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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , SE1TEMBER 13 , 1881 o FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL , * < MONEY AM ) STOCKS NKW YollK. September 12 , .Money closed at lffo ( percent. Exchange closed tp.ady nt I 8K9 > 4 81J. ( loterninentsrlivied firm. Currency (1 ( * , 1 30 Mil ; 4 , couji. , 1 lOJj I'll tin. 1 13 ; Os continued , 1 OlJ ; fa do , K 1U1) ) ' 'tit. ' I'ncific railroad bunds clo cd as follow-si Union lst. , 1 l ( a 1 | sInnd grant' , I 17@1 18J ; "Inking fmiils 1 24J ; Central- ll@l f(5. ( STOCKS. The "lock infirket this morning opened weak and prices declined JSS ( per cent , but Mibspqnontly a firmer feeling set In aud by midday the dccllno wns almost en tirely recovered. After 1 o'clock there was another spell nf weaknc's , nnd a de cline of 4@1J PIT cent took plnco lint later on this was recovered , nnd the market became buoyant and the strong condition continued until the cloo of busi ness , when the prices current showed an ad vance of 4@3i } nor cent , as compared with Saturday H chuitur prices. There were no transactions in the & St. .Too common to-day , mid the stock closed nt 200 Mil , The principal dealings were in the Western Union telegraph , Delaware , Lacknunnna S Western , Union Pixel lie , New Jersey Central , Michigan Central , and Lake Shore. The following are the closing bids : A&TH10 N.TO Ml Oil & CJ 157i North Pac SO ? 1315 do preferred , . SI1 ? C 0 C & I. . . . ill North western. . 1261 Cedar Falls. . . . 211 Preferred , . . . 13 ! ) OO&IO 22j NY 0 Central Pacific. 00 * Omaha. . . 103 Profetrcil. . .103 Da ju ; . . obj Rock Island. . .137 Krlo -433 Pacific Malt . . Mt Preferred . . . . 88 StP .1201 Adams Exp. . . .130 Preferred . . . .130 Fargo 128 San Francisco , . 459 American Kxp. 87i do preferred. . 714 U. S OS 1st I'refd..l0.r > II. k St..T 200 Tex Pac 52 Preferred. . . . 114 Wabash li ! ) 111 Central. . . . 12'jJ do preferred. . 873 K & T 114 Union Pacific. . .122J L.S 1241 WUTel SKJ Mich Cent 07J HININO STOCKS. Following are the closing bid * on min ing fctocks : Cent Arizona . 180 S L No 2 & 3. 305 Amia Con 34 Savage 305 Uello I le 2'J Mexican 10 Con Virginian. 235 Sierra Ncr. . , . 2150 Hibernia 42 Union consol. . . 8TiO California 105 Oriental &M . 875 Iron Silver. . . . 240 Sutro 1150 StLincNosl&4 03 Ilobinson 2235 CUIOAOO MONr.v MAKKKT. DIUOARO , September 12. Money was in fair demand and the banks were ready taken of all the A No. 1 paper presented. Kates were firm and steady at t > @ 7 per cent per annum. Eastern ex change between city banks was unchanged ot 80c@Sl discount per $1,000 The clearings of the associated banks were § ! > , 100,000. The mails contained ft liberal sprinkling of orders for money. Otnahn 'Wholesale Market. OFFICE OFTHK OMAHA BKH , > Monday levelling , September 12. J ( train steady and quotations unchanged. Provisions firm. Eggs 2c. lower. To matoes declined SOc. bcr bushel. Other- \rtbo markets unchanged. Local Grain Uealing ] . WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 07 ; cash Nn. 'A , 07rejected 070. BAnLBY. Cash No 2 , 03c ; No. 3 , C3c. KYE. Cash. 8Se. CORN. Cartli No. 2 , 49Jc. OATS. Cash. 2931- . Livestock. AT OSCA1IA STOCK YA11DS. Cattle Good shipping , ? 4 00 ; fat cows and heifers. 32 Z.r3 00. Hog ! ) Mixed packing , $ j 75@G 00. Sl.eep Slaughtering iu demand at $3 00 @ 3 75 per 100 Ibs grosn. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , 532o@350 ; patent , § 3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , § 3 7 @ 4 00 ; patent , 9-1 00@4 50 ; graham rye , S2 50 ; Wheat , "itYE FLOUR ? 3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per . cwt. 70c ; screenings , per cwt. 70@SOc ; shorts , per cwt. SOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white. 81 25. POTATOES Market lower at 75c. SWKET POTATOES Very active nt Sc ixsr pound. POULTIIY Live chickens per down , $2 50@3 00. PKAIKIE CHICKENS 53 00@3 tiO per dozen , EGGS Candled , scarce at 20@21c , UUTTER Choice scarcumt20@25 ; poor , no market : creamery , SOc. APPLES - Good , sound , $3 25@3 75 per bbl. HONEY California white clover in comb , 32c ; Nebraska comb , 15@18c. LEMONS Advancing ; per bor , 3 10 50 @ 11 00. Finest Messina oranges 18 00 , 1 repacked. EASTERN PEAOIIES-Scarce , 81 00 @ 1 25 per basket , retail ; verv fine , per banket 93 00(5)2 ) 75. EASTERN PEARS J bu. bor , $1 00 @ 125. TOMATOES Per bushel , 75c@8100. DOMESTIC GRAPES Gettingicarce at 5c per Ib. CALIFORNIA PEARS-PerboreS50 (5400. CALIFORNIA PLUMS-S2 25. CALIFORNIA PEACHES-SI 75 ® 2 00. CALIFORNIA GRAPES-$250. \VATERMELONS-Home-grownlner- awnivo supply ; per 100 , Si 00@.TOO. VEGETAlJLES-All kinS brlnf ? goal prices and scarce. ' UEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS-Lower ; SI 00@1 25. Qroceri Lilt. .COFFEE. Rio , iair. 13Jc : Rio , good , 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , 14fc ; Old gov't Java ; 20i@28ic , Mocha , 28ic ; Arbuckle's , 179c.TEAS TEAS , Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; Choice , 00@75c ; Imperial , good , -10@43c ; Choice , ( X75c ) ; Young Hyson , Kood , 30 ® BOc ; choice , 6rc@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , 00(5)75c ( ) ; Oolong , ( , 'iud , 35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 10(2)5. ( ) ' ) ; Souchong , ( rood. 35t40c : choice. 