Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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It Lays Claim to Being the
City of Schools.
Some of Its Magnificent Edu
cational Institutions.
The Hillstdo Rcnnrts nntl Pcoullnr-
itlos of the Plnco-
Corrc'pondenco of the Onuha Be * .
CINCINNATI , September 10. After
four yonrs absence Cincinnati BCCIIOS
juid sights again ttiirroiind mo. Time
has nlso worked its wondrous chrtugo
hero AS clspwhcro. Mnssivo buninoen
blocks and palntinl private residences
liavo been erected , adding to the city's
attractions , nlid which justly impress
the stranger with the fact that this is
rt city of wealth and power.
It is true that the Bcoptrc has de
parted from Cincinnati us regards pop
ulation that in this particular both
Chicago and St. Louis have outstrip
ped her in the race for commercial
supremacy yet for solid financial re
sources she claims precedence over both
her rivals. Her claims however , for
opccial notice and attention are not
based upon the money inlluoncu
centered hero not upon her mam'
moth business establishments , bet
factories , foundorios , her forges and
furnaces. The diadem encircling her
brow , glitters and sparkles with
precious gems and jewels of equal , if
not greater worth and value. Her
schools , her colleges , her public insti
tutions founded , upheld , and sustain
ed by both public and private magni-
liccnoo and benefactions have won
the admiration andplaudits of the entire -
tire world. Of her public fjee suhoolft ,
I eld not intend nt tliiw time to go into
details and particulars will now
simply content invnolf l > y saying that
they have carried oft * many ot the
honors in rival contests with every
city not only of thi , but
of o'thor lands and countaies. If
time and opportunity afford will , in a
future correspondence devote con
siderable space to this subject.
Onu tiling stands out moat conspic
uously in the history und career of
Cincinnati. She holds within her
borders a greater number of public
spirited , uenurous hourtod philan
thropic uitmiiib than any city upon
the face of the earth. Her two high
tichools received their first endowment ,
und which made their continuance
und great success a possibility from
private generosity. There gentlemen
Woodward and Ilughos wore pos-
sotacd but of moderate means wore
of humble origin and situation , but
garo Ihoir all for the public good
nnd welfare. Their example in
more recent times has been
gradually imitated by the
fjreat princes of wealth who now
flourish in this city. Some twenty-
live years ago a Mr. MoMiclcon gave
nil his property a full louud.million
of dollars for the founding of a free
iiuivorsity , and the child of the hum
V blest laborer \ > r mechanic hero enjoys"
, * , the fullest and amplest education ,
without cost and without price.
In more recent years a Uoubim
Springer donates a quarter of n million -
' lion for amusic hall , n Probasco § 150-
000 for the most beautiful fountain to
bo seen in two hemispheres , a West n
like amount far an art museum that
is destined to eclipse the famous col
lections to be found in Paris and Lon
don. Thus the bounty of the citizen
supplemented by public aid and en
couragement , is giving to Cincinnati
a imiuo and fame aa the "Paris of
America. " Her objects of interest
and attraction to the utranger far ex
ceed and excel those of any other
place , and they who give this city a
visit are unstinted in the nraiso and
encomiums bestowed upon it.
Cincinnati's suburbs are , without
exception , the loveliest in existence.
Beautified by nature and art , paradise
itself would scorn to have been realized
hero. Village vies with village , and
Clifton , Avondale , Bit. Auburn , East
and West Walnut Hills , llivorsido ,
College Hill , and other out-lying sub
urbs , where the aristocracy of wealth ,
refinement and culture abide , thrill
the soil with delight and ccstacy as we
wind in and out , through and among
them. The smoothest lawns ,
the most charming flower
beds , the grcatast variety of
of shrubbery , and the richest , rarest
statuary huro abound in a profusion
and abuxdanco that remind the visitor
of oriental splendor and magnificence.
Spacious grounds , gravel walks ,
flanked with rows of stately trees ,
botanic gardens , sylvan nooks and
dolls , embowered arbors and the cos
iest of secluded retreats from a panoramic
ramic scene ihat is never effaced and
over recalled with raptures of delight.
