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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1881)
TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY SEPTEMBER , 13 , 1881. f COUNCIL- BLUFFS , Is it to Bo a City of the First Class ? The Local News Compactly Given for Hasty Reading. TJIK COMINO YIIAIl's TAXES. The board of supervisors liavo do cidcd to levy the following count -taxes : A poll tax of CO ccntsj stal ' , tax of two mills on llio dollar ; count ; 'Y tax of six mills ; sihool t/ix of on t inillj'poor tax of one mill ; bridge ta : of two mills ; county board tax one half mill ; insane tax one-half mill | making a total of thirteen mills. TJi district school taxes arp > ns follows Boomer , 15 ; Bolknap , board of licaltl . } mil ! and school tax 1H ( ; Crescent cemetery 2 mills and school 10J Centre , 18 ; sub-district No. 11 , JG for school honso and 10 district tax Groyo , 13i ; Garner , 12 ; Hardin , 8 ' Hazel Doll Dl ; James , board of health. . 1-10 and scfiool tax 15 ; Ktiox , 10 Avoca , iml , , 10 ; Keg Creek , 7i ; Layton - ton , 10 ; sub-district , No. , ll ; Wai- nut , ind.j 21 ; Lincoln , 1G ; Lewis , ! ) ; Macedonia , 20 ; Carson , ind. , 'JtH ; Mindeu , 111 ; Ncola , ! ) ; Nonvnlk , 31 ; Shelby county , ind. 1-1 ; Picas- , aiit , llj , Hock ford , 8 ; Silver Crook , < 8ij Valley , 10J ; "Washington , ,17 ; . "Wavelnnd 10H ; Wright , 8 ; York , 10 rnnd Council Bluffs 10. The following taxes are levied in Council UluiTrf for city purposes : General tax , 10 ' 'mills ; road tax , 4 mills ; bond ' -'tax , 2 mills ; Union avenue , 2 mills ; Indian creek improvement , 2 mills ; * levee tax , 1 mill ; park tax , A ' mill ; library tax , A mill ; total , Sl'tnills. Also a spcciaf tax for sidewalk pur poses amounting to $1'J85.53. In Avoca A general tax of 10 mill and a special tax for sidewalks amounting to $37.f 0. A general tax of 8 mills will bo levied in Walnut and a tax for sidewalk - walk purposes amounting to § 110.90. The railroads are taxed as follows : 0. &N. W , . ; . . , . 135 88 O..K.I&I' . ar.i r o C.U.&l > . , A.M.&S.W.I > roiich. 21 BO C.It.I.fcr.larlinbinncli [ [ . 1 40 C. B. & St. Ii . 29 10 Hastings & Avoca. . . . ' . , . (5 ( fi2 K. G. , St. J. & 0. B . , . . . 21 00 Itcd Oak & Atlantic . 2-18 Total . SM)1 ) 01 THE.UIIAIITEK AMKNUMKNT. Mayor Vaughan has called an elec tion for the third day of October next , for the purpose of submitting the question of abandoning our present 4 special city charter and organizing under the general incorporation lawa of the atato aa a city of the firat class. There are Homo quite important points to bo considered tmdor the now rogimo. ' . Our city council would bo limited in their powers of levying taxes for city purposes , as they could only levy a tax of ton mills on the dollar for gen eral city purposes , and two mills ior the payment of the bonded indebted ness , in all twelve mills , or loss than .one-half of the present levy for gen eral city purposes. The council lias no authority to levy special taxes for for special purposes. Yet the council have levied seven or eight special , . taxes , making our , whole levy twonty- < . four and a half mills on the dollar. Several parties have enjoined the county auditor from carrying out those ' j special levies on the 'tax ' books against * their property/ tlid ground that the / council had no legal 'nowqr to make ' such special levies. Under the now * charter with a limitation on our mu nicipal indebtedness and a levy not to | .exceed * ton or twelve mills by the < cduhcilj 'wo shall feorjwa ( have some protection from confiscating taxation. The now charter aluo provides for then election of a , city attorney , engineer. n J 'auditor ! &b | , and nll'clty officer's are ' olocted'by ' ih6 voters for two years , and for a man to 'manipulate himnolf into oflico. Wo understand that there is talk of ro- the cordial support morning contemporary , Till' IlLUFl'S IN UltlEF. The Circuit court wns entertained ' ' i yesterday with the Stella Long case. This is the case wherein Stella lias boon su'ed'1by T. A. Mend to recover damages for being maliciously prosecuted - , cuted , as ho claims , for stealing a trunk , as she claimed , some time air , James nnd Aylosworth appear for plaintiff , and John H. Koatloy for do- . fcndnnt. The court will probably 'finish up the jury cases to-day or to morrow. There will bo several cusos to bo tried buforo his honor , which will doubtless occupy the remainder ' of this week. Sunday afternoon n colored woman had a sot-to on Pierce street with couple of white lads from , who would persist in throwing 'corn husk ? nt her chickens. There was , omc pretty hard swearing , but no blood spilled. Chief Field navor was treated BO meanly , oven by the mayor , as ho was yesterday afternoon. After Mr. Btownrt , who rescued the drunken man from Indian crock , hud got him propped up against u board fence , the chief came across him , nnd thinking him too drunk to walk , went up town and procured a fine spring wagon BO as not to jolt him , nnd wont , buck after the nian. lie hud menu time crawled off somewhere and got into a hole out ot sight. After search ing 801119 time , the chief wont to hoiul quartern , and won't nay a word about the nflair unless ho is coaxed. The man's name was Richard , and when ho is himself again will no doubt tell all about it. Quito an interesting ufl'uir took place nt Lou Scott's , on Pierce stit'ot. . A dispute arising between Lou inul u colored girl over n wash bill , Lou do- clarcd she would not pay the full mauimt of { ho bill , IJw coloied irl lu'.icl she would take no less. Shu wanted the full amount or the equiva lent , so she took the equivalent in thu t : uhano of a largo mirror and ran huinu If - with it and declared "dat shu yv.tid ( yiko n liolo fru do fust alloy gill tlat , ' tuck it away , " Lou had her nncstud , The mirror wns returned nnd the gitl tlfsclmrgod. The amount in cuntio- vcrsy was twenty-five cents. A stock dealer of rathercspocta - "bio appearnnco came to town and started up street for either tlio Pacific or Ogilon , Ho made a misstep , however - ever , and fell into ono of our saloons lie wns soon afterwards picked upon ono of our streets not in n condition to lodge nt either of the other hotels , tlo had bccomo too hich-toncd , no ho had his imino registered nt Burko's , whore they chnrgo 8(5.85 ( for supper , lodging and breakfast. Jlo sayswhon lie sulls tlio next batch of stock ho will mind his steps until ho gets to n cheaper house. John Cunningham , .111 old offender , got drunk yesterday , nnd undertook to ttso his wife for n foot-ball. She demurred , nnd thu case cnmo on for liortring yesterday bofetoJudgcBurko. The case wont against the old man , nnd ho wns lined $0 nnd coats. Ceo. llico was found not in n con dition to nttond to business , nnd was lahen to police headquarters lie ivon't cat at his regular boarding place njforo to-day at noon , Ono whole day at J3urko'sJ.8j. ( The grand rnco announced to como off at the driving nark Saturday nfter- looit between I'arkc'r nnd the fnnioua lorse Turan did not take place , the lorsc refusing to como to time , declaring - claring when ho ran for a purse ho voulil run ngainst something with ars somuwhoro about the size'of his iwn or ho wouldn't run nl nil. C. II. Wnlkor , of Bloomington , in ho western part of the sistoi state , ailed nt TUB Bin : oflico ycstorclny. .1. Talcott , of Chicago , was in this city yesterday. There is ? i rumor that another bank ing house will bo started in this city. W. A. Mynstor went to Omaha yesterday to attend the titato fair. Wo unflorslfind that during the hold ing of thu 8:11110 : ho will deliver his cel ebrated lecluro qn lish culture. Mueller's music store , Main street , begins to loom up. The third story has been completed and the cornice put in position. It will bo ono of the finest buildings in the city. .1. W. Grassland has nearly reached the third story of , his now brick store on Broadway. When completed , Alderman S. S. Keller will have ono of the most commodious furniture establishments in western Iowa. A man so full of rum that ho lost his reckoning came very near being drowned yesterday near the Main street bridge , lie was staggering around the embankment' of the south end of the bridge when ho fell over , but was