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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1881)
OMAHA ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNINGSEPTEMBER 13 , 1881 , NX ) . 70 PRESIDENT CARFIELD. Reports From Franoklyn Cot tage are More Favor able , Its Suffering Inmate Sloops Well and Eats a Hearty Broo.kf.ast , Which Consisted of Turtle Soup , Milk Porridjje , Toast and Tea. Ho Enjoys a Visit Prom and a Pleasant Confab with Postmaster James. The Parotid Swelling Report ed to be Almost "En tirely Cured. Hia Pnlso IIOHS Froqnont'Hnd Tom- .pcraituro and Respiration More Normal- National AseocUted Press. LONO BBANCH , September 12. Dr. Agnew , immediately after the morn ing dressing , spoke freely and cheer fully about the president's condition , this morning , regarding it as favor able. Ho said : "The president is much better this morning than ho was last night. Ho has slept better than for some time , and rested very well indeed. Thu affection of the lung is less troublesome than it has boon since ho'was in Washington. His temper ature has fallen , as has also his pulse and respiration , and the condition is .much improved. " Attorney General MacYoagh was cheerful , and spoke strongly. He said : "I have seen Dr. Agnew and Dr. Bliss , and both tell mo that the president passed the night in comfort , and sound and HEALTHY SLKE1' . Ho awakened less frequently , and when ho did awaken seemed refreshed and stronger. At no time did ho re main awaku longer than was neces sary for him to take refreshments. His condition this morning is better than it was yef.torday , and better than on Saturday. This every way im proved ; ho is bright and cheerful , and has an appetite , and ate a good break fast. I am assured that the long af fection is much better less serious and gradually passing away. From what attending surgeons tell me I believe we are warranted in , / taking a morp cheerful and hopeful view of ttio"case. " - - f COL. JIOCKWELL watched with the president the first part of the night and says to-day the president is a great deal butter and slept soundly , awakening as unfre- ' /quent intervals. The lung trouble / has been misunderstood , and is not as ecrious as represented , but temporary \und passim ; away better now than when patient was removed from Washington. This trouble is purely local and not spreading nor necessari ly serious. No Indication that lung trouble aiiscs from pus cavity or from blood poisoning but may bo duo to bad condition of the blood , but not pyamia. Ho suffers no pain.from it , and coughed less last night. Ho has passed safely over yesterday's depres sion. General Swann , who succeeded Col. llockwell at the bedside , says sub I stantially the same as Col. Rockwell , and that the president took nourish ment and relished it ; that yustcroay's depression was merely ono of ex pected developments. The case is bettor now than before it. This f * morning ho is bright , cheerful and alert and hungry. The breakfast con sisted of turtlu soup , porridgu , milk , toast and tea. Thu bulletin this morn M ing produced tl s ; A GOOD JMrilESHION tltl tlti on the public and renewed hopes. ti Early this morning it was very dark tiE and gloomy , but towards 9 a. m. the ! > ' sun came out and the day h now tv bright and pleasant. Ex-Collector tvOl Murphy , in behalf of Gen. Grant and st himself , was ono of the first visitors at to Secretary Brown's oflico this morning. I" Dr. Bliss nays : "Tho president is , . much hotter and f. to-day , stronger , f * Hja pulse was 100 at noon , tempuia- sn turo normal for him , and respiration CO down again to 18 , The lung trouble fill is undo ? control. It is not an abscess 08D D scess ; it is nothing more than local globular inflaiiiation , nnd lias passc.d in hi : the worst , It culminated laijfc night inmi and then came to a head , and is now mite not troublesomp , and improving. It tomi gives thu president no pain and it is miA ] rather a source of discomfort nor anxiety. towi wi HKTOHK nniiAKrAST in the president easily removed from his joi throat , by raising a hacking cough , to familiar to persons suffering toV from a loosening cold , the asl purulent mucus matter which had aslNi accumulated during the night. This pa phloquum was accumulated readily de without nausea , and thrown off with foi out strain or annoyance. His ability CO ] to do this is attributed entirely to an Hi increase in strength , and his mastery lik of this trouble , especially in u tin acmi-roclining position , is most coi