The grand and lofty mansion , whore
dwells the man of millions , is neigh
bor to the tiniest of cottage homes ,
almost wholly concealed from view by
clustering vinea and the umbrageous
foliage of encircling trees. Kvorj' '
variety of archilucturo is observable ,
and the scene thus becomes one of
endless change and attractiveness.
Amusements of a kind and charac
ter unknown to other cities ,
give to Cincinnati a distinction that
s "sui generis. " First como the hill
top resorts several in number-
crowning the most elevated points of
land on three sides of the city , viz :
north , east and west , the Ohio river
forming the aouth boundary. These
resorts are largo gardens largo
enough to bo called parks beautiful
ly improved , their sloping aides ter
raced off in the handsomest style and
manner. To these places the city's
population below the hills , comprising
the great mass of the residents , flock
for airing , comfort , amusement and
entertainment during the heated
period. Gnmbrinus preside. ! undis
puted lung hero , and music bands ,
trained and skilled to highest excellence -
lonco , discourse choicest and sweetest
strains of melody to which all jjivo
rapt attention , The intervals be
tween the playing afford chance for
the quailing of the popular beverage ,
nnd thequantity consumed brings joy
to the heart and gold to the purses of
the proprietors. Except on particu
lar occasions , when extra entertain
ments have been provided , the admis
sion to the fnvorito resorts is free.
They tire in "full blast" every night ,
and Sundays the latter being the
harvest season for rich returns to the
owners and malingers. The lovers of
tno best music of every nationality
and every degree of the social scale ,
throng thither in great numbers.
There nro forty to nixty members to
each band , led and directed by the
highest nhiil and knowledge. Hero
also , far-reaching views of the sur
rounding country are obtainable , and
winding nlicamsi , far extending valleys
and gentle undulations of hill and
dale give to the scenery a peculiar
charms nnd loveliness , "Over the
llhino "
Most every one has heard of the
phrase "Over the "Rhino. " It is
of Cincinnati orttjn. It refers
to si certain Section of the
city , of which the Miami canal ,
passing into and through. the city ,
forms the southern boundary. It is
the section peopled by the Germans ,
and where the Gorman customs and
German ideas predominates. I wish
to speak of one btrcot in this locality ,
via : Vine street from the aforementioned
tioned canal for a distance of five
blocks. No similar locality is to bo
found anywhere in the wide world.
On both sides of this street for the
distance of five blocks nothing but
theatres , concert halls , beer gardpns ,
variety shows and saloons , are to bo
soon. Several of these beer halls can
comfortably accommodate two to
threu thousand people. This street is
always thronged at evenings , but is
liveliest and presents the gayest ap
pearance on Saturday nights. Then
everybody is seeking amusements and
pleasure , and a perfect jam is
the usual condition of this portion
tion of Vine street on thcso
nights. Calcium lights , electric
lights , and lights from thousanda of
gas jets , make bright as day this
great iivenuo of the city. The surg
ing muss of people move to and fro ,
but perfect order prevails , for all can
see an though it wore day , and night
is thus robbed of half its terrors.
Many of the places of umusomtint in
this locality make no charge for ad
mission others have prices of admis
sion ranging from lOtofjO cents. This
brings theatrical entertainments with
in the reach of ( he poorer classes , and
the vast patronage received 1ms amply
rewarded those who inaugurated the
The zoological garden also attracts
visitors in the city. Here is to bo
found n great collection of wild ani
mals , whoso native homcn wore in
every 20110 and country.
Last Sunday afternoon I wont to a
place culled Inwood Park , where a
kind of a celebration was going on in
lionor of Hooker's memory , one of the
leaders of the German revolution of
1818. The grounds were always
crowded , and durmg the day and
night fully twenty-five thousand people
ple must have attended. Music , sing
ing , speech-making , dancing , eating
and drinking wore the means prepared
for social pleasure and pastime.
