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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13 , 1831. The Omaha , Bee. Fnblhhcd every mornlnp , except Sunday Tlio only Monday morning dully , TKKM8 BY MAIL- v ar C10.001 Three Month * $3.00 Months , . . 5.001 Ono " . . 1.00 HIE WEEKLY BEE , pullMicdc * ry Wednesday. TtHUMSrOST PAID : One Year. S2.00 ] Three Montlis. . f0 ; Six Months. . . . 1.001 Ono " . . 20 E All Cominunl cations relating t < i New MiiUilltoriftl mut ton nhould bo addressed to tlio Kmrou or THF. lir. : . BUSINESS LETTEHS All Buslne * Letters and IlcmlttaiiceH should 1)0 mi- dressed to Titr. OMAHA rimt.ifliiiNo COM- PANT , OMAHA. DrafU , Checks and Pojt- ofHco Orders to bo mtulo payable to tlio order of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING DO , , Prop'ra E. ROSE-WATER , Editor. Edwin Dnvlft , | jor of City Giro illation , John II. I'lorco IB In Charro of the Mall Oirctutlon of THE DAILY BEN. Cell for Rnpnblicnn State Conven tion. The Republican elector * of the State of Nebraska nro hereby called to ccnd dele gates from the several counties , to meet In Stale Convention nt Lincoln , on WcdneH- day , October Gth , 1881 , at 3:30 : o'clock , p. m. , for the nurpoio of placing in nomina tion candidates for the following named offices , viz : One Judge of the Supreme Court. Two Regents of the State University. And to transact sucli other buslncBS a come before the convention. The iieveral counties are entitled to rep resentation in the State convention as fol lows , based upon the vote cant for ( Jeorge W. Collins for Presidential elector , giving ane delegate to each one hundred nd fifty (150) ( ) Totes , nnd one for the fraction of BSTenty-fivo (70) ( ) yotcs or over. AHO ! one delegate at largo for each organized coun- It U rocnmmendcd First. That no proxcs ( bo admitted t the convention ex cept mich an are held by _ persons residing in the counties frotn which the proxies nru lliven. Second. TJiat no delegate shall ropre- Bent an absent member of his delegation , vmleea he bo clothed with authority from the county convention or la In posHoasion of proxies from regularly elected delegates ithcrcof. By order of the Republican State Con- .ral Committee. JAMES W. DAWES , Chm'n. I' . J. HKNIIBIMHOT , Seo'y. pro tern. Lincoln , Nob. , Aug. 31 , 1881. The live stock boom' will bo felt 'nil orcr Nebraska this winter. OMAUA ia daily looking handsomer in hot fall drost of brick and stone. NORTHER * Nobraoka , through the itste fair , again introduces herself to the favorable notice of Omaha. TUB inkGsh of the Omahn Herald .will have to omit a Rood deal of dark fluid to escape the harpoon of Senator Doano. COMPETITION freight ratoa will noyor bo gained by subsidizing branch roads of connecting pooled Myeloma of railways. WITH his excellency Windmill Gos- per as coinmandor-in-ohiof of the Arizona militia , the Apaches will soon bo stamped out. GUITEAU was born to atrotoh hemp , and the aoldior that tried to shoot him ought to have known ho was wasting ammunition. CINCINNATI proposes to spend couple of millions for a water supply. Kentucky , just over the river , is nev er troubled that wuy , BKCIIKTAUY IliAixi'a bulletins are the principal and most trustworthy Hources of information regarding af fairs at Elbonm cottage. Ir Air. Doano could only keep mum about that state printing swindle , Dr. Miller would not say another word about the Doano law. AOTINU OOVEUNOH OOHl'KU 18 tllO biggest man in Arizona just now. When ho Inft Nebraska four years ago ho was on his last logs. INOUEASED tsansportation facilities liy water will necessitate a correspond ing increase of facilities nnd decrease of rates by the railroads. Du. MILLEII thinks ( hat Mr. Doano in painfully to the point in his remarks concerning the rolatiou of the editor - < > J the Herald to the democratic party. THE STATE FAIR- The Nebraska stale fnir , which wns opened yesterday under the favoring circumstances of a cloudless sky nnd a balmy atmosphere , promises to sur pass nny of its predecessors in the extent tent and great variety of the ex hibits and the number of visitors. It is a slnlc fair to a much greater ( letrco ; than any other which has heretofore toforo been held in Nubrnnkn. The representation by counties is lari { ' cr in number nnd extent. Every portion tion of the state has been laid under contribution nnd the result is gratifying in