remarked phlequem. It is also present all smaller quitntites than for m some vai yiimo past , and only troubles him at wli , /intorvals of two or three hours during alii -f wllHul"noun ) > Last from 1015 ; ! ( Uli until SI o'clock thla morning , ho La neither coughed nor spit. by LONG BUANOH , September 12. Co Postmaster General Jaines , according Vftl : to appointment , called on the presi ( lit dent at ! > :4G : , The president was UIK awnko and alert lie recognized sin the postmaster general the moment res lie entered and said in a good , round gee voice ; ilu i "How are you , Mr. James ? " fou "Very well , I thank you , " replied grc the cabinet ollicor , "and I am very ros glnd to scu you looking ao well , Mr. President. " The president smiled with an ex pression of great satisfaction. Mr. James then approached the bedside. The president easily raised his arm clean from the bed , and shook hands with a long and hearty grasp , which James describes as warm And aston ishingly strong. So steady and pow erful was the president' * grip tlmt Postmaster James Bays ho was amazed , The President "Tako a chair and sit down hero. I wish to talk with you. " Gen. James "Oh , no , Mr. Presi dent , thank you ; I would prefer to stand , and as I cannot really remain any length of timo. I will not sit down as I fear I should find myself yielding to thu temptation io remain beyond my K train time , which is at hand. " The President "Well Mr. , . Post master General , how have the affairs in your department , been Eoing on ? ' " Postmaster Gunorul "Very well indeed. The attorney general and myself have established a regular sys tem of civil service which is doing well , and everything is moving along smoothly. Wo have mado' no ap- pointmontti or removals. " ' "Tis well " said , the president , smiling with pleasure ; " and how much have you saved the country ? " Postmaster General "Thus far there has been savo'd iu the postal depart ment about $1,500,000 , and the sys tem and economy through which this has been accomplished is established now. " President "Is it on n permanent basin , and will saving go on ) " und the president elevated his eyes and look ed the cabinet official full in the face. Postmaster-General " Yea , Mr. President , the system is established. It will last and will continue to oper ate in the future as well as thus far. " ' I am very glad to hear you say so. It is well , indeed , Mr James , " and then withdrew. Ho had been re quested by the surgeons to refrain from allowing conversation with the president to turn much on the depart ment talk , and not allow it to go HO far as to unduly excite the president's mind. SKCUETARV WIN POM stamps the report published this morning - i ing concerning the funding of § 201 , 1 000,000 worth of United States bonds , i is false and without foundation. The cabinet members ' and wives | ] leave Now York on a special trainat , 10:30 : to-morrow morning for the Mountain House , White Mountains , I < by way of Springfield , Mass. , and the I i Connecticut river. Postmaster Gen eral James has already loft hero. Sec retaries Lincoln , Hunt and Windom ECO to Npw Yoik this evening. Mac- Veagh and Blaine remain hero over night , and will go or stay , according to the condition of the prcwji , , , . The JAUer Is now- resting , nd evury- : hing is favorable. ; OFFCIAL IJULLET1N-G 1" . SI. The president has experienced since ; ho issue of the morning bulletin a 'urther amelioration of the symptoms. So has been able to take an ample imount of food without discomfort ind has had several refreshing naps. U the noon examination the tomper- ituro was 09 5-10 , pulse IOC , respira- ion 20. At 5:30 : the tempera turo vas 08 C-10 , pulse 100 , respor.ition 18. Signed ) D. W. BLISS , D. II. An.NEW. ' v I'l 1 > H. AONKW amo out of Franklyn Cottage imme- lintcly after Uio issuance of the oven- ng bulletins , and his demeanor was nusually cheerful. Ho said : "Tho resident's condition ia very much lore favor.iblc. I can soy no more urn that , no matter how much I may ilk. " Dr. Agnew has informed Dr. thss that the president's condition is Lich that he deems it un- cccssnry to remain with the atient until the return of Dr. fiunilton to-morrow ovcjiing. Ho lid ho felt justified in going to PJiil- Jelphia on the first train Tuesday lorning , and did not think it neces- iry to even delay his departure until 10 morning dressing. Ho would , lerofore , go away on the very earliest ain , as Dr. Hamilton will not reach nl Iboron until to-morrow evening the resident will bo practically left over rnlvu hours under the care of but 10 attending physician. Tins is a fo riking feature Of the president's case tc "day , and ib i.s admitted that thence til , nco the president was shot that his million has been such as to warrant ch a peculiar departure from the tublishcd custom. The fuel that r Agncw haa concluded to go , and 11 avowed tha above reason for dog - g HO , at the present time , is com- fntod on as specially significant. At- rnoy General MacVoagh is the only ember of the cabinet hero to-light. 