Tito exposition opens to-day , being
the ninth one held here Will put in
an appearance in duo time , and will
jot down a few of my observations.
Much activity also prevails just
now in preparation for the soldiers' re
union coming off next week. A
mighty army of the couutry'tt defend-
orfc will assemble , old comrades in
u. is will greet each olhdr , and asJo-
ciatioim of friendship and fidelity to
each other and the nation will be
pledged anew. B ,
FortlflontioiiB iti Franco
London 'limed.
The ofllcial Militar Wochonblatt
publishes in its latest number an arti
cle about the fortifications of Paris ,
in which it is Htatcd that , by the com
pletion of this work , Paris has become
a nlost formidable fortress , and that
thereby all the disadvantages that had
arisen from the advance of the Ger
man frontier to the west have been
annulled. For Pans will now bo able
to defend the contra as well as the
west and south of Franco , At all
events , it is certain that no future
invader will bo able to establish hia
advance posts in those districts in
which , during the siege of 1870 , the
Gorman reserve troops wore quar
tered. The cominanuor-m-chicf of
Paris will then have to defend a ter
ritory of more than 200 Gorman
square miles , and he will be enabled
to make great sorties , by which the
besieger may bo mil-prised in such u
way us to render it impossible for him
to collect the necessary troops for 10-
pnlshg such u violent attack. The
chanc6s of a successful siege of Paris
are , therefore , very small , and all the
more so as in thu future certainly not
more than a corps of line troops will
have to defend Paris , as was the case
in the war uf 1870. It is altogether
very doubtful whether it would in fu
ture bo possible to blockade Paris
completely , oven with the help of sev
eral great armh.i connected with each
other by cavalry divisions.
On the other hand , the defense of
the French capital will , also bo of 11
very different task , and the genius of
a strategist of the first rank will be
needed for the fulfillment of such an
enterprise , which must bo planned
and executed on a very grand scale.
The capacity of u Gumbottu. who
boasted of being able to "orgain/.o the
victory , " will scarcely bosullioiont foi
this purpose. The Germans may at
present console themselves with the
knowledge that euch a hero does not
exist as yet in Franco , and the French
would certainly commit a great blun-
dorif they fancied that they possessed
in the now completed fortification ! ) of
Paris a guarantee against IJio possi
bility of ever again seeing their capital
conquered , In a future war , Franco
will , of course , tuko good care to con
centrate her military force in good
time , nnd the headquarters of Amiens ,
Rouen , Lo Mans , and Orleans alone
will bo able to mobilize moro than
100,000 men of Una troops and 200 , .
men of territorial army , and to send
them to thu east frontier. In order
to advance into thu heart of Franco ,
it will therefore not only bo necessary
to defeat those largo armies , but also
to open n way through the etroin ; for
tifications by which the whole eastern
frontier has boon strengthened.
Hosidos the fortifications of Langros
and Uosancon , La Fere and Rheims ,
Toul and Verdun , bosidesthoso which
Iwvtt boon erected near Navy for the
protection ot the Moselle , and these
of the northeastern frontier for the
protection of the Mouae , strong works
have also been erected hear Dijon and
Lyons. All thcso fortifications have
become important facts to reckon.
The author or the article , in acknowl
edging the great value of those fortifi-
tions , willngly expressed his admira
tion that France , which was so deeply
depressed in 1871 , is now enabled to
send an army of more than a million
men into the field , and that she hai
completed such great works for her
defense. These results have only
been gained by the patriotism of the
whole French nation , for all parties
in France , though they nro struggling
bittotly iifcuinst each other infill
homo questions , are perfectly muled
in all mutters which concern foioign
affairs. The author concludes his
article with the earnest request that
his countrymen should imitate the example -
ample of the French and show the
same patriotism.
Monopolies in Politics-
> 'cw York Graphic.