rescued by Mr. Stew art , who lives near by. Miss Lulu Jones and Miss McMahon - hon have returned from the ntntufnir. They don't think the track at Doa Moincs any better than 0111-3. Miss Lou Oabornonnd Miss Jfarriot Knoppor have gene cast to attend Vnssar college. They can got n bet tor cducatiotrright heroin the Bluffs ; if wo can't wo wont brag any moro on our schools. Mrs. Doctor Green has returned homo from an extended visit among her relatives and friends in Ohio. Ilcr daughter nnd son returned with her. her.Whon When a good article is made right nt homo patronize the manufacturer. The people from the other side of the river patronize our broom factory and will buy whcro they con buy the cheapest. Wo can manufacture cheaper hero than they can ever there , and they know it. u Don't punch holes in silver coin if you want to got its full value. A sil ver dollar with n' hole in , it' is worth only 75 cents1 ; a fifty cent/ / piece served the Bariio way 35 .cants ; n twen ty-five cent picco 18 cents , nnd n dime is reduced , ono-hnlf. A gentleman called upon a family in 'tho south -part ol ! the city and asked the man of the house to sub scribe for a paper that would cost him only 20 cents per week. His family wanted the paper - butho told them that ho could not afford to taken daily paper. That man spends onin . avori. ago' DO cents per day for liquor , and yet Defused his wife and children the luxury of a daily newspaper. ' 1 it ' .Irrigation . far Small Fruits- The drought of the present season has boon severe on all1 kinds of crops , and especially severe on all kinds of small fruits. Even cranberries and swamp whortleberries ha < "o Butforod for want of moisture. ' The yield of JLtlU KkAV I1MM > VUU * i * AUiUblUII kO ri * berries , blackborros , currants , and igoosobcrrios. In most places grapes have suffered , and are still snQoring , for want of moisture. Cherries ripened before the drought com menced , but apples , pears , pluins and poaches Imvo needed moro wator. Melons alonu have been abundant. Containing moro water than almost any kind of fruit , they manage to ob tain their growth on n soil that is very deficient in moisture , A largo amount of time and money is required to set out a plantation of vines , trees , and bushes , and to culti vate thorn till they are at an ago to produce fruit. The product will then bo very small unless them is a sulli- cient supply of moisture in the soil from the time the plants begin to grow in the spring till the fruit ripens iu the summer or fall , The lack of timely paying crop , oven if the plants are young and well cultivated. Small fruits that grow on bushes , vines or trees will do bettor during a period of drouth than strawberries will , because their roots penetrate the neil to a greater distance , Still they suH'or vtry greatly when the ground becomes quite dry. > Apparently drouths are becoming moro frequent in this part of the country , and are of longer duration , Their ifleet on the crop of small fruits ( is disastrous. The business of raising i small fruits for the market has bo- > . comp ao hazardous that many are afraid to engage in it. TJioy are not in a condition to suflur an entire loss , every few years. Conld the business ho rendered moro secure more people would ongagn in it , as it is a congen ial occupation. It is a business that can bo conducted with a comparative in mnull capital and on a email amount of land. It has many advantages for persons who have largo families as those who are too old or too young to ungago in ordinary field labor can tend vines and bushes , and piok the n fruit and the produce , : The production of small fruits can in this part of the country bo rendered certain only by providing water dur ing seasons of drouth. Strawberries , blackberries ami raspberries require rain , or a oubstituto for it , at least twice a weak from the timeitho ground tlmi\B out in the spring till the fruit is all gathered. The period of matur ing fruit can bo protracted beyond llio customary time by affording a supply of water. Notwithstanding the severe drouth of the present season , a few person * who were able to irrigate their vines nnd