11 the others have gone : Now York , Mr. lllaoVuugh 11 , if no unfavorable change the president's condition , probably in the cabinet party in Now York morrow and go with them to the hito mountains , Dr. Bliss wan rv ked to-night by a reporter of the itional Associated Press if the do- 101 , rturo of cabinet officials had been cided upon as the result of any rv nml conference the fro on president s iiclition with the attending surgeons , Ph 3 replied , slowly : "No , I wouldn't tre 0 to state it just that way , because ] 3y were /satisfied / that the president's 101 riv nditioii at present was such as to ow them to go away for a brief 1 cation , They feel assured from rivi iot they know of the actual stuto of bin ii ira that the prospect was favorable. ] jiifjli to justify a brief absonco. Fa st night and Sta to-day are admitted Dra , Agnew , Bliss and Boynton , 1. lluckwoll , ( Jon. Sivaim , and Pii- o Secretary Brown to have been Nat ! ) best period of rest , refreshment 1 actual gain the president hat had Tin cp July 2d. To-night ho is nuv ting quietly and the Bur An ma say ho is perceptibly improving ; liiu enjoys occasional naps and pro- sav ind sleep. His sleep , of late , has wrc ally changed in character , The Am und wakefulnesa winch ing until his removal , and for two or three days after that marred hia sloop , has entirely disappeared , and when ho closes his eyes now ho falls into a deep 'ranquil sleep. THE rAUOTItl 8WELLINO has almost entirely disappeared , with all it * attending symptoms. Hardly any perceptible pus now comes from that affection. All the incisions but the latest made have actually healed , and the lost has so far healed that it will bo closed up naturally. The attending physicians believe that by Wednesday morning every trace of the parotid trouble will have en tirely disappeared. The wound is healing now with very perceptible rapiditygmnulation being strong and healthy. From the point of the entry of the bullet to its present location is a distance of about nineteen inches. The last incision made in tercepted the channel made by the ball at a point six inches from the mouth of the wound. The most reliable nnd pliable catheter in thu possession of the surgeons was this afternoon carefully inserted and used for the purpose of definitely as certaining if the ball was fully encys ted. Examination was VltOTlUOIBD AND TUOHOUUK. Dr. Bliss told n reporter that E at this examination the cath eter could not bo inserted beyond nine inches , at which distance it met a solid obstruction of completed gran- ilation. That is , the wound is to-night healed up solidly for three and one- half inches from the furthest point the catholor cosily reached some time ago. The solid growth from the ball outward is three and one-half inches. Thcro is ono and one-half inches in the healing process in the path of the bullet wound since Saturday morning , a remarkable gain and the greatest made in the entire illness of the pres ident , and ono indication ot the recent progress made by the patient. The channel of the wound for the entire distance of the nine inches is still open , ia OKANULATINQ HEALTHFULLY , nnd is perfectly lubricated by a natu ral flow of pus in the proper quan tity. The rib tnat was shattered by the bullet has boon carefully watched. I'he shattered bono could bo plainly seen und studied as long as it re mained bare , through the last incis ion. To-day's examination showed that the other rib at that point is now covered by a icalthyand solid granulation , rf full half an inch in depth. The jxact quantity of stimulants adminis- .cred to tlo ( president , after PERSISTENT INQUIUY , ias been admitted by Dr. Bliss to reporter. Every four hour.s the prcsi- lent is given , by a auppority process , vhat is equivalent to two grains of niinino. Up to this reading there ma boon given him in tlio fbm o ? jrandy punch , made with milk , throe oaspoonfulls of the oldest ind finest brandy obtainable. Svcry three hours hereafter the