An important section of the demo
cratic party in this state ( Tummann
and Irving Hulls ) 1ms declared iy
favor of the people in the coming
fight against the encroachments Of
corporate monopolies , and it now re
mains to bo Rcenyhnt the committee
of ono hundred will do. It is under
stood that a majority of the icadmg
spirits in that organization with rail
roads is well known , .TS is that of
Messrs. Cooper , Hewitt it Co. Cor
poration Counsel Whitney is u son-in-
law of Mr. Payne , of Standard Oil
Company notoriety. Thu monopoly
democratic ex-Senators llogan , Scc-
bacher and Ecclesinu have all flutter
ed down on that side of the fence ,
and yet wo venture the assertion that
nine-tenths of the rani ; and file
of this faction are anti-monopolists at
heart , and it remains to bo seen
whether they will consent lobe led bv
these false prophets. The republi
cans , too , would do well to not forget
this important issue. A careful selec
tion of candidates who nro free from
corporate affiliations will this year ob
tain many independent votes , and the
party cannot again nfford to send an
other monopoly senate to Albany.
When democrats reproach 'the repub
lican party for refusing to pass meas
ures recommended by the republican
Hepburn cdinmitteo couaorvativd
measures in the interest of ttio whole
people , to which the party by its plat
form and Governor Cornell's utter
ances was plainly pledged it is thrio
that it did something to break the
veto power which Mr. Vundcrbilt lias
hold upon legislation at Albany. The
republicans of this state can better
afford to got along without the fio'rv-
ices of Dcpow and Arandorbilt's money
than with them.
Soooutl Edition of Job.
Mrs Omli'ii , N. lMvi ion street Imffalo ,
nays ; " 1 cannot bo too thankful that 1
wan induced to try your Si' 15r.os.soM.
I was nt one time afraid I should nuver bo
ublu to jjot out uain. I seemed to bo a
second edition oflob without Ilia | > a-
tience ; my faeo nnil body woru one vast
collection of boils and pimples ; mucc tak
ing olio bottle of your Spring Dlosiom f
mil quito cuied , all eruptions liavo ( Imp-
nuari'd , nnd 1 feel better than I have in a
longtime. " Price CO cents , trial Imttles
10 UClltH.
Dr. King's ! Now Discovery for Con-
Biunpaon is certainly the greatest
medical remedy over placed within the
reach of Buffering humanity. Thou
sands of once helpless sufferers , now
litudly pr cluimHhoir praise for this
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only docs it posi-
ttively cure Consumption , but Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , liay
Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of
the Throat Chest und Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. AVe do not ask you
to buy a largo bottle unless you know
what you use getting. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to call on your
druggists. LSI i & MoMAiioK , nnd got a
trial uottlo frco of cost which will con
vince the most skeptical of its wonder
ful merits , and show you what a regu
lar ono dollar size bottle will do. For
sale by Ish & McMuhon. M )
State of Ntttiraako , POUR IM County 68 :
At n County Court , held ht the County Court
Itooni. In nnd for Bald County , August 20th ,
A. P. 11U1. 1'robcnt , IlOWAltl ) U. fcMITH ,
County J nd jo.
In thu matter or the cstatu of James K. Isli , do-
ccnaod : )
On roadlnir and filing the petition of Martha
M. Ish , prajtii ) ; that administration of Bald esUito
limy lie grunted to her us ndmlnltitmtlx :
Ordered , 1 hat September IDtli , A. I ) .
10 o'clmk n , ina iisshnicd for hearing said peti
tion , whinnll pcnoiii Interested In unld nutter
may nppcar nt n County Court to ho held , In nnd
for slid County , nnd show rnu o why the prajcr
of petitioner blioiilil not lie granted , nnd that no-
tlfo of ixmdoncy of said petition ami the licarlnic
thereof , ha tclon to nil porsuns Inturcttcd In mid
matter , hy publishing n copy of thiaorderln Tim
OMAHA \ \ KKKLY HKR , a nvutrnpcr printed In nald
County , for tlirvo succvH loMxikn , prior to eald
thy of hoarlng. IlOWAltl ) II. SMITH ,
au2l ; it County
Proposals for Lnylog Sewer Pipe and Doing
the Nccfitary Grading and Other
Work for the Same.
