day many of these creatures , although mortally wounded , do not fall into the hands of the sportsmen , It is find to rollect that the race of the Baurians is in danger of being uxtirpatod. Thousands are being ulain annually by tourists and others for amusement merely , in addition to these slaughtered for profit. Thous ands of baby 'trators are stullod as BpecimuiiB or sent oil' alive IJH curiosi- tics , while myriads of ugga arc blown ami disposed of liy ilcnlvra. Aniul nl jlii'so causes combined the brulo socin in a good \\-ny to become uxtiiict , Tliis is smneivliiil unfortunate , n * tlio found t is A rmistunt mmm > of inturosl ID our iiiirtliorn brothu-n , mid evurj hunter from that auction t'nijurlj chivi * the distinction of ml'lhif , ' nn alligator scalp to his list of trophies. If their uliolmlu destruction con- tintius , it will bo necessary to call on the fish coininissioiiuis to restock our lakes mid rivtus with thuso yaluablo Inoroitlblo. F. A. Scratch , llnllurn , Out , , write * : "I lm\e Ihi'HivalcH cunfiilcnco in yum MI niuH'K lliomt JSiTTKisx. lutnno VA I with which 1 ma | n < innnllv ncitinintril | their Kiu-0044 innlnn ) t iuci.-illlilu. Otto laily told tno that hnlf a Imttlo did her Minn' Ktitxl ( linn Imndrvdi of ilollniV worth nt inrdiritio Alip liad iircvinu.'lv 'nkcti ' , " rtco.-1.00. ! tii.i ! nii-o ' Buclcllu'H Arnica Snlvo. The best salvo in the world fur onto , l > rniscs , sores , ulcurs , salt rhouiu , "over sores , totter , chapnod hands , liillblaitis , corns mid all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anteed to tjivo perfect satisfaction in every ensdjbr mouoy refunded. 1'rico , L'oc per box' For aalo by Mi it M cM AH ox , Omaha. S'JCT . X.OXT3CES PAPER WAREHOUSE , CRAHAMTAPER GO. 8U nnd 210 North MMn St. , St. lxui , VMIUIKHA1.K DRALK.M IN 100K , I VBWS. f EXVKI.OPKS , OAIll ) IIO.Mtl ) AND Drinters Stock. trC h paid for Karn | and Paper Stock , Sera ron ninl Mil.tK 1'npor Slock WatdiontM t20 to 1237 , North OM HA , NEB. )0,00fi ) AG8ES O)3E * Davis & Snyder , 1505 Pi and Homes in Nebraska. 17,000 Acres iu Douglas Coun ty , 35 to $10 Per Acre. 11,0:0 Acits 8arpy County taml.IA.00 to 810.00 12.1MO " WiwhiiiijtoiiGo. Land B.OJ to 10.00 51.108 " Kurt County Land. . S.OO to 8.00 2S.SOO " VumlujCouiityldinil 8.00 to 8.00 20300 " KUntonCiiumyUml 2.25 to BOD Bll)00 ) " MullsmiCom-.ULand 2.00 to (1.00 ( 18,8110 " Mute Count ? IianU. 3.00 to 8.00 Terma to SuitPurclmserB.Long Time and Low Interest. Perfect Titles fluamitccd ALSO IMIOK THAC'IS O ? L4ND IN Oolfax Pierce Morriok Dodge , , , , Hall , Saunaors , Butler , And Other Counties in the Eastern Portion of Nebraska , for Sale. Farms oJ' All Sizes , From 10 to CIO acrcn each , adapted to Or.iln cinl Slock Italn nir , to bo Sold fit Low , Klfc'uruand on I.mw Tluie. State and County Maps for Distribution. t'o tiilfor ctrculnrsm'\ ) > Hpcrlurllcalgon tlicHUto prices and lenuaol Undn In all loculltluu , utc. , etc. 1505iarnliain .Street , 2W333ES ni)2l udu I7IOU SAIjIJ A lir o tno story fmino shli-loJ ] ( Jj rnofltotol mid ono htory kltdit'ii ; ftloo ono htory Ir.iinu , fhlni'Icil roof , hnll room for tun xetg lo dame , nnd tmin hrjfo cnoiigli to Jiuld tnunty tiMinH- All Kitimtcd on corner of llroail amiIth btrfot , I'lcinont , 1)0(1 0 Co. , Nth. For further formation apply to 0. 0. TUOJII'SON , 3fj8toS Fremont , Doilco Co. , Noh. 'lItAYii : ) Prom Sicrt'd Btftblc , nmalin , ono § blitl ; nmru , color noincwliat tnclnl. uk'htor lojo.irsold.vclglisnliont elo\on liur.urcil , luid onHiudlcamlbilillf. Arcunnl nlllbupalilforjlirr return urlnforiiiatlaii luiOlnj ; to her rucotcry , V. K. CAT1IKV , Fort Calhoiin , Neb rMAKl'N UP A red and \Uilto spotted to ' , J ulioiit ft } eirs old" rl ht car cropped , at llo- LIUI'H addition , north Unialin. flt'wlt _ _ _ ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' 'lli01' . ' . " ! AOI5NT8 WANTED ron Olllt NPW HOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " iifliiirtho Story of the Scripture * , hy Itov. Otor e Aluxandvr Crook , I ) . I ) . , In ulniplo and nttmctlio an ua a for old and jouiv' . I'rofiucly lllustrn- toil , nmliliiK a most Inti'rcstlii ) ; and linprcssliu youth H tiutniftor. 