lame quantity in the same form will jo given every few hours. This form if stimulant is relished greatly by the ircaident and haa a good effect upon lim. Dr. Bliss to-night gave the fol- owing as the latest explanation of the LUNO AFFECTION ; "The mucupulont matter which the ( resident has been lately ejecting ras duo to bronchial affection entirely , 'hat affection advanced downward intil it got below the pharynx , and the undent matter was raised thence , fo pus of any kind has been is- ued since at all. In these expect ations the president has thrown If with the mucupulunco some us , but only what got ito the mouth from the parotid ; II else was not pus. If there wns a us cavity on thu lungs or an abscess hat would como from io would cor- linly bo pus. It could bo noth- ig else ; but no pus has como p from that direction. When o loft Washington wo came prepared ) treat the lung affection for what- ror it should prove to bo. " KEl'OUT TO LOWKLL. The following was cabled at 10 p. m. : DWELL , Minister , London : In thu woiico of Mr. Blaine , thu attending lysiciuns have requested mo to in- rm you of the president's condition , o has during the day eaten sufllciont od with relish , and enjoyed , at in- rvals , restingsleoj ) . His wound nnd o inciuions mudo by the surgeons all ok hotter. The parotid gland him ascd suppuration and may be consid- ed us substantially well. Ho has en hibitcd more- than hh IMUII ! cheer- enT hies.-i of spirits. His temperature T d respiration are now normal , I'.nd fif 3 pulse is less frequent and firmer fiffi in at the same Innu lust evening , withstanding those favorable syni | > - us , the condition of thu lower part thu light-hint'will continue to bo be i in roe of anxiety for BOIIIU dayu to pc no. ( Signed ) MACfViAaii. : th th Oceau Wows- lonr.I Aewxlito J I'rcss. YOIIK , September J2. Ar- tit ed : Callin , from Liverpool , tai \NTWKur , September 12. Arrived : h , Belgian and Now York. is [ jivKitrooL , September 12. Ar- isan ed : City of Montroaljand ttriltanic , in New York ; Lord Gough , from str iladolphia and Mahan from , Mon- an al.IAVIIK tie IAVIIK , September 12. Sailed : h , St. Laurent , for Now York. Ar- oil : Franco , from Now York. coi dui 'LVMOUTH , September 12. Arid - Tu id ' : : Cambria , Now York for Ham- TuI I & CONDON , September 12. Arrived : me mco , from Now Yoik Sailed ; 8V1 to of Georgia , for Now York. I tin , . th : Au Ocouii Brawl. 0111 ! onal Aiwoclatuil I'rcw. tit ! ! AN FjtANCifcUo , September 12 , mi i Gaelic , from liong Kong , brings ati ra of a sevcru galu at Shanghai. tlu niu S. Hull , American , Barken- am ) , iu a total wreck ; thu crow wuru tlu ed. The Abcrdoniaii was also as ickod. Eight of thu crow of thu Imi lorica wuro picked up by Fish- J Junk. fro AN APPEAL FOR AID. A Committee of Port Huron Citizens Visit the Burnt District of Michigan , Their Report of the Distress Prevalent , With an Ap peal for Kolief. National POUT HUUON , Mich. , September 12. To Itlio Amorioan pcoplo : AVe all have to-night returned from the buntf district of Huron and Sanilac coun ties ; wo havu seen the burnt , disfig ured and writhing bodies of niPil , women and children. Rough board colliiiSgContaining the dead , followed to the gnivo by a few blinded , despairing relatives ; crowds of hult-starvud people at some sta tions , asking broad for their families and neighbors. Wo heard of more than 200 victims already buried and more charred and bloated bodies daily discovered. Already morothan 1,600 families arc found to bo utterly destitute and houseless. They huddle in bams , in school houses and _ their neighbors' houses , scorched , blinded , hopeless. Some still wander half crazed around the ruins of their habitations , vainly seeking their lost home in speechless agony , and wring ing their hands and refuse to bo com forted , Moro than ten thousand people ple , who , only ono week ago occupied happy comfortable homos , ere to-day houseless , homeless sufferers. They arc hungry and almost naked when found , and are in such great numbers and so widely scattered that our best efforts and greatest resources fail to supply their immediate wants. With out speedy aid many will pariah and many will suffer and become exiles. Our pcoplo will do their utmost for their relief , but all our resources would fail to moot their necessities. Wo appeal to the charity and gener osity of the American people. Send help without delay. ( Signed ) , E. 0. Carleton , mayor of Port' ' Huron and chairman of the relief com mittee ; Wm. Hartsull , John Sanborn , Olios. A. Ward , Omar D. Conner , Ohas. B. Peck ; Peter B. Sanborn , of ; the abovo. Gen. Hartsuff is postmas ter at Port Huron , Ward and Peter B. Snnford arc merchant" , Conger it * United States senator. The "Work ot Satan- National Associated Frees. Poi'DLAit BLUFFS , Mo. , September 12. The news is brought here of two- fearful .murders in Stoddard county. Amassy Spyder was killed by John Harper , jfifive miles north-e"as't\jjir ! at a horse race and was concerning a woman in the neighborhood. The other occurred at Es sex last night. A crowd of men had been to Bloomficld as witnesses before the grand jury , in which was a man by the name of Bar ker and ono named McKinnoy. Bar ker remarked that a certain man in the neighborhood was trying to have everybody indicted , when McKinney ; avu him the lie and rushed on him rt'ilh a knife , without warning , and itruck Barker in the heart , killing liiu instantly. McKinncy made his jscapo. THE DEVIL OF DEVILS- 3altnnn lii His Coll-Ho Bonds His Knees in Supplication and Prayer. National Associated I'rcso. WANHIKOTON' , September 12. Gui- can passed a sleepless night and was eon by the truards to pray at infer- uls and this morning was ina wrolclicd omlition. Ho was not removed to , nether cell during the night , although hat was decided on lost evening. An rdor to that effect was issued , but f forwards countermanded. Ho was Bsured that the shooting was purely ccidental. Sergeant Mason , who red the shot , still remains in the uard house at the arsenal. Ho will oprosecutod by the civil authorities > r assault , after which ho will bo assed through the hands of court lartial. Old World Notes. itional Assodatix ! Press. LONDON , September 12. A terrible Ramify was caused byj ; land-slide at 1m , Canton Glarns , Switzerland , wo hundred persons were killedand 'ty houses demolished. Elm in a iriah villlage , having u population of ,000 , nnd celebrated for ita Sulphur Very elaborate precautions have ion taken for tho. uroMurv.ition of ace in Limerick , it is rumnrud , for u coining races before forbid'Jun by c proclaiming district under coer- Jn , . Constant earthquake shocks con- mo at Ilhoi , Poraia. The inhabi- nts arn in 11 state of pitiful terror. Thu Vienna chamber of commerce agitatiw io duty on foreign cotton d woolen goods , The English gunboat Berlin , which uok the rocks on the Irish coast , Na ived at Gahvay in n sinking condi- n , 1'lip insurgent Arabs of Africa have II npollcd all the inhabitants of Dye- yc th rida and Tufourba villages , near ins , to flco from their homos. heM SALUUTTA , September 12. At n fir icting of a committee of tno tea di idicato a report wai made , stating it n beginning had boon made in J shipment of tea to America ami it promised contributions would blu the syndicate to atoadily con- Tr mo operations ; that it was dotur- .1. lied to follow up the oper- . .1..Iu ona of the ayndk-alo , and tlmt Oc ) ngonts in thu United States il Cunadu would nparo no efforts In ) attempt to establish n tradu there aticccssfiil as Auatralia'a lulvonturo I proven to bo , UI1 I'.UUH , Soptumber 12 , A dispatch pr m Tunis announced tlmt Premier do Murtah has offered his resignation on the ground of ill health. Haiti foil on Saturday , showing that the hot season is ended , and it is therefore ex pected that the French will aoon begin operations in the inte rior. Troops inarching on Kaironan will bo supplied with provisions from Susa. where the commissariat is or dered to collect provisions for twenty thousand men within a fortnight. A small detachment of troops are taking up a position around Tunis. It is ox- peeled they will simultaneously oc cupy the forts at the suvural city gales. UAI.ITTA , September 12. A very large numbur of Arabs are collecting on thu road to Kariuimn , LO.NIION , September 12. Advices from India statu thu ameer , with hia army , camped on Saturday about uight miles southeast of Candaharand firing was hoard in thu direction of Camla- har up to noon of that day , and from daylight up toI o'clock Sunday aftur- noon. Access to Candahar is closed and no further particulars are obtain able. able.In In thu Chinnury sculling races to day , the Secor match was won by Iloyd , with Lurgan second and How- dor third. The Treasury Cnttlo Commission National Auociatnl 1'rcws. GmuAao , 111. , September 12. The Treasury Cattlu Commission now in vestigating pleuro-pnoumoma in thu west , has submitted a series ot resolu tions to Gov. Cullom , setting forth that , is from ono to two