Ortica Or CITY CLKHK , )
OMAIU , Xon. , Sept- , 1631. f
Seil d proposaliwlll bo rccchod at the olllco
of the uiidunilirnod IIP to * ' - ' " ot Tuesday , Sep
tember lUth , 16S1 , for thu laying of plpv , dolnj ;
of all iiacoinury itradlnir , ( .boring and other ork
romieitt'd with thu name , UH per tpoilllcatlon In
the City JCiiKlnecr' * Olll , In part or for thu entire -
tire work ; blda to t.pcclf ) rutts for work on nut-
nrato linen , nn follow a :
l-njlnjfcf pliK'u\cuatlLTinJ ! ] rcifilllii oH.fflO
feet , more or less , fewir line on Alloy , betufcn
HoiUu unil Douglas Htructs , from Tucntklli
ktreet cust to main ttuuur.
to } Ing of plpo , uxi-uratlni : nnd refllllni ; 1,000
feet , more or le < , o [ ( MnchHnutirllnoonalluy.bu-
tui'c'ti Dou l.ui und rariihani ttruitt , from Nine
teenth Htrcct east to Jmutlonof main newer.
Injlnirof 4COOfc < 'tmoruor Icu otO-lm-lmeucr
pipe , \\lth iifcoimry e.uiuntlonaml refllllmr , on
ulloy bitwocn riirnluun nnd llnrnuy ttroct froin
Seventeenth struct lust to innln line uf sciver
LnjInjruCJ.MOfei'tofU Inchlplpumnruo lOMiuul
nevi'wnry OMa\nllon and relllllnj' , on thu alley
bUwcenHarnoy and Howard etretta. from Kiv-
unteoith : Mrcet inst tci souer line. Also lu Int
el 1,700 feet , more or lesu , uf 15 nuu 10 Inui
mains , as per plans nnd nct.HH-atlonn , from n
point near the foot of Dodt'o to the rl\er.
All bids to Loaeeomuanlfd by bomb In the
sum of the thausaul tiollam , an surety for the
faithful .performance of the work herein adm-
tlnctl , It awarded.
The rl ht to reject any or all bliU U hereby re-
loncd. J. J , L. JKWETT ,
lot City Clerk.
Cambridge , Neb ,
1,000,000 Acrc ( Torcrnment land open to Home-
lead * . 1'ro cinptlonn and limber clalnu. 200
choleu linprnt til claim * for ule or uxthaniro. 00
of the beut deeded farmi In Houthwcstern Nebras
ka M 1th timber and \v ater for valu. A few choice
itock luiicho * with fonnxl Heidi , timber , hay and
water , for ulo , cheap. Corrvupoudcncu bolUitod ,
marSO-tfH.- " .
310 South Thirteenth Street , with
J. M.Woolworth ,
Great German
or me
All other Fains
No Preparation on cirili v\v > \ St. JAcnm OIL ai
a Birr , MJHC , jmrn : ana CIICAT IMernal I ! n.cdj- .
A trlil suliili but tlio CDinfnratlrtly trilling ootliy of
SO Cc is , orjj crery ono Buttering with | aln on hne
chetptudrioiitlvt r roof of it claims.
Jtitltlinni'f , nitl , , V.B.A.
Though Slmlcon in Every Joint
Aiul fiber with fevc- Mid ngue , or bilious rcinltt
tent , the sj stem may yet be f rcul from tno ma-
liiiiaiitlriH \vlth IfO'itcttcr's Stomath littters.
Protect the ej stem ngaimt It nlth this b'encll-
cent antlsjnsinoilielilih Is lurtlicrmorca su-
prcmo remedy for Ih cr complaint , constipation ,
dyspepsia , debility , rheumatism , kidney trou
bles ami other ailments.
jtaTTorsaloby all Druggists anil Dealers generally -
Established 11 Years ,
Assets ncprcsentcd
l Acthc- Fire and Lite nyenti
wanted. C. T. TAYLOH K C'0.
ttth & Doughs St.