the highest degree. In the department of stock the entries nro particularly numerous. This is as it should bo. No state in tlio west is so well adapted as Nebraska for the rearing nnd feeding of the higher grades of blooded cows ant cattlo. Our ranges and meadows arc uncqualod for cheap summer graz ing , nnd .in immense corn crop , ol which wo are always assured , offers yroat opportunity for winter feeding. It was ono of the best results of our last fnir that the excellent display of stock fostered an increased interest in the subject of improved breeds and this year's exhibit is likely to further this end to a still greater degree. The individual agricultural exhibits nro not as numerous as might bo desired sired , and afford good -opportunity by which visitors may form an opinion as to the resources of our state in the of farm products. To many eastern visitors this display will doubtless bo a pleasant surprise. Nebraska , despite - spite inaccurate geographies and that old bugbear of the Great American desert , is an agricultural state which yields to none of her sistrs in many particulars and excels especially in corn and cattlo. Ono pleasing fcaturo of the fair is .ho exhibit made by the territories west of our stato. Connected by commercial band * with Omaha and ; hrough Omaha with the remainder of the state , nny display by which their capabilities and resources are brought ute prominence must possess special ntorost to our citizens. Our devel opment to a largo dcgreo gees hand n hand with theirs. Omaha's share in the state fair is > y no means nn inconsiderable part of the exhibition , Our merchants IAVO awakened to the great advan- aqcs offered them to make known heir goods to thousands of customers , ind the consequence is n display which nearly doubles that made ) last year. L'ho idea , adopted in a numbnr of in stances , of making individualdisplays n separate buildings , adds greatly to .ho attractiveness of the fair an well as furnishing an ovidcnco of the thrift and enterprise of the exhibitors. During the week THK "Bun will take ileasuro in noting and commenting ipon a number of features of the fair , whoso discussion would bo out of place * t this time. It congratulates the managers upon the evidence of their tamest work , and the people of Omaha upon an exhibition and attendance which proves the wisdom of the selec tion of Nebraska's metropolis BB the ocation for holding the state fair. ANOTHER COMPLICATION. The discovery , made on Sunday by ; ho president's physicians , that the patient's lungs wore finally affected by vitiated blood , adds another complica tion to this most remarkable case and , It must be confessed , places another serious obstacle in the road of speedy recovery. Septic poisoning , or the absorption of unhealthy pus into the circulatory system , has now been in progress for over three week The first indication of this dreaded condition was the swelling of the parotid gland , Medical authorities tell us that the absorption of pus by the blood generally - ally makes itself first known by the formatipn of abscesses in the larger glands , such as the liver , the spleen nnd the salriary gland in the faco. Further progress of septic poisoning is indicated by abscossen in the lungs and brain , this latter condition being most dangerous and not infrequently terminating the lifo of the patient. The president's physicians hare per istontly denied the presence ol pyjumia. Even in the face of the swelling of the parotid gland Dr. Bliss pooh-poohed the danger of death from this cause. It was not until weeks had passed and the public were in formed that the entire gland had sloughed oil' that Dr. Bliss openly ad' ' mittod the great danger to which the lifo of Pnjsidont Garfield had boon subjected from septic poisoning , and which in its gravity entirely overshad owed the exhaustion consequent upon the ugly wound in his body. Now , after four weeks , emphatically contradicting the rumors that abcossoa were forming in the lungs , Dr. Bliss reluctantly admits the facts as stated but omoothes them over with iho re mark that this now complication is by no means as grave as that resulting from the tumefaction of the parotid , which arose from the like CAUBO and from which the president has virtually recovered. The public by thin time liavo learned to take all of Dr. Bliss1 statements with n grain of allowance. Every medical man. n