bushes produced very largo cropi of berries , which , owing to the scarcity , brought high prices. Maiij saw , when it was too late , thnt thoj would have been gainers had they pro * vidcd means for supplying water t' their plantations of small truits. Because irrigation in not absolutely neceslary in this part of the counlrj to the production of all kinds of crops , farmers , ganlmiorn , and fruit-miners neglect to avail themselves of ilr advantages. A larger proportion eland land in Illinois than in Utah can b < irrigated by the water supplied bj rivers and streams ; still baldly any one buihh dams and makes irrigating ditches. There are other means o" obtaining supplies of water for irri gating small tracts of land. An ordi nary artesian well willaflbrd aullieieir water to irrigate novoral ucrcH of law' f no paiiiH are taken to atoro up ha a raised during the time when tli ground in sullieiontly moist. Tf tin water that llowa out during the winle and spring in stored a larger amouti < f land can bo inigatod. In many places it is practical tint would bo economical to raise water from lakca , ponds , rivers , and stream * by the aid of wind-mills , for Iho pur peso of irrigating land planted tc small fruits. On some farms , surface water , no abundant in spring , could bo stored at small expense in ravines provided with dams and gates. The losses which have been su.stained this year by persons who had plantations of small fruits will bo likely to cause them to make provisions for supply ing water in the future. The demand for small fruits is constantly increas ing , nnd moro painti should be taken to sccuio an adequate supply. West ern hind is rich in fertilising material , but at certain seasons it is deficient it moisture. She Pnisod it "I send you my in rclcrenci to SruiMi DLOMHOM , having taken it f < > : ilyapepBin , and receiving almost immediate relief. I nafuod it to my neighbor , who i using It with the name results. Jilts. , T. W. LKITKLT , ll'co-llw Hlmiio , N. Y. " J'ricc fiO ccnt , trial bottluH 10 cents. A Tostuniont Reviser's Opinion. The eminent author , Prof. A. C. Kendrick , D. D. , LL. D. , who is professorof Hebrew , Latin and Greek in the university of Rochester , and was ono of the revisers of the Now Testament , in general conversatioi with a number of gentlemen a short time since , said : "I have received from the use of Warner's Safe Kidney - noy and Liver euro very marked ben efit and I can most cordially recom mend it toothers. " supt.l2-eod&w 1MIOPOSALS VOK GRAIN. Headquarters Department of the Plaits , Chit Quartermaster's Olllco , Four OMAHA , KKII. Bctemlicr ) 1,1881. Healed ] > rnpoal , In triplicate' , subject to the URtial conditions , nil ] bo riHcltctlat this olflcoun til 12 o lock noon , on Tuendny , Sept. 20,1881 , at which time and place they \\lll bo ojiunod In the prcsento of bidden , for tlio furnNhliij , ' and dvllv- cry In quantities aa required , up to December 31 , 1881 , at Omaha Depot , Nebraska , or at feta tion * on the Union I'ncldc ; llallroad. cast of Kearney Junction , 2,000,000 pounds COKN and 1,000,0.10 pounds OATS. . I'ropoialt ( or quantities Icsa tlian , the whole will bo rcccUcd. l3ell\ cry of the ( ( rain will , If re quired commence October 1. 1881. Profc'rencc will bo Ken \ to articled ot domestic productions , conditions of price and quality hcliix equal , and such preference v ill bo given to articles of Amer ican production produced on the I'adflc coatt to the cxtontof 1)10 ) onsumptionrcquirvdby thop'ib- lie ecnku thoro. Tlio cot eminent rescn en the right to reject any or all proposals. Ulila should state the rate per ,100 , pounds ( not per bushel ) and the cm clones containing them filiould bo en dorsed "llldsor drain , " nnd addrcs-ctl to the undersigned. Didders nro rcqested tosubmlt pro. prowls fordclltcrv of tlio 0 > rn In now renewed KUiinyiackB of 100 pounds each und for dclhcry of tlioOaUln now 'rcscwcd ' burlap Hacks of 100 ixmmU each. llld < for Corn houl < lntatq t m j cars in which the Corn proposed to bo/urnlshid was frown. Copies ot this adiortUcmcnt and of the circu lar of Instructions to bidders can lju obtained on application