My IIOUSQ and furniture is insured with
0. T. TAYLOR & CO. ,
f/'or 14th nnd Douplas ,
Oculist and Aurist ,
Itcforcncea fill Itqnitablo I'liyslelans of Dinah. .
ffiTOITIcc , Corner IGth nnd Fnrnham Sts. ,
Omaha , Neb. _ nu2fimctl
To Contractors , Builders ami
Property Owuoro.
The umlorslxnoil brulnf-bcen unpointed agent
for the o\tuiibl\u Iron niulnlra manufacturing
houses of K. T. ll.maim , of Detroit , ami the
lliwcl Iron Foundry and Works nt Toledo ,
Ohio , capacity of M tons dally , Is prepared to
fiirnlth vbtlnmtvt nnd prlroH for Iron columns ,
& < . ' , , &c. , for Btoru frontu , window i | > a nnd uillx ,
threshold i > hti8 , wrought Iron bcnnm and irlrd-
urn , hjdraullo delators , etaplu tlttlnn'8pull | ) ,
Blmftlnif , &c , ; nlio Iron fences , cic tliiKi I"1
ilow guards , uhuttcra , stairs , bnlconltu , btttccs ,
chalinoaoa , ft'.iiuarlum ' * , fountains , bummer
houses , lawn , garden nnd cemetery ornaments ,
lloucrbtands , irra\o guards , < Lc , , ic. , hi cndlesa
\arlety. Catalogues Mumllod on application ,
Manufacturers' A ent , 22 1'c.ul utrcct.
au.10-lin mo _ Council lilulta. lom *
MrasfciLaiiu Agency
I60G Farnham 8t . Omaha. Nebratka
Caroailly selected litid In Eastern Nebraska for
nnlc. Great lUrgalns In impro\cd farms , nnd
Ornnh * city property.
Late land Coiu'r U. I' . ' * _ U'-td'lf
FjiBtrsr SaLi.i.fQ HOOKS op TIIH Aoi I
Foundations of Success
The tawa of trade , legal forms , how to tronl-
act butlncdJ , Nalualila Ublca , social etlijui'ttu
lurllamrnttry usage , how to conduit public bull-
ft Guide to Buccew for
IIOM ; In fact Is a complete
all coats. A family nccoulty. Addrew for cir
cular ! , and pcclal tom ANUHOU I'UllLlSUhNa
CO. . jt Lpuli. Mo. _
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly of OUh Si Jamba , )
No HIT Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob OU.
* rOrJcr8 by Telegraph Solicit * ! ap''Mv
Mrs. .1. 0 lioUrtmn I'ltt-ibur I'a. "
. . . , , ? , . , writes : "J
wai mUTtrlnc * Irnnt gcucrnl dcMlltv..ilit of np-
petite , conitipntlon , rto. , r-n tliatllfo ui n burden -
don ; nftLMttintf llimloiK filood Hitters 1 Iwt-
ttr tlnn for j cars. I cannot pratso jour Kltturj
too iniuli. "
It. Oilili' . of Hnffalo , X Y.rltcs ! "Your
Iliirdork Itlooil Hitters , In ihronlu ilisciiiciiot thu
blood , llxer nnd klilncvn , Imio been rlKQallr
marked with sucioss. Inato uteil them inyscif
with bc t results , for torpidity ot tholhcr , undln
cnsc ot a friend of nilno mHorlng from dropsy ,
the clTcct wru marclouo. . " .