the country is well aware that ho manifestation of blood poisoning n the lungs ia n most serious matter. The parotid gland could bo reached by incisions from outside and Iho im prisoned pus r liovcd. With the lungs the c.180 i far different. A const itu lion weakened by ton weeks of pain and suffeiing must now bo de pended upon , nnd the physicians can do little but stand by and lot nature do her work. ONI : of the questions nt issue be tween the roodjlisters nnd flinders of Virginia is the capitation tax. Ac cording to the JiichmoHtl Mate , ono ol tflo leading organs of the fundcrs or Bourbons , the facts in tlio case nro as follows : "Tlio staio of Virginia , in its con stitution , provided that n. capitation tax of ono dollar should bo collected from each male adult citixcn of the commonwealth annually , to bo devoted to the maintenance of tlio publio schools. The property owner wns com pelled to pay it because it was charged Rgninsthimand included in his general tax receipt , while the non-property owner , against whom no other tax was assessed , could not bo forced to pay even this small amount , and no menus could bo devised for its collection. There was at ono time a plan adopted by which tlio children of a person able to pay the tax , but who refused or failed , wore deprived of the bene fits of these institutions ; but this de feated the very object of the schools , which is the improvement of the morals of the people through education , and , besides , punished the child for the dereliction of the parent , and so it was considered not only a harah but nn unwise measure. 'In this dilemma the plan of making the payment of the poll tax a prerequisite to voting was hit upon by the legisla ture , and the question was submitted to the people. It was carried , and became a part ot the constitution , and now no person in the common wealth can cast his vote without first showing his clear right to exorcise that privilege by producing the re ceipt for his capitation tax of the previous year. " The readjustee , on the other hand , say that the capitation tax is a restric tion upon the freedom of the ballot and opposed to the spirit of _ universal suffrage and , therefore , ought to bo repealed. They claim that it was purposely doviscd and has boon used as n moans of suppressing the repub lican negro vote in the state. THK advance of street railroad faro from five to ton cents during the state fair is a piece of highway robbery for which our city council is largely re sponsible. The city of Omaha , through its council , has she right to regulate street railways and restrain them from practicing oxtortiog upon : ho public. It is clearly the dnty of iho council to regulate the toll charged on these roads just as they have lim ited the toll chargeable by lacks , omnibusca and express iragons. If the street rail road had ovonj been extended to ; ho fair grounds for the publio accom modation , as it should have been long ago this doubling of the faro would bo in part excusable As it is , the whole system of street car connec tions to the fair-is a disgrace to the city and an imposition upon every man , woman and child that is compelled - polled to patronize the street car lino. No remedy can bo applied now , but the council at its very next meet ing should aeo to it that such extor tion shall cease forever hereafter. PKOIUBLY in no year since the or gantzation of this state has thcro boon such a general era of building throughout Nebraska. This is as true of the smaller interior towns as it is of Omaha and Lincoln. While Omaha and Lincoln have buildod magnifi cently and substantially , the sound of the saw , hammer and trowel has boon heard only in a loss marked degree in many other cities and towns throughout the state. Orsto , Hast ings , Grand Island , Plattsmouth , York , Beatrice , Blue Springs and Wymorc , Pawnee Oity , West Point , Fremont and a score of other towns which might bo mentioned , have evi denced their growth by putting up stores and residences 'which ' would bo creditable to the enterprise of places thrice their size. IT is presumable that the main object of the projectors of the Ilivor Improvement convention hat is call ed to meet at St. Louis on October 2Gth was the cheapening of trauspor tation , by opening up the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their tribu taries. It is somowoat remarkable that the Omahaiboard