35 © 15c. SUGARS. Cut loaf , llic ; Crushed , 11 Jc ; Cr.innl.atcd , 10c ; Pnwdcrpd , 114 } 9csllUI'S. sllUI'S. Sugar h < m e , bbln , 48cj half bN , fXc ) ; kegu , 4i kallonH , § 230 ; choice table Hyrnp , 45c ; half bbls , J8o ; kogR. 52 25 , SPICES. Popper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ; Cloves , 4jc ; Nutmo''d. $1 09 ; Cassia , 25u : Mace $100. SODA. Dwlght's Ib paper * , S3 00 ; De- land do , 83 00 ; Church'ii , S3 00 ; Keg soda , STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Glosn , 81 OS c ; Corn Starch , 8J@Oc ; Excelsior Gloss , 0ci Corn , 71c. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 00 ; Anh- ton , in nackft , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ; bbl * dairy , 100.3 * . 3 fir/ UIIIKD FRUITS-Choice halves , peaches , new crop , HJo ; EvapqMfcxl Apple/ . , 6 Hi boxes , 1314c ; MIcbMnTflict Ne v York apples , 8fc ; St.Loui No.l,7o ; Prunes , old , 6c ; new , 8Jc ; Currants , 7@7io ; Blackherriex , new , He , CHEESK Full Cream , lljc ; Part Skim. Oc. WOODIJNWARE Two hoop pall * 1 85 ; three hoop palls , 2 10 ; No. I tuh , Y 0 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No , 3 tubs 7 00 , pioneer washboann , 1 85 ; Double Crown ; 2 75 ; Globe Washboard , 250Wellbuc ) < eK chain , and 5 ply , 20J@21i ; Colored carput chain , per Ib , 2(1 ( ; LEAD-Bar , 81 05. MATOHK8 Per caddie. 85c ; round cn e , 87.33 ; equare cases , $1.90. PROVISION'S -Breakfast bacon , 1 - lioico lard , 13Jc : dried beef , 1 Ichoii ; crs , can \assed { lo ; hums , canvassed lie ; bacon , sides IHo Ni\V : PICK mS-MeiHmn : , In barrol. , JO 00 ; do in half bbls , < * i 00 : < m.i11 , In bbl. , 11 00 : do , in half bbls. li'tO : Khcrklns , in per bushel , UOl'K Sisal , 1 Inch and larger , 0c ; inch , lljcsjincli , lOJc. SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Inipoitnl , .1 15 } Kiik's pntinct. 3 loj KirU's sUnd.u-rt , n TO ; KlikVhltu 15u laii , f OOs Klik's HutoOB , 20 : > ! KiikV Praiiio < iueen , (100 ( cakes ) , lOiKlik'stnBgnolin , I 30. I'ANDLUS BOXDS , 10 lb < , 10 or , S , 1 Icj boxes 10 Ibs , , 1(1 ( o * . , ( in He ; boxes , -10 set14 or. . , 8s , 13Jc ; half boves , 20 bets , 1 1 ax. , 8t , 13c. IjYH American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 310 : \Vestcrn , 2 75 : North Star , 2 50 ; Louis' lyp , 4 ( W ; Jewell lye , L > 75. POTASH Petmsyhauia cans , 4 do ? . , in cn o , 3 3"i ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 00 : Anchor Ball 2 dnz in case. 1 50. K1KU ) Stii : : ) - licit cl.ivcr . , choice , new , S5oO per bushel ; mammoth clover , new , S" 75 ; white clover , new , SHOO ntailfa clover , new , ,51260 ; nlsike , now , 513 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 TO ® 2 (55 ( ; blue gi-as . . extra clean , § 1 25 ; blue grass , clean , SI 15 ; nrchanl grass , 52 00 ; red lop , choice , 0 * > c ; millet , common or Missouri , 51 25 ; millet , German , $1 25 ; to $1 ftO ; Hungarian. SI 15. JSK13D O-sago orange , 1 to 5 $5 00 ; osage orange , 10 uushcln or over , S4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. . S 5 00. FISH Family vvhlto fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , S3 ( K ) : No , 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , < 5 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"- bi.i river xalmonpcr lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Georg&'n Bank codfish , Co ; Gen. bonelesn codhsh ; SJc ; boneless fmh , 4c. [ AC KE RH I r-1 lolf bblfl mess mackerel , lOOlbs , S12M ; hfbbl No. I ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 ll , ! t 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; Nd. 1 shore , 12 Hi do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS Cyston , 2 Ib ( Field' ) , per case , 54 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lt > ( Standard ) , | icr case , 3 00 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2 It ) ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 It ) , per dozen , 1 155 ; do 2 Ib , per. dozen 2 50. Sardinia , binall Fsh , imported , one- quarter boxes per box , 14 Jc : American , quarter boxca per box. Ho ; do half Imes , per box. 2ljc. ] xbster , 1 Ib per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 