Ilnica Turner , Rochester , JJ. Y. , | rltcs"t ! ln\o
been subject to ncrloua dlnorder ot the kldncjit.
nnd unable to attend to business ; Ilitrdovk Illood
lilttcri rcllcxcil lnolictorahtlfnl)0tt1o\t.i < iucdl
I feel confident thut they \\lll tnthely turn me , "
T. < A cntth Hall , Ttlnghainpton , N. Y. , writes :
" 1 sullcrcd ltd n dull piln through my 'elt '
lung and shoulder. I.nst my uplilts , nppetlta
and color , and could nlth dllhciilty keep up til
ihy. Tool : jour llurdock Illood Hitters ai dl-
letted , nnd ha\e fo'.t no pain shuo flr&t ecK al
ter using them. "
Mr. Noili Batc , lilmlrn , N" . Y. , writes : "Al > out
four i enri ngo I had nn atUck of bilious locr , and
never fully rccoMrcd. .My digestive organi
were weakened , nnd I would be completely pros
trated for daje. Alter using two bottles of your
Burdock Illood Hitters the Improvement ua sol
\l lblo that 1 ainstonl < hcd , I can now , thoiu-h
Cl jcnrs of njo , don fair nnd reasonable dav'9
work. "
C. Hlatkct Hoblnson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Out. , writes : 'Tor.veaH
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
mod jour tlnrdock Illood Hitters with happiest
rt'iultD , and I now llnd lujstll In better health
than for j ears past. "
Mrs. Wallace. ItufTalo , N. Y. , writes : ' 'Ihavo
wed llurdock Ulood Hitters for nen ous nnd bll-
lions hendachcs , nnd can rceommcnd It tonnyone
euro for bllliousncsa. "
Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For nevcrnl J ears 1 hn\e stiffcrtd from oft-recur
ring billions hcadaihes , d > $ .pcp.sin , and com
plaints peculiar to lu ) bo.\ . Since living \onr
Burdock ItloodOlUcn I am entirely rcllc > cd. "
Price , SI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , IILBURN. . & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by U h &JIeMahon nnd C. F.
Goodman. je 27 eoJ-mo
1422 Doujrlas St. , Neai15fcb. .
Before removing to
their new
Will sell their stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
State of Nebraska , Uouglai County , t :
At a County Court , Jifld nt the County Court
Room , In nnd for said County , August 1st , A.
D. Ibtfl. Present , HOWA11U . SMITH ,
County Judge.
In the matter of the estate of Joseph II , ? tcl-
ton , deceased ;
On reading and filing the jctltion of Martha
S. Nelson , praying tliat thu Instrument , pur
porting to bo a duly authenticated copy of the
lofct 111 nnd tobtnment of tald deceased , nnd of
the probate thereof , by the Circuit Court of
Fountain County , State of Indiana , nnd this day
filed In thl * Court , may bo allowed and recorded ,
an the list will nnd tcetamciit of tald Joisph 11.
Kelson , deceased , In and for the titatu of v
Ordered , mt Aligust 2Tth , A. P. 1R81 , ft 10
o'cloik a. in , , Unsigned for hearing > ald petition ,
when all peroonii Interested In uld nutter nuty
apm-arat aCounty Court to be held , In nnd for
said County , and thow cause whj the prajcr of
pvlltionerkhould not l-o grant ( < d ; ami Hut notice
ot the pendency of tald petition and the hearing
thereof , bo glxen to all persons Intermtcd In aid
matUr , bv publUhlng ft copy of till * orderltiTim
OUAIU WKBM.V 1UB , a iicwiiiapcr printed In * a Id
County , for tlirco auaessUo wicks , prior to will
l'Atriir45' ' : ] HOWA DI..8Mmi . ,
nuglO-\\3t _ County
Dexter L.Thomas ,
EA il Jli
Wo desire to call the special attention of the trade to our
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , & open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. JL
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
jy 18-me
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnhain St. , Omaha , Neb.
Consignments nmdo MS 111 recoh o prompt attention. References : State Bank , Omaha ; 1'latt
& Co. , Ualtllnorej 1'cck t IJanslicr , Chicago ; 11. Work & Co. , Cincinnati.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the wont.
IE1. O. HVioRGr-.AJSr. : :
t * i i
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
GunSjAmmunitionjSporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
The largest Stock and MostOom-
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
N' .
. n
3HS a
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Dealer in Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
Stove Repairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer
ox * AEVC : OECXZiirxas ox *
Tenth and Jackso" * * * * - Omaha , Neb