of trade bus chosen as its representative the editor of the Iferald , who has always chain pionod the railways nnd offeoded all projects that tend to break up their monopoly in transportation. If all the other boards of trade and organiz ations send men of that kidney , the convention will bo devoted mainly to an expenditure of wind and a liberal diffusion of soft aoap and blarney on the greatest benefactor of the ago Jay Gould. OALIKOKNIA is complaining that the passage of the Chinese treaty has not operated to exclude coolie immigra tion. Chinese coolies are coming into the port of San Francis'co at the rate 1,000 to 1,200 a month , and the labor market is again fooling the depressing influence of ruinously low wages. There is no doubt that a strong effort tvill bo made by the California dele gation in Congress this winter looking o the active enforcement of the treaty irovisions which permit the exclu sion of ooolio labor , Mil. DOANK had bettor beware or ho will novT bo a delegate to another democratic state convention. Don't say another word nbout monopolies and subsidized railroad organs or you will repent it as long as you live , or at nny rate as long as Jay Gould's humble servant , Dr. Miller , remains the principal exponent of Nebraska democracy. NKVUU is complaining of rotten methods of government surveys. The Nevada shrveyors linvo taken pattern after some of their Nebraska prede cessors. AN OPEN LETTER. To the lilitor of tlic HcraM : OMAHA. Sept. 12. In j-our Inmo apology in Sunday morning's Herald for your refusal to publish my com munication in reply to your tirade of nbuso upon the "Doano law" and my self personally , you say that I "invit ed the discussion. " You flatter yourself - self , doctor. I invited no discussion with you , for I well know that discus- eion in your vocabulary means only mud-slinging nnd personal nbuso. I simply requested you to publish the railroad law , which you were continually maligning and misrepresenting in the "Horald " representing , that your readers might BOO how little foundation the law itself afforded for your unfavorable diatribes. I made this request , believing nt the time that you would not bo permitted to comply with it. I was not nt nil dis appointed , when in the place of pub lishing a short law of four sections , you launched out in a column of edi torial slush and nbuso , which I doubt not you consider "discus sion" of the merits of the law. A largo portion of your article was de voted to nn endeavor to hold mo up to ridicule for a mis-rofcronco by mo , as you pretended , to the page upon which the law could bo found. In exposing the ridiculous figure you cut in the role of n critic , and the utter lack of excuse for your making such on "amusing exposure" of yourignor- anco , I referred to the fact that the session laws of 1881 wore printed and bound in the basement of the "Her ald" oflico , so that they were easily accessible to you , and that a very lit tle trouble would have saved you from thohumiliating attitudc'of "fallinginto the pit you had dug for another. " 1 also took occasion in that connection to correct another orroi you commit ted in your effort to cast a slur upon my action as n legislator , and the manner in which I employed my time in the senate. You flattered yourself that I gave much time to abuse of the editor of the Herald on the floor of senate. Bo assured , doctor , I ha.d much moro important mat ters to attend to than the ed itor of the Herald while in the senate. The only matter I could re call in which the editor of the Herald could have been personally interested which engaged any considerable "por tion of my time was the investigation into the last letting of the contracts for the state printing and binding , in which it appeared that , after all com petition had been withdrawn , the con tracts were awarded to the three in dividuals who were understood to be the representatives of the three news papers claiming to bo the organs par excellence of the democratic , republican and , greenback parties of tlio state an arrangement worthy of the oalmy days of Tweed and the "Now York Rim : . " Thcro would have been no special cause of complaint in this ap portionment , however , if the accom panying feature of a wholesale steal from the treasury of the state had not also boon borrowed from the "Now York Ring. " The advance in prices for the work under the new