Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1881, Page 7, Image 7
I I THE OMAHA DAILY BEG : MONDAY , SEPT.EM.iBEll 12 , 1881. 7 THE DAILY BEE , OMAHA PUBLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS 010 t-arnham , litl , Otlt and 10th Streets. TKIlMS 0V SUUSCUU'TION Ono copy 1 , In advance ( postpaid ) (10.00 ( months " ' - fl.O 3 months " " . . . . 3.CG RAILWAY TIME TABLE. .UK CAKtl CIllCAan , HT. 1'AVt , , MI.V.NKAI'OL.d AXD OMAHA UAIWOAD. Leave Omaha No. 2 through piJicnxer , 11 a. m. No. 1 , Oakland passenger , i:30a. : in. Arrive Omaha No. 1 , through pa enjor , 2:50 : in. No , 3 , Oakland | \iscnger , 6:30 : p. in. MtAVINO OMAHA MVt OK SOUII POCND. C. , H. k 0. 6 n. ra. 3:10 : p. m. C. A. N. W. , C a. iu.-sJO : p. in. " ( ' . , 1C. I. A : I' . , 8 a. in. 3:40 : p. in. K. U. , St. . ! , < x 0. U. , S n ni. 1:30 : p. ru. Arrive St. Louis at < i:25 : n. in. and "Ilk a. m. WIST flR notmiwraTs , II , & .M. In iN'cl ) . , Through r.\prc , t:35 : n. m. It. & M. Lincoln Freight. " :0 : > / p. in. U. I" Kxprcss , 1JU5 p , tn. O. t H. V. for Unjoin , 10:20 : r m. O. & R. V , for 0 coU. 0:10 : a. in. U. 1' . Ircljfht No. 6. 6SO : n. in. U. 1' . freight No. D , 8:16 : n. In. 17. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 p. in. emigrant. U. P. freight No. 11 8.25 p. in. Aftiunxo PROM CART AND yourn. C. B. & o. , ( jct ; ) n. it. 7:2ip m. C. A X W.,0:1B : a. u , . 7:25ti. : in. C. K. l. P.,3i5n. : in.-COJp. ul. K. 0. , St. Joe SO U. , 7IOa. ! in. 0:15p. : m. W. , St. L. & P. , 10:51 a. in. 1:25 : p. in. ARRIV1XO moil THK nT.IT AND BOUTUWKaT , 0. & 'n. ' V. from Llnoaln lSlt : ! p. m. U. Pi Kxpiem 3:261 : > . in. B A ! 31.In Nub. , Through Express 1:1E : p. ra. It. ft M. Lincoln Krciiht S:33a. : m. U ; P. FrclRht No. 101:40 : p. m. No. 0 4:25 : p. in. juiljrant. ( No. 8 10W : p. in. No 12 11:35 : n. m. O. & H. V. mixed , ar. 4:35 p. m. Nebraska Dhlslon of tno St. Paul & Sioux City Hood. No. 2 Icarca Orr.nlia 8 a. m. No. 4 leaves Omaha 1.0 p. m No. 1 arrhcs at Onulia at 4:30 : p. in. No. 3 arrives at Omaha at 10:15 : a. in. DD11MT TRAINS K/trWKKX OUAIIA AXB COVKLlL DLUVrS. T eave Om.ilin. nt 8:00 : , 0:00 : and 11:09 a. m. ; l.-OO 2:00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:00 : ami 0:00 p. in. l.a\c Council 1)1 ullt ) at 8:25 : , P:25 , 11:26 : a. m. ; 1:29 : , 2:25 , 8:25 , 4:25 : 1:25 : am ) 0:2 : , ' p. m. Sun-lavs The ilumniy leaves Omaha at 0:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 , 4:00 : and r > :00 : p. in. Leaves Ox-mil Ilium at 0:2fi : ami 11:25 : & . m. ; 2:25 , 4:25 : and 5:25 : p. in. Openlnj ; an J Cloilnc of Malls. KOdrx. oi'r.s. CLoaii. a. m. p. m. a. in. p. in. OMngo k X. W 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:10 Chlingo , 1U I. & PncllJc.11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Clnc.170 , 1) ) . to O K:0u 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:10 : Wnliwh 12:30 : 4:00 : 2:10 Sioux City mn I 1'acilc. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Union Pacillc 5.CO 11:40 : Omalui ii K. V { , v < 0 11:10 : B. * il. hi.Vul 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 Omnii ) : < i ; North'Ac-tcrn. > 1:30 : 7:30 Local iu..lh lor Sut ol Iowa laivobutoncoa day , \iz:4:30a , m. A Lincoln Mail also opened at 10:30 : a. in. Oillcu open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. in. TIIOS. F HALL P. M. Business Directory , Abstract and Real tslat8. JOHN L. McCAQUG , opposite Post Office. \f. U. BAHTtKTT 317 South 13th Street Architects. DUFUENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , lloom If Urcighton JJlock. A. T. LAKGU Jr. , Koom 2. Cielshton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DKVINE & co. , Fine Boota and Shoes. A good assortment of borne work on hand , corner 1-th and llarncy. TIIOS. ERICKSON , 8. E. cor. IBth and Douglas. JOHN FOIITUNATUS , . 00510th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Kqnirlnc done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMEK Manufacturer. J517 Dowlas St. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnhani Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest n. and K. bouse In Ncbnuka cstalilLshcd 1875 Oniaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MllS. A. RYAN , eouthucst corner 16thand Dodge. Bait Board for tno Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ucals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Unnms Supplied. UarrlaRes and Ruad Wagons. WM SNVDEU , 14thand Harnoy Street * . Jewellers. JOHN BAUMEK 1314 Farnhara Street. Junk. , II. BEPTHOLD , Raits and Uotal. d Lumbsr , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OKAY corner eth and Douglas Sts. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1300 Uosglos St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. D G. A. LINDQUEST , Ono of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen 8 wear. Stylish , durable , and prices low oa over 21513th Let. Uouir.itFarn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy - cy Goods In grout variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , ed Ihulery , Glotcs , Corsets , &c. Cheapest IIouso In Uio West. 1'urcluscrs care 30 per cent. Order by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. 10 oundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS. cor. 14th & Jackson eta of ( lour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , Bth and Farnham Sts. , Welshaiu Bros. , proprietors. Urocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and liar T , A. McSHANE , Corn. S3d and Cumin ? StrocU. Hardwaio , Iron and Steel. DOLAN & LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and At 112 15th street A , HOLMES rarnrr Kith ami Callfornlv Harness , Saadles , &c. B. WRIST 20iathSt. het Karn. & Harriev. son Hotels. S- CANFIELD HOUSKGoi. CnnnelJ.flth & Farnhani DOP.AN HOUSE , P , II , Cary , 013 Farnham St. the SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slavcn , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Gus. jamclBth | &Lcaicmvorth an Iron Fencing. The Western Cornice Works , Apenfs for the Champion Iron Fcnco tc. , have on hand nil kinds ' o ( Fancy Iron Fences , Greetings , Flncalo , Italllnev , H ct.1310 ap Clothlni : Ooueht. 0 HAW will pay highest Cash price for second of I hand clothlnc. Corn r 10th and Farnham. Dentists. DR. PAUL , .Williams' Clock , Cor. Uth & Dodge. Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUIIN & CO. Pharmacists , Fine func ilooJn , Cor , 15th and btrccta. W. J. WHITEIIOUS U , AVholcsalo i RcUH , 10th St. 0. C. FIELD , 022 Korih Bide Cumlng Street. M. I'AItit , Drui'gitt , 10th and Howard Streets. ' Dry Qonds Nations , Etc , JOHN JI. F. LKMMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Sere , 1310 and 1312 Farn- biroetrtet. and L. 0. Enowolil alao boots and tliocs 7th & I'tclHc. rim huruiture. A F. GROSS , New nd Second Hand Furniture and Stoves , 1114 iKiUxits. Highest cash price paid for second lianu goo-is. J. ItONNER 1800 Donzis , at. Hno goods , tic. Planing Mill. A. MOYEIt , manufacturer of sash , doors , blind ) , moldings , nowcli , balusters , hand rails , furnishing scroll sawing , &c. , cor. Dodge anil 6th structi. Pawnbrokers. J nOSENFELt ) , S .10th St. , bet. Far. & liar. Florltt. A. Donazhuc , pl.iiit. , cut flowers , train , boquots etc. N. W. cor. K'th Mil lou hsstreets. Civil Engineers and Surveyor * . ANDItW 110SKWATEII , Crelslrton Block , Suncys , OradoandSftvmiro Sjttcms a Uommltslcn Merchants. JOHN 0. WIL L1S.U1I Dodp-o Sticct. D n IIKP.MUIU For ilctnlls sco nicnt In Usllr and WwMv. Cl nrs nnd Tobacco. \VEST \ & F/HTSCIIEU. / inntuil.Ktnrcrs of Clgara , ml tt'holc'cxlo I > cal M in Tomccoj. JSOi Douglas , W. LOKENZl'.N nuiintacturcr 514 lOlhstrctt , Cornlco Works. W'oVfm Cornice Worls. Mfiinitsctiircrs Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and iilato Kooning. Otilcrs Irom any locality promptly cxrcutnl In the best manner. Factory and Oll'ce 1310 Dodge Street. Rah nnlznl Iron Cornices. Window Cap. " , etc. , niannfacturpd and put up In any pait of the c-mntrv. T. SIXIIOLl ) 410 Thirteenth ttrrct ' Orocl-crv , J. BONNEH 1300 Douglas sttoet. Good lino. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. OEO. 11. VETEUSON. Also Ilatu , Oil's ; BooU , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 01 S. 10th street. Fcnco Work * . OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIES k CO. , 1213Harney St. , lmpn T- e.l tea lloves , Iron and Wood FVIICM , Oillco Railing. Counters ot Pine , ami Walnut. RetrlQcrntors , Canflcld's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet , Farn. & Harncy. Show CJSQ Manufactory. , 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cases , A ; . 