hundred calx03 are daily received in Chicago from infected districts in thu Eastern .states , atops should bo taken to pro hibit the sale and distribution of these calves in Illinois and other western states now free from all traces of thu disease. The communication also sots forth that the calves come from Now York , Pennsylvania , Now Jersey , Maryland , Virginia , in each of which pleuro-piioumonia is known to exist , and from this point the possibly infected calves are scat tered over thin .state and Ohio , Indi ana , Iowa. Misscsota , Nebraska , Kan sas and Missouri. It is suggested to the governor that ho schedule the states known to contain diseased liordsj and prohibit the indiscriminate bringing of cattlu westward from these states. Prohibition need not be madu absolute , as provisions may bo madu for thu admission of cattlu from the schedule. Iinbor Troubles- National Associated Press NKW OninANS , LA. , Sept. 12. The funeral yesterday of James Hawkins , the negro striker , killed by a police man , was the largest known since the war. All thu labor organizations , white and black , turned out. Several brass bands played dirges in the lino. Every man in the line was armed , apprehending an attack , but none oc- * iuri'ed. The closo.imuy sf. HMQI-O a ( j3 , Irish laborers which this stnko has caused issomothingunprocedentedand marvelous. The mayor last night or dered the entire police forcu io report at daylight to day , in anticipation of trouble when thu wharves' are cleared , the strikero are still determined that to cotton shall bo taken from the presses and none stowed on ship- boar d. i There will doubtless bo a col lision between strikers and officers- during the day. Bad Fire at Filtsbnrg- National Associated Press. PiTTsnuiio , September 12. A de structive fire broke out about 12 o'clock this morning in Siomans & Anderson Steel Works , in the upper part of the city. Two furnaces and ono moltcrworo completely destroyed , nnd onu furnace was badly injured. The total loss is estimated at § 00,000. Owing to thu scarcity of water it was ivith great difficulty that thu rest of the building was saved. A large lumber of men are thrown out of vork by the disaster. Thu origin of ho lira is not positively known , but t is supposed to have started in onu if the furnaces. For Sporting Men. fatlonal Associated Press. NEW YOHK , September 12. The irot race to-day , threo-ijuartor milo , van won by Reform Billy , II. Morsu econd ; finio , 1:20. : Second race , milo and one-eighth , fas won by Gov. Hampton , Enrisk- llon second ; time , 2:00. : ; The third race , mile und one-half , , 'ris won by Bernardino , Ingoinartiec- nd ; time , 2:1-1 : , The fourth race , short ntcoplo chase , 'as ' won hy Eunice , Kitty Clark nee- nd ; time , 2:25. : ; ' HASH IIAI.L , atlotml Atsocutucl 1'rois. " NKW VOIIK , September 12. Chicaa os , 9 ; Metropolitan : ) , C. u Xn.rarv.o Tiy Cold Wanthor. An uditLil : I'rum. Four SUITJ/Y , September 12. Dur- the "norther" that ig prevailed hero .fit week n large number of cattlu ore frozen to death. Of a herd of X ) , twelve miles from hero , nearly )0 ) cattlu and 3 head of homes wuru st. Another struck us Saturday , hermomotor at 0 o'clock , 4-1. | > Doubly Fata ] Accident. ' " I'f CSS. Ala. , September 12. In urry county lust night Mr. S. F. untloy'fl daughter , Anna , agud four lira , accidentally knocked a lamp off f o table , which instantly enveloped ftli ir in flumes , Thu oldest sinter , COra in Iioln her also took ury , trying to , ra u , Both woru badly burned and 'J'l ed. or ' ly To bo Illl tlonal Associated Pros JoNHHMOHO , Go. , Soptoinbor 12. mi 'lotto , negro , who killed Col. JI. Mooru a year ago , was sontuncod by Na nlgo Willyor to-day to bo hanged NaAi itoboi-21 , Ai Theodora Coolt. CIlwl tlonal Associatul Prctu. til CINCINNATI , Soptoinbor 12. It is tilm nounced that Theodora Cook will ho th csiduntof the Southern railroad im- te r the Wolfl'c-Erlangor leasu , an WASHINGTON. A Solflior Makes an Unsuccessful - ful Attempt to Shoot In Oonacqxionco of Which the Latter Fools Uneasy. nnd "Wretched. 1,000 Rifles Have been Sent to Arizona by Request of the Governor. JudftonVhoolor , xrko WltnoRned the Assnsslnatlou of the Pres ident , MnkoH Afildnvit- National Auroclatnl Prc" . \VAHIUNITON , Soptcmber 12. No demand tins been made upon thu mil itary authorities forSurguant Mason , the soldier who .attempted last night to shoot Guitcau , nnd who is still con fined at the arsenal. 1HSTUIUT-ATTOU.VKV COKKHII.T. said this afternoon that ho had re ceived no oflicial knowledge ot the af fair , and did not intend to take any action until such information was given him. On the other hand , the war department elli cials say they havu nothing whatever to do with the matter , -jind if Col. Corkhill makes requisition for the man ho can got him without any opposition from the war department. The attempted shooting has of course been the talk of the city to-day , and naturally all sympathy in on the side of thu soldier. At thu White House some of thu employes regretted Ma son's failure , but the rust woru moru guardud in their expressions. This afternoon Guitoau was placed in anew now cell , tlu } location of which is a n profound secret. At thu timu he was fired at ho was lying down , and thu ball passed directly overhis shoul der Thu picturu which the ball struck in the pocket of hia coat , hangint ; on thu wall , was a photograph of him self. Ho had passed a night of tnrror. Hu did not occupy his bud the whole night , but lay in an outstretched posi tion on thu floor and at times was very flighty. Ho frequently cried put for thu Lord to havu mercy upon him. At ono time ho was heard calling on God to B.iyo him. As onu of thu guards was passing his cull door about daylight this morning ho heard him say : "Oh God ! why did I shoot the poor president ? Bo merciful to me , a poor , miserable as sassin the assassin of thu president of a great country. I could not holi > ' "r * " " ' * > > compelled to fire thu fatal shot. Oh * Lord , if I was only out of my misery ! Tuke'ino , now , O Lord ; take mo , now. During this prayer hn wept bitterly. The question has been raised here whether Guiteau can bp tried fur murder should thu president die at Elboron. In a legal aspect the case pre sented would bo simply that of a per son who ha * received a mortal wound in the District of Columbia , from the effect f which hia death had taken place elsewhere , and under these circumstances the court of the district would not have jurisdiction of thu offense as homicide , but would bo homicide to thu consideration of the assault merely with disposition , which , as hold by strong legal author ity , and by thu common law of thu Dis trict of Columbia , scunm to preclude thu conviction of Guiteau for murder , now that I ho president haa been ru moved to Long Branch. Judson M. Whcolor , of Fortress Monroe , Virginia , a witness of the issassination of the president by juituau , arrived in this city to-day ind madu affidavit of what ho saw. I'AIT. IIBNIIY W. IIOWCIATi : lid not appear in thu criminal court I o-day. His whoroaboutH are - cnown. Arms wcro Hunt to Arizona at Goy- srnor Fremont's request to-day in ill , 1,000 rifles , 500 being the quota luu thu territory , and f)00 advanced. L'hoy will be forwarded to such points a thu governor Boleotu. "Tensed" to Poath- 'atlatml AHIOLI.-UU ! ] 'rcu. HtuiTrow , Ind. , September 12. 5 < 1 ward Heclce , of Buuiiii Vitita , a 'illago eaat of liere , gave n gold watch o hia girl. Shu subsuquunlly "went ok on him. " Thu boys teased him , nd bin sunuilivo nature caused him to ttixck Dr. Frank Arthur , In thu leleo the doctor bled him to such an xtunt that ho died from depletion. Collision. atloii. DCTHorr , Mich. , September IU luring thu storm Saturday eveniii' , ' iu schoonerD.ivul / DOWH and K. 'mis collided in passing between Pu- 10 island and Dtimly light. Thu Ninm ink in tun * fathoms water ; thu DOWH aground or sunk on Pulou ruef. The ig Mayfloworntnmdud on Colchester iof. Scullu aud Sonllora- itional ANsoclntod I'nra. 11 TOIIONTO , Sept. 12. The final heat j , ir single sculls was rowed at 7 o'clock c , , iis morning , in accordance with thu inditions of Saturday's postponed f , cu , and was won byVallaco \ Hoss. tin men camu in in thu following 'dor : First , Itoss ; HCCOIU ! , Coiinel- ; third , courtney ; fourth , Hiimm , id fifth , Tonoyeuko , Importaut DlKoovorloa. tlonal AuaoUatvU l'rc , Ciry OP MIIXICO , Sopteiiibur 12 , .Iditional and important arcluulogi- 1 di covurie have been madu hero , liiah will likuly attract wldu intercut Europe , an well UH America Work- en engaged in digging in front of u old cathedral unearthed mass inn- rial of various nortH , mostly stone , id comparatively well preserved , Pro\mrltiR For n Strilco. Nttlontl Anocteted LANCAHTEII , O. , September 12. The minors in Hocking Valley are making preparations for a big strike next Thursday , demanding $1 per ton. They are now getting 80 cents. The demands are not likely to bo acceded to. Not less than three