to this ollleo , and ono copy each of mid adicrtlscnicnt and circular nhould bo at tached to or accompany each proposal and form part thereof. | M. I , LUIMNOTdjJ , Chief Quartermaster , scpt5-Ct SIBBETT & FrjLLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , toVTD CITY , NEB. Special attention gUcn to collections In Cutler couvf " ' 4.mo6m D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ARDACII BLOCK , Cor. Dougliu 16th Sts. Omaha Nob. C. FManderson , ATTOBNEY-AT- . ' 2 Fnrnham St. Omaha N UYBO.V nitltD. oRWIH RKKD BYRON REED & CO. .OLimitrKMTAHLIallKU Real Estate Agency IN NKIIRASKA ) Keep a conmlcto ahstracl of title to all Itcal Latato in Oinaha antl IJouvlas voiintv. matf DexterL.Tliomas < SBro ! , WILL IIUVAND BELL Ea % .oc iNU AM , CO.SMLTKI ) TlmRHHITII. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Eto. If YOU WAST tO BUY OB BBIA Call at Office , Uooin 8 , CrelRhton lllock , Oinah * . LKGAL NOTIOK. Fo Citliartne Ileddo , non-rnlilcnt defendant ! Von are hereby notillod that on thoM day of September , 1831 , John lleddo. phlntiff. fllc-il Ida petition In the Ulitrlct Court , ulthln and tor Douglas County , Nobranka , | ralnktou M ilo- t-ndant , the object and prayer of which petition , to obtain a decToo of dhorco from the bond * Ouatrlniony with ) ou for the follow lag causcn , .o-wlt ; ut. habitual drunkunncM ; id , vxtremo rruelty , and for KcncnU relit f. \ouaro required to atiiucr tald petition on lie 21th day o ( Octolicr , 1881. DOANr.&CAMI'IlEIX , AttornojKior riatiitm. TIIAVKD-Krom Blert'a stable , Omaha , one J black inari ) , color om u hat faded , clL'lit or line > can , flili about eleven hundred , had haddlo and bridle. A reward will bo paid for icr return , or Information leading to lur ru- ov cry. W. R. Oathoy , J'ui t Calhoun , Neb. " _ _ _ . _ _ Exiuuliintiou of Touchers. I will \M > prokcMit nt my olllcnj In I'rcl.'hton dotkou the fint Saturday of each month lee * . inline such apjillrantB ai may du liv to toaih the public tUiooln In Dotiylai county. ( > uar- irly isxamlimtlon llr t Satunla > In IVbruan. ilajjAui'unt aud No * ember. J J I'OINTK , Bounty Sui.t , I'ubllc liutruttlon The leading Scientists of to-dny n roe tlmt inostdl9i.a < iciaro .atiHd by dhonlcrcd kidneys or liver. If , thcreforu , the Mdncanil llicr nrc l.cjil In perfect ordtr , perfect health will 'ic the rciult , This truth h.ii mil } li cn knnwn a fhort tlnio nnd for } cars people < uflcrtil great ajoiij mthont bclntfalilc to find relief. The discovery of WarnerSafe Hiding anil I.her Cure tntrksa n niw cm In the treatment of llicso troubles. Made from a titmplv tro | leal leaf of rarualuc. . It contalni Just tliu elements noiw-lry to notiriili illmlffuMtolioth nf these rcat nrgniK , niii ! cly rcsloro tind l.ccji them Inordtr. Ills a Poiltlvc rtmely fnr nil the < ! ' .wises that r.itnc l iln in the lower put of the body for Torpid l.hcr llcAdaclit'sJaiinitke Dizzlnevi-ra\c ! ] I'ecrA 'uu-I.Ucr anil I'rlriary Orjjaiii. It l nn OMiillcntAiiilMfo reniuly tor funalcs diirl'i I'rpKnancj. It will control .Menstruation and N In'nltmblu for Uiicorrhan or i'nll nir ol tlinWoniti. As a Mood I'mlflcr It N mie < | ualcd , for It turn the organs that nnl.c the blood. Ililsrcinttly , which liiiilnnu nuch Bonder1 , Ii put up In tlo ) IAUOr.ST hlXIM ) IIOTn.K of nn > nicdlcino upon the ni.irkd , and It Hold liUrui ; - ( tlhts Mid nil dc-alcrfl at SI.2G per bottle , for DiabctLi. cniiiilrti for UAUNHn'S SAfi : UIA inilSCl'lli : . ItNnl'OSI nnikmrd/ , H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , N. V. WAR IN PASSENGER RATES IlOlinii : IIIIU.S , ilrokcn In all Itallroa.l TIckcH , Onmhi , .Vcb. , offer Tickets to the Kist , until further notice , ut the folloulnj ; unluard of Low llntcs : Clilcnpa , 8IOJ Itoiind Trip , $1P,00. 7he < onre Iliidud I irbt-ClasilukctH anil uowl for rctuin through the jcar , and \latho Old I'.cliablo Clil- cn o , llurllngtoii & Inline } Kailroid. Also , ono way to lit class. Now York , § 17 00. Bo-to n , 1800. For particulars , write orjro direct to HullllIK lOH. , Dcnlcrs In llcdticeil Hate Itnllroail nnd Steamship Titkits. SOT Tenth St. , Omaha , Neb. Kemumbtr tl : phco Tlirco Donn North ol Union I'aclllc Itallroad Depot , Uast Sldo of Tenth Street. Omaha , August 1 , 1SSI nu25dan4m Proposals for Purchase of Lot 0 In Block H , and Part of Lot In Block 344. Scaled proposals will lie retched by the under- planed until 12 o'clock noon , on the 17th day of September , A. I ) . 