10 ; do 3 Ib per case , 250 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 8 40 ; soaked corn , 1 00 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , j > er c-v-c , 3 50 ; string beans , per case , 1 00 ; Lima beans per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10. Peas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 250 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70 : raspberries , 2 11) , per cose , 275(35300. ( Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per eiwe , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50. Gr on gages,2 Ib per case , 3 25 : do choice , 'J Ib per case , 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cas > e , 3 G0@5 20. Peaches , 2 tb per case , 3 10 : do 3 Ib , case , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per oose.325 ; do pie , C Ib , per dozp1. 3 50. RICE Carolina , 07ic ; /-wMana , 5J PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , SAcper Ib ; fancy white , Sc ) per Ib ; raw white Virginia , 7@74 ! . Drupe , i * DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Acid- Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartnric , 55c : Balsam Copabia , per Ib , 75c ; Bar't ' , Sassafras , i > er Ib , 12c ; Calomel , per Ib , , 70c ; Cinchoninia , l > er oSOc ; Chlorofotm , per Ib. 95c ; Dover'rt powders , per } j > , 51 40 ; Epsom salts , per Ib , 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , 44c ; Lead , Acetate. ' per Ib , 22c ; Car boil oil , 110 ° , jcr gaflSn , HAc ; do 150 ° , per gal , 131c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 51 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.ji per gal.SlOO ; Oil , Olive , per gal , $1 50 ; 'Oil , Origanum , 50c Opium , 54 50 ; Quinine , P.&W. &R. & S.per oz , S2 25 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib ; S2 , 50 ; Salacm , per az,135c : Sulphate of Morphine , per oz , Sff 05 ; Suli > hur flour , per Ib , 4c ; Strychnine , tier oz. SI 50c. Dry 'jOod . COTTONS. Buckeye L L 7c ; Continental C , tdo , Sc ; Crescent LL CJc ; Crescent O 7io : Crescent B 73c ; Crescent A Sc ; Grijniteville LL O c ; In dian Head 7ic ; Laurence LL , O c ; Ports mouth P , do , 4ic ; Uiica C 5 c ; Winthrop lj , do , 73c ; Wach setts 7ic. BLEACHED COTTONS Altoona 3-4 Gc ; Auburn A 4-4 8Jc : Ballardvale 4-4 fije ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ; Fairmont 4-4 GJc ; Fruit 4-4 10J ; Hoi > o4.4Sjjc ; Lonsdalo 4-4 Uic ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Pocassett C 4-4 8Hc. Wamsuttn , 4-4 13c. PRINTS. Allon'a fancy , CJc ; Ameri can do , CJc ; Arnold'n do. 7c ; American dnGcBerhn , ; solid coloreGc.ConestogadoGJc Cochicorobe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Gc ; Dunnell do , 7c ; Eddystono do Gc ; Harmony , 51c ; Hartel.Oic ; Knickerbocker , OJc ; Gloucester do , Cfc ; Hamilton , G&c ? Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , 5 ic ; South- bridge do , 5jc ; Sprague do , 5Jc ; Simp son's solid black , ( Sic ; Simpson's mourning , 7c. Southbridge do , OJc ; Regatta do , 5ic ( ; Pacific do 7c ; Hprsgue do , Cjc , Manchester , 7o ; Pacific , .7c ; Sprague ; GJc ; Southbridge , GJc ; Mystic , GJc ; Merri- mack shirting , Gc ; Washington oil colors , DC , CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Harmony B , 5c ; Hooksett , 5c ; Keystone Glove Finish , ' 5Jc ; Washington , 5c. CORSET JEANS-Androscoggin sat- teen , 8Jj ; Lockwood do. Oc ; Naumkeag do. , Site ; Rock port , 7Jc. TICKING-Amoakeag. A. O. A. , 174c ; Albany S. A. X. , 17Jc ; Cordis A. C. E. , 17ic ; Cordis , B. B. , Ojc ; Conestoga , R. O. , IledStripe,16c ; Conestoga , C. C. A. , fan cy , 14c , Conestoga , ] , C. 0. A. , lie ; Conestoga - toga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conestoga , 17jc ; Eaaton , B. , OJc ; Hamilton , D. , IH ; llamilton regular , 13Jc ; Hamilton Vi.r lljc ; Omegasuperior extra , 27c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A OA , fancy stripe , 18c ; Omega A 4-4 , IGc ; Omega A J , 13 ; Pearl River , IGJc ; Shctucket , S. , lOJc ; ShctucketS. S. , 32c ; OIL OLOTH-5- * wood , S3 00 ; 5-4 fancy marble , 5300 ; 5-4 white marble , 52 85 ; (54 ( wood , 53 GO ; 0-1 fancy marble , 00 0-4 white marble S3 85 5-1 SI ; - , ; - ino- Hale , S3 00 ; 6-4 mosaic , $4 00. DEXINS Amoskcag blue and brown , IGc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 14 Jc ; Beaver Creek , B. B. blue and brown , 13Jc ; Beaver Creek , C. C , , blue and brown , 1-io ; Everett 1) . D. , blua and brown , IBlhllayinaken blue and brown , ! HcOtis ; , A.NX. A. , blue , 15c ; Otis B. B. bine , 14 ; Otis C. C. , blue , 13c ; Pearl Iliver blno and brown , 15Jc. ISJc ; Boston O. H.bro. , lOic ; Boston XX , brij. , 12Jc ; Bismarck Htiipe , 17jc ; Boiton stripes , iUc : ; "Dundee stripes , 18c ; Fall Hiv.r , lljc : Hamden O. 0 , , lOlc ; Lion Bluo. 154o. STRIPES American , lOc ; Amoskeag , IHc ; Dexter A. , Me ; Mechanics , 8c ; Omega , lie ; OtN B. B. , lOc ; Pittsheld , 7c ; Uncasville , 0OJo. < C01TONADES-Angora.D. & T. , 25c ; A. Y. A. , 20c : Bell , 18c ; Bridgewatcr , 1'Ja ; Capitol , 18c ; Charter Oak , 18c ; Everett , heavy , 20c ; Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm er's 22Jo ; Lowlston 10 oz. , 25o ; New York mill * checks 18 ; New York mills proof , 225c : Wlcklow,18Jc : Union Pacific , IBc ; Wlilttcnd' ' n , D. & T. , 30c ; York , light weight , 12Jc. SHEETINOS-Androscoggln.9-4 brown 2ic ! ; do 10-4 do , 2Go ; Pvpiwrell'HO-l brown , 25c : do 10-4 do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , 10 Inch , bleached , 13c ; Androscnggin 0-4 , bleached , 2Go ; do 10-1 , bleached , 29c ; Popperell , M , bleacJied , 2.r c ; do 10-J bleached , 27o , Hones and Mutes. , The market is brisk and all grades arc selling well at a slight advance in piicrs , The demand for good horsed exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , $150 , to 300 , ; Extra draft hones , 5175. to 225. ; Common dra't her es. SIOO. to lf > 0. : Extra farm horses , 5110. tol25. ! Common togcwxt farm horses , SSK ) . to $100. ; IMra t > lngs , SW ) . U > 75. : Common pings , ? 20. to 510. MULKrf.- t4 > irJ hands ( extra ) , $125. to KO. ; 14J to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. : 14 to IIJ Land * , ? 7o. to 100. } 13J to 14 hand * , 500. to 75 and Tobaccos , OIOAHS.Hrcds , S15.00 : Connoctlcnl , 525,00 ; Mi\wlS3\00S : ! cil Havnna$50.00 ; Clear 11 in AIM , § 75.00. TOIUCC'O - 1MU(5. Golden Uulc , 2) ) Ib , Olc } Spottoil Fawn. (5''c ( ; OurlJojie , 02i'j Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOo ; HorseShoe Shoo , | iound , 21 Ib , butts Wte : 1'uilty , 21 Ib. butts , 52c ; Qucon Boo , 21 11. , butts. 53c ! IMgo , ) Miuiuls , 21 Ib , butts , 7 ; Anny tnul N'avv , pounds , 51cj Bullinn , pounds , l irlllard'H Climax , iwtimK 57c. F1XK OU'l1--Tn p.iiN.Hani to I'c.V , " "in ; Golden Thte.ul , 70o ; Fountain , "So ; Fmorlto , < (5r ; Kooky Mountain , Vic ; Fancy , HOc ; Daisy , ISc. In tin foil ( . 'atllus 0. B , , 2 iw lockages , 5 Ib boxes , perll'OOo ; LorlllmirsTigor , OOo. SMOKING All grade" Common , Solo 33c. Grnuulnted HlackAvc'lls Dmhant , 10 07 lOc } Dukes Durham , 10 117 , 4.ric ! Seal of .Vorth Carolina , 1(5117. ( 10 : Seat of Ne ! ka , 10 or , 3So ; Lone .lack , 4 HA linen bags peril ) . SI.35) ) Marburgs'Fuck , " nz , tin foil , 5.Vj DOR Tall. 05c. Lumber. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $25 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. . 23 00 ; sheeting dressed , No. 1 , 22 00 : No. 2 , 20 00 ; common board * , dressed , 2. " . 00. FRAMING 10 ft. nnd under , per M , 24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 2S 00 ; 24 ft. 2800. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11. 14 and 2 Inch , 835 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $50 00 ; No. 2 , finish 1J , U and 2 inch. 85000 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , $15 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 iu.-li , 31000 ; O. G. battum per 100 feet llu. , $1 50 ; well curbing , $3500 ; rough i and 2 inch liattons per 100 feet lit' . , BOc. STOCIC HOARDS Attack , 515 00 ; "I " $10 00 ; C , ? 3500 ; common stock , ? 27 50. FLOOlilNO-No. 1 , 812 50 ; No. 2 , $37 50 ; No , 3 , 527 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , $1500. SIDING No. 1 , 827 M ) ; No. 2 , 52500 ; No. 3 , S0 00. SHIP LAP-Plaln , $25 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 , $37 50 : No. 2 , S25 00. CmiiING 930 00@S15 00. LATH AND SHINOLES-A stnrbost ( ) hlitm-les , S4 50 , No. 2 , $3 CO ; No. 3 , $2 00. Lath , S ! 25. Building Material. LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk pcrbn. , 35c. Cement , bbl , S2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , $2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tari-ed felt 100 Ibs. $3 50. Straw board , $4 00. PAPER Straw paper , SJc ; rag paper , Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manda paper , lOc ; uows pnper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Bloxsburg , 812 ; Whitobreast lump , 80 ; Whltebreast nut , SO ; Iowa Inmti , $ G : Iowa nut SO ; Rock Springe , 88 ; Anthracite , all sizes , $11 00. Hldct , hurt , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7s ; green cured hides , 8Jc ; green salt , part cured bides , 8@8jc ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; dry calf and Kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hldcH , sound , ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@llu ; green calf , -wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ; green pelts , Si 00@115 ; green lamb skins , $110(2)125 ( ) ; damaged'hides , two-thiid rate , ( cut scored nnd one grub , classed two- tl irds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. ufT. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c : No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , UOc ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 , OOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , U5c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 25c ; broad stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5J. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; heavy , 13@li5c ; medium unwashed , light , 1820c ; tub-washed , choice , 32e ; fair , SOc ; dingy and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wool ) 2@Gc less Shot. SHOT , Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot. 82.00 ; Oriental Powder , kegs , SO.40 ; do. , half kegs , $3.4Sdo. ; , quarter kegs , 81.87Blant ; - inj ? , kcis , $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , $3 2. > ; plow steel , ca t , 7Jc ; cast tool do , 15(520 ( wagon spokes , set , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 : felloes , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers , per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 0@12u ; malleable , 8c ; ' iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , lie ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 40 ; 8 to 10 , SO. ) ; Od , 3 00 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 00 : 3d , fine , 0 10 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15 ; Od , casing. 4 05 ; Sd casing , 4 40 ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; 10d' ' finish , 4 05 ; 8d finish , 4 00 ; Gd finish , G 15 ; half kegs. lOc extra. PAlnti Oils and Varnlthe * . PAINTS IN Oil. White lead , Omah P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & O. Co.pure , Oc ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green seal. 12c ; French ( tine , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish assc , 20c ; French zince , in oil osst , ISc ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans ISc : raw and burnt Sienna , ISc : Vandyke brown , Kk ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , 1/V : ; l"ory black , lOc ; drop black , Idc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrome green , L. M. & D , , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. 1L & I ) . , 14c ; Paris green , 18c ; I-dlan red , 15c : Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan rui , 22c ; American Yermlliod , I. &P. , I8c ; chrome yellow , L , , M. , O. < k D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent dryer , Cc ; graining colors : light oak. dark oni , walnut , chestnut and ash 13c. > Dry Paint * White lead , G.c ; French tine , lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilderR , lie ; v biting conil , lie ; lampblack Gorman- town. 14o ; lampblack , orainary , 8c ; Prussian - sian iilue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com' : J5u ; throme green , N. Y.1 20c ; chroml green K , , 12c ; vennilllon , Eng. , 70c ; var- million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOc , rose pink , 14c ; vcnotian read , Cookson'a ? 3c : Venetian red Am. , lc ; red lead , 7Jc ; uhrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochclle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , Ho ; Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehlgh brown , 2jo ; spaniHh brown , 2\c ; Prince's mineral Sc ; VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extn , $1 00 ; furniture , No. 1 , 00cj furniture , U , 75c ; coach , extra , SI 25c ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Damar , $1 25 ; Japan. 70c ; a iilmltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 50 ; bard oil linKb. SI 30 O1LS-110'carbon pcrgallon , lljo ; 150 * Leadlight , per gallon , 12Ju ; 175 * headlight pergallon , lOc ; cryhtoline , per gallon , 20o lincced , raw , per gallon/OOc ; Lliihcud , boil ed , per gallon , OUc ; 'lard , winter str'd , per Mjllon , 95o No. 1 , 70c , No. 2 , OOc : castor , XXX. per gallon , 112c , No. 3 , 1 Q > ; Kweet , puntine , * per gallon. 'GOc ; i ] er t'allon 20o , G3 deg , 20c. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 proof. $2 35 per vtinu gallon , extra California Bplritx , 187 proof at 1 20 per proof gallon triple refined vpiritH. 187 proof , 81 21 ; per proof gal ro-dihtilled whiskiex , 81 00@1 50 ; line blended. 81 50(512 ( 50 ; Kentucky bour bens , 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and IVnnsyl. vania ryes , $2 00@7 00. BRANDIES-Imported , $0 00@1000 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domefctlc , 1 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 50gG ( 00 ; New England. 2 OOtoJ 00 ; domestic , 1 f-0ffii : 50 ; PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- . CHAMPAGNES Importfid per case , 20 00@31 00 ; American , JK.T CMC , 12 000 CL'ARETS-Per case , 4 M@IG ) 00. WINKS JUiinewIno , per case , U 09@0 00 Catawbo , per cai > e 4 OOC47 00. Grand Jnnoilou Market. GHAND JUNCTION' , Iu. , September 12 , Eggs 13c. Butter lie. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Ghionpco Proilnoo. On 'Change the nmrkets wore higher , The receipts of grain were 130 , SOO lMi hels by Cciiinl and 1,317 car Imils by rail , em bracing Mlcarrfof wheat , 88 of corn , tW of oats , 25 of rye , and 82 of larliy. Whovt No. 2 ( prliv was active nnd the ficling Uti'ottled , with the market uttong. especially for Sepivuihcr and Octo. bordcllvrry , while for inure deferred de liveries the wide premium p id i-.uly In the innrnlng was not sustaliu I The 'VlioiU" were anxious to nrovidi' fur ( intstmidlng contracts , nnd llui di'iinml was nctivo. piices ndvanciiiK 2Jc fr St > ptciiibi r : imt ljc for October above tin closing ligun-sof Saturday , whllo the morn dcferrud futiui-s prici't mlvancwl only S ( Denver Satimlay's clo-nlgip.iotation , uin mirkct on regular bo.tnl closed 2c higher for Septembir , gofer for October , mid on call Uunl nt 1 27 for September ; 1 2'JJ forOHober ; 1 3J for November ; I 31J for Dec mber ; 1 27i for tin1 year. Flour In goml iicmniid and finn ; stocks llgiit and trading rc'trictid , Common to choice western spring , 4 2Vm5 25 ; do Min nesota. 150 7 00 ; patents. 7 oOfdja 25 ; fair to choice wi-.stcrn brandy I ) 50 © 7 50. Corn For No. 2 ami hl h mixed tlio demand was active on speculative account and a decidedly Btrongt-r fiuling pruvnlled. The report of damage to the crops In some sections of the v\c t his stlmulati'd an Increase d demand from . outside parties , and the orders \\ero larger than for seine tlmo past. Thv market opened firmer at iJa | advance , and through n brisk competition for offerings , further advanced I4@lic , with liberal trading at | tliu advancing calcs. The market clixod * steady and about ljc { hii'lior for cash and October on the regular bcnrd , and on the call board at G5Jc ! for September ; GGJc for Oclober@G"io ; for November ; ( We for De- cemlicrj ( i$7J < ic for May. Oats Very . scarce for c.nh ; improved all around . No. 2 closed t 3so ( for St-ptem- ber ; 10 jc for Octol > cr ; 42c tor November ; I3o for December ; 35gc for the ; 4"ic for May. Rye Advanced in sympathy uilh other grains. No. 2 closed at 1.01 for September ; 1 OOJ for October ; 108J for Nin ember. Barley Firm , demand good nnd offerIngs - Ings meagre. No. 2 , 1 08 for September , October and November. Pork Fairly active , firmer and higher ; closed at 10 50@10 C2J for cAsh , neconl- ing to quality ; September , 10 00 ; October , 10 87i ; No\ember , 10 05 ; the year , 20 05. Lard Fairly active , stronger and high er ; 12 22(5)12 ( ) 25 for September ; 12 27J for October ; 1245 for November ; 12 25 for the year ; 12 87i for January ; 12 02J for February. Bulk Meats Moderately active ; buyers and sellers apart , and business consequent ly restricted. Short ribs 10 'J5 bid for Oc tober ; 10 45 for November ; 10 50 for Jan uary. uary.Whisky Quiet at 110. Receipts Flour 12,408 bbls ; wheat. 52,381 bu ; corn , 510,102 lui ; oats.155,758 bu ; rye , 13,181 bu ; barley , 18,328 bu. Shipments Flour , 14,891 bbls ; wheat , 173,484 bu ; com , 510,102 bu. : oats , 40,001 bu ; rye , 3,043 bu : barley 11,011 bu. Chicoco iilvo Stock. CHICAGO. September 12. Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 3- 500. Demand strong and market actixo at lOc advance. Mixed lucking , G 40@ Gf > r f > ; light or bacon , G50 < ftG85 ; choice heavy , G 75@7 30 ; culld anil grasscrs , 4 00 @ ( i 30. Cattle Receipts , 5,000 ; hhipment" , 10- 000 ; market strong and \.duiM firmer. S lies : K\ports , G 20@G' 10 ; good to choice nhipping , 5 G0@5 90 ; common to medium , 4 50@5 25 ; native butcher htocV , 2 50M 4 20 ; COWH , 2 50 @ 3 GO mainly , with bnllH at 2 50@3 50 ; Btockors and fccdcru , 2 ! K ) @ 4 00 ; range cattle gcucr lly firmer nnd lOc higher ; Tcxuns , 3 00@4 00 ; half breeds and nntives , 4 00@4 50. Shcef ) lU-ceipts , 800 ; shipments , none ; demand active on local butcher accounts ; market firmer ; sales , common to fair , 3 75 @ t 20 ; good to choice , 4 40a I G5. The Drovers' Journal Liverpool dis patch quotes best American cattle at 15c. St. Iionli Produce- ST. IX > UIB , September 12. Flour About 5c better on low and me dium grades. Wheat 'Activo and highVr , closingfirm ; No. 2 red , 1 44\1 45 ; No. 3dol 331 3J ; No. 4 do , 1 20i bid ; No. 2 spring , 1 28@ 1 28J. Corn Firm nnd highcrat G3i@G4o for cosh. cosh.Oats higher at 45@45lc. , Rye-Higher at 1 07@1 08. Barley Unchanged at 90c@l 05. Lead Firm at 5 12 Jc. Butter Unchanged. Kggs Unchanged. Whisky Steady at 110. Provisions Strong and with an upward tendency. Pork $20. Dry Salt Meats 7 80@10 65@11 00. Bacon 9 25@11 70SH2 ( 25. Lard 12 20. Receipts Flour , 12,000 bbl . ; wheat.lfl , . 000 : com , 118,000 ; oats , 42,000 ; rye,10,000 ; barley , 8,000. Shipments Flour , 7,000 bblu. ; wheat , 13,000 ; corn , 21,000 ; oatu , 3,000 ; lye , 3,000 ; barley , 1,000. . 8tIionii Zilva Stock- Sr. Louis , September 12. Hogs Light grades , slow ; packing , and choice active ; Yorkers and Baltimore , G35@G50 ; p&ckioif , G 30@G 75 ; butchers' to fancy hcavy.G 80@7 10 ; pigs , 5 00@5 GO. Receipts , 5,300 ; shipments , 6,000. Now York Produce- NKWYonK , September 11. 1'lour Shade stronger. Wheat Strong nnd higher ; demand moderate ; No , 3 red winter , 142J(5)l ( ) 43 ; No. 2 do. , 1 4G1@1 171 ; ungraded white , 1 38(5)1 ( ) 42 ; No. 1 white , 1 43 ; No. 2 spring , 1 38JS31 ( 3'J ; No , 2 red winter , September , 1 45S@1 47. Corn Higher nnd strong ; demand mod- crate ; ungraded mixed , U7@72c ; nteamer , 70c ; No , 2 , 72Jc ; No. 2 white , 70i@80c ; No. 2 , September , 72c. Oats j@ o higher , but quite active ; No. 1 white , Mf&i2c ; No. 2 do. , 505r > l ; No. 1 mixed , 12c ; mixed western , 42 ( < j , ISc ; while western , 47(5'52o. ( Ityo Shade firmer at 1 00(3)1 ( ) OG. Barley Nominal. Pork Quiet and very firm ; nominal ; mess on the spot , 111 75 , Lard Fairly active at 74 ( ; 10o higher , and strong at 12 17J ; cash , 12 45@12 47i ; for September anil October , 12 50. Beef and Cut Meats Unchanged. Whisky Nominal. Now Yorlc Dry Goods. NKW YOUK , September 12. The dry goods jobbing trade was fairly active to-day and a largo distribution of xtaplu and department goodn was made , By mont of thu leading lionsen a fair amount of now business was reported by the cotton goods cominiHHJon houftx , and there was a "toady Inquiry for print * , dress ( , 'oods , etc. , by personal selection and orders , The tone of the general market is very steady. Pittuburg Oil Market. J'lTTHlumo , September 12. The oil market opened excited ot l)5c ) { Halunat O.jc , and cloned at i)5c ) ; Now York , 7Ac ; Antwerp , I'.M francs. ShtpmcnU for Saturday were 128,400 barrels ) salen at OH City yesterday , 1,313,000 barrels ; 1'ittv burg Bale.s Hatrday , 305,000 Iwrrels , Philadelphia Produce. I'lllLADKi.rlliA , Beptoinbur 12. Wheat Firmer at 1 431 { 4 | [ for cash nnd September ; 1 4 ( > { © 1 4iU for October. Corn -l-'Irmer ; 70js71u ( ( for cash and Sejitwnber ; 73o for October. Oat Firm at 4Hc for canh ; 47 < s for Scji teiulcr , Kyo-Qulet ; 1 fX ) bid. Buffalo Llvo Stock. JCAHP ButTAiX ) , Kcptomber 12 , Hogt : A vhado ttiongvr ; rcceijits , 4l ! cars ; shipment * , 37 ; YorkcrK , ( ) OOfell 25 ; oorn-ffcd , G 60@G 75 ; medium , G 75(20 ( 85. Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , September 12 , Pork M , firm at 20 50. lanl I'lrni ! run-rut make , 12 00. Bulk Meats -Firm ; clear rib sides , 11 25 , llwon Firm ; clear side" , 12 37iSil2 ( 75 , Flour Stonily ; family , 0 50ii ( 7 00. Wheat Klrmur ; No. 2 red , 1 13 , Corn Kirmj No. 2 mixed , 00. O.iti Firmer ; No. 2ndvrd , I33o. Rye Sli-ndy ; No. 2 , I 13J. IWIey Dull ; No. 2 ; , I 10. Whi ky Hauler at I 12 } , Clnvalmul Mnrlcot ClKVKtA.VD , September 12. I'flroleumTiim ; st.iudard white , 1 10 ( " ) l 07. Liverpool Produoo. lavt.iironi , September 12. r'lour , I0i Oiln13s ; , Wheat Winter , 10s Odimtli.hlte ; , 10 Odf.iilOs 10d ! spring , 10 < )10s ) 3ilj club , 10 < 10di ( < ills4ill Corn 5 < Hid , Ifcanl Uln. Pork 71s. Poorla Prodtico. I'KOIIIA , Se | tcmbcr 12. Corn Firm ; high mitrd , 02Jc , O.its-Firm ; No. 2 white. 42Je. R\u-Firm ; No. 2 , 8t.07i1.08. Highuiiivs t'liclmnged ; tfl.l I. llcrctpts Wlio. t , none ; com , 88,175 bu ; oat43,300 bu : rye , 0,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 500 bu ; corn , 88,000 oftU. , * 4,025 bu ; rye , 2,001 } bu ; barley , none. Toledo Proanoo TOLEDO , September 12. Ichor No. 2 rod. 1 13 for casher or Si'ptrmber ; 1 45J for October ; 1 48 for November ; 1 50 for December. Corn IIigher ; No.2,07c for September ; OS Jc for October ; 70c for No\ ember ; 07c for the year. Oats I'irm ; No. 4 , 43e , Baltimore Proiluoo.1 B.M.TIMOIIK , September 12. Flour Firm. WheatNo. . 