1 cry pan nt will Htcnrc this work. 1'imulivrH , jonnhoiild I'lrcnlatult. 1'rko Bend for clmilara lth uxtra terms. J H. CHAMIICIIR&CO. .St. I iuN Mn. i i' ' " ° ' ability , to roproK-nt l aiAMnilllH' Dictionary of dnl vurtal ICnouldl u , C'oinplctu ( 'y lop < uill > i of KM.TV l.iy AViintH. Tills Id the Jlost IjHcful and ffiniiiiiit Md'rary Ai-lduvcniL-nt of the Aiv. It li.ia no competitors. Wo uantwitiiputont HolklUirt. No poddhru iifudaiiiilv ClrciiUrti , Iviii ' full ilcMiptlon , cntonapt > 1U > itlon. J. II. CIIAMIIKUS , bt. I.oulf , Mo. , Chlcniio , 111. , Atlanta , ( )1 bcSinic d.kwlm THE CHAMPION HAY GATHERER , Takua Ilio hiy direct from Swatl. tn Stack MO to TOO Ilil. at a load , Siux ulnrowliiK , shocking , In. 1'rlce , ( < i.1.i)0. Tor ] rtklilars addrtM K. II. UIIMf/AM ) , ilonrou Uitv , Mo. , l'aoirlctor [ nml .Munufactinxr. HENRY WARD BEECHER ndilrcHhliiK thu iitutk'fitu of tliu National Kchoolof Klocutlon and Oratory , nald , "VVu uru living In a land nliowjjiiiliin , < > hu u lilutory , HIUHO linitltn * tlon vinlnuntly duniund orntury. ' ' 'lliu National School of Elocution and Oratory win i'iituli < lltlnd In 1S7I , to KtipplvtliU demand. ( ; imrU'rvd In 187fp , Nineteen Teachurs ami Ixctiir.r , Bpeclallits In thdr ilijiartintntu. Summer Term , July C , Fall Term , October 3 , Kund for circular to J. II. IimiTKL.Bocrctar 1)10 anil lllbC'lantiiiitbtrtct , AQBNTB WANTKD FOH CREATIVE SOIENOE and Sexual Philosophy. J'rotusoiy llluitrnUd , 7heincut linpoitint and liott book pulilljlii'd. Every family wanti It Extraordinary induicmeutii nffured A unt" . Addrcea . ' .unNraTuBUsiliNU Co.-at. Louis , Uo I TO ALli WHO HAVE TO iu < : Ki3i'\niiji ) , TO UK DONE OU- While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others , I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lutuly enlarged my workshops nutl putting in now anil improved machinery chinory , T hope to still nioro improve the quality and finish of our ork and ( ill orders with moro promptness than is usual. C / \ . T r ' "i""TT ' " "IXTT" T JTy Motto has always boon ami nhvnya will ho : "First to gain superior facili ties and then advertise the fact not huforo no wild advorttscmonts. Some unprincipled dealers feeing in the liahit of copying my annouiicomonts , T would hog you , Iho reader of this , to draw a line hotwoon such copied advertisements and these of urs , very-truly , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. . Sign of the Striking Town Clock. DURING THE- Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their 61416 TENTH STREET. Ladies' ' Beaver Dolmans SO 00 upwards ; Lanios' Beaver Oloak r S5 00 upwarflsj Ladies Wool Sliawls , gl 00 upwardsLadies' , Ulsters , 53 50 upwards. 1 Lot Black Uashmores , all wool , 40 inches wide , 50 , 65 , 75 , 85 autl 95 oouts. . Extraordinary Value , 1 Lot English Oashmores , all Shades , reduced to 37 1-2 cents , 4 Cases :0auton : Flannels , 8 1-8 , 10 and 12 1-2 cents , 4 Bales 4-4 Sheetings , 7 1-2 cents per yard , hy the piece , , 1 Case Prints , now styles , 5 cents , 6 Oases Bed Comforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices , Cheviots , Ginghams , Ticks , Denims , Tublo Lilians , Towels , J3od Spreads , &o. , at 1'ojiuln.r Prices. Ladies' , Misses' , Boys' nnd Cliildrons' Shoos 20 per cent lower than nny Shoo Store in Oinalin. SPECIAL. 1 Lot Splendid Shirting I'luiinclx , 22J cents per yard , \vortli _ M cent * . P , G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact that Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of FOR MBN'S ; BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR , ALSO A COMPLIJ'J'H LINE Ol ? Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps. Wo are prennred to meet this demands of the tradu in regard to Latest Styloa and 1'jitteniB. 1'ino Muroliiuit Tailoring in Connection. RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 300 to 312 13th St. , Corner Farnham. O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT. 1" ri , f '