1317 Cass St. FRANK L. GERHAIID , proprietor Omahi Show Case manufactory , SIS South 10th street , between Lcavemvotth and Mar'-y. All goods warranted first-class. Stoves eno Tinwnro. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds ol Building Work , Oild Fellows' Block. J. BONNER. 1300 Douclas St. Oood and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows' Hall. Physicians an 1 Gurgeont. i W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , U > om No * , Crclghton Block , 16th Street. 1 > . S. LUISENIUNO.-lI. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , U. D. , Tyc and Ear , opp. postoHlcc DR. L. B. QRADDY , Oculist and Aurlst , S. W 15th and Farnham Sts Photographers. GEO. IIEYN. I'ROP. Grand Central Gnllcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt HOPS iriiirantecp Plumbing , Gas and Steam Kitting. P. AV. TAUPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet , Farnham and Douglas.VOIK promptly attended to. D. FITZI'ATHICK , 1100 Douslas Street. Pnlntlnc nnd Paper Hanglnc. HENRY A. KO TEHS. 1412 Dodge Street. .Ghonbcoros. Phillip Lane , 1320 Farnham et , bet 13th & 14th. ( Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1110 Douglas St. , New and Second Il.ind Furniture , liouso Furnishing Goods , &c. , bought and sold on narrow nmrdns. tJaloons. HENRY K AUFUANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Etract , has Just opened a most elegant Bed Hnll. Hot lAiiith from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. " Cale < lonla " J FALCONER. Bin IBth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWK , 101V Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. P. I'EMNKR. 303J- Tenth etrect , between Farn ham and llarncy. Docs uood and cheap work. 09 Cent Stores. P. C. BACKUS. 120J Farnlmin St. . K.innv PEOBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska , Douglas County fs : At a County Court , held at the County Court Doom , in and for said County , August 20th , A. 1' . 1SS1. Present , HOWARD D. aMITH , County Judge. In the imttcr o : the estate of James K. Ish , de ceased : ] On reading and fllii the petition of Martha M. Ibh , praying that administration of raid cstattf may bo granted to her as admlnistratix : Ordered , lhat September ICtli , A. D. 1S81 , at 10 o'cleck a , m. , Is assigned for hearing said peti tion , when all persons Interested In Haiti matter may api > car at a Comity Court to bo held , In and for slid County , and ehow cause why the prayer of petltioncr'should not bo granted , and that notice - tico of pendency of said petition ana the hearing thereof , bo given to all persons Interested In said matter , by publishing a copy of this order In Tim OMAHA WKKKLY DEK , a newspaper printed In eald County , for three successive wctki , prior to said y of hearing. HOWARD B. SMITH , au24w3t County Judge' PROBATE KOTIOE. _ Slate of Nebraska , DauglogCounty , At a I'ounty Court , held at the County Court Koom , In and for call County , AugUHt 16th , A. ISfl. I'rcecnt , HOWARD 11. SMITH , County Judge. In the matter of the estate of Ferdinand Thum , deceased- : On reading nnd filing the petition of Emlllc Thum , praying that the Instrument , thin day filed and purporting to bo the last u 111 and testa to ment of the raid deceased , may ho proved , ap proved , allowed , probated and recorded as the last will and testament of said deceased , and that administration of eald estate may bo grant to said F.mlllo Thum , as executrix : ( C * * OlinmiF.D , That September 10th , A D , 1SS1 , at o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said peti tion , uhen all person * Interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held , in.and for said County , and thow cause hy the prayer petitioner should not bo granted ; and that no tice of pendency of tnlil petition and the hearing thereof , bo given to all persons Interested In raid matter , by publishing a copy of thin order In Tin : OMAHA WBKKLY UKK , a newspaper printed In eald County , for three succcsnho Kecks , prior to eaij ho day of hearing. 1IOWA1U ) U. SMITH , [ A true copy County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. so State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss : a County Court , held at the County Court Room , In ami for bald County , August 1st , A. I ) . 