contracts ranged from fifty to ono thousand per cent over 'tho previous contract ! I did denounce this as a disgraceful swindle on the floorof the senate , and , truth to say , not a senator could raise his voice in vindication of it. I alluded to these facts in my article , which you refused to publish , and you whine about "personal abuso. " and say I accuse you of "being a pub lie swindler. " I did not to accuse you. I stated the facts simply , and you Bcom to have boon very ready to make the application. Now all this is just as relevant to the discussion of the railroad law as the abuse and alura you cast upon mo in the column and over , which you devoted , like the ink-fish , to the beclouding and con cealing your real purpose , which wn the refusal to publish the ' 'Doano Law" as requested , while making a show of compliance. It is not the de sign of the railroad companies , their agents or servants to lot the people know what the law really is , but to assail it by misrepresentation and falsification , and expect the people to accept their assertions in place of giv ing thorn an opportunity to read its provisions for themselves. If the llerald , in performing this role , would assume its true character as the sub sidized organ of the Union Pa cific railway company its readers could appreciate the reason of its positions upon all questions uffucting railroad interests , nnd guago their value accordingly. But to masquerade - ado before the people of the state us a democratic organ , and thus endeavor to commit the democratic party of this state to your odious monopoly princi ples , under the fnlso pretence of rep- rosontjng democratic sentiment , is a have no right to prac tice Hero at homo , the position you occupy with the Union Pa cific railroad , as nn enforced pensioner of its bounty , is well under stood and deceives no ono. Bjt in other portions of the state the Her ald may still bo accepted , by those who are ignorant of its true relations to the railroads , as nn organ of demo cratic opinion. It is not surprising that undorsuch an incubus the democratic party has staggered from defeat in ono year tea a worse ono the next , until it has be come buried under a mountain of ma jorities , from which it can only to emerge by doughing off its diseased monopoly organs and again taking its true position as the champion of the rights of the people ns against mo nopolica. QuoW. . DOANK. Don't fail to examine Whipplo & MbMillon'a largo stock of Jewelry , Silverware , etc. , Oroighton block , cor ner 10th and Douglas streets , aopt-tf OCCIDENTAL , JOTTINGS. COLORADO. There nro S.'O.OOO cattle in Colorado , valued at 811,000,000. , There is a vein of twenty feet pay ore in the Sliver King nt Montczmrm. A Vort illins fanner cleared $ , " ,000 from " 00 ncTca of grain and hay this year. The Iron Monarch , in the Stevens basin , linn struck a five foot tcln with two feet o Kxtromelv rich gold oic is being ? taker frun the Brian Born , one of Lcad > Silo's most promising mines , The monthly report of the Rio Grande rnilrond shows that the earnings of that road for August were 5000,11)3.03. ) It h said that the Little Ida , ono ol iTudgo Tiowcn'fl inlncH nt Summit , pro duccs from $2,000 to STt.OOO n day in gold , It is estimated that the output of Colo' r.ulo mines this year will be nbout the same ns last , say $23,000,000 , added to the wealth of the country. Deposits of carbonito ore are reported from North park. These carbonates are of low grade , but are represented to In crease in value ns depth is attained. Tabor , I ho millloniaro of Colomlo , has just become the owner of a newly discov ered true fissure vein , near Itiicna Vista , which adds untold wealth to his already filled coffer * . A very rich strike is reported ia the Black Prince mine , on Breeze hill , Lead- villc , Theoreis _ _ Galena , remarkable fine , and thu strike in one of the most important c\er made on the hill. The ere shipment * on the Chrysolite continues ns large as ever. During these few first days of September the amount ol 805,000 hat been pent to New York by the financial agent of the company. WYOMING. The first frost for three months occurred In Laramic City on the 2d , Many of the Black Hills miners are making for the Coppcropolis district. Lnrnmlo county has coal , lubricating oil , salt , abundance of timber , iron , cop per , nil vec and gold. Much complaint ! H mndo