1SS1 , for the purchase of lot S in I lock II , and also a strip of ground In block 311 , belli ; ; SJ 'cct Iron ton Webster street bj 332 fcctdcep , ndlolnliis.'Camper E. ( Josftt property Illds to t.ilcu Into conslilenitioi. L\i tlij ] , ' kise.- . I'ntcloiics eontamlnc mid projiosals shall be niarKvil "Proposals for Purchase of I , ts. " J. J. L. C. JKWBTT , sc-3-lw CitvClirk. KOTICE. Ihopartncr'.hlp heretdfore cxistliifr between M. W Hartlenn ind Win. rtiiehurs1 , Known at MIf ourI Vallcj Holler and Hlicit Iron Works , Is illssolrcd by inutuaUomint. All bills duo the firm will bo tolICLtcil by Mr. Ilarthnn and all nc- counts against the linn will be mid by him. JI. W. HAKTKJAX. s3-3t \V.M. fiUSIIUUST. LEGAL NOTICE. To Hugh Klnsly and all others whom It may con rcru : You will tal > o notice that on the 7th day of Not ember , 1878 , Mary A. Dujfdalo purchased at treasurer's sale ( or taxes for the 1877 , the W I of lot 3 , block K , In thu city of Omaha , said lot was taxed In the nama of Hugh Kinsly and the time of redemption hid expired , and that on the 25th thy of Ncnunliur , 1S81,1 will apply to said trcas. orcr fora deed to the ahoi o described real estate. 3IAKY A. DUODALE , By JAMES F. Jloniov , Attorney. aulO-w 3t BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 15O8Famluua Street , rivr A Orricx North side opn. Grand Central Hotel. GRAND PUBLIC SALE OF Short Horn Cattle , ATTIIDFAIR GROUNDS , OSCUOLA'CLAItKE ' CO. , IOWA , Wcdncbdaj and Thundny , Sept. 21 and 22,1SS1. tr the entire herds of Dr. B. M. Robins of ijgccoU , John Mcl < onouh | ; of W od- burn , nnd II. U. Siglerof OseeolaaUo ; draft from tlio herd of 3 , W. Hood of Woodburn , Clarke County , Iowa. Iho ofTctIiij"j of this fnlo include such popular ttralna ai Imported Goldle Duenna , Uuclies.s Uo e of Sharon Desdcmona , YOUIIB JIary , Youni ; Phyllis , Cambria , Pomona , Kiiby , White Rose , Airatha , Ailclald , Ainclla , Mandanc , Ponpy , and other Rood families , " cadcd by aa grand breeding ; bulls 03 can bo found In the west.ccrityfUc cows and heifen and thlttj-lho choice } ounir bulls. Sliort Horns will bo xold llrst day ; sc\en- tj-n o , ( frado cows and litlfcre and other stock will be H Id on tlmstcoiul itay. We cordially Invite the public to attend our sala and e promise kind attention and exact Justice to all. Terms liberal ; announced In catalogue which will bu unit on application after AiiL-iitt IGth , by o < lclre siim cither of thu parties , or the auctioneer at DcsMolncs. WM , Con.inn , Auctioneer. II , M , HoHiiisx. Joiiv M--Ii\ J. W. Hoon se7w2t H. C. SIULVR. OBO , W. UUAMI. A. C. DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , B W COR. 15TII & DOUGLAS 8TS. , IrSl'tt OMAHA. COLUliniA and OTTO lilt. j'CLKS. Send three cent ttaroji forCaialojnie and price list containing full information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Pnintfl.Oilti and Glan OMAHA. NIMJ DRS. COFFMAN AND THOMPSON , Physicians and Surgeons. OUICK , 0 cr Crulckshank , 16th St. , llct. farnham nnd Uoi'itlan. a'JMm W , J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Omen-Front Rooms ( upetain ) In Uinsoom'i ncwbtlck liulldliik' , N.V , corner Kltcunth dd wnh in Ktrrotn. OMPET HOUSE I' d. B. DETWILER , 1313 Farnlmm St. , OMAHA , NED. IlriiHStbi , 1,25 to S1.7G ; Tapcitry llrus. ii'K 1,15 to81.S& ; 8-ply Curj > et , gl.sstotl.40j Ileei a ply In.'rain , 81.00 to1.16 ; Cheap 2-ply IliT ) lu , 40o to DC * . Jlattinjjs , Oil Oloth nnd Yido > Shntlca sit Lowest Market Prices * Laryost Btocl : nnd Lowest Prices. Snmplcs furniBhod nt yanl-ra Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LAW , Tlie Greatest Tarietj -IN- DRESS GOODS FRENCH MILfflERI -AT- Prices so LOW as Defy Any Honest Competi tion at NEW YORK DRY GOODS STORS On Farnharn Street. CALL AND SEE US. United States Depository. OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th. and Fornam Sts. OLDKST BAXKIXO KSfABLlSUMENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE DROTHER8. STABLI81IBD IbCO. OrpinlteU aa a National Bank August 20,1SG3 CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVER S300.000 OITICSRS AND BIRrCIORS : HERMAN KOU.VTZK , Prcsiilcnt. Avotsirs Kor.vrzF , Vice President. II. W. YATEI , Cashier. A. J. PorrLKiox , Attorney. . JOHN A. OREIUIIIO.S. F. II. DAMS , Asat. Cashier. This bank rcccUca deposits without rcjtaril to miounts. Issues tlnio certlflcntcg bcartn ; ; Interest. Draws drafts on Sin Francisco anil principal : ltlciof the United States , also London , Dublin Minliua-hanil the prindin ! cities o ( the cotitl nunt of Ihiropo. Sells | ssciijer ( tickets for emigrants by the la ai > line mavjdtf The Oldest Ustar-liEihed IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , Duslncsa transected satno aa that of nn Incor- xjr.itcd oank. Accounts kept In currency 01 gold subject to elfht check without notice Certificates of deposit ismicd pa ; able In three , six and twelve months , bearing : interest , or ot demand-without Interest. Adanccs raado to customers on approved sccu Itles at market rotea of Interest. Buy and Fell gold , bills of exchange , govern mcn , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight drifts on England , Ireland , Scot- and , and all parts of Europe. i Sell European passage .tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY KADK. anpldt AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness , AND Saddlery. I have adopted the Lion aa n Trade Jlaik , and limy goods will bo STAMI'Kl ) with the LION nd my NAME on the same. HO GOOD3 ARE QUNUINE WITHOUT TII3 ACOVK BFAMPB. Tholxst material Is used and thomoet flklllcc * workmen are employe J , and at the lowcsft c.-ul- > rlco. Anyone uluhlngr a price-list of good wll' confer a fo\or by sending for ono. DAVID SMITH MOORE. 09. R. CUARKMIN , 1 , 0. MCJCr. Olarkson & Hunt , Succt'sw" * in Klchanlx & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , S lltbStrrrt Om ha Ncli , Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO , R. RATHDUN , Principal. Cpeighton Block , OMAHA , . . . NKDHASKA. forClrruhr nov 20d&wtf THie IIOUT rontiARl lui Itisr d n.NO ] | THE OVALGHURN THK BIKT : p-I H OnonNS AND | * < _ JliM | QUICKEH M08T COH'ISii ruiJHT1UNAN1 VBN1KNT KIR1Tft B OTHKK UIIDUN prriuaPulfl UIIUUN MANUKAOKtajL I IN T1IK XUHKD , K ] Jw B MABKEI M nufactored In five ( lit8 , 4C , B , 10 and 1 Alloui. It ban no gearing , ( lento no nolao oes IU worl. eatily mil quIcV ly , mid ireta the arfoet kmourt of 1 utti r from the milk or ream ; Is made from the lest ash lumber. It sold at lower price tlnn any other flrtt-ilnsg liuni. Send for JU.rlpilvo circular a > K . c t to the GOOD Agents wanted to sell the Life of PRESIDENT GARFiELD , nchidlnc a full nnd accurate account ot Ills brief ut etentful admlnUtivUon ; thu crt'at wnllct ( III the "MU arU" headed bv C'onkllnv ; thu laliolUnl attcmut to a * aii liuto him , ultli full uitluiUrs of liU case , onu of the nio.t critical nd remarkable on record. Tlio lntcn u Intcrft idled f.nnifs thousands to iliwlro full pirti. utarn , hcnco thi < book must mil uimiciitciy. 'trim liberal. Outfit , Me. Cirtulari freo. Ad- rc-M IlL'llUAUDnilOS. , 1'iibK. , aulOvlt KaniM city , Mo. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. niOPRTNTOJtS. STOII'JfS AflAPAHOE HOUSE , L. CLUTE , Arnpnjioe , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , D. T , PHILLIPS , Harvard , Neb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS * , Hnttlngs , Neb. CSTE8 HOUSE , N. T fcSTES. Grand Island , Neb. U. P. HOTEL , S. F. BERRY , Gibbon , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILMS , Kearney , Neb. Neb.b COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , b HOLLAND HOUSE , OEO. B , HOLLAND , Reel Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURE1 THOMPSON REED , Wllbcr , Neb. BLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , Do Witt , Neb. REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. 