1801. Pruxcnt , HOWARD U. SMITH , of County Judge. In thu matter of the estate of Joseph H. Nel , deceased : On reading and filing the jwtltion of Martha SNelson , praying that the Instrument , pur. lurtliito bo a ilulyauthentlcatud copy of the last will nnd testament of nald ( Iceland , and of probate thereof , by the Circuit Court of Fountain County , State of Indiana , and this day tiled in this Court , may bo allowed and recoritpu , the last will nnd tenUinent of said Joseph H , " Nelson , deceased , In and for the HUtuofNc- bratka. OrderedThat August 87th , A. D , 1381 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , liasalgntil for hearingtaldpetition , hen all permits interested In tali ! miller may | > tar at a County Court to b laid , In a.nd for suld County , nnd t how causa why the prayer of petitionerbhould not bo granted ; and tiut notice the pendency ol'fcald ' petition and the hearing thereof , bu glvci | | to all JHTBOIIS Interested In Balli matter , liv pnbllihlnif a copy of this order In Tim a OMAHA U'KK.KLY DKK , a nowijiapur printed In eald County , for three tuccfasivu wccki , prior to tald day ot iiearliif , , | A true wpy.J 1IOWAI1D n , SMITH , auRlO-wSt County Juduo. , . | sll ' all WISE'S on HO Axle Grease but NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagons , Iluggies , Reapers , Threshers Mill Machinery' . It Is ISVAUI/AUI-K TO PAKU. the ANU TKAUDTXIIS. U cures Kcratches and all kinds of soruo on llorsto and Stock , as well us on nor men. men.DUEK & WISE , Hanuf's , At f .IRQ Illinois Street , Chicago. FOR PI1IUE3. ] e g < .fliii.ln the him A. G. TROUP , no and ATTORNEY - AT - LAW REALITIES OF RANGH5NG. A Oinoiimati Lady's ' Observa tions on a Sheep Farm , Immense Block of Grazing Laud Owned by Mr. John W. Bookwoltor. null the Ilorilcrs--Shoni- iMirt Stilting tlio \\'o nro indebted to a known Gin- cinnnti lady , who linn spout n portion of tlio summer in Nebraska sucking health in the pure , clastic iiir , golden nronmtic days nnd dew-less nights of " thnt favored" region , for some details of ivxnches and t-.tnch lifo that tuny not bo uninteresting to the general reader. The general reader hns very generally , nt Buinu tinio or other in his lifo , sighed for his own vine or fig tree , nnd. thrilled with thu importance of n landed proprietor , hns marked on his pocket map , us did the great Kmpuror Nicholas , the lir.o of hia famous vail- wny , the limits of somopossible- home stead in the boundless west , wlioro ho might live out his lifo n lord ot the soil and number his cattle on n thou sand hills - upon a thousand hoofs would bo moro accurate statically , but loss Scripturally , so let it stand. Nebraska forms the lowest eastern grass-clothed slope of the Rockiesmid the Artckotn Ranch lies in its oxtrcmo. southeastern border a glorious region - gion of billowy prairies , green seas that stretch nway in a. boundless expanse - panso of velvet turf , broken hero and there by dotted clusters of the cottonwood - wood , the emerald turf Hushing nine- alryst , with the blooms of heartsease and milkweed , or a yellow mist of sunflower and golden rod. On these flowers feed the wild bees and make again the true honey of hybia , as aromatic matic as the fabled product of the Meditternncan. Over all the 'clouds make a play of shadows , nnd the Ar- teketa v inds in and out of its its miles of shaded banks. TJicso velvet plains form ono great cattle range that Btrotchos away across the Platte and the splendid valleys of 'tho Loup country to Montana and the great northwest. The ranch ranch , by tlio way , is a variation of the Spanish rancho , a farm on which this lady was a guest was the princely possesion of John W. Bookwalter , tho.present candidate for gubernatorial honors in Ohio. It is located in Mission creek , Pawnee county , Nob.j Jifteon miles from the Kansas bordcrj and embraces 20.000 of the choicest acres of the bust part of the great food bolt of the continent , which lies between the 40th and 42d parallels. Ton miles from its western boundary lies the Otoo reservation , where still lingers a handful of this ojd branch of the great Dakotas , and who will , in October next , tumble their tepees , and takothu trail for the Indian Territory. A well wooded stream called the Artokota , after the hereditary chief of the Otoes , flows through the great ranch , which also preserves in its name that of this clsu forgotten chief. The mansion house of the ranch is ono of those patent