that the Pull man car company don't supply enough Hlcepcra between Cheyenne and Omaha. The mining interests in Laramie are on the increase. More prospecting is now being done than ever before and more good mines nro being found. The new saw mill in course of erection west of Cummins ia all up but the "car riage. " Sawing will commence the fore most end of next week. It is the intention of the Union Pacific management to send out a corps of able scientific men nud experts through north ern Wyoming nnd adjacent territory to examine into the mineral resources. If found sufficiently promising a new branch road will be seriously contemplated. IF A remarkable discovery has been made in Swectwater country. It U a deposit of sulphuric acid in natural state. The odor , chemical action and general appearance of the stud demonstrates it to be a pure quality of sulphuric acid. The ground is impregnated over a large area 100 actes or more and parties have filed claims upon it. _ WASHINGTON TERRITORY- Dayton ia to have a news depot. Mining is quiet in the territory. Cheney suffered last week from a $30- 000 fire. Fruit growing ia on the increase in Uinnuln county. Spokane county's wheat crop averages thirty bushels to the acre. Twelve thousand dollars were offered recently for the Pataka mills. MONTANA. Bitter Root volley has been visited by frost. Travelers report snow on the adjacent mountains. Madison county quartz lodes are said to be very promising. Mechanics wages are higher in Butte than over before. Nearly 1,000 tourists have passed over the Utah Northern railroad to the Yellow stone park. Glendive u booming. Parties there have made a single contract with a Mandan firm for S OOO.OOO brick/ Before the close of the season Butte will probably have shipped by express this year 3,000,000 in silver bullion. The distance between Montana and the East by the Granger cut-off will bo reduced by nearly 100 miiea , It will itriko the Utah & North at a point south of Fort Hall on the Indian reserve. * NEVADA. The Tuscarora district is unusually quiet. Butter commands 75 cents per pound in Eureka. Railroad surveyors are covering the southern part of the state with stakes. The Kingston district , eighty tnilMwest of Eureka , is showing up. One hundred men are working on the Victorine mine , which is having a thirty stamp mill erect ed for It. Two mills are now in operation in the Carllse district , and both of the mines on which they are operating ore owned al most exclusively by citizens of Truckeo. The rock being crushed yields 011 an aver < ag $70 per ton. A strong force of graders will bo put to work on the Carson & Colorado railroad next week. The road will be pushed for ward to Candelaria as rapidly as possible. It is expected that the cars will bo run ning to Candclaria by the iniddlo of No vember next , UTAH. Silver Hecf ia increasing her bullion output. Five prisoners escaped from the Salt Tiako jail last week. Six hundred Mormon emlgrnntH are on their way to Xlon , New coal fields have been discovered on Price river , Emery county. Twenty thousand dollars in flllver bul lion were received in one day in Salt Lake recently. One hundred and twenty tons of ere a day are Bent from the 1 lorn trilver minu in Frifco. Salt Lake City has n new liquor license , taxing the dealers § 200 a quarter , and or dering the cloning of ealoons at 10 p , m. Work on the Ontario Tunnel , Park City , it being pushed ahead rapidly , and it ia now in00 feet. ThU tunnel has been started below the mill , and will tap the Ontaria ledgu ut n depth of about ( iOU feet. When finished It will be over 7,000 feet in length. The completion of this work will open up new feature * in the development - velopmont of the Ontario. ARIZONA. The Vulture mill is again running its eighty stamps and crushing li 10 tons every twenty-four hours. Several saw mill * are being erected in the heavily timbered mountains near the Atlantic X. 1'aoifio railroad line , about seventy-five miles from Prescutt. An organization of Mexican citizens of Tucson hits been perfected for the purpose of making arrangements to celebrate the innU unary of the independence of Mex oo. The cltizenH of Tucson , Arizona , pro nounce themselves in favor of using Unit- xl States money as n bwu of business ' transactions. ' 1 hey are tired of the Mexi can dollar , or "doby , " Tlio Southern Pacific railroad i now opened from Tucson west , and regular trains are again running , Moro than eighty miles of track U badly damaged. The track Is perfectly safe , but trains nr nlow over the damaged section. The country from the valley of Sal river to the mountains near isew river and also Wfckcn , is all under water nm travel is entirely suspended , Arizona ha not for years known BO wet reason. CALIFORNIA Stockton has a building boom. The placers continue toatlrnclattention. Del Norto is to have n steamship com pany , Inccndiaricu nro operating In Butt county. Six veveli are loading with grain a South Vallejo. The raisin crop at Itivcraidc willnmoun to IT,000 boxes. The Oakland .t Mt. Dlabalo railroa- company has been incorporated. Luigtl forty milcri. Some large yields of flax are chroniclcc In the vicinity of Santa liarbani , the pro duct In ono instance reaching L',100 pound ; to the acre. OREGON. Small pox is reported at the Dalles. Hart eating is over. The crop id un usually heavy. New fossil finds are repotted on UK John Day river. The East Portland water company has been incorporated. Work by the government nt Yaquina bay has been discontinued. IOWA BOILED DOWN. Kcokuk is moving in the matter of tocnr Ing a public park. Menlo , Guthrlc county , ia to have n new Methodist church. Dttbuque has purchased a new steam fir engine costing $ .1,000. , Work has been commenced on a new Presbyterian church at Casey. The Mnrehalltown canning company is paying out $1,000 a week nt present. A Hamilton county soldiers * reunion willltake place on the 27th of October. Fort Madison , one of the first pettlet cities in Iowa , is sharing in the buildim , boom. An town cheese took the medal at the iirminghaiH , England , cattle nnd dairy show. The Vinton canning works , up to thelsi inst. , had put up about 250,000 cans o : corn and tomatoes. The Davenport oat meal mill , with n capacity of nearly 200 barrels per day , wil soon be ready for business , The Davenport woolen mills are crowded with orders and running at fuli capacity , giving employment to over fifty persons. A packing house is b ing built in Oska- loosa , which , when completed , will be pre pared to slaughter and pack lfiOO hogs per day. A passenger train on the Wabash road was wrecked nearShcnandoah , on the 5th. Twenty passengers were injured , the only one killed being Thomas C. Lennox , ol Imogene , Iowa. The Ottumwa & Kirkvillo railway is the name of a new organization in the southern part of the state , designed to run line from Ottumwa to the coal mines twelve miles distant. It is expected the Carroll branch of the ChicagokNorthwestern will bo completed to Audubon in October , where it will con nect with the Audubon branch of the Chicago cage & Rock Island , The Iowa poultry club held a meeting last Thursday and set the time for the next annual exhibition for January 17 , 18 , 10 , 1882. The place of meeting will be in Ottumwa. The premium libt will be ready for distribution nbout December l.r Pierce , of Corning , will be the judge. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts , who live on a farm thiee miles from Waukee , in Dallas county , were returning homo from the Btato fair during the storm of Tuesday afternoon , and when near a largo cottonwood - wood tree , a flash of lightning struck the tree knocking it into npllnters and struck Mr . Roberts killing her instantly. Mr. Roberta was severely stunned by the flash , but has recovered. It is stated that the Minneapolis & St. Louia railroad will diverge at Ogden , in Boone county , and run thence to Creston , in Union county , a division point on the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. At Ores- ton the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy are putting out a branch to St. Joe und Kan sas City , and it is said the Minneapolis & at. Louis have made arrangements to run trams over this branch to Kansas City , which ia by airty-fivo mile ? a shorter route from St. Paul than ria Omaha. About 2:30 : o'clock on the morning of the fth , about ono mile east of Altoona , ' freight train on the Rock Island road broke in two , the rear end of the detached portion tion running backwards down a grade. A passenger train , following thefreight , over took the detached part of the freight and crashed into the caboose. Three men in the caboose were badly injured , bat no one on the passenger train was hurt. The two freight cars next the cabpose con