0. ROCKHOLD , Wymorc , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T. MUNHALL , BloomIngton , Neb. QAGC HOUSE , A. n. GAGE , Republican OIly.Ncb COMMERCIAL HOTEL , O. D. DORDCN , Alma , Neb , SUPERIOR HOUSE , 8. TIMMERMAN , Superior , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. 0. CAARPER , Hnrdy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E , FUNKHOUSER , Chester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W.W.JONES , Bltio Springe , Ntb PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , Beatrice , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E. D. COTTRELL , ' Nobrntkn City , Ntb SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , CreSton , la , JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS &DRO. , Red Oak , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllscn , la. PARK HOTEL , W. d. O.ARVIN , Corning , la. DURKE'B HOTEL , E. R. BURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW R CO. , Jefferson , la , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. , Mo. Valley June. , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERT2 , Neota , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , S. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , In. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , 'Emerson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COOHRAN , Cromwell , I . [ CENTRAL NEBRASKA 15. & M. 11. It. ] ' HARVARD , NEBRASKA. 0. K. Merrill B. * M. Land A gout .T. D. IJuin it Co Lumber and ] JmUlin < j Mnteiial Ilockhill & Birdsnl - Lumber Ko Mrs. ' G.V. . Howard , M. J ) ' . ' Ilonioopathic'I'hysiuiaii J..l. Cox . Station Atent , B. A ; M. 11. U F. Lee Formnn : Superintendent City Schools 0. J. Scott Carpenter and Conductor < 1. D. Bain it Co G Storu Wolbach Bros ' General Store L. C. Ilowaid . ' . . . . General Store T. J Dowel Jeweler and Dealer in Sporting Goods W. J. Turner Grain Dealer , Now Elevator F. M. Davis Grain Elevator N. IT. Lewis Blacksmith and wagoninaker W. II. Hammond Metallic Collin , ( patented. ) C. W. Gardner City Meat Market J. D. Hume Agent for S. A. Morgan "W. T. Perry Hardware , Stoves and Tinware Brown & Sloat Booksellers and Stationers Gilchrist Bros Groceries , Flour , Crockery , &o. 0. J. Riley : Groceries and Provisions Swope Bros Furniture and Undertaking L. A. ayno & Co Bankers D. T. Biillipo Grand Central Hotel J. II. Stafford. Metropolitan Hotel Goo.V. . Limbocker Clay County Journal Louis Stftin Fanning Implements aud Tools Washburjt it Van Gildcn Flour Exchange L. B. Pcctt Physician and Surgeon STAR STOVE POLISH w BEAUBRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING MANUFACTURED ] { Y Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R.H. ( RINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. I. HELL- MUTrj , D.'D ; , D. C. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON. . Fall Term opens Wednesday , September 21st. Handsome nnd spatlouglinlldliiifs , Icautlfully situated in a most healthy locality , about four houra bv.rall from NIagar , Falls , and on one of the principal through routes between the East and West. The GROUNDS CO nprlsc 140 acres. The aim of the founder of this collegp Is to provide the highest Intellectual and prhlllcally useful education. The w hole syntem Is based upon the Roundest PRO TESTANT principles , oil the only solid basis for the right formation of character. FRENCH Is the language spoken in the college. MUSIC n specialty- Board , Laundry and Tuition Fees , Including th" whole course of English , the Ancient and Mod- crn Languages ; Callisthenics , Drawing and Painting , use Piano and Library Medical attendance , and Mcdclnc , 9300 per ; annum. A rekuction of one-half for the daughters of Clergymen. For "clru- lars" and full partiuulan address MISS CLINTON , Lady Principal , Hellmuth Ladies' College , LONDON ONTARIO , CA.VAIU. montthura-2m Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards , Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. EDHOLM & ERIGKSON , OIVK THE IJAUOAINS IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Eeally Wishes a First- Class Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES A * , .oMexciei , , , 51 EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , THE JEV/FJ.'RRR ,