structures built in sections and transported nil ready to bo put up. It is nn nlTair of eight not large , but comfortable , rooms , and which by no means limit the hospital ity of the master of the liouso , which ia something worthy and unpar alleled. Tha Bopkwaltor ranch is devoted to stock-raising , the flocks numbering $ 13,000 slice ] ) , cared for on seven min or ranches , located in different parts of the estate , oacli in charge of a to herder. Cattle and not sheep are in digenous to the far "West , and so the sheep ranchers have adopted the 'iroseology of the cattle men. Their flocks are herds , their shepherds are herders , and their sheep-folds are corrals. THE HEHUEHH. At each of the uovon ranches which rm dot the Artckota ranch' is a Ilock of jjf 1,500 sheep in charge of a herder. Six sheds , each 100 feet long , are erected pi.mi shelter the flock from the winter mi Ai storms , and a corral is provided it : In which to shelter the sheep at nigfct. The herder is given a pony and sad lit no dle and a sheep dog , and furnished a tic comfortable ona-room house provided with the requisites for his simple mu housekeeping. Hero ho lives a quiet ly tin and pastoral life , which in the lan ric guage of the much is called "back fac ing. " In the morning , ahraysmountcd tie takes Ilia flocks afield to the grazing foi ing ground , lariats his sturdy little Indian pony , nnd then pipes his lute , the nnd invites his soul and loafs ? Not , the herder is a man of affairs , alert riu oil and watchful for all that may peril his tw flock. Ho scents the wolf afar , singles out the ailing owe , examines the hoofs na of the lagging lamb , is learned in ofu ftnako bite cure , nnd can road you ; u softly all the remedies for scab and oa kindred evils while the well trained pic collie keeps the flock from starving. day bn At nightfall the peculiar cry of the vals herder and the sharp bark of the collie float over the pmirio as they are "bunch" that is air , gather together the flock for the corral. BW Hero tlio sheep aoon Bcttlo into n\ \ quiet , unbroken sleep'until morning. ' , Occasionally a wolf gets into the fold. ,01 The first intimation of trouble is the m bleat of the etricken lamb and tlio quick trampling of 00,000 little hoofs call sound qnito indescribable , like the rushing of winds and the pattering of 1,000,000 falling leaves , but ones heard never to bo forogotton , The slieop-doi. and herder , whoso vigilance of should have kept out ( ho intruder , the soon expel him , and the flock sink at by once into quiet. the The herder is no little "boy blue , " a veteran of the bushwhacking typo , clad in a broad checked woolen shirt and trousers , high boots , and broad sombrero of light felt , occasion ally. Jio is an eastern lad , "learning ing ropes. " Tlio herder is paid 828 n month , nnd-flnds his own food nnd black coffee , bacon and dubious bread the Drilling the staple articles of diet. and Artokota , as the flocks iucreauo , herder has n flock intrusted to on a difleront basis. Ho receives . wages , but half the incruuuo ia hia half the clip of wool , and iio in i tlio provided with n horse , dog , house and 'first sheds , na per other arrangement. This naturally secures the moat faith , ful nnd olllcient service , for a man the world over , by a pen-orally or instinct of nnturn ; careth best for his own Inmbs. The second year the herder has his own ( lock , the increase- being fully 100 per cent , nnd then ho is "no man's man , ' but the high road to competence lies open before him. Ono of the pels of Artokotn in a hiih-bred Scotch sheep dog , Peggy. She takes out the mansion - sion house flock to the praising ground in the morning , nnd coiues in to ro- povt its safety nt noon. At ( i o'clock shogoos nut nnd "bunches" the sheep nnd sees the Innt ono in thn corral. Then she visits the family , demands the ! approval of thu household , nud goes out to piny The stentlitst of matrons till her Ilock is folded , xho then in n moment becomes ono of the most , frisky nnd impudent of pupnics. Oddly enough , she wns never trained to these duties , but is n born herder , inheriting from her mother , nn im portant Scotch collie , the accumulated knowledge of n famous race of sheep dogs. HHK.UUXO is ono of the interesting sights of the early summer. Sheep shearing is now : i regular business in the southwest , and there