tained cahes , fifty-nine of which were killed and neveral others crippled. The engine wax ditched and the road badly ob structed ior a while. , A dispatch from Perry , N. Y. , to The New. York Herald , dated Septem ber 4th , says : Mrs. Allison , wife of Sena tor W. B. Allison , walked from Castile yesterday , where she has been stopping at a water cure , to Silver Lake , a distance of four miles , and deliberately walked into the water with her clothes on and carry ing two Batchels. vvhen rescued by a fisherman she said , "I tried to drown my self. " The lady ia supposed to be partially insane. Afterward she said , "I tried to drown myself and not cause my husband any more trouble. " She lost one valise in her walk through the water , nnd the other was found to-day by diving for it. Mrs. Allison in a fine looking lady and her strange conduct has caused much mirprice. The members of the Iowa State Alliance of Fanners , and the Iowa department of the National Farmers' Alliance held n meeting nt the state fair ground ) ) at Des Moinca on the 7th , An effort was made to agree upon some basis by which these separate organizations of farmers in Iowa could unite in ono farm era' nlliancn. A committee from each body wan appointed to consider the matter. The committee is composed of thu following for the Iowa State Alliance : , Tamcn Wilson , of Tama ; Prof. Knapp , of Storey ; Carey Smith , of Johnson ; T. E. Pratt and E. S. Fondo , of Mitchell countv. For the National Al liance : L. E. Williams , S. P. Michael , Luclen Goodull , J , W. Witham , and N. 1' . Wells. This committee will report to m adjourned meet'nir. FACTS THAT WE KNOW. If you are Buttering from n Bovero cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con sumption , loss of volco , tickling in the throat , or any iilloction of thu throat or lungs , wo know that Dn. KINO'H Nuw DJKOOVKUY will give you immodiatn rolipf. Wo know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , uul that where all other medicines iad failed. No other remedy can show ono half as many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory woof that Dr. KINO'H NEW Discov- JUY will euro you of Asthma , Uron- chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se vere Coughs nnd Colds , Jloarsoness , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you will call at J. K. Ian & McMAiio.v'fi Drug Otoro you can get a trial bottle 'reo of coat , or a regular aizo bottle for § 1.00. janlOlyfg ) KTUANfJKH. Don't fail to see 'Hoapo'a Art and Music Hall. CHEAP A NEW ADDITION ! -TO- Omaha. THE BEST BARGAINS Ever Offered IN THIS CITY. CASH PAYMENTS Required of Persons Desir- in to Build. LOTS OF PATIENTS 03E- 85.TO $1O PER MONTH. Money Advanced -TO- Aesist Purchasers in Building1. We Now Offer For Sale 85 Splendid RESIDENCE LOTS , Located on 27th , 28tb , 29th md 30th Streets , between Farnham , Douglas and the pro- Dosed extension of Dodge St. , L2 to 14 Blocks from Court Souse and Post Office , AT PRICES ranging from $300 to $400 which is about Two-Thirds of ; heir Value , on Smnll Monthly Payment of $5 to $10. Parties desinng toBuild ? and [ mprove Need Wet Make any Payment for one or two 'years , 3Ut can use all their Means for Improving. Persons having $100 or $200 of their own , But not Enough to Build such a house as they want , can take a lot and we will Loan them enough to com plete their Building. These lots are located between the MAIN BUSINESS STREETS of the city , within 12 minutes walk of the [ Business Center. Good Sidewalks 01- : und the Entire Distance on Dodge Street , and the lots can bo reached by vay of either Farnham , Douglas or [ ) edge Streets. They lie in a part of ho city that is very Rapidly Improv- ng and consequently Increasing in Value , and purchasers may reasonably lope to Double their Money within a short time. Some of the most Sightly Locations n the city may bo selected from these ots , especially on 30th Street. Wo will build houses on a Smal Cash Payment of $150 or $200 , and sell house nnd lot on small monthly payments. It ia expected that these lots will be rapidly sold on those liberal terms , and persons wishing to purchase liHulu call at our ollico and secure heir lots at the earliest moment. Wo are ready to show those lots to all lorsons wishing to purchase. BOGGS & HILL , V Real Estate Brokers , North Bide of Farnham Street , Opp. Grand Central Hotel ' OMAHA , NEB ,