thousand minors will quit work. SAD TO CONTEMPLATE. Horrililo Lake Disaster Off the Ooast of Frankfort , Mioli , The Steamer Columbia Poun ders and Several Persons Known to Have Per ished. Foarlul Gntnntroplio. A O , Suptumbor 12. A special from Frankfort , Mich. , says ; The steamer Columbia of thu Northeastern line , foundered elf Frankfort early Sunday morning , and fifteen persona wore drowned. Among the number missing are Capt. Malcom , Second- Mate lloburt Malcom , First Engineer Wm , Crosby , Second Engineer" Wm. Moflin , Fireman Ohas. Bunton , Win. Shannon , Harriet Simmons , Misn Fitzgerald ; also a passenger , said to bo from Chicago , and seven others. names unknown. The bodies of the captain , first and oecond engineer , Miss Fitzgerald and a young man , unknown , have como ashore. The steamer was bound from Chicago to Colling wood , Canada , laden ffith grain. She shifted her cargo about fifteen minutes after. The passengers and crow got away from the steamer in small boats , but the boat containing thu captain and engineer was capsized. The saved wuro John Moore , Joseph Wright , Daniel McFco , James Bakie , John Fnizan , Thomas Lee and Frank Ilunrahan. Indication * . Rational Associated Prrsj. WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. For the lower lakes ; Fair wuather , south to west winds ; falling , followed by rising bfiromotur ; stationary or hiyher tem perature. For thu upper lake region : Fair weather , winds veering to cooler westerly , higher barometer. For the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys : Fair weather : southwest , veering to northerly winds ; higher barometer , and stationary or lower temperature. The rivers will remain nearly stationary. The Chicago Boys- C. F. Spencer , L. M Smith and C. F. Hutchinson , who have been in Omaha for a short time return to - ' - , ' T" i < -Spy'lTi fice in Chicago. W. E. Ti'co , formerly - - * * ? ' ly of Philadelphia , and Mr. Huoy re main hero. Last night the telegraph boys of the city took the visitors , around , showing them the sights and. introducing thorn to the elephant and' several other animals. The boys had ! a rollicking good timo. Mr. liigrnni in Kentucky. The following is from the Shelby Sentinel , published in Shulbyvillu , Ky. , thu former homo of Rev. Mr. Ingram : "Eld. .1. W. Ingrain , of Omaha , formerly pastor in charge at tins place , preached at thu Christian church last Sunday. Hit ) sermon was onu of great power and beauty , tcc'iu- ' ing with religious thought and in struction. Hu had just closed a very successful meeting at Alton , Andur- . eon county , at which forty-six per sona were added to thu church. Eld , Ingram ia a shining light in the church , and his alylo of oratory and niutho t of presenting religious truths nlways attract attention. " OMAHA , Sept. 12. 1 wish to re turn my sincere thankr ) to those friends who assisted in removing my 'urnituro during the lire on thu 4th nst. W , B. Mussini , lit Ifi Capitol avenue. Mr. Thomas Tormy , Suott Station , Putnam county , W. Ya. , in u late ommimieation tluu refold to his ex- ( uriuncu with thu Great Gorman Kom- idy : Whan I received St. Jacobs ) il , I was in bud with the rhcuina- ism , and now I am walking about the oem with u canu , and bufoiu I got it ' could not bo moved in my bed. To- lay , however , [ w nt to the stable. V.N HONEST MHDIOINE FIU5E OF COST. Of all medicines advertised to cure ny iiltection of thu Throat , Cheat or jiii's ) , , wo know of none wu can rcc- luniend BO highly an Du. IviNd'rtNKW ) LSIOVJHY : for Consumption Coughs , 'olds , Asthma , Bronchitis liny Fu- cr , HoarHone&s , Tickling in thu 'hruat , loss of voice , utc. This mud- ; inu douH positively euro , and that rhuro everything ulsu has failed. No ledieino can show one-half so many ositivo and permanent cures as have Iready buon ell'ected by this truly ondurful romedy. For Asthma and Ironchitis it is a purlect specific , cur- ig thu very worat casus in thu ahort- it timu i > ossiblu , Wu say by all leans givu it a trial , Trial bottles t'u , Kugularuii'.u 81.00. Fomiloby ( lJ y ISH it MoMAHON , Omaha. " J. 0. ENEWOLD , Corner Seventh und Pacific reotH , will , after two weeks , occupy is now storoon thu corner of Otnning id K.uiniteia atroots , and on account ' thnt will close out hia entno atook ' Dry Goods , Boots and Shoos at -ices regardless of coat. scnU-Ut Turn ftchool for thu winter term muiiL'iicen Tuusday , September lUth , or partiuuluis apply to J , L. Fruo- Mi's book store , Furnhain street. sopt-Ot