tire men who do little else for a living. They stroll in bands hunting sheep to shear ; they go from ranch to ranch , their free nomadic lifu possessing a peculiar fascination. They cut a fleece with marvelous rapidity. The sheep is first washed in the pool , and before she hns recov ered from her surprise Uio shearer has her ncross his knee nnd her tumbled fleeces Ho in n woolly heap at his feet. The cost of Bhcarinif is from U to 8 cents a flocco. The" wool is baled much tl.o same as cotton is picked , nnd is then stored in the wool houso. When the whole clip is in it is then sent to the ensrorn market. The Artckota wool , a iinogrado of merino , till goes to thu lioston housoof Denny , Uico&lCo. HAYI.NU. Haymaking upon the ranch is an other of the midsummer sights. The wild grasses are doliciotisly fragrant , and lea and upland brcatho incense foiMinlus around. T.'io ' entire harvest of the hay crop on the Bookwalter rnnco is in charge of a eity.brcd young man , 23 years old , who , two years ago , was a clerk in San Francisco. Twenty thousand tons of hay nro cut and stored in thu season , being stock ed in ricks of from twenty to thirty tons. All the work is done by the most approved machinery , and oven then a force of fifty man is required. To KCO ten mowers follwing one after the other over the velvet prairie is as line n sight in its way as n review of thu Four in Hand Club. Even the stacking of the hay in ricks is done by machinery. To see the great sweeps , like some hungry monster , grasp n hundred pounds of hay in its teeth and then sweep through the air , pack it , nnd then return for another mouth a ful of half a ton or so , is ono of the most uncanny sights in ranch life , nnd fills the granger with delight. Haying and grain raising for the winter feed is also conducted on shares , the same na the Jicrding , u certain proportion coming to the ranch by right , and the ranch owner buying at market rates the farmer's share , so that ho realizes a cash vnluo for his labor. Several farms of fifty acres are already broken u ; < ontho , ranch , and each year adds to the number. These are some of the realities of ranching , though wo have omitted to name one of the plcasantost the re ward which sweetens labor the prof its. These are variously estimated , after deducting every expense , to bo from 40 to 75 per cent per annum upon the amount invested. With $500 or $1,000 in hand a suitable herd can bo ) started nnd ranch provided. The young shoop-grower would have lay out of his money about eight months from the time of buying his herd ; then the wool clip would provide him with sufficient funds for nil his wants until another clip came in. Meanwhile his herd in creased the natural increase being in the neighborhood of 80 per cent , and , barring accident , ho has laid the foundation for a "sheep bonanza. " The delights and romance of much life are inexhaustible. Fancy the pleasure . in making the circuit of forty miles , which form the boundary of Artckcta rnnchwoll mounted on a little Indian pony , whoso unshod foot leave mark upon the velvet tuif. Those " little beasts shy nt the least provoca tion , nnd a rather nunt seat in the saddle is desirable nr the rider is like to execute a semi-circular transit through the air , followed by a kind of riochcting movements along thu sur face of the ground , which is UIKJIICH- . tionably diverting to all but the per former. The lira guards and swallowa strike < . stranger's eyes especially , Each quarter suction is divided from the other by n space of plowed ground I , twenty feet wide , which , under ordi nary circumstances , stops the course the frequent prairie fires. These- guards in the llookivalter ranch are each < six miles long , thu team that plow& them making but ttvo furrows a ' , ono up and one down. Those ict brown ribbons , laid in regular inter across the green velvet carpet , ill very striking , and their use is very strikingly illustrated when thu flames ; sweep over the prairie , the snake-like tongues of fire darting across the crimson hoavonu from horizon to zenith , but stopped short by these magic boundaries. The sloughs ( "slows , " the natives them ) , the "dips" between the rolling billows of the prairie are little ponds , Bomu but a few feet deep , and others thirty feet or more. Jinny of thuso ponds scorn ( o have grown out "buffalo