2 red winter strong ; 1129 bid for cash and Stiptrmber ; 1 17G51 47g Oe tuber. Corn Yellow dull : 7072c for miicd western ; former OOJu bid , IE-idtlilborty Llvo Stoolc , T'AHr LlliKliTV , Pa. , September 12. Cattle Unchangeil ; receipts , 3,723 ; fhipmvuts , 2,380. Hogs-Kirm ; Philadelphias , G 75W.7 00 ; Yorkers , G 25@G 10 ; graders , 5 fiO@5 80. Sheep rirmer ; receipts , 2,100 ; ihip- ments , 1,400. FAREWELL SERMON , Preached by Rev. Mr. Beans to His People Yesterday. Jlov. W. K. Ueans preached his farovvoll sonnon to a largo congrega tion in the Eighteenth street Metho dist church Sunday morning. IIu took for liis text , II Cor. IB , 11 : "Finnlly brethren fnrowoll. Ho per fect , bo of good comfort , bo of ono mind , live in pcaco nnd the God of love nnd peace ahull bo with you. " The pastor dwelt especially on the fact thut furowells arc .and must often bo spoken. That though they cause sadness .and pain , yet that doca not ut all affect their repetition At the conclusion of the sermon ho spoke .as follows : "I will now give a bricE outline view of the work of the church during the present p.astor.ito now about to cloao. Upon taking charge of the three years ago T found a membership of seventy-seven , of that number six have died ; Brother Whitman , Sister Maraton , Brother and Sister Burdott , Sister Harris and Sister Bowker. Twelve have moved oui of the city , seven have with drawn , two have boon dropped. Total loss twonty-aovcn , leaving fifty of the original members. I have re ceived into the church ono hundred. Of'this number five have died , Brother and Sister Stein , Brother and Sister Housol and Brother Brough ; thirty-one have moved out of the city , cloven have withdrawn , throe have bean dropped , leave of these acces sions fifty. Total .membership ono hundred , made up half of the old and half of the now while wo have lost sovonty-sovon members during the present pastorate a number equal to the entire membership when I came. Wo are still thirty stronger than wo worn. Wo have now with us fifty members who wore not in sight when my labors be gan. On the official board , teaching the Sunday school , doing most ofli- ciont work along the lines of church work with the present outlook for the city's growth , the people coming hereon on every train , it is reasonable to an ticipate that the next pastorate will witness much larger accessions from this Bourco. In the financial work of the church wo have boon able to moot all our obligations , a floating debt of $000 lias been paid , the castor's salary , tl presiding elder's claim , the current nponaonnd benev olent cliiims , have been generally met. This amounted in al1 , the first year , 82,500 ; the second , § 2,000 ; this year to $2,000 ; iu all , S7.WOO. In this re gard the church will compare most creditably with any church in the state , great or small. In the line of improvement of church property wo may mention that the walls and entry of the church huvo been kalsomincd at an uxpoiiKo of SIOO , iind our heating facilities perfected at an ex pense of ? 70 , the parsonage walls have been papered , the windows im proved by weights and shutters at an expense of fully § 175. In the line of church work , aside from pulpit preparation and pas toral labor , the vocal means of grace and Sunday school work , I have bap tised M , rnanied 20 couples , attended 11 funerals , introduced our church papers into ltd houses , received into our church 100. Fall Down. Mr. Albert AnderHon , York Htrcot , Buf falo , fell down Htalrs und Boyercly bruUed liU knee , A few implications of Dr. THOMAH' KI.KOTIIIO On. entirely cured him. Ufeodlw In it PosHibloT That a remedy made of Biich common , Bimjile plants aa hops , Inichu , man drake , dandelion , etc. , makii so many and such marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do ? It mint bo , for when old and young , rich and poor , pastor anil doctor , lawyer and editor , all testify to being cured by them , wn rnuat believe and douU no longer , Soptl-OotlG DEWEY & STONE , ITURE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI G R O C E R SI Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT * rSTATK AQENl FOIt MILWAUKEE CEMKMICOilPANV. Near Union Pacific Deuot , , - - - OMAHA , NEB SUPERIOR In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY -AND- CENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUYm BEST ! SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. Ug23eod3m MAX METER & BRO , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find allnovelties in-Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. Mil , THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. CHARLES MCDONALD NOW OFFERING FOH ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS - XKT - Ladies' ' Suits , Oloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. , .A.T GOEtV. 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish [ Suits , $1O.OO ; 76 Black Silk Suits , $17.0O. Wo have uovoral lota of staple goods which will bo olforod at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All liulios should avail themselves of this great ealo of OOESETS AND DNDOTEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIE ULSTERS , SILK AND LINUN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. CHARLES MCDONALD. - * <