wallows , " a term used on prairies to dcaignniu a sink mudq the buffaloes pawing thu earth for purpose of obtaining n smooth , dusty surfnpo to roll upon. Tlipso form channels for the descending To rains , and in years thu channels are worn down until veins of lasting water ore opened and constant flow for streams established. A chain of dozen of the wallows full of llsh , Ohio fringed by rich graces high as pony'u back , are not uncommon , Sf. are thu watering places for the em herds. ( low To "salt" the shcop and make the .Acquaintance ) of "Old Hurricane , " a hou splendid thorough bred Spanish ram , pride of the ranch , are two of the duties of thu guest at Arteketu. The Indies especially are very desir ous to salt the dear little things just onco. They tnko a fist full of salt- , nnd with many melodious coos call thu sheep. As soon no the perfume of thu salt reaches them the whole herd mnkcs n "dend break" for it. The author of thu trouble stands it for about two seconds' , nnd then , fear- iug she will herself bu mistaken for a veritable "Lol'n wife" and devoured bodily , throws up her hands nnd yells for n rescue. Thereafter when she "salts sheep" it is in the guise of mutton at the festive board of the mansion house. No such moonlight shines the world over , it is said , ns Hoods thcao west ern prairies , and their sunsets , the whole western sky reflecting n glow ing mirage in the eastern heavens , have bafllcd thu descriptive phrases of the poets. Mr. Itookwalter , who has drawn n good many of the jiri/.es of life , values hia western possessions ( he owns , besides Artokota , 20,000 acres in the Lotip country ) above all others. He holds the most enthusi astic hopes of the future of thu trans- Missouri country , and entertains m\pnilicent : plans for its future de velopment. His friondn have always regarded his interest in the western country ns n kind of insanity. A good many people regard a rich man who has any thoughts or uspiratio"a be yond sitting like Atropos , nnd for ever clipping coupons as she cuts the thrend of lifu , ns MM ! ami n fool , my miutcrti , inrul ami n fool. This madness hns in it , however , thu method to make ranching n hand some paying business investment , llo appears to possess the enviable faculty of. surrounding himself by people ndaped tti carrying out his plans , nnd ho recognizes , in the most liberal fashion , their success in doing it. Mr. C. A. llibbert , the gentleman in chnrgo of Artokota. much , nnd Mr. IJookwnllor's partner in the sheep- ranching , is n Boston mnn , who has spout eighteen years of his life in South America , ton years of it as a wool merchant in IJuenoa Ayrcs , and eight years in the interior of the sheep ranches. Ho naturally knows n few points about sheep , nnd is bu sides a cultured nnd elegant gonllo- mnn. His wife wns Miss. Wade , of Minnesota , a lady not yet 00 , who nt the ago of 211 wns at the head of the schools of the Argentine Confedera tion. Both posacsH brilliant social qualifies that , far from being lost in the frontiur , mnko the mansion house nt Artokota a plnco of pilgrimage for friend nnd stranger whom the fame of it has reached. In cattle , nnd sheep raising , moro than nny other industry , lies the great wealth of the future , for it is live stock the civilized world wants ; in it the farmer finds wealth , nnd the mar ket open to him is ns wide as the civ ilised world. Fancy , too , the ndded delight of living in a climntu which develops every wholesome fiber of the body , mul where a buckskin rig nnd n soft felt hat , "roared up in fiont , " ia full dress in the best society. This ranch life , if half what is told of it bo true , is what the old Greeks prefigured whan they made the myth about exhausted Hercules renewing his strength nt the touch of earth's mother the charm for the modern Hercules lies in either the shepherd's crook or in the lariat of the cattle rancher. The I/a\v TH imivei > nl ; it uffcctH all the litnimn family , nil nnitimlH , mul may 1m oven found in patent inciliciueH. Some nro drastic , iitiii the patient is obliged to Buf fer pains wiitvo than the disease ; but in C.IHCH of olwtlimto coimtiii.ition , ilyn ] > eiwin , there In no ivmeily DO kind , HII j'cltlo In Itx effect * , .ind yet HO H.itlsfactory an lit'lt- DOCK ] ) | .O01) IJlTTKKS. 1'lIfO 81.00 , trial blzc 10 cents. Bneklin's Arnica Salvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns nnd nil kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 25c per box. For sale by Isir & McMAHON , Omaha. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUnOPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific 103:33 : z&xcsxiarEi. U la a | x > atuacurc ] far hipcrnmtoirhca , Scmliik cokneBu. Impotancy , ami all itlBiaicn from Solr-Almso , a > Mental Anxiety , Low Mi'innry. I'lilin In the llicU orHKIc , and disci , Uiat lc d to 11 JVS- ( iCoiikuniptlon insanity and .r.i Irco vi an , Writu fur Ujtiu and gel full jtar tlculan. Prk'c , Sncelflc , Jl.OO per package , or olx | gli Xia for $6.00 , M&icm all order * to U. HIMKON JU'.UlU/Ni : CO. No3. 104 and 1CH3 Main Bt. IlulTalo , N. Y. Hold In Omaln by 0. F. Oooiljiiaii , J. W. JJell , K lull , mid nil ifrii ; lKUo\crywjcru | , AOENT3 WANTED FOR KinTKsr Bn.Lixa HOOKH nr Tin Aox t Foundations of Success I1US1NKSH ANU SOCIAL FOltMH , The laws of trade. It al forma , how to trans- buslmiMaluablo tables , bot' ctlipiutta larlininunlary usa v , how tq * uiluct piililln bull iieevi In fuit ft In a eonipletu OuWb to Buacaj for ttikcii. A family iiut'cmlty. Addre for clr- cnlarH anil t.pcihl tormi ANCIIOIt 1'UIII.IHIIINO / . Mo. DISEASES | s or THE DR. L. B , GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Ilcfcrniccj all Itqmtaljju riiynlclanii of Oinal.a. . Corner ICth nnd Farnham Bit , , Omaha , Neu , ' ' Contrnotot-H , Buildora uud Property Owners. The undoieUnud havlnu Ixicn appointed agent thu uxtcimlvu Iron mul wire manufacturing llamas ol K. 't. llariiiini , of Detroit , and the lluiwel Iron Foundry anil Work * at Toledo , , capacity of ( a ton * dally , In prtparvd to fiirnUh pktlmatcs and prlcfn for Iron uolinuni , . , & . , for itorw frontu , window uapn tind linn , tlirckhold plate * , wrought Iron liuann and Klrd- , hydraulic dot atom , tuplo ! lttliij'K , ( pulleys , miaUIn ; , ' , &c , ; aUg Iron fuiitca.rolln / , v.ln < tfuardu , thuttcri. ttalrn , Ulconlu , vcttcou , ilialiD , tatcn , a | uarluin , fountains , summer e , lawn , fariluii and tcii.ctory ornaments , lloivcr utaniln , Kravo tfimrdj , &c. , &c , , In ondloj * Mimty , CUtaloguciMiipnlled on application. HrA'ltV II. llAUHY , Mannfavturvrii' Agent , 22 I'eurl it rue t. auxKHm inv Council DluI ( , Iowa Will Find it to their Advantage to Purchase their 614-616 TENTH STREET. Ladies' ' Beaver Dolmans SB 00 upwards ; Lauios1 Beaver Oloaks , S5 00 upwards ; Ladies Wool Shawls , 3100 upwards ; Ladies Ulsters , S3 50 upwards. 1 LOG Black Oaslnuoros , all wool , 40 iuolios wide , 50,05,75,85 , , , and 95 oontF , Extraordinary Value , 1 Lot English Cashmeres , all Shades , reduced to 371-2 cents , 4 Oases-Daiiton Flannels , 81-3,10 , and 121-2 cents , 4 Bales 4-4 Shootings , 71-2 cents per yard , by the piece , 1 Oase Prints , now styles , 5 cents , 6 Cases Bed Comforts and Blankets at Bottom Prices , Ohoviots , Ginghams , Ticks , Denims , Table Linens , Towels , Mod Spreads , Arc. , at Popular Prices. sacs' , Hoys' and Ohildrens" Shoes 20 per cent lower than any Shoo Store in Omaha. i. 1 Lot Splendid Shirting Flannel * , ! )2J ) cents per yard , worth 35 cchts. ' P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. SE , M. HELLMAN CO , , IMMENSE STOCK'AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago- A Department for Children's Clothing. We have uo\7 an'asaorfcuiorit of Olotbinfj of nil kinds , Gent's Furnishing Qoods ill great variety , nnd a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hnta , Cnpa , &o. These goods are frerah , purchased from the manufacturer , and will bo sold at prices lower than eve * before made. We Seil for Cash and Have but One Price. A largo TAILOEING FORCE ia employed'by ua , and wem SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. ! 3th Omaha , Collihs , Cheyenne , Colorado Spring and Summer r a B LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all I 1322 FARNHAM STREET , 1 NEAlt FOtJIlTEENTII . WHOLKSAI.K AND 11CTAH. Ill.'ALKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , f SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , P/IOLDINGS / , Li WE , CEMENT OTSTATK AOENi FOII JIILWAUKKE Cl\ Near Union Pacific De ot , OMAHA' , NEB O. H. BALLOU , -DEALER IN- Lafeh and Shingles , \ W Yard and Office 15th and Cuniings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT ,